THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, TIIUIESDAY, JULY 12, 180G. i WR1TTKN tOli TllK kVKNINU TKLKOIIA PH. wuRiiAWKCiiim.jii is. BIT JAM KB RIHTIHH. The street tie tramp ed by a swoitenng throng, For Itio tnidsuuituoi's Mullght burns ana flare Along tho dusty waya, ntid mystic son la ever in the heart, of wandering aim Cool with the darknt n ol the loaf? prove, And musical with tlm sparrow' voice ol lore. We ill away from steaming wall and pave, And thread the broad, oluo Hudson's sinuous rcrge Up tbruugu the loret Ule, to where tne wave With pleasing motion flius tho plashing surge Even to the mountain ba-.e, and onward strain Orr tne rough ledeo- to i he loftior plain. For It Is sweet to stand upon thee heights, Wechawkent fametl so lont In heart and song! To feel the winds of heavon in their flights, Fluttering the cool wing the trees among, Dry the thick motsturo on the feverish brow, And fill the panting breat, deep-breathing now. And tee the groves that cluster on thy sides, Whore warbling wild birds leap from spray to spray, And wuere the river breese ascends and rides, With the low sound of waters, lar away Molting in mus'o on the forest shore, As on the strand, the waves spring murmuring o'er. And see the tufts of tender grass, that gloam Like emeralds in tho rocks, and the btown bee Come bazzing up from flower to do ver, tnat soem To wait bis coming, and beyond to see The blazing glass, the spire, and fteople rise: And further where ihu peopled harbor lies. The boats walk up and boats walk (iown the bay, Alivo with purpose and the white sails Gleaming like snow fleets in the lar avuy Where waves upheave and curl in ocoan gales, And to tho left, the ruuvo of wooded hills Ihreaded whh the silver lines ol sparkling rills. It is a glorious sight, and well repays Tho laboring footstep from tho dust below, Yet far unlike tho steep and toilsome ways That you and I have trod, and IcarnoJ to know The world has no tree summit for the soul Where Its wild jtearuing may not still control. IIerr,if the higher feci es engaero the heart: The blue o'er-arcuiag ky, the castled oloud, And swallows skimming in mid air, impart Kellglon to the spirit woifi and bo-ved, And quench with ho ier flame the flickering ras That shine like wisps aion the darkoned ways. New York, Jniy 1st, 1865. From tnis grandly pic'uresque and wild locality a view of lite is p renin ieu that cannot be excelled in tho whole world I'lie uanorama embraces thecitios ol New Yotk, Brooklyn, Williamsburg, Harlem, Jersey City, Doboken, wd all ot tno viLaoes that line tho shores of .New York Buy Ei. Iklkurapu. FEOJI ATLANTA, OA. t A Iy Among Mm Nttaeitl for the) Edn chIiou ot site Pmir White Children. Accosting the invitation of Mr. Elmer B. Adams, Agent ot the A in erica u Uuion Commis sion ol Pennsylvania Hud New Jersey, we vifited the three schools which he has established in this city for the purpose of educating the poor white children. The schools are three in num ber, atid are presided over by rive intelligent ladief.-wbo are experienced and successlul teachers. In the thiee schools there are tour bundled and fixteen pupil-, according to the last monthly reports. TUB BUILDINGS iu which these schoois are held, were, with one exception, built with lundd supplied by the A. U. Commission. Each contains two com partments, in which the pupils are arranged according to the progress they have made in their studies. Tho other building is renied for the purposes of the school, the rent being paid with fluids supplied tliroimh the same bene volent source. The building? are all temporary. : but comfortable enough for summer or winter , use. We will menuouthe schools in the order in which we visited them. j ' MIB9 PBYOB'S SCHOOL. This is situated on Walton street, near the first Baptist Churcu. and is under the charge of Miss Louiea Fryor, of Morgan county. There were eightyeven pupils in it at the last monthly re port, 'but since then the number hat been in creased to ninety-three. The examination of the pupil convinced us that they had been subject to very excellent discipline. The feckool has been in opeiation only three mouths, and dur ing that time the pupils bave made a most satis factory progress. Moct ol them Lad their letters to leain auu lew or none could read. Now, seve ral ol the classes are reading very well. Some have mudc considorable progress In arithmetic. while the whole school has picked up a store of intormation on general topics which is realty woudorlul, considering the brlet time they have been under training. Miss Pryor deserves much credit lor the ellicacy of her management of the little ones. FOUNDRY STREET SCHOOL. This is situated on Foundry street, between Marietta and Luckie. nod is in charge of Miss Maggie runups ana Miss i L.. Craighead, both Northern ladies, but both excellent teach ers and skiltul managers ot the young. This school is divided into two apartments. The niore advanced is presided over by Miss Maggie Phillips. The pupils under her have made rapid progress towards acquiring the rudi ments of a practical education. In reading. spelling, geography, and arithmetic, they can already put many older persons to the