8 Additional News by lb Heoll." BB MACB OF iUKOPB IN TUB IIAWDS OF TBRKB OLD LADIES'. Th London Timet hw the following fror Berlin, May 80: Tbreo Of the five royal todtoj J1 . fflens the world wm to ref ' !tn 'nHd"b.U 4 Vor me preservation of Pce lo the Uion "V r,, M i weeks ago, wbe. i-rti..m oflereato gjm 10 the eleventh hour, rrwinrd the r J 0, paeitle mediation. Ihe "Arcb( mother of Anstria," ti e Queen Dowager l,.,,,, the Queen of 8sonv, three nt -J0' h,,m ,,resfll.nt f rovidenee bu placed on Va,Ythe tarones en ,apd in this ominous c, wr D0 e(ll,rM to prevent the actual 'oc, arnce of rartnre whioh would be eqnaliv ttai ,,01 the three dynas tic with whom rhe (le connected. 1 bla femaie triple, a)uanoe is inspired by conserva tive motives, and aop( to the absolntntiO idiosyn crasies of ti e Veveral evero(ams, whose pride an. I notaal hatie. tlier aro anxious te soften. It their plausible argument rana at Ber In, an well as at Vienna DtdeB i on, our be'oved relatives ttaonld fellow yourserrrs to be lurried away by yonr Jea'op.sy ol e ach othf r. It Is not yon but I emooraoy tlitt will reap the benefit in the end. What imi res irn there (riend y rt nionstrai.ee aro destined to produce upon trie gi m and irritated roval norson asee to whom the-y aro addressed la, of courso, im possible to feireaevt: but ii peace la preserved, It will be partiv doe to the Indefatigable assudulty of these beiiedcent laam, and the conclusive roaaona they wve. Two Other 'fair mediator at the rmaaian Court, who fix weeks ngo made common caune wi.h them, have smoe twispendeel tiuir well-meaning exertions, ei.d new let thina-a tairo their courso, without any tore inrerrerenee on their part, lioinir liberally inoliaed, tbey poaaesa no influence a a time whon dynastic tin ut cor baa riaen to Mich a pi ton a to con template war, ahaopportod by popular tnpt'iv. fit ill, war la not tit certain. Atthia moment the three oonaervntwe Qtieena are trying- 'o induco the Emperor ol Auhtna to adjourn all violent lnte-ntiem trntU alter the Tana conference has pronounced urien the qtt stion ol tho Ducnics. To the Krr.ir f Prussia tbov nope to provo tho no ceaaitv ol eJ'dier making all square with theKawor, or elao Mil. nut l1. tit to the arbitrament ot tho ConirrwM, even tbnn'Mt may bato tho ellcct that the sttoot's ion In Holstt in la to be fettled bv the linnd and the futore ot ' twip. winch forma no part of the Confederacy, regulated oy the oraouinr verdict of le ivffntg tfinivtmel. Tho nearer it comia the moie the K n-r or Prussia shrinks from the horror ol a Vermin we.r; vet it is quentionaMo wliethor bia mil itary prrint d'honnrur will allow him to aeoept the terma ofif natria or the Conference eo uncondition ally as to leave the Kaiser no pretext for entering upon noMllitiea. breaking ot woman's influence npon pohtifta, Queen--01ga, ot Wurteniture, the sister ol ttie Crer, ba, on ber journey from bt. 1'etoreburn to Stutt pard, Jnat arrived at Vienna, to ooinmunicate to the Kairrr the serious apprehensions the Unasian Court would entertain lor the quiet ot Euiope were Austria to act rafhly in iho present unprecdontod stato ot contincnial aflaira. SIVTICOLTIKS ATTFNDINO AN ITALIAN INVARION OF VEBiTIA BTltKMOlH OF TIIKQPAI BILATKRAL. 8omo papeis have expressed an opinion that an 'Italian army may, with a lair chance of aiicoos, -attempt -tho conquest of the Auatro-Venetian pro vinces. There are, however, jrreat diflictiltiea to be overcome by an Italian invading army. The Mmoio ' nuat lirst becroased. That river in forly mi'es lontr, fiom Lake tiarda, whence it derives its source, to Governolo, -where it falls into tlio Po. and it is throniihout -sufficiently deep to prcout a serious bsiaole to an rnvadtnit army, An army attfmptina to croaa the Mincio wo ild And itsolt -between to formidable iortreaans, Man tua on its