rrn H H A 41 zLi Cxlm A IP o x -J-J PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JULY 3, 18GG. DOUBLE SHEET THREE CENTS. VOL. VI.-No. 2. TTELMBOLD'S I11GI1L1 CONCENTRATED'' 4-J-c COMPOUKD FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU. A positive una specific ren.ely lor diseases of the TUAlHiKtl, RlDNI-Art. GRVr.L, AND DKOFtMCAL BWt l.U.NUS. ihis medicine Increases the powers of dilution. and excite iho ahsotbenis Into healthy action, by which the matter of c ilcareo us deposfion i d all unnatural enlargements are reduoou. im wall as pain and IntUiauia tlon, and Is pood for men, women, jiUCl.il.lrcD. m nrl Hull lllllt HUH HUH huh linn mm mm iiiiistinnniiiiti HHHIlllUHIIMIl HIIU II H II HUH HHII IIIII1 HUH mil mm HUH UHH HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, For weakness, attended with the following symptoms : Inilmpo, Ituin to Exertion, Loss ol rower, Loss of Memory, Ditllcu ty ol breathing, Wen Nerves, Trembling. Horror ol lbcao, Wak(i",!l,u,i'i'.v Dimness of Vision, Pnm In the Hot Hands. Flushing oi ibe body, rvneas of the 'kin, Kru inons of the ace, Universal Latitude. ,. Pallid Countenance. Ihese symptoms. If allowed to go on i which this Medl Cue inv.rlnbft WlMrWlT. ETC., In one of which the patient may explro. W ho can say they are not irequeutiy lohowed by those direiul dis eases," jNiIAN,TY AND CONSUMPTION? Many are aware of the cause ot their suffering, but none will conlcss. The records of the Insane asylum and the melancholy deaths by consumption bear ample witness to the truth of the assertion. The Constitution, one 3 affected by organic weakness, .1 reauireatbe aid of medicine to strengthen an 1 Invigo- rate the system, which UKLM BOUlM fcXmAuruF lUClill invarably does. A trial wM convince the most Bkeptlial. EKEEFEEEEKE EEEEEEEEEEK EBK FEB FEE EKE FEB Etl EIlE EF.K EKE FEU E EEEEEEEEE EEFEEEEEEEE in airvettnns neeu'.lnr to Females the Extii ict Bncnrj Is unequalled by any other remedy, and lor ail complaints 'Aacltieul to rne it'i or. 111 uio uucmio or cuiuno ui h.u r Hce (vmptomi above. No tamliy should be with- ' LLL LLL LT.L LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LI.L LLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLL Take no Balsam, Mercury or unpleasant modlclne for unpleasant anuuangcrous uiseasea. V HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUC1HT AND IMPROVED ROSE WAbH, Cnrea these diseases In all their stuges. at little expense. lirtle or no change of diet, n lnconvenlenoe, and SO EXFOSUKL. MMMM MMMM M MMM M MMM MMM M MM 1 M MMM MVN M MM MVM MMM MUM MAIM MMM M M MMM MMM MAIM MMM MM l MMM M M Vf MMM M M M M M M M M M M M M M V MwM MMM rr. nri.MRnT.nS EXTRACT BDCUU For all affections and disctsea f these organs whether . ivKrivn .k nit h'l- y aI.k. r.nmBl,ni.t.. nana, nriu I nut inu . and no mutter DOW long standing. ' Diseases ot theitd organs require the aid 'lVl"rbOLI)M EXTRACT BUCHU IS THU OREVT Pll'llE'l ic. and it Ih certain to have ibe desired efloct Jn all diseases fcr which It Is recommended. l.BUI.BbbB 111 HbUiU.iill BBU BlIB lUUi l.UB llllll BUB BliltBI'.Br.B HKllBuUBB HUB BBB B11B BBB lib B BBB BBBBBBBBB BBUBBUBU BLOOD! JJIaToD! 131. OOD! U ELM HOLD'S HIGHLY CON LNl'KA IED COMPOUND H i in it l' V I'li ,!!( rtAltt APAHlLL V, Vm nn.liinu ilin lii.md Anil rAtnovinu all chronic con- stitntluual diseases arising from an impuro s ato ot the Blood and tue only re.lub e and ellectiml known reme ly for ihe cure 01 Scrofula, rea d Head Salt Hneum, I'altia and Swellings ol the Bones Ulcerations oi the Throat ana J..egi, liioienes. i nupien on mo t uw, tv,,.ci, cipeias, and til scaly Eruptions ot the SKiri, Two tablespoonfuls ol the Extract of arsaparilla arlilni to a nlm of water Is equal to the LUb .n Diet Drink, and ne bottie is uliv equal to a gallon ol the yrnp oi carsuparuiB, or me uucuuviou mt uiumi; ui.v. uuuu ' 000000 ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo oo oo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo OOW OOO OOO OOOOOO oooo un mril li'rt ROSE WISH An excellent Lotion used in connection with the EX- IHAC Is JiUtlili ana Aiit i iiiuuv. m buuii uot .....,.. o ..............mlu l ir.viilnnAA of the mo4t roD nsl b and reliable character will accompany the tiieulclnes. iu nii. it .iirHci ions lor use. viin hundr at vthnu At iivin r wit.npMsp.s. and un wards of IJU Oili) unsoli cited certificates and recommendatory letters, many ot which are ironi the highest souices, lncliidlug eminent rbytlclans. Clersymou, Statesmen eto. The Proprietor has never resorted to their publication In the news paper e: he does net do this trout the fact tnat his articles rank as Standard Preparations, and do not need to be imnnm1 nn liv rirl i tic At S. The science of Med'cine, like the Doric column, s'ands simple, pure, majestic, having raoi ior ua oai, tuuuv tion ior its piuar, anu i rum :ou .vr wiiu. LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LMLLLLLLLL LLLLLLILL1.L V v Extract Sorsananlia Is a Hl.ni,1 I'nrlilnr: mv Ex tract Buchu is a Diuretic, and will act at Bucli In all cases. Both are prepared on purelv sclentlflo principles n ucuuauu aie i ne ino9i active oi e'tner mai cau oe made. A reauv and conu usive tost will be a comoari son ol their properties with thoto tut ioitU in the follow- Idb oras : Rna Tiluopnsatorv of the United states. hre 1 r iicBor Dlwkks' vuuame works on the Practice of Physic. , . See remarks made bv the celebrated Dr. Tursic, Phi lade ohla. . . . M remarks mailn Of nr. r PIIIlVIM Mi-llfumx. a relelira Bd l'hvslclun and Member ot iht Royal Coliexe oi Surgeons, ire and, ami puo ishod In the Transactions ,l il. n Kinir snil (Jueen's Journal ..a niM,iinn I'liirinuii'al ltevlew. puh'lshe.1 hv Rrnja MiM J savers. Fellow ot he Roval Coile-e of Surgeons. See most of late stan tarJ wora on aiuuiuuie. DDDDDDDD DliDDDDDDO. DDD DDD DUO DDI) HDD 1DU Dll DDI) DDD D1D DUD 1)1) ) lilll) DDD DDI) 1)111) DliDDDDODo DDDDDDDD (.OLD BY DRUOQI8T8 EVERVWHEB13. Address letters for lu'.ormatlon In coulldouce, to H. T. HELM BOLD, Clemist. PBINC1PAL DEPOTS: llELHllflLirs WltlT AKU CHEMICAL AVAltBIIOt'SB, No. 694 BROADWAY, New York; ' OB TO HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOlT Ho. 1H4 South TENTH Street. Philadelphia. Beware of Counterfeits. Ask for Heliubold's! Take j. pettier I THIRD EDITION the war i. europ& ICsipia mul lli-illlniit 3Iovc- mentis oi'tlio rriiMslmiH, They Occupy Saxony, Hanover, Hesse- rarmstadt, Hesse-Cassel, and