TUB DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH rillLADELPIIIA, THURSDAY, JULY 26,' 18C6. IWRTTTBN FOR TOR EVFN1NO TKLFKiRAI H. IK MEMORY UP JOHN jtlAM.1 R. The wind9 and rain have ttornied i .'o i : Tliev wrestled with the struggling li-i s, And now a weird, wild moan Watte softly on the breeze. A thousand rain-drops from the leaves Axe trickling; to the turf below, While a strange sunlipht weaves Where the pale aster? plow. Wrenched by the fiery, iron arm Of frowning tempest, the joune; onk lias felt the fatal harm, UdB fallen with the stroke. 8ad is the green anfl splintered stem, And sad the eriished and clustering sprays In all the trove, a ucm, Now corse like, it decays. I view the chancre of outward form The guiding, master hand beneath I shudder at the storm I weep its work of death. Why weep, when every shelving h'll, And every moorland stretching far, Hath oak and hemlock still, Hath sun and flower-star? Why weep ? A part of me is dead ; For though the world Is thronged with men, This oak whose li'e is fled Recalls his death apain. For I had learned to prize his worth, His leeling heart and sturdy mind, His mild and genial mirfh, His purposes retined. But they are gone 1 I teel the wound ! Not Iodk I knew, but loved him well, For love Is ever found Where truth and meekness dwell. A sunlight falls within the void On virtues not so bright belorc I mourn the ouk destroyed, The bloom I prize the more. The yellow soil is loose and bare That heaped upon his manly breast, In shower and summer air Shall yet be freshly dressed, With raiment of the grassy spire, Inwoven with the latest flowers, All early to expire In autumn's Irosty hours. A symbol of his few green years, That, in their growing beauty, met The death-blieht leaving tears And many a vain regret. James Ristine. New Yobk, July 20, 18CC. CITY INTELLIGENCE. For Additional City intelligence see Fifth Page. Charged with Arson Some days ago a fire occurred at a public-house at the S. W. corner of Eighth and Christian streets, under circumstances that led to a belief that the build ing was set tire to witn a deliberate intention to deirand the tnt-urance company. The place was kept by John Farro and Augustus Lastrico. Yesterday an examination ot the case was held at the Central Station, during which the follow ing facts were elicited: The fire broke out in the bar-room about midnight, and was dis covered by one ot the police officers, who gave the alarm, and the flames were extinguished by the Moyamensiug Hose Company. When the fire was first seen an eli'ort was made to enter the house, but all the doors leading to the bur room were lonnd to be locked, and one of them had to be broken open. There were sevpral families living in the unner part of the house. whose retreat ty the stairway would have been cut off had it not been for the prompt extinguish ment of the tire. An examination of the bar room led to the beliet that the tire was the work ot design, and suspicion fell upon the defendants in consequence of the heavy amount ot Insur ance and the large claim made upon the Phrenix and Metropolitan Iuburance Companies $2300 in both. Detendants made out a list of the articles alleged to have been destroyed, which included a large quantity of liquors, Champagne wine, and a number of cigars. Surveyors and appraisers, who had made an examination of tne stock damaged, testified that it did not ex ceed in value Irom four to five hundred dollars. The counsel for Lastrico, D. P. Brown, Jr., represented, and said he was prepared to prove that his client was not In the city at the time of the lire, and the Fire-Marshal, who had the matter in charge, said he had been informed that Lastrico was in Boston, and had been for several days, when the tire took place. Farro was held to answer the charge of arson, and Lastrico to answer the charge of conspiring to defraud the Phoenix and Metropolitan Insurance Companies. Stewardship of Gibard College. A resolution was adopted at the last meeting of the Board of Directors of Girard College, declar ing the place of Steward, held by Mr. William Field, vacant on and after the 1st of August. The Board, at the same meeting, elected Mr. F. Hartley to till the place made