THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAM. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1866. CI.T I KTBLL IOJSNC E Jrr Additional Cr MieUigctice tie Fi'Vi Faet. The Franklin Institute. The closing turning of thw body, nd among the most In Btrnctive and interesting of the season, was held last evening. The attendanse was large, amply tilling the cozy lecture-room. Alter tho usual Drelirnlnary mistiness, the resi dent Secretary, Professor Morton, read his report on "Novelties In Science and Art." In the first place, an account wa given of the new and extciisive water woiks of Paris.and the enormous subtcmucau reservoirs or crypts at Wenilmontant, which were lutelv illustrated with the electric litht at the visit, of the munici pal authorities. JIany bridges, docks, canals, etc., were then briefly described, as well as a variety of new machines. There were then exhibited an improved frac tion eneiae or locomotive, invented by T. Kraiisch; a fruit-drying house, bv J. Utilities; a water-door tor tumaces, by Mr. Bureess; a gas purchase tongs, ot improved form, by Richard Cox; an improved calculator, aud also an in terest and discount comptitor, by C. W. l'cale. The iccrctary then gave a very full description of a new phdtoirraphic Icds invented and con M roc ted by J. Zcntmoyer, illustrating the sub lect by imnien8e itrawings thereon on the tcreen with a large lantern. Drawings of sun spots and beautiful micro-K-opic photographs were displajedin like man ner with tha tiucst cflcct. A number ot lnterering chemical and physi cal discoveries and improvements were then mentioned, and a new form of kaleidoscope, from Mr. Liui'cn, was exhibited In tho lantern, oro,ecting its beautilul aud varied patterns on the screen. A Utter from General Totten, on the establishment of a (.uvemment bureau of mechanical investisatiens aud experiments, was then read, and reierred to a commirtee, and alter some remarks by Mr. Nvstrom, the meeting ad journed. Tiie Metuodht Fa k. TiiC Fair at Con cert Hall m aid ot the up-a and infirm of the Mi'tho list Episcopal church promises to be a success, as attendance Is very lurge. The display at the various tables is very beautiful, and Hfi many of the articles placed upon them are nsetill a well as ornamental, the sales will , no doubt, bo numerous It would be invidious to name any particular feature where every thing k so tastefully nrramrcd. This cveninu a ovel feature will be introduced; one hundred hildien irom tho northern Home for Friendless Children, and the Soldiers' aud Sailors' Otphans' Home, are to be present and Mug a number of choice pieces of music. Tho following is a statement of votes on the Bible and Hymn-book, up to 'J n'elo; k, Wednes day evening: St. John's, !)9: Green Street, 7C; St. Paul's, IT; Lbenezer, 15; Filth street, 11; Twellth Street, 10: St. George's, 9; Nazareth, 7; Piaon, 7; Spring Garden, t; Arch Street, 5; Wharton Street, 4; Scott, 4; Broad Street, 4. Scatterinc, 17. divided among the various M. E. churches in the citv. Ihe lollowing w the vote on the Bae Ball mplements at the Fair, up to 1 o'clock last nights Alert, Jr., 210; Arctic, 12; Congress, Jr., 161; Athletic, Sr.. C2; Commonwealth, iG; Bachelor, 22; Mozart, 111; Osceola, 20; Athenian, 13: Athletic. Jr., 8: Butler, 8; Crystal, 7; Key stone, Jr.. 6; ulynipic, 4; Leola, Jr., 2; Lively, Jr., 3; Ellsworth, 1; Swittfoot, lj Swamp Fox, 1. Police Intelligence. Mary Riley was arrested yesterday, with a piano cover in her possession, which sho had, as alleged, stolen from the parlor of the Markoe House, fche was token before the Recorder, when it wa3 stated that she had taken it from the piano, one ot the - boardeis witnessing, the theft, but supposing she belonged to the place. Held to appear at Court. A young woman of genteel appearance was arrested, yesterday, on suspicion of having stolen a piece of poplin which sue had in her possession, and which she was observed to in close in a newspaper as it to conceal it. Being questioned, she said she had obtained it at a store in Second street, and the oflicer proposed to accompany her to n. She pretended she could not remember the storo, bin it was dis covered by the mark on the goods that it had been taken from the store of Edwin Hall & Co. Delendant afterwards had a hearing at the Cen tral Station, when Mr. Hall testiued that she had come into tha store and a-fceu him if he wanted a sales voman, and a!tr wards looked at some silks. The tr?t knowledge he had of the theft was when the policeman brought her to the place. Upon being questioned, defendant said that 6hc was Horn Oxford, Chester county, aud had come to the city with her lather. She was held to answer the t bett. New Catholic Churches. The plan9 for the erection of the new Catholic church of 6u Anne, at Port Richmond, have been com pleted. The tacade of the new church will surpass in appesranre that of any church in the citv. Tuere will oe turee doors with orua- mtntal cornices, throe imposing flights of steps leading to them, and pillars with elaborately carved capitals will alternate. The entablature -will also be highly finished with elaborate mouldines. In a niche, at the base of the tower. a Btatue of St. Anne will bo placed. Above all the spire will be reared. A clock will oe placed in Buch, a position as to be seen a preut distatice in all directions. The building will be 60 leet Iront by 170 feet deep. Next Sunday atternoon, 'at 3J o'clock, the coruei -?tone ot the new Catholic church, to be erected at Seventy-tirst and Darby road, Pas chalville, will be laid by Right Reverend llishop Wood. The sermon will be preached by Rieut Reverend Bishop