6 THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH.--PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 1806. ITIMS FROM OUR fORElGN FILES. ...COSTUMES. ' - ' V J CobccibIbc th Relation betwce Dr ! Morals. JProm the London Saturday Ktvttte. j ( , ' ' A morning contemporary, usually itipixMl to nicy tb exclusive contiilence ol fasaionnblo society, has lately dpcd. endeavoring to read its clients a moral leson. The missionary work was begun, alter the moet approved style, by the insertion of a letter invested with all the honors ot large type. Placing himselt In totali sation at the door of a London ball-room, ihe writer proceeds to moralize on "tbe disclosure of person" which i accorded to the eye of the "highly favored mortal" who occupies that position He Is troubled, ho trantfly admits, by the fact that Ihe prevailing lowness ot dress is . not eontined to tho60 who, "11 the object ol the custom be to establish a claim to ehnpe, can West ailord t comply" with it. Perhaps, if the fuphion extended only to young ladies with pood tigures, "Corvdon's" indignation niieht have slumbered for an indefinite perind. It la tbe display ol "the too generous developments I maternal Juno and the severe figure ot Diana pastce" thitt has irritated his moral sense. And Be bas seemingly been so upset by one or two nch apparition?, that his eyejno longer serves him to discriminate between one dress and another. He damages his own case by the assumption that they are all alike open to the charge of indecency. The leading article which followed the letter n Ibe next day icll into the very same mis take, and assumes with equal coniidence that all women dress exactly alike. Indeed, it even tinds an excuse lor their so doing in a supposed t5raiiny of custom. No one bin the aystemaric miter has ever fathomed the sufferings to which any young lady would be exposed who declined to have her gown cut lower tuan siio thought consistent with decency, "She would be accused of tbe pride which apes humility, and her aspect would have to be tried in the hottest lurnace of jealous eyes and backbiting tongues before uhe could escape the charge of "dowtinesB.' a condemnation whose terrors one must be a woman to I eel." Certainly this is a hcait-rending picture, and we can only say that, if it be also a tru one, the courage of a great many of the weaker sex is positively keroic. Probably, if the spring weather had been more crenta), the subject niieht have been dropped here. But the prevailing east wind seems to nave suggested to our contemporary's cm Bcience the propriety of making another and bolder effort to stem the tide of impropriety. There was some encouragement in the reduc tion that, tnough we had reached the fourth week in May, "the season when lightness and looseness of apparel may bo supposed more pardonable than at other times," was still comine, and not come; and, accordingly, the pen ot some astute cbaperone seems to have Deeu retained, before the hoi weather should make all reiorm hopeless, to comment on "tue feelings with wbicb a portion of mankind view laxity of corset and low cut dresses." The morality of the lesson, thus conveyed is not flattering to the class lor whose benefit it is lesipned. It is assumed all through that the only way of making impropriety distaselul to young ladies is to convince them that it does not pay. This "lavish exhibition of their per sonal charms" wilt not really bring them "one whit nearer matrimony." . If they could but listen to the talk of the Club amokinjr room, they would at once see their mis take, and bo taught that "a man is not the more likely to endeavor to secure as bis own the charming cieature with whom be has been walzinL', when he hears the free discussion of her charms which follows the triumphant even ing." To be 'discussed like a race-horse" does not really raise a woman's value in the market. And then out ot the depths of a lite-long ex perience this elderly Mentor proceeds to define ihe exact stage in an acquaintanceship at which that "private