THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA TUESDAY, JUNE 5, i860. TWO GREAT FIRES III IT. LOUIS. ad4 Wrhu aad m Theatre D tr)-xl-')Uoa BnraSMl Lom naif Hllllaa Dollars roll Particular. We published In yesterday's Telegraph the particular! of this extensive fire. The following re the minute details of the affair: fYom the St. Louis Republican, June 1. riU OK WSDVZSDAY WIGHT. W ferret to hare to say thU the loss arising from tne Are on W Inesday alftbt will reach ilir larger figure than mat mentioned in our report of yesterday. When o r reporter lolt the ground there appeared every probability ot saying thi bonded warehouse, containing over throe thousand barrels or whisky f bat, a little a'ter 11 o'eiock, the rear part of tbe buildin again took flex, and, explodiug, scattered tbe olaaiuv liquor in everr dire ction, ana in a lew miautes a rant wave of flame rolled through the building, Burning with s jch insatiable heat and lury tbat the men at work roilln out tbe barrels were compelled to flue lor their Hto, and no.htng couid he done by the firemen but t endeavor to save tbe surrounding build ngs. In this thoy woie sue eesslul. no other buildings bcln destroyed but the two warehouses, t he B-nton Houso, on the c rnor, was slightly burned on tue roof, but no serious dam age done. It b somewhat difficult to arrive at a correct esti mate of the loss, owin to the varum kin Js of pro perty destroyed, and the uncertainty as to the exact amount, but it we include the prospective loss to tie Govointm nt In the shapo ot taxes the wlinky blng all in bond, the aggregate 101 cannot be very much under $310,000 Of course the actual loss of Indi viduals will be considerably under this. ho lurthcr light has been thrown on the origin of the fire; it was rumored on the ground that it was the work of an luoeuuiary, but there Is no reason lor such an opinion. It is much more probable that it is the result of some carelessness on the part of some of tbe people living iu tho vio nitf. the re bulletins' of the warehouses will be commenced Imme diately, and before mauy months they will be ready lor storage again. Another 4?nt rlr-Hnrnlng of the Metropolitan Theatre. Ibe ruthless spirit ot conflauration seems deter mined to deo a mi our city, and leave blackened buildings and smoking ruins in every direction. Ibe engines had hardly ceased working on the fire at the eoiner ol lhird and Kim strtels, when they were attain called out to stay the progress of a lire, as sue1 do a in its outbreak, as mysterious in its origin, and almost as disaMrouB in the extent of loss. A few niliiutes cast 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon, smoke was seen issuing from the upper windows of tbe building known as Wy man's Hail, or the Metro politan Iheatre, on tlie fOuth sido of Market street, near the corner ot fourth, and in a few minutes the flames buret through tho windows and root; and long before tbe engines rf ached the spot the whole upper part of the building was a roaring mass of tire. The a arm was promptly given by O dicer MoCor mick and anothor fiol.ceman irora the box on Kim street, and the engines reaohed the soune about twenty minutes a tier the outoreak of the lire. In tbe meantime the whole theatre was in flames, and a vast crowd bad collected in the streets, and. the wildest confusion prevailed. Notwithstanding the ceaseless labor of tbe piecrding night the firemen set to work with the utino-t vigor, and a lew minutes alter tiieir arrival bad got things into working order, and were pourii.g tl ndy streams of water into tbe burning building. Ibe scene at this time was wild and exoiting to the highest dogree, the vast con course of people in ibe streets, tbe crowds on the housetops and on the dome of the Court House, the titauio couplings of tbe laboring engines, and tbe wiutl-liko roar of tbe flames that s'riamed upward, tar and nigh, in flcrv plumes, made up a spectacle few could contemplate calmly. Mapnuy there was but a slight breeze stirring, or the damage might have been tar greater. As it was, a perfect ruin of spares ana burning brands foil on tbe rooi ot tbe Court House, and in the square sur rounding, making it dangerous to walk in the vicinity. Shortly after the engines arrived the root ot the theatre tell in, and the intense beat and tall ing masses oi fire set tire to the adj doing buildings on tbe west side. Every eflort was made to conllue tbe fiie to the theatre building, but in spite of the floods ot water poured npon tue root and through the windows, the llauies sorejd rapidly, and soon the upper stories oi the adjoining bouses were burn ing fieroely. About bait-post 6 o'clock the west wall ot tbe theatre led outwards, crashing through the roof and bringing dowuthe walls of tbe stoies ad joining 'Ibis, alter toe vast Toiumes ot smoke and dust had cleared awav, rave tbe liremon more room to play upon the flames, aud by 7 o'o.ook tbe water streams were obtaining tho mastory. ihe los in buildings and property cannot bo lar under $150 000. The theatre building was the property of General T. L. t'rioe, and is insured, we learn, in Lome offices. 