8 INDEPENDENCE DAY. THE GREAT CELEBRA TION TO-MORROW. MUM OF STATE STAMUKDS. GRAND PROGRAMME OF THE PROCESSION. Our Brave Veterans! WHAT T HEY WILL DO, AND HOW THEY WILL DO IT. Tlo Music, Mivtli, anil tlic Illiimiuntiou, THE FOURTH OF JULY IN EUROPE AND AMERICA. Monarchy Dying in the Old World, anl literty Gloriously Triumphant and Blessed with Peace in the New. A LUSTY SHRIEK FROM THE AMERICAN EAGLE. tc,i Etc., Etc., Etc., 32tO. The Fourth of July is mo t pmpba'.ienlly an .American institution. The other republics on this continent, it Is true, have likewise been in the habit of celebrating the day on which they severed their political connections with the fl'cte moLarchics of the Old World. But this day fails), ae the case may be, on the 7th ol May, or on the 19th of June, or on the 2Sth of Sep tember. In no case, we can affirm with perfect safety, does it lull on or near the Fourth of July. In this respect we are alone in the world; we have it all to ourselves; to modify slightly the language of a celebrated statesman, we can even claim to be "grand, glorious, and peculiar" with respect to it. As might be expected, we have a pec uliarly American fashion of celebrating it, which is like wise both Brand and glorious. It is the great vent ol the year, ae lar as all political si gnid tance is concerned ; the point at which all the peculiar ideas which regulate our social and political economy are concentrated. Other nations are not so highly lavored; their atten tion Is usually distracted by a multitude of national festivals'. It very ueldom occurs that the rcigumg sovereign of England happens to Itave been born on the very day and month of t,Wi Tar on which, of all others, Guy Fa wkes cl tone to breatho his last. Such an event has never been heard of yet; if it ever does come abmut in the future, a vast deal ot gunpowder will be saved. But, happily, we are not lorced thus to squander our energy and fritter away our noisi t We r graciously permitted to husband it all for ot tremendous, peut-up ell'orU That etlbrt is the Touith of July. On that day the nation was b orn; on that day Independence was iissertei I: on that daylibuity was founded; on that du. T It was discovered that 11 men are created equnl, und endowed by their Creator 'with cut. in inalienable rights, which are quite too nvmei t0 mention; on that day several other thiut '8 were conceived and accomplished by great ai vJ good men, whose memory has gone down through the ages, crowing brighter with the laps e of time. It Is, therefore, a tit occasion to be celebrated; and, laying all our proverbial boiuV'ast a'-ide, we think we have good caiise to celebrate it by noises great and small, evon If in so doing we set the ears of the world aiioj, and interrupt to some extent the music of thvi spheres. It is not considered a difficult feat to cele brate the Founlb of July. We have an unfail ing ally for such an occasion. ThaJ ally is the Eagle, called the Great American Eagle, by way of distinction from" similar birds of a meaner extraction. The Eag is a well-known bid in this country. Almost e very one of sound m"ind and respectable parentugC La at some time Or 076H886. If. TIIE DAILY EVENING TELEGKATII. pniLADELPIIIA, TUESDAY, other in hi lif seen a picture ot him. Torre are persons now living who remember to hr.ve seen his imago traced in outiini of silver and gold upon little circular slips o( metil, of a size very convenient for carrying about in the pocket. But such traditions are not received with favor by same antiquarian of these latter days; to them they arc Invested with a halo of mystery and doubt; they consider tbcm entirely reliable as fairy tales, but beyond that as serv ing no practical or particular purpose. Such persons are said to bo quite numerous In Washington, However this maybe; there are known to us certain individuals ot most respectable beloog ings who have even feen the Eaa;le himself featheTs and a 1. Although the accounts of such persons differ on a few points of minor conse quence, they all uu'ret: in represpntiug him as being bald. For this reason ornithologists have sometimes staled him the Bald-headed Eigle, but this title Is not so popular with the masses as the more euphonious ''(treat American." Ou one otbrr point these individuals who have been favored with a vision of the bird himself exhibit a remarkable agreement; they are so unani mous, in fact, that we cannot with safety dispute the conclusions at which they have arrivpd. These conclusions atlVct, the size of the Eagle. Large birds are not so uncommon u? to be con sidered remarkable. In ancient