THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA- FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1866. 8 THE FJaiXIA-NS. HOTCmcnta of ColoI Roberta Iiel IVntro Stephen Prepftrlnir a Mol-rnto-NtltrlDC Addrtii fro Generatf Sweeney, Et. Last week the Fenian Senate adopted an ad sjreati to the organization in Ibis country, or which a ajnopt-fo has already appeared. Tho Senate has since adjourned, witn the under tandin(t that they are to reassemble in a short time for the purpose ol perfecting; measures to pluce the organization on a purely military bails. Colonel William R. Robert addressed .a ma lectin at Detroit on the Fourth, and is ex pected to return to this city in a short time. Chief Organizer James Stephens haa been stopping at Uiith, Long Islaml, for the la it lew days. During that time he has been preparing an address for the Fenian Brotherhood in this countrn. He is expected to return to this city on Saturday next, and on Monday he will leave for DoBton. GENERAL SWEENEl'S ADDRESS. St. Albans, Vt., Julr 4 to the Member of the Fenian Uroihtrhood in America. iJrottiors: In view ot the present position ot our organization!, I deem it my duty to address ou. Wneu arrostod, I expected I would be immediately rel-asod, or, by the interference of Ihe prominent officials ot the Urothcrbood, steps would be taken to obtain ball. In both cates 1 have been disappointed, and a severe attack of sickness prostrated mo so as to incapaci tate me to sUurees you belore now. My communi cations have been stopped, even my telegram in cypher, which lam sure, pave no informanon to the captors. Brothers, in my next official document, rinr-ii I hdiin miou to address from headouariers, yon will tee the necessity ol orgauizm into military comoanicB, and alo thai ol clioonii as your leadors the true and honost men who are among you lor all tho po-itions where military tact nd experience are nocossary, boarinif In mind, troin eur recent experience, that circles, to be ellioiiui, must have their companies armed aud equipped, and determined to use them promptly whou called on. Be not disheartened, my brothers; tho lato move ments ol our troops have proven to even our enemiej the piacticahility of my plans. Wero It not lor tbo interivieuce of the United States Government, offioiais no power which England could bring to bear could impede the iriumpnaiit advance of our bravo bos, the result ot which would be that to-day the green flag of our fathers would fl iat from the dome ot Canada's capitol, and what is now a disappointment or a deterred movement would be a glorions success. England to-dav, through her mercenary press, can veil return tbauks and ap plaud America tor her laithtul observance of tne neutrality laws. Let the American offioiais, or those Of them who have made tuenwelvea officious, send across the Atlantie their kind appreciation of this jrenerous acknowledgment, but tha great Ameri can people, I am sure, judging from the warm sym pathy and suppoit which we have received, will not either accept trom England, her congratulations nor concede to American officials the right to return Knaiand good lor evil, lo-morrow, were I in a position to move again, to none would I entrust and on none would 1 depend more lor the laithtul and efficient protection ot my plans than on the .American, born citizens on the frontiers, and in con nection with the above I now on behalf ot myself and the Brotherhood return them all collectively and individually my sincere thanks lortholr manly and independent ell'orts in support of republicanism and the disentbralment of an enslaved people. Brotheis, beware of the trickster, the politician, ana the charlatan. Our organization is an oigaui zation ot progress. It is not the M. C.'s who will eflectany good for Iieland; no, it in the soldier, the hardy laborer, the mechanic, and the advance ot public opinion opposed to slavery and in tavor Ol uui versa! liberty, in all our relations with men who may diner witn you in opinion on the subject at issue, never torget that you aie patriots and gentle men. It is only in the absence of proof, reason, and loglo, that the bigot and wou'd-be despot has to de scend to personalities, criminations, and vitupera tions. No gentleman will use these cowardly