vacant. Mr. Field, through Mr. Sellers, bis solicitor, has tiled a bill In the Supreme Court to prevent the Direc tors from removing him from the office of Steward of Girard College, and from obstructing him in the perlormance of the functions thereof. The bill of Mr. Field states "that Stephen Girard, by hi6 last will and testament, provided for the erection of an institution by the city of Phila delphia, for the education of white male orphms, and bequeathed to said city a large estate for its Tnnint.piiHi.cp arwi mil mrer-r nmonir rimer rninps. in the words following: 'A competent number J of instructors, leaders, assistants, and other j necessary agents Bnau De selected, auu, wueu needtul, their places trora time to time supplied. They snail receive adequate compensation for their services; but no person shall be employed who shall not be of tiled skill in his or her proper department, of eabli-bed. moral char acter, and in all cases p tsGns shall be chosen on account of their merit, and not through favor or intrigue.' Charged wiTn Being Accessory to Theft. Yesterday a dry goods dealer, Mr. Moses Neitters, No. 70 N. Third street, during the absence of his clerk, left the store tor a lew minutes, locking ths door when he left. Upon hi6 return he discovered that the door had been forced open, and that a man was inside. As soou as Mr. Neitters entered the stranger ' said: "It 1 had cot been here yctir store might have been robbed." A casual examination of the goods fcatisned the proprietor that there had been a robbery, and ne handed the stranirer over to the custody of a Sixth Ward officer, who took him before Alderman Hurley. There was an examination of the defendant, and Mr. Neitters tetitled that between three and tour hundred dollars worth of silks and other kinds of goods bad been stolen, and that the store door had been forced open. The accused, who gave the name of B. (Jugg&nheiin was held in $1000 bail to answer the charge of Leing concerned in the theft. ; Larceny. Two colored women, Margaret Virden and Anable Davis, were charged before the Recorder with the theft of $103, the vro ' pcrty ot Mrs.'Julia Clark, No. 413 S. Sevfiitu . street, with whom Margaret Virden lived lis a "servant. The accused left the city immediately alter the disaopearauce of the money, and were arretted at Harrisburg. They were committed " for a furlber hearing. Ooknfr-stone Laid. Yesterday after t p r, ut t o'cIock, the corner-stone of Ht. James P. t. Church, llestnnville, Twenty-fourth Ward, as laid with appropriate ceremonies bv the Rev. Bannel B mith, Hector 01 St. Andrew's chinch, West Pniiadclphta, in the absence ot Li'Lop fetevens. Hcvcral ol the city clergy took t art in the services, and an address was do iivtrcd by the Rev. Dr. Hobart Hare. This 1m the reeond church building commenced wi'hin a year by the Episcopalians ol the Twenty fourth Ward, both under the direction arid activity of the Rector of St. Andrew's Parloh, of which St. James Is a mission. A nrze con course ol people were present to wittier the ceremony, which was solemn and impressive. The builuine is 35 by 55, will have a bell tower, and is designed to teat 200 persons. Academy of Music. -The lessees of the Academv are taking vrv nnlns m pnintncn the attractiveness ot that pfacp. It will be fio- roiiguiy renovated for tue next season. Ttie interior will be cleansed throughout, now and imTirnVflll 1rrt 1 tr-rlta ntA fn kn ...In . 1 , , r. , t min holsterinff the seats, new mattings on lobbies, . . . . . - mi i i i i . FuiirwuB, cic. xne oaicony ooxes nave oeuu altered so as to add anothc.r'row of seats. Tue doorways and walls of the lobbies have been painted in imitation of Snagliola marble, and ceiliners handsomelv IreHcoed. Three addit ional plugs and two hundred feet of bone have bern added to those already m the buildins. Ttip dark crimson, which was formerly the prevail ing color, has given way to a cieltette buff, picked out with blue. The work will be com pleted about September. Visit to Fairy Land. Those who love rational enoment and good music, shoull bear in mind the crcat Midsummer Nluht Festival to he given at Smith's Island this evening by the Sungerbund. Arrangements have been made tor accommodating a vast nunilier of pleasure seeker", and ludies and gentlemen can rest as.