Nassau. Ttic Cities ol Dresden, Hanover, and Cnscl Captured. Elector or IIese-Casel Taken Prisoner. Several Encounters Between Prus- sians, Austrians, and Federals. Junction of the Saxon and Hanoverian Armies with the Austrians. Concentration of a Federal Army nt Frankfort. Advance of the Prussians into Bohemia. Manifestoes of the Emperor of Austria and the King of Prussia. Etc., Eta Etc.. Etc. Etc., Etc., Etc. THE GERMAN WAR. Prussia issued a torn.al declaration of war imlnut Aub rla on the 18th of June. War had also beeu formally uduimvu itj m lurnin BKailinb fliuilf. AlllOIuaiylO re.SV" tions uet een rrursta and Bavaria wore susuended on the i8th and the respective Ministers bad received their passport. The French Ambassadors were to look alter uno. luioiwi. a. ivuu. Bull juunioil. BOtillLlTIIS IN SAXONY, SILESIA , AND BOHEMIA. The Prussians occupied Dresden on the l';th ot June. A teieuram Horn Dresden ot June 16 savs: The frus. sian tioops entered 8 xony last night trom the north, near mreh a. In addition to their Invasion across the eastern and western irontlors. The King has Issued a proclamation, adOressed to his taithtul people in which lie re. les upon their loyal co-opeiatlon n the present emergency. His Maiesty leit here this miimini to loin the army, accompanied by Baron Buest aud the Alinlsier oi war it is efllcla'LV stated fiat In re ect na the PniMlnn nltimaium which demanded the reduct on ot the army to a peace footing, Baron von Buest Justified the lnobllia ion of tho Saxon troops by reicrrlm; io the resolutions oi tne rcuerai met. in reply to the point of the ultimatum relating to ho election ior a Parlia ment simultaneously in naxony ana rrussia, Buion Buest declared fiat a Herman Parliament could not bo convoked by anv single Oovermneut. Tho King of Saxony approved the motives for the rejection oi the ultimatum cn tue ground oi ins uuties as a member of tuo t;on eiicration " A despatch iroin v ienim of Juno IS snvat ' Ilnnitre.la of Shxou Inhubliants ure living Into llo'.ieuiiii 'I'lm Prussians arc lorcibly enrolling men up to for.y year.t oi age,' TUG rKLUSI AN8 IN HANUVHU, The Prussians entered tho ca ilt il nt Hannviir nn June i7. General Mantcuffel, at tho head ol the Prussian troops entered Lunebura In llauover. on jano M ih.i Prus-lans are lopurtcd lo have c it oil ihs couiiu.inica tious oi the Hanoverian army, and roudereliis jjno lion with the Austro Federal Corps iinposs'ole The 'itis.-lan Colonel t'rnnach arrived at rtade Juno IB, and disarmed the gitirlson, dismissing iho in to their homes. He took possession of ill guns and numerous mortars, rllles, and other war material Bremen jour nuls as.scrt that tho Bauovei.an treusure has been sent to Kngluna. hanovkb. Jun") 19 Heneral von Manteuffel Is tha chiet commanner of the Prussian troops in Hanover, Ue will take all necessary administrative moasuros in tha capacity of Prussian Coinojissionor. A.L h KUEitu. .lone l'j t uou enter ns unon Hanover an ttrrl ory Ueneral Mauteuiiel issued the lollowlng pro- v uiouuou : . HisMu estv. the Kina of Prils la. has for weeks nait endeavored to scttlo the questions pending with Hanover. Theie efforts havintr fal ed. the security of P. ussla demauda that no eneailes shall remain In tha tour o the aim . 'Die King requires the disband nent of al the Hanoverian troops in excess ot a peaoa footlf g.and It is only by this step tUat Hanover can be spare! the ullerlugs of war. Until that Is cllected, Uunover Is tons deied as heliigerent. "I do not con.e as an enemy to the Inhabitants Pri vate propertv will be strictly respected, and discipline wi'i re mmmnmeu among tne i-russinn troops. II is lor vou to meet us in a trieudly manner." 1UU ritUBSIAN'8 IN IIKSfE-CAMsF.L, HKSBB DiEWSTADT, ANU NASSAU. A te'ea'atn trom Cassel of June IT savs : ' The Prus sians have arrived at tl lessen, ou the Hesse-Darmsiadt frontier and a regiment ot Prussian hussars have marched to Marburg In Hesse L'asul. The Prussians entered t assel June in. The Elector is at Kranklort. ibe 8th federal Army Corps Is following closely on the track oi the Prussians to Marburg in Electoral Hesse. Large bodies ot Federal troops are marching north. It is stated that the Prussians have occupied Wiesbaden. A f Igbt encounter took p ace between some Austrian and Prussian cavalry on the hum burg road, the Prussians retreaied. Marlenthal. Oslritz and Leuba are occupied by two Prussian legiuients of InL.ntry and one of litis sals, and Bernstadt by tv. o regtmouts of cavalry." A te egtam iioiii e oiogoo oi June in. says : Hostili ties have commenced botwoea the Prussians and tho Federal rnny. 'I he 4th Darmstadt Inraniry Regiment has been al most annihilated by the Prussians at Frie.lberg. between Franklort aud Oetssen. Large bodies ot Federal troops are massed at Mateuce and Frank ort. where tho W ur- temberg contingent will arrive to-night hTBAsBt HO, iuue i i. a uoinous ration against tne Prussian nolicy took p ace on sunduv at Lailsru ie. Baden troops have gone to Frankfort. MlASKl'OKT ON lllt-JVl A1N, OllllrJ 1!) ITrom 3lMI..'U to 40.IH 0 Federal troops are assembled before this city. 1 lie rans .v n cut an A ursnys: private dematcu announces that an enuauement . has taken place between the Hessians and Prussians lie n Frar kiort Tho latter nalmd the advantage anil cont nuod their march, at. or having secured posscssii.n oi tho r llwav Beulin June 19. The t'russlttn te eu-rnDh station at He mini g has been lorcllny seized by Darmstadt sol diers Tills net has lie -u declared bv I'm isla to be a violation ot international law and the Mlnisier o llesse Darmstadt, at Berllu, has consequently received his passports, with u siuu:n .ns to e.ivo the Prussian capita . tiAiiiit iiu June rj in urination uas Doe:i loiwu ne.i lo lieneral vim Manleiilfel from Brunswick tiiut a da- monsi ration has tan en place in that town nga ust the liuvernnieut on account ot lt- bavin:; relusea to ac.e lo to a treaty ol neu'.ralliy against P.uss.a. BAVARIA AND WVRTEHDKItO A telegtam from Cologne of June 17 savs : Telecraphlo cominuiiiea len beiwenu to ogue and tho not Hi oi (ier uisnv Pas been cut off as also betweeu clssonbnrg aud the south. he psSHngnr trains tor Bivarlaa'td Wurlemberg have ulscoutiuued riiunlng in uonsnouence of the Uuos being occupied with I lie couvoyaueo ot troops .'i he Bavarians Intend to out the railway line between oburg mid Hamburg, and to blow up tho railwuv brlugo at Llchieni'ela 'Ibe ustrluus have destroyed the rail way bridwes at Oswleciu In eonseiiuence of the Austrian war manifesto all t lie available Wurlemberg troops have been sent north 1 be AUMrlun linvnrnnmnt hiLS Nil in uinriA I I lie HaVA .rtuii Ooverpinent In cniuu'iuenne 0' the decision o' the Fedora. Diet on the Kith, to unite with Austiia in carry lag on military operations In Ssxony. 