SPIRITUALISM SMASHED. Snndfty Night' Nennce A I. .nic . f jntlllnarnKttte anil Pretannlo 't ink Tan Tied by the Ion nr nrl Deserted by the Spirit OooUwiu'e Hat Broken Over III Head and lit mi. fieir Taken to the Station Horn. , The whirling of timo docs many curious thin? ftna imonK others It lias broiijnt aoout l bo tliscom" fliure ot Colonel Goodwin, whoso researches iuto the mjstene of t ho spirit land, throufrj the medium ot Miss Van Wie, have attracted recently so niuuti attention at the Tombs aud olssffhcro. Ijut evonlnir quito a largo aud respcc'nblo au dit nee Mftinbled at the hall, No. 014 Broadway, tnr op towards tlio blua vault of heaven, lor tho iiurpoHO ot sharing with Mies E la, ' th child of Ood,'' tho beauties and tie Iphts of spiritual intercourse, and of witnessing lea's porlotnieu fur that occasion only by the friend y bands ol tho alortsaid spirt's, whow interest In Colouol Coodwin's weekly board bill Is evident and he piul. lhe tickets woro sold at tho door by a boy ot leu vers of aye. an I tho roservau coat checks were fathered in by a lovely little girl ol seven, or thereabouts. At a Utile alter c.glit uood win appeared. He tuined the fras up and down, looked out of the window and over the audience; then, after a vnjor us poll of his moderately developed no-e, put on Ms spectacles, bowed his head and meditated. Tins dono, ho lead some ismatio rhyni nxs, and addressed the Supremo Deity iu phrases indicative ot great familiarity and but lltto respect. A very long chap, tor in Ht. Mark was read, ''onito accidental, ' so very long- that it really seemed an if tho t'olonol was roadlnu arainst timo and waiting fur moie quarters. Alter wh'oli he said: "As 1 anuounc d this afternoon, I am sorry to see ao few woman hero, but 1 sup.ioso a woman mint have much I olduess to come alter the slurs and lies sent out by a corrupt pi ess. We come here to worship iot in our own way, according to the dic tates of our own consc euce, and any ono who don't like it can so to the door and vet his money back. We don't intend to be Interrupted or bot lorod. if there is law and power enouica in tho city to pro tect us. It is a shame, but the lact, that always on the eve ot reform reformers are instt.ted and siuried." lie then, at great length, and in a terribly bore o me manner, nai rated his experiences Inthisciiy, claiming great knowlcduo ot human nature, tho wlckediies of sooiety, tho corruption of tho press, the peculiar ways of Aslant D.strict Attorney Bedford, the length of Charley Spencer's rope, and the character of his exhibitions. It was suggested that t he audience camo to see and bear fiom tho spirits, and that black? uaidism simply drove the people away; but it was of no u-e. Good win really seemed bent on making a row, and raising a disturbance. His audience was quiot, lespectlul, long suflennp', and full of fun. but he was cress grained, sour, impeitinont, and abusive. He con tinued his nonsensical balderdash in the most airo frant, high-handed, and offensive manner lor more than an hour, when be graciously consented to the APPOINTMENT OF A COMMITTED. He accepted a Mr Doremus, of East Twolfth etreot, but made vigorous objection to Mr. Wash ington l'eale, lormeny of Ferris' photograph gallery, on Broadway. Two ladies searched Miss Van Wie In her room, ar.d reported that, after the minutest investigation, they were convinced that sho had nothing on or about hor person which could ass et her in untying or catting ropes. THE MEDIUM was then led In. She is young, not more than twenty, loosely bni t, but rather pretty, with m id eyes, good tooth, light curly hair, no figure to speak of, an intelligent countenance and a general good look, Sho was taken to the box or cupboard, ot ordinal y construction, and seated on a common wooden chair. The Committee, Messrs. Feale and Doremus, then examined the box, and the audiouoa examined them. X'eule is a man ot thirty-five or lorty kyeais of ago, with greyish hair, a keon, black eye, lank jaws, cui.n.ng expression, artistlo dress, and general iMee air. His colleague, Doremus, is older, with inil beard, a soft lace, kind excretion, aud honest look. Neitbor are iu regular business, and the audience was disposed to watch their operations closely, depending rather on Doremns to check any favoritism on the part ot f'ea e. l'ia e tied Miss Van U io, and 'ho tied her well. Her wrists were lound to tho cuuir, her arms wore then hound o otoly to the buci, the rope ends were brought behind her and tied iu tho middle of the cnair. Doremus thou took a smaller cord and did bis host to compieto the security of the fastening. Pealo then tied Miss Van Wio's feet, and Doiemus looked and saw it was good. In toct, they were so ion about It that the audi ence became impatient, wiule the grouty Goodwin waxed impatient, and said many rough things of the hidaddy stylo, lor which ho deserved kicking thon aiid troere. However, ah things have an end, and so did this rope. Tho Committee, having sl.ut tho doors ot the caoinet, subsided like the rest of us, and, waited for tho coming of tho Spirits, while Goodwin fanned hinuself and his dear little gul, and made friends with the pcoplx by giving tbciu water In niuuy cunning, childlike ways. 