control of human powT, are seldom or never equal yet we cannot help thinking; tug, the Austrian army, alter the Prussmnii Ix-guu IU r advance iulo Bohemia, was somewhat, i 1 position of Lee's army when Bank' alvanwd p the t-hoDonrtoah, McDowell IromFre lenclts bor?, and McUlcllan up the Peninsula. Toe rapm rneriry of Jackson in burling; Bunks back to ibe l'otpmac, and the ability with which Lee concentrate! his lorcea atLst McClellau, saved lor ibat lime the Southern army and Richmond. Slmllur strategy and similar ability m- exacution on the part ot BcnmHr mtgbt have lelt Hudowa nnknown In the history ol great battles. - As soon as the army of Prince Frederick Charles, coming; south Horn Saxony, had t iken Tnrnau and MuucheDjrratz, IJenedek'g position was turned, and Prague the line of the Moldau uncovered, lie therefore bad to fight a battle wlih, as we said on Thursday, "front on flank;" that , where his Hue ot battle runs nearly piirallel to the line of communication with his ba.r, a popi'ion in which defeat is most tiibas'roue. Th'S was Napoleon's strategy when he cut ud Mela? and Yvorniscr in LoinD-irdy, shot up Black at Dim, and conquered Prussia at Jena: anu it was tlio plan of campaign carried out by Moreau at Ilolieulln Vn. It was ably pursued Dy the Prut-sUn generals tn this sev entten da.ys' campaign, and does all honor to fhiir niilitary citpacitv. Napoleon was in the habit of saying thai the Autrians have never learned the value cf time, in war. In the pre sent v ar this still continuing lurk of kno led?e was certainly the principal cause of their defeat. CITY INTELLIGENCE. I For Additional Cily lnirtlijcnce see Fifth Page. A Grand Forgkby aJetkcted The (Sciliy Pakty Abbestkd. Yesterday, two of the most darinc aud audacious aUempts at forgery that have been attempted in this citv foriome time past were brouplit to light, and the lorger was arrested. Tbo houses operated ujion wire those ot Jay Coolre & Co. aud Drexel A Co. The ciicumstances are as follows: a young man entered the banking house of Jay Cooke & Co., and presented a note purporting to be.lrom the ttrm ot Elliott, Dunn & Co.,' No. 230 Walnut street, requesting the delivery of $15,000 of Beven-thirtv bonds. The note, remarkable for superior orthography, was as follows: "Ban km House oi Killotr, Lunn & Co.. No. 280 Walnut stieet, Phiiauo phia, Juiv 2'), 1853. ' ".Messrs. Jay Cooke & Co., pleura dtlliver to bearer ft teen .tioueand dol ai iu Auzun 7 310 notes, for payment of wliicn please find cuocc m cloted, and oblige "15 (ICO. Elliott, Duhh & Co." Accompanying this was a cbeck, drawn as fol lows: "bo. 19G7. Philadelphia, July 20. 1866 "Kicoud National Ban, pay to tUe oraer of Hesar. Jay Cooke & Co. fifteen thousand six houu dn o dollars. "f16 W0. Elliott, Dunn k Co." The note and check was presented to Mr. Joteuh M. Shotmaker, an employe of Jay Cooko A Co., land by him the matter was promotly reierred to Mr. George Thomas, a member of the film, who of course pronounced both documents forgeries. Telling the man that the notes would be sent to Elliott, Dunn & Co., Mr Shoemaker went at once to their otlice and stated the cir cumstances. The stranger's movements were watched. Leaving the office ot Jay Cooke A Co , he went to that of the Messrs. Drexel. Here he pre sented a note requesting the delivery ot $10,0:10 of the Roman Pontifical bonds, now beiug sold In this city lor the Pope. The note was worded: "July 0, 1866 liossrs. jjrexel A Co : Please Oliver to bearer ten thousand dollar oi tba Koinitn rimtificicU bonds, for payment of winch please find inclostd, and oblige "Elliott, Dunh A Co." A check for ten thousand dollars, similar to that piesented at the counter ot JuyCokeA Co., was otleied to Drexel & Co. Mr. Oollrey was the clerk who received the papers. He at oiice told the presenter to go with him to the office of Elliott. & Dunn. As they lett the office they were Btopped by Mr. Snoemuker. and the tors er taken into custody. He stated thai he had served several terms in the aruiy, and no w holds a Major's cuiimiit-siou ia tue regular army. The notes arid checks, he contended, were given him by a Mr. Claries Brown, of No. 33 New street, New York, and that he was not aware of their criminal nature. A telegraphic despatcn was at once sent to New York city to learn the truth of the statement. In an hour an answer was received, declaring that no such man as Charlie Brown was ever known at No. 33 New street. The names ot prominent persons in New York were given by th prisoner as refe rences tor his lonesty. Telegrams to these gentlemen elicited answers that they kuow nothing of the torgcr, and he was handed over to Detective Webb. That gentleman went to the Continental Hotel and searched the Major's baggage. In his truuks were found check books, tilled with checks on which he ba.i been practibing the signature ot Elliott, Dunn & Co.. and aletier worded exactly like that presented at the office ot Jay Cooke A Co. These were taken possession of by Mr. Webb. The checks were all printed with the name of Elliott, Dunn & Co. on the margin, and a quan tity ot lefter paper, bearitur the same headiug, was also tound. The whole matur had been careiully and systematically planned. The name ot the hrm is Elliott A Dunn, and but tor th s discrepancy and the bud spelling of the notes, the attempt would have been successful. The attempts were undoubtedly