The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, June 19, 1866, FOURTH EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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For Additional Local Item tee Third rage.
Ete., Eir I.e., Etc, Kt., Etc, Et.
A rest'oss onorry, an unwavering application to
the caros and anxiotios of businoss, hare beoome
marked characteristics ot the American people; to
much ao, in fact, that we hare otten safTeied the
lepreacb abroad ot' being exclusively dovotcd to
this single art of money -ma king. But of late years
we hare baen permuted to chronicle many oronU
which (to far towards showing that there has been
change for the better in this respect.
Out-door sports and paetimos of all kinds are
becoming more and more popular every day. This
is especially noticeable in the cities an 1 larger towns
situated on the seaboard and on the courses at ttio
great river, where there is ready acocss to Targe
bodios of water, f-culling matchos and regattas
have indeed become a'most of everyday occurrence
during the proper season. Philadelphia has not
been behind her nclatilors in this respect, as has
been amply proved by the earnestness with which
many of her citizens have entered Into sports ot this
But it was reserved for the Regatta of this morn
ing to surpass all previous undertakings.
At an early hour the crowd commenced irs march
on the t erry to Federal street, Camden, from whioa
point the start was to te made. When our reporter
bad succeeded in reaching the other side of the
river, he found the piers, docks, and broken-down
steamboats, which form the chief attraction to the
denizens ot our Jersey suDurb, entire! covered by
an anxious and expoo'.aut throng.
With a sublime disregard oi the cost of shoe
leather, each particular Individual was devoting all
his energies to the task oi clambering over of
coal and lumber in ttie vain endeavor to gain a soot
from which he could have an unobstructed view of
ah the surroundings. Sundry uicrnn, ot the irre
pressible stamp, had expended an indefinite amount
ot breato in ascending tenets ten feet in
height aud half an inch in thickness, wftile here and
there the ragged line was broken by a pair of glis
tening patent-leathers ana a high-crowned hat,
whicn indicated that ihe owner had arrived at an
age approaching niaurky. The ladies who had
craved the opportunity ot witnesring the start were
comiortabiy quartered in the Becond story oi the
boat-house aujoiniug ihe teriy.
As fa' as the weather was concerned nothing
more luvoiable to the comlort ot spectators could
have been desired the e.nbryo aog-uavs through
wh cli we have been sweltering lor a week oast
appearea to be over; the stid' breeze blowing was
suilieient to lash ibe Deiaward into a mimte sea.
But here was the dlffl ulty. Old watermon who
had followed the tide until they were tanned to a
leatnerv hue, declared witn grave sbakes ot the
head and mysteriu ejaculations, that something
iearlul in Ihe way of accident was sure to happen.
Yet the ardor of no one was dampened therebv;
Captaiu Kisey was every where, while judges, com
mit tei men, and various other functionaries made
day hideous with an uproar of commands and ex
At half past eight there were a goodly numbor ot
vessels on hand prepared to enter upon the contest.
Jo these, additions wero made at every moment.
1 his was. Indeed, the most interesting part of tne
whole performance. Oil the shore lay the Commo
dore's acht the Scud, suorting a fanoitut array ot
bunting, and sunououed by scows and tugs vith
like fanciful decorations. In and out between these
the different vorselsttiat weie to take part in the
race were seen waiting their way, under a full
stretch of canvas, their gunwales fairly dipping in
tho water, and the.r sails reeling to and lro like
drunken men.
Nine o'clock was the hour appointed for the start,
and punctually to the time, some eight or tea small
gunning skiffs were arranged side by side, and
moored to the landing. Then came he tug of war
among the captains of these ambitious craft One
swore roundly that his beat was but fifteen fe"t one
inch and a quarter in length, while that of his next
nemtiuor waB iuii mieeu loot iwu menus uuu nun.
Of course he was unwilling to sot sail with such
fearful odds against him.
The judges grew hoarse before the difficulty was
adjnsted. But adjusted it was at last, and every
thing made ready, when one of the little tubs broke
loose from its moor nirs, gave one or two turns, and
then gracefully keeled over into the water. For
moment aifairs were decided mixed, and rather un.
certain. 1 he crew had consisted of two men, and it
whs impossible to discover how many had perished.
Jn another moment however, the head of the cap
tain emerged irom the waters, and the first mate,
boatswain, and carpenter all in one was seen
astride the upper gunwale of his craft
When tho excitement caused by this mishap had
subsided, tho preparations were attain made, and at
hall-past nine tho vessels of the sixth class got fairly
under way. Tbey consisted of running skirls, of
abont fi I teen feot in length, and were named and
commanded as follows i
fashion, Captain Gore; Rescue, Captain CafTrey :
Little Charley. Captaiu Kirk; Lower, Captain
.Lower: and lla, tap tain Smith.
The fifth class open, square-sterned skiffs, from
fifteen to sixteen feet in length were the next to
start. But here there was another mishap this
time from a brokon tiller. A lack-knife soon fash
ioned the other end ot tho rotten helm, it was
thrust again into the mortice hole, and off they
started, six in number, and named and olloered as
Jack Cade, Captain Cade; Little George, Captain
Sbeppard; Ben Coomlie, Caotain Mastori; Colonel E.
I), Baker, Captain Henry; Lieutenant Preston, Cap
tain Parsel ; and the Annie, Captain Uolan.
But before the vessels of the fifth class had time
to git clear of the whatf the fastenings of the tourth
class, which were moored immediately in their rear,
rave way, and they were down upon them in a trice.
The first aspect of this mishap was chaotic, the
second disastrous.
I he large vessels that ought to have remained quiet
lor a little longer seemed determined uuon going
ahead ; the mall vessels whose duty it was to make
headway seemed bent noon standing still. This was
bad enough but in the midst of the jumble a man
coutmed to get overboard, and before he was la'.rlv
fished out ol the water, one ot the Iareer cratt had
capsized, and its crew, oousistiug of four men, all
told, were floundering about aud attempting to stride
the gunwale
V ben this unhappy tangle was reso'ved, the main
diiliculties oi the clay wore over, and everything
thereafter passed otfsmoottily. '
The vessels of the remaining classes1 experienced
no great difficulty or delay, and at naif-past 10 the
Commodore's yacht, wiih toe accompanying escort,
rounded to ana beaded down the river.
