THE DAILY EVENING , TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE(3Q, I860. THE WATERING-PLACES. Cape Maw-Notes bv the Wav-Ooen Ing Day-Prospects of the pKTBIMNO TILKOHAPn SPECIAL C0IIRKSP!IDI!C1 ) CVKQBE33 Hall. Capb Island, N. J., ) June 29, 156. J Among tbo many faTorito seaside resorts by "the broad Atlantio'i shore," th'Te is none bold tn higher estimation, none more Justly popular than Capo Way. Iu magnificent beach, commanding; oae of tbe most eztemdod ssa views to be found en oor coast, and affording mot ezoellent bathing It numerous first-class botoli, not lea than Its proxi mity to th great cities oINaw York Philadelpbia.and Baltimore, and iti easy access by tea, rlycr, or rail, all combine to render it one of tbo most attractive as well as most frequented of American watoriag places. While the attractions of other and rival points nave been dco Inlnr, tho?e of Capo May hare boon steadily on tbe increase. Last season the principal 1 hotels, anions which, without being charged with making Invidious comparisons, w may mention the Congress Hall, Columbia, and TJnitsd States, had more visitors than tbey could well accommodate; and so general was the demand lor "moro room," that tbe proprietors 01 these nouses have been com pelled, in sheer se f-dofens (not to put too flue a point upon it), to make important additions to their Jormor estab'isbmeuts. Me prooose briefly to note these aadi(ion, but before, proceeding to details we will rive tbo rcador tbe tonellt of our experience in tbe selection o a route thither. I From New Tork or Philadelphia, or indcod from any of tbo cities on tbe saboard, the most direct and expeditious route to Cape Island Is by the con necting linos of railway severally oalled the. West Jersey, llillvlllo and Glassboro, and Cape Hay aud lllllviile Hallways, more familiarly Known at tbe Cape May Railroad. lbe lino traverses the centre f the entire peninsnla or neck of New Jersey, from Camden, opposita Philadelphia, to Cape Island. CThe distance is eighty miles, and the time by the nail nasfenirer train la three and a halt hours. The rood was completed in the summer of 1803, and the first through train pasoi over it on tbe 21th of August of that year. Previous to tbe completion of tbe line but little was kno vn ot the sotitborn extremity of toe penin sular ("O called), ou'nde of Cape island, its famous beach, and tbe adjacent village ; and even that know ledge, scant as it was, was confined to tbe favored few who annually pi grimased thither. It was in deed popularly bollcvod to belong to New Jersey ,bnt that was a mooted point with many until tbe out break ot the Rebe'lion. This seems to have settled its status. The fortunato circumstance of a com pany or two of volunteers bailing from Cape May county being lound among tbe Union army, decided, that whether she belonged to Now Jeroy er not, II still formed portion of the Union. Since that time this long agitated and ofteu contested point has been considoied settled to tho satisfaction of all loyal citizens. Not only has the road opened up this hitherto terra incognita and givon a fre-h impetus to Cape Hay travel, but it has also ind iced an active settle ment at various points a oug the line. The advan tages of climato which its location afforded it, were early seen and improved by cap talists. Large farms have been opened, and all now successfully culti. voted on both sides of the line, the abundant sup ply of marl obta'ned from pits in the neighborhood of Malaga affording an inexhaustible fertilizer. MANUFACTURER. At Glassboro, on tbe West Jersey Rnilroad, as the name implies, tbo manufacture of glassware ib ex tensively carried on. The works ot the Messrs. Whitney Brothers and Stanger & Co., whoso works are widely known, are located at this place. Messrs. Jlooro Brothors and Rosenbaum ft Co., tbe tormor at Fislorvillo, the latter at Mat iga, outh of Glass boro, are alBO largely engaged in this important branch of manufacture. Vine land is the name given to a thriving yonng town which has sprung up near the terminus of tbo Millvlilo and Glassboio Road since tho throuqh son section was mado. It is a very promising tbieo year old, and bids fair to outstrip many ot Its older neighbors in the ptnmsular campaign lor lame. Why it should have bcenealitd Vinoland, except to dis prove the generally received opinion that such high toil only yields crsepers, it is difficult to conjecture It boasts a hotel, a flue nursery, and a "weekly." fcti aw berries of a most delicious flavor are among the attraction! ol tho place. Malag , a little hiyher up tho line, Is the victim ot another misnomer. It has, as already stated, exten sive g!as works, but no grapes as far as beard from. These way, however, come a'ong by -and-by, when tho decantors and glasses a e ready, perhans.-i At Brldgeton, tbo terminus of the West Jorsey Railroad a place we did not visit are located the extensive works of R. C. Nichols & Co., known as the Cumberland Iron and Nail Work. Here aiid at Salem, glassware is also extensively made. At Millville, a few miles south of the laud of Vine, we visited tbe fine works ot Messrs. Whitaii, Taiom & Co., and the foundry, machine i shops, and cotton mill ol Mr. R. D. Wood. Iho numbor of operatives employed in the workshops and factoiies at tho various points mentioned are steadily increasing, at Is also the amount of products passing over tho lino to and fro. 