CITY INTELLIGENCE For Additional Local Items see Third rag. Destructive Coxflagkatio Plax- ino Mill Debthoyed Lots About S16,0),i. Betwceu7and 8 o'clock Imt night a detruoiivo tire occurred n the p.aning ml I situated r Vimiun DmaI mil I r r rl n .. ....!. ...... ......... I . 1 K - number of Up dir. and owned by Mr. Congb in. The 1 nnmes commuted rreat ravages, involving a de st ruction 01 about fl6,0 0 world of property, on will oil t Lore ns only a purtial insurance, t'be ronn building of the m. II was a targe three st or stmo tare, attached to wb'eh wai a one-story framo building, called the back-buildlne, in whioh tne fire originated, and spread Iron thence to the main building, which was eutire y destroyod. 'J he hack buildinc, oocupied by Mr. Boges as a chairmakmg estatl.cbin nt was not much damagr-d. Ihe basement of the mam but ding was oocapied by Mr. Hammond r sa brli and block mmnilncory. Mr. Hammond's lo.-s wil' reach about HfOOO, on which t'.ero is no insurance. The ba-emont wm completely flooded with wa or booro the lire had fairly commenced its work there. j he first flour of the ran buiMIng was occupied by the firm ol Htbbs & Soxton. who aro enjragod In the roanutaciure ot washing machines. I he loss ot this Urm will probnbly to nlout $2500, on lilch there 1" an insurance of $1000. liibbs k Sexton wore comp etolr bi'int out A portion of the first floor was used by Messrs. Fowler k Britton as a box manufactory. Their ,yoods were most y consumed, and their loss will icaou J2500, on-Kiaoa there isoniya partial insu iaiiO. Ihe second and third tones ot ihomnn build. ng were in possession of Mr. Whittakor, who is engaged in tho manufacture ot shoddy yarn. Mr. Whitt: kor's loss will be about 62500, on which thore Is a partial insurance on y. Mr. Hoggs' loss, who did business In the frame bui ilinr mentioned, will not be over 300, on Which tlieie is no insurance. John K. forreet & Co , ensraced in making cotton f. tDvli ni roods, occupied the opper bu Mlug, and will sulfVi a loss of fc2a00, on which there is be. loved tt be n any a lull inrurance. lie bu:ld'np m arly destroyed was worth abont 3u00 ai d Mr. CoiiEblin, the owner is only partly insured ihe muchincry erected in the n ain build ing is near y all dos. roved. The firemen worked with rreat assduity. but, ovingto the combustible iialaie ot tho materia In th-mil s the Ore obtained prent headway beiore the water got the upper band Of the flame. Olf Y OAMMOX ON THE KAMPAGE A "Fthike" Kkvokted in the Heart of tu Citv. As the (act that oil has been stracit on the banks of the Wissabnkon has slowly dawned upon the ninda of our citizens, it has affocted some ol them in a mannor that is altogether unaccountable. We have been unable ai yet to discover, it is true, any cases ot the genuine mmia a oleo; but now and then we have encountered one in which the symp toms were of a very alarming, though not altogether Of a serious cbaraottr. Such a case tell undor our observation this morn ing. A gcntlt man rushed into our olllco in a very bewildored condition. His lace was flushed with excitement; great beads ot perspiration stood upon bis brow; bis breath came at short and hurried catches; u.s speech vas wild and incoherent. Brand-by we pat heied tne burden of bis mission. It was to tho effect that, in tae very heart ol t o city, in the cellar ol uu humble nioobanic, whilo laborers were engaged in nidkmx RJinu al terations recently ordered by the Heath authorities, oil oil had been strut:' 1 Ibe cellar bed been complete y overflowed by the oxaginous compound, the laborers had been driven from their work, the proprietor had gouo ha f wild over bis great good loriune, the ueigubordood had bo en entirely upset by the announcement. Such wa the marvellous stoiy to wlnca we were lorced to libten. BNot wishing to impuvn the sanity of oar bewildered Hlormant, a reporter was lor'htvlth despatched to this new head centre ot oi dom, duly prjrmod With a hufe bundle of loose paoer, half a eross of Falier's No. 2, aud seven patent Uerman silver pen- 0 I sharpeners. The place in question wai found without diflictiltv, and a reconnoissauce made in full lorce. But, alas lor the resu.t ! I he proprietor was fojnd seated canity at his accustomed labor; two lazy shop girls were lounging in fiout of the door, whilo within tho cellar l.alt-a-dozon loose planks w. re floating ubout iu a mixture that was composed of n.ud, water, and soap fat in about equal proportion; the noighhorhooJ was as quiet as a mouse- trup Snoh are the vicisituilcs of a lOJilo 8 epocuia ion in oil. . Trial Teip of the "Chattanoooa" SUOCIB? OF 1'lllLADKLl'HIA MlCUAMSM In the conttrucilon ot tho U'ui cd Mates steam propellor Clutllanoofa the mechanics ol this city have ob tained a sli'ual triumph over all competitors. The vt reels oi iIiia cUbs conniat of tho Idaho, Chtttanooga, JUatlauxtaca, Ammonoasuc, I'umpo nosuc, H ampnntmg and tfeshaiiwiiy. The eujtinus 01 the llrst threo are Luilt atier designs by tho con tractors, those of the remaining lour boing alter the designs ot the Bureau of Steam Engineering. The Iduio has proved a total failure; the Vh'ttta norga the first success Her trial trip ha domou i ra'ed not only this fact, but likewise that the is ih- tautest steam propul'er alio it. The Mntlaivii.