THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 186G. THE rCHFI,OWEU. BT LORD THCRLOTV. Heboid, ray dar, this lolty flower: Th'U no the golden mn receives; No otner deity hag power, But only Phoebus, on her loaves; As ne In radiant rl-iry burns, "From East to Wc3t her viangc turns. Tlie dial tells no tale more true Than she his journal on her leave, When inoru titst gives him to her view, Or oluht, that her of him bereaves, A diurnal interregnum bids Her weeping ej es to close their lids. Forsaken of his sight, she nines The cold, the dreary nlgnt away, Till in the East the crimson sifrns Betoken the great ?o J of day ; Then, littluar up her drooplnsr luce, She sheds around a golden grace. O Nature, In nil parts divine 1 What moral sweets her leaves disclose! Then hi uiy verse her truth shull shine,; Anil be immortal as the rose, Ananreon's plant; arise, thou llower, That hast fidelity thy dower ! Apollo, on whose beams you (raze, Has tilled mv breast with golden light; And circled nie with sacred rays, To te a poet in his sight : Then, thus I give the crown to thee. Whose impress is fidelity. THE MICHIGAN MURDER. Confcanloa of Inane Alnrdf rt-r lioru on TAn Anekfio The the Motion gab el a Klvcr. Isaac Van Aucken, who murdered his wife find step-flnughter about a week aco, near Adrian, Michigan, has maite a lull coulcssion ot the murder. He was born on the Monouinbela river. Pennsylvania, lu October, 126. "it ap pears that some of his wile's tamilv quarrelled wilh him considerably, and one ol'theui bad but a short time previous to the murder whipped lim In a terrible mnnner. He resolved on re venee. His wile, he says, m an extremist, eiiher running him down or lauding him to the ekies. Still he says thev lived happily together. He then proceeds to telf all about the killinor, 89 follows: On last Saturday my wile and I went to Hudson, and purcha-ed a large lot ot . household utensils; I also bought n quart ot whisky, and drank soup ot it coming home ; the next morning I asked her to drink some whiek'y, but she would not do it w hen I was in the house; when 1 was out, however, she finished the bottle at once; she claimed that it was the etlect of chills that made her act strangely; we expected com pany in the afternoon; I had business away in the morning, but cot through as soon ns 1 could; when I came back my wile was lying on the lounge in the fiont room; I brought some couls from tho kitchen and made a tire: she said, "Pa, come and lay down with me;'' I did so; she sent the children out to pick some strawberries; while they were gone, and we were laying there, toy boy came iuto the room with some squirrels he had fchot: my wi'e was very mad at the inter rupt on, and told him to eo and throw the squir rels away; the little children (Olive and one nf the bos, then came b;irk,an I mv other boy; the one who had the squirrels, said thechildren had cut his whiplash; my wite got up and pushed him away, and told him to go off; I had never dared to 'touch the little ones before, but I was excited because. 6he had been so rude to my bjy, and I bumped their heads tocetlier; she then pitched into me, and said that when her brother Sam came back he would pound nieaain;I eaid, ''I have had one pouuJiag on ac . count, of you and your girl, and I will not take another." By this time we had reached the back yard, talking as we went. We were both very mad, and I said, "I've a good mind to .just uy you out." She said, "There is the axe; take'it, and tirish me!" I picked up the axe, but ray boy pleaded lor rue to stop, and I put it down again. The boys then ran out. While they were gone she lepeated the remark. She had a stick of stove-wood in her hand. I tarted lor her and she did not move; I then went up and struck ber with the back ot the axe, I tnink near the temple; she tell, and I followed in pursuit of the girl, who was at tempting to escape; but we were both going so fa9t that a single blow was sufficient to knock her down; J went on. carried by my own mo mentum; 1 then came back and struck her a lull blow on the temple; I returned to my wife, and thinking 'he hid 'inly fainted, struck the axe into her neck; James A. Austin and Jona than liHrtman, who bad just taken his horse lrom my pasture, came up, and 1 showed them what I had done; I was not drunk at the time; I tnen gave aiysclt' up to Justice Ken dall, and was brought to Adrian yesterday jnorniug. Distribution of Colonel Colt's Estate. From lite Hartford Times, 25A. . The distributors ot the large estate of the late Colonel Samuel Colt beeran to-day the work of apportioning i be property, under the terms of the will. K. M. Waterman, N. H. Morgan, and E. D. Tiffany are the distributors. The estate, real and personal, probably amounts to between three and four millions say $3,Gi O.COO. (It may be more, for the value of some remote real estate is not exactly known.) It includes among the real estate ail the laud inside of Colt's Dyke, some of it already built up with handsome brick house and large streets (and a great deal more would have been built had Colonel Colt lived); au ex tensive tract on the Fide of tho river, oppo site the Ferry; a tiact on the Hartiord and New Haven Railroad; a large tract ot land, in cluding gold, silver, and quicksilver mines, in Arizona a portion containing (it is said) some of the most extensive tracts in the milling regions of Arizona. This has never been appraised, and its actual value is not very well known, tho ugtt it is certain to be in the future an important property. Colonel Colt sent out $10,000 worth of mining machinery, but owing to the misma nagement of others h'Mlid not eet any return on it, and the breaking out of the