The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 09, 1866, FOURTH EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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Bbtabi' Minstrels, at the Mew Ci-rnat offer it
Dew bill nightly. The tmophe coo,efl bf ,
combination bffca and lie..,, but It is not half as
cool M Flank Monn'i latitat Utpsui.
AltBl WALNUT the Naiad Queen itill reigns
supreme, and appear 10 large and doll ;htod audi
enoes each evening,
Th Arch Street Theatrr still holds iU own
wiib Heller and his wonder. ul diablerie. This week
tbe Sphj nx and otner curious things will bo brought
For Additional Local JUtna see Third rag'.
The Weathab. Nothinir in the way of
ibeat 01 a more eaotuciotmg character than vaster
day's temperature could well be imagined in itiM
latitude. At 8 o'clock in 'be attoruoon the mercury
at I ourth and Chesnut streets stood at decrees,
while at tbe Merchants' Exchange it had rm n to tfS
ttegrees. Ibiswaa hail a uegree higher than tiiat
attained ou tne 1 rtvious day, which, as ever, bod
knows, was ratber warmer thau ouo could wish lor
comfort s sake.
As a eonsequenoc, we have many casualties in tbe
war of sunstroke to bote
WlimrS. alayuaru, who was driving a wagon
near Fairmotmt i'ark, was so overcome by iho noat
thai be loll to the grouua, aud tbe wheel pad
over bis stomsch. He wa taken to bis reauleuco,
at fortieth and 1'oplar streots, where be died 1 less
than an hour.
On Saturday afternoon several deaths occurred.
Alfred iiiown ieil dead, aud was removed 10 the
Twenty-third Ward button House A man re
siding at N. 1547 North Eleventh street; a wonun
residing at No. 421 Gtrard avenue; a man rending
in tbe rear ol Ko. 224 South street, were all over
come by the excessive beat, and died between six
and eight o'clock in tbe evening, eeverai othr per
sons were conveyed to ihei. homes, haviag faileu
fiom the effects of tbe sun's rays, but it was not
reported thai any ot Ibein had tiied.
Antoine surcin wa overcomo by the heat yoster
da ai Fifth ana South streets, and was romoved to
the Hospital.
Yesterday afternoon a man named Gaiazher fell
dead in Fallon stieet, between Eighth aud Ninth.
11 was I ehered that lie was overcome by tne heat
The storm ol last eveniiw, hoyever, bas bad a very .
rhodtlvlng ettect, wtixu. is uot.ouDie m iuo state 01
the thermometer this morning. At nine it stood at
87 degrees, ami at noon it had reached only 88
degrees, Stiil tlie prosooct is anything but pleasant,
ard the onlv true philosophy is lor each suffering
mortal to resolve to grin and bear it.
General Sherman is IIeke. Major
General William Tecumteh Sherman, the hero of
tbe grand and blood ess march troin Atlanta Co the
sea, arrived In this oity this morning, and was cou
ducted at onoe to the rooms previous y provided for
bis accommodation at tbe Continental.
Tbis visit is understood to be strictly of a private
character, but those who wish to obtain a gnmpsd
of tbe old veteran w.ll probably havo a passing
nnnortunitv this eveuing. as ho will be tbd
. tecipient of a serenade at the duo House of
the inion iengue, ai auoui uai-paat kii
o'clock. The liuion League House will be
brilliantly illuminated on the occasion, wbicn
will doubtless be one long to be remembered
by those who are so lortui ate as to witness it.
Although by speoia1 request there will be no tormal
reception during tbe dar, it is understood that tbe
-.ennral. in eomnanr with General Meade aud seve
ral ol our prom lbnt citizen', will be taken about
the city ana snonn tuo most prominent uujeou in
interest, returning to the Un.on League uoue in
1 time tor pnva e dinner wiih a small party 01 gen
tlemen. To-morrow General abermanwili return to
Blew York city.
LTotjsk Struck by LiarrrNiNa. During
tbe tbunder storm ot last evening tne bouse
occupied by Mr. Benjamin Ca-seiberry, north rest
corner of Jefferson and Marshall stree s, was struck
br lightning. The flull entered tbe fable end of tbe
root, a portion of which was knocked otf, passed
do to to the room below, tearing tne ra iters and
ceiling in its oourse It then passed out of a window,
over tbe root, down the water-pine into tne street,
tearing the same into atoms, ana, parsing off entered
tbe grouno below
On examining the lower part ol tbe ho-iso it was
found that the iron covering ot the sin in the
kitchen bad been torn np by tbe fluid, and twiatod
into a knot.
A large hole was also knocked Into tbe chimney,
and tbe entire roof greatly injured, so much so tnat
it will require a general oyernauling in order to
make the bouse tenantable.
Mrs. Ca-selberry, who was standing In a doorway
in the seoond storv. was kuookod down by tbe shock,
and much oveicome, while her husoand, who was
rnn Ininv nn a feather bed. escaped iolurv.
Bricks, mortar, and fragments ot the slate root
were seat terea in all directions by the force of tho
shoe, thus proouced.
Drowsed. About 4 o'clock on Saturday
afternoon, John Banon, who lives on sixteenth
stieet, above Kace, drove his horse into toe sonuyi
kill, near the Park, (or tbe purpose ol watering it.
Rut the animal piooeeded too iai, and, by a sudden
lnreh. Dreoinitated the rider into the stream.
Drowning ensued before he ould oe rescued The
body wasrecoveied in a couple of hours, aud taken
to bis late residence
About 6 o'clock on the same afternoon a boy,
named William Valentino, living at fNnth ani
Pontar streets, was drowned while bathing in the
Schuylkill, aoove Columbia Bridge. His body bas
not as yet Peon recoverca.
Larcetttof Mo bey. Edward States, a
colored man, was committed by Recorder Eneu, in
detank ol S1000 bail, under the lol'owing circu in
stances: It appears that about eighteen months
since, a brother ot Elizabeth Keading seni her 60
bounty money. States, who vaa present when she
received the money took it from her and put it in
his pocket It was supposed at the lime that it was
simplv a Joke. He went off and was not seen by
Mrs. Reading tor a long time, but wanting monev,
she hunted him up, ana tound that be had opened
a lianor store witfi ber money. Being discovered,
be sold out and left tbe city. He was subiequuntly
arretted, ana commi'iea as si are a aoove.
