TOE DAILY EVENING TELEGHAPH. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1866. 0 1 T Y I N T 10 L L 1 G J N C K i'cr Additional Vily IwellUjenct em j-t;vi I'agc. TriK Loitert Dealers in Tribula tion Hetentekn Arrepjv-! Extf.nfutb Haul of Pafkra, Ktc. YUitluy morn'mir Rteti Consta ble Hnrry Clink iisseinbled a posse ol policemen at the Mayor's Ollice, nnl marched them quietly to Harmony courl, wIitc au innncdmte descent W8 nmele'on a notorious polirv-:iciiliii! cstab ment, situated in that court. The entire puny, c-onsi'tiri.a of twelve full prown men and live murII bots, wero tnnrched to the Mayor' Ullicc, and Rt nbout 2 oVtork a hearing took place before Mayor McMichael. The men wcreall eitlier"hoel(ers"or "writer.," and the boys v.crp employed In printing the number. The arrests were mud'- at the 'nsiauee ol a Air. Nkilton, who was one of the witnesses. Tne name" ct the prown-up portion of the pitrtv tinder arreHt are Clmrles beacon. Henry Ltn nincr. Chnrlo Carpenter, Daniel Ejiley, Harry WatkiiiF, Henry Cramer, Charles Kelly. Joseph Solomon. .1. Madi-on .Miller, El well' Lukens, John J. Collins, and John To vis. Thennme9of the boys are Thomas Ilawbac, IlarriHon Taylor, Harry Citmlin, Franklin, and (Je'orcc Lanninp. The tmiie crowd were brouiitit before the Mavor at ihe panic time, and were seuted on chairs in a (-Ptnicirole tiroun 1 his desk. Francis J. Mounghnn wa9 the first witness ex amined: He stated that he knew Mr. Tee is; he is eniiiiged In the policy bubiness; had met him in Harmony couit; he uad beu to Harmony court often with paner to settle "ti ts:" tie was at the books; Mi. Collins f ettled the "hits;" tie was ir the oliice, and the witness was a writer; Mr. lYUint. had the tlrnwiiiHt supplied, ami sent them to the writers; l.e Faw Mr. Lanniiiu- t lie re; he aupeaicd to be couuliin "hits;" Mr. Dcaeon was a cl ik with Mr. Colli s: the clerks receive the books from the writers, and collect the money. Ihe witness identified all the men arrested and one of the bojs named Harty Canilin. Ho testified, on cros-examinution hy Mr. Lewis C. Cntsidy, that he had been enfrasrp 1 iu the poiicv business himself piiortoa previous arrest and sentence to the workhouse; he knew Mr. Skil lon by name. Mr "David Skilton recognizee! the various de fendants; he knew nothing ot the place in Har mony couit; he had visited the ollice n No. 332 Walnut Blreet, and had seen Mr. Miller eivins directions to conduct tbe business; Lewis was head clerk, und Collins chief clerk. Beinp cross-examined, be slated that he was not at present in the lottery business, his con nection having ceased a year previous; ho did not remember havine spoken to any one in re gard to pTosecutiiiii the present partes; his place ol business had been No. 920 Market street. High Constable Clark testified to the arrest ol the parties and to the capture of a lot of policies and drawings iu the secretary at the south end of the building. Fifteen officers had surrounded the house aud made the arrests. He identified the various papers used in the draw ings, and the records ot the business. Mr. lioberts stated, in his visit, a boy had lold him the packet he held was "yesterday eveninc's drawings," and he must return it. He found Mr. Lpwh at the Harmony court ollice. There was a suit of three connecting rooms, containing a tire-proof f-afe, tuble, summer loimpe, secretary, etc Mr. Solomon was at cither the tire-proof or secretary. Chief Detective Franklin testified to having arrested three lads Charles Ptoddart, Charles, Wauiier, and John Lamb on the third tloorof the piemises No. 129 Walnut street: they were all engaged in the printinu of lotterv drawiners; they attempted no denial of their work, and did not acknowledge who employed them. After the hearing ol the evidence, the Mayor bound the eutire party (with the exception' of the live boy s) over to appear at Court in the sum of $1000 each. Bail was readily euteied as follows: Joseph Kimes entered bail for Deacon and Lukens; George W. Kankin entered "lor Lanniucr, Tevis, Solomon, and Carpenter; Dr. Samuel Bolt for Epley; Clinton Shoch for Walking and Cramer; and John Crawioid for Kelly, Miller, and Collins. Street Cleaning. The followiiifr com munication was presented to the Mavor yester day by the Chairman ot the Committee of Coun cils on Street Cleaning: Department of Street Cleaning, Philadel phia, June 2G, lhGC To the Hon. Morton McMichael Dear Sir: By the oidinuueeot April 6, lbfiti, authorizin" you to coi.tract for cloaking tbe city, it is made the duty of the Comui'tteo on Street Cleansing, in connection w ith the Chief Inspectors of Streets, to supervise the cleansing of tne streets ot the city. On Tuesday, June 12, the Committee made a formal inspec tion of the Northern District, and on Tuesday, June 19, ot the Southern District. We found the Southern District in a good con dition. Our visit throuah the Northern District satisfied us that the many complaints from that quarter flwere well founded. The upper portion ol that district was in a most hlthy condition; so much so, that it is our deliberate judgment that disease and death must be the inevitable result of a prolonged condition ot such tilthy streets. In the personal inspection of the Com mittee we