Shortly alter the steamer Portsmouth followed,
with a large tarty oi excursionists eager to view the
race on board.
1 he total number of vessels which effected a start
was ouo hundred and eighteen, but betore they had
reached the Mavy Yard several more were capsized.
The race will be determined ou their return to ibe
Navy Tard, which point they arc expected to reach
between 2 and 8 o'clock.
Brutal Assault ok a Colobkd Wo
man Two white men were arrested last night at
Broad aud Lombard streets, on the charge oi com
mitting an aggravated assault on a colored woman.
1 One of the men gave the name of Harrison if enry,
and suited that he resided at No. 63U Huruce street.
The other man made good his escape, and has not
yet bem captured. The woman alleged that she
wason her av home, being obliged to return late
at night irom ber employment as a cook, and that
tne pa' ties named waylaid her, and were about to
maltreat be, when she succeeded in getting loose
irom ineir grasp, and running consldoraote dis
tance. Alter proceeding aa far as she was able, one
of the men run her up an alley, whore the assault
was about being renewed. Her screams attracted
the attention of the police, who took the aooused
into custody. At the hcurlnv beiore Alderman
Bwift the statements of the injured woman wore
nuite alluding. Ucury was hula to answer lu tlWO
St. JoDira Episcopal Church, Cape
Islamd, N. J. It is proposed to hold a Fa r at Cape
Is. and City, Cape May, during the approaoniug
bathing season, the prooeed. to be appropriated to
the building ot ao Episcopal Church. A desirable
lot was purchased la.t Fall, and the eotner-otone laid
with appropriate ceiemonies, at ihe corner of Frank
lin snd Washington streets Ihe church bul ding
will be commenced and pushed forward to eomp e.
tion as toon as the necessary lanot are obtained.
Several donations have already bsn made.
1 he importance ot occupying this post will be evi
dent to all who consider the vast numuer of invehls
and pleasure-seekers who Visit this little "city by the
sea," during the summer months The great interest
which has been naniiesbd hitherto in the services of
the Chuioh, loads us to believe, confidently, that we
shall have ibe hearty sympathy and co-operation of
manv strangers from neighboring cities, who will
giadly aid us in rearing a neat and commodious edi
fice, iu whioh all may Join in the worship of Almighty
iiod, aud where any Episcopal olorgyman, in good
standing, will have a rivht to preach. ;
Ihe loilowing nan cd ladles will give their ialoos
eflort to fuitber the good cause, ana will be happy
to n colve an thing suitable lor tne Fnlr. whlca it is
Intended shall take place at Cape Island, the third
week in July i
Mrs. E. A Souder, Miss Lonl.a Clagboro, Mrs.
Frederick Fa rthome, Mrs. J. Van Kens e acr, Mrs.
1 Bulger, Mrs. 8. C. oinis, Mrs. William 8. Forbes,
Mm John ti. Sfovcns, tfrs, John U. Weitaoy, Mrs.
Dr. Learning, Mrs A. F. Sabine, Mrs. Louisa Pea
cock, Miss A. L. C.ark, Mrs. Mary Vandervort,
Contributions in money and materials, and of
useful and fancy articles, may be sent, during the
present month, lo Mrs E A. Souder, No. 238 Fine
street, and alter that date to Mrs. J. Van Kensse
laer, at Cape Island, or to Edmund A. eSouUer, No.
8 Dock Htieet Wharf.
1 he West Jersey Express, No. 6 Walnut street,
will reoeive and take charge of articles intended
for the Fair.
House Kobbebt. A house located at
the corner of Duponcean street and Locust was
entered and robbed a few' nidits since ot a number
ot valuable articles and goods to a considerable
amount. A man named Botz has been charged with
committing the offense, In connection wita others,
among whom is a porson named Miller. It is
alleged thnt Betz, after stealing the goods took
them to a Mr. Jones, whore they were deposited lor
tafe-keep'ng, and that It was agreed that the profits
arising irom the sale of the artioics should be shared.
The parties arrested had a hearing before an Alder
man, when their guilt was sufficiently established
to warrant the btnoing over of Jones, on the oUargo
of receiving stolen go ds, In the sum of $800, and
Miller in 8600 to answer at Court.
A Quick Trip. The-new steamer Toni
vanda arrived this morning from Savaunan iu llio
unpreccdentedly short tirrc oi iiity-eigtit hours irom
wharl to wharf. The Tonawanda bolongs to the
goutbern Steamship Line, and is commanded by
Captain Jacob Teal, a gentloman well known in the
marine service. J his is the first trip made by this
vessel, and its sailing qualities are considered admi
rable. It is a matter of satisfaction to know that
we have at Inst secured a line of steamers to ply
regularly between Philadelphia and Southorn ports.
It is to bo hoped that our merchants will oatronize
the line liberally, as it mast be ot immense advan
tage to our city.
Omt Bbick Pilkp. Yesterday afternoon
we published the particulars of the drcaoiul acci
dent which occurred at Ninth and tSoutb streets, by
which a littlo boy wa instantaneously killed, by
being crumbed by acr against a pile of bricks. We
areiuforii ed that there is a pilo of bricks of ex
actly sinn ar character in Race street, below Fourth,
and we know ot other, in various parts of the city.
The at tout Ion of bunders shou d be called to this
matter, a loss of life may occur in this way at any
IIiQHWAY KoBBERV. A man who gave
the name ot Peter Donahuo, it is alleged, attacked a
gentleman la-t night at Ninth and Chesnut streets,
and alter knocking him down ran-acked his packets
and stole tnorelrom some loose change amounting
to five dollars. Tho accused was arreBted and taken
beiore Alderman Swift, to whom all the (acts per
taining lo the case were reveaed. Donahue stated
that he resided at No. 610 Spruce street. He was
held in S1000 to answer tor the alleged offense.
