QUI IROX-llADS. rSK or lh "JiliaaMOBAtnikh'' The Beport of CnpiHln roi. i At Mated loot week, the Nary Depattmcnt bag re telved despatches Irom Captain box, Assistant Secretary ot t lie Navy, dated at Queonstovtn on tne 6tU ultimo, announcing the arrival thore on that lay ol tbe iiou-clad Aliantonomah and lior consorts, the Augusta and tbe Athuelot, aftor a run of ton dsys and eighteen boura from St. Jobos. The Journal shows that the trip was a pieaant one. with out eiihor accident or incideat or special intorest, thoufrh tho v.eis experienced some wind on tbe second and third days out. The lion-clad was not in tbe 1 ast disturbed by the wind or tbe heavy aeas, though the other Teasels rollod from ten to twenty, iivedegreos. In one of bis letter captain Fox dis cusses tbe BOa-going fighting capacliy of the iron, clads, and as his remarks and conclusions are of general interest, an extract Is subjoined i "Can the monitor style ot iron-clods inventod by Captain Ericton bo so constructed as to make tbem efficient fighting sea going cruisers f The faots with regard to the bebarior ot this vessel in mode ate gale of wind and heavy sea, when a In gate a-onld find It impossible to use her battery, are as lollowi : With bead to tbe sea she takes over about four leet of solid water, which is broken as it sweeps aloDg the deck, and alter reaching tbe turret It too much spent to prevent firing the 16-incti guns directly ahead; with broadside to the sea, either at rest or while moving, her lee guns can always be worked without, difficulty, tbe water which passes across it? (led: iiom. windward bein divided b the turrets, ai n extreme roll so moderate as nb't to press her loe guns' !tI tho wa'pr; lying in tho same position, her 15 inch rods can be flYed directly astern without iuterferenca Irom water, and when stern to the tea, tbe water which comes on board is bioken up in the same manner as when going head to it. "In tbe trough of tbe set ber ports will be liable to Hooding;, if required to use her guns to windward. This, thon,wou'd be the position selected by an antagonist which dwigned to tight a monitor in a sea-way. The turret Ku" ol a monitor occupy a central position, where, notwithstanding the lowness of the vessel's hull, they are more easily and satoly handled in a sea way than guns of the same height above t.io wator in a broadside vessel. I bo axis of the bore of the guns of this vessol are six-and-a-half feet above tue wator, and tho extreme lurch, when lying broadside to a hoavy sea m a modorate galo, was seven degrees to windward and lour degrees o leeward average, llve-and-a-half degrees; while he average roll at the tamo time of Ilia At' usta, a remarkably steady ship, was eighteen de grees, and of the Aahuclot twenty-flvo dogrees, both vessels being steadied by sail. A vessel which attacks a monitor in a sea-way must approach very close to have any chance of 1 bitting such a low hull, and oven then the monitor 1 is naif the time covered by three or lour leet of wator, protecting her, aud disturbing hor opponent's fire, irom these lucks, not unknown to monitor meti and the experience we derived from the use 1 of u-b vessels during the war, we may safely con- 0 vie t bat the mon itor type of iron-clads is superior to ho broaificle, not e niy for fighting purposes at ae, but also for croiung. A properly constructed Duitor, possessing all tbe requirements ot a cruiser, c ght 10 be constructed ol iron, aud have but one itiet, armed with not less than twenty-iuou puns, wo independent propellers, and the usual propor tion o f sail " Captain Fox writes a private lottcr to a friend in the department, in which ho says that cdloors and men concur in ths opinion that tho monitor is ono ot tho plea-antest of vessels to cross tho ocean in. He ppiais of her astion as in evory respect ad mirable. Tlit) Atlantic Voyage of the "Mlnntono Utah" What tbe KukIImd Say of Her. The London papers have long accounts ot tho sea voyage of the monitor Miantunomah, whose perform ances were of the most creditable character. The 3'imcs has the following: "Tho Miantonomah is a new ship, having been only completed last autumn, and her present voyage Is mainly designed to test ber seagoing qualitios. By those on board the trial appears 10 be regarded as a rierlect success. Sue has como htthor irom Mew York, having called at llalilux and at St John's, Newfoundland; and irom the last port she bos made tbe voyage in ten day s ten hours. Crossing tho Bar 01 iundy, she encountered weather which, without amounting to a gale, was considered very boistorous, but she rode through it easily. On the voyage to Queenstown the indicator marked no greater rolling than Bcven degrees, whilo two degrees is stated to be tbe average Her paddle-wheel cousoit, ou the other band, rolled to a maximum of eighteen degrees and twenty-lour degrees reBpoctivoly. Tho speed she at tained was respectable, and, considering Lit build, rather surprising. Wheu leaving fat. John's she drew til toe n f-ot ten inches water, having on board tbrce hundred and fifty tons of coal in her bunkors, thirty tons in a crib en deck aud about twenty tons in bans in the turrota. With this quantity on board economy was considered necessary. JJer motive '. jiower consislB oi lour engines, driving twin screw, ' whic.i are biass, four-bladea, of twelve leet diameter, aud ot a graduated pitch with a mean of eighteen. At lull speed her consumption of coal would forty tons per twonty-four hours, but to sparo fuel she : was not driven, and was even run at slow speed ; sometimes, Hor average, therelore, was about seven ' knots an hour. Her maximum speed would bo about nine. 8 lie has brought with her iorty tons of her stores, and hat lightened by about ten inches of hor ! draught. ; "Tho Miaiitontmuih proceeds at tho end of this week or the beginning of next to Portsmouth, her