-ca is uownadyfor trial, but nono of the othe -s Are so far advanced. It is oxireuiely douniiul if any of them, when put to the test, will give as good a record an the Chatiunoogn. This vessel reached Wilmington yesterday after noon at 8'30, on tho return from her trial trip, which was considered on all sides as extremely sat istactory. Her engines wi re not stopped from her departure to the time ol her return, a period ol eighty-one Lours. She was seventy-two hours at sea. Tho consumption of coal lor forty-eight hours averagca WOO pounds per hour, and during tweuiv-lour hours 12 000 pounds. The averao num ber ot revolutions per minute duung the entire 'time . was 44-5, the highest number aaaiueJ being hi it minute. The blithest rato of speed attained, under t-tearo. alo c, was 13J geographical, or 15; statute, milos per hour. liit- whole distance made by observation of light hou es was 780 sen nn es, a ong the coast of .New Jeivey und Lung Inland. 'ii.t ligh sat Absecum, Iiarnepat, Sandy Hook, Bid Fire inland wtro sighted uuimt? the trip. The grem heal of the weather is said to have proved ye"- trying to the engineers and fireineu. The hull of tho Ctatlauooa was designed and bunt by William tramp & bons, and tae engines bj Merrick & f-ons. The great success which has aitonaev tho 'ruits of their labor is something ol vi hicu I'hilado.pLia aua her mechanics may well be Pl0U(1- " A Narrow Escape. Mr. F. Larrison, a stage-driver on one of the roads leading out of Cam den, had a nar-ow crcape from drowning yesterday atieruoon. He was standing upon one of the Market street terry bouts, and alter tne boat had started lie attempted to jump from it to the slip. Missing his looting by a lew inches he plunged into the water, but was rescued in time to prevent a fatal catastro phe. Ihis practice of juiupin? from ferry boats while they are not losteueii to the slip has become a very common one. noiwitunUnaiu" the danger attending it, and the lrequeur ni'shaps that result It is only by an involuntur bath now and then that the per sons addicted to a are enabled to learn a little wis dom iu bucu matters. Ilo ! fob Cape Mat. The Cape May Kail road l (itnpauy having improved their road and c irs, I'sve opened for the convt nieuco ol ihe public, at No. 828 ('rioonut street under the Continental Uotttl, an Hi oo for the sale of tickets to Cape is aud. Arraugo nienis huve been made with (jrabaiu's Bavgavo Kx pre't to check Cape May bagirage direct trom rest doncer. Tliis, with the increased facilities allorded bv the ohunge in time made by the Railroad Com pany, to take effect on Monday next (July 2) canuot fan to be appreciated by the visitors to that delight ful fpot. The 8 1. M. train, on Saturday afternoon, w.ll be run through as an express train. An Outrageous Assault. Last even ing a m n nameo John HcWonamin, who resides at No. 1214 b Ivor street, committed an agiavate l as sault on a lad nmed Ftank Curlin, aod fifteen years, and wiio resides in the same house. Uotfena mn seized the boy in a vio eut r aaner and threw turn into tho street, iijuring him sj sxverely about the h ad ihut hls ecovor iprobienia'icai. Monona iuiu was committed to prisjn by Alderman Jones in default ot fSOO bail. Ptreet Clkaning Contract Can- cillkd The contract referred to on onr third nairn. entered into between Messrs. Hill & Smith and Mayor Mc Michael for oleaosing the street of wuat u termod tne normfru uimrict, uas ocon cat cehrd by the Mayor. Citv Counoll will be officially informed of the fact at the meeting this aiternoon. A Boy Drowned. A lad, seventeen ycatii of bkc named John Smith, and who boloniis at 'lar- rishurv, was bsthing near the Round Honse, West Philadelphia. Tuesday afternoon, and was unlor tauately drowned. The deceased was employed on the rainf running between Uarrisbuig ana l'uua plelphia. Ilovr A Smoht Fire Happened. The houe of Mr U orge Koy, situatod at Marlhorougrt and Ulrard ave ii't-s, w s 'tvhtlv damaaed by fire at a late boo. last t igbt. The tire was oaused through the carolesHnos) ot em slit who IcIUoniia.e butu Ifig ftU uiUt, THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, The "SENOERnuNn" of Philadelphia Carrt off TBI Firht Tbizb at Tn KHOUI iMi.Asn Fetivai.. huriiir the present week a grand SinRinv festival has been in progross at Pro vidence, Rhode Island, in wnhh Uerman vocal reiatiea toon part, f om all parts of ihe c nutrv. lesleiday afternoon the tirand trial tor prizes took lace, and tnn to'lowing Telovram in relation to theresuit has Jtist teen received in thise tvt 1 he 8rncerbund, of Philadelphia, and Leldor kranz, of New Tork, are pronounced superior among the soc eties who took part, in th- concort last even ing the Pangerbnnd, of Philadelphia, was csl.ed first to receive the gift ot the frrngerlest. This makes the second first class prize taken by the Sxu gerbund in ten months. The Cestral flion School. The ex amination of the candids tes for admission to this In stitution commenced this morning at U o'clock. It will continue daily until Friday of negt wook. Smokk-IIouse Bckned. About 5 o'clock this morning ihe smoke-house ot Mr. Bhoernator, situated at F.ha and Car. oil streets, was nearly destroyed by tiro. 1 he loss will be aboat $200. Choleba. In all time ol putilonce,want of proper precaution destroys more lives than the disease itself. .Should the Cholera visit t:s, tho lives of nine out ot ten ot those mho will be attacked mav be saved by the timely use of MAHSDEVS ASIATIC CHO LERA CURE. Ko tamlly should be without ft, to be promptly administered when premonitory svmp tonis fjrrt make their appearance. Depot, No. 437 Broadway, A'ttf York. For tale by all druggittt. Chevy Chare Improved "Jo bunt the deer with hound and horse Far) Percy took his way," But lei owe always looked forlorn, In that old t mo away. "And long before h gh noon they had A bundled fat bucks slain," Not human "bucks," genteelly clad, But such as graze the p am ; "Karl Douvlas, on a milk white steed, Rode like a baron bold," But no such garb bad he, indeed, A at our 1 ower is sold. Zetien 1 hitters. Light Ccusimere