'Jou minutes passed; a tew kicks only wore heard. Twenty-five wero gone; a ropo's end had been heard to rap against tno board. Forty minutes, but no sign. Goodwin was rampant, but uneasy, and called in a very disrespectfully dictatorial way to the spirits, intimating his displeasure, and ordering them to hurry up We icared that the lady, who is quite delicate, might have fainted, but Goodwin pooh-poohed me idea. ltu more minutos passed, and the Committoe weie summoned to look a. tho medium. Sue sat hunting ai.d drooping, limp in hor chair, whoucn but lor the friendly cored she woulu have lal en. Tho cords had been loosened a little at tho end, but all attempts to untie or uuoo them were lutne. Tho audience domandod an explanation, and Mr. Teale, who, w,th his oo. eapuo, Doremus, now stood redeemed before the audieuoe, stated how he had tieu tho lady and his benei in her inability to untie the ki.ot. Gooowin w nonplussed, but saucy still. 1 he lady lumtcd. Loud cries were mnde s'multaneously for "water," police," and "money." I'ickpockeU wore expert, doctors were eager, po icemen were plucky, ana everybody was curious. We suw thai the medium was really ruflering, and, with lhe ofsistaLoe ol Olliccr Bean, conducted her to ber room, hero she as laid upon a aula in a state ot coma. The crowd fol owed, but as the door was slammed quickly In their faces, thoy returned to torment Goodwin. That interesting imbeciio stood on tho p'atlorra, and with refreshing audacity attempted to come Jack Easy on his hem era by arguing the point, which the, didn't see, and all of a sudden, qule accidental," bis hat was jammed over bis eyes, bis tables upset, and his caroass in danger, w hen the protecting locust oi Oilioer Beau spread its metropolitan wings above him, and hu-tled him away to the station-house, io lowed by a laughing, shouting crowd, who taunted the rash reformer, saying unto him, " r by don't you cull y our spin a savt" But while this econo was transpiring outs'de to the entile satisfaction of everybody but Goodwin, a very u ill e rent arlair was in prowess in the bedroom of Mis. Goodwin. On the red was the sweet lut e girl whose beauty and aitlessness bad won the re gard ot many a man and woman in tho audience, as yet in happy unconsc ousnes-j of the trouble Of her mother, and the disgrace of li r father j by hor Bide lay tue weeping medium, whoso por-ou was ex amined by the attuudiug pbydciun aud hor friends. Her wrl 'Is ami arms wero shockingly marked and swollen, her fingers were stiftoncd, aud she had no control whatever ot her limbs. Vigorom ruubiug purtiallj restored a healthy circulation, when she stated that almost as soon a 3 she had been iult in the cabinet tho fdt mini and s.ck ai her stomach, and reecn'.ly hunted a ay. S.ie had been tied too tivhtly, but said nothing about it becauso she tuoBfht it could la t but a low womeuis, and she Could Ma-id it. Mrs. etOudwin was in groat distress lest some barm should happou to tier husnaud, aud the little "irl, on waking, cried most piieousiy when sho fuiled to fiud hor "papu." At tho moment wnoa tho littlo glil was calling lor horiather, a crowd ot men, b aded by a i olicemen, rushed into tno inner bud rcom, and one of them, with a oigar .n his uiomh, raid txcitetlly, "There she is, oilloor, take hor off" We sugRestod that a warrant in ht be a good thing to have in case tho oilicer inten lel arrotiug the half fuintiug woman, and in deierouon to nor evident eouuitiou tho muu withdrew, tho olftcor re maining. Oilicer JdoNuinnra unj Oliicor Lower, ol tne iiiiteenii) rreciuor, tuuk oharge ol tno dour and, a'thontrh there was much excltomout at ,.'' time we left 01-30 i.'. M.), ther i had bo. n ur ,! Io disturb tho women ot the luinily. ,nmpt Thus ends tb lures oi last cvenl" What will be dono v.itli Gf -'' .. . of qui,n ab: Ho sulu r - -vdwln isafcloarcase be promised nothing. -eatedly last uivtit that could do so. li ce- --d that ad who wanted to go The man's lmr- -"1R their money at tho door, and oll'uusi' ,udcnce, low talk, nisulllni language, iuf ar ' - oeinoauor ara provoking and annoy D(.(r -a irovocalivd of a oreaoh of Hie publio r ; but whether bo breaks a law bv iudu'giun in oeh Utile lestlvlties is lor the court to determine. H s w le. who seems to be an estimub!e lady, is rreatly to be pitied, aud that little cirl wove about the heart ol inuny who would gladl tlirasU her father, tendrils of regard and sympathy no, easily broken. Miss Van Wie may or may not be an liu- Jiostor. Bhe makes no pretensions except through .ooriwii), and if apearaneus are at all to bo tiustfd, the makes very Hi'le money lor herseif. f-.very rose has Its Ihoru, and the Colonel's summer, wajudge, has about come. JVcw Yrk Tiiiu s. THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, CITY INTELLIGENCE For AddUi&nal CUy Intelligence see Fifth J'age. SPECfAL Meetino of Councils. A special meeting of Councils was held jestcrday alternoon. ielfd CownciV.