'Ihe other buildings extending from the tiiea're to the corner of Four h, belong to tho estate of David t'bambors, and wit'i the exception ot tho corner store, are leased by Mr. Nicholson. Immediately adjoining ibe theatre was the store ot Jacob Blattnor, notioiau. Mr Blatmor's stock was worth aboul $20 00 1; insured lor $ 16, WO $5000 in Hope Mutual, and tbe balance in other city com- Sanies. Next was ihe btot and shoe store of F. 8. ireed stock valued at $15 000, on which there is only $5000 in tae Home Uu ual. Adjoin ing this was (the grocery of U. A Bigger & Co., the value of whose stock and insurance we were unab e to ascertain. Next to this was the beer saloon of Charles and George Sohaaf, whose loss wll be about $23 JO; in sured for $1500 in the St. Louis Mutual. On tbe corner was the store ot Horwitz & Cohen, merchant tailors, the value ot whose stock was in the neighborhood of $30,u00: insured for about $20,000 in tbe South St. Louis, Atna, Merchants' and Manu facturers'. Arctic, and lioino, of New York; no one policy over $5000. It was imnohsible to ascertain at the time of the fire tbe exact amount ol iudividual loss, but most of tho parties named will sutler auuost total loss oi their pioierty. Tbe tire was preven'ed spreading to the buildings on tbe east vide, a though C. Frcuud. confectioner, and J.J. Donncgan, dry goods merchants will suffer a little from water and hasty removal. We bear that the latter frm hnd a waon load of silks stolen during the excitement of the tire, some irresponsible rascal uriving oif with tbe Baino. AMUSEMENT. Anon Street Iheatre. Miss Lucy Rushton oust have either injudioiou or malio ous adviser. he mere instincts ot womanhood otherwise, would Iflice if loit to herself, to prevent tbe indelicacy ber cstume in the second act of Ihe. Sea lower. It bad not even the poor excuse of showing hr off to advantage. She does not inspire in this d8s evon tbe vulgar admiration ot the orowd, so iLrraceml is tne whole exhibition. I he daring clas utilities ol costume of lie en Western, who dressed lnewels and a satin skirt with the breadths not sewn toettier, are nioaest eO'-ciitriomes beside tuis re spkidont paraphernalia of Miss Kushton. Ibh Kushlon s manner Is not bo'd. In quiet, waanly parts, she has refinement ot manner the mo the iitv, and the more the wondor that she sliotd so lar ofl'und. The p ay of Tim Sea Flownr is le. tsraof Ice. with the "ice" left out. the datei comsed, tbe story made unintelligible, and tue cats ropho caricatured. The Now Yorkers were righuot to like it Laura Kecne bad given them this ay. (a translation trom tbo sreuou, oalled Li Prie.tdes ffaiifrau,) in porfootion. One night sufiitd to condemu this paraphrase. It was only wmi Aiiss Kusmon iiuiu tue reins oi goveimeut that it was lorced on tbe public. Yet we do not moan to say that in a we l-ilocted line ot character Miss PunUtou might not. So a position on ttio stage Sh should act modoi parts whore oomody would never denorato into umor, ana wnere sentiments wouia never rise to treedv-Darts iul of repose and dignity. Then her tie person and her exceeding! tasteful ward- rote ould be made to be ot advantage to ber, and she mrht create a specialty lor herself In "Omoo," as the'ea Flower is caded, eyerv scene is nnsuitod to ber- ory scene, tlierotore, placed her in an unta- vorabi light, her pantomime iu tho short-cut armoreiug te worst. I h s evening the Sea Fuwer will oeopeatod. NkW'hk6ict Btuemt Tueatre The charming Webb is ers, so great a contrast .0 each other, and oenseqvn'ly more dimming still, will appear to night ll l ite t iry Thieves, and in a protean farce culled 'hrice Married, in wliic i the sprightly Ada euuots tar cnaracteis sir. Sinn's tall aud winter stason Vmiua'es brilliantly under th auspices ot the weiMsier. iney nave drawn excellent noaej, Walvt Street Theatre. Mr. Booth appears as "Bcnccio," in the Fool's Jlevtne. his great original irt. Afterwards, Mr J. u. Taylor, an ex oelieni aior, will give us "Ituy Gomez" iu FMnt Heart Mter iron Fatr Ltuiy. New Aebican Theatre Tbn combination of th ttavektvle and the legitimate is meeting with great suct-i. The audiences have entirely changed their cliariter the American is now a regular thea tre and oaot the most couiiortable in tne city. Gazzaioa This nonular artiste, assisted by some of it best talent of the country, Will give two ooucerts, e on ridav evening, and another on Saturday Bemnnn at tba Academv oi Music She has alwaytieen an immense lavoilte in Philadel phia, and have no doubt that these entertain niv n U will large y attended. She is among tbs iiuest