THK DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPII.-rillLADEIiPIIIA EDKESDAY JULY yll 18Q0.I 5; CITY INTELLIGENCE For Additional Local lUmt tee Third Poo. . Arrival of the cholera ' AT PHILADELPHIA. Several Cases lleported. A MAN DIED THIS MORNING The Ceffin Harried on Board the Vessel. fit was currently reported on Third street this morning that the cholera had made its appearance on board the United States steamship Chattanooga, now lying off the Navy Yard at Beed street wharf . On repairing to the spot It was reported that the disease was prevailing on board that vessel to an alarming extent, several deaths hsving taken plaoe within the last two days. . It was also stated that this morning another death had occurred, and that the coffin for the de ceased was harried on board ol the vessel, In order .to afford a hasty burial lor the victim. The rlcums of the disease, It is stated, soon after death turn black, and their hasty bunal is deomed necessary, owing to the foar entertained that the disease may spread more rapidly through the vessel. In conversation with a gentleman who appeared to be luliy acquainted wltu the facts in the case, we were informed thai thore had been muoh aiarm on boara ot the vestel, owing to the number of deaths which had ocourred, and that at night the greatest precaution was taken to prevent tae crew from escaping. Ibere appeared to bo a disposition on the part of the emploves in the yard 10 seep the thing quiet, but It was stated by seveial, that thore had been much stir on board ot the vessel, ana that they were 01 the brliet that the disease was gaining boaavray. The Blatter no doubt will bo iully investigated. . A Sad Cask of Misplaced Confi Xkok Mow a Clergyman Fell from Grach eTttiKitiO Oil" thb First Downward fcTM The Her. William D. Siegfried is a gentleman who is not altogether unknown to the public Those especially who are in toe habit of perusing the ad vertisements ot patent mudioinos and nostrums of 11 sorts, have olten ruu across his name at the loot of an eloquent tribute to tho Imarvellous efficacy of sundry, universal cuiealls. Ue hu also contrived to keep his name si-mi-ocoasionally boiore the publio as the manager of a Home tor Wanderers, which was located until of late in tae lower por tion of tbo city, but is now removed to some point up the Dolawaie. A lew months ago Mr. Siegfried was officiating as the pastoi ota small but entirely respeatau.e congre gation in the northern section ot the city. While thus engaged his mind became excited over the wonderlul turns in the wheel of fortune which ocourred to the benefit of sundry speculators in ml with whom he had some acquaintance. Under the inspiring influence of petroleum ibegospei became exceedingly dry in comparison, and his labors in the cause thereof exceedingly lukewarm. The temptation to add a mite to the worthy laborer's proverbial hire was too strong to be re sisted. Following the example ot thousands ot others, whoe minds were as well-balanced and Whose integrity was as unquestioned as his own, he took on interest in a well. This be divided up into an indefinite number of shares, ana by means of his standing in the church and Ida community he suc ceeded in disposing ot them1 in a manner that was entirely satisfactory to himsolf. Satis factory to himself alone it proved, how ever; and as time panned tho Rev. William D. Siegfried acquired a rathur unsavory reputation in his neighborhood, being openly acousoa ot finan cial operations which by no means became a saint. Legal proceedings were hula in ihe case, we behove, but with no very pratuvinc lesult to the dupes of the reverend speculator. Finally he resigned his ministerial charge, under the professed plea that be bad acquired such a snug Hit u iortune that bono longer enjoyed an easy conscience wlil.e serving as a hireling priest; and with the avowed determina tion of ottering his services to some congregation who, bv iei son ot their poverty, were unable to sustain becomingly a minister to their spiritual wants. As to the tnannrr in which the Rev. Mr. Siegfried bas carried out this laudable and truly apostolio determination, an incident transpired yesterday alternoon in the office of Alderman Dougherty, throwing conslderab o light upon it. Mr. Siegfried was brought belore tbe Alderman on a warrant charging him with adulieiy and the larceny ot $20u0, under circumstances ot a very but not loss shocking character. . .The prosecutrix in the oaso was a young woman with a pleasing lace, but possessed of iiwol tho accomplishments ot fashionable liie. She was rep resented bv William it. flood. Esq., and when nut upon her oath deposed to the loilowing state of laotst She gave her name as Mrs. Byard, and her age as twenty-eight years. Her original residenoe, and that of ber ianilly, was the Utile town ot I'ouieroy, in the (State ot Ohio. She had been married onoo, but death bad deprived ber of husband aud all other who were near akin. .Leaving Fomeroy, she had proceeded to Fitt-burg , where she resided for a time with a brother-in-law, who was steward of a vessel, and therelore absent from bis home for a considera ble portion ot the time. As she was passing along the street one evening she was accosted by a gentleman, who tapped her familiarly upon the shoulder, and proceeded to enter npon a conversation The lady asaured him that she was not accustomed to pick up acquaintance', but the gentleman persisted in his attentions, aud finally auoceeded in overcoming ber soruples so .tar as to induce her to aocompunv him ta Concert Hall where the marvelous "Blind Tom" was discoursing his musical stiains. Alter the concert had closed, the gen tleman, whose name was "Mr. Jones," de sired tbe pleasure ot tbe ladv's company to Wheeling and return. A gentleman resident in that oitv with whom be bad bad sundry dealings in tbe matter of oil, yet owing mm me mtie sum ot kiuuo. Mr. Jones i desired to collect this Item. It Is to tie presumed that be succeeded in bis mission, tor on their return from Wheeling the next day he ap peared to be in funds presenting trie lady with the magnificent total of $6. Ihe generosity ot ur. Jones did not stop at