the first erlorts ot the forger. When ai rested and confronted with -the evidence ot his guilt, be was dumb founded. He denied his guilt until late tn the day, when he made a clean confession. He was locked up for tuture action. He Is apparently about twenty years ot age, and bears the marks ot bororaole wounds, received while gallantly serving in the ranks of his country. He says that he is the possessor of wealth, but ambition and avarice spurred him to the act. Py birtU ho is French, and speaks aud writes that language with perlect fluency. Soldiers' Monument. There Is now on exhibition at the marble yard ot Henry 8. Tarr, Gieen street, above Seventh, a maenilicent monu ment, just completed, aud about to bo erected by the citizens ot'C'atasauqua, Pa., to perpetuate the meiL or y of those Iroai that vicinity who loughr, lor freedom aud to crush rebellion. The design Is exceedingly cnuste and appropriate. being six Icet square at base and twenty-six feet nign, wuu me American naff iiiruwu over a 'j fluted column, and hanging in graceful folds J around its Bides, while ouihetop la the American J eagle, in the act ot defending the nag trom Its enemies. On the four sides are filenames ol the 1 members 01 -the 4GtU and 47th Kcgiments Penn sylvania Volunteers, with the names of the numerous bait es iu which tuey were engaged; also the names of those who died in the service, etc. To those desirous ol examining this specimen ol monumental sculpture, we will stato that it wili reinuin in the yard during the ensuing week, when it will be removed to its destination at Catasauqua, Pa , and dedicated with appropriate ceremouies on the Situ day ot August next, Botjnd OvtB. Michael Morgan, who was arrested on suspicion ot setting tire to a frame building in the rear of tecond street, above Race, a week or so ago, was before the Aldetnianat the Central Sutton yesterday for a final hearing. There was not any additional testimony heard, and the accused was required to give bail in $'2Mil) lor his appearance at the next term of the court. The evidence upon which the binding ever took place was alto gether circumstantial, and the suspicious clr cuuiclances against the defendant were that shavings bad been dropped ltoru the room he occupied In another building, down a flight or two of stairs, and to the place set on tire, and that some tar had been taken from Mr. Mongau's room ai d used to kiulle the firs. Detendaot deuies that he had auythinir to do wi'h the iucendiaii.-ro, aud theie Ls no con ceivable motive for the commission of the oflenhe by hi in. ' Committed. 0 wen Bums, charged with having stabbed a young man named Murphy, a lew davs ago, at the Park, has been arrested and committed ti await the result of the injury inflicted. Murphy was cut In the abdomen, and bin wound is represented to be a serious one. TnEDAlLYEVElNGTELEGRAPII. PniLAI)ELTIIIA, SATURDAY; TllE PHILADELPHIA Homoeopathic V. epical Society has (tint held an aniourned nin'tiiig to consider ihesubect of cholera. The President, R. Gardiner, was in the Chair. Toe Chnuman ot the Committee on Cholera called attention to some recommendations tn lormer repoiti, upon which the society bad as yet taken no action. A resolution was passed requesting the mem bers to turnish the Secretary with statistical reports, together with the results ol treatment of all cases ot cholera that may comd under their care, so that he might preserve thorn and publish them Irom time to time A paper on cholera was read by Dr. Kent, in In which an interesting case much reiembling this disease was related, and the homoeopathic muiuu Kuiea tne case ind.cated. u i 9 lor(,fl bad seen the same case, and thought it was sporadic cholera. H had also been called in hs own practice within a lew days to a case presenting all the characteristics of the disease in its last stage, and which proved latal iu a lew hours, in a state of collapse. He did n.t think the term Amatio cholera should be applied to these sporadic cases. Such casus occur every summer. Dr. Btishrod W. James detailed a ease, which was attacked a lewnichts since with several symptoms which characterize this malady, such as violeut cramps in the abdomen and limbs, vomiting aud purging, haggard countennuce, lost ot voice, and coldness of the extremities. There whs no rice-water colored dejections, and he did not consider the ca9e anything more taau nn aggravated cae of cholera morbus. Tue PhUeut speedily recovered . under the use of nomuiopat bio medicines. Dr. A. Koch bad seen many cases of Asiatic cholera while Government physician at Munich, during an epidemic of it at that place, aud also many cases ol sporadic cholera, such as occur eveiy year in our large cities; and he said there was no diagnostic diiiereuce in the symptim-t ot thecuses). Dr. Jacob Jeanes, who has seen several epidemics ol the disease, including tha' ot 1832 in our city, concurred in the same view. The discussion was con riuued until 10 o'clock, and was lurther participated in by Dn, Ganso, Lippe, D. James, Frost, Leach, and J. Koch. A communication announcing the formation of a new Homoeopathic Medical Society in Ena and Crawlord counties was read by the Seere tary. The meeting adiouroed over until tall, unless the Cholera Committee or Secretary should deem it necessary to be called together sooner. An Ungenerous Lodger. Charlotts J. Gallagher wus committed yesterday lor the alleged larceny of several articles of wearing apparel. Defendant had applied to Mrs. Simp son, residing on the Fraukford road, above Laurel, for lodging, aud was provided for, and she lelt the house early on the 'ollowing morn ing, at which time the clothing was missed Soon after her arrest, the mising articles were lound at a second-hand shop where Bhe had sold them. Alderman Snoeinaker held her for trial. MATTERS 0VEH THE RIVER. Increase of Chime. 