TDB j)Air,y EVENING TELEC KAf'ttiiPHIL AOfeLt'ltf A', MONDAY, JtfKE'li,11 1666. 5 Capb Mat. We copy .the followlnpr merited notice from the Philadelphia Aqt : "Now that the ! summer, with its, oppressivp heat, is upon uii, the tiacBtloD naturally artees, where shall wc go for health and, recreation, Why, Cape Island; for, with the railroad convenience, a pleasant three houra' ride will lake us there, or a trip by water, on one of our beautllul rind convenient boats, would be delightful. But we can get no accommodation when there. For the lasi tour years, hundreds have suffered from the lack of hotels on the Island. A reference to the advertisement Ot the West Jersey Hotel Company, In our columns of to day, will con vince the patrons of" this fashionable summer resort than an enterprise fs now In the hands, of one of our most energetic business men, that will soon adorn the ishnd with one of the most beautiful and commodious hotels ever erected at any summer report on this continent. Wc congratulate our denizens on fhe prospect we mav say ceitainty of no more lack of accom modations on Cape Island, tor, in the hand. ol I. H. Joseph, Esq., the West Jersey Hotel Com pany will surely prove a success." ; CHOLERA IN NEW YORK. Two More Case Reported by the Heal 111 Hoard. Frvm the N. Y. Tribune to day. The cholera has again been reported from two diBerent districts in the city. The tirst was tbe case of a woman named Boll, residing at No. 166 West Twentieth street, who was seized witn the disease last Thursday night. From a personal examination ot the antecedents ot this case, Dr. Harris repoits that during the preceding day she. had greatly (aligned herself by wauhing. Two weeks previously she had become a mother, and the care she was compelled to bestow upon her lntunt greatly increased her debility, and so reduced her vital forces as to make her an easy prey to the destroyer. On Friday she suffered all the phenomena of Asiatic cholera, namely, painless diarrhoea of albuminous fluids, muscular ciamp", exce6ive prostration, and partial col lapse. No indiscretion in diet or personal habits had operated to produce this attack; and Dr. Buchanan, who is s ild to be a eood observer and familiar with the disease, unhesitatingly pro nounced it true Asiatic cholera. The patient died on Saturday. Following the nauseous smell of sulphate of ammonia, Dr. Harris found at No. ISO West Twentieth street, three doon east, privies over flowing tnto tho rear yard of a tenement house. He therefore recommended a thorough Inspec tion and disinfection of every house, within live squares, where putrefaction is going on, or is likely to occur before tbe cleansing iscompleted. He also ordered for this purpose, and to be used jn the neigh, twenty barrels of lime and charcoul, and 300 pounds ot sulphate of Iron (copperas). His walk through the district was hasty, but he saw enough to warrant the opinion that ten men under a faithful scavenger would be required in addition to the disinfectants named above for the prosecution of the work. This vigor on the part of the Health authorities, if their orders are laithfully fulfilled, will save a number of lives. From the indications we have had, it may be safely atsoi ted that this grappling with the disease in its incipieiicy, taking it by the throat, as it were, and stamping it out by the unlimited use of prophylactics, if the only means by which an epidemic, during the coming season, can be prevented. CUOLBRA IN DUSTER STREET. C The last case was authentically reported yes terday afternoon. A hard-workiug. steady man, living in the dark, damp basement of a rear tenement house, with an open privy used by the entire population of the building, slaudlng within nine feet of tbe only window and door of his house,, sickened with painless diarrhoea, muscular cramps, and collapse. The best of medical attendance, promptly summoned, to gether with the patient's faultless habits, barely saved his lite. The orders of the Board of Health were similar to those given in the cases that occurred in Broome and Twentieth streets. We repeal them lor the benefit of our readers: 15 pounds of copperas dissolved in a large pailfull of water, and 2 quarts of the solution thrown into the privies every hour, followed by a quan tity of chloride of lime. One barrel of powdered quicklime was scattered in the cellar and about the corners ot the court, bet een the front and rear premises. One cask of chloride of lime was spread in various places during the after noon. We have been thus minute in reporting these cases of cholera, not to create alarm, bat to arouse the attention of our citizens to the abso lut necessity tor cleanliness, both in their per sons and premises. In all of these cases the causes of tne. disease nave been investigated thoreughly, and in every one the predisposing causes have been found in the unwholesome and insalubrious surroundings ot the patients. We do not attempt to generalize from so small a group of facts; but they should have their full weight, and when added to the deductions drawn from every former appearance of the epidemic in this city, where it is well known to have visited with its greatest scourgings the most tiltny and crowded districts, they seem sufficient to .serve as a warning to every indi vidual citizen to beware of impure air, crowded apartments, and personal unckanllness. Wher ever putrefaction of either animal or vegetable matter is goingon, there is a danger which can only be avoided by removing and arresting the causes. The directions we have given above will serve this purpose, and the disinfectants we have named are the bent now known to the authorities. Let them be unsparingly used i whenever there Is a disagreeable ,or nauseous odor. ' Paidon of a Baltimore Rebel Discharge from Custody Under an Indictment. Philip Cashmyer, formerly of this cltv, who, during several years of the late Rebellion, held SosUion as a detective of . the Richmond Police department, yesterday morning appeared in the United States District Court-room, and took the oath prescribed to be taken in the proclamation of