Met; ill, ot Richmond. The work ol erecting the bmltiinu; will be vigorously piosecuted. Reverend A. J. Galliigti'-r, its pastor, ha9 already collected a considerable portion of the money required. The churca will be called ht. Clements. ' Extension op the Water Works Contract Awarded. Tlii bids for itio construc tion of the engine and boiler liouo lor th? new Roxboronch Vatcr Works were opened on Tues day, and the contract was awarded to D. Cramer A Hon. The bids were as lollowst S. I. tiivin, 19,600; H. Phillips, $24,781: D. Cramer & Son. 17,'J00. Toe buildiniis to be constructed will consist ot an engine house, boler house, and stack, and to be Kituateci at Unen Trtv Him 8:at on, eigl.t and a hair niilee from tho present woiks. When completed, the whole will for in oue building, 39 bv 1274 icet, the stack to bo 100 leet high. The bulla ug will be ot gnens stono, quarritd near by, with biowu stone dres'iug, atd French root. The stack to be constructed of brick. Ihe water way and the foundations to be constructed by the W ater Department. Military. A meeting of the officers and men ot the Caliiorma Regiment, 71t Pennsyl vania Volunteers, was held in the Supreme Court room on the evening ot the 19th. Colonel R. Penn Smith was called to the chair. This regiment wan raised by Colonel 1. 1). Baker, who was killed at Ball's Blulf, and numbered among its members General Isaac Wisttr and pome of the best tichunif men in the army. A preamble and resolutions were adopted, settinir lorth that the regiment will parade on the coining 4tb of July in dark dress, wbito cloves, and latiguo cap, unless the colored troops be allowed to participate in the eel bratlon, in which event the colors ot the regiment will be sent to Ilarrisbnrf by special mesnengur. Accident s. George 1'idher, 40 years old, was thrown out ol a wagon yesterday at :'iuth stud Parrish trect. and hud a le bi-uken. He ww taken to bis resideuce, So. 12'JO Bhacka maxon street. Timothy Alurphv, 4G years old, had ono of hia hands badlv Injured yextcrda.y, at BradKhaw's factory, bvlt beina caucht in a wheel. Both were admitted into the Hospital. Ueoree Egner, who was kicked by a horse at Parbv on the 14th inst., died yesterday at the Hospital. Boats which Won Prizes. At the fcent reaafa the Wilo, of the third clftQ8 boats, won the prr.e, a tureen in tue form ot a pear; und the Fiat Iron, of tu gunning Bd'nl''', on a goblet and salver. Fir us. A utable in Twenty-first trt, ebovc CaHowhill, attached to Wolbert A irra tlier's coal yard, was burned jenerday. 1os about $1600. The alarm of fire vesterda? afternoon wr caused by a klight burning at Henkcl's cabinet warcroom, Chesnut and inirteenth streets. House Robbery A laccr-beer shop and dwelling on Columbia avenue, below Ninth street, was feloniously entered on Tttesluy nipht. The thief rilled a money-drawer of Us contents, and gathered some valuables together to be carried away, but felt them, he evidently being irightened olf. Sudden Death. A. young man named Patrick Donough, a boatman, was found dead in his bed vesterdav. at No. 251 Maudain street. The Coroner will hold an inquest to-day. MILLINERY, MANTUA-MAKING, Ac JT K K K M AN & C O. HEED'S 2ti.W BLOCK, Corner of Eighth and Vine Streets. Sun Hats, -Sea-Side Hats, Mackinaw Hats, 75 to $250 - 75tor$2'50 87 to $20U - 87 to $200 $1'00 to $2 50 $100 to $2 00 Derby Hats, May Queen Eats, Gipsy Hat, Alto, 800 SEW FANCIION BONNtSTS, all Inn re ceived fiom the Factor.7, which we offer for 81 00 each. Tho Urgent assortment of Si RAW GOODS in the city can be found t our CORNER STOKE, which we Oder at reduced prices. 6 16 lmrp FllKEMAN & CO., Eighth and Vine Streets. JO. 103 N. EIGHTH STREET. Just iccelved. a large and splendid assortment ot the most fiisblonub'e BUTTONS, FANCY TRIMMINGS, For Coats and Dresses, at greatly reduced prices. Ladies, call at our store and convince yourself ot tho fact. SMALL PROFIT AND QUICK RALES. WM. LON N WllSTADTJUn, No. 103 North EIGHTH St., Second door above Arch, next to the corner. 6 20 tuths t71 MRS. 11. DILLON, N os. 323 and 331 SOUTH Street, lias a handsome afsortmentof srRISG MILLINERY ; Misses' and Inlaws' Hai9 and Caps, Silks, Velvets. Cropes, Ribbons. Feathers, Flowers, Frames, etc. 3 IS 4m JADIES' CLOAKS, BASQUES, ETC. MADE AND TRIMMED IS THK MtlSi F-nSHiONABLH STYLE, FROM THE BEM'GOOUS, AT THE LOWEfeT POSSIBLE IRICES. I VENS & CO., 8 11 2m No. 23 South NINTH Street. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. REMOVAL. WILLIAM G. P E R R Y, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, HAS HEM OVID FROM S. W. COKiiER FOURTH A.ND RACE, to 5 25lmwlm No. 728 A11CII STIIEET. INE STATION ERY, OF THE BEST Quality. W. U. f KHKY, No. 728 ARCH Street. miodelpuia. A RNOLD'H HSK, FA BER'S PENCILS, AND U.X. Ullloti's Bteul I'ene. on genmne, oia ov v. urr iviv t , Bur loner, No. 728 ARi H Mreet. lilla(llplils. BLANK BOOKS IN LARGE VARIETY", ol my own manufacture. biuiNu at lowest cash rtf.s. W. O. PERKY. XO. 728 ABI'H Street. Philadelphia. ENVELOPES, LETTER, CAP, AND BILL Poiier, AT LOW CASH PRICKS. W. . PHRRT. Stationer, No. 728 ARCH (Street. Philadelphia f OLD PENS. NATIONAL BANK PENS, VA rcrry une oieei rtua, tic. W, G. PKRRT. stationer, 728 Alt' II i-trect. Philadelphia. No. 5 25 luiwlm N. o c E. f IftTlV YTtClkTt TIUIMHdN TrnHIn In rAttAln Ttii?i'iuure ol Mortuuue ol the uiopi'rty licrnlnalier (lu acilhfd executed by t fie Tyrone and ( loaiUi'ld ttal.road C'cmpanv to iie, an Mor gaKee In Tiust, to recure the pauitntot the principal and Interest ot honda of said Company to the amount ol Ml! OIKi which MortKaoe in dated the 12th day ol II ay. A. D. 18,59. and recorded la the lor lecordiiiK deeds, etc , In and lor the county ol Blulr, on the Into day oi May, A 1). 