THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 18GG. G NAPOLEON'3 LETTER. Tk FatlnrAof lhw Ktiropestti (ioaltrnce una (tie AttlliMlo of rritacn. We give below the lull text of Napoleon's let ter to M. Proujn dj Lhuys, ft part of which resI in the French Legilutare, a few days ago, fey M. Rcniher: "Palace of mi Tiileries, June 11, liiO. Monsieur lc Minlstre: At a moment when ull 1ho hopes of peace which we were induced to entertain Irom tlie meeting of the Conieronce eem to have vanished, it is e.wntml to e.vpln'n by a circular to our diplomatic asreuts; abroad th ideas which my Uovcrtimcnt proposed to mbm t to the council of Eunpe, ami tue con duct which it proposes to adopt in presence of the events in preparation. This communication will ho our policy in Us true lipht. If the Conference haa taken place, your lanixu ure, as you know, was to have been explicit; you were to have declared in my ntiina that I repudiated any idea ot territorial apcuraurlicnieut, so lon as' the European equilibrium xliould not bo broken. In tact, we could only think of an exteuMon of our Irontiers in case of the mnp ot Europe beim.' modi tied lor the exclusive benefit f a frreat power, and also in the case ot i ho frontier provinces nskins: by their votes, freely expressed, to be annexed to France. Excluding Piioh circumstances, I think if more worthy of our couniry to prefer to acquisitions of territory the precious advantage of livinir on srood terms with our tieistitor-, while respecting their inde pendence and fheir nationality. "Animated by thc-e sentiinents, an ! havinc; only in view the inaintenanc of peace, I mile an appeal to Russia and England to address words of conciliation to the parlies intcrcterJ. Tbe accord establi-hed between the neutral powers will yet remain in itself a pledge tor the security ot Europe. They proved toeir higtt impartiality In takmir the resolution to contiua the discussion in the conlereuce to pending questions). In order to solve these questions, i believe they must be frankly met, stripped of the diplomatic veil which covered them, and tii kin ? into serious consideration tue legitimate desires ol'flovereifrns and peoples. "The present coniltct hw three causes the geographical situation of Prussia beinij ill de liuea; the wishes of Germany demanding a poli tical rrconstltutiun more conformable to its general necessities; the necessity for Ituly to assume its nntionil independence. The nciitral powers could not desire to mix themselves up in tbe internal affairs of other countries. Never theless, the courts which participated In the constituent act' of the Germanic Confederation had tbe riuht to examine whether the changes railed for were not ot a nature to compromise the established order of Europe. As far as con cerns ourselves, we should have desired lor the secondary States of the Contedeiation a more intimate union, a more powerful organization, a more important part to play; for Pru-sia, more homogeneity and strength "in the north: lor Austria, the maintenance of her preat position in Germany. We should moreover have been glad to see Austria cede Venice to Ituly for an equitable eompensatioD; lor since, in concert with Prussia, and makinir no account of the treaty of 1852, she made war upon Denmark in the name of (Jerman nationality, it appeured to me just thut she should reeoani.e the same prin ciple in Italy by completing the Independence Of the peninsula. "Such M'i the ideas which in the interest of the repose of Europe we should have endea vored to advance. To-day it is to be feared that the late of arms can alone decide thp quesiiocs. In the lace ol these eventualities, what "is the at titude of France ? Should we manifest our dis pleasure because eruiuy lin-Js the treaties of 1816 impotent to satiety her national tendencies and maintain her tranquillity 1 In the war which is on the point of breaking out we have but two interests, the maintenance of the work to which we have contributed in Italy. "But is not the moral force of France suffi cient for the protection ol these two interests? Will she be obliged to draw the sword to make her voice heard? I think not. If, notwithstand ing our efforts, the hopes of peace be not rea lized, we have at least the assurance, from the declarations made by the Courts engaaed in the conflict, that, whatever be the results of the war, none of the questions in which we are in terested will be settled without the concurrence ot France. Let us maintain, then, a watchful neutrality, an i, strong in our disinterestedness, uuimaica uy ido avueere desire to tee the nation? of Europe lorpet their quarrels and unite lor the advancement of civilization, liberty, and progress, let us wait, confident in our right and calm in our strength. "Hereupon, Monsieur le Minlstre, I pray God to have jou in His holy keeping." Terrible Outrage on a Woman The Ruf fians Identified and Arrested Statement ot the Victim. If all ti e circumstances stated in connection with the case be true, one tf ihe most horriblo on traces ever iiear.1 ol in this neighborhood was commuted on Sunday evening, in the upper part oi the Ihua Vara, Allegheny. The vioiiin was a younjj woman m little over iwonty years of ago, whose naiuo wo at pre lit refrain lroin riving. Her depraved and rufltanly