view," which he detines as "the privilege ot the initiated of the ex clusives," may be prudently vouchsafed. It is to be reserved, it seems, as the last weapon with which to bring a man to a proposal. He, we are told, "who thinks that he knows most of the divinity, and that his knowledge is exclu sive, is much nearer committing himself to the grand step in life than he who finds that his friends have been as highly favored as himself." As long, therefore, us a man's intentions are wholly uncertain, young ladies should en deavor "to inspire respectful homage, and to attract by coyness." It is only when they have pood reason to believe that he is near "com mitting himself" that a too low dress can be worn with safety, and even then it must be so managed that he shall be the only male specta tor, lixcppt at this critical moment it cannot be too much impressed on them that "an open exhibition ot personal charms is not the way to attract the best men," and that all they will get from it is "the mortification of having exposed themselves to no purpose." We trust that we Khali not be thought indif ferent to public morality when we own ourselves utterly uninterested in the success or failure of this particular effort to mend the manners of the fashionable world. If women can only be kept modest by being shown that it pays matri monially, we had just as soon they were immo dest. Indelicacy of cortume is chiefly objection able in proportion as it implies a corresponding indelicacy ol mind, and such a method ot han dling the subject as that we have been criticizing, labors nnder tbe tital defect of addressing itself only to the external evil. Supposing a young lady to be prepared to dress indeceutly "if she thinks that to do so will improve her matrimo nial chances, in what way does society gain by convincing her that she calculates falsely ? The way in which her gown is made will have no in fluence upon her character, for her propriety and her impropriety will be dictated by the fame motive, and will be 0 en to the same condem nation. Indeed, a iashion such as that which seems to be now becoming common has a certain advan tage of its own, in that it affords an index to a woman's estimate of herself. If her sole object in life is to "secure the eligible? of the day," we cannot see that it makes the least difference to anybody in what way she sets about it. The end is in itselt objectionable, and it will com municate its own complexion towhatever means may be employed to attain it. A writer who aims at effecting a merely external reforma tion may fhelter himself, it is true, under the Tcspectable authority of Mrs. Hannah More, who somewhere says that a real knowledge of her own interests would make the most aban doned woman careful to shroud her beauties from the eye of man, in the assured conviction that modesty would prove the most potent means of attracting him. But there has al ways seemed to us an irresistible torce in the criti cism with which this argument was met, that in that case a really modest woman would be driven to leave off clothes altogether. If, there fore, our contemporary should find his labor thrown away, we shall not be distressed by the result. After all, propriety ot dress is only valuable because it is the offspring of propriety ot mind, and it it is to be dictated instead by a careuil calculation of chances, we can see no reason for making any effort to retain it. If a young lady chooses to organize a universal exhibition of herself for the gratification of "efflorescent Guardsmen," it is entirely her on affair. Ho one need look at her unless he or she likes it, and certainly no one need imitate her. The sacrifice will bring its own reward or its own punishment, and we mav safely leave the otlici ating priestess to find out by experience which t the two result is the mont likely to follow. If the moralist can make a woman drees modestly for modestv's sake, by aii means let bini try his ardest. But if he can only make her dress modest ly for the sake of a good match, he