THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1866. BEAUTY Id TAIN. BT MI'S ROBRRTTI. WliMo roc arc to rod, While lilir re no whit', Kliull t w P'n exalt brr tare Bccaim It give delight f She's, not so sweet a a roa, A llly'a straiRhUr than she. And il she were as red or white Hhc'd h but one of three. Whetl or he flush In love's siimmc or In tta winter erow pale, Whether the 11 mnt her beauty Or hid.- H away In a veil, Be she red or be she white, And stand sho erect or bowed, Time will win the rare he runs witd Aud hide her away In a ehroud. her, A COO'S V lir TO THE DOG SH-W. It has been f.aid that Sir Ocorge Grey wa.t him. tclf to visit, the Agricultural Hall at Inliiiirton, 'o form his own opinion on the complaints which bav? been made In the neighborhood to the noife cnuped by the canine multitude, and its inlurlouB effect on the nerves of the human inhabitants of that district. If this should be so, we may look, no doubt, that full justice will be done to the human nerous systems of Isling ton, but poyHbl.v a great iniufctirc may remain behind. From bur own obervation we should pay tliat the exciting ellect of the exhibition is far greater on the nervous st(!tns of tho dogi them, elves whether confined in the building or only w.thin hearing ol it, than on t'loscot the hrnhrr race. Dogs, we imift retnniiibcr, have been little used to public life, and the lirst ellect upon them ot this compulsory liinr.soiinient in a great canine rociety is very nine li like tha'. which Is produced upon a scu-it've child whon it hi fJint left alone in the muUitiidiiious solitude of a public fcchool. There has been, lor obvious reason!-, no petition to Sir Gcortre fiiev on the partol the dogs e ther ot England or Islington to place this annual institution under proper in spection and resolution, but we b pe that if he really kited tho hall he may have taken au in telligent spaniel or Scotch coolio with him, in order to aid him in bus inspection by presenting the matter in another poiul of view to that on 'which tho human selti'hnes of Islington has Concentrated its too exclusive a'tention. We i.t least were prcutiy struck bv tho effect produced on the mind ol a clever little half-bred Scotch terrier which plunged iiito the midst of this pi-cut cauine public iu company with our selves, and bv the iecipioctl ellect evidently produced on the intelligence ot some of tho pri soners by this visit Irom a reporter of their own species. The little creature, far irom being diili dent or reserved, wus naturally h very sociable animal, and ou meeting even complete stranacrs ol her own spee cs, especiully if thev have anv kind ol human introduction or recommendation, w ill usually establish at once friendly relations withthtm, crouching down and wagziug her tail violently, bhe lia,a iwnuily prc erred the society ol much lareer doas to timt of her own proper tribe, and espeoiplly ol retrievers, to one of whom of her own sex she lias been as enthu siastically attached Irom a mere puppy as school girls sometimes appear to be to their affection ate and didactic mistre.-ses. On the strength of this association she has always seemed to" enter very easily and warmly into the Inclines of this tribe, and had only just returned from a Whit suntide holiday anion? hospitable Essex retrie vers ol fine breed and great saaaeity. A6 it happened, we entered the exhibition at class 16. the. retrievers' benches, and anxiously watched the ellect ot the grectir.g between the fifty-odd manacled memhers of this class and the acute utile inspector, sue wus received Willi a noisy outburst of feeling that was quite over powering, and evidently paiuiul to her. The clamor indeed was so grat as ehe passed, and the eOorts ol the chained retrievers so violent to reach her, that the IvV.o creature, usually so frank and communicative, retired absolutely into hei-fcelf. Whether ihe dogs were with one voice lodping complaints against their treat ment, protesting against tbeir embarrassed form of exibtenee, remanding better ventilation, and expluinmg the complete failure of "Condy's Patent Huid" (by which, as many placards asserted, the air of the hall was pariticd at a vast expense) to get its "nascent oxygen" fairly born out of the nascent stage into the atmo sphere ol the crowded assembly, we cannot say. But it Is certain that very poiu'ei communica tions were addressed to the little visitor from all sides, which at once surprised and depressed her. What was particularly noticeable, to, In this part ol the show, was the much more voluble communications addressed to our lit. le terrier by retrievers of birth and name, retrieveis with a past and a tradition, tflnu by the less distin guished members ot the order. There was one tumor'1 eloquent and impassioned to the highest degree, probatly on the subject of his wrongs; and wheu we caroo to know that his eraudmother Gi belonged to the keeper of Lord Cmdeti, and was "a bitch of great local feme.'' that his preat-grundlather Sailor fought the -w hole Cilmcun campaign In company with Captain Dull', of the 23d Welsu Fusiliers, and was buned among the white cupolas ol Benares, and a monment elected to his own memory iu that historic city, we were able to under stand his bitter indignation at the oppressive Dhvsical conditions of his Islington existence. It was a relief to our cars to get past the too eager and eloquent bench ol retrievers, who, perhaps, because they stiil hoped to retrieve ihe past, had more to pay than any other dogs ju the