President Johnson, dated May 20, 1865. Cash myer was indicted at the June term of the Dis trict Court, in 1H63, for treason, on account of tne part he is alleged to have taken in the 19th of April (1861) riot. Bench warrants were issued at each succeeding term of the Court for, his arrest, and each was returned non ttf. Tbe case, with others, was remitted to the Circuit Court of the United States, and on the 30th of Juue, 1864, the filth warrant was issued by direction of Chief Justice Chase. This warrant, on his appearing yesterday, was returned cepi. He ex hibited to District Attorney Jones and to Judge Giles a pardon by the Present, a copy of which, as also the oath he took in Court, u subjoined. The Court, after consideration of the papers, parsed an order that Cashmyer, having complied with the conditions mentioned in said pardon, which was exhibited, be discharged from cus tody and prosecution under the indictment. After paying the costs as required in the pardon, Cashmyer lett tbe court-room. This it is stated, is the tirst case of such a proceeding under the decision of Chief Justice Chase, the party first pleading guilty to the Indictment, and then pleading the pardon. In connection with, and as one ot the principal reasons influencing Presi dent Johnson to giant the pardon, it is learned "that Mr. Cashmyer was extremely kind to a number of Maryland prisoners, while confined In Libbv Prison, furnishing them with food. tc even selling his watch to enable him to procure more means. Thifl ex peed him to sus niHnn on the nart of some of the Rebel oQlcials, hn ha.l him arrested, and it was only tUronerh 4h mtprnnuitlnn of Mrs. General W inder that Cashmyer was released from prison. The lollow- liift Is the Dardon: Andre Julmson. President of tht United States of America. To alt to teltum theie presents tluill come, I'i'll'.'I'j ikiiin raiiimMr nf Ttnltlmoro. Mary land, by taking ,wt In the lata KebeMon tainst th Government ot tue uuneu mates, u mih.--it nnnnltipii. and whereas tue circumstances ot his case render him proper obji-ot of Executive Clemency j now, uiereiore u, """"" I. Andrew Johnson. President ot the Uulted gtates of America, in oonsiUoration of the preuuos, divers other rood ind sufficient rva ons m thpr onto moving, Co hereby grant to tbe said Philip Caali mver (till paidon and amnesty tor all ofTonsna by In in committed, fining trom participation, direot or implied, in the late Kebellion, conditioned as fol lows) First. Tbii pardon to be of no eflbot until the said Fhtup Cashmrnr shall takn tbe oath prescribed in the proclamation of the President, dated Mar 20. 1R06 frecond. To be void and of no effect If ,the said l'bilip C'ashmier shall hereafter at any tim acquire any property whatever In slaves, or make use ot slave labor Third. That the said Philip Cashmyer first pay all costs which may bare accrued In any proceedings inslitmed or pending apainst bis person or property before the date of me acceptance of this warrant, fourth. That the said I'hilip Cashmyer shall rot by virtue of this warrant claim any oro perty or the proceeds of any property that has been sold by the order, Judgment, or decree ot a com t tinder the confiscation laws of the United States. Fifth. That tbe said Philip Oasbmver shall notify tbe Secretary of Mate in writing that he has re ceived and accepts i tbe foregoing pardon. In test rnonv wbpecot 1 have hereunto signed my name, and caused tbe seal of the United States to be atbxed. , . . Done at tbo city of Washington, thfs twon- ) tieth day ot feoptember, A D 18t6, and of tbe independence ot the United Hta es the nine eenth. Asdrkw Johhsoic. By tbe Preaidontt William H. fcawARD, Secretary of State, I, Philip Cashmyer, do solemnly swear, in presence of A mighty God, that I wi 1 henceforth faithfully support, protect, and defend tbe Constitution of the Lii'ted State and tho Union ot the States tho ro under; and that I will in like manner abide by and faithfully sapport all acts of Congress passed during the late lielieJion in reference to slaves, so long and so far as not repealed, modified, or held void by Con gross or by decision of tho Supreme Courts and that I will in like manner abide bv and faithfully support all proclamations ot the PTts idont made daring tbe late Kebellion with reference to slavej. so long and so far as not modified or deoiarod void by decision of tbe Supreme Court. So help me Bod. Philip CABrtMYnn. Sworn and subscribed before mi, this 8th June, 1806. William F. uilks, United States District Judge for the District of Mar) laud. Baltimore American, 9th. AMUSEMENTS. Arch Strbut Thbatbb. Miss Ettie Ilendorson, who played so successful an engagement here last summer, will make ber Urn' appearance here this evening. The plays selected are the Youthful Days of HicheUe and Kotly O'Sheal. Tue first pieoe is one of Dojarot's, but we perceive from tbe cast tbflt Miss Henderson has transferred the scene from Franco to England. MIm Henderson has steadily increased in popularity since bor first appearance in this city." Walnut Stkezt Thkatrb Mr. Edwin Booth appears this evening in a charaoter he has not plaved during bis present engagement that of blrt.tlos Oveneach" . in Massingur's play of A tfew Way to Pay Old l)ebts. Xhe part lt a most powerful one, and one in which his lather was moat renowned. New AMtnicAN Theatre Mr. Harry Pearson will appear in bis great impersonation of ''Kobert Bncny." Mr. Pearson's second and third actsot tbiB plav ate thoroughly artistic When he played It at the Chesnut it elio.ted the admiration of both the i ub.ic and the critics. Mr. J. T. Fannin, a favorite actor of Piiiladeluhia, and absent lor some time, will make his rentree In "Hawkaha." Mr. Fannin is an actor ol the best school, with a fine voice and much vower. Tbe American will be a favorite place ot resort th's primmer. Tnx BoBsoif Failure. Stuart Kobson has for two or three seasons past been the principal low comedian at tbe Arch street Theatre, and promised to make a popularity which bis talents baldly deserved . Mot long since his name was Placed in tbe programme for a oomplimentary