It publithtd every afternoon (Sunday txoepted) at Ad. 1C8 S. Third street. Price, Three Cent Per Copy (Double- Sheet), or Eighteen Cent Per Week, payable to the Carrier, and mailed to Subscriber out of the city at An Dollar Per Annum On Dollar and Fifty Cent for Two Month, invariably in advance for the period erdrrtd. , To insure the Insertion of Advertisements in all of our Edition, they mutt be forwarded to our office not later titan 10 o'clock each Morning. MONDAY, JUNE 18, 1300. The Mileage of Members of Congress. Thb published report of the mileage allowed to member of the National Congress has caused a natural surprise and no small Iriitsnation amoiiR too taxpayers. It seeiun as thonsli the rule by which distances were settk"!, ami rites per mile allowed, was merely an arWrarv one, to be altered, increased, or diminished at the whim of the Chairman of the Committee having the matter in hand. We have read with a-aonish. mcnt the rats set down as chur&re 1 bv railroad companies for conveying an individual Irora Washington to hid home. In some cases the mileage amounts to a small fortune. The mem ber from WabUinelon pets $12,03'.), from Cali fornia $10,C02, and so on, while their salario? only amount to $'!000 for the term. It would seem as thoueh the salary were a peniuhits, and the mileage their chief means ot support. Not only is the sum thus pi id mormon?, b it there are evident discrepancies in the distribu tion. Mr. Garfield, of Ohio, called attention to the fact when he give notice of Ins intention to offer a resolution directing the Cororuitte ou Mileugo to examino and report what discre pancy there was between the amount of nnl"ii?a received by members of the last Congress and the amount claimed by them, and directing the Committee to allow no more mileage in future t a member than is claimed by him. He explained the reason why he wished the resolution to be adopted. On look'mR into Executive document No. 125, showing the pay and mileaae of mem bers for the last Congress, he found h'melt' net down as being paid for 2740 miles ol travel, being for 685 miles fo ir times, wherein he hal only claimed, in answer to the circular sent him by the Chairman of the Coin uit'ce on Mileage, 5C.rj miles as the distance troni his home to Washinatau; that, multiplied by (our, would make the number of miles lor which he should have been paid 2203, so that h? was paid for 4S0 miles more than he had claimed. He found now, on inquiry, that other members from Ohio, and perhaps from all parts ol the country, had been allowed mire mileage than they had claimed. Ths geitlemin from Cleveland (Mr. Spauldino) claimed for onty 510 miles and was allowed 034; and his colleague (Mr. Schesck) claimed for only 083 milej. and was allowed for 812. The lettsrs in which they stated tie num ber of miles travelled, in reply to the circular of the Chairman of Ihe Committee on Mlltge, he found In the rooms of the Serzeaut ar-Arms, in dorsed, with the increased number of miles, "ap proved, J. W. V." It would thus seem as though the ratio of dis tances has a sort of sliding scalp, which could be either elongated or diminished at pleasure. A sort of invisible cnp'wns applied by Mr. White, and cities either repelled or attracted, as thouah he was a gieantlc loadstone. It is also iijtica able that Uip members coming from the same place do not receive the same pay. We suppose that the distance from the depot may account for the difference, as it would seem that every square was carefully added in the count. Let us instance a few cases. Senator Axtiiohv, o1' Rhode Island, receives $720, while Mr' Dixon gets but $640. It would thus seem as though an expense of $80 was incurred in travelling from Washington to Providence. Again, W. D. Kelley got $230, while (i. P. Miller receives $708. Wo had no idea that the Pennsylvania Railroad charged $478 to go from our city to the State capital. Mr. Hubbard, of Iowa, gets $3200, Mr. Allison $2238, and Mr. Gbinnell $1428, a considerable difference for so small a State, lion. James Brookes, of New York city, receives $370, while Mr. Chan ir.Rgets $37700, the extra dollar aud sixty cents being probably allowed tor the street cars. L. W. Ross, ot Illinois, trets $2265, while J. S. Rol l'in b, of Missouri, who certainly lives further from Washington than Mr. Ross, but $2065. Mr. Samuel J. Randall receives $221, and Mr. Charles O'Neill $23040. Probably the horse car explanation accounts for the extra expendi ture ot $6-40. But we could multiply instances without number. There seems to be a total and universal disregard for anything like uniformity. What we now need is a remedy. When we lind figures set down as the necessary cost of travelling such as the following, we require no logic to expose the fallacy and falsity ot theextor. inglaw: To so from Philadelphia to Wa-hington and return costs $115,20, or to eo to Washington $57"60; to go from New York to the capital, $182; trom Boston. $374; from Cincinnati, $5u0; from St. Louis, $s77; from Chicngo, $072; from Racine, $1056; from Sacramento, $5194; anl from Idaho, $6102. ' We would suggest that the surest method of being Just to both members and taxpayers is to have an