found inlets stopped up, streets iu a tilthy condition, many of which have not been cleaned even once, and general complaints of the non-lifting of ashes. The contractors for this district have applied to City Councils for tilieen thousuud dollars additional to the price agreed upon in the con tract, thus admitting their inability to proceed with the work. AU the circumstances warraut, and the health ot our fellow-citizens demand, the immediate adoption of sanitary cteaiiMdg adequate to the urgent necessities of" the case. Our duty i done; the power and responsi bility is with your Honor. Yours, respectfully, Thomas A. Barlow, Chairman; William Bumm, James T. Alleu, Walter Alli-oc, George Derby Shire, James Hallowed, Jonu C. Martin. The following resolution was passed by the Committee: Jicsoloed, By fie Joint Committee on Street Cleansing, that the Mavor be requested to annul the contract of Smith & Hill, for the Northern District of the city. Arrangement for toe Rkception or the Vigilant Enoine Company. Lust evening a meeting of delegates from twenty-five com panies of this city was held at the Perseverauc nose iioubc, in Kaee Btreet, above Third, to per fect arrangements tor a fitting reception to the Vigilant Engine Companvon its return home from its excursiou. The Company will reach Walnut street wharf at 7 o'clock on Saturday eveuinc. The following was the organization 1 eilccted : Chief Marshal. Charles Marshall. First Division. Marsha), William J. Gilbert, Hope Hose Company. Second Division. Marshal, William McCulley, Ilibernia. Third Division. Marshal, B. K. Affliek, Em pire Hook and Ladder Company. Fourth Division. Marshal, George F. Itee.-e, Assistance Engine Company. The Chiel Marshal Is allowed to select four aids, being one from each Division. Each Divi sion Marshal is also allowed two aids. The following is the route: Up Walnut to Fourth: down Fourth to Chris tian; up Christian to Ninth; up Ninth to Pine; up Pine to Fifteenth; up -Fifteenth to Green; down Green to Sixth: down Sixth to Race; down Uace to Front, and in-ore di-mlss. The Fourth. The Committee of Arrange mpnt.shftve nearly completed the prorrrammQ for the military d. splay on the fornix Fourth of July. The procesbton will be divided into seven divisions, with a Maioi-Ueneral to com mand each. At the earned, request ot the Com mittee, Major-General 1'MUcrnou has consented to command one of these divisions, althouirh he urged that he hud retired from any active participation In military aifairs. The other di vision commanders have been selected from the interior of the State. Renting tub Wharves. The leaies of the follow iug wharves pelonginc to the city were sold yesterday: Callowhill street wharf, on the Delaware, $3000 per year; Poplar street, $660; Hanover street, $500; Palmer street, $J0l); and walnut street, on the Schuylkill, $210. 1 i:rss Ci.vb. At the stated meeting ol i he 1 icfs Hub of l'liiladclphin, et-fcrd ly attr noon, thp following olhccrs were' elected for the mMiinsr year: PreMdent Thompson Westeotf, Vlce-Presidenis-Wm. V. McKcaD, Dr. Julius Hrin. Hi cording Pecretary Win. II. Fisher, Jr. Coi respond itur Secretary John M. drier. Tr"Rsurer Casper Soiuier, Jr. l'ciird of Director? Enoch W. C. Greene, John D. W atson, Albert W. Friek, D. Kratnerd VTil linuuon, Lewis Wain Smith, Frank Sheppard. William M. Ituiikcl, Lewis A-hmead, Ernest C. Wallace. Fif. Lost evening a fire broke out in, a buildiritf contacted with a planing mill at Giranl avi nue and Vienna" street, which destroyed It, aud extended to the main b'lildine, doing con siderable damage to the lower story and thr machinery. Tne firemen ware on the ground in hirge force, and the flames w ere arre-led thronsh ttiiir cilorts. The Iosf is estimated at $5(100. Mktuodist Faiii. The Ladies' Fair for the purchase of a Home for Aeed and Indigent Methodists, recently held In this city, proved to be n cumnlete siireoss. The sum ot' at lemt. $20,000 is repotted from the Beverml churches. and it may be that one or two thousand dollars more may jet be realized. P. mnrip at fSot'Tir Stpptt Ttm rvm. niittee on Surveys of Councils intend reporting on loidiiiance providing lor th furnishing o plans and specifications lor a bridec over tli ! Scliuxlkill, at South street, and creating a lo'in ti build the sitme. Tim mvliiimino 1j ..t i. i, -- - - V. XIII.IIll 1. . 1 1 ' 1 fcV 1 . ellective until one creating a loan is passed. TlIE Seventit Srnnni. Sprxmw Tim Board oi Directors of the Seventh School S..-,v t'Oll llllV llwwl Mr Pnnmcn I.V11 lpnal.l..'it and Mr. E. T. Hallowell a member, to till th.' uciini j chuscu oy uic resignation ot Mr. A. M. V alkinshaw. AMUSEMENTS. Q.HAXD NATIONAL CONCERT FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' NATIONAL ORPHANS' HOME FUND, cwnita Atj'sncKB or the &OLDIET1S' AND SAILORS' UNTOX WASHINGTON, D. C, AT (iROVER'S THEATRE, On Thursday Evening, August 2, 1866. 