TIIE DAILY EVENING TELEGftAFH. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1866. 8 INDEPENDENCE DAY. ThcGrcat Celebration Yesterday RECEPTION OF STATE FLAGS. The Grand Pageant in Inde pendence Square. AN OLD-FASHIONED FOURTH OF JULY. Fopiilnr Ovation to Oui MolilievH. HOW THE CENERALS WERE LIONIZED. Speeches of (iencrals Meade, Han cock, White, Governor Ciirtln, and Others. THE SPLENDID ILLUMINATION LAST NIGIIT. Scenes Incidents Accidents. X3tOt Etc., S2to. Etc. X3to. The celebration yesterday of the ninetioth anni TerBary ot onr national independence had more than a common significance. It was the fit consum mation of the glgantio civil war throutrli which tbo Republic has so labor tously and successfully paisod. A year a (to, it is truo, the ordeal of battle was bappily over; but vast armios wore still main tained in tho Mold, and ono of the lalrost and most fertile sections of tho country was still a soone of desolation and suffering. Hen's minds, both Ivorth and bouth, were tar lrom quiet, as it was impopsiole to tell how soon the slumbering embers of rebellion would break out afreBh. Since then a year has passod, and within that time our aimies have been dispersed, and much accomplished towards a rehabilitation ot the insurgent districts. A peaoe that is tounded in impartial Justice has been conquered by the sword, and eanct.flod by the blood ot our sons and bro hers W th the assurance (hat this peace is never attain to be disturbed by intestine foes, the nation is at liberty to br jathe ire- r to take a fresh start in the onward march of prosperity and power, And no more fitting occaion could have been Bclocted for cc obrating; tho glorious victories thai lave crowned our banners tbau the day on which the republic, ninety years ago, was ushered Into being. "Wo bave already given at length the programmo of the exercscs in tho different portions of tho city. It is only necossary to say that it was carried out as nearly to too letter as was possible, considering tho xnaKUitude ot the wholo affair. Our cltizons were arousoii at early dawn by tho uproar in the streets, and on iroiusc lorth the first thing that proofed them was the unp'.easant odor or burning powder. A the day advanced tho Btroots were quickly filled with thi youngor portion of the popvluco, each ono adding Lis mito, ho.vovor hum ble, to the pcneral uproar. Tho hinsiu of lire crackers and squibs was mingled with the sharp reports of pistols, and tho loud booming of tho guns, The carnival of noise was at lis height; nor did it cease until long after surset. Another strikinp feature of the day was tho boun tiful disp ay of bunting. The shipping on the rivor front, the public buildings, tho newspaper offices, and tlio principal hotels woro the most noticoable In this rospect. But the patriotism and gratitude ot private citizens was not deterred by tho advance cf 60 and 100 per cent, in tfgo piioe of flags from joining in this uianitesiation oi thoir joyous toolings. Thus, amid the fluttering of banners and tho crackling of firearms, the morning wore away until the hour tor the grand paraao approached. The route over which the procession was to move having been published so frequently, there was no hesitation or contusion in tho solection ot positions on the street lrom v hich to new it. Those who woro o fortunate as to reside along the line of march, or to secure