may a well Bpare himself the trouble. She that is indecent. Jet her be indecent still. j A Pigeon Bfatinq rai Teleorapu. A licensed victualler, near the Monument, in Lon don, visited the Derby this year, and took with him a pigeon to send home the names of tao arst three horses in the race. As soon as th numbers ol the winning horses were hoisted, ha tied a slip of paper round the pigeon's neck, bud llarttd it oil va its journey home, where ton friends were waiting. Its arrival, r About seven mlnotes alter the news was known by tbe arrival of the I'ipeor, a neighboring licensed lctualler received a teleprnm (rem his friends on the race conrse lo inform bim of the result of the race., Ibe news thus arrived more speedily by the pigeon than the telegraph by one-third of the tinjv This was no doubt on account of tbe renders of the messages on the course having to wait tbeir turn, as the news was received at Tattf rsall's three or four minutes after the race. The pigeon perlormed the ouriry in fourteen minutes, which is, allowing for the direct path in which it travels, about a mile per minute. A Lifb-savino B athino Appar ATfB. A French encincer named Desen Is exhibiting 1n London a bathing apparatus, which is also a life-preserver. It is of simple construction, resembling a (h'ld's cradle, tbe upper part having a cylin drical cork-float, canvased over, nearly sur rounding the machine, which keeps the bather atioat with the greatest ease and safety. The body consists of a net, wiih light iron tubular pipes lor supports; and the bottom or bed a niece ol twilled lick, at the foot ot which there Is a screw copper rudder, which turns upon a swivel, with a pair of cork oles the shape ot the toot. Against this the bather places bis teet, and is thus enabled to guide or Fteer hlmnl! in any direction, while by the uso of a handle atinched to the left side ol the appa ratus below the cylinder, he is enabled to propel himself or recede. This invention can be used in open sea, as well as on a river or a lake. A 8 team CoAcn Kon Common Roads. The French Minister of Public Works has awarded a gold medal to Albarct Co., of Linncoiirt, for a steam concb to run on ordinary roads, j nts conch lately descended a hill from Laon to the railway terminus at the rate of five miles an hour, and afterwards ascended the same hill in eipht minutes with a weight ol five tons. The trial was repeated with so much success that it is now ascerfa'ned the engine can draw a weight of thirty-nine tons on an ordinary road, at the rate of from three to four miles an hour. A DocniE Suicide. A determined double suicide, near Paris, has .just been brought to light. A river keeper on the Marne, while pass ing along the banks near Joinville do Pont, ob served the bodies of a male and female floating near the surface. Having brought them to land they were found to be bound together, the man's left arm to the woman's richt, while the lormer had also about ten pound weight of stones in his pocketf. They were each elegantly dressed, bore no marks of violence, and had apparently been in the water about a fortnight. An Interesting Bieacu of Promise Case. From 11k Goshen hid.) Democrat, June 8. Miss Ann Piper some time since commenced suit against Samuel W. Havens tor $10,000 damages, lor breach ot promise ot marriage, in the Kof ciusko County Circuit Court. A chance of venue wa9 taken to the Alien Circuit Court, and tbe case was determined last wect by giving the plaintiff $1,100. The facts appear to be as follows: The defendant, at the commencement of the Rebellion, was paying his addresses to the plaintiff, and a partial engagement ot marriage was made, and during tbe three years be was in the uruiv thev corrosponded. In the mean time his mother became insane, and was sent to tne asylum at Indianapolis, on bis being mustered out ot service, his mother was brought home and considered incurable. At limes she is so that she can go out and attend lo domestic affairs: then she will be worse, and at such times will permit no woman to be uroutd