war stopped the progress ot the work. There is also iu his real estate, we believe, u valuable tract of laud Jn Texan. The fcharea in tho Arms Companv, and other Personal estate, make a larsre aggregate sum. he distribution will be among quite n num ber of person: perhaps a dozen or more; and to Colonel Colt's wiaow and son, among others, a very haudfou.e property will be lett. National Division Sons of Temperance of Noith America. Montreal, C. E., June 23. Thii National Diviaiou on jeeterdny elected the fulloAiug lTUer? lor the enhumsr two years; M. W. I'., John N. Stettrns, ot' New York city. 61. V, A.. John Camp, M, D., of Cttnafla East, II. NV. ft., San.uOl V. Ilodjjes, of Ma8. W. V. T., W. II. A. Keaus, of ew Brunswick. M. W. Com., J. 8. L1p, of Penrsylvania. M. W. tent., D. Plckrell, of Delaware. W. W. t hap., Rev. J. Abbott, of Indiana. Tho proceedings thus lur mdicuro harmony find pood eel'mfr, not only between the ditfereut sectiouM ot the United States, but alao between the llriti.-U Provinces and the Un'ted 84atn. The next seft-ion will probably be held either in Washington, D. C, or ux Itichmond, Va. Here Is the etory.of Prince Christian's courtship. Prince Christian is the youth who married the Princess Mary on July 6. Queen Victoi '8, at the inauguration ot a bt itue to the Prince Consort, saw a eentlernan wiping h' eves and looking very much nllected, and aked isho he was. lie proved to bo Prince Christian of Schleswltr Holbtein. From that hour the Oueen took tho alinoft unknown, unnoticed, mnd penniless youna Prince into favor, and Unallv bestowed upon hira the hand of her dauehter. Not, however; without the hearty ronseut of the vounir Piincess hurself, who aharea her mother's enthusiastic admiration lor ?ki. on.i,r.hoarted Prince, who, like some hero of a fnlry tale, won a royal bride by nn appro priately dropped tear. WATCHE9, JEWELRY ETC. AMOND DEALER & JEWELI-H wiTciir.s, mwFi.RT mlvfr wahk. . WATCHE3 ami JEWLLEY RFPATPE7V H Chestnut St.tWlv Owing to the decline ot Cold, baa made groat re auction In price of his largo aud well assorted atook Diamonds, Watches, Je-welry, Silverwai, Etc. The public are respectfully Invited to call and examine eur Mock before purchasing e. lew here. 2 l SILVER AiND TLATED GOODS, or TOR Most Superior Workmanship, it THE NEW STORE, 704 ARCH STREET. No. The nnderslnrd (laie f the famoiu Rogers Broc Xianufaciurlng Compiiny) fesprct ally announce ttia thev linve on UK 0 a n. and neaiitliu. store lor tlio sale ol BILVIK and I'UTKIi WKK, (it No. 704 AKCH Mreet. Our long experience a nisnuiactnrern wil insole na io ke p nothing but nm-cln-s Good, an thore who dibjt patronize our a ore will Unci out p ated .c imIk lur noieilor to aDy ever Imported, and our vus t oners n ay u iy on the goods being precisely what they are reprettutei) to be. Kt BOWMAN A LEONARD. A full ass ortmcnt oi above goods constantly on hand at modei ato prices the Musical Duxes playing lrom 2 to 10 txauulul Alia. PARR & BROTHER, Importers. No. 824CHE&NUT STREET, 11 lltmtlirp Below fourth. G. IIUSSELL & CO., No. Mfl North SIXTH St., INVITE ATTENTION TO THEIR FULL 8TOCK Ot FANCY AND PLAIN SILVER WAHE, OftheFhiet Quality. 15 26 $ KICII JEWELRY JOHN BItENNAN, DEALER IN DIAMONDS, FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY Etc. Etc. Etc B 2l Ho. 18 S. EIGHTH Si JtfiUT, Plulada. SHIPPING. FOR UAVAMMAir 4 ii,iL iJCtMSIilP COMPANY HLUVLAK L1aJ saILINU evebt other SATUKDAY. The fine new Steamship TONAWANDA Captain JACOB TEAL I iihm 1 assume pl.i 00 Deck Pa-sage 8-u0 The Hon in bM r TUNAWASDA. Jacob Teal, Communder, will commence receiving Irelidi' for tho above port, at ltAC. btreet Wharl, on 1 lit'K jDA If, July 6, aud aall SATURDAY, July 7, at 10 o'clock A. M. Fhlppera are rtiiuesiea to send bins ot lading with their iioods. Ihe Ma'e room accommodation of this Bteamor are oi a superior and commouiouB character. FrelKht tor C'harleaton. M. tj , can be lOrwatded via Savvnuab with fiiick dcHpatch. No ol ladiuu alvued alter vesvel leaves the whatt. 8. f LANAUAN, PreJldent, No. 420 south liELAW ARE Avenue. For freight or passage apply to WILLI V nEKSIS, 6 28 8t Secretary and Troaauror. pup WTniiNwnv M r. 'Pill? . . V A . IllU.UI.IU.Uil. ... V. ' X 111. i PHILADKLHHI A AND SOUTH ti U X Regular line Sailing every otner ' 'I l,e tine new steaui'btp 1'IONKLK, Oaotnin P. F. 110XIE. will commence receiving freight lor the above port at KACfc btreoi wiian, on jiilkoijai, juids, and sail SATURDAY , Juno 30. at 10 A. M. Tbe Stale-rooina ol this steamer are ot a commodioua and superior cliniacter. Sh'rpers will please send bl Is of lading with their good. , as none wil be signed alter tho vessui leaves the wbari. STEPHEN FLANAGAN. President, No. 420 s. DKiiAWAHtU Avenue. For freight or passage, .P Secreturv and I'rcaHuror, 6282t No. lift WALNUT Street, Consignees at Wilmington, WORTH & DAN 1 cX urn. HAMILL'S PASSAGE OFFICE. 'ANCHOR LINK OF BTKAMF.KH ," lliKIlMA." "COLUHBIA. "C A LKJjQNIA." "CAMBRIA," 'liRITANNlA," "INDIA.1 Llv'jtBTOOL LONDONDKRRT. BELFAST, DTJliLIS. KtWUY, I OitK, AND ULiSUOW. KATK.