and Cloth, A'pacca, Drnp d'Eie, Duck and Lhit-n nark Cixif. Light Castimere, White and Colored Duck Skele ton l'ets. Light Casiimere, White and Colored Dwk, and all Kinils of Linrn Pants. Alt kindnof Seasonable Clothina for Meti's. Youths' and Roys' near, in targe supply, at the towent prices possible. tKNNKTT k tJO.. lOWEE HALL, Ko. 618 Mabkki Stbeet. riTGIEMC WllE. A Wine, grown on the sunny slopes of Spainthe genuine juice of the grape in all its purity, as bo stowed upon us by tho benefioent Uiver, and such as If, alone, coimUteut with Christian teachings not intoxicntlng in the least will supply a want ercatly felt in this country. tiUCH 18 Htoiesic Wine, the Great Import, d Tonic, Arom&tic. It is conscientiously recommended to Ladies, as it will soott-o the nerves, renew the blood, and gently stimulate and invigorate the system. All of sedate habits ministers, lawyers, and pro fessional men, possessing constitutions more dolicate than others of less confining labor those who ex pend a great di alot vita'ity in brain-woik, will at once acknowiodge tho superiority of this restorative. Hemkmbkr, it leaves boh'nd none of the baneful in fluences oi alcoholic preparations. It Creates a Health? Afpetitb. We warrant toat, npon trla', Hygienic Wise will be lound to be the finest, most delicious, and healthful Tonic known. Try it to be convinced. Sold Everywheh. Fkekch, Richards & Co,, Agonts for Pennsylvania, K. B. Htgienio Wine is an imported Tonio; It has the approval of tho "Imperial School of Mdicike of Paris, " and was tested by the Com mittee on Chemistry of the American Modionl Asso ciation which assembled in Baltimore, Hay 1,1800 and indorsed by fifty-six prominent ruembcM with their stgnatureB. Confectionery and Fireworks. In view of the approaching anniversary of American I '.depen dence, Mr. George W. Jenkins, renowned confec tioner at Ko. 10o7 Spring Garden street, has just opened a larpe and varied a-eortment of Fireworks, comprising Rockets, Roman Candles, Bengola Lipbts, btar Wheels, Mines, Demon Torches, Pin Wheels, Chasers, Squibs, oto. etc, which aro of the best quality, and will be sold at much lower rates than they have been for several years. His stock of Foreign Fruits, Candied Fruits, Jellies, Preserves, etc, is very tine, as is alo his inimitable Confoo tioneiy, which he manufactures of pure Bugar, with out the admixture ot any hurtiul compounds. For any of the above articles this Is the place to visit. Reconstruction of the Union is tho desire of every Amencan Reconstruction ot tho system when "run down" Is the prime necessity of every one. How the Constitution of the United States may be restored is a debatable question, even who. wise and good men but thore is no question that tho enfeebled human constitution may bo restoied by the use of MARSDEN'S CALIsAYA TONIC. Depot, Ko. 487 Broadway, Kew York: For sate by all druggists. The Counterfeiters ot loreign perfumery pay but a poor compliment to the sagacity and tasto of American ladies, if they expect them to bay their simulated "extracts," when Pbalon's "Night- Blooming CtreuB" the finest article of the kind In any country is obtainable everywhere. Appleton Crescent. Butcher's Lightning Fly Killer Makes Iqulck work with flies, and if commenced early, keeps the house clear all summer. Look out for imitations. Got Dutchor's only. Flags for the Fourth. The indications are that tho coming "Fourth" will witness the greatest a i np av ot flags, streamers, ana promiscuous nunc io a decorations ever made in Philadolpaia. The "Uioat Depot" lor supplying tneee articles, as win be seen by their card elsewiiure, is at Me rs. Wil son & Uutc: inson's, Mo. 418 Arch street (lormorly Evans, liassull & Co.) we mav add, in this con i. potion, tiiat tne new nrm oi vv. a wune u Lrin jib wi'li it the honorable prestige of the old fiim is evidently determined to susiu.n as high a leputation lor cnoigv and uusinei enterprise. The resent business of this houta iu tlas is im mense. a kad-k and Sure Remedy for .Diarrhoea, Dvson inn. i hnlera. Summer t.ompluint. aud all Bowel Affections, uiav be had in Juvno's Carminative Bal- Sim. Compounded witucare irora tne oosiunuer mood inirredients known to the Medical Faculty its action is prompt and always to be depended upon ; whilo the reputation it has attained as a Btandard household remedy should induce al1, at this Ri aaonoi the vear. to keep a bottle of so useful a medicii.e by them. Prepared only at No. 242 Chi'Biiut sireet, Mexican Mustang Liniment There have been few aiticles discovered which have contributed so much to the relief ol tho suffjrng as the celebrated Mexican Mustang Liniment. For the sneedv and elli ctual cure of sprains, lores, scratches or t n a of trnrses burns, b u. sen, rheumatism th reis nothing comparable to it in tho entire range of ma,trta medtca. me renu-un nmu'o u" tun yiiie United (States stamp of Demos, Barnes k Co. over the top. x or sa e eveiywueie. Crystal Mint-Drops. At this season of the year and particularly lor tourists, these confection should not lie overlooked. They are calou'ated to prevent derangoiuents of the sy -t- m caused by heat ana suauen cuanges wi JTEPHSN F. WlHTSCAN, Hanulaoiuior, No. 1210 Market street; Nothing like our Linen Suits for this weather. Suits con slete for less than twenty dollars. Call A p tliem ! 