8 OontinuM from (he First PaqtA totally recoiuMrncted on the endarttif corner- tones of loyaitr, universal liberty, the eleva tion of the ppi-caned, anltb.cfrgtat of all men, Dora under our flat? or naturalized In our ourta, to the equal protection ot the law, will omnenre new career or progress, prosperity, ad power. Yours truly, 8chcvlb Colfax. J. Davie and W. J. ITolloway, Esq., Cong Com., 8t. Joieph county, Indiana. TUB li 4.TE8T. Reslrnatlon ol PoatmaaterGenerAl Denl son Ills Reanona for Taking this Step. Wahiuhotoi, July 12. It now positively ascertained that Postmastcr-Ueneral Denlson yesterday tendered the resignation of bis oflice to the President. This was done in wrttiiijr. The reason for this course, aa stated by Mr. DeDon hlmselt, is a difference of politicat views. It will be recollected that he was the President of the Union Rpablicun Convention which renominated Mr. Lincoln for the Presi dency at Baltimore, never lntendln g otherwise than to adhere to the party whose principles it represented; and as the call for the Philadelphia Convention is in antagonism to that organiza tion, there was no other co irse left to him taan to rctiie from the Cabinet. While bis oersonal relations with the President are undisturbed and friendly, the separation is entirely because of a conflict ot political views." The Little Ship. BofiroN, July 12. Captain Crowd I, of the steamship Norman, from Philadelphia, report: On the 11th instant, eighty miles east of Sandy Hook, spoke the little sh'p Net. Whit, and iuf, 2J tons, from New York for London. 8he was going off finely under easy sail. THE GREAT FlhE IN NEW ORLEANS. Baraln of tbe Odd Fellows Hall (a (rslal Coarteales Generous Action of the Maaonlo Brotherhood, Etc. Oar readers will recollect that the mucnilicent Odd Fellows' Temple at New Orleans was totally destroyed by lire on the 4th inet. The loss was $400,000, npon which there was an insurance of fn0,900. The New Orleans Times of the 7th inet. says: The ball-room ot the Masonic Hall was filled last evening by the members ot the i. O. O. F., pursuant to a call issued by the M. W. Granl Master. Alter a prayer by the It. W. Grand Chaplain, the meeting was declared open by the Grand Master for such buwiness as might be law lully brought before it. The following corres pondence was then read: i hi Grahd lodqb of the State o Louisiana, FBVKAND ACCKPTKD MAHON8 liBAND tfASTKR'S Opfiok. Kw Oui.kanb, July 6 tieorgeNuugesser, M. W. Urand Ma-tor ot ihe Orand Lodire 1. U O F., btatc ol l-iuisiaua Su: In view ot the great loss to your Or.er b the burning of your Hall this morn ing. 1 re nec'ioliy bug leave tu tender tovou, on behalf ol the Grand Lodge of the Statu of .Louisiana oi tree and Accepted Mucous, the use ot ihe mam hall and other unocoupioj rooms on ihe secsnd floor 1 the Masonic Hall builjiug, coruor ot 8t. Uharlcs and Pordido streets, for the useot vour Grand Lodge ' and tbe Odd Follows' Hall Association, whenever yon should require it. 1 leel that 1 express the ireneral sentiments of tbe Masonic iraternitv whou 1 assure you ot our sympa thy with your Grand Lodge, and its coudttt lent Lodges meeting in your Hall, in this sadden and severe loss. I am Bight Worshipfnl Sir, very reapecttully, your bedient servant, W. M. Perkins, Grand Master. ANBWE. OFFICE OF THE M W. tiBAND MASTER I. O. O. V State of Louisiana, NkwOkleans, July 6 to M. forking, Eq M. nV urand Master, F. ant A, W, M., state ot Louisiana. Sir: 1 have the honjr to acknowledge tbe rece p. ol your estoeuied favor of this date, and in behalf ot tbe I. O. O. F. tnauk von tor your kind expressions of sympathy with us In our trrat loss, as wuli as lor t our off.T of rooms In Masonic Hall. We should not have hesitated to avail ourselves ot your conBiderute otlor, had we not been a Die to secure rooms lor trio meeting ol all Lodge. latily m eting In Odd Fellows' Hall. We accept year ofler, however, in ihe same spirit in