THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JULY 24, 18GG. 3 CITY J-NTELLIGMNOE. t l'fr XdttilUma'. City Jniplltrjence see F.flh Pay. Board of Guardians. The st'.rc lir.eet in g of thp Buiird cil (iuKidiam look place yes tPidttv afternoon, at the Blockley Aiaishoiie, President'.y in tbn eliair. The-Hotife Airent reported the following cen iis if the House for the week cn lint? S;it uriUy, Jtilj 21, lGfl, ms ioIIows: Munibcrin the Uou-e it' 12 o'clock. M., 222; Fame time lust yar, 2r;)5; iacreaso, m. Ad mitted during- the pant two weeks, 21C; births, (; dpaihs, 41; tliachnrta'd, 14H; indentured, 4 i. Numtxrof persons grained lodplitis wtibm tho lat two weeks, .); meals, 171. ' The rrr-ontt in the vnrtoti!- depfirlmenti me dassii'.cd thus: Males iu insane depurimen:, 217; t'cnmles in Insane department, 400; total number oi male?, 1 ll4 ; letnalfs, 10'2'J. Total males and leiiiuHs in iiifiiiio department, 1cm aihtant, IW. Tho Hospital Committee, t whom was referred tbe mipucatiou of Dr. Argriw as RePident Phjsielan ot the House, reported lavorablv. The Hoard then went into an elec tion, when the recommendation of tue commit tee met with a unanimous ciidoiscineiit by the member. Tbe Committee on Proposals for furnishing the House with meat made their report, which was accepted, and the Instructed to contract lor tbe same, The Steward's requisitions were real and ap proved, when thoUoanl Hliouroed. Coenhr-Stone LAir. The corner-stoua of the Centennial Methodist Eptcopal Church, at Fortieth and Ransom streets, was laid yester day nttcmoon. Tnere was a large attendance. The ceremonies were conducted In the wmall ono-storv 1iame building ndiominc the lot on which tbe new church is beintr erected. Rev. Mr. Mather-" lead the Disciplinarian Lesson, after which tbe 902d hymn was miuji. Kev. Franklin Moore read the'l.llid Psalm, uud Kev. P.ittiaou lead 1st Corinthians iii. H fchoo Simpson followed in an interesting ad tlms. The corner-stone was then laid. The box contained the following documents, and coins: 1. Copy oi Charter of Church: 2. A His tory of the Church; 3. Copis of Philadelphia mornine papers; 4. Copies of Christian Advocate and Mfllwdist; 5. Copy of Holy Bible; li. Copv ot Methodist Hymn Book; 7. Copy of Discipline of Methodist Episcopal Church; Coin tJold $1 piece; (diver, halt, quarter, 10 cents, 5 cents, and 3 cents; nickel, 6 cents, 3 cents, 2 cents, 1 cent. litquiRiNa tou the " Queer." A man of respectable appearance walked Into a public house near Second and Kace streets, yesterday afternoon, and said to a person in the bar-room, " Is this the place tbey sell queer ?" " What do you mean by queer ?" was asked in reply. The etraneer then said, "Counterfeit money." He was told that there was no counterleit money bought or sold there, whereupon he left the place. He was followed and seen to co into a tavern not tar off, which he remained in only a lew minutes. The peron who had followed him then asked the keeper of the public house what the man wanted, but he refused to say. . The stranger wbh again followed, and near Chesnut and Third streets was seen to accost, a man and hand sometbinsr to him. A few min utes alter, the man who had inquired for " queer" was taken into custody. Kecorder Eneu committed him for a further hearing. ' Accident on the Delaware A Man Drowned. Yesterday a row-bo t, with fifteen men from the coal wharves on Windmill Island, . was run into by the schooner D. 8. liirch, wuicb was coming up the Delaware. The row-bat was not capsized, but she was pushed round with such violence that one of the men, named Micbael Roik, was kuoeked overooard and drowned. The brother ot Bork, who was in the row-boat, states that the schooner passed over ' the unfortunate man. The ot her men in tbe row-boat got on board the fchnoner. and were landed on Delaware avei.ue. Tb captain of the schooner, Mr. A. T. Blacknian, of New Jersey, was arreted and locked up at the Central Sta tion to await a hearins to-day. The drowned man resided at No 244 Herman street, where he leaves a wi'e and two children. Tub Koxborocoh Watkr Works. The reservoir for the new lloxborough Water Works will soon be completed. The embank ments are all up, and the work of puddling has been commenced. The reservoir is "M feet long on the bottom. Its5 leet wide, and about 20 t'e.-fc deep, dvinsr tt a c of 12,000,000 callous of water. It stands 375 feel above Flat Rock dam, near which the Corni-h engine is to bo erected for forcine the waer into the reservoir. The work of building the engine house has been commenced. Held for Assault. George Creasy and Frederick Eva had a hearing at the Central Station, yesterday, on the chrrge of assaulting Ceorge Dver. at his residence, Ellsworth street, above Twelfth. Complainant tebtiticd that de 1 fondants came to his house in the evening, called him out, and Creasy aked him in refer ence to reports said to have been circulated by him. A quarrel ensued, and the assault fol lowed. Held to answer. The New Gas Office. The addition to the Gab Office, on Seventh street, above Chosnut, will soon be completed. The front, which Is two stories high, has no pretensions to architec tural heant v. It is composed ot cast iron ana pressed brick, with sandstone dressines. The additional space will give increased accommo dations to the deiks, and no doubt, facilitate the business of the office. United States