THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JULY 3, 18GG. LETTER FROM PARIS. Warm Wentbcr and Ita EfTeoM en Good floeletj City 1'anUlonablea Taking to the Water, bat the Elite of the Then. twtn la Town A Nlnjrer from the Opera Ceiuiqne and a Dancer from the ha telt uronptd with a Sporting Baron The lir-e) of "Panlln" and "Corn" Economic and Uoori Order of One ot the I-adlit Aooifiuonit Admirers Dw an Kegnlated by the Thermome ter Nklrts. Nbawh, and Clrenlnra. Paris, Juno 15 Tlie lust and Decent toplo of con versation ou tlie Boulevards is not bo muoh the liu pendiug war ai the present heat. When two geu t emen meet, tbo first thing tUuy do is to wipe their lorchcads and discuBS tho tbormomcter. The second, to condole with laca otner on the necessity ot sup porting; ex.stonco. The thud, to look bored, and complain ol the glare and dust, while thoy decide between suppressed yawns that Paris is empty, and awfully Slow. Nothing ot more intellectual order is exchanged between lliom ml thoy part, with tho exception oi assurances mat tner uon t moan to stand it any longer, and intend to start for Dieppe, Xromille, or Vichy the very next morning, in is may be very fashionable discourse out it in very unjust; neither is 1'aris slow because tlioio dandies can find no amusement out ot t le atmosphere of , tholr own drawing-room circles. And much docs their own circle care toi these heavy swells. How glad are nil tuoie who compose it to rot rid of their company as soon as there are no more cotillions to lead. llo .ldps. Tarts is not empty. There mar be fn .ver carriages at the Blois, for the creme de In cremt ol so ciety is certainly floating on water wherevor that element is to be found; but we have still the cioam ot theatricals left, and 1 do believe that is ono ol tne licbent when there is nothing else to tall back on, - especially wten enjoyed as 1 enjoyed it yest'Tday, in - the oool at lortoni's. 1 had Just levelled tho top ot one ol those diminutive Bionumon's ca led ices, ubieh, though they do auect the shape of a granito obeiitk. n fit on very short notice into nothing; but straw Den y and pineapple, when some obsequious bowing of waiters predicated tho approach ot en important habitue. When these oMclals in frizzed ha r and sh'ny shoes had sufficiently dislo cated their backbones tliey mado way, not lor one Thuliitue, but for two tastofully dressed lomalo habitues, , and very pretty onos, too. 1 recognized them inline ,' iliately, ono as being a singer from tho Op-ra ; Comiquo, where I had seen ber in GotinoVs new . piece, LaColombe; tho other a dancer from tho Cna ' telot. i ooy were followed by a gentleman ap peared to have no piolession, certainly nothing to lo on the stage, but lie might bavu acquired a good deal ol experience behind tho scenes, ills olT-haud ivr iitiL fill iiiiiiiii. (ill iiiv iiiiiiii yi ill i.iin nna ito r. ne enueuiKU. no was evidently no paid aotor world a nian born Wth a titlo and probably to a largo fortune who cm condescend to I eel them selves at home any whore, and was have a peculiar knack ol innking every ono and everything subser vient to their entertainment A good deal ol smiling and peasant nodding to bo ine lui-oujrn rigiii ana icit between tne actresses Id their lucnda at tho cure. During these silent icognitiuns the lady lroui tne Opera Conuiiuo, Shorn wo will call 1'au mo, was fanning lnrsoll des- ratciy. iiiairiio i, itom inojcnaioiei who, by-he-way, does not boneve that tho good omnion of le world is an indimousatjle addition to hnr roDu- ftlbn ns a iluncor was clipping on a bracolot over pie wrist oi licr g ovo; thoir cavalier sot to twirling lis dark mustaches, while 1. with rauid irlancc. Itudicd tho ladles' toilets in less timo ttiuu 1 can fletonbe them. The danseuse, whoso greetings were most luscina- -urg, was urcsseci in a skirt and jacket or pink foulard, trimmed witb white guipure, p aced ou in aigzag ibriu. Her g psv or Laballo bonne t was made of whito tnllo, trimmed with a veiy circu:ar wreath of pink wild roses. White tnllo btrings wero crossed under the chignon with very long pink ends, somewhat . Burrow; In roarings, hoops oi pink coral, A rosy hu, whotliornatuittl or not is a question, was spread all orer Muu'ilo. p's leatures, while a delicate odor ol tea roses stcmod to emanate witii every motion from ber little prnceiul figure. Every ono is not supposed to know that that particular scent is to be bad at particular shops, and people who are ignorant of the tact might have taken the lady for , an animated blown rose a very animated one it is true. Alad'lle S., who ii somowbat tall and slondor, was die8rea in one ot tho new organdies called Lady oi tho Lake." Th patter:.! is very lovely. It forms a spiral of water lilies and long crass up tho Middle of each width, so as to all w of the seams lieing Blightly gored towards the top. Tho flowers, are large at the bottom of tlie sk rt and diminish Into notluug but leathery wator-rushos and forgot-mo-nots at the wai t. Die ground is tho shatio of a very c ear lake, neither blue nor preen, but tinted vert d'eiu. 1 should say this dross is decidedly warranted not to wash, even though shopkeepers were to swear to tho contrary till they became blue In the" face But bo tho colors last or nor, a "Lid ot the Lake" is a thing to be made a good doal ot before it gets spoiled, and my opinion is that Mad'llo ' S. agrees with me in this. Her bonnet was no less tasteful. It was made ot white nee straw, Lambailo shapo, but at tho same timo it formed a point n rVi .VI any Stuart on tho loio bead The front was fringod all round with orvstal drops to imitate water, while on the top, over ono water lily in grass, hovered a gorgeous dragon fly, &tr,nas oi vert d'emi tulle were drapod round the checks ot the wearer und fastened under ber chin villi another winged insect. A loose white luco jacket over a plain organdio body, made of the same material as tho skirt, and a plain core ed band to match tho ground, completed the toilet. The fan was made of vert d'eau taffeta, In tho middle ot which was one white laco butterfly. 