Egypt there was a bird of such enormous proportions that the wholo land was eaid to be ' sha lowing with wings." This was probaMy the Pnienix. Then, too, Mahomet, the prophet of Allah and founder of the Moslem faith, who, as is well known to all students of b'slory, visited heaven on several occasions, having been borne thither usually on the back of a mule; this Mahonimet, a perfectly reliable person, by-the-wny, is said to have seen an enormous chicken, which stood upon the floor of the first heaven, while his head fairly emerged into the third, and whose duty it was every morning in the year to awaken the angels by his crowing. But the Bald-headed Eagle or the Great Ame rican Eagle, if you will is said to be much larger than either of these historical prodigies. His exact proportions hpve not as yet bef n ascertained, owing to the fact that it is but ninety years to-morrow since his species first became known to the persons whose busi ness it is to inquire into such matters. Never theless, he is a bird as remarkable for his bigness as for any of his other numerous striking points. Among the larger speci mens concerning which authentic accounts have come down to us, we have space for men tion of but two. Th first of these was seen by a Fourlh-of-July orator, who resided in an inte rior town in the neighboring State of New Jeiscy. The Eagle whose acquaintance he had made, was of such gigantic outlines that he was able to stand with one foot upon the Rocky Mountains and the other upon the Alleghenies, and when be spread bin -wings Uiey rittUel the inutn.ee of the Atlantic and Pacific Occaus. The cither was even more remarkablcas laras its size was concerned, and, if we remember rightly, was seen by a person w ho resided at the time ia the State of Indiana, lie the Eagle, not the "person" is said to have been etamUna, for comfort's sake, witli one loot resting upon the Northern brunch of Iho. Western Hemisphere and the other upon the Southern, and while dozing in this position, with wings outspread, to have had the tips of both badly fro3t-bittn, because of their proximity to the Arctic and Antarctic poles. This was a very large bird, probably the largest ever seen. But he was found rather unwieldy lor this sublunary sphere, and is supposed to have migrated elsewhere iust befbic the invasion of Mexico by 5apolcon III and his "man Friday," suruauiod Maximilian. Such being the Fourth of July, and such the noble bird whose gala d'y it is, we are prepared to comnieuce the celebration. And of all the cities of the Union there is no one whoe people can lay cluim to a better right to do so than we of the City of Brotherly Love. The history of our city is replete with shining episodes of the War ol Independence, and within her limits stands that quaint old structure in which, on the Fourth of July juet ninety years ago, wera gathered the men who dared rebuke a tyrant by asserting the inalienable rights of their manhood, even though the world looked on with much scoffing and an incredulous wag of the head. In bygone times we have been true to thi3 rich inheritance, but to-morrow wethnll celebrate the day in a manner that shall put to shame not only all our previous cfloits, but the previous ellorts of all our sister cities. Such, at least, is the intent of those who have the matter in charge, and we think they will not meet w ith disappointment. The lirst element in an appropriate celebration of the Fourth of July is noise in tact, the w hole affair might properly bo designated a carnival of embryo thunder. It is understood that the most ample arrangements have been made for causing the celebration of to morrow to be un- cd nailed in tins respect, as in ail others. The noise will commence punctually this evening at Minuet, Dy iiie urmu oi crackers and squios, and will bo continued throughout the nurht with more or less irregularity, but witnout any dis- unci pauses. j.uut in me cvcuuiu, tue rattle ol musketry and the clatter ot pistol9 will be added, and throughout the wholo there will be a poodl.v sprinkling of rockets, liomsn candles, and dounle-hwled Dutchmen, which partake ot the combined qualities of noise and smoke. At sunrise on the niornin.; of the Fourth the uprour will commence in earnest by the opening of the ereat guuB. It will bo well lor those persons w ho reside in the neighborhood ot the points at w hlsh salutes are to b1? tired, and who lo net detiro to have a heavy glazier' bill to loot after the ceremonies are entirely over, if they will take the precaution to leave their win dows raised to the height of a few inches. The tirst sulule