FiuiifG Pistols. Complaints were made
before the Mavor this moruing of a numbor ot
unruly boys and young men at Fitteeuth and
Thompson streets, who are in the habit ol firing
pistols. So serious has tne annoyance become, that
residents are in danger from the weapons used by
those young outlaws. The Mayor has given instruc
tions to the officers to arrost all who are found
engaged in this unlawml practice.
Fbknch Almanac M. Marell, editor of
the Mestager Franoo-Americain, has published a
French Almanac and Directory. The voinme con
tains 266 pages, and is full of statistics in regard to
France and this country. 1 ho tax tables and othr
statistics oi the United States are of great value. The
book oontains, also, a direc'ory of-French resi
dents oi dciw York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and St.
Found Dbowned. An unknown white
man was found drowned this morning at Lombard
street wharf. The deceased was 6 ieet 8 inches
high, bad black hair, and was baid on the top oi his
head. He wore a moustache and imperial, and had
on a black sack coat. In one of his pockets was
found an iron chain and brass key. The Coroner
took charge oi the body.
Assault and Battery. John McGi:ti-
gan was arrested last evening by Officer Hamilton,
at Sixth and Lorn turd streets, on thu charge of com
mitting an assault and battery. He was taken
before Alderman Butler, when he had a bearing,
and he was hold to answer in the sura of 400.
Cbtjelty to an Animal. John White
was arrested jester any afternoon, at Tenth and Mar.
ket streets, on the charge ot beating a mu'e in an un
merciful manner. He had a hearing beiore Alder
man Jones, and was committed to answer iu default
cl the payment oi tne tine imposed.
House Robbed. The dwelling of Mr.
Mullen, No. 1517 Sansom street, was entered last
night from the first story, and robbed oi $75 in
greenbacks and a silk dress. lQ3m"ney ana dross
were taken from a burea i drawer. The thief made
good his escape.
"A Wise Physician, skilled on wonders to heal,
la more than armies to the public weal." So said
Homer, three thousand years ago. A wise physician,
in our day, will present the medicines which expe
rience has shown to be efficacious. Especia'ly in
seasons ol epidemic, he will be slow to try experi
ments upon bis patients; to the credit of the great
body of the proieesors ; we record that they recom
mend and prescribe AIARSDEN'S 'ASIATIC
CHOLERA CURE to their patients. The foimnla,
according to which it is prepared, commends Itself
to their reason a priori, and experience proves a
posteriori -tuat its operation is just what was to
have been anticipated aud was desired. Depot,
JkO. 187 Broadway, Aew Yvrk. For sale by all drug
gists. Ibx Dismated Doo-Catchkr
There was dog-catcher as bold
t As e'er was in that corps enrolled,
Espied a biack-and-tau
Unmuzzled terrier oue day
1 rotting along the publio way,
And quick to seizo him ran ;
But the dog's master then he saw,
And started back iu sudden awe,
Nor dared affront a man
Who in such grand apparol shone
As comes irom Tower Hall alouo.
We have
All-tcool fancy Cassimere Pants, as low at SM 00
' " " Vests " ... 2 50
" Llack " Pouts .... fi 00
" " Cloth Vests 4 00
" Fancy Cassvnere Suits, to match 14 00
Black Suits 20 00
Advancing from these rates vie have goods of all
graats, up to tneverynnetit laortcs, at prices reaucea
in proportion Men's, Youths', and Boys'. ThoU'
f Bennett & Co.,
No. 618 Mabket Stbket,
Jio Betteb Blood Purifies can be obtained
than lr. Jayne'b Altebative. It contains no
concealed poisous, no merourial or other metallio
preparations, but is a combination of those article
which long exptrience has proven to possess the
most efiioient alterative and ueobstrueat properties.
It acts directly on the blood, stimulates the diges
tive and secretive organs, and enables the Liver,
KMnevs. etc.. to perform their Dronur Innnlinns.
Its efficacy is established by its long-sustained oopu
larlty, and by the many cureiit has efieoted, a num
ber ot whioh are published each year in Jayno's
Almanac Head them and be convinced. Prepared
only at No. 242 Cbonnut street.
Grove a k Bakeb's Highest Premium Klastio
Stitch and Lock-Stitch Sewing Machines. No, 7iJ0
Cuueuut itrevt,
HTotmo Wim t
A WiitE, grown on the sunny slope or Spain the
get nine Juice of the grape in all it purity, as be
stowed upon as by the benefloent UrVBB, and such
as b, alone, consistent with Christian teachings
not intoxicating In the least will supply a want
greatly folt in this country.
fcucH u HraiEsio Wise,
the Great Imported Tonic, Aromatic.
It 1 conscientiously reoommended to Ladies, as
it will soothe the nerve 4, renew the blood, and
gently stimulate and Invigorate the system.
Allot sedate habits ministers, lawyers, and pro.
fossional men, possessing constitutions more delicate
than others of less confining labors those who ex
pend a great deal ol vitality in braln woik, win t
once acknowledge the superiority of tins restorative.
Bemkmbkb, it leaves behind none of the baneful in
fluences oi alcoholic preparations.
It Cbeates a Healthy Appetite.
We warrant that, upon trla', Hygienic Wins
will be found to be the finest, most delicious, and
healthful Tonic known. Try it to bo convinced.
Sold Everywhere.
French, Richards i Co.,
Agents for Pennsylvania.
Js. B. Hygienic Wine is an imported Ionic;
it has the approval of the "Imperial School of
Medicine of Paries," and was tested by tbe Com
mittee on Chemistry of tbe American Mndloal Asso
ciation which assembled in Baltimore, Mav 1, 1866
and indorsed by fifty-six prominent meinbors with
their Signatures.