'lbe next station south ot Millville is Manum iskiu It is difficult to ascertain the origin ot this name by any na'ural or legitimate process ol ortuogiaphical deduction ; but as iho lud tins inhabited this region of country at au curly day, aud Indians generally are known to deal in skins and such like "dicker," it Is not altogether improbable that it mar have had its origin in the somewhat leebie attempts of me noble ravages to say Man-you-mut-scin. From Manumuskin the neighboring villages of Tort Elizabeth ami BricksviLe are reached by stage. Woodbine, the next point on the road, is finely located between Tuckahoe on tbo east and Punnis vllic ou the bay. Beeslcy's 1'oiut, on (jreat Egg Harbor, has many attractions to persons visiting tbe Cape. The lathln? and bunting are good, aud fl-b abundant. It is easily reached from Woodbine or Scaville, But we have left green fields and the iron track behind us, and must bring our ramblo to a close witb some account of Capo May, lis accommoda tions and tbe prospects for the coming season. Thk Cokoriss 11 all, Capb laLAD, I. F. Cake, Proprietor. This well-known and popular hou-e occupies a com manding locals on the southernmost point on the island. 1 be site originally oocupied by tbe bunding and grounds embraced, a few years ago, ho Ocean House property, which has boen added 'bin a few seasons. It is now owned and occupied J. V, Cake, having been purchased by him during e past year for 9125 000. The appointments of the uat are strletly first class. Iho dining-room, 0 by 40 feet, is a splendid apartment, eapable of 'ing with esse WO guests. It is fitted with chan u rd, ana when lighted up has a' brilliant effeot. :e groands and bath-houses have been put in oom- e rupair, and everything in and about the bonne n tne dosi possible order, lue nouse was tor ly opened on tbe 81st Ol Mar. Already upwards ne hundred ad flity names have been registered by tbe 1st ol July the bouse will be In fall tide coessiul epi ration tor tbe season. Columbia Uotrl, William Bolton, Pro- or -This fine nouse, which occupies the north- nd or tbe village of Cape May, has recently enlarged and r fitted. be grounds, which embrace upwards of four acres, have been greatly improved, as also tho inte rior accommodations of the house. New kitchens, washrooms, and offioes have boen added, and several oommodions private balhing houses orected noar tbe beach. It is proposed to farther enlarge and im prove It for tho season of 1867. The proprietor, Mr. Bolton, has long been known to Pennsylvania travel as "mine host of tbe Bneblcr House," at Harrisbnrg. He is an estimable man, and Is Justly popular with the visitors to this fashionable waunng-place. Ho has recently purchased the American House, for merly conducted as a boarding-bouse and hotel by Mrs. Reynolds. This house Is now also In readiness for visitors. Tbe two will easily accommodate ono tbonrand guests TukUmited 8tatm, West fc Miller, Proprietors ilajor West, formorly or the Cougro s Hail, is well known. The United States, locutod between the Columbia and Controls Hall, was one of the first houses erected and opened to the public. It is four stories high, has 200 rooms, and accommodation for 860 guests. It was opened on the loth Inst. Spacious bowling alleys and billiard rooms attacbsd. There are mauy other house? worthy of spocial mention, but we must leave them, with many other attractions of the Island, for another letter. Ail we have room or time to add hero is onr conviction that which tbe recent hot weather only serves to strengthen that tbe reaaon just inaugurated will prove one of the most attractive and successful that Cape May has known. So mote it be, Boh Votaob. INSURANCE COMPANIES. ACCIDENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YOI1IC. 15 R A T C II O F F I C E. No. 419 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. FRANK O. ALLEN, Manager. CHARLES P. TURNER. M. D , Consulting Physician, jno. Ktt s. kiuuiu street. ToHcles and Ialiy Tick Ms cover every description ot Accidents, travelling or otherwise. General Accident Tickets, fur one to six days, 25 cents perdav, lnsurlna 5i00. and MIJ week y compensation. Sea Voyage Policies to a 1 parts of the world issued at low rstes. GENERAL ACCIDENTAL POLICIES, Covering all forms of Dislocations. Broken Bonos, Rup tured Teudons, Sprains. Concussions, Crushlugg, Urn lues, Cuts, Stabs. Gunshot Wounds, Burns and Hcalds, Kites of Bogs, Unprovoked Assaults bv Buiglars, koboers, or Murderers, tho action ol Lightning or Sun Stroke, the efTiets of Explosions, Clieni'cals. Floods, and Earth quakes. Suffocation by Drowning or Choking, wben sucb accidental Injury Is tbe cause of deal h wlibln three mouths of tbe happening ol the Injury, oi ot total dis ability to f l ow tbe usual avocations. THE BATES VAUY From $3 to $50, ISSURINO From $.100 to $10,000, IN CASE OF DEATH, AND $3 to $50 Weekly Compensation, OR ANY DISABLING INJURY By permission, reference is made to the following gen tlemen i Colonel W. B. Tbomas, Collector of tho Tort Colonel J. H. laggart, United states Collector of In ternal Revenue, First District. Htnrv Bumm. Lsq., City Treasurer. B. B. Comcgys, Esq., Cashier Philadelphia National Bank. M. McMlcbacl, Jr., Esq., Cashier First National Bank, J. W. Bexton, i sq., of Ann ot Messrs. Jav Cooke Co. Messrs. 1 ewis. Brothers Co., Merchants, No. 239 Cbeonut street Messrs. Tvler A Co.. Coal Merchants, So. 328 Walnu Strep t. Messrs. Wood, Roberts Co.. Iron Manufacturers Ridge avenue, below Tweltth street. 