1III WAlt DETWEE AUSTRIA AND ITALY FOB VI A I DE CLAUAlliiM Of WA. The Ita'ian flovernmout formally declared war aga'nst Austria ye.terdny. Ouilnuldl lelt Como June IT for Tecco, and was fol In wed by some troons. As soon a the volunteers are couipletely equipped, they will procsed to Bergamo and Brescia. THE NEW MINISTRY. A te'egram trom Florence of June 16, says i "1 he Ministry is uearly constituted. Huron Rieasoli I appointed President and Minister of the Interior. t.eneral Marmoia Is named Minister Adlalus lo the Klue at Ihe Camp. "The Anstr'ans l ave interrupt' d all lines of comma D callon on the side of ' he Po end Mmelo. "tieneral Mar.mraond the King lelt Florence to join th" army "tlrnertl Ani; olettl, Mlnisterof Mnr.ne hat lot to take comm. mi ot Lis fli Ision. ' iinrilialdl has amvi d at Percamo to Inspect sovcrnl bat alii n of vo unice s an l Btisa-lUrl. llomcte, Itb an eiiihus'nstic rerepllnu ' It I belle ved that iho organlzailon of tho new Minis try will be officially antn n ice I to t ic Chamiior as soon hostlit les liuve oommenicd. ihe etmte has aporovnl tho hill for a mnnetarv convention i etween Italy France, B"lgium. ind 'tlu. rrli'd. 'I be debate on tho QuaDclal llllll has commenced in the Senate." rnrssiAK irn idt to it.M.t. VirnifA. June IK. Tlie Vienna papers publish Into'll g' nee from Berni stating tht a subidy sent bv tho t'l u sian (jovrrnmnnt to Iia y, eonslstlna O' 11(1, ni OuO f'nnca in rold pi. ked In casks, has passed through this city en route lor Kloience. inn nun man gokfkdedatioh. Oldenburg ami Anht have oil) dul y notlflod tholr wl Idrawal trom the Oorinamc (.'ontrderaliou Baden declines to take activo part in the hostilities agniust Prussia. Pakih, June 16. It Is asserted that the recent pro eeedines ol the Federal Diet have determined several powors dignitaries of the Vienna treaty ol 1-tl.l to oeclare that In their op nlon, articles 51 nnil 63 ot thnt trnty, which loim port of European International law, buve teen vlo a e l. 1 ba KFOhT. June 16 Prince t'hnrles of Pnvnrla wil le appciutcd Couiuiuudcr-ln-Chlef of tho Federal army. ii cxtiaordlnarr slttln? of tho Federal Diet his been 1 eld hero for ti e ptirpoic ot Immediately deciding upon a motion brought orward by tne Saxon reprewutativo, that in consequence o the rn.ryof tue Piusslnus into Paxonv, Austria and Buvaria bo requcs ed to adopt, Without deiay, the measures necessitated bjthlsacioi violence ' Fhankfort. .Tune 17. In yesterday's sitting of he Federal Dlt't the Saxon motion requesting Hlunice ugalnst the Prussian Invasion was adopted by 10 against fi votes, sr.d tho f ustrlan md Bavarian repicneu a Ives declared their Governments read) to carry .hi resolu t on into tiled. Baden voted wi'.h the majority i ho AstiiiHlrr-President announced that Austria gu irnnteed the teiriiory of all the Mutes v hit h remained fuhhlul to the fjontedoru'lon. 1 he representative of Luxemburg announced that the Netherlands would remain netitml In be coming con fllct. 'I his dechion was protested against by the Presi dent. Hai.over declared that she would si lo with Aus tria under all clicumsiances. Yesterday alte nonn tne Fedeial tBavarluii) gairlson In this towu occupied the rol way station, and took possession of the Prusslun telegraph ofl.ee THE MANIFESTOES. Itojal Indictments and Popnlar Procla mations. AUSTRIA AGAINST FBCSSIA. The following are the most Important passages of an lmueilal manifesto to the A us r Ian peop e, Issued In Vienna. It says: on the northern and southern fron tiers ot the empire are arrayed the armies of two allied enein'es of Austria, with the intention of shaking the foundation ot her position as a Furopean power. To neither oi them bus Austria given any cause tor war. The preservation oi the blessings oi pouce to the people oi Austria has always been regarded by me as one o. the nrst and most Bacrcd of my amies as sovcteign, and one 1 have always cons.dcred myscll bound lalthluilv to fu HL But one ol the host! e powers deems no pretext necessary ro lustily lis lust lor the plunder of a portion of the AuHrian monarchy. In the eyes of that power a favorau o opportunity is sufficient cause lor war. Two years ai.o we were ol led vlih Prussia, and a part ot in beloved Austrian army was drawn to the coast of tho f.orlh Sea In company with the Prussian tioops I ii gainst whom we aro now arruyed ns enemies) to pre serve rights accorded by treaty, to protect a tlirea'cued Oenuan uai tonality, to contlue the misery oi an unavoid able war to Its narrowest limit, nnd to ol tain a lasting guarantee of peaoo necessary ior tii , wetturu ol Aus irlu. (ioiiiianv. and F.urono Austria souidit no con quests, and bears no port of the blame for tne sad list ot unhappy complications which had Prussiu's inten tions been eqwa Iv disinterested, would never have arisen, end which havo been brought about lor tho accomplishment of selrt-h objects, and are, therefore, not susceptible of a peaceful solution by my Gov ern uient. 'I he manliesto then mentions the course of thoneg) tlations tor tne prcfe' vuiion ol peace wulcU we e cur lied ou first with Prussia and s.ihscquem y with t io oil er great powers. The lutter are deduced to lnvo failed becLUse the powers would not recognize no 1 ac cept tie toiidhion niado bv Austria, that liiir.iin'.m public law and existing trentus Hiou d loim tho basl, ol t"oe mediatory el oits to bo uuido by the . on.creiioo. A proof wan hereby Kiveu thut the dellhera'.iuus would never hae l.d to the preservation ol peco. The ma' l.esto then enumerates tho nets of vio'enco committed by Prussia, v i : 'I he enlri' of her tioops into llolsltln. the d ssolulion of the estates convoked by he lininrlal Governor of the Duchy , ond the movement by which 'he I ru-sien troops, ten tlm s superior n nuui ber, li rcid tne Austrians to retire, it further dec urcs that Prussia toie asunder the liana of Oeimau uuiiy by t ec si Hi, 1 er seccssiou nmi Hie ('on'ederation, aud liy proceeding with military force aga usi the sovsreigus who remained true to Iho Bund. 