blush. There are seventy-live pupils in her depart- menu Under Miss Craighead there are eighty-six chull'y little fellows, btae das instituted the same efleclive discipline that characterizes tho other schools, and under her care tae pupils have made ample progress. She is evidently a lauy wno is wtu ciiuaciiamu tor tne posi tion she holds, and is doing a good work out ot the crude malarial that is collected under her rule. HISSES THKOPP'S SCHOOL. This is situated near the Macon and Western Railroad, and, like the last mentioned, is sepa rated into two compartment. One, containing ninety-two pupils, is managed by Miss Jenny Thi opr. She had the poorest material of any to commence on, but hii succeeded wonderfully with mem. Out of the ninetv-two who com menced with her three months ago, only sixteen knew their letters, jnow they can all read, and many of them have made considerable advances Into the arithmetical tables, and have attained quite a store of the same general information which is Imparted orally in all the schools. The other deDnrlment of this school Is under the control of Miss Amelia Thropp. sister to the former lady. Her classes ate somewhat more advanced than those or her sister, and are man- need with consummate skill. These two ladies are from Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, and we are informed will close their school to-day, that they may spend a couple, at least, ot the hot summer months at home. They expect t re sume their school again in the fall. THE. PCTILS. tIiph( schools are collected entirely from the rioorer classes of our population. They are iKa okii.imn nf neon lc who are absolutely un able to Dav for tuition. They have never had the means of acquiring the rudiments ot an wnmn. hut were nicked ud out of the waste nlaces with a determination to save them if tbey can. They are all raw, and as a general thincr have to commence witn the alphabet. fconie ot them, have arrived at an age which ' renders it easy to make a bold start into the amnire nf letters: but most of them are small. unit are aa nliistic material in the hands of the kind-hearted ladies who have taken upon them selves the humble duty ol teaching mem. TUB DIHCirLINl we find to be mild but Arm. We lenrn from the ladies thut the children are all tractable, do not awr-ar, rironwily controlled, aud seem anxioul , to k'nrn as lapidly as possible. It soon became evident to us that mere was a principle which underlies the groundwork of success which has teen made in the schools. We were not long in diFCovenns the secret; lor the brisrhi beaming faces of the little one?, when they were ad dic wed by a teacher, Mmvred us p altily that love bad coniething to do with ommon spirit of obe dience that pervaded the sehooK The Indies have evidently won the hearts of the children, nd this none, half the conquest is made. The text-book used are anion? the latest that have appeared, and are very excellent books. A great deal ot information, however, is Imparted orally. Sitting Is an Interesting catureiutheschools. The pupils all sing, and sirg well considering i he moans they have had lor the cultivation ot their voices. They raise their own tune and carry them through with a remarkable preci sion ol time. BOOKS AND CLOTniNO. The books for the use of the schools have boeu furniRlied by the Commission, and tue pupils are allowed to retain them at the of the term. Those of the children who had not good clothing and there are many of them are sup plied from the same source. Maps and other school room furniture are also supplied for the use of each of the schoolR. This k. one of the keys to the progress that has been made. A laree majority of the children were wholly un able to purchase their own books.and the circum stances" ot many were such that a gratuitous supply ot clothing was one of the conditions of their attendance on the schools. The children all appear to be comfortably clad, and we have never seen a happier ser ol faces than wcr clustered about the forms in the tidy school rooms. The dust and grime of wild, indolent lives have given way beneath the cleansing influences of education, until it would be ditli rult to find a cleaner looking set of children than those who attend these, schools. THE WORK. Almost imperceptibly to our people a great influence has been at work iu our midst, which is working a radical change in tho capacity of our four hundred children. Those who were growing up in vice and ignorance, who were surrounded by nothing but whut contaminates und blight?, are being grasped from tho gulf that is yawning beneath them, aud fitted tor the higher duties of life. The shackles of igno rance are being knocked from their young limbs, aud the golden dawn of an intellectual morning is beaming upon their young minds. A great social reform is being produced. The eeds of vice are being torn from the young hearts, and the children who, il permitted to drift oil according to the promise of . a few months ago, would have become wortnless drones in the great social hive, are being fitted for all the responsible duties of life. The foundation lor uf-eiul men and women is being laid in their young minds. The penitentiary and the