1 bad noted the ladies' toilets so quickly that be. fore tholr ices wore brought I bad time to oosorve that the gcniloman had left Oil' twirling his iiiojs- taohes, and tnat ins neckuo was striped witii tno Duke of iicauloit's colois. Another glance at the U knob ol his stick, whicn represented a miniature norse ruce cut in ivory, anu a unru at m stun out tons, which wore golden borBeshooi aud diamond . vails, couv.ncod mo that be was either a turlito or affected to be one. When iceB aud waters wore Jilaced boiore the trio, Mad'lle S., who bad bean at rat live minutes silent, gave ber bearors the subject ol her thcuithts: "Dm I not bear you tell somo one at the rehearsal that vou iboiiflit Centlrillon in lor a hundred nights' running?" "1 did; which number, if multiplied by threo will not make one too many tor those who have the plea sure g.1 offering y ou a bouquet aftor oaoh act." "Ah ii 1 cared for flowers f What Is to become of ns in the (log-dii)sT Just fancy a tierce Tauline' in this tropical beat! What witj tho changos, tho trocs, and the traps, one bus not timo to breathe. A table has to turn into a carriage, and mice into men, in no more time than it tukes to rub my solos on a bit ol clia'x 1 lion , wine 1 am executing my jhts, which, y u know, is a deux temps, all the slides aud slopes are being soaped and cue, 1 have scarcely .finished the la-t twinkle-twinkle, ending witii a pirouette on the tips ot my toes, whon a 1 tho ma chinery is put In motion, i ho very boards 1 am courtttyiutr on liavo to open, and great big traps gape viae euouuh to swabow me up. It my l -et -Mere only a litt.e bit larger, down 1 should go; but somoliow or other 1 manage to keep a position on the head ot a nail till something larger is pushed up. It has become positively dangerous to road over anonymous letters at the Cbatolet, and bow I usod to enjoy them between my entrees." "You don't mean to say youread.yojr anonymous letters, Coia?" i "ibe only things I ever do read, my dear, and here tbev are." continued tne dunseuse. taking a t who'c baudfal ot envelopes out of her pocket; "if , you don't mind holDiinr. both of vou. it wou'd bo so 'kind " As the lady said this she dealt to each a email parcel. "No objection at all," said tbo Baron, much de lighted. 'Oh, Cora, in the namo ot your fathor, if you ever bad one, don't inflict auj thing ot the kind on mo. 1 bud to sort all my own this morning, lor I bave adopted a plan." "Capital! Very good!" interrupted the Baron, putting down bis first letter. "Mad'lle Cora, you are asked to scratch your nose after your hr.t court aey bt lore tl.e footlights if you mean to encourage a poor lollow who signs 'Dying Victim.' " "Encourago him In what?" asked rosy Cora. "Weil, lie does not specify; I suppose you are sup posed to know." . nothing of the kind," retorted Cora; "and I shall tot scratch my nose. 1 like people to say what encouragement they expoot. What were vou going to Bav. l'aulino, about your plan?" I "Ibai It Is expeditious, aud avei a good deal ol trouble. There are but two sorts of auony . iiious lettors, the useful and tho useless. The former are those which accompany a souvenir; the latter those which offer nothing but a heart aud bermltae. "Decidedly useless," echoed Cora "Well, 1 have all my uselul 'letters bound in red Hussian leather; the others In calf, for my old ago. when I hope this volume will amuse me, and tne numbei ot m oast conauesta olfur some compensa tion for the loss of my charms. A glance over the Ant fnw lm of a letter settles its lato. Mv ansiver to the uselul ones is a card sent or lett In the courss oi mv drives. iut tot us iaia mi m" mom. you know 1 am going to invest a good doal ot money in a Cliuiiuily business!"' "What Is to be done to a young man who signs Student,' snd who has written a long epistle In verse, beginning with 'O, thou goddess, who,' ero , etc, and ending wltn somo very long lines to the effect that you will make the writer thereof the hap piest of men by eating tlie six pounds ot bonbons you will find at the Chatelet this evening. Any answer to tbatf" asked the llaron, winding up. "What do you snggostf" asked Cora. "Hi at he should run his pen through his body, and thus put a stop to poetical cITunious for the inture." "But I dare say his bonbons are better than hit poe'ry." ' Ti en, if you like, I will answer and say that you are donghted his happiness Ins within the powers of your digestion " "J hank you; it it does not look too cannibal like on paper, it sounds very well, and plenso go on while 1 lesson with l'tuline on loco I am atrald you aro very extravagant, my dear," oontiuued she, turning to her friend, "and it you go on buring thantiliy when Cam brat wou'd do just as well, oi course you will never havo a nest to fly to when your sinmnpr days aro over. 1 am a vory good manager iu matters ot dress.and spend little on it in private life, though even the Karon, who is a vory tolerable judge, savs no one can outdo me. Icon, tend that the money we gain with our legs and our throats ought not to be frittered awav In ribbons and lace, lhink of tho future, Pauline; throats do not generally outlive ono's beauty; but It is not so much a question whether legs last longer than throats, as whether State funos wi 1 not last longer than dress. Ol con r so people in our position must have all the luxuries of life, but they ought never to pay for them out of tholr savings, and men are so linppy when thoy have something; to give worth our acceptance." ' "Cora, my dear, you speak like a prophet." "Observation not science, has taught me a good deal, l'auline. My wardrnbo Ii mounted with wiso economy, and according to the necessities of the season. Isow, taking summer lor Instance as a rule to go by. 1 divide tbe thermometer into three degrees below zero and three above. Zoio stands tor no clothes at all. The three below aio cool, hot, very hut; tho three above dress, full dross, stunning dress." "Tims'." exclaimed rnulino, 'now what do you cull a cool?' My 'cool' is made of what in shops Is styled Knickerbocker, that jasper sort of stuir, wool and cotton. 