exhibition, the setters alone excepted. We next had to pa s the forlorn Irish water- spaniels, who, politically uneducated, like the race among whom they live, took little notice of the inspecting dog, but much ot the inspecting men. Each of these seemed to implore every klud lcoktng visitor to purchase him, as the Ciicassiau slaves uro said to do in the Turkish slave market. Among them the tine water spaniel "Jock, late Nep," as the catalogue quaintly terms mm, the winner oi ninny prizes in feiicn exhibitions, who has, however, never yet lounct a permanent home in consequence ot ma gooa qnaiities. sat w;tn rea ciisiievellea locks, and vainlj entreating eyes, Boliciving to be purchased bv some one who inlcht cease to devote him to the ignominious fate ol habitually attending dog shows in chains, and occasionally changing his name. All this class of doirs spoke liuie, but looked volumes at every liuely law and were intelligent, untidy, disorganized, and loilorn. Our little terrier, being herselt in possession ot a happy home, leu great delicacy in gazinsr at these poor creatines, who could 'sc. how it whs with her, and crept past their mute laces with more sadness than she had before shown. even when overwhelmed by the frank and no sy oratoiy ot the retrievers. 'Thus we came to the lareer uoks wuose creea was either more hopeless, or more ascetic, for they "spoke not a word of sorrow," aud implored no compas sion bv their looks, though some of them the mastilM at least evidently "bitterly thought of the morrow." 'these magnificent dotrs, with the large dark circles round thtir melancholy eyes, looked out sternly from ui der tnelr evebrbws on the scene aroujid them, like necessitarians. It not lataiists, who knew that no representa tion of their case to the outer world would either hasten or delay the hour of their release. lr. anbury's splendid pair, "I'rine.e" and ' Duchess," lay close tosethnr, a if seeking in each others presence same protection trora the vulgar public opinion around them, and encouraging each otaer to find In sell-contemplation relief from the lus?y aud noisy hord. "Odt yrofanum vulaua; et arcei)," was written in each lace, aud they looked, without betravuiir even a passing interest, on the little terrier as she trotted past filled with that kind of emotion of awe mid that overwhelming sense of power with which a countryman is possessed when he first enters the House of Parliament and sees the greatest men ami statesmen ot the day. Only now and then did the grander dogs open their mouths at all. They bad generally been to those i-hows before, and evidently boved to thir fa'e with Aiohummeitan calm, when thev sDoke at all. they seemed to drop a meditative bark on tr a'r wttn nine reianon to tlie Vanity i-'uir in yhteh itiey were prisoners, .ww ami tlieu a solemn mastiff's deep Isolated bay seemed to give just a glimpse of Tho vatnoi, the pramUor, tho gloom, Ot the unlit gull of hinisell." There were sadness and pathos In their pa ticiiie, and their malaite was not tho less deep for the fortitude with which it was repre-sed. The St. Bernards, again, wcro of a different and home ol them ot a higher mould. The great St. Bernard "Tell," which receivd the first prize, Is tht most malostio dog ot ita kind we ever saw. It d d not show the deep melan choly ol the mastiff, but rather the same pro toon I sense of duty which sustains the race In their benevolent mission In aid ot mankind Bmid the snows of the Alps. "Tell" is a Berne dog, a "liueal descendant," says the catalogue, of the dog "Barry," of the St. Ber nard Jlospice. lie endurej the crowds and bent ot Islington ball with the same calm front as the storms and avalanches ot tho Ber ne?e Alps, and is quite too stiong to spck of his tumbles. He hecmcd to think ttiat he had been placed there lor a purpose, whl-h purpose he would fulfil. There as no protest in "that fevcre, that earnest nir." We dare maintain that even on the Home Secretary himself if the rip lit honorable baronet visited him and gazed into his deep, mild eyes he cast no look of reproach or pleadlug. There was in his expression something ot that moral sublimity which, according to Kant, reminds one in dillerently of stars in the midnight hky, or of the solemn rial ot human iron will renouncing Its own cheris-htd desires lor the claim of duty. "Not sud and not elate," his was a counte nance n which neither terrier nor man could paze rnd again torget. Our little companion, hit I. cilo amazed, alarmed, surprised by the u. any new phenomena In lbs chaos ot canine icclii.g una opinion, gathered tranquillity and trust In Unit majestic giiz?, and ceased to cower beneath the restless ces and Iretiul barm of the other ill ussorted prisoner'?, il was a great chnuae from this strone, seU-coutiiined, heroic dog to t..e deei-houndrt immediately adiacent. They were almost the orly doga iu the a-sembly who seemed to enjoy the lonial poortunities ot the place In spite even of their chains. Some of thnn, indicd, were evidently ill, and !ay sin tering from the oporessive atmosphere, and dreaming leerishly of park or heather, but seeral greeted their visi'ors wkh the suavity aud case ol a polished Loudon hostess, while one or two laid themr.elves out lor potting like beautiful children. There was oie (''Brandy,' 477), who, being chained up too tifht to at his admirers with his head, turned his graceful bites ou bis victors that tliey might put it, and then w ith ees reverted waiched tue caressers with eager, gralelul eves. This Mas tho least painlul part ol theexhi'b.tiou. But when we passed to the tov dogs in the gallery, both the physical tind moral conditions of the ease became more distressing. All of them were shut up in sepamto cages, and had a tarwoise air to breathe than the I jwer hull we hope, bv-the-way, tliut ''Condy's patent fluid" had not been lavished here, "at vast ex pense." with such fruitless results and were uuaMe to see each oiher. tbouuh the din of their bhrill and lrctlul curiosity was far more painlul than the deeper voices of the dons below; and hence the ellect upon the mind ot their fret? comrade was unspeakably naiafil. There were, indeed, little (io.'