will be a national one, at sun rise, on behalf 01 the city authorities. Simulta neously with this one hundred euiis will blch iorth iheir fiery con touts, under the supervision of tho rountylvauiu Artillery Brigade. From H to 10 o'clock signal guns will likewise bo tired from l'eiin Square by the United Stit'w Marines, on behalt of the Union League; an1 at 10 o'clock, on behalf ot the National Union Club, they will touch the match to one hundred pruns at the same place, as the line ol the parade is forming. This part ol the program ino will bo under the supervision of Malor J. K. Addicks. There will also be tired a Governor's salute of fifteen guns at Washington Square, when that official and his suite arrive at that point. After tho ceremonies ot the reception ol the flags a iih tioual salute of thirty-seven guns will bj rirel, and one hundred more on the dismissal ot the parade, by the Veteran Artillery Brigade, under I'oloncl Brady. At 4 o'clock lu tho afternoon the Union Le'aguu w ill again cause a salute of one hundred guns to be tired trom the fortified lions at Fuirmount Park, by the Veteran Key atone Battery. At suncet, a national salute on behalf of the city, from tho fame point, will terminate this noisy iusillade. So much for the element oi noise. The most prominent feature of the day, and the one which can easily be witnessed' by the thousands of our citizens who will find access to Independence Square an utter impossibility, w ill b the grand parade. It la expected that this will be one ol the mo-it imposing pasoints ever witnessed In the city. The following regi ments will participate: 111 2(1, 8d,4lh, 6tli,7th. Of h, 10th. and 12th Peal mrnts of tho ltese'vesj 2d, 3d, 6th, titn, 8th, 13th, lfilh, 19ih, nntt 20i h t avaity Kciriiiicntsj 23il, 2l'h, 27th, 2Hth, inth, f 8th, filet, 6Hth, tiiiih, lUt, 72J. 73d, 81-t. 82d 88 h, 00th, Plu, 6th, With. 104 h, lOflth., lir9th, 114th, llfith, llrtth, 121st, IBirth, lfi7th, 183d, 188th, ml, 11)8111, lW h, and 204th rennsylvanla Volunteers. In addition to thee there will be in the pro cession tbe Grey Ilcerves. the Veterau Artillery B-ii'ade, ftiid fcevcial detached companies. In aTl at least filty regiments Who have borno the brunt of the baitlc in the heat of the day. The cavalry regiments will be mounted, whether in uniform or not. The flaes which will be carried by some of thestj regiments will be objects ot great interest. Among the most notiblc, together witn the in scriptions ol battles upon them, will bp those of the following regiments: Jliirlt nDillt Hetiment (Sixth Reserve). DimiicsM io Literal. y tern to ehreit. Thirl il eighth Jlrriment (Xinth tfegerrcs). Droluteviie, Uocoinbor 20, 1801 Perforated by bullets, ud tuttercd and tom. Jhirtu-ninth Infantry ( Tmlh llrcrvc). Praintsvillc Flan much torn into ebreds. Forty-fiml Regiment ( Twelfth Kcsrrre). Draincsviilo Flaa very much taitcrcj aud torn. J'ortp-tourth lieriitntnt, Draiiwvlllo, December 2), lbtil, Falmouth, April 18 1802 liarripoiiLur. Juno 0, 1802. Crop Keys, Juno 8, 1812. t ttiui iluuuiuin, August 0,18(12. Krnidv fclat'on, Aurutt 20, 1802. 1 1ioruUKhlaio Gup, AuyuM 28. 1802. Bull Ii un, August i9-80, 1802. Gravel Hid, Aupu-t 11 1801. Aldic, October 81, 1802. Wsnuifitoii, November 6, 1802. Kapi almiiiiock, ftovombtr 7, 1802. J rederickf burir, l)ccembr 12-13, 1802. llmnuv bialiou, Junn 9,1803. Aloio Juno 19-20, 1803. Gettysburg, uly 2-8, 18C3. Mien ardstow n, July 10, 1803. Aiucay itiin, Aupuet 5, 1803. Culptpjiet C. H., September 13, 1803. fcuii.liur Sprlngo, October 12, 1803 Auburn aud llris ow, October 14. 1803. Mew Uojie thureh, November 27. 1303. Todd's J avert), May 6-7, 1861. t hlldl uia. May 0, 1861. Yellow Tavern, 11th May, 1804. Richmond Letehts, May 12, 1861. llniris' tShoi,2th May, 1801. Coal Harbor, June 1, 1804. Barker's MiIIb, J une 2, 1804 Trevilhan Station, 11th and 12th June, 1831. Whito lioupo, June 21, 1804. St. Mary V Cuurch, Juno 24, 1864. Keniu's Station. Ju v 12 1864. Malvern Hill, July 28, 1804 Margrave's, August 23, 1804 Forty-fifth Jiegiment, t'o'.ontf IVelsh. James Island, June . South Mountaiu, September. Blue Hpnnpg, Tonn , October 10, 1803. AMietam beptomber 17, 1803 Campbell's fetation, Tenn , November 10. Vicksbiircr, July 4, 1808. boego ol Kuoxvllle, Tenn. Jack'. on, July 10-11, 180'J. Fifiy-'hird Hegimtnt. Eiejte of l'orktown. Chick ahomiiiy, Allen' r arm, J une . n; at vein Hil', July 1 Ceiitreviilc, Aucusl 29. Antie.am, . Clm . Literally in shreds. Ffty-tiyh'h fliyimtnt. Noriolk. y.unl, Ufcco Core Creek. Cold Harbor, l'ctcrsbnre, June 18, 18o4. aiiuy Ridsro, Anal). Gum Swamp, May