Invitations lrom friends who were thus domiciled, weie early in position, crowding tho bal conies and windows of Arch, Cbesnut, and Walnut streets almost to suffocation. Ever) body, of course, was in treat good humor with himself and withal bis neighbors. Tnere was the unavoidable jostling on tho side walks whioh is a necessary feature ot a crowd, and now and (hen a disturbance wouidar.eo between the more unruly characte a nut, taken al.ogemer, the day was signally devoid of diBgiucelui incidents, leople centrally were Jubilant over peace and union, and had no time or inclination to resort to blows and uns-emly woids. i he colored portion oi cur population were especially pleased wuh the tiay, and with ail itn belongings; they were tho mer riest of the merry, tue gayest of the cay. One yoneiaole Atnciu we not cod who was particularly happy, tie nad been drinking deep lrom tlio loon, tain of iiLurtv, or lrom soma mora iusp ring source, liis Joyous spirits hnding vent in music and clapping ot hanas. ibe buidun ot h i song was this: "A lit le lonper hero below, O ory lialklululi I Then homo to u ory I will go, Glory balle.ujabl" General Uancool-, the Cointnatidcr In-cMi f of tlie parado, had promts, d tkat Hie piocoaion sliould move punctually a. 10 o'clock lrom the corner of liioad and Arch Btrrets, whether tlio commands wtie ready or not. this wus a novelty in proces sions, and very to v le nveil that it would or cou'd be carried out. li.it it, was, lor true to tho hour the beau ot too co umu started. i'beir proge-s tlirouli tiie c.t was a continued ovation a triumpuul march th&t would havo reflected no discredit upon a Consul er iasur in the palmiest oays ol ancient Koine. Mutuuuiir, IJjy'th columns worn and shattered, Willi banners torn and tatioied," thesurvivii g beroos ol (.cores of battles woro re coived an aloug tlio ime wit :i loud plaudits uiui tho waving ol umuiuoiaoie i.undkercli.ois. It was a seen.' that stnred tue blood of tho mast sluggish. The battle-flugs v. ere tho cidut attraction, eiiciuug, as thoy passed each grouoot suectalois. a ironh burst 4it hearty apulaiuo. Not its, nariy was the chao ing when the orphans of our deceased soldier came in view. Most or tlie girls had SreviouMy been conductod to Indopondeuco quare in carnages. But the boy.vrereall in the )me, marching uucer tlie oommaud (,t tholr own officers, and disjiiaving a proiioieticv in military - movements that wou U not have put to ulianiu a xeiiiinmt ot the Veteran Reserve. As the pro cession siowly made iiswav.U e icited trout a l spectators tbe verdict ot being the gro&tent and wont interesting tuouess. But pi ooeseions always have an end, and so had tbi one, ahbourh it occupied au hour in passing a (riven point, then those who had not b'eisotor--tunateas to secure tioketsot admfa on to the Square 'etook lh'nnulves 10 their homes, or weut elsewnere 4n acaroli ol amusement. While tbe exercises within tSe bquure were progressing apace, thero appeared to to i o diminution ot tbe multitudes on tue princi pal .'treets. This mav be accounted torbytne faot I bat Abe city bad become one vast reservoir Of eU anger. For days pat they bad been ponrlnt- la from all direction, crowding the hole s, both groat and small, to tholr ntmost capacity. Thero was a frou Influx of visitors oven on the morning ot t':e Fourth, a IreKh train of eighteen cars arriving from