which it was tendered, and will ca 1 a gencial m-eting oi the Order in your Hall to morrow ovemug, at hall-past 7 o'clock. Rest assured we shall ever cherish with feelings of fraternal affection the kindness wbloh prompted your action on thin occasion. Receivo, sir, the as surances ot my esteem, and believe me very truly yours, George Nuhqkssbr, Uraud Master. The Grand Master then stated that he had en gaped rooms temporarily for the accommoda tion of all the lodges lately meeting in the Hall, and that he would, during the evening, assign to the several lodges their several places of meeting. The folio wins; letter was then read irom the President ot the Home Mutual Insu rance Company: Officb, No. 78 Camp Street, Home Mutual Jhbukakob Comfaby of New Orleans, New Orleans, Jmy 6 George Nungoser, Esq , M. vV. Grand Uastnr, 1. O. O. If., State of Louisiana Sir: Jn view of the great calamity which has befallen your benevolent Association, by the destruction of Odd Fellows' Ball by lire, on the 4 h instant, 1 beg leave to tender you, free of rent, the third door of ar building. Mo 78 Camp street (entrance on Matches street), lor the meeting of such lodgei as axe not otherwise provided for. Respectfully yours, James fl. Wheeler, President. The Grand Master then stated that the Order "had been tendered by P. G. M. Richard Swain, on behalf of the Crescent Mutual Insurance Company, the use of a room over that building. Washington Lodae, No. 3, 1. O. O. F., tendered the use of their lodge room tour evenings in the "Week. P. G. Master A. Wallace Hunter moved that a committee be appointed to draft suitable resolutions relative to the tender of rooms made. The Grand Mai-ter appointed as a Committee on Resolutions, Past Grand Masters A. Wallace Hnnter, Edward Pilsbury, and Richard Swalu. The Grand Master hoped by next week to have everything in working order; and in order that there should be no interruption, he would now locate the lodges until final arrangements could be made. FROM THE BIO GRANDE. Later from Matamoras Arrival f Kaea. bedo Northern Mexico Redeemed Harmony amoac the Liberal. Matamoras, June 25. Yesterday, Escobedo, with his victorous troops, entered Mataiuoraa, and was welcomed by the population in the midst of the wildest excitement, bells ringmg.can non tiring, and amidst a great Jubilee. The reign of the empire had passed forever from Northern Mexico. The rcpuonc, by one blow, has re covered from the confines of I'hihuauua to those of the Gulf. Chihuahua, Coahuila. New Leon, and Tamaulipas are entirely without a foothold to the Imperialists, with the single exception of Tamptco, in Tamaulipas, and Monterey, in New Leon, and these two places can hardly bold out but a few days longer. The great advantage to the country will bo the opening of the roads to supply all Northern Mexico with merchandise, and we may coud dently look to a brisk trade, as from these States goods will spread into the interior. Great credit Is due to General Escobedo, who unceasingly has fought the invaders. His out xoanceuverirjg the famous French General Donet, Iub late crushing defeat of Mella (the trump card of the Empire) at Camareo, and a natural consequence of that defeat, the surrender of Matamoras and the Rio Grande. General Me)ia, to save himself from the to or ti neat ion of surrendering to Escobedo, made arrangement! with Carbajal, and got terms from him which would have been refused by Esco bedo, who had him In a trap. Escobedo is mas ter of the situation, and the greatest harmony prevails in the ranks of the Liberals. The greatest order prevails, and bids fair to continue so. A new field for enterprise Is open, and for tne Liberals a rallying point, trona -which we will soon see the Issue of great events In the history of Mexico. General Escobedo hae with him a bo at 8000 well-armed men, and a very heavy park of artillery, la a short time this force will be doubkd.