1 have a petticoat, skirt and jacket to match, trimmed with motlior-ol peail profiles on jet medallions; of course to ero aro roins in tho bick ot the neck, and medallions on a pieco of stuir cut on tbe cross round the sleovcs. My belt is studded with the same. I woar a chip straw gipsy, and a garland of field flowers with lliK My 'hot' is a mauve lmas, skirt and jacket, without any body. I wear it with high chemisettes, having linen cull's and pointed collars. The skirt is trimmed half up the seams with white and mauve silk cord the same on the jacket. I wear a white potticoal with this, hav ing a Iriilod flounce which can bo buttoned on a1! round, and taken oil' avotonte; uecktio and hair bands, of course, to con espond, A function made of Hut violets Is all 1 put on my head. "My 'very hot' camo homo yesterday It Is a white alpaca, trimmed with folds of porcolain bluo taffeta, cut on the cross around the bottom Tne I ody 18 low, over winch I wear indoors a tullo fichu ot open-worked chemisotto. When I go out 1 take off my fichu and put on ono of those neat l eleriues made ot porce'nin blue tull'ota aud cut in the shapo ot a shouluer-piece. It is trimmed with nothing but a blue ruche to match, wbicn talis over tho top of my low body, 1 his, with barque; on a blue belt, helps to compose a very distingue walking cos tume." "How coinpleto and dcgarjcV exclaimed l'aulino. "And observe, my dom , no wasbing, no tumbling. Where is tho woman who could not allord a cool, hot and veiy hot t" ' Kow for tho degrees above zero?" askod Taulino, interested. "For dress I have this pink foulard; for lull ornss a white-striped cliainbory, witii body aud bjsques mode of white tnfleta, trimmed with laco, which I have worn lor years on bundieds of things, and which always looks new; a loose white iackot and a 'hergore' bat. it is mario ot rico B iaA-, and not too Bat. 1 here is a wroath of white lilac and b nek currants all around it over a tall ot tbe same lace 1 have on tho body, and behind long white libbou eiit!, with a bouquet ol lilac dotted on nore and tboro, "As to mv (tunning dress.whlch is indeed a banker. you may be suro, 1 was never puilty of buying a tbiend of it. Follow my advico, Paulino, divide tho thermometer, as I do, and your clothes accordingly. You will soon bave a pretty little villa, style Uvgenee, line mine out at moger." "Very tolerable wine in Iho collar," chimed in the Baron, "o!d china in tne dining-room, best arabor brocade in the drawing-room, pink, bluo, and lilac chintz in the bedroom, ana " ' Very good company to move about in," inter- tuptcd Cora, "wbon lean got out ol these phos phoric clouds at the Cbatolet," "Kow, liaron, bow are you getting on? any. thing particular beyond tho bonbons." " W Iiv, hoio is a man wno is to ttirow nim selfoll tho 1'ont Keuf if you will not cough near stace box No. 2, fiist tier, and a clerk at somo bank, who wants to know it your eyeB are brown, grev, or blue, tie has paid a good sum ou brown ; but it they are not jou aro to snooze aftor having smelt tho bouquet he moans to send spinning at your leet this evening. Then thero It a gentle lady's cpistlo, who oilers vou dajiirers or poison for having led her husband what 1 should call a pretty dance, but which she styles 'an inextricable labyrinth of debts,' tho central station of which is a quiet coll at Clichy. Kow, Indies, by my watch it is 3. In an hour or to you will say it is 'getting up timo' for the theatres, and I don't mean to bo done out of our drive round the lake at the iioK I propose that this debate shou Id be broken up " Garcou," shouted bo, nud tlirco of the gontlomen who answered to this summons sood by his side. Vr bilo the Baron was set'ling witlitlicr extortionate demands the two ladies Had a lit t lo low whispering togethei . A crowd of habitues co. looted mean vhno round tr.e entrance to see as muc l a tnev could ol Cora's loot nmi ankle, of which she rnaiio ratHor too grand a db play us i-he got up tho Baron's carriogo BtlfB, The new fashions of this week are those I have already seen und described in mv preceding lot:ors, and which bad not yet como out in Paris. Short oveiskirta a-e sewn in the snrao band as tlie netl coat. They are worn over. Crepe do Chine shawls bolng Quito discarded aro cut into circulars or rc toudes. and are very much worn Prottv Lambailo dentures, with ends, tor looping up skirts, are mtido of white French merino, dotted over with black beaiis Nothing newer than tho auove details ol Cora's wardrobe. A Y. Jit raid. J LEI N ' 8 WILLOUOHHY 8, MASON'S, LYMAV8, 1' A T 13 N T AIR-TIGHT ELF-SEALINO FRUIT JATtS. All the above Jars we oiler to our customers and the public ueneral y, witb entire confidence, at tne ,f LOWEST Market Price. A. J. WEIDENER, fo. 38 8. SECOND Street, Philadelphia. 6 91m JILLWAKD & "WINElUlfiNEU. VM, MILLWAKD, J. B. WIMiBKENER. MAC1IIKEKY AKD MANUFACTURERS' SUPPLIES, No. 118 MARKET Street, 1HILADELTUIA, PA. AOENTS FOB THK EALK OF Cotton and Woollen Machinery, Dealers In Manufacturers' Supplies of every do scription. Oak Tanned Leather Belting:, AND MACniNB CARD CLOTIIINGr Of best Quality and manufacture. 4 25 8inrp Q II E E N PEA S, GREEN CORN, FRESH PEACHES, FBESH TOMATOES, PLUMS, AI-BERT O. IlOJJKItTS DEALER IN FINE OUOCERIES, 13 Ip Cor. ELEVENTH and VINE 8troot, X- CUsJif KLINES .Jj 1 PATENT, I ( Jll-Mill.