It has ikow been six years since tho Great Paoiflo
Kan road was oommenced, and although an im
mense and devastating war ol lour years has intor
veucned, the work on the road has never been
suspended. It has also been about six years since
Charles Stokes & Co openod their celobrated "one
price" Beady-made Clothing House, undor the Con
tinental, and notwithstanding the manv and violent
commotions tbioughout the country, this Clothing
House stands, a prosperous institution. Its success
is doubtless owing to tho fact of tbe customers
always getting the bent goods and at tli lowest
price. Charles Ktoke & Co., First-class Clothiers,
Ino. 824 Chesnut street.
Ho! fob the Country! But if you go be careful
to omit nothing which can contribute to your health
and enjoyment. Without health and vigor there
can bono real eijoyment. If, therefore, yoursvstom
shows signs of relaxation, be sure to use MARS
DES'S CALISAYA TOXIC, which will restore
the vital forces to their proper tone and action.
The Calisava Baik is par excellence. Tbe Tonic,
and this preparation, is confessedly the best made
irom that renowned remedy. Depot, Xo. 4S7 Broad
way, Xev York. For sale by all druggists.
FineArtc In consequence of the warm weather
last week, the balance oi passed pictures from the
rale ot tine oil paintings belonging to the American
Art Gallery, New York, will be sold this evenimr,
ct Scott's Art Gallery, No. 1020 Chesnut street,
bv B. $cott, Jr. This 1- the last sale oi the season.
The paintings are io be sold without any reserve;
and we advise those who want good pictures to
atuid the sa'e. There will be about one hundred
specimens of the American, Flemish, French, Eu
lib, and DuseeldO'-t schools.
Truspeb. To avoid alt cloth, leather, and rag
coveied rusting, filthy Trusses, with thir chafiuir,
blistering and strapping, go to I B See ey's ' Hard
Kutbtr Truss" Estahllshmont, So. 1347 Chesnut
street, where yon will find the cleanest, liehtest,
easiest, and best Truss known ; uer3 in bathing, liued
to lorm. Pamphlet free. Lady attendant.
Fimale IrcSoKS, Braces, Supporters, Elastic
Belt, and Stockings, liirht and elesant in finish,
adjusted by a ladv, at Needles', fweltth streot, first
door belpw Ituce
Bulwer Lytton sayb that a refined gentle
man may always o known bv the perfumes he uses.
In American society it is recognized as a mark oi
elevated taste to patron'zo Phalon's "Nieht Bloom
ing Cereus." Its purity, freshness, nud dolouoy
commend it to all persons of poetic taste and lee;
log. Concord Patriot.
Eeduckd Prices. Photographs of superior exe
cution and variety of pleasing st les made ai mode
rate cost ow is trie time to secure au invaiuab e
likeness, at B. F. Iie.mer's Gallery, No. 624 Arch
Grandmother's Gingerbread. Excollont.
Buv it ol G. Byion Morse, No. 904 Arch street.
"lubricative packinif ior steam engines. lor terms
see 723 chusnnt st., pbUa., and 26 dey st., new york.'
7 80s, 5-208, 18818.10-408, Compound Interest Notes,
and Gold and bilver bought and sold by
Drexel h Co.,
No. 84 S. f bird Street.
Compound Interest Notes. 7 8-10 and 6-20s
wanted, lie Haven & Brother, No. 40 S. Third tit.
Popular Tailoring.
Keady-made Clothing,
FiE Custom Work.
Wanamakeb & Brown,
Oak Hall,
Southeast corner Sixth and Mabket Streets.
DAVIS NEFF. On the 10th instant, by Roy. W.
Thorn, Captain W. DAVIS, of this city, to Miss
ANNA E. NEFF, of Cumberland county, Pa.
instant, by the Key. J H Kennard. Mr. tlKNUY C.
both oi Montgomery county , Pa.
BRUBE1N. Suddenly, on the 16th Inst., SOPHIA
F., wile of Francis Brurein, and beloved daughter of
Catharine and the late John Spielberger, in the 83d
year ol ber age.
Tbe relatives and friends of the family are respect
fully Invited to attend the tuneral, tiom the residence
of her husband, No. 016 N. Twelith street, on
Wednesday afternoon at 8 o'clock. To proceed to
Monument Cemetery.
HAMBKIGtir. On the 17th instant, afler a linger
ing illness, M N. HAMBKIGHl.
His relatives and male triends are invited to at
tend his funeral, irom his late residence, No. 82 S.
Kirbttcnth street, on the 21st instant, at 4 o'clock
HF.YDBICK. On the 16th instant, ABRAHAM
HkYDUICK, in the 68th year ot his age.
I he relatives and friends oi the family aro respect
fully invited to attend his funeral, irom his late resi
dence, Chesnut Hi'l. en Wednesday morning, thi
20th in.-tant, at 10 o'clock.
HOOVEH On Baturdpy. the 16tb inslant, after a
long and severe illness, which she bore with Chris
tian lortitude, Mrs. KLIZaBKIH, wife ot Captain
James Hoover, in tbe 64th year of ber age.
The relatives and friends of the family are respect
fully invited to attend the funeral from her late resi
dence, No. 136 On as streot, on Wednesday afternoon,
the 20th instant, at 2 o'clock, without iurtuer notice.
To proceed to Odd Fellows' Cemetery.
MAY, On the 15th instant, ANNIE, daughter of
Captain Jonathan and Catharine May, aged 2J years
and 9 months.
Tbe relatives and friends of the family are respect
tullv invited to attend her lunerul. fiom ber parents'
residence, No. KJ2 s. Front street, on Wednesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock.
WELSTKR. Or ' unday, the 17th instant, IDt,
daughter oi the late William Webster, Esq., iu the
12th year of ber aire.
