THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1866. Summer Fashion. Fashion, this season, ti pleased to be very gay and tctt peculiar. Old UiMe bonnets of tho qualnteet deslftm form the apex to objects con structed on noarchitecU nl model saVe that of the Pyramids, the base bein exceedingly wide and broad, and differing Irom those ancient Kgyptian specimens of art only In tbe modelling of wait aud th projection of arm. Take the whole effect, however, and save where there Is unnecessary exaggeration, it Is not bad. The contrast of color is pleasant without being too glaring. Harmony Is insisted upon; and though theie are many novelties, and great variety In style, material, and trimming, good taste suggests the Impropriety of mixing or over loading with ornament any article ot costume, and finds much more eleirance iu quiet sim plicity tban in vulgar display. Embroidery has twen rovived to an extent which renders It a most important elemout in ornamenting dresses, suits, skuts, and articles ot clothing of all kinds. Scarcely an article of dres comprised in labc' aud chiMieu's ward robes but is indebtid lo thij motdod of pro ducing a highly decorative etl'ect. The lash ionable impetus' has undoubtedly been given by the beautiful embroidery executed by the Orovcr A Baker machine, by the furor wbich it has excited abroad, and the admiration aud patron age which it has received in tbe higbest circles. Mot only dresses, cloaks, sm'.s, Balmoral skirts, and the more important articles of clothing are now ornamented with machine embroidery, but parasols (which ate afterwards dotted, or tilled ud with beads), slippers, both of kid and satin, and gaiter boots, both for walking and visiting wear. This fashionable rage render the possession of a (Jrover & Baker Machine indispensable to laehl nuble dress-makers, and most desirable to families wberc the mother executes most of I be sewing, and wishes to dress borself and children hanrihomely, and, at the saiuo time, economi cally. Morning dresses are mhde of cambric, or pique. It of the latter, they are either gored or made into a skill and short jacket, which is worn with a white tucked chemisette. The pored dresses are beautifully embroidered down tbe seams in a narrow and Very simple pattern, and sometimes scolloped out rouud the bottom; the Jackets are also embroidered, and the fckirts, either in an apron pattern, as a bor der, or In small pyramids upon the skirt. Striped cambrics are very often trimmed with frills of the material; but plain cambric dresses are extremely pretty trimmed with bands of cambric ot a contrasting color, stitched on with the machine. We hardly know whether this is the proper place to discuss such matters, but we may Just mention, for tbe beuetit of housekeepers, that the newest and most stylish library-table aud piano covers are made of plain light brown, or neutral, shades ot clotb, stitched upon the cdc, and ornamented in the centre with beautiful designs in embroidery machine stitching. Aiinsi:mKNTt. Academy or Music Mni'e Gazzmiga must 'tare, felt like "Helen Mo Tregor," on hor native Heath, as she stood on the boards ol the Academy la-t night. If tbe Academy does not ooloug to her, its greatest sue cessi'S are hers, its roputalio-, and its most artisio recollections. M'me Gazzauitca was welcomod by a fine bouso, and enthusiastically recoived lima has not left ono trace on her, sbo is the Gazzauig of other dava, with the winning smile and sweutlsoe varying with every emotion. Her voice has changed, out it has changed for the be ter. It has lost ttie slight harshness which niaired it; it is deeper, more mellow, and as sympa thetic as ever. "An, nion tile" was must ar istl cally sung, aud with that diamatio expression which noi.e tut Gazzanira possesses to cuch porfeotiou. For an encore to ttiu she sunx a charming French "iiouaoco," full of lightness and grace. "Amor iranesto," accompanied by Mollonhauer, was a magniiicent clsjilay of voice, power, and expression. It is one oi those charming compositions lor which Donizetti made a reputation In l'aris. Apart Irom his operas, tbe words originally wore French ("II faut partir"); and admirable as the Italian language is lor amping, we consider that thir. melody loses some of i's character by the translation. Siiior Liruberti, the tenor, praented 10 m for the drst time, was an airroeabie surprise, for he was not pre ceoed by any great pulling, and we did not expect much. He is, bowover, a very fine artls', with a clear murioal Italian voioe, capable ot great power, but a ienore di grazia except when eucu power is requi site. He smgB in the finest modern style, and has great expression. Admirably sailed to Oazzama's special style, what wouid an opera be with them to.etherT Ardavini we know lor a c ireful a rtist, with a fine voice and an agreeable style. Motion tiauer is as fine an artist