-Wr. Bnrlow, from the Com mittee on Street Cleansing, submitted an ordi nance auttion.inpr the Major to contract lor cIciuiHlnp; the Northern District ol the city, lor a sum not execedinp; $50,000. Jlr. 13urlow moved to insert Mr. Bickley's name in the contiact, and to increase the amount to s;!,ooo. Mr. liarlow's amendment was not agreed to, and the bill passed. Mr. Barlow subaiitted another ordinance, making an nppropr.atioti ot $10,000 to the De partment of .Street Cleansincr, lor the p urpose of cleaning the Northern D.sinct until a contract has been made. On motion of Colonel J'age. the amount wus mnde $5000, and as amended the bill went over, there was not the necessary two-thirdu vote to proceed to a tbird readinir. An iuvitation was received from the Commit tee of Arrangements, inviting Council to be present at the flag presentation. Accepted. Mr. Kinir submitted n resolution directing tho Committee on Law to prepare a bill for the next Legislature, creating a commission of c tizens, to serve without compensation, who shall have power to make, originate, aud control all neces sary improvenicntn aud adornments ol Fuir ninunt i'urk. Agreed to. The resolution of instruction to the City Con troller was concurred in; also the resolution authorizing certain alterations In tho otlice of the City Controller: also the amendment to the Broad ttreet ordinance Adjourned. Common Council. The ordinance from Select Counc 1 providing for the purchase ol lot ; ol eround In the Kintb. Ward ior school purpose was agreed to. Mr. Hetztl (in place) submitted an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract with Henry Bickley'lor cleansing the northern f art ot the city. Kelerrcd to Committee on Street Cleansing. Mr. Armstrong offered a resolution requesting the Chiet Engineer ot tho Water Works to inform Councils by what authority a contract was made for laying water-main on North Broad street. Kelerred. The ordinance making an appropriation to pay the Chief Engineer of the Water Works 100 per month for one year for extra services, which was under discussion at the adjournment of Councils at its last meet ing, was taken up, aud the first section was adapted. The Eecond section of the bill was agreed to, and the bill wus passed by a vote of 22 jeas to 12 nays. A com'municition was presented from Oeorge Smith, proposing to cleanse the streets in the northfin section of the city for So.r,000 per annum. Referred. Mr. Hetzel subniUted a resolution requesting the Mayor to inform Councils whether any loans ol the city are being sold by the city below par, and if bo, whether it is not in violation of law. Kelerred to the Finance Committee. The ordinance providing for the improvement of Broad street wa9 concurred in. alter being amended so as to read, that from the Delaware river to the line ot the late District of Pena the carriage drive shall be seventy-seven feet wide, and Horn Penn District to Columbia avenue fifty-eeven feet. Mr. Franciscus offered an ordinance giving the City Controller exclusive use of the rooms over the City Treasurer's office, and removing the otlice of City Property to rooms ol Bmidiua Inspectors, aud making an appropriation of $1200. The bill was agreed to. Mr. Vankirk (in place) submitted an ordinauee for an additional appropriation of $1323 to the Department of City Property, to pay lor repairs to Station Houses. Agreed to. The ordinance from Select Council, autho rizing the Mayor to contract lor cleauing the northern district of the city, was concurred in. The resolutions from Select Council, pro viding for laying water pipe; authorizing con tract for building eugine-nouses at Roxborough; changing the place ol election in Filth Division, Second Ward; also, Third Division, Twenty-tilth Ward; also, tor the appointmcut of a Committee upon Public Buildings; discharging a commit tee; inttructiug the Committee on Law to report a bill to create a commission to control Fair mount Park, were concurred in. Mr. Billington offered a lesolution providing for the appointment of a joint special commit tee to inquire and report upon the best plau for disposing ot persons committed to prison for small oflensefc. Agreed to. The ordinance from Select Council, providing for a commission upon a better supply ot water for the city, was iudelinitely postponed. Ad journed. A Stjjisieb Totjk. lhe Camden and Am boy Railroad Company have completed arrange ments with several connecting railroads leadiun northward, by means ot which they are enabled to oiler the citizens of Philadelphia a chance to take a summer tour through the most delightful sections of the continent, at much less than the usual rates of travel. There a;e several different routes, from which the touiist can select one entirely to his likincr?. Among the places of interest which are included in the several programmes are the