benefit to a young debutantte, and after rehearea' he was missing, and when found was in suoh a beastly state of intoxication, that be was unable to take his part. He engineered a benefit lor nimoelf, to oome of! on last Saturday nigbt, but it was not a success. The vinous was again in tbe ascendant. He has insulted tne public by twice brutalizing himself, and, if we are rightly informed, bv announcing persons n hi bills without even consulting them, or secur ing their consent to perform, t-uch outrageous con duct should Le remembered, if be ever has tne temerity to aopear again before a Philadelphia au dience He bas not only disgraced himself, but bis profession as well. CITY INTELLIGENCE For Additional Local lUms see Third rage. The rniLABKLPHiA."iNQTJiBEB." Owing to tbe fact that an accidental injury to the boiler in the Inquirer office occurred this morning, ils Issue was delayed about two houra. This will account for tho failure to furnish a part of tbe netvs agonts with their orders. The delect will be remedied to-day, and tho paper will be issued to-morrow at the utual hour, l'he injury is not of a serious character. Ceicket Match. The match between the St. George, of Mew York, and the Young America, of this city, looked lorward to with so much interest by the cricketing community, will be played on Wednesday and Thuisday ot this weok, 13th and 14th, on the grounds of tbo Young America, at Turnpike Bridge, Germantown. The following is the xonng America's eleven: ueorge m. aewuaii, Charles flewhall, Daniel Kewhall, E. M. Danst, W. M. Bayard, Ihomas Morris, R. Wister, W. C. Wat son, C. Vernon, Kobert Vaux, and Charles McKim. 1 he match will commence at o'clock." Tho St. George Club is composed exclusively of English men and amateurs, and not proies?Mnai players, Vandalism in a Cemetebt. Two youne men yestoi day went into the Mount Moriah Cemetery, Twenty-seventh waid, and am used ttiemsolves by plucking flowers from off the graves. They wore Arrmwa dv ine conoe. iuxbu uvivrv uuuiutiruinu. tus fined. Frequent comp'aints have been made of parties going Into the semetery and returning with flowers, and it is tbe intention of the superintendent ot the grounds to nana an sucn persons over to tne police, eucn conauct is aisgraceiui. Labceny and Assault and Batteby. John Htmphill was arrested yesterday by the Second District police, upon tbe charge of larceny and assault and battery. It seems that about ten days avo the accused went into a trimming store at Twelfth and i-oulh streets, and ricking op some neckties, walked out without paying for them. The proprietor lollowed him, when, it is alleged, Hemo hill asBauited him. I he defendant was committed by Alderman littermary to anBtrer. Another Church Fair. A Fair com mences to-dav at the Walnut btreet l'resbrterian ( hureli. Went IMnlaiielnhia. to continue every after noon and evenina this week. Tbe especial object is the building ot an oigan and effecting ceitain neces sary repairs mucn noeaea in tne lmenor oi uio bulkiliifr. As the conjfn-gatlon is of the very largest of the kind, and its members among the wea'thiost in that vicinity, the objects in view will, no doubt, lit eneotea. . . Trial and Execution of Probst. Mes-is. T B. Peterson & Brothers have just issued the lull pattica'ars ot the Probst ma tei in pamphlet form, and in very beautiful style. Considering the lact that it was published within ilfty hours after fhe execution, we think that Philadelphia Is entitled to some credit for the possession ol an enterprising book &t m. It brlnjrs the history ot the case down to h s last momeuts. Larcfny of Clothing. On Saturday lflKt a J oune- lady left a trunk at Fall's Lane Station on the Korrietown Railroad, to be placed upon one nf the trains. W lien the cars oame alonv the truoE enulrl not be found. Hut sequenuy it wsb reooverea in a Hold close by, where some unauthorized nerson bad carried i. broken it open, ana tinea us con tents, consisting of rlothing, etc. Insulting Females. James McMuldoou was arrested vnaterdav at the church. Fourth street, above Spruce, for insulting lomales. lie bad a bear ing beiore Alderman iiultkr, and was committed in default ol 7ti0 naiL NKiHLY Drowned. Yesterday Thomas Lancaster, aged eieht years, fell into the race at liarsed'a Woollen Mill. Franktord. but waslrescuod by Mr. John t-'ciiofleid, and after proper restoratives btmg appuca was prougni o me. Keeping a Disorderly House. Mar- i-'iimtt. resldlna at No. 210 Briar o'ace. has been held for a furttior lieanng by Alderman Jones upon tue charge oi seeping a aiBoraeriy uuuh, VAf4TtAHT8. Duriniz Saturdav and yes- triav tlia liolloe ot the becond District arteatea . ' . . . - l l . J . ,4 n Prison. Beating His Wife. fcamuel Fulton has been committed in deiauitot 1000 by Alderman Fitch, upon thechargeot beating nis wile. Slight Fire. This mornlnc a dwelling bouse lu Franklin street, above lUue, was slightly damaged by tire. Kill the nABrMf- ' Tes, we say so, and in no pandon; ' Kill all those creatures young,' , . . .Who from the trees, m Indian" laehtrjn Now dangling are seen hung. : t -on as you I cho d hun squirm, INot. like nh UHIa human rioar For lender rib. They even find no . V. 7 Wi BAVK All-wool 'ancy Casiimere Pant, at fVT v " vtti " i5 II M Slack " Patl . " ..-. 1 ruth i-fHt .... w " Fanni Casiimere Suitl, t match. 