'i he iol owing Is the text ot the concluding portion ot thenisniirsto- Tin ie ore, the most falnl cfwars. a war of Germ ins n ninst Germans, hi s beeouio uiiavoidab'e. For u 1 lie mireiy wlil h t wil entuii upon ittiiul.es, districts, and coin tries, I make those who lia.'O provoked it answer able belore tho tribunal of posterity ami of tho 1 nilglitv and Eiernal God I advance to the conllljt, with t bat confidence which is nltorded bv a Just cause, with the consciousness ot the power which exls.s in , great empire where liincu and people aie penetrated w Ii li but one and the same thought inniel , the rights of Austria and with lre-li and un luillnu couinge al tho eUrl.t ot mv armed and valiant so dicrs, who torm a burrlor against wh.ch the power of Austria's enemies will be shattered as well as at tho sleht of my laiililul peooles. who look up to me, milted self sacrificing, and resolved. But oun f'cxliii,' pervades tho iiihabiuii.ta of mv kin"doji aa.l provinces tht ot cohesion of stientn in tlr-ir unity, o liuiipna tiin nt an unprecedentotl viola lion ol right. It (loudly pains mu that the work oi comi'ig to an understanding open fjo question of tho internal constitution of the empire should not have been siifllcientlv lur aiivunied to allow of the representstives of al1 my peoples rally ug around my throne at this serious but elevating mometii. I am lor the present deprived el, tins supuoit: but, o.i the otner h nd, my duty as toverehn Is all tho more clear nnd my reso lution he n ore tlrni to secure the constitution to mv empire tot n I nituie thne. In this coutlict we shall not be alone. Ihe princes and peoples or Germany are bt are of the danger which threa ens ilriir liberty and Independence, aud not omy oaisoivcs but also our Ger man I rethrenol the C ontederation are in arms lor tuo security ot those objects which l nut on, ure bound to deitnd. We have been absolutely loice I to lake u i aims. FInce, then, in the midst of the work of peace which I had undertaken, with the view to lav the basis of a ( institution which should consolidate the unity of the whole Empire and Its position as a great fmwer, my (overelgn duties have compe1 led me to place he en iro aitny upon a war looting, we have taken up arms, and now we must not and will not lay them down until we buve secured Austria and our Confederate Ger man States their free internal development aud their rlfihtlui position In Europe. Onr confidence aid our Iiopea are based upon our unitv and strength, but not upon them alone. They are p aced In a blither power Ihe Omnipotent and Just God, whom my house, has always served, ami who never abandons tho-e who firmly rely upon Ills Justice. Him will I beseech for he p and victory, anu I call upon my people to Join wl h me la piy uruyer. PIll'BPIA AGAINST AU8TBIA. The Frus-tun Government despatched on Juno lit) foiclgn courts an oiliciu statement of recent events, In viiicnit nones tuo imowmg ooctarationi -After the decision on he Diet on the 14th Instant, bv which the l oniederatl. n waa tiokeq un aud Prussia threatened with war. the law ot seli-preserv Ion compelled Prussia ti secure hers If against th action of rolirhboring Sla'es On the 15th Ins nut, the 'e ore, the Government offered Saxony, Hanover, and Electoral Hesse a coudl tiouul a lliince i he oiler was refuse. i. and as Prussia's geographical poslti'in . o is not allow her to tolerate iu those States open or i oncealed hostility while she Is en gaged iu war In another dlr. ctliu, the Prussians have crusted the iron lera of those three countries In order ti prevent our bt Inn cut oil In tue rear a hile defending ourselves agulnst Austri a. KINO Wll.' I AM TO THE rRtESIAN PEOPLE. Berlin June 19. The maullesto ot Kliu William to tho Prussian p op e bus 'ucun Issued to day , the princi pal passages ofwhlch ura as fo laws:- The hopes that an ullianuo bused upon mutual esteem, ud lur hoilug the prosperity and power oi Germany, won d Issue Iioiu tue Austnun an I Prussian brothei In od In anus, have beau deceived Austria has not considered Piussla as her neutral ally, but as a host ho rival, and has. thereforu, drawn the ted. mil princs into ft breach of the Cnn'ederiition Tho humiliation ef Prussia lias been the watchword Of her enemies, hut Iho spirit ol 18 3 lives in tve Prn-slan people. Ilei op ponents deceive tliem elves It Ibey Imagine Pruna'.a t9 be ouralyzed by dlsseii-lous sc home. Heto-e theene ny thes- disappeur, and a', hitherto opposed to one another siana uenceioriii uuiitu in iriuuipii or misiortuue The iiiuiu esto lays slress upon tho foci that Prussia. In concert with ! ng'uud. Frame, and Kussiu. has ma l t a irtil less eiloit to eitect a peaceiul settlement, auu pro tieedsi We are compcl'ea to f ght tor existetce We must bo lortn to battio for Hie or death agnluat thoso who wlli to humiliate the Prussia ot the Grout F.lector Frederick and ol the war ol Independence I' God give us tho victory we shall be strong enough to reunite more firmly and more prosperously tlio-t loosened Hot ot Genu my which they who tear the right aud the power of the nulloiial spirit have torn asunder. COtlNT B1NM AUK'S DECLARATION. Berlin June 1H On Iho lUth Inst, the Prussian Gov ernment delivered a special protest to al'. ihe German coiitia, declu lnga l proceed una which either one or several of the German iloveruuien s m'ght'ak In ac cordance with the orders of the so-called Federal Diet to be null and void. This protest was despatched slmu'tansousl v with the Prussian declaration to foreign Gevcrnm iits respecting the latest ste ps of Prussia Iu Saxony, Hanover, and Hess e-.'sMfl. Cour t n'smnrck has addressed the following despatch to the I ru fli n representatives nlno id : I have to common Cute to your Fxeoileney ai ev wt by vhlth exlftlag European law will bo essentially aiK red. ' be Federal Iih tal Franktort In Its silling ot vester dn.i (the 14i h lust.), reso veil bvpoiitot li, votes upon the un u. ligation o 'be entire rderal army with the exception oi the Prussian rontlugau'. Austria, who h'.s a re ofv broken oil dip'omot o ie a' ions with us and win se mil tury 'orces have menaced our fron fertor the I s. tb ee months bal proposed this men ure on the 1 b June, in 'he erminil oi a pretended Interf rence with her poisesion in llol'ie.n the .U"trlnn represen tative i pealing nt the same time to nr Icle li) of t ie fjuul artloii o Vierna. oi tiieStb June, lfOT Ar . Ill ot the VI n la Final