30U,0(0 tickets will bo (old at 81 each 7.000 presents awarded, valued at 25',noo I (00 ol the profits to bo given to the Soldiers' and Pallors' National Orphans' Home Fond, J80o to the Wasnlnttton Male and Feraa'o Orplinn ABy;ura, tbe balance, after deducting expenses, to be paid to tbe Treasurer of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Union, ot Washington, D. C. TICKETS CAN BE OBTAINED AT ME OFFICE OF W ILLIAM E. OWEKS, J0 627 CHESNUT S TltEET; ALSO, SENT TO ANY POST OFFICK IS THt; COUNTRY rnOMPlLY BY MAIL. iLIST OF PRESENTS TO BE AWARDED 1 Threo-Ktory Brick Residence, H street, be tween sixth aud feevcntli 1 ' lirec-story Brick ReslUeuce, Secoud strtet. near E 1 Hirte-i-too Brick Residence, 'jeutu street, between 11 and N 1 Iwo-sior? Brick ReslJence, Tenth street, between M and N 1 Two story Itesidcnce, tenth street, between M nud N 2 Fine City Lo a, on beveuih street north... 1 !-p cndUl Carriage Horses, and Harness, complete 1 f'picnuld ilaiuond Hlng 1 tet UlHinouds, complete (Tin, Kar-rluys and kiutitO 1 Grand Paiuo (Mclnway's) 1 ho, id SI ver'lea ct JO Urund Pianos. 8W0 each 10 t.ruud fianos, Sn(ieacli lliO lieu i' Go d Wa.elies. uo each 60 Lad Irs' Gold Watcbes, 12S eucb 6 Grand Slelode. ns, tMi eaeh 80 Ai.ieiican Case Mlver Waiebes, 7.i each.. 76 U limine i afc Sliver Watches 840 ea b.,.. 50 Dliimond Kinks. 1 0 to UH each 26 Diamond Pins, 100 each 40 Sewing Machines. :0n each 21; Sewing Machiues, 75 ( aoh 20 Slivcppltt ed lea Sets, each 60 Silver t astors ach 9,000 Clocks A bums, Jewe ry, etc., 8 to 10 euch 1C OCO Tea and Table Spoons etc , 8: to 5 each. . 10,t.O Cold Hens, Sleeve Buttons, etc., 1 to 83 each 49.453 Books, C utlery, I.ngravings etc., 81 to Sli each , . 18.OOO 10.000 8,(00 6.00J 500O 4,0 10 4,00 1 2,0,0 1 000 l,6uu 1,0 JO 8 OOii 6 0,0 20 000 6,2.W 1,0.10 6 Otltl 3,000 7,6"0 2 6'i0 4.000 1.5JH 1,600 1,50 41000 25,(00 14 OIK) 51,010 Total g.jn (),,() The awards will be made after the concert ou the staneot the theatre. here three thousand poisons can witness it. A committee will be appointee by the audi ence tosucerlntend too tame. I rlnted Us s 01 aards will be published and supplied to agents and ilckci holders. Jartles having tl-kets will rciain them unil alter the a wants are made, and It their numbers appear on be list they will forward their tickets iuiu cdiute y . with lull directions as to the shlp ping 01 foods or deeds lor tbe proMertv. Ticket to: sale at all the principal hotels, book and music stores In the city, aud 11 1 the headquarters In the matnmouth itr building tor the benetlt ot tne .-o uters' and Sailors' Niitionul I rpbans .Home fund coi ner of Seventh street and PennvWvania avenue Washington. D. c Tbo Directors appeal to the libera liijr of the people to give enterpriho their kind support, and tiiereLf aslst In relieving the wai.ts of Jtht orphans of our (alien comrades. MANAGING DIBECTOB9. Major II. A. HALL, Piesldent So dlers' and Sailor' Union ' oloncl CilAKl i8 E CAHLHaIU' Major JI. H. ALHKRGEK, ' WILLIAM S. MORiK. THLArtt'HKR. J B. HUTCHINSON, F.'q , Cashier National Bank 01 the Metropolis. All persons favorably disposed are roqu'sted to act as (gents, but no commissions will he al owed. Atouey hou d In all cases be sent by Post Office order, dratt. express or regtsteied letters. In every case send the name and Post Office address, County and Mate 01 each separate subscription and in cioso slump. Ah orders Kt tickets must ie addressed to 0.11 . WILLIaM 8. MOK-fc, Sccrettry Soldiers' nd Sailors' Na lonal Concert, Washington, D. C, , . , , Lock Box So. 11. Refer, bv permission, to i ajor-lienerai iniield s. Hancock, IT. 9. A. Gem nil Robert C tschenck, M. c , Oklo. (.eneral llalbert R Paiuo, M O , Wis. General John H. Ketcham M ( ., . X. General James G Blunt Kuusas. GeuerulJ N. Ilcndrlck, Ii.wa. General D (' Mm niiani, I). C. General O V Davt-11, N. Y. lion, 'i homas W. Kerry, M. O., J'lcb. Hod George Lawrence, M. C, Peuua. 1. O. Forney, Esq.. D. ('. Major J K. Dougnty, N. Y. ' Hon. Richard Wai acb, Mayor of Washington, D. C. Hon William D. Kelley. M. C . Pennu. Hon Ke Ian V. Whaley.M C , West Va. Hon. Ebeu C. Inaersuil. M. C. III. Hon. Henry C. Dcininif, M. C , Conn. Hon A. li. I aflln, M. '., N. Y. Hon. Leonard Mvers U. c, Peuna. ion. W I Ham A. Newell. M N. J. Hon George W. Julian M.C Ind. Hon. Stephen F. Wilson, M C I'oni'., Hon. J. B. Gtlnne I, M C. Iowa. Jlajor G. M. Van Btircn. N. . l4 "VTATATOR1UM AND PHYSICAL INSTI- X TCTE, BROAD STREET, BELOW WALNUT BWIMMko SCHOOL AND 8WIMUINO BATH FOB LADIES, CHILDREN, AND GENTLEMEN, THE NATATOBIUM AND TUB FOURTH OF JULY- The 8vi Inimtng Department, on the "Fourth," will bj 0pent0D, 6 A. M. to 8 P.M. ONLY. No Ladles' swlrnulng, and no Instruction given on that day. 6 tYM N AS I UM FOH LADIES, GKN'ILF.MEN, AND CHIIDREW, N tORNEU OF N1N IH ANDAKCH STREKTi. Cokn V.KY DAY AND EVENING, AIL SUMMER. Itodi y eieielre imparts health and strength, the best 0 nveultve aecit'St sickness o' ibe coming sumimir Hum Pro essor HiU.tBKAND UjWII. AMUSEMENTS. RISLEY'S CONTINKNTAL NEWS IXCHANGK. C noire Ksats to all p arcs ot Amusement najbehM so to 6M o'ciock any evening. 1 31 ly A IICII STREET THEATRE R OT. BUT J HKLIVR. IUUR-DaY and FRIDAY EVF.NIN09 Jons 2.'and 20 Paki 1-vlAGUt 1. Cshallstlc Clock. 4. 30 Pieces of Money. 2'ilie eilalBnl. . Mvsteious Oiatig. 3 In ernal Mcolcines s 1 he Great Hat 1 rick. . 1'ari !