l'ltta liiri? alone, bearing among others aevoral ronrpson tatlvtsoi tho press from the western section of tbo Biato. . . Towards evening, however, a sad damper was thrown upon the joy of all. i he day had been warm, though not o; prcesivoly so, but botwoen lour and Ave o'clock tlio sky cloudod over tn a manner that, on almost any otner occasion, would have boon bailed with delight by every one. And then tno rain came down, at first in torrents and '''" wares in fitful showers, continuing till about half past sevrn In the evening. Tho compuisoiv retire ment ol the crowds nnon tho strofts waa the I. att Important result ot tins untimely storm. The bunting distilavr.fi throughout the city w.s trior onphlv drenched, many ol tr.p flags being torn trom tl.eir fastonlngs and cairiod In a mad whirl through (he air. Most disastrous ot all wa.i the m hao that befel tho larce and splend d banner presented by the ciew.of the United states sloop Hirtfard, B( vcral years sicce, to tbe city ot Pbila telphia. llns had ben fl tug to tho breeze from the flag. sta IT of Independence Hall, but a suddrm gust of wind foifod upon its ample folds, wrenchoi it from the holvards, and (la ly deposited it upon tho tele giepli wires on Fifth st-oct The tlag was afterwarJs recovered, though sadly lorn, and taken to the police s'alion. The fireworks were also Interfered with to the extent ot a forcod ostponenieut It was generally ant coaled that t'lis would havo boon a display un (quailed by anything ever seen hen tolore in our city. We shall not lose the benefit of it, ho'vover, as timely nolico oi tho exhibition will bo given the I ubile lytlie Committee of Councils having tlio n after in charge But the wind and rain could not and did not intorforo with tho pyrotechnic displavs of private citizens, especially those of the Juvonilo cIbm. All through the evening there was a hldoou. din ol exploding flie-craekcr and p sto's, whilo tno night was made luminous with rockets, Horn in candles, and vaiious y coiored 11 his. Tho iliiiiniui tion ol the various puolio I uiulinps, and of mnny pnvato residences, also camo oil' according t ) tno proiramme, presenting an attractive and long-to-be-rinn inhered spectacle. ll.o postponement of the flrewotks Is most to be regretted on account of tho d'sappolntmont of tlio eoldit-rs' orphans, who had Justly looked lorward to this display a tho mot entertaining of tiie whole occaiion. In this connection it may bo interesting to lecctiut their adventures riutiug tbe day. 1 . 11, T.tirrow es. Koq , State Superintendent of the Department of boldiers' Orphans, and f J Mitcho son, Esq , Chairman of the City Committe of Kureriutendenc", aided b others ot the same Com mittee, and by the ctlicient deputation ot firemen, took charge of them icon after 7 A.M. and had them all marched from the Soldiers' Homo, Lincoln Institution. Episcopal Church Homo, and Institu tion for the B.ind, whcie thoy hml been hospitably qtisr'ered, to Wtst l'cnn t-quare, where each of the girls was presented with a tan and a pretty silken flag. All of tho beantitul ambulances owned by tbe firemen of Philadelphia were put into requi sition lor their ne, and carried a large number of tho smaller girls to Independence, Uiiuare before taking their place iu tho line ot tlio parado refilled with an equal number of the larger girls There were about lour hundred and fifty