ripht, and I'esclnora on its left, flioso two lortressesnre not more than twoutv miles distant irom each o'her. i'ech era, altnated nor.h-north-weet of Mantua, and a little more than a mile from Verona, 'rials on Lake (Jarda, of which it occupies the eon i hern extremity at the source of the Mlnoln. Ihe iiopolation ia not more than 8000 and the lortill-' cations are not extenaivp. but there is a vast iu trenched camp olose to the to vn, capable or aoooiu - moitatinp 16 000 troops. It would be impoasiolo to attack Peachiera with any chance ot success on the aide of Lake (jarda. Any veasel attempting to aporoach would be de stroyed by the runs of the lort. and the Aunt nana, are moreover, masters of Lake Garda. A narrow paved road, defended by two trtei-tlu-pont, orvos as communication -between the intrenched camp and the town. The camp commands fesohiera and the entire p ain arouna it, and would render the town untenable were it captured. Ii has been compared to the bullion Ualakolfat Scbastopol. Peschiera is the weakesr of tho fonr fortresses which const it n e the Quadri'ate'-al, Mantua is situ ated on an island to the a- utheast of Poaclilera. It con' ains a popu at ion of 80 0- 0 and a garrison of 40,000. It is connected with tbe land Oy Ave paved roaas, de'ended by three t ers ot gnna. It can on.y be captured by a regular sleire. A besieirinir army would be Inoessantlv exposed to tho attacks of tho Austrian aimy Vanquished, it would be destroyed; victorious, the enemy inixUt retioat (o Verona, Pes Chiera, or Leguano. ISnppoae an invading army In possession of Pes chiera and Mantua, it wou d have the line ot the A dire to force At the north is Verona, the key of the Fnoul and the Tyrol. Verona Is a city ot 60.000 inhabitants, and is dividod into two parts by the Adige. and is stronglv tortiflod. Porto Lognano is twenty-five miles southeast of Verona. It oontains only 9C00 inhabitants, but its for till jal Ions are more extensive than the town. Two detached forts, a tiir.le wall with bastions, and two tetra-du-pont, present a lormidable dotense. The approaches to the town may be complo ely flooded by the waters ot the Adlgo. Vdiona is placed in communication with Leuuano by a road protected by a line of batteries. The garison of Le cauo may send a reinlorcement to Mantua and to Vicenza by means of a double tete-du pant. JProgrresB of Dr. Llvloicstoue'a African Expedition. At the recent annual mooting of the Royal Guo . graphical frsooiety, Sir Uodericic Murchi-on stated that he had learned,- through a letter ot Or. Living stone's, dated the 24th ol March, to hia daughter, that be bad reached the mouth oi tho Kovuiua river in an Arab dhow, with his followers aud six oamols, three aseea, and three bnHaloes Aa it was found impracticable to ascend the Tio--muia with their vessel, or to disembark the animals on its banks, the party was taken on by Lieutenant Gariortn. H K., to a fine harbor north ot too Ho vuma, where 4hey were about to land when the letter was despatched. As the people ot fiat tract re under tbe-control of the Sultan of 'Zanzibar, with whose protection Dr. Livings-one is fully pro Tided, be wrote in the full persuasion that he will not only reach the watershed between his own Lake Myanza and Tanganyika ot Burton and 8peke, but also be able to settle the question aa to the ele vation and drainege ot the latter. It he cat) reach it, and, alter building a boat on it, is able to proceed to its northern end, he will at once set at reit the d isnote aa to whether this lake be really the ultimate aouUiern water baoin ot the Nile. Ii it should prove to be o it will follow that the altitude of the Tan ganyika, as given by lturton ahd Speko. was very trroneous, for by their measurement It was more than eight hundred feot below tue level ol the Albert A'yanza, as fixed by Baker. A