ultimate destination being Russia. She is to bo ac companied by the Augusta, which acts the part of parent to tho fledgling now trying its hrst flight across the broad waters. The Ailiuelot is bound lor China. "lhe officers of tho vessels are not merely cour toous to visitors, but seem anxious to have their ships inspooted. Thoso accustomed to the iondnoss ot a tailor lor his own ship, whatever she may bo, cannot help being struck with the manner in which , all on board hor consorts appear to think and take prido only in the monitor. It mav possibly be a result oi tho rapid changes which, the war caused, often leaving a man little time to become acquainted with tie craft with which his destiny was identified; but it appears more as if the Btrangeuess and lor mldalle naturo of the ship wore a sort ot American prope rty, and that she was accepted as a type of na tional power." Diary of a Rebel Trooper. Those followers of tho "lost cause" who have narrated in book form their adventures while righting nndcr the star and bars, find a ready i market for their productions in England. Tha latestj volume of this kind is entitled "Four j Years in the Saddle," by Colonel Harry Giliuor, 1 published by the Loufrman Brothers. As a partizan of the Mosby stripe, "Harry Giliuor"' enjoyed considerable notoriety North and South 1 during the war. At its outbreak he was re i elding in Baltimore, aud having recruited a ! squad of Maryland Rebels, crossed into the in i eurpent lines. He made numerous raids, and j though generally successful, was at length i captuted. When fiarly suddenly advanced upon Washington in the summer of 1SC4, and louzht ' the battle of Monoency, it was (minor's baud 'who, circling round Baltimore, destroyed the (railroad leading to Philadelphia, and made ; prisoners of General Franklin aud several others. After receiving a Uebcl commission ,of j Major in 1803, he was suit to watch tho Federal position at Winchester. While proceeding thence he encountered Belle Boyd, and gives j us the following glimpse of the Martinsbiirg I female spy, who used to hoodwink the Uuion I officers, und draw from them Federal plans) I On my way down the valley 1 mot at Woodstock my old acquaintance, Misi Belle Boyd, whom 1 had known since the autumn oi 1861. Mibs Bo'le beirged to accompany me on my expedition. I got oil by i telling her she must first have Geueial Jang ins' per ; niision. I rose before tno sun, and was read to j etart, when I discovered she had carried niv sabre and pisto:s to her room, to prevent my clipping oil' without her, as she was shiewd enough to know I would do. Down came Miss Belle, dressed in her i neat fitting habit, with a pretty little belt round her I waist, from which the butts of two small pistols wore peeping, cased in patent leather holsters. 1 She rode with me to tbe quarters ot lien. Jenkins, to whom I had to report before passing out through the hues. We louud him sitlinil before his teut, and. alter deanatohinir inv business. Miss Belle Dro- ; seated her tequest. I fixed myself rathor behind I Iter, that I might givo the Genoral a signal not to - nnnsent. The fact is. I did not care to be accompa- aied by a woman on so perilous an enterprise; tor, thntiah she was a siilemllri and reckless ridor. of un flinching courage, and her whole soul bound up in the Southern cause, yet she was a little mart: you, mly a. little heads trong aud willul, and I thought iirnt. both lor her salce aud nil no. that she should nt im. I hone Miss Belle will forgive thlB little ue. The General, of course, refused, whloh mado tr furious; but he was firm, and I rode off without r. Not long afterwards he came near being cap red by a Federal scout: I was returning by shorter route, when I came ddeuly on a "Jessie Scout" in a narrow lane that d out tr. i-intiiilrn tactorv. 1 had takeu the Dre- ntlon to put round my neck a white handkerchief, mm a ltmv and han mil if down over the shoulder. id the badge by which the "Jessies" distinguished TIIE DAILY f ach other. 7 hoae "Jessie Scouts" were a body of men dressed In Conlrdeiate uniforms, organized by General Fiomoat. The follow rode np cautiously, ho pistol drawn ; bnt 1 pretended to be very unoon cerned, showing no deposition fo draw mine, lie rodo a nob' dapple grey, and slopped when our horses' heads were nearly together. "Where are fou going?" said be. "Going into town," topllod , quietly, but In a firm voice. He then Inquired here J belonged, and 1 answered) "To tbe same crowd you do to Captain t urdy's sonnts." "Why, I don't remember seeing you, though I haven't been detailed long mvselt." ''lbet is just my csso," 1 rep ted. He then asked what regiment I was detailed Irom. I told him from fho 12th Pennsylvania, Captain Feu ner's. ( ompany i 1 his satisfied him ; he put np hi pistol ; aart, as I rode up alongside, 1 noticed a pair of bandcufis looped over the small strap that holds the satidis-pocketto the flap. I asked what he was ronif to do with the "rullles " Ho replied, "Iheie IsaKeboutat old Gnfliih'n, and I am going after him." "Let me look at them," said I; and as ha stopped to take them off, I quickly drew my sabie. 