of tao girls from the different schools in tho fctato. T ho bovs, about six hundred In number, were neatly uniiormcd, and, as wo have already said, rttiactcd universal attention. At 4 in the i.ltornoon the whole company roturned to l'cnn squaro, and were thence conducted to the various public in-ti u iions and houses ot riivato citizens in which they bad been cared for on tho previous night. THE XXERCI8BS IU INDEPENDENCE SQUARE In our issuo of Tuesday atcrncdn we descrtbod at lenftU the arrangements and programme for the most attractive lvature of the co.ebiatiou oi the day I lie return of the standards to tho authorities of the stale. At 11 o'clock the bead of the procession arrived at the Wtiluut slrettentianco to the Square, although bofore thoy commenced to ti e into ttho interior tho stands erected for the speakers and gues a were crowded to their utmost capacity, witn a brilliant and enthusiastic throng ot ladies and gentlemen. By these the entrance ol the color-bearers and more prominent personages woro creetod with doalCmng rounus of applause. Cicuemis Hancock and Jloadj and Governor Curtiu wore most especially favored in this respect. As tho troops grndun'ly pressed up In front of tho stand, bearing a'oit tho tattorea ensigns which they lied followed on so many bloody holes, the scene assumed the grainiest and most i xciting character. It wob well worih a j urnoy of a thousaud miles to witncsB, and once seen will linger iu the memory Ion ver. Thu Governor and h's staff did not ai rive until abcut mid-day. Hie infrval was passed in a niauuer that thowed tho disposition of te audience Tno band discoursed sweet mus e, to which a portion ot Iho nudienco pa d the i-trio est attention. Otlier.j occupied tb mselves with tUoir ellorts to ca'ch giinqees of tho celebrities upoa tho plat lorm, whilo others found ample rimusom nt in disclplieiing tho insciiptions upon tho standards, and iu cneorini lustilv tha narJy votoraus who had them in charue. Ihe chief employment of theso last was in struggling tor tho most prominent posi tions in fiont ot tho platlorm, w itli an emu ation that was scarcely surpassed by tdat which they lia-l exhibited upon tho lio d of I attlo. And now aud then, when oi.e of tho coior-boarors bad succeeded in bettering his position, tbe auhercnis of the rival buiiners would cry out with energetic ier vor: ''Stand bv the colors, bo, s, stand; by tho co'ok !" lhen tho excitement would die a vay ior a moment, aud they would paBS tho tune in calling lustily lor a speech lrom Hancock and Aleado. But these lattwiro monot deeds and not ot words, and so they steadily roluscd to speak. Tbo former, how ever, was busy lor a long tunc in passing down, with his own hand, to the heatod soldiors glasses ol water, which weie tossed oil' w.ta a thankful cheor. 1 his was a sight that would havo shocked the aria tcctatio nerves of many a lluiopean general, who bad never seon as mauy mon usomb!ed together in one budy as Hancock had lost in a single balt.e; but it was in m ut accoiduuce with tho spirit of our repuolican lustituiions hen Governor Curtin at last made his appear ance ho was greeted with the most vocilorous chacr- lug on tne part ot the soiuiors, auu witu tho waving of handkerchiutp and hats by the gliosis upon tho stand. With great difficulty a fiio oi armed police men forced a passage lor him through tho crowd, aud