the house, and when her son, the de tenonut, emplovs a girl to assist her. she drives her off. He appears to be the only one who can manape or do anything with her. He told the plaintiff his situation, and agreed to marry her as soon as his mother died or recovered, that no woman could live with his mot her in her present condition, and that he considered it his duty first to take care ot his mother, aud strive to pacity her as long as she lived, and this he could not do it he married. The plaintiff i highly esteemed, and consi dered an excellent young lady; she is a sister to William O. Piper, Recorder elect of Kosciusko county. The delendant is a young roan of ex cellent moral character, and is worthi$10,000 or $12,000. He says he loved her, and would have married her as soon as his mother died or got Deiter. National Unitarian Convention. The Na tional Unitarian Convention will hold its first meeting in Syracuse early in the autumn. Various topics ot great interest and practical lin- rortnnce have been suggested to the Council for consideration at that meeting. It will be recol- hcted that Kev. Messrs. J. t. t-iar&c. o. J. May. and Robert Oliver were chosen a committee to correspond with other liberal religious bodies. and ascertain wbetner and bow tiiev can be brought into practical fellowship with the Uni tarian denomination. The report of this com mittee will be looked forward to with particular interest. Christian Inquirer. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOFSAFES gUCCESSFUL TESTS. GREAT FIRE IN NEW YORK. GREAT FIRE IN CHARLESTON, 8. C. GREAT FIRE IN WADDINGTON. GREAT FIRE IN CANADA. MARVIN'S SAFES. IS EVERY INSTANCE SAVED ALL their contents. MAIIVIN & CO., No. 721 Chesnut Street, (Masonic Hall). No. 265 Broadway, I?ew York, &VND I OR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, (SECOND-HAND SAFES; HOUSE SAFES. SAFES EXCHANGED. IS 62iorp MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. flTt MANI'FaCTCKISO COMPANY'S XCff b'lOHE. No. 1113 C'llKSMiT Street Wo ruHOoctiullv tall tie attention ol our friends and tbe public uenerally ot our removal to our new unit nandxorue Wsrorooios, UIBAKD hOW, No. 1103 CHESNUi Street, where we have constantly to hunda lurije stock ol our superior tod hlibly Unlit) cd t-iUare anu (trund Pianos. Our instruments bave been awarded tlte highest pre muiDis at all tbe principal exhibitions ever heirt la tins cout try. with numerous testimonials .'join the Irst oiass aitts's In America and urope. 'l l:ej are now the leading Pianos, and are soi lc o pans oi the w orld I'ersms desiring to purchase a fl rut-class Piano at Krsatlv reduced late s xtiou d not tail to give us a cll I'lantis to rent, luulng and moving p'omptly at Umlfdto. 8CHOMAI KFH & CO., a231in No 1103 CUESNCT Street JjST A B L I S .n E D 1 7 9 5. A. S. ROBINSON, French Flatc Looklng-GIasses ESGItAVlSGS PA1ST1SGS, DRAWINGS KT0 Monuiaoturer of all kinds of LooUins-Glfies, Portrait, and Pic ture r l umes to Uruer. No. 610 CHESNUT STREET, THIKD IJCOK AfcOVE THE CON'TINESIAL, , Philadelphia. 8 16 FOR SALE-STATE AND COUNTY RIGLVTg of CapeweU ( Co.'a Patent Wind Onard and All neater 101 torn -auii:si 11 preveuw " imuiuojr tram breaking' 1 uls we will wairuut AUo saves ent third tbe oil. Ca'l ana see tarra they cost but ten eentJ N. iM BACK htrcet. Philsdelptiut. Hautple sent to am part U (as I'nlUd fcUta on meit a cent S lit FURNITURE AND BEDDING. FURNITUKE. RICHMOND & FOREPAUGII, No. 40 South SECOND St., West Side, MAFCFACCTJRIB8 Or SUPERIOR CABINET FURNITURE, ADD UPHOLSTERED GOODS. Parlor ott tn 1 Insh, Heps Hair Cloth, etc MttlTiK-Koom. T)lnU)K-Kom. and t bamber Anita hi ( Walnut, Mahogany, liak, 1 beennt. etc.. together wltli 'rainea imitations 01 tue auove wuous, wmcn come Terr ow. t-honM von desire anything tn onr !n, It win be to your advamaa to cail and examine onr stock, wntofi la as large and vaiird as can be louud anywhere, and PHlttB THE LOWEcT. RICHMOND A FOItEPAUOH, 628 tip. 40 Booth BECOjcD Street QOURTNEY & W1LLITS, Nos. 14 and 16 S. Seventh