Ntw Play by Nbcrldan Knowles. The late James Sheridan Knowles, who in the lust years ol bis life became a minister, and denounced the stage, never neglecting, however, to receive the profits which accrued to him therelrom as a maker of plays, left, at his death, an uupublirhod and un acted drama, whioh was recontly produoud at tie Strand Thtatie. undor tiie titlo of Alex.wi; or, True Unto Vetuh. "It bear8,"sas an Kuglish paper, 'the marks ot tbe poet's last mood ot miud, whioh -was deoMledly inclined to piety, and preferred to loo on events and persons irom a religious point of view. Tho theme, as propounded in express terms lu-tuia drama, is contained in the question, 'Who will dare to die for, and in pluoe ot, a Iriondf " Then tollows a summary ol tbe plot, which is melo .dramatic in tho extreme, showing Knowles in his earliest and worst method. This play, which was intended by the writer for the libretto olan opera, and which was accoim .nied with songs that, ol course are omitted in the drama tic representation haa already occasioned a dispute twtween Knowies' heirs ana the holder ot the inanu-. aextpt, whioh u not vt t aenlod In the mtautime it bas .been P ayi with tolurable sucoeas, aud will nbwrtlf be publmhfcd. The Gea-in mation. THt ISTiTATlOMB -Jo THE CONFEaBNCB The fc"0 "".'' the 01 the note transmitted by thi ' French Ambassador at Ktanktort to Baron de Ku. Vk( ,'he Austriun AiinlsCu hig char?r of Pre i dontofthetiermanio Uiet 'd ?5nr tutaul, mutnuto. thetxt of allti" the Conn we110'' Theum torslgnod, Envoy Extraordina.T and ma. I te- Pleni potential y of his Majesty the 11 e French. , ha. been . nstrueied h his GovSent to lay beloro 1 ? u,i A8suul'v "? lollowing"8"; munication. The difference which has arisen "JS, tween Auati 'a and Prussia n connection with tC JScbleswlg Hc qoeeUon has beooiue a subleot ot great anxiety -urop. Public opiuion is alarmod by tne posaibih 7 ot war In which so many various lutereU would e""e'1- .Jranoe, Great Britain, and Russia thei elyea could not without uneail seaa contemplate .m Possibility ol an rn4 T.iIE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1860. Male tn- wou'd array against each other inrndal- " which they entertained eqn llam Th h'Kbet conaideraUoni Incited ill,' to seek some means of staving off . danger. The three power bare conaaited m,rn Ihnirarlvm bavins the same idea ot Dnaco and conciliation, and, a iter having lutcraliangad their rrrpcotive views, have formed an agi cement to In vlte to a common deliberation the tioveromonui which -are, or which may be, implicated In the dispute that is toaay, Auatria, Prnsaia. Italy, and the Germanic Confederation. The object or theje deliberations la one that moat Impreea a'l mind'. It is, in tbe interest of peace to reaolve by diploniaiio irernia I ho nnntlnn nf th DuChlOS, that Of ttlO Italian difference, and finally that ot tho relormi U, j be ir.tredneed into tl eloderai pwi, mnr wumj aflrcttf e Kuioj evn balance of power. II the mc.st serene Geinianio 'onredcrallon consents to yteid to this appeal, aa the three neutral Courts entor tain a hope that it w'll, ita plenipotentiary can ia Paris Join thofe of Pianoe', wreat Bntain, and P.ossia. As to the dates of the meeting. H la do pinbie that it ahciild be as early aa Vosaib'e. 1 lie approt-enfioua created bv tha preaont ciiaia cannot be too Boon dlapolloi, and a ple dge of iccur'ty affbrded to Rurone The negotia tions will i resent greater prospect of awoceas if they te cot dlaiurbcd bv the clash ot arms and by the rusceptibiiit;es of points ol military honor. Tbe Gov n nient of tho Imperor reliea that in absenting to tie ptopoaitionl of tte three Courts the powers which at thia moment are engaged in making prepa tniiona lor war will show themaclvea diaposod to ruspend there prepara'iona, even although they (bould liesilate