1NS9, In mortg tKe book A, panes W-3 4-6-B-7 and 8, end In the oilleo lor ru coroliiK deeds, etc in aud lor the county ol Centre, on lite L'U dnyt alay, A I). IHWJ. la n ortKue hook K, uaite 170 etc , do hereby nlvo notice that duiault havina i.ttn uiado lor more than ninety days lu the ps.vmcut ol the Intercut duo and demanded on the said bou Is, 1 will, lu puiauance ol the written request to me directed oi the hoiueis ot more than a.MitXiU In amount of tho said bonds, and Ly virtue of the power conteried unon me lu that respect hy the said M engage, expose to puhllc sale and sell to the hiyheat mid best bidder hv M. rilOM -H & Auctioneers, at the PillLADKLPlUA EX ill! M1K, in tho citv ol 1 bllaelohia. on Thursdsy. the 27th dn.v of rieptember, A 1). W6. upon the terms and Goi diiions hereiuuiter stiittd, the v ho e of the said liionniittcd premises, viii. : The w hole oi thut section of said Tyrone tn l Clear held Railroad Irom the nolnt of Intersection with the Ivroneand Lock liaven Hailroad near Tyrone, lilalr county, Pennsylvania to J'hlillpaburu Centre county, Pf niwylvuuia us tue same Is now constructed together with a l and ninu itr the railwaya, ruiH, bridges lences, privlleircH, right, and all real property ot eerv desciiptlon acquired by and belonging to wild I tiiipnnv . and all the tolls, luconie, Issues, and prodis to be derived and to a'lo Irom tho same, and a I the lands used and occupied lor railways, depo'-, or ta tious bulwetn sain poln's. with al the buildings staod mi theroou or procured iheTcfor 1 I'.HA 1-L X . All the lands, railway, rails, bridges, culverts, trestle wtrka, loot I. oases, tuui bouses wharves, lonces. rights of v sy, workshops, machinery, atatiuns. depoM dep.n grounds, works, uiuur". and other supeis'ructure. leal cstato bulidinus mt I inproveinents oi whatever nalma or kind uiipcrtnlu'nu or belonging to the above mentioned propel iv. and to the said section of stud Tyrone and i ..eurile d i.aiiroad, and owned by said Coin puny lb connection thcrewl li. '1 tan sslo section of the Tvrone and Clenrilold Railroad, extenrtiiiK Irom be Intersection ol the i vrone ami t.'lei1--tlela Railroad nl li the rolir'sd lormerly be'onglnu to the l.vrt no and Lockliaven Railroad oinoany, but nw to tt'.o ltuld i-.agie Val.ev Mailruad Compauy, is about 2U miles lu length. TFMMS OP SALE. tlO.COO of the purchase money to be said In cash wVn the pio;ierty is stiuca oil, aud the baiauce wltoiu 20 days tl eivalicr Pa MH NT on account of the aaldba ance of purchase money, to the ex ent of ihe tilviucnd thereof payable on the bonds secured bv Ihe said mortgage and . he ma imed coupons of the said bonus may be made iu the said boiios oi coupons and li the dividend is less than the artuul bum uuo upou the said bonds or coupons, the holders may retain possession oi the said bonds and coupons on receipting to the said Trustee lor the said dividend and endorsinu uayment of the same on the said bonds or coupous. ... Upon the purchase money being paid aa aloresald the Trnsiuewlll execute and deliver a deed oi conveyance oi the premises to ihe puichaser or purchasers m pur suance oi the power conferred upou him by the said nioititaua. Any lurther Information In respect to eatd sale. o pieuiises uiay Le bad upon application to the under slxned Trustee, at the olhce ol toe l ennsy vaula lull road Company, ko. 231 H. Third street. Phi ado phla. roau -it ''johk KUOAIITHHM-OM irustee, No. 23HH IHIHUMtroet. II. THOM AH & KOHt. Auc'lonef rs, 5 2lDif4m Hv. lJVaidlHJ. FOUlilUblreeU AMUSEMENTS. T?IPLEVS CONTINENTAL. NEWS X I XCHAN'IK. c hoir t to til p ol Ajnasenieni may m naa o lo J o'clock bt (Tnlng. 1311y UION NATIONAL Ci IIT CON CEHT ! TO IB UIVES AT SMITH .V; NIXON'S 1IAL.L, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, JULY 5, 18GC 100.C00 Gifts, Valued at $9S0,C00! Number of Ticket!, l.OOOOOO ! AT ONE DOLL4K ACU 1 140,000 in Greenbacks! TITLE 10 RI AL X&TA1K PERFECT, AND WARRANTY DEEDS GIVEN. IGItt In Real Km ate (several parcel) In and near bicugo ft.V',0'0 I tiltt in .n riii.Ki'kn WOiHi t.lliin i.rtenimc a, each lu.ui W lull 10 l.ittH m .n eiiLBckd. each yum MI.IHKi b 1 1 t.t in (ici iiliaikH, each KildU li), (K) 1 Cili In heal .m ate, 8U acres, 5 uillea rct of hlcafo 10,00.1 1 (llii in l.ii i.maie in Juneau couuty, WIs- loii-ln S.200 SO Giiik In KchI r tato .V I.ota In Vrand'a Addi- tion lo l.lcnpo. each l'(... JW.O'JO ,'0 oliu lu tleKuiit i'lanoi, each $m 4il.i.uo 2:2,200 19,P7S other valuable Gl'ts many ol them large valued at Irom II to tbW b!)7.MHl Teal vulue In Prizes KWiOOUO Kor mil descilii lvo list oi Prizes, see email bills, ac compan lug order. 'ihedrniMDg win take olaco in the Fnl', Immediately after tho l oncert by a Committee appointed by the audience ihe first number d awn enttling mo holder oi the ticket corre 'ponding to its number to the lughe" prize, tue secouil to lite second highest, aud so on, uut.l ihe whole is romp etui. ;OUl AND It I.I ART. K AC'STl wanted in every ton and citv In thu t'nion, to whom great induce mints are oncred. hl'EflAL 1E1IMS TO CLC11H FOR TIVE OR MORE TICKETS. We will send 5 lickeia. 1 address.. t 4 50 40 Tickets. 1 address. tM IM 10 do do .. OHO to 10 do .41110 w do no .. 17 in tun lo do .HftOo 'i0 do do .. 26"5 Send stamp for postage. In every case send the name ot each ticket bolder, w ith lull attdrers as to Pust Ofllce, county and Male. S i ney may be scut at our risk by express, Druit, Post Uince tiraer. or i.eciBiereu letter. Address u'l couimiiulcaUons to BRYAN, ROSBROOK & CO., . So. ICO MADISON Street. Chicago. (E. O. I rawt r 5927.) 