Balchelloi's Ore Eightieth lic&itvtnt Seventh ' ntisylvmu't Cavalry. iicMinvilio, itinieeseo iluy 8, 18'jy. Snow Hili, Tcnnes-co, April 2, 1803. MielbyviUo, i cLiiotsoo, June 27. l-03. Chickamauna, Unoreia, ecpUmber 18, 1813. Sparta, lcuuoBSrO, August 17, 1803 Chaplin Hill, f-outh Koutucky, Oat. 8,1802. Franklin, itiuiei'see, December 11, 1802. .Lebanon, 'leniitsscc, May 6, 1802 Nashville, lennesseo, .November 5, 1802. Uuionvil o, 'lenucs-to. Mav 4, 103. Stone Kiver, lormessco, IK-comb -r 26, 13j3. Koine, Tennessee, Jauuaiy 81, 1803. Home, Ucorgia, October 13, 1S04. Xineti second Ileyiment (A'j;it Pennsylvania Cavalry). Ktcdyville, Woodbuiy. l.ovt joy Station, Micon, Wavuo'boro. Uiuckvito. Joun ou Mulien, Avoysboroagli, Beutonvil o, ItHoixh, Mor iisillo, M.U . 'Ihe proce-siou will be made up iu the folio .v- ing order: ADVAI CE GUARD. Mounted 1'oliccincn, Baud. Henry Guards. C aptain Spear. COMMAKDIMU OKKlClill AND STAFF. Mounted Olhcers not on duty vuh troops. Band. Dismounted Oflicers not on daty with troops. Wasiiiucton Artillery, ot I'ottsvilio. Katiouul L'iflit liilantr., of I'ottsvilio. idnirgold Light Artillery . of Koading. Louan Guards, ot Lowistowu, and . Allen fnluntry, of Ahentown. There boincr the llrst troops to pass through Balti more cu ilielr way to Washiuiiton, wlion tho capital w as supposed to be in danger, at the couiuieaccuuut of tbe lteLe hor iulSOl. KcLiii.tuts and detachments as follows: 1. Infantry. 2. Artillery, 8 cavalry, MA0OU OEJiERAL MEADE AKD STAFF. liivaiid OUicern in Carnaiies. Band. Colors and Color oruards, excepting those which accompany refrimouts or doiachmoats. United bialcs Irooos in tne vicinity of Philadelphia. Limited Sia'ei Mamies. His Excellency covkrnor Cuutin and Staff, in Carriages. BOLDIKKH' OUFHAN8. 1. Ffuiake in ambulances. 2. Band. 8. Males on foot. Chiel Engineer of Fire Department and Assistants, wlih a Delegation from each Company iu tho City, lu ly Lquipped, as a GUARD OF HONOR This guard will consist of t.vo delegates from each ol the following companies: Lmpire tiook and Ladder, Franklin F.ngine Com pany, Western Kagine Company, tioot Will Eiwue touipeny, Kortiiern Liberties Kngiue Company, West rinladelphia Kmnn i Company, Wasbiniston Kiiuine Company of Fraukiord, Assistauca ICuiuo Company, Humane Hose Company, Kosolution 1043 Company, liobort Morris Hoso Company, Hop- La. eiue Company, Spring UardkU U )e Coinpuny, Friendship kuciuo Company, Uand-in-Hand Ku,'iiio Con pail), Hopo Hose Company, Minion Hjsi Com panv, Kensimaon Hose Company, Washiniftou liu aino Company, Nurihern Liberties Hoso Company, Neptuno Hoso Coapany, Fame Hoo Company, 1'bilade phia Engine Company, Diligent lloiie Com pany, Humane Knine Company, 8hilller LiosoCom pany , A merica Euiuo Company, f on asylvauia H jso Company, Besides a number of other companies who have not yet reported. The following com panies Iron! llarnsburg will also be represented: Friendship. Hope, Citizen, Washington, Mount Vernon, 1'axton, and Good Will. Chiel Engineer Ljlo will act as Chief Marshal of the delegation, and will be supported bv Mr. William ,C. Vinyard and Mr. Thomas F. Bleiut. as Assistant Marshals. It is expected that tho lourteeu boautitul ambulances belonging to the various companies will be iu the procession, for the purpose ot transporting a portion ot the deceased soldiers' daughters and widows. Following these will come the various mili tary organizations, lor the assembling and re.ru luting of w hich the following orders have been issued: First Division, General Jamos S. Nogley com manding. Mounted olliuera and dismounted olh cers, not on duiy with troop; Washington Artil lery and National Light lulautry ol i'ottsvl.le; Kluguold Light Artillery, of 1 jading; Logan Guards, of Lewu-town; aud A lieu Light fniauty, of Alleutown; will lonn ou thtt ioutti side of l'er.n tjuure; mounted olhcois on the wait side, aud tho roinuiuder on the east tido of liroud otrnct, 1 be companies abovo naiiutd will take tin same relaUve positions in eoluinq which tlicv oocupied iu pacing through Kaltimoie in April, 1801 tieoond Division Mi)jor-ienera1 Robert Tattor ton Infantry regiments and detachment, in nume rical order, will form on Walnut street, w)t of Dread street, right on Dread street, Ihird Division Bricadipr-Gonoral Char'n" T. Campbell, Artillery regiments and detachments fn numerical ordor, will form on Spruce street, cast of Bread Mrcet. right on Ilroart street. Foirih Divisu n Maior Geii'Tal D. McM. Grog?. Cava ry regtmoLts and detaohmouii will form cn Sprues street, wost of iroad ttrcot, rijht on Broad street. Carriages for