weapons, whicbOuly make an impression on the ignorant, tho weak, the useless, and ihe selfish. .The bearing of the soldior of the 1. K. A. should be loity and independent; bis race is inferior to none; his mission is as trraud, as ioitiruute aud as holy as was ever blessed by tho bod of butt es. Gather arouna you, my brothers, the really true men ; it matter j not their position it they are honest ; all are equal in our organization Let our lair co-iaborors, the sisterhood, to whom wo are so much indebted, redouble their energies. In oonncotion witn every company or circle there should be a sanitary commission, with medical store, elo. Over this department tuo lair daughters ot Erin should pre ido. In conclusion, I exhort you to guard, cnerish, and protect our now really powerful organ zation Never before did it assume the elevated pocition which it has at this moment. Skept.cs, cowards, and slanderers must now give way. it has been demonstrated that a determined ft w in proportion to our whole people purchased materials of war sufficient, aud wou d put into the Held an army wlncti would crumble to atoms the boasUd colossal power of Kugland, were it not tor the paternal Intel Ibn.iice of Messrs. Johr.son and toward. Officers oi cire'es should immeuiutely see that our present unavoidable disap pointment does not came an indifl'eronco among, members. Prompt and accurate reports ot the military status ot circles shou'd'be imme diate ly forwarded to the War Department. Under the head ot "remarks," aB briefly as possible, a report as to the determination, number, willingness to move, and capacity so to do, sbould be embraced. Every member should consider himsolt the private custodian oi an important aud sacred secret, and as such protect it as be would his lite. Publie demon strations aud controversies, unless where unavoid able, should not be encouraged ; lu tact if the mem bers are actuated by a spirit of secresy, and of their ability to meet our common enemy, and determined BO to do at the earliest opportunity, success is sure to follow, and the pall which now enshrouds our prostrate and weeping mother will be replaced by a halo of giory. Fraternally yours, T. W. SwKKKEr, Secretary ol War, F. B. A Last llopa of Peace. There is still one hope of peace in Eurone. The London limes wrote on the l'Jth of June: 'In another week Central Europe will be trapped in a war extending from the ocean to the Adriatic a war which will change the boundanes of States, and finally destroyall that je mains of the treaties ot Vienna." The limes is such a wretched prophet its predictions have been bo constantly and flatly contradicted by events that we see a glimmer of hope lor the preservation of peace, in its positive announcement of war. , -,,1 jjjj Felix, the Prince of Ladies' Hairdressers, is all the demand in Paris just now. He does up Eugenie's head, and those ol all the nice prin cesses, and of the Rothschilds. He is an awlul talker, and the other dav the Prince?s Metler nich, tired to death of hi8 endless jabbering, and out of humor, was going to dine at the Tulle lies. "How shall I dress your head ?" said he, when he got the Princess' head in his hands, which was not until he had been chattering for fliteen minutes, while he arranged his combs, irons, waxes, perfumes, and all the other artil lery of his prolessiou. The Princess replied in a crusty tone, "In silence !" He did Dot take her reply as it was meant (much learning hath made him mad); he understood her to designate some new style of bead-dress whicb she had invented during the morning. He paused for a fmotnent, and then bis face brightened as he said: 'Madame, Freally cannot extemporize that head dress. You Bhall have it to-morro. The effect will be striking. I see exactly what you desire with discreet, plait and mysterious rolls."' The droll mixture ot absurdity and vanitt and Eelf-conceit which this speech contained re stored tne nine-ens to excellent humor, aud she made the imperial table quite merry by relat ing it. . . Pensioned Priests. TUe Italian Parliament has Just voted lor the suppression ol the religious corporations in Italy. The diaoogsesaed priests are to do peusmutu an luiiowv Proprietary orders Priests over sixty yetrs nr min Irancs; over forty, 41)0; under 40, 