'tw,ll make 1 OU COO I to look at t'tem. Charles Htoket k Co., first-Oass one-price clothiers, under the Continental. Giicver k Baker's Highest Protnium Flatio Stitch and J ock- ;tUU Sewing, No, 730 CUetmut blieol, Jr riopLR who errrKB from the dnil itopld ty that meets ns cvorywherj In spring, and toe olton in all seasons of the year, knew how quick it could bs cured by taking Ayer i Sarsapardla to pnrre tae bile from their systems, w should have bettor neigh' bora as well as clearer heads to deal with. rrRE Ginger Confections. Admirably adapted to the summer season. Stephen F. Whitman, Manufacturer, No 1210 Market street. limrcFD Prices l'hotonranhs ot alt styles exe- cnttd in sunt rior manner at U F. Reimer's Gallery. o 624 a rch street. Don't m ss the opportunity to get superior piciuies at moiieraie cost. SwtF.TOPOPONAX. new nerfume from Mexico 8weet dpoponax, ladies' de'lgbt, Swoot Opooomx, the lashionable pertumo. Iry It onoe, wl'l iho no other. E T. Smith k Co, H. Y. G. Byeo- Mouse. No. 004 Arch street, is noted for tho quality and flavor of ice creams and Icos. "Itihrtcative pncklm for steam enrines. for terms see 723cbcsnutst , phila.,and Aideyst.,new york.' Compound Interest Notks 7 810 and 6-20s wanted. Do Haven k Brother, tin 40 S. Third 8t. 1881 Coupons, Due July 1st, and Compound Interest Notes, Wanted by Drexel k Co., No 84 8. Third street. PoruLAR Tailoring. Keady-madb Clothing, AND Fin Custom Work. Wanamakkr k Brown, Oak Hall, iSotitheast corner Sixth and Mahkbt Streets. MAHIUK1). HADDON KENNEDY I)nthe2f,th Instant, at, the residence ot the bride's father, No. 1302 8. Tlnr- icentn street, Dy Key. S. w itiomas, Mr. iUO.MAS D. 11 ADDON to Mi- MARY C ctltitt dauirhterof Joseph Kennedy, Esq. M ATLACK HUF1T. On June 28.1808. at Broad Street Raiiti-t hurch, by Rev. P. S Mon!on, DAVIS MAILACK, of ( hlcaro, to KM M A D., daughter oi Gt-otge VV. Hutty, ot this city. (Chica"o and St. Louis papers please copy.) J RIS1INE HFDNEY June 8 hv Roy. William Cathcnrt, Mr LOUIS It IS TIME to Miss ELIZA D. UKWlil, both olthis city. DIED. BUTCHER. On tho 2th instant. Mrs. MIi T Bulchor, wile ofbamuel Butcher, agod 83 years. lie relatives and inendsoi the laiuilt are respect fully invited to attend her funeral, irom her hus band's residenoo, No. 1127 Passvunk road, on Sun day aiternoon at 4'o'c.ock. To proceed to Mutual Ground. CLARKE. Sudden'y, on the evening of tho 201 h instant, Mr. HARRY CLARKE, in the 29th year of his ago. The relatives and friends or the raml'y, and mem bers of Lodire No. 61 A. Y. M.. are renneotliillv in vited to att- ml the funeral, from his late residence, No. G83 N . Elcveut a street, on Ftiduy aiternoon at 4 o'c'ock. HCEY. On Tuesday, the 17.h instant. a New Or leans, La, JOHN C. H LEY, Jr , aged 82 years, a native ot Phiiatleiph'a, Pa. . iho lunciai took place on rriday last. McCOOL. On the 26th Inslaut. ED WARD Met. OOL, aged 19 years Tho relativs aud mends of tho family, also St. raui's Modality, aro res:eotfuty invited to attend tho funeral, from the res deuce of his hrothor, Contan tine McCtol, No 98 Catharine g'.reet, on Friday mom ng at 8J o'c.ock, without :urther no'lee. McGLlNN. On the 2Gth instant. Mrs. CATHA RINE -tew LINN, agod 23 years The relatives ai d tricnan ot the family are rcsnoet- fully Uiyited to attend the iunera', Horn the residence oi l er mother, Mr E len McCruuuen, No. 646 N. iwmi' -fourth street, on Friday aiternoon at 1 o'clock, without further notico. fHOMPSON-On tne 26th liMtfnt. at h's inte real. dence, No, 420 Stevens, Camdou, JOHN F. lnuni siiiN, aged zt years and U inonilix. The relatives and Wildie LoiIto. No. ni I. O of O. F ; Len' Leneype Tribe, No 2, I O. fK. .11 ; ana j?ame r.ucaiuoujeiir, sso w, are respectlully invited to attend Ins funeral. Irom the roa'donnn of his lather. Mr. Juhn Thompson, 04 Cm hai ma s reet, l' 2 o'clock .Suturduy alt jruooii. To proceed to Ebemzor Church for ssrvico and in terment. "WZ-IRE Dlirll-COVBKS, OP TIIR ROUND. VV oval, and oblong pstterns.for proteatius food Irom flits et Insects, for saie br TRUMAN SHAW. No. 83S (Eight Thirty -Ave) MAKKKT St.. below Nlch. TT'OR SHELLING PEAS OU BEANS AS FA3T J" as four or seven persons can do so bv hand use tne patent rea ana uann unci er. v rices 83 to iu. una yshoie-alo at the n.auuittcttiierj' prices by their agents, J II U .M A n tV OUAW, No. 8oS(Eli!htThlrty-ave) MAKKKT t . bolo- Ninth. FOR COOLING SODA WATER OR OTHER drinks gu clly. the Patent Ice P'ana will be found nioste nicieut, as it snaves a lumiucr iuii oi snowy par ticles la a lew moments, coda fountains and bars should all be furnitbed with one For sale by TRUMAN B 8 II AW, Nt. 8SS (Eight Thirty-five) MARK .T Hi., below Ninth. JORDAN'S TONIC ALE. JOUDAS'B TONIC ALE. JUbUiA O I WS1U ALK. JORDAN 8 TONIC AtR. It Is recommended by physicians oi this and othoi places, as a superior tonic, and requhes but a to convince the most skeptical ol its great me'lt. To be bad, wholesale and retail, ot P. I. JORDN, No. KO IE AH Street. Clmmuapne Cider, bv the doicn, bottled, or bv th barrel. 2 W UNADULTERATED LIQUORS ONLY. RICHARD PKNISTAN'd STORK AND VAITI fs. No. 411!) CHK8 M7f HI REET, Nearly Opposite the Poit Omca, PHILADELPHIA. Families supplied. Orders Irom the Country promptly attended to. 6 315 HATS AND CAPS. GMcCALLA'S NEW HAT STORE, NO. 13 CilKMiUT Street.