14 00 Slack Suiti 200 Advancing from these rate we have poedn af all gradet, vp to the very finest fitbric, at pricep reduced in proportion Men's, Youths', and Boys'. jhJ0. SAND8 HAVB) FOUKO WITnl j TnB PASr FKW WEHJCS THAT WE ARK ACTUALLY SKLLIMO GOOD, BJEBVICtt ABLE OOODS AT TBI PBIOKB HAMED.. , -' Bkhsktt k CO.. Towns Hlrt, i NO 618 MAEltEt STBKRT-. Trial o Jkffersou Davis .tiqnonn, Juno 6 On the opening of tbe Court the Assistant lJs tiict Attorney arose and said: please ydur Honor, as the answer to tbo question's proposed by Mr. Kced, of Philadelphia, oue of tho counsel for JefTerson Davis, who asks whether bis client -Is to be tried 1 Is to be dropped f Or is to be suspended f I would remark that the weather is hot enough; to try anything. From the brow of your Honor I see the tat coming out now, and as this promises to be a fat job (laughter) from the number of counsel en gaged, I think the Court, if she know hersolt, had better adjourn over until the cool weather of Oc tober. The Judge then said Mr. Davis can be spared the suffering attending long trial in this hot place, and have the soa breezes of Fortress Monroe until tbe tall, wnen bo will be either "dropped" or "sus. pended." , Mr. Brady (to tbe Judge) Very limited society thoie, your Honor. Tbe Judge (continuing) Yes; but the President Is making preparations for some other ex-Prosldonts Mr. KobvrU ana Mr. O'Mahony, and poruaps others. A motion was now made by the Court, in which the counsel on both sides agreed, for each one pre sent to get two complete suits of summer clothing, at Charles Stokes ft Co.'s "One-price," under the Continental; alter which the Court adjourned till Octobor. ' , Cube Fon Dtspifsia. Plantation Bitters are con sidered the greatest success in tbe medical world. Jitittrs of every conceivab e description have been advertised for patronage, but their inferiority to the Plantation S. T. 1860 X. is too palpable to require comment. At this season especially no family in the country should be without a supply of Plantation Bitters. They are deliciousty medicinal, CoyitXHiENTAVB Sivplb." Brown's BaoycBiAL Tsocbes" are a simple and convenient fotm for ad ministering, In combination, several medicinal sub stances held in general esteem among physicians in tbe treatment of Bronchial affections and Coughs. Troches seldom fall to give relief. '. Needles C. C. T. " Compound , Camphor Troches." Potent pocket remedy, subdues cramp, controls diarrhoea, choleraic evidence, etc. Only maker, C. It. Noedles, Twellth and Pace, Philadel phia, fifty cents perbox Matting asd Carpets ' cut, altered, and laid. Iho work done when desired, no delay.' Those who have been disappointed wuld do well to sond their orders to W. Henry. Patten's, Ko. 1408 Chesnut street. i Female Trusses, Braces, Supporters, ' Elastlo Belts, and Stockings, light and elegant in finish, nnjusted by a lady, at Needles', Twelfth street, first dcor below Pace. Tee very best large Photographs' for t$l. Six Cartes Ce visite for SI. Call at B. F. Itoimer's, No. 624 Arch street, and purchase fine pictures. Prices moderate. ' ' 1 Feathibb Superior leathers for bo'sters and pillows, at W, Henry Patten's, No.' 1408 Chesnut street. " ' If too must take medicines then take Ater'b, which are by tar the most effuoiual remedies to be had anywhere. ' Spbino Mattresses mndo to order, and old mat tresses repaired at AY. Henry Patten's, No. 1408 Chesnut street. G hover ft Baker's Highest Premium Elastlo Stitch and Lock-Stiich Sewing Machines. No. 730 Chcsnnt street. "lnbricatlve packing for steam engines. for terms see 7H8 chosnut at. , phila., and US dey at., new york.' Tun vawtlla Cream snonge cake made by G. Bjron Morse, No. 904 Arch street, is not excelled Mattresses and Bedding renovated and made over at W. Htnry Patten's. No. 1408 Chesnut street. 7-flOs. fi.20s. 1881s. 10 40s. Compound Interest Notes, and Gold and Silver bought and sold by JLIHEXBL. C VjO., No. 84 8. f bird Streot. , Compound Interest Notes. 7 810 and 5-20s wanted. De Haven ft Brother, No. 40 S. Third St. rOFULAR TAII.0BIK0. ' UiADY-MADE CLOTHISiO, AHD ' FlK CCBTOJf WOBIC. ' Wahamakbr & Bhown, Oak Hall, Southeast corner Sixth and Mauket Streets. MARRIED BBAMAN JANTON. On the 6th instant, at No. 861 K. Broad street, by Rev. A. Manship, Mr. GEORGE W. BKAMAN to Miss KATE ISABELLA JANTON, both of this city. BUFFIK GTON EVER ETT. On. the 7th instant, by the fiev. Mr. Kuramer, LEE 11. fiUFFINfeTOX and ELIZA BE1U K.. daughter of Charles Everett, both of this city. Ho cards. HIRST E1DGE. On Wednesday evening, June 6, by the Rev. G. D. Carrow, JOHN C HIRST to Miss KATE RIDGE, both ot this city. No cards. DIED. DONON. On the 9th instant, Jtfrs. ELIZABETH DON ON, in the iOlh year other age. ' The relatives ana inenas are respeouuuy anviieu to attend ber funeral, on Thursday afternoon at 'i o'clock, from her late residenoo, No. 181 Otter street. To proceed to Glenwood Cemetery. DONOVAN. On the morning of the 9th instant, ELIZA, iniant daughter ot Morty and Elizabeth Donovan, aged iu months. GRIFFIN. On tbe 9th instant, ELIZABETH GKIFF1N, aged 20 years and 8 months. The relatives and mends ol the lamily are respect fully requested to attend tbe funeral, from her resi dence, No. 2 liaytree place, Pine, above Sixth, on Wednesday motning at e o'eiocKv H KWTZOfi. On the evening of the 9th instant. ANN, relict of the late teter Hertzo'g. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence, No. 1502 Aicb street, on Wednesday morning, the 18th luttant, at 11 o'clock A. M. 1 11TZ Suddenly, on the 7th instant. Lieutenant GEORGE KNOWLEM LU TZ, in the 24Ui year Of his age, son of the late Jacob D. and Hettie Lutz, and late Quartermaster of the 61t Pennsylvania Volun teeis. . ... . . ... His relatives ana irtenas ana me memoers oi nis recimentare lespeotmllv invited to attend his fune ral, without further notice, trom tho residence ot W. H. Jtn&WS, f nuiaiuru, uu amuwi;. i.nt) iiiu luniuifi, at 8 o'clock. 1 o proceed to Cedar Hill Comotory. MIFFLIN. On the 10th instant, BENJAMIN MIFFLIN, In the 69.h year of his age. Due notice will be given oi ma luuerai. , 9 rtPADES. RAKES. HOES, WEEDING FORKS l7) Tiansnlmitlna Flowers. Scuffing Hoes, Pruninir Knives and snears, tor aaieoy miITVIlvI . Mo. BS5 ttlKht Thlrty-nve) M A RKKT St . below Ninth. 11711113 HANGING BASKETS Or A VARIETY Y V of patterns and Hooka, Brackets, Chains. Hlngi, etc, tor haugm, inem.u, fiQ1 No. M (Eight Thlrty-tlve) MAKKKT S below Mintb. M HA A A W DANA . ARDINK SHEARS AND OPENERS Of I var'nna natterns. t hampaane Osenan. Cork Drawers, and a variety ol LurS Screws, are lor sale by No. 836 (Eight Thlrty-nve) MARK.ET St.. below Ninth TORPAN'8 TO N I O A L E, fj JOUDA1CB TON IO ALE. ji.kriAN'H TNIO ALE. ' joudan s TOjno alr t ! vwi,mmftnSfv1 by bh-valuluna oi- this and otlmr placea. aa a superior tonie. and reqidiaf but a trial to convinoa tbe mut skeptical its rat merit. To ba bad, boleal and retail, ot r. ljokhah, No. 