on the vio'oucollo as we have. He has execution and expression, without Wtiioh execution is as nothing. His ".souvenir des Alps" was a most charming per. formation. As au encore lor the multitude ho gavo the hackneyed "Carnival ot Venice," wmch sliouid be forbiddon, with all its nnworthy trickeries, by musical law. The trio from Lacrtzin, wbioh termi nated the concert, was not elfectively sunt, owing, perhaps, to want ot rehearsal. The programmo will be entirely changed for the matiueo. We are uie there will be an immense concourse ot ladies to bear bazzanipa, and we can promi-e them an ad mirable subject lor a tcaoresque enthusiasm in Six. Lambcrti. Ntw CnESNcr Street Thkatrk. The Misses "Webb close Mr. Siuu's season to-night, they play hot 11 t the matinee aud in the evening. Mr. binn contemplates a summer soason, but not yet, we telicve. 11. ant's Minstrels are next to occupy tue theatre. Mr. feinn, meanwni e, who has bis theatre at Heart, will prepaie for a brilliant rojpening.) New American Thkatrk. A most attractive fertormaLce will be given this evening at this heatre, now a favorite launly resort. Mau'ile Zin irelta on the the tight-rope, anu Harry l'eurson in a capital character rart. Waimjt Street Theatre. 1 he fool's Revenge w 11 be given, we be leve tor tne last, this even. ilig, lollOAOd by Black Eyed Susan Abch Street Tbkatre. I be last night of the regular Arch Street season, aud Mrs. Drew's last night also. Bhe will appear in Grist to the Mi I, one ol her finest parts. A cadxmy or Musio Stuart Kobson's farewell tenetit this evening. Goiko to Lkavi Us Mr. J. T. Ward, -a favo rite member ot the Chesnut street Theatre com- J any, lias aoccpted an engagement in New Yore, and a to appear shortly at the O ytnpio Theatre, nn ler the management ot Ur. Loouard P. U rover. Mr. Ward spoke the firt stage words at the He Cues nut, and thereby "'christened" that Institution. He Is an excellent aotor a gentleman who thoroughly appreoia es the proprieties ol bis profession. We wleh him success In lua now no! i or labor. Miss Kttib Hkndkuson This accompWiel young Trotean actress makes her first appuaranco at the Arch on Monday evening. Sue is we I known here, and 1b said to have greatly improved since chc took the management of the new Pittsburg Opera House, last year. The Fckmy Buyasts This renownod troupa of Ethiopian sereuaoers appears at tue New Chesnut Street I'hoatie for a briet season, commencing on the 26th instant. MATTERS OVER THE RIVER. Sad Accident. Yesterday a young girl, name unknown, was accide jtally killed on tue l ami den and Am boy Uailroad Hue had been picking peas over Cooper's creek bridvo, aud was returning home at tbe time the accident occurred, and wlien near the bridge sho was struok by ths engine and Instantly kl led. Coroner lioborts held an inquest on tbe body, exonerating the otlloors of the tram from all blame. It was also anoert lined that sho elooged to I'lillidoldHia, but nothing was found pon her person to Indicate wn she might be. Heavy FALiL. Yesterday a temoon"' a man who was not Known fell Irom fie down train near Longaconiing, it s said, aud mutt have been sevtroly injured, 11 not kll ed. The aoclueut was not leported until the irain reached Watettjjrd. The Cotjbt8. The Courts are still en gaged in the incendiarism cases. These eocni to exclude much other ousiuuss, aud excite a great deal of interest. Violent Tdbeats. A. woman named Leeds is now in Jail at Atlantic City, on a charge of threatening the lite of another person In tbat city. The Secretary of the Interior recently issued an order directing the department, during the summer months, to be closed at 3 P. M. daily. It is understood that other heuds of departments will Imitate his example. CITY INTELLIGENCE For Additional Local Herat tee Third rage. CONFLAGRATION THIS MORNING. Iea(raetlT Fire 1m m Fifteenth Ward In Dearie Miila" Entirely Destroyed -Utt Abeut I'we II and red Thoaisnd Dollars. Shortly alter 4 oolock this morning a destructive fire broke out in what w tetmea the "lri Mills," situated at Iwentj-filth and Caliohill sueets. Ibe property was owned by Mr. Hmry Uoppin, and conslsied ot a number of buildings consiiuoltd of stone, bnck. and Irauio work. Ibe mills extended in Callowhul street a distance oi two bundled and sixty seven lee., and soma oi toe building ran down wlibin a fowloetof the bchuy Ikill. i hey were all destroyed) wl.h tho exonp. ti'.n of a live-story building known as tbe "Keystonn Mill." home of tne structures sxteudod east and west, but most o them north aud south. J lie first but ding on Caliowhiil street was a three story and a hail structure. 40 by 80 feet, and close by was a lour story stone and bnox building. 