act whl h was put torth a the gr. nmi o ibn host! o pioceedlng. forms, at Is w 1 knewn only the sa tng point lor the legal stepi piTFCfil ed by tl-.e suhsi qui nt articles for adjusting dii h rei ce belwetn nienibers of tho Con ederailon when thi'i come within tho coiis(iiutio.ia coinoetencv oi ihe Dili', anu 'orwblcli tin regulations for Federal ex ca t on con Bin the lurtlier Instructions i be anavlng o' a Fcde'nl army against a mooibor ot the Confederation, as resolved upon in accordance wi h the auslriau motion, and based on the mlll'.uy constl tu Ion ot ti e Bund, Is iu contradiction with the aim and spirit, el II a Bund as well as v.ilh the text oi the Fcds ihi act, en ccinlly rt. '1 nnd Art II (la"t pariwra in1, which 'orm Ans M and M ot tbo l.'ongress act of Vienna oi ibe lith ol June 1SI5, and are as follows: Art.M. I.e b it do c-tto Coniodorntioa est Ie mala tlen tie lasureto exterlcure et luterleuie de 1' Alleinugae, do I'lnc'epeDiIdiice et de l'liivlo.aliillio del etats con fute res. Art. 13: (allnei 81. Les e'.nts cnnfctlercs sengagent de nictce a no so fairo la guerre sous aucju pretxte, et a lie point poursuivre leurs diPerends par In lores des trint s, lnals a les souini tire a la Dlete. e e lo-cL, essnleia meyen nnnt une commission la vole do la mediation. M e.lc ne rousslt pas e. qu'uae sn en ;e juiiuliioedevl.nl ncccsisairo. II y sera pourvu par una Jih en ent Austreral (Autragal Instan) blcn organ i.e nuqucl les parties lltigantcs so louaijt.ront sans antiel. ihe anti-Federal motion of Austria being, Pitissla's proto t notwithstanding, not only brought under dtscus sion but also rnisc l to the condition oi a resolu ion ot the Federal A8' mbly by ihe small majority above men tioned, the King's i nvov. In the name of his Mnicsitv. announced the dlsso uilon of the Federal Pact by a l ir- n u. oeeliiration to the Diet, and alicr this act Itmiie ritacly withdrew iroin the sssemlny. in which the majority of envoys represented States that had already pievious y combined in measures hosti'e to Prussia It is low the duty of the King's Government ti nu noiince In a formal manner the violation of tho Federal treaty ot which ihe stipulations have lost all validity to those powers who. by signing the Vienna congress act oi the sin oi uuno. inn. or subsequently giving tncir au berence thereto, have become contounders ol the Federal treaty, even though they have given no guarantee tor us maintenance. I have, thcroiore, tho honor to Instruct your Excel lency to communicate by copy tho contents of this des patch to BIsMAltK. Buil. N.June 25, 1RC6 THE PRUSSIAN CONSERVATIVES. The chiefs ot the conseivatlve party and the party of progress nave lormeu an association in iois city to assi.-t the Prussian army In the Held with money, pro. visions, and medical uld. i hey have issued a common appeal io the parties to co-operate with thorn Iu re lieving the severe labors of tho soldlars serv'ng the Fatherland In the fie d. 'I he slmiattires to the anpeal Includ" those of Ilerren Wagner, Bentner, Muainisen, iwesteo, Virchow, and t mull. PBUSSIAN PROCLAMATION TO THE GERMAN PEOPLE. Beblin.Juiio IK. -'1 lie to 'owing nroo amailou has leenis.-ued by the Prussian Government to ,ho German people : Alter the Germanic Confederation has disn'ived ana nromnted for half a centurv not the unl v. but the disunion ol Germanv, has thereby long since lost tie c iifidtnce ol tlie nation, and been regarded bv foreign nations as a gua-auieo for the continuance of German weakness and want of strength, it was to have been misapplied in tho last few days to cal mg Ger manv under arms tganst a member of the Con federation which had taken the tirst decisive step ior i bo satbr. action of the national demands by nro- O.udm- tile convocation ot a. UttraiHit &'Arllumotit All support, all ground, even all plausible nreic.M. Is want- 1. . ... .1... ,.nw,u I...!!,... 41, n .. n M.ltd,l Ifh. HI ,lW I CUU .1 V llll. IIUIK',1 ' ..IU n.uu v. UJ Austria saainsi Prussia Bv the resolution ot June 14. In w hich the majority of the members ot the CouleiUva tien Oe'crnifned to arm ItJ wur eiiainst Prussia, be hrearp o the Couicdenition is completed, unit tre undent io erul relations aro lorn inaunicr. coining remains but tho busis of confederation the living nnitv of tlio Gi ininii nation-and it Is iho duty ol the Governments una o f il.e people to givo ntw expiessiou, instinct with it e nun hotter, to that unity. 1 pen l'lUFHiu is incumbent tnerewitu tna amy oi uo Icrse ol lur liidcpendeiice Ciroutened by ihnt ns i tlon md the armainen sol her opponents. Whl e tliul Prus siur pco.i c exe.-s Its enfiro s'lor gtli trr tne fu illmuiit 0 tliutrtety It at the s une Unto disp ays the deicr.mna tiun to titke up t hu d.'lense of tho ua loua dcve.o i n t 01 Genni.nr. lntherto lorcib y obstrticteil In liuli.l liial tiuercsifi. 'ninls sense linmoiiiato y i:itor tne tiisiniu tlen oi the Oonledorutlon, Prussia oll'ored tho Guve n u entsanew union upo i iho slnp o itnns of mutual 1 rutet tii.ii nnd participation in tne national eii ns - he required notliimt but security tor ptaci, nnd lor that purpopo tho immediate convocation ot tho a aril. i- u.et t f.er hones'or the ftilfllment ol this Just nnd mvd'ir.Ua demuntl have Leeu t ecu. veil, 'Ihe oiler oi VtussU Is n itcicd and the bus theroby been coin icilea to paceed in iccordunci with the duty ot sen-preservation At such a moment she canuot suiler enemies ot doiibtui ir.. lies Ufi n and betweeu In t frontie.is. bite ibe PrtiM.ian troops cross the frontiers they do not come ts etittoiis ot tie poi illation, whose inde ptndence Prussia rt srects fnd with whose roprosonu tivcs sbo hopes to deliberate in tho German National sseinbiv uiiou ho tuiuro lortuues ot tho Gurmun I'm Per lur.d. ft av Hie Cemian people, looking towards this lofty ul.n, meet wl,h confidence, hud assist to promote and Fccuro the peace. ui development of the common cot.ntrv. 'l bo above ptoc'amatlon Is to bo distributed bv tho Prussian troops iu the German territories iuto width they will advance. 