'HO l'EAU UtrveL th Qaim, bottled, or br ths barrel, 1 1 QESiUltfE iAK:iNA.ff 'StTSDOWNS Fon TjAdtf.s, IN GREAT VARIETY, TO BK HAD OF ' '. , . '. ' , THEO. H. McCALLl, At bis Old Established Hat and Cap Kmportum, ' 14 Im No. M CHESNUT Street ' UNADULTERATED LIQUORS ONLY. KICHARI) PKNlSTAN'd STORE AND VA IT I Tl. No. m CHK8SUr 8TBKET. Near.y Opposite the Post Once, , PHILADELPHIA. ' families supplied. Orders . irora the Country promptly attended to. s 3lj JRUITS, NUTS, SARDINES, ETC. ETC. Oranges and Lemons, Messina, Paper Shell and Bordeaux A I monda. Sardines, half ana quarter boxes. . Marseilles C Ure Oil, quirts and pluts. " Konpartol Buperflne Capers. Spanish and French Olives, In kegs an J glas. English Pickles. Sauces, and Mustard. American Pickles, in barrels and glass. Tomato Catsup and Pepper Sauce, quarts and ptnts. English Mushroom and Walnut Catsup. Worcestershire and Lucknow Sauce. Bunch, Layer, Seedless, and Valencia Raisins. Zante and Patras Currants, and Citron. ' rrencb, Turkey, and Imperial Prunes. Orsnobl Walnuts, Pecan Nuts, and Filberts. Italian Mactaronl and Vermicelli. . Canned Peaches, Tomatoes, Lobsters, and Cora. ' Also, 200 cases of the celebrated Vlrin Oil or Alx, im; ported by us, qnarts and pints. Ibe richest Salad Oil received trom France. JOSEPH II IR SSI Ell & CO., 6 tntbs 71,,. No. 108 South DELAWARE Avenue. 1HE IIAKIIISON bOILER A SAFE "STEAM BOILER. The attention of manufacturers and others using Bteam Is confidently cal.ed to this new 8 learn Gene rator, as comblnlns essential advantages lu absolute salety from explosion, tn cheapness ot first oost add cost ot it pairs, In economy of fuel, f acility of cleaning and transportation, etc.. not possessed by any other boiler now in Die. 1 his boiler Ik formed ot a combination ot cast-Iron hollow spheres, each sphere eight inches ex ternal diameter, and three eUlitlis of an Inch think. These are held together by wrouht-lron bolts, with caps at the enda. h early one hundred of these Boilers are now In opora flcn.fcome of tbein in the oest establishments In this cltv. For descriptive circulars or price, apply to JOSEPfl HATiR18i. Jr. Hanlson Boiler Worfrs, GRAY'S FKKltv Road, adjoining the United States Arenal, PhllaOelpbfa. 4 ill s tu th2m5p JLI N E ' S WILLOUGHBT'S, MA80H'8, LYMAN'S, 1' A TEN" T ' AIB-TIOHT , SELF-SEALING FRUIT JARS. All tbe above Jars we offer to our customers and the public generally, with entire confidence, at tae LOWEST Market Price. ' KLINES PATENT A. J. WEILENER, 9 lm So. 38 S. SECOND Street, Philadelphia. REFRIGERATORS PRICE S3-00, AND UPWARDS. 200O KEOBIOEBAlOBa ICE CHESTS, AND WATER COOLKRS, Just finished, comprising the mi-vest and best assortment in the city, which will be sold wboleaale and retatl, AT REDUCED PRICES. A. ANDKBBON, a g lmTp No. 136 DOCK Ptreet. below Second TN ORDER TO SAVE MONEY AND GET AN J. article that nearly every one la rushing for. buy FBESION COAL, at S61S per ton. Egg and Stove size; also the genuine Eagle Vein Coal at same price; and a very fine dualltr of Lehluh at S7-A0 Der ton lor Erg and Stove, delivered to all parts of the city. tVee of slate and dirt. Orders received at No. 114 8. THIRD Btreet. S'J4 y 13. HORN, C0NHNEKTAX CIGAR, WAREROOMS, No. 838 SANSOM Street, Rear of Continental Hotel, Philadelphia. Importer and Dealer In Choicest Brands of Cigars and Tobaccos, wholesale and retail. Sample Room. . lismwlm JjDINBURGlI STRONG ALE, , AND BROWN STOUT. A fresh importation ot WILLIAM YOUHGEB'S 8TRONO ALB. andBBOWN 6TOUI POBTEB. Also, ALSOP'S ENGLISH ALE, In tine order, for sale by the cask or dozen. SIMON COLTON& CLARKE, 4 14 Sip' .W. cor. BROAD and WALNUT pATENT WIRE WORK rOBBAILlXtlo, BTUJtt ruuniB, GUARDS, PABTITIOSS, IRON BEDSTEADS, AND WIRE WORK, In variety, manufactured by M. WALKER & SONS 3i0 6m?P 140 11 North SIXTH Street. pU'ROVED ELLIPTIC HOOK L0CK-STI1CH SEWING MACIUNES, OfFlCE, No. 923 CHESNUT HTMSEl, LOAT SEWING Mi CHINES, Repaired and Im- proveJ. Bstutb3n4p -pvR. HUNTER, No. 44 N. SEVENTH BTREET. ABOVE FILBERT, PHILADELPHIA Acknowledged 8 all partirs interest! aa hy tar tb iMOftT StJCCEHSFCL PHYSICIAN In the treatment Dusases in h'S specialty. QUICK, THOROUGH, andfermanmt cures guaranteed In every liHiiiembi r DS Hl'NTKB'd ('ele)iratcJ Kemedl. a can cdIt be bad geauluu at hlaold es abllsbedOdice, No. 1 PARAS0L8 AT $1-25, $lM), $1-75, AND 2. bilk Bun Umbrellas, el 40, $t , ! IV II. IJIAU3I, 4 lgwfm 8. EIGHTH Street its vnn WISH Tft RITY A TI AT rilTV Ucentsrheaperthaa yoa can anywhere else In Uta L g l lm Q 1 Soo1" THIRD Stteet. Phllada in A A SOUTH STRUCT, M. D'ANOONA J )tt I. pays the highest price for Lulls' and Genu' cast-on CWtUlU. IMl but; I'll trt. balow Broad. 3 . j . nA!LR6:AD LINES: Pll I LAPKLPHIA,' Vyl. MlTON. ASl UA T1MOBE RAILROAD, ' LJ, . Commtncmg MONDAY iw Trains will leave I)epot, coiner of BROAIJk trwt ,WA8UIIMJ K'N Avenue, as tollowa: raprewirum at 4 It A. M. (M U iJ?. Haltimereand W ashinstoB. toDr, J?2'i,?i w " ylrston. Kevrark, lkt.n,Noithtat; , Tf'i ,Tr d t.raee. AherUeea.rertymsn a, Mar, ,labaae a Stunmer's Run. ,. .. . War Hall Train at lit A. M. (ftnnrtaya, f.Lri? iC".' Baltimore, stopping at all regular sutloos v "lwen Fn iaflelphia and Baltimore. . i ..V" Paflroad Train at f A. M. (R erptrdi, rot Princess Ana, Uford, and fnt " atatiena. . . , . Lanress Train at 11-45 A.M. (Sundays exoepte. tot Balifnioie and Wastifnafon. Kipreas Train at t P M. (Sundays eneepted). forv . Ln.',nr? ,nl Washington, stopping at I heater, t:iavmov ' tiarie de Grace.iAberdeen. reiryman's.KdgewooiLMatf nolla, Chase's and htemmer s Run. MghtLxprtiaat UP. M.,for Baltimore and Wash mgton. I sssengers br Boat from Bs'tfniore lor rortreas Mon roa Norielk, city Point, and Richmond, wUl take the II 4S A m train. WILMINGTON ACCOMMODATION TRAINS, Stopping at all btutlous betweea rhliadelphla and Wil mington. .,'T?b,!.,?S,pJ,".?t, '' M.. 4 SO. 6. and 11 SO P.M. Tbe 4 .10 P. W. tiain connect with Delaware Railroad ior llarrlnnton anil fniemieitiate statlont. '-ve y lluiiuglon at 6 45. 