- MEDICAL. yox roruLi. WlllGHT'S TAR SYRUP. TlilJfCIPAL DEPOT, No. 771 South TJIIUD Btret Trice, $1'00 per Bottle;$510 for hfllf-a dozeD. Tie undersigned citizens take pleasure In cheerfully recennii'iKiIng tlie use of Wrlnlit's Tar Hyrup lor coughs, colds, contumi'tlon. whooping-cough, spotted lever, liver complaint, rnlns In tlie breast, bronchitis, Inflammation, and restriction ol air vesse s in the lungs, etc. 1 lie renudy ehould be In every family Charles tl. W i.son. Forno 's re$i ofllce. Charles II. Hraflen, Sunday AJercury oilica, James Kolcn. Inquirer ofllce. Wbllnin F.C'orblt, Associate! Press. William II. Carpenter, Fire Alarm and Police T graph. Filth and ( hesnut streets. A Kanilulph, Front and I ombnrd streets. James W. ferrlne No. 11 29 Charles street. II. A. Davis No. .m Osskl I street. John W oodsltle. No U.I I Fmnklln street. Hubert Thompson. No. lt!08 Walter street. K. . Marco, No. 626 Fianklln s reet. J llebloll. Ho 7111 8. second street. Jr.lm hevniour. No. 813 H. Y ront street. E. W. Howard, Mo. 1 Dock street It. V. Hartlett. No. .127 8. second street. L. Itatea Ho. &li Arch street Albert Martin. No. 417 H. Heeond street. Mary Caldwelk No. I'i82 Hansom street W. '1 honias. No. W N. Fourth street T. M. artliy. No. bo E iroth's alley. (ieorge WI son. No. 2,16 Itace street. W. F. Ilrooks, N'o.69 North Second street M. J. Ilassett, No. 119 Canal street S. Ncymour Rose UusMeton. Oinr is Rogers, N- Vil Bouth street R. T. We.itnRion, Second and Quarry streets V. K. Thomas, No. 1:16 Mouth slxt.i street Wlllliira Hams, No 616Houth Front street S. 8. Hamonl, Opera Manai;er. John HJoxlnn's. rear of No. 134 North 8ccond street Mrs. 8. K. C'boate, Newark, Del. Afr. Wdlinm Ii. Wriqhti 8m: Wo tnko pleasure In recommending yourlTAlk SYKt'Ptof which we have already told considerable auantitiesl as a most excellent and efhoaclous remedy lor the complaints set lorth In your printed bill already submitted to the public. Asa frailty Inn act to sulTerfna humanity we will cheorlU'lv recommend your prepara tion to a 1 atlllctrd with diseases which It is designed to c ure. Yours, etc.. ' ' DIT.KS SOX, Drnggtsts. N, . corner Flue and Sixth street For a'e also at JOHN SUN, HniXOWAT COWDEN'S, DYOTT & CO 'rt. A nd all principal Drurglsts and Dealers. The subscriber would beg leave further to sav thai be is prepared to 11 .1 orders and forward the Syrup tc any part ol '.he country. Persons desiring other Intor mat ten by i.iflil will Inclose a postage sinnip and answen will be returned as coon as the exhiencfus ot businest will admit Address WILTJAM . WRIGHT, 320 No 771 B. TI111U) Htreet Philadelphia, Pa. Q. L A D irVS FOR THE VNFOllTCNATE. BELL'S SPECIFIC REMEDIES Are warranted In nil cases, for the Ptkudt and Pebma hkhT Cl KB ol all diseases arising from excesses or YOUTHFUL I.DICHEUON. Emissions, tienltal, Physical and Nervous Debility, Im potence, etc. etc NO CHAVOr, OF DIET IS KFX'EHS ARY'. They can ue used without detection, and never tall to c fleet a Cure, If used uccordlnii to instructions. hell's spkcTfic pills, Price One Dollar per Hox, or Six Doxes for Five Dol lurs; uito, Laiiie Loxes. containing Four8mall, Price Three Dollars. From four to six boxes nro ncnerallv rentilrcd to cure drdiiiHrv cases ot 8eminnl Weakness, thouuh benefit Is derived troin utduH a single box in t nronic i uses, and particularly wncn impotenco or Cei ital Dcbl iiy with Korvous Prostntlou bas allcctcd the system. HELL'S TONIC PILLS Are recommended as the most Ffllcacious, Rejuvenating and I n viburnum,' ltemeuy in tno wor a. A 1' iii-kayo Piico Five Dollars, wi 1 last a month, and Is ntucrai y sulllcient In extreme cases of Debility and Impotcnco, HULL'S EXTERXA L REMEDY, Price Two Dollars, sulllcient for a month, can be used to good advantage. It gives htreiiKta to the Orpans. and, wltn the Pills, Will restore them to their normal condition. A Pamphlet oi 100 panes, on iho hltKOUH OF YOTjriL designed as Lecture and Cna bin to Young Men, sunt tree. Ten C'euiB required to par postage. of your DiUKBist, take no other, but send the money direct to DR. JAMES BRYAX, Consultinp; Physician, No. 810 BROADWAY. New York, imi vnn vrin rfpoWn i honi hv Titturii of mail oust na'd. and lice from observation. For sale by uxun at co., jmo. a x. bh.uju btrcct. o 11 CHOL E It A DISARMED!!! The Chief Causes of Testilence Destroyed XI R. E. COinTAltLT'S DISINFECTING FLUIDS, secured hv Letters l atent in tho United Ftates and Prance. Prepared sole'y by the cw York Dislnlcctinu Company, in tlielr Laboratory. Kos. )!'J8, 300, and 3n2 1 1 F.N It Y btrcct, New l'orkj Ollice, No. 42 CLDAlt btreet 1 his Company orianizod on a permnnont baslf, wltn Dr. ( ouitoret. the celetnitted Flench ( licinisi. in chane ol Its I ahoratory, Is prepared to lurnlsh lis IHbiSKtcr l'i.tii8 tor bick roouiB. nurorles, urlnuls. wuiei cloHets, privies, cescpools, soer, gutters, Hhlp.-i, riii roads. liotiplluls prisons and public lnntitutions ot all klndH, HiauMlitcr-lionHea, oltal and lat-boln iif a-tahliRli-mt nls; a I klntis ot nmnurcM ( minenseiy Increasing the value of the latter to every larniei) and wherever p ii sonoUH and ollenBive ganes exist, 'these auis aro de ocorizcrs. mtlieptlcs. anliputrescent, and disinfectants In the scientific meaning' ol the words. They remuve uoxIouh taxes andodom by cliemlcul principles loavuifc In their places heat'hful air; they are hksthoveiih, anil not merely ttbtvrtxnis ot poisonous xases not Injurious to utenfils in which they aro used, '1 lie attention ol vrfilical and seiciititlc men isdirecedto ttieso cllaiiHec tnnlH. Attached are tcsilmon a s In tuvor ot this great di"coverv, which, villi hundreds of others, can be scon at the Company's orltcc. Delavam House. Albany, March 30. 1866 To the President ol the New yolk Dlmnl'ectlnir Conip.tny Dear Mr: It Is all it is represented to he We have made mauv trials ot r Isinicctnnts, but now consider that we havo lound an article vlilch tuirpasses all otheis as a r, ni,iv iilhIi st all had i(i(iri. T. UOKMEL & CO. New VoitK, April 0, 18ii. To the 1'resident ol the Kow York IJlsin cctirg Cenipany Hear Mr: Wo pro nounce It without exception to lie the best we h ive ever known. Its cllect upon every matter is complete and I nftsntnneoUH. C. A. r-TETSON, Aator House. N . 11. 