1'heio stiuotuies woie counooied by a onc-s ory building that termed the en.iue-n u-e. In the foars-ory building were six toiler. Mr. John Dome oocu pitd tlio9 buildings lor the man uiacu'e of woollon gooes, tuoh as ba moral skirts, shawls, eto Tbe main operations wore carried on in the three aud a half story structure. In tbe fourth-story building was tho drying room ; immediately over tbe boilers and above this room were apartments for weaving. Mr. Dearie also occupied a one-story structure towards the 8cbuylkill as a dye-house. A three and a lonr-sioried bnck building and six one story buildings, of irame, brick, and stone, were occupied by Jaine Mouscli, Jr , ft Co., wuose business was drying aud printing cotiou and woollen goods. The three-story bnck building attached to the Keystone mill, which toruied au L, was also de sire) ed. In this htrue nre was a splendid engiuo of 12lMiorse power, and also a new boi er, aud other muoliinery. Mr. William Horn, manufacturer of Balmoral skirts, etc, ocoupied this structure. All the real entato, together with the fixed ma chinery, aud th greater part of the runuiug ma chinery in the different mills, belonged to Mr. Hop pin. His loss is estimated at 8100 00 He is in sured lor 832,000 but $20 000 is on the b'lUdings destioved, and 912,000 is on the only building lett nnirjurod. - IVn. Dearie's loss is put down at 900 C10 on ma chinery and stock. He is msured for 921,000. tie has $2600 in t'le Equitable, and 2tl50 in the ltopuo licau insurance Companies, and tho rest in Sow York, New Jorsey. and Mew England Companion. Messrs. Monach & Co. suffered a lo.s ot C1000 on their own material, but at the time of the the they bad on band about $20,0u0 wortli of goods belonging too'ber parties, left at the mills to be dyed and printod. 1 hese goods were Insurod by the parties owning them tor J7000 In the Amsterdam Company, of Xew York; and $7000 in the Uiooklyn Company, ot Now York. Mr. Horn's stock was valued at $33,030. It is totally dest rated. Mr. Horn is insurod tor $18,050, ot w hich $12,000 is In the Koyal, ot Livorpo3l, and $0000 in New England Companies. The total lots by the conllugiation will roach S2C0 000. '1 he fire originated in ttie drying-room ot the fourth story buihling aud the flamoi spread with tearful rapidity. Ths a arm was promotly givon, ai d iho firemen wero soon on tho ground, aud through their exertions the five-stoiy structure was saved. During the progress of the fire, lomo of the burn ing flakes were throwa across the Schuylkill, and dropped into tho coal oil etabdshmont ot VI r Jacob S Zuyart, Thirtieth and Hand ton streots andUuitod a harre. of oil, but the flames wero promptly sub dued Jly the destruction of the mil's, about one hundred and ility hands are thrown out ot employment. State IIomeopathic Medical Society. The Homoeopathic .vtato Convemlon has closed its sessions, and the doleuates from our oity have returned home from Pittsbur?. A Dornianent organization was eSooted, ami the following officers elected lor the ensuing vear: 1'res dent Dr. J. B. wood, west i. nosier vice-l'resiaonrs, ur. i. u. 1. l tost. Thiladelnhia: Dr. J. C. Bursrher. P'tts- burg. Recording Secretary, Dr. Bushrod W. Jamos, rinaoe ptiia. corresponding secretary. Dr. K.J. MoClatohev, Philadelphia Treasurer, Dr. D. ( rowlcy, Pittsburg. Cen-ors, Dr. Coates Preston, De aware Co ; Dr. R.Faulkner, Erie Co.; Dr ti Hoffman Afechonv Co. I he Sooi't adlournod to meet in Philadelphia on tho second Wednesday in May, 1867. Vote fob Base Ball Implements. Tbe vote lor the prize bat and ball at the festival in the Alexandor Presbvtrian Church, corner of Nine teenth and Green streets, resulted last evening in favor of the Commonwa th Club, the soore being as tollows: Commonwealth 417; Pastime, 213; Ath letic, f?r . 1F0; scattering, 50; total. 833. The articlos were presented to the successful com petitor" by Coloue! James Ross Snowdon, who made some appropriate and happy remarks, which were responded to by Mr. ward, ttie soorotary ot ine Club. The wboto a Hair passed off iu a high'y satis factory manner. Tbe festival is to he continued this evontng, and such ot the articles as have not been Bold will bo dis posed oi by auotipu Mr. Pancoa-t, of Maiket stroet, will superintend the sale, and doubtless thero will be seme spirited bidding. Summer Travel. We ask attentim to the advertisement ol tho North P nnsylvania Rail road Company in to-dav's issue, lhe beautv of the scenery that lines tho North Pennsylvania Railroad and its connections, tbe comfortable cars, and the excellent hotel accommodations at the principal points, commend this ro'ite highly to those desirous of (hanging the beat and dust of the motropol s for the salubrious and invigorating breezes of tae mountains. - Larceny of Clothing. Rosanna Mc- FFetrfdge wtnt into a house at tbe 8. E. eorner ot Twellth and Caliowhiil streets, yesterday afternoon, during the absence of the ocoupant. and helped herself to a silk dress, vtlued at $16, and a skirt worth $3 8te was enbsoquenrly arrested, and bonnd over by