seraglio are being robbed ol their prey. Society is the beneliciary. Who can estimate the real value of this work ? Who can measute the result? The ragged schools of London were not a nobler conception than is this enterprise. The kind-hearted chanty of Christian individuals has supplied to us the means ol doing what we could not do ot our own ability; and what man among us will not thank them tor it? Wo imagine that there is not one who is not willing to give the praise that ia due to the originatois of i his We know of no more disinterested charity none more commendable. Atlanta New Era. The Secretary ot this Commission informs us that three thousand dollars have already been bubscribed by the members, on condition that the citizens of the States they represent send in on equal amount. This ouht to be doue at once. William Struthers, Esq., Treasurer, No. 1022 Market street. Joseph Parker, Esq., Secre tary, No. 1210 Chesnut street. COAL, o N E T II I A L SECURES YOUK CUSTOM. WHITNEY & HAMILTON LEHIGH, SCHUYLKILL, AND B ITUMLNOUS Ao. $35 North MMII Street, Above Poplar, East Stde. 65 JAMES O'BRIEN, DEALER IN LEHIGH AND SCHUYLXILL COAL BY THI CAUOO OH SINGLE TOM. Yard, Broad Street, below Fitzwater. Has constantly on hand a competent supply of the aiore superior coal, sun awe lor lanmy uuo, to which he calls the attention ot bis friends and the public gonerally. Orders left at Ko. 206 South Fifth street, AO. 82 South seventeenth Btroot, or through Despatch or Post Office, promptly attended to. A SUrEKlOR QUALITY OF BLACKSMITHS COAL. 7 65 RENDER'S COAL AND ICE DEPOT, 8. W. COKNKB OF BBOAD D CALLOW HILL 8TBEKTB, Offem die celebrated Went Lebltih Coal from the iirpi iiMotKt i ullicrv. Move. Lag. ana Heater lze. tl-to: MHtbM Alao, the very uperior hutiuylktd Coal, iroin the UetTCbdiUe tollleiy, .Nut size. a 00. All other All t otil warranted bii ia&eu uaua uwa ui vaubihwco ti.i nun lin r. Ii not as reoreaenteU. AIho. the Coal t'or- tcltbtt II not lull weuiuu a i om IJHILAOBLflllA, APRIL 12, 18(16. NOTICE la hereby given that Wilia of Scire Faolaa will be iMued ucon toe ioiiowiuk ciuium ai vue expirsuun oi tli roe montbH irum the aate bereof. uuiexa the aame are paid within that time to . ouiya.ii, ( Aituiucj mi. faT , No SO North SEVENTH Street. Tttv to nH ot T ana 8chnfleld yi. Cornellui fl. Bmltn, C.V.. December T. -,MU. No. 2. lor DavliiK. aHS'D.V lol 8 W comet ol Second and Uuuen atreeu, 'ii teet it luclioa oy ieei o uicuea. nan e ya. John Panders, C. r., March t.. ho. bs. for Davlnu. a44 Ml lot K. K. uirntr ii Hixih and Lombard a ireeta, IB leet by 20 feet 8 Inches. rame va. jainea annionmarf i. k. uecemoer r.. mo a. No 4. lor paving. 3V'7tf. lot S. W. oomer of eventecuLB ana Mouirose atieeu. U feet by 46 teet 6 Inches bun v. Vreeman Bcoit. C. V.. March T.. 1S68. No lor Having aiiA tH. lot N. K. fnrn..r l T.nlh anil Pillllur airevia. o ict. irom on 'i enin atreet by Sb et. i .r . . . r- r fit-n lot aorth aide of Poplar atreet, M teet earn Iruiu leiitu iuwi i iw, uj zi. aine va nmi.r,r..ainhT luut dja fnp navinir tirsKi. lot north aide of fonar atru.1 Ml iui aui trm n- . V. .. . . 1 A K - O. .. . . ' $24 I S, lot north aide of roulux utreeti 64 teet eat trom 'Xentn aireet ia mi vj ieei. UuMnA va w urn A. Arnmf. I . v . H.Mk luaa 5, lor pavlnn. AV41I7, lot aoulii aide 01 brown aireet !tt leet 6 Inches eaat from St. John atreet, 14 teet I luohes by ' BMW ' " -, . . H U.U ... 1CV 'V Hume vs. saine, t; r., nrou i.. ume, no. a. for paving, M in, lot aouiu amc ui pi.r.wi, .o umii eaat IToin - Joau street, IB leet i lucuai by 'ii feet ilu. 4 Ulusiu FLAGS, FIREWORKS, 4o. F1 EWORKSI FIREWORKS! O HEAT CENTRAL DEPOT For Pyrotechnics of all Kinds, Suitable lor city retail trade and alio a large aort n ent for Private alubltlona. Gcntleo en retting op private display! are especially requested to call. JOSKPH E. SMILEY, 1,30 No. 23 South THO NT Street. SHIRTS, FURNISHING GOODS, A T W. SCOTT & CO.. SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, AMD DKALERS IK MKN'S FU1JNISHINO OOODS, No. 814 CHESNUT Street, rorB lioons m low the continental," 8 26 Up PHILADELPHIA. PATES T SI10ULDEH-SKAM .A- SHIRT MANUFACTORY, AND (JKNTLRMtN'S t'URVISIIING 8TOKE. PEKFI.CT K1T7INO BHIR18 AND DRAWEES made irom measurement at very ahort aotlce. All ether aittclca of GJiNTLKMEN'M DHK.83 OOOD3 In lull variety. W1NCIIF.STEH & CO., 8S4 J Xo.706 CHESNUT Street REFRIGERATORS. s CHOOLEY'S NEW PATENT SELF VENTILATING AMERICAN REFRIGERATOR, PATENTED JANUARY 5, 1864. Ta the brat and only Der'ect Pell-Ventllatln Preserve. In tho world! and will keep such articles as Veectablei, t rulls, aieats. Uaoic, rish, Ainu, r.gKs. etc eta , LOSUKH. UHIKR. ASU COLDER, WITU LESS ICE, Than any other Refrigerator now in use! K. S. FAJtSON V: CO., 6 20 1m Nos. IU and 224 DOCK Street ICE COMPANIES. EAST BUN I OK lf.li6. 8lb. dally COMPANV.-BEASON OP y. 60 cents per vi eek t it ids anllv. 7ft cents per week ! la lbs. dally, 81) cents per week;20 lis daily l tio per week. jepoi. no. hi yu h.p. Street below Third. 'JHOslASJ. liusih. 