3 10 eoal'it 4p QASII CAPITAL, $200,000. THE UNITED STATES ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE COM PAN V, Oi Syracuse, New York, Insures against DEATH FROM EVERY CAUSE, Whether ACCIDKNT, CIIOLEB, or PHEAE of any kind, vltb weekly coiopensailou lor DISABILITY irom AClllihM. COMBINED rOLICIES FROM ONE TO F1V YEARS. Act I l'F-NT TOL1CIES FROM ONE MONTH 10 TEN VKaIW. NO ll t DIt'A L EXAMINATION REQUIRED FOB ACCIDENT l.NOLBANO.. This Is the only Company authorlied to Issue COM BlNtD LIFE and AC. IDi.M 1'OLlC'lES. in vim ol the nrts .ability o' the visitation ot O. OLtHA tills summer, this opportunity ol liiMuring agad et It tor a brief eeriod. at ecin'nilcai rates, should command the at eutlon ot even ono; whl e ihn comlil natlou ot AC 1DI NT risk ofereil with it enables ihoe ie-tairg in the City, or transuding business here and returning to the country dully, to guard against evur.r loim of DISEASE OR CA8TJALTY. Peimlts issued for travel to Europe, etc. Active Solicitors wanted. WM. A. STEFHEKS, General Agent, 611 Im So. 501 CWESNUT 8treet. rhiladelphla. ILLWAUD & WINEBRENER. WM. MILLWARD, D B WlEUUKNKR, MAC1I1NE11Y AKD MANUFACTUTIERS' S II P P L I E s , 'o. 118 MATtKET Street, FHILADELPUIA, l'A. ' AGENTS VOB THK 6 A LB OF Cottcn and Woollen Machinery, Deaiers in llanufaoturers' Snpphos of every do scription. Oak Tanned Leather Belting, AND MACHINE CARD CLOTHING Of best Quality and manufacture. 4 26 8 nrp ESTABLISHED 1 7 9 5. A. S. ROBINSON, French Plate LookIng-(ilasscs, EKGRAV1NGS TAINTINGS, LRAWISG3 KTC Manuiacturer of all kinds of Looking-Glase, I'ortrait, and I'io ture Frames to Order. No. 910 CHESNUT STREET. THIRD VOOR ABOVE THE CONTINKHIAL, Pini.ASBi.pniA. 8 IS G R E E N PEAS, GBXEN COKK, FBESH TEACHES, . JTBXSH TOMATOES, FLDM3, ALBERT O. ItOBERTS DEAL EH JJV FINE GROCERIES, 18 4p Cor. EXKVBNTII and TINE Streets. LOST THR CERTIFICATE NO. 1221, lrv sued by the City of Philadelphia (old) to provide lor the subscription to the Pennsylvania Kallroad Coin pany'a stock unted September 'ii, 1KM tor one tliou-a id dollars, payable to John (larth Hodgson, ot Prentun, Lanrashlre. Kualand, and ltr. y hharp, of London Kn laud. truateea. bmruiu luternxt at alx Dr i ent. ier an 1 num. Kedeainabie July 1 !. a 6 tutUslli MEDICAL. yox poruLi WRIGHT'S TAll SYItUP. riilSCIPAL DFA'OT, No. 771 SSouth TJIIItD Street Tricp, fl-CO per Bottle; $5'C0 for half-a dozon. Tbe undersigned citizens take pleasure In cheermllt recoHinu tiding the use of Wright's Tar Hrnp tor couxha. ccililn. cousuniptlon. vehoupioR-coufffe, spatted lever, ilvcr complaint, pains In the LreHt, eronchlils, Inl, animation, and restriction ot air vnsne s In the lungs, etc. 1 he remrriv should be In every tnmlly I- Charles V. Wi son, Fomv's Prni olllce. Char es H tlrafleo, Sunlay Mercury office. Jiinien holen. hi qwrer ofllce. V I I lam F. forfait. Associated Press. tV IIHum H. Carpenter. Fire Alarm and Felice T ftraph. Filth and I besnut street. A Kamlulph Front and ' ombard streets. JsiLer Vt . Pcnine So. ll'A Charles street. II A.Iiatla No. i-28 Ossktl street. John v oeilslrte No la l Franklin sfret. ltobert Thnmps'in Nn. lilOD Walter street, K. U. Mnrcn, Ho. 6'M Fianklln sruet J (ielilofl. So 731 B. !coond street. Joint Nevninur. No. 513 H. front street. . W. llowsnl. No. 1 Dock streot 11. C. Kartiett So. 327 S. -econd street. L. Pates So. 6"ft Arch street Allien Martin, ha. 417 h. Hecond street. Mary Cs ilwe'L 5o IvK Ssnsom street. W. Ihuniss. No. 20 S. Fourth stroft. T. M. i artliv. No. H E iretli's alley. Ccorge V I son No. 2.16 Race street. v. . J'. Hrooas, No.69 North Second street M. J. Ilassett. No. 119 Cunal street. 8. He iriour Kose Bus'loion. Char rs KoRern, No. 821 South stiwt K. T. Yi e iliiff-nn, econd and Quarry strcela 1. K. Ihemas. No. l:w South -Ut atr.ct. M IImii hams. No MASouth f ront S'.ruet. S. P. anion!, Opera Manager. .loim MaKlnnis rear of No 134 North Second street Mtk t. K. Cboate, Newark, Le.. Ar (Tilliam K- Wnohn 8m: We take uleanura In recnmmend'Pft yonriTAV SYhL'Ptot' wnich we have already so ii euiisnlerabie qua-itltiesi as a most exeeileni an'l erh aelous rnme ly tor the complaints set lorth In vour printed mil alrea ly sulimltteil to the public. Aa a urailtvtng act to suiterlni hun.anltv we wll' cheer n It reoommeui (our prenara tien to ail RtlHi-c d with diseases which It is dcslKued to ur.,etc, j,IIKSAS0?Ii I)rnplnBta. S, E. corner I'lne and Hixtli streets. For a e also at JOHNSON, HOLLOW AT COWDEN'S, UYOTT O 1 H, A nd all principal l'rurstisis and Dealers. The subscriber woo d beg leave mrher to sav that he is prepared te fl.l orders aid forward the syruu tc an purt ol the coumrv. I'rfons des'rlng other Inior mat ii n by n all will int lose a posiave sininp and answen will t c relume d as soon aa the eaijiencfes of business will admit Address WILLIAM B. WRIOtlT, S20 So "71B.TH1H1 hinet,Ihiialelphla, Pa. QLAD N E W S run j ii rj tisrunitztAiA. BELL'S SPKClr'IC RKMliDIES Are warranted in all cases, for the Hpekdt and Pehma haM Clue ol all Ulscai-es ariniUK irom excesses er OinilH L IMIM HKilON Fnilsslons, Genital, Physloal and Nervous Debility, Im potent c, etc etc NO l HAN OF. OF DIET IS KECKs.SARY. They can ue nsed without deieclon, and never fall to t a Cure, If used according to instructions. RFLLS SPKCIPIC PILLS, Price One Dollar per Pox, or 8K Iloxes for Five Dol lars; uso, Large boxes coiitalniug Four Small, Price 'three lioilars. Frem four to six boxes are generally required to cure ordlnarv cases of Seminal Weakness, though benellt is derived irom ulng a Binglo box In hronic faces, and particularly wben Impotence or Gei littl Dehl iiy with tiervous Prostration has aflectcd the system, BELL'S TOSilC PILLS A re recoirmended as the most Ffflcaclous, Kcjuvenatlng and invigorating Hemedy in the wor d. A Package fiice Five Dol. art), wl 1 last a month, and is atuera, y sullluient. In extreme cares ofDebl.lty and Impotence, BELL'S EXTERNAL REMEDY, Price Two Dollars, suftlclcut for a montb, can be used to good auvautage. It fives btreugta to the Organs and. with the Pills, will rei-tore Un ui to their normal condition. A Pamphlet o. 100 pages, on ihe KH.tOHs OF YOUTH. (1es!