Charge of arson. Michael Morgan Is
the proprietor of a burdle manufactory in tue rear
01 lryon s gun store, en oeconu street, si attempt
was made to set the place on tire on Saturday even
ing. A keg ot turpentine bad been placed in the
building, surrounded with shaviagi, wnion uaa heon
fired, but the flames did not spread. Morgan was
observed shortly before tbe fire carrying shavings
into tbe establishment, and was not seen there when
tbe fire broke out. It is known that triore has been
. some difficulty connected with a mortgage on the
nronertr. and Mr. Morgan, therefore, is susDected
ol nnng tbe premises. He will have a bearing this
j Social Trip to Atlantic City. Ex
tensive preparations are being made to render the
excursion 01 tbe Young Mf-n's Asooinrion ot Ibe
Sooth Street freebttenan t'burcb to Atlantic.,
on the 181 h inst., one 01 the most plea-ant trips that
will be made during the season to that deligbttul
watering plaee. Special accommodations are being
nrovided lor families, and as onlv a limited aarabsr
of tickets will be sold, early app ication should be
made. Tickets are only being sold to parties who
are known to someone ot the committee or thoir
To Schuylkill Bathers. The practice
ef bathing in pub'io place, in the Sohuylki I river
has tecome so lreqnnt ot late, tbat the notice have
been ob'iged ! resnrt to extreme measures to put
a stop t it. tin eaiuriiav a halt doieu or so ot
vanthfol swimmers were brought before tha various
Aldermen aud fined for tins misdemeanor. It u
strange tbat neither the peua He. of the.av, nor a
sense of common decency, will a put a stop to this
reprenensioie practiue.
William Schwabzwaldkb and Andrew
Nicholas have b. an engaged for some time past iu
ateahnc wine from a d liar under the Cousolidutioa
Bank. 1 hev were caught on Saturday afternoon
while in the act of carrying a nusibe- of bott es
from the cellar They wee amis ed and he'd in
8600 bait by Alderman Hooker.
Assaulting: His JJetiek Half. James
Armstrong resides in Erd nan's court, in tbe Fif
teenth Ward. Yesterday be made an assault on his
wite, and threw a pitcner at hi r bead, eutting her
bad y. Be was arrested, and taken betore Aider-
man Hntohipaoa, who held him to bail.
Eemoval. Tbe entrance to E.R. Lee's
general dry goods estaniishmt-nt. is at present ie
moved temporarily to Filbert street, below Eighth.
while changes are being made in tbe front, at No. 43
North FJgbtb street. In tbe meantime they are clos
ing out their 0 a hoc t rrony reanoea prices.
Drowned While Bathing. Wllbam
Tfnth fcnd Poplar BtreU, wm dromMl on tiaturday
wuuv unruiufi iu iuo ovuuj ! mm wmuiuta oriu9.
The Funeral of Edwabd G. Webb,
Fa.. late United States Assessor of tbe Flrt dis
trict, will take plaoa this afternoon at J o'clock,
lrou but late roaldeuoe la the lower part ot me oity .
Stabbed. During the parade Of the fire-'
men on Saturday evening, a bor, sen ot Mr Jehn
luvhes wia sanding at the eoraer of ifenrth nivii
Ate,. ?ltO'. wen another boy oame np to- fctiw sad
as ed btm h?t J9TO)i ht went forT 8oit ferny
was made, ai d the qSMtlOoi rubbed tbe boy men
tioneo in the shoulder and ran off
Mat or UcMichaei bas reoeivd the following sums
in aid of the siifl'erets by the Fortiand flee John
Wins, tlOO 1 "P," Ca-h, 10.
Sun Struck. Frederick .Sbick, who be
longs in rchuvlklll Haven, was sun. struck on Satur
day at Htftith and Wallace streets, He wai c n
VPted to bis lodging-bouse, 0. 1309 Cailowtiill
Stealino OifRSE Edwari North was
h Itl by altleimau tioort, in tliXX), for stea lng goese
in (.errrsniown. Ho pat them in the cellar of bis
ro'idence, where they were found by the l'olice,
ritoMOTEn-Colonel Robert L. Bodlne, oi
the 2Ctn Fei nsvhauia ViOunteois. las been pro
moti d to the rnnk ot Brevet Brigadier-General tor
meritorious services .
FnTPiriAii, Hkal Ibyklf! is an old saylag.
Most of our best phyeic'ans are in the constant
practice of bracing np thtir systems and keeping
them in tone, to enable them to pe norm the varied
tnd cxhaastlng labors of their piofesslon, by the
npe of MJJtfWEJVS CAUSA TA TO.VIC, as well
as prescribing It in their practice. Depot, No. 437
JlToudvnp. for tale by all lfrvitgiat.
joutns aua gins 01 tonuer age
Now bash I u ly appear
Upon ibe speaker's stag),
Pleas ng each eye aud ear;
White l arents with complete
Triumph are heard to say,
"Don t Sarah Jane loo- sweet
In that pure white array f"
Or, "My bov outhines them all,
In his suit trim Tower Hah!"
.men iHtttert.
Liaht Vanimert and Cloth. A'mecn. Ifrait d'Ete,
Dvc and Linen sack ( oat a.
Liyht Cunuimnre, WhUe and Ctdored l)iu-k Skele
ton Veil.
Ltuht Vantxmere. Whit and Colored Duck, anda'l
kinrtH of Linen Pant.
All kind of Seasonable Clothmg for Men's. Youth',
and Jioita' wear, tn lame mtpplv at the lovent prices
possible. low Ka Hall,
A MoTnER'8 Dutt to ber child is, first of all, to
watch over its health. Among children, In nine
case out oi ten, disease fint manifests itself by a
disordered state ot the bowel. This is invariably
counteracted by tbe ase of MARS iB'X'S CAR.
MINA'lIVE SYIiUP. No fami'y should be with
out it; its general use wou'd do away almost en
tirely with tbe fearful list of deaths among children,
which form such a startling item in the weekly
report of ti e City Inspector, Depot, No 487 Broad
way, Ntw York For sale by all Druggists.
W n v Ttf rnn are (tniireftgerl bv the crannt. alclclv fftil-
Inirnf disordered svste'n. which needs to be
cleansed and ttimuiated into healthy action, take a
deseor two of Ayer's Pills, and see bow quick you
can bo restored for a shilling.
Fob. Consumption and all Kindred Diskahkh.
such as colds aud their results, all'outiou of the
throat and l ings, dvspeplio complaints, aud gone
rai debility of themuseu ar system, we know of noth
ing in the way ot a remedy tbat 1 so swift and sure
as Dr. llyltou's "Constitutional Renovator," This
meoicine lias met with an almost unparalleled sue
eess betore the public.' it bas stood all the numerous
and severe tests to which it has been snbj o1ed, and
in eacb caw that has been Drought to our own notion,
it bas come out triumphant. With diseases oi the
lungs especially, and the inevitable consumption
which sooner or later iol ows them, it they are not
taken in band in time, tbe "Constitutional Reno
vator" has been particularly successful, stamping
Dr. Hylton as one of tbe safest lung physician in
tbe country Dr. Hylton can alwa s be tound at
bis office, Bio. 411 vino street, in tnis c ty, wnere ne
makes examinations 01 mugs iree 01 cnarge.