.s could sleep nmid tho dm, but it was not due to any intel lectual calm, but to the coma induced by the bad oir, or in the case of t lie Japanese prize terrier, to sheer oriental lunguor. Stretched on her luxurious divao, tho Japmese "Kose'' iroin Yokohama retired as tar as possible iuco the dark shadow of her cage, aud did not open her eyes on the hot and curious spectators. But the grcnter number of these little captives yelped bilterlv, some even passiuiintcly, as their tree companion passed, and made little useless rushes against the bar. We were glad enoueh to cct away from the spectacle of their tedium and sutlering. But it was nd a-j we were about to leave tho lower hall, near the benches of the setters and pointers, to see the universal envy which animated the poor sp jrting dogs as they saw a little sister apparently about, to escape into the ireedoni ol the outer air. A whole row ot them made a rush at. her feo united that It shook the woo.len pattilion to which their staples were fastened, and when at length (after getting the necessary pa sport for a dog out ward bound) we emerged and lattled away from the door of the grout enn'tne prison-house, the little creature who had accompanied us breathed a heavy bich ol relief, and Ciouched down, keeping n'shadow of depression on her face which would have been very eloquent to Sir George Grev, till she had regained her home, and thrown off tue oppressive iullucnce of her lirst experience ot canine society on a laree scale. It was evidently with a curious conllictot feeling awe of the meHncholy mas tills, reveience lor tho great St. Bernard, pity lor nioat, and disgust for some that she turned away, as Lord Macaulay says somewhere, "from the chequerc d spectacle of so much glory and so much shame." London bpec'ator. MEDICAL. y ox ro r u-li, IU GUT'S TAR SYHUP riilNClPAL DEFOT, No. Til South THIRD Street Trice, fl'OO per Bottle;$5'C0 for half-a-lozcn. 1 l.e imderelintd cltlzena take pleasure In cheertuilv rccLB nieiu.liik l)e une of Writlit'a Tar 8trun inr C UL.li8. COidH. CCU8UU I tlOU. W IlljPl) 111 tf-CUIl lfl . anilttnd lever, liver compla'nt, palua in tliu brenst, iToncblds, iitbion. anu reBiriouon ui uir veMHe a ill itie luugH etc. J ie rtim uy buuimu ue iu every luinuy t'l.arlea C. Y I ou, iorae's j'rem ottlc c. Clianea il. (.ratli n, Sunday Mercury ollico. .lnn:eaolen Jt. qu rrr oflice. 'William K. I orbit, Anfiocia.C'l Preaa. tVlllliim 11. Carpenter, 'he Alarm and Police! T graph. Kiltli and t heHiiut atreeta. A itanooipn. rroiit anu i ouiuhiu nirocta. J ainen W. t'irrlue ho. U'i9 CUarlea struct. U. A.liuvla ho. ciaHkiil fcUeeU Jobs W ooi'.eWie Mo laal Knuik in street. HoteitHioUipa n No. 1608 Waiteralreet, H. G. Mureii. Ko. Fionklln urcot. J Ocblolt. o 731 8. second atreet. Joi n bevniour. No. 613 H. ! lout street. t. W. Howard, No 1 Dock atreot U. V. 1 art ett No. S'it H. -econU street. L. Times No. ot'S Arch street All ert Martin, io. 411 b. Hecond street. Mary CaUlwcllrTio luffi Sansoin street. W. 'lliomus. No. m N. Fourth stroi t '1. M. I aithy, No. 1 9 K irotli' alloy. tleorge V1 son No. 1J6 Race slieot. W . F. ltrooks, No. 69 North swond street, M. J. Haxsett No. 119 l anal street. S. heyniour Rose liiitniftiou. Char rs Kotiers, No. tul Bouih street. It, T. We.iliiK'on, srconrl and yuarry atreeH . F. 'lhonias. No. l3o South Mt i atreet. Willliiiu llama. No. MftHoulh Urontairuet. S. H. KHiiuird, Opera Nt iinnkir. .lelin iliidiniiis. rear of No l:i4 North Hceoud atrect. Mr?. rJ. It. thoate, Newark, lie'. jlr. H'llumfl. HT?'.- iii!sa take pleasure In recommena'pg jronr TAL SYliLPtof which we have already mil consider!! e auuntilies) as a most excellent and emotions remedy ioi tlie coinulaints set lortu in your pruiiai uin mrai j vuliinltied (o the public. As a rratllylnR act to sutterltin li iiu anitv we wll1 clieer'u iv recoiiuueua jour prouura tlon to a t atlMcnd with dlaeasea w tilcb It la designed to cure. Yours, etc., JJU.K a nun, j'iiikkisui. N, E. corut-r fine and Sixth ttreeta. t'er fa'e a)o t JUUNBUN', HOLIOWAY COWDES'S, liVOTT & C O V. A nd all principal Drui nisia and lea!er. Tlie sut-scriter wou d beg leave, lur her to say that tie is I re part a te tl.l orders nd lornard the Syrup t. any ptirt ol the coumiy. l'errona desiring other lmor nial ii n by n ail will inclose a pomace stamp and answer will be returiu d as toon as the eiltcucloa ot liusiuea will admit Addles WUUAM B. WRIUHT, 8 20 No 111 B.TH111D BtneU l'ntladelpliia, I'a. TJ I T E 1) STA T E S li 1JII.DE Tt'S M 1 1. 1., Ncs. 24. 20, arid 28 S. FIFTEENTH St., rHlLAbELPBIA. ESLER & BROTHER, WOOD MOULI INOS, BBACKETa, BTaIR BALL'S TER8, NEWEL POSTS, GENERAL TURK 1 NO HCltOLL WOSK.ETC. BI1ELVINQ f LA NED TO ORDER. Tbelargest arsortment ot Wood aloulillniii lo ttit.eltr coiiBtatittv on hauJ. IIU.u INSURANCE COMPANO DEL AW ABE MUTUAL SAFETY IN3UBAKCE compant. - LKCOBrOATTt HT 1HB XFOTBtATCTUI offics 8 n rout.. num Atn yrlvxv BiBFF.Tf. run ADH.rtiiA. r a unit To U ptru of lb w FRMiiirr. y IKI.A HT) IN(-fTR AWCFB I.Al On Goodiby KlTrr. 