(.nvu as a Lecture and l-au Ion to oung Men, sent tree. Ten Cenis rcquiied to pay postage. It you cannot purchase Bull's Specific Remkdim ot your Diutgiut, take no other, but send tbe money direct to DR. JAMF.8 BRYAN, Consulting Physician, No 81!) BUOADWAY. New York, And you will receive ilicm by return of mail post paid, and tiee rrom observation. For sale by DYOll & Co., No. 232 N. SECOND street. B 11 S C II O L E II A ' D IS AH MED!! ! 'ihe Chief Canses of Pestilence Destroyed Tin I.- i m in aiiit'k niaiv wt Tivri iriiTnta secured bv I et ers 1 atent in the United -"ttes and trance. 1 repared s le y hy the cw York Dlsliilectluii Con pany, at their Laliorulory. Nos. VM, 3liu. and adj Jl EN HY t-trect, New York; Ollice, No. 4' CEDAR htreei 'l his Company orcnnied on a permanent basis, wltn Dr. t ouriaret the celebrated Y icnch heinlst. in chaige ol Its I uhoruiory. Is prepared to lurulsb lis Dislnvkct inu Fl.l nB ior tick rooms, nurseries, urlnuls. wa'er e otets, privies ceshpoolx, sewers, gutters, nliips, rail roads bospitulH prisons and public InMltutioiiH of ull kinds, siaukhlor-huusia, otlal and at-boliinc er-tahlisli-nii nls; a I kinds ot manures ( tutnetise y Increasing ihe value ol the latter to every farmer) and wherever pl sonous and otlensive gasi s exist. Ibese agus are de ooorizers. sntireptics antiputrescents, and di-ini. ctuoLi In lbe scicutillc meaning oi the words. They remove noxious bms rnd edois by cbetnical principh'S leaving In their p. aces Imauhtui uir; they are iikstuovkus. ami nof mereip absi rtn n s ot poisonous gases not Injurious to utensils In which they uro used. 'I ho attention ol tifdlcal and rciontitlc men is dlrec ed to theso dlsinlec tants. Atmchcil i re tesilmon a s in lavi.r of this great dtr-covcrv. hi, h whh huudiou oi others, can be seen at h ( unnaiiy'" Dklavan IIi tm! ALnAKT. JIarch 30 lHCti To tbe Presiunjt oi the New Voik Iils'iileetlng compnny Dear Mr: It Is mi! it Is rcwini nled in Le We have made manv triais ot r Isiuiectitins, bui now consider that we have lound an article which surpasses nl others ass remedy against all bad cdors. T. HOEHmEL A CO. New Yokk, April 9. idlsi. 1o the 1'residenr ol tho New York Disin ecnrg enipauy-Dear Mr: We pro nounce li v. itl.out exception to be the best ve h over know. Its e fleet upon every mutier Is complete and 1 nsuntaneous. I). A. 1 E'lrtON, Astor House. N . Ii. '11 ere I'islnleetan s ale used by the scavengers, under tlie direction oi the Mtnltary Po Ice ol the Mctio po linn 1U all h I'eptirlmeni New York "CW I I L A 'I IlfTSII-ISON, No 42 C.DAR St. N. Y. General and Sole Agents tor the United ntates and the anadas. lo wl m all orders should be addressed For sale hy all DrngglstH aud Geueral Dea.ers in the United tales and Cuuudas. 6 Win DK.LESSKrS VKll K1ABLK PILLS CHItR Dvspepsia Diarrhoea. Rheumatism, Hliktlaad ui hr. aud all oerangenients of the Liver Th".y purilv ihe blood und mate the ikin soft and loir. For ale bv Dr. LhrHEY No 1133 W. NINTH Mreet, Philadelphia aod hy Iirugglsugenerall' . ( amiiln, N. J .September 2 18C5 nr. Lessey Dear Sir: 1 1 trvts me treat pleasure lo add mv test iuoay in favor ol your Vegetable Pi Is " 1 bad beu filleted with deranged ondition o' the Liver for ten years, anil, during i hut time, surfer d Intensely irom acrid uiscliaiges rom stomach and bowels, seriously piostiatlng my phfalcal aLd mental energies tor Weeks at a time, so much so tha mvllewas desoaiied ot. but. tb ougbakind providence, I was introduced to ou aud by the "Oi lour Hl.s I have been wouder iLhv lestored, not having had an attack o my old coin pi air t or lost a Ingle aboath service, 'they act Ilk- a charm Had it not beeu for them, I have no doubt 1 shou J have beeu laid aie noin the mini-try I must aud a i cw lines in favor of your 'Life Pre. serter ' or TtgetaMe l.lnimeut 1 have used I Im arys'pelas Scalds and Kurm and Inflammations H oreduces reu arkuble reaul's I wax cured ol a ven baa sure hy I r use Many ol my neighbors are using It and it ylves universal satisfaction it suould beln even house. Yoi'rs, RV. J H. tTO -KTO.V, 4 frtuthsJin TblRD Street, . amden, N. J. XJ treated with tb utmost suocess by J 1HAAUH, M. I. lu lat and Aurlat. No. Alfi PINE HtrttfiL TaatJ monlan irom the mom reliable sources In tbe city can ba seen at blaorrlce. Tb Medlra' Faculty are hrvited tn accuninanr their na'lenta as he baa no secrets In his practice. ArtiOc'al eyes Inserted without pain. No cbie snada lorexanilnaSitiu. I Si T f(CAMPHOB TROCHES, jy' f - Tmltin PrevsaUve of -or- Y OHOIiBB -A.'; V rUrrkoi, Vyenury, I Ckolor. K or bin, S.4j Bok Fsetor, O. B. Meaftles, DronuSj, yf'M ' MEDICAL. JHE PERUVIAN S Y II U P 18 A PltOTECTED BOLLTIOW OF TI1E ' PROTOXIDE OF IRON, A new discovery hi medicine which STRIKES AT THE ROOT OT DHEASE, , By supplying the Blood with Its vital Fbinciplb, ob HH (LKMIM-IHON. This is tbe secret of tne wonderful sue .ess ot thti remedv In curing DYfTF.rsiA, MVF.R tM'MPLAINT, naOPSY, CIIKUNHl DlAKHIKE. BOIL-. Nc.UVOtlSAF. F l TI(B, tllll.LM AND Fe Vr.KH HUMIH8, LOSS or ('"INSTITUTION AL VKJOB DI8 EAPK8 OF Til r. KIDNtY-t AND It -AD, Fl MALE CiVPUAlMj, And all diseases orltlna Ins; tn a BAD STATE OF TIIH BLOOD, Or nrcompsnlcd by Debility or a low sta e of the svstem. Belim ir, e irom Alcohol in any lorm Its energizing ef feet are not ioI owed hy coirespomllng reaction, but are permanent, Iniuxtng strength, vigor and i.ew 'to Into all parts ol tbtitmo'ii. and bulllng up an Iron Constitution. I)YSPLPIA AINU 11KBILITV. From the Vonerab e Arctdeacon COTT. D D. "1. IK ii AM, t anada Fast March 71, M. ' I am an Inveterate ot more than! j ears' standlnv." ''1 have been so woneerful y benefited In the three short weeks during which I i-ave used the l'B' uvlan fyrup that 1 can scarce y persuade mysei of the reality. People w ho have known uioart a onlched a' thechsngn. 