1HCLABAT10N Off THE PRt SSIAN REPRESENTATIVE AT THE FH11FRAL 1)1 El'. The following Is ihe text of th ('cclaratlon bv tho Prussian representative ut the Federal i let a tor tie aooptiouo the Austrian motion loi tho n.oliliiz itiou ot the Federal army. Kotwlihstnndiug tha'. the Prussian tnvoj lino protested In the name ot his Gov er.nuuai a uiio-t all discussion o. the Austrian motion, the Filer.ti Asstmblv has nevertheless proceeded to vote ltsadop tn ii '1 heetivav has now to litlnl tbo setlous diiy o: ao quamtlng the Diet, with tho resolution his Govern Hint a ter ibai vote deems it necessary to alopt in support ot the rights and luterusts of fu Prussian mcn ur, h , tnd Its position iu uetmuny It is the II tin on vlctir.no tho King's Governmon that ilio ti;t oi in ro ducingihe motien pioposed Dv the Austrian Uovcin nient isofit.e't Indubitably and piatu y opposed to tbo leneral cons itntion. and must, thereiore bo conhi .o oi i.v Piursia as a breach oi ihe eon ederuiion. Fede.al law acknowledges only one process ot execution w ith retard to members o' tue Cooicderalloii, for which sett ed forms sua conditions aie orcscn jed The u obl lljat'on oi the federal aimy against a inembr of the ( on ederatlon Is as foreign to the federal coust tut.on as every In er er nee on ihe pare ot the Diet wit i auv one oi the Governments In the Federation la oti poeed to tho rules of the executive procedure The position of Austria In Holstein is moreover not p aced under the protection of the Federal trea ties, ai d Ms Majesty the Empetor of Austiia can not be considered us a member of the Diet tor the Duchy ol irol.teln. For these reasons the King' Goyoruinent baa abstained trom entering in anv way unon tho actual discussion of the motion, although It would havs been easy to lepel the reproach that Prussia Intended a breach oi i lie peace, and to throw the accusa. Ion back upon Austriu. 'ihe Kings Cabinet consul r that tho only lege' nd ailmlsslhle procedure wua ior ' he Diet to reject ti e moil n at the outset ou account of its illegal charac ter Looking at the Federal ties which have hitherto e xisted, the King a Onvcrument cau oply most deeply reuret that tula formal demami Upon lit part has not : ... I... 1 at I..S. t'CCU VriUUICU Willi UT no , ,, For tbiee months tbo most powoiiul member or t ie Coiiiederutlon has beetl arming against Priis-; i tor ' tlio purpose ol seil-redress, in contra, eutlou of the federal Constitution and hli circumstance haj deep y shaken ibe tonlidance of Piussla In the protection tae Couteda- ti Ion has iu lauieed to each of Its members wphoutcMilaiia lou us to their obji o tne iviug a nov el linn u could ou y regard ltsfa etv at homo and abroad u.wh ..,...r.i ,. . , nnlele two of tho 1'edurul Pu.-t luil.e n uln ntiie'cl 01 the t oufode'.Hioii as already 111 .1 a i.Il! s iienrpnnndiiuueref. The Illegal motion of Austria anil i s no liouht m enrrangetl iidoiitlon by a ,.,.ni, ii nr tin. i.eiler.1, Govenimeut have only cou- f'lnnd ands reuuiheued this view of tho King's Gov 'i lie King's Cabinet conBldors the breach of tha Con federation COnipll to o.y IHO uuwinuii.il v "tti lite aceortllng to l-etleiul law ugain-!t a meuiDcr fit Lhe t t nleileratlon, wuicu i icun ui '"".'". Austria and the otes of those goveruuionis which have associated themselves with her. In the naui ani by the order ol his most gracious mister, hi Vaje.'y lie King, the etienn there ore hereby declares that 1 russia considers the hitherto o;ls lug Fo:eful tri ity as broken, and there ore no longer binding I but that sho wll .on the contrary, regura audireatlt us extinct Ills Haiesty lb Mug will not, however, look upon tl e natiousl b"is on which lhe C juiedora'lou ua. bo rn uitnded a. destroyed uy he act ot tnat extinction. Prussia on tue coutiarv adheres to these lonu latlom, an. I to tlio unltv of the German nation as superior io transitory forms, aud regards It as an lii'iispeusubl ) dti y of ihe Germau Slates to give this lutier sultuhle exaros sion The King's Goveruinenl, tuerefore. on lis pait. submits the out lues ol a new union eorrcsuouding to tlio leouiremeuls oi the present 'luie and dec aros 1 sell reudv to conclude a new pact on the old foundations, niod'ifled uy l. necessary reforms, with those Germau toviviinients which vl'l Join with It or tha' purpose Tho i uvoy lultlisthe oiderof his goverumxut by deo ar- ing his ti iictions here at an end '1 be envoy has aslly In tne nume and bv order o his G' veinn ent to roseive and uianiiaiu all I's rights oi edersl moneys already voted being made wlUioat the special consent oi his Government. . . - , th. i n n 1 tie appeals oi the ning s v.ovrruuiv-... . Ie eiaUou aud its members for Ihe pro ectic-n o Prusila against an arblirurv attack iroin stutr'a having on y j,. ,r,l in nnn.m.n,. it oilier I' e Jeiili Goveruuioti 1 1 evrrv kind arising out or me nunuiiu fxisihiv i uf the Conledcratiou and o'herwlso to tha properly au J eppurtenanees of the bm d. He is particularly direi us i alnal n ft If It II II II'.HLIIIIl (I T U B UBai " FROM WASHINGTON THIS AFTERNOON. FPEC1AL DBSPATCUE8 TO BVBNINO TBLEORAPn. Wabihnoion, July 3. The Pacing Nv1 Nqnadron. The Ksvt Departvnont has recoivcd a communica tion from Acting Kor Adml'al l'eaison, cotnmanil- injr tho Taoiflo iquadron, dated Bav ot Culiao, Juno 1 in which ho sives trio (ol'owiiig report ccncorning the condition and employment of tho v.';S.'l) of which II ii composed : The flagship Powhatan Is in good condition, and will remain at Cn'lao until the 20th of June, when tho will proc.cU to l'anama, and thcro moot tho Lancaster on her ai rival at that place. The steamer Luncatler is repairing at Mare Island, Navy Yard, but expected to bo ready lor her officers and crew by tho m'ddlo ol Juno. Trom California. San Fkakcisco, July 1 A letter, dntod Mohave City, Arizona, June 11, represents t'.io m'.ninz prospects as flatterinr. Small predatory bauds of Indians had p nndcrcd a camp in tho Manodotua district, and bad murdered ono mm thero and another at Mohavo Sprincrs. Two coruptinloi had been raised to pursue tho murderers. The steamer Sierra Nevada, Iroin Victor'n, brings $174 COO in treasure Mining shares sold for tbo past seven weeks foot np las than hall the amount so d lor tho corresponding poriod last year. Tho loading miners report that they are all do!uf bjttor. The Eight-Hour Movement. Hoston, July 8 Tho boston Caulkers' Associa tion and other organizations of mechanics hold a meeting at Faneuil Hall last night In lay or of the eipht-hour movement. Speeches wore mado and resolutions adopted to labor earnestly to secure the irsults desired by electing friends of the movement to the Legislature. The Condition of Senator Lane. St. Louis, Jnly 3. -General Lane was still living last evening-, but his physicians have no hopes of his recovery, tie has been unconscious, and has not opened bis eyes or spoken since shooting liima jlf. Sailing of the "China." I oeton, July 8. Tho Bteamer Chin sailed for Liverpool about noon to-day. Markets by Telegraph. New Youk. July 8. Cotton quiet nt 81(?333 Flour is dull: 6000 barrels sold at 86'60S10-a5 for Mute; 98 90&13-76 lor O no; 99 fJOCfClO lor rvesternj 10 2CC 17 lor Southern ; and Si) 13 UO lor Canadian. W heat dull; salet uuimportaii'. Corn has advancoa le. ; 60,000 bushels so n at 87:&88o Keef qu et. ForP hrnvy at S3212J a32 25 lor Mess. Lard dull. Whisky dull. 1 here is no Stock Beard to-day. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. Til o Grant Itaallrnna ' Perpetual Iu. Junction Uruuied. At the nuot:ng of tho Court at Wllliamsport, on 1 hursrJay evening, Mr Latiobo asked a .lucree of ii.junc.ion on tho fihdiujr or the jury. Mr. Cuylur hid vi ii that the matter bo ro. erred to a Master. Mr. B ack moved its roleronca to au Examiue'' to take tittimony, and np'iomt a mture uuy to decide ou tiK'linat deer. e. Both mutiotts were overruled. The dcleuso otjecttd to a decree- being issuod in. til lurtner opportunity was irivon iliein .o prove 1: cts alleged in answer other tliun luo.,e passed oa l.y thejuiv. 'litis uhjection was ovurrulud, aud a 1 1 rpo unl injure Ion rrnutcd so that tho Connells villo r ad comes out tr uiuphaut in the contest. .Mr. Lowrio abkod to rrove that, tho insolvent cor- 1 nialion had enough to pay its doot to Baltimore. Overruled. Court then adjourned. PW.s'juru (At- Lte 4'onrt of Onnrter Nenslons Judge Pierce. : c-niorrow i t lie glorious Fourth, but it any ouo i-l.t u.tiLo so iiii'urtuiiato as to le tguorant ot thai un: orlunt Inct, and liad lo other soi.ico trom winch to derive that picco ot informa tion than irom tlio express'ont ol tho pri soners wl,u g crowded tuo dock this ruoriiiui,', vc would, wilhout a nui'li'y doub', roinam eu- tuoly leiioint.t uulii lo- norrovr, to.- each prisoner looked as if fo duv ho was to be seutoiicod. and to- moirow hung Kuces of va. ious colors and various ex-jrei-sionnj some wore poiluot pictures ot statva ten and despair, some of lear, and soma looked as il uisi'nsted with Hi s woriu uua ail t no contents therein. However, their touching looks aid not anectthti Court, lor this honorable body at ouco proceeded to dispose of their ca-cs. first upon tuo oiacx use was uuorgo i riser, churged with burglary in onterini tho house ol Louis lire cr, southwest corner of Broad aud liUtfo Bv !LUo on the Isbiti ot aiay. lwo officers testified Ibat about half attr 12 o'clock ou tho uiominp; ol the 2th, thny saw Prisor Bt U sonio others go Loiuna lvroior s uouse iney Iol ow ed, tiud secreted thcmo ves whore the could winch tho proceedings in. y saw tun part es c m rrencu l orrng Loles in a w.ndow, and onu of t ;o ofl.ccrs arrested a man. The otliois smoUiiig a mice cikd out 'you but," and disuppoaretl tbroutia a c I ar coor. 1 bey were not teen any moro ior tevcra: ax s wl.en I'rizer was arrested a; a nouso on Broad strot. Alter t o att-rnev had opened tho aoiensr, tno llcorBndthe aitontiou of the Com t was oooupied for a lew minutes bv "Drunken Gat." or "Crozv Knnco " ortomo othi r intoxicated or moor struck ten a e bundled uo in calico and cnuoiin wtio sud denly became our noisy. But the prjmptuoss of tlio officers ol the court soon restored quiet, lor tboy slit filed out tbo loveb crea ure, wuo letirea, leaving htr compliments to all in court. J Le defense atiege innt mi uiuo iuu uummry it-: aid to have been commute a, 1 riser was at home iL I ed. . J he jury rendered a veraici oi guiiry. Wilncstes lor tho delouce, not promptly obeying tl.ifr summonses as witnesses, were brought belore tlio C.'tTt lor enntemiu sharply roprimando I for tl i ir conduct, bavin kept tho business back tor a bu f hour bv their non-attonoauo, ana were eacu O i erea to par mo costs, ( eorge I nomas ana uxiara jounson, ootoiou, vie obarged witn mo larceny oi hmou, tuo property oi JauiCB Milior t mt is, 130 worth of shoes. Oil tr j 1. Mies Muloch'a Marriage. rlnpfleld Republican pubhshes tho fol extract from a private lotter irom 'Ihe P lOvVlllfT England: Mrs. K knows Mi's Mu'och Intimately. It Is quite true that the good-hearted author ss mariiod a li.ine man, one jounger than horaolt. His nirao is liaik; ho is the son of the leaoing mlnistor ot til? totch kirk in Glasgow lhe latter aud Ms Mu och have boon intimate friends for years, I ui, ho has not become reconciled to her marriago with his eon, lor sho is torly and lie but twen y-llvo It appear- that rotuo t'mo ago youug Craik got Ins leg biotenon tho rai way to Loudou. Arter tho aciieciit a l iter was found in his pocket, and ait tiueseti to Miss Mulooli (a ietterot introd action (torn luBluth-i) and te taken o her house and ten ,,.,! tp A irreat Iriondshlp sprung up between ihem. but 'or a ong tiiuo it was m ire like ibat existiiiir beiween an enter sister and youuger ii.D iimn nnv H.. ier sentiinout. lie at lone'li wi nt home, but so n retui nod. propoed, and was accepted. Mr. Cruik was what is cat ea an auoount eiif but ho has Ji st become oiauazer in the London in nth ol It uc in I Bit's great pubusliing house. M ss Moloch la verv tail ai d ralhor cauut, but has ...,ii-,iv uentlo look. Sho is vorv quiot and uiipro'ending, thorns." and hates as au au- LOPEBS BY THB BOWDOINHAM BANK ROBBERY. m.,1,,q n.nti p slatfts Hie ohief losBl'S Of (iepO- gitors bv the recent robbery of tho bank at Ritors bv the recent robbery or tno otiun ai liowdoiuhain as follows: II. Sampson a estate, iflii.OOi); B'ron WUi'more, iftooo; II. A. Urey, $3000; JoBiah Merrow, $30i)0; J. P. Toinple, - . .... .-. .Ilitil. Viiihnn ViiHimm innii. Tiinimm Rnoiir. l'i0: Nathan Varuum, 4()0; J. K. Milluv, $'2.')0: William A. Wood, $ !D0; Maria Samoson, $300; Robert Uuttertield, :i000; Joseph Mustard, $11,000; John O. ilven, siiniifi- William Purrington. $8000; William ! Bibber, $4000; famucl WUitmore, $1100, FINANCE AN T) COMMERCE. Offick of tub Evenino Telegraph, Tuesday, July 3, I860. J The Stock Market was dull this mornlnfi, with the exception of Railroad shares, which continue the DiOBt active on the list. About 2500 shares of Catawissa preferred sold at from 3CJ;J9, the lornier rate a dcclino of 13 on the closing; price lu9t evening; Camden and Amboy sold at 134, no change; Pennsylvania Railroad at 6:i50, an advance of J; Reading at53(53j, an ad vance of i; and Northern Central 43 , no change; 50jwas bidf'orNorristownrSCJ tor Slinehillj ITJfor Elmlra preferred ; and M for I'hiladelphia nnd Erie. Covcrnmcnt bonds are firmly held at full prices. 