300. j ftvmeu over sixty, 300; over forty, 210; under forty 200. Mendicant orders Pi iests of all ages 250 francs. Laj men sixty years of age, 114 j under sixty, 96. Ex Postmaster Fowler A Nolle Tbos. In accordance with instructions from Wasuluirton. United fc tales District Attorney Courtney to-day entered a node proa, in the case of liaao V. Fowler, ex-Postmaster of this city, relieving him from suits on account oi aeiuicaiion. jy, Y, Jcvening .xpres. ' Senator Lane. We are Informed by .relatives of (Senator Lane that the report in some ot the journals, that his is the third suicide in his family, is entirely false. None of bli family before him have committed suicide. Aw York Grand Pleasure Excursion. The grandest pleasure excursion ever inaugu rated in this country will take place in the commit month, it being no less than a season of most delightful recreation around Lake Hupe rior, to Mackinac, and among the Ten Thou sand Islands ol the Georgian Bay, sailing through the roost beautilul lakes, rivers, and bay on this continent, a distance of two thousand five hundred miles. The new, staunch, and commodious steamer Ironside. J. E. Turner, Commander, of 1127 tons burden, will leave Cleveland on Thursday, July 12tn, at 9 o'clock P. M., on an excursion to the cool and invhrorating regions of Lae Superior. The steamer will go entirely around the Lake, thus giving tourists an opportunity of visiting the most picturesque portions of these wonderful regions portions that are never visited on ordinary trips. The trip will occupy the time ot two regular steamer trips, about twenty-eight davs, stopping at all points of Interest sufficiently long to allow the tourists ample time to explore the copper and iron mines; to fish, hunt, and gather agates, ame thysts, and other precious stones and minerals. Small boats will always be at command to take the whole party ashore at one time One advantage this excursion will have over all others is the fact Ibat the number of passen gers wil. oe limited, so as to insure to each person a good berth in a state-room. The state rooms are all large and airy, with most com fortable spring beds. As there will be no more taken than can be seated at the table in com fort, there will be no wnitin? or rushing and crowding at meal times. The larder will be roost bountifully supplied with every delicacy, cows will be carried along to furnish fresh milk during the trip, and the meat used will be slaughtered on board, and nothing will be left undone on the part of the captain and his officers to have all the arrangements most com plete and satislactory to the tourists. The steamer Is large and new, built with water-tight compartments, and with every new Improve ment that could add to her strength aud the salety ol her patsengers. The fare for the round trip is $200, or $630 for the entire state.ioom. A large number ot berths and rooms have already been engaged, anrt this trip promises to be the most delightful, as it certainly is the grandest ever made to Lake Superior. Messrs. Pettit A Holland, Cleveland, and 8. P. Brady & Co., Detroit, will lurnish futther in formation if desired. Cleveland llerald. Death of the "Oldest Inhabitant." One of our exchanges announces that on Friday of week before last, Mr. Barnard Eiscnhuth (lied at New Castle, Schuylkill county, aged over one hundred and eleven years. He was probably the oldest man in Pennsylvania. He was born in Lebanon, Pa., and was baptized on the 10th ol May, 175.r, in the old Lutheran Church at Lebanon. His age at this time is not known, but he was probably an infant. During the Revolutionary war, he was left at home to take care ot the family, while his father, who was captain of riflemen under General Anthony Wayne, was in the army. It is supposed that Captain Etsenbuth was killed, as he never returned. Mr. Eisenhuth afterwards removed to Berks county, where he married Catharine Saylor. She was born in Philadelphia. They had teu children five of whom are still living. The early history ot the family is not known, as the bouse of Mr. Kisenhuth was destroyed by ttre in 1806, and the family records, etc., were consumed. His wile died in 1848, aged 95 years. Mr. Eiscnhuth leaves Ave children, forty-one grandchildren, sixty-three great-grandchildren, and seven great-greatrgrandchildren 116 living descendants. I'robubly as many more uave uieu. im was dick ouiy nve weeKS, appa rently suffering from nothing but weakness, and retained his consciousness to the last, dying as penny as tnotten iainng to sleep, in nis younger days be was a powerful num. He was "1 I L ! I . 