1 hire was a gato leading into a lane near where we stood. It was a little way open, and he made a des perate effort lo get through) but his horse puhod It to with his neck, and at tho same instant my sword went through bis body. Ue loll oft, dead, in less than five minutes, but not before lie said, "I ou sold me pretty well, but I don't blame you " I gave htm whisky and water out of my flash, and tried to save him, hut my blade went too near the heart. He had a very good saddle, that suited me hotter than my own; the bsndcufis I carried all the way to Gettya. burg, and there gave them away. When, after General Hunter's return, in 18C1, from Staunton and other points down in the heart of old Virginia, the insurgents burned ( humbersburg in retaliation, as they said, for "Hunter's atrocities. ' Gilnior took a hand in the work of acftruction. We quote: I took itwo men with me to fire a fine brick dwelling, beantllully situated on an eminence north west oi the town. Dismounting, 1 went in, and told the lady who came to the door that I was tbero to perform the extremely unulca?ant dtitv of burn. Ing ber house, which 1 much regretted; that we were oblige! to rehort to such extremo measures in order to prevent or check tho terrible devastation com mitted by such men as Genoral Hunter. (iilmor being hungry, decided to feast upon some "rations" in tne hour he fore burning it, and while doing so entereu ' conversation with the lady owner: I atked her the name of her buband. .. opliod : 'Colonel Boyd, of the Union Army." "What, Colo nel Boyd, or tho 1st Kew York Cavalry?" "lhe same, sir " "Then, Madura, your house shall not be destroyed." I now understood why she had not pleaded for it. Tho reador will rccolloct that this offlcar has been already mentioned as opoiatiiia in tho Valley. Ho had ever boon kind and leniont to tho citizens, men, women, and chi dren, warring only against mon in arms. The fact ot her Lelng the wifo of Colonel Boyd decided mo at once. I told her that I knew her husband, and hnd fonght against hun for two years in the Valley of Virginia; that he had gained a high r putation among tho citizens tor kindness and gentlemanly conduct ; that whilo we were there for the purpose ot punishing vandalism, we wire ready and anxious to repay acts ot kindness done to our people, who, when unprotected, had bcea exposed by the fortunes ot war to the mercy of harsh treat ment of our Iocs. I to d tie t that her house should not bo burned, blame mo for it who would, and that I would leavo a guard lor hor protection till all woro gone, bho scemod to bo completely overwhelmed, as though she did not comprehend what 1 said j but when 1 assured her again thit neither her houe, nor anything that belonged to her, should be mo lested, her gratitude knew no botiuds. lo tho picket near by the house she afterwards sent baskets filled with nice eatables, hot coflce, and as much wino as they desired. fiiltnor was finally captured by Sheridan's troops, in the spring of 165, lust before the final collapse. He thus alludes to his capture: My cousin, H G , was in bod with mo, when the door suddenly oponcd, and five mon entered with drawn pistols, and, although dressed as Con federates, 1 saw at a glance wnat they wore. But it was too lale for a flgnt, for they hau seized my pis tols, lying on a chair under my unitorm, "Are you Colonel Uilmor?" said ono of tho.n. I did not answer at flrnt; I was glancing rouud to see if there was any cbanco of escape. My attention was nriested by feeling the muzzle of a pistol against ray head aud hearing the question repeated. "Yes; and who, in the devil's name, are you?" "Major Young, cl General Bhoridan's otaff." "All ruht. I sup peso yon want me to go with you?" "1 sha 1 be happy to have your company to Winchester, as General Sheridan wishes to consult you about some important military affairs." The Engllh public are called upon to pur chase this book in order "to confer substantial benefit upon an impoverished man." STOVES, RANGES, ETC. TT IsT I 0 X OIL STOVES, A new and complete apparatus for Cooking and Beating by retroleum Oil. Our Stoves give nosmoUe or odor, and are not liable to get out oi older, being as simple In every respect as a Kerosene Lamp. The linker, Broiler, and Flat-iron Beater arc the only special articles of fur nlture required. For all other purposes, ordinary stove lurnlture may be used. DAVID II. LOSEY, f OLE AG EST FOB PEXX8YLVANIA, No. 38 South FIFTH Street, liberal ducounl to the trade. i!7 3ui rp QULYER'S NEW PATENT CKEr SAKD-JUIWT HOT-AIR FURNACE. RANGES OF AIX. SIZES. ALSO. FHLEGAK'S BKW LOW rKiSSLJiH STEAM HEAT1SG A 1 FA KAILS. rOC BALK BY CHARLES WILLIAMS, 610 8 Ko. 1182 MARKET BTKEEI. THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER, f I 1 n I."" a VT 1 A V n V 4w tamlllna hAiflla or public mstitutious, In TWKNTY DlFFtHKNT sIZI H Also, riil.udelulita Ranges. llot-Air f ur- races, I'ortable Heaters, Low dow n Urates. Fireboard Moves, Bait Uollers, hiewbole Plates, 14 rollers. Cook ing Stoves, etc., wholesa.e ana retail, ov 1 1 1 nianutic. lUrCrS- VIIACTj, EH.iur OL i u yjM x rjwi. , 6 lit stutlilim o. iuy n. puvju mreet TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, ETC. siicuSTft-x rniiiAiii'.iji'riiA BuiHiuunn' I.UfT ..XT-,. rtTTt 1 TT T ft 1 C. Er. (Vrj BANDAOK INSTITUTE. No. 14 K. tS'JjSS- NINTH Street, above Market. B. C. KVkkETT. alter thlrti vcars' nractlcal exoerlence. tuaranlees the skiliuT adlustment of his Premium Patent Craduating 1 restuie Truss, and a variety of Others. Supporters, Mastic Stockings, Miouluer Unices, t lutcliet. Suspensories, etc. Laulea apartuieuts enn- Uuctea by a iduly. mil MEDICAL. DIl. HYLTON'S ( onstltnllonal It e 11 o a t o r FOR THE RAPID CURE OP Incipient Consnmptlon, natt all Ilaeaes) rcrtalalDtf to CousiaiuptloB, arcn as Coughs, folds. Hoarseness, Croup. Bronchitis, and. all .Diseases or tne l.tings auu lutsnirnior.v uri-aus, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Loss of Ap petite, Nervous Debility, with meat Lassitude ot the Mus- iilitr Kvnturn. Am. The anceeu nf thly meillelnn In the cure Of disease has wlthstooa many critical tents hi this country and elsewhere; Its eulutary effects on disease are wlduly dissemiiintcd, and roouire no ell or t to party me preju- dleea ot tliA kAntl. ' JH. Hylton take this opportunity to uitorm you mil i conMiier you tne greatest uocior on uie- u, ti e lungs In the countiv. 