Arsenal. Work at the United States Arsenal on the Schuylkill is almost entirely suspended. Dnring the war there were mnp hundred men emnloved there, and it sup plied at one time about ten thousand sewing women with work. A further discbarce of hands Is exDected in a short time, which will rednce the present force ot one hundred men about one- third. Fires. Yesterday mornlnjr a fire broke out in the pickcr-room of (iarsed's mill, on Tacony street, Twenty-third Ward, caused by a "Wottpr." but it was connnea to we apart ment in which it oriemated, and the loss will not exceed $2000. wh ch is covered by insurance, . There was a sliebt tire yesterday in the Globe Cotton Mill, the damage not exceeding sou. Supposed Disaster on the Dela-'1 wabe. The fishing skitf Jriel, with her sails set, rowlocks in. ond nil complete, was found bottom upards last evening, by Ilenrv II. i Lewis, and towed into Wabhinc ton street wharf. It was supposed Chat the crew hud b-en drowned. he was first seen between the Poiut houo and the Coal Whi.rt. Youthful Dkpravity. Edward . Mur ray, four'eer years eld, wus before Alderman Tuuion yebterdav moruinsr, charged with the larceny oi a watch, the property ot a man who boarded in the same house with him, in Locust srreet, above Jlmlh. Ho wus held in tjve hun dred dollars bfiil to answer. Delegate Election. The Democratic citizens in the variolic election districts hell an election last evening, for the purpose of electing one person in each precinct to meet iu conven tion o day, for tbe purpose ofrevMiig the rules for the government of tho part?. Completed. Tho new fefiy-boat Shacka- maxon, mini tor tue J'.fensiueton aua ew dor sev erry Company has beeu i completed, nnd will make her -:ial' tvln oa Thursday afternoon uext. Hlie , t0 tuu between Keuningtou and Cooper'- ,,oillu 'Tbb Portland Suffereks The con ' ' tribntions sent to the Mayor yestordav tor these unfortunates were: Mis A., five dollars, aud ,' Benjamin T. Tredick, one hundred dollars. Lrownkd. Daniel Asliworth, of Rich mond street, Bridesburg, was found drowned t. yeteyday in the Delaware. Tbe PavbnpobM. At preeent the Davenport Brothers are siting their entertainment wtta enccesB at Brussels. They had only announced two represe- tatiom, but hare een Indaced to prolong their utity. WASHINGTON GOSSIP. The New York Llcrald of yesterday has the fol lowing ilenis:-r CABINET MATTERS. Cabinet matters besln to assume a new phase, according to outside report, and thereiormation. promised threatens not In be so complete as wa at first supposed. The immediate friends of Mr. Htansbury a-6ert that that gentleman predicated his acccp'ance ot the Attorney-Generalship upon the retention of Mr. Stanton in the Cabinet, in which he was backed by very strong and In fluential influences. Stanton, on being applied to, promised, it retained, to come out squarely and unequivocally In support of the President's policy. His instructions to General Thomas icfusing military inter ference In the atl'airs of the Tennessee Legisla ture, are cited as an evidence ot this arrange ment. It is also positively promised that a letter will shortly appear from Mr. Stanton in lcply to Senafof Doolittle's circular, endorsing the Philadelphia Convention and all the general features of Mr. Johnson's administration. Sian tou's enemies assert that this arrangement has been brouarht abont tn response to tho piteous appeals of the Secretary of War to be retaiued. They alleM) that he is positively afraid to leave the office yet. I give these statements, with the assertion that they arc traceable directly to the parties interested. CABINET DINNER PARTY. SeTCtary Seward gave a dinner party Saturday evening to tho members and ex-members of the Cabinet, Secretary Harlan only b-iug absent. The gathering was a purely social one. TUB TENNESSEE DELEGATION. Since the Hon-e has passed a resolution de claring Tenuessee entitled to representation in Congress, some of the delesration ar? intending to claim their seats to-morrow, and thus test ttie sincerity of the maiority. As the House has passed the resolution, and as each bodv is tho sole .iudee concerning the admission of Its own members, it is dillicult to conceive how any one ould object, c How National Monky is Wanted. A Parlia mentary exposure ot reckless extravaaancd is to bo made. It appears that at Woolwich. Eng land, two years ago, massive machine framings and standards were cast in solid gun-metal, and a large Quantity of iron pic. bouiiht some forty or fifty years ago, and then paid for at the rate of 5 Hs. per ton. is used at Shcerness yard for such purposes as building the walls of clinker bins aud sullaee houses. At Woolwich yard not less than two thousand throe hundred and sixtv three tons have been laid down lor paving some three thousand four hundred and thirty two vnrds ot the chmn-cable store and tcstintr house. The expense per square yard ot labor in laying down tne pi? nas oeen irom zs. to os. a. a., varvine according to local circumstances;" so tbat the paving has in most instances cost i per square yard. WATCHES, JEWELRY ETC. WATriiKS, jmvi:t,-:v i-: : r.v:. '.run:, J , B, ,, ,, v 'WATCHE3 aud 2 L vV HL. i' r.-?AIF.SD. Owing to tie decline oi Gold, bas made great re ductlon in price of his large and well auorted stock v DiHinrvncls, Watches, Jewelry, hilverwai'e, TCto, Tbe public ire reupcctlullj invited to call and exomln ear Mock before purchasing eisewtiere. 