1 he terrible crimes which have recently been perpetrated in the vicinity ot Camden, have aroused the authorities of both Camden and Gloucester counties to a rieterminntlnn f nnaoihlA r, annlr ... nnnHn hend, and puniah the perpetrators. Not loug driving homewards through a piece ot woods, were fired np n by some miscreant or mis creants hid beside the road, narrowly escaping with their live., as tb balls passed in close proximity to their heads. These villsius were never discovered, but they evidently were prowl ing about, lving in wait, no doubt, for some one against whom they hud ill teeling. It might possibly have been that they were in search ol Mr. Raymond, who was brutally mur deted near that place on Wednesday night, and that thev tirrrl nn tha Inn in ... ,.,, li r him and a friend. Be this as it may, the ....... un comucu ul-iucuuu, uuuouau courts were made tO SPClim their Ul lV Ot Tha mnnln. n HI Rajmonu has created intense excitement in the community, the feeling running to ttiat dcuicc of intf nsity that in all probnb.llty the perpe trator, were he arrested. the spot. This terrible crime, taken in connec tion with the above attempt on the lives of two gentlemen, and with the tact of the finding of a woman near Kaiehu's Point, wiih her head crushed in a shocking manner, indicates that an tnusual watchtulness is requirod of the people, in seeing that their houses are careiully fastened on retiring, for no one is sale aeainst these lawless and consoicnccleps scoundrels. Tub Seaside. The extreme hot weather whico has prevailed lor some davs past has crowded the hotels in Atlantic City to repletion, aud the sojourners there enjoy a grateful im munity from its intensity. To-night Dodworth's Band, tit the United States Hotel, will regale the visitois there with a grand bop, and another is to take place at the Sun House. . A Fine CnuHcn. The managers of the Second Presbyterian Church at Camden have solar advanced the work on their edidcethat they wotship in it. It wiil soon be entirely completrd, and will be a fine and imposing structure. Politicians. The primary meetings of the different parties in Camden county will toon be called, to elect delegates to the two conven tions. Politicians are becoming very active tn the work of canvassing for suitable candidates.. CLOTHING. gTATES UNION CLOTHING HALL, 606 MARKET Street, 606' Visitors will find a large and varied assortment ot the very best HEADY-MADE CLOIBINU at the lowest cash prices. Holts, containing Coats, Pants, and Test, lrom tl2 00. Dusters, 2 25. rants irom i 00 and higher. Come aid convince yourselTes. IS 31 3m (JjortTO $45 FOR A SUIT OF BLACK OF UpOcI tanry colored cloth; annyand navy olothia J o., Id stvle tmpnrjnmse.l. 4 7 tuirp AUK. .o. 10 NINTH St. above Cbesnot G AS' L I G H T FOR THE COUNTRY. FERRIS & CO.'S AUTOMATIC OAS MACHINES FOB P BIT ATE HEP DENCE8, MILLS, HOTELS, CHUBCHES, ETC FUKNIBHINO FROM TEN TO SIX HUN DEED LIGHTS, AS MAY BE BEQU1B.ED. ' t This machine Is guaranteed: does not fret oat of order, nd the time to manage it la about Ave minutes a week. 1 he simplicity ot ttlg apparatus, IU entire freedom fioBi danger, the choapreei and qatUltr o the light over all eihera, ha gamed fo It the lavorable opinion of thoe acquainted ith Its merlta. The nam's ot those having tued them for the last three year will be given by calling at our OFFICE, No. 105 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Where the machines can be seen In operation. ' ' ' . FEBBI8 ft CO., Bo He p. O. BeudforaFimpalet 610 SPECIAL NOTICES. EOT COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, Fourth District, UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE, OFFICE, SPBINQ GARDE!! HALL. COR. THIRTEENTH AND 8P RING GARDEN, Pbiladkltbia, July 17. 1866. Kotlce It hereby given to all persons residing or doing bntraets in the FOURTH COLLECTION DISTRICT, embracing the Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Twentieth. Tjrentj-flrit, Twenty-fourth, and Twenty-Bevcotb 'Wards, that the Annual Tax for 1866, upon Incomes. Llcrniea, Pianos. Watches, etc , lx now due, and will be received at this Office without penalty, until the 28,h day of July Inclusive, ' BENJAMIN II. BROWN, 7 17 lOt COLLECTOR. gf- PARDKK 8CIKMIK10 COURSB LA FA YETTif COLLEGE. In addition to the g neral Coume of Tn'trnctlnn in Hi m 1 ipiirinfut. acl.rel to ley cnlislantUI ban la ii kiion lel.e ard Hcbolarly culture, atudou a can punue tloec branehea which are eMcntialij praoileal and tictDl al. viz. : EGIK1IG Ctvll. Topopraphlral, and Mecha niculi M1MNO and HETA I.LXKUY ) ARi HI re C II lip, anrttbe aiiplicaiiou ot Chemistry to AUUlC'DL 'Jl IU ana t lie Jlli. Ttl. 1 1 ne in aim attorded an opportnnl'y tor opeclnl study of HADt. and rCMKKth oi 'JOlii-HN . (,r,U l anil 1 ElLdLOGY, and ol llie U16XOUY and 1R11TU1HI olonrconiitiy. For C Ueulara apply to 1 lesldrnt CATTl LL, or to ilo:. R B. VOFNOM AN, ( lerkol the 1 acuity F-astok Pennsvlvanla April 4. 