Alderman Boswell in default of $600 bail. In Custody. Joseph Keesley and John K. breen, the combatants in a p-lze fight last weak, whiohwas broken un by the nolice. were arrested yesterday bv the First District officers on a warrant issued in Delaware county. Ibe prisoners were this morning sent to Delaware county, to answer the cbarge. Fine Strawberries. We have inspected some of the Russell Prohfio Strawberry, grown by Mr. Perkins in his nursery at Moorestown. They excel not only in size but in neiicacy oi tnotr navor Among tbe Improved fruit tln will rank high dur ing the present soason. iney are now in tbe mar ket, and are worth inspection. For the SouTn. The steanship Tona I . T..vl, n-nmnnH l.i ant. UnH..Ari ICU71UU, vuwu Ao.i, wuiiuouooi. ids. ivi oniumm, Ja.,ftt 10 A M this morning, with a fine freight 1 1 K..onnoi Hr A88AX3LT AND BATTERY. Mary Anil . . 1 1 , rl V, , A I.I... ....... A 11 1 .. ... n . . n lug. upon the charge ot asssulting a neighbor. It li . i . i I. . I. . . v 1. ailegeo sub Dijuuiw inn uumi'iniiiiiiiL wuu nuri.a. Habn'bss DonBiJi ur. Come, Johnny, harness Dobbin up, For, Johnny, 1 propose, To drive to Pbi aiie'ph'a. And buy a uuit or Clothes, And if the folks shou'd ak for me, Just say to jour Mama That I have to the city gone, To Ferry's Bbilliant ' Star." The Clotfiino sold there is so good, I hat people, far and near, Are travelling to six uu.ndhed nimb, To neatly diessed aopear. All who have read the papors will bear witness of tho fact tiiat the "star" hs uuvernseu uocrany, Dut its but advertisemeuts are to be found ontub backs ov its cusTo.tKKS. Evtiry garment so.u at the "ttTAR" is in itseit a first clus recommendation, Our stock of Ready Madk Clotbino is immknbk AnD VUOHITALL CAN BB ACCURATELY FITTKD Btock ol piece goods large and varied, and all who rave their poods madx to order are sure to bi plra-ed Prices tbe lowest in the city. Call and see if such is not the case feTAH Clothing Fpohium, Low Pricis and Fabuionablb Uoods. Xto. OO'J Cuts .not Stuket, mon or 6tar, I'KftUT k Co. Fabmebs, provldo yourselves with Perry Davis' Pan Kilior at this seanou ol the year, wnen oollo, cholera morbus, d sontery, diarrhoea, eto., may dls ab e your bands. Use it in cverv of the kiJd, and mi ears for it. If it does not effect a speedy cure; but be sure that vou trust to no other remedy but tneo d, long-tr ea Perry Davis Pain Killer, which has never tailed. Dutch EBB Dead Shot fob Bedbuos. Kills upon touch, curls thorn up as fire does a leaf, and remains of permanent efleot. Try it, and sleep in peace. Sold by all live drugglBts. I If MlKORY OsrGBRBRAL SoOTT. Through a long life of war he passed. AU triumphs of his conn try's powor; But peace its broadest sunshine east Atonnd bim In his tiring hour. From for or near be heard no dm Of field disputed, fortress stormed) But sweete-t was that peace trirAin Tbatsooke of duties well performed. Bo, in the Tower s imsy spbem, We keep a conscience Just and clear. Wa BATS JU-woei fancy Caitimere Pantt, at lo at $ 00 " " Vrttt " a w " Black " Pantt " 522 - Cloth Vest " .... 00 " Fancy Catsimere Suits, to match U 00 " lack Suits 20 00 Advancing fnm these ra'es tne h we goods of all grades, up to the very finest fabrics, at prices reduced in proportion Men's, Youths', and linys'. Thou sands havb found wrrmnt thb past FEW WBKttcf THAT WB ARB ACTUALLY SBLLINO OOOD, BBRVI0B ABLB OOOD8 AT THE PRICES NAMED. I If' "TO CLOTHINO DSALBn.irt Ottr purchases for this season having iteen detailed, vaitmii the expected decline in goods, we have now on hand the largest and best assorted stock of C'nthitia in I'hiladeiphia.tmrchased for cash exclusively AT THE VERY LOWEST RATES OF THE HRAHON, which enables us to realize a fair pro it, and sell at prices less than the price of the tame goods in mot other eetablivhrnen's We can supply Clothiers doing a fine city trade with poods adapted to their sales, at prices so much lower than the cost f their present stocks, that, by making an average of the whole, thuy will be enabled to dinpoee of their goods at prices covering the average cost, and even paying a profit. Bkitnbtt Jt Co., Tower Hall, No 618 Market Street. IIvoiemo Wine A Wine, grown on the sunny slopes of Spain lhe genuine juice of the grape in all its purity, as bo stowed upon us by the bonoflocnt Giver, and such as Ir, alone, consistent with Christian teachings not intoxicating in too least will supply a want greatly folt in this country. uch is Uyoienio Wine, the Great ImporLd Tonic, Aromittic. It is conscientiously reeommendod to Ladies, as it will soothe tbe nerve, renew the blood, and Ktntly stimulate and invigorate the system. AU ol sedate habits minifltors, lawyers, and pro fessional men, possessing constitutions more delicate than others of less oonflning labors those who ex pond a great deal ot vitality in brain-work, will at once acknowledge tbe superiority