increase in the salary paid to Con gressmen, so those who live near and those who live tar away may all be allowed the sane. Then it $10UO, or even move, was to be the an nual allowance, and mileage abolished, it would save immensely to tha Government, and at the same time auc;mmodato a large number of members. H i a radical error w'uieh prompted us to give our representatives a pit tance utterly insufficient to enable th2ui lo meet the demands. Many men of rave merit are thus deburred from endeavoring to succeed hi the political arena, and those of straightened means who do accept, ure compelled to sustain them selves by means of perquisites dubiously se cured, if not equivocal in their character. Wo throw out a tauteleH temptation to men in po wer, and do not seek to shield thein from it by doing them justice. Let us then have an 'increase of salary, and an abolition of mileage. As It at pre3ent exists it is most unfair. There is hardly any law which will remedy it if it continues; and as it is a naiorloua fact that all the companies pass mem bers free of charge, we are at a ions to see the necessity for it under any circumstances. Let this department of the Augean stable be cleansed, us it is offensive to the public. THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, The Crime of the Rebellion lu Attempt to Perpetuate Slavery A Democratic paper says, by way of reproach,, that the Republicans regard the great crime of the Rebellion to have been "the attempt of the Southern States to assert their Independence, for Vie purpose of perpetuating negro slavery." No doubt, not only the Republicans, but man kind eeocrally will so regard it. The moral character of a revolution, cr an attempted revo lution, must be drtermtned mairjJ.jr by the ma lice which inspire It. The mere desire ot inde pendence is not necessarily wrong. An oppressed people have always a good and sufliciet.t motive for desiring to be independent of their op pressors. But in the case of the South there was no moral justitica'.ion for their attempted revolution. They were suffering no wrong. On the con trary, their revolution whs expressly gotten up to perpetrate a most gigantic wrong. Its sole obiect was to perpetuate a uatclul system of bondace, rind to make African slavery the "corner-stone of a new empire. This was indeed a crime against humanity. It was such a revolution as ought not to succsed anywhere. Its motive must forever stamp the seal of in famy upon it. History will most surely pass tho Judgment that the "great crime" of the Slaveholders' Rebellion wat, that it was for the purpose ot perpetuating neero slavery. Death ot (General Lewis Cass. The papers of this morning announce to us the death of General Lew is Cass, and on tho inside ot our paper will be found an extended biogra pliy of 1he o'eceascd. With this departure another ot the pillars of the Slate has fallen, d'enernl Cass has been intimately associated with all ihe political changes of the nation for ocrhalf a century, lie wa Cabinot Minister under lour administration", and ever proved himself a ttatesmau and a patriot. Of all the original Cabinet of Mr. Buchanan he was ihe only one who remained loyally true to the cause ot the Union, and resigned his office when treason was avowedly in the ascendant. There was nonp more generally kDown and appro, ci'ited throughouljthe Northwest, aud his dath, full cf honor and years, is an affliction to the nation as well astohiihost'of personal lricnds. The 'Ticaties ol 1815." Tije "Trcuties of 115," which are now so fre quenily alluded to, are those which were made at Vienna, by all ihe lcadinir powers of Europe, atier the downfall of Koxafaui"-:. They are therefore a standing monument of the over threw of his dynasty. They were signed by Austria, Fr.uice. England, Russia, Prussia, Spain. Portugal, aud Sweden. They mad? a spneral reconstruction of the territory of Europe, pwollin' out the people to this and that sovereign without any reference to n ition alities or to the wishes of those who were thu3 arbitrsiily placed under foreign sovereigns. Many of Iho changes made at that time have since been modified, but the map of Europe re mains essentially as then agreed upon. A Good Indication. Tnr. Copperhead journals are in ecstacies of in dignation over the proposed calling together of the Stato Legislatures to act upon the Coustitu tiona. anieudiuent just passed by Congress. The opposition of these sheets is proof positive that the measure ta right. Let the Legislatures a-semble aud ratify the amendment withou delay. The people demand it. A ew Phase in the Failure ot Culver, I'enn 5Sc Co. HOW A DlMOCilATlO AUDITOR-UKSKHAL WAS TAKEN IN BY BHAUPKllS INCOMPARABLY HECKLESS DIS HtCUtU FOU THE VUllLlO UKKDIT, AND A LIKELI HOOD OF NAKINQ TUE STATU HKKl'ONSIBLE FOB it 1,500 0t0 BY DE-MOC'llATIC OFFICIALS. It is luktiioDttble for the organs of the Democratic paitv to assail their opponents, cnarginir. tnoiii over not only with a disregard ol tlu puolic imerost, but with deiiborato desmiis ou the puuiiu credit, by warning the resources ot the Common weaitn or milking it responsible tor millions ot uioiihv. Aj an evidence ol this, we have a case in