-Eveiy hat has the low est price ma-ked on it in plain figures. Call aad exa mine the immense stock ana net a bargain. t STRAW HATS AND SUMMER HATS. ! Five thousand ot the newest stvle Hats, at prices 25 per cent less than elsewheje, at McOALl. A'rt deor ahove New Bulletin ''dice, Tf STRAW HATS RETAILED AT WHOLE feJHl prices. Illgirest utsortment in this town, at MccALLA'a NKW HAT HTOUK, So. 613 CHK8NU 1 Mreet tvery article bos price marked on It In plain Uu ures. O STRAW AND SUMMER H A T sT Blepest stock, hlttKest variety, and lowest prices in till,. city, at McU.U.LA's NKW II AT BTuBtf, No. (il3CHKriNUT Htreet, third door ahove New llul'etln tillice. Tou can sava irom Ml cenU to tl on a single article SIF Y(-U WISH TO BUY A HAT FIl'TY cents cheaper than yon can anywhere rise In the citv. call at FKK8TOS '8. (1 1 lm No. 218 Ponth TR'HD Street, l'hllada JECONSTHUCTION TOll THE SPUING OF 18C0. C. SO ME IIS & SON, No. 625 CHESNUT Street, (Cnder Jujm's Ball), Davo been enabled to t-o reduce the prices of Clothing, that those of sniull as well as those of large means may furnish themselves with a NKW SPIIINQ SUIT. mtlNG OVETtCOATS, KNOL1SU WALKINO COAT8. BEUIUTEB AND FBOCK COATS, BPHINO BAPK COATH, CABHIMERE SUITS TO HATCH, At figures Astonndinglv Low as compaied with war prices. An elegant stock oi uncut uoous iornienur work. otllinip 7N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY J. AND CoUNIY OF PHILADELPHIA. F state of H t R AH ASH, deceased The Aodhor rppolnted by the ourt to audit, settle, and adjust the account ot 8TKPI1EN bit ITU bud Lf Wl- K. 6UITH Executors of HA HAH A8il, da ceed, and to renort distribution of ihe balauce In the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties Interested for the poipoMS of bis anpolnttnent o i THTJKmDA Y July li 18.4. at 4 o'clock P. Si., at his wiuui Mroei, in me city o: riilla . ampuia W th9',u5.' THOMAS J- WORRELL, At Jltor. FLAGS, HvEWORKS, Ae. FOURTH OF JULY 1830. THE GREAT FUG DEPOT 18 AT No. 418 AltCII STREET, PHILADELPHIA. WILSON & IIUTCIIINSOX, 6 1 1mm (Successors to Evans, Hassall 8c Co.) -JTIE BEbT AND CHEAPEST PLA.CE IN TIIE CITY TO GET FLAGS! FLAGS! FLAGS AND LANTERNS OF fcVERY DESCRIPTION. CALL AM) SKE FOR JOUBSELF, AT SCNEIDLE'S, No. 40 South THIRD St., (SECOND 8TOBY ) 6 27 6trp jrnKWOUKS! FIREWORKS ! IMMENSE DISPLAY OF PLAIN AND COLORED WORKS, FOR TRADE SALES AND EXHIBITIONS. PIECES FROM $l-C0 TO $100-00 EACH. ROCKETS, BENGOI AS CRACKERS, ETC. ATTENTION OF COUNTRY AND CITY TRADE. No. 1S8 South DEL. WARE Avenue. STILSON & BOYER. 6 12 r,t I E W O It It IX GREAT VARIETT, For ra!o al marjuiactiirors' prices, by A . II. TR ANCISCUS & CO." No. 513 MARKET Street, AND No - 510 COMMERCE STREET. Goods ordered direct from factory, Io order-- accepted after July 1 Gldlta AUCTION SALES. BSCOTT, JR., AUCTIONEER, Ko. 1020 OHESNUT STKIiiT. 6 21S CAIiD. We ate prcoared from dow until Julv 1. to mnke rrecial pales of any description of merchandise, snd wi l u;e our beHt endeavors to give aatltilactioQ. Vor terms, eto., apply at the Office. 6 Hot StTERIOR HOU8KHOLD FURN ITl'RK, PIANO, CABPETS. HKWINO M AOIII N K, E 1C. yjn r riuiiy Aiorning isexi, 2fth Inst, at 10 o'e ock nt itie Gallery, No. 1020 ClicKniit Htreet. a superior assortment of well-kent boutliold furniture. cumDrNlnn one se en-octave rose wood piano, Al CD's bes' make of logwood and walnut par or lurn'tuia, walnut chamber suits, eottaxe suits, mirrors, oil paintings engravings, 'apes ry and lnurala carpets, kitchen lurnl ure. utunslh, etc., the whole be onilng to a gentlemen going Wont, and removed to store lor convenience ol sale. Lvery lot to be disnoied ol vuituout resoive. ojuac PRIVATE LIBRART. Also at 12 o'clock, will be sold the Private Library ol the same gentleman, comprising coinp.eie works of Cooper, Bulwer, and other Interesting woiks. It PAN COAST' WARNOCK, AUCTIONEERS. S 18$ No. 210 MARKET Street DIXI3UliaiI STRONG ALE, AND BROWN STOUT. A fresh importation ot WILLIAM YOUNGER 8 STRONG ALE, aud BBOWIT STOUT PORTE B. Alto, ALSOF'S EMI LI 811 ALE, In One ordor, for sale by the cask or dozen. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, 4 14SlpT fl.W. cor. BROAD and WAINUT pATENT AVJ1-TG "WORK rORBAILUGS, BTOBE FRONTS, GUARDS, PARTITIONS, IRON BEDSTEADS. AND WIRE WORK, In variety, manufactured by M. WALKER & SONS' S 20 CniSp No. 11 NQ' th BIXTII Street. .BIOKHEISTE, OR LIFE-REJ I VENATOR. bTRENGTH TO THE WEAK-YOUTH TO TIIE AGED This preparation Is nnequal ed as a rejavenator and re storer ot wasted and Inert function . 'I be leeb e, the uned aad all those who have In any way Impaired their vitality by excessive men till or physi cal appHcatlon,wlll mid the IMokrene to be what Its name implies a liie rcjuvenator, which, while it builds up the shattered constitution, will also Impart to the feelings the briskness and energy wl.lch belong to youth No matter by what cause anv oigan has become enfee bled in its iunctl-iis this superb preparation will remove that cause ai once and Ibrever. KIOKKENE cures Geueial Debility, Impotenoy, Ner vous Incapacity, Dypensla, l'eoression. Losa ol Appe tite Lew buirlts, Imbeoiilty, Mental Indolence, Kmucla tlcn Fnnul It baa a most deiighttui, desirable, and novel edoct upon the nervous system and .l who are Id uovway proatra ed by nervous dwabflties are earnestly Mdvled to seek a cure In this most excel ent aud un- elokWR-m Feeble, the Languid, the Despair Ira the Old should give this valuable discovery a trial; it will be found totally utuereut from all other articles for the same pumOB. 'I O FEMALES. This preparation Ii Invaluable in ner vons weu-ueiises ot all kin is, as It will restore the minted strength with woodenul permanence. w ta alio a niand Tonle, and wtil give re lefrn Dvipep. i with the rfrst dose A brief persto ence In Its use will lenovate the stomach to a degree of perfect health, Itiri hsiiUh Dyspepsia lorever. . ' On. 