1 bad a spitting of blood, witb large lumps ot green matter; a violent pain la my breast and ahniildAni aiminliiir fumi'ii i and several ol the most eminent physicians gave me up as a hopeless ase ol consumption. I tried all tbe remedies or the day and gained nn rt1r hut wnraa: wliea a friend advised me to tiy your Renovator. satlslVlug me tuat you were a reuulur graduate nl'tha University ol Penn sylvania and uot a neli-atvled doctor. 1 utod but nine bottles of your Renovator, and. to tbe surprise of my iriends. I am now a well mau, and able to attend dally to my business. 'Adv one needing further particulars of my case can can ou me auu u aunuua. "NICHOLAS BILGES, '-No. Races treet." Dr. Ilylton Is a regu'ar graduate oi the University ol Peuusy Ivauia. (His diploma can be seen at bis oltlee.) Examines Lungs wituout cnaige. oiuce, rtu. 411 inc BUet. t 84 thumiin EVENING TELEGRAPH. MEDICAL. yox potuli. WRIGHT'S TAR SYRUP. PRINCIPAL DEPOT. No. 771 South T11IIJ1) 8treet Trice, $1'00 per Bottle; $5D0 for half-a-dozen. The undersigned citizens take pleasure In eheertultv recommending the -mse of Wright's Tar Sjrup (or coughs, colds, consumption. whonplng-couKb, spotted fever, liver compla'nt, pains In the hrenut, bronchi els, Intlaoimailon, and restriction ot air vesse s In the lunus. etc. 1 heremfrtr should he In every lamllr I Charles V. Wliflon, Fomv' pren offloo. t hanes H. Uraflen, Sunday Mercury olllve, tamo Nolen, Aimi.rer oftlce. William K. C'orbft, Associated Press William H. Carpenter. Fire Alarm and Police T graph. Filth and ( hrsnut streets. A Kandolph, Front and I onibard streets. James W. fcrrlne Ko. 119 Charles street. 11. A.Davis Ho. 323 Usskhl street. John W oodslcle No. 1331 Franklin street. Kobert Thompson. No. 1HC9 Walterstreet. K.O. Mnron.Ko. 6'26Fianklln street. J lieliloft. Mo 731 B. Second street. John Hevmour. No. 513 8. Front street. K. W. Howard, So. 1 Dock street 11. C. artlett. Ko. 327 8. fecond street. L. Hates Ko. Mi Arch street Albert Martin, Ko, 411 H. Second street. Mary CaldwelH K'o. 1082 Snnsom street W. 'ihemas. Ko. 20 N. Fourth street. T. M. larthy, Ko. It .9 K treta's alley. (Icorge VV I son Ko. 236 Knee street. V. F- Jlrooks, No.6'1 North Second street M. J. Ilassett, Ko. 119 Canal street. H. Seymour Hoso, JJustlcton. Char rs Botwrs, Ko. '! Bouth street K. T. Wellington, Second and Quarry streets .. K. Thomas. Ko. 1.16 South txtli street William bams.Ko. 61 South Front s.reet S. S. Santord, Opera Manager. John ftlHRlnnls. rear of Ko. 1.14 North Second street Mrs. a. K. Cboate, Newark, Del. itr. WillinmB. Wriohti Sin: We take pleasure In recommending your IT A ii SYRUP (of which we have already o!J considerab e qunntlties) as a most excellent and efficacious remedy lor the complaints set torth In vour printed Dill already submitted to the public. Asa gratifying act to suiTi-rlng liuinanlty we will cheerrullv recorameud your prepara tion to a 1 afflicted witb diseases which It is desigued to cure. Yours, etc, A DILKS 80V, Druggists, K, . corner Pine aud Sixth street. For sa'e also at . JOHNSON, H'lUUWAI m COWDEN'S, DYOTT & CO M, A nd all principal Drurgists and Dealers. The siibsrrrtirr would ties leave further to sav that he is prepared to fid ordcra atd forward tbe Syrup tc ny part ot . he country. Persons desiring other Inior mat Ion hy mall will inclose a postage siHinp and ausnen win ue rciunii u ns soou as me bxikuhciui oi uusuiesi w 111 admit Address WILIjlAM . WK1UHT, 3 20 So. 171 S. TUlltD Street, Philadelphia, l'a. Gr AD NEWS FOR THE UNFOItTUNATE. BELL'S SPKC1FIC REMEDIES Are warranted In all cases, for the SrEKDT and Perm A hk.KT Cibk oi all discuses arlHlng from excesses er YOUTHFUL INDl-itKKHON. Fmlsslons, Genital, Physical and Nervous Debility, Im- iiotcune, etc. no. Thev can oo used without dotcctlon. and never tail to cucct a euro, it useu accoruing to instructions. rtEL,L.'S SPKCIPIC PILLS, Price One Dollar per Kox, or Sit TSoxos for Five Dol lars; aibo, Lurgp uoxes. couinining rour suiatt, Price Three Dollars. From foui to six boxes are generally required to cure ordinary cases of Seminal Weakness, though benefit Is derived trom using a single box in ctironic cases, ana particularly wnen impotence or Oei tlal Debl ity with Nervous prostration nas affected the system, BELL'S TONIC PILLS Are recommended as the most Efficacious, Rejuvenating anil lnv uorut ng itemed v in tne wor.u. A Package, puce r ive Dotlurs, wi i last a montn, auu is gtucrui y suincienu In extreme cases of Debility and Impotence, BELL'S EXTERNAL REMEDY, ' Prico Two Dollars, sufficient for a month, can be used to good advantage. It gives Strength to tbe Organs and, wrltb will reat.irA them in tlinlr normal condition. tbe Pills, A Pfliniih et 01 ltie naves, on tue fcKsou oir iuu in, detuned as a Lecturo and Cau Ion to Young Men, sunt tree, Ten cents requited to pay postage. it von cannot nurcbaso Bell's Specific Remedies of vour Druggist, tako no other, but send tbe money direct to PR. JAJUES BRYAN, Consulting Physician, No. 81!) BROADWAY. New York. And von will receive tbem by return of mull post paid, ami I,.. Irnm .thael-VAtinfl. For sale t)V UlUll' & CO., Io. in a. or.k.u.'u . nnn - . - fl,' rv Street. " C II O L E 11 A DISARMED!!! The Chief Causes of Pestilence Destroyed. -. r n ..ATT.. 1 III TIU V. I Cl T l' rtTTTV1 rl T I TlO secured by Letters l'atcnt In the United Ftntes and France. Prepared solely by the ew lork Disinlectlni Cuinnanv. nt their Laboratory. os. !i'J8. 