to restore their forces to a peace ioefi r. ibe Goverrmi ct ot the Emperor awaita with estreat ao'icitnde the determination of the Geirranic Conieeleration. The undersigned has the Miter to request hia Excellency the Baron do Kultck. Mn ietci of Auatria and Fretudent of the Geiman'c I'ict to ttassmit to that high assembly ti e invitation of the thiee neu ral powers, and to r ceivo ti e sssurarce o( Ins very high consideration. i BAMtlORT-ow.TTiB-.VlAiii, May 28, 1800. Ihe Infrfttlnsl Nrnlllntc Matcn. TBK 1ATB A TP01KTKP FOR THB BACINO TO TAKE FLACK. Frm Ihe London Sportsman, Junt 2 Ihe wtatler having been exceedingly favoriblo dining the tarly pnrt of tho week, llnmlll has a couplo ot pood rn s over tbe course daily, somo tiays rowing l et v eon twelve to fourteen miles. His long expected tkifl, kiiilt. by btephen UoVrts, of Islew York, arrived at Newcastle via L'Terpool. on 'I t. nnelav altemcon, and wrs at onco convevod to the Blenheim House Hoto', whero Wamlll and parly aro atill staying, feho is a somewhat stout boat, t lion eh scarcely f so large dimensions asa!ed. In arpearancc she Is much about the same as tho (kills built here, though muoh heavtor, weighing, in fact, altogether, some fonr. two poi'iido, or fourteen pounds more than the boat which, It will be remembered, the American champion ntou(tht over with him IIo at once discarded the latter, after a couple ot trials, as l eingtoo liirht; it may, perhaps, yet turn out that with respect to ihe one Just arrived be may have to do the amo, thouch lor a contrary reason, -Meanwhile tre "veteran" Harry is busily engaged in a new boat for him. and, indeed, haa mado so much progress w.tb her that she will, in all probability, be ready in tho course ol a lew days. liamlll will make hia flist essay in his new boat. We jeati relay rece ved a communication from J; mes UamiH informing ua that he had decided to row on the Type, on Wednesday and Thursday, July 4 and 5 and had wri'ten to Kellov by th same poft. piving a m onth's notice ol his intention, as required by the articloa y O N T F C II I S T O Geld and Silver, mining Co. OF NF VADA. CAPITAL, - - tB,000,000 Shares, $20. 1' 1 J L I PAID STOCK. Working Capitel, $300,000 7COO Shares Only For Sale JJK1NCJ PRE! ERRED STOCK Ecarlns 25 rcr Cent. Interest Per Annum In Coin. PKEBIDENT. F. FKIEHaN rBENIlSS,rblladelphia. TfEArUBFB, 11. C. VOLG, Caehier Commonwealth Nati Bank, Philadelphia, - SFCRKTABT, THOMAS DUKLAP, Philadelphia. MI1S1KQ f CPKBINTENDENT. T. J. AlMiPHT.Kevada. OFFICE, No. 413 CHESNUT St.,Philad., Boom No. 5. The above Company bag lately been organised with extensive and vuluab'e Silver Mines in tbe celebrated White I'me Mining District, Lander county, Nevada. I'artics desiring lo invest in a bona fide, legitimate Mining Company, where the subscribers to the Work ing Capital Mock receive tho largest share of the earnings, and are guaranteed a large interest on their money, are invited to examine the Prospectus of this Company, which may be obtained at the ofiloe, No. 413 CHEoMJl Streot. The Mines are now being worked, and machinery will be erected at onco. Subscriptions receivod at Ihe ofiloe, or by mall, ad dressed to the Secretary, Tost Office Box 1902 rbi adi lpbia. 5 16 wfin.13 4p - CUMPOinfD CAMPHOR TROCHES, Petti v. Preventive ot -T--T- N T r . 1 -l 1 A jra. v- -i-i -en j. DiarrhM, D jienwry, and uuotora Moroaa, Bale Viator, O. H. Noodle., DraggiM, 1Mb Baot Buu, Poll. iaot Buu. Pbilv . . H.niltiu DIKBUrvOn STRONG ALE, AND BROWN STOUT. A fttBh importation tt WILLIAM YODNOEB'3 BTROMU ALK, andl!BOV.K bTOtT POKTEH. Alo, ALSOP'8 ESGU81I ALE, In fine order, for sale by the cask or dozen. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, 4 MWpT B.W. cor. BROAD and WALNUT JLEft DELIGHTFUL EXCURSIONS GS THE SCIIDYLKILL. The steamer SIfeVER WAVE," How running irom jTalrmount to Falls of Schuylkill, wl 1 leave falrmt unt as follows, viz. i At 7-20, 8-tO, 10, 11-20 A. M. And at 12 40 2, 1 20, 410. and I P. M. Beturnln?, leave ihefaUi at 8,9-20, 10 fO,12M.i and S 40. 4, 8 2 and s0 P. U. rAHK.To Laurel HUJ andt&e Falls, 16 cents i Colum bia Qt w,asLlngtonKetvet, 10 cents. JS.pwi R H EUK1 AT5Sri, ' i GOUT, NEUIlALQIA, VERT EASILY AHD QUICKLY CURKI) BT DOCTOR FITLER'S GREAT RHEUMATIC REMEDY, USED INWARDLY. Contains no Mercury, Colchlcura, Mineral", nor anythlnv injurions. The most valuable Modiclno ever otTored to tho public. Warranted to have never yet failed in any Instance to cure permanently tbe worst forms of Rhenma matinn, etc. PREPARED ONLY BY DR. FITLER, One ol l'hilndetpnla's oldest Fractlslni Thysiclans. Rcierenccs to tne wonderful cures made. CHOLERA, Illairherit, Cramp Cholera Morbus.anel all ArTeetlona of tho Duwcla. CVRFO BT CS1N9 DOCTOR FITJL.EU'8 CARMI NATIVE. ESTABLISHED 1833. For Grown Tenons, Children and Infants. Mothers ahd Nurses please notice. This CARMINATIVE has been before the publlo for many years, is perfectly harmless ami has been Ufod principally for Children and Infants with wonderlul eflect in cases of Bowel Complaint, Co'io, Cholera Infantum, Crying Infants, Teething, Sloop leeBiiefs, Cramps, etc. Iry it. Satisfaction iruarartecd. PRICE 25 CENTS. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS AND IKALEKS. o7sm2m8p CLOTHING. 3? e A W vy v- a 2 UNDEU .S3 THE iWieiital Hotel, 1C - W Of-Dn-nm Of SO k 'ft -9 '6 JJi T. OP P. C. F. F. F. C CLOTHING III HICKS' TEMrLE OF FASHION. Celebrated ror nne Fashionable Clothine. WILLIAM HICKS, No. y02 MARKET Street, H2m PHILaDELPHIA. gTATES UNION CLOTHING HALL, 606 MARKET Street, 606 Visitors will find a large and varied assortment ot the very best READY-MADE CLOTHING at the lowest cath prices. , Bolts, containing Coats, rants, and Veet, irom $12 00, Dusters, 2 25. Fauts from a3-00 and higher. Come and convince yourselves. is 31 3m (CjqrtTO $45 l tU A SUIT OP BLACK OB ipJeJ (rncy colored cloth; army and navy olothloi J 0., In style iinnurpasiieJ. t ttmrp FA UK. No. 11 NINTH Bt., above Chesnst. (JHEROKEE PILLS CURE Supprettaed, Excessive, and Painful Disorders. Oreen bkEnesK, Nervous and Bplnal Afluotlons, Palus In the liack, fclck Headache, ulauiness, And all disease that spring from lrrecu'arlty, by re moving the cuubc and all the efl'ects that arise from It. 1 hey are periect y safe In all cases, aud are aaxy to ailuiinlHter, as they are nicely tuyur covrf. 1'hxv should be In the hands 01 every maitleu, wile, aud mother In tha Una. Ladies can address us in perfect confidence, and stato to lr coiupla,nta In tul'.asvve treat all Female Com plaints, aud prepare Medicines suitable tor all dlseaiei o which they are subject Thirty-two page pamphlet. In a alea enveloue. tree. 'Ibe faerokee VI It are sold by all druitgUts at tl per box. or six boxes tor S: or they are sent bv mall, free of pontaye in an ordinary lnt er, tree from observation by addressing the sole proprietor. Dr. W. R. MERWIN, No 37 WAI.KEB Street, New York. N. 11. t herokee Pllts No. i are prepared for tp- c xl eoxt lie 11 Diilder nicil'ciiifs 111.il ; ibere are sunt by mall, free oi postage, on receipt of S tht price uf cocA bojr. , DR. WRIGHT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR, OR, ESSENCE OF LIFE, Cures General Debility, Weakness, Hysterics la Fe males, 1 alpiiation 01 the Heart, aud all nervous Diseases. It restores new lite acd vigor to the aged, causing the hot blood ot youth to course the veius, restoring tha Orttsns of Cleneratlon, removing Detil ltv, and restoring man iness and u 1 vigor, thus proving a perfeet "Klixlr of Love." removing Sterility no t liarrenuess In b,,tli s xes. To the young middle aed, aud agea. there Is no f;reater boon than this "KlUlrof Life " It gives a new ease of life, caushg