-ured that their stay on the island will be ren doted as pleasurable in mtieic choral and in Ftrninental and tu every species of refreshni"nt, as could be wished. Tickets may be seoirc'l throughout to-day of at Lakemeyer's, Carter street, below Third. Cricket Olympian vs. Manhattan, of Nbw York. The tirst elevens of thpse two clubs meet in a match genie of cricket, 10 be played on the grounds of the former, Twenty tilth and Jelierson street, on Friday, 27th (to morrow); game commencing at OA o'clock A.M. Loth clubs are stronger than last year, and some good cricket may bo expected. The grounds can be reached by the Ridge avenue, Girard avenue, and Union Passenger Rail way cars. Odd Fellows' Celebration. James B. Nicholson, Eq., of Philadelphia, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, and Past Grand Sire of the Grand Lodge ol the United States, has consented to deliver a public address on the occasion of the Odd Fellows' cele bration wbich is to take place in the city of Lancaster, on Wednesday, the 2Gth of September next. Run Over by a Runaway Horse. Yes terday morning Joseph Cruismier, a street sweeper, was run over at Second and Market streets by a runaway horse, and severely in jured. He was removed to his residence in Hamilton street. Church Enlargement. Workmen are at present engaged in enlarging the Cnurch of the Redemption. Twenty-second and Callowhill streets, Rev. G. A. Durborow, Rector. The corner-stone, will be laid this (Thursday) after noon, at 6 o'clock . Found Drowned. The body of Thomas H. Gibson, one of the three young men drowned on funday last off Greenwich Point, was re covered vesterday. The other two bodies had been previously recovered. Died from Injuries Received. Robert Jeffries, who, on the 15th of July, fell overboard atnace street wnart, ana struct a ooannni descent, breaking his leg, dipd at the Hospital yesterday. Fell from a Tree. A young lad, named William Spencer, aged thirtpen years, residing at No. 100H Locust street, fell from a tree yesterday, and fractured his arm. WATCHES, JEWELRY ETC. Lewis HIAVftVH TVPtTFT? .fc- TPOTrfP 1 WATCHES, JEWELKY A-SILVER WARE, ,1 .WATCHES and JEWELRY EEPAIEED. if OwlDgto the decline ol Gold, ba made a great re ductlon In price of Lis large ana well assorted atock o Diamondsi Watchee. Jewelry, Silverware, Eto. The public are respectfully Invited to call and examine ear stock before purchasing elsewhere. 8 -is SILVER AND PLATED GOODS, OP THE Host Superior Workmanship, AT TUE STORE NEW No. 704 ARCH STREET. The undersigned (late t the famous Rogers Bros Manulncturlnn Comixinr) reeDectiullv announce tlia they hare opened a new and buautllu! store tor tlie em a oi bjlv it ana ru iui waiu., bi .no. w a hub Street. Our Ions experience as ruaiiQlacturerg wil enable na to kerp nothing but fJret-claxa Goods, and tboi-e who may patronize our giorewill find our plated goou lai superior to any ever imponeu, una our cus omen may rely on the goods being precisely what they are represemea to ut. 8 m BOWMAN & LEONARD. A full assortment of above goods constantly on band at modeiate pi icon the Musical Buxs playing IfCtn i to iv piauiiiui Airs. FARE. & BROTHER, Importers, rCo. 824 CHESKUT 8TKEKT, 11 llsmtlijrp t lielow Fourth, 0. RUSSELL & CO., No. 2 Nortli SIXTH St., INVITE ATTENTION TO THEIR FULL STOCK OF . FAKCY AND PLAIN SILVER W A II E, Of the Finest Quality. 5 26 RICH JEWELRY JOHN BItENNAN, SBALXRt DIAMOKDB, FINE WATCHE8, JEWELRY ilC. VK. Etc, 8 204 no.6S.UCHTH8X&T,rUl4ft, WATCHES, JEWELRY, &o. ! MUSICAL BOXES. ! AMUSEMENTS. Q HAND NATIONAL CONCERT . FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE SOLDIERS' AM) SAILORS' NATIONAL ORPHANS' HOME FUND, TJKDBK AUSPICES OF TUB &OLDIERS' AND SAILORS' UNION Vt ASSulXO'iON, D. C , AT GUOYEirS THEATRE, On Thursday Evening, August 2, 1868 3tol,UC0 tickets will be sold at (1 each 75 0 present awarded, va'ucd at t'2.V,noot 25 ( 00 of tbo profits to be given to the Soldiers' and Pallors' National Orphans Ftomc Fund. Ji0O to tho Washington Male and Fmale Orphan Asylum, the balance, auer deducting expenses, to be paid to the Treasurer of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Union, ot Washington, D. C. TICKETS CAN BE OBTAIN ED AT THE OFFICE OP WILLIAM E. OWENS, hO 527 CHhSNTJT SritKETi ALSO. SENT TO ANY PU8T OFFICE IX THE COUNTRY PROMP'ILY BY MAIL. LIST OF PRESENTS TO BE AWARDED 1 Ihrce-siory Brick Residence, 11 street, bo- tncen sixth uuo r evculh I 'ihree-story lirlci Rusiueuce, Second street, near E 1 Hirce-Mon Brick Residence, i entD street, between at and N 1 Iwo'ftory Brick Resilience, Tuna street, between M and N 1 Two siory Brick Residence, lenih street, between M und N 2 l ine City Lo , on Seventh street, north.. 