6 8 16t' " RS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET 1.V.L THEj aTkK. SAIUKDAY EVENING, June a, IFfih. t A l li AUKIH A K i a1'I1(A('1'iiI.N. URAN1 DRAMA IIC OVATION TO j. e. Mcdonough, bit ins Manv Friends of Philadelphia. lht.VlOL'8 To 111S DEPARTURE FOR CALI FORNIA, when his Brother, T. B. SloDONOrOH. of the Mobile Theatre, will have the honor of matting bis first appearance in this city. DOUBLE BILL Ol" ENTERTAINMENT. Two acts of E. II. House and Dion Boucicault's Irish Drama of ARRAB-M 4-POGUE; on. THR Wlf 'KLOVV WEDDIJfG. f hann thej Post, (as performed by him tor two hundred nights) AIR. .1. E. McDO nourf Airah Meelish, (first time) Miss L1Z.IE PRICE Coi. O'Grady, (Who has kindly Volunteered) J. II ,I .CK Tl e performance to concluilo with John brougham's capital Burlenjue, In two acts. POCA-HON-TaSj YE GENTLE .SAVAG"1. Capt John Smith '. B. McDOTOrjtilI Kluh Pow ho-tau J E. UcDoNOlJUlI Pocahontas ihs C. Jt-FFERON Introducing all the original music. scats teemed at r. B. Peterson's until Friday then at Uie Arch btroet Thcutre. 6 to 21 WALNUT 3TKKET T U E A T 11 N. E. corner MTd aad WALMJC ritreeta. Begins quarter to 8. THIS ( Ihurtday) EVENING. June 21. BENEE1 1 F J. H. TA YLOli. Morton's new enn dy. in 2 ucts, entitled SHE WOULD AND HE WOULD VT. Rafael Bl Valllnl Mr. J. H. Toylor 'lo concluae with ihe Hcoiclt Drama ol ROB HO x, Hob Roy Mr. J. H. Tnvler Jrldai . MIS El FIE it'UUAMt t TOiriJUHMAnt 'lH.D'll.'HUJM 1 AL. JESMK BROWN AM) 'lllK HKNUNtL. The grand legendary sncctaclo ot the NAIAD QUKEN will be produced oo Matunlay evening. Jane 23, eOrr long aud expensive preparation. Aluguillcout Scenery by Wl ham. Cha rs secured six days lo advance. MR?. JOHN DREW'S NEW AKCH STREET TBEAIRK. KegliM at 8 o'clock LABI MGHT3 OF ETTIE HKNDtfBSOA. IBle, ilhurMiay) iVKtvUG, Lat N'ght of tue mccesaiul Drama of TUl 'lIcK E I OF-LEAVE AIAn'8 WIFE, Or, SIX YEARS A1TER. Bam Wlllooghby, with songs. ...ETTIE 1IENDKRHON Owing to the length aud Importance 01 tho 1 lny. If will constitute the ENTIRE EVKNINU'S PERFORMANCE. ForParticu ars Incidents, lto see bills i rlday. Farewell Bmetit ami last night ol El i IK IIE.NDKHHON. ' THREE Plit.K9. DACQ0TEK OF I UK KKGIttENT, And MAID WITH TH,M1LKI.G PAIL. eca's fccu'cu In advance hA'lUIiDAY.J E McDONOXTOII'S OVATION, NEW AMERICAN THEATRE wat.NUT Street, above Eighth. EngsKinient of tho celeiirttud utres, M 4 DAM K IOMSI. who w.ll appear lujher great chnraoter of V A L,ti tl A , 1 11 e. MLAVti CiUlLKN. GratT Mr 1). E. Kal'on (From Nildo's. New York. His flrt amiearnuoe bore.) IllAll l.l.r- tssuiA OALOjlilTA, also In Graud Bo. lot every cvenlug. 6 1H VALER'S (LATE MILLER'S) WINTER GAKDE.V Son. T20-7i V1NK rtttect. GRAND INBTRli M K T AL CONCERTS Mdll I'l.T. By two large and efficient Orchestras. TO NIGH l". And EVERY NI'.'.UT in connexion with our KACI'.LHIOK MTltl Ml 11 AN If, a Brass Band, compiising the best Artists in tho city, will penorm. (Jj.-i,;:n iuk this bkvbu-v. Onr spacious bun mer Garden, artistically laid cut wltu Mirubbory f ountains oto. IN TIIK LAD1KS' MALO(', Especially set apart tor K . V 1 LIES, the best of ("reams aud other Rcireshuients will he served. b lb. GYMN ASIU II FOR LADIES, GKNTLEVEN, AND CrilLDREK. N. E. CORNER OFNliS'lH AND AHC11 S'I'UEETS OPEN .VERY DAY ANit EVENING, AIL rUMMKK. BoCI'y rxeiclro lmuuris health and strength, tti best preventive acult'st sickness c ihe coining summer 5 24 Jul l'ro es-ors lliLLl. Hlt.VN li & LEW14 .t-T' the pianos which we manu- ') t t ' facture reoommend themjolves. We ptouiisi to our natrons cicsr beuuthul Cues, elcgunf workman ship ouralmity. and reusonah e prlocs comh'ned wi h a iuiI guuiantee. ecr sale only ui so. lua street. 6 m I'NION PIANO MiNUFACTURING CO. ''pilE II A 11 Ttl SOX BO ILK It A SAFE STEAM HOILICI!. the attention ef manutacturers and oilicrs using mckui is uontloeiiiiy cai eu to tins new n eam ,eiuj ralor as combining es-cn iai advantagos lu absolute sulety in tu exp onion in cheapness ot Uistcos anil cosi ot ri pairs. In economy of luol, taclJtyoi Cleaning and transportation etc. not posxessed By any ciher bo'.ei now in dee. 'I his boiler l iormed oi a o i nbiiiatlon ot cast-Iron hollow spheres, taoli sniiero eight inches ex ternai dlauieler. and tnrec elahtha of ail Inch thlct Ihese are held together by wrought-irou boitt, with cap al in enu Nearly one hundred of these Boilers are now In oners Ion, some of them m thu oust establishments la till citv. For descriptive circular-or prlca, apply to JO-iEPn II 4 R HI SDN . Jr. HaniHon Bol'er Work. OKAY'S FKKRV Road, adjoining the United Rules Ar-eual, ruuaueipiua. vu uuuiup LUMBER. 18G6 -BIMLUINO! BUILD I N (J ! , LVMBKRI LUMllKRI LUMBER I BTr P BOARDS. RAIL FLANK. . WHITE PINK LORIWO Y El L'lW PINE Ft.OOKINO. BPBI CE PINK CLO RIMO ASd AND WALNUT ELOORiNft PLASTF.KISO LATH. PLASTERING LA Til. i ftfii pne, hemlock, and oak J.OUO. llMBIiR, PINE, HE.vtl OCK. AND OAK TIMBER, CUT lO A BILL, CUT TO A BILL, AT SHOHT NOTICE. 18G6 - CEDAR AND FINE F UNCLES. ). CFDAR AND PINE SHINOLEd. No. 1 LONG CF1IAR SUIMll.KS. So. 1 SHORT CKOAK SWINDLES. WHITr. PINK t Yt RFSS 8HINOLKH. TINE ASSORTMENT FOR SALE LOW 1SG( LUMBER FOR UNDERTAKERS' t ). LUMBER FOH rSDERTKERSll FED CEDAR. WALNUT, AND PINE. RED CEDAR WALNUT, AND PINK. 18GG ALU ANY LUMBER OF ALL KIVDS , ALBANY LUMBER OF ALL KINDS SEASON ED WALNUT. 8K ASONr D WALNUT. DRY roPI.AK CHERRY. AND ASH. OAK PI.K. AND BDS. MAHOGANY. ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT VENEERS. 186( CIOAR-HOX MANUFACTURERS. ). CIGAR-BOX MANUFACTURER. SPANISH CEDAR BOX BOARD.1. AT REDUCED PRICES. 