800. and 3". HKMlY Street, cw X ork t . Oflice, o. 42 Ci-DAK b treet ibis company organieo on a permanent oasis, witn Dr. Courteret, the celebrated Ficnch I hemist. In charge ol Its Laboratory, Is prepared to tumlsh Its DisiM'hcr ikg Fliips lor xick rooms, nurseries, urinals, water- elosets, privies, cest-pools, sewers, gutters, ships, rail roads. Hospitals, prisons anu pumic institutions 01 an kinds, sluughtcr-houses, ollal and tiit-bolnng estahllsh uientsi all kinfls of munuros ( nmietitely increasing the value oi the latter to every tanner), and wherever poi son mis and offensive cases exist. T hese aveuts are de- ocorizers, antiecptics. Hntiputrescents, anu nisinieciants In Hie scieunnc meaning 01 tne woros. iney remove noxious tiascs knd odois by cheuiiccl principles leaving in their places healthful air; they are df.stuovebh, and not ftitrtiy antorotn s vi poituuou gawo uui injuriuus lo utensils 111 w Ii ch tliev are used. J lie attention 01 mfd leal und scientific men Is dlrecied to these dlslnlec tnntH. Attacned are test mon a s In luvorot t ils ureal oiscoverv. which, with huudreds of others, can be seen at the Company's oflice. m.M.AVAN HorSR. A LB AN I . jiinrcii OV. IHJO 10 IDI President of the .New Yoik Disinfecting Company Dear Sin It Is all It Is represented to be Webave made mnnv trials ot ( iHitilectunts. but now consider tilat we liave louud an article wmcu surpasses all otners asa re ni lv iiunli.st all tiad odors. T. ItOKbsKL A- Co. EW Yohk, April 9. lWHi. To the President of tho New York Dislniecttng Company Dear Sir: We pro nounce It w lir.oui exceiHiuii iu uo in o uvav wb uu ver known, its eilcct upon every matter is complete anu 1 uKtantaneous. t.A.pir.iw.i, aiwi huuhc. 1 . 15. 1 nese liisiniecianis 1110 useu o.v tue scavengers. under the direction ot iho Sanitary I'oilce ol the Jlctio- poilian Health Iiertuient. .New yoi-g PO WI-1.1. A 'I IloMfSON. No42CP'.DAR St.. N. Y. G cnerul and Sole Agents lor the United states and the mim im to w lo in mi orders t-iiouiu ue audressfu For sale bv all Druggists uud e. cnerul Dealers In the R.LESSi:Y'S vkuetable pills cure J Dvsneosia. Dinrrlma. Rheumatism. Shk llead- aehe. and all derangements ol the Liver IKey purity ttin hlnnil. and make the skin soft and lair. For sale bv Dr. LLSSKY, No 333N. IsLNTlI Street, Philadelphia, nd bv Drutuists tenerull . Cahukn, K. J ,Spteuitier2. 1865 Or. Lessey Dear Sir : It lives me great pleasure to add my testimony In l"ivor ol yonr "Vegetable Liver Piils " 1 had ben a filleted with deranged 1 oudition of tbe Liver for ten years, anil, during that time, suffer, d Intensely Irom acrid oischuiges irom stomach and bowels, seriously ptostiatlng my physical and mental energies lor weeks at a time, so much so tha' mylliewas despalied ot. But, tb otign a kina providence, 1 wis lutrouuceu to von. and tiv tne u.eoi vour ruts 1 nave vvvu wonuor- luliv restored, not raving una aa attacg oi my oui com- plalt t or lost a siugio nanoatn service. luoyactiiKaa charm. Had It not been tor tiicm, 1 navo no doubt I should have been laid asl'ie irom tne minntry 1 miiHi ann it nw men m lavur fti vuur iue rr server." or vsgetatue i.iuimeni. 1 nave useu u nn jcryslpelas. Scuids and Hums and Inliammations; il vroduces remarkable results. I was cured of a ven n anr by lis use Many ol ill V nUbbors are usIuk It aud It gives universal rutiaiaciioo- 11 suouiu wiu evcrj bouse. loera, . m rti'.v. . is. niu iv 10.,. 4 28tths2m THIRD Street, C amden, N. J. rii ofl i ij ooutoun CAMPHOR TR0CHE8, A , PoiMve PreveauTe 01 -s- O H O L E E -A." Dtarrhaa, Diseaury, ao4 CholomllortKis, Bole Factor, O.H.Keedl.Brnrlrt, te- '? llth k Rao S.,PbUa, 'So, . nuilod on DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, ANU CATARKH treated with tbe utmost success by J. ISAACS, monialsfrom the most reliable sources In tbe city can i,..n it hlsoffloe. Tbe Medical Faculty ara iuvltod to accompany tb n I r patients, as be has uo secrets In his nractlce. ni" iiiooricu wituout wuu. no - . ,nM a V on.llt aU.n .. Q. milREE GENERAL. AGENTS WANTED TO I not In Important locations for the New York Aocl OeUiai 1 USUI biii-v v-uiu'u . . nvmomniui kuuu .iiuicn., r apply to FRANK O. ALLEN, Hr-rvh Odlcs, No. l I CiitSNCT street. Apu'.y soou. V PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JULY 5, 18(3(5, INSURANCE COMPANIES DELAWARE MUTUA L SA FETY INSUKANCE tt'MPANT. IN CORrORATF.il BY I1IK LFOInLATVBE OF PENNHTLVaNIA,1. OFFICE, 8. CORNKR IHIHI) sKD WALSOf BIllU.ll. I'HII,AIKI.PMI A. -..MARINE INSURAS-CE fll TFS8EL8,1 ( RCO. To all parts of tbe world. FRhlOHT, ) INLASD lN8rRNf El On Goods by River, Canai, Lake, and Land Carriage to an parts 01 the Union. FIRF. 1.si;ha i 1 j On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, etc. ASSETS OF THE COM PAN t ovemhr I. flflO.fOO United States ft per cent, loan '71. l'iti.lKiO " 8 " ' '81. ,99t 000 00 m luo 00 'it W9 " 7 J 10 per cent, loan Treasury notes 01,375 '00 100,(00 State ol Pennsylvania Five Per Cent iin tra,TOW M.C00 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. Loan 63,250 00 24,000 C ity of Philadelphia Six Per Cent. Loan 112,81250 20,000 PcnnsT vania Railroad First Mort gage Six Per Cent, bonds 20,000 00 25,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Seooud Mort gage Mx Per Cent. Bonds 21,750 00 25,000 Western Pennsylvania Railroad llort- . ft"""0 Mx 1er Lent- Honds. 23,750 00 15.000 3(H shares Stock Ucrmantown Gas Company, principal and Interest - guaranteed by the City of Phllade;- phla.... 13,537 50 7,1:0 14.1 Shares stock Pennsylvania Rail road Company B.SSO'OO 5,000 I0 Shares Stock Noith Pennsylvania Railroad Company 3,250 00 40,000 D posit with United States Oovcrn- ment, suhlect to ten days' ca'.l 40,000-00 30.000 State of Tennessee Five er Cent. Loan lA.Mfl.aA 170,700 Loans on Bonos and Mortgage first lions on City Property 170,000 00 1.036,840 Par. Market value. ...$!)M,5t'O0 Keai r.Riate 3H,'i0J-0D HI Is receivable for Insurances mario..l'il,013 37 Balances duo at Agencies ; Premiums on Marine Policies, Accrued Inte rest and other debts Que the Com pany 40,511 41 Scrip and Rtock of sundry Insuranco and other Conipaules, 8113J. Lstl- mated vslue 2,910-O0 Cash In Banks (43 9W 89 Cash in Drawer 678 4S 56,635 17 81,253 630-18 DIRECTORS. Thomas C. Band, ."aniuel e. Stokes, J F. Penlstan, Henry Nlean, Wil iam (l. Dotilton, Edward Darlington, H Jones ltrooks, Kdward Lafourcade, lacob P. .tones, James B Me Far land, Joshua P. K.yre, Spencer Mcllvaln, J. B. Semple, Pittsburg, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. Il T. Mnt-iAn. 1Mtt4hiirir. jonn v. uavis, I dinund A. Sonder, Theophllua Paulding, John It Penrose, James Traqualr. Henry c. uaiiett, Jr., James C. Hand, William C Ludwlg. Joseph 11. Seal, ueorge . Leiper, Hugh Craig, RoheitBtirton, John 1. Taylor, TFOMAS C. I'IMl. 1'ieslHenl JOHN f!. IHVIH Vl.l'rl,lt Hknby Ltlbcrw, secretary. 