Thk Great Summbb Remedy Practioal tests
hove eti'ablishod tbe tact beyond cavil that tho bent
saicguard against diseases inctdont to hot weathor is
the world-renawned 8. i'. 1800. X. 1'iantation lilt
tors these Bitters, which are at once delicious and
medicinal, are not onlv preventive in thoir etfoots.
but in tbe b'gho't Hex roe medicinal, ine roousi
health o hundreds of our citizens to-day is largely
altril utable to the habitual use of this perfeoily pure
and harmless tonic and stimulant. We reoommend
its adoption by all who wibh 10 retain or sock 10 im
prove tueir health.
PitnnrEn Prices A rare chance. Call a Bol-
mer's Photograph Gallety, No. 62 Arcb street and
have your likeness tat en in superior sty e, at mode
rate prices. Sure to please.
Tuohh Rickt.kton Lisas Suits w a 'e now sell
ing rive universal satisfaction this warm weather,
which is saving a great deal. Charles Stokes & Co.,
Clotbiets, under tbe Continental.
t.atiif.8' Monnino Calls carry Joy and gladness
In their visitj wnen periumea lrim mo riruiwi
Sweet Opoponax. E. T. Smith & Co.. New Xork.
fSRAnnMOTHiR's GiaoBRBRXAO. Excellent.
Buy it ol Q. Byron Morse, No. 90 Arch street.
inhrieative nacking tor steam engines. for terms
see Tiaohosnui st.,pnua.,ana soaeyst., new yor.-
Compotjkd Iwtbrkbt NOTR8. 7 810 and 6-20s
wanted. De Jiaven ac protner, iso. w a. inira ot.
1881 Coupons, Dub July 1st,
Compound Interest Notes,
Wanted by
Drkxkl & Co.,
No 84 8. Third street.
Popular Tailoring.
Hbady-hadb Cloth to,
Fike Custom Work.
Wabamakkb t Brown,
Oak Hall,
Sontbeast corner Sixth and Mahkkt Streets.
ENGLISH CANNING. On the 10th of June, at
Washington. U C. by the Key. Henry Walker. Mr.
potu 01 iiuriingion, n. J.
SHORT MORTON At tbe Cathedral, Saturday
moimng, iuiy , mm, dt ine itev ratner rteiny, air.
JOHN SHOUT to Alls ELiZ Ail Elll MUUION, all
of tbu city.
BREARLKT. Suddenly, on the morning ot the
Oih instant, ot dlueane ot the beart, 6 aB AH, wife of
James Bi early, in tne bid year ol ncr age.
l he relatives ana menus aua tnose ot tne wmuy
are invited to attend tbe funeral, from tbe resmence
ot ber bnsbaud. No. VJS Kur'g street, on Tuesday
afternoon at 8 o'clock. Interment at the butial
ground of tbe Glor a Dei Cbnicu.
DAVIS.-On tbe 8th instant. MARY RICHARD-
MON. eldest daughter of 1 homai M. and Harriet
Uuvis, aged t years. 8 montn, and it aayj
ibe relatives and iriunua are le-ixut ully invl'ea
to attend tbe funeral, Ironi the r s deuce of hor
psrents, No, 1838 Camao street, on Wednesday, tue
17th instant, at 10 o'ciocx a. ai.
MANN. On the 7th Insiaut, UANNAR KL1ZA
RLl'tl, daughter oi Samuel P. aud bluabeih M.
MANN, aged IB montns.
the reluilves and irienas oi ine tami:v arc rcspeoi
tuiiv luvited to att.nd Die luueral. Irom the resi
dence of ber parents, No, 1832 Viouua sireet, oil Tues
day aiternoou at o o'ciooa.
WASHBURN B At rottsvllle, of cholera infan
turn, flm mnrMiif. CONKLIA Aj UfcUMUJI
iulant daughter ot Rev. I), and Sarall 3. Wanhburne,
oi 1 hilmleiphia. SS
KJ rlety ef Dog Collars, Chains and nuzzles, tor Bale
HI llttlAian ni.i.. .
No. 8S5 IRIkbt Thlrtt Ave) M 4 KK KT Ht.. below Nlv'Jl
CUmtwta. Pntilnai. !ri-iit Ao. It adllfU
lor t Liu or tldck entK ,.! cinv Is cents each, for
sate or I KUMAN ola A w.
i! 8W (KUJht Thlrty-flvel M A BKET Wu. beiow in lb
l per orro irom rour f seven times ibe amount or
stiellliilj doue by hand In the same tbne. Retail at 61 to
as. Wheieaale at tbe saanuiacturers' prluei by their
Afnts, TKUMAN A 80AW,
lo. Big ttlght Thlrty-flve) Bf AKKET Ht . below Ninth.
Vn aw CHV.snnr HTnulf-e
Nearly Opposite the Pct Onice,
Families sunnllad. Orders froaa the Conntrr Momntl
, -.-.' -
n-AVK rnovK.i), ki:ki tiik most amtlk
exp.-rieii'-. mi etitin" stnivs; M tuple l'ronipt
nit, niel Itidinlile. 'I hi-y arti tbi'tinly Meilicinel
-jTJ iy nilnpteil to populur iim.-o ti tiil that nils
rj' mot In' mini,' In n-liu them: s liormlnas as
to he fries fr'"n ,l,,n-''r '""I lH. i, iil 111 hi lie always
nliahl '"'v r'l'!,ed tin' hliflnt eiittimetidatloa
froin aH t wi" "lw'".Vl reiider MitWiiellon.
Nus ' Crnts.
1 'urn V r. 'on!rn!tloit, Iiifliiinnmtlons.. S5
? lilorv 'i, W..rni-r-i'VHr, W.inn Cllc. 16
g' u frying ''"'ie or Ttti'lliliiif of Infiinu. S5
u iiifirrlat. ' '" ehllilrnt or n lultii U
6 " IIVMfiict ,,rll'ln1r, Bilious t'ollc. 5
6, i;oicr- '!"", VnmlUiig 85
T, on-ill.., . '"'""'bitis
9, - lvaliM-K -".-n.lrli.. Vertigo 25
ii, whin.!., t.,m.r-isi l,r. 25
18, roup, 'm,L'h, .Kmr.-K l"t'Htl,ing... 88
14, Ssll III,, ,,.,.. Krr.f,---i r.rnp loas 85
16, " ltli. iiiiiHil .nl. I.-I.w.j". 2
16, I'ever V Afiie, flnM . Hr' 5
17, " I'll.;-, l.lin.l ,,r l,.-e.ilnir VllSn
19, ' pliltinliii),iiii.liriM.rwMV y
19, " ( alari li, .i.-.'e ..r . l.n.iiic-, fr.Jo.
80, " li-topiiiz-Cniiith,"'11''""'" "
81, " Amllinm, Mpre-.iil llr. ntlilmr Vr
it, " IOhp IiM'liari;i , fiuinireil Hiring !