assailants if her account ot what traua pned maybe relied upon are two lul blown row. dies ot twenty-lour or so. respectively known as John Cash and Michael Hull. It is impossible at this stago of the proceed ngs to correctly pivo the preci o lac;s. They can ouiy be elicited In a regular trial. It would seem, how ever, as if Cash rnd Hall bad, some hmo duriug ttundav, conspired together to inveigle this young woman into a lonely placo, where their iuleruai fiuruose could be carried out; that Coali was to ure her tbere, and commence the outraae, while Hall at a convenient moment should appear, and enjoy his secondary share of the crime. Ihe viotlui herself, when taken to Mayor Morrison's office, gave her veroion ol what occurred iu detail, t-he said sho had had a previous acquaintance with Cash, and that about hall-past 8 o'clock ho bad called at the bonce where she lives, and invited her 10 lake a walk. Bv way of inducing her to comply with this request, Cash stated that she would muec seve ral intimate leinalo iriends, who had already started en a promenade. Under this impression she con rented, and, taking the arm of Ca-n, the two Btroiled out along butcher's run. After piomonadiner some distance, Cosh pointed out a spot on trio hillside, where he mid he had promised to meet the young ladies referred to, aud proposed that they should go there and remain until the company should arrive. Not having ihe slightest i-uspicun ol any criminal designs, the young lady acceded to ibis i. quest, and they soon naclud the nlace indicated. After they bad b en seated, Cash's deiignsin selecting such a pot became evident irom the Indecent proposals wli ch he made and which sho, of course, roi-ntod Finding persuasiou usole-g, and fearing that the at tent ion oi persons residing m the neighboihood would be attraoted by her cries, he threw her on the ground, aud seizing her by the throat, effected his abominable design. At this moment the accomplice. Jlali, who was apparently present by prucoucerted ananstment with Cah, made his appearauce, and attempted to repeal the outrage on the girl, who was now almost completely exhausted, lij some means she minsg' d to elude his grasp, and attempted to escape by flight W hile running, the screamed for he'p, ul her ries weie heard bv persons who were passing along the plank load. Among those whose attention was attracted by her cries was Officer Hess, of Mayor Morrison's police, who fortunately happened to he in the vicinity. 1 he officer immediately started lor the loca lly Irom w hoi co tho alurm pioceded. In the meantime, however, the debt of the vouug woman was impeded by a fence, in attempt ing to climb which she was overtaken by Hall. -vho dragged her down, and sho wa so severely injured by ti,e tall as to bo unable to make further remt anoe The vil aiu wu4 in the act of consummating Bis purpose, wi eu Otlicer Hots appcarod upon mo scene, and Hall ant Cash sought safety in flieht. lne tlicor instantly staited in pursuit, but the fellows had gained too much I eadway to roudor it ?osibl- lor to ovenako tboin. 11. returned to he aid ot the young woman, who slid lay upon the ground woepiug b.tterly, her hair and cloth ug di arranped, and aim st lainim irom oxlia istion and despair. After a while sho so lar rocovornd as to u able to make tue endeavor to aooomimnv him to the Mayor's olhoo. the eumu scaroe.y walk, but no mt aus of conveyance wm at hand, and Hess hud to almost carry her a great part of the way W bile pusting the corner ot a street uAm the way, sretuddonly recognized Hall standing there anil ImnHdiaiel, id -nuaed him. Oliieer (iVs arrofteu him at ones, notwiihatundirg an effort at resist, ance, at the -amai-m request . n ottioer Hodaou. w o bappeno i to be b, to take . are t the youn woman llall positively declared when takeu that bebaji no knowlerlge whatever ot the .flair and thai tw wou'd readily lo able to prove an alibi it v. coi.hiueiab e tune alter b r arrival at the Mayor's otliee before the uuiortunato yo ing i,"mJ, wss able to give tho circumstances as narrated al ove At first she wss too much amtatod to say aiiTthing coherently, hut by-and-by she b' camo sni flci'eutly collected to five such information about ( ah to Captain McKelvy as was needlul to put in op ration mcsns for tnat indtvld nv ' artest scviral ot ibe nlvht police were detailed, and In comi any with Officer hess, proceeded to the res! derceef tho lather of Cash, winch they koptnnrlcr nrveil!anc for several hours. Ahut lour o'cloc tins morning tho pat ence ot the officers wns r wotdi d ty seeing a light in the honso Olilcer Hess and Jveutensnt Hosier immediately entemd antt arrested Cah,who was busilv engaged in malting prepnrations hr a hurried departure Ho was con veytd to ti e .Mayor's fnco, mfanwhiie bis innocence ot the crime imputed to him most vehemently. ... YfstTday morning the accused had a hearing, before Mat or Morrison, ami the cvldenco, as then 1 of upon record. wa substnntially the same as the girl's orlgit ol slstcment Ho h Cash and Hall bear rei.uiatiom that are sid by those who know fhom to be no- ahovo reproech. The young woman, we were infouned. is respectably connected, and throucrhoiit a larce circle ot frli iuls the most intense, imlignntion is lelt at tho indignity and