Invalid offers will bo stationed on Broad treet, nerth of Walnut, wet sble. They will be pieceded by Major-Item ral Meade and S'air, arid take position, as tbo column pasiet, immodnto y in rear ot this divlnion. Filth Divi ion Major-General John W Goary. Colore and Co or Guards, excepting thoie which accomiauy rcpiments or (f tacliineiiu United Mntti trrops and United States marines will form on 1 ieo ittctt, eat of Broad street, tight on Broad s:iei. R.xlh Divi-ion Mnjol General S. W. Crawford Governof Curtln ai d FtufT, and tho soldiers' orpnans, with a d legatiou of firemen as a giiird ot htinor, will lorni on lino strcoi, west of Bioad, right ou Bread street. Seventh Dirlslo - Major Gi m ral tohn ft Broo'to. 1 eniisylvnnia M lnia, Military Academic, and Schoo's and orgamzaiion conn ot 'd of memboi'S who served in 1 tie tie d during iho lato war, will form on Lorn! aid Btrcet, west or Broad, rbjut on Broad fticrt. 1 he procession w 111 form on Broad street, Imme diately in rear ot tho Advance Guard, in oo uinn in mas, at 0 o'clock, and ho prepared to move pr imptl v at 10 o'clock t.ikmc dittmico by tlie head of column as toon as tbe movrment boiiins. Coaimtndiug ofl ctrsof re(iimoits, detaenments, and ohor dls moi Lted bodies, will divide thoir commands so as to present, ai lar as practicable a umlorm front of eight Hies, txc usivo ot guides J otuited ollicors not on duty with troops will march in column ot fours. At 8 o'clock A. M., the hour named for tho several divisions to term, a s iruul gun will bn tired at Broad and Market strceK At the h uir named lor movinc in'o Frond sircet. two ciini will be fired, and at 10 o'clock the b'tttcry sta tioned at the point above named will commence lirinsr half minute gun', when the procession -..ill :a: 1 . - t , . w in ioMiiveiy move, wiieiner division or ac tachments are or are not in podtiin. The route lor the parado has been arranged as follows: Down Arch to Twelfth, dowu Twelfth to ( hesnut. down ;hesntit to Sj.'oikI; down Second to Walnut, and up Walnut to Independ ence Square. Un arriviuar at this rxint the nro- ce?lon will close iu m iss, and enter tho i uire, when the gcnernl commanding, theollicers not on diity with tnops, Maior-'Jcneral Meaie and stuff, hie Excellency Governor Curtln and sLttf, and the Sjold.crs' orphans, preceded by a band, will take the advance, and, as soon as they nie in portion on the stand, will be followed by tho color-bearers and guards, including those of regiments and detachments. The remniuinor bodies will then enter, after which the exerc'ses will be conducted in the following order: 1, JfuBic- triumphal March Mendelssohn Profes. or Dlrl Id's Band. 2 I'raycr b Ilov. Thomas Brainerd D. D. 8. "ihe Slar t-pnnglol Banner," bv the Handel and Haydn Musical Socio'y, who have k.ndlv vol unteered their services, accompanied by Rirg fold's Band. 4 Tresciitation of the Color to Governor Cur'in by Mujor-Gouerul Goorj.ro G. Meade. B. Reply by his Excellency. 6. Music Hallelujah Handel rrofeisor Biigtcld's Band. ), Thanks to Almighty God for victory and return ol peace, by ltev. VVi liaiu B. Grics, late Chap lain in the army. 8. "Old Hundred," by the Handel and Haydn So ciety. 0. Benedict on Bight Rev. Bishop Simpson, 10. Loronnt'on March Meyerbeer l'rolejsor Biig fe!d's Band. For the comfort and convenience of all who arc to participate iu tho ceremonies within tho Klillare,themo8,, ample arrangements have boen made. The stogins, which is of a most substan tial character, is in tho form of an amphi theatre, and is calculated lo afford ample sitting room for over tlvo thousand people. In the centre is a largo platform tor the orators and presiding ofiieiuK There porters' 'lauds arc arranged ou either side of this platform, tho stajing in the rear being set apart lor ihe distinguished gue3is. Access to this will be hadby a passage-way leading to the main hall of the State' House, On the gravel walk in (rout of the s'atrinor will d' erected scats lor the orphans of deceased sol diers, and to theiear, evenuiug down the main walk ol the Square, the standard-bearers will be congreaated. Over unci urnuud and about the whole v ill be the ever-present emblem of our united nationality. Such is the proprnmme for the day, and thai, for the evening is uot liss perfect and interest ing. The fireat feature throughout tbe city will proiiably te the ilUiiDiuatiOn ot the priva'.o re sidences ot our citizens. In this it is pojsible lor every one to loin. Unciiitaiiie.i windo-vs ami full heads ol gas or kero-cue, or tallow caudles, in tho nbi-ence ol any more aristocratic lutnina lies, aro