- OF PASSAGK, PAYABLE IN 1A1R tl aBKXCT. CABIS8 'J0 , $8'), and 7li t'lbi-RAGE 30 iHt PAID Ct.K'l 1FH A'l'fcH Issued for bringing out puniengcrs irotn the above points at LOWER RATES THAN ANY OTHER LLSK. Ali-o. to and lrom ALL sTAHONS ON inE IRISH RAILWAYS. S PI.C1AL N OI1CK Passengers wl.l take particulsl noilce that the ' Anchor I ino" is the only line grunting tin out b i lckc is at the above rates from Philadelphia to '.lie 1 units named ubove, uud Unit the undersigned is tbe only duly authorised Agent la Jrhiiadlphia. Apply to W. A HA.tILL, " Sole Agent for "ANCIIOK LINE," 1 15 No. 217 WALNUT Street , r-s 1'OR NKW YORK. PIIILADEL JS 'n'l TTU dciiihia Steam Propeller t'ouioany Do c- jiiaiiru Lints, via lieluwure and Hurl tun Caiiul. leaving dai y at 12 M. and 9 P. 41., connecting with all Nortl.tiu und Fustern lines. For li tit lit which vl I l,e taken upon accommodating teinis, aiply to WILLIAM M. 11 A 1RI) ii CO., 3 10 Jio, laiH DELAW ARE .renuc ri o SHIP CAP1AIKS AND OWSKRsiTT7rfB JL iint'erslgned baring leased Ihe KENSINOiON ki Hi. w li(i( K.t.eiiB loin orni bis fuenus and the oatroni ot tbe Dock thai be Is l repared with increased facl itiel to accon iuodato those having vesse s to be raised oi repaired and being prao teal eblp-carpentor and caulker, wtlgle personal attention to tbe vessels en tiuslea to blra lor repairs 1 at tains or Agents ship Carpenters, and llachlnlti Jiavltfcefel o repair are aollclted to cab. lliiig the agency for :ne sa e of v etterstedt s Putent Metallic i omposition" lot copper Paint for the observation of TesseV bottoms, for this city, I am pre paid to mnilub tbesame on 'hTmTT, KenB ngton ecrew Dock, 1 U DELAWARE ATenue. above 1-4 UREL Street ICE COMPANIES. EASTERN ICK COMPANY. SEASON OF 1860.-1 lbs. dally. 60 ceuU pur week 12 His diUlv. 75 cem per week i IB lbs. dally, 0 cents per week; 20 lbs dally. l va per ween. Jienot. no. s'tuiiitji Street, below Thlid. THOM 8 J. I ONt, 6 1 JOHN B. MYKKS. P OR SALE, TWO THOROUOTI-BEED MARES, BLACK AND BOHBEr, Ave yenri old; good la single and doable harness, and under the saddle. The pioperty of a general officer. Apply at tbe SCHUYLKILL AUftENAL for parUcu lara, to HENRY W. JANES, Captain A. Q M., 5 20 lOt brevet at ajor V. 4. A. I WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. MUSICAL BOXES. MEDICAL. yox roruLi. WIUOIIT'S TAR SYIIUP. rXlMWAL DEPOT, No. 771 HoutH TUIIJD Street Trice, $1-00 per Bottle ;$ 51)0 for half-a dozen. The undersigned citizens take pleasure In chccrtully recoil. mi mill, h the use of Wrlxht'a l ar Wjrup tor couxhs. colds, consumption. whoopluK-oouRta, spotted lever, .iver comp a iit, pmns in the breast, iironcnuis Inflammation, and restriction oi air resse a In tbe lungs, etc 'i he re niKlr abould be In every tnmlly t Charlea C. Wi son Fom 'a 1'rnt olllce. Char es 11. (irarlen, Sunday Mercury othce. James Nolen A urirofllce Wtillam F. Corbit, Assooiaied PreM. W illiam 11. Carpenier. r lre Alarm and Police T graph. Filth and hesnut streets. A Randolph Front aud oinliard atreeta. James W. Prrrlne No lli Charles street. 11 A. liavls No. 1123 tlaskl l street John W oodslcle No 111 Franklin street. Robert Thompson. No. lMW Walter street, H. U. Msron, No. 6'2 Fianklln a'reet. J (leblorl No 731 8. econd street. John Hevmnar. No. 813 B. If ront street. I . W. Howard. No. 1 Dock street II. ('. l artlett No. 327 S. second street. L. Bales No. 6"5 Arch street Albert Martin. No. 417 H. Second street. M ary CaidelL No lnfi Bansom street. W. Ihomas. No. 20 N. Fourth atrert T. M. I artliv. No. I D K ireln's alley. (ieorge V I son No 236 Race street. Yi. F. Hrooas, No.69 North Second street M. J. Hasectt. No. 119 ('anal street. 8. Scvumur Rose llus'loion. Char rs Rotrers, No. Ml South street R. T. We Inron, second and Quarry atreoW V. F. Ihnnias. No. l:w South lxt , atr. st Wlillum liarna, No MS South Front etrcct. 8. 8. f-aniorri, Opera Manager. ,lohn MiiKinnla. rear of No 1:14 North Second street Airs. 8. K. Cboate, Newark, Del. Km Wn i.k. iileautirA In rpcommendtnu VonrlTAk SYhUPtof which we have already ao d consldorab e quiiHitiesl as a most excellent aim enr-nciuus rcinouy lor the complaints set lorth In your printed hill alrea'ly submitted 10 the put tic. As a eraillvltiK act to sutTerlng humanity we will cheer n lv recommend your prepara tion to a I atllicted with diseases w hlcb It is designed to cure. Yours, etc., r, D1LKS SOV, Drnirgiata, N, . corutr Flue and Sixth streets. For a also at JOHNSON, HOLI.UYVAT m COWJJEN'H, DYOTT & CO 'S, A nd all principal lrut glsta and Dealers. The snt scrlber would beg leave rariher to aav thai lie la prepan a te n.l oraers ei.a iorwarn me syrup tc any pnrt ol tbo couniry. 1'rr-ons des'rlng other Inior mat Ion by n nil will inclose a postage aiamp and answen will be returned as soon as the exigencies ot busineac w in auniit Aduresa WTILLIAM B. WRIOHT, 3 20 N'o 771 S. THIRD Street, Philadelphia, Pa. QL AD NEWS FOR THE UNFORTUNATE. BELL'S SPECIFIC REMEDIES Are warranted In all cases, for the SrEKnt and Perua CthE ot all discHKes arising lrom excesses or YOUl 11FUL I.VDlst RE I ION Fmlsslons, Genital, Physical and Nervous Debility, Ira potcnie, etc. ero NO CHANGE OF DIET IS NECESSARY. They can oe used without deiec'lon, and never fall to Cueci a cure, u useu accoruing to instructions, RF.LL'8 specific pills, Price Ore Dollar per Pox, or 8ln Bones lor Five Dol lars; ujbo, Large Uoxes coutulning Four Small, Price Three Dollars. From four to six boxes are generally required to cure ordinary cases of Seminal Weakness, though benefit Is derived trom using a s.ngle box In l hronic Cucs. and Darticularly when ImDOtence or Gepltal Dcbl iiy with Nervous Prostration has ouvvieu tut! sysiui, HELL'S TONIC PILLS A re recommended as the most Efficacious, Rejuvenating, anil lnvldoratinu Remedy in the wor d. A Package Piice Five Dollars, wl 1 last a month, and is general y sumcienu In extreme cases of Debility and Impotence, BULL'S EXTERNAL REMEDY, Price Two Dollars, sufficient for a month, cau be used to good advantage. It gives btteugta to the Organs and, with the Pills, will reclore them to their normal condition. A Vnmiihlcto 100 iaies. on he ER.lOIts OF YOUTH. designed as a Lecture und cnu inn to Young Men, sunt iree, Jen cents requueu to pay postage. 