Delaware Water Gap, Saratoga, Lake George, Niagara Falls, the "Thousand Isles" of the St. Lawrence, Montreal. Quebec, and the White Mountains. Those who wish to take a summer 1aunt of a couple of weeks' duration, and at no reasonable expense, could not desire a better opportunity than is thus afforded them. Board of Surveyors. A stated meeting ui iuc duulu vi ourveyors ana tteguialors was held yesterday morning. The following applica tions for sewers were granted:-On Poplar street, from Broad to Sixteenth street; on Cues nut street, between Fortieth Btreet and four hundred leet west, and on Fortieth street, be tween Chesnut and Locust streets, and on Lo cust, from Fortieth street to three hundred aud fitly feet west; on Filteenth street, between Pine and Lombard streets. The deed of dedication lor the continuation of Fifty-eighth street, in tho Twenty seventh Ward, was presented and accepted. A resolution was adopted changing the grade of Lehman street, Twenty-second ward; also one chaneing the grade of Leiner if u my x nuuiy-iuiiu vvaru. The Soldiers Orphans. At the Sol diets' Home, Filbert and Sixteenth, preparations have been made to take care of six hundred and tiity of the soldiers' orphans invited to t- "r to be present at the flag ceremonies. These are all boys. Applications have been made bv Dri vate families to take charee of three hucdr .,i and fiftof the orphan girls, and one hun-'.rod of the girls are still unprovided for. C',ti,i who may find it convenient to aid in a id ble work by tendering resting pl-ce, tl e remaining hundred, can apply . the Home ai S?S2 Kg""11" tl.2 awTdAJ.E, will be remembered at this ri?vJ ce Mr. William Hill Mercer, Gloucester ' - was drowned while bathing at i ,omt io company with a vouug man - flutter Price. Mr. Price was rescued -jwfcli the praiseworthy exertions of Mr. (Worge Da Binder, who resides at No. 120 South street. Mr. De Binder exerted himself to such an extent to eave the lite ot Mr. Price, that ho injured himself in such a serious miuuer that he now lies in a very precarious condition. Even if Mr. De Binder recovers he will, it is believed, u inijio mr me. Personal. Rev. C. W. Denison arrived in this city yesterday, from Londou. He has succeeded in establishing an Anglo-Ani?rl-cn newspaper In the British metropolis, and will return io that city to reside permanently in a lew weeks. Embezzlement. John A. (Jrlflkb. bad a hearing at the Central Station yesterday, charge! with appropriating $37tt to his own use. Tho money was reuli.ed at a ball iriveu at tho Nutional Guardb' Halt The defendant wai held lor a lurther hearing. PniLOM Am han Literary Institute. The scmi-nnntial election of officers took place lafct evening, at the hall Seventeenth and Cherry streets, with the following result: President, Rev. J'lin J. Elcock; Vice-President, David McMcnan.in ; Corresponding Secretary, John Donirherty; Recoiding Secretary, JohnR. Glas cott; Treasurer, John H. Brady; Llbrarinn. Patrick S. Buncc; Board of Directors Edward Keilly, John D. Maloney, John E. Farley, James Y. Creamer, Patrick McMenamin, and Patrick O'Donncll. The members of the Institute will celebrate the Fourth at thjir hall, exercises commencing at 9 o'clock. TnE Soldiers' Home. Tbe following hows the present condition of the Soluirs Homo at Sixteenth and Filbert streets. Total number admitted to the Home from the time of opening to June 1, lS(!(i, 1219; number dixc'iarsed or li lt the Home during the same time. 1008; number died, 31; number in the Home June 1, I860, 120. Admitted during th5 month ot Jun, 01; discharged or left the Home during the month ot June, 10; died, 3; number at the Home July 1, lbliC, lb8. Girls' High and Normal School. The examination of candidates lor admission into the (J iris' High and Normal School com menced yesterday, at tho school building. Her Beant street, below Tenth. One hundred and seeuty-two candidates presented themnelve. and ninety w ill be admitted at tue close of the examination. New Engine IIoi'se. Tho Friendship Engine Company havo commenced the erection of thetr new engine house, at the corner of Sep viva and Norris streets. It will be throe stor es high, and have a front of th'rtj-eieht feet and a depth ol eL'hty-four leet. The edi lice will be of iron and biick. AMUSEMENTS. QKAXD NATIONAL CONCERT FOR THE BENEFIT OF TrfE SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' NATIONAL ORPHANS' HOME FUND, UNDER AUSPICES OF THE SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' UNION WASBINQTON, D. C, AT GROVER'S THEATRE, On Thursday Evening, August 2, 1866 30V.OCO tickets will be sold at SI each 75,000 presents awarded, valnod at S 251, 000 1 825 COO of tbe profits to be given to the Soldiers' and Sallon' National Orphans' Home Fund, iiiOOto the Washington Male and Female Orphan Asylum, the balance, after deducting expenses, to be paid to tbe Treasurer of tho Soldiers' and Sailors' Union, of Washington, D. C. TICKETS CAN BE OBTAINED AT THE OFFICE OF WILLIAM E. OWEX8, NO 627 CUESNCT STKEET; ALSO, SENT TO ANY POST OFFICE IN THii COUNTRY PROMPTLY BY MAIL. ILIST OF PRESENTS TO BE AWARDED : 1 llirco-Htory Brick Residence, U street, be tween ftixtli and Seventh s,g ocin 1 lliree-story liricK Residence, Second Btreci. near K .0 nft 1 Ibrce-ttor Brick Residence, 1 eutn street, between M and M 8.flKI 1 Two-story Brick Residence, Tenth street, between M aud N 5,000 1 Two storv Brick Residence, Tenth street, between M and N 5 ODD 2 Flue City Lo , on Heventh street, north,. 