1 t-p endid Carnage, Monies, and Harness, Coinileie 1 'pleii'iid itaincjiiu Ring 1 Ket Diamonds, complete il'ln, rar-rinys oru Rings) 1 (.rand Paino (Mcinway'a) 1 t-OilU Sliver 'l ea set 10 Grand I'tanos. febnO each .8,non 10.0(10 8.00ft 5,000 5000 4,0"0 4,00i 2,0 0 1,000 1,500 l.Ovil BOOH 5 (MO 20 IHiO ,250 1,0.1V ttUOil 8,111 K) 7,5i i0 2 5U0 4,1100 l,50ti 1..W0 IV uiHLuriuiivn, Vir 'i cuiu II 0 ema' Co d Waiehns 20u each. tO Ladies' Hold Watches, 125 each 5 Urana MUouo. in, W-W each do Ameiican Case silver Watches, 1' each.. 75 llnminff i une Silver Watches 4 eu h.... Ml Dluuiond Rings, tlno to 200 each i!5 Diamond Plus. 100 each 40 sewing Machines, nun each 2d Hewing Machines, S7 each 20 Mivcr-l'la ed icaSets, aSeach SO Silver l astors 85 .ach fi,000 Clocks Albums, Jcwe ry, etc, itt to 1U each 1C Ctfl Tea and Table Spoons etc., j to 5 each.. lU.tlbO Gold Hens, Sleeve Buttons, etc., 1 to 93 each 49.453 Books, Cutlery, Engravings etc., 1 to $10 each 1,4)0 41 000 25.C00 14,000 60.0(0 Total 250.0jG -me awarus win ue inane alter the concort on the stage of the theatre, where three thousand peisons can witness it. A committee will be appointee by the audi ence to superintend the same. 1 rioted lis s ol awards will be published and supplied to agents and ticket holders. Parties having tl keti will retain them unill alter the awards are made, and it the Ir numbers appear on 'he list they will forward their tickets Immediate y. with mil directions as to the ship ping of goods or deeds lor the property. Ticket for sale at all the principal hotels, book and musio stores in the city, and at the headquarters in the mammouth 1 air bultdlntt tor the benefit of trio So rtlem' and Nullum' National orphans' Home fund, corner of Seventh street anu reun.vivuuin avenue w OMtington, u, u The Directors appeal to the libera lily of the people to give this enterorise their kind support, and thereby assist in relieving the wants of the orphans of our alien comrades. VAltAGINQ DIItECTOnS, Major H. A. HALL, Pjesldent Soldiers' and Sailors' Union, i olonel CHARlhS E CAPEHaRT. lu.U.r M. H. ALB "RGElt, WILLIAM 8. MORHE. TRKAHUKKR. J B. HUTCHINSON, Esq . Cashier National Bank of the Metropolis. All persons favorably disposed are requested to act as agtnts, bnt no commissions will he allowed. Aioney i-hou d In all cases be sent by Post Office ordor, draft, express, or reglsteied letter. In every case send the name and Post Office address, county and state ol each separate subscription, and in close stamp. All orders lor tickets must tie addressed to . WiLLIaM B. MOR.-E, Secretary Soldiers' and Sailors' National Concert, Washington, D. O.. , . Lock Bex Wo. 32. Tickets alio for sale by r. .MJLtS CO., ... m Ucneral A gen a, No. 210 West FoilRm stnvt. P, O. BOX 655. Wllmlnirtnn. HaI nnnrn. IKBABCKY IlKl'AEIUENT, OPFICB OF INTERNAL HKVENUE, .. ... . .. "jioiumoton, dune -ii, ihbe. Whereas II A Hall and oihers, as "Manairing Direc tors" Ol the "Grand National Concert," to beheld in Washington. D. C, on the d of Auust next have mane due app Icatlon to jj. ( iepban, Collector of Infernal U.DUtiiiA inr (ha tftnllnrH.ki, lti.Hi... .1.. .2 ' " - ...... j . n 1 1 n. 1 Ul LIU' n L 1 I, L li Columbia, ior permiKslon to ho d a lottery, rattle, or uilt enterorise. and Dresnntud tn him .n.i'.i'w. .vi. dence that the pioceeds of said lottery, rattle, or pifl enterprise w ill be devoted to charitable uses, permission is bcrebv granted to suth "Alanagliig Directors" to hold such lottery, ratlle, or gilt enterprise iree frorna'. charge, whether lrom tax or license, In respect to such lottery, IUI"C, VI Rill utcpiiBd. A. KUL,ljl TIM, . .,,. , , Commissioner. li