2 1 SILVER AND PLATED GOODS, OP IHE Most Superior Workmanship, AT tub N W ST No. 704 ARCH ORE STREET. 'J'be undersigned flat6 f tie famous Rogers Bros Manntocturlng Company) respectuliy announce tlia tbey Lave opened a in w and Deautilm store tor the aaio ot Sll.Vl-li and 1LATF1) WARE, at Ho 704 AI1CH Street. Our long experience aa manaiactorers wil enable us to kei p nothing but flrKt-oluna Gooda. and thorewbomay patronize our b oro will find ourpUted pc oda lar auceilor to any ever Imported, and our cua tomera n ay rely on the goods being precisely what they are represented to be. 5 2t BOWMAN & LEONARD. WATCHES, JEWELEY, &c. MUSICAL BOXES. A fall assortment ot above Roods constantly on baud at mode) ate prices the Musical Boxes play Injj from 2 to 10 beautiful Airs. FARE, & BROTHER, Importers, Ko. 824 CHJCSNUI STBEKT, 11 lie mtt rp Below Fourth, 0. RUSSELL & CO., Ko. 23 North SIXTH IKVITE ATTENTION TO THEIR FULL STOCK OF FANCY AND PLAIN SILVER WAKE, Ottbe Flueet Quality. 5 26 KIC1I JEWELRY JOHN BRE N NAN, DEALER IN DIAMONDS, FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY Etc. Etc. Etc. 9 20 Ko. 18 S. EIGHTH SXKEKT, FlUUda. FLAGS, FIREWORKS, &c. Jp I 11 E W O II K S I FIREWORKS! G HEAT CENTRAL DEPOT Tor Pyrotechnics of all Kinds, Suitable for city retail trade, and also a large assort ment for Private Fxhibltions. Oeptien en getting up pi ivate displays are especially teqneated to call. JOSEPH E. SMILEY, m ' Vft Sonth FROST Street. INSURANCE COMPANIES. T H E PROVI PENT UtK AAD TRV8T COMPANY, Of PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated by the state of Pennsylvania, Third Veulh 22d. 18ft. lNSCKtS LIVES, ALLOWS IN TKk.ST ON DLPOHIXS, and till ANTS ANNUI 11k. is. CAPITA! $100,000. BamnelH. lJhlDley, i Riohart Cadbary, . . Jeremiah Hacker, Uenry Ualnea iosbua II. Jorrl, U T. Wigtar brown, Hlchaid Wood, I William 0. LoutatbtetB, Charles T. Coltla. BAilUEL B. hliiPLKT, Prealdont. Kowt iD Pavbt, Actuary. 1 u OMICB A, ill if?. t'OVSTD STUB AT, INSURANCE COMPANIES J)' RLAW A RE M DTU A L S A FKTV INSUKANCB ei'Mmr, BY illR LpOlSLATTJHB OK reri n ilkima, im OFFICE, S. K. C RN r K JHIKO SD WALNCT PJItr.lVl', I rl I I .lA'r.lii ill M KIN'E INHliRANCl 01 VFSEL8,I C KV.O. To all porta of thtwworld. FREIGHT, I INtAND INHl'R NCF,M On(iolab7 Blver ina . Lake and Land Carriage to an pgnH ni inp i-nton. FIRE IN8UKASCES on Merrhartdi generally On Stores, dwelling ilouites, eto. ASSETS F TUB COMPAST ovember I, iHti.V. MOfl.OWl United Bute ft per cent, loan ll...15 000 CO J.I'.IKHt 8 " ' 'M; ..liSllWWi jiiO 000 " 7 I 10 per cent, loan Treasury Notes W, 375 '00 HO. COO State oi 1'fnncylTnnla Five l er Cent Loan 00.5'0n M.COO Stmeot I etn-vlvanla Six Put cent. Loan M.2.WIKI 2J.C0O t itv of l lilladulplila Six Per Cent. lan 112 812 . W tf) 000 Pf rincy vunia Railroad I'lrst Morf- gnteSIx l er Cent. Honda 20,000 00 25,000 Pennnylvanla Hal road Second Mort- HieMi I'ert ent. l'.ni.(l 23,7'0 00 ?S,0(l0 w(.rn I'ennaylvanla Railroad Jiort- gage Mx l'er ent. llnniU. 23,750 00 lB.OOu 3i.ii Sharea Stoc-k (lerniantown (iua Company, principal and Intercut pnarontecd by tho City of fliiiadei- plilH 13,537 80 7.150 H:i Sliaren hlock I'ennsylvanla Rail road Comnanv 8,580-00 A.OCO Km Miarea stock Noitn I'l nns.vlvaula Railroad C'omoany 3,250 00 40 000 D poult wi ll I'nlted H al' (lovern- mnri, aubject to ten liava' c 1 40 000 0I1 30. OT.O Stain in 1viinic Klva ler l ent. Loan 18.900-00 110,710 I onim on Pnnoa and Mortgage tirat lu-iii. ou City Property 170 000 00 1,(.38,8.W Par. Manet value. ...!)!W,.Mltni Ml Fstate 3K.oO.i-o Rl is receivable fur Iniurancea maile.. 1 21,013 37 tiaiuiici s uue at Apenciea : r reiuium on Marine ro: Ivies, Accrued inte ri at and other debts one ibo Com- pau' 40,511 41 ttcnu ano mock oi aunnrv insurance audothe' omnanloa. alias,'t- n le I vulno 2,910 00 t Uhll in lllIllKK SVl H M Ch in Drawer C7il M 56.6X-) 37 tl .253 630'lrt DIRECTORS. i-auiael E. Stokes, Tliomns C. TlaRd, u on ii . . navia, rdiinind A. .-oiidor, Tbeopbllus Paulding, John R 1 enroKe, Janits Trmiualr. Henry C. lialieit Jr., .1 flu i en C. Hand. William C Luclvflg. Jorepli II. Real, T F I'eniHtau. Henry "loan Wil lam (I. tlonltoji, Edward linninxtua, H Junea hrooka, dward Lalourcade, tacob P. Join's, Jauica B ilcFarland, lotluia P. I-we. Huencr llcllvaln. .1. U. fetnple, Pittsburg, A. B Merger. Pittsburg. i T. Moruau. PlltsburK. urome . Leiucr, Hugh Craig, Kobeit ISurton, Jobn 1. la j, or, irimas J. Ati riesi-ent. .IxIlN C. DAVIS, Vice President. .Secretary. 1 l!i Hentit LYtnrnn S0RT1I AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 133 South FOURTH Street PHILADELPHIA. A nnual Policies ipsucd against General Accidents all aercriptlona at exceedingly low rates. Insurance elleoied icr one year In any snm rrom 10 to l'i dtO, at a premium ot only cnc-nali per cent, scenrrng the mil amouut insured In case ot death, and a compensation each week eaual to the whoie pre unuui polo hhoxi ume Tickets for 1, 2, 3. 5 7, or 10 days, or 1. 3, oi 6 months, at 10 centa a dnv, insuring in the sum o ;M0(i, or giving fclo per neeklt disabiea to be had at me (Jencrai Ottice, No. U3 H. FOUKTH street, rhl adel phia. or at tbe various Kullioad 'ticket otllces. Be sure to purchase the tickets of tbe North American Truuslt Insurance Compauy. For circulars and I art her information applv at toe General OtLcc, or of any ul the auihoiiz-d Agents of tho "onipany. j EW1(J u hotjpt, Prcsldent. JAMK.s at. CONRAD, ireaaurer DENBY C. SHOWN. 