-JV, o, Ximos. TIIE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELFIIIA, THURSDAY) FROM CUBA, T.m of tno Bevalt at Puerto Prlnelpe Proclamation of the Goveraor-Geaeral of Cuba The Hagar Plantation Com mcrelal Ifrwa. Havana, July 7. The public anxiety has been somewhat allayed by the insertion in Ihe official organ of the Government, the assertion that the so-much-dreaded insurrection at Puerto Prinolpe had been quelled and order restored. We give it in full: Office of th Civil and Poiitical Govim. MEHT Or TUB EVKR-F AITHFtTL ISLAND OF CUBA In consequence of the cnebmtion ot the yearly teast hoot lhl aate, there has taken piaoe an occurrence which, although of little consequence, has an on ltant bearing to all eouorned Public orrter was hreatetied oa the afternoon or ihe 2 i instant, at Puerto Principe. Fortunrelv ilio energy and well-taken measures of the Governor, as displayed In this emergency, were stililoicut to preserve tlio public peace wiihout reoourse to extraord n try nieaiurvs. Peop'e bore themselves In a very com. menclabJe way, as well as the individuals compet ing the garrison, therefore law and order will prevail By crdror his ExoeUenov Is the above inserted Ini i be ofDoial organ of tbn city tor genera' inte li ger.ee. Manuel Portilla, hecrotary. HAVAA, July 8, 18o6. on.rury. It is universally known how to interpret simi lar documents issued by such a Government, under like circumstances, and it should go lor what it is worth, especially when we bear in mind that the section of the country in which tbe revolt took place bore itself gloriously in freedom's cause in 1H51 y. Y. Times. TIIE SIOUX SUN DANCE. Description py JHaJor-Ueueral Curtis Barbarons and Horrible Bltee Sicken ing Details of SelM'orfure. Malor-General Curtis writes to his wife, froin Fort Sully, the lollow lug account ot on o? tne horrible demonstrations of the Sioux Indiun, which he witnessed recently near that Fori: "Fort Sully, June 2. The whole ot the three thousand Hloux encamped above us gave me early information of tbeir design to huve their anunal sun dance at tins tune and place, the season of the year, the trees in lull lear, having now artived; and they wished me to inform Colonel Recor, the commander of the soldier-, that however boisterous their demon strations might be, they would all be peaceable and of a pious character. "On yesterday, June 1, the dancing was de layed at intervals to allow tortures to be indicted. Two or three men stood over the devotee with needle and knife, very quietly performing penance according to the customs of all these fcacerdotal iites as follows: "First, they cut the arras In spvcral places by striking an awl in the skin, ruling it nud cutting OUt ahoilt. llRll' An Innh Thia iu HnriA .... I. uvu. m. ....I ii u yj t Cll arms, and sometimes on the breast and back. Then wooden setons (sticks about the thickness of a common lead pencil) are inserted thromrh a hole in the xkln nnri Mn-.li 1'non nmlj - " vi'l VI 3 11 ropes are attached to these sticks by one end, mm lu Liif iifiif. h t T P nr n n r cm iiia 1 .hm puiHug on the ropes till the 6eton sticks tear out the flesh and skin. I saw mm nitu u-n unnna thus attached to his breast, pulling till it seemed to draw the skin out three inches, and finally requiring nearly his whole migtit to tear out the seton. One pumted blacu had lour ropes attached at once. The pulliuir out s done in the danre, the pulling earned ou in the tnn of the music by jerk, jerk, ierk, and the eye, head, and front all facing the sun in the form ot supplicntion. One had four setous uttnehed tn l,,.ii- ,1,-u hiioi head bones. "These were all sttung aud suspended to his flesh bv fine ihut riLiMnrt enfli tinurl ,nm. feet oil the ground. He danced hard to tear thPTIl Oil t . llllt t.hov xrrilllil nnl Krr.i.l- ilir !!,. - - , -" ' " vui ..vv 1 ' IV u luuaftm. One came oil the stick accidentally, but it was agaiu laatenea. i inuiiv these heavy weights leaeh at