this Tiemt. however tin ort red to conduct the ladv to Philadelphia, and there provide for her in a perma nent and generous manner. rJiie accepted his kind proposition, and tbev at once started on tootr jour ney. Being a long one, and continuing over night, tney took a state room together m a sleeping car W hen the ladv bad disrobed, the gentleman made a discovery which interested him not a little. I his proved to be a muslin ueK walch she bad horaelf constructed, and wore next her person. On in- airing into the contend, of the belt, the lady at first thought it best not to maice anv disclosures. but she was finally over-persuaded, and confessed that there was secreted in it no less a sum than 2000 She bad inherited lrom ber mother, three years bef ore, tbe sum ot 88000, and these V2000 were the remnants Mr. Jones infeirnd irom this raoid ex penditure that bis travelling companion was not a sale person to have tbe custody of suoh a large sum ot ready cash, and so he benevolently offered to take care ot it lor ber So the matter was arranged, and in due course of time they reached t. is city. .Becoming anxious then about her little fortune, she begged Mr. Jones to re turn it into her nossesslon. This Mr. Jones declined to do, arguing sueolouslv that bo could and would take much better care ot it than she herself could, and she finally oonsented to the Arrangement. The gentleman then procured lodging lor her In Pace street, visiting her frequent y by day, but spend tig the night in the Dosom oi nis lamuv else--where, lie was a lit known a Mr. Jones and the lady a Ins coueln. - But the latter, on dtsoovenng the true character of the house In which she ha 1 taken lodgings, insisicu upon leaving n. a ramoval to the Continental was the result, but nnartnra were too expensive lor a lengthy oiourn. and the couple thereafter moved about the " r . ' ...... mn -.1... .. Vw... A t. - .t:J. invent wees had elansed. wh'iin at the Continental, however, Mr. Jones .,,rh ti a momentary pang oi remorse, de Glaring to bi companion that he was nothing les tti an a? minister of the gospel, and requesting ber to pray with bim; and pray together, on bended knees, KnhMnnantlT. Mr. Jones oonduotod his lady friend DBIW1' ' .nrlkun uull,,.. n K- to his own iwimmw - ?ut bad" been" that Mrs" Wd was to act in ibeottpaoitvot a servant in th-, family of Mr Jones, alias the Rev. William D. Bleglried, but ih soon lound the labors too onerous, and was iorced tbereny to w --- Hthii Tact' she came to ibe thrown entirely npon tim world without money tor ner support, ana without tbe character that was necessary to enable ber to earn an honest livelihood. PTfvions to her acquaintance with Sir. Jones, she stated npon her solemn oath that she had never de viated a.halr's breadth irom the straight and narrow path. During ber residence In the city, Mr. Jones, has at various times furnished hor with money In sma I amounts, sometime with the paltry sum of a single dollar. . . j When pressed to repav tho 92000 which he had taken into nis custody, ue pad declined for trie alleged reason that he had suffered severe lopses in tbe course of bis oil speculations, and had, moreover, to suffer from the losses he sustained by many of his co-speculators. Thus the case stood on the lady's own sbowin. Fevcral witnesses, who are sup Honed to be oof ul aant of tbe most material facta in the case, were subpoenaed, tut none of them appeared. 1 he counsol lor the defense, Messrs. John O'BHen and I. Newton Brown, stated that they were ready to make up the issue, having, by moans of dotoo tives placed npon the traok of Mrs Byaid, dis covered ber antecedent, etc. Tbe counsel for the prosecution demanded a post ponement tmtil Friday attornooo, at 4 o'clock, which was granted Mr. Hiegfrled giving bonds in the sum of $3000 to appear and auwer further at that time. Mr. Frederick Moan became bis bonds man lor that nnt: TliK FlREWOBKS THIS EVENINOw The plana display of fireworks which was to have tikon place on the evening of the- "Fourth," but which suffered such an nnoeremonloos postponement on account of the fickleness of the weather, will cer tainly ake place this evening at the corner of Broad and Market streets, commencing about half-past eight o'clock. The exhibition will be preced d by a biilliant Illumination with variously colored fires, interpersed with rockets, stars, serpents, and othor pyrotechnic devices. The lollowing programme will then be carried out : 1 , A beautiful and appropriate figure "The Reveille." showing one oi the most beautiiul combinations of colored or concentric tires of the pyr a art. I. Ameiica's 8 tar ol Triumph. cominen"lng'-wlth a beantlinl centre of gold and purple revolving tires, mutating Into a magnificent star, decorated with the national co or? of red. white, and blue. 3. 1 he Soldier's Oloiy. or Badge oi Honor, commenc ing wiib a brilliant centre '" ruoy and vloet, suddenly tianslormlng into a splendid figure, rich in corusoations, and ending with marroons. 4 Ihe Fngagpmentt a beautiful figure of revolving fires, green, violet, ruby, and purple, which continually meet and interlock with each other. 6. Liberty Tree. A beautiful figure, commencing with a centie tire ol Jessamine, Muminated with violet and gold After many pleasing changes ii will expand Into a magnificent tree of gold and silver foliage . Hose and Diamonds. Commencing with revolving fires of carmine, purple, and green, uufolding in oouo ot tbe moat chaste and brilliant figures of pvrotechny. 