point, tho facts ot w Inch arc- now boiiiR developed whicn are connected thionirli the Audltot-Ueuvral's olllce, wueu Mr. S oi ker was at the head ol that department, with the lute tailure ol Culver, l'eun & (Jo. t he fVtroloum ot litusvillo, rawtord county, and the Veuaneo limit ot Fruultlin, venaugo county, and uo-josited with the AuUilor-vieuural somothin like a million hiiu a halt ot United State securities as security lor their circuiutiufr moaiuai. By a rule ot the Audiior-Uuueral's ollico, as the notes ot these banks were sent to the department lor cancellation, ench securities wera returned to ti e ollicers ot the said banUs in umuuntg eual to tho uoies cancelled. It is alleged now that Mr. t'uiver, with others impltca ed. who were neituer oliceia nor asentsot the Petroleum or the Venango Dinks, procured Iroin the Auditor-toenerai's ollico the securities thus deposited; that me olli ceis cum tcted with the Auditor-General's ciliee could not have but known tunt tin-so BPCuntie wore not beiuit pussosed by the oilleois of said Danks, from th very faut that they wrrn i-ent In nee trom the ' Auditor-Gon'Mal's cilice to the braricn Lankiun-house of (,'ulvr, Pcnn & Co , New York ciiy. And General Sleukor assumed a fcarlul responsibility when he thus per mitted irrespouslble paities to curry rom the AuUitor-licm ral's oilice a million aud a half ol money to which thoy had no claim. The question now arises whether, bv the act or the late Auditor deneial, the Mate ig not mauo responMblu tor this loss, li Cuiver, Perm & Co. were olticers connected wiih.tho Petioleum or Venant'o Banks, in drawiuv ibis money and toiidiiip it to Mew York, as they did, tbev were actinf under false pretensjs. li they wcro not ollicers, then they are oleurly guilty oi' I'int.'ezz'enient. The people ot the oil regions, by the failure of Cul ver, Penn & Co., have lost nearly six millions of dollnis. 'Io the 'oss tliu ou'aiied, the renkless mis lntinauemciit of the Auditor-ijenevul's Otlics hii uunertlio control of Democratic officials, a mi li m ai d a half of iloliars it iiKoly to be ad.ien. uniBg the Commonwealth can bo made responsible tor this lnisiiiauafoiiicut. when the amount vill come out of the pockets ot tlio taxpavers. Wairauts have beon ihcued lor the arrest ol ibo panics implicated in this transaction, and an oiliuer i now in the oil reiou lor the pur iioao ot gcivimr tho same. As tho aiiiir is likely to bo earned into court, we abstain troin any lerlher comment, not beinir dtspesed to preju dice the case bcioro it cornea to tr:al. tinco the above w as written and tn typo, we loam that the Auoitor-Ueucrai has appointed Mo srs. II. C. Allemau, K C. VV ll'iiiuij UDd Thomas J. Jordan, of tint ciiy, a commission to examine tho afl'urs nf the VenauKO Bank. The Auditor Gouoial, In the oilic a! paper announcing Uih appointment, daclares that th s bauk linscommi. tod an net of insolvency, ot which he his ben lut iiishcd with satislactorv evi di nee. Tne niembcraol tho co.nniisiion will proceed to VeDaiuro county, on Mondav next to discharge the duty drvolTcd upon ttiem, Jiarrisliun TeOyrajili or'the.Wh. " The C'niiiS ok Nisw Jbrsey. The ceuus re turns for New Jersey, recently published by counties, gives the to!lovui2 population of the piincipiil cities la the State: Newark, 87,41 1, Ti, VII beine of toreiL'n birth; Jersey City, ;i7,271, loreiguers, 13,01!); Purerson, 21.S92, loreurners lili; Trenton, 2d,50K. Ibreigncis 4207; New Brunswick, including North Bruns wick, 14,071; Hudson City, 13,151; Hoboken. 12.H70; Camden, 18,313, foroicuers, 1015; Eliza beth. 17.373; foreiuners. 452.'.; Orauee, Hii3; Bridgeton, fifitil; Bergen. 5.76; Kahway, 512H. The increase in Ihe various counties compared with 100 is us follows: Berzcn, 3018; Burling ton, 'Jf-0; Cuniden, 4007; Capo May. 4'.'5: (;uinbei1 land. 3028; Es-ex, 2."iGl; fdoucesti r, 10!)0; Ilud- O.-nn. llnt.taritin 711U. fw.p ilHCIl. Atil. uesex. UU4; flioninoutu, aw;; morris, laai; Ocean, 300; Passaic. 6843; Salom, 704; Sussex; 83; Union, 7030; Warren, 30H0. Atlantic lias decreased 442, and Somerset, 447. OHOLER A.. Fonr Dth ! lt Beprt Pima of the Board of Ileallu to ltroy the Poison. Four deaths from cholera hav been reported to the Board ot Health since the last issue ot the Tribune. We shall endeavor briefly to give a history ot these cases, giving the facts as re corded at the Bureau of Vital Statistics: DEATH IN WAVKRLKY PLACK. Mr. Rufus Purkee arrived in the city last Thursday morning from Grafton, Rensselaer county, and after breakfasting, wenttoatrieud's house at No. 127 Waver ley place. During ttie evening of that day he wandered around among the cleanlier thoroughfares, spending some time in Fifth avenue and Madison square, and finally returninir through Fourth avenue, Union square, aud University place to the residence ot his friend. He passed the night comfortably, arose early, took a light brcakiast, and started down town. Belore rcachine his destinaoa he was violently attacked by a profuse diarrhoea, which rapidly increased in copiousness, and si pros trated him that ho was unable to return. He was tinaDy placed In a carnairo and driven home, stiDorinsr throughout the entire distance from uncontrollable rice-water and albumin hi discharges. At noon the patient fell into a state of col lapse from which there was no reaction, anl at 10 o'clock Friday evening, alter an llluos of le than 11 hours, ho died. Mr. Durkce was fully conscious even at the moment of dissolution, and teplied to questions until his ctrensth v.