8 , and S 20 A. M., 4 and 4 30 TrHln for Kew Csustle leave rtiUaulelplila at A. M., 'lllROUOn TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE leave Wilmington at II A M , 4 Sfl and 10 P. h CHKhTER FOR PHILADELPHIA. . FROM BALTIMORE TO PHTLADT.LPBTT1. Lsav Baltimore 7 S A M.. Way-malt 9 ) A. M.. Kipresa. 1 10 P. M., Expiesa. 8 Jo P. Sa., Express. 8 5 . aa.. Express 1RAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Chester at 4 4ft and oi A. M., and J T. M. Leave W llmlngton at a -a ano 9 SI A. M. and 4-18 P. M. Freight Trains wlih Passenger Cars attached will leave as follows: Wilmington lor t'errvvllle and intermediate stations at 6 t9 P. M. Baltimore for Havre-de-O-rnce and Intermediate stations at 4 49 P.M. Penvvllle for Wil mington and Intermediate stations nt 800 A. M .con necting at Wilmington with 8 A. M. train for Philadel phia. 8UNDAV TRAINS. Express Train at 4-1 A. M. lor Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at 1 bester, WilminKton, Newark. Elk ton, Northeast. Perryvllie. Havre-de-Grace,'Aberdeen, Penmsn'a. Magnolia. Chase's and Hterumer's Rao. Nlgbt Exprexs.ll P M iorBaltimore and Waslilngtoa. Accommodation Train at 11 SO P. M. for WHmhigCon and Interimdiafa stations. BALTIMORE FOR PHILADELPBIA. Leave 1-altlmore at 8-M P. M.. stopping at Havre-de-Grace, Penyvilie, and Wilmington. Also stops at Elk ton and Newark (to take passengers fbr Phl'adelphlaand leave passengers Irom Washington er Baltimore) and Chaster to leave passengers Horn Baltimore or Wash ington. Accommodation Train from Wl'mlngton for Tblladel phia and Inteimediate stations at tt " p. M. 4 18 11 r. KENNEY. Superintendent PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. SUMMER AKRANUEMENT. The Trains ol tbe Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave tbe Depot, at Ihlr.y-flrst and Market streets, which Is readied by the cars ot the Market Street I'aa aenger Railway, running te and from the Depot. The last car leavea Fiont street about 30 minutes prior to tbe departure of each Tialn. On Sundays Care leave Eleventh and Market streets 49 minntes before the departure of tho Evening Trains. . Mann's Baggage Express will ca'l for and deliver Baggage at the l)epou Orders left at the Office. So 601 chesnut street, will receive attention. ' T1LA1HI UEXVK LLPOT. VIZ. ! Man Train Day Express Paoll Accommodation, No. I Fast Line and Erie Express! B airisbnrg Accommodation Lancaster Accommodation Paoll i ccommodatlon No. J Pittsburgh am' Erie Maii'1 Paoll Accommodation. No. S Philadelphia Expicsat TUilNS AHHITI AT DEPOT, Cincinnati Express; , Philadelphia Express! Paoll Accommodation, No. 1 Columbia Trala Lancaster Train..... , Faat Line Paoll Accommodation, No. 2 Day Express Paoll Accommodation, No. j 8 00 a. u, at 10-00 " atll-AO ' 12 00 M. 2 30 p. M at 4 00 " at 8-00 H at 9 00 10 00 .. 11-10 " viz. i 12-40 A.M 710 820 8-99 12 40 1 10 P.M. 410 " 8-90 " at 7-30 " 810 " Dally, except narnsourg Accommodation.. -j'nj, except oaturuay, If on day. t Dally. Running through from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh and Erie without change ot cars. AU other Trains daily, except nunaay. : 1 be PenLsylvanla Railroad Company will not assume any risk for Baggage, except lor Wearing Apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars la value. All Baggage exceeding tbat amount tn value wilt be at tbe risk of the owner, unless taken by special contract TICKET OFFICES Are located at No. 631 Chesnut street. Continen tal Hotel, and Glrard House, where Tickets may be pro cured to all Important points In Pennsylvania, as null as tbe West, Northwest and Houthweat; and lall particu lars given tw -JOHN O. ALLEN. Ticket Agent Alra It 1 tilrlv-ftrut anH ( . ft Pt MtrAAtji nn n nlln tion to THOMAS II. PARKE. . , , Ticket Agent at the Depot An Emigrant Train runa riniiv i,iini Hiind.vt k-a- full particulars as to fare and accommodations, apply to . iasfltia rvsa,. No. 137 DOCK Street "PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN. I VftDD1Q1YtU7ki LttTDAin ' AND vitiu'ii v tii iiiivvnr;, Ua and a ter wiiis KSDAr, May 18, 1868. Leave Philadelphia 6, 7. 8,0, 10. 11, 12 A. M.,1, 2, S'10. S,4, 8, 8H.8, 7.8 8, 10, 11, lU'. M. .,. u, T .... o l.vnMnAMHa. m m sji a a nA a la l s - iitny V vjvi inssn iv vt ii o. .fi. q.O V. Vt IV. 11. la) A.. JU. 1,2.3, 4.4K.6 SH, 7,8,0,10,11P.M. iues oown train, ana an ana 6i up trains will n$ stop on the Germantown Branch. Leave Pblladelpkta 9-10 A. M., 2, 1 A, 8. I0H P. M. Leave Getmanuiwn 8 A. M.. 1. 4, 6H. OH P. M. . CHESNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Fhlladelnhla. a. s la ll a. M . 9 IK 9M.T. and 11 P.M. Leave Chesnut Hill 7-10 minutes, 8, 9 40, 11 -40 A. M 1-40, 3 40, 8 40, 6-40, 8'40, and 10 40 minutes P. M. VSt OU.MtAIS. Leave Pblladelphta 910 minutes A. M.,2, 8. and 8 P. M Leave Chesnut Hill 7-40 minntea A. At.. 11 4U. 40. and 9-29 minutes P. M tig t ONsnOnUlSEN 4J11J N U KUISTOWN. LeavaPhilailelnhia6.8'3ft minutes.. 11-ttSA.M.. IM S. iH, tH, 6H, 8 09 minutes, and 11 P.M. l eave jNoirutownon, t, rsu, s, ii A.iaa., is, i. H, atd 8P M. , , . . . IheSH r. aa. nam win stop ai ccnooi une, wisia anayunk, Spring Mill, and Conshohocken only OS bt'NDAYS. LeavePhtiMeipuaA. u.. i.,e.TaiH e. m. Leave Norristown 7 A. M., 1, 9 , and P. M. FOR MANAYUNK.. t a.a Dl.l1ai11ii.i A B UK wtlnAa 1 1 ilA A M 1U I UtW v S uiiauciuuisi Vj v wiuuiVBt a a vv Aa ih.i rm . u 4H. 8)4,6)4, 81.8, and 11H P.M. Leave Manaynnk b, 1H, 8 20, H, 11M, A. M., 2, 8. OH 8M P.M. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M 2)4. 