ajor-Generai XV Infield S. Hancock, TT. 8, A. General Robert C Schenck, M. C. flhio. General Halhert E Paine, M O , Wis. General John H. Ketchani. M. ('., sj. Y. General James ( Blunt, Kansas. GeueralJ N. Hcndrick, Iowa. General D. C. Mccnilain, D. C. General O V Dayton, N. Y. Hon. Thomas W. Kerry. M. C. Mich. Hon. George Lawrence, M. C, Penna. D. O. Forney, Esq.. D. C, Major J. E. Doughty, N. Y. lion, men am wanacn, Major ot wasntngton, u. v. Uou. William D. Kelley. Sj. C . Penna. lion. Ke:ian V. Whalev.M. C. West Va. Hon. Euen C. Ingereoil, M. C, 111. Hon. Henry v. liemlng, M. v., conn. Hon A. H. I.aflln, M. C N. Y. Hon. Leonard Myers, M. ('.. Penna. Hon. William A. Newell. M. C. N. J. Hon George W. Jnlian ll.C Ind. Hon. Ktcnhen F. Wilson. M C. Penna. Hon. J. B. Gilnneil. M C Iowa. Major G. M. Van Buren, N. t . 7 z im WALNUT 8TKKET THEATRE H. E. comer NINTH and WALNUT Streets. DiTiaciai aiTnecDu i THIS rihnrsdavl F.VKNiNt.. Julv M 1K fourth night of the distinguished tragedian,. iiutun DULlua OLWHT, In his nnnnlar character of D'ART AGNAN. tn the Brand Somantlc Play, entitled THE THREE GUARDSMEN' Jl US hLtitLLr.a in ut autxkia. MR. L R BHEWELL AH ATHOS. THE THREE GUARDSMEN EVUKY EVENIVO. Friday BE N E FIT OE JUNIUS BRUTUS BOOTH. S.ENGERBUND SUMMER NIGHT FESTIVAL, On THURSDAY, July 26, Comme lclnir at 2 o'clock P. M. It is the aim of the Society to make the Picnic a nrl- vateone, as much as practicable, without being exclu sive, and they bave ior thus reason made arrangements wnn Mr. duua b Mi r ti, Pronrlctorof the Islaod. to have entire possession of the Boats for the day, so mat none out ncnei-uuiuura v.nu ue auiuiiieu. Tickets, to cents, Admitting one Derson. including fare. Can he had of : j. waiaer n. w. corner r our in ana unesnut streets. J. Steppacher, No. 531 l besnut street. F Lakemever. corner Carter street and Exchmtre Iiluce and at the Sangerbuud Hall. No. 411 aud 413 Ca -ow hill street 7 24 3t VALER'S (LATE MILLER'S) WINTER GAKPEN-Nob Tifl-726 VINE Street. UttAJJ IflOlllUJIHiau tuattllO Mfin n,Y. By two large and efficient Orchestral. 7 TONIC1HT, And EVERY NTGHT. In connexion with our EXCELSIOR STRING BAND, a Brass Band, couiptlslng the best Artists in the city will nuiiviiu. -j wn rrrra Ctr l art V n. ana.lAtia knmmpr Gurilfln. artiHtlcaltV lalil nut wltn Shrubbery. Fountains etc. IJN lilt. UlUir.o nai,,u,-, Especially set apart for F. MI LIES, the best ofCrenrns auu outer lteiresuuteHis mum bm.u. 0-403 GYMNASIUM . w t-. n ncvTiriviivv l vn miT rvnuvt V 7. COKNKK OF NINTH AND ARCH tSTUEJSXS 1 f,pwv kVh.nv HAY AND K,'KTt3 v - . -T v. . . Jll- (....... -ia health V1(1 BlVAn tr4Yt 4ka Knot JlOUHjr cJaBliBO iUJiiniw ui uusi- - ..,.unU.A arralnat slink flAAA lit' ttlA (MttTitTllI Hlimmpf P,.C'"""B V-' -1 1 1 it i V rWI n- iS a i iVViVra THE PIANOS WHICH WK MANU TTTfyri ' factare recommend themselves. We promise .hin AnrKiiiiitv. and reasonable nrlcea. combined with a lull guarantee. For sale only at No. hill WALNUT B tr At. v-- wT A UIVmHiIHrtTDTni MRS. K DILLON, Nos. 323 and 331 SOUTH Street Has a handsome assortment of MILLINERTi Misses' and Infanta' Hats and Caps, Bilks, Velvets, Crapes Blbbong, Eeatfiexe, Elcwers, Frames, etc (7 18 1 I DRY GOODS. EW DRY GOODS AT MARSH & WARNOCK'S (PRICE A WOOD'S OLD 8TAHD), No. 113 North NINTH Street. We bave fust oreaed with splendid assortment 0! 10WELMNO. TABLE L1NKM. SAPKINS AND DOYLIES A Ho, a larcre assortment ol WHIT13 OOODS. SOU UNISH cambricb, JACONETS, NaIvsOOK?. VICTOIi LAWNS and SWISS MUSLINS. The Best Makes 01 Bleaehedand Unbleached MUSLINS. Also, a large assortment ef HOSIERY AND GLOVES, BOOP f-KIRTS, etc., all at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES. 6 14 thsm2m LINEN GOODS ONLY, AT MILLIKEN'S No. SiiS AHCII Street. NEW LINEN LAWN PRESSES. NEW PRINTED SHIRTING LINENS. TRAVELLING DRESS LINENS. CORN COLORED LINENS. FLAX COLORED LINENS. BLOUSE LINENS. LINEN DRILLS, Fancy aDd Plain. LINEN DUCKS, Fancy and Tlain. LINEN CHECKS, for Bo j e' Wear. IRISH SHIRTING LINENS, Best Makes. SHIRT BOSOMS, Very Superior. LINEN DAMASKS, by the Yard. TABLE CLOTHS, All Sizes. NAPKINS AND DOYLIES. TOWELS, Great Variety. LADIES' LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. GENTS' LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. Linen Buyers will alwajs find the best assortment in the city, at AILLLIKEN'S LINEN STORE 6 9Btuth2m No. 828 ARCH Street. gHETLAND SHAWLS. Shetland Shawls, $3 50. Shetland Shawls, $4 0 0. Shetland Shawls, $3 00. Sea-Side Shawls, $6 00 to $10 00. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., 6 26) N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET. LINEN LAWNS. 100 PIECES LINEN LAWS S AT 35 CENTS. 10O PIECES ORGANDY LAWKS, AT 35 CENTS. 50 PIECES FINE WHITE PIQUE AT 03 CENTS. 30O PIECES PLAIN AND PLAID MUS LINS. J. C. STRAWBItlDCE & CO., 6 26 N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET. No. 1024 CILEtMJT street. TO LADIES About leaving ior the COUNTRY, SEA SHORE, OB WA1ERINU PLACES. E. M. NEEDLES, No. 1024 CHESNUT STREET, Offers a lull assortment, at LOW PRICES, of: every description or WHITE (lOL DM, PUFFED WrSLTNJ, PIQUE. a-Rf.NCH jnT"LlTS, In all varieties oi plain andfanoy styles. Laces, Fmbrolderles, Hdkts, etc. eto. l.lneu Sleeves, Collars, beta, etc , In great variety. E M. NEEDLES, No. 1024 CnESNTJT Street. 9j;8 IQStSaHO rZOl 'ON (JAPE MAY" ATLANTIC CITY, AND LONG BRANCH. DREIFUSS &BELSINGER, No. 49 North EIGHTH Street, HAVE OPENED ON THE 14th INST., A new and desirable lot of ZEPHYR KNIT SHAWLS Suitable tor the Watering Plaeea, including a BBlendid assortment of WHITE GOODS. PUCKED MUSLIN, SHIRKED MUSLIN, 8WISS MUSLIN, I'LAID NAINSOOK,' BTRLPED NAINSOOK, 91 CAMBRIC NAJtfSOOK, DRY GOODS. W JUTE DRILLING BASKET DUCKS. AN I) BROWN DltlLLINGS AND BAVKET DUCKS. FARMER 8' P ANTALOONEHT. BOIS' FANCY SRILLINUS. LINEN CHECKS AND STRIPES. EYRE & LAXDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH. gALT WATER SHAWLS, Wholesale and Retail. PURE WHITE LLAMA MIAWU, SHETLAND HI AWLS, ALL GKADKS. PURE VI H ITU BAREGE SHAWLS. BREAKFAST SHAWLS. SHAWLS AND HALF 4 12 statu rp & LAND ELL. 628 u 8' 028 Manuiactery, o. W8ItCn Street. Atove V Ixth street. 1'hl.adolphla. V, nulesalA and ICntil Otr sssorinent tmlirave an the nei and tleslrabte stvUs and sifces of verv .length and size waba lot lai.Ks, itefn, and ClulfLcri '1 Lose of VVH OWJfJllKE" ate tunnrln rint.ti and durability to anv orLflr (Skirts made, and warranted to give satlstactlon. x In s msde to order, altered and repaired. 4 LUMBER. -i QlW FLOORING! FLOOUINGM J.OUU. FLOORING I FLO RING 1 1 S-4 CAKULIX A J liUUKlJitl. 4-4 CAROLINA FLOORING. 0-4 VIU(41NIA FI.OOftlNO. 4-4VlRGIfI FLOORING. 8-4 DKLAWARK FLOORING. 4-4Dt'LAWAKK FLOORINO AMI AND WALNUT Fi.OnRING. ASU AD V ALNUT FLOOR1SO. fl'FP BOABDH, I RAIL FLANK. 18GG -PLASTERING LATHS ! ! PLASTERING LATHS, AT KKDIK.FI PRICKS. AT KKDUCKU PRICES. 1866 CEDAR AND PINE SHINGLES. . CVDAR AND PIKE SHINULES. Xo. 1 LONG CEDAR SH1NGKKH. Ho. 1 SHORT CKOAK HHINtiLES. WI1ITK PINK fHINGLKS. CYrRFSS BHINtiLKS. FINE ASBORTMKNT FOR 8AL.H LOW i QC(Z LUMBER FOR UNDERTAKERS ! ! LOUv). LCllHKR FOH ODKRl AKERS! I kfd cedar. walnut, and pine. kf.dcedak walnut, and pink. -i QPtl ALbANY LUMbEROF ALLKINI'S -LOUU. ALHANY LUMBER OF At,L KItiDH BEA BON ED WALNUT. 8FABON1-D WALNUT. DRY rOFLAK CHERRY. AND ASH. OAK ELK. AND BDS. SIAHOGANY. KOPFWOQD AND WALNUT VENEERS. 186C . CIOATl.RnX MAWTTATTITRKRa CIGAR-BOX MAN CFACTURKRl). SPANISH CEDAR BOX BOARDS. AT REDUCED TRICES. G(C SPRUCE JOIST! SPRUCE JOIST! XJ)JJ. WPrtUt E join I I BfKUCE JOISTI from 14 to 32 feet long, from 14 to 32 feet long, spruce sills hemlock plank and joist, oak sills, maule brother & co.. 8 22 6mrp No. SiflO SOUTH bTKEET TJ NITED STATES BUILDER'S MILL, Ncs. 24. 26, and 28 S. FIFTEENTH St., PHILADELPHIA. ESLER & BUOTHEE, WOOD MOCLD1NGK, BRACKETS, STaIR BALUS TERS, SEWEL POSTS, GENERAL TUBSINO SCROLL WORK, ETO. SHELVING PLANED TO ORDER. The largest assortment ot Wood Mouldings In this city consianuv on naiiu. 7 i3in rp W. SMALTZ'9 LUMPER YARD, N. E. l . corner rin h;mh ana bulks street. OFFERS FOR SALE. t'HKAP Fnrt r ati Panel. 1st com., 2d com., 3d com, 4 4, 5-4, U-8 8-4, White Plue, seasoned. FirBt and second quality Yellow (4-4 S-4) and White lne 1 4-4) Fiooilng Boards. Flist and second quality one and two-sides Fence Boards. Shelving Boards. Bass, Ash. Planks and Boatds, White Pine Kills, all sizes. Step Boards, 4 4, ft 4. Hemlock Joist and bcantiinit, from 12 to 2tj feet long, all wld bs Spruce Joist, Sills and Scantling. Plastering I ath (English and Calais) Pickets. Shingles, ( hesnut posts, ete AUboganv, Walnut Plank and Boards. All kinds of Pullding I. tint tier cut and furnished at the shortest notice, at the lowest price. 