1f66. 610 PHILADKLPHIA AND RRADINf RAlLItOADCOJdPASY-OFKiCE.No.a7 S. 10CB1U 81Rtta.X. PniLADrtpnt a, J une 20, 1866 -v -t. , DIV'DEJiD HUTU E. Tlie Transfer Hooks, ot this Company wl'l be cloaed "n,.8'n'uyi Juneanth, and re-opeued on Friday, July it) 111 a IHtrO. A Dividend of FIVfc PEB CENT, has been declared cn ibe Preierred and ( emmon stock, clear of National nod Mate taxes payable In cah, on and a.ter Ja y pith, to ibe hoirteix thereof as tie) etwll sin ml registered on Ibe books ol tbecompany on tbe 30th Instant. All payable at tbla otlice. Wlxu B. BRADFORD. Treasurer. KJSr OFFICE OK TUB TARR HOME RTtAD OIL COMPANY, Xo. 2748ouih 1UIRD street. . PniLDAngi.rniA, Julv s, 1866. Tbe Board of Directors have tbis day deolured .i Dirl dend ol TEN CRM'S a share, clear ol State, pay able on and afer the 'i.'ith mstaut. . J1 rn".nJ,tr boo whl clone on the 18th, and reopen on tbe 2.1th. Tl t C. HIEBKELL, Treasurer. JKf NOTICE A 6FECIAL MKETING OF he StocWho dcrs of the 8AHA 8U' PHUB CON PAM will be heid at their Office. No. 2,15 Hon ih THIRD aireet, on MONDAY, toe 23d Instant, at li M. Punotual attemlunce u reinested, as bualness ol Im portance will be transacted. Our vessel baa arrived wlthHulphur. By order. F. W HKWBOLD, 7 'M 2t Becreurr and Treasurer. THE INTEREST IN GOLD ON FIRST Mnrtnnoa ftnnilH ai ITMTnu ninrnrii WAY COMPAAY, Eastern Division, due AOKast I, will be paid on presentation of the Couuons at the Banking House ol JAY COOKE A CO., New York, on nd alicr that date. WILLIAM J. PALMER, 7 19 lit Treasurer. ITvSf- COLTON DENTAL Af S0CIAT10N. minister It In tbe aaiest and most effectual manner, IH.OIiO patients and the medical proipseion will testl v. It 1 our specially. Come to beodquaitera. otlice. No, 737 AY ALNTJ1 Street 714sw6t IJ" BATCH EL OR'S HAIR DYE l3 THF BEST IN THE WORLD. Haimless. reliable. lntantaneous. The only perfeo dye. o disappointment, no ridiculous tints, but trao to osttre, black er brown.' GEMJ1NE 18 S1G.NED WrT.l.rAM A.. BATCHELOB ALNU Beycneratlng Extiact oi Al llilfleurg restores, preserves nrd beantlliea tbe hnir, prevents ba dness. Bo d by al DruKgUts, Factory o,81 BARCLAY 1 1. M. Y. 33S JUST PUBLISHED Br the PhTslcians of the KKW YORK A1USECM, the ninetieth Edition ot tbelr FOUR LECTURES, entitled PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE. To be bad iree. tor .our stamps by addiesslng Becre tary tw York Slui-eum of Anatomr. 7 175 fo 618 KHOAD WAY. New Yolk. ir&T- DINING-ROOM F. LAKKMEYER ,Vsl CAR'IER'8 Al ey, would respect ul y in.orm tbe Public seneially i hat Lc lias le:t in tli'Lg undone to mak. this place comfoitable tn every respect lor the aixoui n.tdbtion ot guests. He has opened a large and com tiiouious Iiichik-hoom In tbe second e orv Uls SIDK HOAUli Is lurnlshed with EltANDIF.8, WINES WUKKY,Etc..Etc.. otBCPERlOR BliAMJS. 11 G,000,000 SEYEN PER CENT. FIRST-CLASS First Morgage Bonds. THE NORTH MISROCBI BAILiiOiD COMPANY has authorized ns to sell tbelr First Mor'gsge Sevon Per Cent. Thirty year Bonds. The whole amount la t6,000,0t)0, Coupons, payable on the first days of JANUARY and JULY of each year, in New York. - Before consenting to this Agency, we have made a careful examination or the merits of thee Bonds ky ending n llham Mllnor Roberto, and other., to lepori npon tbe condition and prospects of the Railroad. Tbolr teport is on hie at our otnee, and la highly satisfactory. We do not hesitate to lecomtnend these Bonds as belnv a first elasa security, and a most safe and Judicious In vestment ' ' Tbe proceeds of these bonds will be used In extending a Iioud (already complete 170 miles into North Missouri) to the Iowa State line, where It Is to oonuect with the railroads ot Iowa and to also extend It westward to the junction with tbe Paclilo Railroad fat Lcavenwoitb), and other roads leading uo the Missouri River, to that this mortgage of 6 006 000 will cover a completed and well-stocked Boad of 389 miles In length, costing at least 116,000,100. with a net annual revenue after the drat year, ot over 91.MK) 0. 0, or a sum nearly four tlma beyond tbe amount needed to pay the Inteiest on these Bonds. 1 he lucome of the Boad will, of oourse, Increase every year. , ' . . The Railroad connects the great city of St Loula with Its two bundled thousand Inhabitants, not only with the richest portions ol MMouri, but with the States of Kansas and lowu, and the treat Pacific Ralironds. . . ' ' ' To the first applicants we are prepared to sell FIVE HTJiiDRF.D TUOC8AND DOLLARS, at the lo w rate of EIGHTY CENTS, desiring to obtain a better price for the remainder, this will yield about 9 per oeut. Income, and idd 20 pc r cent, to principal at maturity. Any lurther Inquiries will be answered at our ofue.' JAY COOKE & CO., 7 16Jml 33ANKERS, ' , ; No. Ill South THIRD Street. 1 . AMUSEMENTS. QKAND NATIONAL CONCERT FOB THE BENEFIT Or THE .. 