all that is reeded. So uni eisnl wdl b? tlm ceremonial thr.t those who do not join in u will, iu all likelihood, be set down by their neighbors as belonging to the order of malig nities. Extensive preparations l.ave likewise been male lor the illumination of the public build ups, particularly ot the dillerent newspaper ol) cis. In front of the oflice of Ian Evening Tele- (iitAin thero win ue displayed tho loiioving legend, set oil' by a galaxy of stai s: "Liberty throucliout the Laud." Both fronts ol tho Ledgir budding will display a long array of stars, aud on the Third street iront the mottoes, "rcacc" aiiu "union," will blaze forth. At the Inquirer oflicc, the motto, surrounded bv numerous stars, will be: "Th3 Day that gave u nation binh Fourth of July." At the olltcH ol tho Aqe thcrewill bo a daz zling star, with "Peace1' below and "Union" above, aud a star of the lesser magnitude on either side. Surrounding tue eentrai device are thirty-six globe jets, and below it twenty- fix, while surmounting the wuoie aro ino words "The Age." The 1'ree.i likewise displays a large star, with the motto "Union" placed within it. Above, iu semicircular form, are thirty-six globs jets, and over all the legend "Peace Reigus over our United Country." The otlices of the Ecening Bulkiln anl the Nort'n American will be appropriately draped w ith the national flag. At tho Club Houso of the Uuion League, Broad and Sansom streets, there will hkewisi be an elaborate Illumination. Over the entrance are thirteen ttars, surmounted by a shield and the motto "July 4, 1770." Above is tho word "Washington," with "Lincoln" to the left and "(lean" to the right. Tnirtf -sU large stars dis played upon tho roof complete the arrange ment. Another prominent, feature of the evening cclebiation is the dlsDlav of fireworks. Every bov will have bis crackeis and every girl her tiiii-w heels, as a matter of course; and In add I tiou to this the citizens in many sections of the city have clubbed together for tho purchase of more elaboiatc and exnensivc urcwO'-ks. Ihe errand exhibition, however, will be the one to be given at the corner of Broad aud Market streets, bv i.tithont of he City Coun cils. This promises to bo one of the most bril liant rmotechnic displays ever witnessed in the city, being under the experienced direction of i'rott'bsor jacKson. The hour for commencing has been fixed at halt-past 8. but the exhibition will probably continue until near midniL'lit. Thus in a blazo ofslorv will expire "the day we celebrate" a day that is dertined to bo a memorable one in the annuls ot our city. A Scrlo-Comedy, with Dillon in the "Cast." J'ii.m the Kiihtmat.no Cazftta June 18. A I mum of a very Lortemoua character took place at the Kb aniazoo House on baiurtlaf, Mr .dait- Intnl. llin Miwt June Dillon ol the wir.i d Mo AUlstor Maitlaud troupe, boing the piiuo'pat access and epiilial fluure. A controversv arose cououruing pet equirrol, tho witch (ictua'e w zardi acuudug everybody ol stealing ald pet, aud ooooiuiuu bj hslvriualiv quaireisomeaud otliorwiso uisjurco iu o that lr. 1'icker'Ug wcut to her room to see if he could sot mod'ty l or wrathlul mood Hut that suit of' thiug wouldn't work, and lrom ioa-n-ing abase with ti r toneuo she aoon iiooo dod to lay on to mine host iu no louder in in ner, ungiugerly running her delicate digit through In flowing wal'or', sera cUimr h lace, going for the capiPary growth of III cput, and making thing lively lor the astonished publican ai.d. to crown all, her ra"e outruunlnv her per loiwaoce, she seized ft well lilled devut.r, and JULY 3, 180C. hurled it at her landlord at short range. ThU rouilin was more than a publican or a smuer could eeollv endure, to ho solzd hor miacolianeously and threw lur to il o floor, sat down upon her. hs weicht "CO avoucutiois, and called lor a-sistanoe. Ant well he rt If lit cnll for help against ouch a demoniac female. Fage and frenzy aro but Ic oblo words tu describe her condition Finally, the clerk of tne hotol and r. Malt and csme up, and Mr Picketing was rescued lrom 1. 1 nnhappy condition, and the woman locked Into the loom witn her husband. The husband giibqnently settled the matter by paying Mr. Bickerinc 85(1 damages, his coat having jiear'y been lorn into s,tnnR and the rest ot his aerron having been somowi.at wet down and de moralized. gTEAM ENGINE PACKING LIBR1CATIVE PACKING, FOR THE STUFFING BOXES OI STEAM ENGINES. . An article rrcciriricrdcd by all I.'allroed Company, wlo liave tliorotmlity Untcil It, ard In general uso by t.vfr tun hm iln cl and tf y l(ul:io(!8, ana on trial ovrr five hundred oihers. ADOVTK1) l.y 20,(00 STATIOiJARY ESGINEm. I is a fhst-class ititicle. evenly-Five Cents Per Pound. Lulirlcadvc raclilns Company EOLB MANUFAtTCKEItS, 70 C1IKSNUT Strcor, rUILADELPHIA. I, G. T1LT.OTSON & CO. SOLE AGENTS, 26 LEY Street, Now York. BO 1 D HY DKALKH3 OENKRALtY. 