the weuk and debl lia ed to have renewed a r. ngth and vlvor, and the en Ire systoui to thrill with joy and pleasure. .Price-One bottle, 2: three bottles, (i. Sent by ex press to any address. . Our medicines are sold and recommended bv all re snectalilti druggists in ever part of the clvlllred globe. Home unprincipled dealers, however, trv to deceive their cuHtonieis by selling cheap aud worthless compounds In onler to make money. V not deceived ask for these Medicines an I take 1 o others, if the druggist dues not keep them, write to us. and we will send them by ex press, caiefully packed, tree irom observation We will be pu-aaed to receive letters with lull statements In ie- 8ny dle with which ladles or gentlemen are ailllcted Address all letters for medicines, pamphlets, cradvlee, to the sole proprietor, Dr. W. R. MERWIN, 6 11 mwfSrp Ko. 17 WALKEB Street, ew Tork. 1 BOOTH STREET, M. D'ANCONA JJX Pys the highest price for Ladles' aud Jjents east-oil Clutbin. o. 1341 BOUXli Blreet, below Kroad. a 6 tiuj - A '-J vr o STEAM K N 1 N B rACKl 0 LI FRICATIVE PACKIXO, FOR THE STUFFING BOXES OP STEAM ENGINES. An article reeonmenelcd by all Railroad Compan who bare thoroughly tested It, aid In general use b' over two kdrrdar,d tfig BaUioads. ana on trial b over flvs bondred others. ADOPTUD BT !0,t,C0 81ATI0NART EN GIN EM. Is a fli st-elass article. SeventyFive Cents Per Pound. Lubrtcnthc racking Company fOLE MANU PAC1TJBER8. CHESNUT Street, rillLADELPHIA. L. O. T1LLOTPON & CO. BOLE AGENTS. 26 DEY Street, New York. BOLD BT DEALERS GENERA LI.T, 38p MILI.KR'e STEAM EN0INK PACKIXO. . 1 Ms Is the niuslin covered, shoddy Oiling, stuffing- It.,, narkins. BIX1T CKNTB TER POUND Forralehy WILLIAM It. MILLER, ole Wanuf etnreriorthe Tnlted Biates, Hear of "23 lUtMJT Htn-et. 4 2d Pp PhlladelDhla. Penna. MILLINERY, MANTUA-MAKING, &c WOOD afe CARY, No. 7!5 CI1EHNUT St., OFFER T1UMMED BONNETS, AND LAP1ES' AND MISSES' TRIMMED HATS, AT COST. EVER? STYLE OF BONNET AND II AT, AT MODEltATE PRICES. BoyNEl FRAMES, JilBBONS, HlLKt, CRAPES, FLO WEES, KTV. ETC WOOD & CARY, No. 725 CHESNUT STREET. 41b2mrp FREEMAN & CO., N.W. Corner EIGHTH and VINE Sts. JU8T RECEIVED, Five Hundred Fancy Bonnets. FAKCHON BOSNET8 AT1 00. ULA8CIA BONNETS AT tl 25. DERBY HAH, el 26 to J Ml. YACHT HA18, 1 25 to 2 25. KUKDOWJiS, CI OOto 175. 676t MRS. R. DILLON, Nos. 323 and 331 SOUTH Street, Has a handsome assortment of SriUKG M1LLINEUY ; Misses' and Infants' Ha s and Caps, Bilks, Velvets, Crapes, Klhbena, Feathers, Flowers, Frames, etc. 3 164m TOADIES' CLOAKS, BASQUES, ETC. MADE AMD TltlUHED lUTBFMOBl' Fa BHIONABLW 8TTLE. FKOM THKKIMOOOUB. AT 1HJC LOWbT fOSflllU': I'RICES. IVEN8 A CO., 5 11 2m So. 23 Couth MNTH Street E, CORNER FOURTH AND CHESNUT IS THE PLACE TO BUY MEN'S STRAW AND FELT HATS AND CAPS, AT F ULOUSLT LOW RICES, BEING TBE LAK WHOLESALE STOCK OF BARNES, OSTEMIOUT & IIERRON No. 503 MARKET STREET, REMOVED TO FOURTH and CHESNUT Sts., TO BE DISPOSED OF AT RETAIL, 6 8 AT LOWEST WHOLESALE PRICES. E1NT TO TOBACCO CITE WE RS WEDDING-CAKE FINE COT TOBACCO. The oulv 1 IKE CCI TOBACCO ever manufaoturoJ larhiUdelphU. The Beet in the Marltet. EVERYBODY USES IT. Manufactured from the Best Leaf. EOLD EVERYWHERE. 811 Factory, P. E. corner Bboad and Wallace Street H IF YOU WISH TO BUT A HAT FIFTY oautsclieanorthan too can anywhere else in tha Cltv.caUat FRBBTON'8. 1 ) Ko. 218 Bontn TqIbP 8tret, Fbllada. " DRY GOODS. I P 11 ICE & WOOL) Noithw est Corner of EIGHTH and FILBERT Streets. WlllTE GOODS. White P qnes, fcO, 69, 76 80, 00, and tl 10 per yard. Fineqn.lity Victor, a Lawns. line quality Bwiss Musln s. Hgured Swirs Musi ns, very olieap. Hon fin If h CtmbiiO', Jaconets and Nainsoos. 