-lll'slu, I. Fnntasls, Tr'mdrr Ifober Iteller 2 "Home SwcitHonie" Thalberg 3. The Musical ( aricature. cil.ed "Ibe Plaiu Tractice of a ltdinllng Sihnol U'S".' paht ;i-myti-rv. . Great f onsalloiml I henomena of SK( 0D clGllTt OR BYriRSAl URAL VISION. I'abt 4 FUN. The iRughabte WOOD M1N-IREL9. the most amu sing set M hi' ckhoads In the wnrUl FRIDAY AND 8ATUKDAY EVENINGS an entire rcw bill. T Al.NUl STHKET T H H A T U K. V V N. L. corner Ninth aifl WALNUT Street Begins at 8 o'clock. I Ills KVKN.Xi. The Gorgeous Specta. lo in fonr parts, of the M NAIAD QUKKN . Arrexlong and exnenslve preinratlon aiAGNIFItiKNT 8CENEKT Flct nrrsqtic ."'loon kht iVicw ot the Rhine HAUNT OF THE NilADS. waters of silver bear up numner.css Naiads. i HE B 'l 11 OF BE V l . The Treasured of tbe Mlghi.v Rhine IMscovered. , , 1 II K CAVERN F RICtiKn. Miiglrnl TinuHionnatlon to the ( I tenmr and stalac llsltcHallof Ibe Naiads Scene Last, Itlb RHINE '1 his vast scene rles and dlscov. rs , v THE HOME OF TUB NAIADS, in the Coral Caves beneath the ivaters. IHE IjUmN ON I1EK THRONE. I K Y A X T ' S M I NTn K L 8. ) NEW CHK8NUT SlRKfT THEATRE, COOL AND COMFOR 1 ABLE. THIS EVENING.! the Original, World-Kenowed and On'y BRYANTS MINSTREL'S, from No 472 Broadwav, New Yor. M IL AND DAS BRYANT Proprietors Lcors oen at 7S o'clock. ( on.n.eiice at 8. Dtes 1 Inie and Parquette, (0 cents; Orchestra, 75 cents i Ga lery. 25 cenU. NO CHARGE for securing seats. M AllNEE XATUKDA Y at 2 o'clock. TO MATINEE Admission 30 cents. 6 28 VT A L ER'8 (LATE MILLER'S) WINTER V GARDEN Ko. T20 -726 VINF Street. GRAND INSTRUMENTAL CO&CEBT8 NIGHTLY. By two large and efficient Orchestras. TO NIGH I , And EVERY NIGHT In connexion with our EXCELSIOR STRING BAND, a Brass Band, comprising the best Artists in the city, will perioral. OPEN FOR TIIR SEV80V. Our spacious Sun mer Garden, artistically laid eut wit a Shrubbery, fountains etc IN THE LADIES' SALOON, Kpcclally set apart lor V MILIES, the best of Creams and other Rulreshments will bo served. 6-16$ TIIR PliMOS IVITIfltl VK MAVn. i( i f I facture recommend themselves. We promise to our natrons Clear beautliul tunes, elesant workman- ship durability, and rensonah'e prices combined wuh a lull guarantee. For sale only at No. Iul7 WaLNUT Street. 6 28! UNION PIANO MANUFACTURING CO. SHIRTS, FURNISHING GOODS, Ac Jt W. SCOTT & C O., SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, AND DEALERS IN MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. No. 814 CHESNUT Street, FOUR DOORS B1LOW THE "CONTINENTAL," 8 26Srp PHILADELPHIA. pATE.NT S110ULDEH-SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. PERFECT FITTING PHIE18 AND DRAWERS made from measurement at very short notice. All ether aittclcs of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS In lull variety. WINCHESTER & CO., 8 24S No. 706 CHESNUT Stroet. Q&VID'S LIMPID WRITING FLUID, AND DAVID'S BLACK AND COrYIN'G INKS For sale wholesale and retail, by MOSS & CO., PLAXK BOOK SlANUFACri'ltEUS AND STATIONERS, No. 432 CHESNUT Street. A single trial will convince any one of their superiority and cheapness over any other American or Foreign Ink in the market. Specimens of several years standing of its durabiilt-. and snperlority over all others, can be seea at the store. B 31 thstulnirp THE AMERICAN BUREAU OF MINES No. 64 BROADWAY. Mines, Mineral Lands and Ores examined and reported npon. Competent Engineers furnished to Dining Com panics. Consultations afforded on all Mining, Metallurgical and Chemical Questions, at the office of the Bureau, GEO. D. II . GILLESPIE, President. DRAKE DE KAY. Secretary. lOtuths rp JOBERT SHOEMAKER & CO WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, MANUFACTURER, IMPORTERS, AND DEALERS IN Fiifnts, Yarn Mies, aud Oils, No. 201 NORTH FOURTH STREET 4 16 Sin N. E. CORNER OF RACff PASSER'S WASHIXG MACIILU JJcHt in tlio City. IT SAVES TIME, SAVES LABOE. SAVES CLOTUEf. EVERT FAMILY SHOULD HAVfi ONE. For sale at the Furniture Store ot Auents Wanted. J. HAAS, 620 So fitf M AKKriT Hre IJHILADELPIUA, APRIL 12, 1866. NOTICE Is bereby given that Wilis of Hclro Facias will he issued anon tbe lollowlug claims at the exylra Ion o three months irom the ante hereof, un. ess the tune are paid within that time to Yi. A 8LIVKU, Attorney at Law, KO. 30 Korth SEVENTH Hire!-' ' wgrai m City o use ot Lane Scbofleld vs. Cornelius sTinT C. P., Leceuiber X., tHA, tio.i, lor pavlua, U3is, lo' S W cornet ol Second aud Queen streets, ii leet i inches by f0 ieet 6 luclies. . n Kane vs. John Panders, C. P., March T.. 1865, Vj. 6!) for paving 44 CO. lot N. i . corner ol blxih aud Lomhn-,1 streets, ltf ieet by 20 feet 6 Inches. IDCS allle vs. dames u ontgomerv CP. December T Ttbui. No 4. lor paving at( 7 lot 8. W. corner ol eveuteenih and Montrose streets 1J feet by 46 leet ft Inches Same vs. Freeman Bcoit, ('. P., March T., lHlil, No. 1 'or saving S!6 84 lot N. E. corner of Tenth and Poidur sireets. 1H ieut iront on Tenth street by 3ti eel. Same vs same CP., March'!' . IM6 No. 11 for paving fH Vl lot north side of Poplar street, 3K feet east irom lentil street, 14 leet by 24 1-sine vs same, ('. P., March T . 1868, Vo 3, for paving. K!,v;i3, lot north side ol l op ar street, 60 feet east lro.11 Tenth sireet. 14 leet by 24 feet (sine vs. same. C. P.. March T.. Irtfi6. No 4. for navlnir. 