7. Bouquet. ThlB beautiiul figure opens with a inons rone, changing Into a pyrio bouquet of the most dazzling brilliancy. -1 8. Revolving Star of Washington. A rich and superb figure, opening with a sentre or ruby, violet, and gold, niutailng suddenly into an linmeone revolving star. 0. Hun ot Freedom A magnificent figure, commencing with a hexagon wheel of ravonant fires, green, gild, and purple centre, when suddenly it will ezpaad Into a must gorgeous sun Interspersed with rubles, eme ralds, and fixed stars; the whole surrounded with cor ruscutlonso' the most Intense brilliancv 10. The Persian Ucse. A figure of the most superb richness and lustre. . Tbe wbolo ending with a grand national figure, respectfully dedicated to our biave officers and soldiers of the Union arruo of the war. To the right and lelt will apuear monuuienial columns, support ing tho busts of Washington and Lincoln, draped with the Amenoan flag. The columns representing the Mates bound together by laurel wreaths, and bearing tho words "Feace and Union." Botwoen the columns will be seen the different corps badges of all troop who served in Pennsylvania regiments, surmounted by tbe motto in loiters of silver fire, "Honor to whom honor is due our bravo boys in blue." This grand picture ending with flights of stan, serpents, bombs rockets, a'tosctber forming one of those grand spectao es which can only be pro duced by the pyrotechnic ait. The Unckrtaivty of Politics. ''Never consider your gains till they uro honestly possessed." said my uncie tooy. it is reauy paiutui to coutcui plaie the disappointments which fall to tho lot of humanity. We are often advised to persevere, to try, try again," etc., but the history ot same mon's lives would seem to indicate absolute necessity by overthrowing Richelieu's maxim about i he word fail, and the lexicon of youth, etc umy to-oav we learn inai our young ana roiuou tnend, ex-ennd'date for Congress, A B Sloanater, Ktq , Had, alter an nis exertions, uoen rojeorea dv the United htato Senate as a candidate for Collector el Internal Revenue for the Kirst District a posi tion whose misfortunes would ternry joung men less brave than bloanaker. But Mr. Sloanakor was so sure ot bis confirmation that he bad aliendy reuti'd and furnished an elegant office, and eniored his sureties before Mr. united States District-Attorney t harles D. btlpln, who considered them ample. Tbe gentlemen who were willing to risk tnoir for tunes upon the character ot Mr. Sioanaker have been bandod to us, and as they are all publio men, we deem it ot interest to insert their names nore. 'I he sureties were l heophllus T. uerringerlsoa ot the pistol man, and brother of tbe friend of Senator Rnmev ot "AO .uignity Minnesota i; tiames is. Cliamoors, formerly proprietor of the Evening Bui' letinr, William O Kline, Albert L Magilton, late Colonel of tho 6th l'ennsyivania Reserves, Who came very near felng a West Fomt graduate. We pity sioanaker, Because no ua woritea oara for the position. But he most now return to private Hie. and ponder en the uncertainty of human hopes from politielaiisj - " Odd Expression s. In view of the all- prevalent use of slang phrases, we would suggest that some of our enterpruing publishers would do well to print a comprehensive dictionary ot oul-ot-the-way expressions. Our young men and maidens indulge in language to-day which would have astonished and disgusted their grandparent. The iaBt young man, wnon ne wonia arms tana that's always), asks for a "wash." When be would smoke be demands "a torou." When be eats he "wiestles bis hash." Wben he is drunk ne is "swlpsey." When he gambles be "slings the paste boards." When be sleeps be is "under the bdnks," and when hn steals be "goes through somebody." His fiiends are "gay duck," no Blouches," "bully ho." and "bricks." tils enemies are "hits" and "suckers." A good writer ' slings a nasty quill " A dancer "throws herself into a dangling attitude." A man it "nips," a woman a "nen." ' Selling Liquor to Minors on Sunday, John Austin, residing at No. 1231 Callowhill street, had a hearing; th!a morning before Alder man Boawell, on the charee of selling liquor to minors. Ue was also charged witu violating the Sunday law regulating the sale of liquor on that dav. Alter receiving some wholesome ad monitions from the Alderman, he was required to enter bail in tha sum ot $400 lor Lib appear ance at court to answer. . Excursion of the Young Men's Asso rt attow The exoursion of the Young Men's Asho ciation of the South Stree Fre.ibytorian Cbutch, which takes nface on weonosoa', tue teen inu , promises to be tbe tineit affair ot the kind daring tlm season. The Mansion iioue Maloon has been secured for tbe enjoyment ot me excursionists, ana as onl a limited number of tickets will be sold, a pleasant time mutt be experienced by all who arc so lortunate as to ne present. TnE Portland Sufferers. The fol lowing additional subtenptious In aid ot tne Portlnna sunerers nave oeen receiveu oy mayor MilU(hnpl: McKean, Bone at Co H. H. Houston 250 W. K V H S m J. R. White & Sou 20 Statii.k on Fire. Tbe alarm of Are, last n,ht nnni 12 o'clock, was caused by the burning of Jenkins' livery stablo, at Broad and fine streets. As soon as the fire was aiscovereu umoer o. Arvis hurat. in the door, and at tbe riBk of his life rushed m 11. o utaiu where wro fastened a number of valua ble horses, and extricated mem irom nwir uemuu nnnriiiinn There were about sixty of these valuable animals thus saved from death by the aotivlty ot this official. , Hoomta Ahhested. Tlenrv Valentine was arretted yestoiday on thechurgeof collecting iunos mine name oi tne wosiuru uuso vuiuwuk A ninn. namori Mnf.raur. livlnir in the neighbor hood, was also taken into custody on tbe charge of being an accomplice, having, it la alleged, reoeiveu ru 01 tne iunos collected. J he aoousea were iukou before Alderman Tumson, and held to answer in S10C0 bail each to annear at court to answer for the alleged offeure. , , v j Row Among Females. TaWtha Candle and Margaret (ieddis were arrested last evening at tbe Market street depot on the charge of creating a not, thereby disturbing the neighborhood. Thev were taken belore Aidermaa Allen aud held in (400 bail to answer lor tbe oB'onse, i . i ; IIigh School ALUMNi.The semi-annual mnetlng OI the Alumni of the Central Hiirh (School will be held this evening at tne nigu School build in uratr n Broad and Green itranta. a mnn,t I from the Comniutce .on rwnhe instituUon U lrom tee loinnimee w imwuun me institution la nxpocwu, uu iujjvhmh " n.u viuuuvcu. , J a k Central High School Commkncb "t ro-MOtiRow List o OnaorATM ahd DlHTlltODIIfBKn AND MKUirOKIOUS) Studknts. 