when tbe pailorm Had been gained, the ap- plauto nua n croke tortn in nearly earnestness. Heiore the exercises could commence, however, there was considerable duly. When tho sohliors' oipiiBis entered tbe Square thero was a groat deal of contusion, by reason of all tho spuce allotted to the boys having ten appropriated by thos who should have known enough to bave bten elsewhere. I RrJ armed police were obliged to form in lino and foice back t lie crowd, inch by inch, until tho seais were c. eared. Some individual who wore thus Incommoded, rofo.vcd upon boing obstreperous, and rotusod to ludge. But thoy were quickly taken in hand and sent whirling in'.o the donso mass of men and women Tbe confusion was a little worso than Bed lam, a liftlo bettor than Babel. The last arrival was that of the standard-bearers, who bad brought no tbe rear of tha process, on. and a thoy etruggiou ti the front again was raised tho cry ol "Stand by the Colors!" Ihe scone at this stage was one of surpass'n? bril liancy. A hundred tatter, a baitlo-flags wero waving in the air, while ton lbouaud voices cUuerod along tbe men wbo boro them to he front. The minds ol the spcctatois were carried back to tbo t mo when tuch pageants wore an almost every Cay cccu renco, and when fair ladies gathered by (liou-uuds arouud tuo lists, to award tbe victors in tbe tourney. ContiiiUtd oa our Sixth fage. The Grand Notional Conceit. We are pk'CBcd to no ice the evidences of a desire on the part of the (iovcrnmont, a well as leading a nil inrluetitiul cituens, to usiist tbfl cntei prisa ot the eolilicrs and failors bo Intend to cive their (Jrand National Concert titlirover'a Ttictitre on the eveinnir of Thursdiiv, AneiiHt 2. We vif'terday published an order lrom Hon. K. A. Rollins, C ommissioner of Internal Iu vet. tie, ircctlnjr Mr. Cli'iUiine, Collector oi Internal Revenue lor tbo Dmtrict of Columbia, to exempt the association from tho pavnicut of any tax or licence, on account of tatistactory evMcneo having been lurnialu'd him by Messrs. Hull, Moise, and olber manager-', thuf the proeee Is of tho Urn nd National Conceit wero to bo devoted to chnritubio purposes. Tbe tax or bcense on an exhibition of this soit, where three hundred tboi:eand tickets ate to be disposed of at one dollar each, is a considerable Item, and mav well be rpfiiirdpd in the Unlit of a munificent 'dona tion fn the part ol' the Government for this laudable purpose. Parties at a distance, residing where there are no reirularly authorized agents, or thofo who would prefer to piuchaso them din el from the association here, can be readily accommodated by enelosinpr their order, aecom putiied by the money, to Major William H. Morso, Secretary ot the association, lock, box 37, Wash ington, . C. It is needless lor us to repeat that persons Jivinff at a dihtance will be treated as faiily us those who may be on the ground when the a ni wine takes place, and thoy will promptly be notified f)i the result. Washinuton Daily gTEAM ENGINE TACKIN U j LIIIRICATIYE PACRIAO, I-OR THE STUFFING BOXES 01 STEAM ENGINES. An article rocorrmtrflfd by all Railroad Company, wbo bave tborounbly trsted It, and In general uso by over two hundrtdand fifif Ballioads.and on trial ovr five hundred others. ADOPTED BY 20.1(10 STATIONARY ENGINES. 1 Is a Oist-class article. Sevenly-rive Cents Per Pound. Lubrlcallvc Packlne Company t'OLS MANVrAtTrRER8, 73 CIIKSNUT Street, ! UILADELPHIA. 