irretrievable injury that she has suffered. Hhoulrt so wicke I a crime be es'ob'ished agntmt those alleged to have 1 erpe'rated if, f bete Is no penalty of the law that wuld be adequate punishment lor it. J'ittsbury llrpublio, WJi. Melody fob According to a letter from Vienna, a thousand nishtinirales have been cam; lit, nt the request of Maximilian, and will be spec lily shipped lor Mexico. FINANCIAL. JAY COOKE & CO., Wo. 114 South THIRD Street, BANK E II JS AND IJEALEES IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES U. S. Cs OF 18M. &20s, OLD AND NEW, W lOsj CEH'IIFICATES OF lNtiEBTEDNESS, 7 0 OI ES, 1st, 2d, and 3d Scries. COMPOUND INTEEEW NOTES WANTED. INTERtgr ALLOWED ON DEl'OSITS. Collections nuido. Stocks Bought and Sold on Commission. Special business accommodations reserved for LADIES. 6 7 2m U. S. SECURITIES. A SPECIALTY. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., BANKERS & BROKERS, 16 S. THIRD ST. PHILADELPHIA. 3 NASSAU ST. NEW YORK. STOCKS AND GOLD BOUGHT AND HOLD ON COMMISSION, HEKE AND IN NEW YORK. 31 )AY1ES BROTHERS, No. 225 DOCK STREET, BANKERS AND BROKERS, BUT AND SELL CUITED STATES BONDS, 1881s, -20s, 10 tOs. PMTED STATES 7 3-10s. ALL IHKUE8. CKKTIi lCATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. WercBntlle Psperand Loans on Co.laterals nepotiated Stocks Boufcht aud Sold on Commisalou. 1 31 i J1IE rillST NATIONAL BANK HAS EEMOVED During tlie erection of the new Bank building, io H74p No. SQ5 C1IESNUT STREET 5"20S---F I V E - T W E N T I E S. 7'30s SEVEN-THIRTIES WANTED. . LE 1IAVEN & BROTHER, 1 7 No, 40 S. Third s i bebt. TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, ETC? C3 SUBiantt en aitiiL t.n, - PHILADELPHIA SURO RONS' BANIjAG. IKSillTTE. No. 14 1J NINTH htrect, above Market. B. O. pile; tlilrty yenrs' practical experience, IMA ail Hutxin... ki I. . . 1 fluutinn lrefsuie Truss, and a variety ol 'Porteis, Elastic StocklnKS, Miouluer llrucps. oiliers. Kui ( rulclirs. g ducted by a . ..v. muicb aar(uieuu con- Lutiy. 28 TltUSSES. si:pPORTi--nH nn aT-c-q nrt .ii .,.i..'c. , :-r.r"r' """"-"j lir. Moi I.ENAC11AN. ilore department by a conme. tent surgeon Si:) Swrg" DENTISTRY. THOLSANdjI O" TEKT1I EXTHACTED ftti-yA without pain.- Patent at pileil r0r. Jhynewin-"-"i- volition, a l.oub.e lievorsllile Soll-adtutlni? lately Vulid irbalei lor administering Nitrous Oxide nl". .B.DU .IUat,l"B 'o'" i'OUt faln. The mode 0 il cm Di. y. , LMUSNH. Nck 731 S1 BI CE trect. J 1j K I N ' S WlLLOCailBY s, MASON'S, LI MAN'S, 1' A T JO N T AIB-TIUIIT ELF-SEA LING FRUIT JARS. All the above Jars wa offer to our custoniors aul the public federal y, with entire confldeuce, at t jo LOWEST Market Price. . KIINES PATEN A. J. WEIDENER, o- 28 P. SECOND Street, Philudoli lilii. 0 lui ILJ.WAIU) & WINEDRENER. WM, WlLl.Vi'Ar.D, 8 WIREBUEUHB. MACIIIKEKY AND MANUFACTURERS' S U P P L IES, No. 1 18 WABKET Strcot, I'll I LA DELF Ui A, PA, ACI.K'1'8 FOR T11K BALB OF Cottcn and Woollen Machinery, Ika.'ers In llunufacturers' Supplies of every do. cription. Oak Tacaed Ltather Beltintr, AND M.C1IINK CARD CLOTHING 01 ten ttt.aiity 6iiiiiufticture, 14 26 fimrp I FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOFSAFES SUCCESSFUL T E S T S. GltKAT FIKE IS NEW TOKK. UREAT FIRE IS C IIARLIOSION, 8 C. GREAT FIRE IN WADDIJiOTOS. GREAT FIRE IX CANADA. MARVIN'S SAFES. IN EVERY INSTANCE BAVED Al-Ii T1IKIU CONTKNT. 3MAIIVIN & CO., No. 721 Chesnut Street, (Masonic Hall). No. 265 Broadway, New York. FPNl) OR ILLC8TRATFD CATALOG UE, SKCOND-HASD SAKES ; HOUSE SAFES. PAFFS EXCHANGED. i 82mrp "whisky, brandy, wine, etcT (MSMT GROVE WHISKY. No. K5 North TniRD 8frcet. It onvthlnR wnp wimli it to prove the abKOlute purltj oi this vi MsKv. the K.liowing rtlflcaic" should do It 1 here Is no a.coholtc siluiHlum knoniicommaiulluftsucr tuUK n.uaiiou Ion suih liljh souiccs: 1 niLAKKLi uiA, Mcptcrkbcr 9. WtS We have caromlly loxteil the saujpie of t'lILssn l1.0 I WHlr-KY vhichjou send us, and And that It Contains 1.1.1. F OF TIIR l OISONOI S si bstancb known (4 n siL iiil. lnth Is tho iliarucirnrtic and Injmlous lu kreulcut ol the whlnkli s In tonera use. UOOUI, UAKRKTT CAM AC, Analytical Chemists New York, Soptrrnher S, IsSs. 1 have analyred a snniplo oi f Ul.sNUT Gi;oE VHlbKY ncelvtd irom ir 1 harles Wharton, Jr., ol 1 IiliiKKlplilai i. ml halng carulullv tested It, I am piciiSt d to state that It Is entire y fhkk Phom poisonou (R delktkuhh s substances. It la an unusually pur anu line-flavored quality of whlskv, James r. i hilton, m. i., Aualvtlcal Cheuils , . Bostom, March 7 RS I rave made a cncmlcsl analysis of commercial sara pics of llll'.hNUT'GKOVE W Ul.-KY, whicU provesu tie Irre lioni the heavy Kusll Oiig, and pcrfecily pure an oiiHilul'f rsird 'Ihe llnetluvcrot this whisky Is derive lioin the yraln used in manufacturing it. liesptrCtinlly. A. A. li t YES. M. D . Mute Aseayet, No. hi Roylston stieet. LON G- W O XI rr II'S CELEBRATED CATAWBA WINES J. W HAMMAR, SOLE AGENT, 6 14 thsm22t No. OQO MARKET Street. NATIIAXS & SONS, IMPORTERS OP BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, Etc. Etc. No. 19 North FRONT Street. rUlLADELTIllA. .MUPKH 9ATBAH8, HORACE A. VATRAN8, OKLAKDO D. HATHA V 8, 119m FURNITURE AND BEDDING. u it is r u it . BICIIMOND & FOEEPAUGII, No. 40 South SECOND St., West Side, MANUFACTURERS OF SUPERIOR CABINET FURNITURE, AND UPHOLSTERED GOODS. Farlor Pults In 1 lush, ltcns. Hair Cloth, etn. Mulnti-ftoom. Liluing-Kotni, and Chamber 8ult la Wuluut, MuhoKany, Oak. t hesnut. etc., toitethcr with friuiueuiiutittiiuuB ui iue nuvve wuous, wuicu cotae verv ow. Miou'd on desire anything In our 'lne, It will he to our advantage to ca 1 and exainiiio oursiock. woicb is as larte and varied as can be louud anywhere and FKICKS IHE LOWEcT. EICH1IOND & FOREPAUtfH. 