of this rostorative. Remember, it leaves behind none of the banoful in fluences ol alcohoilo preparations. It Creates a Healthy Appetitb. We warrant tbat, upon trla', Hyoienio Wise will be found to bo tbo finest, most delicious, and healthful Tonio known. lr it to be couvlncod Sold Everywhere. French. Richards & Co., Agents for Pennsylvania. N, B. Hygienic Wine is an imported Ionic; it has the approval of the "Imperial School of Medicine Of Paris," and was tested by tbe Com mittee on Chemistry of the American Medloal Abso. elation wbich asembled in Baltimore, May 1, 1866 and indorsed by fifty-six prominent members with their nynaturet. (n"WAAMAKKR & BROWN. JrifWANAMAKKR & BltOWN. ttPVVAHAMAKRR BROWN. tiT" AMAMAKER fit BUOWX. 15KHT ULOTHlNO.gJ Hest Clothing j BK8T CLOTHIHO.(f J Best Clothing, ill j-"3foDnnATE Prices. .fMODKRATB PBI0E8. I fTMoDiHATE Thicks. 5 Moderate Prices, Gents', Youths', and BoYS'.gj likNTS', Youths', and BoY8gl ijENTe'. Youtus'. and Boys' - I1T Do it Well." This is the principle. Ourgi fll- jr cuHUilliera una wuitiihi;d ui uvoua au uucj f-ETHall of Handtome Style Spkndid Make.ti Iffand Substantial Character, embracing every (fj $:ff thing tn the range of Men's, Youths', and tf Beys' Wear, and the moderate prices onrf(J J .ffpoltte attention of our salesmen cannot f'ailJi Kirto please, tre asn ine peopte or fatiaaeipittas Uam vicinity to bear ux tn miml d& W ANAMAKKU & fillOWN, Popular Clothing iioube, Oak Hall, S. . Cornnb Sixth and Market Streets. Trial of Jefferson Davis Richmond, Jnno 6. On the opontng of the Court the Assistant Dis trict Attorney arose and sid: May It please your Honor, as the answer to the questions proposed by Mr. Reed, of Philadelphia, one of the counsel for Jefferson Davis, who asks wbethor hn client -Is to be tried? Is to be dropped? Oris to be suspended? I would remark that the weather is hot enough to try anything. From the brow of your Honor I see the tat coming out now, and as this promises to be a fat Job (laughter) from the number of counsel en gaged, I think the Cour, tf BQe know herself, had better adjourn over until the cool weather of Oc tober. Tbe Judge then said Mr. Davis can be sparod the suffering attending a long trial in this hot place, and have the sea breezes of Fortress Monroe until the tall, wnon he will be either "dropped" or "sua nended." Mr. Brady (to the Judge) Very limited society tbeie, vour Honor. The Judge (continuing) Yes; hut the President Is making preparations for some other cx-I're'idonts Mr. Roberts and Mr. O'Jdaiiony, and perhaps others. A motion was now made by the Court, in which the counsel on both side agreed, lor eacb one pre sent to get two complete suits of summer olothmg. at Charles Stokes k Co.'s "One-price," under the Continental; alter which tbe Court adjourned till October. Purify thb Blood. It is an established laot that a very large o)aa of disorders ean only be cured by such remedies as will enter into the blood, and circu late with it through every portion ot the body; lor by this means only can tbe remedy be brought into immediate contact witb the disease. To obtain this desirable end. no preparation has ever boeo so uni lormi v successful as Dr. Javne's Alterative. Scrofula. King's nl, Caneer and Cancerous Tumors, White Swellings, feailarvement i f tbe Boues, Cbrotiio Rheu matism ana uout, t rup'ive Diseases oi tne bum, O d and indolent Ulcers, Goitrous bwelnnps ot the Throat, eto., are cured with a certainty which has astoi.ishod every beholder It is, besides, one ot tbe most pleasant articles that ean be taken Into the stomach : operating as a tonio, It removes Dyspeosia and Nervous Affections, and imparls a glow of ani mation and beal'h unt quailed bv anything tn the whoe Materia Medic. Prepared only at No. 212 Chesnut st reet . Curb for Dyspepsia Plantation Bitters are considered tbo greatest success In the medical world Bitters ot every oonceivable description have been advertis d tor patronago, but their inferiority to tbe Plantation 8. T. 1860X, is too pa'pahe to reouire o nment. At this season especially no family in the country suouiu De wunout a supiir or t'lauta tion Bitters 1 bev are dtliciovsly medicinal. Nepdlis C. C. T. " Compound Ca-nphor Tioches." fotentpockot remeu , buuuuss cramp controls diarrhoea, clio'eralc evldenoe, etc. Only maker, C. il JNeea es livil.tu auu uuee, rnilauel' phia, fifty cenls per box Matting and Carpets cut, altered, and laid lhe work done when desired, no delay Those who liiiva been disaDDointeu w uld do well to send thrir orders to W. Lenry Patten's, No. 1498 Chesnut street. Ffmale TRUSfce6, Brace, Suiporlers, Elastic Belt, and Stookiuus. Iictit and elegant In finish adjusted by a lad., at Needles', Twelfth streot, flint floor oeiow ttace. FnATnms Suneilor leathers for bo'sters and pillows, at W, Henry Patten's, No. 14o8 Choanal sticet Jf you must take medicios then take Ayer'b, which are by far the most eflbc ual remedies to be had anywhere. Pprino Mattrecbvs made to order, and old mat tresses repaired at W, -lenry Patten's, No. 14.U8 Vbesuut street. n rover k Baker's Highest Premium F,lastla Stitch and Tock-ati ch Sewing Machines. No. 780 Chesnut street. "luhrlcatlve packing ior steam engines. for terms see 74) cuesnut st., puua., auu so uey bi., u w yoru. O. Brnois Monse. tin. 004 Arch atrt. Is na'nd for tho quality and flavor of lee creams and loss. MATTREnnKS A std BroDiiro) renovated and made oyer at W. Henry Patten', No. 14 "8 Chewant street. 