2413, lot north fide of Poplar street, til feet east Irom itntn sireet 14 leet oyzt ieet. Heine vs Wli lam A. Archer. C P . Mnrch T.. 18M Vn 5. for pacing. t241i7i lot sout side ot brown s'.et Si eel ft ineiKS eaai from nt. Joun street, 10 ieet 6 inches by 'A 1 et il inches. fame vs. same. C P., March T.. lHOC, No. 6 for Paving, 24 -ii, lot south side ol Uroou street, 48 leet eust fruiu b Jotiu street, lb leet D Indies oj 14 ieet 0 iu. 4 Uibtai' COAL. QNE TRIAL JSEUUKIS YOUR CUSTOM '. wwmix & HAMILTON, LEHIGH, SCHUYLKILL, AND BITUMINOUS COAL, Ao. m Aorlh MMW Sireet, Above Foplnr, Enat Klle. 62 JAMES O ' 1 R I E X, DEALER IN LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL. by the cargo or single tok. Yard, Bread Street, below Fitzwater. Has constantly on band a competent supply of tbe at ore superior Coal, sui able for faiuny use, to which be calls tbe attention of his friends and tbe Hib ic generally. Orders left at No. 206 Footh Fifth street, No. 32 South bcvcntccntb street, or through Despatch or Tost Ofl.ce. promptly attended to. A 8LTK10K QUALITY OF BLACKSMirHS' COAL. 76$ RENDER'S COAL AND ICE DEPOT, 8. W. CORN KB OF BROAD AND CALLOWHILL ST BEETS, Offers the celebrated West Lehigh Coal from the Greenwood Colliery, Move, Fge anu Healer size 7'oU; hut at en 60. Also, the very superior Hchuylki I Coal, Irom tlie Iitevcsdale tollleij, Nut size a6 0U. AU other sizes 7 ()') All Coal warranted and taken back ftee of expense to the cartliaser. ii notes represented. Also, the Coal for ttltea il not lull weight. It6in MISCELLANEOUS. F ITLE 11, WEAVER & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Manilla and Tarred Cordage, Cordp, Twines, Etc., Ko 23 North WATEKKtieet and Ho. 22 North DELAWARE Aveuue, riULAUBU-UIA. Edwin II. Fitlfb, Michael 'WVatbb. COMAD F ClOIllILK. 214 CORN EXCHA BAG MANUFACTORT. X G K JOHN T. B A 1 L k Y A O O., - No. 119 N. FRONT and No. 114 N. WATER Btreet. Puladatphia. DEALERS IN BA1.8 AND BAGGIKQ 01 every oesci lotion, for Gialn, Flour, Halt, huper P bopbate ot Lime, Bone liust, Eic Tarpe and small GDnny BAGS canstantly on band. 1 22 S Also, WOOL SACKS. John T. Bailey. James Cascaden. MONUMENTS, TOMB S, GRAVE-STONES, Etc. Just completed, a beautlnil varietr of ITALIAN MAKBLE MONUMENT8, TOMBS AND GRAVE STOXES. Will be sold cbeap for cash. Work sent to any part ot tbe United States. 11ENIIY S. TAIUt, MARBLE WORKS, 124 wimS Ko. 710 GREEN Street, Philadelphia. MONUMENTS AND GItAVESTONES.-ON hand, alarue assortment of Gravestones, of varl ous designs n sue ot the finest Italian aud American the Alarble Works of A. STEINMETZ, 3 27 tulheSin RIDGE Avenue, below Eleventh stree BRIDESBURC MACIIIXE WORKS. OFFICE, No. 65 N FRONT STREET, riui.ADEi.pniA We are prepared to till orders to any extent for our well known MAC II IN I KY FOR COT I ON AN D WOOLLEN Mil LS, including a I rcceut ltupiovetneuls in Curding, Spinning, and V eavlnii. We In ite the attention of mnnulucturcrs to our exten slve works. 1 18 ALFRED JENKS & SON. J PERKINS, LUMBER MERCHANT Successor to B. Clark, Jr., No. 324 CHRISTIAN STREET. Constantly on band a large and rarted aasortmen of Building Lumber. 6 24$ ALEXANDER G. C ATT ELL & CO. FRODUCB COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ko. 26 NOKTIl WBARVES, AND NO 27 NORTH WATPR STREET, I'll IL DELI UI A. 2 2 ALEXAMIRB O. CAIltLL ELIJAV O. CATTUM COTTON AND FLAX BAIL DUCK AND CANVAS, ot all numbers and brands. Tent Awnlntr. Trunk and apon-' oer Duck. Also I'ai'trltanuiaclurars' Drier Felts, from one to seven ktt wide; faullns, KcltliiK, Hail Twine, etc. JOHN W. EVK11MAN ft Co., 8 6S No lu3 JONES' Alley. WILLIAM S . GRANT, COMMISSION MERPHANt, Ko. S3 S. UtLAW ARC Av, nue, Philadelphia, A l. F.N r FOR rupr nt's Gunpowder, Hellned Nitre, Charcoal, Eto. W. Baker Ai Co 'at bocolate, ( oooa.and Broma. Crocker Bros. A Co 's Yellow Alcttl bheaihlng, BolU and Nails. 124 CLOSING OCR LARGE STOCK OF OUT Sac CAIlTtlACrES AT REDUCED l'RICEs. J. S. COLLING9 A SONS, 6 4 No. 616 ARCli Street. PACKING BOX ES Of a'l kinds and for all nse, supplied at short notice. My advai'lages foruiaktnit are the bes' in the city, aud 1 rices Uw. tl. Ca I lor a list 01 prices belore you buy, at coiner of TWr LFI'II and NOBLU Street. Fruit dealers supplied. 5V8 1m ALBERT D. COOKE. l'tMkt't Hooks, 1'urtt raon milt's, Unar fusts, l'orl folios, Drenstiiit t'liMf, IliinkiiV f s?s. Ladies and Gents Satchels aud Travelling Bags In all styles. ii! 4 5 eft t '- t,VA,-..JIuurkVl , 1 nui'le l.:'.o 1 6,1 I'ook.t 1 f Houk IJ Pl's., fcf II lOIMT Ir-! if", a INSURANCE COMPANIES DELAWARE MLTOaL SAFETY INSURANCE CUlil'ANV, IKCORIORATff) hV ll,h LKtilBLATCBB OFFICE "SHI-ITO WlLNC ON Tfi"" JN"" fkRAr r"'""'of.hew ISUNII INfL'R ANCFS On floods by Rlvr ana:. Lake Bn,l Land CarrlasA I' psr s 01 the ITnion FlftK INSURANCES On Werrrisnrtlse lerera It On stores, I)we ling Houses. etc, AN8F.TS OF THE COM I AST , N'oveniher 1, lHft. . 'ifin Cn,tt! States per cent, loan 2 ....'n,0wi JtOdw " 7 M0 per cent, loan Tisasnry Notes ni 100 CCO Mats ot 1 cnnsylvanla Five I'ert ent Loan on am M,OH0 aieo. VennsylVanla sbc Vei Cent. Loan A3 2vi liBt(l(i(lt of I Mi(!e;ph'a Ht Per (-ent. l oan iin am ju 0,(HO Fer.tisy,vania Kl road First 'ort .. I'ertvn'. llonrts au no lifitt Pennsjl-.anla Martroad second Mort- 25 MO W ester,, 1 f nnsvlvania Hal road Mort p.'lte Mx Per Cent bonds 23 inn tin U.WlO SI.U Shares N,ek tlem'antown (V.'a ,W t rmi snv principal and Interest luarantctd by the vty ol Phila delphia 13 W7 7,140 14: - bares Htock Pennsv va.!la Hal'l- ro d i ompsnv 8 ABO'S 3,(100 ICO Shares utock North Pennsylvania Rsnrcad Company va-fk. 4.n00Deroslt wl h fnlted States Oovern. . went subject to ten clays' ca 1 40 OCm 3O.H00 State ot Tennessee Five Per Cent 1-ft-enr lo"n"-v" v 18 9U0 Of iV iW Loans on Ponds and taortgaue flist . Hens on City Property 170 700 ' 0 i.Wi.fSOrai-. Market valu 99fl wToo- Jills receivable lor 'n'iiranceVmad'e'.' I'JI.013 37 paianeesdueat Agencies.