529 ?io. 40Fouth SECOjiD Btreet g P R I X G. BEDDING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, 3IOLKSALE AND KETAIL, AKD MATERIALS FOB THE BA1IE. BKSI QUAL1TT AKD bTTLE OF SPRIXt? MATTRESSES. J. S. FULLER, i llsintl:3m No. 9 S. SEVENTH Street. STOVES, RANGES, ETC. JJ N I O X OIL S T OVES, A new and complete apparatus lor Cooking and Heating by Tctroleuu Oil. Our Stoves give no smoke or odor, and are not liable to get out ot oidor, being as simple In every respect as a Kerosene Lamp. Ihe Baker, Broiler, and Flat-Iron Ueater are tbe only special articles of tur nr. ure required. For all other purposes, ordinary stove luiniturc may be used. DAVID K. LOSEY, HOLE AGEKT FOIt PKNN8YLVAMA, Ho. 33 Soulh FIFTH Street. Itbtral discount to the trade. 4 17 3m rp QULVEH'S NEW PATENT U 0 T - A I R F U It N A C E. RANOES OF A J. J j SIZES. ALSO, hUILGAU'S HEW LOW PBESiSUHB STEAM HliATJSU Al'PABAnjS. VOB 8ALK BV CHARLES WILLIAMS, 6 10 5 No. 1182 MaHKEl STULET, THOMPHOM S LONDON KITCHEN Kit, OJiM BOPEAN KANOK. tor tamllles, hotels, or uuhllo mstituiious Id'I WKNTY DlFKhKhMT MtH. Alro. l'hl adelDhla Ranuf.N. llnr.AIr h nr racea I'orluhle Heaters, Lowdowu Clratus Fireboard Htuves, iia'l llo'lers, hiewhole F ates, Urollers, Cook I UK Moves, etc., wholcsa e auo retail, nv the munuuo tuiera tUAbK, HAKP & TdOMFduM, Slstuth6m o. SOU N. HiCCOM) 8ireet FOU SALE-STATE AND COUNT? RIGHTS oi ( apewell & Co 's Patent Wind Uuard and Air Heater Ait (Joal C'il I. smnst It nrevAntri ihu (MilmnAts Irom brcakinn. This w will warrant. Also saves am - tmru tue on t'a'l and see them they cost but ten cents Mo. Vti HACK, bTfi t, 1'Jillad.e phla Humple sent to and tart vf the United ifutKi vn receipt of V oeola. il It) LUMBER. 18G6 .BIMLDINO! IHTILDINO! LUMBtlll Lt'MhKRI LCMBERI tTl P HO Hin. RIL FLANK wniTh piNf. th ov.isn TKiL 'W flK KMlOKIvtJ. OPHrCE Pisr. ri.O'iRING. ASU AN l WAI.NPr FL'JOBiKtl I'LAftri hi SO LA I II. rLANTKltlVO LTII. 18( ii 1, HEMLOCK, AND OAK M). 1 1MHS k. PISE, I1EMIOI K, AM OAK TIMBER, i'l t l() A BILL, err to a kill, AT BUOKT autiue. 1S0( CEDAR AND PINE S1IIXCLES. ). CH1AR AMI PISE KIIINULKS. J O. I IjV? M It 1MK fll I Mil,KS, o. 1 KMOKT rr.lMH SHINULE3. WHIT PI Sr. SUINOI.KS. t'T" Ht'S-i HHiMlLr S. FIXE ABSORTUKSr FOB SALE LOW 18Gf! - i.UMriER mu T"nrnTAKFr?si t ). LL'MBKH K() I'MiKRTtRF.RSIl sril ITUAK, I,M T, A Nil FINE. RED IEDAK WALNUT, AND PINE. 1 Qlf ALBANY LUMKEIt OF ALL KINDS 1CUU. ALBANY Ll'MRt.K OF ALL KISD3 HEAPONFD W ALXVT. 8FAMONI- l WALN'l'T DRY I'OPI.AK CUEHRY. AND ASH. OAK I LK A I) BUS. MAHOUANY. ROSEWOOD AND WALMT VESEERS. 18GC CIOAR-BOX MANL'FACTURERS. ). CIOAR-BOX MANL FAP TITUKR. SPAMSI1 t'FDAR BOX 111 AKD J. AT UEDL'CLD PKlCta. i Qm SPIiLCE JOrPT! M'RUCE JOIST1 lOUU. fPM'l F. JOIST I SPRUCE JOIST 1 FROM 14 K ! FELT LuNU. FROM 14 TO 32 FEE f LONU. hpftl't E SILLS HEMLOCK PLANK AND JOIST. OAK SILLS. J1AULE BUOTHFR CO., 5 2? timrp o. ilfidO SOUTH &TKEET. JJ X I T E D STATES HUILDER'S MILL, Nos. 24, 26, and 28 S. FIFTEENTH St., raiLAPBLPniA. ESLER & BHOTIIER, WOOD MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, STaIR BALUS TERS, JiEWEL POSTS, GEKERAL XCAKINO SCROLL WOKK, ETC. bllELVINO FLAKED TO ORDER. Ihe largest assortment ot Wood Mouldings lu this city constantly on hand. .417 3m TW. SMALTZ'S LUMBER YARD. N. E. . coiner of FIFTEENTH and STILES Street. OFFERS FOB SALE, , CHEAP FOR CASH Panel 1st com , 2d com , 3d com., 4 4, ft-4, 6 8. 8 4, White Pine, seasoned. Hi Ft and second quality Yellow (4 4, 8-4) and White Pine (4-4) Flooring Boards First aud second ,.us lty one and two sides Fence Eonrds. Khtlvlng Boar's Pass. Ash Planks and Boards, White Fine Mil", a! sires Step Hoards, 4 4, 6-4. Hemlock Joist and Scant ing all slues. I'linie lot Spruce Sil s nud Scantitnir P astering Lath (English ami C'aiaisj Pickets. Hilnifles. Chesnut Posts etc Mahogany, Walnut Plank and Bom lis. All k"s of Building I limber cut and furnished at the shortest notice, at the lowest price.- 6 5 1m CIGARS AND TOBACCO. IJLNT TO TOBACCO CLTEWEUS WEDDING-CAKE FINE. CUT TOBACCO. The only FINE CUT TOBACCO ever manufactured in Philadelphia. The Rest in the Market. EVERYBODY USES IT. Manufactured from the Best Leaf. boid EvmnuERe. tan Factory, S.E. corner Beoad and Wallace Streets M. II O H N , CONTINENTAL CISAR TOEROOMS No. 838 SAN SO M Street, Rear of Continental Hotel, Philadelphia. Importer and Dealer In Choicest Brands of Cigars and Tobaccos, wholesale and retail. Sample Loom. 2smwlm LEGAL NOTICES. 