7 80s, fl-'Oi. lR81s.l0 40s. Com round Interest Notes. and Oold and Silver bought and sold by lREXEL m V:0., No. 84 8. Ibibp Streot. Compound Interest Notes. 7 STQ and B-SOs wanted. De Haven ft Brother, No. 40 S. Third St. Popular Tailoring. Ready-made Clothing, and Fine Custom Work. Wahamakkr & Brown, Oak Hall, Southeast corner Sixth and Market Streets. MAKU1EU. GREY FELTY. On the 6th instant, at the Emory M. E r araunuKU, ino xoto v auownui siroot, oy ids Rev. Hnmnel Irwin. Mr. KI.MS W. tlKEV to Miss MAUblE A. FELI V , all of Philadelphia. MILLER JEFFREY. On the evening of the 7th insi ant, at the residence ot the brido's uncle, Rioh- mond streot, by th Key A. O. Mc Auloy, Mr JAM E i W. MILLER and Miss ANNIE 8. JEFFREY, all of this eity. DIED. BFRNtT ARDT. On the 7th instant. CtlRISTt- ANN BARBARA BERN HART, in tbe 70! h roar of hor age. l he relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from her son's residence, No. 181 Vanhorn street, below Uermantown road, on Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Horvice at the Gor man Evangelical Cbuich, Second street, above Pop lar, interment at uuu it euows's Cemetery. BOLV1EK. On tho 5th inst.. PETER BOUVIER. aged 69 years. The relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, N. E. corner of Third nd Greenwich streets, on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'o'ock. To proceed to Sixth Street Union Uround DOH8F.Y On the morning of the 7th Instant. JOHN W. DO KSEY, formerly ol Somerset oountr, mo., in tne suiu year ot nis age. 7 he relatives and friends of the family, also the members of the lypogiaphical Society, are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the resldenos or his father-in-law, William H. Morgan, Nos. 142 and 144 N. Ninth stroet, on Sunday afternoon next at 4 o'clock. Interment at Odd Fellows' Cemetery. I.UTZ. Suddenly, on the 7th instant. Lioutenant GF.ORUE KNOW LES LU I Z, In the 24th year of his age, son of the late Jacob D. and Hettio l.utz, and late uuartermaster of the (Jlst Pennsylvania Voluu- teeis. His relatives and friends and the members of bis regiment are iepeot ully invited to attend his fune ral, without further notice, from the residonoe of V7. ti. itnawn, irankford, on Monday, the lltu instant, at 8 o'eloek. To proceed to Cedar Hill Cemetery. McTOYLE.-On the 6th inst.. JAMES McrOYLE. aged 84 years. l tie relatives and mends or tbe family, also tne membeis ot bt. John's Beneficial Soo ety, are re spectfully invitf d to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 1935 Jones street, on Suuday after noon at 1 o'clock, without further notice. WOODRUFF On fhe 8th instant. ANNA K.. daughter of D. S and Mary Jane Woodiuff, in the 14th year ol her age. 1 he lunoral will take place on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. iom No. 1614 dpruoe street. The friends of tfe family are respeottully invited to attend, with out further notice. fOFFEK ROASTERS OF SEVERAL STYLES vy and sizes, and various kinds of Coffee Mills, lor Bale by TRUMAN SHAW, jso. tun (Etgnt rntrty-nvei MAittkcr St., doiow Nintn. SEWING MACHINE TWEEZERS, OILERS, and Screw Liivcrs, lor sale at the Hardware Store of IIIUSIA.I X BUA. No. 8SS (Eight Thirty-five) M ABK.ET Bt., below Ninth. flHE PATENT CLUTCH BRACE REQUIRES J no fitting or notehlng of the bits, but Immediately aillnsts liso.f and holds them firmly and trotr centered. Every mechanic can see the grest saving of time and )ator thus eflected. Sod with the usuai kinds, and a variety ol bits and other tools nv TRUMAN HFIAW. No. 835 (Eight Thirty-live) MARKET St.. below Ninth. QENUINE MACKINAW SUNDOWNS It IjAlliriN, IN GREAT VABIETY, TO BE HAD OF TBEO. H. McCALLA, At bis Old Established Hat and Cap Fmporlum, S 14 1m No. 801 CHESNUT Street. JORDAN'S TONIC ALE. JORDAN'S TONIO ALE. JORDAN S TONIC ALB. It Is recommended by physicians oi this and other places as a superior tonic, sua requites but a trial to convince tbe most skeptical of its great nie'lt To be bad, wholesale and retail, ot P. I.JORDAN, No. 220 HEAR Street, rhamnaane Cider, by the dozen, bottled, or by the barrel. 