8p MILT.tR'8 STEAM KNG1NIC PACKIXd. . 1 1. 19 Is the muslin covercd.gtioddv fllllnu. atulllnu. bux packing. MA 1 1 uimnrtnruiiMi fortaieby wim.iam i. miller, Sole Vanuf'ieturerinrthe Tuited Hiates, I.tarof 123 Hb.NUI' Hireet. 4 28 8p Philadelphia, I'cnnn. FLAGS, FIREWORKS, &o. FLAGS, 1? LAGS, FLAGS. Smith's Upholstering and Flag Depot, is Removed fbcm sotjth eCjEventh street TO Ho. 1328 WALNUT Street, the CHEAPEST FL VU STOKE In the City. 6 30 3t FOURTH OF JULY 1888. THE GREAT FUG DEPOT IS AT No. 418 AUCII STllKET, I'll I LA DELI' n I A. WILSON & IIUTC11INSOX, 6 1 1mm (Successors to Evans, If assail & Co.) T HE BEbT AND CHEAPEST PLACE JN TUE CUT TO GET FLAGS! FLAGS! FLAGS AND LANTERNS OF I. VERY DESCRIPTION. CALL AND SEE FOE 1 OURS ELF, AT SCHEIBLE'S, No. 40 Soiitli THIRD St. (SECOND STOKY ) 6 281m JflltEWOUKS ! FIREWORKS ! IMMENSE DISFLAY OP PLAIN AND COLORED WORKS, TOR TRADE SALES AND EXHIBITIONS. PIECES FROM $1'C0 TO $100'00 EACH. ROCKETS, BENGOLAS, CRACKERS, ETC, ATTENTION OF COUNTRY AND CITY TRADE. No. 138 South DELAWARE Avenue. 61218t STILSON & BOYER. Jp I R E W O R K S I FIREWORKS! GREAT CENTRA L D HP 0 T For Pyrotechnics of all Kinds, Suitable for city retail trade and also a large assort ment lor Private I xhibliions. Ctollea en acttiug up pi Ivate dl plays are especially rcijuestcd to ca 1. JO SUP II F. SMILEY, c 30 No. 23 South FRONT Street. TPIREWORKS rOIt TUE "FOURITI.' U. 8. SIGNAL BKNGOL.VS, (A New Article.) Ali a lull assortment ot 1 1 1 U J t M A CM T Flit KWO 11 K8. Tn'tro etock to ho sold out bntwoen thin an1 tho Fourth witU a vli'W loUevoth K out who'e attuntiou to the uiuiiutuiture " "-a 0 ul t IN l. CON ri'.C'l ION.S. E. G WHITMAN 4 CO, 6 CO 3trp No. 31 CJitHSrT troi't TORDAN'B TO N I 0 ALE. O JOUDAS'S TON If) ALE. IllMUN'ri T.Kte if IT JORDAN 8 TONTO A LK. It ts recommended by physicians oi this aud otliut places as a "uperlor n nie and rcquhes but a trl.. tu cenNltie, tlio niopt nkeptleal tl lu great mo IU l o ba bad. holesala and retail, ol r. I.JOU1XN, No. WO I'KUt Wtreet. ChgmuaKne Cider, br th doicti, bottled, ur hv tht barrl. j S FARASOLR AT $1-25, $l'S0. $1-75, AND (2. bilk bun Umbrellas. 1110, i;w, i 7. A II. DIXON. i lbwfia NO. 21 B. EIUUIU btrevt MEDICAL. R H E U IY1 A T I S TJ1, CiOlT, NEIIIALGIA, ASTHMA, CONQUERED AT LAS J. A Cl-REWAniUSTF.D.OH IHE MOSEY REIUIINED. NOTniXQ RISKED BY TRY IN J IT. f)UFF3KUS FOB YEARS JfQ,TICK USED INWARDLY, The following wondorful eornPdr for tne p,. live cure of Khcumaiis,, Gout, Neuralgia, and Asthn a, wna discover nftor th0 Btnay and prao. tico oi a 'ift time, Dy bit. j. i. riTLiR, Cue 'j riillndclphia'a oMoal pracliBius physicians;,. wl o liaa trade these dlrcneg a specialty, and having titly tested Us remarkable curative power for annm- berol jeai, now offtTn it to all afllictcd and ufler- Ifg, w th 'ho liberal condit on that if any caie can I c;(ib!y to lonnd that it Infa l.blo power cannot overcome, 11K WILL rctuud to such case oroaaoi tho lull amount paid In the trial ot this remedy. In. credible as this oflcr may seem, the proprietor know lull well from cxi crlci ce tLe morns ol tho remedy and tho safely ot his offer. It contains no Mercury, Colcbicom, MiueraK Mela's, nor anything injurious or unpleasant. Tree $(() per bottle 1'iepared only ni tuo rrin eipal Depot, o 2'J Houth t'OUlil'll Mieot, a Dove IhcsLut, wbevo It i ill Hi may bo ptrsonaily cou- liighcst lelerciices of wouderlul cures accmnnanv rach bottle. CKKIIl'lCATES. Among hundreds ot Teatimoiimls of it effleneir the lollowing rispoo ahlo gei.t.emeu liayo Kmdiy cor.smlid to answer any Ttnnirirs roiDectina , 1 1 wonderlul euro-, ol the tireac Khourua.io it jinody vbich may le lequired of them: Conrad F. Clothier, Req , ho. 23 V. Waer street. V .liinm Acspach, l.fci , No 22 N. Third street. 