1 N THEC'OUKTOFCOMMON PLEAS I OR THE X CITY AM) ( Ol'N'l Y OF PillLADELPH A. ADELAIDE MEliC'ER. by etc, vs. BEKNARD JtEltOtR In Divorce. Jiarcu 'i. fin. 1686. No. 60. To PFKKA1.D AlEPCtR Respondent t 1 nke notice that oiposltline. on behalf of the lib' linn in tLc above esse, w 1)1 be tuktn before Chur cs.N. Mann Esq., 1 xtmliicr. at his c ftce. nonhwrst corner oi Flitii and reen streets, ou ail I" It DaY July 12, 1M6 at 11 o clocks A. Al., when and where vou msv attend If you think iiropcr. J08IPUM PILE, b 12 1st Attorney lor Llbe.laut IT 11 U I T S , NUTS, SAUDIS ES, ETC. ETC. Oranges and Lemons, Messina. Paper Shell and Bordeaux Aluiouds. Sardines, half ana quarter boxes. Marseilles c live Oil, quarts and pints. Konpnrlel Fuporflne Capers. Spanish and French Olives, In kegs an 1 glass. English Pickles Sauces, and Mustard. American Pickles, In barrels and glass. Tomato Catsup and Pepper "auce, quarts aud pi a In. English Slusbioom and Walnut Catsup. Worcestershire and Lucknow Sauce. Bunch, Layer, Seedless, and Valencia Kalslns. Zanto and Patras Currants, and Citron. French, Turkey, and Imperial Prunes. GrenobleWalnuts, Pecan Nuts, and Filberts. Italian Uaccaronl and Vermicelli. Canned Peaches, Tomatoes, Lobsters, and Corn. Also, '4C0 cases of tbe celebrated Virgin Oil of Alt, lio ported by us, qnarts and pluts. The richest Salad Oil received trora France. JOSEPH B. 1.USSIER & CO., 6 5 tuthsTlJ No. 108 South DELAWARE Avenue. B. J. WILLIAMS, No 16 Worth SIXTH Street tfAMJKAU'JUKIUt O? VENF.T1AN BLIN1S. AI WINDOW SIIAUPJ8. Ihe larcest and finest assortment in the city at tbe lowest prices. 16 J loir p STOltE SHADES MADE AND LETTERED. S A V V. V il 1?. S A T, III A SECOND HAND Farrel & Herrine Fire-rroof Safe FOR BALE. APPLT AT THIS OFFICE. RAILROAD LINES. PIUI.APKLrHIA, WILMINGTON. AND UAL T1.WOHE RAILROAD, , 1IME TABLE. Comrninclng MONDAY April 1H. KM. Trains will lea Leant lomirot IlHOAD Street and WAMH INU T N Avei ue. as lollows : Fxptoss I rain at 4 1.1 A. M. (Wnndavs eicep'ed) to BBlt'niore and tVaslunston siopning at Chester. Wll ii mgf'.n hevark. HKt n Noitln act, Perry vll n.Msvre de (.race A h rile en. Perty man's. Magnolia, chiwe's Binmier-s Run Wav ft' nil Train at 8 H A M. (Snndnys encepledi. for Psitimore, stopping at all regular stations between Phl Imii'li'liid and I'sitliiior Delaware Kalirnail Train at P A. M (Onnda'-s cx ci in id . for Prlncens Anne, lliord, and Intermedlaie stntinns Lxpresi Train at IP4S A.M. (Sundnji excepted), lor I'slUii, ore slid ashlni.ton. Express 1 tain at 1 P W. (Sunrtnvs excepted) for ha' tlmnro Ht'd Wa-hinpton stopping at het r, lavmort. W I mlrcton, ewars, l-lklon, Nortlienat PerryvMe Ilavie de U'ace. Aberdien. I'crrvman's, Edeewood Mag nolia, ( bate's and Meinnier s Hun Mght Kxpnss at IIP. -M.,ior Baltimore and Wash lngton. 1 aentershv Boat from Ra'tlmore tor For'ress Mon roe Norn Ik. City Point, and Richmond, will take the 11 4 A l 'rain. VILMIMJ'IOV ACCOMMODATION THA1VK, Rtoiiplng at all Mntlons between Philadelphia and WIN nun i. ton. 1 rate rhllnde'phia st 9. 11.1.1 A. M., 4 .10. 6. and II no P. M. The 4':io P. M. ttslii connocts with Deluware Hallrosd or Ilsrrl nuton anil inlcm'eliiite stations l aveWUnilurtonat45 6 . and U'Stl A. M., 4 ana 6 30 r. M. 1 rains for Newcastle leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M.. 4 it) alio P. SI. IllHOl OII TRAINH FROM BALTIMORE Leave VV llniliiton st 11 A M , 4 W and 10 P M. ClIIMETt FO- IMIII.ADl 1.P1IIA. Leave ( hrs er at 7 Hi, g 411, H 14 nud 114H A- M., 4'43, ft. 1( ,7 nud lu M p. m. . Fl.OM BALI I MORE TO FHILA DELPHI A.. leave Baltimore 7-'A A M.. Wbt mall 0"Jl) A. M. Kxptess 1 111 p. M..Expicss. 6 X5 P. A,., Express. H i P. M., Express 1 BAINS FOR BVLTlMOrtF. l eave ( lies erst 4 4ft anilH fl A. M ., and 3 38 P. M. 1 esve V ilnilngton at KM sun DU. M. and 41.1 P. M. rreight Trsins l h l'assentier ars attsrned will eave as fo low :- llinington lor err vli e and intermediate stations at 6 (ft P. .VI. Baltimore for Havre-de Urareaud Intirn.ediate station ' 44SP.M. Penvvllle lor wl mlniiton end In erniediatn slations nt 5 00 . i .con nectlDg at Wilmington with 8 A. M. train for Philadel phia. . SUKDAT TRAINS. Express Train at 41.1 A M. lor Baltimore and Wash ington shopping at i hostel, Wllmln.ton, Newark Elk ton, orlica-t Pcrryvil.e IIavre-de-(Jrace, Aberdeen, pt ri mi n s Magno la. iiif and stemmer's Kun Nlt-bt Eatress. 1 1 P M tor Baltimore end Washington. ci'on inoilmlon Train at 11 30 P. M. for Wl.miugton and Interniedlata stations. BALllMOKE FOR PniLADELPBI A. I-esve l altinuirea' 8-2S P. M , Slopping at Havre-de-Penyvllie, and llnuugton. Also s on at Elk ton and N ewsrk (to take pasneniiers for phi adoipnlaand leave passengers from WaxhliiMton or Baltimore) and ( bestcr to leave passengers tioin Baltlmoro or Wash Ini'ton. Acrommodstlon Train from VYI mlnglon for Phlladot phis and Inteimcdlate stations at 6 "0 p. M. 16 U F. K.ENNEY. Bupctlntcndent. O EN N SY LVA N 1 A CENTIAl7"raILROaD- 1 fcLJHM hK A KKAMIKML.vT, The Trains oi the Pennsylvania Central Railroad lrave tbe Depot, at Ihir.y-dntt and Market streets, which lsrachtd bv the cars ol the Market Street Pas- fencer uaun ay, running lo ana irom the Depot The last car leaves Fiont street about 30 minutes prior to the departure ol each Tialn. on Sundays cars leave r.ieven n and Market Hrct'iB in unuvivB uriviu iuew-'i'iiiiuieui eacn 1 ruins Mann's BaKgaiie r.xpreBS will ca I for aud deliver nagnpe ni me uviiui. uhib mi. ni toe Ultlce, ISO TBAlNk LEAVE UEroT, VIZ. : maiiurain 8"0 A. M j'uj AiiL-9n ai IU7MI Pao'l Accommodation. No. I at II -00 Fant Line nnd Erie Lxpreshli at 12 00 M. n airihbur Acionimouation