'oilar peM)Ottle. or six bottles for 5. Bold by iiniirirliti kenirnlT Hent by express anywhere by ad- dress ng "'"."i. . o. m o .reel, new lorx. 801(1 byjOHtN SON. HOLLOWAY COWDEW, DYOIT ft CO;, 419thMu6mrp No. N SECOND BL- D R. HUNTER, No. 44 N. SEVENTH AckJ.owl'dgedjf all gl'Z'J'," taf In the trestineut Diseases in His sptesalty. QUICK, 1 Hiimil Cll, and permanent cures guaranteed In every oJeu IteuieuiU. r 1 It HTNTKR'H ("elebratea Kemodlui can onlr le had gcnuloe at his old M'ahlUUodOlhue, No. JUNE 28, 1806. FOURTH EDITION THE LATEST NEWS INDICTMENT OF FENIANS IN CANADA. FIRE IJY 1$ IJ FFALO. DOINGS IN CONGRESS. Etc., Et Etc. t.. Etc., Etc., Etc. .W A-''Wll'lfIWl,'"-'ll'"'" ' -ll-IMi Wasrinoton, June '28. Mr. Brown (Mo.) offered a resolution, which wa adopted, iutruoilng the UomniitUioon the Judiciary to mquire into the expedieiicy of providing by law lor such reorganization ot tho civnl s rice, espe cially to the l ost Olliofl, Ireaaury, aud Interior, as wil secure appointmeu'i aftt-r examination, and re- f'ulate uismitsals and promotions as they aro regit attd in ihe army and navy, to the end fiat tho patronage oi these Departments may not he need as a renvo r of politioal power, eto. 1 be bill to reguiate the occupation of mining lands was pas oil. 1 be bill to provide nnlvorsal suffrage In the Dis trict ot Columbia was postponed on acoounl of the absence of air. Aiomll (iie., Chan man of Ihe Dis trict Committee. Mr. hucrruno (Ohio) reported the Indian Appro filiation bill. Mr. ilowo (Wis ) called np tho Niaffara Ship Canal, which is now unaer discussion. Ilansie of K-prseBtAtlTei Mr. Julian (Iud ) from tho Committee on Fub'.io Lnnds, reported several bl Is as fo lows: l or the fJiscontliiuauco of lani ollioos, and au thoriziug modiiications in the limits ot the laud dis tricts, lioad throe times and passed. The Senate Mil to create an additional land dis trict in tho btato ol Oregon, lit ad three tluios aud passed. ihe Senate bill concerning certain lands granted to the Male of Kovada. 1'aaucd, vith amendments' Ihe beuate bill liiakme a grant ol lanos in alter, nate eectioiis to aid in the construction and exteu. ttus'oii of the Iron louutam Hal, road from fiiot Knob. Mivt-ourl, to Helena, Arkansas, pa-sod, with ami numeiits. Mr. Lrigcs (Midi ), from the samo Coinmittoo, re. ported I eok the Ueuaie bill grau'ing lauds to th Mute of Miuhmau, to aid In the construction ol a Harbor and thiji Cauul at I'ortngc Lake aud Keo wenau 1'oint on Lake t noorior. I'as-od. Aho the Si unto bill prauting lumls to t'.c State of Michigan to aid in tLe construction ot ashiocnual to connect tho waters ol. Lake superior ttith Lao La Bolle in that Slate, l'a-iftd. Wlilio tho bill was under di.-cunion, Mr. Stevens (Fa (tent up and had read as an ainondiiiont, ii iu older, a te'erraphio dospntuh from New liarou. an noui.oing the approval of the Constitutional amend ment by the Legiilaiure of t'ouncel.cut by a vote of 125 yeas to 88 nms. ; Applause and lanih or ) 1 he Speaker announced that that could hardly bo cousitieica as an arm udm-ut to the bill. (Laughter.) Indictment ol Fenians. Buffalo, Juno 28 Tho Courier has recoivod a dispatch from Canandaigtta, datod last evening, saying that indictments huve bcoo lound acrainst most of the l tuiani who went tboro from HuOUlo for irlul. Fiie at Hailalo. Buffalo, J uno 28 There was a fire last nl lit In the malt house of Bordstey & BolJlng. In the building there were about two thousand bushels of oats and fllteen thousand bushels of malt. The grain was valued at $20,000, the greater portion of which was iusured. Latest JMaikets by Telegraph. New Yokk, Juno 28. .Stocks are strong. Chicago and kock Island, 94) j New York Central, 9dJ; Keadiug, 10!t; M spoiin 6s, 78; Erie Kailroud, 6114 ; Caiolinus, 84 j Xeniie.--ce 6j, 99; Treasury 7 3 10s, H 'd'i; Five-twenties, 103; Coupon 0s, HOjfj Gold, 152J. FIELD SPORTS. Base Ball A Splentltd smat Brooklyn lb) Atblellc Again Maeceimf ul. The second ma'ch of the series played bv tho Ath letics dining their viMt to this citT, tuok place ener day on the auitoliue grourds at bed ord and It proved to be a tlnelT contested game. 1 be game opened at 4 f. M., the Athletics going te the bat a score of 8 marking their first eilor s. the Stars scoring U loi their share In the second innings, the Athletics added 1 to their score by a splendid display ot encetlve batting, the balls being such as no tleldiug could prevent yielding runs. Another' tor the Mars leit the totals 10 to 4. and In the (bird tunings tae Star.-t, by caus ing their opponents to draw a blank, and ngaln adding-2 to ibeir score, narrowed the distance to 10 to 8. In tie two lollowlug Innings, tho Athletics added 7 to their score aad the ritars ti; the totals at the close of the tilth inning being 17 to 12 the game thus far, having been clayed iu lk hours. Another blank lor the Athle tics, and a score of 1 for the Stars in the sixth lanlnvs, lelt the totals 14 to 17, and the game in a vcrv luteros mg position the really tlue fie. ding of the Stars awing kept tne Athletics' score down to a lower figure than they are accustomed to, while the boys had ln&do more runs etr than any other olub this seasou. In the 7th aud 8th innings, howuv.r, the Athletics made a brll laut dash loralarue score, and they suj ci eded to the extent of 0 runs to their score, the dtars scoring but 4 'Ibis se'tledthe (jue.:in as to the vic tory, but the boss were bound not to be beaten two to ue, end so they still played up to the hluh marx of their previous Innings the final rortu't being the sncces of the Athletics br a acoro ot II to in, one run less than two to one. Ihe best of feellnit prevai ed throavriout ihe contest. He give the score below, le-dsy the Athletics play tlelr return game with the Empire Club. ATHIETIC. S" STAB. O. R.I O. R. Klclnfelder.r. f. 4 3 Waddell, 1st b 3 3 McUride. n 3 6 Huillvan, p q I Kcnch. -ii b 0 8 l ewis, 1. f 4 2 Wllkiiis, s. a 1 S Worth c. t i s lterk. nstock lstb...4 4 M aedlarmcd, 2d D..,. 0 4 Dockney.o 6 3 t'lauduis. s. 3 2 Klsltr. c. f. 2 4 Ibotnpson c 4 1 HaMiuiNt, 1. 1 J 2 Smith, r. t 4 1 Pike 3db 3 I Manly, 3d b 2 2 Total 27 571 Total ; Jj 19 INNIMCS 12343678 0 -Total. Athletic. 