- Premiums on M .ririe Policies Accrued Inte rest, and othei debts due the Com pany 40 ol 1 44 Scrlo and Htock of sundry Insuranee and oiber Companies 4 133. Km I r'Ir'Vd1,"' 910 Ctsti In Rank tlttfiM m Cash in Drawer 78 a W,63A'I7 1.2o3 6JO-1 tlKECTOTiS. ThOmftS ft. Vtttn John C. Davis Kdniund A. Honder, 1 heopbl.os I'auldinz "hn U. Penrose, James Iraiiuatr, Henry C. l a lett, Jr lames C. Hand William C. Ludwlg, Josepo H. Seal, George C. Leiper, Hugh Craig. RohArt ltnrtnn. samuei e. ntokes. J F. Penistan, nenry riuan, William O Houlton, Kdward Oarllivrton, H. Jones Brooks, Jacob P, Jones ' James B. McFarland, Joshua P. F.yre, spencer Mcltvaln, J. H. Semole, Pittsburg, ohn D Taylor, n. r, rveruer. r'lvuurtf, I fw. .( I.I... 1 ihSA " ' HASH, President, R...T l,,.f.. i(.)"?.A':AVI8.,fc.Presldent " I TVI' 101 T, us 1829"CUARTEE PERPETUAL FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIIILADELiPllIA. Assets on January 1, 18GG, S3,5OG,85r0G. Capital......... 400 00.i(K AcciueL Pulpitis U44 Mil H Premium l,l2,:ioi-81 LK6EITLED CLAIMS, INCOME F08 186 811 407 S3. Alio (MKI. LOSSES PAID SINCE 11 OVER 85,000,000. Ferpetnal and Temporary Policies on LUicral Terms. DIRECTORS. Charles H Bsncker, I'obluB W avnei, Samuel Grunt, lieorgo W. Richards, dwardC. Dale, George Fales, Alfred Filler, .Frnfii'ltt W TawI. leaaviira. , . ..... .... . ' VII AD1 Va V -Lt v s,t . n n . . . . tab r J.W' DALE. Vice-President. JA8. W. MCALLISTER, Secretary protein. 2 3 tl23 NORTH AMERICAN TRANSIT INSUHANCE COMPANY, No. 133 South FOURTH Street PHILADELPHIA. Annual Policies issued against General Accident) 111 descriptions at exceedingly low rates. Insurance effected lor one year, In any gum from $10 to CIO 000, at a premium of only one-half per cent. securing tbe lull amount Insured In case of death, and a compensation each week eauat to the whole Dre uiiuiii paid bbori time Tickets for I, J, 3,6 7, or 10 days or 1 3, oi u montlis, ai 10ceu,s a dav, insuring in the sum o .( iuii or giving altt per week it disabled, to be hud at tno General OU.oe, No. 1M 8. FOURTH Street, i'h( adol phia or at the various RaUioad 1 icket otlkes. He sure io purchase the tickets of the North American Transit I nsuraaco Company. t or circuisrs aud further information apply at the General Othce, or of any oi the authoilz ;d Agents of tbe "mpauy. LEWIS L. HOrPT, President JAWFS M CON HAD, iressurer IlKNRY C. BKOWN, Si ere ary. JOHN C. Bt'LLlTI', Solicitor. 1 IRr.t lORi. h 1f,n,t; 'ft? ol Pennsylvania Railroad Company M. Liilnl of W. Baldwin & Co. s. euuiuel C. Palmer, t ashler ot Cnmmerclal Bank. Vichard Weod No. SOD M arket street times M. ( onrad, No. 623 Maiket street 1. K. Kingsley, t ontlnental Hotel H.G Leisenrlng, Nos 237 and M Dock street. Samuel Work ot Work, McCoucb ft Co. George Alartin, No. 3W Chesuut street 1 3 10m QIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, No. 415 H ALN CT STREET, PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL PAID IN, IN CASH, $200,100. 11 Is compary continues to write on fire Knit onli Its capital, with a good surplus, Issa el Invested. 701 Locses by fire nave hem promptly paid, and more than 8500,000 Disbursed on this account v. lib In the past few years. For the present the ofl.ce of this company wil! remain at No 415 WALNUT HTIIKET, Hut within a few months will remove to its OWN BUILDING N. E.( OKNF.R SEVENTH AND CH E8NPT STREEIS Ihcu as now, w e shall be buppy to insure our patrons a ucU rates as are consistent with saiely. IlliLCTOK8, TUAkl a e I U k TTtPV ALFRED H. OILLETT, HUMAN SBtPPARD, I'i.OS. M At KFLLAB, JOHN SUPPLI E. JOHN W 4 LAGUORN, HI I. AH YKKKEfe. Jk.. . r,. i. .1 n nbnib, CHARLES I. DUPOsrr, Hb NHY F. KENNEY, JOSEPH KLAPP, Al. D. THOMAS CRAVEN. PresidenL ALFRED 8 GILLE1 T V. President and Treasurer. JAMES B. ALVOKD, Secrewrv. 1 IK j T II E PROVIDENT lltE AAD TRUST COMPANY, ur rmu&iii,ijrniA, Incorporated by tbe Mate of Pennsylvania, Third kionth 22d lbbft. INSURES LIVES, ALLOCS IN lKbST ON DEPOSITS, and GRANTS ANNUI TIES. capita-., DIBECTOBS. Ssmnol R Shipley, Richard Cadbury, Jeremiah Hacker, Henry Haines Joshua II. Morris, T. Wiatar Brown, Richard Wood, WPIlasa C. Lougstreth, Charles F. Coffin. RAMUrL R, btllPLET, President. RowiAJtn Pafiit Actuary . , ' OtnCE Ao. HI S. FOUBTH STRRRT. T7MRE INSLRANCE EXCLUSIVELY. THE J PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COM PAN Y Incorporated iM!Char er Perpetual No. 10 W ALN UT Mreet, epioslie Independence Square. Ibis Company, favorably known to tbe coinmnnitT lor over 'trtv years, continue to hikure against loss or damage by fire on publio or Private Buildings ei,ber peimanent v or tor a limited time. Also on Furniture, tucks of Goods and Merchandise geneially, on liberal ''"heir