4,0 10 1 hp endld Carnage, Hordes, and Harness, complete 4,00,1 1 Fpleniiid Llamund Ring '2 0 0 1 bet Diumonds, complete (Fin, Far-rings and RIIiks) 1 000 1 (irund Paino (btelnwny's) l,iwo 1 solid Stiver Tea Met njit 10 (irund Pianos, Si0 each 6 00u 10 Crund Hanos, 5u0 each 8 0.;0 MO Ceuis' (Jo d Wniclien. l!0i) each 20 (Wo 60 Ladles' (lold Watches, 8125 each 6 2ii) 6 tinted Mclodoi ns, 8200 each 10JO P0 Ameiican Cnce o liver Watches, ?75 each. . 6 Old) 75 llun inir t ace Silver Watclios 840 eah.... 3 0IW 60 diamond Rinus, til 0 to 20u each 7 ftnO 25 Diamond Pins. HOO each i 51,0 40 Hewing Machines 8IU11 each 4 iiuO W Hewing Machines, 875 lacli i'bjh '20 Hi.ver-plu ed 'I ca Sets, 875 each.... "' 1500 80 Silver castors 825 each "'. iVii 5,000 Clocks A. bums, Jewelry, etc., 80 to 10 cuth 41 nun 1C OCO Tea and Table Spoons etc., $2 to 85 ciich. . 25.100 10,0(0 Gold fens, Sleove Bullous, etc., 1 to 83 each 14 000 49.453 Books, Cullery, Engravings etc., 81 to SI0 eaeh ; 5O.O1 0 Total . rr. .., in . - .ffn .8250,OiiO JIJO IWUIUB nil! UU lliaue fltfttr fhn nin.ni, .... .1,. static ot the theatre, where three thousand persona cmo witness It. A committee will be appoints bj Hie audi ence to suner Intend tlio aame. Printed lls's ol awards will bo published and snnplUd to ogenis und ticket holders. Parties having tl:kcts will reiain them umil alter the awards are made, and 11 Hit lr numbers appear on 'be list tdev will forward their tickets imn ediuie y, wltb lull directions as to Hie suiu pliivol'iioodsorrieedsiorthe properiv. Tickets io.-sale at all the principal hotels, book and musio stores in tli. city, and at the headquarters la tho maininouth fair building lor tlio bencUt of tno So diers' and Sailors' Nutloual Orphans' Home fund coiner of Seventh street and PenniiMviiuia avenue Washington DC The Directors appeal to the libera lily of tlie people to give tbls enterprise their kind support, and taereby assist In relieving tLo wai ts of.tuo orphans of oar fallen comrades. MANAGING DlllECTOng. Major H. A. HALL, Fteeldent So.dlers' and Suiiors' Union. olouel CHAKI 18 K CAPEHaHI' Major M. H. ALB KKGER. WILLIAM 8. MORfc. ' TREABl'IlEII. J B. HUTCHINSON, Esq , Cahler National Bank of the Mo.ropolls. All persons favorably dl?nosed are requested to act m aumts, but no commuwlons'wlll be allowed. Money thou d In all cases be sent by i'oft Office order, draft, express, or reglsteicd letters. In every case scud the name and Post Office addroil County and Mate ol each senaruie subscription and in close stamp. Ah orders lor tickets mut ue addreasad to . ,,, , WH.LIaM 8. MORli, Eccrctiry Soldier' and Sailors' National Concert, Washington, D. C, Refer, bv permission, to Lotk Box hl Vajor-iicnerai '. intleld s. Hancock, U. 8. A Central Robert C ScliHuck, M. C, Ohio. General Ilalbert K Paine, M U Wis. General John 11. Ketchain. M (.' ij. Y. General James (1 Blunt. Kansas. (ieiierulJ N. Hrndrick, Iowa. General D C. Mci nilain, D. C. General O V Ilavt. n, N. Y. Bon. '1 nomas W. Kerry, M. C Mich. D.0. Tr1 - renU,t lion. iticnai'U wci acn, Mayor 01 nasuiugton, u. u. Hon V 1, Ham D. Kelley. M. C , Penna. Hon Ke Ian V. Whaley.M C , Wet Va. Hon. Ebon C. Ingersoil. i. C. Ill, Hon. Henry C. Deining, M. C, Conn. Hon A. II. I allin, M. ('., N. Y. lion. Leonard Mycra. M. ' , Pcnna. Hon. WMiain A. Newell. M. ('. N. J. Hon Gcorve W. Jullun M. C Intl. Hon. Stephen F. Wilson, M C Ponna. lion. J. B. UilnneH, M C Iowa. Major O. M. Vau Burcn.N. . 6231m TtTALNUT STREET T H B A T H K. VV N E. cornet NINTH and WALNUT. BeglnsatB. " THIS EVENINU. The Gorgeous Spectacle iu four parts, of the " NA1ADVUKEN, Lurllne, the Queen Miss F.ftle Oormon MAGNIFICENT SCENERY BY WI1UAH. 'I HE BA'lll OF BEAU IT. BTALACTITK' HaLL OF THE NAI4DS. T11K HOME OF 11112 NAIADS, in the Coral Caves beneath the Waters. THE QUl'-rN ON HER T II RONE. NATIONAL HOLIDAY. DAYLIGHT FKSITVAL. WEDNrSDAY AF1EHNOON, July 4th. The Goigeotu Spectacle ol THE NAIAD QUEEN. Grand Mllitarv l'uruoo and March ot the AMAZONS IN FULL ARMOR. B Doors open at 'i . Commence at a. VALEB'8 (LATE MILLERS) WINTER GARDEN Nos. 120-72H V1NK Stieet. UKAND INSTRtI M K NT A b CONCERTO NIGHTLY. Bv two large end efficient Orchestras. " TO NIGH 1', And EVERY NIGHT. In connexion with our EXCI.LSIOR STKINU BANO. Brass Band, coinpilslug tue best Artwu in the city, will KWiorm. fo r Tn n nici.nir. Our spacious Sunnier Uartiea, artistically laid eut wlta Surubuery. rouutaius. ete. Wlin ruruu J i,ii,ik HALOOW. Fsprcially set apart lor F v VILItrt, the best Of Cream anu uiucr jtviivauuieuMi win ue mvi vvu. vj AMUSEMENTS. TDISLEY'8 CONTINENTAL NEWS t hoire Sats to all p'aces 01 Amusement nay t had on to o'ciock nr evening. I m ly MR?. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH STREET niKATKE. CKOWDEDNftllTLT FROM PARJUF.T TO DOME. Last week ot tlie Gieat Homntlc conjuror and BrilJunt Hanlst.Mr. ROBERT HEM, Ell. MOhDAY A M) I I'IUAY l.VENIVOS,.Tu 81 and fjd. lhMI. A COMPLETE CUANOI. OF PROGR V MM 14 New llluplon. NewJokea New Piano solos. A novel and descriptive niuncnl sketch entitled "Tcinnextnn.l sunrhlne; "also the won dor 111 1 Anthropoglossl." and tor lie flntt time here " The Scarlet Sp.rit; or, Mephls toptieles Let Loose." For lull bill of entertainments, Bee rrogrnn mrs. r . 11 FOl'KlH OF JULY, 18, TWO PERFORM AN( KS WILL BE OIVES. Grand Matinee In th Aitcrnoon at 1H P. M.,and in the evening per.orinance at S. BRYANTS' MINSTRELS. NEW ( I'lfSM'T S1RKKT THEATRE, COOL AND COM FOR t ABLE. SECOND WEr K I THE GLORIOU8 FOURTH GRAND MATIxEK. FOVR1 II OF JCEY at i o'clock, Th whole 'I rnupe and E'ephant appearing ADM ITT A CE TO M TIN EE, TIIIR Y CKSTS. AN ENTIRE MA NOE-EVr RY ACT NEW. EVERY EVENING, the Original, World-Renowed and Onlv BRYAN IS' MINSTRELS, from No 472 Broadway, Jtew Yor. NEIL AND DAN BRYANT Proprietors lioors open at 7" o'clock Conimence at H. Dre Inle and I'arquette, tK cents; Orchestra, 75 cents; Ga lery, 25 cents. SATURDAY-MaTIVEEI N E W AMERICAN THEATRE WALNUT Street, above Eighth. EXTRA NOTICE. TviHlny and Wf,lnf$iUnj Ereninq, Ju'11 3d anrli h. The Management takes pleasure In announcing an engnt.eii.eut, lor TWO NIGHTS ONLY, w ith the following WELL-KNOWN FAVORITES, who will appear each evening tn a Splendio Bill. A1K. WALTER LENNOX, HUOIIf.Y DOUGHERTY, MR. OWEN MARLOWE, MASTER BARRY, AIR. Q. H. GRIFFITHS, V RS. O. II GRIFFITH. MH E. L, JAMES. MR". OWEN MARLOWE, MR .1 B. EVE WHAM, MISS REM HI, E. MOA'H, CAPOLO. SfSIK SUM 11ERFIE LD, AND OTHERS, COOL AS A CUCVVBER. LOAN OF A LOVER COMIC PANTOMIME, And other attractions. For particulars see Kills of the Day. Seats may be secured at the Box Office on day of pes formance, fiom 10 A. M. to S P. M., witbou extra chaige. 7 2 2t GY3IN ASIUM FOR LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND CUIT.DREN. N. E. CORNEh OFN1N1H AND ARCH STREETS. OPEN i.VERY DAY AND EVENING, ALL SUMMER. Bodl'y exeiclre Imparts bcalih and strength, the best preventive arainst sickness o' tbe coming summer 8 24 am I rolesnore 1ULLEMRAN l A LE WIS. rf-gTffiJ THE PIANOS WHICH WE MANU jf7Fi 1 1 factiire recommend themselves. We piomlse to our patrons ciesr beautliul tones, elegant workman ship durability, and reasonable prices, combined wnh a mil guaiantce. For salo only at No. 1"I7 Walnut Street. 6 29j UNION PIANO M ANUFACTURINQ CO. MISCELLANEOUS. J. VACGRAN MBRRICK, WILLIAM H. MEEBICK, JOHN E. COPE. SOUTIIWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON Streets, - PlULADSLPniA. MERRICK SONS, FNOINERR- AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure steam Engines for Land Mvcr, and Marine Service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks. Iron Boats, etc. Castings 01 all kinds el. her Iron or biuss. Iron Fiaire Roots lor Gas Works, Workshops, and Railroad Stations etc Retorts and Gas Machinery, of tho latest and most im proved constiuctlon, fever? description ot Plantation Machinery, and Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills. Vacuum l'aua. Upeu ttcain Txoius Defecators, Fi terg, Pumping Englnos etc. Sole Agents for N. H'lleux's Patent Sugar Boiling At paratiis, Ncsmyth's Patent steam Hammer, nnil A s pinwall b Woo:soy's Patent Centrlltigtil ougar Draining Machine. 6 30j BBIDESBUHl! MACIIlAli WORKS. OFFICE. No 65 N FRONT STREET, l'llIl.ADI'I.rillA. Wo are prepared to 1111 ordcri to any extent for out well-known MACHINERY FOR COTTON AND WOOLLEN Mil LS, Including n I recent Improvements in Carding, Spinning, and eavlng. We Invite the attention of manufacturers to our exten sive works. 1 18 ALFRED JENK3 & SON. ONU 1 E N T S , TO M 1J S, GRAVE-STONES, Etc. Just completed, a beautiful variety of ITALIAN MARBLE MONUMENTS, TOMBS AUD GRAVE STONES. Will be sold cbeap for cash. Work sent to any part ot tbe United States. HEN It Y S. TAIIII, MARBLE WORKS, 124 wimS No. 710 GREFN Street, Philadelphia. F IT LEU, WEAVER & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Manilla and Tarred Cordage, Cord?, Twines, Etc., No 23 North WATER Street, and No 'a North DELAWARE Aveuuo, flllLAPEU-UIA. fnwijt II. Fitler, Michael Weaver. Cokbad F Clothiub. 214 CORN EXCHANGE BAG MANUFACTORY. JOHN T. BAILEY A C O., No. 113 N. FRONT and No. 114 N. WATER Street, Pnladaluhla, DEALERS IN BAGS AND BAGGING 01 every uescilptlon, for Gisln, Flonr, Salt, Super P bophate ot Lime, Bone Dust, Etc. I arte and small GUNNY BAGS canstantly on band. 2 22 (J Also, WOOL SACKS. John T. Bailey. James Cascades. QEORGE PLOWMAN, CARPENTER AND BUIEDER, No. 232 CARTER Street Ami No. 141 DOCK Street. Machine Woik and Mlllwrlthting promptly attend to 3 8 i A LEXANDER 0. C ATT ELL & CO. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No 26 NORTH WHARVES, AND NO 27 NORTH WATER STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 23 AIIIASDEB C. CATTELL. ELIJAH O. CATTE1.L COTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUCK AND CAN YAH, 01 all numbers and brands. Tent Awning, Irunk. aud Wagon-Cover Duck. Also Paper Manuiacturers' Drier Felts, irom one to ev feetwulc; Paulins, Belting, Hail Twine, etc JOHN W. EVKRMAN t Co.. j6S No Ie3 JONEB' Alley. w L L I A M 8 . GRANT, toslMPftlon jn ivv, wi So. 33 8. DELAWARE Avtnue, Phhadolphla, Al.kKT volt Ao kn r ruit Dnprnt's Gunpowder, p.ellned Nitre, Charcoal, EtO hi i..i.- l- t ..I.,... t inn..,) . avul Itr.itiia Crocker Bros. A Co.'s Yellow VI t t il Sliealhlng, Bolt, and Malls. 1 v MARSHAL'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF A writ ot sale by the Hon. John Cadwalader, Jude 01 lhe Dlstnct Court ol the United States hi aud for tho atcrn DlMrictol Pennsylvania, to inn directed will he sold at pub le sale to the hliihest and beat bid lor lor caU, at PENNOl'K'S 1HLLS, lour miles -I'roni Avon dale Btotlou, Chester Couuty, on WEUNESDAY, lltb uav oi July, at 12 M , Fllty Uoxen unllnlahcd Combs one fleeter, one Steam Intllcator, two Grinders, one Stoain Table, ono Wuilier one Shaft, Hangers, aud Pulleys with llultlug, t io bar rem containing Su'nhur, one barrul iVliltlng, two bar rels containing Rubber, one lo loose Ruljliur, ona lot Uubbot Scraps, ten dozon Paper Boxes and Wrap ilng Paper, four BuflerB, two Grlndstoues, two Run dug Frames wjlh Standards aud Splmlles one lino of Sb ilt lnKa.Jttl LeMug and Pulleys, two Vises. luiir'Stovm Tahiti one Cutting Machine two hundred Motul I'lu.eJ, one cake ol Tel ow. aud one lot of Hunks. A deposit ol ten per cent w II' be required to be made at the time ol salo on all purchases rI LMAKK U. S.Marnbat Eastern District Piiuvlanla. N. B. Cats leave 'Ibirtr-flrst aud Market streets at 7 Philadelphia, Jane 27, 1B68 6 27 wl'mCt -4 QA H 80UTH STREET, M. D'ANCONA 1 f J pays the highest piles for Ladlee and Gfnts' cast oil Clothing. o. 1341 SOUIU street beluw Drtad JULY 3, 18GC. CLOTHING. A 4 AT A ? ZST .O CO' sW J As Of AS" V UNDER THE Uli 1 1 1 1 1 1 1, 1 1 1 i I M M i """"W HUlUIy Am Chestnut 4 JJ T. OF P. C. F. F. F. C. ' CLOTHING! UICKS' TEMPLE OF FASIIIOX. Celebrated For Fine Fashionable Clothiner. WILLIAM niCKS, No. DOS MARKET StrPt, 812 m PHILADELPHIA. gTATES UNION CLOTHING HALL, 606 MARKET Street, 603 Visitors wilt find a large and varied assortment ot the very best READY-MADE CLOTHING at the lowest cash prices. Suits, containing Coats, Pants, and Test, from 12 00. Dusters, 2 23. Pants from 3 (10 and higher. Come and convince yourselves. 15 31 3m H?OF;TO $45 FOR A SUIT OF BLACK OB tPOU fancy colored cloth; army and navyclothhr i o , In stvle unsurpassed. 47Enirp fAKK.Se. 11 NINTH St.. above Cheanat FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOFSAFES MARVIN'S SAFES. Alum and Dry Plaster. Never MouldNever Corrode. Always Remain Fire-Proof. 3VTAHV1N & CO., No. 721Chesnut Street (Masonic Hall), And No. 265. Broadway, New York. BARKERS' STEEL CHESTS. FAMILY PLATE SAFES. SECOND-HAND SAFlCS. SKND FOR CATALOG lTF. r562mrp PERFECTION IS RARELY ATTAINED, YET A. B. W. BTJL LARD'S IMPROVED OIL SOAP, FOB REMOVING Grease, Paint, File!., and Varnish, From all Goods orDurable Colors, Is ahead of anything jet discovered. It leaves the Goods soft, and as perfect as when new, wi h no snot upon which dust can coi.ect, as is tbe case with all tbe preparations heretofore sold lor cleunslug goods. It Is delicately perlumed. and entirely free from the disagreeable odor of Benzine, and all otlioi resinous fluids. COUNTERFEITS Ot this preparation are extant, therefore be sure and lake none but that n blch has tbe autograph of A. IS. W. UL LLA1.D on tbe label. Manufactured by tbe Propiletors, A. B. W. BULLARD & CO., WORCESTER, MASS. Central Agents for Pennsylvania, " DYOTT & CO., Fo. 2:2 Forth SECOND Street, Philadelphia. For sale by all Druggists. 6 2S mwflm gBTA B L I S II E D 17 9 5. A. S. ROBINSON, Trend. Plate Looking-CIasses, ESGBAVISGS TilSTOGS, DRAWINGS ETi Uanufaotuxer of all kinds of Lookms-Glass, Portrait, and Pic ture Frames to Order. No. 910 CHESNTJT STREET. THIRD COOK ABOVE THE CONTINENTAL, PIIILADELPDIA. 8 15 ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., WHOLESALE MUGCISTS, MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS, AND SEALERS W Taints, Varnishes, and Oils, No. 201 NORTH FOURTH STREET 16 3m . F. COUJSEB OF BAC v i 5 v a feft PorUrt Kooks, f. i Porttmoiinules, I'lsurCttscs, j,3 t IL t? Portfolios, C'ls ? ki flsy ', t a Drcsttlng 1'r.scs. g U V Mc5 3 BtuiktrVfm "M"WST!T:,rr f,ci Soii'dTework Wi II wan rhu . Lndlea and Qonta u,ud tmi l If Y Satchels and U Bjiehel.. II Toll.tT h tM Voekot iff II cabi.h, . Travelling Bags, j;, Bok, ( 3 INSURANCE COMPANIES. (J A SH CAPITA L, $200,000. THE UNITED STATES ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE COM PAN V, Ot Syrocnse, Hew York, Insures against DEATH FIIOM EVERY CAUSE, Whether ACCIDENT, CI10LF.B4, or DIIF.ASE nt any kind, wHh weekly couipcusailou tor DISABILITY from ACClKLM. CO.VPISED POLICIES FROM OSE TO F1VK I EARS. ACCUiENT POLICIES FROM OSE MOST1I 10 TEH YBaKs. KO MEUICAL EXAMINATION REQUIRED FOR ACC1UENT 1MH.UANCK. 