'iliene Pislntectanis ate uxed by the scavengers, under the direction ol iho Pnnltuty Po Ice ol tho MjUo pojitan llealih Iie)iartiuenl New York VOWH.L fe I llOAl PSON. No ii CEDAR St., N". Y. General and Sole Auents lor tho I'ulto.l states an t the i uiw.ilitM. In i In in all orders should be addre.s? 1 For hale by all Druttiilsts uud General Dealers In the l nttea r lates ana i ananas. dimiu IvU.LKSSt;Y'8 VKUK1AULK PILLS CORK 1 J DvHpepsla. Dlarrliu'S. Hheumatisui, Hick Head- ui lie. anu an derangements oi ine i.iver joey purnv Uih liloud and muko the skin soil and talr. For sale bv .r. I.hhKF.Y, No ;i3!!N.MNTIi btrcct, Philadolshla. And hv llrucirlsts L'enerall' . Caiidkn, N. J ,feeptemtier2 1865 Or. Lcssey Dear Rir: It gives uie great pleasure to add mv testimony In favor ot your "Vegetable Liver Pills" 1 had been III let Ml with deranged onditlon of the Liver for ton years, and. during that time, suffer d Intensely Iroin acrid mchaf uea iroin stomach and bowels, seriously piosttatlng my physical and mental energies lor weeks at a time, so ninch ro the' mv li e was despalied ol. Hut, til ouijhakliid Frovidence, I was Introduced to you, and by the u? of your f Ilia I havo been wouder- lullv tertoreil, not having had an attack o my old com plain or lost a tingle Haboath service. 1 boy act lik'i a Cliarill 11 UU li lltL Uffll lur uicui, t iinvu uu uuuui J sbou d nave ticcn tali tmie nom tne uiini'try I must anu ft lev: lines ill tavor of vour 'Life Fra- server " or Ytgetable Liniment. I bave used U I'm Kryslpelau Scalds and Kwus and Inllaimuations: it yiroduces remarkable results. I yvns cured of a very bail mm Iiv Ita use Man ol mv neighbors aro UHinir It and It gives universal satisfaction. It mould bo in ever bouse. mors, TtTV. J. V. tiTOOKTOS, 4 28tatbs.'m TIUHD Street, I amdeu, S. J, OUHIKHIHO CAMPHOR TROCHE8, , Poaltlve Preveauvs or O 131 OLE mo Plarrhoeft, Dyientery, ua vnoior mwuu, . r jr. "6, 5. mailed on ' TvEAFNKSS. BLINDNESS, AND CATARRH treated wltn tne utmost suocess by J. ISAACS i. Tl.. Oca 1st and A or 1st. No. 61U PINK Htreet. Teitl monlalsiVom the most reliable sources in tne oirr can baseen at blsofflce. Tba Medical Faculty ar Mvlted to accompany tnoir paiienn. u ne nas no secrets lu nt practice, ariiuciai tjru uihiuhi miuuut yaiu. chariie made lor examination. u 1 i THREE GENERAL AGENTS WANTED TO sot In important locations for the Hew York Aocl dental Insurance Company. Activoirrfnol good address, apply to KBAkK O. ALLEN. HrmU Ofitca, Nq. 4tn CUKBN'VT Btreet. Apply soou, (a LUMBER. i - B " I Lb I NO! BtTILDINO J-OUU. I.UMHFK1 LUMHKRI LU.MUEHI BT P 1IOA R.IS. RAIL PLANK WHITK PINK L.ORINf TEIL"W I'INF. KI.OOHINO. BPRCCE I'INF, ri.O')KIN A8d AN" l WALNUT FLOOBl.N0 I'LASTKRINO LATH PLAK1 F.K1NU LATH. 1806 IFWpi'h I,t'ML0CK' AND 0AK riNE, HEMI OCK, AND OAK TIMBER, Cl T IO A BILL, CUT TO A HILL, AT HHOKT JhuTICE. I860 PKI1AR Avn liivi? atrrvni.irq ). CFDAR AND PINE SHINGLES. to. I i.uim Lf JAR HHINGi,KH. No. 1 HHOKT fKMR KHINGLE8. WHITK PINK MIINOLFJJ. CYI RKHS BHINGLK8. FINE A SHORT WENT FOR SALE LOW 1 CHil -LUMHKR FOR UNPF,RTAKRR3! ! lOUU. LUMBER FOK UN DFRT AKERS1 1 V F D CEDAR. WALNUT, ANl PINE. RED CEDAR WALNUT, AND PISE. i Cfifi ALBANY LUMKKROP ALL KINDS J-OUU. ALHANY LUMBER OF ALL, KINDS SEASONED WALNUT. SK A SON F D WALNUT. DRY POPLAR CHERRY. AND ASH. OAK PLK. AND BDS. MAHOGANY. ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT VENEERS. I860 ClfiAR-BOX MANUFACTURERS. J. CIOAR-HOX MAMFACTURKRi. SPANISH CEDAR ltOX HOARDS. AT REDUCED PRICES. -1 QCICX TRUCE JOIST 1 TRUCE .IOIST ! XOUU. HPHUCK JOIST! SPRUCE JOISf I ' FROM 14 TO ' FEET LONG. FROM 14 TO 82 FEET LONG. SPRUCE SILLS. HEMLOCK PLANK AND JOIST. OAK SILLS. MAI LE lUlOTIlFR ft CO., 5 2? tnirp No. 2!M SOLTU bTREET. UNITED STATES 13UII.DE It'S MILL, Nos. 24. 26, and 28 S. FIFTEENTH St., rniLADELrniA. ESLEK & BROTHER, WOOD MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, STAIR BALUS TERS, NEWEL POSTS, GENERAL TUBSINO SCROLL WORK, ETC. BUELVINO PLANED TO ORDER. The largest assortment oi Wood Mouldings In this city constantly on hand. 417 3m TV. SMALTZ'S LUMKKR YARD. N. E. . comer of FIFTEENTH and STILES Street OFFERS FOR SALE, CHEAT FOR CASH Panel 1st com ,2d com ,3d com., 4 4, 8-4, 6 B, 8 4, White Fine, seasoned. E li t-t and second quality Yellow (4 4, 6-4) and White Pine (4'4) Flooring Boards First and secoua 0ua ity ono and two sides Fcnco Ponrris. Mitlvltig Hoards Pass, Ash Planks and Boards, White Pine Mils, all siies step Hoards, 4 4, 5-4. Ilcniiuck Joist and Scant. lug. all sixes. Piiuie lot Spruce Sil s and Scantling P. altering Lath (English aim Calais) Pickets. Milnsles. I hesnut Posts etc. 2Mb hi I. any. Walnut I'lank and Boaids. All kinos ol Building Lumber cut and furnished at the berk st notice, ot the lowest price. 6 81m J C. P E R K I N B, Successor to 11. Clark, Jr., No. 324 CHRISTIAN STREET. Constantly on band a large and varied assortmen of ISuildinx Lumber. 5 24$ STOVES, RANGES, ETC. TJNION OIL STOVES, A new and complete apparatus lor Cooking and ii eating by Petroleum Oil. Our Stoves give no smoke or odor, and are not liable to get out oi older, being as simple In every respect as a Kerosene Lamp. 1 ho Buker, Broiler, and Flat-Iron Heater arc the only special articles of fur nlture required. Foi all other purposes, ordinary stove lurniture may be used. DAVID II. LOSEY, 60LE AGENT FOR PENNSYLVANIA, No. 38 South FIFTH Street. liberal dif count to the trade. 417 3m ru QULVER'S NEW PATENT DEEP SAND-JOINT II0T-A1R FUlt NAG E. RANGES OF ALL. SIZKS. ALSO, FllltGAU'e) NEW LOW FKKSSUais STEAM IIEA11NU APPAKATUS. FOK BALU BY CHARLES WILLIAMS, 610 No. 3182 MARKET S TICKET, THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER; OH EUROPEAN RAN OK, lor families, hotols, or nubile institutions, in TWENTY lUFKEKfcNT fsl.I.S, Also, Phl.adolphia Ranges, llot-Atr fcur races. Portable Heaters, L,owuown urates, rireuoard Ktuves.liatt Boilers, htewhole Plates, llroilers, Cook- Ina htoves, etc., wholesa'e ana retail, by the manuue- turers. ii&oc, c i j iw ot. inujii wa, 0 1 stuinom no. ji. natuji nnu. PROPOSALS. C CLOTHING. Navy Department, BCREAU OF PltOVISIOSU AKD C'LOTHINO, June 20. 