1 ilUljk o. M i tiin. STOVES, RANGES, ETC. TT N I O N OIL STOVES, A new and complete apparatus tor Cooking and Heating by Petroleum Oil. Our Stoves Rive no smoke or odor, and are not liable to get ontot older, being as simple In every respect as a Kerosene Lamp. The Baker, Broiler, and Flat-iron Beater are the onl special articles of iur nlture required. Foi all other purposes, ordinary stove luruiturc ma; be used. DAVID II. LOSEY, BOLE AGENT FOR PENNSYLVANIA, No. 38 South FIFTH Street. liberal ditcoutit to the trade. 4 17 3 in rp nULVE It'S NEW PATENT UKEP SAHD-JOINT H 0 T - A 1 U FUltNAOE. RANGES OF ALL. SIZKS. ALSO. PHlEGAll'S NEW LOW rKWSSUBF STKAM HEATING AiPABArUS. FOR BALK BY CHARLES WILLIAMS, 6 10 Uo. 1132 MARKET STKKET. THOMrSO.N'S LONDON KITCHENER, OB F.l'liOFEAN KAN OK, tor tamlllee, hotels, or nubile institutions. In TWKNTY DUrKF.Kfc.NT M.1H. Also l'hl adelph'.a Baniies. Hot-Air fcur- racea. Hortahle Heaters, Lowuown Urates, n re board Ins Stoves, etc., vi bolesa.e ana retll, by the manuuo- turcrs Vil A o r-, tnnnr at. invmrav. S l.Btutntim xvo. zvu jn. djluujnu Btroet TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, ETC. PHILADELPHIA SURGEONS' BAN liAOt INStITDTE. No. 14 N fSar? NINTH Street above Market. It. O rl. aETT, alter thirty vers' practical experience guarantees the skiliul aiijutiiieiu oi bis Premium ri atent Uraduatlmr I refute Truss, and a Variety others. Supporters. Elastic Stockings, sbuuloer Braces ockingi Ladles Crutches. Suspeusorlos, eto i knaiuiiiuiMuu .m I u . H n.a.rl.i.a.i.j tin BpartmeutH con- qucieo vy a iaay. its O- S LIGHT TOR THE COUNTRY. FEERIS & CO.'S AUTOMATIC GAS MACHINES FOR PRIVATE KEHDENCE8, MILLS, HOTELS. CHUKCHE8, iTC FITHNISHINU FROM TEN TO SIX HUNDRED LIGHTS, AS MAY BE REQUIRED. This machine Is guaranteed ; does not tret out of order. and the time to mauage it Is about five minutes a week. 1 he simplicity ot this apparatus, Its entire fieedom fiom danger, the cbeapress and quality of the light over all otheis, has gained fo It the tavorabie opinion of those acquainted vi Ith its' merits, the names ot thone having used them for the last three years will be alven by calling at our OFFICE, No. 105 SOUTH FOURTH STKEET, Where the machines can be seen In operation. FERRIS A CO., Box 1491 P. O. Pend for a rsmphlet. 619 ESTABLISHED 1796 i AO xx a is i o o. i A.jS. HOBINsdN, French Plate Lookln-Cilusses, ESGMV1SGS - -rAINTlNGS, DRAWINGS ETC" ; Manufacturer of all kinds of IjOoUine-Glass, Portrait, and Pic ture ftVames to Order. No. 910 CHESNUT STREET, THIUU UOOB ABOVE THE CONTINEN1AL, '.J j ruiLADKLPQIA. , 1 I IS I .... I MEDICAL. yox roru li. W111G1IT S TAR SYltUP. PRINCIPAL DEPOT, No. Ill Ssouth THI 15 1) fctrp-et Pncf, $100 per Bottle; $510 tor halt-a-dozeu. The ntideralined citizens lake niaaanni In chaomillt recon mtinili.k the aae of WHuhi', Tar mi couiihs. colds, conanniptlon whooping-cough, spotted lever, ivrr compiamt, pains In ttie breast, tronohUle, Intlanimatlon. and restriction 01 air Teasels la the lung. eiu. t np'M nuuuiu oe in every lamlly t Chsrles v. Wi son. orn Pret$ oftice. Charles It. t.rsflfo. titmiini U- iiw Jaonea Nolen. Jtiqwrrr oftioe wmiiiiii r.t,oriiit,aMociniedPreaa W'llllnra II. t'arnenter. Fire Alarm and Police T graph. V Hth and hesnnt streets. A iianiuiipn. rrom ana ombara strer-ts. JamesW. errlue No. 11 M Charlne street. ll.A.l'avis P.O. .raiuaaklil street John vvoodslne No IS31 Franklin street. Konen iiiouipwD. ino. um Walter street. H. t. Mnrcn, sso. ti'ib Fl an kiln atmat. J tlebloft. No 131 8. second atreet. John weymour No. til s. f ront street. If.. W. Hovtara, no. l Dock atreet K. t . nartieu no. im s. -eoona street. L. nates No. WIS Arch street Albert Martin, ho. 417 H. Hecond street. Mary t'aidwela No loM Hansom afreet. W. 'Ihcmas. No. 20 N. Fourth atreet T. M. rrtliv No. li t enrntn'a alia. Oeorge Wl son. No. 236 Baee street. w . t. nrooss, no.e orUl seoond street M. J. Hasaett, No. lit Canal atreet. s. ,-evmour Rose BusHeton. Oiar es Hop m, No. K!l South street. K. T. r e 'ina on, second ana guarry street V . K. 1 hi mas No. I3H Houth Mxt" atreet. William llama. No MA Sooth rronta'reeL S. P. alllol, Opera Manager. John Aiauinn'S. rear of No l:t4 North Second street. Aire. H. H. Cheats, Newark. Dei. tlr Wulitim B. Wrwhtt Pirn We take rleannra tn rerommendtna' Ton r IT A k SYlitP (of wli'ch we have already se'd coniAderahlo aunntitieai as a most excellent and eRicaclous remedy mr the complaints set lortb In vour printed hill alrnal submitted 10 the public. Aa a vratltylna act to sutfrrlna tuin anity e wn. clieeriu lv recommend lour preoara Hon to a I btlllctrd with diseases which It is designed ta cure. Yours, etc., D1LKN it SON, Illtlggists. N, . corner Pine and Sixth streets. For 'aie nleo at JOHNSON, HOLI.0WAT s COrTDEN'S, DYOTT A CO V, A nd all principal Iirurgiata and Dealers. l'tie sal scrlber would bra leave nrriher to say thai he is prepared te fl.l orders end forward the Hyrup to any psrt ot '.he country. Persons desiring other imor ii n by i.isll will Inclose a poataire stamp and anawen win te reiumea as soon as tne exigencies oi oxisinest win admit Address WILLIAM B. WRIOIIT, 320 No 771 S. THIRD Street, Philadelphia, Pa. G LAD NEWS FOB THE TJNFOKTCNATE. BELL'S SPECIFIC REMEDIES Are warranted In all cases, for the Spkkdt and Pehh.v KkM CthE oi all diseases ariHing irom