1 Ms Is the only Company authorUtd to Issue COM 1HNI.I) LIFE and AC.II)KNI POLICIES. in view ot the proahllliy o tlie visitation of C'OLLHA this snnimtr, tnls opporiunltv ol iifusing; ga'i at It for a brief period, at cciimnilcl rtes, shnnlil ciminand the at'entlon ol over onoi will e 'h comlil nutloiiol AC HiKNT risk ollerert with It cnnbles ihow, te ldliig In the City, or transacting business here and returnina to the country daily, to guunl against every loim of DISEASE OR CASUALTY. Petmlta IpsucA lor travel to Europe, etc. Acllva Follcliors wanted. 1 WM. A. STEPHENS, General Agent, 6 11 Ira l(To..oOI CBE8NUT Street, Philadelphia. FINANCIAL. JAY COOKE & CO., No. 114 South THIRD Street, BANKERS AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES U. 8. 6a OF 1881. 6 20s, OLD AND NEW. lO-fWs; CERJIFICATKS OF INDEBTEDNESS, 7 SO KOI ES, lat, 2d, and 8d Sorles. COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES WANTED. INXKRIiSr ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Collections made. Stocks Bought and Sola on Commission. Special business accommodations reserved for LADIES. 6 72m U. S. SEC I KITI ES. A SPECIALTY. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., BANKERS & BROKERS, 16 S. THIRD ST. PHILADELPHIA. 3 NASSAU ST. NEW YOKK. STOCKS AND GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, HERE AND IN NEW YORK. 21 JJAVIKS BROTHERS, No. 225 DOCK STREET, JJANKKIiS AND BROKERS, BUT AND SELL CHITED STATES BONDS, 1881s, B-20a, 10 10s. UNITED 8TATE8 1 8-10s, ALL ISSUES. CERTIFICATES OP 1HDE11TEDH ESS. Alercsnille Paper and Loans on Co laterals negotiated Stocks nought and Sola cn Commission. 1 31 S THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK HAS REMOVED During the ereetion of the new Bank bulldinir, to 1 17 4P No. 8Q5 CHESNUT STREET 5'20 S -F I V E - T W E N T I E S. 730s SEVEN-THIRTIES WANTED. DE HAVEN tfi HEOTUEIt, 17 No. 40 H. TniBD S I RELT. LEGAL NOTICEs!! TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AK1 COfTNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Kstateof btltAII ASH, deceased The Andl or rppolnted by the Court to audit, settle1. fJ'LM? o lhe account of STEPHEN SMiTU and LEWI.i K. SMITH. Executors ot SAKAII ASH, da ceased, and to report distribution of the balance la tbe bauds of the accountant, will meet the parties) inteicsted for the puipoaes of bis appointment oit i n l uru.i i uucy it m e, at t o clock f. M., at bis) Office, No. 4113 WALNUT Street, tn the city ol Phila delphia 6 28 thslnSt 1HOMAS J. WORBELL Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY J. AN1 COUhTlf OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of KCDOLPII UUcKlUs. deceased. 1 be Auditor appointed by ibe Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account ol C. A. ViNKlKK, Trnstea acpointed by tbe Court to make li e oi the real estate belonging to the heirs of said decedent, under proceed ings in partition snd to report distribution or tlia balance In the bands of tbe cccountunt, will meettta rariles Interested tor the purposes of bis aepolutinent, on 11I1.SDAY. July sd, lHtitt. at 11 o'clock A. M . at hi otlice, to, 402 WALNUT Street, In the city of Philadel phia. W. D. BAKER. 6 M fmwRt Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY X AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. i state oi WILLIAM cl eAt K, deceased. Tbe Audi or appointed ty the Court to audit, Settle, and adjust the account of MARY C'U.iACK, Acting Executrix and 'I rustee of said decedent, and to report distribution ot the balance in the hands ol the accountant, will nieet the parties interested for the purposes of his) appointment, on 'UiuusuA v, July . ims, at u o'oiocc At M., at hl utllce, No. 412 WALNUT Street, In thq cltv ot Phil ilelphia. Yl , u. JIAlk. n, n n linwD." Auditor. SHIRTS, FURNISHING GOODS, &a J W. SCOTT & CO., SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, tHO DEALEB8 IN MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS; No. 814 CIIESNUT Street. FOl'B DOOK8 Bl LOW THE "CONTItfENTAL," gjBSrp PUIIADELPIITA. pATENT SHOULDER-SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. PERFECT rmiKO SHIEIS AND DRAWERS made irom meaenrcuient at very short notice. All ether aitlclcs of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS In full variety. WINCHIOHTKH & CO., No. 106 CIIESNUT Street 8 24 f FOR SALE-STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTO ol Capewell A Co ' Patent Wind Guard and Air Heater for Coal I'll Lamps i It prevents lhe Cbimnaya troin break Iuk. Tbls we will warrant Also savus u . .i, ,. rall.iidseethr.ra thev Cost but ten cut I No 2ti RACE bTcft. PhlUideiphla. Sample sent to aud part of the United States vn receipt of 24 cent. J 1