1 aui widely known, and can hut recomuiend toothers that which has done so muee for me." A CASE OF -47 YEARS' f-TANDING CURED. From 1N81 EY JEWF.rr, No 15 Avon P ace, Boston. "1 ha' e suffered, and somrtimos severely, lor tl years, from dvspep-la I coiiiiuenced tak ng the Peruvian r-ruc,aii( lound luiiiiediute binelli I'rmn It In ihe course ot three or four weeks 1 was entirely reileve l from nv stiflerins, and have enjoyed uninterrupted health ever since." One of the most distinguished Jurists in New F.nglsnd writes to a Friend as ioiiows : "I have tried the PERUVIAN SYRi'P, ard the result fu'ly sustains your prediction. It has made a new man of me In used Into my system new vigor and energy: I am no longer tremu ous and debi I a ed as win n you lai.t saw me, but a ranger, h artier, and wltrj larger caoa ci y tor labor, mental and physical, thau at any time during the last five ears " An eminent Divine ol Boston sars ! "1 have been u Ing the PERUVIAN SYRUP for some time past; It gives me new vigor, buoyancy of Irits, elasticity ol nmsc.e " Thousands hatebien changed, bp theusr of thisremdy, trim of, t ct y. svj)rii q cr. uturet to s rong. hraithy, and hajpy men and women; and invalids cannot reason' ably lies laie to yive it a trial. A pamphlet of 3raues containing certificates ofenres and recommendations irom some of the most eminent physicians clergymen, and o hers, wl.l be sent fhik to any address. See that each bottle bai PERUVIAN SYRUP blown In the glass. ruit HA1.K BT ,T. P. DIRSnunE, PROPRIETOR, No. UO DEY Street, New York. ANT) BY ALL J'Rl GGISl'8. gCROFULA. All Vertical lien agree thnt IODIN". isTURBF.ST Rl A:r.ll I or croima and all klenred dNpANe evpr riiH. covered 'lbe dithculiy has been to obtain a Puuk bold- noh oi it DR. II. ANDERS' IODIXK WATER Is a Ture Solution of Iodme, w ITUOCT A SOLVENTI! Conialn'ng a pill grain to each ounce of water. A YOST POWERFUL VITALIZING AGENT AND litS I'OKAIIV c. It has cured and will cure rROFCLA In ail its maul told lorms, ULCERS, CANCERS, SYH1ILIB, SALT RHKUU, And it has been u-ed wl h astonishing success In cases Ol JUIKl StAlll-M. DYSPEPSIA, t ONSI'MPTION. FEMALE toltl LA1NTS. liEABT, L1VFU, and KlOAET DISEASES. etc, Circulars will be sent fbee to any ono sending their address. Price '00 a bottle, or 6 for 5 00. Prepared by Dr. a. ANDEhS, physician and Chemist FOR SALE BY J. P. DIXS.MOKK, No 36 DEY Street, New York. AND IIY ALL DPUGG1ST3. yiSTAR'S BALSAM OF W ILL) CUE 11 It Y HAS BEEN USEn FOII NEAKLT HALF A CENTUItY, WITH THE MOST A8TONI8IIINO 8CCCKSS, IN CCRINO co! gi1s colds, iiouskness. more throat, inrlufnza whooping ouoii croup, livir complaint bko nc1ii us, difficulty of, ASlhMA. AND F.VK1H A FFEC'I ION OF THE THROAT, LCSdS, AND CHEST. CONS 17 M I T I O N, Which caines off moro victims than aii' other disease, aiu. nlnch bullies tne skill o' .he 1'. ysiciuns to a greater extent tban urv other uinlady, o.ten T1FLDS TO Till.. REMEDY When all others prove InelToctuul. A S A JIEIJK IXU, RAPID IN RELIEF, SOOTHING IS EFFECT, IN ITS OPh.KA.lION IT IS UASLHPASSED! Whl e as a preparation, tree f'om noxious Ingredients, poisons, or minerals: uuit ng skill, scieneu and medical kn..w ledcr ; combining all that is valuable In the vegeta ble kingdom ; tor th s class o disease, it Is lMOJIPAUAIlLE! Ard Is entitled, merits, and receives the general confl uence oi the public. EYMOl'R 'I HATCHER M. D., Of Dtrman N. Y., writes as oPows: " isia..'s Halsam ok ViLDCiiKnitv gives universal satlsiaction. It teems to cure a ( ough bv loosening and cieantdnv the lungs and allaving irritation, thus kk UOVIKG TI E CAUSK, INSTEAD OP 1IUY1NU Ur T11K COIIOH, and leavino THE CAi SB uuiiiND. I consider the Balsam nsgood us an, it not the best Cough medicine with which I am acquainted " From Pen Judge f-PRARFR, of Canajoharlo, N. Y. Genilenien : This is to certl y that niyse I aud lamlly have used Dr Vtl-TAU's Bai.sau op Wild L'hkuiii for severa yuirs, aud thai I take great p en-ure in rocom mending It In preierence to any Tilngof the kind ior the purposes lor which It Is Intended, in caes ol Auhma, i'h li sts, or a llectlons ot tho lliruui, 1 have never met wl'h anv iblng eiiuul to I . Very respcctlully, D VVID 8PRAKEB. Tne Rev. JACOB SEt'HLF.R ef Hanover, Pa.. Well known and much respected among the German population in this country, makes t e following state ment lor the beuetit ol the aillicted: l ear lrs: Having rca.liied m- my mnillv important benefits from the use of ; our vuluable prepara Ion 'A'ihtak's Hals am op Wild (iikuki it afloMs me plea sure lo recommend It to tl e public Some elgnt years ago one nl mv daughters seemed to be In a decline, and little hopes ol her recovery were enter ained 1 then procured a bottle of your excellent Hulsam. and be.ore she had taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there was a great improvement In her hea th. I have, In my individual case, made frequent use ot your valua ble medicine, and have always been benefited bv it. JACOB 8k.CUL'.R. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR A BOTlLE. FOB BALE BT J. P. DINSMORK. No 38 DKY Street, New York. SETH W. FOWLE A SON, Proprietors, Bosto i. And bv all Druggists g ItislSt Q 11 A c i: ' s CELEBRATED SALVE CURES CUTS, BURNS, SCALDS. GRACE'S ( ELE11HATED 8ALVK CURES W0UND8,BRUI8E8,8PR.IN8. GltAC E'B ( KLKUItATED SALVE CURES BOILS, ULCERS, CAKCERS. 1 GRACE'S (ELEUltATED SALVE CURES SALT HHEUM, ERYSIPELAS. GIlAt'E'M CEIiKUilATED SALVE CI RES CHAPPED HANDS, CHILBLAINS. . GRACE'S C ELEBRATED HALVE nEALS OLD SORES, FLE-iH WOUNDS, ETC. It is prompt in action, removes pain at once, and re duces the most angrv-lookmg awenlugs and Inflamma tions, aa If by magic thus affording le lei, and a com plete cure Oulv to cents a box 1 (Sent by mall for 33 cents ) VOB SALB BT J. P. DINSMORE, No. 3b DEY Street. New ror' 8. W. FOWLE A SON. Proprietors Boston And by all Druggists, Grocers, ai d Count1' r Mcr. MEDICAL. Dlt. HYIrON'S (onstKutlonal Ueiiovator for the bapid curb or Int'lplrnt CitDisnmptlon, ftn'l sill Olfsestneia , OtUsissluK to CouauiuptluM, arrn as Coughs, Colds, IIoarseneM, ( roup, Branchlt's, and all Aiseases or tne j.ungs ana Kaspiratur.v uriraus, Liver Coiiiu amt, Dyspepsia Lusa of Ap petite, Nervous Deblll y wi.h Rteat Lassitude oi theMus rular Hvam e o The success of this me dicine In tbe cu-e of disease has wlthsiouo. many crl.lca. tests in this countrv and elsewhere! its salutary eHec s on disease are widely dlsftmliiated, and require no effort to pany ihe preju dices o the skeptic.. l a. DriToh i-1 take t"i oppor unlty to mtortn voa that I con Ider you the greatest doctor on dlseas s ot the lungs in the coun ly I bad a sulttlng of blood, with large lumps ot green mailers a vlu.ent nala In my breast and shoulders, a a raining couan and several ot the most eminen' physichns gave me up as a hope .ess . ase ol conaurtlDtlon I tried nil the rnmeillea of the dav and gamed no re let rut view worse : whea a rrlend aovlsed me to tiy your Renova or satlsiylnv mo tnat on were a regular graduate ol the University of l'eun s ivania and uot a self-stvled doctor. I u-ed "Ut nine bottles ot jour Renovator, and to the surprise of my irlends. 1 am now a well man and able to attend dally to my onslness. 'Any one needing further particulars of my case can call on me ana he sa Islled. 'NICHOLAS H1LGER, No. 'dio Kaoes treet " Dr Tlvlton is a reirii Mr urdiiAia n, iha Univerghv ol Pennsylvania, illia dip oma ran be seen at hiRntflno i KmtnlnM i.untra .llliiklll f)i a .. a ,,, ijl .. , i, Street. J 24 th-mira PROPOSALS. A KnntAuirK cual for the navt, Navy Depmitmrnt Bur.EAB ot EgUirMKNT AND KsCltUITlSO, Ju e 80 Irtiui Sealed I'rouo-als for furnishing Alltlirtimt (,l for the Inavy, to be del vyied uurinth i liscil year tudiDfr 3Jtb June 1H07, will be rejoived at this buieau until 10 A St.. iiO a Julv. 18(30 1 bese propo.-als must bo indotsed "Pronosa's lor Anthiaciio (oai lor .sfiamors," that thoy may Oe d.s luguisbcd from o her business etteis llio offer niust bo ior Hie denvery 01 40,000 tons of 2240 pouiidn. I i.e coul must be of tho bet Bu"k Mountain or B ack Ueatn, or of a kiud equar to in in in a l respects, tor tne purpose intended winch equa ity will Le duteriniued bv a Board appoint U tiy the hecreiaiy 01 tne Auvy alter tbe receptiou of 1 be Lius. Ihe name of tho coal Dronosod to bo furnished must bo stated in the oiler. It is 10 bo de'ivored in lumps of suitable size lor nava steamers, clean, ot uniform quality, selected nee from impurinre, uum xetl, ot winch the con tractor will be required to tarnish suoU eyid mod as win no aatisiactorv. ana oe sutiiejt to sued lusnec lion as to qualnv and qunn.ny as the Departmunt may turtci. iiis us must, in a 1 ro-pects. uo suns lactoty to tbe inspector or inspectors o be appointed by inu liureuu, w no win nave tuo ngnt ot paietuo tory leji etiou. 1 bo coal is to be tlclive'ed on board vessel, at sucb piace in the po t 01 I'lnludelpli a as may be designated b tiio Bureau, auu in such qu auu at sucu tunes as, in tne opinion 01 tne Bureau, the exigencies 01 tne service nisi com. mencmg when Ue vessel is report d ready to receive etirgo;, it demanded not los than one thousand tons per day, to bo distributed to eacti vessel, as nay Lo directed, until tbo loauiug is com pleted Proposa's will be likewise recoivf d lor the dolivorr of 12,000; tons 01 tbe sumo quality ot ooal, to oe de livered iu tbe poit ot iNew York, on board ves.eU, as at I'hi.aoili Liu. In tn case ot failuro to del vcr tho coal in proper quantity, of tbo piouor qua.ity, and at the proper l.nie ana piace, tue uureau w in reserve in tie con tract lb right to purchase forthwith at tbo con. tractor's risk and evpenso. Hint which may eoom cecs9arv 10 supiny tne uancietcy Anv dtuunage or other charges to which the Isavy Department may be sutjeuied from uoiavs in tbe prompt tlei very 01 the coal by tho contractors, will De aeaucieo irom timir ti is The price must boloitbecoa' delivered on board vesseis, on tho terms aud coiidaioi b above Btatud, at the contiacioi'H risk and expense, and without extra clmrsro 01 anv kiua I ho (Her, as ri quired by la v, must be accompanied by a written guarantee, siyued by one or more ro Biionaibie uereous, 10 tho effect that tbov nudoriaka that tho bidder or biduers will, ii his or their bid be Kocupud entor into obligation, at such tiuio as may Le 1 tetcriLtd by tbo Buieau. with good and sullf- cient securities, to iuruiati mo sup tines proposed ISo proposition wnl bo