excesses ar lUUt llf Ut, lNt)lt UK I ION Emissions, Genital, .Fbysical and Nervous DebUltr, Im. poteuce, etc etc j LiiAiir, Kir 1 1 1 i r-rj.jr.r,-i, n i . Thev can oe used without detection, and never tall to etiect a uuru, u useu accoruiuir to instrucuoiis. BELL'S 8PKCIFIC PIL.I.8, l'nce One Dollar per Box, or Six Boxes for Five Dol lam; aiso, Large uoxes. containing rour ouiait, l'rice Three dollars. From font to six boxes aro ireneraily required to cure ordinsn cases ot Seminal Weakness, though beuellt is aenved irom uhIhk a singlo box in ( Dron ic t axes, anu particularly wnen lmiioience or Gei Hal Deb! liy with Nervous frustration has atlectcd the system. IlKLL'S TONIC FILLS Are recommended as the most Kfllcacloas, Rejuvenating. ana mviMirutiug lienieuy iu tne wor.a. A racksite fi ice rive iouara, wi l last a mouta, ana is ntuera. y sufilvienU In extreme cases of Debility and Impotence, UkLL'S EXTEBSAL HEMEUY, Price Two Dollars, suitlcient for a month, caa be ased te good advantage. It given btteUKtii to tne organs aim, wuu tne i ius, will restore them to their norinai condition. A l-aniplilet o, 100 panes, on the Lit iOK- OF TOTJTH. deslitneU as a Lecluro and iu ion to Young- Men, sent tree. Ten Cents required to pajr pontage. It you cannot purchnse Bull's Specific Remf.dibs ot your DiugRlst. take no other, but send the money direct to DK. JAMES BRYAN, Conaulnnfr Physician, No. 8M BROADWAY. New York, And vou will receive them by return of mail post paid, and nee irom obBervatlon. lor sale by DYOTT & Co., No. -m . st.uuu btroet. ells C 11 O L E It A DISAItMED The Chief Causes of Pestilence Destroyed. DR. E. COVBTA RUT'S DISINFECTING FLUIDS. secured by Letters 1 atent In the United states and 1 rants, prepared sole y by the ew York Dlsluleciiug , ... l.l 1 ..I. n... ...... V,. a UI.U ld, IjUiii yniij . n mill iuij . .vo. uw, wiu oi'A 11ENKY street, New York; Office, No. 42 CEDAR btreet 'Ibis company organized on a permanent basis, witn Dr. l ourtaret the ceiobruied Kicncli i hcmisl. In obatKe oi its l aboratory. Is prepared to furnish Its Disinfect ing f ix ins tor aicK rooms, nurseries, urinals, water eloKcts, privies, oostpools, sewers, gutters, ships, tall- roans liospuais prisons ana puunc i-ntitutions ol all kinds, siauKbter-houses, otlal and lat-bolliuK etlillsli meuts; ailklnosot manures ( mmeineiy liicreasliig the value ol the latter to every farmer), and wherever nol- sonous and ollensive gases exist. These agents are de odorizers, sntireptics. antiputrescentH, ana aiHiniectautA in the scientific meaning of the words. They remove noxious KaseB snu ouois by chemical principles learing In their places heaiihul air they are uehtuoyers, ana not Vtti'i-iy auit-roini oi puisonous gases not injurious to utensils In which they are uned. '1 he attention ol medical and ecientitic men is directed to these disinfec tants. Attacneu are testinion a's in tavorot this great discovery, which, with hundreds of others, can be seen at the t omnuny's ofllce. I1ELAV AM XlOl'lia. ALPMIi jnaivu au. iOTO I O IDS President oi the New Yoik Disinfecting company- Dear Mr: it is ail it is repiesentea to oe we have niHite many trials ot 0 isiniectants. but now consider that we have lound an article which surpasses all others asa remedy against all bad odors. T. KOKHftEL A CO. .NEW Y on a, April 9, lbwt. To the President ol the New York Disln.ecting Ompany-Dear Mr: We pro nounce It win out exception to oe ire Deal ne nnve ever know. Its ellcot UDon every matter Is complete and 1 iistmitaneous. C. A. fTLlrtON, Astor House. ,ii. 'inese j 'isiuieoiauts are useu uy uie scavengers, under the direction ot the hutiltary To . Ice ot the Motro Doiitan Health 1'epartnient.New York 'Ci W 1 LL & '1 II OM fSON. N o 42 tlEDAR Ht. . N. Y. O eueral and Sole Agents tor the Unltod mat en and the i siiacas. to v all orders should ue auuresaea For nale by sli Druguists aud General Dealers In the U nlttd t tales and Cauadaa. HUStii DIl. HYLTON'S (oustltutiunal Uenovator FOR THE RAPID CUBS OF It-Ileut Ckinsuiuptlou, nl all Illaeaaea fartAlulDK (u Juaurupllou, SUCH AS Cout'hs, ( olds, Hoarseness, Croup. Bronchitis, and all Dlneaties ot the Lungs and itaanlratory Or raua, Liver Compiamt, Dyspepsia Loss of Ap petite, Nervous Deulllty, with , meat Lassitude oi the Mus cular System, eto. The success of this medicine tn the cure of disease has withstood many critical tests in this country and elsewhere; Its salutary effeois on disease are widely disseminated, and require no effort to puny the preju dices ol the skeptic. ' lis. Hyltom :-I take this opportunity to inform you that I con-lder you the greatest doctor on dlseam s ot U e lungs in the country. 1 had a sulttlng of blood, with large lumps ol green matter) a violent Palo In my breast and shoulders, a straining cough t and several ot the most eminent physicians gave me up as a hopeless aae ol cousumptiou I tried all the remedies of the ii.,u and named no relief but arew worses when a trlend auvlied me to tiy your Renova'or, satlstyintr me, tnat 1 ere graduate .of the Unlversitv of I'eun j ivania and uot aaell-stvled doctor. I med but nln I bottles ot your Renovator, and to the surprise of m; Ina my menus, i am now a weu uiau, auu au.v iu iu.uuu.ii to my business. 