18G6 Kernrato Pronoals. sea'ed and endorsed ' Pro no- suls lorNavv Ciothtna aud Navy Materials." will bo itceived at this Kureau until 2 o c oclt I . ai., on tno 2ud day ot Ju y, lSuU tor turuisbinir and delivering (on receivnR thirty days notice) at the United States Navy Yard, P.rooklvn, N. Y., in such numbers and quantities, and at such times as may be spudded by 11)0 l uiei ui iu, x)iitctti, ur uy mo viiiiiiiinuuti.i, w said Navy Yard, the numbers and quantities of the dilli'icnt articles specilled in the following liar. viz: Bluo Flannel, yards, 200 000. Calfskin Shoes, pairs, 15 000. Blankets, numLor, 20,0u0. The Flannel to be doiiverablo one-half in 90, and one-bull in 120 days Odors may be mado fr ono or moro articios, at the notion nt the bidder, and In case more than out) ar ticle Is contained in tho oiler, the Chiof of the Bu reau yi 1 have t tie ritfbt to acceoi one or more oi the articles contained lu such odor, and reject the re- For description of the articles in the above list bid dors are referred to the samples at the Navy Yards at New York and Boston, and for Information ai to tbe laws and regulations (in pamphlet form) ioeard ins contracts, to the ollices of theCoronuiudants and Paymasters of the sevoral Navy Yards. The Department reserves the right to reject any proposal not considered advantageous to the Gov ernment; 6 20w4t K A L E D P1COPOSAL8 by the subscriber until 12 O Will be received o'olock M on THURSDAY, the P2th day ot July next, tor kCEXISUING THE MATERIALS and CONSTRUCTING CULVERTS In the First Culveit District of the city Of Cam den, New Jersey, as follows : ' ONE BH1CK CULVERT, four feet in diameter, extending trom Uve Intersec tion of Scooud and Aliokle streets, southward along Second street to the intersection ot Hartman street (about 1350 foet), and thence westward so lar as Is necessary to make an outlet to tbe rlvor Delaware. 0NE BRICK CULVEHTi three bet in diameter, extending from the Intersec tion ol second and Mickle streets eajtward along Mickie street to Broadway (about 1800 loot). ONE BRICK CULVERT, three foet in aiametor, extending from the intersec tion oi Second aud Stevens streets eastward along bteveiiB street to Broadway (about 1800 fee') Ou and alter the 25th day ot June iutant p'ans and s eoillcallons of the required wor will be tiled lor examination at the ofllce ot the City Clork. EDWARD U SAUNDERS, City tsurreyor, No, 85 N. Seoond streot. Camden, June 8, Wfi. tl 2!) 17 II PROPOSALS. PROrOSAT.9 FOR MATERIALS TO BK SUP- , PLll-L) TO THK NAVY YARDS, UND Kit THE COtiNIZAM'K OV TUB DUKfciAU OF biLAM EftUlNEKhlNO Kat Department, BURFAtt OF STKAM EMOIMtP.RIIfO V AnillmiTON. 1 ft .ftmn l'J IQil Fra'td Proposals to furnish Material tor tho Navy lor the fiscal tear, Jnim Jul. mi i. L reived at this Bureau nntii 111 o'oiocc A. M. r the 181b ot July next, at which time the propasali will Le opt ncd. 1 be proposals must be addressed to the Chief of the liurrtiu ot Miora Eiigmeorliig, avr D'part. ment, ashli pton, and must bo endorsed , l"ropo als lor Mntorials lor the Navy," that thcr may be distinguished liom other business letters. Printed schedules lor any class, ton other with In struct ons to bidders, sivinir tne iorms of proposal, ot puaranteo, and of certificate of guarantor, will be lumisned to fuch persons bj desire to bid. on application to the commandants of tho respective navy yard, and tlioso ol all tho yards on application to the Bureau. 1 he commandant of each navy vard and tho pur. cl osing Paymaster of each station will hnvo a copy of tho schedules of the othor yards, lor examlna tion only, in ordor that persons who intend tobld may judg-o whether It 1b dosirablo to make applica tion for any of thf oiasses ol tiiose yards. The proposal must be for the whole ol a class; and all applications lor Information or for tne examina tion ol ramplna, must bo mado to tho commandants ol the respective yards. 1 ho ) roposals must bo acoompanied by a certifi cate from tho Collector of Internal ltevcuuo tor the diet riot in which the bidder resides, that he hai a lie nso to deal in the articles for which he proposes and be must lurther sli' v that bo is a nianuluctinvr ot, or a regular dca or in, tho articles winch ho t'Oers to supulT. 1 he guarantors mu't be certified by the Assessor of Internal Kcvenuo lor tho district in which they reside. 1 he contract will be awardod to tho person who makes the lowet bid and vivos the guarautoe ro quired bylaw, the Navv Department, however, ro serving the riyiit to r ject the lowest bid, or any which it may deem exorbitant. Sureties in the full amount will bo required to si in tho contract, and the r responsibility must bo certi fied to tho satisfaction of tho Navy Department. As additional sf curity, twenty per centum will be with, be d Iroin tho amount of tho bills until tno contract shall havo been completed, and eighty per contum of tbe amount ot each bill, approved in triplicate by tho commancaut ot tbe respective yards, will bo paid by tbe Pay master of the station designated in the contract in luuds or oert liciitcs, at tho option nt the Gov ernment, within ten days after tho warrant tor tho sauio shall have been passed by the (secretary of tho lieasury, Iho classes of this Bureau aro numbered and desig nated as lollows: ,o. 1. Boiler Iron, oto. 'No, 21. Zino Taints. No. 2 Pig Iron. No. 22. C'oiorod IVnts, No. 3. Boilpr bolting. etc. No. 4 Gum Packing, eto. No. 23. Stationery. No. 6. Sperm Oil. 'No 24 Fire Wood, No. 6. 1-insoedOll. o. 116. Hickory. Ash No. 7. Lord Oil. Piauk, etc. No. 8. Lumber. No. 2t(. White line No. 0 Tallow and Soap. No. 27. Black Walnut and No. 10. Engineer's Stores j Clieny. No. 11. Knginecr's Tools. No. 28. Mahogany, ro. jz x ugiueer s msiru- a u. r,auiorns menfs. No, 30. LlgDumvitm. No 31. Dudgeons, Pumps, cto. No. 32. Sour Flour Cru cibles. No 83. Patented Articles. No. 34 Cotton aud Hemp Packing, eto. No. 35. Engineer's Stores. No. 86 Patented Articios. No 13. Brick, Sand. otc. No. 14. Wrought Iron Pipes, etc. No 11. rubes, No.lti Steel. No. 17. Nnils and Bolts. No. 18. Copper. lo. 19 Tin, Zino, etc. No 20. vy lute Lead Ibo followinK are the c asses by their number.', rcquiicd at the repectlye Navy ards: K1ITERY. Nos. I. 2, 5, C, 10, 18 1!, 20, 21, 22, 23. 