1 11) lm J PERKINS, LUMBER MERCHANT Successor to B. Clark, Jr., No. 324 CHRISTIAN STREET. Constantly on hand a larffe and Taxied aesortmen of Building Lnmlier. 6 24 $ SHIRTS, FURNISHING GOODS, Ac J W. SCOTT & C O.. SHIET MANUFACTURERS, AND DEALEBS IM MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Ho. 814 CHESNUT Street, FOUR DOORS BELOW THE "CONTINENTAL, 826 $n PHILADELPHIA. PATENT SIIOULDER-SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. PERFECT FITTING BHIRTS AND DRAWERS made lrom measurement at very short notice. All other articles of GENTLEMEN'S .DRESS GOODS In tail variety. WINCHESTER & CO., JS24 S No. 106 CHESNUT 8treet I? iioros AL . PENNSYLVANIA AtiRIlTLTURAL LAND SCRIP FOR SALE. The X'nlted States Government having granted to t he Coroiconwf alth of Pennsylvania Laud Sorlo, repre senting 780,000 acres ot rubllc wad. for tne endowment of Agricultural Colleges tn tola State, the Board of Commissioners now offer tliX I aud SctJP to tho public Proposals for the purchssa of this Land Scrip, ad dressed to "The Board Commissioners of Agricul tural Land Scrip," will Be received at the Surveyor Gcneral'i office, at Harrisburg, until Wednesday, August 15 1HC6. Tbia land may be located In any State or Territory bv the bolder 0 M lp.uDon any of the unappro priated lands (except mineral lands) of tha United Htatea whlcn mJ be subject to sale at private entry. F.acb piece of scrip represents a quarter section of one hundred nd ,lx,y acres- Bld must he made as per acre, and no bids will be leceived for less than one Quarter section. Tha Kctlp will be Issued immediately on the payment of tb money to the Surveyor General, one third of which tuast paid within ten das, and the reoMlnlng tw- thirds within thirty davs alter notification ot tne acceptance of the bid or bids by tb Board of Com missioners. j. 3d. CAMPBELL, Surveyor-General, ' ' For the Board of Commissioners ' nm'BJSMaa.JnlyM.lwW. 1171m GOVERNMENT SALES. ASSISTANT UAKliCHMAbTEK'S OFFICE. No. HUH (-.1UAKD Htrtet l'DILADKI.PIIIA. Pa., July 20, Vm. 'Will be sold at 1 nblic Auction, on account of tho Tnited States, on the srroonrW at TVVfcNTlt lOL Jtrii and tOUlll Street, 1'hiladclpliia, Pa., On SSA1UKDAY, Jnlv 28, 1866, salo commcncini at 10 o'clock A. HI , precisely, tne Buildings, etc, horetoiore knowa m tbn HOCTU STKrEf UNITED STA1EJ HOoPITAL, . IB. J 6 Frame Itui'dlnps, 1 Frame Sink, 12 Closels, 1 Upnirbt Boiltr, 1 1 oukinp Knnre, 2 Wash iroueiis, 6 Iron Iloppeni. ,119 foot ot -inch -inch J-mch Gas Uaa. Gas Iron I 1'lPO. 671 leet ol Pipe. Ill icot of 1 i'in. 73 leet of lj-inco 3 lion Son Containers, 1 waier-i ipe 39 tcotof 8-inch Cast-Iron I P'Pa, ioet, 01 Lead Pipe (as I sorted Kites), tlln n Mnks. 'I v oo( oodi u Sinks, OI1011 liatli-lubs, 1 Ccunr 'lank, 1 1 1 11 u Mail'. 61 Gas Pendants, Counters, La 1 vine, Draw- ') I'endatit Arms, crs, etc , li ittoD-cocks, 68 leet ot 1 J-inch Oas 0 Stop-Cocks, l'inp. 15 1'iilar-Cocks, lOo ket of 1-inch Gas- 11,200 Brlcka In Paye- Pilie, I mout: 8c9 net of l inen Gas-' Aio a .otot Board Ferny Pipe, I ing. Tne Frame Build ni contain abont 13.920 feet Iicmlnck bcanti nr. 14,7'iO teoi Hoonn and ungned Bi aids, 2,8 10 leet Konah Boarus, D12 leet Mieivmg. Trims of Sa'e Crsn, (Jovemmont fundi A de- f oit of twenty (L0) pet cent, to be patrt oa every cctvtrd bid, the balance immediately at tor tne a e Plans ot the bnildraps can be obta ned and sdu'Uulus of lota seen uioa application at thta e ll CO no buildinirs. eto.. mast 00 removed wittnn ronr- tcen (141 da) s lrom date ot sale, and wnl bo at tbo risk oi tito purchasers. The South Street City Passenger Katlway cars pass the Hospital every five miuutea. liy oicier 01 Bicv. BriK.