'nl,,n4 Lund Carrlagt 11 nuris nr the TTnlnn. Cn Vfrrhsnrtln (croni l. On fitores, I)we.llO Uount,Us. ASSETS OF TlTlt C0MTA5T No'-fmir I, is. 10" coo United Btatcf 8 per cent. !, 71....m,m-() 10 WB t " " Bl.... Ul luf-vo Hid Ooo " 1 t-)t pr tent, tout, TrdAMirr Xoir tH 171 C 100 CW Rtdle ol 1 ennrinl riT far LaoL Van ., M.RAt- 54,(M0Bii ot PennnlTanla Klz Par Cant. l oan HJM- 128C0O ( lt o( I lil Jo,pli'a mx Tar Cent. 1 nan ,. Ill tit M 20 (HO PPimpyivitiilH Knl road First Mort- irata Six lr(i.-n'. liomln H.a-iO ( 2.1,000 Pcrnylrnnia Pailna1 Second Moit- vnno Mx I'af Ont. Mnnd n.TZt-Vt S9 M0 Vt trtem I ciirnTlvnnia Hal road Wort Cifre l Per Cent, ltnmla V,7M 00 19,000 iim ShBrm hUn-K (n rinMiiown 41aa t'rmpanT, prlnrlpal and tntfrct Kimrnnteed by Ilia ' Mj ol l'hlla- doiphln IJai" 7,!fl0 Ri Miarca Sleek PcnnMT va. la Kall- ro.-.d oompanv 8 M0- 5 TOO 100 Kruirr t- tnek Nonh Ponnri Ivania Kmlroail f ompanv I JMi 0.0C0 rpiiostt wl'h t;nl!ed Htaten (lovern- n ent nulilrct toicnnayn'cal aO.IWOi SO.iOOHtiitn ot Tcnncasre Flvo Per ( ont. onn IS 900 0 70 70UI.nn on Pen.ln nnd . oric-e fliat,,,.. Hen" on tit l'ropertv KCtOOnl H.H-'.KO I''- MarKct Talue wo 0 Kenl Palate Jil imi at lilila ri'colvnMc lor n urani-cn m to. Ul 011 ,1" liaiar.ct rluant Agonclcn.- Pmuiuniii on M .r i, Pollru s Aoomrd 1 1' to re" t. and otlici dvbtn due Ibe Com puny 40 Oil f Hcrlii mid Hicck o' Biindrv Innurnnrx mill o lii r I inijinnks f 13. Ksll Iiirtn (1 vnliir 1810 0 Ceali In Hank BM.ft. H i am in Drawer 678 4S si naw n f.lKKOTOPt. Tbomag C. 1 and, Samuel r. nlokcs, J. t . 1 enlHtan, Henry Moan, Vt'illlaoi li. lionltor, Kdward Darlington, H. Jonei brooks Kdwnrd Laiourcado, Jacob 1'. Jones J nines K AicFarland. Joi-biia P. Kyre. Spencer Mcllvatn, J. J',. 8emnle, I'lttsbttrv, A. B lleraer Pttnlmra, ll.T Mnn'itn PltthrtllfM ticnn lintu fcthcuod A. Conner, I au iinu , John K. Penroxc', Jnn'PS Traquair, Henry C. l a lett. Jr.. .1 auira . Uiuid William ('. I.mlwlfr. Joaepb H. Heal, l-ieorse v. l.oiper, Hunli CrnlK. Roher; liiinon. John l 'fdyloi. .....Hun , , fi.ii i, rrnH'Kiiii JOHN D '. VIS, V;c Ficatdent. hf:npt I.rinri'M, r-ccr tart. IIS S OKTJ f A:iIKJUCAX TIiAISIT INSURANCE C0I1TANY, Ko. I S3 South FOURTH Street PtIILADKLPHIA. A nnnal Policies Issued igolnst Genrral Accldants all descriptions at exceedingly low rntea. Insoranre eflected for one year. In any sum from Vt to C10 WO, at a premium of only one-Hall' per cent, securing the lull smotiut tnenrod in caso ot death, nnd a compensation each week canal to the vtbo'o pre Ditum paid Sliort timo Tickets fori, 1 l,i 7, or 10 days or 1.3, or 6 months, at 111 cents a dnv, iriparine in the sum oraiUiCO, orglvlnit $16 per week it disabled to be had at too General O.Tioe, No. 133 S. lOUKTn Street, fhl adol- phla, or at tbe various Bnilioad 'ticket olilces. Be sure to purchase tbe tickets of tbe North American Transit Insurance Company. For circttiars and farther inrormetlon applv at the Mineral Cid.ce, or of auy oi tbe uuiboihs -d AgQu'. cl' the lllll uuyi. LEWIS T,. nOTJPr, President. JAM &i. OKHAh, 'Irensurer. UFNKY C. BKOAVN, S.cro ary. JOHN C. BULLITT. Hollcltor 1 lKKinOIts. Honpt. late ol Vennsy lvanla Railroad: Company. M. linird of At. Hiildwin ii Co.'s. ' run ui l ( . I'i. lnn r tnsliierol Commercial Bank, Liiliord Wtod. No. S0! Market street n '-..u c M. ( Mirud, No. ('ill MBikel street. J. F. Kinpslcv, I ontlnental Hotel. II. () Li'iHl.rlnii. Ni.A 237 ard ''88 Pock street. Samuel M ork ol Work, McCouch & Co. Ceorte Ulartln. N o. Sti i hesnut street. 1 8 10m fURAKD FIRE AND MAHINE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, No. 415 W ALKLT STREET, P1I1LADKLPU1A CAPITAL 1A1U IN, IN CASU, 200,1 00. 11 1 ccirpcry continues to write on 'ir Kiilt cnly IU cupli&l, with a gcod surplus, Is sa'cly Invested. 701 Loses, by Ore nave ten promptly pain, and more tbnn $500,000 rifbursed op this rccoent within tbe past fe i? years. Foi (be present tbe of this company will remain at No. 415 WALNUT STREET, nut Tvitmn a lew months will remote to its OWN 1IUILD1NU JS. E. CORNER SEVENTH AND CF1 E8NCT 8TRKE T8. Then as now, ne tball be happy to Insure our patrons a eucn rate s as are coneistcnt tvitu saiciy. PUlUCTOIlfl, i iiu nr. y o t it i i ii is tim MAN tibKI PAKI), 1 bOS. IVAi KVLLAU, JOHN SCI J'Ll E. JOiiN W. t'LAUUOOK, 81 LA A V KlLK.Ee. Ju.. rrri tu r t i rrv v ..LH'Kf T) S. OILLETT, a. r. nr.ii i;r I HAKI.K8 I. UllPOST, ii i'aui r . iw.i js r. i , JOSEPH KLAPl'.W. O. THOMAS CRAVEN. President ALFRED 8 C.TLLKT'J V. Ires IdbUt and Treasurer. JAA1E8 B ALVOBD. 6ecrelarT. 111) 5 1829C1IAllTER PEIirETUAL FHANKL1N FIRE 1KBUBANCE C0MPAN1 OP I'llII.ADJil.I'lilA. Afreets on January 1, 1800, ftSOG, 851'OG. i spltal Aciiutc riuiplus frcu.iuiUB..... LN SETTLE J) CLAIMS, all 4(i7 63. 4WI OOHtH W4 Ml 1.1 Mid 1U3 8, INCOMF KOR 18C6 IOSSES PAID SINCE lfel OVEK OOO.OOO. I'lrrciunl rnd Ttmperar l'olicies on LILeial 'I'crnis. D1ULCTOBS. Charles H Bi neker, .1 dward C. Dale, 1 i.Lius W ai nei, .Geurae Fales, Hi.ii.uel l.n.iil. . Allred Filler, i.eurtie W. liicbnrds, Francis W. Lewis, il. b. lkHm l.ea. Peter .McCull. CHARLES N. BANCKtK, Prebldcnt ED W A ID C DALE. Vice President. JAB. W MCALLISTER. Secretary protcm. . 