Capital, together with a large Burnlus Fund. Is Invested In Ihe most careful mannnr which enables them to offer io the Insured an undoubted security In tl. esse efio. PIBECT011, Daniel hmith Jr., -f John Devereux, Alexander Henson, 1 homas Smith, lusnc Hazleiiunit, I Henry Lewis, TUonias Robins, J Uilllnaham Feil,l ' Daniel Haddock. Jr D4NIEL SMITH, Ja., President. Wuaiam ti, C0'WKU.becret-t Hi INSURANCE COMPANIES. SI I C A V 1 T A L, $200,000. THE CKITKD STATKS AOCIDKNT IN'STJlT AKCE COM PAN Y, Of Srrscusc, X tw ork, Insures against DEATH FROM EVERT CAUSE, Whether A CflDF NT, ( IIOLKB4. or DHE4.0E ol ,nr ACt. ID! NTCC to,"l)t"'lou tor D1SABILI I V Irom COVBISFDrOLICIES FROM OSE TO F1VK. T KAR3. ACCIDENT POLICIES FROM ONE MOITll TO TEJJ V E,i US. NO 11VLICAL FX tMINATtO -EQUIRFD FOB ACCIDENT INMIIRANCK. i lil", ,.h.on'T Company authorised to Issue COM- 1 i 1,1 tfc nd Ac 1IIM POLICIES, e (iil,?1c,,,,Ii pro ablll'y o tbo visitation of Jni. kf' .... . p"J"nier, tnls onpor unltv ot Insurtng; !Xnn6 i hi 'r"'.', "fr,od '""""'le-il rates, ahoull n, A t; r.?tlnno' everon: whl'e ih eombl rV I . In tl,lr u 1 rirt oflere.l with it enable, Il rn n io T,,,( y' 1n"ctlnK business here and KiuTof ountry dally, to guard against eve DTF APE OH CM Sr A LTV. PoK.SJan,ed.,0r to Euro etc' AoUM WM. A. STEPHENS, General Agent, 611 lm No. 801 CBESNCT Street, Philadelphia. P,afuki-ia!uhance C0M1ANy of rni INCOhl OliA I FD Is04 CHAR TKR PFRPETCaL. No 24 W ALNll Mreet, opposite the Exchange. In add Ii tin to M A Rl NE and IN LA sD 1N8UKANOB ti ls ( ( Uirany Insures ncm loss or daoiase iy t'lttE oo liberal emu on I. milling!-, meirbamllse. mrnltura e'te. lor limited periods, and permanently on buildings, br denotlt ot premium " ' ihe t omesny haabeen In ae'lve operation tor mora than F IA'I V Y EA US, during which al losses hare bee i piompuy adjusted and paid. ... John L. RniliiA VlkKOTOBS. Lawrence Lewis, Jt,, Si. B. Mahoney, John T. Lewis, M llllnm S Grant. Roliert W. Learning, I Clark Wharton, jn iu Lfwn. IleLjSiuin Ei big, IbonuM H Powers. A II W F.duiond ( atlllon, I.outs C Korria t A Tl X n irrrnti...;.,. .. . . PAMCL WllCOX. bwtfy. "'aet7$ AUCTION SALES. o I E I. JOHN EDGAR THOMSON. Tmnf.A In . .rl.ln Indenture ol inortiage ot the propel ly hi rvlnaiU-r de scribed executed by tne Tyrone and cleurUeld Railroad t nnun,to me as mottgagee In trust to secure the payment ot tbe principal and In erest ol bonds of said Company to the amount of $36,000 which mortgage let dated the 1st dav oi November. A. D. lotto, and recorded In tbe cilice lor Recording Deeds, etc.. in and tor the county of Blafr. on tbe 8ih day or November. A. D. 11-60. in Mortgage book "B," pint s 107, lot, o. no, and 111, do hereby give notice tnal dsiault having beeomada lor more than ninety dais In the payment of the Inte rest dueand demanded on thesaiu bonds I will, in pursu ance ot ihe written reouest to me directed of the) holders of more than tl Wen thousand dollars In amount ot the said bonds, and by vir ue of the power conferred upon me In tiiet respect by tht sail muruage. ex nose to Publle ae and sell to the highest and best bloder by W. 'iliOMAS & sONS.Auctloucois at the J'HILADElJ II IA I XI 1IANGE, in the tit vol Philadelphia, on 1 huisdsy, tbe 27th day ol September A. D. lswi npon tbe terms snil conditions herelnaiter stated, the wheleof the suid aiortgased premises, viz. : il.e wi,ole oi that section ot the Tyrone and Clear I'.tld tsllioaO Irom the point oi Intersection with the l'eiiiis Ivsi la Rai road, at or near lyrone Station, hi Llair couniy. to the point ot connection with the graded line ol tbe said lyron" and Cleartrld Railroad, known und designated as "The lM,Tsuciin," being stou. three miles aud one quurter irom the PeuDSjl vsula Ral road at 'lyrone etailon, as tbe same la now coi strui ied. together with all and slngunr the rail ways ral a, biiilges, lenees, prtvl eges. rlgbta, ana ail n a propeit o everv description acquired by and be-li-nging to said companv. adjuceni to or connected wltn, or ou ibe Hue ot said section or three and oue quarter miles oi road and a 1 the tolls Incomes, issue and pi otits to be derived and to nrlse from the same and a 1 the lands used and occupied lor railways, depots, crstutons between said po'iits on said section oi ttireo and one-i,uar ei nil cs with all buildings standing thereon or procured therelor AND HhVERALLT. AIi the lands, railways rails bnoges, culverts, trostld works tcol Louses, coal houses, wharves, lenoes, right oi way, workshops machinery, stai ions, depots, depot grounds, wotks. masonry, and other superstructure, leal (state bulldlt gs, and improvements ot whatever naiureorktnd appertaning or belonging to the above mentioned pioperty. and to iho said section oi the said Tyrone and Cietirfle d Rullroaa and owned by said Ctmpani in connection therenlih. 