8 7 U 4 ft 0 9 10 1-37. htar 2 2 8 0 6 2 1 3 1-19 1 iiinlre Mr P. O'Brien, ot the Atlantic ('lab. Pcorers M essrs Scholleld and Vlacdmrmed. Time of game hours- Hy-calches Docknev, l Reach. 2: Deshong, 2; Klelnlelder. 2; FUher 2-total 12. Worth. 4; Lewis 3; Manly, 3 i Thompson, 2 1 Smith, 1) Flanders, 1 1 Macdi armed. 1 total ill. Foulltound-Catchei Dockney, 7( Deshong, 1; Mon son 2; Manly, 1 1 Waddell, 1. Outs on Kapes A thistles. 6 times; Stars 7 times. Outs on Feuls Athletics, 8 times i Stars 13 times. t lean home Buns Klelnlelder, 1 1 Wllklns, 1 1 Ike, 1. l'ased Balls Dockney 4i Thompson, 3. t:rlfkt St. George va. PUIIatlelphln. The match between these cluhs. eommencod vester day at ilnboken U ununited in luvor of the St. George, the ilrst dH p'sy vleldinylsi for Ht. !oor'0 against 4!)bv ibe rbUade.phla. Ike Phi ade'phlaiis lot. owed their Innings, aud had scored 32, with the loss ol three wlvkots when time was called. 'Ihe game win De re sumed to-dav. the Philadelphia having to get 82 to save a defeat in oue innluus. , . ,,, . . George Wright's 36, Kohluson'sSS, Wlnfleld s 81, and Cordon's 15, were the scores of the Innings on the t. (ii ortie side. Clay's 23 being the only average score by the I hlladelphlans. Ar. y.Tritue. PMlada. Stock Exchange Sales, June 28 Bepoited by De Haven k Bro., No. 40 8. Third street, .. ....... t . lr 1l ft -h fwin. ... t30 100 su l'enn R.. 2n eh Leh Kay 100 sh Keadnm. 100 sh Chee Val, S5i .... 67A ..s80 64 3 H.. i unn .h hi lots 200 sh do M 100 sh IU -30wn 80 HyDBorHoBiA. Alaborfr in Aulxtene, France ha" iust died of hydrophobia bt the asylum of bt" I'lt-rre, at Marseilles. Both he ami his wite were bitten at the same time by a dopr, but the v.Gtiiun, more prudent thau ber husbaud, con sented to have the wound cauterized inline .ruU'lv. auJ sue tel uo 111 t!,,"lM3t from l'he tiian, bo tooU uo inccautious, expired in great flRony. 5 LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. Ttm broad srnT railroad OAS-Daxno-. Snpteme tonrt of JuK te VVodara, and Jnstioos Ibompson, Strojt. Krstj '"d Agnew Ihe deloudauis jre a i asuengar lallnay corporation, but have no right 10 bund a aiitoid k,r u '"sportation ot troight thereon, or te use sieaa.' Prwr thoroon. Ibe Conrt lt,in Warrlsburi? has decided th quo warranto wVe ?' ,ne Commonwealth vs. Ihe Cential assent;. , lwT -'oa,t'nv. tho opinion de iveied by Jlit ce 'fodg It wi I be een frem the abstract oi the opinion, which is very e abtrato, that on nice. L t,,e mtef'l points tne junfmeiit is against th.y Company, excepting that which holus that Ihev ar I'Msengor rai w.y oor poration l he commonweal'h domurro' ,he elo-dani'i pica setting lonh tho incon orat. 00 "d or4nia tion, and several causes or Uotnurrs. woro i '""ed- I beeo objection the Court, in its oidn.. on,' ,04,,e" Loldntbat tbevwere moru nn.ely ''J1'0"011 orgaii zalion, aud did not toiioti the inot. '"por"on ol the company. 1 be conoluding portion of opinion on this Oinl was as follows- "It ft. that the demurrer to tho first p,Pa cannot bo k'u" i".a.".n.i',UdKmcnt.wjli b0wior thednfonj ants t at they are a body politic and oornorate ti the nanio ot the t' 1 asuenger Ua . a Uou1 fany of the City ol I'lulndilphia." 1 lbe point next lakennp is the f efendsn.'s pica tt tne four-n count ol the miormat on, to wit: The light of the doiondanu to nso thestreets of the for the purio-csot their railway, without the oon sent ot City Councils tl st had. On this point the Court wry : "We aro ol opinion that tho pica shows no sufficient authority to use portions ot artilioial toads, to wit, graded and paved streets in the city of I'lmade phia, for purposes other than the purpose of crofsinr tho some, without fi st obtaining the con sent ot ihe parties owning the same" The eitv of 1'hiladelphia wo hold o oe such party withlu the meaning oi the Act of Asemhly. Judg- ment wnl tliereloi he given lor the Commonwea th on the diminrer to the deendaut's fourth plea" "J he demurrer to the sixth plea is sustained. Be yond doubt the dclendants were incorporated as l'assenger Hallway Company, and uothiug mjro. Aotbingin any act of Aisembly indcate an inten tion to con ler ut ou them general railroad privileges and a distinction ha boon recognized between rail losds as a class, and pawenci-r ranways " Tne aot of lh68, incorporat ng the rimad-lpi la Plank Uotd Company now bv change of name and additional legia ation, tho Con pany defendant aud tne sub-e-qoeut aois are here rescinded Ihe act ot lioS enacted, that it should be u?od exclusively witn torse power, aud for passenger travel. "It nave them 'power to convey passengers' over their improvements, and to puroliaso equipniuuts lor said railways, and it enacted that ' no ireight or burden trains or locomotives shou'd be permit ed to rass over the same." But uowhore has the prohibi tion against freight or burden trains boon takon off. Throughout all the acts lroin 1853 down to the last tho deleudantn aro treated as a railway company tor the aocomiuotlation ot paKscngor travel alone. "if tl e prohibition again nusiug locomotives lias been removed, it was by tho act presouted to tho bevernor on the ti'b of April 1861, aud that otny authorized the use of s earn passenger cars. VVhether the oetendan's are entitled to the privileges ot that act wc sbail see hereatter. Conceding tor the pre. sent that they aro, it noes not give permission to run freii'ht or burden trains, or tetiaiii-pon any thing Imt passengers. It does not ohaiige tne pur poses of their creation, and convert them into a ra road company. "At mutt the steam pnonpcr cars which they may use, lnu-t be such as can be used upon what are commonly undoi stood to be passenger rati vay. ll.eie is still no authority lo construct a railroad. It iollows that with powers to ouiid pason gcr roilwas only, thiy must uso a rail appropriate to fcuch structures. It is uotonoos that a rail suita ble lor ti e transport of freight, or for the pas sage of burden trains, is a much greator publio inconvenience in a street than is a railway utiialiy employed for passenger transportation on street railways A powor to suhject the publ o to a slight inconvenience cannot be ued to cause greater. N e find nothing in t'.o uctt of Assembly, roierrad to in this plea, which gives to the deloudaut tno right to coi.sliuct a lailroad suitublo tor burdou and ficight trains drawn by locomotive, or to lay down rails suited lor such ftrucitires. or ti lay down any rail except i-uch as is suited to what la commonly knoy n as a pa'sengor railway." 