le:lvr. IWOIltv.rtVA nnnnila mairrkh mx tearing out by their own weight and motion, the the rope and tear out the setons. While these men were heinir thus tnrt.nn.rt thir umal. m. lations came in aud liaJ pieces cut out ot their aruis, 1.0 buow ineir appreciation una valor, and devotion to their kinsman, htill, as soon as the victim could bo prepared, the music was re newed and the diamul dance went on; the vic tims' bodies nosv mingled wiih bluod, taint, aud - eciiuiia. "There being several steambuafs and many soldiers here, a great cro d ol spectators rather embarrassed the peiiormers. so thev concluded the penormauce ut 12 o'clock, having only danced twenty-lour hours instead of fotty-eight, us they usually do. All the devotees gave uwav all their ponies and other valuables lo Iheir friends, had their wounds carefully drps-.ed by attendant medicine men, and sat down to an abundant feast of doe soup and buffalo meat. "So ended this most barbarous and paintul ex hibition of savage idolatry. The. picture is still deeply impressed on my senses, but I cannot give half the horror of the scene, either by pen or pencil." Murder Will Oat A Mystery Cleared Up. Over thirty years ago there was considerable excitement in Cecil county, Md., on account of the sudden disappearance of a widow ladv, named Patty Polr, who resided about four miles lrom Elkton. She was last seen going into a thicket near her house where t wo men had 1 ust passed. All search for her was fruitless. Alter a reasonable time had elapsed, letters of admin istration on her effects were issued, and in set tling up the estate, the administrator was unable to find a note drawn by one of the men who had been seen to go into the thicket. The note was known to have beea in her possession a short time before her disappearance. This aroused the suspicions of some of the people, and the two men were arrested; but nothing could be proved against them, and they were discharged. A number of years ago one ol the suspected parties died, and last week it is reported that the other, being very ill, sent for a minister, to whom he made a free confession. According to popular rumor, the confession was to the effect that he, with the other party, sent to Mrs. Polk to meet them in a certain place, where they would pay the money on the notes, and they then failed to meet her. That they saw her on her way home, and knowing that she would pass through the thicket, they went into it and laid in ambush, and as soon as she appeared one knocked her on the head with a stick of wood, killing her. That they then placed her body in the midst or a wood pile, whore they intended to let it remain, but it becoming noxious, they went to the pile with a box to remove the budy, and found that the dog ot the deceased had taken his place to watch over the corpse, and thev were compelled to kill him before they could get the body, and that, after succeeding, they carried it in the box to where the Philadel phia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad was being built, and placed it in the embankment. It is also stated that as soon as the man had made this disclosure he commenced to im prove, and that he is now in a fair way of re covery. The Knife used by the Assassin Payne, The following letter has been addressed to Sergt. George F. Robinson, in reply to a letter forwarded by him to the Secretary of War, ask ing that the knife used by Payne in the attempted assassination of Mr. Seward be transferred to him: Wae Defaktxent, Buruatj of Military Jus tice, Washington, D. C, July 10. Sir Your application for the knife used by Payne in his attempt to assasinate the Hon. William H. Sew ard, Secretary ot State of the United States, at Washington City, D. C, on the night of the 14th of April, 18i5, having been referred to the Secre tary ot War, has seen by him approved, and I am directed by him to comply with your request. Your conduct on the occasion mentioned Is now a matter ef bistery, and none will hereafter doubt but that, by your self-possession and cour age in grappling with the assassin, yon contri buted largely to save the life of the Secretary ot State at the extreme hazard of your own a most meritorious public service nobly rendered, and of which the weapon now committed to your keeping will be an enduring memento. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, J-Molt, Judge-Advocate General. To Scrfct. Giomi F. Kobinbom, present. AMUSEMENTS. Bbtantb Minstrbls, at the "CrieiinnV' dep'te the weather, play to good hooe. 'Their programme contains many acts new to I'hliadnlphiani. Dkllkb, at tbe "Arch," produces hli "Scarlet Spirit" this evening; tlmt time In this elty. Tm "WLirtrr" gives the dramas of Jettie Brovm and the Lott 8hip, both Interesting. STEAM ENGINE PACKINO LtimiCATIYE PACRIAC, FOIt TIIE STUFFING POXES OJ STEAM ENGINES. An article recoBimnidtd by all lUllroad Company wbo bars tborongbly ttrted h, ud m general ane by over two hundrtd and if7jr Kalliotda,ana on trial ever Ave hundred otbera. ADOPT D BY 20.UOO 8IATIONART EKOlNEn.. I in a flrM-claia article. Sevenly-Five Cents Per Found. Lubrlcatlvc Packing Company SOLE MAN V F At'THREKfl, 720 CIIESNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. L. G.T1LLOTSON & CO. BOLE AGENTS. 26 DEY Street, New York. BOLD BY DKALER8 GENERALLY. 28 8p MILLER'S STEAM ENGINE PACKINC box packing'" am"" coVredho'a3' ailing, mffing BIXTY CENTS PRB POUND. Forsalc by WILLIAM B. MILLER, Bole Manufacturer lor tbe United Hiaten, . Rear of m HBhnut Street, 28 P Philadelphia, Penns. AUCTION SALES. PANCOAST & WARNOCK. W No. 240 VlARRET Street D SCOTT. JR., AUCTIONEER, J 215 FOR SALE AND TO RENT. J LABGE, WELL LIGHTED AND VFNTILATEB mm, ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF THE "Evening Telegraph" Building, No. 108 South THIRD Street, TO RENT, With or witbout steam power. Apply In tbe oflice, tirst tioor. F0R SALE A DESIRABLE THREE etoiy Dwelling, with thiee-storv double Back Iding on IVVr LKTU Siret above Qreen. All modern improvement, summer kitchen, heaters etc io1'1' 6m clear- AuPir lhls Otllce. between 9 and li A. M. 4 t) FOR SALE. A THREE-STORY BKICK no use. No. 10 S Fou'h stroot-a long eatati khed Lakery und Conieetl. nary. Immedfntu nosseiiHioa. Apply to I, H. JOaPH,No.271B. THIRD Hi. 1 n 2t EXCURSIONS. GRAND EXCURSIONS TO WHITE AND GBKF.N MOUNTAINS -Round trip ticket good until November 1. hold ai creatly r ducud rates. Via NfcW YORK. t'ONSEO l'l UT KlVtR,and VUKUONT C NT KAL RAILROAD LIN K Philutlelpnia to Newport. V.,fand return via Rprlns- flcla, Bellows Falls, and Stowe tare, ;m 00 Phlludelpula to N wport.Vt . via Sprinkle d; New poit to outlet Lake MrmpliremaKK! outlet to Hlier brook; Slieitrook to Quebec; Quebec to Montreal, via rail or steamer; Aiontreai to Now Yoraand l'hllaile phia, via Springfield Kare $ai 25 Pnliauelphla to Crawiord House and retiiru, via Hprlnvheld. White Elver Junction, Newport Weiig River, and Littleton .....Fare, t42 2 Philadelphia to Profile House and return., rare, aSDM l'hllaile pbla tolBurilngion via Albany and SarotoRa: EurllnBton, to 8t. Albans; 8t luuns to New Yorkt Pbl'ade.phlB via Bellows Falis and pnnirfleld.Fare. 25. 1 tillBuelnhla toBuilinKton and return aamo as above via 1 ake (leortfe Fe. 828-00 Philadelphia to Mount Manefleld and re torn Kare, 128 -00 Also, twenty otber dlflerent routes iortlcketriand further Inlormation, applv at the office. So. 2 CHEBKUT Street, under PhUade.phia Rank, and pposite the C'untom Houee. 7 1 stuthet N. VAX HORN, Agent PLEASANT DAILY EXGDR- (3m "Ions up the River to Beverly, Barluifr- Bristcl. tOUCblns at Hlrnrtnn TnrraaV1.a in.l AndaluBla. bv the splendid Steamer JOHN a. WARSKU, leaving I he-nut street wharf at 8 P. M. ReturBlng, leaves Bristol at 4 o'c ock arriving at Phi adelpbla about 6 o'clock. On bUNDAY leaves chesnut street whart at IH o'clock P. li., stopping at Magargee't w barr, Kensington. Fare lor the Excursion, 4(1 cents. 