'ihe 8'mi annual Commncmnt of tbn Central High School wi 1 take o aoe to-morrow morning at hall-paktten o'clock, tho rxercisos being held tb's year Bt the Musics Fund Hall, instead ot the Aca ucmy ot Music, as heretofore. . This will be a sn' lect of regret 1o many or tho friends and patrons of the institution, but they w II have to accommodate themselves as best they can with the restricted limits of the ball Tne following comprises a list of the graduating class, all of whom are marked distinguished: - John B. Colahan, Jr., CharhM it. Darraoh, Curti N, Harr s, Walter 11. tiava, Alfrei M. II. llerkness, Namnel M. Levi. Oharies A vioOonnell, Sylvester K. Meeargee John W Mlliok, Charles P. Hmg, bane C. Taylor, Worlhington B Thomas, James M. West , The scholars marked "dleMnsruisbed" and "meri torious," n the several divisions! are a follows t - ' ' DIVISION B DISTrNQUISHKD. ' ' ' William J. Campbell, Edward Chanlnel, Irnatiti T. Dohan, James Albert HadrtooK, I hendore F, Jenkins, Isidor Levin, John K. MoCarthy, Howard W illis. n , ' - MZRITORIOUB. '1 . John N. Burgess, George VV. Loudnnlagor, John B. McClung. Alfied B. Wdstln. William Bald Tntes, Altred D. Way, Jamoi B. Worrell. i DIVISION O DieTIOUI9HED. i John J. Voulkrod, Alfred C. Usx, Reid T. Stewart.' . . . i MEBITOIUOUS. Albert A. Bennett, John H. Chosinut, Alfred C. Gibson, Edwin M. Hunt, George W. Hunt, John D. 8 Levis, William Ne ton Meeks, Charles Mor timoore, Kdward T. Noe, George R. Osthulmer, Henry Clay Pastorius. J DIVISION D DH-TINOPIBHKD. Charles ID'Invllliera, Herman 11. Mund, Edgar Z. StebVer, Arthur Williams. . . MBRITORIOD8. Theodore Canfie'd. Albert N. Heritage, Ilarrv T. Kingston, James W. W bite. DIVIMOH B, FIRST SECTION DISTINGUISHED. Andrew W. Manshlp, W. Fredoilck Monroe. Albert C Pea'e, J. Howard Rood. Houty Rosen baum, Edward S. Warren, MERITORIOUS. John F. Ash. Miller Burkhardt, John B, Devine. John H. Frailcy, William H. t-ranois. William S. Hansell, W alter H. Henszey, Charles Jackson. ; SECOND SECTION MERITORIOUS. Joseph Gwynn. DIVISION F, FIKST SECTION DISTINO0IBHKD. Lewis S. Lee, Richard 8. Lippincott, Henry D. VT. Moore, William S. Pierson. MER1TOBIOTJB. Franklin J. Ash. John Bartlett. John Briggs. Magnus H. Brown, John K. Campbell. Alfred Kin- born, Charles K. Elliot, Victor A. Ellis, Georgo C. Foley, Charles F. Gillor, William S. Haines, Eugene .Linnard, a urea jnarsnau, nenjamin n , Moore, James M. Uo-er, John C. Noivlaud, Richard Salinger, Andrew C. tuodfrrass. jNathan u. -.up. lee, William H. Tenbroolt, Harry W. Town, Harry i. Warren, Edwin Woiffe. SECOND SECTION MERlrOniOUB. William F. JoneB. DIVISION O, FIRST SECTION DISTINGUISHED. Edgar S.Cook, William Henry Tussell, Joseph Janucy, William W. Stout. MERITORIOUS. Robert W.Bell. Thomas Bell. Thomas M. Bell. Benjamin E. Bohn. David J. Bohn. David Brooks, John H. Carroll, W. Harvie Clymcr, Thomas H. Eckfeldt, Joseph Esherick. Christian froelich, James M, Girton John Haiper, William Harrop, Oliver H Hill, William llimmelshaoh, William F. Lacy, Jbredcnck K. uoore, Draug a. Thompson, Harry C. Wilt. BECOND SECTION MERITORIOUS. Fredorick P. Addiokn. ) DIVISION H F1K8T SECTION MERITOItlOUS. Robert it. Baser, uesso . naiKcr, ucorge 11 iiu- cbanan, Rowland S. Caldwell, Samuel J. Cawloy, Edward L.Christy, .Nathan B, Daufonb, Wm Dorey, Ernest A. Henmst -a i, Francis Mom, Edward W. Morris, bamuol H. Moyer, Frank P. Pilchard, Wes ton R. Smith. William J. buplee. Elthu Thompson, Charles L. Woodward, Miers F. Wright. BECOD SECTION MERITORIOUS. Dewey Bates, Edward H. Clift, N. Craig Llgget. W ilham A. Staunton, Aaron J. UfTenheimer. ' THIRD SECTION MERITORIOUS, James S. MoCartnev. Camden and Atlantic Railroad. The enterprising managers of the Camden and At lantic Kaiiroad nave lu'-insnea every accommoda tion for tho transportation of citizens for a dip in the kingdom ot Neptune. 1 hoy run trains as often as sneed will permit: and that tboir efforts are well ao- pieciated, is indorsed by the continual stream which pours over tnu roau irom our city io tue uity vy uiu sea. Female Thief .Eliza Dillon was arrested last evening, at the Western Market, on the charge of stealing irom the inolosure a lot of eggs, vegeta bles, and meat. Wben taken into custody the accused had a large basket fil'ed with produce in her possession, is lie was hold by Alderman uariey in tbe sum ot $600 to answer. Ikhtjman Husband. Edward McGinley was arrested last evening in tho western part of the city, on the cbargo of beating bis wife in an nnmer cilul manner. The aooused resided at No. 1709 Han som street. He was taken in charge by the police, and escorted to the office of Alderman Patcholl, who beid htm to answer in tee sum oi iou. QA Goldek CaowN was wont to be awarded by the Romans to him who saved the life Of a Roman citizen. What reward is fitting lor a man who saves the lives of not one, but ot hundreds and thousand j of American citizens? Yet this is done dally and hourly by Dr. T. W. Marsden, in the use of his VEGETABLE SANATIVE PILLS, which are rapidly superseding every other preparation lor the special disease for which they are designed. Depot, Xo. 487 Breadway, Hew York. For tale by alt drug gists.' i ' ' A ' Philadelphia Firemen Abroad Though onr fire boys may choose Their brave hearts to amuse ' By indulging in views Of cities afar i Gay New X ork, Boston sly, Can't their own borne outvie. If Judges thev are. They own that, In this round No Clothing thoy have lound So cheap, so neat, so sound, As at Bennett's Bazaar ! ' LmnDuster$. Lifjfit Cansimere and Clotli, J'pacca, Drap d'Ete, Dxwk and Linen flack Coati. Light Cantimere, White and Colored Duck Skele ton Vettx. Light Caxiimere, While and Colored Duck, and all kinds of Linen Pants. Alt kinth of Seasonable Clothing for Men' $, Youths', and Boys' wear, tn targe supply, at the lowest prices poestote. 