1 h jg29-CHARTEU TERPETUAL FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY FIRE OP PHILADKLPHIA. Assets on Januarvl, 180G, Capital 400 000 06 Acciucc surplus t)44M:il9 1'iemlume l,lW,au8tll USSE1TLED CLAIMS, INCOMR FOR 18W $11,167 83. HO O0U. LOSSES PAID SINCE 11 OVER 85,000,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms. DIRECTORS. Charles N Bnncker, Tobias Wattner, Samuel Grant. j- owarn i;. unie, George Fates, AltVed Fltlcr, Francis W. Lewis, M. D. Peter McCall. (ieorpe W.Richards, jbuacjuva. CIIARLEB N. BANCKEH. President. EDWARD C DALE, Vice-President. W. MCALLISTER, Secretary protcm. 2 tl23 JAB. 0HT1I AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 133 South FOURTH Street PHILADELPHIA. Annual Pdllcles issued against General Acctdsnn all descriptions at exceedingly low rates. Insurance effected lor one year, in any sum irom 910 to $10,(100, at a premium of only one-half per cent. securing the lull amount insured in case of death, and a compensation each week eaual to tbe whole ore ml urn paid Short time Tickets for 1, i, t, 5, 7, or 10 days, or 1. 3, 01 6 months, at 111 cents a dav, insurlnv in the sum 01 luOO, or Hiving vio per weea 11 oisauieu 10 De nad at tne General Ollice, So. I'J'd 8. FOURTH Street, fhiiadet pbla. or at the various Rallioad Ticket offices. Be sure to purchase the tickets of the North American Trauslt insurance company. D or circulars auo lunuw luiurmuiion apply ai tne General Ottlue, or of any 01 the authoilzjd Agents of tho "ompaiiy. -.- , nITI, iJlj tt 1U u Jivi 1 t, 11 USIUUIIU JAMES M. CONRAD. Troasurer IlKNBY C. BROWN, Secretary. JOHN C. BI LLITT, Solicitor. l'lRECTORS. L. L Houpt, late ol Pennsylvania Railroad Company M. Baird, ofM. Baldwin At Co.'s. Painud C. Palmer, Cashier ot Commercial Bank. I, 'itbaid Wood, No. M Market stieot .ian.es M. Conrad, No. 62.1 Mniket street 3. E. Kluisley, Continental Hotel. II. G. Leisenrini?. Nos. 237 and J39 Dock streot. Samuel Work, ot Work, McCotich & Co. Ctorge Martin, Ho. 321 Chesnut street 1 3 10m QIRARD TIRE AND MAEINE OFFICE, No. 418 W ALN tT STREET, PHILADELPHIA CAP11 AL PAID IN, IN CASH, 200,ll00. II Is conipary cenllnuesto write on 'ire Ritkt only Its capital, with a gtod surplus, Is sa ely invested. 701 Loes by fire nave tetn promptly paid, and more than 8500.000 Disbursed ou this cc count within the past few years. For tne present me omce 01 tuis company win remain at No. 415 WAT.NIIT BTIIKKT, But nltblu a few months will remove to its OWN BUILDING N. E. COKaLK BEVfcPiTU ASU tUKSM'T STREETS. Then as now, we shall be happy to Insure our patrons a such rates as are continent with safety. IHIiKCTORH, THOMAS CRAVEN. ALFRED 8. GILLETT, tURMAN BUEFPARI), Ti.fl. MA( KFLLAR. CHARLES I. Dl'PONT, HENRY F. KENNEY, JOSEPH KLAPP.M. D. JOHN SUPPLE E. JOHN W. C LAG HORN 1 Hit AM lH.lUVlLD.dli.. I.FKF.D 8. G I LLF.T T. V. President aud Treasurer. JAMES B. ALVOltD, Secretary. 1 19 i T HE PROVIDENT LltE AUD TRUST COMPANl', UI I il 1 uii.r 111 A. Incorporated by tbe state of Pennsylvania, Third lit ntlil 'IM. lbG6. INSURES LIVES, ALLOWS 1N 1 F. KtST ON DEPOSITS, aud GRANTS ANNUI TIES. .. A K AAA K., piuv,uvvi D1BECTORS. . . Pan uel R Shipley, Ricnarn caannry, Henry llulnes T. WiBlar Browu, William C. Lonuatrath. Jert niian riaciter, joslitia II. Morris, ltluliard Wood, r . uouiii. SAMUEL R. SHIPLEY, President. llowiAsn Paubt, Actuary 7 285 VtHCM Ao. Ill H. FOURTH STREET, FIRE INBLKAKCE WAULUSIVELY THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COM PAN x incorpor-ieu . unrter rerpetuai no. oiv WAI N IT Street, opposite Independence Bijuiire. Hill Company, lavorably known to the community for over lorty years, continue to Insure acalnst los-i or damage by tire on Puhlio or Private Buildings, either permanent y or lor a limited time. Also on Furniture. Mocks of Goods aud Merchandise geneially, on liberal Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, is Invested In the most careful manner, which eualiles them to oiler to tbe insured au undoubted seouritj in the case of loss. DUtECTOBS Daniel Smith Jr., John Devereux, Alvaanuer Benson, 1 Tbomas Smith, lKttnc Hazlehurst, I Ileniy Lewis, Thomas Robins, I J. Gllllngbam Fell,' Daniel Baddook, Jr. DANIEL SMITH, Ja., President. WlIiLiaM O, CXOWKUiibecretary, 41i INSURANCE COMPANIES. CSII CAPITAL, $200,000. THE UNITED 'STATES ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE COJirANX Or Syracuse, Kew York, Insures against DEATH FROM EVERT CAUSE, Whether ACCIDKNT, CIIOLER4, or DIF.ASE of any Vl! NrL-t Joeklr ci'PusaUon lor DISABILITY from AC t ID KIN T. COIIBISFD TOLICIES FROM ONE TO F1TF. TEARS. ACCIDENT POLICIES FROM ONE UOMTII TO TEN YEARS. NO MEDICAL FXsMI.NATIOW REQUIRED FOB ACCIDENT lXSlBANCK. . lri" only Company anthorlisd to Issue COM- B1N ED LIFE and ACV1DI N 1' POLICIES. 1 . !?'.!' 0,t. tlie probability ol tho visitation ot tsb OLE HA this summer, this opportunity or insuring against It lor a brief period, at economical rates, Bhimlil command the attention 01 every one 1 whl'e the combi nation of ACCIDENT risk oflcred with It enables iboira reldtng In the City, or transacting business here and returning to the country dally, to guard against every toimof . DISEASE OR CASUALTY. Petmlts Issued for travel to Europe, etc. Active Solicitors wanted. v WM. A. STEPHENS, General Agent, 611 lm No. 501 CHE8NTJT Street, Philadelphia, PHOENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OP Till LA I) KLPII1A. " IMUKI UKA lh.iJ lHPt CHARTER Pe RPETCAL. Vo. 