88 tl23 -TJ1KKN1X INSURANCE COMPANY" OF PHI I LAPr.LI'HlA. INtJlilOIi.'iED Dfll-CnARTER P HPETC AL, , v '-ii AIM T Unit. ouDoslte tbe Exclianue. In a.ldlilin to MAhINK and INLAND 1N81 KANCE this t tun any Insuies tttru loss or danoae by HUE, on lilieial etuis on buildiiiK. meic-hsndlse. mniltura. etc., lur intuitu perious, auu peru.uiuuy m uuuuiukb, oy ..n.itit .ti ni..ifiiiiii ii,,. rniiM.nv in. hern In ao'lva coeratlon for mora thhii eiA'l l E A hS, during wbicb a.l loaaea have beei piuiupuy aujuated auu raiu. John L Dodge, Lawrence Lewis, Jr., M. U. Maboui-y, Jvbn T. Lewis, Wllllain B llrniit Hubert W LtainlDK, 1) Clark Wbartou, liawu iewis, Itenjam'n Et ing, 1 buuiat H Ponera, A. a Jlcllenrir Kdinoud rat(llon, (ainavl Wilcox Louis v Norr a .lfillN Tt. Wlii HKkKU. President NaMt-lL WiiCOX. Pecictan- 4 14 T II K PROVIDENT UtE A AD TRUST COMPANY fH' I'll 1 1 .A II h. i.t ill A. td i.v tba Mate of Pennsylvania. Third aciiitli iin Itttft. IN8CB KB LIVEtt. ALLOWS IN- UKkHl' ON Dl.VObiTS, and OliANTS ANNIJI- CAPITAL, g 10O.00O. TiiuRn'rrtita. Famnel H Phlpley, Jeremiah Hncr. Jualiua II. Muirla, nicoain t auuury, Henry Haines T. Wintar brovin. Klcnaiu noou, Wlillaui O. Louaatrelb. ha m it v I. H M1IPLET. President. Bowl KO Paurt Actuary I'M INSURANCE COMPANIES llUK INKI RANCE KXCLUS IV ELY. THE X' PKKBYLVAHIA FIHK INsrRANCK COM I A It V- litrorrioralad IS7B-4'tiar'ar Perpetual No 10 BAIM1 Mrtat, rpi onlie Independenre equnre. 1 Ma Ccimpany, larorahly known to tlie coiumnnltt foreitr tort? jur. r ntnuc to Irmam . ulna t loai or dan i a by Die on Public or Prlrnte IJal.dinpa. el'hpr peimamnt T or lor a limited tlma. Alao on Furnlmra -lorka or Utoda and kleiciiandiM geneiatly, on liberal trtnm 1 hr Capital, tnitrthar With larjra Bnmtna Fond, la Invented In Ilia moat larefnl manner, which en-'h'aa il em to oner to tlie Inaured an andoubtad aecurlij In t' a caae el loat. ICTO Daniel Bmilh Jr., i John Derereni, A lexai i r I'enaon, I 1 homan Smith, la e llarlituiel, llentr l.ewla. Ibouiaa Kob.n. I 1 Ulllragbam Fa'l, Dantal fadi'ock, Jr. DA Me I. xMITfl, J,, PresldonU lli,J??J2fjll..',ecrtarT 411 COOKS AND STATIONERY. i: Sl O V A Ti . I L L I A M r.ooKsi:i.Li:u (j. r i: ii ii v AM) STATION XX Ul RKMOVtD ritOM . CuCM'.K 1 0V It Til ANl IIAUE, to (6 2! Iniwlin ran Alien srin:i7r. IjMM: STATION KUY. OK TIIK III'.HT L' va Ity. W. . rFKUT. st Hon r, No. lit Alii II ht-r.1. Pbllado phi AIIXH I ' t.niotri IM. KA ri ll S TKNTILS, AXI hteet I'ens. all gi nnloe. sold Mr vi. ii re hut. 8ta loner. No. T29 AR' II tot. ruiladelphla TLANK WOKS IX LAKCB VAKIKTV, ol n y oio inanii'arlnro Ml. Ilil. AT LvWi.ST CASH R TFH W. . PFHItT No. Tit AH"'t( hind l'blladrdphla. 1NVKLOl'lCH. I.KTl'KIt. CAP. AND HILI, Sl4 rntr. AT L.UW iami inn r.-. W U. 1'FIIKT. stationer, No. Tl AH II timet 1'hlladolpliia. 01,1) I UN'S, NATIONAL BANK I'KNS, VJl l eiry a tine Mem i ens, kt. W. O. PKItTtY. Htut loner. No. 728 AR II Mrtet Philadelpliln. S 25 Iniwlni BOOTS AND SHOES. 11 E M 0 V A L . C. a i: N li ii it l v s t ) N MAKUFACTDUERB OV FINE LOOTS AND SHOES Have removed Iroin their OU Stand, Ko. 48 South FOUItril Street, lo No. 7IG CHESNUT STREET. UaviuR purobascd tho entire buMnosg ot dir. tocard Benkctt, thus brlngine toiietlier an iin menso stock ol poode, t'.oy will bo in position to- supply tae wants of the community at pricoa Eomo- wl at bolow those hcretofoia cliar?pd. Tl eir increased (aoilitioa also enable them to make a stylo of EOOT8 AND SHOES lor Youths for tu perior to what is made elsewhere. The tost LOOTS AN D SHOES lor Ladies, ntso made to ordor. 4 0 fmwSna SADDLES AND HARNESS. THE OLDEST AND LARGEST SADDLE AND HARNESS MAXUVACTUKINO ESTABLISIlMliXT IN THE COUNTRY. LACEI, MEEIaER & CO., Ko, 1216 CIIESNTJT STREET, OFFEK OF TUEItt OWN MANVFACTCKE: Bt'CGY IlAliNEi-S, from .....i tKI to 1.M) L'.CHT BAROCC11E do 60 00 to 350 UEAVY do do IS 10 to BOO EXPBI SS.liKASS MOUNTED HAUNKK8 27 Sl to 30 W AUON AND lEI F-AT JUSTING 15'CO to 30 STAGE AND TEAM do 30 00 to 80 LA 11 Kb' SADDLE, do 12 00 to 1M GENTS do do 8-00 to 78 Bridles. Vountlrgs, Kits, Bosetta, Horse Covers, Biushes. Combs, Foans, Blacking, Ladles' and Oonts Travelling and Tourist Baits and eacka. Lunch Basketo Dress lp and SbUt Caies. 'frunks nnd Valises. 9 6nirp Mo. lvli Clll.SNUT ST. JJLNE UAENESS AND SADDLERY. 720 MARKET STREET. 720 Large aaleioom contatus a full stock ol eood ser- vlceable bINGLK AN1 DOTJBLE UAUNEd.S, best Leather and workmanship, for city trade, at moderate, prices, and made to order at short notice. K. P. MOVER St BROS. No. 720 MARKET StrceU N. B, Superior SOLE LEATIIEK TRUSKf, for Eu ropean travel. Also, Ladies' French Iren Trunks. S 19 iin A 11 N E S S A LAKGE I OI OK NEW U. B. WAGON 11AR- NfRt. 2 4. and 6 horse. Aho, nana o! UAH- NE!?8. SADDLES, COLLARS, HALIEItS, eto tiouRht at the recent (Jovcrnmcnt saio to bo sold at a creat sacrifice Wholesale cr Kttail, lotrcthor with cur usual assortment of SADU LMB YAND SAEDL Eli Y UARL WARE. WILLIAM S. HANSELL & SONS, 2 1 B MARKET Street. PROPOSALS. -rj;oi o.sals roB jqeaiinu roitu-s J. ILEA IKE. n CUltF yUABTKllMAl lEll s lirril-E, I DtroT o Wabhisowb. J Washington, D. C, aly 23 18C0 1 K. H 'oil l'rinn.a' will be receivd at this olliiie until ll'LcDAY, June 12 1868, at 12 o'clock M , lor UEATlNii.'by steanj (diroot rauiatio i;. i; e um.uina in tbu city known as "ora-s iueaiio, - auu iuo two fina 1 Lui illuga ounnected therewiin. Didsthouid be accompanied by plans showintt the manner In v lili-h it Is lirotioBod to do the work, aud ata'c ibe amount ot railiatiusr suriaoo proposed lor, wth a Uiscnption ol tbe boiler auu nscapaoity. Tl.e woik must be completed uy me ursi uay oi s-euen lor, ibM. . Nn i. in nin ha enrertalnod exoent thoso Irom nor- eons who are known to be in this business, andean rctei to aiui'lar work wbiun nas ooen txecuieu py tt .1 m Hull ot the eniouut itipuiaioa to no pm tor i ne voik will te paid on its completion, ami ino reinaiu in, oni. tnili' will be letulucd until the heatluz ca a cities of Ihe apparatus shall havd been tUbioughly ri aiifi ifiniifi aa.iisiauiurr. liiddoia can see the buildings and receive In tor mnt'on In leiorence to the work by applying to Mr inWAlili (M.AliK. Government Architect. No. 81)8 Fourth street, opposite City Hail, Wailmigton, 1'ioposals should be addressed to the unlorslsned, n aiuiy eudorted, "lropoaus lor Heat in jj i ord's Tli aire." 11 D H. KUCKKR. ' nreet Mator-Gcn. and I'lnei Ouarteiiuaater. 