11 you cannot purchase Bull's Specific Rf.mkpibs ot your uiuggisi, iauo no omcr, uui scnu tne money ourect io DR. JAMES BRYAN, Coneulttno- Phvaioian, No. B10 BROADWAY, New York. And you will receive them by return of mall post paid, Mini ( frfkin (iliftorVAt Inn. For salo by DYOTT Co., No. 232 N. SECOND bttcet. 0 " DIl. IIYLTON'S Constllntional Renovator FOR THE RAPID CUBE Or Incipient CouHiimptloo, and nil Diseases Pertaining to Consumption, st cn as Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, (. roup. Bronchitis, and all Diseases ot the Lungs and tteaplratoo Orxuus, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Loss of Ap petite, Nervous Deblli'v. with gieat Lassitude ot I lie Mus cular Bvatcm. eic. Tho success of this medicine In tho cure of disease has wltlmtonQ maiiv erliicnl tests In this country and eli-ewliere: its talutarv elite 8 on disease are widely dissemliiutcd, and require uo etlurt to puny the preju- riieea 11, tltA HKentln. ' Iik. IliLToh :-I take tins oppor unlty to tnlorm you that I cou-liter you tlio greatest uoctor on uiscas s oi tie lungs in the counuy. 1 bud a spitting of blood, with inruA lumnH nt ifreon matter: a violent oala III my tireaxi atul sliniildnrs. a s.raininu coutiti t and several ot tbe mist eminent pbysliins gave me up as a hone .ess i ave ol consumption I tried all the remedies oi the dm and named r.o re let but urew worse: wheo a friend aovueu aie to iiy your uenovHior buiis .viuk me iun you were a regular grauuaie oi ino iniversirv ui reuu sylvania aid not a hell-stvled doctor. 1 ued but nine bottles ot jour Renovator, ana to tno surprise or i ny in eras, i um now a wen man aim aoie to aitouuuuiiy in mv hiiRlneHH. Auv one needlnir further particulars of my case can can ou me ana oe sa-n-uou. "t( jiulao iiiutr.B, ' So. 23 Races treet " Dr. Ilvlton is a regu ar uraduate oi the Cnivcrsitv oi 1'euns.v lvaula. tills dip omu ctin be seen ai hisotllce.) Examines Lutiga without chaige. Oilice, Jio. 'tn ortn 01x111 Ptreet. 5 24 thm2m TR.LFSSEi'S VEUE1AHLE PILL.S CURE I J Dvspepsla. luarrlia a, Rheumatism. Kl k Head aeh. , and all uerant-etnents of the Liver Tbey puriH' the blood, and make tlie skin Holt und lair. For Hale liv Dr. L1HKY. No 33S N. MMH utreet, Philadelphia. And hv l'riic&ists L'eueriill' . ( AiH'ts, IS. J . Pptember2 1&G5 Or. Lesscy Dear Htr: 1 1 gives me mtt pieasuro to udd mv tesi'iuony lu favor ol your "Vegetable Liter Pi, Is " 1 had been altlictcd with deranged ondition ot the Liver for ton vears. and. durimr 1 lint time, suffer d intenselv irin acrid niKcluites rotn siomuch and bonels, seriously piostiatlng my phisltul aud mental energies lor weeks at a time, so much so tlni' nivllewns despalied ot. Hut, th out-b a k Hid Proviileuce, I was Introduced to on, and by the u" of tour HIib I have been Wouder- 1 ill I v lestoreii, not having nun a;, aitaca 01 my old coin nl all t or lost a simile "lauoatb strvico. I hev act Ilk,, charm Had It not been for them, 1 havo no doubt I ehou d have been laid asi 'e irom the mlnl-try. I must aud a lew lines in favor of your ' Life Pre server ' or tgetalle Llnimont I huve used 1. f .1 KryalpelaH 8culds and hums nd Intlnmtnations: it produces remarkubie resuita- 1 was cured 01 a ven liaa sure hv lis use Manv ui my nelubbors are uslim it aud It gives unlvervnl futi:actiun. tsnould be lu ever) uou-e. .ours, Rgy. J H. STOCKTON, 4 2Rtatli8?m THIRD Street, 1 amden, N. J. T COMTOUWD CAMPHOR TROCHES, ! H O L B B A i Dlarrluaa, Dyxmwry, aaa Cholera Morbus, Bolt Ftotor.O.U.niwuM, othib, j-pv : (iv maUed 0 TVEAFNKSS, BLINDNESS, AND CATAKRB 1 j irca.ed witn tue utmost success oy i. isaius i . TV fi-.i lt and Aurist. ISO. all) FINK MtreL Tentl monlait irom tho most reliable sources In the city can heaven at hisottlce. The Medk: raculty are hivlteo in an. i,mun their oat tents, as be has no secrets Lu hi. practice. Aitirlcal eyes Inserted without palu. No charge made tor examination. 1 5 LOST. T OfiT THE CERTIFICATE NO. 1221. IS- I 1 sued by the City of Philadelphia (old) to provide for the subscription to Uie Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany's stock, uuted bepteinber ii, In:.) lor ouo tliouiaud dollars, payaliie to John OartU Dodgson, of I'reitou, Lancaslilre. r.uaiaua. anu unr i-urp, ui nusimu, ran land, trustees, bearing mterest at six per cont. por au- nuin. Keueomauie i uiy 1 i. sutuvusia. PROPOSALS. R O O 8 Navy Department. Bcreao of Yabdh amu Docks, Jnne IX lfttf. ICS, 0, ) Scaled Prorio.als toroaeh rlasa aenaratols endonnrt "1 roposals lor Class No. fnamo tue class) tor the navy yard at (name the Tard)," will be recoived at this tfli cn until the 11th 01 July noxt. at 1 o'clock 1'. bi., at which hour the ooenin of tho bids w ill be commenced, lor fuiulsliiiig and dolivoting at the h vcral navy yards named, the materials and artlclos embraced In printed ecupdali g, wnlch, with txolorm ot ofll-r and guarantee, will bo tiirmshed on applica tion, and sent by mail, it so requested, to persona de sirinir tooller 10 contract for any or all the olas-es iiamca inerein, oy tue commandants of the several rinvv raids, lor tho C assos for the varda tinder their command, or by the pavmater neatest thereto, or vj iud nuicau lor any or an 01 mo yards. Io prevent con)isinn anti misvv in urnlint II10 fffiTI. no bid will be received which crmtaini rne ft more than one yard in one envelope; nor any bid n nu n m wot perrcvi ana complete in Vtelr accorilmg t the formt of rffer and guarantee, and ench iiulivi- cumi or ajirm must tirn the ftirf ana contract. Itidders are hereby cautioned, and particu'arly notified, that their llflon should he mmln nn tha printed form prescribed by the lluroau, and bo mailed in time to reach their dosti nation before the time expire tor receiving; them; no bid trill be con tittered which ihatl be recetved utter the pcrptd itated, and no allowance will be made for failures of me man ah ouers must te accompanied by tbe bidders license, or a certified copy thoreot. Io guard aealnst ofTels beimr nnnnnd hefnrfl the time appointed, bidders are requested to endorse on the envelope, above the address, and draw a line unaor the indorsement, thns:- "J'rnnnxnta tnr f ttlam 'n tnnm A .,o,l Vim J. Aary iari at mamc the yard)." io tno duel of tho Uureau or Yards and Docks, Washington. 