Funeral on Thursday, the 21st instant, at 12 o'clock
M., at the Upper Lublin Lutheran Church. Car
riages will be in waitinir at W issaliickon Station tor
the 7 o'clock A. M. train, on tho North Pennsylvania
Itailroad, by which tho relatives and iriends will
be conveyed to tbe house
men's furls, we have several sizes Tlnchlna and
Tuning Tongs and Irons, we also have a varletj of
No. Ma (Eight Thlrty-flve) MARKET Bt.. below Ninth.
other doors to be sllsht.y opened, and thus promote
ventilation, while thev are as secure as other bolts
Various patterns for sale by
So. BM (tight Thlrtv-flve) MARKET Hu, below Ninth.
O Ware, Baskets, and Step-Ladders, and our usual lull
assortment of Housekeeping Hardware anil Cutlery, for
, 830 (Eight Thirty-firs) MARKET below Ninth,
fir additional Amusement te Third Paa
CHF.BN VT Btreet, afcove Twolfth.
and Managers. ...
Tte perfbimance will commence with the laughable
Farce of
Tactic, Frank Drew
In which he will glvo his celebrated Imlinttooi nf For
lest, Ji t o Ilroagliam, John Drew, Harnoy.Wllllams.
GazzaniKa, Vestvall and Frank lirower.
lo be iolowrd by the beautiful Comedy ot
Knv Oomet Mr E L. Til ton
Clurles II Mn. O. Henri
Minimis de Hania Cms Mr. W it. Wslus
(tinman Mr Ho t
Lopes sir Nortn
Pedro Mr. Williams
Duchess de 'lorrcneuva Miss K. Price
Dunns Lonora Mrs W. II Beeves
"Nbrrlilsn's Hide " by Fiaak Moroa inu
Alter which the new Comio Drama, written by Mad.
Uargucrittes, entitled
Lord Dundreary Mr. Owen Marlowe
Frederick Ardent Mr. L L. James
Kinney Mr J. It Kversham
Lsrtv ilnndr ary Mrs T A. Creese
Lady Flora .Miss Fanny Reeves
Em ma F.vans Miss M. A. Griffith
Keoitailnn, bv Mr. tl. Lewis.
to conclude with the Corned ol
Pantlre Miss Fanny V. Tl'ton
Snnn rold McKee Rankin
Aipbonse sir. w.u. Moreianu
Orchestra Hests. SI. Parrmefe and Dress Circle, M
Couti; Bccnred Heats. 73 cunts; Private ltoxns. IA.
Kox p an atT. h. Pogh's comer ot SI Mil and CHB9
Nl'T rtreeis, where seats maybe secured. 19
It is recommended by physicians of this and other
places as a puperlor rente, and requires but a trial to
convince the most skeptical el its trat me It. To be
bad, wholesale and retail, ot P. 1. JORDAN,
Vn )H I' If AH atrxal.
rtiamDaitne Cider, by the rloijn. bottled, or br the
.1 o lie
3ear.v Opposite the l'oit Office,
Families supplied. Orders irom the Country promptly
attended to. ft 31S
Via North Pcinisjlviuila Railroad,
Lehigh and AYyomins Valleys.
Commodious Cars,
Smooth Track,
Fine Scenery,
Excellent Hotels,
Are the Specialities) or tbls Ronte.
Throngh to Wlikesbarre and Msuch Chunk without
change of cars.
The new road between the summit of tbe mountain
and Wflkesbarre opens up views oi unsurpassed beauty,
and tbe new bote! provides tho best and most ample
accommocatlons 'or summer visitor
excursion T'ckeia Irom Pbilade phla to principal
points, Issued 1UOM TICKET OFKK hS ONLT, atre
riaced rates, on t-aturdays, good to return till Monday
Kxcurslon Tickets to Wflkesbarre, good for ten days,
issued any day.
Cars leave the Depot, THIRD and THOMPSON
streets at 7 30 A. M . 30 P. M , and 5 Ift P. M.
For particulars, see time table in another column.
6 9 2mrp , ELLIS CLARK, Agent
E E D L E S'
Essential as a compact, effective, and safe remedy for
Iilarrhaa, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, etc. Have a
llox at band.
Exclusive Maker,
iity Cents per box. One dozen to families, SVOO.
For sale by Druggists. 6 16 lOtrp
This preparation is unequalled as a rejuvenator and re
storer ol wasted and Inert functions.
J be leeo e, Ihe aged add all those who have in any
way Impaired their vitality by excessive mental or physi
cal npplication,wlll flud the blokrene to be what Its name
implies a liie-reluverator, which, while It builds up the
shattered constitution, will also lmpurt to the feelings
tbe briskness and energy which belong to youth.
No matter by it hat cause any organ has beoome enfee
bled in Its functions, this superb preparation will remove
that cause at once anu torever.
BIOKHKNE cures lleneral Debility, Impotency, Ner
voua lnc.anacitv. DYHDenma. ixnression. losa or ADDS'
tite, Low hpirl's, Imbecility. Mental Indolence. Euiaola
tlcn. Ennui. It has a most deligbuul, desirable, and
novel effect upon the nervous system, and ail who are In
any way prostra'ed by nervous disabilities are earnestly
advted to seek a cure in this most excel ent and un
equalled preparation.
hlOKKKNE The Feeble, the Languid, tbe Despair
ing, the Old. should give this valuable discover a trial
it will be tbund totally oiderent irom all other articles
for the same purpose.
TO FEMALES. This preparation is invaluable In ne
vous weaknesses of all kin is, as It will restore tbe
wasted strength with wonderlUl nermauenoe.
It is also a giand Tonic, and will give relief m Dyspep
sia with the first dose. A brief persistence In its use
will iccovate the stomsch to a degree of perfect health,
and banish Dyspepsht 'crever.
One Dodar per bottle, or six bottles for S5. Bold Of
Drugidsts ifeneraliy. Sent bv express anywhere by ad-
uresHiua n- iv-.,i.-vi.. wiiivw",
0. as ut.i street, ftew xorx.
no ukoiui Diiuscreeu
419thstu6mrp No. WiN SECOND St.