6 ',9 lit Depot 01 WailliUBtOU, PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR MATERIA T.s, lTNI)i. THE OOtiNlZANCEOF IJtfcBl'HKAU OFKOl p. WFNT ANU KECKUITINO, TO BK bt'I'iL.llrD lOTIlK DIKtfcKKNI NAYY YARDS. Navt 1ipartmkiit, ) Bureau or Lquipukkt ad kicorci i ino J VVAfininoTON, .Inne 4 lati6 Btalotl Prorofala, to IniiiiankM A iEKIAbS Inr too Nary lor the fiscal year endintr June 80, IH7, will be received at this Bureau nntil 10 o'clock A. M , ol the 3d i v ol Joy next At wbicb true tbe proposals ill te opeied. l hn i roposa's must bo Addrrssftd to the Cbinf of I lie Bureau of Fqaipincnt and Kecruuinn. Marr lrpartnDOiit, Wanbinvton, and oimt be endorsed. "Proposal lor tutorials, eto., lor rba Navy," that tliey may be distinguished Irom itaer business let Icm. 1 rititod schedules for any class, togpthor with itistiuctions to tiddrrs, plying tho I or ma of proposal, ol nuarantre, and ot orrlilloate ot cusrantois, will l e lii'iiMiod to snch persons a djore to bid, on application to the ( oiumauuan s ot ,'ho' respective tavy yards, and those ot all tho jards onapp tcit lion to the Bureau, llio Commandant ol each navy yard, and the 1' l aynwister ol each srclion will have a copv ol the (cliMlmes ol the oiher yards tiwext'iii iiaiion only, in order that per.-oni whe lutond to bid ma;- j u l ye whether It Is dositnbleto mako appli tui.on lorai.yol tlieclas. ts ot tiioso yards. The propcM-al must be for ilio wlioie of a ela's; rnd all app icatiiina tor intoi ointioii, or lor tho txomina ion ot rnmp'oa, must bo mado t ) the Com mandants ul the respective yards. lie proposal nut lb acconnmnled by a oertitl caie from I ho Collector o' Internal lieynuo lor the liirliiclin which thi' b'dt'or r'ides, thnt he hns a Itctiue to deal in tho aitiolns t r wii'uii tie proposes; anu l.e inuot lurtl er now that ho 1 a ininuincturcr n, nr a reviilur dealer in, tho articles whtcli ho (dl r-to nil p y. J ho ximruntors mu-t bi onrtilluit hy I ho Asi.i'i b r ot Intornul Ki-yenaj fjr tho Uiatriot In which 'lii y reside. 1 lieemiti net ill be awarded to tho porton who n olios the lowest bid nud vivos the (ruarantoo ro qulnd by law, tho Kavy IX'Pniln enl, lioworer, ro M'lTiiintie rieht to reject I bo .owo.,t bid, or any wh eh it ti uv m em xoibitunt buicnes in tho nil amount vrl'l bn rpqu'red to Sinn ilio fi i liacl, ai d their iesionsibility must bo ci infill to tho of the Navy Depait mei.t. As ailtiitn sicur.ty, iwt-iity per coutuin will I o withhold from the amount oi ho bitia nntil the co-linct sral. bare been euinpl-tod. and eiahty per ciitiimoi tl o ninotict ot ecn bill, approved In triplicalo iiy tho commandant of the respootive yard, mil Lo paid bv tho I'n unslor ol the station ill sp linted in tho contract in mud or cortiflcutos, atthp opt-on ot the Oovernmnt, within ten day a after t' o worinut lur thn tame shall bavo boon pasted by tho rieorelnry ol tho Tivaamy. T ho clnssca ot ilns liutcnu aie nuinhired and do- aioimletl aaloliows: No 1 r li.x i nvn 1 w re No , 10 Ash and Boccli lank. I allo y. ltruhes. stationery. No. 3 Co. ton Canvas and Tuino i No IS No S. Iron nnd fitoel. No. 4 Tin and Z-no. No. 6. perm Oil. No. . I units and Oi's No 10. Leather. No. 11 On in iio-o. No. 12 Lipnun vilai. No. iii. Un. trills. An 11 Ox Hides. No. No ii) 22 No. 2-i llnrdwaia No. 'H. 8hip C'linntlloiy. No. Hi VV halo Oil. etc. No J)2 No. 3 No Ul ey Iron. li ff lion, Cnaiu Iron. 1'lie loliowins are the clawcs by their numbei'4. reiUTi'd ut tho refpective i avy yard: 11 1 r.K I . N OS. 1, 4 li, 115 PI, Yi. C1IAKLESIOVVN -1,2 8, 4, 6,0, 12, 14,16, 13,23, 24. 81. BUOOKLYN.-l 2. 8, 8. 10, 16, 23, 2. 1 Hll.ADtJLrUlA.-1.2, 8, 4, 6, 6, 10,12, 13 20, 22,23 24.81 6 lilt W AUlKGTOK. 1, 2, 4, 0, 11, 10, 23, 2. 83, 31. gALK OF GOVE ItNMfcNT ritOPEBII, On 8 A 1 HUD A Y, June 23, at 10 o'clock A. 41., will be so'd bv Auc tion, ut tho rhilailelpnia Navy luril, the IoIIo.viiir nitidis: EURKAU OF CONSTDUCflON. Lot No. 1. bli messchOiiU, ucsjtttd Iroin 450 to. to 18C01bs. lA)t No. Lot No. Lot !VO. 2. 127 iron wator tanks. 8. 15 scuttle butts. 4 10 harness casks. 6. 40 Loat b realtors. 6. 86 mess breakers. 7. 84 2-Kallon.ca8k. Lot No. Lot No. Lot No Lot No. 8. 88 40 vulion casks Lot No. 9 20 100-Kallou casks. Lot .No 10 1 200 Ration cask. Lot Nio ii. J minor euttiiiKS, etc. Lot No 12. Whie oak knoos Lot No. 13. Lead dross, 4714 lbs. more or less. lot No. 14. 6 boats. BUUEAU OD EQUIPMENT AND RECKUIl'ING Lot No. ro I piooe lanterns. Lot No. 16. 1 ton. more or less, old manil'a robe. Lot No. 17. 8 tons, nioro or leas, hoinu and uiauilla eliuKiDiis, mixea. Lot Nio i. i ions, more or joss, nemp suamnirs. Lot No. 19 10C0 lbs , more or lo-s, worn-out bags. Lot No 20. 500 lbs., more or los, o'd parcelling. Lot No. 21 8 wood and 8 Iron buoys. Lot No. a BOO lbs , more or lets, old canvas. Lot No 28. 