St., Philada. MAJHJFACTUBER9 OF BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE FURNITURE AND THE ONLY DURABLE IH THE CITY. Also, Bining-Room Furniture, AND BEDDING, constantly on hand. 42Smwr3tn g P R I N G. ' BEDDING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, IIOL10SALK AND RKTAIL, AMD MATERIALS FOB TBS S.AS1B. HEST QUALI1Y AND STYLE OF srRINP MATTRESSES. J. S. FULLER, 41felutb3ra No. 9 8. SEVENTH Street. WHISKY, BRANDY, WINE, ETC. CIIESMT GROVE WHISKY. No. 229 North THIRD Street. It anything: n us wonted to prove the absolute pnrltj ot this Whisky, the toliowing certificate should doit There is no alcoholic stimulant known commanding sue t tcin uiiiiuation iiunt such hlth Bouices: I'liiLADF.LiuiA, September 9. la- We have carefnlly tesicd tho sample of CHLMNTJI GIiOVK WIllriKY which you send us, and find that it contains noe of the ioikonoib pi but an ce known ai Ft bil oil. which Is the characteristic and injurious In ttredieut of the whiskies in general nse. BOOTH, OAKRKTT CAM AC, Analytical Chemists Kew York, fleptemberS. I have analyzed sample ol CHrNUT GnOE HlbKY received irom Air ( harles Wharton, Jr., ol l hiladelphiat and having carelullv tested it, I am pleased to state that it Is entirety free fkom foihonou ob 1ih.uk mm s substances. It is an unusually pur ana llue-Havored quality ot whisky. JAMES R. CHILTON, M.D., Analytical Chetuls Boston. March 7. lf9 I have made a chemlenl analysis of commercial tam pies ot CUKSKITT GROVE WHIMLV, which provesto be tree Ircm the heavy Fusil Oils, and perfectly pure an unadulterated, 'ihe fine flavor of this whisky la derive fiom tbe f rain used in manufacturing It Respectlully. A. A. HA YES. M. D . Mate Aesayer, No. 16 Boyiston street For sale by barrel, dcrrtltonn, or bottle atNo.226Nortb THIRD Street Philadelphia. 43 CELEBRATED CATAWBA WINES. J. W HAMMAB, SOLE AGENT 6 14 thsm22t No. 630 MARKET Street. NATHANS & SONS, IMPORTERS op BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, Etc. Etc. No. 19 North FRONT Street. PHILADELPHIA. MOPES UATHAUB, nORACB A. NATHANS, OI1AHDO D KATBiSB, 119m DENTISTRY. THOUSANDS OF TEETH EXTRACTED KviilA without pain -Patent applied for. My new in voGIl. vention, a Double Reversible Relf-adjaitiiw Ha'cty Valved Inhaler, tor administering Mtrous Oxide tias. and extracting teeth without pain. The only mode that the tias can be p'operly and palely administered, 6 HI m Dr. C. L. MUhJH, So. 731 Bl-RIJCE fctreet. DYEING, SCOURING, ETC. PEM1I STEAM SCOlItlAG ESTABLISHMENT, No. 510 BACE Street. We beg leave to draw your particular attention to our new French hteam Scouring Lstabllshu eut the llrst and only ore ot Its kind In this city. W e do not dye, but by chemical process restore Ladles', Gentlemen's, au Chlldieu's Garments to their original states, wlinoti injuring them in the least, while gieut experience and the Lett aacbluery trout France enable us to warrant pertect satisincticm to ail who may lavor us with tueli pa t roil an o. LAD1KH' KRhhSK.S, of every description, with or without 'irlmrnlni;8, are cleaned and liolshed without being taken apart, whether the color Is genuine or not. Opera Cloaks and Mantillas. Curtains, Table Covers, Carpets. Velvet. Ribbons, Kid Gloves, etc. cleaned and renulxhed lu the best manner. Gentlemen's hummer and Winter Clothing cleaned to pertecti. n without In jury to the stufl. Also Hags and banners Ailkuulsof stains ri moved without c tailing the whole. All orders ere executed nnder our lu mediate suporvtslon. and satisfaction guaranteed In every Instance. A call and examination of our process Is reapectiully solicited. ALMDYLL & MAUV, 312mths No 610 RACE Htieet B. J. WILLIAMS, No 16 North SIXTH Street lA.i;ifAClt7Rtl Ot VENETIAN BLINDS. WINDOW SHADES. Ibe largest and finest assortment in the ctty at tne lowest prices. T6 S luirp MORE SHADES MADE AND LKTTEKID. G KEEN PEAS, GKEEN COKK, I KESH PBACHE3, FRESH TOMATOKS, PLC MS, ALBERT O. ROBERTS DEAL HE IN FINE. OBOCKRIKS, 18 4p Cor. E1EVKKTH and VINE Streets. PACKING BOXES Of all kinds, aid for all use, supp