8cre ary. JO UN C. BULLITT. Solicitor. 1 IKEClORs. L. li Houpt. late oi Pennsj lvaula Railroad Company M. Bnlrd of M. Baldwin A t o. 'a. f-uinuel t Palmer ashler ot Commercial Bank. Blchard Wt od No. "M'J Market aUeet 'an es M. Conrad, No. 623 Maiket street J. K. KiTik'Slev. i ontineiital Hotel H. O Leisenring, Nos 237 and ;3 Dock street. San nel Work ol V ork, McCouch Co. fieorge Jlartln No. 32V Chesnut atreet 1 S 10m lg29-CHAItTER TERPETUAL FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY p PllILADKPIilA. Assets on January 1, 1800, S3,5QG,85rf)G. Capital MOO 00U Ut Acciutt. Surplus imM.i in Premiums l.lU.'toti'H VB8ETTLED CLAIMS. INCOMF FOR t86 $11 407 63. UU(HJil. LOSSES PAID SINCE 11 OVER $5,000,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms. DIRECTORS. Charles H Bsncker, K.dward '. Dale. Toblus Warner, George Falea, Alfred Filler. Francis W Lewis, M. b. Peter McCa.l. samuei t,runt. fieorge W. Richards, lsuacLea. l II A m. KB K. President F.PW API) ( I) A LE, Vice-President. J A 8. W. MCALLISTER. Secretary protem. 8 3U23 Q-IRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, No 415 W ALN CT STREET. PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL PAID IN, JN CASH, rilHI.tiHO. This ccmpary continues to wrlteon Firt Unit onlp Its capital, wuu a goou surpiui. saieiy wveaiea. 701 Lot-ses by Ore uave pern promptly pala, and more than 8500,000 Disbursed on this account within the past few years. Foi tbe present the ofilce of this company will remain at No 415 WALNUT STREET, but vfthln a few months will remove to its OWN BUILDING N. E.COKNLB SEVENTH AND CH ESN I'T STREETS Then as now, we shall be happy to Insure our patrons such rates as are consistent with saiely. DIMLCTOKS THOMAS CRAVES. ALFHED S. GILLETT, itltUAN SHKPPAKI), l hO. kA( KFL1.AK, JOHN MJPPLI-F.. JOHN W. CLaGHORN, 411. as VK.KK.ES. Jb.. n PI. i.a hem r ( IIAKI,h H I. DCPONT, IJFNKY F. KKNNKY, JOSEPH D. THOMAS CRAVEN. President f LFKED S (ilU.FTi V. Pre.lUent and Treasurer. JAA1LS B ALVORD, SecreUrr. uJ PHOENIX IKSUEANCE COMPANY OF PU1 LAD1.LPUIA. INt ORIOKa'IED 1804 CHARTER PFRPETC AL. No 224 W ALNDT street opposite tbe Exchange, in arldlilon to M AR1NE and IN LA D 1NSCRANCK this Company Insures ftom loss or tluoiue iiy KIHE, ou libeial eruis on tiuutinigi-, meicuaniiiae lomlture. etc. lor limited periods, aud puru.uuctit)y on buildings. i .t.niialt .it nrfiTillllii Ihe ConiLSiiy been In ac lve operation for more (ban r IX'l'V YEA km, curing wuion a i losses have Dee piompUy ai'Ju.ted aud paid. V DlBBOTOBf John L. Hodge, Lawrence Lewis, Jr., 11. B. llahotiey, David Lewis, John T. l ewis, Bepjmtn Bt Ing, William 8 Orunt. 'Ihntnai H Powers, itobert W Learning, A. B, ilcHenrv 1. Clark Wbaruia, Kdmond Ca.tlUon, boinue lWllcox C Norrls- D JOHN B. WUCHEREB, Prosldem 6At;I. Wncox,6ewetT. 41i FIRE INSURANCE FXOLUSIVELY.-THE PENNSYLVANIA FIP.E INSCBANCB CAM PAS Y-lucorporated 1825 Cbur er Perpetual No. elO W A LN 1)1 lireei, opt umwo iiiuviitiuuvut: -.quiuu. ti.i. fn,nanv- tavorablv known to tiie . . ... mam i-niilliii. tn Insure m n I titt lotM .Mm,., tiv tire on Puhlio or Private Bul'diugs etiber o.r l i mlti'il tlniA. Alun on frurntture S'ock of Goods and Uercnandue geneially. on liberal 1 heir Capital, together with a large 8urplus Pnnd, ta hivmted In the most careful manner which enable them to offer to the Insured an undoubted security In Ui,C""U,'U" PIBKOTOM i ' Daniel Smith. Jr., I John TJereretit Aluxancw benaoa, I Thomas Smith Inaae Hazlehurst, I Ilenty Lemrla, Thomaa Robuu. , . ' Ollliughain FeU, Daniel Waddoek. Jr. DANIEL HtllTS, Jb President. Wiu lAal O, C wu..lerety . H AMUSEMENTS. QliAND NATIONAL CONCERT FOB THE BENEFIT OF THE SOLDIERS' AM) SAILORS' NATIONAL ORPHANS' HOME FUND, CIS DKR AFKP1CE8 OF THBJ SOLDIERS' AND SAILOKS' UNION WASblNQTON, D. O, AT CiUOVER'S THEATRE, On Thursday Evening, August 2, 1833 30O.OCO tickets wtil be sold at tl eacD-75.O0 presents a arded, va urd at i.V000 1 ti5 COO of the profit to be given to the SoUllcra' and Pal lora' National Orptiana Dome Fund, IJSOU to tho Washington Male and Fmaio Orphan Aay:um, the balance, aner doductlnr expenses, to be paid tn the Treasurer of the Soldiers' and Sailors' I'nlon, ot Washington, D. C. TICKETS CAN BE OBTAINED AT TOE OFFICE Of WILLIAM E. OWENS, NO 527 CUES NUT 81'UEET; ALtiO. SENT TO AN V POST OFFICE IN TllE tOCNTUY mOMPlLY BY MAIL. 'LIST OF TKESENTS TO BE AWARDED; 1 Three Siorv Brick Kcsldtiiice, 11 street, bo teu bixih and beveuili 8,0i0 1 -i nree-atory i.rica licMiieuce, cocoik; strte,, nvar E 1 ILrta-i-tor llntk KeaiOcnce, , entu atreet, helvxen M and N llwonorv brick Keai.ieuce, Teuiu s reet, beivtei n M and N 1 To a orv kesidcuce, leuih BtreoL, beiwtcn M und N 2 MneCitv Lo s, on evenih street north.. 1 t endid Carriage, llorscs, and Uuruesa, complete 1 t-pit ii id i luniLnd liing 1 bet lHuniuiiUa. complete il'in, i ar-rinns aru hitigs).,.: 1 titand famo (Mcinwuy'a) 1 o Id .