6 tons hemp rope. Lot No 24. Dlocks, etc. Lot No, 25 Dead eyes and bull's eyes. Lot No. 26. foliel 8 and snoavt'9 Lot No 27. V rouuht iron (part ol gaiioy ), 2 tons, more or k sa. uUlt KAU Or Bl JAAl r.P.ClN5!.i.Kl.U Lo. No. 28. 1 cylinder, 10 tie; by 41 inches, 7433 7 pernios. Lot No 1:9. 1 ox catt. Lot No. 80 1 one-horse ca t. i it No. Hi. 1 weteriiiat-troufh. Lot No. 32. 4 mrgu tin dutu-puus, and 1 tin butter- krii e . ... Lot No ca l tin snot-DOX. 1 ot No. ti 8 iron neiebta (clock). Lot No 86. 1 mi ii ary coat. hllhEAU OK N AVDlArtON, Lot No. 86 42 deck tiniepioots. Let No 87. 8 Azimuth comuuws. Lot. No 88. 12 s'eeriue; coni assoa (not admlialty). Let No. 8'J. 50 cemi asses toommou). Lot Nn. 40 14 compares, boat, liquid. Lot No 41. 7 compasses, bout, dry. Lot No 42 10 tell- aes. Lot No. 43. 1 quadrant. Lot No 44 22spy-aluses(s!eiial) , Lot No. 45 44 niy-jflasais (Cuinuioii). Lot No. 46. Id Uiuoomar nianuo elasfo", emicrior. Lot No. 47 6 oarome'erv, Auoicid. Lot No 4H (14 thermometers. Lot No. 49. 4 bjdromolera. Lot No. 60. 8t0 Ibe h'de wheel rope. Lot No. 61. ID signal luntoin.v Lot No 62 70ido lautorns. Lot No 63.2 (tassey'i logs. Lot No. 64 1 1'ioworldire li ft 1 ot No 66. 126 American enniarns (all sizo. ) Lot No. 56. 80 American jacks (ail aizos). Lot No. 67 . 66 narrow peimiiins. Lot. No. 68. 180 Bhual tlug.i, repeaters, and pon- niints. Lot No 69. 41 loreign ensisns L it No. IK) 13 foreign pennuu. a. Lot No. 61. II quaiautluo flajja. Ln No 62 21 ivr alatea. Lot No. t. 2 twnknives. Lot No. 64 2H lis. smnal hel iKd. Lot No C6. 6281 lbs. had and lotr mi B. Lot No. b6. 74 lbs. wh towtiio ioM' Ten per cent ol the purcha money must oo ue- posited at Ihe clot-e oi ino km on an aruoiu- aum ,ur account of Duream ol Com-truDtion, Liiuiptmnt, fj ecm Eualneer ug, anil iNavicauon, miu iwrui; icr cunt, inr a.l aitlclcs sold on account oi uureau u Yards and Docks l ho retniuiiiii'r iu uc uum uu tbo coods removod within live uuvs alter tho sale. II not so removed tho ton or twciitj per cent, will be loileited to the Government. Government may suipena mo haie oi auj iui hut b ildiiig Ibereop has coinin uoed. ly order oi tne ravy A-parnu i" I). LYNCH, C'oiniiim.d-r, V. S aial Htorekw-iier. Navy Yard, I'hilnf'olphia, Mav ol, 18-jd. 6 2 i4t -RATIONAL M I LI r 111 ASii-uii-JS '1 no Alaui r1!" of the Nat oual Asyium lor dis il srud vo)uu;eT soldiers, uu'lioriiivd by Aot ol Cobgresa, appioved March 21, lHtW. aak proposals Inr ulcs lor Atylums by douat on or sale. The pre- . . . at a.tWVTaaT mi o mu t b situate in one oi me myai ouswi lain at least 200 acre ol land and bo in a healthy locatiop, aud oaaj ot accesa by railroad or otherwise. D is the purpoae ol tho iiianarir. to erect, wltnout de'av, exten.ive aud peruiauent bui i Uug lor aaiu Aryjuma,auil ila estaouaumeiii w.u i ... vontageoua lo auy soalou or rui r .ad in tbe vicinity of its location. . J M f A.v,llm l'lntia, speoilicauons, aua iiim"- ",". !. . builuius, luolud.og dolachod collates, are a so a-kud il..- appioval oi tbo Doard. Literal oouipena. tir u will bo mven lor be uc'aalul plan. rrution I i lana, speciuca"""" fliai i i.amcd to b In writing, contaiiilna plot and de- tcption oi ? rounds ..... rir KIItI liaiater muat oe " -- ; ; - ,r -r -r Ltti, at Lowell. Mass., ou or i belon thn 9U h dy of li,,.,. lWiui Ur.AJ r . nC I Lr.rl, JUIIO, 10OO, Tw.Mon, II,.., I nl U.n.rH. . , , ...... .. . W . V . ii i.nniL Hi creiarv. liDeiseulilledtoiubli-htha laws ot the United Flaiea aie reapee lully reuu -iea to publish this .i mi a.,n mior to tnck'i h of June. li and .,-r iilir lull. iih cou ul noti.e. as bIhw dt. PROPOSALS. XN blkOCMi.N AND KU'AIU. , . Wabotob, D. V , Mat 28 1866. Oflera Will te leooivcd by ihit Bureau mil th Uih ot June 18C6, or t ic i nicliase ot the lot owinav vefseie. whieb ma) Le at en at the Naty aids ii dicatoM 1'illLADEI.i niA NAY TARD. fciew an amir SAt, AHOltE," of G07 tone r!4 Dieaajirmeiit iuieTcTitha,Der ' AL1,,E4'" of 72 0,(1 h et.p of.war'ST. LOU18,"or 700 toas, old moa sum mint ' NHW YORK WAVY YAKD I at' !e-wheel .temer JAiif.H AUuEl," ot 1151 tcna, old measurement. 1 aildie-wh. el stesmer "OCTOBAR A." of 128 tons, old measarement. l aduip-wbeol steamer 'TRITONIA," ol 292 ton, o d n eaori niotit. bcrow attamer "JASMINE," o 122 tone, old net surmient clew steamer "K AN A WH 4, nt asnieini nt Of C07 ton, old bcicw suanicr "MARIGOLD," of 115 tons, old mcasuictnent. BOSTON NAVY Y Attl) eirop-of-war ' JOaN AMAHi," it700tora Tii re vessels w ill be sold v ith the i span, etard ng touting, two bouts, and such other arucka aa wl l be shown to aiplicarl by the CMnmauda .t of the 1 ard where the vrsso.s no, wi n the exception of tl.i it arniameots, navy a. chore and chains, nautical iiistriuiiotils, and stoies. 1 I pse vessels can bo so. n and the idviuiotios examined at any timo, on app l cutiou to the t iinniiaiiiiBiits of the Yards. l.oi eminent recoiTis tlie r chl to wnhdraw any ot (1 o visfiIs I loin rale. 1 nn ills must be within throe dars fiom tlie daie ol the r c plion cf tho notice ol tho aeoopt ai ct ul an ollir, imd the vesaola must lis remnvnil rem tl.e Ni.vv laid within ten duvs from thn tia ol ti e dc re.t l'ri'po-B a ivi1! bolndor?od "Proposal" for tho Pur-' eliflse ot ees Is " 6'2ltrilint GOVtJiMMEMT SALfeS. b A Lb. Ob GOV E KMlEKt LlJMBLC. Chief CcAnTritMAfrKii'd Ofvk-b. Dt'PGT Of WASHINGTON, I WAfiiiMjTOK. D V., May 81, 1800 1 Tbe uflilS rici'ivifl limli r .iendvi.riKo,nni.l n, u 3 beiup coiJsiocred less ilisn the real ynlue ot thn male-rial, were not acoepted. and fea ed PrnnnaaU are appin n.vilid until 1 liCIDA Y, June 21. 