'i'ii WALNUT Street, opposite the F.xchanrt. In addition to MARINE and INLAND INSl'RVKOE this Company Insures ft cm loss or damage by FI tt, on liberal terms, on buildings, meicbandtse, lernltur. etc., tor limited periods, and Derinanentlv on buildings, h. deposit ot premium 1 ne ompany Las eeen in acive opeiauon tor more than SIXTY Y EA RS, during which ail losses have bee 1 I louiptly adjusted aud paid. John L. Hodge. VlJUbUlUH9' Lawrence Lewis, Jr., M. B. Mabouey, John T. Lewis, William 8. tlrant, Robert W. Learning, D. Clark Wharton, Sauiue IWIlcox. jmviu lA'WlB. Benjamin Et tng, '1 bomai 11. Powers. A. K. Alcllenry. Kdmond Castlllon, Louis O Norrls. dons K. WCCUERER, President Savvil Wilcox, Secretary 4 IS CIGARS AND TOBACCO. A HINT TO TOBACCO CHEWERS WEDDING-CAKE FINE CUT TOBACCO. The only FIXE CUT TOBACCO ever manufactured in Philadelphia.: Tlie Deist in Hie Market. E VE11YUODY USES IT Manufactured from tbe Beet Leaf. SOLD EVERYWHERE. (611 Factory, S. E. corner Broad and Wallace Streots LUMBER. I860; BUILDINO! BUILDING LUMBER I LUMBER I LUMBER 1 ST P BOARDS. RAIL PLANK. WHITE FIUE LjORI!TO. YE1LHW PINE FLOORING. SPRUCE PINE FLOORING. AStl AND WALNUT FLOORING PLASTERING LATH. PLASTERING LATH. I860. - PINE, HEMLOCK, AND O A bl j 1 si 11 p n. PINE, UEMI OCK. AND OAK TIMBER, til H A l)lL,Li, CUT TO A. BILL. AT SHORT JMOT1CB. 1866. CEDAR AND l'INE SHINGLES. CEDAR AND PINE SHINGLES. No. 1 LONG CEDAR SHINGLES. NO. 1 SHORT CEDAR SHINGLES. WHITE PINE SHINGLES. CYFRF.SX SHINGLES. FINE ASSORTMENT FOR SALE LOW i Qr,(l LUMBER FOU UNDERTAKERS! ! lOUO. LUMBER FOR UNDERTAKERS! 1 RED lr.HA It. WALNUT, AND flNlS, RED CEDAR WALNUT, AND PINE. 1 QRft ALBANY LUMBER OP ALL KINDS J-OUU. ALBANY LUMBER OF ALL KINDS SEASONED WALNUT. SEASONED WALNUT. DRY POPLAR CHERRY, AND ASH. OAK PLK. AND BD3. MAHOGANY. ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT VENEERS. QCW. CIGAR-BOX MANUFACTURERS. I.OOO. CIGAR-BOX MANUFACTURERS. SPANISH CEDAR BOX BOARDS. AT REDUCED PRICES. 1866. SPRUCE JOIST! fcPRUCK JOIST'! SPRUCE JOIST I SPRUCE JOIST I FROM 14 TO 32 FEET LONG. FROM 14 TO i FEET LONG. SPRUCE SILLS. HEMLOCK PLANK AND JOIST. OAK SILLS. MATTI.K TtROTTrK.R Jtr. CO.. 8 22 timrp No. 2500 SOUTH STREET. TTNITED STATES li 1 I LDE It S MILL, Nos. 24, 26, and 28 S. FIFTEENTH St., FHlLADELI-IIIA. ESLER & BROTIIEE, WOOD MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, 8TAIR BALUS TERS, NEWEL POSTS, GENERAL TURNING SCROLL AVORK, ETC. SH ELVIS G PLANED TO ORDER. lhe largest assortment ol Wood Mouldings In this city constantly on band. 417 3m rp W. SMALTZ'8 LUMBER YARD. N. E. I . coiner of FIFTEENTH and STILES Street OFFERS FOR SALE, CHEAP FOR CASH Panel 1st com , 2d com , 3d com., 4 4, 5-4, 6 8, 8 4, White I'll) 6 flCHHOllGtl. Fli'st und second quality Yellow (4 4, 8-4) and White Pine (4-4) Floorlnti Boards First aud secoud quality one and two sides lence s'helvlng Boards Bass, Ash. Planks and Boards, White Pine Sill", all sizes Step Hoards, 4 4, 6-4. Hemlock Joist and Scant. Ing, all sizes. Piiuie lot Spruce Sll.s and HcantiltiK P ui-tcring Lath (English ana Caiuis) Pickets. HiliiKles, Cbi snut 1 osts etc. l-ul,t,it l'luulr n(1 Roalds. All kmos o'l Building Lumber tut aud lurnlshcd at tbe shortest notice, at me ioei inito. u J. C. PERKINS, LUMBEIl MERCHANT Suocessorto R. Clark, Jr., No. 324 CI1R1STIAN STREET. Constantly on band a largo una varied aasorrmeu of Building Lumber, 6 24 J PROPOSALS. O E A L E V rROl'OSALS bv tbo subscriber until 12 O Will be received o'olock M., THURSDAY, the 12th day ot July next, lor tURNISHlKG THE MATERIALS and CONSTRUCI 1NO CULVER18 in the First Culvert District ot the city of Cam den, Jiew Jersey, as follows: rT ONE BKiCK CULVERT, four foet in diameter, extending irom the Intersec tion ol Second and Mickle streets, southward along Socond street to -the intorsootion of Hartman street (about 13(50 leet), and thence westward so tar as is necessary to make an outlet to the river Delaware. BBICK CULVERT, three feet in diameter, extoudlng from the intersec tion ol Second and MicUle strteU ea3'.ward alouff Mickie street to Broadway (about 1S0O foot). . C)NK BRICK CULVERT, tbrce foet in diameter, extending from the intersec tion of hecond and Stevens street eastward along btevets street to Broadway (about 1800 teet). Ou anil alter the 26tn day ot June instant plans and spec Plications of the required work will be tiled. lort examination nt me omce oi tne CvJVf AltU XX. D.un"""i City Surveyor, No. 86 N. Sooond stroet. CauidcD, June 8, 1800. ' 0 8S 17 U 7- GOVERNMENT SALES. AA-W QUARTER AH rEU'.S OfFICm No. 1B.9GIKAKD Street, Philad9n. rLn?' syivania. July a, IHtJfl. "ueipnm, 1 enn- Will l0 sod at Pnhlln AnMi. . . the United States, on tbe grounds It liisu ION LAN K, i'lliLA DaM'IIIA. 1 "n ns.riL on TUKoDAT, July 10, 18W, sale commeJoln, i VoSkf.y?i preo,,olr Uie bulldin CAMP RytnWil.l.iliCD 89 irtme bnildings, with shingle roofs. 7 framo sinks, 1 sentrv box. 1 flasr stall, with ball and vano. 4 double leyer iron lore pump (Burnham'a patent) " 6 wooden pumps 7 woooen hyriranU, with lead altaohmont. 8 iron lire uirs. 9 window sashes, assorted. 8 table tojis aud 21 trestles. 1 desk a. 14 tables. 81 wooden benches. 2 wooden wash troughs. 3 carpenters' benches. 80 feet oKice railing. J onnter, shelving, drawers, etc 1400 leet picket tence. 8118 feet bnard tnnn 19. font hint, about 8, 000 teet rouifh boards and hem oo soaat- o ' in iuis iu c u i b fiurcuasors. I laive 'uib ui nrewooa, 1KI0 white pino slunirles. 10,000 feet 46 hemlock scantllnir. used m.r.v road. R15.800 foet 8 inch hem'ock plank, used aa plank tosd. i3 400 bricks, In chimneys, (utters, wolls eto l he frame buildnirs contain about ' 172 440 det hemlock scantllnir. 60 640 teet iloorlnjr and tongued boards. 