1. .'.Li 1 .1 , ' I -1 huoui six ieet ill ueigui, law-uoueu, uuujuchvii built, with light brown hair, light complexion, and blue eves. He was a farmer and lumber man, and at the age of 103 years worked in the hurvest field with apparent' enso. Ho was always early to bed ana early to rise," oeing up at daylight every morniner. Decline in Whisky Drinkino. In conse quence of a lal liner off in the foreign demand lor Scotch made whisky, it has been arrmged by a few of the leadinef Scotch dibtillers to close their establishments for a loncer or shorter period, as circumstances may determine. Cars bridge distillery, which can 'produce tifty thou sand gallons weekly, and employs nearly one hundred hands, is to be closes lor two montns. MILLINERY, MANTUA-MAKING, &c Q L O SING OUT JULY PRICES CHEAP. F II E E M A N & C O., REED'S BLOCK, Corner of Elghfli and Vine Streets. Sun Hats, Sea-Side Hats, May Queen Hats, Gipsy Hats, 75 to $roo 75 to $100 75 to $125 75 to $1'25 1000 Bonnets Fanchon and Empire shape, Just received from Eastern manufacturers, whicb we offer at 62 and 75 cents each. Call early. 6 16 lmrp MRS. R. DILLON, Nos. 323 and 331 SOUTH Street, Has a handsome assortment of SPRING MILLINERY; Alls set' and Infants' Hats and Caps, Silks, Velvets, Crapes. Ribbons. Feathers. Flowers. Frames, etc. CS 154m TOADIES' CLOAKS, BASQUES, ETC. MADE A NO TRIMMED 1U the most fashionable style. FUOM THE BfcbT GOODS, AT THE LOWEST i"OBBLUU5 PRICES. I VEN8 & CO., 1 11 2m Ho. i Booth NLNTU Street STKIOLEDEK, TROUT, VOIGT A CO., beg niont ieni octlull, to call the attention oi the publio at large to their newly-lnventea Patent, THE VKIVEKSAL AIARIST, which, by discharging a perensxion cap, made expressly lor tbe purpose, will prove very effectual la the prevea Uun ol burglaries, etc '1 he toliowliiK are some of Its preat advantages 1st. Mnipllcilyoi destruction, clieapnea and ease In application, so that a servant or may gut It.' id. Freedom froin danger to Demons or propertr. 3d. Universality oi nupllcu.ion to anv part uf a Poor, Window, (irating, Shutter, Oate, Uurdeu, Preserve, FImi 1'i nd. etc. 4th. It gives a check to bnrglais by alarming the In niaiea, neighbors and police. 6th 'l he mind Is lelieveil from much painful anxluty, Id lemale loneliness or ld age. epclully when articles of pieat value are kept In the house. 6th. It (a a universal protection to travellers to fasten on chamLer doors. 7th I is construction li simple and not liable to get out of order. U1KECTIOX8 FOR VSE ACCOMPANY EVERY IS SrUI'MENT. We have put our article at the low price of ONE DOLLAH, incluKlve or 25 caps, and It cannot be gut clu upcr either liom as or Iroui our agents, For lurlliur particulars Inquire ol or addri-ss, g'lUQLEDKK. lltOirr, YOIOT & CO., oilico, No. bU WALNUl' Htrcet. Room No. 18. We will send the ALARMIST to any part oi the country on receipt oi price, and ii cents extra lor postage. Country Agents wanted, 6 29 3m pATENT WirUB AVO!XI rORRAILIKUH, STORE FRONTS, GUARDS, PARTIT10S8, IRON IEDSTEADH, AND WIRE WORK, In variety, munufsc'.ured by M. WALKER & SONS' STEAM ENGINE PACKING LlBRICATiVE TACRIX, TOR THE STUFFING BOXES OI BTEAM ENGINES. An artlcl recommended by all Bitlroid Compwy, who have thoroughly tested it, ud in general one br over fmo hundrtd and flftf Kallioid,ano on trial over tlva linndred others. ADOPTED BY 20,e00 STATIONARY EKGIKX. I is flirt-clans rtielo. Seventy-Five Cento Per Pound. LubricatiYC Packing Company BOLI MANtrACTCKER8, 73 CIIESNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. L. G. TILLOTSON & CO. BOLE AGENTS, 26 DEY Street, New York. SOLD BY DEALEK9 GENERALLY. 38 8p MILLEIv'8 STEAM ENGINE PACKINO. 1 Ms Is the muslin covercd.staoddj filling, atulllng bux packing. SIXTY CENTS PER POrST). Tor sale bj WILLIAM H. MILLER, Bole Manufnotiirer lor the United Htates, Hear of 123 ( HKWMIT Hirvet. 