18 (it atl2i'cock SI , lor tho puichaso ol 6 til COO loot of euTm.nifut iuiuoer, oi Hie ioi wing .ae aud escriniioiis, iz. : 18 W0 hot ll-ircb. Oak. 100 010 t efi-incL link. liOOOO hot 2 meh Ouk. l'U COO leetS nich Oak. 10,(00 fevt SU.ucli Onk. 73 000ieot 4-inoh iiak. 10 100 feet 6-iiiCh Oak. 10 OtO leot 2-inch liickorv. 6 500 feet 8-inch n ckoi v. 14,t.C0 feet 4-inch Tl.ckory. &0,0lK)ieit U-mcli Asb. 74 000 ki t 2-n ch Asli. 86 0O0 leet 8 inch Ash. M),000 leet 4 inch Ash. 20.C00tcei 6-incn Ash. 8 500 leet 3-inoli lino. 81.H.0 leet J-inch I'ne 87 010 leet 1- Pino. 25 ICO leet 8-lrcli l'onlar. 13 CCO ti ct l uich l'ou af " Ibe attention ol vagon and car-iago-tnakera U ca Ld to this sa e, as tlie ab vo is a very superior lot ot wt-ll-BCasoiii'd Lumber, suitable lur niauuiuolurin tiurposcs. It can be aocu i t nrpiyiusr to lirevot Dniiatiier-Gcneral O. H. TOMPlitisb, Quartormastor m churce at Lincoln Depot, about one milo east ot the Capitol, Dins will be received Tor the purchase of ton thou, sand leet and upward, tlie unilern ened reaorvoa ihriehtt reject all the bids should they be eon a.dtrid too low. Payment (in Government lunds) will be required upon rotification ot acce.tauco oi bid and prior to tbe delivery of tho Lunbcr, which must be ro moved within ill teen duj s alter the proposal ts ao ocptcd. l'n posals slion'd be signed bv the bidder's full name, and Five his post-oliice address, plainly In. doistd, "Proposals lor the l'urchaso ot Lumber,' and directed to D. H RUCK EE, Drevct Major-Gen., and Chict Qnarteruiaa'or, C 1 17i Depot of W aahington, D. C. " LAhGi BALK OF AHMY WlGONSTAViUIJ LANCLS, UAKNEmj, SCKA1' LUON, ElG. C'UlFP QrARTKItll ABTKR'8 OFPIOB, ) Dkpot OF WASR1AOTON. ( AVaphinoton, D. C , Mut21, i860 1 Will be sold at Public Auction, undor the ilireo tinu oi Brevet Lnuad'ei-Oeneral C. H. lompkius QuarU'imasier, at LIACOLN DEI OT, Waahmfiou. D. v., tn MONDAY,, oune 11 1806, at 10 o'clock A. M., a larelot oi tuarurmastcr's Sicree, consuu J11K VI 4!o Aimv Wagons, '.50 Aiuiy Wagons with Hay Lacks, 14 tAo-boibe Wagons, 17 Spring W apoi.s, 4 Watering Carta, 43LL;htCait8. 50 two horee AuiLu'anco-i, 1 Duggy, 1184 ainule tots Dai noes, 4'.2 t-'aadlia. 8O.0C0 pounds old Dors fc'hoe.-', 40(0 pounds old Wagon Tiro, 700 fcash with G'ass, 105 pound Tallow, Wagon and Arnbutnnes V heels, Wheelbarrows, Blankets, iiucnets, 21,670 i oiiudfScrnp Chain Chains, 5010 pounds old Wauou lla ttis, Axles. V ronches. 85 i ounds Coll Chain, llt-2 pounds Lead P-pe, 166 pounds bciap Iron, '2i 77 i ouiulf ot Lead. Anvils. Smitl s' Bollowa, l'ortable forces, t'lanes, itarrols, Kettles, S oves, eto. 1.600 poui da t-ciap Steel, 17,010 (oucda fcciup, Tiiiipue Imna. 11 CC0 pounds Scisp Brake lions, i '1 l,is t icj city I as breu worn, tut a large poitloa ot it 1- still aciviceiible. 1 be stoie.' niu;t be removed within fire days front date 1 sale, icims Cash, In Goven.meiit funds. D H.KUCKER. PrevK Maor-Geu. and Thief Quartermaster, 5 12 lit Depot of Washington. Alt G Ii SALE OF GOVEBNMENI IOFK. Cuii-F Quaetecmaptfh'b Office, ) 1lrOT OK WASHINGTON, WAf-HttOTON D. C , May 80 1868 ) T here will be sold at l'ublio Auction, in aud near this city, under the amotion ot Drevet Lieutenant Colonel .1 u C le. A g.y , on ItiUUbDAT, June 14. 1866, about 20 000 buhols of Com in sacks, tat the tollowinu-uamed points: At Mxth Street rt burl, 10 000 bu-bels. At Glttboro Depot, 10,000 bushels llioGiaiuwil Ce soid iu lots ot t03 bushels, with Hie i ml i go ol tho purchaser taking any amount up to (icuu lusneis The ia'e will commence at Sixth street wharf at 10 o'clock A.M. aud iuid cdniteii alter the coniplettoai oi I he salo of the amount at that point it will be con tinued at Gieaboro Det.ot A U veriuueut boat will bo in readiness at Sixth stiett wharf to tony poisons who wish to at end thai tale to Uintboro and Luck. 1 he Grau inuU bo removed within ten days from date ot IB p. loima Cai-h, In Government ninds. D. 11. KUCKEK, Drevet Mejor-Gen. aud 'hil Ouartormaater, 6 81 12t Depot ot Washington. G O V E It N M E N 1' S A L K. Philadflphia, Pa.. June, 4, 1360. AUtllONI AUuTJON I I Will be sod, at tbe Unit-d Siates Commissary V archouso, near corner of SiXIEENTH and CAL LOWHILL htrceta, commonoing at 10 o'olocic A. 1., June 11, I860, the lollowiug Comuiiary Hiores, ahghtJy damaged, via i- 34 pouuds Smoked Bcel. Ifi8 pounds Hani. 784 pounds Corn Meal. S 649 pi uuds l'oas. 18,3tiO pounds Rice. 16 1"7 pounds lloininy. 2,610 gallons Uolosses. The above Mores can Le examined at any tmia pieviuus to, or on tlio day ol salo. Alter purohaao, thoy must I e hrt paid lor, ana then removed at tl.e expense ot the purchaser, aud Within tivo days irona. tbo day ol sale. No checks taken. ... . , The right is rcatrveil to reject auy bid decmod too ,0W' V. L KILBOItN, 6 5 6t Brevet Cilt adler-Ooneral, A. O. U. S. VH1LADKLPI1IA 8UBO K ON R MANI.AUa. IKtiMTUTB. No. 14 N. MNTH htrett. above Market. 1. O. altar thirty vesr practtoat exnerienca, Suarautaea the sktliui aaiuau"""' tent Uraduatln pressure Truss, .ud a variety of others buiiporteia. Klaat.o Mlocklnga, hboujoer Brace. Crutches 6uapnaorlM, " Ladica' apartuianta con ducted by a Lady. iltUSSb-S yi'PPOUTEKS, BR AC ES . tuijaTand all oilier Surgical appliances of tha moat 7in7vd kinds, Infinitely superior to all oilier, at N. wK 'iv'liill hire,t. Laulea a. ten ted by Mia. lir Vfl'l KACllAN. Mii't dupartuteut by coin irrtrerceon. EV r. Kt.TT,