4, and 134 P. M. Leave Manayunk 7M A. M., 1 A, 8. and 9H P. M. W. t). WILt-ON. General Hupailnteniieot. iJepot NINTH and OKEEil Streets ORANGE AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD. On and alter MONDAY, February 12, two dally trains will run ueiween n aciiinaioii anu i.t ncnourg, cnnnectlns at Gordontvl le with Vlrvlnla Central Kafl- roud trains to and from Richmond as loilowsi MA 11, IKMti. I live Washington dally (buudav excepted), at 648 A. M , ana arilve at Lynchburg at b'48 P, Si. Leave i yncnuurg u i i. ii ana arrive at wasning ton at 8 26 P. M. EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Warbington Usllv ( including Sunday) at 6 OS P M and arrive at Lynchbuig at 6 00 A M Leave Lynchburg at 6 30 t. SI. and arrive at Washing, ton at 610 A. M. 1 oth trains making close connections at Lynchbnrg; foi all points South aid Southwest, and at Washington lor Norib and North wast Firat-olasa sleeping aara attached to the n'ght trains. Ibe road fa attractive, not on y toi its uomtonable accommodations, but lor the ikot that it pasees the now historic loealltiea of Fairfax, Hull Run, Manassas, Bris toe, ( at'ett's, Rappahannock, t'ulpeper. Oraugo. and CordOusviile, places ot imperishable inteiest in the popular mind. Through tickets to all points South ai d Southwest ma be bad In Boston, New York. Philadelphia, and Baltimore, and at the ofllcts ot the road in W.-uhinyttou Alexandria. W. II. McGAFFERTir, . 'Jeneral Supe intandent TTRE1GHT LINES rtK NKVV YORK AND JJ I ali tbe stations on the CAMDEN and 1X1 BOY and connecting narroaus. nuirsitii. 'IHk I'iMllKM AND AM HOY HAlIHOAl) AND TRANSPOR I ATI ON COMPANY iREIGHT U.NES) foi New York wUl leave WALNUT 8tet Whaif at6 o ( lock P M. oaiiy (Sundays exceptcut. Frelvbt must be delivered before 4)4 o'clock, to be for mj a Atkit ifetak ismA li a V Returning, the above lines will leae New York at 12 noon, anu f aau s r. as . . . T .. , .... iriniMrvn. Nw Bruna- wnk.andajlpolnta on the Caaioea auu Amoov Kail road t also, on tbe Be.vldere. Delaware and Fiomlng too. the New Jersey, the Freehold and Jaiueaburg and the Buriingtob aud Mount Holly Railroads, received j . r. j . i d .i "Tb. Bi" ValireKellroad eonnect. at Phillips burg with the Lehigh Valley Railroad, and at Manuo kaolunk with ill points oa the D. aware Lackawanna, and W eat em italiroaa, "r""","Vk ' At"iiuJ,i old crnlcu'.t Elisabeth with th. New feriey Central Railroad, and at N.wark with, tti5ffa,r2dP"lf themark. and num leTa shippers, and coniugnees, must. In every instance, be sent Willi i iatcsl load ol goods, or no reoelpt wtl ba 'J i inentased Uellltles have been made for tha traiisuortatlou of live atock. Drovers are luvltod to try the MUtft Wlen S'ock la furnished In quantity of two carload" Tor mere, it will be delimed at the fact of For-y."1"..-. tl. nrnv Yard, or at Pier No. 1. North River, as the shippers may designate at tho time Fur lermsl or other Information , apply to; QAHpoAb LINC9. e ( R K A DING R A I L R O A 9. GREAT. TRUNK LINE, FROM PntrADl-1.1 III A Tit luir. llmi.Tn 1 i fiX J "v 1 WYOMING f At? CAH A W. ,Hl2 RTHWE8T, AND TiLB BUMMER ARR ANflEM K.NT OF PASSENGER ..,. ,. . 'RAlNH.jone4.lHtW cil l nif-Hiir ?.SInf ,fi"JPot',t THIRTEENTH and hours i- Streets. Phfiadelphla, at the followlatt MORNINf ACCOMMODATION At 7-30 A. -'WWltMttmWM. vilta 't? Jtl:lp4f',,ln"' L,nn. Harrlira!. Poata- lmir2 i,.JIXP,"v"1' r,l,urTv. Wllllm;Bort. wiiiI.?V "ochesier, Mn.ara Fal s, Humilo. A lentnwa lvw,irMn..,c"1,!??,.t READINOwilh East Penn- iVi,.7, V.",,1','""u 'rains tor Aiientowa, etc. and tha M lNoi??ilK,?m ,or Harrlaburg, eto at PORT - .nshcr? wl V,"w'"a KallroaJ trains tor WIN R(Jw,hN,V,,ve.D- "mlra. ete.s at HASRin- P- "IkTl and sVk1 ntr"' Lumberland Valley, and nenor York1 rh""n traln ,or Nortliumbeilaad. Wililak "port' a eVfSi" mAJorK' '""Stove, eto. pkii. 'u?.0.0.? JtX PRESS. Laavas rJi-T"1'""" M , for Reading PoWA- vllle, Hrv ,iirJ3fl c?nn"tlng with Rc Cdumhlak. iniiui -IA2i1S'.,,hl!, . Ri fADIN ACt. OMMODATION. Leaves Rea V1f'Li.?I "fpiuir ata iimretintf with HAAilinor Anil all way sta- Hons a, riving a :"' am n. m. tirnlng.lea PjUladelphla at 8 00 f. ) idlnattM Return ,M. arrives ra neanina iii Mt 1nlna M, lik.i.J ihla leave Harrlaburg at 819 A Ml and Potisvlile at a A - M.. arriving In Philadelphia at 118 P. M. AlteinooV ' Harrtaburg at 2 It P. M.,Pottsv)leat2 M- arriving la Philadelphia . P,i?AKRI8BUBff A CCOMMODaTTON. Leaves Readtna at 7 la a. M. and Harnslmrg at 4-lt P.M. ennectfuaat ReadM with Afternoon Accom modation south, at6'38 P. At .'. frlvlng' in rhliadelphla 920 P. M. 1 , Market train, wHh passengpt 'V attached, leaves Philadelphia at 11 48 noon for Re aln all war sU tloas. Leaves Reading at 11. In A. Ik .na Downfngtawa at 12 30 P. M.. for Philadelphia and statious. Ah tae above trains run dally, sumfe, " i exoepted. Sunday trains leave 1'ottsvfl'e at 8A. .- and Pb. lade lila at 3 18 P M. Leave l-hlladetpS at 8-00 A. M. t lemming irom Reading at F M. . . CHESTER v A LL E X RAILS OA -. t I sesengers lor Downlngtown and lnmie. alats polsti k ua I?" and 8-18 A. M. and !M0 I M. Philadelphia, returnln trom DowntngtoWti at 4 A. 8t and 12 3n noon. . NEW YORK EXPRESS FOR PITTSBCICS' AN1 THK ' . WEtT. v Leaves New York at 9 A. M., and 80ft rrT.. assaair Reading at 108 and II 68 A.M. and 148 P.MV. and ooa nectlngat Hanisburg with Pennsvlvsola audi Jlorihern Central Railroad express trains for Pl.taharj, iChloago, Tt IHIsmsportJ-lmlra, Baltimore, eto. Returning, express train leaves UarrtsburflTesr srrlyat l the Pennsylvania express from Pittsburg, at 8 and 9f8 A. M., and 9-18 F. M., pasulng Reading at 4 V9 and 10 62 A.M., and 1130 t. M.,and arrtvlng in Ney York at 10 A. M and 2 46 P.M. Sleeping cam aoeooinmy theaa trains through betweea Jersej tity and Pitbsboair. witk . outcbange. A mall train lor Hew York leavea nsxrVifewrg atrt-U) P. M. Mall train for Harrlsburg leares Hew Fork MUM. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD. M Trains leave rottsvllle at 7 and 11-30.A.M., and lf P. M , leturnlng from lainaqua at 7 A.'M. audi 1- and 418 P. M. SCBLYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA R 8 ILROAXV Trains leave Auburn at 7 90 A. M for rint-fraisani Barrlsl'urg, and I 9S P. M. for Pfnegrove aad T'remoni. returning trom Harrlaburg at 3 20.F. if., and .lorn Tt mont at 738 A. M. and 6 ?9 P. JVI. , , , , TICKElS. Through first-class tickets and eml.trant Hnts to alC tbe principal points tn tbe North and Wen and 'enada. 1 he lollowlng tickets are obtainable only at tata ntttoer ot 8. BRADFORD, Treasurer. No. 127 9. URTIC Street, Philadelphia, or of Q. A. NICOLLSi iVnetat Superintendent. Beaolng: COMMU1ATION TICKETS At 28 percent, discount between an polants deslredU , lor lauiilies ai.d firms. MILEAGE TICKETS, ' ' ' Good for !00 miles, between all points, W-4W eaotffor families and Aims , SEASON TICKETS. 