-as utttily exhausted, with the clearness of one in perfect health. The house in whieli Mr. Durkee died is said to have been admirably kept and cleanly in every respect. His habits were eood, and there was no mdiscrction of aov kind upon his part, solar as tho sanitary ollicers could learn. The usual precautious for preventing the spread ol the Inlection were taken bvthe taunt v. Lislnicetnnts were thoroughly used, and thus lar there has been no other case reported la the neighborhood. FATAL CASE OK CHOLERA IN OAK STREET. Mrs. Jane McCoy, a widow, 00 year of agi. died ol clioleia laH Saturday mor'n'it?, at No. Jill Oak street. She ha been in till -j country nearly forty years, and roided in a Hllby, ha llv ventilated house, only a tew hundred yards from that iu wlncn Patrick shea died three days piv- tiAinl. t;t,ln,ln..,nlfl lw. , I ' - uur.ia,. u uiui t iiudiui y, inio ;i"nr.u-fcU-UUIISi? in (pection instituted by Dr. Harris last Thurs lav w as arrested be'ore it reached this bloek, or a third case of cholera would have been found, and a thud life saved by timely treatment. A Sl'DBKN DEMISE IN WATER STREET. At '.) o'clock on Saturday morning, Jtabert Cilbert, a watchman, livine iu the foul and noxious atmosphere of a basement at No. (13!) Water street, was seized with a violent dinrrbvi-a, wuicb grew rapidly more copious and less con trollable. Becoming alarmed, he sent out tor a ph.sician, who founi him m a eolltpsed sta'e, an.) bevt nd the reach of the healiiic art. lie died at 1 o'clock m the afternoon, alter ua ill ness of ouly seven hours. The deceased was a native cf linnlHiid. iir .veins of age. miserly in ti! habits, aud habitually a drinker of cheap gin. By depriving himself of tho necessaries ol liie lie accumulated a small fortune, which tails to a .young daughter, the only relative in at is known to survive him. Inrslb'geuce of his dea'h was at once scut to Sanitary Superintendent, Dalton, who telegraphed the inspector of that district ti take cnarye of and thoroughly disin fect the premise. Thi-j was not done, ho wevcr, and yesterday moriihiE, about scveu'een hours uliei ihe demise of victim of ciolera, the Inspector ent a teh gram to the lieiiJquarters ot the Board ot Health fordisiufectants. THE rOISON FATALLY VISITS WEST EIGHTEENTH STBEET. At 5 o"clotk ou Saturday afternoon, Lewis Quiickennoss, nephew ot Judire (Juackenboss, ref vling at No. 227 Wet Biebteeuth street, died ot cholera alter three days' illness. The deceased had been in the city but a shoit lime, having lcceutly been mustered out of the service, which lie entered earlv in the war. He had tne best cf care and treatment, bur they were ol no avail. His bealtn was somewhat' broken by coiitinement as a prisoner in Richmond, and he lived in a neighborhood already fatally visited by rholera durine- me premjiit Fen son Slr. Boll having died of the poison, a tew days previously only two blocks distant. , CASE AT THE CORNT.B OT O.UI AND TEARL STREETS. Intelligence was received at the Bureau of llecords, on Saturday aitetnoon, oi the illness ol Mrs. Arn Donne;, at No. 1 Oak street. The case was reported as cholera, but the patient was alive at 5 o'clock last eveuincr. The house is exceedingly rilth.v. and the neighborhood just such a one as cholera would select. The dis tiiet i-i in the bands ot the Board of Health, and will be thoroughly disinfected. TI1E CHOLERA AT QUARANTINE. The cholera still lingers auiong the passengers by the Peruvian, now on board the huls lLiiiois, while it has been entirely suppressed among 'hose by the Union. On Friday t'ie bedding on the Illinois was washed, aud the oteamships Peruvian and Union mniigaied and white washed. Three deaths have occurred on the hospital-ship Falcon since last report, namely: Klse Marie Larsen. age! 2 . Denmark; Cus'tine Neilson, aged 25, Denmark; Mngdaleua Klsse, atred 00, Austria. A convalescent was also transferred to the Saratoga, leaving forty-live under treatment. INSTRUCTIONS TO CAPTAINS OF TOLICE. Piesident Schultz, of the Board of Health, called the captains ot the various piecmcis together, on Saturday at uoou. aud crave them instructions in their duties under the Health code, concerning infectious and pestilential dis eases. Medical officers will be kept in attend ance at headquarters, day and irght, whose duty it will he to start at a moment's warning with a cartload of disinfectants, to be ued iu any house where cholera niav occur. The cap tains are required to report by telegraph every ca-e that conies to their notice. The patient will be tieated, if no other phvgieian be at hand, by the Sanltarv Inspectors, while the same olli cers will crive directions for the use of disinteet ants. It is the intention cf tbe Board to treat every case promptly, and to disinfect all the ejections and ejections of patients, thus destroying the poison while at the