1). C " 1 he cerliflrate to the tniurantor' resnonalhllltv must be c rtilied to by tho Assessor of Intornul Koto- nne lor tlie district in which they reslilo. Tho schedu'e will Btnte tlio times within which anicles will bo requlrd to bo delivered. If any articles are named in tho schcdults which are not known to bo in common and general uso, the bid ders will ascertain nroiuntiy whether such articles can be procured or not, and if t.,ey cannot be ob tained, the lact innst bo reported to tho Bureau at once. Lei ore bids shn 1 te received. All the articles whirh mar be contracted tnr must hn Hn. livcrcd at such place or places, including drayage and cartage to the place where u ed wit.iln the avy lards respectireir. tor which the oiler is made, as may be directed by the commanding: omoer tbcteot ; and, ail otber things be nar equal, prefer ence will be given to American manulactnre. No article will bo received after the expiration of tne period specified in tho schedules for the comple tion of the deliveries nnlesa specially authorized by the Department. In amputinrj the claws, the price aiuiru in irte contmn or prices will oe Hie smnaara, and the aggregate of the clan trill be carried out according to the prices stated. All the articles under the contract must bo of the lest qua Hv, delivortd in good order, tree ot all and every charge or expense to the Government for de livery, and su ject to the inspection, count, weight, or measurement ot tho said nary yard, and be In ail respects satisfactory to the commandant thoreof. Bidders ate refei red to tho yard for plans specifica tions, or samples, and any turdior descriptions of the urtic 01 explanations they may desne. W hen bidders shall be in doubt as to the precise articles named in tho schedule thov will apply to tho com maudine: otlicer ol the navy yard, aud not to em pluyta, lor description of the article or articies in doubt, which iniormatioo the said otlicer will give in writing1. Apiiiored su let 108 in the amount of the contract will be required, and twenty per centum as addi tional security deducied from each payment until 11 e com 1 act snail nave Lcen completed or cance led, un efg otherwise authorized by tho Department; and einhty per centum of the amount of all delive ries made will be paid by tSe paymaster at the placn 01 delivery within ten days aiter warrauia lor the Fame snail nave been passed by the Secretary of the Tieasury. fiotmrtol the per centum reserved is to bnnaid unt.l all the rejected artic es ofTerod under the con ti act Khali have Leen rerroved from the yard aud ott era supplied in their place, uuless siiocially au- tuorizou uy uv xciJuriuif ui. It will be Btinulated in the contract that if dnfaiilt shall bo made bv the parlies of the first part in do- liveiiug an or any 01 tne articles mentioned in any class bid lor of the quail y and at the times and p aces above provided, then and in that case the suid partita wi.l iorieit and pay to the United btates, as Inundated damages, a sum of money not to exceed twice tho amount of such class therein agreed ui on K as tbe price to bo raid in CAR. ol the .ittual delivery thereof, which mar be recov. ered, firm time to , a tbr aooruu. oourmuif to tne act 01 conriuss in mat tuso provided, ap proved March 8, 1843. The Biiroties must sltrn the contract, and their responsibility be certified to by the Assessor of internal uevenue ior tuo uisinci in winch, tnoy reside. Persons whose offers shall be accepted will be notified by letter through the Tost Othce. wmch notice shall bo considered sufficient; and if they do not enter into contract lor tho supplies speci fied within ten days alter the receipt ol the con tract at tho post oilice named or tho paymas'or designated, a contract will be made with some other person or persons, and tbe guarantors 0f such defaulting- bidders will be lie d responsible tor the aillerence between the oiler of the deiuult- me bidder or bidders aud that which may be accepted. All oflers not maao in strict conformity with this advertisement will, at tho option of tuo llureau, be rejected. those only whose offers may be accepted will be LOtitled, and contracts wi l be ready lor execu tion as boon therealter as may be practicable rofctaire stumps are not required 011 bids for warded by mail, lievenuo stamps will bo required on tho contracts; one iive-cout stamp cn each sheet ot paper, and also om five-cent stamp ou each piece ot paper, and also one five-cunt siuttio to the certificate of tho otlicer coitil'viiig; to the re- si ousibiiity ot tho sureties. incso s amps aio all to bo furnished and cancelled by tho con tractor. ihe ciasFcs 01 tins Bureau are numbered and lctiited as iollows: C'lui-s No. 1, lir cks; Ko. 2, btone: Ko. 21, Stono; No. 8, Yellow Pino Tnnberi No. 4, Hollow Pino Lumber; No. 5, Oak aud llurdwood; White l'uio, tpiuce, dun. per. ana cypress; jno. 7, L.lme. Hair, ai d Plaster; No. 8, Cement; No. 9. Gravel and baud; No. bj, Moulding and fciresaud and Fireclay; No. 10, iSlate; No, 11, Iron, Iron Spikes and Nails; No. 12, Meel; No. 13 Pig Iron; No. 14, Files; No. 15, 1 uinlo, uiis, ana ma?; io. 10, oai,i i.naimtery ; .o Hardware; No in, .statouery ; wo la, L lie wood; No i.0, Hay and btraw; No 21, Provender; No. 22. t Lnnuial: No t8. Be ting, Packiuu. and Hose: No. 24, Sierm and Lutincutnif Oils; So. 2". Iron Work, 1'ipintr. etc ; No 28, Auuers: No, 27, Anthracite Coal ; NO. ID, u luminous v oinuermuti coal ; VO. atl teiiil-DuuiuinouB jjioiiu iop oai iuuu 1'ictou at Dostou ard); No. 81, Copper aud Composition Nuils; No. S2, Machinery aud Tools. Class A, lor ruismg wings ol Olbce lluiluiug (Portsmouth, N. H.) class A, extending. &outu nor (I'uuiwe.phia). t;iuss A repairing Pu itimv yo 11 (.orioiK). Uiuss it, re pairing liuiiuiug Jo. 10 uono a t. . . r . 