led at short notice. My ad vatutes formakinc are thebes'lnthe city, and trtcei Uwni. t'a l lir a list of prices belore you buy, are tne Hi of Drtc at coiner of TWi I t i H and Miltl K Streets. . fruit dealers supplied. Oibli vv ALBJ8T D. COOKE. FLAGS, FIREWORKS, &o. JplllEWOllKS! . FIREWORKS! IMMENSE DISrLAY OF . : ' . .. PLAIN AND COLORED WORKS, ' . . . ! FOR TRADE SALES AND EXHIBITIONS. . riFX'E8 FROM $4-C0 TO flOO'OO EACH. ROCKETS, UENGOLAS, CRACKERS, ETC. ATTENTION OF COUNTRY AND CITY TRADE. No. 138 South DELAWARE Atciiuc. ,m STILSON & BOYER. JTLAGS! FLAGS 1 FLAGS BUNTING, SILK AND MUSLIN F" XjA. G S, OF EVERT SIZE AND DESCRIPTION. BWORD8, SASHES, BELTS, BASE BALL CAPS. BAhE BALL BELTS ASD MILITARY EQUIPMENTS OF ALL KINDS. WILSON & HUTCHINSON, (Successors to Evans, llnssall k Co.), No. 418 ARCH Street 6 41m rHII.ADELPUIA. EEAGS, FLAGS, FLAGS. FLAGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, AT HORST MAN'S MILITARY DEPOT, 6 lBmwiet FIFTH AND CHERRY STREETS. FIRE "W ORK S, IN GREAT VARIETY, For sale at manniactnrers' prices, by A. H. FEANCISCUS & CO., No. 513 MARKET Street, AND No. 510 COMMERCE STREET. Goods ordered direct from factory. t o order accepted alter July 1. 61 dim CARPETINGS, &o JUST RECEIVED, YARD-AND-A-IIALF-WIDE VELVET CARPETS 2fEW DESIGNS. J. F. & E. IS. OlUE, No. 904 CIIESNTJT STREET, 3-4 T-8, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, WHITE, RED, AND FANCY (J ANTON MATTINGS, J. F. & E. B. ORNE, No. 904 CHESNUT STREET JJNGLIS1I BRUSSELS, FOR STAIRS AND HALLS, WITH EXTRA BORDERS! J. F. & E. B. DUNE, No. 904 CIIESNTJT STREET 500 FIE C E S NEW PATTERNS ENGLISH TAPESTRYBRUSSELS. J. F. & E. B. 0BNE, No. 904 It 30 Jmrp CHESNUT STREET. ICE COMPANIES. JEEF COOL II KEEP COOL ! I CHARLES S. CARPENTER & CO., WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL ICE D E A Tj Ei R S t No. 717 WILLOW, Above Franklin St. Families supplied satisfactorily and at reduced ratos. Dealera aud large consumers lurulsbad on reasonable lerma. CHAKLKH 8 CABPKNTKH. JOHN (jLENDEMNU, J08LPH JS. TBCMAN, Jr., Hilm "m P roprietors. EASTERN ICE COMPANY. SEASON OF Uttt. 8 lbs. daily. 60 cent, per ek I'llbsdatlv. , 3Sci n't per weai Id lbs. dliy, kit oenie per week i 29 lbs daily. 1D Lir uttk. I'eput. No 241 tjl'KEN Mreet U!gwTW.d. TllOMB J. LNOMt, 01 JOliJk . MTiJUt. WATCHES, JEWELRY ETC. T I N E W A T C II REPAIRING, Attended to by tbe moat tkiliul workmen, and cvory Watch warranted. 1 IEENCH CLOCKS called for, repaired, and re turned. 5 265 G. RUSSELL & CO., No. m North SIXTH St. 'LEWIS .LADOJUrrc?" piAMOXD DEALER & JFR ELER win iim, iiniist a FILTER WiRR, II Owtngto tbe decline ot Gold, baa made a treat re duction In price of bis large and we.') assorted stock af DiamoTulsi Watches. Jewelry, Silverware, Etc. Tbe public are respectfully Invited to can and examine eur stock before purchasing elsewhere. 3 2S SILVER AND FLATED GOODS, OF THE Most Superior Workmanship, AT THE NEW STORE, 704 ARCH STREET. No. Tbe undersigned (late Of the famous RoRors Bros'. Manufacturing Company) respectfully announce that tbey bave opened in f and hesutiiu, store tor tbe sa.e ol BILVfR and J'LAll 1 WaHK. at No 704 Ak(H ttreot. Our ions opulence as manuiaclurers wi I enable os to ke, p nothing but flnt-claxs Goods and thoe who msy patronize our store will llnd ourp'ated goods tar superior to any ever Imported, and our cus tomers n ay rely on tbe goods being precisely wbat they it iruivtemvu iu vv. 8 2bi BOWMAK LEONARD, WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. j MUSICAL BOXES. A full areortment ol above poods constantly on band at modeiate prices tbe Musical Boxes playing irom z to iu oi auuiui aiis. PAEE & BE0THER, Importers. No. 824CHEt,NUX 8TKEKT, inifmU)rp Below Fourth. RICH JEWELRT JOHN BRENNAN, DEALER IN DIAMONDS, FINE WATCHES, JEWEL11Y Etc. Etc. Etc 9 2C Fo. 18 S. EIGHTH Sx BT, I'hiUua, SHIPPING. FOIt SAVANNAH, OA. THK PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN MAIL 8TB AU BUI f COMPANY'S HEUIiLAB LINE, SAILING tVEBY BATUKUAY. Cabin Passage 81.0 00 Leek Pswsage