Cheapest snd Best Stock of Furniture in the
and Ke. 31 and 89 N 8EC0S D Street.
Parlor Suits, in Hair, Brocade, Plush, Damask, or
Timing-room. Chamber, Library Rltchun. and Office labuiously low prices, and tbe newest
st les and patterns.
Public Building, School, College, and Shop Furtiture
In eudlrss varletv.
All kinds oi Furniture wanted by housekeepers, at
exceedingly 'ow prices, at elthtrol tbelr immense estab
lishments It von want to save money and get well
Krved no to GOUI D & CO. before purcbiiirlng else
nheie comer of NINTH and MARKET, and Nos. S7
and 39 N, SECOND Street. 210 5c
The attention f macutacturers aud others using
Steam is confidently cal.ed to this new Steam Uune
raior bs couibinlnK eeutlal advanuiges In absolute
saiety Irom explosion, in cheapness of first cost and cost
oi rt pairs, in economy of fuel, facility of cleaning aud
transportation etc.. not possessed by any other boder
now in use. 'lhls boiler U lormed of a cnnblnatlou of
eaxt-lron Hollow spheres, eaob sphere eluht inches ex
tcrnal diameter, aud three-eighths of an Inch thick.
Tliese are held together by wrouubt-irou bolts, with
or ps at tbe ends.
' early oue bundred of these Boilers are now In opera
'Ion, some of them in the Dust estabiisbmenU In this
C'i"or descriptive circulars or price, apply to JOSEPH
IIAWHlSoN. Jr. Harrison Boiler WorVs, ORAV8
FFRRV Road, adlolning the United States Arsenal,
Philadelphia. 1 s tu th'Jnifip
cents cheaper than you can anywhere else in tho
City, rail at PRESTON'S.
1 1m So. 218 oum third Btrvyt., I'UUttda.'
liStO.a XltO.e XStO.s JBtO.. 3S3tO.
Wahbinoton. June 19.
Tbe Cstse of nsHbaa.
In the Circuit Cotirt to-daj, Jn the libel case of
McGhan vs. Clephane, Jurlie Olin gave an
opinion sustaining tbe Secretary of Wat in
rcfusicg to produce the original ot a letter writ
ten by CleptaaTie to the War Department, charg
ing McGhan with disloyalty. The rJeorctary of
War said that such communications are privi
leged. ,
WAfB'.noTos, June 19.
Hon site.
Mr. Fessendeti (Me.) gave notice that he
would call up the Tax bill tomorrow. Five
hundred extra copies were ordured to be
Mr. Howard (Mich.) moved to take up the
Pacific Railroad bill, which was under discussion
jeKterday. Dii'asreed to.
On motion of Mr. Williams (Orecon), a bill to
grant lands in aid of the construction of a rail
road from Salt Lake City to tne Columbia river
in Oregon was taken up.
Houm f BeprcmemtattYM:
Mr. Stevens (Pa.) asked the unanimous con
sent ot the House for the Committee ,on Public
Lands to report a bill crrantinir publit laud to
aid in the completion oi the Portage Lake Canal
iu the Stale oi Michigan.
Mr. Spalding (Ohio) objected.
Mr. Price (Iowa), from tho Committee on the
Pacific Railroad, reported back tho Senate bill
granting aid in the construction of a ratlroai
and telegraph from Folsom to Placerville, Call-
lornia, with several amendments.
one of the amendments reduces tho ritrht of
way irom two hundred feet in width on each
side ot the road through the public domain, to
one hundred feet in width. Another strike j out
that part which permits the company to select
alternate sections at a distance ot not more than
twenty miles.
Considerable debate arose on the bill, which
was participated in by Messrs. Price, Higby.
Kns-on, Hale, Hike, Julian and Le blond.
Mr. Hale, of New York, moved to amend tho
13th section by rankinrx it simply read, ' Con
gress may at any time alter, amend, or . repeal
this act."
Mr. Price (Iowa) moved the previous ques
tion, but the House refused to second it; and
then, on motion of Mr. Julian, the bill and
pending amendments were reterred to the Com
mittee on Public Lands.
Marine Disasters.
Cleveland, June 19. The schooners Bijh
land Chief, Mmira, and Josephine, with wood,
are ahore, and a large schooner, name un
known, is pounding at her anchors at Fairport.
Two large barques are alio ashore just ea3t of
Fairport. The schooners Darien and Buffalo,
with lumber, are also ashore. The schooners
Euclid and brie William are badly damaged by
pounding at their docks here. The storm hag
Boston. June 1'.). The barque finsiow, from
Philadelphia for Portland, with coal, is ashore
atMuekeget, and has bilged. Her crew liuva
been saved. The vessel will proba bly b a total
Sudden Deaths.
Hudson, N. Y., June 19. Yesterday afternoon
a colored woman, named Harriet Smith, was
suddenly seized with great pain just as she was
leaving in the 2'40 train for the North, and soon
afterwards died in the street.
On Saturday William Murphy, an Irish laborer,
dropped dead while at work in a cornfield iu
Livingston in this county. Poor Murphy landed
in New York three weeks ago, and had been in
this vicinity but two days.
Fires in Boston.
Boston, June 19. The building No. 104 Wash
inpton street, occupied as a furniture manufac
tory and warehouse by Haley, Morse & Boydea.
was destroyed by fire this morning. The loss is
estimated at $30,000, covered by instirance.
Last night a fire broke out in the npper part
of the buildings Nos. 127 and 129 Tremont street
The building was mainly occupied by Child &
Jenckes, picture dealers. The loss is $10,000,
covered by insurance.
Railroad Accident.
Boston, June 19. By the singular disaster
which occurred on the Norwich Railroad, and
which was occasioned by the hi eh wind blow
ing a car from one track to another, causing a
freight train to come in collision with it, Tyler
Peck, a fireman, was killed, and Frank Green
wood, another empjore, was terribly scalded.
The freight train was badly smashed up.