4 28 8p Philadelphia, Penna. FOR SALE AND TO RENT. LARGE, WELL LIGHTED AND VENTILATED ROOM, ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF TBS "Evening Telegraph" Building, No. 108 South THIRD Street, TO BENT. With or without steam power. Apply in the uiuur, ursi nuur. TO LET. CAPE ISLAND -DESIRABLE Bl double Cottaee to let. on Lafayette street, eleven ronniN nlenrv nl shade, frond cellar. AXGtlent water. fine view of ocean, Ac. Photographs of which can he seen, and tnll parttcnlars at McCALLA'S New Hat Store, o. 613 CHESNUT Street. '. 813 FOR SALE A DESIRABLE THREE ptoiv Dwelllnir. with Uiiee-storT double Back TuTldinK on 'IWhLFTH Street, above Qroen. All modern improvements, summer kitchen, beaters, etc. Price. tMlOU clear. Apply at tuts Otllce, between 9 and 12 A.M. 410 TO RENT-TO A CAREFUL TENANT. A first-class Residence and grounds, within fifteen minutes ol the city, on Walnut street, completely mr- nisnea, lor six or nine montns. Auuress "Absentee," this office. 16 3t INSTRUCTION. C HEGARAY INSTITUTE. ENGLISH AND FRENCH. Boardine and dav nuolls. Nos. 1627 and 152!) SPRUCE Street, will reopen on '1 HURSDA V , September 20. French is the language oi the family, and is constantly spoken in the Institute. Primary Department. 60 per annum. Hav Scholars per annum, aioo. Day Boarding VupDs, 200. 22 ituwtni Principal. AUCTION SALES. B SCOTT. JR., AUCTIONEER. .No. 1020 CHESNUT STREET. 5 215 DANCOA8T & WAR NOCK, L AUCTIONEERS, S18S No. 240 JUARKET Street. "V E B A N D A II AND WINDOW AWNINGS. 1 he Subscribers are now prepared to put up, in Town or Country, AWNINGS, FOR WINDOWS OR VERANDAHS, Ot the various materials used for tho purpose, of which they keep an assortment constantly on hand. SHEPPARD.VAN HARLINGEN & ARRIS0N, House-Furnishing Dry Goods 72mwAtrpj , No. 1008 CHESNUT STREET, glXTU QUARTERLY BE PORT OF THE CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, Ne. ICO South FOURTH Street. PHILADELPHIA, July 2, J8d6. RESOURCES. Discounted Bill .' f 118.935-1)0 U. s. Bmdsdepoined at Wash- ingtoD 910 WO 00 U.S. 610 Bonds on hand 90)1X0 00 Banking-house Fixtures '2,633 wo Jo licenses and Taxes &'bzijia Due trom Banks and Bankers 64.12H 90 Dtmand Loans 212 7(H) 'ml Jvew York 1 xeliaiine . 148 fl-i3 Clrculatinir Notes ot this Bank.... 77 .4H0 00 National bank Notes 12 00 Leval lenders. Compound Interest Votes aud Cieartug House UertlU- catee 1 714 570 60 2 210,153 33 LIABILITIES 6W72'637" Capital Suick T.Ml.OOO'OI t Ircultttlng Notes 6R0 0"0MI0 I cposits 3 438 0i 18 Divldeu.l No. 2 (unpaid) 125 00 SuiplusFund 60 000 00 Proliw (3,441 ot) 103 44W6 1 872 ,632 21 W. H. RHAIrVN, Is K ' CASHIEH. TT P, 11 N.! T AR B THE LARGEST, J- ,i I"?"?" lieet Sl0ck Furniture In the world la to he lound at ' 1 GOULD OO.'S TNION FUHNIIURE DF.POT. CORNER OF NINTH AND MAKKET StUEETS. SLd Nos. 87 and 3N.bKCOND Street. Parlor Bulla, in lJau, Brocade, plU8u, Damask, or Dining-room, Chamber, Library, Kitchen mill Office FurnH ure at labulousiy' low pilies , aua th newest tf lei aud patterns. Puhllo Building, Hchool, College, and Shop Furniture lu eudlees variety. vihuiulu, AH kinds of Fnrnttnre wanted by homekaeuers. at Mceedlugly low uiicea. at either ol their liuinouse estab lishments It ytu want to save uionuv aud uet well served go to OOUI I) CO. before purchasing elve- b.",SvCP,n,T'2f,Tlf Bd ARlii.T,."d los ?7 end 39N, UttOND btreeU 21V50 DP.Y GOODS. p II I C E & WOOD, Northwest Corner of EIGHTH and riLBERT Streets. Have Juft opened a new lot of French Lawns, at 25 and 81 cents a aid. Black and white I'laid UoEamblqaes.25 cent a yard. Plain color Baicges, 87) cents. Flaln color Crape Mareis, 40 cents a yard, line quality Black Alpacas. ('inequality black all-wool Delaines. FLACK 81LKS, BLACK. SILKS, VERT CHEAT, Heavy black Groa Grain Silks, SI 75 a yard. WHITE GOODS! WUITK GOODS! Solt finish Jaconets, 26, 28, 81j, 40, and 60 cents. Soft finish Cambrics, very cheap. White Swiss, Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks. Shirred Muslins, 87;C, 91 25, and 91 60 a yard. White rjqncs, veiy cheap. LINEN GOODS I LINEN GOODS! Bet makes of Shirting Linens, Table Liucr.s by the yard. 8-4 and 104 Linen Table Cloths, very cheap. Linen Napkins, (2 88, 92 0, 92 130, and 92 76 per dozen. Linen Towels, 26, 28, 81, 87. and 60 cents a yard. Best oualitv American i'rints. warranted fast colors, 20 cents a yard. mst makes Bleached and Unbleached Huslins, at the very loweBt market prices. 