1 SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' NATIONAL ORPHANS' HOME FUND, ' TJKDR ACSriOIS O TDB ' " feOLDIERS' AND 8AILOKS' UNION V ASKING! ON, D. O, AT (iROVER'S TIIEATRE, On Thursday Evening, August 2, 1883 ' SOtl.OCO tickets whl be sold at il each 7&.00 presenU awaraed. Tamed at 360,000 1 iS(09 of the profits to be given to the Soldiers' and Sailors' National Orphans Bome Fond, t JWOto tha Washington Male and Fmaie Orphan Asylum, the balance, after deducting expenses, to be paid to the Treasurer of tbe Soldiers' and Sailors' Union, ot Washington, D. C. TICKKTS CAN BE OBTAINED AT THE OFFICE OS WILLIAM E. OWENS, t-O 827 CHE8KCT STREET; ALBO SENT lO ANY POST OFFICE IN THE tOUMUY 1'KOMPILY BY MAIL. LIST OF PRESENTS TO BE AWARDED: 1 'ihrce-story Brick itesldonce, H street, be- twaeu Bixib uid beveulh , 1 ibrce-Blory Lrlc . Keniaeuce, Second strtet. near E 1 1 lirf -torv brick Residence, i entn strict, between uiid llwo-story Brick Residence, Teum Street, between si ai.d N 1 Two s ory Lnck Residence, leu.h streei, between M and N 3 Hue l it Lo , onteveuih street north.. 1 p endid Carr.ave. Horses, and Harness, couiplcie 1 ' pien Id Llaniond King 1 ttel Dianionus, complete (I'm, r ar-rlnvs arc hmgsl I (.rand f atno (Melnway's) 1 ho til Miver'lta .et 10 Grand Pianos Stii.Oeacb 10 lirand fiauos, k,V V each 100 t.en s' Co d Wa.ches lilMi each 60 Laulea' tiolu Vtatcbes, KlUAeacb 6 Grand iieludei n, U0ii euch So Aim i loan Case silver Wau.bes, 75 each.. 75 bum in i ae Kiver Watches .4ilea h.... SO Dluuiond Riuus. tli.O to each 'lb Diamond Piis. MUOeacb 40 hewing Machiues ':.j each .'.' Jli hen inn MschiLCs 7Srach 20 Sl cr-pla ed leaStts, aljeacb " 60 Silver t astors. tb ach 8,000 Uoeks A. bums, Jewe.ry, tt., 6't'o'il'J each 1C M0 Tea aud Table Mpoons eto , $1 to S5 each" lu.UlO Gold t ens, hieeve Buttons etc.. ai to S3 each. 49.453 Books, Cutlery, Engravings etc, ti'io'sio each ' .8,000 10 one H. fOf 8000 soon 4,(1 0 4.00i 2,0 0 1000 I. MHI 1.0IM 6u(li 5(1,(1 20 OiiO ti,Li 1,0K' 6 IMIJ t.lMSi 7"0 2i0 4.IKIU 1,5J' I, Hit 41 (KiO 25,(00 I4 0U0 6DO0 Total aj'250 ti.o The awunle will be made after the concert on the stute ol the theatre v here hree thousand peisons can w Itness it. A committee will be appolutet by the audi eLCe to superintend the taoie. 1 rintd lis s oi awards will be published and supall-d to agents and tickei holders. Parties having tl keu wi 1 re ain them un 11 a iter .heavarda are made, and it thi Ir numbers appear on be list thev will i,,rr,i ,h.,ir tickets Inin edlme y . with mil directions as te the shin ping ol fcoods or deeds lor the propenv. Tickets lo aalu at all the principal hotels, book and musto stores in tlm city, and at the headquarters In the maintnouth lair building tor tbe benefit of tue i-o dlers' and Sailors' hutlnnal t rphans' Homo fund Co ner of Seventh street and Pennsylvania avenue Wa"bingon D. f! Tbe Directors appeal to the libera ll;y ol tbe people to give this enterprise their kind support, and tderebv a-slsi in relieving tbe wai ts of tne orphans or our alien comrades. MASAC1NO D1RKCTOBS, Major H. A. HALL, Fiestdent So.diers' and Sal on' Union, olonel C iARi ISb CAPEHaKX. HiibrM. B. ALBvrger, WILLIAM 8. MOBxe. THEASDKKR. J B. IlU tUllINNON, Efq, Cashlir atlona Bank ot the lleiropoUs. All persons favorably disposed are requested to act as gents, but no commissions will be al owed. .Money i-bou d In all cases be sent by Post Office order,' draft, express or registered letter. In every case send the name and Post Office address, county ai.d Mtate I euch separate subscription and In Close stamp. All orders tvf tlukeu must oe auuressed to . WILLI iU 8. MOJi.-lji, , Secrenry Boldiers' ond BaUors' Na lonal Concert, Washingmn, D. O., Tickets also for sale by Lock Bex So. 32. F. NO I ENS & CO , ... Ueneral Agen s, P O r,. " ow'lJBril. street, P O. Box 656. Wllminnton. De aware. InSAbURT DxrABTHEST, OrtlCI OF 1KTKBNAL HBVENUB, Whereas H A Ha land o'bers, as 'Mnnaflng Ilroc tors"o.the Grand National Concrt," to beheld m V afhtnglon P. c. on ibe i id oi August next have maue one appication to u. t lepban. Co lector of laroriiHl Be enue lor tbe Collection Di.trict ol the D.strl 't 2 t olumbia, ior permission to ho d a lottery rttia or Lilt euierurhie. and presented to him satisfactory evi aence that the p.oceeds of said lotterr. rauld.or gift enterprise . ill le devo ed to cliarltab e uses permission Is herein jranted to su h ' .tdanagii g Directors" to hold such lotii ry, rathe, or gin enterprise T ree from a .oh.r-e. whether fro.n tux or lic.rue, la respeot to such lottery, ratt-e, or glit enterprise. A. KoLLI MS, Kelcr, bv pcrmttsion, to Commissioner. AtajoMienerai H intield s. Hancock, C 8 A Gem ral Robert C Schenck, Al. c , Ohio ' General llulbcit E Paine, M O Wis. ' General John H. Ketchatn M C., a. Y. General James G Blunt. Kansas. General J. t. Bendrick, Iowa. General D C. 410 niiain, D. O. General O V Davt n, N. Y. Bon. '1 bomas W Kerry. M. C, Mich. Hon. Georve Lawrence. M. C, I'enua. 1). C. Forney, tsq. , D. e . l.aJorJ i-.Dounuty, N. Y. Hon. Richard Wai ach. Mayor of Washington. D. C. bon William D. Kelley A.. C . Penna. Bon Ke Ian V. Whaley.M C . Wei Va. lion. Kben C. Ingorso l. ai. C. III. Bon. Henry C. Deming, M. U , conn. ... Bon A. U. larlln, M. Y. lion. Leonard Mr era M.C, Penna. lion, w I Ham A. Newell. M ('. N. J. Hon Ceorge W.Julian il. C Ind Hon. ftetihen F. Wilson. M C. Penna. Ron. J. B. Grim e I, M C, Iowa. Jl ajor O. M. Van Buren , M. y. 6J3 Im VA LER8 (LATE MILLEH'S) WINTER OAKDEN-Nos. 720-726 VINK Street. UKAND INSTRUME NTAL COHtKRT-S NIGHTLY. I!y two large and eflloient Orchestras. 'lONlGHi, And EVEHr MGBT. In connexion with oar kXCt LSLUR STRINU BaNO, a Brass Band, compiislng tne best Artists In the city will periorm. OPEN FOR THK SEASOS. Ourspaeious eun mer Garden, artistically laid ont wltn hbrubbery fountains eto. I.N lhfc LADIES' 8ALOOV, t.snrclally set apart or F ML1ES, the best of Cream and other Keireobmenta will be served. 