83, 81. CHARLES TOWN. Nos. 1, 2. 4, 5, 6 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 17, 18, 10, 20, 21, 3, 24, 26, 27, 32, 85 3(3. BROOKLYN. Nos. 1, 2, 8. 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 8, 2, 83, 36. PHILADELPHIA. Nos. 1, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12 14, 10, 18, 19, 22, 23, 26, 83. WASHINGTON. Nos 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.19, 20, 21, 22. 3. C 19 tult GOVERNMENT SALES. SALE OF GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS, blABLES, FENCING, WHARVES, EIC, Af GII SBORO, D, C. QUARTERMABTER-ftENERAL'S OrPICE, ) FlUBT DlVlHlON, Washinotoh, D. C, June 19, 19rW. ) By order of the Quartormaster-General, there will Le told on the premises, at Public Auction, under tbe direction ot Captain George 1". Brown ing, A. Q. M., commoncing on TUEsDAl, Juiy 10, 1806, at 10 o'clock A. M., and continuing from tho same hour each day thereafter (except FBI DAY, Jely 13, ou which day the Water Works will be sold), until tho whole shall have boon dis posed ot, the following described public proporty, to wit : Eleven (11) OFFICES (frame) 28x140 (two sto riesi, 16x20, 16x38, two 2lix20 (two stories), 16x38 (kliehen adjoining 10x10), 12x32, 15x16, two 26x2d, aud 28x75. tignlv-nlno (69) LABORERS' QUARTERS (frame); seviuty-lour 16x18, lourteon 12x14, and one 16x16, with shed adjoining 8x11. Pen (10) DWELLINGS (frame), 28x50 (two storios, with back bui dinps 12x32), four 10x21, 15x40, 10x32, 16x'8 (With win;.' Iixl7. and two kitclious adjoin ng 9x12 aud luxlO, 16x2 i, with wing 10x14), 24x24 (With shed adjoining 15x10). Nine (9) MES--HOUSES (frame) 28x190 (two sto ries), 15x00 (with wing 16x20), 28x140 (two stories), 28x130 (with additions 10xi2), 28x140, 28x50 (two storicB). 16x50. 16x34, and 28x10. ltnrty-to (z) biAtiCi;s (iramo:; twenty-tour 28x432. six 28x356, ono 11x32. and one 12x29 (witii shed adjoining 11x56). uuoai uusi'ii al oiaiie, (iramo), witn o.'o lineal it-ei oi stuDiing. Ono (1) ISSUING STABLE (frame), with 6312 lineal loot oi stablinir. iwenty (20) BUILDINGS (tramel, 28xU2, 28x51, 18xiiU. 18XU1. 15xt5. 10X1U, lour lUxOU. loirUxS. 28x432, 2x140. 21x48, z8 x 300, 20x25, and 17x17. blltUDlAU, 7i&8 imeni leet Tuinv-two(32) WA1EK l'ANKS, 4x10: two leet deep. Seventy-eight (78) MANGERS, 8x16; three and a ha 1 leet tieep lneu'y (i.0) OUT liouolis. t)ne(l) It AY MIED 112x312. One (1) GRAIN HOUSE (Iramo), 50x220. Three (8l WHARVrS: One 40.181 snuaro feet, ono 11,169 square loot, and one 2880 eijuure leet. FENCING, 23 !0 lineal toot. Ono il) STOREHOUSE (tram"), 62x150. Two BLACKSMITH bilOPS (trauiol, 4SxlG3, and tilit;o One (1) ENGINE HOUSE, 17XS4. Tle Luildmcs will be sold singly, and must be re moved within twenty days. Iho buildings will bo takon down at the oxponsa of tLe purchasers. The depot is accessible by water, and vessels ot the largest class cau b'j loaded at tho whart. . , . 'lernis Cash, in Government lunas. A lioat lor Giesboro will leave tho Sixth street whart every hour during tbo day of sale. For lurther information apply in person, or by letter, to Captain GEORGE 1. P.KOWN1SG, A. O. JU., GioDoro, v. Ki., or vo mis oiuce. J A. t.lU., Hrevet Brigadier-General U. 8. A., in chargo, 6 20 wln:t)t Fiist Division, M G. O, s ALE OF MACHINERY, ETC Navy Department. Bureau of Yards ani Dockb, 5B, Washington. June 16. 1866. Will be sold at l'ublio Auction, at the Navy Yard NORFOLK, on SATURDAY, the 7tU day of July next., tne louowmg arno ea, vu. : 1 wenty-oue Rollers of Rolling Mill. btven .in an Aincnines One Guttle Mi'I (oomplete). 38 Rollers. Two bundles Saws ior Slotting Screws. - T wo Machines lor Slotting Screws. Seven Machines ior Cutting I'ureade.. Fcur Oil Retainei". Two Oil Press Rollers, Eight pieces Iron Shafting. Six (eta Couplings for Shafting. Let ol Taps and Dies for Gas Fitting. One box Lawn gs (leather), 1 line boxes Bolting, One Gun-sciew Machine One piece Lealhor Beltiiw. Juohos wide, 164 pounds. One piece Leather Bilting, ft inches wide, 141 pounds. One piece Leather Bating. SO Inches wido, 221 pounds. '1 wo rolls Gum Packing. Six bars Ootagon fdteol (oast). Sa e to commuuoe at 11 o'olock A. M. Terms Cash, In Government lunds; and all arti cios to be removed, from the yard within ton days from day of sa'o. By crier ot Nav, Dttrt. 6 19lutbflt . CWef Bti 1 yard and dqc,1m. GOVERNMENT SALES. SMS1ANT QUARTER VI AH TEU'S OFFWK. No. 11311 UIH AUD street, Philadelphia, Vmm syivama. July 2, 1HO0. .t.VVi"il . a2(1 Bt J0'1"0 Auction, on account or Iho Unitrd bta'os, on the grounds at IsL INO ION LAN K, PHlLADiLLPUIA, Pennsylvania rn TUEoDAT, July It), 1810, sale commouclng at 10 o'clock A M , preoisely, the buildings, etc. hero loloie known as CASir CAWALADER. V'e: 39 frame buildings, with Sbinglo roof. 7 fiamo sinks. 1 sentrt box. 1 flag staff, with ball and yane. 4doub'eleyer Iron foroo pump (llur'bhitu't patent) 6 Ti ood on pumps 7 woooon hydrants, with lead attacUmontj. 8 iron tiro p.uja. ti window ensiles, assorted. 8 table tojis aud 22 trostles. 6 desks. . 14 tables. 81 wooden benches. 2 wooden wash troughs. 2 carpenters' benches. 80 foet oK.ce railing. I ounter, shelving, drawers, eto. 14'0 leet piokot ti nco. 8418 It-et board fence, 12 feet high, containing about 69 ,000 feet rough boards and liomloo scant. "If' 1)0 "0,1 In ,ot8 ,0 ui' purchasers, B 2 lai re lota ol firewood. IHiO white pino shineles. 16,000 foot 4x6 hemlock scantling, used as plank rond. P 16,800 feet 8 Inch hemlock plank, used aa plank loud. 78 450 bricks, in oiuroncya, gut'ers, wolls, eto. 1 lie frame buildings contain about 172 410 bet hemlock scantling 60 6b) feet flooring and tougucd boards. 