at 2 30 p. M l.Biieafier yiccoil.uioua'loD ut 4 CO 1'noll s ccommodation No. 2 at S'OO 1 l li am' t rle Mai H at 901 1 Paoll Accommodation, No 3 at 10 U0 ' Philadelphia t xpiexst at 11 10 ' TRAIN ARhlVK AT TIP. HOT VI9 f'lnclnnatl Express, iat 12-40 A. M i iiuuuuipiiiu r.AiirPHST...... at fill Paoll Accommodation, No. 1 at 81 ' ( olumblal'raln g oo i.anciisier irain at 12 40 p. it r nni iiino at 1 10 Paoll Accommodation, No. 2 at 4 lu 1 Day Express at S-50 Paoll Accommodation, ho. 3 at 1 -art Narrisburg Accommodation at 6-50 ' laiy. except Katurdav. f Daily. Dnliv, excopt aionduv. All other I rains, dsllv kiipiiI mhihiiv HR"nlng through Irom Philadelphia to Pittsburgh nu, ..ue itiiuuui vimiiKts ui enra. Sulida Accotiiniiwliii lot Tinins for Panll and InturmA. d uie stations leave hlladeiphla at 8-00 A. M. oiu 7 00 ir. ju., reiuroing leave raou at b w . M auu 4'oU P. M a TI( KK'I OFFICE Is loca'ed at No. 6?1 Chesnut street whore Tickets to an important points mav be procur.d aud tail informs hod givtn d.v juiijh v ALLKN. Ticket A guilt. Al' 0 at Ihiriy-flrst and Market streets, on apullca won IU XUUMAS 11 l AKKti, Tlrttnr Aiput nt iht. I is.t An Fmltvrnnt Train runs tlailv (except Sunday. For full pnrticuiars as to faro and accommodailous apply to FR'NCIS FU.nK, Ihe renrsylvanlo Eollroad Compnnv will not assume fi yi.T p. ir "Wapo except lor Wearing Appare.. and nic.i irsiiuuHiuiuiy 10 uno tiumlred Dollars Id I'i'iV?' . ii llBf"o exceeding that amount in value ui me uwucr, uu esa taken oy spi-cla TTOU ,MiVV jrnBK.-THE CAMDEN AND m,fnV?sfnnes.1'hl!flUelphla ,,,d Trcnton H' . t PHlLiADFLrHIA. TO NEW YORK ana vv sy riaces, iroia Walnut Street Whaif, will leave At 6 A. ii., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda lion , b 92 25 AJS vf" Vi,a .9""'.d'n ana Jersey City r xp'rcss'.'.V. 3 f'O A I S E ?' T!a gulden and mbov AccommoUotlon 2 25 At r.. via Camden aud Amboy Accommoda tion. 2d class ion J"? f f ",,u r Ti-, ior aiount tiollv. Ewans vi ne i eirutrion. and Vinceutown At ft A. il. aud 2 P. M for 1 rielio d. At ft and 10 a. A'., Vi M , 4, 8,8, and 11-30, P M. lor Fish Louse, Pelmyra, Riverton Progress. Delanco never1-. Edvewater, hur mutoii. F.orenee, Borden towp.ejc. The lu A M. aud 4 P. M. Hues rua direot throunh to 'I icnton. MN1.B Fi'.OM KENSINGTON DEPOT WILL LEA JW. At HA M. 4 30 6 45 J' M., ami 2 P M.(Mglitvla hens niton di:d Jersey City express Lines, tare t.ldii 1 he t 4:i F, M. l.lue williuu daily. Allolliers Sundays At 7 '0 and 11 A. M . 3 3-30 4 30 8, and 6 45 P. M and A Kluitlit lor Brietol. 'I reuton, etc. At 7 and 10 15 A. M. 12 M. 3 4.5 undflP. M r,rnm we l's. Ttrnsduie Bolmei-burff, Tacony . Wlisluomiug, jinuui-LiuiK. uuu ciiiii&iuru, anu ai in la a. At ,or jirmiui rcni'uea a, juiuukiuii, ana S f. JU tor nolaies Imru and IntnrniAfliR a fitiitinns At 7 30 A. M. and 3-30 P. M. lor Niagara Falls. Buffalo. Dunkirk (, Elmira, Ithaca Owego, Ro ches er Binghampton, Oaneuo t-yracuse Great Band. Montrose nllkesDarre Hcrauton Stioudburg, iVater nup, j.eiviurre, r-aKion, i aiiio. rtviue siemlnVon, etc. The 3-fO P.M. Line connects direct with the train '" i asiuu ior Aiaucu tuuoi.AUeuiosa, Bethio hem etc. At ft P. M. for Lambertvllle and Intermediate stations. Junol.lfctitt. WILLIAM U. GAIZMER, Agent, Ij ivHtiriT LINKS FOK NEW yORK AND X I at the Stations on the CAMDEN pud AMHOY and vvnuciiii, hoi iuiiub. jnai'AnLLI ur.rAltll. THu CAMDEJ Abl) A SI BOY RAILI OAD AND TBAK8FOR' ATJON ( OMPany i kuniiT r.i. V fot Nfw lnrkwlli leave WALNUT Street Wha f'at'fj O'clock P M. daily Bundays excepted). r ii ii iii must oe ueuvereU Leiore 4 O CfOCK, to oe ior waided ihe mme eav. Bcturnlug, the above lines will leave New York at 12 nuoii. ami t niiuD r . in Frtlnhi lor Tieii'ou. Pflnceton, Kingston, Now Brims- win, anu a. i points on mu i amueit anu Anmov Hail road; a so, on the BeTuern Delaware and Ficmlnu'- ton ti e New Jorscv tnetieehuU und Jauiesbur nnd the Burlington aud Mount Holly Railroads, received nun lui y munu uif iu i t iii. 'J he Belvlileru I e aware llellroad connects at PhMlpg burs with the Ihiuli Val ev ltal iouil. ami at i,...n kaeliunk with all points on ti e Dn'aware, Lackawsnna, and W'tslcni Put rosd, forwardlnn, Uullaio ui, jl ...I,.,. I i.ln.u I,. ,..n KJ . . ... V . . I. 1 Ibe New Jersey riallroad connects at Elizabeth with the New Jersey i entral Railroad, aud at Newark with uio Aioriia anu f.faejL nanroaa A alio lnenioraiiiluni. tHu;livlnr the marks snit hers, hlpper, and cot sit nees, must. In every luatauce be sent with each load oi goods, or no receipt will be given N. B. Increased lacl'itles have been made for the iraiiB:oriaiijii oi live aioca. iirovera are invited to try the rm te. w ben siock is lurnislied lu iiiau Ities ol two carloads o' more it w'l be delivered at ilie loot of For tie h s reet pear tbe Drove Yard, or at Her No I ortn Kiver. as the shippers ma.v design teat the lime Ol fluili'riii. Fur terms, or other Imormatlon, apply to WALi ER FUEfc AN. Freight Agent. No. 220 S. DEI.A W s AK Avenue, Phl adeiuUia f GRANGE AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD v v.u ni,u ourr div.ixa,. i , renruary Ji two dailv trams will run between Washington and L nchliurJ coiincctli'g at Cotdonivl lo wlili VlrKlnlu Ctutrol HulT road trains to aud Irom Richmond as lo.lows: MAIL lit IN Iave Washington dol'V undav excepted) at -ii A. M , and anlve at Lyncnburg at ' p. ji. Leave Ly m hi urg at 7 A. M and arrive at Washing-, ton at 6 26 P. il. PXrRKSH TRAIN Lcsve W ashlngton oal.y i Including 1-undav) at fi 05 p M and arrive at I ynehnmg at u W) A Jl '"luvJ toVo"ve-i0A!CM'ur'' at " 30 '' U nJ r,tve at Wa8nl"s 1 oth tr-ins making close connections at Lynchburg fot all poiuls outli ai d Sou liwest, aud at Wuihiiiriiuu for Nor h and Nerihrtest ". Flrst-cUs sluepin cars attached to the n'ght trains. Ibe road Is at rsciive. not on v o, its com or al.1 acniiimi Dilations, but lor the Is it ftiat It pase Uio u,w lil torut Irien ili..f,r E--l-r.w Ii.. i i..... V, . . . . . --- . . . , " . ....wn,..u , mill iiiuiiiinn,,, riB toe, ( at ett t Rappahannock. ( ulpeper Oraiiko and Cioroonsvi le nlare t.t iin, ltn,Mui i.i .1.. popular mind 'IhiouKh liikeis to all points ouih aid 8outhweat mi v be lad In Kos'on, New York Phllsrt lp!,i,. and Pniliirnrn nn.l .. ,1.. . ... .A ... .1 ... ,1... . ' h. ........ , -.. , i.w ,n..i ..i inn i.u hi H.tuniton A eXHI llli.L , W 11 J, A b-L' . l.'i. , (Jtncr 1 Supe tiu utlea RAILROAD UNES. T? E A D I N il "ll A I L H O A l .V.w ...... (-PEAT TitrN'K LINE, it v vL".'I;.1" L1 Hl A TO .BE INTRRI'il: O V?v A,',i.'MJ 'F'lLAND AJD W-VOMlN-i hi, ( A N A bZs hlllJORIiiWFST. AND TAB SIMMER ARRANtlEMKNT OF r.ASsXNUE T . , UtAlNv ,,ine4 IKiM rliVr.if mi ' "'""""v'sl'opo at THIBTEF.NTH a hours i Mreets Philadelphia at tho loUjw M O KN IN1 ACt i.MMUD TIO At 7 30 A. M. ttjfein, an intermsdlate Statlo a, aitlKN 'NO fM'RlLHS. .01 s'1' M u,r It' siiiiiir. I.elianon llarristinrtf Pot vllle. J IttcKrove. Tat,a-Ua Minburv Vllllaiiisw wnkllli,,1'''!"!',. ",v"r" K"' ''uo-aloV aTc f.'m B'ike;:!ewn0,tel.,,e",!c:n ValW h.mbcrsbur This train connects at RKADlNOwih East Penns svlvanla l.allnail trains for A Ion tow o etc and tha J.l',";.?.,,"'-T, lrnln k,r Harrlsburg etc t it PORT CIINTON w th aiawlFsa Ur.llroa.T trms Mr iil 'J".".'" Lock Haven. Hmlra etc; at nRUI- 1 U, rthern ( cntrrl ( umber ami Vn ley. and Prlmvlklll and Siisiniehannn trains ior Nonhmnlxt laud Vililamport, 1 ork (hambersliiirg, "InrLnove etc AF1ER 1111, SAPRE-S Leaves 1 Mla.iclplilii at 3-:M P M , lor Reading Potts vll e. IiamsbiirK ete., conmotlnu with Keadlng and Columbia Hal rond faius lor Co'unibln, etc RI-AD1M) ACt OMMODATION.,Uolphta " 00 FM ' "rrlvM 'I rains ior I Inladoiphln leave Itarrlsburir at 8 10 A M. sri' Potsville nt S 4.1 A M nrrlvmir In PhlladelphU at r,-M 'teinoon trains lesve Il.irHstmrg at -2 It at6:45PMiT ta'4,r,M'- Brr,vl" ln Pl'ladelphla ilARItlSl.IRO ACCOMMODNTION. Leaves Bi'i.iIiiik at 7 30 A M. and Hums urg at 4 10 P M t onnec Ina at Reading with Anornonn Accotn 10 p m" OU Dii"M W"' "rrivln" lu Puliade plila V.arket train, wliti pasenger ear attached, leaveg Philadelphia at 12 4ft neon lor KomiIIhk an.i a.l wavsta '' Leaves Keiitllnir a 11 3" .. M and Downlnntowii at 12-3" P. ft-., lor Philadelphia and al wav sta tins. All tne ahove Tains run dally, -umlnvs exeeptett. Suncav trains leave Potlsvllle at S-00 A. M .and Phl laile ! hla at .l ift P M Leave I lil'adclphln for Reading a; B OO A. Ai : f e itrnlng irom Ri adliif at 4 21 P, M. CIII'HIEK VsLLKV RAILROAD. I asFenpers for Downlngtown and Intermedlste point take 'he 7M0 and a-lft A. M. nnd 6 0PM. trains from I bl adelphla, returning irom Downlngtown at 8 35 A. Al. and I2'3" noon. NEW YORK EXrhESFClRI'iTTSBUBa AND TUB Leaves New 'York at 0 AM., and R'O.i P M., passlnir Besillngat IMKJ and 1153 A. M and 148 P. M , and con. mctiiigat Ilairlsburg nlih Pennsylvania andNonhera (entral Bailioad express trains lorPutaburg, Chleaiio. W II lamsi ort. I lmlra, Baltimore, etc. ' petuinlng, rxpnss train le-ives itsrrlsbnrg on arrival A. 1 V """i I' 'ii "Press Irom Pltts.mrv, at 3 and ia ?. A' Ilil.9;'.'1.?w-' Passing Reading at 4 49 and 10 82 A. M.. and IPSO P M , and arrlvlnx In New York at 10 A. AI and i 4.1 P. M. h leaping ca acenmnany these fains through between Jcrsej i lty and Pittsburg, with out change. A mail train lor New York leaves Harrfsbutg at 2 10 P. M. Mall tralr lor Barrlsbura Haves sew York at 12 M. SCHUYLKILL V.W.LI Y RMLROAI) Trains leave Potlsvllle at 7 and 11 :I0 A. M., and 7 15 and4i.iepUM lrm r,UJI"in V3i A.M. aud 140 SthVYLRILL AND 8UQUI H.ANNA RAILROAD, trains leave Auburn at 7 60 A. M for Pinegrove and Fsrrlsliurg. ami 1 50 P M. lor Plnegrove and Treinont, returning trom Ilarrishurir nt 8 20 P. M., and froai Tre niout at 7 '35 A. A), aud ft ih p. M. TI C'K K'i S Through flrst-class tickets and emigrant tlokota to all the principal points In the Nonh and West and Canada. jbeiollowlng tickets are obtni able only at tho ottiee ol H. BRADFORD, Treasurer, No. 227 8 FOURTH t-treet, Philadelphia, or of U. A. McOLLS, Ueneiai Superinttndent. Keaolng: COMMUiATION" TICKETS At 2.1 per cent, discount, between any points desired, tor laiiillies ai d firms. MILEAGE TICKETS, Good ior 5000 miles, between all points, 852 8T each, for families and flims SEASON TICKETS. Kor three, six, nine, or twelve months, for holders only, to all points, at reduced rates iLr.P.UYMEV residing on tho line oi the road wli; be furnished caros entitling tlumscives and wives to tickets at hall fare. , t:Xa'KMOS TIIKEIK From Philadelphia lo principal sia I. ns. good for Ba tuidav. Sunday, and Mondav. at redticeu la e, to be had S?J.,Ae l lck" Oftke, at Till UTEENTli and iJAL L(' II ILL Streets FREIGHT.