0 be said section oi the Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad extending from he point ot intersection of the said Ty rone and Clearfield Uuilroad with ihe Pennsylvania ltnliroud to the point ot eunnectlon with ttie graded Hue oi the said lyione and Clearllela Rai road, known laud as " J Le Intersection " la about 3 miles in length, a -,.... , 'JERMS OF SaLE. Id 000 of the purchase monev o be paid In cash when t"e pre peny is struck orT, and ihe ba'anoo within twenty das tl.ereatter l'A hi rNT on account of the said balance of purchate money, to the extent of tbe dividend thireol parable on the bonds se cured Iy Ihe said mortgui e and the matured coupons of said bonds may bemaue In tbe said bonds or coupons; and it the divldeud is less than the actual sum due upon tbe said bonds or coupons the iolders mav retain pos session of the said bonds and coupons, on receipting to the sulit 1 rustee lor the said divldeud and endorsing pa) uient oi the same on the said bonds or coupons. 1 pun ihe pnichase money being paid, as aforesaid, tbe said Tinstee will execute and de.iver a deed of conveyance oi the preml-es to ibe purchaser or pur chasers in pursuance ot the power comerred npon bint bv the said mortgage. Any lur her lulormation in respect to said Bale, or premise b. may be had upon eppicatlon to tbe under rl(.md 'trustee, ai the ollice o. the Pennsylvania ltnli roud Company, No. 23H 8. I hlrd street Pliiladulplua. JOHN EDGAR THOMSON, 'lrusteo. No. 23H 8. I lilRI) Street. M. THOMAS it, ON- Auciloneera Nos. LiO und 141 . FOLK I II Stront. 6 11m3m Phliad iphla. T I B. I. P. rBANKLIN PALEY, Trustee in a certain Inden ture ot Motivate ol the pr perty hereinait T desorlbeo, executed by the Tyrone and CleurflcldKaliroad Companv 0 m us mortgagee in trust, to secure the ua men h the principal and lllteret of bonds ot said Company to li e amount ot eoO.'OO. which moitgag is elated tbe 1st dt.y ol February, A D. lntil, and recorded in the oitloe lor recording deeds, eic. In aud for the county oi Blair, ou the 4tl, day ot February, A. D. 1M1 in mortgage Lock li. page 1IH etc. and In the ofhee lor recording e'eeds, etc.. In aud ior the county oi t eutre on the itS duy ot Februury. A D., INii. In mortgage book K pae 4(A) etc., do hereby give notice that deiault hav lng been -made ior niote than ninety ays in tiie p vvmeiit ot the urn rest due aud demanded on the said bonds, 1 will, iu pursuance of the writ. en request, to me directed, e.i ti e bottlers oi more than $J0,i 0 in aniouut ot tbe said boms, aud b virtue ot tbe power con erred npon me ii tig lctpect Ly the said mortgage, expose to pub lo tale, und tell to the highest and best bidder, bv j4. 'ItU&. & SOS, Auctioneers, at tbe PHILADEL- 1 HI v I XtHANGE. in tne city oi Phllad.iphla on Ibursilay. the27tb dny of September A D. lrttiei npon l.e t( tins aud conditions berclnultor stated, the whole of the . aid n.oni aged premise's and tranobises. viz. : '1 l-e liole ot that lectlnnoi the Tyrone and t.'iear f eld L'oilicaJ Irnm i.vroue Htailou, Blair county. Peun svlan'a, to Phlbipsburg. iu Centre countv, Pennsyl vania, e.stbesauie is now construoied, tovether with nil inu ciigu'ar Iho railwats, tabs, cross-ties, chairs, spikes Iron timbe r, bridges, fences, teigelher with all real properly of every Description acquired by and e longiiig to said l ou pany appurtenant to said road, and all the rights, liberties, privileges, and corporate iraDcblst e oi suid road and company and all the tolls. Income. Issues, aud profits to be derived and ta urine Irom tbe same, and ah the lands used aud oc-u-pkd ior rai way depots und stations between said points, w lib all buildings stuudlng thereon or procured tbcie or. AND GENERALLY. All ihe lands, rabwas rai s. bridges culvertH. trea l!e works, tool houes, coal-bouse wharves, lenoes, rights ot vay. workshops, macblneri, stations, depots, depot grouui B, works masonry, and other superstruc ture leal estate buildings, and Improvements of a liatevet nature or kind appertaining or belonving tt tl e uliove-n outli ned piODerty aud to the said see len 1 1 tie ald T rone and Clear fie d Railroad and owned bv mid ompuny in connec iou therewith, and all tbe rli lits libertie s Drlviieges and corporate Iranchlaea of biti roau anUCompany. tjHic aid seoilon ot tbe said Tyrone and flearfleld liullroad extonding from suid lyro.e Station, Bialr ceunty.toand hrough the boioagh of Pul lipsburg, la L eutre count), is about 23V ml ca in length. Ts KMS OF 8AS.B. '10.(00 of the puichsse mon, y to be paid In cash when the pioperty ir struck oil, and tne balance wlibln twenty daa thereutter. I'avii eui on account of the said balance of purchase money lo the exient ol the dividend thereof payable on li e bonds secured by tbesnld m-rtuae and the matured coupons of lbs said bonds, may be made In the said In. nds or coupe us ana Ii ihe div.tlend In les tbun the actual sum due lipon tbe said bomU aud courous. the bo dors mav retaiu Possession ol he said bonds and coupons on receintlug to the said 'trustee ior the suid dividend, and endorsing pay ment 01' the same on the said bondi or coupons. Uptn ibe purchsHp-uiunvy being i'id sa alorosal 1 the 'I rusiee wile xecute anu elcllvsr a deed of conveyance ol the premises io Ihe purchaser0' purchiiaers, in purso i nte of the power conferred upon him by the aaidl mortgage. .... Any further Information In repect to the suid se e premises may be liudou aopllcatiou to the i uudersi.ned liustee. at hie or) ee, No ii south THIRD Street, iu the city of Fbl.udelpb rBASKL1!r u ALKY, Trustee No 42 south Tubrd street. M. '1IIOV AS SONH, uctlotieors, 6 11 mSm Nos. 14! snd 141 boutb FOV-TH Streeb. Wi