18GG SPRUCE JOIST! M'Rl'CK JOIST 1 , SPFUEJOIT! SPRUCE JOIST t FROM 14 TO 32 FEET LONG. FKOM 14 TO 32 FKET LONG. SPRIHE S1LL HEMLOCK PLANK AND JOIST. OAK SILLH. JrlAULE BUOTn'R ft CO.. f m rp No mO SOUTH n TBEET. is 2; XT'. II. -VVILiIIiVIS, ScvcntccKth and Spring (;ir(len Sts. OFFERS A FINE ASSORTMENT OF SEASONED PATTERN 5 21 lmrp JPIIVIS LUMBER. "JNITED STATES BUILDER'S MILL, Nos. 24. 26, and 28 S. FIFTEENTH St., PHILADELPHIA. ESLER & BROTH EE, WOOD MOULDING, BRACKETS, STAIR BALUS TERS. NEWEL POSTS, GENERAL TURNING SCROLL WORK, ETC. tiUELVING PLANED TO ORDER. 1 he largest assortment ot Wood Mouldings lo this city constantly on hand. 417 3m TW. SMALTZ'S LUMBER YARD. N. E. . comer of FIFTEENTH and HULKS Mtrcet. OFFERS FOR SALE, CHEAP FOR CASH Panel 1st com , 2d com , 3d com., 4 4, 5-4, 6 8, 8 4, White Pine, seasoned. Hint aud quality Tellow (4 4, 5-4) and White Pine (4-4) Floorinic Boards First and second 0uu.ltv one and two sides Fence Hoards. Shelving Boar's Bass. Ash Planks and Boards, White Tire Mils. al. sires Ktep Boards, 4-4, 5-4. liCnuot'k Joist and Scant. iiiK ail slues. Pi line lot bpruce IS 1 1 a and Hcant'lnit P anerlng l.ath (Enidlshann Calais) Pickets. r-hinvles. Clirsnut 1 onts etc. Mahogany, Wslnut plank andBoaids. All kinos ol Building Lumber cut and lurnlshcil at the shortest notice, at the lowest price. 6 5 lin O S Li I Gr II T TOR THE COUNTRY. FERRIS & CO.'S AUT0UATIC GAS MACHINES FOB PB1VATE RESIDENCES, MILLS, HOTELS, CHUKCUES, ETC FURNISHING FROM TEN TO SIX HUNDRED LIGHTS, AS Al A Y BE REQUIRE!'. This machine Is guaranteed : does not set ont of or Vr, and the time to manage It Is about five minutes a week.', The simplicity ot this atioaratns, Its entire freedom iem dangi-r. ibe cheapress and quality of the IHht over aioiheis, has gained for It the lavorable opinion of thoss acquainted ltli Its merits. 'Ihe names ot those having used them fcr the lost three years will be uiven bjcalllnuat our OFFICE, No. 105 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Where tho machines can he seen In onerntlon, , FERRIS & CO., Box 1491 P.O. Scud for a rauilihlet. (i 19 1 urket Rooks, rortt'Dinnuulex, tlKiir Ciisr", l'oi'ifollos, DrrMHlnK (.'asfs, Hi.nUm' Cast's. Ladies audUouta' Batchola and 3 I Truvelling Boca. 3 lu mi wyk.m. ..jJCTN DELIGHTFUL EXCUIlblO.NS 25 ON THE SCHUYLKILL. The steaimr SILVER WAVE' Now runnlnB from Falnnoont to ... ..hnvlkill. wt I leave Falrmcunt as follows, ti - , 8 40, 10, 11-90 A. M. a It U w i , ... r.n. .-' 12 U. ; and II 40. t, ', BP r. Ml. FARE. To Laurel B 111 and the Falls, lo rents i Colum bia Bridge or Washington Retreat, TQccDts. 15 p. p wt i; v, V v. (Jo 3 5 k hi II witiii.No f-;l .uclloworlll . bindit Intu 1 , Hitolicla, lj Bo-.k.. .If 1 Jf II CAHKS, I l NUKfll.E I RAJLOLUNES. E A Dl N O R A I L R O A P. GREAT TRUNK 1.1 N F. ROM PniLADtLllll TO i H E INTf.RIOR OF 1 ENNN1 LVA M . THE 8Cht) L. II. I, M"UUE BANNA. I MBFRLAND. AND WYOMING VAL LEY. THE NORTH. ORltiWIBr. AND THE t AN A PAS. BUMatFR ARKANOFMKNT OF PAS9ENOEH IRAI.No. June!. 1hi leav'nt the roninanv't Depot, at TIIIRTFENTM aafl J AIIOWLILL r-trcfi. I hllaOelphla. at the loilowuig hears MORKIN'l ACCOMMODATION. At 7-JOA. JH.lor Rennln sn i inlcrmsdlats Stations. oORNiNO FAPRaMH. At f II A. V. lor Kfsnins. I el'snon llarrltnnt Potta Vllle. 1 Imsrove. Tsmaiina unlnirv, WllllaimrMirt. r Imlra, Rot hrsirr. Ms. ra Fal . Hurtalo. A lent.iwn. W llkrsbarre, 1 Ittsion. York, Carlhila, I hsmbornhnrg, llsterslown etc etc. Ihle tialn connects at KKAPINttwt'h Fast Penn sylvania HsllriaU trains lor A lento o tin. and the Lchsn n Vell'.v train lor etc i at FORI CL1MON w tti i IisilroaJ tr.ina tor 'll lls nhorir. Lock Haven. Klmlra etc t at HaRKIM H'HO viith Nerthein t tntrsl umherland Va lev. and FrhuvlkiL and Susquehanna trains tor Sorihiliub'-t land, Wilitamtport, York Chamtiersharv, 'Inetove, etc aFIKKniiun kI'BKh Leaves l'iHaielpil at l-so P. M, fi r Readtnu Potts vlllo. llarrishnrg etc., connciln with Roaulng- and Columbia Hal road t-am lor Co u-nlila, etc. Kr A11N A( t (IMMODATION. leaves Lc.dlns stCn A i . toniB atallwavsta tlons. a rlvinit at Philiiflii,M at R n A. M. Hrturninir. leaves Plnlatloiuhla at INr, M. t arrives In Readlna at 7 M P. M. 1 rains tor t'lulaitpinhla leave llarrlhur at l A M. and Pofsvllle at H 4ft A. M arrlvlna In I'lillailr-lnhla al 1'tfl p. M. Altetnnon trains leave liiirrishum at 1 In P. W., Pot tsvUlo at i 45 P. At., arriving In Pbl.adelphla at It 45 P. M. II ARRISBFRG ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Rendiua ai 1 SO A M. and llnm nrst 4 10 P.M. t onnee, inir at Raoing with Anernnnii A ceo ti ll" ilstlon south, at 6 Ml P. Al., amvln Id Phiiade.phla 910 P.M. S srKft train, vttih pawnirer ear aitacned, leaves I'M sill Ipt 'a at l'JJ.'intun for Reallna an i rltiot. tlD Leavt a Kesdlna ai 11 Ju A. M and Downlnutnsra at i'i'30 P. w.. lor Philadelphia and all wav sia I ns. Ah i oe above trains run riailv, -unttav. em-pteC Huniav trains leave pottsvllle at S-tiO A. M .and Fhl laile T'hia at 3 15 P M. Leave Philadelphia for K'-adillg at 8-00 A. M l te urnini- irom Rradlns at 4 75 P, M. IllMKR VaLLI Y RAILROAO. PasFencers lor rovninstown ami Intermedial points tsko the 1-39 and 8-15 A. M. and 5'0 P M. trains from Philadelphia, returning irom Downlngtown at II 35 A. M. and lli-3" noon. NEW YORK EXPRESS FOR PITTSBCU1 AM) THE W ErVT. Leaves New Y'ork at 9 A M , and ro P M.. na.sinu Reanltig at 1(5 and 11 53 A. M and 1 IM P. M , and eon ntctihuat Ilarrlsburg vlth Prnnat !vanla and Nor horn I t-utral Ballioail express trains lor Pittsburg, Chloatio, Wil Iatnsport, 1 Imlra, llalt'inoro. etc. Rf ttirrlnii, express train lesvea llarrtshnrff on rrlvtl ot the l' i it npy Ivan In express Irom Plttsouru, at 1 and P-fS A. It., and tl-15 P. M., passing