-Ooosg of all desctiptlons forwarded to all the above points, irom the ( ompany's now Freight Depot, BROAD and WII LOW Streets. S"i v , FRE1GH I' TRAINS Leave Phlladel nbia oally at 5 30 A M., IT 4.1 noon and 6 P. M.. tor Reading. Lebanon, Harrlsburg, PotisviLa Port llluton, and ull points beyond. Close at the I hlladelphla post Office for all places on tha tosd and Its blanches at 6 A. M , and for the principal stalious only at 3 IS P M. 8 IS VT 0 R T H "PENN SYLVAN 'TK RAILROAD. X Depot. T HIRD Sueet above Thompson. . .K?,'a BETHLEHEM, DOYL1STOWN, MAUCH CHCNK., E ASTON, WILL1AMSPOBT, and W1LKEBI iJA KKK At 7 30 A. M.tFxpress), for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, lirulo'.ou, Wiillamspoi t, and Wilkea barre. At 8H0 T M (Express), for Bcthebem, Zaston, st.. reacbing Eoston at 641 P. M. ' w At Sl5 P. M.. tor Bethlehem, AUentown, MauoS Chunk. For Dovlestown at 8 3.1 A M., 2 30 and 415 P. M. t oi Fort Washington at 10 A II. and II P. M. For l.ansda'e ut 6'15 P. M. White cars ol the Second and Third Streets Lint 01t Patseuger cars run direct to the depot. TRAINH (OK PHILADELPHIA , . Lejv Bethlehem at 6 25 l. M. and 12 !s Noon, ant 4 ll r AI, Leave Doy estown at 8 40 A. If., Ms and ft 30 P. M. Leave I. an.-dale at li dO A. M Leave Fort W ashlngton a. 10 4 ' A M , and 2-15 P. It. ON SUM) ATS. ". Philadelphia foi Beth enem at I) A . M. Philadelphia foi Dovlestown at 2 30 P. M, Doy Itstown tor Phi adelphla ai 7 20 A. M. Bethlehem tor Philadelphia ai 4 3'i P. M. -ni,.rVa,iU Tickets must be piocuied at ibe ticket offlet , THI RD Street, or BERKS Street. ' 1 KLLlt OLA HK , A gant. T7KST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES," FROM V V toot ol M A KKET Street (Upper Perry), Tfi!n.',n!'ncJI1B THURsD kY. ilav 31 1HII6. a aEAV l'1.,ILA1),,', 1M1IA AS I'OLL'JVisii 8 A. M Mail, lor Bildgeton, Sulom, and all interme diate stations II A. M. Mall for Cape Mar. stopoln at Woodbury, Glasaboro', Vineland. nnd Millvliie, aud all stations heow Ml Ivllle. Due 12 35 M. 1 3 1 . M. ccommodation. for Cnpa May, stopping at Woodbury and (ilassboro, and all stations below Ulnss boro. Duo 8- 5P. M. 330 P.M. Passenger, lor Eiidircton, 8a em, and all Intermediate s atione. 0P.M., Woodbnry Accommodatlnn. RETt'KNINU TRAINS Leave CapcMa 6 30 anu 11 A. M. " Brldgeton 7 A. M and 3-50 P. M. " bii em 0-45 A.M. and 3 35 P. M. Ticket Olllce In Ferry Building, loot of Market slreet, TltliOl l.H T l( KETS can also be purchased at Gra ham's Bagiate Express Otlice. No 102 . r ELFTU Stieet Philaue pnla whero oidcts arereceived for Bag gaxe w ill h lll he called ior aud checked at re. idenoes. Fre ght will bo received at t-econd Cohered Vhurt below WAlNUT Street, Irom 7 A M. uutll ft P. M. T hat received at or before 8 A.M. will go through ike same day - Freiuht Delivery. No. 228 S. DELAWARE Avenue. ft 31 J. VAN UESSaLaEK, Superintendent. 1 QH;-PHILADFLrillX AND ERi E RAIL JOUV.r ROAD. This great lne traverses the sot in tra and Northwest (ouuiles of Pennsylvania to tlis t lty ol Irie on Lake Frio it has becu leased aud la operated by the Pcnnsv vanla Railroad Company. T1MEOF PAXSKMtEUT RAINS AT PHILADELPHIA. An-ive Eastward trie Ma'l Train, 7 A. it.: Erie Ex press Train, I P. M. Leave Westward Erie Mall, P. Mt Erie Express Train 12 U. Tassengcr cars run through on the Erie Mall and Ex press trains both ways between Phllade plila and Erie. NEW kORK CON NEC HON. Leave Now Tork at 0 A At. arrive at Krie 9 30 I. M. Leave I rio at 4 45 P. M , anlvo at New York 4 10 P. M Ficiant Slceplug Cars on a 1 the night trains. For iu ormatloii respectiiiK passenger buiuess. anply at cornerTHIRHE If and AI ARKl T 8 reels Phi A. And foi Ireijlit business, of the ompanv s Agents, 8. B. Kingston Ji , corner I lilr'eentb and Market stroeta. l'biladelphiat J. wr. Reynolds, lne: William Biown. Ageut N. C. K R., Baltimore II. I'. HOl'MTO.v, General Freight Agent, rbj'a. Ii. W. GW1NNFR Gei.eral T It ket Agent, PhUa. A.L.TVLEB GcneralMip't. Wllllamsport. PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN, AND NOKRISTOWA RAILROAD. On and lESDAY. May 16, 1866. 3Hlf4?ft?C'"7d8,ril:1,K06',l ."l-10MU' " A- M-' '. Leave Germantowu 8, 7, IH, 8 , 8 20, 0, 10, 11, 12 A. it 1,2 3, 4.4J..t. -.,8,0.10,11.41. Tho82i. down train, wid 3 and t np tiains will not stop on the Gerniaiitottu Branch. ' . os SUNDAYS. l eave Philadelphia 910 A. M., 2 8 ft. 8. I0H P. H. Leave Geiuiantown8 A M., 1. 4, 64 HHP M:. Iave ( hesnut Hill 7-10 minutes. 8 9 40 11 40 A xr 1-40. 3 0. 5 40. 8-40 M 40, and 10 40 minutes P.M M tafirkll....,,!!!. - - Ft R ( ONSHonot KEN AND NOKKISTOWV 4 C"v!0.'L"5,,Ji"",'i"B 8i)J 0'l''Uosf,ll-Ma:M.;ii 4M t'fc, tk.hdSmii.uiee.uiid 11H P.l l l U8ie i,,,r"',0WI1 7 50, 9 It A.M., IK, 4H, i i,i. l 8 "J V' M' '',alD. nl" "P ' flcnno1 Lane, Wl hlckcii, l auu.vunk, Spring Mill, and ( onshohoikin otS? Leave Phra-.elpllii OA. M..2X.4 and7H I'. U Leave NoilMotto 7 A. M I, iH. and lip 1 Full M AK A y C SK Leave Pli.ladelptiia P 8 35 mluutts, li Oft a. m i w "sLp"y ",B" Uhib ?"L20 OH, lij, A.M., , J e OS SI SKAYB. Leave IMlA.le UUia :) A. M. Vi 4,snd,tii' u ave L'i.r:.yuuk TM A. Jl Li, (i anu t l u. i'eoot MNTil audGKELA -.treoM