8-l6 GJ "Y 31 INaT I U M FOB LADIES, ONI LEW EN, AND ClilLDREX, S.E. COKER OFNIN'IH AND A He'll STREETS OPEN fcVfcRY DAY ANi EVENING. . Al.L MJMkElt. Hodl'y rxeiclce Imparts health and strength, the best B revi Dtlve aruli st Ficknesa o' the coming summer. 24 - 1 to es.ors II LI.KHItAN It & LEWIS. efm TI1R PIAKOS WHICH VK MAN LI 7 t 1 ' factHre'recommend themselves. We promise k our patrol cer beautiiui t us, elegant workman ihip durability and reason ob e prices comb uej wt li s iu 1 guaiantee For sale only at to. IfH W.vLNC .street. -.. 6 2S TJN10N P1AKO M ANUFACTCBISO CO, 0 1 L s ' . K FOR ALL KINDS OF ' : Machinery, V arranted not to gum nr chill in the coldnst weather, at about one third Ibe price o lard oil Having oblained tne role agency lorwhat has been pronou-oed or all wbo pave given a trial to be the best lubricating nil in une, nut excepting ibe best sperm or laid ohs, we leel warranted iu tusking ibe iul:owing oiler to any party -who Isbes to give our ol a trial We, It toe oil ooes not prove eatisisctory, will take it back and return the money. If paid, and make nn charge for the quautlu (not f jieei'lng Sve gallons) used to test It, and will also pay tis cost of transuoi tatlon both wava. . ,J. V. MOO HE A 6U, Sole Agents, 21 lm No. 66N. SECOND Street, above Arch. ICE COMPANIES. . ASTERN ICE COMPAUf.-SEASON OF 1866. Bibs, dally. 60 cents per Keek j 12 lbs dallv. 15tenis per week ; 10 lbs. daily, 90 cents per week: 20 lb dally, 411 4IA per week. Depot. No 241QOKEN Street, below IhUu. THOM S J. LONS, l JUliA M. MYERS. FOB SALE STATENlTrOUNTy RIGHTS oi Capewell A ( o 's Patent Wind Ouard anu Air Heater for Coal oil Lamps t It preveuta the Chimneys trotn break lug. This we will warrant A iso saves en. third tbe oil. Call and see them lliey eost but ten cents No. 2(13 RACE hi rect, Philadelphia, Sample sent to aud part ( Ui 1 1' nil t fftutes cn receipt Of 25 Veuts, 10 JULY 21, 1866. GOVERNMENT SALES. s ALB OF liOVKRKMEiTr STEAM EB3 ANU Dbpot jOABTgnMA8Tn's Ornoc. I Baltimokm. Aid , July 11, 1806 Will be so'd t t e timore, Maryland, as tUKd PAT, July 24 13C6. at 10 o'clock A at tne.r RiiCbo age, south side ot basin, the toilOdVing-natned Vessels, topether wi h all their t)toie, Anchors. Boa s, etc. bo.onrmg to them, now on noaru, g. THE "JOHN ADAMS." 8ide-whenl rtoulle-otid lorry boat oi 474 tons j lonuf h nn deck, 148 feet) lironilth of beam, 82 eet; ovor, a I 60 lei t ; urpi b ot bout, 11 lott 2 inulios drait, T foot has plo iow-j.testiire luenncU engine: dianiotor oc cylm tei ti. tins stroke ot piston, 9 loetj well lound lu an herontttiat bull good as new, but slight leoairs .eqniied to machinery. THK 'ACHILLES." Kide-wheet stramo-ot 826 tons j lontrth on fleok,'lC8 .VcrUln 01 beam. 24 tcet; over all, 4 feutj Urpth of hold. 8 leel; draft. 5 loot; has one low ore. sore I earn engnm j diameter dt cylinder, 61 Indies; singe of j Iston lfj fe,t , D f00& running order, with stoies on board THE "MATFLOWER," Hidc-whe l s earner ot about 400 tons; length on deck, lfi eet ; breadth of bourn, 23 lent ; oror al , 44 eot; uepth ol hoid, 6 leel; aia'X.Gtuet; basono fow-tires'urp beam emrine; dtamoter of c. Iiuuer, 8S n ches; s'rokn ol piston, 8 tcott in running order, vtlth stores on boaid. THE "ISLAND CIIY," fcidowbeel rtenmer ol 1U8 tons ; length on dck, 158 feot; breauth ol beam. 22 feet; over all, 8d teat; depth ot hold, f leel ; draft. 8 loe ; has one low pretsure beam engine; diameter of cylinder, 83 inches; stroke of pi.ton, 8 tect; rebuilt iu Haiti, more in 1804; iu running otder, with storos on board. THE 'JOHN S. IDE," Screw stfmer of 186 tons; length on deck, 135 feet; breadth ol beam, 22J ttet; debtti or hjlu, 7 let; dratt, 4 leot 8 inches; has one hlirh prwure ingiur; tliameter ol CYnuUi-r, 24 inohoa; stroke ot D Btt n 2 ft et; capacity ot cargo about 1800 biure a; iu fine condition, and well found in a 1 her out tits 1 he above v ssels are admirably adapted tor lirht freights and from their drawing; but nt le water are fine market boats now only sold lor want of lurther une by the Government. J arms Cash in Ciovernment'fands. on the day ot sale By order of the Qnartcrmaster-Gennnl O W BRADLEY, 7 13 9t Col. and Ch ef Q. M. Mid. Mil. Dop't. fcSIbTANT QU A KTEKM ASTER'S OFFICE. No. HUH MHABD str.ot. , ,, . , . i'Hii.AiiiXnLA, Pa., Jnly 20. im. Will be sold at 1 Auction, onaooouut of the United (states, on the grounds at TWEXIY tOLI Bra anu (SOU 111 Streots, Philadelphia, l'a t , u AIUKUAY, Jui 28, 1866, sale commencing at 10 o'clook A. M precisely, the Buildings, etc heretolo e known as SOUTH SIEEET UNIlED 8XA1E3 HOoPIfAL, 6rranielint dings, 1 Irunie 8 nk, 12 Clotiets, 1 Upngbt Boiler, 1 cooking Range, 2 W arh irongiis, 6 Iron Hoppers, 8 lion bon Containers, ti lr n --inks. 2 v oodc n thinks, 6 Iron fiatn-i nbs, 1 Ceunr lank, . .a. , .119 feet ot j-lnch Gas !, 671 leet ot -Inch Gas llpo, ,111 loet of i-lnoh Caa I itpe, 78 leet of ljlnch Iron I V ater-Pipe, 189 teetot 8-inch Cast-iron I l'Pe, 882 icet ot Lead Pipe (as sorted sizes). l riagMatl, 61 Gas Pendants, leui.ttrs. Shelving, Draw- 29 Pennant Arms, eis. etc.. Tl Bibb t ocka. 68 leet ot Pipe, 19o Icet or Pipe, 869 leet of lj-icoh Gas- 9 8iop-Cocas, 15 Pitlar-t ocks. 1-incb Gas-11.200 Bricks in Pave ment; Also a ,ot ot Board Fenc- i-inch Gas- Pipe, 1 he Frame Bnildinrs contain about 18.920 feet Ut n.lcick bcaLti ng 14,720 lorn I lour uf aud longned Boards, 22,970 leet Rough Boarus, 942 leot Mielvmg. lei mti of Sale Cash, Government funds A de. l on of twenty (20) per cent, to he paid on every accented bid, tbo taiance im mediately alter tue is e. Plans of the buildings can be obtamod and schcoulcs of lots seen upon application at this '1 ne buildings, etc., must be removed within four teen (14) uays from date ot sale, and wnl bo at the risa of the poicbasets Tl e ISoutu street City Passenger Railway cars pars tbe Hospital every live minutes. bv older of Brer. Lrig.