-I ver'lca ot IU rand Pianos SW'O each 10 t.raLd fianes, ft.V (I each 110 (.en ' (.o d wa.clics W each iU Ladies' tluld Watches, H25 each 5 Grand .Si elude, ns, f'lh, euLli fXi A ni l lean Case n liver Wau-bea, ii'i each.. 75 II mi. in" ai-e Si.ver Wati-bea 4il ea h.... 60 diamond Klns. tli to 200 each 25 lilomoud Pins tlUOeach 4U hewing Machines .Ui. each 21' Kev, lug Machines 7Atauli 20 M.ver-plu td i ea Seta. s",5 each 50 Silver l astors ti!t ach 5,(110 clocks A. bums. Jowe ry, etc., itf to M cm li K OtO Tea and Table npoons etc , .to 85 each.. lu.tii.U Cold t ens, Siecve llutions etc., ltoS3 each 49 453 Looks, CuUery, Engravings eto., 91 to '.'10 each 10 OOP 8.00(1 9.000 SOOrt 4,0 0 4.00 2.0 0 1.000 l.olXI l.Ull'l V0'i li 0 tl 20 mil i, t mm S.IKlll 7,5'0 2 50 4.000 l.B'NI 1,500 1,4X1 41 OHO 2o,rw 14 0U0 MOO Total 2.)0.0"0 The awurtis will be made after the concert on the ttm.e ot the theatro. v hire -hree thousand pMtaonn can vt iintSM it. a committee will be appolutet by the audi loauperlntend the -aine. 1 rliitt d lis s ot awards will be published und supnlUd to tigcuiB and ticket holilers. Parties having ti kat-t wl 1 re Bin them un 11 a iter he a, nnls are ru;ule, and it tin Ir numbers anpear on he list Kiev will lor war. I their tickets In n ediuie y . with in. I direc-lons as to the ship ping ol i-oods or deeds lor the propenv. Tickets lo.' sals ai all the principul hotels, book aud music mores in tli i city, and ut the headquarters In the imtiniiiouth Mir litiiiillim tor tl.e benefit of tue fo dlors' anil Smliirs' Nutlounl t rphuns' Home tund co ner of Seventh strcot and Pennmvaiiia avenue w a.nington l). ;. Hib Directors anneal to the libera Hi v ot the ononle to l-ive tbia enterprise their kind support, and taereby ai-xlst In relieving tbe wants of the orphans of our alien comrades. SAHAIiIKU UIKKCTORS. Major 11. A. 11 ALL, Piesldent So.dlcrs' and Sal ors' Union, olouel ChaKi I 8 E CAPEIIaKT, Uni'.r M. H. A LB ROER, WILLIAM S. AIORSK. TKKAHPKKB. J B. HI) ICHINSON, Eq . Cai-hiiT National Bank oi tbe Metropolis. All peraons Invorahly dlanosed are remi-Hted to act a ag nts, but no commissions w ill he allowed. oney mou a in an cases he sent tiv 1'o.t umce order draft, express or registeied letters. in every case send tbe name and l ost tituco auaress. county and Mate I each separate subscription anJ In close stamp. All orders tor ticket must ue addressed to w i i.t.i m a. nuit Secretary Soldiers' and Sailors' National Concert, WoHhiuginn, L. C, Lock Box No. 31. Tickets also for sale by F. NOLENS CO , Ueueral A gen s. No 210 West FOLRnfstreot, P O. Bos GA5. Wilmington ln aware. llltAHUI, OFFIt.'B OF lNTUUNAL KEVUNUE, ...... . Washington, dune 27 imiB. W hereas II A Hall and o' tiers, aa viannnnr liirac- fora" oi tue "i-ranu national Concur!." to bo held in W anluuijton. H. C, on the id oi' August next huva mane due app icutlon to ti. t lephan, Co lector of loto.-nal lie enue lor the Collection liistrlct of the Distrl t ot tolumijia, ior prrmission to bo d a lottery, ratlin, or Lilt euiemrihe. and iireHi-nted to him satisfactory evl ile rue that the pioceeds of said lotterv. raille. or gift enterpriko ill be devo ed to charltab e uses permission Is Len-bv granted to sm h ' .Managli g Directors" to hold such lottm. rafllc. or gltt enternnan tp tr.nn a . eh.ivt. wiieiner imno tax or tiuciue, in respect to such lotteiy, ran.e, or ki i enterprise. c, a. nm, , . , Comiuissiouer. Refer, bv permission, to siaioMiencrai InUuld S. Hancock. TJ. S. A. (.em trtl ltobert C Schenck . AI. C , Ohio. I.enerHlHalbert E Paine, M O.WIs. deneritl Jobn H. Ketcham AI C.. a. Y. Ceueral Juiues 11 Blunt. Kansas. licuerulJ N. Hendnck, Ir.wa. General D C. .lie nilain, D. C. t.tnerni O V liavt' n, . Y. Hon, Ihouias W. Ferry, M. C, Vlch. Hon lieorKe Lawrence, ai. t. reuua. D. C. Foinev. Esq.. D. C. .Major J t . Doutnty, N. Y. lion. Kicnaia v, ai acn, .uuyor oi nosningion, u. v. Lou Wnilam D. Kelley i.. C! . Pcnna. Hon lie an V. Whalev.M. t' . West Va. Hon. Klien C. Ingerso 1, m. C. Ill, Hon. Henry C. Hemlnv. ai. v , conn. Hon A. H. I allln, M. ('., N. Y. lion. Leonard Mvers m. u , fenna. I' on. I Ham A. Newell. M ;.. N.J. Hon Ccorie W. Julian II. C Intl. Hon. tephen F. Wilson. IU C. i'enna. Hon. J. U Oilnre l. M C Iowa. J'a.lor . M. Van Bnren. N. . 8 23 1m w AL.-NU1 STHKKT THKiTKn.- N E. corner ist w iia u i streets THIS EVKNIfO. second night of Ihe dlatinguli-hed tragedian, JUNIUS BKITLS BI.UTH, In his oopular character ol l Ar ua. in xue grw Komantic Piay, entitled THE THRKE UtIARDSMKN Second appearance in Philadelphia ot tbe celebrated at 'HE hLHELLEB. Tbe popular and brilliant actor. ion popular MK L K 8HEWRU,' IHE THREE OUAttDSMEN EValltY EVEN1KQ. TTALER'8 (LATE MILLER'S) WINTER V iiimivv-Vni TnT2K VINK Street. UK AND lNSinti wr, i at. uufltiniu Mtiiiixr . By two large, and efllcient Orchestras, ' TO NIGH I', And EVEBf NTfiHT. In connexion with our KXCELSIOK8TK1NO BAND, a Brass Band, compiling too best Artists in the city will periorui. OPEN FOR THR SEASOV. Onr spacious summer Garden, artistically laid out wltn Shrubbery. Koiintams etc . . IN THE LADIES' SALOOW, Especially set apart lOr V iMlLIES, the beat of Creams and other Ketieahnienta will be served. 