88, " KrrnViia,eiiliirgi-iltliinds. riwrllin k "
84, " ;ciierul Di'lillity. I'livii-ul . K u9 TA
8,r), llropii)', ml franily hriTftliins M
86, " Sea-Sit It lietM, uli'km-'"' from riding. f0
87, " Kidi')-klii'uii', linivfl 50
ti, " Nervonn llrbilit), Hemlnal
KmiHMionH. Iii"iiini;uy 1I--chars.
89, " Sore iMontii, I iihUr t)
80, " I rliiary .t eaklieMH, wi'ttititc bi d. TiO
81, " Painful J'erltxl, wuli ("piiniiR... r0
88, " SuHVrlns at cIkuii.' of lil- 1.IN)
8A " Kptlepny, imsins, !t.'!tiK' Dfinie.l.tH)
W, " lllplitlilTia, ulcerated Sure Tltmat. Wl
8S large vlsla, morocco case, anil bnnk comp'ete (10 110
80 large vlnls, in tiinrorcn, anil hunk 6 HO
80 lame vials, plain ease, nml book ft H)
16 boxes (Nos. 1 to IS), mid book 3 00
Mahogany ciise. 10 vials, with book $10 00
Single vials, with directions 1 00
of" These Remedies, by the euxc Hr single bos,
ar sent to any part of the country, by AI nil or Kxpress,
Ires of charge nn receipt of the price. Address
TffifnrMPA'riiii uL'rur'rvt,1 ininivv
Olllce and Depot, No. 66i Broadway, New York.
Da. HrmURETS is consulted dally at his office,
personally or by letter, as above, for all forma of
By Edmund Yates author of "Broken to Har
ness." itnw. c loth. I '50.
I HE AF(J81Lt8. Uv Kenan, author ot ' Life of
Jexu." 1'M.
WHO uoks there? A Record Irom Washington to
Z Taylor. al2t
JlMUS imCTCS BOOTH (the Elder). By his
Daughter. 81'U
ah ine new ruuiicanons ot tue hit. id papur mu
cloth bindings, at less titan publishers' prices.
Strangers' city UulJes. Itallwa? Uuldet. Ntatlonnrr.
etc. Also, the largest aud cheapest aisorttneut of Fbo-
roRrapn Ainums, caruana imperial rnotosrupns in the
li Aim; r noTuK, the new wonaer, 2S cents a pack.
EVERY 8A1UUUAY lor this week. 1(1 cents.
O W. Pll'CHBR.
UmtnfJt No 808 CHl'.NNfJT Street
P HEM IE KKLLER, 8vo. panar. 40 cents.
DRIFT. A. Sea Shore Idyl. fcc. Br Lieorae Ar.
noid. 175.
mor. ens
A VliEKHt'iM vibt.K riti ":n. a narraitvo. ai .W.
l olfinel Marcr's Armj t lie on the Hordert Cfeandot.
by Onlda i Bummer liest, by Uall Hamilton I Wba' is
this Mystery 1 by Mls Braddon nove in the Katie's
Nest, by Miss Yonue; P ison Life of Jeff. Davis, by
Dr. Craves; Hand and Glove, by Hiss hdwardj. All
at a reductien from Publishers' prices, at
w- w s-t S't;il KK'St
Book, Picture and frame Store.
1 6 fmw 8t No. 808 CHE8NUT Htreet.
V YSTES Brilliant Society J. ova I is for sale tnis
morning everywhere.
It J.uiiiju, l UBiinner, jaoston.
S.E. Corner Four Hi and Walnut 8ts.
Insurers In this Company have the additional guaran
which, together with CASH ASSE TS now on hand,
amount to over
Its TRUSTEES are well-known citizens In our midst,
entitling It to more consideration than those whose
managers reside In distant cities.
Alexander WbllldlnJ
J. I'dtar Thomson,
(ieorge Nuiient,
Hon James Pul ock,
Albert '. Koberta,
P. . Mingle,
1. it. Whlddln,
William J. Howard,
Samuel T. ltodlue,
John alkinan,
Henry K. Bennett,
Hon Jossoii Allison,
Isaac Uaxleborsu
610K0E M'C.EST, Vice-President.
JOHN C. SIM8, Actuary.
JOIIM S. WILSON. Secretary and Treasurer. 7 7$
QASH CAPITAL, $200,000.
Oi Byracnee, New ork, lnaaros against
Whether ACCIDENT. f'UOLEBA. or DISEASE ol an
kind, vilth weekly compeusation lor D1SA11IL11 V from
This Is tbe only Company authorised to issue COM
la view ot the oro (ability oi the visitation oi
On OLE HA this summer, tills opponunlty of Inaariiig
against It tor a brief period, at economical rates, should
command the at ention ol every onei while the combi
nation of AC'C IDKNT risk ottered with it enables inone
re-iding in the City, or transacting bunluess here and
returning to tne country aally, to guaru agamst evurv
ioiu VI
Permits Issued fur travel to Europe, etc. Aetlve
BOlienvrs wantea.
WM. A. STEPHENS, General Agent,
6 11 lm No. SOI CHEHKUT Street, Philadelphia.
Incorporawd by the Mate of ' Pennsylvania, third
fimui low. . tn rt j n E.O lilTCQ. ALLOIVS 1 N .
namnel R "hrpley, i Richard Cadbury,
Jeremiah Haukar, Henry Haluea
Joshua II. Morris, 1 T. wiaiar Brown,
Richard Wood, ' William 0. Lowwtretb,
Charles F Cofflu.
SAMUEL 8. b UP LET, President.
BoWLiirD Faikt, Actuary. he
Washivoton, iulj 9.
A bin to en arjre andunprov the Arnenal prtiund
at St. Louis, ami a oil, to nn'hor m tbo sale i tho
tioveniineut protierty at II amor's Kerry, were re
tor ed Irom the Militaty Committee.
A resolution wan annpted oailinjr upDn tho Socro
taiy of War tor a copy ol tbo medical and suigictl
stntisiicsol the war
A bill was pasted prohibit. ng an State from
making; pilot rermat'oiis whion tiiscriunnato against
vestels i f anv other State.
M- Howsnl (Micli.i mtrodiioed a lolnt re.-iolution
giving the L'nion Tactic liul road and its branches
the r bt ol way ibrouxh military re"i vaiions.
IlonsMB ol KprMiiitatlves;
Ibe reading of the Journal of Saturday was dis.
pen-ed with.
Mr. liuobatd (Conn ) Introduced a reolntlon,
which was adopted, directing the Committee oi
I'ublio Lands to mtiu re inio the expediency of
makinar a donation ol lands lor tho enaowment of
leniale collecria in the sevoral 8tate.', and presented
tbo memorial ol the Geoora. Assvmoly ol C mnei)
tic nt on that subject.