1'lald and Striped Musiins, very cheap, f birred Muslins fine quality. M bite Tarletant. LINEN GOOD 8. LINEN GOODS. A larre lot of tinrn Huckaback Towels, 29, 2r, 23, 81i S7j, 40 46 60, anu 60o. llaiuioine Liatnask Towels. I.li.en liucltal ack by tho vaiel. It)' ached and I'nblrachod table Linont. fct lnukt SliTt'Nir Lmons W lute anil Colored .Mnrwil cs fountorpopg. All-wool Haiinol, vtrv clirnp. lieimet and Anvola Flnnnola. AWquito bar cttm?. white), pink, lilno.and rrcn, WtC white liobinrt lor nuisquito una. Ice blttikcis, vi rv chetap. Best makes lllosol.ed and CnbUacved Muslins, at Die very lowest marke' orlces. Just opened 1 caeo 10-4 Bleached 6l.ecliU(f Muslin-, 87 ci nts a yard. llatRans in l an brio EtliriniiS. Insetting, anl Fle ni.ciURs; J.adio' a' d Gents' L, nen Cantbiio Mdkfs ; M'k t-un I'mhrnllas; Hoop -kir s: Mock lies; shirt Kront' and Hmpenders; l-adim', tieuti' and Chidieu's Unstrry and .lves; Fr'iicii I'o niael'8, Kxtrncls, ar el bouj t J.iucn ai.el Si k l aua. PKICH Ss WOOD, N. W. Corner KIGtlTIl and FILBERT Sta N. B. Just opened, 1 enso American Cambrics 25 cei is a yarn. JpHKNCH LiMEX GOODS, The mtf cnl ert have just received a choice assort ment oi the above rare and desirable OoodB Anioup which ate French Linen Stctlnars, 11 4 and 12 4 wido Fiencb 1'i.low and Bolster Linen, 40 and 46 inches. French Undressed Shlrl'ng Linen. French Wbite .'iuen Doylies, lonir Irlnees. French Unbleached Doy leg, long Inniros. French Fringed Napkins. French Lobster Napkins, a new artic'e Fiench Colored Bordered Towels and Sankins. Silesia and French lable Linens, by tho yard. SHEPPARD.VAN HARLINGEN& ARRiSON. I m porters of LlNfNS AHD BOUSE-FWlNfSaiJJO DRY '.00DS, 4 20 fmw2mrpl No. 1008 CI1ESNUT STREET. g K A-S IDE SUA W I, S. JU8T OPENED, A LARGE LOT OF SEA-SIDE8, JNTIEFLY EW DESIGNS AND COLORS, FROM f 3 00 to 12 00. JOHN W. THOMAS, Nos. 405 and 407 N. SECOND Street 6 7 6trp Orv CEN18 ALL-WOOL CASS1MERRS, FOR 1 00 O fsliiH res. tor men's wear. l Ml fine L'afsluieres, lor suits. 60 cent tine Linen Drills. Linen Duck ior Lovs' wear and ladies' Sacques. Fine Mixed Goods for suits. J C. ME WBRIDOE A CO , N. W. comet fclGUTll and MakKET. &P.'tXr FINK BED tPU JVJ Blankets tor slnKlebi BLANKETS ) Deda. Jtlai'keta lor berths. Blankets tor hotels. Blankets for ice J. 8'l KAWBEirOK A CO., N. W corner E1U Hi II and MAlCKtT. w II T T E H K H N A N I 8 II A W L S, ft hlte Crepe M aret Phawla. W hue Lania Y ool slwls. Whit ' Printed Cashiane ohawis. Black 'ihlliett-hawls. fehetland bhawU. Sea side Shawls. J. C HTKAR'BHIDOP! CO, S. V. corner KK1H I II and MAKKET. 50 CENTS FINE BLACK ALPACAS. Ml cent Fine Pearl Colored Alpacas. 25 cent Grenadine Bareiies tl tU wide tiros Grain bills, for 8acqaea. 1 ravelling Dress Goods. J. V. BTRAWBR1DGK & CO.. H. corner E1GUTU and MiKKET. TH E MISSES TIIOHXI1ILL & BURNS, No. 1208 CHESNUT Street, lUveJust received, WEKi EY CORSETS, BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC 6KIBM In all tbe latest sty.es. AL"0, FRENCH IMPORTED DRESSING SA'QUES, AND IIADK-TJP TJNDKR C ARM B NTS FOB LADIES, And a fine assortment of I PRINTED LlNJNIAWN,FOR DRG'SES, AT 56 CENTS PER YARD. (6 23 warn 24 iAAA YARDS PLAID MUSLIN, CHEAP. -LUUU 65o Fine White Utiue. Sl'o. 5 4 wide Victoria Lawns. tl.00. Shirred Muslim lor Waists. 83c Fine C'auibrio Mus lns. J. V. b'l RAW" BRIDGE A CO.. N. W. corner E1GUX11 aud MARKET. 250 DOZEN LINEN NAPKINS AT $2.50 and i 60. 10-4 Linen Hheetlnir. tl 2.1. 1(U dozen Red bordered Towe's, (2.75 per doz. 76c. Hand-loom I uble Linen . 66c- Unbleached Table Linen 2(0 dozen Linen Hdkls.. Irom lute sales. J. O. SIRAWBR1DGK & TO.. N. W. corner EIGHTH and MARKET. OfX CENTS FINE BLEACHED SHIRTING Z.KJ Muslins, yard wide. Wauixutta. Wllllamsvllle, and Nen York Mills. 8lo. I'll ow Mm Ins. 10 4, 11-4 and 12-4 Hhettlng Muslins. 22o. Unbleached Muslins yard wide. J O. S'IRAWBHIDUE CO, K. W corner ElGliTU and MARKET. 37 1 CENTS ALL WOOL FLANNELS. 