1UWKH II ALL, No. 618 Market street, Bennett & Co. ' Cool. i . . Wben Sidney Smith in su'try woatbar groans, Heslgbs, "Take ofl'my nosh. I'll sit in bones;" But modern ladios suoh ideas deride i They keep their liesh, ana wear steel ribs outside ! But modern gentlemen don't go so far: When overcome with heat thev seek the "Star," Where fitted forthwith with tho right attiro, They smile at Sidney Smith's intaue desire. A full line of seasonable Clothing on band, com prising much liner grades of Linens and Alpacas Man are usually gotten up for rtarly made szlen, as well as the usual stock ol lo .vor-prioed goods. Perry ft Co Star Clotbino Emporium, No. 609 Chksnut street, Sign of Star. Asiatic Cholera, especially in its early stages, is a disease quite amenable to niedloiual treatment In almoi-t every esse JJARSDfN'S ASIATIC CHOLERA CURE will check tbe disease at tuts period; it should always be given at the very first appearance of tbe premonitory symptoms. Even wben tbe disease has been suffered to reach tbe ad vanced stage of collapse, it is by no means hopeless, and this Cholera Cure will cure It then, it anything can.. Depot, Ao. 487 Broadway, Artu York. For tale by all druggists. 1 An Infaliblb and Most Convenient Hair- Oolorino Heimstroct's inimitable Hair ooloiing is most important article fur persons going out of town, it is not a aye, but a simple, effective, moss peautiiui, easuv applied, ano perfect na tural color tn a. at ouoe an exouisite drossing and an Invigorating application lor the hair. It h soiu m mw, nra-uu wan auu Vuu uouur vj is sold in 1 , i ub.v.. , fpnar Davis' Pin Kit tan. as an internal remedy, bas no eqoal. In oases of eollo, summe complaint, dyspepsia, dysentery, asthmi. and rheu matism, it will cure in on nipfii, by taking It inter nally, and bathing wita it freely. If Is the best lint recutiA Amerlov Its action is Hie magic, whi externally applied to bad sores, buns, scalds,, an. sprams. Forth sick headache and tootbncho, ion't fail to'try It. In short, it Is a I'mi Killer. ' Wbrn yoa are depressed by tho gaunt, slck'y foil ing of a disordered syste-o, which, needs to be cleansed and rtinm ated Inio healthy action, take a dose or two or Avar's Pills, and see how quick you can be restored tora shilling. O! Swr.iT Opofohax, new pprtume from Mex ico; Sweet Opoponax, lades' dellrht; Sweet Opopo nax, the fasblonai.le perrume, irv ii once will use no other. L. T. Smith fc Co . Vr York. . i With a Family Cask m Youu, yon may prevent expense, and loss of time, or tho cnildr.-n having the measle-, or scaret lever, or whooping cough, or even fever, by using preventive u the case Humph. ey's Kpuoiflo Hominoiiatiiio Medicine Company, Ho f" " - - v nk. Keduckd Pkiuks i0w .a iuo uuie. Don't fail to call on Rpimor, practical I'hotographnr, No (.24 Arch street. Evcrv variery of style, eviuoing superior skill m fxeontton and finish Jmprovrd LocK-bTiTOH MAonr.tEfl for Tailors and Manulscturers Hrover k, Biker Sowing Ma chine Company, tin 7H1 Chenn ret, Kfkp CoolI Ah, there's the rub. How can we doitf By wearing nothing but thoie linen suits lrom Cbsr'es Stokes & Co.'s one price, undr the Continental. - Crovkr & B kir's Uignost Premium Klaio Stitoh Sewing Hachldos lor family use, No "'10 Chtsnut street. "Itibncative packing ior sfeara engines. lor torm see 72aohesnutst.,phila.,and Wdvst., nw yorx. CowrousD iNTtKEflT Notks 7 8-10 and 6-20s wanted, pe Haven k Brother, No 40 S. Third 9t populau taiiobjjto. Ready-made Clothihq, AND , , Finh Custom Work. Wanamae;ek at Buown, 9 Oak Hall, Southeast corner Sixth and Mai-kkt Mrreets. MAKUIED. COLFKR ROGERS.- August 19. ?05, by the Rov Father J.Daly, or St. Mary's ciiu. li, Glouces ter Cit-, N.J. Mr.. JOSEPH COLKi R to Miss AN ME ROGERS. v ' - n : 1 ' , 1 DIED. ' BRAK.ER. On ' the 8th instant, JOSHUA 11., aged 41 years. His relatives ann friends, the membors of Meridian Pun Lodpe No 477, G ive Brrnch K.ncamsmpiit, No. 6, I. O otO. F.; Cherokee Tribe, No. l'J, I. O. of It. M ; the Supreme Circle and Washington cirolo, No. 18, B U (H F.)C. A , at'd thoe orders cenerallv, are invittd to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No. 20C4 t oatts street, on Thursday, the 12th instant, at 1 o'clock P. M. To proceed to Mount Moriah Ccmetei v. BUM M On the 9th instant, ol typhoid fever, PAL'IJNE Ul-IVESt, daughter oi Henry and Caro line Bumni, in the 17th year ot nor age. 1 The relatives and triends ot the lamily are respect fully invited to attend ti.e funeral, from the resi dence ot her parents. No. 1314 Koach siroot, Ken sington, on Saturday morning at 9 o'olock. To pro ceed to laurel rim cemetery. FRAN K EN Fl ELD. On the 10th instant, DEUA. PLAjNE 8., son ol namuol P. and Rachol A Fran kenhold, aged 1 year, 9 mntli, and 6 days 1 hu relatives at d uieuds ol the lamilv are respect fully Invited to attend the luneral, liom his lather's residence, Fiirv tlnrd and Vine stroets, t'wentv- fourth 'Yard, on Friday afternoon at. 2 o'clock, with out further notice. Interment at Blockloy Baptist Church. REMENTER. On the 0th instant, after a short but severe illness, .1 ACOB W. REMENTEK, son of Lewis and Catharine Rementer, aged 16 years, 8 months, and 8 day s. iits relatives and tne in en a a ot the family are re pectfully invited to attend the funeral, irom the resi dence ot his patents, Ridge avenue, above Islington lane, on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'olock. TTIUR CLOSING DOORS WITH MOSQUITO JJ netting on them, or for keening vour doors onen In summer aid dosing them In winter, the Door (spring will ba lonnd most uaefu' For tale by TKUMAK suaw, Jto. 80S (Klgbt Thirty-five) MARKET tt . below Ninth. IHAIN BOLTS PERMIT CHAMBER OR V V otber doors to he sllgh ily opened, and tbns pro mete ventilation, while .bey are as sccute as other bolts. Various patterns tor sale bv TRUMAN ft SHAW, Jto. 8S5 (Bight Thlrty-flve) MAHKKT St.. below Ninth. A POKING, TEDIOUS LABOR IS THE Jl shelling of peas or beans by band . Wlin apatent shelling machine one person does tbe work of seven. For sa.e, wholesale or retail, bv the manufacturer's agents, T ROMAN SHAW. ko. two (Aigoi iniriy-uvej uiitKi.1 nt., ooiow Mintb. JNSURE YOUR LIFE IX 0UIt OWN HOME COMPANY, THE OP PHILADELPHIA, S. E. Corner Fourth and Walnut S& Insurers In this Company have tbe additional guaran- tee of the CAPITAL STOCK ALL PAID UP IS CASH, which, together with CASH ASSETS now on bund, amount to over ' 1,500,000. Its TRUSTEES are well-known citizens In our midst, entlt'lng It to more consideration tban those whose managers reside In distant cities. Alexander Whllldln, J. iidKor Thomson, 1 t.eorge Nusent, ; lion James follock, Albert r. Koberts, 1 P. B. Mingle, 1. M. Wblddin, William J.Howard, Samuel T. liudiue, John Alkman, Henry K. lieunett, Hon JoseoU Allison, Isaao Hazlehurst. ALEXANDER WIIILLDIN, Presldeat. faEOKOE JiUOENT, Vice-President. SIMS, Actuary. WILSOK. Secretary and Treasurer. 