1. G. T1LLOTSON & CO. BOLE AGENTS. 26 DEY Street, New York. BOI D BY DEALERS GENERALLY. 38 t?p TV TILLER'S SIR AM ENfiTNK PACKING. XV JL 1 bis is tbe muslin covred,shoddy ruling, smiling- tioi aac&ing. SIXTY CENTS PER POUND, t'crsalebv WILLIAM V. MILLER, Sole Manuftrturenorthe I'nlted Hiates, Rear of 723 i HKMJT Mtreet, 4 28 Up Philadelphia, Fcnna. FLAGS, FIREWORKS, &o. r11E BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE jy TUE CITY TO GET FLAGS! FLAGS! FLAGS AND LANTERNS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. CALL ANV SEE FOR I0UKSELF, AT CCHEIDLE'S, No. 40 South THIRD St., (SECOND STORY.) 6 28 1m Jp I II E W O R K S ! F I R E W ORKSI OHEAT CENTRAL DEPOT For Pyrotechnics of all Kinds, Suitable for city retail trade, and also a large assort ment for Private Fxbibttions. Gcnlleo en getting up private dlxjilays are especially requested to call. eJOSKPH E. SMILEY, c 30 Ho. 23 South FRO NT Street. P E It F E C T I O N IS ItARELY ATTAISED, YET A. B. W. BULLARD'S IMPROVED OIL GOAP, FOB KEMOVISG Grease, Faint, Pitclt, and Varnlsli, Ftom nil Ooods of Durable Colors, Is ahead of anything jet discovered. It leaves the Ooods soft, and as perfect as when new, wi .b no spot upon which duxt can col.ict, as is tbe case wit li all tbe preparations heretofore sold tor cleuuiing good. It is delicately perlumcd. and entirely free from the dlsiureeable odor of Benzine, and all other resinous fluids. " COUNTERFEITS Ot this preparation are extant, therefore be sure aid take none but tbat bicli has the autograph of A. IS. W bl'LLAfcll on tbe label. Manufactured by the rro pile tors, A. B. W. BULLARD & CO., WORCESTER, MASS. General Agents lor Pennsylvania, DYOTT & CO., Ko. 232 North SECOND Street, Philadelphia. For Sklo bv all DrngKiBts. 25 row CI in TN ORDER TO SAVE MONEY AND O'T AN 1 urtlclB that nearly every one is riinntnir fur buy I It KM ON COAL, at 0 75 por ton, fyg aud Htove size; bIho tbe genuine Eagle Vein Coal at same price) Nnd A vnrv llnA iillidltv of 1iIl1i t hl'Ftft tmr ton lor Egg end Stove de.ivered to a 1 parts ot tho citv, eo of slate and dirt. Orders received at Nu. 114 S.rtdttt) suetu O it gNOW FLAKE FLOUR. TIIE FINEST IN TIIE WORLD. DAVIS & RICHARDS, ARCH and TENTH Sts. pATENT WIRE WORK rOSBAILIKGB, BTOKE FRONTS, OTJAEDB, PARTITIONS, IKON EED8TEADH, AND WIRE WORK. In variety, manufactured by . M, WALKER & SONS' Tg rocket Bookn, i ffeg 1'orti'monnnlrs, 0 Clear r&sm, 3 of 3 Portfolios, lli! e 6 DresHlnt? Casoa, i 6ft Wc3 2 g nanktrs' Canes, gij vJmT j3la"d7e.andGcntB-- II Ion i r lV Batchola and Vt J riatchrln, II 11 M,b!iV i Tvolling Bags, f it j) Xibo'oKs.' j in all styles, 'o-.-f CURTAINS AND SHADES. KELTY, CARRfflGTON AND COMPANY" tfo. 723 CHESNTJT Street, IMPORTERS OF AND WMLESA LEAMD JkElAlL DEALERS JN CURTAIN MATERIALS 31 A X U F A C T U R E R S OF WINDOW SHADES, SWISS LACE CURTAINS, FRENCH LACE CURTAINS, NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS, LACE AND MUSLIN CURTAINS, APPLICATION LACE CURTAINS CALL AT KELTYf CARRINCTON & CO.'S, No. 723 CHESNTJT Street, AND SEE OUR LACE CURTAINS, FROM AUCTION. ALSO, DAMAGED LACE, In Curtain, and ly the Yard, Very Loio. WINDOW SHADES, ALL COLORS, ALL QUALITIES, ALL SIZES. BROWN AND GILT. LEATHER AND GILT. 8T0NE AND GILT. ELATE AND GILT. STORE SHADES, SKY-LIGHT, AND WINDOW SHADES, OFALLDESCJtWllONS, MADE 10 