77 lm JHE AMERICAN BUREAU OF MINES No. 64 BROADWAY. ' Mines, Mineral Lands, and Ores examined and reported npon. Competent Engineers furnished to Mining Com panies. Consultations afforded on all Mining, Metauarglcal and Chemical Questions, at the office of the Bureau, GEO. D. H. GILLESPIE, President. DRAKE DE KAY. Secretary. 3 10 taths rp D R. IIUNTER, No. 44 N. 8EVENTH STBEET. ABOVE FILBERT. PHILADELPHIA Acknowledged by all part inlere$tai. aa bv tar too Alum BUUUlthtirUli rUTBlUIAN In the trestinentt Ihteatet in hit $peialty. C U'llOBOUGli, and permanmt eurtt guaranteed I case. Remember DR HrUTfcB'S Celebrated Rc QUICK. ! in every Remedies can onir tie lho genuine at Ms old eaiabushed O noe, No. 44 K.bEVEATH btreet. abovt FUbcrt. 11031 FURNITURE .-THE LARGEST, C'bespeit and Best Stock of Furniture In the world U to be touud at OODLD M CO. '9 , UNION FURNITURE DEPOT. CORNER OF MNTH AND MARKET STREETS, aid Kos. 87 and J9 N RKCOND Street Parlor Suits, In Hair, Brocade, Plush, Damask, or K6p Dining-room. Chamber, Library. Kitchen, and Offloa Furul.ura.at iabu ouidy low prices, and the newest at? les and pattern. Public Building, School, College, and Shop Furniture In endltfa variety. All kinds ol Furniture wanted by housekeepers, at exceedingly low ptlces at either ol their ImnwniM estab ilshmenia II you want to save money aud get well served go to OOU1.D A CO. before purchasing else- and UN, HECOSiD Street. .JWSb pATEN T WIRE WORK FOSKAILUGB, STORE FRONTS, GUARDS, PAHTTTION8. IBOH B EDSTEA D8, AND WIRE WORK, In variety, manufactured by M. WALKER S SONS' I26m8 1 NQ.11H rth SUTB Stit. TOB PRINTING, IN COLOR8 OR PL A IK, Jp1 CAMPHOR TROCHES, jjy PmKIt PravaaUre oT r a o l e 12 -A. t DUrrtKM, Djnstarr, uul Cbokn Uorbaa. BoW Fotor, 0. H. Needle, DragtUt. yr4r b-p 12th E,u" Bu" PhUfc f$? malled oJ CURTAINS AND SHADES. K1ITV. CARRIN6T0I. AND COMPANY" No. 723 CHESKUT Street, IMPORTERS OF AND WJWLE&aLXAND H El AIL DEA LERb IN CURTAIN MATERIALS ND M A U U F A C T L' R E R 8 WINDOW SHADES, SWISS LACE CURTAINS, FRENCII LACE CURTAINS, NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS, LACE AND MUSLIN CURTAINS, APPLICATION LACE CURTAINS CALL AT KELTY. CARR1NGT0X & CO.'S, No. 723 CIIESNUT Street, AND SEE OUR LACE CURTAINS, FROM AUCTION. ALSO, DAMAGED LACE, Jn Cvrtain, and ly the Yard, Very Low. WINDOW SHADES, ALL COLORS, ALL QUALITIES, r ALL SIZES. i i BROWN AND GILT. LEATHER AND OILT. BTONI AND GILT. ELATE AND QILT. STORE SHADES, SKY LIGHT, AND WINDOW SHADES, OF ALL DESCRirHONS, MADE TO ORD ER, KELTY.OAEBINQTOH&OO, No. 723 CIIESNUT Street, i IMIIAVILTUIM JULY 12, 1866. MILLINERY, MANTUA-MAKING, Ac C L O B I N O OUT i JULY PRICES CHEAP. FREEMAN & C O., i HEED'S BLOCS, Corner of Eighth and Tine Streets. Sun Hats, Sea-Side Hats, May Queen Hats Gipsy Bats, 75 to $100 75 to $100 75 to $125 75 to $125 J(I0 Bonaett Fancaon and Emolreahttpejurt received irom Faotfm manuraetnrer. which we offer at 63 and W mil each. Call eatly. g ig lmjp MRS. R. DILLON, Nos. 323 and 331 SOUTH Street, Hi a handsome aseortaient of SPRING MILLINERY t Mltaee' and . lnianta' Hate and Caps, Silks, Velreta, Crape a Klbbona. Keathw. riowera. Frames, etc rS IS 4m CLOTHING. $' ft S 4 TBI AB2i Chestnuts H. T- OP F. C. F. F. F C. CLOTHING ! HICKS' TEMPLE OF FASHION. Cdetrated For FiLe Fashionable Clothine. W ILLIAM HICKS, No. J05 MAliKKT Strpet. g'l'ATES UNION CLOTHING HA.LL, 606 MARKET Street, 606 Visitors win nnd a lame and varied assortment ot the vety best KKADY-114DK tLOTHISG at the lowest cash prices. . . . . . Huits, coatalnlna Coats, Pants, and Test, lrom 12 00. Dusters, fi ir. Parts lrom a:i 00 and higher. Come and convince yourselves. i5 313m (fcOKTO $45 FOR A SUIT OP U LACK OP (IptJ'J tancy colored cloth; annyand navyclothlo J o . in style unsurpusse.1. " 47t(inrp PA Kit. o. lONlKTHBt.. aboveChesnut P E K F K C T I O N 18 liAREJLY ATTAINED, YET