'Any on needing further particulars of my case can call on me sua be saiinlled. "Nil HOJjAS BILOER, I '-No. 235 lUces treot " Dr. Ilvlton ii a regu ar graduate ot the Universitv ol Fennsy ivauia. (His diploma can he seen at hlioiriec.) Examines Luuga without onarge. uuice, no. in Street. i 1 24 tbm2m DBAFNK88 BLINDNESS, AND CATARRH treated with the utmost success by J. ISA AIM, M. D.. Ocu 1st aud Auriat, No. 610 PI ME Htreet Testi monials from the most reliable sou roes In the eliy can lie seen at his office. The Medical Faculty are KiTlted to aucompauy tbetr patlwnta as he has no secrets In bin practice Artificial eyes inserted without palo. No charge made tor examination. ItH . t . t " , ! PROPOSALS. 88IaTAJr QUAKIKrMA81ER'8 OFriUE. mtLADKLfHlA pot, Joly , Dm. SALE OK QU AK1 siKHsMWs elOKKH VV iii be aoid at I'nhiin Auction, ou aiMsant at (ha Hutted Hraloa, at the Hchoylktll Arsonal. (irai'a rerrvroad, l'hiladrlphia Pa , on FRli) AT July 13, 18WS, commrnolna at 10 o'o'ook A. M., the loliew irifT oe-enbed Qnartormaftor'a ato es, vtn vow, uta noes im, Linen and Cotton Cut-, Blanket Cuttlnm, tlna-a. 1 Leatiinr Karana. Old ttaiina. 8orat Iran. Old ltopos, ud NaUa, w asto Paper, tld Knapnack Lining-, Assarted bar. Old ano Broken Boies; also, about l wenty (30) Loads of Manure. Knapsack Scraps, Leather straps, Old Twine. lermsot sale Cash, in Government lands. A dpi or i ot ten (10) per cent, to le paid on every accepted bid; the immediatoijr alter the aaio. All stores pnrohased to t0 removed within fire davs alter the date oi purchase, lij order ot Bvt Brlfr.-Gcn. GEORGE H CKOMAN. . Ajiat. Quartermaster-Oenerai U 8. Army. M . HiiKY W JA8.ES, Cant, and A. O. M., Bvt Malor V. t. Array, 7 4t kxecutive aud In-peotmir Ollioer. TDKOI'OSALS FOB THE PURCHASE OF TWO I iAttus uu oaiij uuAlrJ. ASr-lBTAST tiUABTEUMASTER'S OFFICE, 1 1BILADKLPBIA. 'a . Jolv 9 1W',H 1 fealod Proposa'8. in duplicate, will be received at this othce unt'l FBIbAY, 12 o'o'ock M.. Julv 20. 1366, tor furnishing the Quartermaster'a Dpartmnt wttn two (2) Yaohu or bail Boata ot from twenty, five 126) to thirty tUO) ton. Tuete boat to be in good condition and ready for lmmeuiaie use. Btd er will state prios in wH.Ing and flsuros. lach bid must be irnarantoed by twit rostronsible persons, whose signature must be appended to the guarantee and certuied to a being- aood and autll cient security tor the amount Inyo vod, by the United States His. net Judirn, Attorney or ol lector, or other pubiio ollicer, otherwise the bid will not be couMuored. The riulit Is rcseryod to rrioot all bidn not doomed of Interest to tho Government. By ordor ot Brevet Bn -Gen. GEORGE H. CROSMAN, A.-sistaut Ouartermaster-Gen. Li. t Army. H kjti BY BOW VI AN, 7 9 lot Captain and Assistant Quurterma.HU r. MISCELLANEOUS. i. VATJCHAN IdXBBtCE, WILLIAM B. HEBBIOK, JOHN B. COFB COUTHWAIltv t'OUMlKV, FIFTH AND KJ WASHINOION Streets, Philadiltbia. MKRU1UK A M.NS, KNOlNEaK- AND t ACU1NI8TS. mflnulactnre High and Low Pressure oieam Engines for l.biiu iinei, anu marine i-erriie- boilers, tJasometers, Tanks, iron Beats, etc ( astiims oi all kinds, el. her Iron or biass. Iron Frarre Roots for Uas Works, Workshops, and iittiiroaa oiattons etc Retorts and Uas Machinery, ol the latest and most im- nroved constiuctlon. Every description ol Plantation Machinery, and Sugar, raw, ana urisi suns, vacuum r-ans. upenMeam nauia, Defecators. Fi ters. PumniitK Ennlnes etc. role Aiients lor N. M'lleux's Patent Suaar Boiling At pnratus, Nesinyih's Patent Meam llauiuier, and as plnwall 4 Woolsoy's Patent Centrifugal .sugar Draining aiacniue. ouj IDESBUKG MAClllSli WORKS. OFKICE. No. 69 N FRONT STREET, r-lllLADKl.PnlA. We are prepared to till order to any extent for our WAll-kniiwn M AC H IN! MY FOR COTTON AN I WOOI.LEV Mil L8, Including I recent UnDrovemeuls in Carding, Spinning, and Weaving. We invite the attention ot manufacturers to our exten sive works. i is Alfred jenks a son. Tp I T L E R, WEAVER & CO manufacturers of Manilla and Tarred Cordage, Cords Twines, Etc., No. 2 North WATER Street and No. ?i North DELAWARE A venae, J-U1LAJJKLIU1A. Edwin II. Fitlbr, Miohabl Wkavbb. C'ONEAD r" CLOlIilKB. 114 c O It N KXCHANOB It AO MAN UrACi UKX. JOHN T. UAUfcY s CO., No. 113 N. FRONT and No. 114 N. WATER Street, roiiaaatpum, DEALERS IN BAUSanD B AQUINO oi every uesctiptlon, tor Gtain, Flour, Bait, super P hophate ot Lime, Bona- iiubi, r. i c Tarce ana small GUNNY BAGS canstantly on hand. Ct) A1SO, WUOlj BAC1V. John T. Jambs Cascadkn. A LBXANDKK . CATTKLL & CO. a-A. PRODUCE COMMISSION MEKCOADTS, MO. 26 NORTH WHARVES, AND NO. 27 NORTH WATPR STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 22 ALFXANDRR O. CATTKLL. ELIJAH O. CATTKLL COTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS. ot all numbers ami brands. Tent Awning. 1 mnk. and W agon-Cover Duck. Alse Paper Manufacturers' Drier Felts, from one to seves icet wiue: rauuns, netting, nan l wine, eto. JOHN W. EVKHMAN A Co., 9 0S No lu8 JONES' Alley, "TTT 1LLIAM IS. GRANT, vunaixittun mehciusi, No. 33 S. DELAWARE Avtuue, Philadelphia, Agent iob Dnprnt's Onnpowder, Refined Nitre, Charcoal, Eto, W. Raker A Co 's Chocolate, t'eooa. and Broma. Crocker Bros. A Co.'a Tellow Metal Sbuathlng, Belts, ana aus. is SHIPPING. HAMILL'S ASSAUE OFUCE. ANCHOR LINK OF BTKAMEHS." 