Rending at 4 40 and 10 52 A Al.. and 11 SOP at, and arriving In New York nt 10 A. M and 2 45 P. M. Meepinu cars accompany the.o t'alns through octween Jersei l Ity and PlttKhurg, with out change. A msll train tor New York leaves Hnrrtsbmjr. at 1 10 P. M. Alal1 tralr tor Harrltbura U avrs New York it li H. SCHUYLKILL VAlXKY RAILROAD Tiains leave Pottsvllle at 7 and 11:10 A. M., and 7 15 P. M . lelurnlng Irom Timaqna at 735 A. M. and 140 and 4 1ft P M t-CbCY LKILL AND SUSQUKUANNA RMLROAD. Iramsleave Auhnrn at 7 50 A. M for Plnegrovo and Harrlslmrg. and 1 50 P M. tor Plnegrove and Tremont, returnlnv trom Uarrlshurg at 3 '20.P. AI., and from Tre mont at 7'35 A. M. and 5 25 P.M. TICKE'lH. Through flrst-elnss tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points In the North and wt and Canada. the lollowitiK tickets are ohtnl able only at the ottlce ot S. BRA Or OKI), Treasurer. No. 8 FOURTH ptreet, I'hiladelnlna, or or G. A. NIcOLLS, General Superintendent. Besolng: COMMCiATION TICKETS At 25 percent, discount, between any points desired, io r lamllies at d firms. MILEAGE TICKETS, Good for 50(10 milts, between all points, $52-69 ench, for families and dims SEASON TICKETS. For three, six, nine, or twelvo months, for holders only, to all polutB, at reduced rates tLRRGYMEV ' Residing on the line ot the road will be furnished cams entitling themselves and wives to tickets at hall tare. EXlUKblON Tl KETS From Philadelphia to principal sta lens, good for Sa tuidav, Sunday, snd Mondnv. at reduced fate to be bad tn vat toe Jicnet Olllte. at TUli.Ti-lMli and CAL LOW LULL Streets. FREIGHT. Gooss of all descilntious lorwarded to all the above points irom the company's new Freight Depot, BROAD ana vni.i.vw oirrcis. FREIGHT TRAINS Leave Philadelphia dally at 5 30 A M, 12-45 noon, and t r. m.. tor Itiadlug. Lenttnon, Harrlsburg, Pottsville Port Clinton, and all points beyond. MAILS Close at the Philadelphia Post Office for hII places on tne rosd and Its Itsnches at 5 A. Al , and for the principal sinuous vuiy 111 a j j r . jn. e 10 VTORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. JLi Depot third sueet above Thompson. s'or BETHLEUEM. DOYLI-STOWN. MATJCB CHUNK, EAST ON, WILLI AilbPOKT, and WILKEtj da nnr-. At 7 SO A. M. (Pxerass). for Bethlahem. AllMimwn Munch thank, flazleiou, Wllllamsport, and WUkes barre. At 8 30 P. M (Express;, for Beth ehem, Easton, ete reaching Easton at 6'45 P. M. At 515 P. AI., tor Bcthiehem, Allentown, Alauct Chunk. For at 8 35 A. M., 2 30 and 4-18 P. It. F01 Fort Washington at 10 A. Al. and 11 P. M. For l.ansda'e at 6-15 P. II . White curs ot t he Second and Third Street! Line Cltj Passenger Curs run direct to the depot. TRAINS SOR PHILADELPHIA. LeaveBethiebem at 6 25 A. N. and 12 25 Noon, and Leave l)oy estown at 6 40 A. M ., (-15 and 5 30 P. M. Leave Lanrdaie at b'tlO A. 51. Leave Fort Washington at 10 60 A. M., and I'll P. M. ON UND AYS. Philadelphia lor Keth enem at n A. M. Philadelphia tor Doyiestowa at 2'30 P. M, Loy les-town tor Phi adelphla at 7 20 A. to.. Bethli heni lor Philadelphia at 4 3ft P. M. 1 bronsh Tickets most oe piocuied at the ticket ofllci a, TH1HD ftreet. or BERKS Mreet. 5 21 KI.LIK CLARK. Agsn-. EST JKRSKY RAILROAD LINES, FROM toot ot MARKKT Street (Ciiper Kerry), ronimenclnu THtlRslivY Un si lj,a! LEAVE PHILADELPHIA AH FOLLOWS 1 6 A. M Mail, lor Biitigeton, Sulcui, and all lutormo diute stations DA.Al.Mull for Cape Alav, stopolne at Wooilhurv, Glasxhoro'. Vlneland. aim AlLUvllle, and all stations heow Ml lvllle. Due 12'35 M 8 1 . 11. Accommodntion. for Cape Hay. stopping at Woodbury and Glasshoro, and all stations below Gloss toro. Due 8' 5 P.M. 3 SO P. Al. Passenger, lor Blidsrctou, Salem, and all tnteruied'ate siattons. 6 P.M.. WooUburv Accommodation. T RETl'RNING TRAINS Leave f ape m a 6 HO ana 11 A. U. Bndgeton 7 A. M. and S-50 P. M. " ba.em 5 15 A. M. und 3 35 V. M. Freight will be received at Second Cohered Wharl below WAlNUT Street, irom 7 AM. until 6 P. U. 'J bat received at or before 9 A. AI. will go through the same day Freight Delivery, No. 228 S. DKLAWAR'. Avenuo. 6 31 J. VaN RENBSaLaER, superintendent 1 Wrtit--plllL,AI)KLirHl'A AN0 ERi E RAIL J OuU ROAD. 1 his great ine traverses the North ern and Northwest Counties of Pennsylvania, to the City 01 1 rle on Lake Erie It has becu iou.d and Is operated by the Pennsv vanla Haliroad C'ompany. TIME OF PASKMnER1 RAINS Al PillLADr.L'Hl A. Arrive Eastward Arie Mull Train, 7 Al.; Erie rx press Tram. 1 P. M. Leave Westward Erie Wail, P. M; Erie Express lrpalsentier cars run through on 'he Erie Mall and Kx uresa trains both ways between Phllude phla and t rle v EW lOKli. CUNECil JX. Leave New York at 0 A U.. arrive at r.rie 9 30 k. M. Leave 1 ne at 4'45 P. U . anive at New York 4 10 P. Al Kle'. ant Sleeping cars on a 1 the night trains. For In orinaiioii respecting miHSenger bunness, applj a corner 'llllh ilK ll and MAUKI-T S reels Phi a. And lot ireieht business, of the t. ompsnv s Agent-i, M. R. KiPkB:on Ji., corner 'Ihir'eentb and Market stree's Plilliidelphiat J. u. Reynolds, trie; William B.own Agent N. IJ K R., Baltimore. 11. r. hGIih'iO.-. General freight Agent. Phl'a U. W. GWlNNFR Gencrul 'I tenet Agent, PhlU. A.L. TILER itneral.--up't, W lliiausport. TOR NEW ""YORK. THE" CAMDEN AND J' Am hoy and Phi auelpblu and Trenton Kahroad omi an 's Lines. t RUM PHILADFLPHI TO NEW YORK ard Way Places, from Walnut Street Waaif, will leave as ioiIows, viu: FAUB At 5 A. Ai., via Camden and Amboy, Accomn oda 1100 T-2 25 At 8 A W.. via Camden and Jersey City I- xpreas.... 