Mr. iiorris (N. Y ) Introduced a rolulion, whicli
was adopted, eailinn upon the tiecrotary ol tne
Tieaeury formlormation, to tie lurm hod at the next
sescion, in relerenoe to tho trade between the Unite!
btntes and British Provinces.
Mr. IJoo ire (K. Y ) preM-nted the memorial of the
Chamber of Uomnierco of New York with rjference
to tbe tarifl Keierred to the Committee on Ways
and Means, and ordered to be printed.
Mr.Monis, (N. Y ) introduced a bill to amend the
jdioiary Act of 1T69 Head twioo, and reierrod to
the v' ommittee on the Judiciary.
Mr. Kewtll (N. J.) introU iced a re o'utlon, which
was atTo vtcd 'nsiruo ins the Committee on Acoooots
toinuii' 111,0 'be propriotr ot Increasing thusala
riesol ibe k"slstant in tho fo'dinar roomof Coos;res.
Mr. cllcflk',,d (I a0 Introduced a bill to chaneo the
time for the Ounal nictinif ol Conaress from the
flirt Monday tn leueinber to the first Monday in
Jsevembcr. Heafl twice, nnd relerrcd to tbe Com
mittee on tho Judt.',rV"-
Mr. Miller (Ta )oife."ea a resolution for the print
ma ol an additional number oi aam roli's addrens
on l'resideiit Jjucoiu. Relerrcd to tbe Committee
on Printing.
Mr Hossilll )sujff?fc(l trtamcrd the roso'ution
bv tnakine it apply to Agricultural reports.
Mr. Miller also oifored a reeolut ou, which was
adopted, direotinit the secretary of the Treasury to
furnish a statement ot the receipts and expenses of
the Government ior the fiscal year ending June 3i),
Fatal Accident.
Hartford, Conn., July 9. During the thun
derstorm at 6 o'clock last evening, the liaht
nintr struck the house of Charles Whitinc, in
Forestville, Bristol county, instantly killing;
Mr. Whiting and his son. Mrs. Waiting was
seriously injured, and her recovery la doubtful.
Mr. and Mrs. Whiting were sitting on a sofa at
the time, and their son on a chuir near by.
The Portland Fire.
Washington, July 9. A meeting is called for
to-morrow evening, under the auspices of the
Mayor of this c;ty, ol citizen" of Maine mw
sojourning Lere aud other, for the purpose cf
taking measures for tbe relief of the PorJand
Wieck of the Ship 'Picayuae.w
Boston, July 9. Tho ship Picayune, of New
Orleans, Captain Brooks, from Genoa, in bulliu-t,
lor St. Johns, N. B., was wrecked on Duck
Island, near Mount Desert, Me., in a log on the
6th inst. The crew were feaved. The ship is a
total loss.
New York Bank Statement!
New York, July 9. The Bank Statement for
the week ending ou Saturday shows
An increase of Loan $6,6,660,015
An increase ot Hoecio 2,Utft,01S
An increase ot Circulation 689 9J8
An increase ot Deposits 1 412,339
Adicrcase ol Legal Tenders 2 281,002
Latest JKaiketA by Telegraph.
New Yobk, July 9 Stocks are stronrer. Chicava
and Kock Island, 96; Cumberland preterred, Mi;
ii inois central scrip, iza; Micniyan sontnern, 8uj :
New Yorlc Central, 9yj ; iieadinjr, Iu7J ; trie, 71J ;
nriit'iu uiiiod jciciiraiiii cuinpauy, Oij; umtad
States 6s, 1H67, 129 J j Coupon 6s, 1881, 109 ; 6-20
Coupons, 1SH2. 106; do. 1864. 1051; do. 1866, 106;
freasu ios, 108(0.10; Gola, 151; sterling exebanvo
Conf t'nwd from lite First Page.
Berlin, June 23. Tbo official Staa'sanzeiger of
to day says : "After the entry of the Prussians into
Electoral Hesse, tbe Kins of Trussia again made a
fresh endeavor to come to an understanding with
the Elector. On the 22d inst. the Prussian Minister
oflered an allianoe on tbo basis of the Prussian pro
position for tbe formation ot a new Conioderation,
on condit on tbat tha Elector should baye a Min
istry wfllcb should guarantee tbe observation of iho
Constitution ol 1881 Had this been accepted, tho
possession of bis throne and his sovereign rights
would have been guaranteed tolnm,
"The Elector, however, declined the conditions
without further hesitation.
"it was, tbeiefore, necessary that measures thould
be adopted to oonueot the two portions of the Prus
sian kingdom.
"Tbe present military position of Prussia is a sure
guarantee against a return to the former Btate of
things "
Stettin, June 25 Iho Castle of Stettin has boen
g'siyned to the E:eotor of Hesse-Casael as his future
residence, and be ernvtd here to-day.
Mentz, June 25. The Grand Duke ol Baden has
broken on' relations with Prussia.
Darmstadt, June 25. A decree has been issued
to-cay prohibiting tbe export of corn audcattio
mto Prussia.
Munich, June 23. The King left here to-day lor
tbt tuadquarters ol the Bavarian army.
bKjpaio, June 24 ibe Bavarian General, Prince
Tfcoru and Taxis, arrived yesterday evening at Hoi,
on the baxon and Bavarian trontior. Tbe Bava
rian troops have not yet como np.
Berlin, June 29 Hungarian deserters have
cone into the Prussian outposts with their horses
ana accoutrements. A depot of them bas been
formed a Ulogna. Uuutrariau ctllceia are expected
to arrive lu order to organize them.
ililitary Correspondence of the Lmdm Times.
Corliiz, June 21 The Prussian dash into
gaiouy hus been a great military success. It has
Ifivin Frince 1-redenok Charles the advantage ot
oeiDft able to attack tbe Austriaus as they issue with
a nit row front irom the passes ot the mountains,
instead of being obliced to light them on their owu
terns in an open country, as wouid have been tbe
cass bad they been allowed to oecupy this
klufdom. At tbe present moment tbe Prus
sia! patrols and pickets aie pushed close np
to the Austrian frontior, the issue of the nar
row defile which tbe Elbe cleaves in the
Era-' ebirge Is secure, the Saxon army has re
tired into Bohemia, and, without pulllnc tnjrger,
the Prussian army has. br the rapid aotion of its
chief, gained as great advantages as oould have been
looted for Irom a victoriou battle in this part of the
theatre ol war. There is only one point in fcaxony
where Saxon troops are still found, and where the
Haxon standard Is still hoisted. Tbe little fortress
of Koniystein, situated on the isolated sandstone
cliff on tbe left bank of tbe fclbe. about nine miles
Irom tbe Austrian liontier, Is still occupied by a
bsxon garrison.