1.1BERN1A." "COLUMBIA. "CALEDONIA." CA at BltlA- 'BRlTAJiNlA, "INDIA.' LIVERPOOL. LONDONDERRY, BELFAST, DUBLIN AaTK-I. VAIki dill u uaouv I RATE? OF PAK8AUE. PAYABLE LN PAPER CUHBENCY. CABINS S'JU, $80. and Mi blEiRAGE (IM) lHt PAID CEh'ilHi ATES Issued for bringing out passengers trom tne above points at LOWER KATES THAN ANY OTHER LINE. Also, to and trom A IX t.'1'A'llONH ON TITK IRISH RAILWAYS. SPECIAL aOI'ICE. Passengers will take particulai no'lee that the ' Anchor l ine" is the only line framing tiuoufcb tickets at the above rates, from Philadelphia to the points named above, aud that the undersigned la the onty Agent ui runaueipuia. Apply to W. A HA.HILL, Sole Aaent for 'ANCIIOH LINE.' I 15 No. 217 WALNUT Street, . TTTTs '0R N KW VOKK. PUILADEL- Eliiiaiai deiph'a Steam Propeller Comsany De- auaieli n Insure Lines. via lie aware ana Karl tun Caual, leaving dai y at 12 hi. and S P. it., connecting with all Knrtl.ern aril Kuall'rn lines. For freight, which .lii be tcken npon arconimodatiiu) terms, aipiy to vt uum si. ia mil ol t,u., 3 16 Xo. 1Mb DELAWARE veaue '10 SHIP CAPTAINS AND OWNERS. THB JL unuerslgneu having leased the IHENSIVOlOM eC'KEW DOCK.bega toluorm bis menus aud the patron, ol the Dock thai be is prepared with iucreaseu facilities to accommodate those having vesxe a W be raised ot repaired and being a prao leal ship-carpenter and caulker, wilglve personal attention to the vessels ea trnuien tii hlra or re ii airs Cut titlus or Agents t-hia carpenters, and atachtnlsu having VeBfels to repair, are solicited to call. , Having tne agency tor me sate ui rr biwji.c,. . lutein Aleiullic i oniposltlou" ioi topper Paint lOr the pieservallou of vessels' bottoms, for this city, I am pre paied to 'umlsb thessmeou luvorahie terms. JOHN 11. HAM MITT, Reus ngton screw Dock, 11S DELAWARE Avenue, above LAUREL Hlxect GOVERNMENT SALES. Q LOT U IN G DEPOr, SCHU Y LK ILL ARS EN A L. OKMOE EXECDTIVH AUD IjIBPKCTINO OgglCER, 1 Philadklphia, July 11 186ti. J SALE OF IMMAtikO BLANKETS. Will be sold at Publio Auction, on acoouut of the United (states, at the Schuylkill Arsenal, tiray's Kirrv road. Philudelonia, P . on SATURDAY, July 21, 1866. eorainonoing at 10 o'olook A. M.: (80(0) TUHEE THOUSAND 1 ' WOOLEN BLANKET (DAMAGED). Kamples of the same can be seen upon apulicatio n at the Schuylkill Arsenal, or at tueotlioooi Messrs at. t bomaa k Sons. Auctioneers, Nos. laO aud 111 south Ft urth street, Philadelphia. l eims ot sale Cash, Government funds. Purchaser' must remove the property within U?e diiys atu r date ol purchase. i(v ordBf ot , iteyet Brg -Gen. GEORGE H. CROSSMaN, Assistaut Quartermaster-General I' s- Army. , Assisia HENRY W JANES, v Brevet Major, A. Q. M United States Army, v , 7 11 Xt iteouUyt) and Iiupooag Oliiosr. GOVERNMENT SALES. AftSlfeTANT QUABTEBM ASTER'S OFFICsl. Mo. LlttK blKAbtU i I hii,adi.hi A, r Jnlr 7, im. Will be sold at 1 abito Auction, on aooovnt of the Pntten fetaita, on the trronnds at aad MOKKIb Streeta, l'hiladelphla, Pa., I On SA1URDAT, Jaly It, 1806, sale commenoina at 10 o'olook A. 1C , pieciseij, tne Buildinc, etc., heretoioie kuowa aa the l TUBKEB'8 LANE HObriTAL. Vl 9 Frame But dings, 816 (eet Ot I'inon t-lneh -inch f-inob Qasv Oaa i cooaina; naiigo, H Iron Cauldrons, 8 Iron stores, i line. 211 leet ot l'lDe. 8 Iron Bath-lobe, 1 Upright Boiler, 1 hopper, 2 Iron Koroe and 5u6 loot ot line. 843 loot of un Fine. Pumps, 8 Iron ti'Dke, 1341 toot ot Galvanlswi Iron V aler l'ipe, 411 leet ot Lead Pipe (as sorted ), 47 Uas Pendants. 1 lion Wssii stand, 6 Woodrn Wiwh-Mnks, 2 Htarants, Wi ater-lanke (1800 gal- Si l'enoaut Arms and uaeacbi. I Burners. Ions each), 2 'Wooden tirossore, 18 Itody-Cocka, Counters. bUelving, Draw- 4 Brackets, era, eto., 11 1'iilar-C'ocki, 23a leet ot li-lnch Gas- 21 Htop-C'ockt, lipo. 81 Blob-Cocks. 171 ieot of 1J inch Gaa- 8 Hose-Cock, Pipe, 11.200 Bricks In Chimneri. 1G6 teet of 1-inch Gaa-: ranges, eto. l''Pet . 1 The Frame Buildings contain about 84 600 feet of Hemlock t-cani.lna, 17,200 leet ot Floonug anil Xongued boards, tjtj.atio loet Rough Boards. i be Jiuiiuiugs win dc sola separately. 1 inn- ol sale Cash, Government innda. A deposit ol ten (10) percent, to be paid on every accepted bid, the balance immediate. y atter the sale. 1 be Iron and .Lead vv ater-pipes to be told by the foot "more or less," as they lie buried in tne ground, to I e oug up and the ground flllod in by tha btireliaser. and by superficial measurement amount to 166 leet Gas-pipe tensor Kid), 624 loot 2-inoH Iro Pipe, and 100 loot Lead Water-pipe. t lans oi tue nuiiuings can ue ootainoa, ana sone du e of Lota seen, npon application at this ollioe. The Unildinira etc, must bo removed within tw (2) weeks irom the dale of sale, and will be at tha risa oi tuo puroiiasera. The lodge A en no Passenger Railway oars pass near the Hospital every live minutes. By oroer oi Brev. Brig.