same time they furnish tho sick with the best remedies known to nieaicil men. They hope by this means to save the lives of many who may be attacked, and also to prevent the' spread of the inlection. The plan, wc doubt not, will com liieud itself to the discreet, and will, we trut-t, be entirely successlul, it fully and energetically carried into ofleci by the executive onicers of the Board. JV, Y. lribwie. A Fortunate Artist. The rail Ma'l Gazette has the folio A iug:-' M. Couihet, the French artist, is another instance o a man who awakes one line morninir to tiud himself iamous. For several years pat he das been paintirg pictures which only now and then were admitted at the salon, and ot which nobody took any notice. But the tide lhat lead- on to tor tune has come at la-t. This year he .-ends his 'La Ftmnie an Pcrroquet' to tbe Exnihitioii, and all at once Hmls himself the lashiou ol the hour. He sells this painting for "0U0 irancs. A stock broker gives him li.ooii Irancs for a laudseape, nKo in the salon, called La Remise des Cbe vreuilH,' adding, at the same time, a commission on equally tood terms tor a picture of a naked Eve of tho same size as the other uu le rigors teasine the parrot. The 'Fenmies Damnees.' a painting which was reiused by the hantriug com mittee three years aire, has' also been sold lor 12,0(10 (rimes, and several landseaocs at from 6000 to 12,000 irancs. Conrbofsjstudiois crowded daily with aristooratio visitors, and commissions pour in on Dim that will keep him busy for years to come. This is a story which contrasts curiously with that of poor Holtzaptel. who put a pistol to his head the other week because he had been palatini tor yeais without any recog nition of merit, and had his pictures of this year reected at the salon. Courbet's cuse looked lust as bad, only he lived on, and the lucky day, it tv.ins out, was close at hund I" FINANCfE AND COMMERCE. Ofi icr of tob Evening Tklroraph, I Monday, June 18, IHCO. ( Gold continues exclted."About $3J0,000 sold this morning, opening at 1084, an advance of 9 on the closing price Saturday evening; fell oft", and told at 167 at 11 o'clock, 163 at 12 M.j and 164 nt 1 P. M. The Stock Mirkct opened very dull, and prices were unsettled, owing to the violent fluctuations in Gold. In Government bonds there is no material change to notice. r-2 )s sold ai 1021 and7'30sat 102 1; 904 was bid tor HMOs, and 0Ct asked. City loaus are firmly held, The new issue sold at 974. n advance ot s'. ', Railroad share are the most active on tbe list. Reading sold at 54.54 Lehigh Valley atC21i; Philadelphia find Bne a! 31. a decline of i: Catawissa preferred at 25 j(?!23j, nochange; Pennsylvania Itailroatl at 51', no change; an I Noiristown at .". 12f4 was bid for Cam Jen and Ambov; 37 for LlUle Schujlklll; 50 i tor Mine bill; 38J for North reursvlvania; 28 lor Elmira common; 43 for prelcired do.; and 43 tor North ern Central. City Passenccr Railrond share are in fair deniand. Second and Third sold at 80; Spruce and Tine at 38J; and Thirteenth and Fifteenth at 22', no chai ge; 40 was bid for Fifth and Sixth; 5D for Checnut and Walnut; 18$ lor Hes ton ville; 30 tor Green and Coaies; and 33 lor Lntou. In Cunil shares there is nothlmr doing. 20. was bid for Schuylkill Navigation common: 33 for preferred ditto; S7 for Letiiah Navigation; 120 for Morris Canal preicrrcd; 15 for Sus quehanna Canal; 53i for Delaware Division, and 07 for Wyoming Vail v Canal. Dunk tharcs are or inly held, but we hear of no sales. 223 for North America; 110 for Phila delphia; 123 for Farmers' and Mechanics'; 53 for Commercial; 30J for Mechanics'; 62! for Girard; 04 lor City ; 80 tor Western; and 68 tor Union. The New York Times this morning says: "Ihebaluro ot the trade and finance lastweoz was tne sudden rmo In void on Saturday from 117,' to 100 t cent, on the announcement ol war iu Europe, or rather tne breaking up ot thu fence ('on prt'Fa. 1 he n-e was partly the result of a pumo umone the thnrts in sold, iuc'udinir a uumbor oi the mii ortmg mcrchunts wno bad borrowed o d ol lute to pjrclmso tueir exchange, or to lny Cus toms, but ttie tnovemeut is innin'v due to a combination in tho cold room, increased in number and determination by tunir own road irg and ruihtruclion or the Ki ropcan news, aud tbeir ht 1 f 1 lliot ilie suonly ot cold, alter tho icjnt l.euvy exports, is now within their control, llio rise, lu wever need excite no eeneral concern 1. t'no vcrv m ar orospuut of actual war is llna-oually con ftnii'd m tn" and. as it will very snon ho bora a lar better lor neutral commerce and public "near tics, than the lirst threatening ot and prc.:nrntions t ontinental storm, omc weeks a-?o. 2. Our heavy go'd exuorts draw to an early end. i'lie m aily improved look of 'lm focign excliaii'js at tho cloao ol the week denote this result. Tne urnverx ot bills, oven ainonv the leadiue banking lionsrs, who wen; tavy hUippcni oi goiduntoUt W'ednesi'av's steamer, were mo e nuinurons than buyers, and tho best siynalu-es weio iuulod ou :Snturday afternoon at 108!;lua p eeut. 8 Ibo stork el void in the U. S. lrmsurv and .N'ew York bunks Is l ot one-lialt exhausted as coinpurod with ti el8tli May, when thu -xports bemn. while the Mipiilics on the way fiotn California havo boim dtititiled bv tho n o in rice hero, and tho si'no remark holds good ol thi- more numorous but loss nu'rtnnt fvms coming in Irom tho interior" -Tho Cinmnnet Gazttlt o Fnr'ay says: 'The money market exhibilod no new leuturo to day, J ho demand, thoueh not vorv hoayy, coutmuos iu xc. st ot the suuu.y, and the market works closa ut ltjil2 f cent, between hankers and th"ir custom. crx. OutHide names, unless striotlv ontne, are dilli cult oi sale ut uii tn ni.' n.idur 15 ,18 There was ncum n fnll supply of exchange, and although s.imu ot the houses exoctioi.oi'u an implored demand the market was heavy at quotations (in d coutinaod in 'lie rising t-ca e. out dealers are no' disposed to fol low Netv ork prices c osely. Jhoy havo hardly a y opinion upon which t' cv are willing :o operilu in -crard to tlio future but generally seem to thiuk u downward reaction prutiab e. Tim ra os at the cloio were 113 buying, and 117 e'lmg." A London letter to a bu-iness lirm in Xevv York, dated June 0, P. M., says: "Money is working esslrr. Tlio bills of t!io Ljn di.n ,',o nt Stock liunk, the Loniiou ar.d VV csttmn ster Hank, and of Koihiohild and Browns are in demand nt 7 . 8 per ccm. Ihe specie arrivals are an inimei so thing lor American credit. Tlio amount sent irom America is evi ry vtiere admitted to have saved veiierul hankrnptcy in Knglaud Tho letters to other bnnkinp houses in this citv are very much to iho sanic eflbct It is a giatttying lact that the Acceptances ot London banks connected with Naw Ymk stand in the highest crcdi' on the London money marker, being negotiable at 2.3 per ceut. t elow t'io bank ot England rate." PniLAHELl'HIA Sl'OCK EXCHANGE SALES T0-IJAY Ueported by Dn Haven ft iro., Jio. 40 S. Third street. first board S500 Citv 6.s.n c & p S7f 3 .0 sli Fulton Coal. . 6J SlnOO do 07 100 Bh Phil & Kne .. 81 S8000 War & Fra 7s. . 88 '200 su Cat tn Its 253 $10000 f 6-2OS.02...102J 100 sh do o 25. 60i0 do.... 1861. 102 5 800 sh Kew Creek... c i 3Hlsh Efad....t5wn 64 j 17 sh Penna K 54 12 sh Leh Val 62; 4 sh 2d & 3d 8ti Messrs DeHaven & Brother, Xo. 40 Soiiih Third street, make the following quotations ol the rates ot exchange to-day at 1 P. M. : Buyinq, Sel'mq. American Gold 164 1K5 Ameiican Silver, )s aud is 150 158 Compound Interest Notes: " June, 1864.... 12 121 July, 1864.... 11 f 12 " August, 1804.... lL' US " " October, .. . 10 10i " tec, 1804.... ft 9 " May, 1805.... 72 7? " " August, 1805.... 6.' tii " " Kept., 18K5. ... 6:' 5j " I'lctober. 185. ... 4; hi Philadelphia Cattle Market. Monday, June 18. ihe Cattle Market is more ac tive this week, and prices are higher. About 1090 bead arrived, and sold at from 17'S18e. lor extra, thYi 164c. lor fair to good, and 14o15o. p lb. for common, as to quality, t he loilowing are tho par ticulars of the : 83 bend Owen Smith Western, 10 Km 18. KJ " A. thriBt.e ft llro , Western, 1718 20 " Jones McCese, Cnestor county, liu 10. t;i " P. McPillcn. Western. P17i. " HO " P. Hathaway, Wesiern, lH' ji7',. 02 " James 8. Kirk. Western lC17. 00 " McFilIln & Mon'aRUC, western, 7iS), Cl'O-8. 98 " J. McFtllen. Western, 16 17 l. W " K. S. Alcliilin. Western. 17 o 171 to " Uilman& Bochmau.rhesicrcounty, 17 17J. U7 " Atartm, Ful er & Co.. Western, 17 17. 18H " Moouey & Smith. Western. lti18. C4 " ilooney & Uro., Western, l") l,'. ft2 " 11. Cham, Penn'a and Western, 10 17'. . 10 " J. A. Cham & Bro., Pinu'a and Wcs.Vrn, 1C ci 17. 40 " L. Frank. Western, 15; a 17. S'1 " Sliombtrg it Frank, Wetern, 1017'.. 73 " Hope & Co , Western. 17. s " lityiun. Western, lfiild. r'3 " B. Hood, i beater county, 15 a 17 4 82 " Chandler Co., Chester coun v, 10 17 '. own are in demand at full u?jo;200 bend sold at 6t;S75 lor springer;, and tJ0 "lOu per bead tor milch cows. M'tcp are less active, and rather lower; 14 000 bead arrived and soid at from 6tOo lb., arm. Hogs continue dul' ; 2500 bead o d a1 the tlilforeut yards at trom 618 6C14 50 tbe 100 lbs., net. Philadelphia Trado Report. Iomay, June 18. Ihe sudden and violent rice In the premium on gold has tended to unsettle the value of merchandise generally, and busine-t is almost at a stand, as buyer are unwilling to piy t be advanced figures demanded by holder. Tbe Flour Market has a decided upward tendency, but buyers com torward alowly. The only sale reported were a few hundred barrel for tae supp'y of tbe borne oonsumeit at $8-259 50 for saoerfino; 9 25: 10 lor extra ; SU12 for Northwestern extra lunnly 12 25t 14-50 lor Penusvlvauia aud Wosim families; aud 10" 10 tor laucy brands, aQoordmg "JUNE 18, 16GG. toanalltr. R Fionr may b qaotod at 6 59, and ( in wirsi ni wtm oi IbeWreat Mamet is loverish, and not inge sale baa been reportca. We qnnte common and clioloe rennsyWnma rod at SieOrSlO. Winte rane trom S3 20 to (3 35. The last sale of Penn sylvania Vre was at V80 Corn 1 scare t an- vimra. with sale or 14IX) husho's yellow at 911 05 float, nd 2i 00 bnshe'a mixed Western, to ainvr, at 97o. Oats are iinohnnerd halo f 1000 bushela l ernsylynnia at74o t 2000 bnshela Western al fitlo) f2.e and 8500 bushela Ho. S do. at 68o. Kothin doing in Ba.Uv or Ma t Wh my isqu ot. witri small sates at