Inaccessible Irom tbe steepness of the rock on
which it stands, aad at a considerable distance from
tbe surrounding belshts, this fortress has never been
leduoed. i rom the bill of Lllleustein, which stands
on the opposite tide ol tbe river, and bas a command
Over tbt tortrass ol uoi than out buadred aud ktty
leet. Napo eon attempted to bombard Konlrste a,
bot bis artillery was. po beary enough to tend ah .t
over the th',, Hionsand yanls winch sen a rate the
auvntfUvOf the two bins Wivh thotr nllnd e innon
the ntlfslan ariil erv could unw easily, from the bill
Ltl ennein, or iropj tbat of Padtnt'eln on tne oppo
site Side, eniraffe the gens 61 tho fort on equal lerms,
but It is doubtful whether the Prnisian oomiiander
will deem it worth while to drac artillery to the top
ot thee eep huls in order to force the eapi nlatlon
ot tbe small srarriRon of 1200 men. who, In the event
. ' Saxony remaining In his possession, mast fall
, his hands, and, in case of his being obliged to
1 , can add so 1 ttie to tbe force of bis enemies,
retire , ptobnb'e that Konigsteln, auarred by
it Is 0i g anrj Impossibiliiy of approach, will
I,?.r?c''",,eh- retain its reputation lor Impregna
""I be aiiowtd w.
, r' -s and hamleU of Saxony,
In rno-t of the vil'a lie on roads lea.iintr to
ceriamiy Im a I those wnloh . -billeted: earslry
the lrontier, Prussian soldiers a eadinrs ol tne
and larttllery fill th- laritu. 'v carriages
Lordcr larmors. andflold guns and artlli. -Suxous
are pneked on many a village green. MutU, ibe
bave no complaints to make, and, as lar a v
jiitigetl Horn afpearanoes, seem highly to aHf.
li e tccttrstion ol thoir country by tbe Prassiahr
army, l he 8axon peasantry and the aol.iiers are ot
t he most friendly terms, and a strancer who dud not
know the 1 rus sian unliorm, iu passiuir through the
vlllafs, suppoa. that ibe irooiis were uuar
tcred nnioiig tbo ijeopte ot their own country.
As soon as the Prussian vanguards erossed the
fioi tier, 1 nnce Prederlca Chares issiiod a most
strmgeLt Older, in whioli he insisted ooo the
troops showing ererv re-pect tor pnrate property
and the comfort ol the inhabitants. This order has
been strictly obseived, both by offlecis and man,
but not trom lear of the on'liary punishment
which would be tbe consequeuae ef its transgres
sion. I be kind-bear ed soluiere have brought with
Hem cone ol those horrors which too often follow
In tho train of an army which oocupios a strange
country. On the contrary, were it not for the
words and oayonet" of pa'rols which g.ittorln tbo
sun n'oug evciy road, tbe scene is one of perfect
lu some places the men are helping tho peaiantry
to carry the bay barve-t, in Jtliera they may be -eon
woiking in the cottage garden, and nearly always
are spondmg monoy in the village suous; the bare
lopgfd eouutr)- urchin gets taken up lor rides 04 tbe
cavairy or artillery horses a tuey go to bo watered,
or aie invitca, bait afraid, to peep into the muzzle
of a nfloU run ; and only wbeu, with tiieconiempt
ort'd by famiiinrity, some adventurous youngster
tries to introduce handipl ol cornll i vers tnto the
month of a puce ol ordnance, is he warned off the
tbe precinotot the battery by tho re'uc ant reutry.
No news as yet of an Austrian adrince in force.
Ou the 181 Ii a patrol crowed the frontier of Upper
Silesia at ouau, a Tillage aoout five miles east of
1'less, and exohanced shots with a Prussian patrol;
on tbe 19th an officer, escorted by a tew huwiarx,
crossed tbo same Iroutiei at Klin?cbeutol, aud came
In collision with a Prussian oavalry patrol. A very
slight skirmish ensued, but without, so far us bas
been ascertained, any barm being done to either
side. 1 his s all that is eettuinly known of the Aus
trian rnovemonti. How lout Marshal Benedok's
long silence is io endure, or what it portends, time
aione can show. 8omu think he is uniting the Bava
rian and c-axon armies with, bis own, and intonas to
eomn down into taxony in overwhelming force by
the CpiHir bsalo and Leiosio, while others adhere
faithfully to the idea tbat Mlesia Is destined to see
tbe first battle.
The names of tho General officers who command
tbe ditleient corps d'armee a-e as lollows: Iho bit
Corps, Itvioii aud recruited in the provinoe of Prus
sia proper, is uuder tiie command ot General Von
Houin; tbe 2d, or Core-, ot General
Von St limit; ibo 8d, or liranieuhurg Corps, and the
4th, or eaxou, have no commander at proxent, and
are considered to De under tbe immediate control of
Princo Frederick Charles ; tho 6th, or i'oseu corps,
is uuatT oeneiul Von Stomuietz; the 6th, or ttilo
sian, under Von Mutius; tho 7ih, or Westpba tan,
is in Hanover, under General Von Falkenstem ; tbe
8th, or Khmolai.d, is commanded by General ilor
wartb von B.tteuleld, who seems to be oallod tndis
criminatelv Herwartsi or Bittenfeld. Ibe great
body ot the cavalry is undor frluce Albtcht, aud
iho Cnnrd is commanded by Prmce Auguste, of
V urteiuberg.
The ik'Stiuctlve eflects of war are as vet confined
to railways, tclegraoti wires and bridges. I'll on lino
budges bave already been sacrificed. The wooaen
DiiOgeover the Elbo ai. Btesa was burnt by the Sax
ons tie ulgbt beiore the Pru-aiaua entered their ter
ritory ; tbe et one bridge of Maissun was blown up by
tbe baxon army on lis retreat. In Upper Silesia the
bridge ot Myslowitz has been b own up by the Aus
triaus, and that ot Odcrburg is mined ana ready to
be tired.
'1 be Prussian military authorities have taken caro
to make the inconvenience of the present state of
a flairs sit as lightly as possible ou the inhabitants of
tue country in wnicn tueir troops are quartered.
I'asscnger traffic on the ru I vays of Saxouy is re
sumed, except where tbe broken bridge of Kiesa
causes a gap which is not yet closed Telegraphic
messages are reooivod at the.Buieuu; and aro cer
tainly delivered in the neighborhood, whether
tbOfe to Knglaud n ach their destination as certainly
is a matter ot doubt, lor the lines in Huuoyer are not
suppesed to be in working order.