6-ltis O YMN A S I U M FOE LADIES. GENTLEMEN, AND CHItOREN. N. E. OF NINTH ASDAKCIl STKEETS. OPEN A.VEBY DAY AND EVENING, ALLBUMMEB. Bodily eietclse Imparts health and strength, the best p reventlve acainst sickness o' the coming summer ft 24 dm Pro'eaaora H1H.EBKAN l A LEWIS. THE PIANOS WHICH WE MANU- il fot nr recommend themsalves. We ptomlse ,.. j.nv natron, ciami irfinutliul tunes, eleffant worktuin ship durability, and reasonable prloes, combined with a lull guurantee. For sale only at No. lull WlLNUi' Sm TSIOS PIANO M 1HUFACTURING TTOR SALE-STATE AND COCNTY B1G,H. JH of CapeweU Co 'a Paten Wind Guard ' Heater for Coal Oil Lamps,! It preveuU I U.e Ohlmueya iTom breaking. This we will warrant A.f-VnYe tblri the oil. Call and see them, they eost butj ten eents No. m BACE street. PhlUdelphla. Samplei nt to and par t of Ui iVnlttt tftVtM un receipt of l ceuu, tn vfTrotkct BookH, Jff. tf$ I PoPtfmoiinnlm, c LA ; fcS t'ttfiiP Castn. JB - a Portfolios, a i Ik f 5 I DpcnnIus rasrn, m u lh$ 5 g I!auUc!t, fuses, ' 1 waiTiMj .jj Ladies and Oonta I ,ade lnlo Xl I C!K.t Vl Satehelaand VI s.tcheu, 1 I -Wit FT IJI J I poukst II It tjiTraveUlng Bags, fl Bouk,, 71 V ft to ttofc o "' ' J?' n.r- 1 '" "" GOVERNMENT SALES. A NHslAJSr CCAElKUMASTEtt'd OFFICE No, llbtf iWhAKl) Mr. et. 1-BiLArtti pbia. I'a.. Julv 20. Hi! 'Will be sold at 1 Auction, on account o tint Tnileu (stats, on the ground i at 1WKMI FCURrti andbOUIH Htroeta, I'hiladolphla, I'a , Ou AIUKHAY, 'ulv J8, 1HC6, sale oonimencing at 10 o'clock A M, prccise.y, tho Buildings, eto., here tolo e known a SCUIU SIRtEr UNIIED STATE i HOorir.VL, 6 Frame Hut dlDgj, 1 Irame S uk. 12 Hotel, 1 I'pngLt Iloiler, lt oikiiig (taupe, 2 Wai-b trougi-s, 5 Iroii llopnera, 8 uou bou Conta m-r H Ir n i-iiiks. 'i oodi n lnks, Oil on Lath-tubs, I itinr i ank, .119 leet ot i-lnoh fiaa- V.w. 671 leet l l'me. 3-lnch J-incti ti.ia- 111 leot 1'ipe, 73 leet of llinc'J Iron water i ipe 3. loot ol 3-iiich Cast-iron 1'ipe, 382 ioet ot Lead Pipe soi led sizes), 61 tias Pennants, l 1- iagisn, Couiileia Mulviiig, Draw- 29 lVu-iant Arms, eta, e.c , id" Bibb t ocks, C8 leet ol (.ios- t Stoo-Cocks, lipf, 15 Pillar-l ocks, l()n uct ol 1-inch Has- n,aK) Bricks in l'ave- l'H'O. ment; 8S net of J-incli Gas- Aiso a lOtot Uonrd J-euo-J Ipe, wig. Toe Frame Bui. ding. conuin about 13,!)2D Toct ilnulock bcanti liff 14,710 ici rioorni'r bihI I oiigtn d Btarus, -2,970 luet Bough B.mrus, 91'J loot Micivng. 'In mi-of Sole ( ash, uovoriimont funds A il - .o-it i t twenty (20) P' I cout. to l o pant o-4 cvory uccetea bid, tho Laiauce immediately aitor mu aa o Clans ot t no nuiitlings can bo obtained and sclH oules of lots seen ui ou application ; hub ell CO 1 ne buildinirs. otc. must le removed withai '.our- tern (141 aays trotn datu ot salo, and wnl be at ilio risk of tho purchuscrs. Ti e Koulii Sirret Cl'v i .".ss-uger ttauway ctis pass the Hosi itai every five luiuutvs. I V oilier oi Bicv. Briir.-con (iEOHGE 11. RO-MAN. Ass't Or. MnFter (jeuoral U H A. EUKC.E K. OK. UK, 7 21 6t Capt. and Assis ant Oiarterma-ior s ALE OF QUARTEuMA.'STER; SlOHB-4 AV itlli kAtALKl ur.ruii uihid jiw, l. v. QCAIlTlHtMASTliU-li EN URAL'S OFFICE, First Division, Wachisoton. 1 C Juiy 17. lSt36 By order ot iho Ouai ter naster-GcueraJ, thero wH bo eold on tho premises, A PLBLIC AUCTION. under the direction ot Captain Uoorgo C. Browuintr, a. U. il., On Till U91IAY. August 2. 1S00, tho following describou lot ol (Juartoruiastors' tores: 1; 0 cords wood. chair, bnnclio.", maitirg, wurtl. robes, cupboards. 2 letter pro.'sos. 2 prindntoncd. 1 grindstone, large, 4 leet aiumtncr. 8 Inch lacs ucit ). f0 lad lers. Co U e-hooks 8 platiorm scales, largo 4 counter scales. 1 warehouse trucks, blocits and luiU. f.9 iron bedsteads. 12,000 leet oak and ash l i a ii k (w-tioei- wnpht's stuff) 0.0C0 feet matched floor-( ing l 1.4C0 idecos six-ligbtsasb. 8b 10, g awd. 20.C00 toct assorted lura-l Der. 2,000 ti tt tquare titnbt r, 10 b. 12 1 40 tees cut nails. i 80 iirmy wagons. Iu carts. I 1 di ail-horxo wugon. 1 wntcr wagon, iron. 800 i-lankets. 6 bote cuiriagesaud About 10 100 pounds grain reols. sack 12 si ts harness (four; borsc). I 20 sets harness (Am Lu ance) , 15 sots cart home's. 26 riding saddles, bri dles, bead bailors 1 currv-coinhi-, and bvrse-i rushes. 25 w hi e-wash l.rusli es, wnter-Duckels, t-hovels, spanes, picks and paulius. 15 cotkin stoves. 20 heating Moves. 1 lot castings, fire bricks, etc., lor 1 scow, 20 by CO toot, but litt e n-eil. 1 set niailiemuticul in g rumen's. 1 spirit level and tri pod. 1 surveyor's compass, targe', eto. About 31X10 f-t gum ho-e. 2aiid 2) iiiciifnowi Wltn ooupiaigs and nozzlos, com Diets. 6,000 loot gutuhoso.1,1. 1J, 2 unit 2',, wi ll couplings and uoz zlos. uart y worn. cook Btovis(n"v), 100 brass oocks, angle- otlice ao'ks. tables,; valvos, etc wurn. ALSO, 20 HOUSES. Toeothcr wltn a laro quunuty of other proportv, not above cnuinoratcd Solo to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., and con tinue Irom day to day until all is sold. I'urchahors must remove tho.r stores within live (6)davs liora d?too!Htlo. Icrms t ash, lu Govommont funds. A boat lor Ulesboro will leave Sixth strcot wliari' every hour aurinz tho dav ot -nlo JEb A EK1N. Brevet Brieadier.'iennral U. S. A., in charge 1st Division. Q. M J. O. 7 20 lit g ALE OF M A C II IE OF MACHINERY, ETC. Navy Dkpakt.ment, Bureau of Yards and Docks, Washington. Juuli). 18titi Will be sold at 1'iinlio Auction at tho Navy Yard. NORFOLK, on FKIOAY. tbe 3d day oi August next, tbe lollowing artio cs, viz : Jwenty-ouo Ito lers of 'tolling Mill. Feven Nail Machines Ono tioido Mi 1 (ootnplote) 38 Rollers. Two bundles Saws ior Slotting Sorews. Two Machines for Slo'ting Screws Seven Machines ior Cutting Tureads. Four Oil Kctuinei. Tw o Oil Press Hollers. Eifht pieces Iron bl.atting. Six rets Couplings for Miat'tinsv lot of fans and Dies for Gas Fitting, One box Lacings (leather), 1 hree boxes lie ting. One bun-screw Machine . One piece Leather Belting, 6 inches wido. 1G4 pounds. One piece Leathor Belting, 6 inches wide, 141 pounds. One piece Leather Belting, 20 Inches wide, 224 ponnds. Two rolls Cum Packing. Six bars Odagon Steel (cast). Hale to commence at 11 o'olock A. M. Terms Cash, in Government funds; and all artl. cles to oe removed from the yard within ton dav from day of sao. By order oi Navy Department. JOEPH SMITH. 