A. B. W. BULL A ED'S IMPROVED OIL SOAP, FOB RZMOVING Grease, Paint, Pitch, and Varnish, From all Goods ofDnrable Colors. Is ahead of anything yet discovered. It leaves the Ooods soft, and as perfect ax when new wl h no soot upon which dust can col ect, aa is tbeoase with all the preparations heretoiore sold tor cleanslna good. " dlsakreeable odor of benzine, and all otber reslnoas fluids. COUNTERFEITS Ol this preparation are extant, therefore be sura and take none bat that bleb, has the autograph of a. 11. w 1.111 I L l n 1 - V , ' ' " Manalactared by the Proptletors, A. B. W. BOLLARD & CO., WOHCE8TEB, MASS. Gentral Agents tor Pennsylvania, DYOTT & CO., o. K'2 North SECOND Street, Philadelphia. For sale by all Druggists. 7 9 3m piJE WEST PHILADELPHIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY, OFFICE, OKTUWEST CORNER OF F0UTV-FIRST AND HAVERF0RD STREETS. rillLADKLPUIA, July 10. 1863. TheBiarlol Directors have this day deolared a divicend oi FIVJL PER CENT. On the Capital Stock lor the last six months, clear ol all taxes, payable on and alter the 20th instant. J he Books lor the tran-ior ot stock will be closed until that oule. SAMUEL. P. HU11N,' 7 11 11 U 16 18 20 Jl TREASURER. WAttilKMTtiK, IV. TN ORDER TO SAVE MONEY AND JET AN 1. article that nearly eTery one Is rUHhlnB tor buy PRBMON COAL, at 6 7lf Per ton. Tgg and Btovi sice also ihe genuine Kagle Vein Coal at aHiue price and a very Una quality of Xehigh at7-uer toa lor r ft and filove delivered to aH carta ot the el iv, free ef alate and dirt. Orders received at No, 114 8. XUIBO Mtreet i Q11 KOUTO STREET, M. D'ANCON'A -,JrtJ 'Pr the hlgkeet ulee e Ladle and eats' ca4 etl Clotliuia. . 1J4J BOI31U iiim Sehiw Aread Vv-A v0 V m MEDICAL. R H E U r1 A T I S Til GOUT, NEURALGIA, ASTHMA, ; CONQUERED AT LAS1. A CURE WARRANTED, OR IHE MOSEY RETURNED NOTHING RISKED BY TRYING IT. SUFtEBKHS FOR YEARS NOTTQE. , USED INWARDLY. The following wondortol remedy for the pod live cure of Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, and Astbn a, wis discovered after toe study and prac tice ot a lift time, by Dlt. J. P. FITLER, One ol l'blladelphia's oldest practising physician,, wi o has made these diseases a specialty, and having; luily tutcd ita remarkable curative oower tor a nam b rol jeais, now oQrs it to all am cted and suffer ing, w th Mio liberal con d it on that if any caaa can potsibly lo lonnd that it- inlailiblo power cannot overcome, HE WILL refund tosncn case or ease the tall smonnt paid In the trial ot this remedy. In credible ss this oiler may seem, the proprietor know lull well lrom experience tbe merits ot the remedy and tbe safety ot his oflVr. It contains no Mercury, Colchicum, Minerals, Metals, nor anything injurious or unpleasant. Price i-00 per bottle. Prepared only ai tbe Prin cipal Depot, Ao 29 South tOUKlU street, a Dove I hesiiut. where Dr. FilLOU may be personally oon. tulteo, ire of charge. Highest iclerences of wonderful cures acconmanv ach bottle. ' CER1IFICATK8. Among btindrcds ot Testimonials ot its efficacy the lollowiiig rcspao able gei.tmen httvo aindiy consented to answer any inquiries reapeoting-.ii wonderlul cure-of the t.reac KUeumauo Komodv v. hich may be lequired of them i Conrad F Clothier, Esq , ho. 28 V. HnVr street W.iham Anspach, luq , No ' N. Third street. ilionias Allen, tsq., hevenfli street above Brown. 