-Gon GEORGE H. CROMAN, Ass't Qr. Master General U 8. A. ( EOKGE li. OKUE, 7 21 6t Capt. and Asss' ant y lartermastor SALK OF QUARTEcMASTERS' SIOHES AT IHttAlAtKl DulKOl, UlEiB JhV ), D, C. QUARTERXASTKU-GEN KB AL'8 Office, ) 1 1K8T Division, f Washikoton. D Juty 17, 1866 ) By order ot tbe Quai tor master-Geuoral, there will Le soid on the premises A i PCBLIC AUCTION, under the direction ol captain Gcorgo T, Browning. a. y. ai., On Till R8DA Y, August 2, I860, tbo following described loi ol Quartermasters' ftorcBi 1. 0 cords wood. 12,000 leet oak and ash. chairs, benches, matting, ward robes, cupboards. 2 letter pro-ses. 2 friudstonea. 1 grindstone, large, 4 leet uiainoter, 8 inch Tace (new), 60 ladders. 60 U e-honks 8 platiorm scales, large. 4 counter scales. 4 warehouse trucks bloois aud fails. 69 iron bedsteads. 800 ' laukots. About 10 t OO pounds grain sack,- 1 scow, 20 by 60 feet, but lift e ned. 1 set ma' bemutical in s rumcnta, 1 spirit level and tri pod. 1 survey or's compass, tar ire1, eto. About 3000 fwtgum hoe. 2aul 2i iuclt(new: with couplings and nozzles, com plete. 6.C0O feet gum hose, 1,11. 1J.2 and 2i, couplings and uoz zies, party worn. 100 brass cocks, angle valves, etc. worn. plan a (wheel' wright's stun" i 9.0C0 feet matched liooi ing 1,4C0 pieces six-light sash 8bv 10, g'ased. 20,000 leet assorted lum ber. 2,000 ft tt square timber 10 b 12. 40 kevs cut nails. 80 army wagons, lb carts. 1 duad-horse wagon, 1 water wagon, iron. , 6 bote carriages and reels. 12 at ta harness (four horse). 20 sots harness (Am- - Lu aiice) 16 sots cart barnes. 26 riding saddles, bri dles, bead, halters, eurrv -combs, and hsrse-i rushes. 26 wbi e-wash brush ts, water-buck els, (hovels, spaaes, picks and paulins. 15 co kin stoves. . 20 beating Moves. 1 lot castings, fire brioks, etc., lor cook stoves (novf), ' otlice oe'ks tables, A Lou, 20 niiKSKS. Togethor with a lar.-e quantity of other propertv, liOt above enumerated bae to commence at 10 o'clock A.M., and con tinue trom day to day until ail is sold. 1 urchusers must remove the r stores within fivJ (6) (lavs licm U?te ol sale. J ernif t ash, In Government funds. A bout tor Giesboro will leave bixth street wharf everj nour aunng the day ot -ale . , . J A VI El A EKIN. Brevet Brigodier-fienoral U. 8. A., in chares 1st Division, Q. M. G. O. 7 201U s ALE OF MACHINERY, ETC. Navt Dfpahtmint, 1 Bureau o Varus anp JJooks, J Wasujnoton, JuuelrJ 18(56 ) Will be sold at Pubiio Auction at the Navy Yard, NORFOLK, on FRIDAY, the 3d day of Augiut next, the loilowing artlo eg, viz : J wenty-one Ho lers ol Roiling HU1 r-eveu Nail Machines One duide Mi 1 (complete). 88 Rollers. ' Two bundles Saws ior Siottw ticrows. "1 wo Machines lor Mom is Surews i i Seven Machines ior Cutting Tureads. Four Oil Retainer. 1 wo On Press Rollers Kicbt pieces Iron cJi.afttns'- Mx fets Couplings lor shafting. Lot of laps and Dies for Gas tittinjr. One box LaciurS I'eather). 1 bree boxes lie tins' Ore Gun screw Machine ' One piece Leather Belting, 6 Inches wide, 164 pounds. n One piece leather Belting, 6 inches wide. 111 pounds. Une piece Leather Belting, 20 Inches wide, 224 pourds. , i wo rolls Gum Packing. (six bars Oo agon bieoi (cast). ha e to cottmieno" at 11 o'clock A. M. I erms-( ao, iu Go er, ment funds; and all arti. Dies to . e removed Irom tbo yard wuhiu tondtk,s from dayol'sae. .'. By ordi-r oi Navy Department .- JOSEPH 8 Mini, , 6 lOtuthlSt ' Chief Bureuu Yards and Docks PROPOSALS. pilOfOSALS JOtt eAiE or WOOD. biAiQiiRTTXi Dsfahtmskt f Wasriwotoii. I GFncR oriHitr Ouartsrsi asjtkr. I Wassjisotoh, 1 c, July 14 18W Peeled' Proposals are fnvi ed at thla' om'tut until 12 o'c o k noon, MONDAY Ao.n-t fl, im. for the pnrchsne or (18H0 TH'RIEKN fHOO tAKD UiRDs OF GOVEItSMENt WOOD, located ss lol owe: (1400) FOCRlKtN HUNDRED UORDJ at the Kendall Green Wood lard, on the line of the Baltimore and Ohio RaHroad, about one mile Horn the depot of suid roao in trie clt. Ins wood consists oi about ONE THIRD (4) PiNfc and iWO.ri.iRDil) OAK) and pried immediatel along the tracg ol iha rat road. (llfiOO) ELEViN TuOU8A.ND.feIX UDN DtfkD COHDS at the Wood Yard, throe ouar tersot mile north of A exandna. on the line of the Washington, A exandna, aud Georgetown Rail read. ' 1 l is wood consists of about TWO-THIRDS fll PINE and ONE-1 UIRD (,i OAK. Is pi ed alone tbe track, and is distant about ono-hali of mile lrom awl art on tne PotomaC river, leading to which tl ere is a direct and level road. -, A.lot ibe wood eff red lor sale is of good or fair qua it v, end thorough v seasoni d. Proposals will be received lor quantities from (50) liltv cords and upwards, with privilege of taking all ol either or both 'ots l a; mei.t to be made in Government funds, iramn diately alter the opening of the bios, and upon niesst rement of tbe wood The right is resorvtd ot rejecting any or all pro- ' posala deemed disadvauia eons to the United fetates. M. 1. LUDINGTOV, Co'.onel and Chief Quarter-nsster, 7 16 18t Department of Wai-hmgton. 