W)v0 TbeStennisblo " T O N A W A N D A," Will commence receiving Irelgbt tor tbe above port, at UaCL htrtet Wuart, on aAiUUUA Y, June A at 10 o'clock A. 11. hblppera are requested to send bills ot lading with Ibeir goods. Ibe Sta e-room accommodations of this steamer are ol a superior and cumiuouiuus character. Freight taken lor CliurKston. tt. c , aud lorw aided via Bavannah with quick dexiiatcti. No bull of ludini; signed alter vessel leaves the wharf. H,sJ M. KLA AUAN, No 420 Houth LiELAW ARE Avenue. t or freight or passage apply to 1LLIAM C. HARRIS. Freluht and Passenuer Aufnt. SUtf No. 2( b NurtaDtLAWAUi. Avenue. HAMILL'8 PASSAGE OFFICE. ilBKRNlA." "COI.CMBIA- OALtlQlA." "UAtaBUIaV' "liKll ANN IA," "INDIA.' ' Pteaui to LlVtKl OOL LONDONDEREY, BELFAHT, DUB LIB NWUY, ( OliK, AND ULdbliOW. KATE.- OF PA.-SAGK. PAYABLE IN PAPB C'VKBENCY. CABIN8 1X), 80, and $70 aTk.i.ItAG 3 'iHt, PAID CfcK'tlUt ATKS Issued for bringing out passenger irom the above points at LOWER RATES TO A II ANT OTHER LINK. : Also, to and irom ALL, Al(Jl8 ON THE IR1RH RAILWAY SPEUIALNOI ICE Passengers will tuke oarticulsr no ice that tbe ' Anchor I Ine" is the onlv line vruuting tbieutb ilckets at tbe above rates from Philadelphia u tbe points named above, aud that tbe undersigueu lg tbe uujv iii iy auinorueu Agent in r niiautipuia. Apply to W. A HaMILL, Boie Agent for "AN t BOH LINE" 115 No. S17 WALNUT Street. ;JCnj s RcGULAIi LINE FOB HART kJLFORD. CONN., direct, via tne DKt.A. Ihe ateauier U.-AN, Cupittiu Vandevcer, now loading at the eecoud wbart below SPKUCL Street, will leave as auove on itiuiuiua i next, uist msisnt. Frclkhta on reasonable forms Apply to WILLIAS1 li. BAUlD & CO.. w6J8t iLL32 Q"h WBARVt:8. w ITJia FOR NEW TOR K. PRILADEL' aaaMni'iiii i Ti delphia Steam Propeller romuanv De- .L4Ui.li bHiiisure Lines, via xieiaware ana Kantaii anal, leavlrg dai y at l'i 11. and 5 p. Ja., connecting with ail Northern and Kastern lines. For freight, which wM lie tsren upon accommodating ir, u,D, .1 uiy iai 11,1'in ju , At n lllf ai V jt. 3 10 No. U2H. DLL A W A liH Avenue Tf O SHIP CAP1AINS AND OWXF-RS.THB A. nnnersignea navina; ieaoea tbe KKiSSlNGlOM kCltLW DOC K.beKk to In orni bis frienasand ihepatruns nt the luck that be 1. prepared wltb increaaca fachities to accommodate those having vesse a to be raised ot repaired and being a praclcal sulp-carnenter and caulker, wl 1 itlve personal attention to tbe vessels en trusted to blm 'or repairs. t attains or Aleuts, fhip Carpenters, and Machinists having vessela to repair, are solicited to call. Iinvlng ibu agtincy lor ibe aa:e of Wetterstedt's Patent .Vlemllic t omposltlou" lor i opper Paint for Ui iieserTatlon of vessels' bottoms, fcir tbisclt;, 1 am pre paied to turn lab tbeaame on lavor.b.e ienns. JOHN 11. HAM MITT. Kens nji Ion eoiew Dock, 1 1 S DELAWARE Avenue , above I-A UBJCL Street. SHIRTS, FURNISHING GOODS, Ae J W. SCOTT & CO., 6HIET MANUFACTTJREES, AKJ DEALERS IN j MEN'S FUItNlSlIINO C100D3. Wo. 814 CHESNUT Street, , FOUR IOOR8 Hi LOW THE "CONTINENTAL,". 8J6 5IP PU11ADELFU1A. PATENT SHOULDER-SEAM SlilUT MANUKAOTOHY, ' AKD tJFNTLEMEN'8 KURKISIIIKO STUiiE. rrnficT nnuo miB-a and deav.'ers made irom mtasurtuitnt atvery abort notice. Ali ether ajtlciea of CEN ILEUKNM DRESS G0OUS In lull larletr. " " & CO., . MI ho. m CilEBNU'I street. t LEGAL NOTICES. TNTHE COURT OF COMMON Pt-E A r OR TUB X rilY AND COUNT Y OF PHILADELPH A. ADLLAILS MLhX FK.br etc , va BERNASD ' HERDER ToPFSNAFDMERCSR Respondent i iih ounce mat o posiin ns. on nenair or tne iiD'iian In the above ease, will be taken before Char es N. Mann Esq., rxsmrtiev. at hlst tTcs, northwest corner ot Flit sniii reen streefs.cn THI'R DAY July l'i, 1R at 11 o decks A. at., whtaaad where von may attend If yoA tblnk proper. . .. . josM'HM P1LK. 0 12 lftt Attorney lor Llbellanfc STOVES. RANGES, &o. TJNION OIL STOVES,- A new and complete apparatus for Cooking and Ueatrn by Pettoleum Oil. Our Stoves give no smoke or odor, and are not liable to get ent ot older, being aa simple In every respect ai a Kerosene Lamp. 1 