considoied uu ess accom. punied by such gliniariteo: and the Department ro- selves tho right to reject ull the olio a, 11 cons.dured to be to tbo interest 01 iho service, to do so. two or moro sureins each, in a sum equal to tho nrai.nnt snecmud to uu puiu. win bo rueinired to sivn tho contract, and their responsibility will be cortilind bv the Assessor 01 interuul iteveuuo 01 tho District. As auuitionsl aiui coliateial security, twenty par cent win oe wnuntra ir nn ine amount ot an uv nients, which reservation is not to be paid except by auibority 01 the necrclury 01 tne Aavv. uum tlie cm tract shuil have been in an respects complied w th and the reu am ng eighty per o ui , or othur amount tnut ma? Le 11 ue upon each b-n, will, wnon a proper ccrtiiicu'e is lurnisiiuti d tno nisl,e"tor, una ihe bill ai proved by tbe Bureau, oe paia bv such navv agouti as the cobtractor may numu, with'n ten davs alter the W4i niuts lor tbe same Blmil nave beou pasod by tbe etcieiary 01 tno irasu y. It will oe stipulutuu in iho contrac' that it default be made in the uoiivery ot com, in the quantity or qunltiy, and at the piuco und time directed by tn bureau then and in that case, the coutiaotor aud his suieties wnl lorlei und pav to tho Uuitud Stutos as liquidated iiainage, a sura of money not exceed ing twice the coutiuct piice, wUicn may be recoveicd from time to unto, uccuruinv to tno act oraoisot congress in that cuso provided. Id tide's whoso proposa s ahuil be ncceptod. and none other, will bo uutilied, und, as earl v a prncn cublu, a oontiact will be ttansni tied to them, whicn they will be required to execute; witlnu ten days alter its receipt at the post otftco or navy agency named by them. Tne lorm of vllbr, guarantee, and certificate U herewith Ktveu:- rOKM OF OFFER I (or we), or, Stuieoi , borebv agree to ituu sh and deliver inousaua tons ot antlirucito coul lor steamnrs use, at -, at ihe ia'f 01 per toi. ot ililO pounds, amounting to . 1 uoiittis, tne wholo in conformity with tho pro visions und terms ol t ie advor.isetnout ot the oJtti day 01 June, lSiitt. Irom the Nav Department, and Lcriumo uppendod. hould hiv (or our) oBer bo accepted. I or we) request to Lo iulornied at , and that t ie can- tract may bo lorwurded to , tor suutu.'OS und ceruliuuies. I I'mco.) (Duio.i (Signed) A. B. I OKM OF uUAKANrtE. Wo, the uuuerc gued resnionwo. , in the St,t pi , and of , In tno Stato ot , bersbv jointly and severally covenant With tho United Mates, und guarantee that in case tho lore going bid ol bo acoepled, will, within leu uuys after tlie receipt of the contract ac , execute the sumo, wim good and utllciem sureties lor tbe delivery of the anthraoito coal proposed, in compliance with the terms of th adveitisemout 01 theBOth ot Judb, 186rj hereto appended, aud under which it was mado ; and in cai me said shall tail to enter into the contract uioresai'i, we guaran tee to make pood tbe dillerence between tne oiler of the said , and that walcu may bo ac- CPtC Witness. (Signed), C. D. (Place.) K. fokm'of CERTIFICATE AS TO GUARAN- OPFICBOTHB ABPER90R OP INTERN A L IlKVENUB, ) lOH TBS UI8TRIOT OP TUB hTATK OP . ) iih it known, that on this da ot . A. T . ir at mv ollice aiiove named, - and 1 . -. . . ., . 1 , . -. the ruaiantois named in the foregoing guarantee, and known to me as sucb, severally ap peared ana made oath that they are worth, respec tively, above all indebtedness, the sjiu set against their several names as loliows, vis : And I hereby certify that by the books and records in tnis ollice it aopears that said parties at tbe last annual assessment of internal revenue in this re venue distrust, to wit, on the day of. , A. I) 18, were assessed upon property and Income of the following value, th., ihe said , , the said , Witness my band: . H , Assessor. 8 29l4t TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, ETC. PHILADELPHIA SURGEONS' l","1 HAN 1AUB INSTITUTE. NO. 14 N. J'T' KIKiTll Klrsul aliav. Marks, H 1 tVt stTT, after thirty years' practical experience, Kiiarautees the skdiul adiustineni 01 bis Premium Pateut t. raduatlna presaure Truss, aud a variety of others Hupportvra. Plastic Htocklngs, shouluer braces, Ciuichea, suspensories, etc Ladles' apsrluiunts oon dncudby a Lady. Mb. PROPOSALS. QKALED PROPOSALS Will be received by the subsenbor nnti II o 'olock M.,on illUKtSDAY, the IHih day ot July licxt, for fUKMSHINU THE MATERIALS) and CONSTRnci lNii In tbe Fust t ulvett District of the city ef Cioa- ocn, xew jersev as toiions: ONE BHiCR t OLVr.RT, four feet In diameter, extending irom the Intersec tion 01 oieond and Miokle a reata southward alone Second street to tbe Intersao ion ot Haitinaa stieet (abou 1.1C0 feet) and theuo westward so tar ss t tiecestarj to make an outlet to tbe dyer Delaware. ONE BRICK CULVERT, three f et in d aiucter. exteudmg from ths Intenino- non 01 ecoi.d and Mickle ir et eaj ward aionj Jlickio street 10 Broadwav (about 18(H) feetl. fiNk. ItH.i if ciii. vir.iiT three fort In aiameter, extending from the Intersec tion ol .-eeondam Stevens siroet eastward along eievei s street to Brnatiwav (abont 1800 ft') Vu and alter the 26tn day 01 Jnue intant p aoa ano i re llca'ions of the reqaired wort will be died ior examination at the office ni the City lerk. i-UTYAKD U 8AUMDF.R9, Chy urveor, So. 86 X, Second street. Camden, June 8, 1806. a 29 t7 li GOVERNMENT SALES. QALE OF (?TFAM BOILER. FORCE l'UHPS D VVaIKRI'IPE, FlRE-PLUutS, ttu.. com-. priing lab naiLit vvuii.n.3 At' UlKSDOliO, U. C. QUABTBRMA9TEB (jBNRBAL'8 OFFICE, ) IKT DlVIplOS. J WA6111KOT0K, D. C. Juee 19, 1866 ) By order ot toe Quarterniastur-Ovnerat, tuore wdl Le sold, on tbe at nulnie aueiioa. 