1'IJlow Caee and Sheeting Muslins. A rood assortment of Hosiery and Gloves, Ladles' and Gents' Linen Udlcls. Gents' fNeck-tiei. Shirt Fronts, and Suspenders. Linen Faun, vnrv rhenn. Silk Fans, very chcan. r renen extracts, romaaes, ana esonps, uuuaio uair Bruxhcs, Tooth and Nail Brushes, etc. PUIOE & WOOD, N. W. Corner EIGHTH and FILBERT 8ts. N. B. A lurre assortmentof Ballardvale Flannels. bought belore the advance, and selling at less than bale prirxs. 2 4 SHETLAND SHAWLS. Shetland Shawls, $3 50. Shetland Shawls, $4 00. Shetland Shawls, $3 00. Sea-Side Shawls, $6 00 to $10 00. J. C. STimVBKIBGE & CO., 6 26 N. W. COENEK EIGHTH AND MARKET. LINEN LAWNS. 100 PIECES LINEN LAWNS AT 33 CENTS. 10O PIECES ORGANDY LAWKS, AT 23 K1VT8. 50 PIECES FINE WHITE FIQ,UE AT 05 CENTS. 300 PIECES PLAIN AND PLAID MCS LIAS. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., 6 26 N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET. GREAT BARfJAINX GREAT REDUCTIONS. OUR liS TIKE HTOC'K Olf SPRING AND fSU.M MKK DiihSd GOODS CLOSING our, GREATLY 11MOW COST PRICES. 2500 lards Paris Grenadines, reduced to 81c. lftOyardsMlk do. do. Me. Silk and Wool P'aid Oliver Cloths, reduced to J!c. Paris Tafleta de 8oies, for suits, do. 6 c. 50o yards double width Plaid Poplins, do. 6Uo. (He. P aid Poll de Chevrea, do. Site. Best Paclllc Challl Delaines, do. 20c. Dret-s Goods ol every variety at reduced prices. White alnsook; (.'ambries and Jaconots, 85o. to $1. Lurge Plaid Nainsooks and Swisses, tor dresses. Larue aud small Plaid White Orgaudlos. Shirred and Tucked Muslins, lor waists, (ivod quality white Pliiues. at6ito7!c. Rich style printed Plquos, at SI toU'25.. Choice styles Printed Cnln zes, at SO. 66, 62c. Choice style French Chintzes, at SO 86, and 62c. ENGLISH AND FHEXC1I CAMBRH; AND JACONKT LWNS OF THIS Ni.WEsT AND CHOICEST STYLES, at V. 31, 400. Handsome styles Seaside Shaw.s. Shetland shawls, white Bsrege Shawls. White ( rape Uaretz shawls. Grenadine Shaw.s. 1 SO to 6u0 yards doubie width ail wool Cloths. Handsome Mixtures lor Ladies' Ssciiues, reduced from 4 to U lower than the same goods were ever sold before there was any premium on iiold. Our prices wM all be found very low, as we mut close out our stock before tbe middle of August, preparatory to altering our store. H. STEEL & SON, 7 3t Xos. 71U and 715 S. Tenth street. No. 1024 CHEHNCT STREET. E. M. NEEDLES, No. 1024 CIIESNUT STREET, OFFEB8 AT LOW FBICGS, 2000 PIECES WHITE GOODS, Tncludlna all varieties Rbtrred, Puffed. Tucked, Plaid. Strloed, Plain and Figured MUSLIM, suitable tor W bite lnlles and Lresses. 100 Kleces PHIJilTtU LlAiKH I.AWiJ8, deslr- nuie Bivies lur vicnuh Cluny, Va;encienne and other Taccst Insf rt inits, adulnfs nlonuclnts and Rands, Uaudker chiefs, V ells. Collars, sleeves, etc '1 he above are dieted lor sa.e C3HAP, and in great VARIK1 Y. LADii.8 WOULD DO WELL TO EXAMINE. QAPE MAY ATLANTIC CITY, AND LONG BRANCH. DREIFUSS & BELSIXGER, No. 49 North EIGHTH Street, HAVE OFENED ON I DE llTH ISTST., A new and doslrablo lot of ZEPHYR NIT SUAWLS Sulfublo for the WaterlDg Places, Including a gplendld assortment of WII1TK GOODS. Pl'CKtD MUSLIN, SHIRKED MUfcLIN, ISWI83 MUSLIN, PLAID NAINSOOK, BTK1PED NAINSOOK, 61" CAMBRIC NAINSOOK. DRY GOODS. CHEAP DRY OOODS, CARPETS, MATTTNO, Oil Cloth, and Window Shades. V. F.. ARCH AM BAULT, N. E. corner KLEVENTU and MAKKfcT Streets, wlllt"ien this rnornlng from Auction tnurain Csrpets. ail wool, new BiO,'V,l 1 S0 Inarain Carpets, wool rl'llng, 50, 62, 76o i Three-ply Carpel. &ngnsn i apeatry nrnsseis onty f 1 tn wortn wt iyi l out ni emir v Briwta, , oo, tri ana IOC. I liemn I arpets, Ir7. 8" and 2c. ; Rn Carpets. 62c. I Floor Oil Cloths. 75, 87, 61 1 GUt Bordered Window Shades SIM to iJt Plain Buff, Green. Brown and Drab Shading, 0c.,''ni?n Ming, 1 and Buo.i Dimity Bed Qui ts, !?fC,W??"n"' ,L""n n'llnas, M and no J cheap Tahle Linens Towelllnqi and Napklnst French Lawns. '2? 