TheTax Bll.
Wai-hinuton, June 19. The Senate amend
ments to the IIouso Tax bill fixes a tax of two
cents instead ol five cents per pound on cotton.
It was erroneously printed as having been fixed
at five cents per pound in the Philadelphia
papers of this morning.
Sailing of the "Africa."
Boston, Jnne 19. The steamer Africa will
tail for Liverpool about 1 o'clock to-morrow
afternoon. Her mails will close at 11 A. M.
Latent Watkets by Telearaph.
Nkw York, June 19 Cotton firm at 40c. Flonr
F'eUUc. lower; sales of 7CO0hbls ; Stat, $0 69 a'J &O ;
Ohio. 8fil4; Western, 8ri5y80; Southern,
10'50(a 17 : and Canadian. S8'90l4. Wneal dull;
talcs of 14,000 bush. ; new Milwaukle inactive. Corn
quiet; 28,000 bush, sold at bSciUoe Iteef steady.
I'ork firm; sa'es of 1200 bbls. at lor Mess.
l,rd heavy at 19i&22jc. WMky dull.
New York, June 19 Stocks are dull. Chicago
and Rock Island, Wh Illinois Central, 45; Michiwan
Southern 78! ; New York Central, 98 ; Heading, 100;
Hudson Rier, 111; Canton Company, 60; Erie
Kailroad, 681 ; Treasury 7 8-10s, 102 ; Ten-forties,
WSj ; Kive-twenties, 103J ; Coupon 6s, 110k ; Gold, 150J.
Philada. Stock Exchange Sales, June 19
Reported by De Haven ft Bro., No. 40 S. Third Btreet,
P300 U S 7 80s .tfeb.lOSj
10O do i.'Ati
tWOOPhll. 6s... bd 2
100 sh Maple 8b. s80 2
14thPennKM 66
fsb do 65
6sb do l6
100 Hi Pbil ft r,V30 81
200 sh do b30 81
200 sh do 030 SI
'.MOO City 6s new,. 97
10 shlhlshMav... 68
10 sh Leh Val 62 J
6 sh Acad Mu.c&p H
109ltteuiug..,,.. 64
Tea ui vs. oaioo casb dboimom.
ftori ivufl at Mini f Mas Justin
Head. Jbeodore Lee vs. Haucy M. Urnrjr, et ai.
1 his was a bill inequity,, filed by the Com plain in t
against Mis Mancy at. urigc, widow oi the late John
Or e-, snd John W. Urifs-, Adininl,uaurs of tne
estate oi John Urlgg, eeoeasod, aud Mrs. Kanuis A..
te, prajing ior aa injunction ajrainst the admima
iratois, to restrain tnem from pa iug to Fanuie A.
Lee, who is the wife oi tbeoomolainant, her snare et'
the personal estate of ber deceased f.ther, Mr.
Jobn origin to restrain the said Fauuie irom
canning and recolviuf ibe same, so ion as she lives
apat. I rim her husband, the eomp ainant; aid that
it b accrecd that complainant be entitled to an
allowance out of tbe said estate com n- ie his vile,
ior the maintenance ot himso f and their child, lor
the education oi the latter, and tor the su(.p y of a
piopvrhome. J ho bill a Wei that Fannie a. hue,
tor- wne of complainant, oesefted him wltu
out tause, and rofacs to return. alihoun
1)8 '.",'rad and willing to receive and uuabit
with her aRain, anutuse uer as a nood husband ought
to no. li lurihc r ailogos her sbaw in the per
sonai eetato amounts io more tbau 140OHl. aud
that her snare oi the real esiato ot her lather, whicn
under proceedings in partition was allotted to h- r. is
vaoed at Uie sun; t i90,ow, and producoa an
annual rental ot 811 000.
I he answer ot Mrs. Lee allores that she was loroed
to leave him by mob couuuoi on iiis part as to- rou
der my (her)conditiou iutoierable, aud life burden
some J bat iheir child, lor wbioh support If
claimed, was taai'n from her byloioeot a writ of
habeas corpus, issued by complmnuut iu tbe city of
Aew York, and that sue is willing, aud ofTuri, to
suppoitthe child il bets roturned to her custody
and control.
T ho answer oi the administrators admits rannrativ
'the alterations oi tne complainant's oi 1 as to Mm.
Lee' ctiare oi tne estate ol tier aoooasud lather; out
bey aver that tbe proper tnbuual ior the adjudica
tion ot his claims i the Uiphans court, b lore its
Auditor; and that havinjr appeared there and mado
bis ciaunn, he is concluded oy tha report of tuo
Auditor therein.
A b:ll in equity was alo filed by compliinant
aramBt Mrs. Lee and thai In. B Dunn, ihe aeut ot
Mrs Lee, to rostra n hiua irom lessinir ber real estaie
aud collecting tue rents thToirom. The casos were
ariiuad a short time ago, and the louowinir is tUe
opinion of the Court iu the latter case, delivered by
iboiiibson, J. :
" iheudoro Lee vs FranoesJA. Lee and Charles B.
Dunn. Opiniou by i hompson, J. i have not been
informed Dv what niriit ibj cumplaiuuat iuterlores
to preveiit bis wile Irom owning- aud enjoy iu bur
separate ral estate The object ot the Dili is to
retrain the agent ot Mis. Lee, wile of complainant,
irom acting under a power ot attorney from ber t
him, to leae her real estate iu this city and colleot
aud pay over the rents to aer. The coinplaiuaot
slices no title to anv portion ot it, and no reason
why she should not enjoy and nse it as ber own, as
she is doinir, nor whereiu that is contrary to law as
to him. fc-lio is not ohnirod to provide ior his sup
port, nor is a bill in equity the proceeding: by whioa
to compel bur to coutubute to the support aud
maintenance of her ehild. le has less thau noonuitv
ou that score, tor sho proposes, iu oase he will tut
tbe child live with her, she will suoport and etiuoute
it. ii seems, Irom her auswer, that the complain
ant, by proceedings at law, succeeded in fretting the
caild out ot her cu-tody and agaiust ber wishes,
doubtless on proof of abi ity to support it. Unioss
he avails him.-ielt of her oiler to support the child ho
cannot compel ber to do it by blli iu equity. Wo
see no ground for interfering; iu theloast with Dunn,
tbe respondent, aud tha ronel prayed is refused.