7 75 JOBS C . JOIIN 8. TTN ADULTERATED LIQUORS ONLY. II KICUARU FEN la TA N ii w STUKK AND V'AITI TH, No. 48U (JHESNUr HTREET. Hearty Oopoelta the Post Omce, PHILADEU'HI A. Families sunnlied. Orders from the Country nromntly attenoeu 10 otiy TJlIILADELPHlA, GERMANTOWN, AND On and a ter WKDN E8DAT, May 16, 1808, , rOR qkrmantowh Leave Philadelphia 6, 7. 8,, 10. 11, 13 A. M.,1, 2, 1'lO ih,,t, 6K..7.8, 10, II. lit- M . . Leaye(iermantown6,7,7X, 8,8 20, 9,10, 11, 11 A. M. 1,2 3, 4.4, tt 6X. 1,8, 0.10, 11 P. M. Tbe 8 down train, and H and iH up trains will no top on the Qennantnwn branch. v OS 8UaDA.Y8. Leave Phlladolptia10 A. M., 'I A, 8. 10H P. U. , LeaveUeiinantownS A. M.. 1. i.M.'M P. M 1 CIltHNUT BILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia , 8, 10. l'J A. M., 9, IH 9H . 7, ""uttve't hesnut Hill 110 minutes, 8 9 40, U'40A U 1-40 s 40, 6 0, tt'40, 8-40, and 10 40 minutes P. M. W ON BUSDAVrt. Leave Philadelphia 9'lOminutei A. M.,2. A. and 8 P. at Leave Cbesnat Hill 7 40 minutes A. M., 13 40, 640. an a 24 minutes P M KCK ('ON8HOHOCKES AND NORRI9TOWN. LeavePhllmlelpbiaO. 8-3A mlnn osv llt6 A.M., IH, 7ti On, 071, O VO IIIUJU.W. MUU 111 JA. l eave Noinstown K,7, 150.8. H A.(M., IX, 4)4 t a a v u 'lbs AM P. H. tialn will stop at School Lane, Wisa hlekon. Uanayunk, Spring Mill, and Consbobockeu only ' OS bUMDAYS. . Lesvs Philadelphia t A. U..2M.4 and IH T. M. ' Leave Philadelphia 6. 8 A mluutes, 11 "06 A. If., IX, IH BK,6, 8115, Leave Uanayuuk ok,7M,830. OM, 11M, A. M.,1, 5, 6K 8 V. U. 01J BjTjjjTjATS. ' Leavs Philadelphia 0 A. M.,3M,4, andTM P.M. ' Leave Uanayunk 7M A. M . 1M, 8 and DM P. M. I W. B. W1LHON. Oennral buiilntenaBt, M filJiXJl au4 UtttUi altnwU glJULIA 8IMILIBUS CURANTUR, uvinpiinEvs uoirxcEOPATnio spkcificu, t , nAVK PEOVED, FROM TIIK MOST AMPLB eaperienne, an entire success; Himple Prompt KtSeient, and Koliable. - They are the only Modiolus perfectly ailspted to popular use so simplo that mis take cannot be made to nslntt them ; so harmless as to be free from danger, and so efficient as to be siwsya reliable. They bare raised the hlghrnt commendation from all, and will always ronder satisfaction, Ko. Cent 1, Uares Fever, Congestion, Inflammations.. 35 Worms. Worm-Fever. Worm-Oollo. t5 Crylnir-l)llo, or Teetlilnu of Infants. 25 IMarrhroat of children or adults 80 Jlyiwutery. Griping, Bilious Guile.. 35 Otaoleraiflnrbiin, Vomiting 85 Oongba, (Johla, Bronchitis 85 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faoeache... 35 leadnciiea, 8lrk-IIendftclie,Vertigo 95 ' Uyapepala, Bilious Stomach 85 MuppreiMand, or painful Periods.... 85 Will tea. too profuse Periods 8ft Croup, CouCh, dlttirult Breathlnij... 85 SaH Kliemn, Kryslpeln Eruptions 85 ItlieumatUni, Hlieumniio Pains.. 85 Kever Ac Ague, Chili Fever, Agues 60 Pllex, blind or bleeding 60 Oplithalmy, and sore or weak Eyes 50 Catarrh, acute or chronic. Influenza 60 hooplua-:ouii;li,vi.MonMJou(hs 60 A Kill fua,!k,eU Br.athlnK 60 'liar UiiMiharstPK, linpuired ilpnrins; 60 Scrofula, enlaced Uliimls, Hwrlllnm 60 enoriil Debility, l'liysicnl Wenkm-M 60 Iropy, and scanty Secn-tlona 50 Nea-SiicknrnM, sickness from riding. 60 KidneyllliM'Hse, ruvel b0 Nervous lii-bllity, Moinlnal KliliNHlonsi, lnvoliintiiry . Dis charges 1.00 Sore ITIontli, Canker 60 lirlnary tteakurss, wettliiK bed. 60 Paiiil'u Periods, with hpasms... 60 Nliirorliis nt cluing' of life 1.110 Kpilepny, Spasms, Ht,Vilus' Dance. 1.00 Diphtheria, ulcunited Sore Tlirout. 60 1 ft a s is. i, so, 81. 88, , , . ST, S8, FAMILY ASi:s. SB large vials, morocco case, and hook complete 10 00 SO huge vials, In morocco, and book 6 00 SO largs vials, pluin cose, anil book 6 00 15 boxes (Noa. 1 to 15), and book 3 00 VKTKRIXAIiY J.PKCIFICS. Mahogany cases, 10 vials, with book $10 00 Blna-le vials, with dlrecMons 1 00 VsT Taeas Ueuiodies, by tho case or simile box, are sent to any part of the ootmtry, bv Mull or Kx press, first of okarge on receipt of the price. Adilross ntTMPIlRKYfl' 8PKCIFIC HOMOEOPATH 10 MKDIU1NK COMPANY, Offloe and Depot, No. 662 Broadway, Now York. " Da. HcHPHRSTS Is consulted daily at his otllce, aerso nally or by letter, aa ahovu, for all forms ol disease, FOB ULE BY ALL UKUGUlSrS RAILROAD LINES. RK A D I N 0 It A 1 L K O A I) OlcKAl TLUNK LIN.. 1!H.M PIHLADhLPftt A 'IO 'IBli JAIKRIOK t) IK.NKhUVAM , IflK til hUYLKll.I., U(JUE IJA.V.VA. ( I 4IBFRLAKO. Al W'YOMINU V.L- LF.YN, THE MKTH, OKmWlSl AUD TdE I'ANAPAS Ml! MM KB ABBAMJEW KNT OF PA83ENOEK XBA1M June 4 18W( LenvliiR the f 011U.1111.V Ieioc. at 1 HIRTBENTH aa CA I I OYVHII.T. htreofa Phll,lnlnliln tha fnll . hours 1 JIOHN1NU ACCOMMODATION. At 7-30 A. Ai.lor Rcticunir an intermediate Statlo SiOBNINO KAPKaSS. At f'lH A. tl. lor lUi.lllnu. I.ahanon Hnrrlshnnr Pnt ville. Plncurove. Tainaoua, sunburv. tVilllamsno Hinira. Bochesier Mara Fal a, lluffalo. A lentow V hksbiirre, 1'11',-ston, Y'ork, Carlisle, Chambersbur But erst own. etc. etc lhl train connects at HKADINH with East Penn sylvania Bailroad trains for Allentown. etc , an the Ltban-n Valley train for Harrisburg. etc j at PORT C LlfiTOK with Catawlssa ltallroad trsins for vll lioinshnrff, Lock Haven. Flmira. elc.t at HARHI.H HV1.G with orthem Central Cumberland Valley, and 8cbu IK 111 and Susquehanna trains ior Northunibeiland, Willlamsport, York Chambersburg, flneirrove. etc AFfEB.NOOM KXPBE.S8. Leaves PnllaaelpLla at 3-30 P. M , for Reading Potts vllle. llamsburg etc, connecting with Heading and Columbia Bid road trains for Columbia, etc. BKADIMJ ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Heading at 6 00 A. M., Btopping atallwaysta tlotis. a.rlviiiB at Philadelphia at 8 55 A. M. Keturnlng. leaves Philadelphia at 8 00 P.M.: arrives In Reading at7 M P. M. Trains lor fhiladeiphla leave Harrisburg at 810 A M. and PottsvllJe at 8-46 A. M. arriving In Philadelphia at rlO P. M. Afternoon trains leave Iiarrlshurg at 2 111 IP.J'jj.PottsvUleatSSP. M., arriving in Philadelphia BABRI8BCBO ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Bending at T'30 A. M. and ilarnsl.urg at 410 P.M. Connecting at Reading with Alternoon Accom modation south. atH-20 V. XI.. arriving In P.llalulnll 9 10 P.M. Market train, with passenger car attached, leaves riilladelplila at 12 4ft noon, for Beading and all way sta tlcns. Leaves Bending at 11 30 A. M. and Downlngtown at 12-30 P. M. for Philadelphia and all way stations. All toe above trains run daily, xnndavs excoptod. Sunday trains leave 1'ottsville at 8-OU A. U., and Phi 1adeiphiaat3'15P M. Leave Philadelphia for Beading atB'OOA.M.j letumlng lrom Reading at 425 P.M. CHF.BTEB VaLLKY BAILBOAD. Passengers for Downlngtown and Intermediate points take the V3H and 815 A. M. and 6 fO P M. trains from Philadelphia, returning irom Downlngtown at 6 34 A. M. and 12-311 noon. Miff YOBK EXPRESS FOB PITTSB0B9 AKD TUB WM. Leaves New York at 9 A.M., and 8'0fl P.M., passing Beading at l'OS and 1163 A. M. and 1-48 P. M , and con nectingat Harrisburg with Pennsylvania andNonhern Central Bailroad express trains ior Pittsburg, Cbloago, Wiiiiamsport, t Imira, Baltimore, etc. Beturnlng, txpress train leuves Harrisburg on arrival ot tbe Ptucsvrvai la express from Pittsburg, at 8 and 9-05 A.M. and 915 P. M.. passing Reading at 4 49 and 10 52 A.M., and U'30 P. M-, and arriving In New York at 10 A. M and 2 45 p. M, sleeping cars accompany these tiulns through Between Jersej city and Pittsburg, with out change. A mall train for Sew York leaves flarrtshnrg at 310 P. M. Mall truir for Harrisburg h aves Mew York at 12 M. SCHUYLKILL VALLk-Y RAILROAD. 'Trains leave Poitsvllle at 1 and 11 SO. A. M., and Tift P. M . leturnlng from Ttmaqua at 735 A. M. and HO and 4 IS P. M SCHUYLKILL AND 8TJHQUFHANNA RAILBOAD. Trains leave Auburn at 150 A. M. tor Pinegrove and Barriahurg. and 1 60 P M. for Pinegrove and Treinont, returning troiu llarrlshurg at 20,1. M., and from Tre mout at V36 A. M. and ft lb P. M. TICKtiS Through flrst-elasa tickets and emlirrant tickets to alt tbe principal points In the North and West and Canada. 'J he lollowhig tickets are obtni.iahle only at the ottloe Ol H. BRADFORD, Treasurer, No. 327 S FOURTH street, Philadelphia, or ol u. A. MCOLL8, Uenetal Saperlntendent. Beaulng: COMMUIATIOK TICKETS At 25 per cent, discount, between any points desired, lor laaiiliea and linns. .., MILEAGE TICKETS, Qood tor 8000 miles, between all points, 952-50 aaob, for families and films . ' SEASON TICKETS, For three, six, clue, or twelve months, for holders only, to all points, at reduced rates CLKRUYMBV Residing on tbe line 01 the road will be furnished cams entitling tbt-mselves and wives to tickets at ball fare. KXCUBSION TlCKUiS From Philadelphia to prluclpal aiai ions, good for 8a tmdav. Sunday, and Mondav. at reduced faie. to be had cniv at tbe Ticket Office, at Till l.TKLN Tit and CAL LOWHILL Streets FREIGHT. Oooas of all descriptions forwarded to all Hie ahovt nolnta. irom tho t ouipany's new Freight Depot, BUOAD and WILLOW Streets. FBE1GHT TRAINS Leave Pblladel plila daily at 6 30 A M , 12 45 noon, and P. M., tor Reading. Lebanon, Harrisburg, PotisvUle Port Clinton, and all points lieyond. MAILS Close at the Philadelphia Post Office for all places on toe toad and it branchea at 6 A. M , and fur the principal stations only at 3 15 P.M. 816 XTE8T JERSEY RAILROAD LINES, FROM VV toot ot MBKET Street (Upper Ferry), com mencing M ONDAY, J uly 3, 1H.6 Leave Philadelphia as lollows: For Cape May, 9 A. M., Mailt 3 P. M, Accommoda- For Bridgeton, Salem, and Intermediate points, 8 A. M. and 8 80 P.M. . . . . For MUivU.e, and Intermediate points, 8 A. M. and 1 P-M. Woodbury Accommodation, A P. M. BFTUBNINO . Leave Cape May at 30 A. M.. Mailt 5 P. M , Express, l eave bridgeton 1 15 A. M. and ( 60 P. M. t rcigbt 8 3U i M LeaVe Salem I A. M. and I-S5 P. M. Freight 5 45 P. M. Leave Mulville 855 A. M. aud -38 P. M. Fielgbt 11 03 Freight will be teceived at Second Covered Wbatf below Walnut street, from J-00 A. H. until 5-00 P. M. That received belore ODO A. M. will go tbrougb the same "Freliiht Deliverv. Ho J38 8. DEL S.WARE Avenue. Freight "'jjyA'tf BtiMBBfcUiAKU, Buperlntenuent. The West Jersey Fxpress Compsny will attend to all the usual branches ot "Press business. A Special Mes senneraccoinpanlei each througb tram. Ouloe Ho. 6 WALNUT Hticet pniiaueipnia. SAFE FOR SALE A8EC05D-RAND Farrel & Herrine Fire-Proof Safe FOB SALE. ART SSOC'ATJON. cuody oPiouA iiotrsai AltT ASSOCIATION. The Cpera I'cusc, acd Thre'e Haadrei Palnticgs are the Preicitt n TIIK VAIN' ISKi i R3 LT 1HK Ltadir Artists in tie United Stater, AL WILL BS OS lZBlBITIOi At THU CLOSHY ALT GaILESY ortBA hOUB, ! OJIUtoO, AND THE ART INSTITUTE, No. C25 BROADWAY, N. Y. f Owing tothegi-ealexoesaot Mr Crusby'sexonadlture. in bul ding the hlcago opera t.onsa over the orlgi.iai estimates, resu'ting irom tho Inorenso-I oo-t o' ev -ry-thing during the war. lie b cam ilnancia!ly einbar- rassed, aud the sae 01 the munificent edition he has . reared becoming necessary, the irirnds 01 arth.-reani In the Westsuugested Ihe tesslhlbty of making it ilia lound work of a distribution of first-rat .Nation! ain lugs and Kngravlnga ihe Idea was at onon mo Cepted by the .eading cltlxeus 01 I :btuao. whu 'u. Siiihed te a large lund tor the Opera llousu vrt issoola tion with ihe view ot realiz ng me oruinal cost 01 tne Onrra Honse and at the ini time promoting the tisie for an tn the great me roooits of tbe West me plna has received the moat generous support o the leadiov artists in tbe Unlied staies, while the eagravars and pub Ishers have elso concurred In a wav wn'oh ?en1ra this schrme tbe meana not onlv of paving Mr. Croa .y b r his linmetise outlav, but of peimannutly -eaentlsg the art ot America by the distrlluilon of a tEMES OF THE NOBLEf-T PAISTINOs AMD M08T SPLENDID KNilRAVIvaS IVB OF FElikD AS PREMIUMS TO TUE PUBLIC. 1 he rioaby Opera House association has, therefore, been and will issue to its iiieinhers ll'l 09 1 shares at VS each, nambnring from 1 to illO.iKtt. Inolu-ilve, en tit ing the holder to teceiveoneor more of ibe tiMt-olasa Steel Engravings, afterwards described, a free ad ulsslosi to the Galleries, and a I 8 HA BE IS THE AWARD Or FBEMI0M3. 