S2 2132-20 for rcnnsylyan'a, and S2 28 23 for Onio Iff-V AWAIIAKFR A I'ROWS, I iWAHA VAhKK A BKOWS, I if -w-AMAkiisKKK As MKOWN, t rWANAMAKBK BKOWN. tif-WANAMAKKK A MtOWN, In- wiK-iylliin A UH(iN. HANDHOMK OLOTHINO.Vfl MAIK1M!UK CI.OTlli Sll.t IIANimOlUK CLOT IINU.f IIASK-OVB Oi.OIHlN(.T 11 DSOM K CLOTHING t IIAMlisOMK l:L( 1 ia) w r sr kicks. "M'WKSI JHICKH. LOW K.ST FKH K". riiur.n, LlLOWK8r 1'hICE. . m IH iM n"sve i m e..s i..ijg BhT ASsOBI'MK.N-l'.. i BKT A-ORTVlEN'. HKT A""OHT' KT.'T BEST A8SORTMKN r..f- rlKtsr AS8oarMliNT.JiJ rSFXCFPTTONAPLV, riT jUNACt.ri lONABl.E FII8. PTIONABLK FITS 5r"'CN tXl KI' I lONABLB KI H. y-l'&EX-i,rTH"ABI K FITS Jr-tJAt.XCF.PTlOSABIF. FIT THE FKOPI.E I'LK.ASKI). TH" I'KOl-I.K tLEA!SEl).y 1 THE Pi OPt E PLKA.S" I 'f 1 - . . ., . . r T,1K PKOPLK PLEASED iJ rSe-OAK HALL, 671 UK II a LL, fTTIAK HA L. OAK HaLL. -0,R IIALI., C511 t71 b fc i om:h sixnt Ni) MtRKTr Bra. h. K. (OHHI 8IXTI1 ANI M 1(KKT SI'S if j 8. K. t OUNEIt HIXTII NI M AttRK ' -TS. h. COHNK.H 1XTH AVT MAItKF.T STS.Tl 5". E. Ci.KNFK SIXTH AN1 MAHKET N Tf.3;ij SPECIAL NOTICES. See ihe 8cm1 Pag' fvr additiona. Special Itoticei notice! ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY. Cn and after TUF8DAY, II ay 1, the Fit EIGHT DEPART ME NT Of thin ( rn pary wilt be removed to the Company' Kcw lullOli n is. K. cor. oi rLKV' S i-tt and M AKKKT Mrceis. 1 ntrnuce on Jieveuih i-eet audon.Marbio street All Money and ' ollection Euampus will he trannnc-ed as lu rrlu ore at No J!i rlt.H.slJT street Small Pal rein 1'nil.nicK VI I be receiveJ at oilier ollico. i all 1 eekx v. ul he V ent at ea ii ollico, and any calls en teied tl crein t revicuKtoS H. M. . roceivo nttontl.ia fume tiny, it viilmi a tenfrmilil'- dlsinneo irom our tfltct. J it i) irle for uteris nml gctt.euvu'.s to he mud at 0 ifjl CIlMiM.'i Htrect 4i4i'.m .toiiN )m MiftA'i. sunorlntcndent. PT-7J NtlTICK.-APl'MU'ATION IIS ' 1een mndo 'or the reeva or the to' owliir lTY kO!il)s ANIi CfcKTlFiC T!-: OF -T' K, ilrami to tlin suliFusiber's orih r, untl htjlea lra:n hi? Are prooi. .lunn ." 1-tvi, vi. : City (i p rent (now), o. 114)2 VIA 3. I!,4HI 12 4(iS; tlertnnn ovn I'.ank. Xos 14 i7 OT. lis; Cnnenor ci:i' Hank. ho. air ; Arch Mrcet llie.i-rn No -243; Poiut Breezo I'ark. o llii (liip Mii li" Couiinv. No. All ' rrons ore caullouvd aualnat recnlvinn the s '. 61olmJu Cisi-Kie MiiFi. frtT' WINK OF TAX SYRUP, FORCoUiilfJ, C o'dd. imd Aflect)onn of tho Lunrn. -T'ii mix lure tp entirely v((.ctub e, andalibrds speedy Hvlint in all Pul nirnnry l)ifo'e, t itrb as Astiima, Spitilnx of Diood. 1; roucli.tls. Ac Prepared only bv HAilKIS O.-lVKK. Urnpalstii Sr.u'lieniii Comer TE.MII and OllcdNCT Streots. Philvdelpbln. S '9 lin ro X. IMjAGS, FT j AOS. FLAGS OF ALL DUSCSIPTIONS. AT HORSTRfl AM'S M ILIT A 11 V E T, 6 lHm-lGtJ FIFTH AND CHEREY STREETS. gOLMEll TRAVEL, Via Sorlli PeniisylTania Railroad, SHORTEST AKI) MOST PLEASANT ROUTE TO WILKESBARHE, JlilCH CHUNK, rastox, ;ali.rtovn, bi:tiilehkm, iiazletun, and all points iji thk Leliih and Wyoming Valleys. Commodious Cars, Smooth Track, Fine Scenery,. Excellent Hotels, Are the Specialities of this Iloute. Through to W llkesbarre and M-uch Chunk without cnaniieoi cars. lb new road between tbe summit of tie mountain and Wllkef barre oixns ud views hi unsurDa"8ed buuutv. and the new hole! provides the best and must ample acvommooatlona tor summer visitor KxcuiHiun Tckeia lrnm rinlmle tilila to principal points, Utui-i IhUAl TICKKi OffU f.S OJs'LY. at r. duved rates, on raturUus, iiood to return till jdonday evtnlny 1 xcurslon 1 ickeii to Wlikeebarre. irood tor ten days, iMiutd any day. THROUGH 'I PAIN'S. Cars leave the Jfenot, iUlltl) und THOUI'SON Streets at 7 .10 A. ii . :i :iu V. , and S IS P. M For carticulars. see time tabic in another column. 6 imip KbLH CLaKK A):ent. E E I) L E ii ' (O.HPOl'Ml CAMPIIOTt TROCHES." hftttiiU as a compact, t flee tive. and sale remedy lor lilarrbu, 1 jsentery, Cholera Jlorbus, etc. Have a Uox at 1 and. hxc:usive Maker. C II. NEEDLES, TWELfTII AND RACE STEEBl'S, . PHILADELPHtA. Klity Cents per box. One cozen to families. S.V00. For sale by Drjustat. 6 lti lOtrp YEW PHYSIOGNOMY, oR hI'INS OF CHAR ACTEK, as manltesud ihiouvh Temperament and Bxternul Forms, wltb one tliuusaud IKust.ationi. By s. 11. WKLL-s. of the I'll KEN OLOCIr"AL JOfrt "AL. One lmndtiroo 12 mo. vol., 7 (in pages. Postpid, f. At'tnts wanted. FOWLEB WELL. No. BROADWAY, Now York, and J. L CAPEN, tj"'4t Xo.M 8 TENTH Street. Philadelphia, "1 il M T I N E N T A L 1IOIE L", V. ' LONG RltWCU, N.J. this new maiumotli hotel, the largest in the coantrv. Is now open lor 'he season. Ac omniUJUtlous tar l'Jl'u peisons Aildrti-s SPRAUUK RTOKE", 6 18 lu) Propilotor I OB PRINTIKfi. IN COLORS OR I'LAIV. I neatlT and exnedltlouslv done In the KVHlStl TKLtGttAPHBl ILlINO, t'l Ird Boer; liilm PARASOLS AT $1-15. $l-f0. $1-75, AND fti. Silk Son ITmlirelliu. I-4U. 1 SO. 1 15 A a. dixon. 