222 600 loot rouh boards. Iho buildings will be sold separately. Terms ot sa t Cash. Government funds. A deposit of ten 1 10) per cont. to be paid on nrnrr accepted bid ; the balance to be paid immediately alter tho solo. The Iron wn'or-pipe to be sold by the foot, more or less, as it lioa bnriod in the ground, to be dur uu and the ground filled in by tho purchaser, and by puyi iiiLini luuanuruiia'Ul nilluuma ll.) leet H indi Iron wa'i r-pipo. 5!'8 feet It -inch iron water-pipe. 202 loot J-moli iron viator pipo. Hie buildimrs. etc.. must lin remnrorl nllhlo twenty (20) days from dato of salo. and Will be at tha rl.'k of the purchasers IhoRidif" Aveuuu I'asseniri r llu'lwav 'nr mu near the Camp every iivo minutes. nv orner ot Brey. Brig.-Gon GEORGE H. CROSMAN, Ass't Qr. Master General U . 8, A. GEORGE B. UK. UK, 7 2 Ot Capt. and Assistant Quartermastor G O V E B N M E N T AT SAVANNAH, GA. S A L H SIX HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FIVE THOU- bA.U I'OLJSUS Or VKOUurHP AND CAST 1BON Will be sold at Ptiblio Auction, lrom the Mat a Arsenal Building, in Savannah, on V l!JJJt.MAl, July 11, 1806, Salo commencing at 10 A. M. 1 he Iron is as follows: 160.000 pounds t'asl Iron (Sholl Metal), in tha citv. near tho wharf. 130, OOC pounds Cast Iron (Guns), in tho citv. near the wharf. 43.000 pounds roueht Iron ScraD (Gun Carriao-a Irons), iu tho city, near tho whart. 91 000 pounds Cait iron (Guns), about five miles from tho city, on a good road. 61 OtK) pounds Cost iron (Guns), about nino miloa from tho city, on a good road. 15 500 pounds ( rut lion (Guns), about two milos lrom the city, on tho river; no road by land. lbu.ouu pounds cast iron (uuns), about lour and a half miles lrom tho city, on the river : no road bv land. 8100 pounds Cast Shell and Scran Iron, in tho Ions. Tho attention ol Northern buyers is tnvitoa to this salo Tbe rifle projectiles have on thorn sabota ot brass or lead aud antimony. Tho Iron will be divided into lots of from 20.000 to 100 000 pounds. iiuvers can get lists ai tne uranance JJepot at Savannah several days before the salo. iney are requested to examine tlie lots beioro tUO day ot sale. forms Cash, in United Statca currency. The Iron in tho citv to bo removed within fiftnnn doj s alter tho salo. U. W. ILAUWK, Capt. of Ordnanco, Brev. Lieut -Col. U. H A., 6 20 12 1 Commanding Augusta Arsenal. SALE OF STEAM BOILER. FORCE PUMPS WA1EB PIPE, FIRE-PLUGS, ETC., com-. prying run, naii!.n w umvo uicauuitu, u. C Quartermaster-General's Office, ) First Division, I "WASniNOTON, D. C, June 19, 1868. ) By ordor ot the Quartermoster-Goneral, there will Lo sold, on tho premises, at public auction, under tho direction oi Captain Georgo T. Browning, A. t 11., on FRIDAY, July 13, 1866, at 12 o'clock M..tU lollowing described publio proporty, to wu: ONE SlEAM BOILER. 30 feet long and 8 feet iu diameter l with two 12 Inch return Uucb), made of 4-inch boiler iron, with all tha necessary appurtenances, including cast-iron I ront, gauge cocks, globe valves, feed-pump, smoke-staoic and hood, steam pamre (AnhcrotVs patent), grrtte btirs, pipe, plugs, reducing pieces, etc., all in good order. TWO WORTHING TON SIEAM FORCE PUMPS, jo. o, is-incn cylinder, a men stroso, ZD-horse power each, aud each capable ol pumping and lorcing iuu.uuu guiious oi water per uay. connected with them are the reouisite va ves, glands, soup lings, bends, elbows, doubio-valve oil cups, eto. llitso l'uinps nre comparatively new, and in oorn plelo working order. A laro quantity of WAIER-PIFB, as follows: 6,182 feet li-iucli Cast Iron Wator-Pipo. 12 000 feot 3 iiich " " 860 feet 2-inch Wrought Iron " 664 leet 1J inch Cast Iron " 2,000 feet 1 1 inch " " 1 Oi 0 leet 1-inch " " 5,000 feet 3-inch ' " TH1BTY ONE CAST 1ROS FIREPLUGS (Ay re's patent), with all tho necessary .connections, sucbasT's, bene s, stop-cocks, elbows, lour-away pieces, etc., all in excellent condition, together witb ALL HIE iOOLS, Eto, required for making alterations nud repairs in water Iipo, such as Pipe Cutting Machines, 'Taps and ies, l'lyers, Crabs, Drills, l'uuches. Caulking; Tools, etc. '1 he Depot !s n.-rossiblo by water, and Tvossols of the luri'ost cles i ,i bo loaded at tho whart. Terms Casn, ... Government funds. Do ivei ies wnl ho mado to purchasers on or before tbe first (1st) day ol August next. A boat ior Giesboro wi 1 leave tho Sixth street whart every hour during tho day of sab. Auv lurther uilormatlon that may be desired will be given upon upplicauon, in person or by loiter, to Captain Georpe i Browning, A. Q. M., Giesboro, D, C ox at this ollioa. ' JAMES A. EKIN, Bvt. Brig Gen. U S. A., in charge 6 21 tbatu 17 12 F irst Division, Q. M. G. O. QUART EI? MASTER-GEN ERA L'S 0 FP ICE, FIRST DIVISION, Wasuinqton, D. C , June 23, 18S6 Will bo so'd at Publio Auction, undorthedirection ot Captain George T. Browning, A. O;. AI., at GIES BORO, 1. C, to the highest bidders, on FTtlOAY, July 6, 18tS6, comuieucing at 10 o'olock A. il., threo separate lots of STABLE AND STOCK-YARD MANURE, containing in all about two hundred thousand cubic yards, most of which is in the immediate vioinity of the wharves, nt wbicli boats and bargeB can bo con veniently ladou. vr,.i,o,F u.. Ill in rsnnlrAil to remove tne AiaUUfO on or before the 1st day of September next, unless othornise arranged with the ownor ot the grounds. Terms: Cash, in Gove-nmeiit lunds. A boat lor Giesboro' will leave the Sixth street wharf every hour, up to 12 o'clock AI., on the day of sale. . , , By order ol tbo Quartorniastor-Goneral. JAUH,!) A. rniM, Bvt. Brig -Gen. U. H. A., g26 9t in charge First Ply Q. M. G. O. it-ti .. -ta -ant r twTX a mar TTTn OALE OF Guv citKfluuM i Bitau-mwi 1 ncTiTlkT OU ART UIIM ASTER'S OFFICE, piiiLADKi.pitiA DEi'or. June 29, 1866. win hn aold at Publio Auction, at SHACJ ACiA MAX ON Street Whart, Philadelphia, Pouna on. S AI L'liDA Y , July 7, 1866, at 10 o'clock A. M-, tho Un,,edS,TrEAMTUQ .-MONITOR." K ... Tonnage, 1046-96 tons: length, 806 10 feot; ftreaotn, 18 610 leet; depth, 7 7-10 leet. . ihe tng is now lying at Sbackaniaxon street wbari, where she can be examined. Terms Cash, in Government funds. By ' Bi'evet Brig.-Gen, GEO. H. CROSMAN Assistant QV W.VMA.H.4, ' Prcyet WaJ, and Assist. Quartoruiaatr.