222 600 leet rouih board. lhe huildniRS will bo sold separately. Terms ot sa C's'b, Uovernment funds. A deposit of ten (10) per cent, to be paid on every accepted bid; tho balance to be paid Immediately alter the sale. The iron wa'cr-pipe to be sold by the foot, more) or less, as it lios buried in lhe pround, to be du? up and the ground tilled in by the purchaser, and br superficial measurement amounts to 1153 leet 8 inch iron wa'er-pipe. 6!'8 ioet lj inch iron water-pipe. 2t2 leot -mcli iron water-pipa. Iho buildinps, etc., must be removed within twenty (20) davs from data of sale, and Will be at th rii-k of I bo purchasers lhe Ridge Avenue Tasscnger Railway Cars paaa near the C amp every five minutes. By order of Brev. lirig.-Gon GEORGE U. CROSMAN, A86't Qr. Master General U. 8. A. GEOKUE K. UHHK, 7 2 6t Capt. and Assistant If uarterniastor SALE OF STEAM BOILER. FORCE 1'UHPS WAIERI'IPE, FlKE-l'LUUS, M'U., com-, prMnnr TUE WATER WOEKS AT GIESBORO, D. C. Qdabtermaster-ubneral's Office, ) First Division, I Wasiiinoton, D. v., June 19, 18G0. 1 By order of tho Ijuartermnbtcr-Coneral, tliore will bo sold, on tbe premisos, at public auotion, under the direction oi C'niitain George T. Browuinir, A, Q M., ou FK1DAY, Jtuy 13, IStit, at 12o'cioci M.,th iollowing described public proporty, to wit: ONEMEA&l BOILER, 30 feet long and 8 leet iu diameter (with two 12 Inch rctuin llucs), mado ofi-inch boiler iron, with all tha necessary appurtenances, including cast-iron front, gauge cocks, globe valves, feed-pump, snioke-staok and hooa, steam gauire tAshcrol's patent), grate bars, pipo, plugs, reducing pieces, etc, alt in good order. TWO WORTHINGTON STEAM FORCE TUMPS, Ko. 6, 18-inch cylinder, inch stroke, 26-borsa power each, and each capable of pumping and lorcing 100,000 gallons of wator por day. Conneotod with them aro the reoulsite vaives, glands, coup lings, bunds, elbows, double-valve oil cups, eto. Ihtso Pumps are comparatively new, and in com plete working order. A larze quautity of WATER-PIPE, as follows: 5,102 loot b-iucu cast iron Water-i'ipe. 12 000 fcot 8 inch " " 800 leet 2-inch Wrought Iron " 564 feet 1J inch Cost lrou " 2,000 teet lj Inch " 1.0(0 leet 1-inch " 6.C00 feet 3-inch ' " TH1RTY-OAE CAST IRON FIRE PLUGS (Ayre's patent), with all tho necessary connootions. such as T's, benas, stop-oocks, elbows, lour-away-Pieces, etc, all in excellent condition, togethor with ALL 1 HE TOOLS, Eto, required for making alterations and repairs in water pipo, such as 1'ipe Cutting Machines, Taps and liies, rivers, CrabB, L rills, Punches, Caulkinc Tools, etc. 1 ho Liepot is accessible by wator, and vessols of the largest class can bo loaded at the whart. Terms Cash, in Government iunds. JJe iverieS will be mado to purchasers on or before) tho first ( 1st ) day of August next. A boat lor Giesboro will leavo the Sixth streot wharf every hour during the day of sal 3. Anv (urtber iulormatlon that, may be dosired will be given upon application, in person or by letter, to Captain George 1'. Browning, A. Q. St., Giesboro. 1). C., or at this oillco. JAMES A. EKIN, Ii t. Brig. Gon. U. S. A in charge 6 21 that u t7 12 First Division, Q. M. G. O. s ALE OF MACHINERY', ETC. Navy Department. l Bcrfau of Yards amd Docks, I Washington. June 1(1 lHtiii. 1 Will bo sold at 1'ublio Auction, at the Navv Yard. NORFOLK, on FRIDAY, the 3d day of August next, the tallowing artio es, via. : 'iwenty-one ltollors of Rolling Mill. Seven Nail Machines. (luo tiuirio Mi'l (oompleto). 88 Rollora. Two bundles Saws ior Slotting; Sorews. Two Machines lor Slotting Screws. Seven Machines tor Cutting inroads. Four Oil Kotainei. Two Oil Press Hollers. Kipht pieces Iron blialtine. Six sots Couplings for Shafting. Lot of Taps and Dies for Gas Fitting. One box Lacinps (leather). 1 bree boxes Belting. One bun-screw Mavhino One piece Leather Belting, 0 inches wldo, 164 pounds. One piece Leather Belting, 6 inches wldo, 141 pounds. One piece Leather Bolting, 20 inches wide, 221 pounds. '1 wo rolls Gum Tacking. Six bars Ocniron Steel (cast). Sale to conn:.' . ue at 11 o'clock A. M. Terms Casi' n Government funds; and all arti cles to be removjj from the yard within ton days from day ol sa o. Bv order ot Navy Department. v JOSEm SMITIT, 6 19tntbl3t Chief Bureau Yards and Pooka. UARTERMASTER-GEXERAL'S OFFICE, FIRST DIVISION, Washington, D. C , Juno 23, 1801. Will be so'd at Public Auction, uudorthodirootion ot Captuin Geonre T. Browning, A. y. M., at GIES BORO, D. C, to the highest bidders, on FRIDAY, July 6, 18GC, commencing at 10 o'clock A. hi., three separate lots of STABLE AND STOCK-YARD MANURE, containing in all about two hundred thousand oubla y ards, most of which is iu tho immediate vicinity of the wharves, at which boats and barges can be con veniently laden. , Purchasers will bo required to remove tue Manure on or before the 1st day of September next, uulns otherwise arranged with the owner of the grounds. Terms: Cash, In Government fuuds. A boat lor Gieboro' will leave the Sixth streot wbari every hour, up to 12 o'olock M., on the day Ol Pftlo. By order ot the QuaormasterGonoral . JAMES A. EKIN. Bvt. Bng.-Gon. U. H. A., 6 26 9t In charge First Div Q. M. G. O. s ALE OF GOVERNMENT bTEAU-IUG. AbpibtaiiT Quartermaster's Opwob, I TJinr .rim phi A Dkpot. June 29. 1H66. I Will be sold at Public Auction, at 8HACKA MAXON Street Wharl. Philadelphia, Penua., on 8ATUKDA, July 7, 1866, at 10 o'clock A. M., Um United f ft EAM.I00 "MONITOR." Tonnage, 1046-U6 tons; length, bO 5 10 feet; breadth. IS 610 leet; depth, 7 7-10 leet. ' Iho tug is now lying at Shackamaxon street wbari, where she can be examined. Toinis Cash, in Government iunds, By "i"evet Brig.-Gen. GEO. H. CROSMAN Assistant Quttrtermaswr-Heiieral U A. 29811 UbNRY BOWMAN, Brevet MaJ. and Assist. Quartermaster. ICE COMPANIES. friSSTERN ICE COMPANY". SEASON OP JJJ 1H66. 8 lbs. dally, cents per week i 11 lbs ow'Ti lbs. dally, 1D4 per week. TJepot No. 41 u . b.reet. below luted. OU AB fo'