4 1 Kit I ui No. 11 8. KIllH I H Htreet Oil'" YOU WISH TO BUY A HAT PIrTY centa cheaper than Toucan anywhere else In the city, call at l'KKHTON'8. I liu lo. 218 South TnH;I Street, run(. NOVELTIES IN SEA-SIDE SHAWLS. EDWIN HALL & CO No. 528 S. SECOND street. WOULD lyVTJK THE ATTENTION OP LA.DXUN Who are prcpnrlnjr tor Wnterlnu and other Plaooaof Iburnirpr Rc?ort, to their l,AIJOK VAIHKTY oy SUMM E It SHAW la S, OF KNTIKKLY IiKW BTYT.R. CG II I2t4 pOSTPO N K M E NT. THE UNITED STATES P1UZE CONCERT TO HAVE BI-ES GIVEN AT CROSBY'S OPKKA I'OUSK Monday, Mar '.iH,, Will positively take place at tlio KINK HALL, WARASII A VEND 10, CHICAGO, On Mondny, Jxily U 18Ci(i On which occasion HALF A MILLION IJOLLAliS IK PKIZKS WILL BK IIlESEMED 'JO TICKl.T-HOLIJEKS, lcnDlG $ICO,CCO IN GREENBACKS. The postponrmcnt la un unavoulntila nccenita. not ro inutli In conn Ui i ce ot tlio nuoibur oi tlekM yet uiipoid. e lee ) .Mtivc ntc td tli re la tor the proper n (.IMrutii n ot lliose nlrtuil iliKi.os'd ot hlch hns ben (It im, ,i in coi seineiice ol the ne; litenco an i carclert nt'M ot u portion oi our Agtuta in luukniK their proiier returns. W E ADVISE ALI. PAUTLES WANTING TICKETS To send lor them Ttltln itt delay, as we liavn hut a iiuiui d niunt er et on hand, tv e wi'hmoptparilcalarlv to in )iiiii ni'i'ii ilie minus of our A non f"e importance ol H eir luakinu il.uir roiurn. at ouco. HnJoi tect.tViuK wl ntever eirors n,ay liavu ciopt Into their reports tiere tetore WfMilnny.o those nendinir ior tickets, that If tLey i-liould an be sod at thu time their ordur Is ra ce'M'U the uiom t wi 1 Lerctumeo. No uppjlcntions lor new ueneie tor the sule ot ticket wl i be i onsidtred, as nenueno more than sulllelent Hi ke's to pimply those Agents we huvtt a ready i noiiittd 1 ickets are ior sulu lit Iho prineipn1 hoioU, Hook nl SI unlc Mores in inla city, nad a-our ollico. No. 1311 DFjAKUORI Street Price l exohj seat by ni'l tn rectlnt el price end tlamp 'or return postage. w p invl'e tho punK n nr attention o. prrsuus wishlnir to order tickets bv mail to tlio oilowluu SPECIAL TEEMS, OR CLt'll BATES. Any pony proiurinR a cluh oi five or more nnmcs for tickets, and foivardiiii. us the money tor the ume, will bu allowed the lol.otvInK ei.minlsslon, viz : WE WILL KEND 6 Tickets to one address for 84 -W 10 do do uo it oo 2D do oo do 17 -so SU do tlo do M 2.1 40 oo oo do W5 0i Ml Itlo tlo do 43-50 1(0 do do do H5V0 In every care rend tho nnuie and postoDce address o eflth sul ncrilier. Jlom y by dra t post efl'.ce ordor, or in toglstered letters may be sent nt our nk Ail t on uiuiiicaiiocs ki ould be addressed to WIGGINS, BRADFORD & C3., No. 133 DEABBOKS Streot, Chicago, Il lnol. Ti e proprietor will donate to the Touc!as and Lincoln Stonuir.ent und Sl'410 1 ao, there will Uu ,s2u00 rvservud irom the peion druwing the 3U tien prize, lor the sutua purpose. Keiercnces. Hon Wilkinson ex S-nator, of Mlo-ne-ota; Hun. G.orpe V Larence M. t.'., ot Penn sylvania; Hon Alexander Kand.-ill. ex-Govrnor of Wlsciiiism; Hon Major Can vaco. ex al. C oi In oini.a' lion. I:a J Lav cock of Kan.n-11 ,n Wiliiiini Lefliiitwell, Lyons. ioa; Hon. ltHtph Knox, of t.'hf capo; Hon. ( . t.raves Mnltn. ol Minnesota: Jacob For syth. Ant 31. 8 K- If.. Chicago Ii Inols- .. Kronbor;, in porersot watches, Chicago; Manei. White CJLi Xew Oi'eans, La. ta mwi llUp A CARD. Special Notice to Our Old Friends and the Public Cenerally. The JONFf One Trice Clothing Houe. established sixteen years avo Is stl 1 in sitcoewu operation at the o.d location. No 6d4 AlAKKLi Htreet one door nbove isixtb. and has not cLauueo lis place or uinnnoi ot doina; business, wlilt b i'n exuctly the same voo I old pin In ojio rstion ler nunv vruis. nmely, -'Ono i rico and o de vlatli n " The clothlnii ve n like Is of tlio most snbsan tlai character boili as U materials a id workmanship, to that our cnstenn rs never can complain olVithnr. fur stock Is Isrce and pain or fishl.innblo people can he tved suited. Our cnKti niers should be cae ul to got In tie rltht place, as there is no other establishment In tne city in our line ot business strictly "one-price." JONES' ONE-PKICE CLOTHING, Xo. i01 "MARKKT STJiKKT, o:;e door above sixth, cssiimip fL CONSTUUO T I O N I OR 1IIK SPRING OF 18CO. C. SOAIEHS & SON, No. 625 CHESNUT Street. (Cnder J acne's HalU, Have been enabled to so rednre tne cricea of Clothing, that those ol small as well as those of large meant may tarnish themselves with a m;w spiling suit. BPF.ISG OVERCOATS, ENGLISH WALKING COATS. BEGlslKK AND FKO?K COVM, SlMilG SAK COAT8, CASS1MKKE SUITS TO MATCH. At rjurts Astouiidingly Lew as with ar prict-s. An eittant siock ot Incut tioodt ior meimura work. 1 aailisa o 7-ABXISII, TAR, PITCH, ANU ROSIN V CO barrels liriglit Vanish ; ' barrels Wt minn n Tar; , (It) biiift- s "Ai clior" liin VitcM s Ann barren Seap ilakcrs aud .-hipping Boata. ror bale by EPWV 11. ROWIKT, tMinr so. ig . waAKyva g OTI'ROKON OIL 50 UARKSLH 0LaN O brlthtcil, tuitaulelur Fannera' use. trr sale Imt Kik'. n. itowT.i-:v,' 6 lti 3 Sit 18 8. WHAKVKS. ' r)OSIX OIL .MHHI UAUA1NS ROSIN OIL. I various oualitiet, in asAinednackaiiea. forslobv J5'. W. H. ROVVLKtT b i at No. in 8. wu utta. n p,'IT RP'GUTjATI LINE FOR II A RT- .'.hi. AND KABlTA N CANAL S he steamer HUSAP., Capialn Vandevser, now loadln it the aecond wbarl Ijelow ftPHUOE Street, wdl leave ats above on Tlll'KHl) next. 21st instant. Freights on reusojiahle terms Applvto WILLIAM M. BAIHH & CO., I18t No Ui 8ouU tVBABVLA.