5-20si?old at 103104, and 7'3t)s at 1032. "i was bid tor 10 40s, and 100 lor 6s of 1881, coupon orT. City loans are more active; the new issue eold largely at DO.J, aud the old Ao. at 03. Hunk shades, as we have noticed for some time past, continue in stood demand for Invest ment. Mechanics' sold at 31 J. 110 was bid lor First National; 142 for rhilaiiflphla; 121 for Farmers' and Mechanics'; 51 for Commercial; 100 for South wnrk; 53 for Pcnn Townibip; 63 for Oirard; 80 lor Wr-Btem; 30 lor Manufiicturors' and Mechanics'; C5 for City; 53 for Common wealth; 64 for Corn Exchange; and GO for Union. In Canal shares there is very little move ment. Schuylkill Navigation preierrea sold at 36, an advance of J; 2GJ was bid for Schuylkill Navigation common; 120 for Morris Canal pre ferred; and 65i for Delaware Division. Quotations of Gold 10 A. M., 153; 11 A. M., 1525; 12 M., 153.; IP. M., 153J. The New York Herald ot yesterday says: "Ihe supoly of money continues extremely abundant at tho htock Exchange at 4W5 per cent., wl h the ma Jorl y of transactions at the lower rate, while nist-class commercial paper is taken ireelr at ftJiO per cent, drs count. The statement of the associated b inks lor the week leflecie an easy conditio i ol monetae atlalra. Toe dtnosl's have increased 82 3S7.9S4 the leual ten 'er notes ')H2 122. and the circulation t'ilin. Oa the other hand, the loans have Increased In about the same ratio as thedeposlta namelv, a'2 447,360. 'Ihe specie has decreased only 7 818 -a sma'l sum considering that nearly three millions wtx paid Into 'he Custom House for duties last week. 1 here now remains onl 7 7U7J'8 oi coin In the banks ofthlscliy." The New York Times this morning savs: ' The Treasury Office paid out yestorday (174,000 In gold on the D rst of Jul? interest and a much larger uuiounton checks given out on Saturday night aud yesterday morning, from tho interest desk, remain to be presented for payment at the Gold Teller's counter. Many o' them are heid at b ink in place oi gold, tnongb. required by the rnle of the Treasury Office to be pre sented the same day The Customs receipts for the day were aaft.flOO The business in Government securities was renewed with Increased actl.lt v at the S ock Ex change and among the great dealers In Wall si root this forenoon. Tne transactions altogether cunt by mil lions. The heaviest wore In United States 6-208 of 1865. but all descriptions participated, nnd at the full rates of hainrday. On the i-tock hxchanve, the speculation In Erie shares, at advancing figures, was quite large, and Imparted a certain dcree of firmness io the whole rail way list. 1 he hli-hest sales ol Erie wee at61M "l cent., asagalPst62H at the close on Saturday." riiiuDELrniA srocn facuanue sues to day Kvported by De Haven & Bro., No, 40 8, Third street . BEfcORE BOAKD8. IfiOsh Reading. s5wu 531 lOOsliSch N pf. ... 85 2t0bh do 53 lOOshCatabl di FIRST BOAKD if 1000 TJ S 6s. "35.reg 1034, 2 ah Mech Bk 81 fc-lOOO U S 7 30s. Jue Wiii Wi sa Cat a pi. . . .D.'KJ d $1500 City 8s n, k s o 064 M0 sfi do 1)5 87? 2(XJ0 uo PM, 1UUS11 Sffj'O do 1)01 KiOsh flOfO do Ufli 100 s!i S4000 do....muu Wi i 100 sli 82500 do o Ufi'Jl 100 all do b30 87$ do 37 do 87 do ....so.. 87 do s5 87 do lots. 87 do. ...Its c. 87 do b30. 87 do 3(1 do c 8'5 o 37 do b30 87 do 37 do bo 37 lo..lotsb3iJ 87 do 88! do b5 86J do b80 87 S? li 00 Cam. & Am. S3 UJ!i ano sn SliiOOl'alstmOs.... OSli 800 su 2Ci.O l'h 1 & bun. 7s. 1)5 100 s i $20C0 Loliigh V bs...'Mj 100 sh 4n0shN V & M'dC.o 5 100 sh SOOsh Sch. ....io(s 85 lnOsh 2sh Cam & Am. ..1341, 100 sh 14 f li l'enna U 55;:; 100 sli 50 sh do ...lots. 6tl I lOiisli 200 fn Read.. lots slO 53 f 200sli 100 sh do blO 63 f 100 sli 100 eh do 68 -81 200 sh 60 sh N Central.... 48 1 100 3h Mes-rs. Dellaven & Brother, No. 40 South Third utreet, make the following quotations of the rates ol exchange to-day at 1 P. M. : American Cold 1 153J 112 Antericao Hlivor, 4s and 4s Ill C'. mpouiid . tercst No'es: 12,' il 6 6J the uuiio, 164.... 12,i July, 1884.... 12 " August, 1804.... HJ " " Ootober, 1804.... lOi ' Deo., 18(4.... ? " Stay. 1806.... 7j August, 1865.... 64 " Sept.. 1865.... 5? " October 18H5. ... 6i Statement of doposits and coinatre at Mint of the United States, Philadelphia, duiing the montu 01 June, isub: Valuf. , $387,382 1 . 84,8tto 77 9 421,717 03 Gold deposits , Suvor deposits and purchases Total deports. ... COINAGE EXECUTED. OOLD. Denomlnahotii. So. of Pireet. .r Valor. 8230,800-00 50 00 26 00 1500 12 60 600 6,001-63 237,009 03 ff 8 650 00 ' 12,725 00 8260 600 260 1 60 1 206 80 HMO,602 m eo6,2io oo 1 450 00 8 550 00 26 143 00 80 389-00 Double eag es 11,515 Eagles. 6 Half eagles Tluee dollars. ., Quarter eagles. Dollars Fine bars 6 6 6 6 14 Total 11,66 FILVKR Dollars 6,663 Halt dollars 05,450 Quarter dollars. 60 Dues Ha t dimei , 'I biee-cent piece. Fine bar 60 60 60 10 Total Five-cent pioces. . tents I wo-cent piecei. . Three-cent piecer. ....72,810 COPPER. ..1 824 800 ....145 01.0 ...,8'J8 000 ....838 000 Total 2,485,300 Philndclphit Trado Report. 'It BSD ay, July 3. Thoie Is 'jut little Qaorcltron Bark here, and No. I Is steady at 31 per tou Tannors' Bark is worth $10 to $18 l cord. Cotton Is dull with small sales at 37038 cents. lovertoed cones In slow Iv, and ma' be quoted at B7-,-(ji(l. Prices of Tiino hvari nominal Hmail sales o' Flaxseed nt ViOW bushel, at which Ugureltls warned bs theciu-hers . . . - . 'lhe spirit ess condition of the Flour trade recorded foraome time past atlli continues, but prices aie re markaoly high. Ihere Is no shipping demand but tho hoineeonsiimers nave purcua.eu to bbls., chlefiv Notthwestern extra' 1.1 . I 1..,. P.Itltfltf Vl.lll e extent of UN0 at all toali o do. do. at I '..".'A, i's,'"""" .t "V". sTt. .... - 9(.i)IO. and ?u ,c fl ie at' .8 CH1 . mVnality. The sale of Hvi T F our was at aO'SU. Prices of Cera Moal are nominal. ? 10,1 fiu-h at T2(7ie. lor Pennsylvania and 16o. for Dela w2re6U W I,"hWdull. l ' f sVtnawlvaal. ti-imiW, and Ohlojtt2JW2: i t i Brevet brig. Ueu. V.- Vols, -.r. .,.i-A,.,rii amAtf in, tli'lf an fa '1 he Ol eringB Of vrueai '"""P" " ' S:iT I'.iLi Wr rT PENNSYLVANIA RESEKVE CORPS. 13$ -The lJIvl.lonwi l form on T W EL FT H Street, , , , T,i" ai'Ki'i'EHtreet, f-eiug east at seven VS A M Jull l HOtttTIO . a A , js., uij , Colonel 3d Reserves,