1 . uvi elf Claps No. 1, C nthlng; No. 2, Huts, Coots, Shoes, tin No. 3. Provisions: No 4. Cirooorios: No G. Dry (Joel's; No 0 Drtai', &c-; So. 7, Tobucuo; No. H, Coal; No. H, Paints, Oils, tlass, &o ; No 11, Lumber; ino. n, iirowooujuo 1.1, 1 rovmuer; rso, 14, Mircoimneotis; ho, 10, Hardware;, Sta tionery; No. 1, t u.irg ice-uouses. Hie following; are tuo classes, oy ruoir nunners and letters, required at tuo respective Navy lards auu Naval Asylum :- lUlllOJO' in, i. 11. Ncs. 1 5 6 8, 6i, 11, 12, 15, 13, 17, IS, 10, 20, 21. 22. 23, 24, 20, 27, 29, A. BUD lira, 31 ISS, Nos 2. 6. 8. 9. 9i. 11, 12. 13. 14. 15. 10. 17. 18. 20. 21. 22. 23, 24, 20, 27, 2W. 80 I c w iuua. Nos.l, 24, 3. 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9. . 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 10, 17, IS, 20, 21, 22. 23, 24, 25, 2b, 27, 8U, 81, U2. PHILADELPHIA. Nos. 1. 2. 3. 5.6 7. 9, 11. 12. 14, 16. 10. 17, lfl. 19, 20. 21, i8, 24. 27. 80, 82, A. AJ1t aMj AoAAu. uiLiafiut n ii Nos. 1, 2, 8, 4. 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11. 12. 13, 14, 16, 10, 17, WAMIINCTON. D C. Nos 1. 2 4. 6. 6. 7, 8, 9 9i, 10 11, 12, 13. 14, 15, 18, 17, 18, 10, 20, 21, 22. 28. 2, 20, 211, ii, 2, M. Nos. 8 C. 8. 11. 12, 14 15, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20,21, 22, 23, 24, 20, 27, 20, 81,82. A, B. Kos 1. 10. 12. 14. Io. 10, 17, 18, 23, 24, 31. 6 15'4t Q E O 11 G B 1'LOWMA N, CAHPENTEIt AND BUIT.DEH, No. 232 CARTER Street And No. 141 DOCK 8treet. Haehl&e Woii and UlUwrltibUug ptomptly attendt to rTMREE GENERAL AGENTS WAKTED TO J. act In fmnortant locations for the New Tiora AOol fli.ntal insurance I'ouinany- rtuiunneuwi k'ii imi"-, aiil" to KUAMi O. ALLF-N. Urania COice, No. 419 PROPOSALS. PKOPOSAM! 1 OK MTl:KIALH TO BE SITI. PL1KD TO THE NAVY YAKDS, llN'DKd 111E COON1ZAM K OF TUB UUKtAU OF 61tvAM LNOI.N tKKINti Navt Dkpartmkkt, J Bureau of stkam liNoKxrtisn I Vi AsinmiTON, D. C, Juno 10, 1301. ) Sealed Troposals to furnish tlatonals tor the Nary lor the fiscal year, enttinv June 30, 1307, wl I bo re ceived at this llureau until ll) o'cioc A. M. of the 18th ot July next, at which time tho propasals will be opened. Ihe proposals must be addressod to tho Chief of the liureau ot Meant EiiKinoerinir, Nary Depart ment, WacliL ptou, anu must be endorsed 'Tropo sals lor Materials lor tho Navy," that they may bo distinguished lioin other business letters. l'nnti d schedules lor any class, toacther with in structions to bidders, giving tne forms of proposal, ot guarantee, and of certificate of guarantor, will be lurmsnod to uch persons Aa desire to bid, on ai'P icanon to the commandants of tho respeclire navy yard-, and those ot all the yards on application to the liureau. 'I he commandant of each navy yard and tho pur cl aslng Paymaster ot each station vlll have a copy of the schedules of tho other yards, ior examina tion onlr, in order that persons who intend to b'd may judge whether It is dosirable to make applica tion tor any of the ciasses of those yards. Ihe proposal mut be lor tae whole ot a class; and all applications for intormatiou or for tne examina tion of samples, most be made to tho commandants ot the respective yards. Ihe iroposals must be accompanied by a certifi cate from the Collector of Internal Kcvenue lor tbe district in which the bidder resides, that he hai a lic nse fo deai m the articles for which he propose ; and ho must further shew that he is a manuiaotaMr ot, or a regular doa er in, the articies which ho oflers to sup'jlv. Ihe guarantors mu t bo certified by ihe Assessor ol luternai Kcvenue for tho dismct in which they reside. 1 ho contract will bo awarded to tho person who makes the lowct bid and gires tlie guarantee re quired by law, the Narv Department, howorer, re serving tno right to reject the lowest bid, or any which it may deem exorbitant. bureties in the full amount will be required to si?n the contract, and tho. r responsibility must be certi fied to the satisfaction ol the Navy Department. As additional security, twenty per centum will be with he d lrom the amount ot tue bilis until the contract shall have been coirpleted, and eighty per centum of the amount of each bill, approvad iu triplicate by tlio commandant ot the respective yard, will be paid by the Paymasierol the station designated in tne contract in lunds or certificates, at the option ot the Gov ernment, within teu day after tbe warrant lor tho same shall bave been passed by the becmaary of tho Ireasury. Ihe classes of this Bureau are numbered and desig rated as iollows: No. 1. lioiler Iron. etc. No. 21, Zinc Taints. Co.ored Taints, No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 2. Pig lion. No. 22, 8. Boiler Felting. etc. 4 Otim Packing, eto. No. 23 Stationery. F ire W ood. llickorv. Ash 6. Spcrni Oil. No 1N0 24 25. 6. Unseed Oil. 7. Lard Oil. 8. Lumber, Piank, 010. INo. 20. White Tino No. 27. Black Walnut and 9 Tallow and Soap. No. 10. F.niMteer'a Stores.1 Cherry, No. 11. Kugineer's Tools. No. 28 Mahogany rso. a .tiiKiueer s instru ments. No 13. Brick. Hand, etc No. 14 Wrought Iron Pipes, etc. No lr. lubes. No. 10 Steel. No. 17 Nails and Bolls. No. 18. Copper. No. 19. 