Ibe patro's of Austrian troops which have ap
peared in Upper Si esia bave not been followed up
to tbe present time Dy any oolaiurs ot invasion. Tue
time which has elapsed sirce their appearance seems
to augur tbat ibey wero not tbe precursors ot an
uttBck; it appeals more probub e tbat they were
sent lor ward pure'y to gain information, or that,
as Austrian .troop i were being sent Irom the dis
trict a Lout Cracow, to the West, they made
a feint, en passant, againtt Silesia, with the
object of drawing tbe a'tentlon of the Prussian
commanders irom the real point of attack. Where
this real point will be no one on this side of tho Iron
tier cau know lor certain. Tbe issues of tbe posses
are well watched on this side, and (beacons are
established on every bill, and beside them sentries
stand constantly reaoy to set them on tire and so
flash from hilltop to billtoD tbe news ot tbe enemy's
approach. These beacons are made with straw
wrapped thickly round the polos and daubed plunti
luby with puch; beside each stands an improved
sentry-box, a bo of straw, whicb affords in the mean
time sbel cr from tbe sun or ram to the sentinel, and
which will also servo, in case of necessity, to add to
the brightness of tbe tlame ot the beaoon. Theroads
leading to the frontier are constantly patrolled both
by liigbt and day, while vidette and pickets are
lound on the rise ot every knoll and the corner of
evety wood.
Tbe Prussians have hot Wn careless witnesses of
tbe great struggle in America. The organization of
their army shows tbat its administrators have etgerly
noted all the results of mooom scienoe and advanced
civi isEutiou which tbe contest between the Federals
and Confederates called into tbe servioe of tne war.
Orders and reports are no longer eonveyed tardily
by alos-de-camp and order. les; they are flashed from
corps to corps along the wires ot the telegraph, tor
to each headquarters a field te'egraph division is at
tached, as soon as headquarters are established, cou
nt cts the temporary bureau ot tbe cbiet of the stuff
with the nearest permanent tpietrrapn station.
Prussia is about to raise 40,000 men in ilolsteln.
and is said to bave called for tbe oontlngmts of
Mecklenburg-bonwerin and JHecklenourg-Strelirz.
This, with tbe capture of tbe Hanoverian army, will
place neatly all tue fighting men of Northern Ger
many in the Prussian ranks. Either side has now
done its best to enter with as strong an army as po
bio on tbe campaign, the issue ot which mut deoide
whether ibe supremacy In Germany l to belong to
the Protestant aud progressive North, or to tbo
Catbolio and conservative South.
Correspondence London Times.
Berlin, June 28 The Austrian army having re
peatedly crossed tbe Prussian frontier wltnout pro
cteding any distance into tbe interior, General
Jloltke bas now determined to take the initiative
and seek out tbe enemy in thoir own quarters. By
this resolute step he apparently intends to disturb
the hostile forces while yet leeling about for an
eligible point of attack, and perhaps to engage an
outlying corps before be hus lime to fall back upon
tbe main foioe. Besides those secondary advan
tages, biscbiel object naturall is to transfer the war
to foreign territory, and kee tbe bauelu desolation
of tie batt e-tk'ld irom his couutrt if be can.
Tbe chance of success would be materially en
lanced were tho lront of tho invading army less ex
tended than it Is. Its right flank, the first army,
uuder tbe command ol Prince r rederlck Cliarlos. is
at this moment advanolna into Bohemia by way ot
Ziltuu, in Eastern Saxony, and Heidoberg, Mark
lissa, and Wigaudsthai, in the adjoining d'Strict of
Northwestern Silesia. South ot the last. meutloned
place, the Giant Mountains, lormiug an impassable
wall tor a distance of about iorty miles, mtervene
between tbe right audlief flanks ot the agesoseive
orces; and it is only at the Pass of Lands hot and
in irs Immediate vicinity that the Crown Prinoe,
with tbe seoond or sllesian army will Hod it feasible
to eflect bis entrance into tbe Austrian territory.
From wing to wing there is a distance of nearly
one hundred miles, a drawback whion, however, I
not without Hs peculiar advautain s. Should Prince
Frederick Charles get as far north as Keiohenburg,
cr lurnau, betore coming np with the enemy, any
Austrians that may be disposed along tbe Saxon
frontier will have to retreat at onoe, or they run tha
rifk ol being out off Irom the otner and more oon
siderab'e portion of their aimy knowa to be sta
tioned along tbe Silealan border. Ins advanoe was
lobe made simultaneously on both wings, bat has
as yet been announced only of tbe first or larger
division undor tbe command of Prinoe Frederick
( barles. The whole ot the Prussian army am
.ployed on this hazardous undertaking is here eeii
mated at 219,000, not Including uou-aooibataata.
From t London Times, June 27.
We bave reason to believe that an intimation was
yet terdav ronveved to Lord Dsrby that her Majesty
would grant him an interview at Windsor this
ali rncon.
We are also informed that should her Majnsty Im
pose that duly upon him, Lord Ueriv will obey her
Majesty's commands and use hi utmost endeavors
to construot an Administration upon so broad
basis as to inoinde several gentlomon who have not
hitherto been attaohed to tbo Conservative party,
although they nave recently acttd with it in o p po
sit on to the Helorm Hill
1 he most Important otBoi, especially In the pre
sent sta'e of knrope, is unquestionably that ot se
cretary for 4 orelpn Affairs. Ii we are correct! in
formed, and eotjeot. of coarse, to the approbation,
of her Malesiy, it will be proposed to iutru t this
groat department to Eord Htanitv. boon an ap
pointment l I, we believe, be generally approved,
and will obtain the conUdeuoo ot the public in the
fore gn policy of tbe norernmotit.
Mr. Disraeli, Lord Ciaoborne Mir Bnlwer Lytton,
"10 eir Hugh Cairns will, of course, be pro mm nt
ntg ot (ne next Administration. Lord Stan
lf rk ' also probably aoeept ofnoo. and it Is hoped
ndtlj'. 'is moe cousei vat've vvnigs will loin
Hiat soiiij- in ould be prepared u concede to
Lt'd 1)( rbv -jrv . entation in the Cabmot.
tbeiJ aU adeqtia'lrf f
smm "oiroe.
Coort of Qnnrter Healinj Jolge
Ins being tue Urt duy lor Jury Inula sine w.
Tuesday, tbe Court by 10 o'clock was orowded.
Long before the prison van, that easy-going ba
rouche bad arrived with the gonflcnidh of MOTa
mensing, the room as full of people, lockmir as if
they wi re trying bard to teep irom dissolving, and1
to In ace themselves up lor hot wort.
Er ward scbnlls was cbirgod with committing aa
aesanlt and Lattery on Uenrv Keice. Keioe is the
propilo or of a workshop, Edwara Sohulti is in
bis employ. Keice stated that he attempted to put
a man out of the shop, and bcnulli stiuck him. The
defense staled tnat Scbultz did nothing at an except
to part the combatant. 'J he Jury rent erod a yerdiot
ol not guilty.
Elizabeth Wilson, colored, was chargod with
commit' ing an assault and battery upon a colored
cbi a, Charles Parker.