1 lie opinion thou i rooeeus to notice the claims of t'e defendant, to use steam passeugcr cars, and de cides agaii st it. iirialy, judgment is entered as follows: "Jtidcment is cntorod tor the dclondants on the doniurrers to the pleaB to the first, second, third, and filth counts ot the information, and ludtrtn-nt lor the Commonwealth on tho demurrers to the p eas to the lourth, sixth, venth, oialith,- n'nth, and tenth counts, aud Judgment ol ouster accordingly." Judgments were also entered in the following cares : fcamborn vs I'atchen. Krror to Common Tleai of Clearfield county. Opinion by Woodward, C. J. J n dement affirmed. Williams vs. NefT. Certificate ftotn N'sl Frius. Neil's appeal fiom decree ot Orphan's court of lMuladelphia. Judgment affirmed aud deciee af firmed at Ibe cost ot appellant. Woodward, C J., dissents. Cauelt k Martin vs. L. k A. Wilcox. Error to Common Pleas ol Elk county. Judgment nlHrniod. Conrt or Oyer anil Terminer and lnar 4r KsssIoun-Judges Pierce aud Ludlow. l'he first thing before the court was an application re questing tho Court to nx a day for tho hearing of the arguments lor a new trial iu the case of Maurice Abrams, convicted of a charge of murder, in tua first degree at the last Oyer and terminer term of this Court. There are papers of tho greatest importance to thedtleudantin the hands of the captuin ot a Bri tish vessel now out on a cruise iu the Mediter ranean. Tho captain was ordered to leave a copy of tl.ese documents at th" Custom House at St. John's, Kew Brunswick, but this he tailed to do. Hs was also ordered to leave a copy with our British Con sul; but in tins he also failed. The captain ot the vessel, it seems, is dead, and the whureabouts of tho et-sel which contains these dooumuuts is un known. The Court said that as these papers wore of yital importance to tho defendant, ti.ov had (seriously oon-. tidored the matter, and had continued it thus tur; but that they would not yet tlx tny day until tua Commonwealth shon d look further into the matter. tnthe part ol the Commonwealth there was an application made lor the continuance ot the ease of W illiam Leary, on plea ot tke absence of an import ant w.tnesf, a physician. The defense stated that defendant has been in pribon lor about two and a half months aud that ho basa wiio and chi dren dependent upon him tor support, and that be is, therefore, anxious for tho trial of bis cause. Tho Court continued tho case until such a time ag the presence of the Commonwealth's witnesses QOUtol be procured. 'li e Commonwealth also applied for a continu ance of ihe case of James MeLiioau, upon a plea of the absence ot the sume physician whose ahsouoe caused the connnuauoeof noase of Wt I am Leary. There being no homicide cases reauy lor tnal to day, the Court of Ojer and Terminer adjourned at II o'clock ; and the Court ol Quarter Soasiouc beaiol several ca-es of uo moie than ordinary importance. George W. Ashton and William Vincent pleaded! guilty to a charge ol burglary, in entering the houso ol Mary l.itel, and ot the larceny of goods to th value ot 223. A witness te-tified that he arrested these two wor thies on last Friday evening; (hut he louud upon tbotr persons pawnbrokers' tickets by whioh he recovered goods belonging to Vrs. Litel to the value of about twelve hundred dollars; goods belonging to a Mr. AlcUralb to tho value of seven hundred dollars; and goods belonging to anotti r lauy to the, value of one hundred aud twenty-five dollars. M. AlcUraih's residence was. at tio. 1016 .North Tenth 8' lle'iiad been absent from his house only about two weeks, and when he returned he found ail the inner doors broken open, bis bureau drawurj, thrown around, were rautucked, and canned truits aud pre serves daubed all over the wal's. A similar, it not worse scene, was presented in tho houro of Mrs Lilol. I he burglars stale that they weie born and raisod in Philadeli hta, and that they are respectively aged twenty aud tweuly-ono years. Ihe Court gave them a severe reprimand, and sentenced them to the l.asiern Penitentiary lor the penod ol Bevori years. After the wmtiing-np of this aflair the Court adjourned until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Prl-ee rerlcU Charles, of PrnI. If the FrusB an armies are put forward under the coinmaud c-i Prince Frederick Charles, ihey will have no "ve.y remarkable leader, since the Wine- Is i ma.u.j disllnaulshed as the son in law ol yueen victoria, ana is'Voon to b. ...Ilcted with the .wo ulo siu nurm hieh tSmhJ herreurc, and her best generals ta b suocessiui. TELEaKArHlWd IN Switzbrlahd. In 8wiiA?or laud the teltwranh U the property of the le. An office is established In afaioot every Mllatre, and the charge is unilorm, one Irauo lir twenty, live words, Irrespective of distanc'j. The des patches are printed, and tho establishment yields a large revenuo to the Oowrumenc,