ORDER, KELTY , 0 ARRINQTOH & CO., No. 723 CHESNTJT Street, TJJILA DELTJ11A il!) tj PAPER HANGINGS. IIOWELL & BOURKE, MAIN UFACTUREKS OF PAPER HANGINGS AND WINDOW .'SHADES. IS. El CORNER 01 FOIETH AXD MARKET STREETS rniLADELrniA. MEDICAL. RHEUMATISM, COLT, NEURALGIA, ASTHMA, CONQUERED AT LAS1. A CURE WARRANTED, OH IHE MONEY RETURNED. NOTHING RISKED BY TRYIN'J IT. SUFFERERS FOR YEARS NOTICE. USED INWAKDLY. Tlio follow in? wonderful remedy for tho posi tive cure of Rheumatism, Oout, Neuralgia, and Astlm a, waa discovered after the study and prac tice ot A lift time, br 1)11. J. I FITLER, Ono ol ThilndcIphia's oldest practising phvlcinns, wi o baa mado theso diseases a spocialty, and having 1 fully ttstcd its remarkable enrativ oower forannm brr ol j eais, now offbra It to all atD'cted and sufi'ur injr, w th 'he liberal coudit on that if any caiecan poisibly te found that lt inla l.blo power cannot ovcrccme, 11 K, WILL refund to such cam or pases tho lull amount paid in the trial ol this remedy. In. credible as this oiler may seem, tbo proprietor knows lull well lrom experience tbe merits ot tho remedy and the safety ot bis ofTf r. It contains no Hcrcurv, Colcbicum, Minerals, Mi'tais, nor anythln? injurious or unpleasant. l'rico S?i-C0 per ooltlo. l'lepureri only at the Trin- cipai ueooi, o i houtn roil It Hi Mroot, above tbosnul, where lr Hil.Htmty be personally con tultea, tri e of cbnreo. Highest lelciemxis of wonderful cures accompany each bottlo. CKRIIFICATES. Amonft hnndtods ot Testimonials of its efficaey, the lollow.nir respoe abio ffPMipmen hnvo kindly coi milcd to answer any inquiries respeetinc', 1 1 wendcrlul cure- of tho t.reat Kheuma'.io Komody Vtbich may be lequired of them: Conrad F. Clothier, Esq., o. 23 NT. Water street. William Anrpach, tsq , No 22 N. Third street. ibouiss Allen, tfq.. bovenih street above Brown. 1' 11. 1'. Uixcv, Ytq., o. 622 t hescitt strcot. Ceorpoil. Weaver, Ksn.. No. 1827 Walnut street. Josei h Htevens, So. 633 Owen ttreet Jol.n Kllison, rianklin ana 1'oplar streets. Georae Landeil. r eq., AO 1(06 (ireon street. Kamuel vt , JacoLs, lsq.. Arch t. abovo 81.1th, Michael Weaver. Eeo.. No. 1608 Green stieet. Joseph Itakoi . tsq , 28 N. k iUh street. W.J. Mill wo I, liriiler-burr. ' Joseph t'omlv, Frankford Kov. J. Ualiburar, Vicksburc Miss. (6 21 T. ) rpilE rillLADELPHIA ELECTKOPATiiic ixstitiitio FOB TUE CURE OF Clironic anil Acute Diseases, CORNER TKIRTtEITH AND WALNUT,. IS XJNDtR TUE CHARGE OF Drs, GALLOWAY, WHITE & BOLLES, , THE OLD MEDICAL ELECTRICIANS. , Wo have been engaged for many j ears In the noble work of Riving health nd happiness to the suffering and tbe affile ed. During this Hire we bave treated over IWENI Y lHOUSAKD INVALIDS Buttering from the various forms ol diseaso, and In almost every ease a per manent cure has teen efltctt'O. Many of them. In fact, bad been given up as Incuiabie by their physicians. Wo bave restored to health, in a few dnja, thousands of per sons In this city vbo had been suffering lrom painful dlseafcs five, ten, and flltoen years and uowards. At our hit tit ul ion we have cured, and are caring, a olass of dis eases that has battled tho medical profession in all ages) of the world. RtFEUENCF.s. We refer the ohcacd and others interested in our new piact co to the lo lowing well- known gentlemen, wbo navo been treated successfully by us :- (ItOKCE OlfAIiT. So. 610 CLcB-ut