6 19tutbl3t Chief Bureau Tards and Docks EXCURSIONS. rITh PLEASANT DAILY EXOUR hjt.i ':i,-gL slous op tho River to Beverly, Burllng M. unu Bristol, touching at Klrcrtnn 'l'orresdaie aud Andalusia, by tbe splendid Steamer JOHN t. WAKSKtt. leaving ( henut street wharf at 2 P. M. Returning leavea blia'ol at 4 o'c oek arriving at Phl.adelphia about 6 o'clock. On MTNDAY leavea Cbesnut atreet wbart at 1' o'clock P. M., stopping at Alagarguc's wharf. Kensington Fare for the Excursion. 40 cents. 77 Im PROPOSALS. "OKOF03AL9 FOR SALE OF WOOD. iiEAUQUAHTERS DEPARTMKNT OF WAfilllNOTOlU, I OF"IOK OF I HIEF ytTAUTEltMASTKIt. ) VVASmNciTow, DC, July 14, 18G0 Sealed Proposals aro invi ed at this oilioe until 12 O'do k noon, MONDAV. Aau t 6, 1HU6 tor tbe purchu.e of (I8.UOO1 THIRTKhJJ 1'HoU AND 4UUDS OF UOVERNMEN P WOOD, located as lol ows : K (1400) FOU11TKEN HUNDRED CORDJ at the Kendall Green Wood Hard, on the line of the Baltimore and Omo Railroad, about one mile Horn tbe depot of said road in tnis 0 tv. Ins wood consists 01 about ONETfllRD (j) PINE and JWOi'HlRDS tj) OAK) and i piled inimediutol' lou tbe track ot the railroad. (11 600) FJ. K V r N TUOUSAND SIX HUN DKED 4.01(1 t the Wood Yard, three-quarters of mile north of A'exuudria. on the lino of il'd wathiugton, A exundria, and Georgetown Rail- rThis wood consUts of about TWO-THIRDS d) PINK sud ONlllllKD()()AK, is pied along tlio track, and is distant about one-hall of a nu e ftom a wharf on tne Fotomao river, leading; to which there is a direct and level road. Allot tbe wooo eff-red for sale is of good or fair qua itv, and thorough v seasoned. Ftoposals will be received ior quantities from (50) Uttv cords and upwards, wiln privilege of taking all ot either or both lots - - l a) ment to be made In Government funds, imrao d'.atoly ; after the opening, of the bios, and upon nieasi remeut of the wood The right is resetted ot rejootlng any or all pro rofal. deemed disadvanta. onus to the United Slates. M. 1 LUDINGTON, Co'onel and Chief yuartemustor, 7 16 18t Department of Washington. PROPOSALS. A NTllUACIl E coAL FOB THE NAVY. Navt !1IFITMH.T. BURBAC O EtJUIPMkltT AND Kl OlOITTSO, J Ju. e 8J 1811:1 ) Sealed Tropwaw for furnUhin Anturaoiti Coal for the Navy, to be del verpd our.n th Hsotl year ending anh June 1MK7, will be received at this butean until 10 A M., 80'h Julv, Wki These loporals must bo indotii ' ('rODOsa's for Anttuaciie loai lor Meamrrs," that thoy may oe dis iiigmabed lioro other tosiiuas .etteis Ihe oiler must be lor M.0 delivery ol 40,000 Ions, of 2240 ountis. lie coal must be ot Ihe bel Bu-k Mountain or Back U-ktii, or ol a kin 1 equal t i i in iu ail re--ii'Cts, tor ti e pitrposw intoinii-it which eq iaity will le ikterniiii, d bv a Board apjio nt d Dy the .Siciciuij oi tho 2uvy att-r the itcivtioii of ibo Lbs. Ihe name ol the coal proposed to be furnished ILii-l Lo siatett in ttie oiler. It is to bo de iveied in lumps of snilaMs lor tiava steamers, clean, oi uiiilorin qusutv, soicctod luo Irom iini uriiii a. mini xed, ol wit cli ths con ttactor w ill bo required to turu-ali s u-li evid uco as will bo sHtisiactorv. and oe subjoot to suo'i nis;ioc Hon as to qunli v and tian.ily as t;.e Ifc'pnrtmcnt rtiay ninct 1 tie oai must, in a i rc-peots. bit sutis laciory u the U.sp' Ctor or inspectors o be appointed b tho Butean, who ,vul have the right ol poi-eiup tor) lt jiclieii. T bo coal is to ue dehveed on board T 'ssel", at sncli p.a, e tn tbn po t ot I'lnludi'lpli a its nu; be"il l tho Bureau, ana in u. Il qu mtitios and ul fUi li turn s as, in Din op nlon ot t:n Bureau, the e.xigi-ncies oi iho service tui icqu ro, com n.encu g when t o v-sel is reort d rea-.: to receive e rgo; lurms. in, it (ii tnaiid tt m t lu-i than one tl.oushiid ions i-r tlav. to b l slrn uti' 1 to each vessel, as n uv te tiifneicd, until the oaiimg ts com t n- i O I'ro' im s w l' b' likew - reeeivi d l.r t.ia delive'y ot 12 PHI) tons oi the raiuo quality ot eoni. tooode rtu iu iho pint oi .Now York, ou Loard vessols, as at I'b udi l iua. in tnt- tuo ot luiluro to del ver the coal in proper qualitit , ot iho iioii 'r quu.ity, and at tlio proter tnieaiid place, th" llnr- au will rt srrve in hooon- tiact llie rigl.t I" l uirnu-o loriiiwrit av me oou- irboicr s risk ai d exLei.i-o that wulclt may seem li cesorv lo rupply tuu Aiy dinur.ut'O or other charges to wnien too Navy I)i pamnenl mav bo n Jec ed troin delays in ihe i rouipt del v- ry of the com bv tho contractors. wnl bi-dtdueipd Irom their ti is The price must be lot tbe coai deliver 'd on board voi-te.s, ou tho Urnis and conditio! a nbovo siautd, at tbe contiacioi's rn-k and expense, nud without extra clinrge o( any kind. ' r 1 be tfier, as required by la v, must be accompanied bj awiuteu guarantee, sivned by one or more re. sponsible persons, 10 the e fleet that tbey undertake that the bidder or biduers will, it his or their bid be accepted enter mio obligation, at suoli time a may