628 B Hr 628 Hanufactory, KO.B-28ARCH ttreet. Above Mth streeu Phtadelnhla. W holcwale and Retail. Our assortment embnuesakl the new and dealrable styles and sires Jf everr length and sua waist for Ladles, it lsres, and Children, 1 hose of "00 H OWffi HAKE" ate urvn'orln nith and durabfliip to any other Skirts made, and warranted to give satisfaction. Skins made to order, altered, and repstred. S4( CLOTHING. J-J T. OF P. C. F. P. P. C ' CLOTHING! HICKS' TEMrLE OF FASIIIOX. Celebrated For Fine Fashionable Clothing. "WILLIAM LUCKS, No. MAHKET Street, 512 Im PHILADELPHIA. OTATES UNION CLOTHING HALL, 600 MARKET Street, 608 Visitors will find a large and varied assortment ot the very best READY-MADE CLOTHING at the lowest cash prices. Hulls, containing Coats, Pants, and Test, from 612 00, Busters, 2 'ir. Pants fro in 63 00 and higher. Come and convince yourselves. 16 31 3in (CQRTO FOR A SUIT OF BLACK OP iPJtJ fancy colored cloth; army and navy olothlu; j o-. in sivie tmsurpflsej. 4 7tnirp FAKK.No. If) NINTH St. above Chesnvt. REFRIGERATORS. gCIIOOLEY'S NEvV PATENT SF.I.F-VKNTILATINQ AMERICAN REFRIGERATOR, PATENTED JANUARY 5, 1864, Is the best and only perfect Kelt-Ventilating Preserve. in rue wonui aim win aeep sucn aruclea as egetuuioj, r runs, aieaiB, uauie, r ten, juuk, eggs, etc etc , LOKuSU, DRIER, AND COLDER, WITH LESS ICE, Than any ether Refrigerator use! E. , S. FAKSON & CO., 6 20 lm Noi. in and 224 DOCK Street REFRIGERATORS PUKE 500, AND UPWARDS. 2000 fREGRIOF-RAlCRS. ICE CHESTS, ANI WATER COOLkRH. just finished, comprising the largest and best assortment In the olty, which will he sold wholesale and retail, AT REDUCED PRICES. A. ANDERSON", 6 6 lmrp No. 136 DOCK Street, below Second. FLAGS, FIREWORKS, &o. JliE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE IN TEE CITY TO GET HAGS! 3, FLAGS! FLAGS AND LANTERNS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. CALL AND SEE FOR 1 OURS ELF, AT SCHEIBLE'S, No. 40 South THIRD St., (SECOND STORT.) 8 281m IllEWORKS! FIREWORKS! GREAT CENTRAL DEPOT For Pyrotechnics of all Kinds, Suitable for city retail trade, and also a large assort ment for Privato Fxhibltlons. Geotlen cn getting op pilvate displays are especially requested toca'l. JOSKriI E. SMILEY, . o 30 No. 23 South FH0NT Street. gg3arr m"rr-' Zfgj Pocket Hooks, P v?(& Portfolios, hi B V Hc4 S Drcssliiff t'asefi, 01 2 vV VbP 3 3 nnnkcrs' Ciwrs. r rlSj Ldie oud Genu' fSSok I 7.,,.it ( Satchel, and W. .c.. II itvl H Travelling Bag. J Hook.. JJ M'Ks. la all atylea. pi MEDICAL. R HEUni ATISR1, GOUT, NEURALGIA, ASTIDIA CONQUERED AT LA81 A CUBE WARRANTED, 0B IHE MONEY RETURNED. NOTHING RISKED BY TRYING IT. SUFFERERS FOR YEARS NOTICE. USED INWARDLY. Tbe following wonderful remedy for the posi tive care of Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, and Asthn a, was discovered after the study aud prac tice ot a lifetime, by DJK. J. P. FITLEIt, Ono of Philadelphia's oldost practising physicians. who has made these diseases a specialty, and having fully teetod it remarkable curative power forannm ber ot years, now offers it to all afflicted and suffer. lnjr, with the liberal condition that if any caie can possibly te found that lti infallible power cannot overcome, HE WILL refund to such case or cases the lull amount paid in the trial ol this remedy. In credible as this oflcr may seem, the proprietor known lull well trom experience the merits ot the remedy and the'safety ot his offer.' It contains no Mercury, Colchlcum, Minerals. Metals, nor anythin injurious or unpleasant. 1'nce t-00 per bottle. I'loparea only ai tbe rrin cipal Depot, Ao 211 South IT OUHTU street, above Cbesnut, whore Dr. FIX L fell may bo personally con. tultea, tree ol cl arce. inchest references or wonuerlul cures accompany each bottle. CERTIFICATES. Am one hundreds ot Testimonials of its eflVanv. the lollowing rcspoo ablo crentlemen lmve kindly consented to answer any inquiries respecting i wonderful euros of the Croat Khoumatio Remedy which may to lequirod of thorn: Conrad F, Clothior, Ksq., Ko. 28 N. Water street. William Ansppch, iCeq., No 22 N. Third streot. Thomas Allen, Esq., Seventh street abovo Brown. X B. f, Dtxev, Esq., IO. C22 CheKnut street. (ieorfteJ. Weaver, In., No, 1827 Walnut street. Joseph Stovers, No. fiila Owen t-treet John Ellison, Franklin ana Poplar streets. George Landoll, Esq., no li06 (jroen street. (Samuel W . Jacots, V sq., Arch t. abovo Sixth. Michael Weaver, Esq.. No. 1606 Green stieot. Joseph Bakei , Esq , 828 N. Eifth street. W. J. Stiilwcil, Bndoburo;. Joseph Comlv, Frankford. Kov. J. Hall bur ir, Vickshurir, Miss. 6 27 (JHEROKEE CURE, THE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE, CURES ALL DISEASES CAUSED BY YOTJUiyUL INDISCEETIOy. VIZ SEMINAL Wr.AKNEKS, LOSB OF AltMOkY, TJMVEBSAL LAS8I1CDE, PAlKb IN 'IHK BACK. DIM.NESd OK V18IOV, PBEHATCKK OLD AOS WEAK NERVEf, DIFFICULT DREATHISU, PALE CODNTEKA5TCE, INSANITY, CONSUMPTION, AND ALL DISEASES That follow as a sequence of youtniul indiscretions. THE CH EBOKKE rUR3 Will restoro health and vii;or. and etleet a permanent cure alter nil other medicines have tailed. 