street. It. 1. Dl-.r lLVr.l.. io. i hesuut street. . tlenerul i(n. no. sua pruco. s.reot. Hlmnr tieueral Fl.E MsONTO , V b. Ann. ,imi Uou I)aV11 W1LUOI', Judge ol Couri of Clai V ui-blDgtoneitv Hon undue CAPRO.V. New Yorit city. Hcv. l r. JIAli- iiaLL ol riitsbur,'. la. KDW1N rOnltl'.S'l. ll:-) treat iMuodlan. l ev. l.r. I'Al.Ii. ol I'lilladi liilila. lliv. UAlSli L l LA UK. Illinois. i t olonel ll.OMAs W. bWl'.KNHY, As.'cssor, No. 7ll ft nut slrout ' tiiObOK il. EAr.LE, Attoincy-at-Law, Sixth ant CI rsnut streets. M I.ltAlitEL UtY, Attorney at-Law, No. 707 Sanson S'reet f Di GEORGE W. FREKD. Lancaster city, Ponna. i liT. M. B. liKDiVTS. tiiraru tlouso. j ltev. Air. iiALLOHY, korrtstown. Henna. I ALU r lt l' li. Mt OLAY No. bi WUiium street, Ne' York citv. I C. Uiiaiaiusu"", Binyvecani Kirui.new 1 1 r cuy "H, '. f IlUU'l I EFt", o A,Ti Market street. J OHH i r.i. 1M I o imo -ouiu iron'i Dlictl.i O V. JiEKt FAST GeniUin uwn, l'hl tdolphla. JOSEPH W FtiKSYI b, Iwii Arob -treeU .1 A M H VV I LLI " . A 1. N o. 'J( V.8 (ireou street. J V WfcLlx'N, I'lilladolDliU Hank juni.i s Dir. Villi G K 0.421 North Hnvonth st, TiU'MAH li.MtRolM'nso Mill Wept tblladclpbla. ABRAHAM FLi KK Jr., No. IHSI Oauiac hlroet. i Consultutlon and minotlons nee o cbirge. An inU resting t'hcular mailed by addressing DRS. GALLOWAY, WHITE & BOLLES CORNER THIRTEENTH AND WALNUT STS 6 28 tbrni7trp Philadelphia. D It. HUNTER, No. 44 N. SEVENT KTHEET. AHOVK FILBERT. PHILADELPHIA Acknowledged by ah fur" interfiled as by tar thai JlOM Bl't t'EfFl'L PiltMt'llN J In h treatment ut Lueatet tn A tveeiallu. OTTIC1 IHOEOl'Gll, andjermaii' nt cum guaranteed in evei case. Tieui( mli. r 1 K urKTt.K'i ( eiehrated Kemedh ran onli to bod genuine at bis old es abllnbod OiUce, N 44 N. BiYKM Il Blieet above Filbert. 7 231 EXCURSIONS. "IOURTn OF JULY EXCURSIONS EXCURSION TICKETS BEIWKEN ALL P INT8 OS TUB PHILADELPHIA AN tT.ADISO RAILROAD, il UBANCH28, I -w-1 IL BI SOLD AT IlKDHClvD KATES. GOOD FROM JULY 2r TO 7th INCLUSIVE JOHS WELCH, i 6 21) 6trp General Ticket Ageol pyTfTT-ft DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION ON THE SCIIDYLKrLL. Tbe steamer "sirvi:u wave." Now running trom Falrniount to Falls of SohuylH, wu luuve r uiriui anb h i u iu i 6j, o wt 1120 A. M. And at 12 4il 2 i 20, 4 40 and 3 P. M. Returning, leave iho Fall at 8. 9-10, 10 40, UUi l-2i, 8 40. 4, 0. and 6 40 P. M FA I .. 1 o Laurel inland tbe Falls, lj cents i Cola bla Bridge or Washington Kctro-t. 10 cents. CS9.p w TTt U R N I T V It K .-THE L AUGES J.' ( hcapf t ana neat ntoua ol t uruiture in w orld la to b. lound ai ui ri.li Jt co.'s UMO FI RNIIURK DEPOT, CORNER OF MN'i'll I'D 11 A It K K r STREElf .lid ros. U7 and SO N hr CON D Strcot. 7 Parlor vlls, In Hull Hrocade, Pluab, DaiuasPr Ret'. ; 1 Inlnfr-room. 4 ha on be'. Library. Rltoben. aud 'oe turul ure, at tabu oualy low piicea, and tbe vest atv en aud pattern.. labile Building School, College, and Bbop Fu.'Ure In tndl'ts tarietv. II kind, ot Fortitture wonted by honsekeel. at rxct edlngly low pilccs at ebbrrot tbelrliiiuiBDiab-lit-LDenta II vi n ttmit to save money aud (Well rened 0 to Gl Iilll A I O. before purlmaicilMe- irie i orner rr Ji 1 w n muu u.aaLi, aou ". ji and 19 N, GECOSD WtreoU I TOB FRINTINO, IN COLORS OR PIN, ft neatly aud ripedltlously done Id tbe EVINU XELiOUAIU BlllLDINU, tl Ud floor. aju ' . m 9 mt Vo. H yortb B1XTQ BtreeU