Kill dismissed, witn costs to bo paid by tbe com
plainant." 4 onrt of Common Pleas PresHeut Judge
Allison aud Judge Pierce The Court is sti.l en
gayed with the Orphans' Court Argument List.
Itoart ot Quarter Sg)tonN Judge Pierce.
Thu Commonwealth vs. E. Fettit. The de
fendant in this case was charged wita forolble do
tulner. Bernard idulaeman, the prosfcutor, is tha
owner of a certain prop-rty in Tacouy. The two
parties entered into a written contract, by wbioh It
was agreed that upon thods iverv of the uoed, which
was to take place upon thd 1st of Apul last 300J
was to be paid by Petit to Hulscmau. When tne 1st
ot April came the deed was oUVred, but the vendee
was not able to pay tbe nionev.
lie oflered to pay cash C2000, and mortgage upon,
property of S40U0. Bui this odor was rejected. How
ever, the prosecutor permitted the detendaut to re
main on the proi erty, and eveu to m&ke considera
ble and va.uablc impiovpmenta en the place.
The case was admiraoly contested by both parties.
It occupied the whole oi yesterday atternoon, and
was untlni'lied at the adjournment of the Court.
'1 his morning the Court instructed the jury in tue
The jury rendered a verdict ot guilty.
Motion for a new trial.
Hannah Carp, nter was charged with committing
an assault upon Mary Crosseu.
Prosecutrix, on tho 10th of last month, saw her
husband walking a ong the street with dolendant.
15 he naturally felt vexed, and stepping up to thorn
she requested her btt baua to come home with h':r,
and desired dolendant to go ner way. Delendaut
became angry, and struck Mrs, Croasen several
The defense was that prosecutrix struck dofem'ant
and called her abusive names.
The jury rendered a verdict of gut tr.
Julius J. Koeineoa was ctiargod with committing
an assault and battery npon Mltlin Baker, l'bo pro
secutor did not appear . and the dolendant has been
in prison sick for a long time. He is a discharged
soldier. The bill was submitted to the jury without
evidence, and a verdict of not guilty was rendered.
Lloyd Douglass was oharred with committing an
assanit and battery, with intent to kill, upon Ed
ward F. bunt nor. On Lombard street, below Sev
enth, the prosecutor heard a disturbance, and seelne
a woman throw a bucket ot water on a man, stopped
to see the tun. lresently defondant ran out of a
house and ordered him to leave, and upon being re
fused, he presented a revolver to bis Lead and threat
ened to shoot him.
The defense was that prosecutor insulted the wile
of defondant, and that thore .was no pistol pre
sented, and that defendant bad nothing in his hand
but aa ice-pick. There were no blows struck-. Ihe
jury rendered a verdict of not guilry.
George Cotton was charged with committing" an
assault and battery upon John Hallo wood.
Testimony for the prosecution was, that prosecutor
came down stairs in his night clothes, and on that
account was struoK by defendant. Ali the witnesses
for the prosecution were theie, but being very
drunk did not see it.
The defense was that the mistress of the house or
dered the prosecutor to leave the room, as he was
not crossed. Upon that h struck her. Then de
lendaut, who was bar-tender, whipped him. Not
James Bristol was charged, firstly, with commit
ting an assault and battery upon officer Jandel, and
secondly, with carrying conoealed deadly weapons.
He was arrested by the ollicer lor boing drunk, and
in going to tbe station house be kicked tho officer
several times. He also attuinpted to get his hands
into his pockets, but was prevented by tho othcer.
When he was earohed a pair oi steel knuckles were
found in his pocket.
John Wagner pleaded guilty to a charge of marry
ing a woman whom ho knew to be the wife of an
other man,
Santa Ana, heretofore avaricious, is becom
ing lib eral. ?
Informs his numerous friends and customers
that have not yet been deoeived by tho ne w ocoupaiita
oi tbe store he established in Chesnut street, above
Eighth, that be is in no way connected wltb it. notwith
standing their numerous misrepresentations to that
effect, to se'.l to his customers, but that lie cau be found
Ml'T Ptieet. third door above Hew Bu'letin OrHce.
where he can Oder them better bargains aud larger stook
to select from.
lM13 CHlNl'T Street Every nat bas the low
est price maiked on It In plain figures. Call aud exa
mine the Immense stock and gat a bargain '
Five thousand ot the newest stvle Hats, at
prices 24 per cent less than elsewheje, at ilcCALI.t'S
tltW HAT STORE. Ko. 613 C'H tSii U r Btreet, third
door above Kew Bulletin Ouice.
sale prices. Biggest assortment In this town at
UCt'lLLA s nr.w HAT O IVIUb, HO. 613 CUKSMJ T
street very article bs
price marked on It lu plain,
slBlygest stock, biggest variety, and lowest prices
In thteclty, at McCIALLA'S K W 11 AT STuKE, No.
SIS CHJCisNTJT street, third door above Now liuUetln
Office. Too can save from 60 cents to tl on a single
Uineere thanks to his nnmerous triends and ou.
turners bo have followed bloi irom Chesnut, above
Kljihth (of which he had sole charge from l5Hi, to tha
NEW Si0R. NO. 611 CHEHNUT Street aud inioruu
tnem that he can bow sell them Hats and t'aoai&per
cent less than heretofore. Don't forgot fie Nut
ber, 013. a ,j
J ' J tJ pays the highest uilce tor Ladles and
nents' cast oU Clothing. Mi. 1J41 SOUTH street, nelow
"! 0oin
U If Tilt nviKirnv . o, i