'Ihouias Allen, tsq., frcventh strcot above Ilrown. X It. tr. Dixcv, req., Ao. G22 ( hosnut street. George J Weaver, Ksq., No. 187 Walnut Btrool. JoBeph Stcveiis, So. CiW Owen ttrect John Ellison, Ftankliu aud 1'oplar atroeta. George Landed, i.eq., imo li05 lireon streot. Kamuci W . Jacots, Vtq., Arch t above SUth. Michael Weaver, Ksq.. No 1G08 Green street. Joseph Bnkoi. Esq , S28 N. Kilth strcot. W. J. btillwo I, Kri(lebur(. Joseph t'omlv, Frankford Kov. J, llahburr, Vicksburg, Miss. 6 27 QIIEROKEE CURE, THE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE, CURES ALL DISEASES CAUSED BY TOtmilfCL INDISCRKTIOy. VIZ. :- 8EMIVAL KAKNr.bt, LUba ur mt .ii j, ii.Mvtiijjii iiABOiiuujs, PAINS I.N 'IHH llAt'K, DIaiNKSi OK ViSION, I'KEMATURE OLD AC.r. WEAK KEKVKS. PALE t'OlJNTF.XAVrp INSANIIY, . j u air i iu a , ANt ALL DIIKASFJ Ttat follow as a sequence oryontuiut lnaisuretlons. THE C'HKBOKKE CURB Will restore hcu th and vior. and etleot a perinaneat cine aittr allothir muUicuin liave Killed. '1 uirtv-two uoi-e pumphiet fctut iu a sealed euvelope, free to ary a:ilr. s. Mke 8id pet bott.o or three bottles for ,5. f old bv ull Dm-gists ! or will lie sent bv express to env tor i-'ti oi ilio world, on the receipt of prlue, !y the (O.e ptoi.no or, DR. V. It. MKIiWIN, ho ill V ulkcrstrtet. New York. cuerokeTF remedy Cures all t rlnary t'oa.piiilnis. viz.: hwcI. Inflatn niBtion oi II c l.laiulcr ucid Kidneys Kctrntlou oi Urine, Sti'cni'CS ot the Uretum lro,;s cal .swo tlii.n. Brick lium Deposits, and ail dh-ruses mat require a diuretic, and w hcu uti.il In c niunetii'ii w til the ( UliOKhl. lS.Jl.t riON, tfoesnot'nll to euro (oi.'Oiiha-a (ilitot, and nil Mucus 1 Ij-oiiaiKti- In Alulnor f'eiiuii c rintr recent cases in ircm oi.e tu tlirec diiva und is esp c a ly icttuinmended lntl.O!0 Ciii-es of l'limrAbus it Wlillei iu Females, 'il.e two uieiiieint n u.d in lonjuncliou will not tall to rem ve this diMuroe.ili'o conin-iiiiit, and In tuosa cases where on er ine licines have been used wiihout success. 1'rlco l:euiely, unjllmtlo Si three But lc, 5. Itilieliuii ' ' 6J, " " 8 V Ti e li roki e ' Can-." "Rm d'j." anil "Inf ctton" are to he H und In nil e'.l-ret;uliiied dm:,' sii.re.-J. and ara rccomuitr.ded by ph.. s.ciuin aid druui.;ts all oier iha world iot 'l eir in rinsic wvriti and merit. Home un pr'nclpled dealers, howevei ( try 10 dccilve taeir cis wii ers by fe lit p cheep and untitles compounds in ordi r to make money In place or these B- n it de c ted 11 ihe tlrwt clua wil no buy thetn lor you, write 10 uh, and we wl 1 fend ihciu lo you bv exnress, socurely packed, and tree lrom obteivation We treut all dlseies to which the human sv?teiu is stitjeot, and will be p cased to iccelve lull and explicit s-at meiitslrom thone w I o have ioI ed to receive rel et horeio nro. ladles or Eentlenrn can a dte-is u in vrfet e nridimce. Weae sire to semi our tlnrty-two pane pamnblct tree to every lari.i and Kcntlemnn iu the land. Address all letters tor pamph.eia, uiedicines, or advice to (he sole nriprletor, v v Dr. W. R M ER WIN, 6 S mwfSip Ko. S7 WA! KEB Street, N. Y. HUNTER, No. 41 N. SEVENTH KTBF.F.T. AKOVK FILBERT. FTITL VDELPHI A Acknowledi cd bp aV part'-1 interettrd as by lar the WOM Sill 'L'sFUL PHVSICIkN In the treatmont if ueate in h$ tpe'ialttt QUICK, THOROUGH, atidrtmiarfvl e'irei ouarameed iu every cese. Bemernb. r 1 R HrSTHM eiohrated Remedies can onlr he hi d perulue at his old es abllHliedOihco, No. H N. ISEVEMU Street abov. Gilbert. CDs 7 23t EXCURSIONS. JJOURTH OF JULY EXCURSIONS ! EXCURSION TICKETS BETWEEN ALL POINTS OS THE PHILADELPHIA AND LEAPING RAILROAD, AND BRASCUICS, WILL B B BOLD AT RKDIJCKD RATES. GOOD FROM JULY Sd TO 7TU INCLUSIVE. JOHN WELCH, 6 20 Strp General JTIcktt Agent -pOl'itTII OP JULY EXCURSIONS. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. TX'.URSION TICKETS, From Philadelphia to Beth ehein, Dovlestowa, Easton, Alleutown. alauoh Chunk and WUkoibarre, will be issued at reduced n.tcs. lrom the Ticket Oillces, on Third street, above Thompson, and corner Boris and American streets, on the 'id and 4tn ol July, good to return utitl' the evciunii o July sth. hoi xcui slon TLkcts sold on the cars. 6 30 31 l.LLIS CLARK, Agent. cwow S4 FLA ECS FLOUR. tiieiki;st in the would. DAVIS & MCHARDS, ARCH p.nd TEKTII Sts. -m U It . 1 T u iv L A n a e s T, J' ( hespett nd Hest 8100W of fc'uruiture la the w oru u to ue iuuuo m G ULD A CO.' ITMON KI llNII I'RE DEPOT. COBNEP. OK NINTH D M-tKKKI' HTilEETJ, ai d hos. 87 and 3!l N M I'UND StreoL Parlor bulls, lu Uuu Brocade, Plush Datnosk, or Dl'nlnp-room, bambcr. Library Kitchen, and Oflflce fuiul1 urc, at tabu oualv low prices, and the newest tt e and patterns. I'ubllo Lulldinit bchool, College, and Shop Furtltura lu enjuss ar.tv. .... All kinds oi Furniture wanted by bous keepers, at eicecdlngly low pi lets at el'herol their liuimuo estab lihhinrnls It v. u wjnt to save mone. and get well icived no to O1 Ul D & CO. before pu-cliuu uk elne wheie torrer.fNIMU and UAUh.El'. and Nos. 17 and i9N. 8ECOvD bueek i 2IU6D TOB PRINTINfS, IN COLORS OR PLAIN, tf neatly and rzpeditlously done In the EVENING .' "- -MIAPH BUILDIHU. thUd floor. WIur r V