11 mine Hie dnectiou ol Cat tain O'orire t Browning. A O M., on FulDAY, Ju y la, I860, at Blo'o oc M.,tUe iuiiunuit uemnucu iuuuo prufseirv. to will--OIK I KA M kill I KB 80 feet long and 8 leot in oiamawr (with two 12 Inch tetu 0 flues), made ol jl mcli oller iron, with all the uicessBij appurienances, inciuuiug cast-iron iront, gauge ct cks, globe valves, leed-oump, smoke stack: anu houa, bleain gauge (Ashorof 's pateut), graie l ars, pipe, pmgs, reducing pieces, etc., ah in good order IVO WORIHINGION 8 IE AM FORCE PUMPS, So 6. 18-incn cylinder. V inch stroio. 26 hon power each aud each capable of pumping aad lore. up 100 000 gal one 01 wator tor day Connected with them are the reou site va vos, vlauus, aoup nngs, bmd, elbows, doub.e va ve oil cups, e'O. 1 liese 1 umps aro comparatively new, and in com plete working order. A lare quantity or WAlER-PIPB, as follows: 6 lb3 leet tt-inch Last Iron Water-Pipo. 12 Ot.O feet 81LCI1 800 teet 2-iuuh Wrought Iron " 6(4 feet 11 inch Cast Irou " 2,000 teet 1 inch " " 1 (m0 iwt 1-nicu " " 6,bt0 feet '-Inch ' " 1H1K1Y ONE CAST IRON FIREPLUGS ( A vre's patent) with all tho necessary conuectioai. sucb as I 's, benos, siop-uocks. elbows, lour-away-pi tees, etc., all in excellent condition, together with ALL Hi E IOOL, Eto , required for making alterations and repairs in water I ipe, such as lips Cutting Machines, laps aad Dies, l ivers, Crabs, Drills, l unches, Caulking tools, etc. 1 he Depot is accessible by water, and 'vessels ot the largest class can 1 loaded at tho whurt. Terms Cash, in Government tuuds. De ivi ries wi 1 be maoe to purchasers on or boforo tbo firt(lst) day ot August next. A boat lor oieshoro wl 1 leave the Sixth streot wbari every hour during the day ot sal 1. Anv lurther information that may be desired will be given upon application, in person or by letter, to Captain George I Browning, A. Q. M., Giusboro, D. C, or at this office. JAMES A. EKIN, B t Brig Gen U 8. A., in cbargo 6 21 tustu t7 12 First Division, Q. U. G. O. G OVERNMENT 8 Al 8AVAMKAU, OA. ALB SIX HUNDRFD AND THIRTY-FIVE THOU-t-A.D l'OLKDo OF WROUaUI' AND t'ASI' IKON Will be sold at Publio Auotion, Irom tho State Arsenal Building, in havsnnali, on WEDNESDAY, July 11, I860. Sale commencing at 10 A. M.. I be Iron is as loliows : 150,000 pounds Casl Iron (Sholl MeUl), in the city, near tlie whsrt. Io0 001 pouuas Cast Iron (Guns), In the city, near the bart. 48,000 pounds Wronplit Iron Scrap (Gun Carrlago Irons), iu the city, near the whan. HI 000 pounds cast Iron (Guns), about five mile from the, on a good road 64 000 pounds C ast Iron (Guns), about nine mile from the city, on a good road 16 COO pounds ( tut Iron (Gunsi, about two miles from ihe city, on tho river; no road by land. 166,000 pounds Cast Iron (Guns) about tour and a bait miles from the city, on the river; no road or land. 8000 pounds CaslSholl and Scrap Iron, In the lor s The attention ot Northern buyers is Invited to this sa e Iho rifle projectiles have on thorn sabots of bras or lead and atumiony Tin Iron win oe divrdod into lots of from 20,000 to 100 000 poumis. Hovers eun got lists at tbe Ordnanoo Dopot at Savannah several days beloro ihe sale. '1 Ley are request d to tne lots boforo the da' of rale Teims Cash, in United States currency. II e Iron in the cit to bo removed within fit loon duB alter tbe sale. I. W. FLAGLER, Van, of Ordnunco, Brev. Lieut -Col. U. 8 A., 6 20 12t Commanding Augusta Arsenal. C QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S OFFICE, J FlliSP DIVISION, w Washington, D. C , June 28 18(56. Will be so'd at Public Auction, uudertnedirootion ot Captain George T. Browning, A. Q. M., at GIKv BOI O I C, to tho high, st bidders, ou F1UUAY, July 6, 1866, comiuenc ug al 10 o'clock A. al., throe separate lots of STABLE AND STOCK YARD MANURE, containing in all about iwo hundred thousand cubic yards, most of which is in the Immediate viomity of the wharves, at which boats and buries can be con venient y laden. Purchasers will bo required to romove the Manure on or belore tho 1st day of September next, miles 01 tier ise arranged witn the owner ot tho grounds. Ti rn : Cash, In Government funds, A boat lor Gieboro' will leavo the Sixth street w barl every hour, up to 12 o'clock SI., on the day ol sale By ordor ot tho Quartormastor-Gonernl. , JAM EH A. ERTN, Bvt Hng -Gon U. n. A , 6 26 9t In charge First Ply Q. M. G. O. s ALE OF GOVERNMENT bTEAM-IUG. Assistant QrjARTKHMABTER'a Opptor, 1 Philadelphia DKi'or June J imoo. ) 'Will bo. sold at l'uhhe Auctiou. at HHAe KA IMnXON Street Whurt. Phi adeipma, Penna., on HAIURDAT, July 7, 18r36, at 10 o'clock A. M., tha United Mates (STEAM TUG "MONITOR " Tonnage 104 6-U6 tons; length, 80 6 10 leet ; breadth. 18 6 10 leot; depth, 7 7-10 leet the nig is now lying at Shackamaxon street wharf, where she can be examined. 1 erms Cash, in Government lunda. By order ot Brevet FrlavGen GEO. H. CROSMAN, Assistant Quartermaster-uenerai USA. 6298t HfcNRY KOM4N, Brevet MaJ. and Assist. Quartermaster. J LEI N ' S WILLOUGHBY S, MASON'S, LYMAS'8, V A T E N T AJ8-TIORT ELF-SEALING FRUIT JAES. All the above Jars we offer to our auatomera and the nabllo geoarailv. wlLk vutiru vouuueuoe, at lam LOWEST Market Price, A. J. WEIDENER, Wo. 38 IT. BECOSD Street, Pbiladelphl (tlm THREE GENERAL AGENTS WANTED act to Important locations for the New Tork Aoot dental Insurance Ovupany. Aetivemenol go4 atiied fo r KAMt O. ALLKN. ttrauta vflisa, l CiDSNCIUtreek Atfij una.. IU L raiNESf I patent;? j 163 ; 4'