-Gon. GEOBGE H. CROSMAN, Astistant (Jr M. General U.S. Army, GEOHGE K. OKUE, 7 7 6t Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. SALE OF S1KAM BOILER, FORCE PUMPS W AlKRllPK, FIKE-PLUUS, fcfU., com-. jm-inff i ti rji rtAixJt v uiin-ci a a uiiisnuuo, if, c;. QUABTXHMASTKR-USNERAL'S OfFIOK, ) 1 IRHT DIVI8IOM, I VVABHiKOTOir, L. v., Jnne 19, 1868 ) Br order ot the Ouarterm aster-General, tbore wOI te sold, on the premtsee, at public anotion. nnde the direction oi Captain George T. Browning, A. Q M., on K1DA Y, July 13, 18t3tj, at 12 o'olooa At., the lollowing described public proporty, to wu :- OIVE IEAM BOILER. SO fret long and 8 leet in diameter (with two 12 inch retuin flues), made of -inch boiler iron, with all tho necossaty appurtenances, including oast-iron front. gauge oocas, globe valves, teod-oiimD. smoke-staok ana hooa, steam gsuire (Asboroft's patent), grate bars, pipe, plugs, reducing pieces, eto., all in goo order. 1 W O WOK1HIKGTON STEAM FORCE PUMPS. iso. o, io-iucn cyunaer, nion strote, zo nors power each, and each oapable of pumping and forcing ltsj.uuu gauons oi water per day. Connected with them are the reouislto va yes, glanus, aoup- niiKs, una), eiuows, uouD.e vaive oil cups, eto. 1 heao i omps are comcaratlveir new. and in oom- plete working order. A lame quantity oi WAiuu-i'irn, ai toliows: 6,182 teet 6-iuch cast Iron W ater-Pipe. 12 010 loot 8-moh " 800 icet 2-inch Wrought Iron " 664 leet 1) inch Cast Irou " 2,000 teet li inch ' " 1 tK O leet 1-inoh 6,000 feet J-lnoh " " 1H1KTY ONE CAST IRON FIREPLUGS (Ayre's patent), with all the necessary oonnooaena, suchasl's, bends, stop-oocks, elbows, lour-away- pieces, eto., all in excellent condition, together with ALL. Itlll. 1UUJWI, EtO., required for making alterations aud repairs in water ripe, such as Pipe Cutting; Machines, Taps aa .Dies, rivers, crabs, lmus. Punches. Caulkiaa- lools, etc. the Depot Is aeoesslblo bv water, and 'vessel ol the lorpest class can be loaded at the wharf. i erni8 casn, in uovernment lunrts. De iveries will be made to purchasers on or bofora the first (1st) day ot August next. A boat lor Giesboro will leave the Sixth street wbart every hour during the day of sab. Anv lurtber information that may be desired wfU be given upon application, in person or by loiter, to Captain George 1' Browning;, A. Q. M., Giesboro, . C, or at this office. JAMES A. EKIN, Bvt. Brig;. Gen. U. 8. A., in charge 6 21 thstu 17 12 First Division, Q. M. G. O. LARGE HALE OF CONDEMNED QUA KfEKll AS 1 ER'g SI ORES, CLOlil- 1G, ETC. CnlKF QDARTKUMAflTBR'B OFPIOB, ) Dkpot or Wabhiaotobi, I Washington, D. C, July 9, 1866 ) Will bo sold at Publio Auction, on WEDNES DAY, July 18, 1866, commencing at 10 A. M.. at Goverumout 'Warehouse No. 4 aud No. 6, situated ou New York avenue, botween Eighteenth and Nineteenth etieets west, under the direction of Brevet Lieuteiiant-Colonel JAMES At. MOURE, A. Q. AI,, Limed btntes Army, A LOT OK UNSERVICEABLE CLOTHING AND LOXDKJUALD AKlEKHASiEU'Jj SlO<S. consisting of about 2197 Great Coats, , 947 l'rowsore, 16'J4 Dress Coats, 1689 shirts. 810 Jacket (-orted), 626 Drawers. LtiD r-ucii C'oa. s, I And a large amount of Tools suitable for the use of blacksmiths, carpenters, saddlers, tinners, aud other mechanics, Also: btcves, f ire nose, llose Couplings, liose Pipe, llose Nozzles, Ladders, Cotton Paulina, 'Meain Pump, Piaiiorm boalcs, I Wheelbarrows, Iron Bedstead , i Wooden Beuuhea, Heaters, harms, Cauldrons, Cooking Utensils, Stove Pipes, Eliovis, Lanterns, Knives, 'liunks, Hath Tubs, Bridles, Haltois, K rim? Ssditles, lilUHi.OS, tso vi n Uose Carnages, line liund lire engine. npaucs, Jtuui Old Iron, It ope lassorted), Packing Boxes, With svunety of other properly, togother with about 14,000 pounds ol Woollen and Cotton Rags. f-a e will be continued irom day to day until all the property is sold 1'uieiiaseis must remove property within five (6) davs irom uate ol le. Iciuis ol sale Cash, in Government funds. D. u. RUCKEV, Bvt. Mej. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, 7 10 71 Depot ot Waaniuxtoa. g A L E Ok MACHINERY, ETC. Navy Depabtmknt, ) Bprfau o Yakuh and Dooks, Washington, Juu Id 186ti ) Will be cold at Publio Auction at the Navy Yard, NORFOLK, ou FRIDAY, the 8d day ol August next, the lollowiug urtio es, viz : J wenty-ono Rollers of Rolling Mill. Seven Nail Machines tine tiuide Mi 1 (oomplete). 38Rollora. Two bundles Saws ior Slotting Screws. Two Machines lor -Slotting Screws Seven Machines ior Cutting Threads. Four Oil Rotainei. Two Oil Press Rollers. . Eight pieces Iroa Shafting. 1 Six new Couplings for Shafting. Lot of laps and Dies for Gaa fitting, . One box Lacings (leather). Three boxes Belting. One Gun-sorew Machine One piece Leather Belting, 6 inches wide, 104 pounds. One piece Leather Belting, 6 tnobes wide, 141 pounds. One piece Leather Belting;, 30 Inches wide, 224 pounds. Two rolls Gum Packing;. Six bars Oeiagon Steel (cast). Sale to eouimenoe at 11 o'olook A. M. Terms Cash, In Government funds; and all arti cles to tx removed from the yard within ten day from day of sale. By ordor ot Navy Department. JOSEPH SMITH. 619tuthl3t Chief Bureau Yards and Docks. THREE GENERAL AGENTS WANTED TQ act in important locations for the New York Acci dental Insurance Company. Active men ot good ail drew, apply to prank. O. ALLEN. Rraath Jtllce, f C II ESN OT H treat, .Aapijt a i t . - UU ;