3 HO A t 2 P. M., via Camden und auiboy Express H on A tBP. M , via Camden aud 'uibov Accommodation 2'25 Alii', k. via Camden uud Amboy Accouimoda- Hon, 2d class I 80 AtHA. M.. 2 and 5 P U , for Viount Holly, Ewaiik- vl le Pemhtrton. and Vincoutown. At 5 A.M.aud2 p. Al lorFreehod. At 5 and 10 A. Vi 5i , 4, 5,8. and 11-30. P M. for Fisb louse, Pelinvra. Rlverton Progress. Dolauco Beverly. Edewater, hurmaton. Florence, Bonlnn- towa. eie. 1 be lo A M. and 4 P. M. liues rua dirjof LINES FROM KEN' INOT DEPOT WILL LEA M A S KO IvLO V 14 J- At 11 A M , 4 80 6-45 P M.. and P M. (Night) via Kensington and Jersey City I xureas Lines, fuie S3 r The tt-4' P. J. Line williuu dolly. Alluthers Suudayt Au'iiVand U A. M.. 8. S S0 . nd 6 45 P. M and idutght lor Brtftol.J reiiton. etc At 7 and 1016 A.M. 12 M. 3 4 6 and 6 P. M., for Corn vel's Tornsdale Ilolinesburg, Tacouy . Wlwluoralug, HrlOe'biirg aud FrunktOrd, and at 10 15 A. U or Bristol hell, nek's, Eddlngtou, and P. M lur Ltolmoi. lam and Intermedia e siatlona. At ' 30 A M Mid 3 110 P. M lorNMogara Falls, BuOalo, Dunkirk t, Hinira, Ithaca. Owego. Ro ches r Blnghsnipton. Ognego hyracusa Great Bend Montrose H ilkesoarre Hvranton Ht-oudsburg, tVater GaD 1 elvicre, Easton, I ainbertvllle sleinlngton etc , he ' J0 I . M. Line COd Beets direct wlthtlie tralu leaving Easton lor Mauch Chunk, Alleutown, Bothie Atft'p. al?Vhr LambcrtvlHe and Intermediate stations. Jnnel, ltoix WILLI A I 11. GAUUiirt, AgeuL RAILROAD LINES. PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON. AND BA T1MOBK BAILROAD. - - ,, ,, 1IMK TABLET. ' - - , roffimttirlti, MONDAY April 10 18B- Train Vrlll i'." I'erMit coiner ot BROAD Street andWASHINU 1 N Ave pne. ss lollows 1 Press 1 rain at 4 15 A. H. (Mondavi exeepttid), f Ballimoreand Washingtoa slopping at Chester, WO mingttn. Newark, l-lktnn Notthat, Perrjvllle,HTrej de Crace. Aberdeen, I'anymsn's. Magnolia, Chase's Summer a Run. Way Mall Train at 15 A. V. (Snndavl excepted), for Baltimore, stopping at all regular stations between Phi Istlelt bis snd (laltlinor-. Delaware Railroad Train at A. M. (nndai ett cptrd . (or I'rlneese Anne. llford, and Intermedial tattora. 1 xirmTrsin at 11-45 A.M. (Sondava exoepted), tor fsiurooi and Washington. 1 press l tain at I p M. (Sondava excepted) tnrBal tlntnre 1 nd W ashington, stopping at heiter, I'lavmnnt, v I nilrvten, Nenara, Hklon, Northeast. Pernrvlila, Havie de G'aee. Alierdeen. Perryman's, Edgewood. Mag nolia. bas s and btemmer s Run Mvhtlxprrssat 11 p. M.,for Baltimore and Wash ln(ton. I a,ergrrsby Boat from Ba'timore tor ForiTest Mon roe Norn Ik. City polni. and Richmond, will take tne II 45 A M usln. V1I.MISGTON ACCOMMODATTOV TtAIVS. lopping at ad stations between Philadelphia and WIN intntoii. 1 ir ritllarte'phia at . 11 15 A. M., 4 o. . and II 30 P.M. The 4'ao P. M. tialn connect with Delaware l(a:lrsd'ny llarrlncron and tun-rmedinte stations, lsvs Vtl.tnlnrlouat6 44 8 audi) 80 A.M., 4 and 8 30 1 rslna for Newcastle leave Philadelphia at A. M 4 :.u ria h P. M. lHKDIt.ll TRAINS! FROM I1AI.TIMORB Leave v ilmlni ton at 11 A M , 4 :l and 10 P. M. FOh I IIIl ADl- LPHIA. Leave t hester at 7 4, 8 40, Id 14 and 11 40 A' M., 4 It ,7 aid in: p. m. Fl.OM BALI I MoRKTO PHILADFLPHI A.. I eaa I'.altlmore 7"5 A Al.. War tnnll. 0-70 A. M . Fnores-. I l P. M.. Exptess. -35 P. A.., Express. 8 23 P. M..UW' .,v 1 n 1 rn itiLiinttitr. leave Chevrrat 4 (lands 51 A. MandS18P. M. I ave W llmlngton at 5 '43 aim 9 31 A. M. and 4 15 P. K. r reitht Tmns with Passenger ars attscned will leave aa lo iows: U Hniington lor t errwli'e and intermediate sistieni at (5 P. M . Baltimore for ttsvre-dfi Grace and intirn tdiaie statiors at 4 45 P. AI. Penvvllle lor Wll- ni'nuon snd in ermetliatn slaiiona nt 5 00 A. to . con necting at w ilailngton with 8 A. M. train forPhilsdol- p. 1 rlA 1 1 HAinn. Express Train al 4"ls A. M. mr ltaltlmore and Wash Ingtoii s'oppmg at ( het r, Wl min.ton, Newark. Elk ton, Nor liea-1 Perry vll.e IIin re-de-Grace, Aberdeen, 1 1 ri m n'a. Alsuno la. ,nse's and htetniner's Run. Ml lit p M tor Paitnoore and Washington. icon nmdstion Irsln at II 30 P. AI. lor Wilmington (ml Intermediate latlona. B A LI 1 MORE FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave l altin.oreat g-25 P. Al . stopping at Ilavre-do-Penvvllle, and Wilmington. Also a ons at F.ik tou and A e sik (to take paetgers for Phi adelpnlaand leave pafsenners from W ahlngton or Baltimore) and tester to leave Diiwenarra noiu Eultimora or Wash- Inpton. Acrorrmoastion Tram irom m 1 mington ror 1 hlladel phis and Intetnieulate stations at b "0 p. M. 4 10 11 F. K EN NEYSupeilntendjent PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. blMai ER AHRaNGEMENT. Tne iraiua 01 11. e lennsy ivama t enuat Kail road leave tbo Depot, at Ihiri.v-tlrst and Market streets, which Is readied bv the cars 01 the Market Street Pns- enger Railway, running to and from the Depot. The last car leaves Fiont street about 30 minutes prior to the departure of each Tialn. On Sundays Care leave Eleven'h and Market streets 45 nilun tes before the depuiture of each Trains Mann's Baggage t xpresH w ill ca 1 for and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders let. at the Office, No. 1 t hesnut street, will receive attention. TRAlMI LKAVB KXI'OT. VIZ. I Atall Tram at 8-H9 A. it. Day Express at 10-00 Paotl Accommodation. No. I at 1 1 -00 Fast Line nd Erie Express at 12 00 M. h airlrburg Accomuiodation at 80 P. AI. Lancaster Accoiiniiooa'lon at 4f0 " Paoll Accommodation No. 2 at 600 l litibargh am' Erie MaT'i at 9 00 Paoll Accommodation, No, I at 10 00 " Philadelphia 1-xpiesst at 11-10 M TRAINS AHltlVB AT DEPOT, VIZ. t Cincinnati Expresst at 19-40 A. M Philadelphia Expresst at 7'10 Paoil AccommoUation, No. 1 at 8 '.11 ' Columbia Train at 9 00 Lancaster