1 in, Zinc, eto. No. 29. Lanterns. No. 30. Llgnuinvitte, Mo. 81. Dudgoons, Pumps, etc. No. 32. Sour Flour Cru doles. No 83. Tainted Articles. No. 84. Cotton and Hemp Packing, eto. No. 35. Engineer's Stores. No 20. White Lead No. 80 Patented Articles, The loJIowiiig aro tho classes by their number.. requited at tho respective rary Yards: KUTEKY. Nos. 1, 2, 6, 6, 16, 18 10, 20. 21, 22, 23, 33, 81. CHAKLESrOWN. Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, P2, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 3, 24, 20, 27, 32, 35. 30. BliOOKLYK. Nos. 1, 2. 8. 4, 6, 6, 10, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 20, 27, 28, 82, 83, 30. PHILADELTIIl A. Nos. 1, 4, 6, 6, 10, 11, 12 14, 10, 18, 19, 22, 23, 26, 83. WASIIINUl ON. Nos 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. 16, 17, 18 19, 20, 21, 22. 23. 6 19 tu4t c NOTHING, Navy Department, Bureau op Thovihioku and clothing, June 20. lsoe. Separate Proposals, sea'od and endorsed ' l'rono sals tor Navy CiO'hiua and Navy Materials," will be received at thi Hnrcmi until ti o'Aiook 1 . M ., on tho 23d day of Jmy, lHOti. tor lurniahiug and delivering (on receiving thirty days notice) at the United Status Navy Yard, Brooklyn, N. Y., in such numbers and quantities, and at cucli times as may be specilied by tbe Chief ot this Bureau, or by the Commandant of said Navy Yard, the numbers aud quantities of the ditlcrent articles specified in tho following, list, Viz: Blue Flannel, yards, 200 000. Calfskin Shoes, pairs, 15 000. Blankets, numLer, 20,0ii0. Tne Flauucl to be deliverable ono-bnlf in 9), and one-hall in 120 days Oflers mav be made fr ono or more articles, at tho option ot the bidder, and in case more than ouo ar ticle is contained iu the oiler, the Chief of the Bu reau vi I have the right to accept one or more ot the articles contatnou iu such offer, and rejoct the ie maindcr. For description of the articles in tho above list bid dors are reler-ed to the eaim les at the Navy Yards at New York and Boston, and lor information ai to tbe laws and regulations (in pamphlet form) tegard ing contracts, to the ollices of ibeC Jiumaudauts aud Ta masters ol the several Navy Yards. The Department reserves tuo ng,ut to rojoci any piopo-al not considered advantageous to ihetiov- rnmeut. o aow SADDLES AND HARNESS. J'UE OLDEST AND LARGEST SADDLE AND HARNESS MANUVACTURINO ESTABLISHMENT IN THE COUNTRY. LACEY, 3IEEKEK & CO., No. 1216 CHESNUT STREET, OFFKK OF THLIK OWN MANCFACTCBE: 11CGY IIAHKES. from i2 W to ISO LIGHT BAHOUCI1K do 80 00 to 3.50 HEAVY, do do 75 1)0 to SOU tSFKFSS, HKAS8 MOUNT 1 UAKNEI58 27 60 to 90 Vt MiOS HD hELF-APJUbTlNO Iu0 to 30 STAGE AND TEAM do. .... 30 00 to fill .... 12 00 to 151) .... 8 M0 to 79 Covers, LA h lib' SAB DLL, do. C.LXTS do do. Bridles, Hounllngs, Bits lioeetts, p.iushes, Combs, t-oupn, Blacking, Ladles' and tienu Tra elliiK und Tourist Bags and Lacks, Lunch Umkots Uren it and Shirt Cares, Trunks and Valises. JOtiutrp ISo. 1-jlti CllK.SNUT ST. H A R N E S S. A LAKCiE LOP OF NEW U. S. WAGON HAR NESS, 2, 1, and 6 horse. Also, parts ot HAK NtS, SADDLES, COLLARS, HAL1EKS, eto, bought at the recent Government sales to bo sold at a treat sacrifice Wholesale or Retail. Together with our usual assortment ot XAHDT. Eh Y AND SADDLER Y UABD WARE. WILLIAM S. HANSELL & SONS. a i Ci. 11 1 IIAUKET Street. GOVERNMENT SALES. UARTEB3IA ST EE-GENERAL'S OFHC'E, Q V n n . Juno 23 18C6. Will be so d at Public Auction, undorthediroctlon ot Cap '.ain George T. Browning, A. Q. M., at G lio BOKO, D. C, to the highest bidders, ou i KHJA1 . Juiy 0, 1850, couimouoiug at 10 o'clock A. three separate lots of 8WCK-rARD MANURE, enii aininir in all about two hundred thousand cubic y?"os n ost S "which is in the immediate vicinity of the wharves, at which boats and barges can be cou- "purchasers will bo required to remove tbe Manure on or betore the 1st day of September next, uuless ott erwise arranged witn the owner of the grounds. i'ern.s Cash, lu Government funds. A boat tor Giesboro' will leave the Sixth street whsrl every hour, up to Pi o'oiook M., ou tha day Uy order ot the QuorUirmaster-General JAMES A. EMIR. Bvt. Hrig -Goa U. ti. A., 026 't In charge First DiY C. M,. G. Q. GOVERNMENT SALES. ALE OF GOVEIINMENT B U L D I N O ' bi AKLES, HENClAC. WHiHVK A1,?,0 GILbliOUO, i). C. ' QUABTCBMARTIR-fVSniBAL'a OprtOB. PlUlT I.,I.,L..,W I Wakbiwotob, 1. C, Judo 19, 19M. mlift. 1 j0' Ul? ynrtermastei .liieral. ther under the direction ot Cap-am George r Browal , - M, commoncina on TUEsUii fJrony,1LJ8W5,8t 1 '"' A. M.. and cou inuiu LlMDA Y '8,l"e19h0ur poh. 'earter(oilo pt 7, , YfJJll? 13'0n n,on day the Water Vorka will be sold), until the whole shall have been tow?tfi: ,ollwin doscnb.d publio propertjl fli , l8x88' two 2llx20 (two stores), 18xl and fcs011"1"1 10jtl0 12x82 le- to 2iad. shed aojominn 16a 40) " ''"4 1WI Ni rles) 28x1 stories). LllirtV'tffO 182) MAI.I.I.M Ifratnow n . - 28x432 .1 28x366, one 11x32, and one 12x29 f with shed adjoining 11x60) "M(wUh Otie (li HO,PliAL f3TABLE (frame), with 527 lineal fel t of stabling. one (1) ISSflNU StABLE (frame), with 63tt lineal Icet 01 stablinr. M Iweutr (20) HU1LDING8 (rrnme), 2x82 28)t54 18x82, 18x81 16x66, lOxlt). four 16x60, tOi'r vZat 18x482, 2x140 21x48,18x300, 20x25, and 17x17 t?UtlLlJSG, 7768 lineal feet de"Jm"ylwo(32) WA1EK TANKS, 4x13 i two fot .KVtM?,TOMAN0M8' 8iXl0; ,UrX ttd 1 eny (i0) OUT HOUSES One(l) tiAY MIEU 112x312 One (1) G KAIN HOl .SE (trame), 60x220 Three (3i WHARVrS: One 40 111 sonar U-et' 0U6 1 "'l""9 foet one 2JS0 squart EXCING, 23 980 lineal foot. One ill 8TOIi.EiiOl:sE (Irame), 62x150. Two BLACKSM11U HOPS (trauiol, 43xl(. and 64 lti() ' One (1) ENGINE HOUSE, 17x32. The buildings will be sold siuirlv. and must ho r. (,JI MIJ5.