leiietcnlt d by tbe Buteau. with i.ood and sulll oient tecunties, loluimsli tne suiqilles propo-ed o proj oi-ition will bo consult-: ed uu ess accom panied ly sucn gunianteei and the Department re-M-ivra the right to reject all the ode s, n ooiuidorerf to le lo tbo interest ol ihe scivico to do so. j wo or more sureu- s each, -n utn equal to tho ami unt specihed to bo paid, will bo requtrod to sign tho contract, aud thoir responsibility will oe cottitied by tbo At, si tsor ol Internal Revenue ol the Diatnot. As auoitional and coliutoial security, twcely per cent ili oe witbhe'd Ir.nn the nmouut ot all oay nieiits winch re-ervatiou is not to re paid exoopt by authority ot the Secretury ot the Navy, uu;il tlio con tiuct snuil have bs-eu in all respects complied With; and the renaming eight per c ot , or other amount tnut ma- le duo upon each bU, will, when a proper certificate is lurnitJied b tbo tusLeitor, and tbo bill ai pioved Ly the Bureau, oepaio by Bitch navv agents as the contractor niuv uaino, wilh n ten dava alter tho wairants lor ibo sanio shall nave bcou pu"eod by the recieiary ot tbe Treaau.y. It will oo stipulated in tho contract that it default be made iu tbo dodvors ot coai, in tbe quantity or quality, and at tho piaco aud tiuio directed by the Bureau thtn aud in that case, tbe contiactoi and bis emeries will iorleit and pAvto tho United States, as liquidated damage., a nun of mom y not exceed ing twice tho contract price, which may bo rocovorod in in time to time, acooroing to the aot oralis of I on cress in that caso provided. Bidders whose proposa s shall be accepted ana none other, win be notttied, aud, as carl gas practi cable, a cuuti act will le transmitted to then) which thev will he required to oxecuto within tou days eiter its receipt at the pot oliice or navy agency named by them. n o lorm of offer, fcuaiautee, aud certificate W herewith given: i . FORM OF OFPEK I (or we), of , State ot , hereby agree to nun. t-b and deliver thousand tons ol anthracite coal lor steamers' nso, at , a', the ra p. oi per ton ot 2240 pounds, amounting, to dollais. tho wholo in conformity with tbo pro visions nnd terms ot ti'oadver.isement of tho 30th doy oi Juno, lBdO. lroin the Aavy Department, and horvunio appended. Miouid uir (or our) ofltir bo accepted, I iorwe) request to ho informed at , and that t'io con tract may be iorwaidod lo , tor s:?uatnrcs and certilica't 8. (Piaco.) (Date.) We, the Statu Ot (Signed) FORI! OF GUARANTEE. a. B. unuersignud residents 01 in the . and of - , iu tno State of her' by jointly ana sevoraity covounur. wuu uiu I niud hta'ca, and guarantee that in caso tho fore going bid of bo accepted. will, within leu days ai er the receipt of the contract ot , execu'e the same, wi'a good and utficioni sureties lor the delivorv of tho anthracite coil proposed, in compliance with the terms of tn adveitisemenl of tbe SOth ot June. 18o hereto appended, and under which it was made; and in caso tuo said shall full to enter into tbe contract aforesaid, we guaran tee to make good the dill'oroiice bet ween the oiler of tbe said , and that wnicu may be ac- CePtCdVVitnes. (Slpncd), C. D. (Place.) L. t. (Date ) FORM OF CERTIFICATE AS TO GU A tt AN- r ins Office of the Asbksbok of Intkiinal Revenue, J 1-OK TUB III8TIHCT OF THE STATE OF , f Be it known, that on this dav ot . A. D 18, at my eilice above named, and . the puaiantois named in the forosroins: guarantee, and known to me as such, severalty ap pt ared and niadi oah that thoy are worth, respec tively, above all indebtedness, the saras set against their several names as follows, vii : , M ' , tt , And I hereby ceitll'y that by the books and roords In this oil: co it anpears that said parties, at the last, annual assessment of internal revenue iu this re venue district, to wit, on the day of , A. D 18, were assessed upon pro(er y and Income of the lollowing value, vn , Ihe said , , the ald , t ' Witness my hand: G. H . Assessor. 10 i9!4t TIHOFOSAL" FOR FUaNISHINO IRON AT X IHE WASHINGTON NAVY" YARD. Faymabtkk'r Office, U. S. Navy, ) NO. 260 J) feTBKET, WAt.niNOTON. D C. July 17. 1808. J Separate Sealed Prnposols, to be endorsed "Pro posals lor Chain and Bar Iron " will be r-ceivod ot tbia office until SATURDAY, Ju'y 28 1880, at 12 o'clock M... tor the lollowing artic cs, which are re quired tor immediate nse at the Wa-hiugtou Navy Yard viz: 200,000 (two hundred thousand) pounas Chain Links. 1J inch dinuieter and 16 inchos loni. bO.OOO (nine'y thousand) pounds Chain Links, 1 inch diameter and 13 inches long. 40 OOt (torty thousand) nou:.tls Chain Links, 1 1-Itj inch ammeter and 18 inohe long. 6000 (live thousand) pounds 8J inon round Bar Iron, re000(two thousand) pounds 3jJ inoU round Bar Iri500 (fltteon hundred) pounds inch round Bar Ir"oO (two thousand) pounds 2j inoli round Bar 'i he above articles to be delivered at Washington Navy Yard, free ot c st to the Government for fmight or traiisiiortalion, suhlect to insneotton, and at the risk aud expense of tbe party furnishing. cofticienr. guarantee foi prompt delivery will be re quired o. successful M Q JACK80X 7 19 0t Paymaster U. S Navy. ESTABLISHED 1795. A. S. ROBINSON, French Plate LooklnK-Classes, ENGRAVINGS PAINTINGS. DRAWINGS ETC Uanntaotnrer of all kinds of Lookine-OIaBs, Portrait, and Pic ture Frames to Order. No. 810 CHESNUT 8TREET. TB1BD DOOR ABOVE THE CO.NTINEX1 AL, rmiADKLruiA. S U