1 ho first prerr lum v.111 be TBE CKOBBY OPEBA HOUSE OF CUIOAOO, Situated on Washington street, with a frontage of ll ' leet and a depth 01 10 -set tiisbull 01 (narbe and Is aenerallyconcoded to be one of the finest buildings In America Vour spacious siures, B0 feet by 1W loot, on each sldo ot tbe gran i entrance and the ollloes and stufllos on the remasting lloors, produ-e an aggregate rental ot 3O,0OH. i ho studios are connected with ono ot ibe Ouest art gallerle-in the oouotrv. Of the audito rium el iho Opera House no description can on at tempted heie; but tbe actual cost and positive value of this splendid bul ding pronouueed by all who have seen it OS E OF THE F1HET IN TUB WORLD, Amounts to SIX BUJiDKED THOUSAND DOLLAB3. In addition than to this tho premiums consist of THESE UUNDBKD nair SPLENDID OIL PAINTINGS. JAN A tiTId'1'8. ' BY TUE FIRST AMERICAN BItRS 1 ADT'3 great Painting THE ro se Ti5 Value, HM (MS), (BOPSEY'8 splendid Woik,; AN' AMERICA JT Value tSOOO. SCHUSSELE'S Jiatlonai Palming. ' IBVINO AND HIS FHII-JiDS.'' Value 500ft. HART'S Charming Palming, "0 IDS IN AUTUMN." Value, 85010. MEYER'S Celebrated Paiuung, ' RECOGNITION." Va ue SftislO. BEABD'8 Great Western Landscape, -DEEK OH THE PB-.IKIK" Va ue S4iMi. GIGNOUX'S Magnlflcert Landscape, "ALPINE SCENERY .' Value, 3300. As well as works by all the leading artists Of tha country. Constituting the grandest col'eotion of LEGITLM A'lLLY AMERICAN WORKS OF ART hver ior exnibltion or sale, at any one period BBOL GUT BE THE PUBLIC, And comprising THE ENTIBE PRIVATE COLLECTION OF MB. CROSBY, Including the well-known favorite paintings of the "SCHOOL VXAMIN ATIOS." the ' DOUBLK TBEA'l ." and ' SKLr CTI NG THE BKIOALDRK-iS," with tbe original ilie-lze BUST OF ABBAHAM LINCOLN, Executed irom lite by L. W. Volk. Value, $2500. To enable the pnblio to Judge for themiclvos, this entire collection, tbe largest and MObT VALUABLE KVEK OFFERED BY ANY ART UNION, Will be on exhibition, a part alternately In tho OPKBA HOUSE, CHICAGO, AND THE AET INSTITUTE, No. 62S BROADWAY. Until the award takes piece. Tbe holders of CertittcatoS of Membership being entitled to admission FREE OF CHARGE. TICKETS OFMEMBERSHIP. For as, one share or certificate, with one of tbe follow lowing heautllul Steel Engravings: "THE L1T1LE W ANDEBEB, by THOS. BEAD; "GATHERING APPLESMjv JEBOME THOMPSON". ' For HO. two shares ot ceit Ideates, with the super Steel Fngi-avlng 01 -WASUGTON IBVINO AND HI9 FRIENDS.' For 615. tlLppe shares of certincates, wl h the fine Alle gorical Engrevrug on Steel. " "MKIICY-S BEAM,"bv D.HUNTINGDON. For a20. lour sliares of certificates, with the sulendld CbromoEngiaviiig (issued exclusively by tbe American Art Association 1, "AN AMEBICAN AUTUMN," by J. F. CBOP3ET. W hile for 150, ten share of certificate are issue. ,tto CHOICE ABTIST'S PBOOF of cither "Irving and His Friends," "Mercy's Dream,, or the "American Autumn." N. B. Eaob of these artists' proofs having been re touched aud signed by tbe artist as well as being limited In number, are both rare and desirable. From this it may be seen that purchasers of certlfl cutes receive at once tbe value of their money ba ma Engravings, while they also secute A SHARE IN TnE AWABD OF PREMIUMS. , Tbe following letter Is subjoined as an eridenoe ot tha deep interest taken by the Chicago public in tbe success of tbe enterprise, and of the warm approval of the plan by ' gtntlcmen of blgb commercial and personal standing:- U. H. Crosby, Esq. 1 Dear Sir 1 We have been pleased to learn tnat you have decided to adopt the rt Union" principle lutaa disposition of your Opera House vlhlie we should he glad to know of your success In such an euterpilse, under any circumstanocs. it Mould add greatly IO our Knumt-auuu 10 inioui uiub. iu Kuuvui-Dllt-taiLg your own wishes, you bad given additional im petus to the development 01' u-sthetlo ta.'e amongst us. that tbls would be only the natural result of the distri bution as proposed, ot a largo number of first class raliiilnga and engravings, we have no doubt, and we congruta late the public uuon this la :t, as well as upon, thu no less Important one that they possets In yout o a well-established Integrity satlsiaotory guarantee that tho eiiie-prise will be tair.y and honorably conducted. W lib every with that you mav succeed, we are, dear sir, Yours, very truly, ,B. WcCagg, Mahlon 1). Ogden, P. Wadsworth, W. F. Cooibaurb. 1 t. Muun, 1 a. Ae terr. K B Cobb. Jerome Bcecher, W. K.. Doggett, Hiram Wheeler, 'ihomas Cbuich 3. a. Ellis. A. W. Mack, Amos T. Hall, Jaa. C. Fargo. Geo L Duuiop, ' N. K. F'alrbank, 3 C. Dore Wesley Hunger, If. W. Hinsdale. K. 11 Haaiuja, K. I Tlukham. Chas. L. Wilson, H. E. Sargent, S. D. Klmbark, ' Irs Hoiu.e L G. L. Faxon, a.(1. Burley, Nainan Mears. Ciiutou Briggs, Peter Pace, J. 8 Kumsey, David Oage. Cea. H. 110, W. F Storey, l erry H. tmith, M. Henderson (i. P. A. Ilealy n. 11 wajie. tt.' Wadsworth.lF. C. Sherman, The subscription books will close on Saturday, the lid of September. lHOB and on the 1st of October fol lowing the award el premiums will be public j made at the Opera House, under tbe sole direction ot a com uitttee represeutlng the shareholders of ail seotions of the countrv, and In a manner to Insure eutire satisfac tion to all interested. The premiums will be ready for delivery immedlatolr, and the per. on to whom the FIRST i'BKMTUK Is Zwarded, will receive a CO Vh YANC1 IN FFK OF N U KIN CUM BLR I'D TITLE TO THE CKOSBY OPEHA HOUSU. lntormat'on relative to tliS title-will be rarulshed on app'iaailon to the teal estate odioe of Ueasrs Bees dt Ayrea. Chloago ' NO 1 ICE. In ordering ccrtiticstes please name en grav ing desired, tenddratts. Post f flloe money orders or greenhacka with addiesa 01 town county, and State., carefully written, at every certificate la fully reg'a lered. 1 Ail orders for certificates and communication should be addressed to , U. H. CROSBY, Actuary, A. ., . I And directed either tu No. 623 Broadwav, New York t or to 'Hi Crosby's Opera House, Chicago, Hi, i T. B. PUGII. ! ' Agent tor Philadelphia, Bouthwctt corner of SIXTH andCHESNUT. ' Where spcolmea copies, ot tbe eogtarlags may b eea. 1 Uw