2 145 UNADULTERATED LIQUORS ONLY. RICHARD PKNI9TANVJ STORK AND VAULTS, No. 439 CHKBNUr 8TRKET, Nearly Opposite the Post Office, PHILADELPHIA. Families suDDlle. Orders irom the Country promotly attended to. 5 31$ RHEUMATISM, GOTJT, NEURALGIA, Vk'RY EASILY AND QUICKLY CUBED BT DOCTOR FITLER'S GREAT RIIEUMATIC REMEDY, USED INWARDLY Contains no Mercury, Colcbicnm, Minerals, nor anything Injurious. The most valuable Medicino ever offered to the public. Warranted to have nover yet failed in any instance to cure permanently the worst forms of Rheuma matism, ete. PEEPARED ONLY BY DR. FITLER, One of Fbiladelpnla's oldest rractising Tbysiotans. Belerences to tbe wonderful cures made. CHOLERA, Diarrhoea, Cramps Cbolera Slorbns, and all Affections of tna Bowels, CURED BY USING DOCTOR FITLER'S OAEMI NATIVE. ESTABLISHED 1833. For Grown Fcrsons, Children and Infants. Mothers ahd Nurses please notice. Ibis CARMINATIVE has been before the pubtlo tor many years, is perteotly harmless, aud has Leon uted principally for Children aud Infants with wonderful eflect in cases of Bowel Complaint, Colic, Cholera Infantum, Crying Infants, Teething, Sleep. lestness, Cramps, etc Iry it. Satisfaction guaranteed. I BICE 25 CENTS. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. 16 7 BinwUinBp D R. HUNTER, No. 44 N. SEVENTH BTHSFT. ABOVE FILBERT. PHILADELPHIA Acknowledged bp all parties interrupt as by far the In h traatment vf Ihteaiet in his speeialtu.' OUIOK THOROUGH, and permanent cures guaranteed In every esse. Remember 13 K HC'NT.eR'd I eiehrateU Ketnedlei can onlT be bad genuine at nuoio es'aoushea Oluoe, No, 44 N. eEVKMll Biret. spot riiuon. DDJl rm IP YOU WISH TO BUY A HAT Flf'T? oiits cheaper tban you can anywhere else tn the OIIV. eauat russiuvB, Slim So 818 South THIRD Btreet, Philada. -i rA- SOUTH 8TREET, M. IVANCONA i )-t 1 pays the hlglient price fot Ladles' and Gents' cast-od Clothing. io. 1J41 SOU IU Street, below Broad. vui KEITY, CARRINftTON AND COMPANY No. 723 CHESNUT Street IMPORTERS OF AND WHOLESALE AKV EE1 AIL DEALERS IS CURTAIN MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURERS of WINDOW SHADES, SWISS LACE CURTAINS, FRENCH LACE CURTAINS, NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS, LACE AND MUSLIN CURTAINS, APPLICATION LACE CURTAINS CALL AT KELTY, CARRINGTON & CO.'S, No. 723 CHESNUT Street, AND SEE OUR LACE CURTAINS, FROM AUCTION. ALSO, DAMAGED LACE, In Curtain, and ly the Yard, Very Loie. WINDOW SHADES, ALL COLORS, ALL QUALITIES, ALL SIZES. BROWN AND GILT. LEATHER AND GILT. 6T0NE AND GILT. SLATE AND GILT. STORE SHADES, SKY-LIGHT, AND WINDOW SHADES, OF ALL DESCXIFllONS, MADE TO OliD VB, KELTY, 0ARBINQT0S & 00., No, 723 CHESNUT Street, is- i 19 t J FOURTH EDITION FENIAN ADVANCE ' tt.r"iriiBn.rLruj Capture of Tigcon Alii,, St. Armand Centre, Slab City, ana the British Colors. VICTORY Oil DEATH! Et., EltW, tc Eto., EU- ea, Kt "Boston, June 9. The folio wlnjr deipalcb. U printed in the Herald Irom Brlgadler-Genontl Mahan: "Pioiom Hill, Canada Kant, Jane . We are in the enemy's country. The green flag ware defiantly. We have captured Pigeon Hill, St. Armand Centre, Slab City, and the British olors. We are ready to advance. Hurry up ammunition. Victory or death 1 'The frunlcea and cowards hare (rone to tho rear. They will talk about our poeitlon.but don't mind them. The tried rueu of nerve are at ths front." COINGUESS. Washington, June 9. Hon of Representative. Tbe bpeakor presented a letter from the heore tarr ofilie Treasury, transrnittinK a atatumeiit oi the amount paid lor salary aud miluage to ttie inembor ol the 1 lility-eighth Congress. Kulorred tt iUi Committee cn Appropriations. lhe miliaire paid to beuaturs was 9124,108, an. tbo salaries 21,728. Total, tfilB.Mi. Tne mileaxa paid to members of the tloue was $315,064, and tue . salaries 1,14U,K5. Jotal, 61 4il4,ltiO. nouator Con ness reooivea lor mlleaKO 11,124 aud 8oator J0 Dougal f 10,(64. Sunators llardine and Mesmlth, of OrcKon, received lor mileatte 11 930 uaoh. iSeuBtorsN vo and Stowart, ot Movaaa, received for mileapo V6622 each, but ttiis was onlj for ooe ses sion, btiUK at lhe rale of till ,244 lor tbe Congress, i lie sassaobusetts tiouators received lor mileax t7a9escti. J be smallest sum reooived for mileage was by Senator Jo'insou, ot Maryland, 907 20. Of tbe Caillornia mcmbrrs, Mr. Cole reeelved $10 648, and Miannon f 10, 692. ibe Oregon mem bers, Hcbridc, received lor mileage 912 681. Ur. Cole, tbp delerate from Washington lerritorv, re c ivid 12 0h9, and Wallaoe, ttie acloirate lrem Iiiabo, 12,884 Ibe smallest sum received for milt-rue was 9ti4, tr Henry Wiutor Davis. 