Ibe prosecution stated that, at the request of
defendant, tho child v aa permitted to stay with
defendant about tbreo months lor company, as she
A witness was passing the house of delontlant,
when his ati ention was attiaoted by the screams of
the child. Ho looked in, and them saw Elizabeth
Wilson cruelly whipping tbe child, who was then in
bed. Tbo mother tnen took tbe child back to her
home, and upon examining him she fouud tha. his
flesh was in a m st horrible condition, caused, a tba
child said, Dy being p'acod in a bot stove by defend
ant Tbe wound was sa d to bo seven inches long
and tour inches wide, and so severe as to cause the
child to lay on Its lace lor three months, undor the
caie of a physician.
Tbe Jury considered this a most biutal, Hottentot,
and cannibal affair, and rondored a verdict of
The child was p'acod upon a table, and told the
Judge all about tbe affair.
I be defendant stated tbat tho whole was caused
by the extremely filthy condition ol the child.
Edwaid Ihorn a boyol about twelve years, was
chaiged with committing an a-sau t aud battery
upon Kobert Sberer. with intent to kill.
It vt as alleged bv the to niouwealth that on the
night ol the 2d or 3d of last May. Kobert "herer waa
parsing along Sears ot.oet between Sixth and Se
venth, when Thorn, who was near by with soma
other boys, commenced throwing stone, at him.
One boy, named James Sterling, cried out 'Tin him.'
Then three stones were thrown; tue third one, at
leged to bave been thrown by Ihoru. struck him on
tbe right temple. He put his baud to his bead and
ran home.
Physicians testified that the wonnd was a very
severe one, being a compound fracture of the right
templf ; that a piece ot the sknll had been rom vtd,
ana that they had strong doubts concerning his
Tbe defense do not deny that Sberer was struck
with a stone, and that tbe injury inflicted is very
severe; but they do deny that Thorn threw the
stone that struck Stierer, alleging that the stone
was thrown by J ami s Sterling, who on the stand
aomitted that he bad been lndieted for this offense.
Still on trial.
The Late Judge Malxkbt Bab
Mkrtino. At noon a inrge meeting ot the members
of the Bur was held In tbe Supreme Court-room, to
do honor to tbe memory of Judge Mallery. Justioa
Bead was called to the chair, and Colonel Snowdea
appointed Secretary.
Judge Bead said: We are called tojethor to do
honor to the memory of the o iiest practising mum
ber ot tbe Pbilnoeipbla Bar Judge Mallery. My
acquaintance with Judge Mallery has extended as
lar back as fifty-two years, and I am, perhaps, bettor
able to recollect him than any gentleman at the
Phitar e phia Bar. In the early part of 1814 It was
my tortuue to go with my family into the county of
Wayne, and wont witb my uncle to the oourthouso.
Judge Gibson was then, 1 think, on b s second oir
cuitot the district. 1 there saw Jufge Mallery, and
be was then what was called at that day.
' a rising young man." He was a partner ot
Mr. Wells, tbe oldest member or tbe Bar.
At tbat time the Bur of Luxsrne supplied
all tbe surrounding country. At tbat time be waa
considered an active, industrious, Inoofaiigable man
of talent and ability. J his in alter years secured
blm the first place as tbe leading member oi Northern
Pennsylvania. H' waa in 1830 elected a member of
tbe Legislature, and be introduced tbe law which
tecured the first mortgages their priority. He waa
alttrwards appointed President Judge ot the Third
Judic'al District. In 1880 be resigned tbat situation,
and came to the city of Phi adelpbia. 1 ou a 1 kno w
bis prolessionai career since, his moral charaoter,
bis Christian character as a geutleman, and bis high,
station as a lawer.
Juoge Parsons introduced the following resolu
tions: Jteso'ved, 1. Tbat 1b the decease of tha Hon. Gab
hick Mallkry the legal prolession throughout the
State bas lost one of its bright ana shining
ornaments, society a noble aud patiiotio citizen,
tbe v'OThrnonwea th a wise statesman.
2. lhat we recognize in our deceased brother
one who in early life distinguished himself
a a leading member of tbe Bar iu the northern part
cf the btate; in more mature Me a prominent mem
ber ef the Legisiatuie, witb distinguished a dlity in
advocating the system of internal impiovemonts of
this Commonwealth by her canals and railroads:
frepanng wise laws In relation to tbe flnanoos of
'ennsylvania; ubseqnently adorning the Bench in
a most important Judicial district by his learning
ana eminent abilities; and afterwards resigning that
s i a' ion and becoming prominent member ot tha
Philade t his Bar.
'l hat in all the stations oi life whioh have been
occupied by Mr. Mallery, be has discharged hia
dunes witb singular and houorable fidelity to those
who entrusted bun with business, to the profession
and to the btate at large.
4. Tbat se believe but tew members of our profes
sion have lived more belovea and venera ed oy all
wbo knew b m, than our departed trieud and brother,
and we can point to no better example lor imita
tion tbau tbat exhibited by his long lite, in his kind
ittetcourse with bis brethren of tbe bar.
6. ibat as a tribute ot respect to tho
memory of onr Oe; arted brother, we will this alter
noon attend bis luueral, and wear the usual badge
ot mourning for thirty davs.
B Tbat a eommitiee of three be ap
pointed (to whom shall be added the Chairman aud
Secretar h to present to the family of our deoeaied
friend a copy of the proceedings of this meering,
snd ol the resolution ad ipted t nor eat.
Speeches were wane by En K. Price. Judge
Pai sous, Colonel Suowdcu, Mr. Perkins, aud Jtr.
Tbe resolutions were adopted, and the chair ap
pointed Ue Cummitie'.
Strange OvEneiorrr. That portion of
the city between Eleventh aud rhirtwutn stroois,
and from Montgomery avenue to B-rks sireet.
although closely up with new and flue resi
lience, is sadly deficient in polios arrangements.
There Is no day officer on da ty in the ne.ghooi-hood,
Philada. Stock Exchange Sales, July 9
Bepoited byl Haven & Bro,, o. 40 b. Xh id street.
1000 rJS6s'8l lOHj! 1000 City 6s n, k . o 97
lt)(H).-ow Cnl bs.. 60 500 do W7
y)00 Be vikDel bds 80 ltSHXJ do....inuu 07
8HX0 city 6 ola.... 93f 9600 do..,.mun07
2(M) do Ml 1200 do mun 07
The National Cemetery at Seven Pines, Vir
ginia, has been completed, and now contains
1356 bodies. It Is laid out almost square,
being 221 leet tront, aad 228 feet deep. It em
biaces an area of olc aad one sixth acres, and
iii fdivlded into . four sections, each section
forming a square at each corner of the ground.
A gravel walk; nine feet wide extends along the
sides between the graves aud tbe fence, and
walks are laid out through the centre, inter
secting each other at right angles. In the
centre is a circular mound on which is erected
a fiaestau. Of the 13T.6 bodies Interred at thus,
cemetery, 154 have the name and regiment
painted on headboards and 1202 are yet unknown.