1 11. l: Dixey, J-.sq., Ao. C22 t hentu tmet. Ceorge J. Weaver, Ken.. No. 1827 Walnut street. Joset h Hteveos, No. b)& Owen trret John Ellison, Franklin and Poplar streets. Gort l.unncM, Esq., no 1(05 Green street Samuel V . Jacobs, rsq.. Arch t above 8l.th. Michael Weaver. Kaq.. No 16H6 Green stieet. . Joseph llakei . Ksq , 828 N 'ifth street. v. J Miliwoil, Bndcbunr. Joseph omlv, Frankford ov. J. ball burg, Vicksburg, Miss. 6 27 THE PHILADELPHIA ELECTROFATIIIC lXSTITlTI0t KOB TUE CCRE OF Chronic and Acute Diseases', CORNER THIRTEENTH AND WALNUT, IS UNDIlR tbe charge op Drs. GALLOWAY, WHITE & KOLLES, THE OLD MEDICAL ELECTRICIANS. Wc have been engaged for many j ears in the noble work ot giving health nd happiness to the suffering and the affile ed. Uuring this tln:e we have treated over 1WEMT 1I10U8AKD IVaLID8 suffering irom tbe various forms ot disease, and in almost every case a per manent cure has teen elite t o. Manvo' them In fact, cad been given up as Incutubic by their physicians. We have restored to health. In a few tlui s, tliouaands of per sons in this city who had been suffering irom nainfal diseases five, ten, and flitoen years and uutvarus. At our Inttltufjoii we have cured, and are curing, a class of dis eases that has baffled the medical piofunsion in all agos of the world. RKFEUENCKs.-We reter the Diseased and others Interested in our new piact.co to the lo lowing well known gentlemen, who oave been treated successfully by ns i- y Ol OUGE GltAfcT. Jio. 810 Ches ut street M, 'I . UK.-ILVjok. Ko. 173 Oiesuutstruet tieneral 1'LliASONiO -. So. Dili uruce s.rnet. Alh.ior-General PI.KASOSTon, V js. Annv Hon 1V1 W'lLUOT, Judge of Court of Claims Washington cltj . Hon juUko CAPROS, New Vora city. Kr v l r. MAIl.-HALL ol 1'lttsburc. Ta. K1)V'1N lOHKEST. the sroat iruedlan. Vev.lir. HALL, ol Fhllailclihia. liev. UANli L . LA Hli., Illinois. t olouel THOMAS W. SWtENEY, Assessor, No. 7i Walnut street. titOKOK H. EARLE, Attoraey-at-Law, Sixth and Cliesnut streets. EMANUEL REY, Attorney at-Law, No. 707Sanaom llr. GEORGE W. FREED, Lancaster city, Penna. UT. MM. li. BROWN. Ulrard House. Jr,reuna' Rpv. Mr. alALLOKY, Morris town, Penna. ALBcRl' H. MCOLAY. So. 02 WUluun street. New York cltv. (!. COM MTKOf, Stnyvesant street. New Yerk olSr H, ('. lBUinXEi'F,No. 374 Mnrket street ' J OHN M . HI 1 61. o 132:1 -outh Broad sueet t O. W. MERCHANT Geraiftniown, Phl tiloinhla. JOfEPHW FOK8Yl b.No ItilU Arch i-treeL JAMK8 WIU.INOAK. No. !28 Greea street J. V. W LLDoN, Philadelphia Hank BARLKH DK TOI NU No. 421 North Seventh St. THOMAS BAHROP, Hose Mill West I'blladeluhia. ABRAHAM FLUKE. Jr., No. IBM Camao street. Consultation and examinations tree ot charge. An Interesting Circular mailed by addressing DRS. GALLOWAY, WHITE & B0LLES, CORNER THIRTEENTH AND WALNUT STS., 6 19 thsm7trp Philadelphia. J CARD 10 THE LADIES. OR. UUfONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS, FOR FE MALES, Infallible in correcting Irremilaiitiea, Re moving Obstructions from whatever cause. It is now over thirty years since the aboro cele brated fills were discovered by Dr. DofOJiCO, oi Pans, during hlqh time they have been extensively And Successfully Used In Most of the Public Institutions, As well as in private practice, oi both hemispheres, with unparalleled success in every caxe. and it la only at tbe "urgent request" of tbe Diou-ands or ladies who bare used ihem. that he la induced to make tho PU s public for the alleviation ot those suf fering from any irregulaiiti'-a whatever, aa well a to prevent an increase where health a ill not pe mlt it. One box is sufilcient. Fifty thousand boxes bave been sold within tw years. Ten thousand boxes sent by letter, both myself and agents, to all parts of the word, to whi answers bave been returned, in which ladlea nothing like tbe above 1'ills bave been known Bin the soierce ot medicine dawned upon the world, removing Obstructions and Betoniir nature to I proper channel, quieting the nerves and hringia back tbe "rosy color ol health ' to the oieok of th most delicate. Price tl 00 per box. Six boxes, Vj 00, gold by all Druggists. Partis by sending SI 00 to 8 8. HOWE, Hew York Post Offioe, can have the P1IU aout (confldea- tially ) by mail, to any part ot the country, "free o postaue " It s C II OO LTIEL D'S CHOLERA AND DIAIUIIICEA PILL Cure all kinds of Bowel Complaint-, a ml; Ms GASTRIC AND LIYtCB PILUS Are the best remedy for all diseases of taa8toaa and Liver. WHOLESAL1 AGENTS, 1. W. DALLAM CO.. 6ECOIO AMD CALLOWHILL. 1 1t loi