2 Ballardvale Donirt F an n els. abkoIm and Fins Twilled Flannels. jiuun is lor bathtiK suits. Vat te Flannels, Shirting Flmne's. J C 8'IKAWBKIOOK & CO., N. W. comer KiGliTU aud MARKET. 68 DRY GOODS. L A 0 K 9 I L K ft Atal M,l 40. tl no. si 60, Kb a splendid Una of superior arades, all ttoonlitat the recent AUCTION BALES, AT RKDUCFD PRICE?. Ct'Rv KW STODDART , OROTIIER, Nos. 450, 4&J, and 4M SECOND Street, I0 4t Above Willow JAWNS, rEKCALFS, AND CHINTZES, OF NEW STYLES, AT REDUCED PRICES. (IRWKJI sTODDAlir . BROTHER Nos 4fi0, 492, and 454 N. SECOND Street, 9 4t Above Willow gUMMER DRESS GOODS At !0 and ?5cnU. Several lota rrduccd to this low price. CLOSING OUT MJ'IMEB STOCK (IIUVFN STOOD A HT Ai, UHOrilER, Nos. 450, 452. and 454 N. MECON I) Street 6 9 4t Above Willow. R E N C II LAWNS, FRENCH FERCALE8, FB NCH CHINTZES,, from li te A action Sales at RKDUCK.U PRICKS. CLOSING OUT SUMMER DUESS GOODS. CVKVVIiN sTODUAlir &. RHOTllKll, Nos. 410,452, anil 44 N. SECOND "trot, 6J4t Ahovn Wll low. O U L A H D M O II A I It J At 41 and 10 o nts. CLOSING OUT 8U.MMLR GOOD '. CtltUKiV BTt)l)IItT & BllOllIER, Nos. 451), 452, nd 4:4 N. SECOND street, 69 4t A have Willow. CHEAP DRY GCODS, CARPETS, MATTING, Oil Coin and Indow, Shades. V. E. ARt'HAM BAUL'I'. N. E. corner rLI-.VKNTII and MAKKET streets, will open this niornlnir from Auotlon White Canton .wottlnp, SI cm s up: Ro I t'tieca MattinR, 87 cents Ingrain Cnrpets. 60. bi. 15 h7 cents, 1, al'25 il'37. H 50; Lnuilsh 'lapestry Lrusecls l arieta only 1 75j Ihrce-ply (arrets only t2-l ; lleinp i arneo. 31 cents; Rug 1 arpeta. bi cents; Cottage ( aroeis, 37 contat Floor Oh Cloths. 62 cents; Window Shades 1 to J: Plain, Bun", Brown end Green Shading. 50 cents; Sneettng IMus Ins, 25 to ft cnt. Tali c Linen 62 cent to 1 5tl t Napkins 25 rents; lowelllnus 12 cents u,i ; cloth Table co ers, M 75; MozamMqtiea 37 to 45 cents; I awns. 81 crn s; Plain all wool De ames. bU to 1.2 cents; Alpacas, all colois, 87 to (-2 reins Chea,-) Wholesale and Retail More, N E corner ELEVEN 1 11 and MARKET sts. 69 CARPlTiNGi, &o JUST RECEIVED, YAEDAND-A-IIALFWIDE VELVET CARPETS, yW DEsfGNS. J. F. & E. 11. 00 E, No. 904 CHESNUT STKEET. 3-4 1-8, 44, 5-4, 6-4, WUtTE, EEL, AND FANCY CANTON MATTINGS. J. F. & E. 13. OKNE, No. 904 . CHESNUT STREET. ENGLISH BRUSSELS, FOR STATES AND HALLS, with extra borders: J. F. & E. B. 0RNE, No. 904 CHESNUT STREET 5Q0 PIECES NEW PATTERNS ENGLISH TA TESTRT BRUSSELS. J. F. & F. B. OKNE, No. 904 3 20 Smrp CHESNUT STREET. QA SII CAPIT A L, $200,000. THE UNITED STATES ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE COMPANY", Oi Syracuse, New lork, Insures islimt DEATH FROM EVERY CAUSE, Whether AC'TDKNT, CHOLEB A, or DISEASE nf any kind, with weekly couipensmlou lor DISABILITY Irom ACe IDEM'. CO!BI'FDrOLICTF8 FRflM TVKTO F1V TKAR1. ACC1LEM POLICIKS F KO VI ONE MO till 10 Tiilf V E l H. MO JIFLICAL EXAMINATION KF.QU1RED FOB ACCIDENT INSURANCE". This Is the onlv Compnny autlmrlied to Issue COM BIN ED LIKE aud ACVIDI- N 1 POLICIES. In view ot the nro ahlliiy oi the visitation of CbOLKHA tills summer, tills opporunttv ol luourlng gainst It tor a brief period, at economical rates, should, command the attention ol evervoua; whl'e ihe oomld natlonof ACCIDENT risk oflered with it euutiles those re-liltng In the City, or transuding- bunlness here and returning to tbe couutry dully, to guard against evury lotui of DISEASE OB C 6U.LTT. Peimlta Issued for travel to Europe, etc. Active Solicitors wanted. WM. A. STEPHENS, General Agent, 6 11 lm Mo. 801 CHESNUT Street, I blladelphla. N ORDER TO SAVE MONEY" AND GET AN article Xlini uori.T r.rry vug IB insmng tor, OUT rnr.BiuB luii,. nio per ion. ngg and Stove size; ab-o the genuine Eagle Vein Coal at same prioet and a verv tine Quality of Lehigh at 7 -50 per ton lor Fdg and Stove delivered to all parts of the eltv. Vea of slate and dirt. Orders received at No. 114 8 TllIBO - i Oil 7