1DRCVOSAL- FOR FDsvNlSHINO IRON AT . IHK WASHIMjION NAVY KARD. l'ATMASTKR'S OFFlOS, U. 8. NAVT, ) NO. 260 MB KIT, WArUlHOTON. D C. July 17 1866. I Eeparate Sealed Proposals, to be etworsed "Pre posals for Chain and Bar iron " will be received at this oflice until &A1 UKDA Y, Jo'y 28 1868, at 12 o'clock M. . lor the loilowing artic os, winch are re quired lor immediate uso at the Wa.- hington Nayv iard viz: 200,000 (two hundred tbonsand) pounds Chain Liiikn. lj inch diameter and 16 n ouse ionr. 90,000 ininey thousand) tounds Chain Links, 1 Incn dianittor and 13J ong. 40 0GC (torty thousand) nou-ds chain Links, 1 1-18 inch oismeter and 13 luohe long. . 6000 (live thousand) pounds 81 inch ronnd Bar Iron. tt& ed. 2000 (two thousand) pounds 8 Inch round Bar lion, 1600 (fifteen hundred) pounds lj Inch round Bar Iron. 2100 (two thousand) pounds 21 inch ronnd Bar Iron. Ihe above articles to be delivered at Washington Nsvy Yard, tree ot o stto the Government lor Ooigut or transportation, subfect to insoection, and at the) risk and extei se of the party lun.ishing. - feoflicieni fuaran tee foi pr nipt delivery will he re quired oi successful bidders CALVIN C. JACKSON, 719 6t lay master U. S. Navy. FLAGS, FIREWORKS, Ac. Jpl HE WORKS. FIREWORKS! O BEAT CENTRAL DEPOT For Pyrotechnics of all Kinds, Suitable for city retail trade, and also a large assort n ent for Private Fxhibltlon. Gcotlen en getting up private displays are especially requested to call. JOSEPH E. SMILEY, ' 630 No. 23 South FRONT Street. .', PROPOSALS. . f, PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL LAND SCRIP FOR SALE. the felted Slates Government having granted to the Cotnn onw alth of Pennsylvania Land SorlD, reore sen1ln78O.C00 acres ot Fabllc Land, tor tbe endowment : ot Agitcultural Colleges In tbis State the Board of -Commissioners now offer tbls I and crip to the public, fruoosals for the purchaso of this Land Bortp, ad- .. dressed to ' The Board of I'Ouimlssloners of Agricol- . tural Land f-crip." will be received at the Surveyor- 1 Genoiai's office, at Hatrlsburg, until Wednesday, August 15 1B60. , Ibis land may be located In any State or Territory bv the boldera ot the actlp. uoou any of the unappro priated lands (exoept mineral lands) of the United btates, which may be subject to sale at private entry. Each piece of scrip reoreaentsa quarter 'ectlonof one ' butdred and sixty acres. Bids must be made as pet acre, and no bids will be lecelved for less than one quarter section. ., . The Soilp will be Issued immediately on the payment of the money to tbe Surveyor General, one third ef which most paid within tea flas. and tbe remamtag two-thirds within thirty davs aiter notification ot tne acceptance ot the bid or bids by th. Board of Com missioners. J. H. CA1IFBELL, Surveyor-General, For the Loard or Commissioners. 1) abbibbcbg, July 11, 1866. 1 11 lm QTMGLKDER, TROUT, VOIGT A OoT, . 0 beg most ier ectiull to call tbe attention ol tao pubiio at large to then- newly inventeu Patent, THH USIVBBSAI, ATABVI8T, which, by discharging a percussion cap. made expressly ior tlie purpose, will prove very eUtctual In tbe preven tion of burtiaries etc. 'Ihe lol, owing aie some of Its great advantages 1st. t-.mplii'I'y 0 ci nstruction cheapness aud ease la ar plication, so tbat a servant or ohl a may set it. )id. Frt edum trom danger lo persons or propertv. Sd. Vntversallty or aupllca ion toanv nsrtoi a Poor, w Indow. Grauug, Shutter, Gate, Uardta, Fronerv. Kim 1 nd eto. 4t b It gives a check to burglats by alarming the ln ma es, rcigbtois aud police. Mb 'i be mind in te raved frum much painful anxiety,' h temale oue.iue-s or old age especially when article. 01 eteat vaiue are kept In tlie bouse. 6th It is a universal protection io travellers to fasten on cbamler doors. 7th 1 ts construction Is simp e and not liable to get out of order. D1E1.CTION8 FOB VfT. ACfOMPASr EYEBt" IS. SIRIMKNI'. M' have put our article at 'be low price of ONE DOI.LaK, inclusive oi 'it caps and It cannot be got tin aper c. titer Hum us or rom our agents, for lurtbtu? barLienlars Innnlrp ot nr sd(tr ss. Bli.lULi.1) l it. I KOtir, VOIGT A 00., office, No. 424 WAlU'' Mreet. Kims Ne 18. We will send the ALARMIST to any port ol tbe ci untry on rcce pt oi price, and 2i cants eitr. fur poslate. country Agents wanted, 29 3m g UN UMBRELLAS For Gentlemen. A SEW STILK KOB TBE CUT OK SEA SUORE. WILLIA3I A, DROWN & CO., No." 940 MARKET Street. 719 6t) FDBMITUKK .THE L A R O R 8 T, ( heapect sod best Stock of Fur alt ur. in the or U is to b lound at um'LD co.'s UMO ITHMU'HEPKPOT, , COKSEK Olf MNTI1 D MtHKKT STREETS, i.d Km. ainnilMK hi-1 UN D HtreeL i r.rlor bum, in Halt brocade, flush lUuinask, or Hen. Mnlng-room. t'hamber, Library Kitchen, and Office s u nil ure. at tabu ouslr low prices, aud the ct ei and patterns. , , fubllo liulliting h'ebool lotieg. ana fnop Furr llure In tpulms arietv. II kinds o i'urntture wanted by housekeepers, at earredlngiy ow prices at ef'herot tbelr Immenne Uib-li-lnthin II vtu wiwt to save money and get well iered go to CHiriD & CO. before purchustug Ue- , oheie tomerof IKTaaad MABlUtT, aifd Nos. 7 -snd SUN, bttOiil Uwt. 311)30