1 tie pekur a so prts uted a lotter from the com maudant ol tbe Washington Arsonal, transmtttiuK a stateniont ol ti e distribution oi money amonv tho sullereis by the recuui explosion at the Aisenai, i.eid on tho table. Tbe Constitutional ameudmotit passed by the Senate veturay was revolted to the louso with amendments, on wbioh its concurrence was re quested. Ibe Speaker announced that undor the order ot the llous i no business was iu order eneupt debate, as if tbe Committee ot the W'uols on tbe fresideut'a annual uiecsage Mr. Burloiph (Dacotah Torrllorv) addressed the House in favor ot tbe remoral of the Indians from mineral lands of the Northwestern territories, and tbe r permauont location in oertam districts in la cotah and Moutaua Terntoiies. Consuls Recognized. WA6HINOTON, Juue 9. lhe President has recog nized Bamon Orbeta as Consul oi Spain at Mobile ; Henri Roaenberge as Vice-Consul of Switzerland, at Galveston, and Carl Frederick Adell as Consul of Scbaumburg-Lippo, for the States of Ohio, MJohl gan, and Indiana. Antral ol a Spanish Frigate at New York. New Yobk, June 9 The steam frivate Isabella la Catolica has arrived at this port, with General Dulce atoard. The Latest Markets by Telegraph. HAW IUHAi VUW OtWM .IU UUU II U IQWRr, rbicago and Rock Island, 92; ll'inois Central, 121; Michigan Southorn, 79; Hen Fork Central, 97it Kead hk, 1091; Virginia 6s, 66; Missouri 6s 80: Erie. 621; Western Union Telegraph Company. 60: Unito States Coupons 1881, 109J ; do. 1861, 102J ; do. 1865. irzi ; len-iorcier, wij; rreasnrv oevon-iuiruos, loajg 1021 ; Gold, 139j,139t. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. Conrt of Quarter Seasioaa Judge rieroe, Habeas corpus cases before tbe Court. In the cased Mrs. Sarah Kinier, who sought to) obtain, by writ of habeas corpus, the custody of a cU d, which was heard a week aeo, the Court re fused the application, and remanded the child to the custody ot the nnele John Smith, granting tho mother the privileKS ot visiting the child. Margaret Kelly applied, by writ of habeas corpus, for tbe custody of a child, now in the custody ol a Miss Jones. Tbe mother of the seems, has boon for some time in a m'strab'y destitute condition. Ttie cbl:d was placed In a charitab e institution. The aont, Mrs. Kelly, took the child and wished to adopt it, tut upon being advised so to do, sbe bad tho child bound to her. From the evldenoe, she eared lor the child as a mo her should, bne clothed it comlortably, tauebt it prayers, and sent it to ohurou aid school. The mother came and stole the child, but the aunt recovered it. A second time the mother took the child. She kept it some seven or eight days, living all the while in a llthy, wretched celiac on Bedford street. Miss Jones, who. it seems, is connected with soma 'charitable mission, saw the child with Its mother, la a most abominable condition, and wished to take It. Tbe mother being very destitute, sold the child for a pair ol shoes and stockings. These are the promi nent features of the evidence. Ibe matter la to ba held under a week's advisement. On habeas corpus, the bail of Edward Thorn, a Youth, charged with assault and battery, with Intent to kid, uron Kobert Sherrer, was lessened lrem 92CO0 to 91200. lilkttles Conrt lis Bait-President Judge Sharswood and Judgos Stroud and Hare. Tbe Court this morning was engaged with the current and de terred motion lists. A number ot oases wore dls posed of. Court of Common Pleaa Judge Ludlow Tbe regu'ar motiou lists were before tbe Court to-day. They were oompieted at an early hoar, and tbe Court adjourned. Nnpr'ui loart at Nisi Prlaa Justice Bead Tbe motion lints were before the Court this morning. Nothing ot publio interest transpired. BIOKKENE, OR LIFE-KEJUVENATOR. 6TBENOTH TO THE WEAK YOUTH TO THE AO ED This preparation Is uneqt al'ad as a rejuvenator and re storer ot wasted and Iner: functions. Ibe leeo e. the aged aad all those who have la an way Impaired Uielr rltality by exoesslve mental or phyid cai application, will and the ftiokiene to be what lt name implies a llis-rejureiiator, which, while it builds up the shattered constitution, will also Impart to the feeling tbe briskness and energy wtlch belong to youth. Do matter by what cause any oisau has become eulee bled In lis Ainotlxns this superb preparation will remove tbat cause at once and ibrever. BIOKREKK owesOeneial Debility. Impotencr, ner vous incapacity, Dy.pepsle, Impression, Loss or Appe tite, Low Hpirlts, Imbecility. Mental Indolenoe. Kmacia- . tlon. Ennui. It has a most deiighuul, desirable, aitd novel effect upon the nervous ay stem, and ail who are as any way proslra'ed by uerrous disabilities are earnestly atlYlred to seek a cure in this most axoelient aud on eonalled preparation, , IjIOKKkKe The Feeble, the rangnld, tba Despair Iph. the Old. should give this valuable dlsoovery a trial J it 111 be lound totally aillettut lrm ail - arUolea lor the same purpose. , . , ,,, '1 0 FEAi AtEa.-Thls preparation Is Invaluable In asa rous weaknesses ol all In Is. as li will restore the wasted strength with wooniP,ern?no?i m twimb It is also a Hand Tonio, aud will five re iefra yPf tt'afe ?riW SaK Druggists fienfrMliy.. Sent bf ?"0yu.r7...f, . o UJCJf BJWlli abw l ur Bold by JOHMSOS. HOIXOWAY COWDE'J. No Koith 81XTU Utreek DYO IT a CO., 4 13 .hstrCmrii Ko. tti N. 8ECOD St