Train at 12 40 P, 1C. Fast Lino at 1 10 Paoll Accommodation, No. 2 at 4 In " Day Express at 5-50 Paoll Accommodation, No. I at T3A Uarrisburg Accommodation at 9 50 H lal y, except Saturday, t Dally. X Daily, except Monday. All other irainadallv. except Sunday. Mttinnlng through Irom Philadelphia to Pittsburgh and Erie without change ot cars. Suuila Accommoduiioi Trains for Paoll and interme d ute stiitlons leave Philadelphia at 900 A. M. ami 7 00 P. Ai., returning leave Paoll at 6 50 A. M and 4-50 P. M. - TICKKT OFFICE Is located at No. 6?1 Chesnut street, where Tickets to all important points mav be procured and tall Informa tion givmby JOHN C. ALLEN. Ticket Agent rtlro at IbJrty-flrst and Market streets, on applica tion to THOMAS II PARKE, Ticket Agent at the Depot An Emigrant Train runs dailv (except Sunday). For full particulars as to fare and accommodations apply to FK'NCIS FUNK, . , No. 137 DOCK Street The renrsylvanla Railroad Company will not assume) any risk tor Baggage except lor Wearing Apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars In vaitie. All Butigage exceeding that umount in value win be at tho risk of the owner, unless taken by special contract 3 jj PHILADELPHIA, GERMANT0WN, AND NORRISIOWN RAILROAD. ' On and a'tcr WEDNESDAY, Mnv 16. 1866. rOR GERMAN ! OWN ' Leave Philadelphia , 7. 8,1), 10 11, 12 A. M., I. 2. J'10. 5i. 4, 5, IH.U. 7, 8 V, 10, 11, 12 P. AI ' -...iv, Leave Germantown 6, 7, 1.H, 8, 8 20, 0, 10, 11, 12 A. If. 1,2 3, 4.4M.0 HH. 7,8,0,10,11). 51. Ihe 820 oown train, and rt and 5 up trains wlUnol stop on the Germantown Itranch. OS SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 910 A. AI., 2 a 5, 8. WH P. AC Leave Geimantown 8 A M., 1 4. b'- fl!( P. M. CHEcNLT BILL RAILROAD. Leave PhlUdelphla 6, 8, 10.12 A. M., 2, H 5X.7, and 11 P. Al Leave t heenut Bill 710 minutes, 8 ( 40, 11-40 A. At . 1 40 3 40 . 5 40. 6 40. 40, and lfl 40 minutes P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia O lOmlnutea A. At., 2, 5. and 8 P. V, Leave Chexnut Hill 7-40 minutes A. At., 12 40, 6 40. and 9'25 unnu es p Al FCK t ONSHOIIOCKEN AND NOKRISTOWN. Leave Philaoelphiatt 8-35 minuies,. 11115 A.M.. IX. a. 44, 5K, b, 8 05 minutes, and US P. M. ' 1 eavu Norrtstown AH, 7, 7 50. 9. 11 A.; M., IX, 4k, tit. ardSP M. ihe 554 P.M. tialn will stop at School Lane, Wlssa hlckon, Aiauuyuuk, spring Mill, .tad coushobockeo only OS hUNDY8. LesvePhl alelphla9A. M..2M.4 ana 7 P. M. Leave M orrlstow n 7 A. M 1, 8 H . aud P. il . FOR MANa Kl'.ik. Leave Philadelphia 0. 8 35 mlnuiea, 11-05 A. M., IM, S. (t 6.,6S,816, and HH P. M. wave Mauayuuk bit. 7, 8 20. IH.US. A. If., 1, 8. 6S ON 81' N I) AYS. LeavePMIadelphlaOA.M..andH P.M. Leave Manavunk -,H A. M . 1),6 anuhM P. M. W.t. WILrON. Genera1 r-uiwiintenuer t. icpot NINTH attdGKEEM MtreetS TTRE1GHT LINES FOR NEW YORK AND J? 1 al. tho htltlons on Ihe CAMDEN and AM HOY and connecting Kul roads. lNt hr AiEt DErATCH. Th. CAAlDLs. AJlboY RAILIOAD ANT TRANSPORi A HON tOPNY FREIGHT LIF. lor N"-w 1 "rk wlli leave WALM'l' street WliaifatC o'clock P Al.dni'y Suudnvs exci pled). Frcieht must be delivered before 4s o'clock, to be for y. aided ihe mine f'uy. Returning, the atiove lines will leave New York at 1 noon auu t and 8 P. M Freight lor Tietiton. Princeton Klntston. New Bruns wick, end a. I points on tho 1 a mile u ana A in 00 v Rail road; aiso, on the Lev acre Delaware auu Fieruing too.tLeNew Jotsev. the Fieehol 1 ami .lainnsburs and the Burlinutun aud Mount Holly Rutlroads, received and lorwarded up 10 1 P Al. I be Belvldere I e awnro liellroad connects at Phillips burg with the Lehigh VaLev Rai toail, and at Mauun kuchunk with a.l points oa the Du'aware, Laokawaana, snd Western Rsi rosd, forwarding to nyracvse, Budaiu. and other Doints 1 1 Western New York the New Jersey haliroad connects at Elizabeth wlta the New Jersey 1 entral Railroad and alNawark Willi the Monis snd E si x Railroad A silo memorandum, MieI'vlnn the marks and num ber', tlilppim. and coi sn nee-, must. In every iiutauce. be sentwitb each load 01 goods, or no receipt will be g yen N. B. Increased lacliitiea have been made lor tha transportation ol live stock. Drovers are luvlrod to trr Ibe route. Vt hen stock la lurnisned lu quau ltlea of two carloads or more It w'l be delivered at the foot of Fur tic b s ieet near the Drove Yard, or at Pier No. U North River, as tfce shippers may designs t at tha time ofsbipnent. Fur terms, or other Information, apply to WALT ITR FREI-Afi AN, Freight Agent No. 220 S. IiKI.jW a tE Avenue. 1 hl udoiohia ORANGE AND ALEXANDRIA KAILROAP. On and aner MuNDAY, February 12 rwe dally Oaii.swill run between Washington and L nchhurr, connecting at Coiduvt le with Ylrvmla C"tral Eatl roiid trains to and Irom Richmond as tu )w M.ML 1R IN. Iisve Washington dally ihundav r xrx-pted), at 646 A-Al , ana arilva at Lynchburg ai 5 45 P Ai. Leave Lynchburg at 7 A. M. and arrive at Washing, ton at 6 20 ! al. RXrBF.SS TRAIN. LeiTe Washington daily (including Sunday) at 6 01 P M and arrive at Lynchbuig at 00 A M Leave Lynchburg at 0 10 r. a1 rrlv at Waahtog ', ton at 6 10A. M. ..... l olhtn.ius making alose connections at Lynchburg fot all points South and Southwest, aud at Washing .ou. lor Nor b aud Northwest Flrst-elasa sleepin ears atUched to the n'ght trains. The road Is attractive, not on y ioj ita comionabla accommodations, but lor Uie fact fhst It pas. the now bl-tone loca iUes 'ot Falrfsx.Bu.l Run. Manassas, Bris toe, ( at ett's, Rappahannock. Cutpeper. Orange. ao4 Gordonsvl le. places ot unperlshable Uitetest la til PCT,bJo.s'hUtdl'kets to sll points Houth and Boatkwest ma be had to Boaion, New Tork. Phllad loble, and deueral bupe biUudei,.,