-lion GEOROK 11. OROSMAN, Ass't Qr. Master Uenural U 8. A. ClXiKliE K. OKliK, 7 21 Ct Capt. and Assistant yuart'rina"ter SALK OK QUAKTEhMASTERS' NIORE AT 1HK lA VAl-K'V Dt-HOI, UlEltK-:, D. C. tUARTEUMA8TKU-UENBRAI.'8 IIPFIOM, ) First Division, I Wabhisoton. V C, July 17, 1P06. ) By order of the Uuarteraiaster-Ueneral. there will bo eold on tho premises, A i PUBLIC AUCTION, under tho direction ot Captain Uoorge f . Browning, "On THURSDAY, August 2, 1860, tho following described lot of Quartermasters' stores: luO cords wood. i chair, bonohes, matting, ward robes, cupboards, 2 letter presses. 2 grindstones. 1 grindstone, large, 4 feet diamotor, 8 inch face (new). 60 ladders. 60 tire-hooks 8 platiorm e a 1 e s, large. counter scales. 4 warehouse trucks, blocks and tails. 69 iron bedsteads. 12,000 leet oak and ash plana, (wneoi wriRht's stuff) 0.CC0 foot matched floor ing. 1.4C0 pieces six-llRht sash 6 by 10, alozcd. 20,000 leet assorted lum ber. 2,000 fett square timber, 10 by U. 40 keg cut nails. 80 army wapoiis. 16 carts. 1 dead-horse wagon. 1 water wagon, iron 800 hlankets. 6 hose carriages and About 10,t)00 pounds grain reels, sackn. 12 sits harness (four horse). 20 sets harness (Am bulance) 15 sets cart harness. 26 riding saddlos, bri dles, bead-halters, curry-comb-., and harse-trushos. 25 white-wash brush es, water-buckets. 1 scow, 20 by CO feet, but little ned. 1 sot mathematical in. strutnents. 1 spirit level and tri pod. 1 surveyor's compass, target, etc. . About 8000 feet gum hose, 2 and 2jTticU(now) with couplings and nozzles, com plete. 6,000 feet gum hose.l.lj, li, 2, and 2j, with, couplings and noz rlos, partly worn. 100 brass cocks, angle valvos, etc. worn. shovels, spades, picks.and paulins. 15 cockine- stoves. 20 beating stoves. 1 lot castings, fire bricks, etc., for cook Btoves(now), ollice do'ks.tables, ALsU, ZU riUKatis. Together with a large quantity of other property, not above enumerated. Salo to commence at lOo'olock A. M., and oon tinue lrom day to day until all is sold. riirctmbors must remove tbo.r stores within five (6) davs fiom dnto ol salo. Jerms Cash, tn Government funds. A boat tor Giesboro will leave sixth street wharf. OTuiy hour during the day ot -ale JAMES A. EKIN, Brevet Brigadier-General U. 8. A., in charge 1st Dinsion. Q M (i. U 7 20 lit s ALE OF MACHINERY, ETC. Navy Department. 1 Bureau o Yakdb and Dockb, J Waphinoton. June 16. 1866. 1 Will be sold at l'ublio Auction at tho JJavv Yard. NORFOLK, on FRIDAY, the 3d day of August next, the lollowing artic es, viz. : 'iwenty-one Rollers of Rolling Mill. Soven Kail Machines One Guide Hi 1 (oomplete). 88 Rollers. Two bundles Saws ior Hlotting Screws. Two Mochines lor Slotling Kcrows Seven Machines lor Cutting rureads. ' Four Oil Retaineit. Two Oil Press Rollers. x Right pieces Iron bl.afting. Six sets Couplings for Shafting. Lot of Taps and Dies for Gas Fitting. One box Lacings (leather). Three boxes Belting. One Gun-screw Machine. One piece Leather Belting, 6 inches wide, 1C4 pounds. One piece Leather Belting, 6 inches wide, 141 pounds. One piece Leather Belting, 20 Inches wide, 224 pounds. 1 wo rolls Gum Packing. fiix bars Octagon Steel (cast). Sale to commenoe at 11 o'clock A. M. Terms Cash, in Government funds; and all arti cles to be removed from the yard within ton days from day of salo. Bv order oi Wavy Department. y JOSEPH 8 WITH, 6 19tuthl3t Chief Bureau Yards and Docks. O- J S L I G II T FOR THE COUNTRY. FERRIS & CO.'S AUTOMATIC GAS MACHINES FOB PBIVATE RESIDENCES, MILLS, HOTELS, CHURCHES, ETC FUKNISBIJIO FROM TEN TO SIX HUNDRED LIGHTS, AS MAY BE REQUIRED. This machine Is guaranteed ; does not get oat of order, and the time to manage It la about five minutes a week. Ibe simplicity ot this apparatus, its entire ireedom fioni danger, the cheapness and quality of the light over all othois, has gained fo it the tavorabl opinion of those acquainted Kith its merits. The names ot those having used them for the last three years will be given, by calling at our OFFICE, No. 105 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, W here the machines can bs seen In operation.' FEHBIS A CO., Box 1! P. O. Bend for a Pamphlet. 619 211 THE GOVERNMENT HAVING CffrrW granted me letters-patent lor my noda ot administering Nitrous Oxide a. by which I hava extracted many thousand ol Teeth without pain. I ao) Justitli d In awertina that it h) boih safer and suporlar tti any other now la use. . B1L 0. L. MUNN8 S216U1 " . ft7SlBPBl7tJ5 Street.