1 For three, six, nine, or twelve months, fov holdtnr only, to all points, at reduced rates. -i rtniiviipn Residing en the line oi tbe road will be fiimlataid ea entitling themselves and wives to tioketa at hall 1 are '.AtvUKSiuH ritatto . From Philadelphia to principal stations, goo for tuidav. Sunday, and Monday, at rednced be baBf inly at the Ticket Office, at TliliiTEENTil aad CAL. LOW HILL Streets. . FREIGHT. Goods of all deseiiptions forwarded to aD thab4va points irom the Company'i new Freight Depoti BOAJ- and WILLOW Streeta. , FREIGHT TRAINS LeavePhfladelnbla daily at 6 30 A. M., 12-48 noon, ans r P. M.. tor Reading, Lebanon, Harrlsburg, Fotleviua Port Clinten, and all points beyond. Close at the Philadelphia Post OfiloefbraU niaoaa an tha - road and Its branches at t A. M . and - for the orlnclpa. . atatiena only at 8 1 6 P M. 1 ' WEST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES, FR0JC toot ot MARKET Street (Upper Ferry), . Commencing THURSDAY, Mar 31. 1M6. LEAVE PHILADELPHIA AS FOLLOWS r 8 A. M. Mall, lor Bildgeton, Salem, and all Interme diate stations. OA. M.Mali for Cape Mav. stopping at Woodbury. .,JSrb,ir,?llvl,,e,ll,,n(,iLlulT,11. ntl station. 8T. M. Accommodation, for Cape May, stopping aC : ' Woodbury and Glaasboro, and all sutfous below Olasa boro. Due B'I6P. M. 3 SO P.M. Passenoer. tor BildffetAn . fii'm ami all Intermediate stations. . , 6 P. M., Wooubnry Accommodation. , RETl'BNINO TRAINS . Leaxe Cape Ma? 6 30 ana 11 A. M. " Brldgeton 7 A. M. and 3-50 P. M. " Salem S-1A A. M. and M. Frelffht will hA reeelved t Aennnit Covered W-harf-nntll 8 P. M. go through tha. - below WALNUT Street, trom 7 AM. 1 bat received .at or before 9 A.M. will same dir. r reigut Delivery, No.ra h. DELAWARE Avetina, . 6 31 J. VAN RENS8ALAEK, Superlntondant. "VTORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.' X pepot THIRD Street, above Thompson. ror isriiiLtutM, uuiLtBTOWM, M.kTJCw CHI NK. EA8TON. WLLLlAAlBPuRT. and WUKExa BARRE. . . . At i sua. m. (Express), ror Bethlehem Alleitowa, Mauch Chunk, fiazlelon, WUUaujport, and WUkaa barre. . r At 3-so r. m. (Express), mr Bethlehem, Zastca, ttt.. reaching Easton at 6-4J P. M. ..... . At 919 P. M.. tor Bethlehem. Allentown. Mmak Chunk.' r ' 1 For Dvylestowu at 8-36 A. M.,'2 9 and 1-18 P.M.. Foi Fort Washington at 10 A.M. and U P. M. For Lansdale at 6-18 P. AI. ' W bltS cars oi the Second and Third Streets' LlM City Passenger Cars run direct to the dpot. - . TRAINS. SOU VHll.Al..I.PHTA: Leave Bethlehem at 6'28 A. M. and 12 26 .Toon, am 6 13 P. M. " - Leave noy estown at e a. m., 3-19 and 6 90 P. is... Leave Lanfdale at60 A. M, ' , Leave rt.WMUl5litonj5NDA0T- " ndi'- M. . - Philadelphia for Bethlehem at f A.'M; " ' Philadelphia for Doylestown at 3'30 P. M. Doyleatown for Philadelphia at 7 20 A. M., -, Bethlehem lor Philadelphia at 4-311 P. M. 1 hrouah Tickets mnst be ptoeuied at the ttakj t o.BctSw THIRD Street or BERKS otreet 831 , , EIJJS CLARK-. Agsnt. -4 0-PIIILABELPHIA AND BRf E ItATL J.OUU BOAD. Thla gnat line travoraoa the North ern and Northwest, Counties of PenuiylvastU t tha City of Erie, on Lake Ere. It has bern leaded and ia, operated by the Pennsv.vanla Railroad CobarWy. TIME OF PAUSE NUERTKALNS AT PfJUXA DELPHLVJi Arrive Eastward Erie aaall Train, 7 A. AL ; e x pruts Train, 1 P. AI. ' Leave Westward-ErlMall, P. H i Erie Ixpreaas Train 12 M. . ' ' ' ' rarsenger csra ruu i ifuu(.-u wn . ub auui and IS1 press trains both ways between l'hllale niia ai It rl a, NEW- YORK CONNEOnoN. Leave New York at 9 A. M.. arrive at Erie 9 3i) t ,. M Leave Erie at4 45I . M., anlve at -Sew York 4 Ml V. V u Elepant Sleeping Cars on a l the ntght traiuj. ' For Information raapeotlug pasHengor buo-oesi, apo' i at eornerTIHJmEiH and AIAR(K1 StreeU. VI ilia. And lot lreight buainvsa, of the Companv'a A.g juta. a) B. KinuHton, jr., corner 'ihlr'eeuih aud Market atrar Philadelphia; J. W. Reynolds, Erie) WLUaau Bit wn. Agent N. C. K R., Baltlmorej " ' i II. I'. llOUtilO.N, General Freight Agetit.Pty . 11. W. G WINNER Geueril licHet Agent, ftaj , A. L, TYLER Gtnetal Snp't.gUIJajnacx. FOR 1,-EVV YORK. TUB CAMDEN, ".' AND Amlxiy and Philadelphia and Idranton. aliroad LOmPEHVMLtpinLADELPI V TO NEW Y3T' K and Way plaoea, from Walnut Streefc.WliatfkV, a leava as follows, via I- ' . ' rAaB At 8 A. M.i via Camden and Amboy, Acootuia; da A t8 A." V. Tvia CaViideii and jersey. Ctty't xai jasV.V.'l -00 At 2 P. M via Camden aad Amboy Exprsaa,-...... a 00 At 6 P. M , via ( oindcn and Ambvy Aocomue jdatlon 2-29 At 6 P. V. via Camden and Amboy Acct jiuioda- tian, tjk olatig i m A48A.M.. 2 and 6 P, M., Ut- MoutU Molly, Ewarny. vhle. Pemharton, and Vluoeutowu All 6 A. M. auCi P. AI tor Freehold. AtSand 10 A. AL, 12 M , , M, apdll-M, P.M. for Visit Louae, Palmyra, Riverton.' Proi-eu. Delr.noo, Beverly. Etlvewater, Bar'mgton, Kiorenoe, Boniou- town. eio. Tho ill A M. and 4 P. M. line rua direet throut-n to Tienton. lues from kknmsgtok depot will v.kav as follows) ,. At 11 A.M, 4 30. 6-49 P. AL, and 12 P- M. OMght), via Kensington aud Jersey City Kxpresa Lines, fare 83-00. Ike 6 46 P. At. Line will tun daily. Allothe, Sunday a excepted. i ...... ' At7-30andlIA.M9 3-30 4 80. 8, and 48 . P. M and kidnlgbt. foF Bristol. Trenton, etc. JT At 7 and 10 16 A. M. 12 M.. 3. 4. 6, and 6P.,' S.. for Cern- we I's, Torrisdale. Holmesburg, Taoony. , WlMluomlng, ' Brldesburg, aud Frank lord, and a1. 10 18 A. M. lor ' Bristol, Bchencks, Eddington, And SP.M. for Hoimes- burg and Intermedia e atatione. At7 30A.M. snd 8'iM P. M. tor Nl-ara Falls, BnBaVi. Dunkirk. ( anandaUjUa. Elmir. Ithaoa, Oweao, Uo " rheaier. Blngliauiptou, OsoegoSyracujie. Grnal Baud, ' Montrose. Wllkesbarre. Scrat' n. Stroudabitrg, WaUT (lap, Jtelvldere, Easton, auibertvlUe, Fleiumstoo. etc. The S-.O V. V- Lino 'jouobcU dlrot t with tne train leaving Eastoh lor Muu'i Chunk, AUeutowa, Bethla bemeto. ' ' At 9 P. M. T LMuljfTt rtlle and intermella't.staUana. Jum 1. IWh W, 1LUAA1 Hi GAlilttt, AniuU-