'ihirty-two pago pamphlet sent in a sealed envelope, free to any addrrss. 1 rli e 2 per battle, or three bottles for Fold by all Druggists or will he sent bv express to any por Ion ot tho norlu, on the receipt of price, by the oi'e pioprie or, Dl?. W. It. MERWIN, No. 37 Walker street, New York. ciierofeF remedy Cures all t'rinary Complaints, -viz. : Grovel. Inflara iiiiitinu ol ti c l.lniulor aud Kidneys lfeteutinu ot Urine, Btiictu'csol the Irctnra Drops cal Swo linns, Brick liust Deposits, and all dise ases ina-, require a diuretic, and w hen used In c niunvtiun w tli Vie (Ht-nokEK ISJIKTIOS, docs not fall to euro Cionoiihocd, (jloet, and all Mncos 1 IhcliarKCB In Male or (euialo coring recent cases In from cue to three davs and is especially leoatntnended In tliofo cases of Fluor A bus or Whites in Females. The two meuiclnes tthCd In conjunction will not lah to r move this dipavrejftli'ie comp alnt, and In those coaes VI here otrcr nie'liciiies nave been used without success, frlco lteuiedy, Ono bottle 2, ihree Bottle, H. Inuction " ' 92, " " gj. The Cherokee "riirc." "Il-m y," and "Mi eiton" are to be found in all well-regulated drux stores, and are rrcommended by phvsiclnns and drusgists all over the world lor ihclr mirtnsio worth and merit. Home un principled dealers, howovei t try to deceive their cus tomers by se Iipr cheap and worthless compounds In order to make money-lu place oi these. B notae cuved it the dniKKiMswli; uoi buy them lor you, writs ro us, and we wl'l send them to you bv express, securely packed, and liee from observation We treat all diseases) to which the human system is suljoct, and will be pieascd to receive full aud explicit siat, mentsfrom those who have latied to receive rebel hereto oro. Ladles or gentlemen can a idresa us in p'rfeet confidence. We de sire to scud our thirty-two pane pamphlet tree to evdry lady and aentlenian in the land. Address all letters tor pamphlets, medicines, or advice, to the sole proprietor. Dr. W R MKKW1N, eSmwfStp No. V WA1 KFB street, N. V. D B. HUNTER, No. 44 N. SEVENTH. STREET. ABOVE FILBERT. PHILADELPHIA Acknowledged bp allyarttrt interetteti as by tar the MOM SUCCESSFUL PHYSICIAN In the treatment of Dutatet in A s tpertally. QUICK, THOROUGH, andjtrmantnt curet guaranteed in every cose. RememberLR. IirNTtR'S Celebrated Ueuiedlos can only be had penulne at his old established Ofllce, No. U N. t-EVEMll Street, above Gilbert. 7 fist pER FECTION IS RARELY ATTAINED, YET A. B. W. BTTLLARD'S IMPROVED OIL SOAP, FOB REMOVING Crease, Paint, Pitch, and Varnish, From all Goofs of Durable Colors, is ahead of anything yet discovered. It leaves tbe Goods soft, and as perfect as when new, wi ll no snot upon which dust can col ect, as la tbe case with all tbe preparations heretofore sold lor cleansing goods. it Is delicately penuined nd entirely free from the dlHatreeable odor of Benzine, and all other resinous Uulda. COUNTERFEITS Ct this prepsraiton are extant, therefore be sure and take none but that hich has tbe autograph of A. li. W B U LLA hD ou the label. Manutactured by the Propifetors, A. 1$. W. BULLARD & CO., WOaCESTEH, 11A33. Central Atenlsfor Pennsylvania, DYOTT & CO., No. 2f2 North SECOND Street, Phlla lelphla. For sale by all Druggists. ( 2J mwflm jMLsvyiV. iinmt lit i TN ORDER TO SAVE MONEY AND (1ET AN J article that nearly every one Is rusniag for. buy I'REMON COAL. at 1015 per ton, t Kg and Stove size; also tho genuine Eale Vein Coal at same price; and a very tine quullty of Lehlh at VT60 per ton lor :g sud hlove delivered to ii 1 parts ot tlia ollv, free of slate and dirt. Orders received at No. 114 S TXIKU Street. tn TOB TRINTINO, IN COLflRS OR PLAIN. f neatlv and expeditiously done lu the EVE SI NO TELLUKA1U Bl'ILDINU, third iloor. llm