-.110C-SF.S (rrame) 28Kl!)0(two ato. . 16x60 1 wilh wing lrtx2n.. yNiiiTw.-J.r." VT 30(wi.h additions 10x12). ffl,iw;,,7.rr ': , l(ix60. Ix34. and 2Hx40 ' "X"" moved within twenty days. Ihe buildings will be tukon down at the expens of tbe purchasers. The depot is accessible bj water, and vessels ot to largest Ciusi can be loaded at tlia wliart. lerms Cash, in Government funds. A boat tor Giesboro wtil leave the Sixth street wliarl every honr during the day ot sa e. lor further information apply iu person, or by letter, to Captain GEOKGE I. BKOWJilJfii, A. Q M,, Gioboro, D, C, or to this offloe JAMES A EKI.V, t Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. A., in charo, r 6 20 wlm9t First Division, y. M G. O. s AI.E OF STEAM BOILER. FORCE I'TTVfPS WATER I'lPK. FIRE-PLUGS. ETU.. com-. iirn-inir THE WATER WORKS AT GIESBORO, D, C. Quabtkrm aster. General's Office, ) tlKBT LHVIBION, I Washington, 1. C, June 19, 1866 ) By order ot the Quartermaster-General, there wilt be sold, on tho pi onuses, at public auction, undo tbe direction oi Cat iaiu George T Browning, A Q M , on FhlUA Y, Juiy 13, 1866, at 12 o'clous M.. th lollowing described publio propetty. to wit: 0.E e I EAlrf BOILER, 30 feet long and 8 leet in diameter (Kith two 12 Inch retuin flues), mado of r-incfi boiler iron, with ail the necessary appurtenances, including cast-iron front, gauge cocks, globe valves, teod-oump, and hood, steam gauge (AshcrolVs patent), grate bars, pipo, plugs, reducmg pieces, etc., all In good, order. TWO WORTHINGTON STEAM FORCE PUMPS, No. 6, 18-inch cylinder, 9 mch strode, 26-horso power each, and each capable of pumping and lorcing 100,000 gallons ol water por day. Connected with them aro tbe reouislte va ves, glanus, oup liugs, bends, elbows, douti.e-va ve oil cups, eio. 1 luse l'umps aro comparatively new, and in coin- , plefe working order. . A lar?e quautity of WATER-PIPE, as followi: 6.182 feet 6-inch fast iron Water-l'ipo. 12 010 feet 8-iuoh " " 8W leet 2-inch Wrought Iron " 64 liet 11 inch Cast lrou " 2,000 loot 1 Inch ' " 1 & 0 leet 1-inch " 6,000 feet J-ineh " " 1HJKTY ON E CAST IltOV PII!E.)T iruq (Ayre's patent), with all the necessary connections sucbasT's, benas, stop-oocks, elbows, tour-away! pieces, etc., an in excellent condition, together with ALL IHE IOOLS, Etc, required for making alterations and repairs in pipe, such as Pipe Cutting Machines, Taps and Uiis, l'lyers, Crabs, Drills, Punches, Caulkina Tools, etc. " The Depot Is accessible by water, and tvessola of tbe lareest class can bo loaded at tho whuri. leruis cash, in uoveruineut funds. Do iveriea will he mado to nurchaserson or hnrnn the first ( 1st ) day ol August next. A boat lor biesboro will leave tbe Sixth stroot wharf every hour during the day of sal . Auv lurther information that mav be rimirurf win bo riven upon application, in person or bv letter, to a,iaiu uvuilfu i iiluwulllbf, j&, , Jll., Ult'SDOrO. D. C 01 at this oilice. JAMES A. EKIN, Hvt. Brig Gen U 8. A., In charge 6 21 thstu t7 12 First Division, Q. M. G. O. G OVERNMENT AT SAVAKNAU, GA. S A L B SIX HUNDRED AND TIIIRTY-FIVE THOU. bA.ND POUNDS OF WKUU illf AND !A8r IRON Wrill be sold at Pubiio Auction, lrom tho State Arsenal Building, iu Savnnnab, on WEDNESDAY, July 11, 1806. Sale couinieuoiug at 10 A. M. 1 be 1 ton is as iollows : lCO.tX 0 pouuds Cast Iron (Shell Metal), in the city, scar the whnrt. lbO 0OC pounds Cast Iron (Guns), in the city, near tbe nhart. 43,0(0 pounds Wrought Iron Scrap (Gun Carriage Irons), iu tbe city, near the whuri. 91 000 pounds Cait Iron (Cutis), about five nillea from tbe citv, on a good road. 54 GOO pounds Cast Iron (Guns), about nine miles fiom the city, on a good road. ' 15 610 pounds ( art liou (Guns), about two miloa liom the city, on tho river; no road by land. lotUUO pounds Cast lrou (Uuns). about iour and a half nulfs Irom the city, on the river ; no road by laid. 8C00 pounds Cast Shell and Scrap Iron, in the tons The attention ot Northern buyers is lnvitod to this sale The rifle projectiles have on thorn sabots of bras cr lead and auiiinony. The Iron will be divided into lots of from 20,000 to 1C0 000 pounds. Buyers can get lists at the Ordnanoo Depot at Savannah several days before the salo. '1 bey are rcquestid to examine the lots before the dav ot sale . . Terms Cash, in United States currency. Tbe lrou iu tho city to be removed wubin fifteen sale. j,. w. FLAGLER. CnTJt. of Ordnanoe, Brev. Lieut -Col. U. 8 A., 6 2ol2' Commanding Augusta Arsenal, IE OF MACHINERY, ETC. Navy Dkpartment, Bureau of Yards and Docks, Washington, June 16 1866. Will be sold at Public Auction at the Navy Yard, NORFOLK, on SaTL'RDA V, the 7lU day of July next, the lollowing artic es, viz.: 1 wenty-ouo Rollers of Roiling Mill. Seven Nail Machines. One Uoide Mi I (complete), 38 Rollers. Two bundles Saws for Slotting Sorews. Two Machineb tor Slotting Screws. Seven Machines lor Cutting TureacU. Four Oil Rctameis. Tw o Oil Press Rollers. Eight pieces Iron Shaiting. Six sets Couplings for hlmittng. Lot of Taps aud Dies for Gas Fitting. One box Laoiugs (leather). 1 bree boxes lteiting. One bun-screw Machine One piece Leather Belting, 6 Inches wide, 104 nnunds. One piece Leather Belting, 8 inches wide, lu rmiiiula. Oto niece Leather Be'nft, 30 lnohea wide, S2t pounds. Iwo rolls Gum Packing-. Six bars Odagon bteel (oast). hale to commeuoo at 11 o dock A. al. Tsrmi-f uS. in Government funds i and allarU cleiTo oe removed from the yard within ten dart from dav ot w . 4 By oidVol Navy KPll svlTa, Q liltutli'lt CWf Uu 2 -Xaida aud Docks.,