be Baker, Brolfcr, and Flat-Iron Beater are the only special articles ef foT- Itnre required. For all other purposes, ordinary stovs lurnlture may be used. DAVID II. LOSEY, BOLE AGENT FOB. PENNSYLVANIA, ' No. M South riFTn Street. liberat ditcotmt to the trad 4 17 3m n QULVER'S NEW PATENT DEEP BAUD-JOINT HOT-AIR FURNACE. RANGES Or ALL. BIZES. ALSO, FHIF-GAU'S 1NEW LOW PRESSUBB STEAM UEATiatJ APPARAIUS. TOH 8AL BY CHARLE8 WILLIAMS, bio 8 Ko. ii 2 market htkelt. THOMPSONS IiONDON KITCHENER, OH EUROPEAN RANOK, lor families, hotels, or nublio mstitu'lons In TWKNTY DlFr KKhNT S1Z18. AIo. l'hl adelnhia Ranirna. llni.Ai. k'. races Portable Heaters, Lowdown Orates. Flreboard, Stoves, Halt Hollers, hiewho e Piales, Droller, Cook Ing Stoes, etc., wholesu e ana r- tall, bv tbe Dianui.o turors C11ASE, r HARP & THOMPSON, JU Stuth6m NQ.JW N Hr:COM Street CIGARS AND TOBACCO. A DINT TO TOBACCO CHEWKRS WEDDING-CAKE FINE CUT TOBACCO. The only FINE CUT TOBACCO ever manafacturett In Ph'ladclpbla. Tlio Best in the Market. EVE 11 Y BODY USES IT. Manufactured from the Best Leaf. SOLD EVERY WUhRE. 611 Factory, 8.E. corner Broad and Wallace Streets MISCELLANEOUS. JpITLER, WEAVER & CO., A1ANCFAC1XKEKS OF Manilla and Tarred Cordage, Cords Twines, Etc., No. i3 North WATER Sttcet and No. 32 North DKLAWaRB Avenue, miLADELTHIA. Idwis U, rm.FB, Michael WvB, COKBAD y CLOmiKB. 1 14 QEORGE I'LOWjMAN, CAItPENTEK AND BUJI.DER. No. 232 -CARTER Street "And No. 141 DOCK Street. Machine Woik and AllllwrliLUiig promptly attends at) OO K N K X C II a X O E K AO MANUFACTOHY. JOHN T. BAll.KV s CO., No. 113 N. FKONT and No. 114 N. WATER street. Priiiadalphla, DEALERS IN b A(iS A FD BAGGING oi every ocscilption, lor Gialn, Flour, Halt, superphosphate oi Linio, Bona Dust, Kic. Iarse and small GO NY BAGS canstantlv on hand. 2 22J Also. WOOL SACKS. ' Johm T. Bailet. James Casoadrk. T. J- M c Q U I G A Importer and Wholesale Dealer a FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, io, FIREWORKS, FLAGS, Etc WATCHES AND BLACKING, NO. HTItAWHKHHY STREET, First Street above Second between Marketand cbesniat 0 Pmilapuhia MONUMENTS, TOMBS, GRAVE-STONES, Etc. Jnst oompleted,a beautliul rariet; ot n ALI AM BABBLE A10J.U11EKIS, . TOM lib, AND WHAVE-ST0NB3, W ill be sold cheap ror cash. ' Work sent to any part of tbe United SVtoea. HENRY S. TAKR, HAKBJLK WORK 3. 124wfn Wo. 710 GHKm Street, PhUadelphl. MONUMENTS AKD GRAVESTONEsi-OJI . band, alartie asortmentof Uravestones, of vari ous designs n aue ot the finest Italian and American Aiarbieat tbeaiarbie Worasol 1 il fnths3m RirGE Avenue, bei'ow Eleventh st'ree J O. P E R K I N LUMBER MERCHANT 8. 8uecetsor to K. Clark, Jr No. 824 CHRISTIAN STREET, Constantly on band a largo and varied aasorfmea of Buildins' Lumber. 6 BB 1 D K 8 B U li (i MACHINE) WOKKi" OFnct, . Ho. 69 N. FKON T 6TKEKT. PBlLADKU'iiia. weuenoVo,P'l"a m orte to any extent tar otu MAI DIM EUY FOR COTTON ANO WOOLLBN MILLS, a ml'Vv f'iivln "utat ,nP"TnntuJ Caroln Spinning, viorVs,e'ie ,l "t'on """nutacturera to ear xtea 1'5 ALFKXD JIVIS a anw WILLIAM S. OliANT M COMMISSION MERCHANT. No. S3 8. DELAWARE A v. uue. Phlidclnhla Dnprnt's Gunpowder, Letlned Nitre, Charcoal. Kto V. Laker A- t. o "s bocoluto. t oco., and ti?,InV. andNu'ua'f llrM- -t 0 ' yA bhnaSBtM A LEVANDKIt O. CATTKf.T. rn PRODUCE COMMISSION' MERCHANTS io. suniu WbARVES, ' NO 21 NORTrjVATl' B STREET, 1 WIL.DELi-UlA. COTTON AX1) FLAX " SAIL DCiK AND CANVah. Tf Ato,. 1 rnnh. end wiWSuJiTw. Paperlanuiuet.irrs' 1 rier Fel .. trora one to uJ lvctwtcei rtulim. Lelting. Hail Twl'li eta JuhN V. EVKKMAN ,V 'o ' ; -s 1"3 JONES- Alley. sj- n 1 v I rl rX Trui.t n , .. k " w ATt. ite- .hlrt;"vVH"V".,.f n"ct.-? a. lu.iuiurn iiiu hkii ill an ii.d . . ,1 .ji... ,.... oxiinneQ vac. taint Oradui.iln. i "'." Teiuiuin. others fu:iniii;i l-m,,,. o, ' ana vur ety of ? ro, "sTns'rles duiled bv a Lad v. -aJiea apurtiuenfs oon- "it ' ! .,muca oi n and ml other Surtlfn ., .7, ' .. .;"'. .rFV;;,T ','Vr'VV' V, .,,'y lcn..r to ail o.liem at N .. .. , r '.i'.ut.B u, ua must tiBtiunteta "'siusTur