singuithat have ever visited this country sinoe the days olienay Ltna anlAlbeul. Fashionable circles are exolled over this aflVr, and we expect a brilliant audience npon th occasion. The sa'e ot tickets will commence tomorro w morning, at nine o'clock, at the Aoadoiny of Mus e and at Irnmpler's Muslo Store. AssrwriLT Btnr.Diaos Ihe Carolina twins re main but two weeks longer. CITY INTELLIGENCE For Additional Local Itemt $ee Third rage.) A Paring Robbery. Scarcely a day tiasst s without the occurrence of some daring depre dation, committed witn apparent impunity. Last nipbt John Mason's tavern, in Beech street, above Hanover, was entered through the back door. Ibe thieve noiselessly asconded the statrs, and passed Into tbe bed-room of the proprietor, they stole $200, a revolver, and a brown silk dress te onging to Mrs Mason. They escaped nnde eoted. aud the larceny of the artio.os was not discovered until hours after. Cruelty to Animals. There are oms bolngs in human shape who cannot treat with any recorcy the runib animals who dally slave for them. For these penions the efllmout enforcement of the luwf re atmg to the prevention ot cruelty to animals Is most necessary and sa n'ary Yesterday Lewis Bernstein was arrested in Tenth streot.boiow Mis ter, lor cruelly beating a horn, already laboring under a too heavy load, ihe offender was brought before Alderman Fitch, and was committed to answer the charge. Tee Results of a Spree. Mr. Thorn, becoming tired of the monotony of sober hab-t, varied his action etcrdav alternoon by imbibing to a far advanced stage of intoxication. In this condi tion I e was rounot'd upon at Fificontb and Wood streets by Status Bi'cs and James Itanklns. A dili gent seaich through his pockets only gave tbe sum ot $4. The liifht-flngored gentry were arrested bo iore they could imbibe on the strength of their earn ings. Alderman llasaon committed them in default of $1200 bail. A Drunken Son Assaults iiis Father. John loungr-sides at bis tabor's bouse, No 1003 Swain street Yesterday he came home from a spree, very drunk llis lather, indignant at his con duct, ordered him to leave the house, and attempted to enforce the command. The ungrateful son turned npon him, and, having seriously beaten him, put him out into the street. Ihe young man was taken before Alderman Boswell, to learn the error ot his ways, and sent below in default lot $1000 bail. The Grand Lodge of Masons held a Quarterly Communication last evening, at their llail on Chesnut street, which was largely attended, no less than six hundred members being present. A ft jr considerable dobaie, without coming to a final vote on the questions at issue, they adjourned to meet at 6 o'clock tbis evening, when it is dusliablO that erory member be present. Grand Fair. The ladies of the city have perlected their arragements for the holding of a Fair at the N a1 lonal Guards' Hal), for tue benefit ot he i'erseveraDC Encampment, and it will open on Monday. June 11. It is believed that this will be tbe most brilliant affair of its k nd he'd Biuco tho great Sanitary Fair at Logan Square. As the object is a good one, we trust it will be liberally patronized. Larceny of a Watch. Ellen White, a pretty mulatto woman in company with a voung man of 'his city, visitel various Ice cream saloons last night. t Alter these favors, she ungratefully stole her companion's gold watch from his pocket, watt he discovered his loss he notified the police, and Elien Whtto was arrested in Currant a'ley. Aider- man Tunison sent her below lor want of $000 bail. Spbeches Mads to Ordeb Great men are not so "slow" As to hammer out orations, Whether they have or no The time, the cunning, or patience. No when thev want tlielr sueecbes made, Ihev go to some "old hand," Who all tbe branches of that trado Does tully understand ; Just as each judve of well made clothes To Tower Hall directly goes! Wk have All-wool fancy Cassimere Pants, at low at $4 00 vests ... i oo " Black " Pants " .... 6 00 " ' Cloth Vests " .... 4 00 " Fancy Cassimere Suits, to match 14 00 " Black Suits 20 00' Advancina from these ra'es we hive aooils of alt grades, up to the very finest fabrics, at prices reduced m proportion Men's, Youths', and Boys'. Thou- BANDS BAVl FOUND WITHIN THE FAST FEW WEBKd THAT WE AHE ACTUALLY BELLING GOOD, SEUVICK AliLE GOODS AT THE PRICES NAMED Bennett ft Co., Tower Hall, No 518 Market Street. "IlTOIEMO WE" This Stomachic Bitter has no equal In promot ing appetite and invigoiating digestion. will answer most admirably as-a sovereign re jiesy in all cases of "Dyspepsia," and in those states of debility which aro ant to attend convalescence, especially when the alimentary canal is in an rmeooiea condition, iuib "Aromatic Tonic" will be found most effectual in a permanent cure of sourness of the stomach, and a di.-posiuon;to the accu mulation oi natus in tne Doweis. "Hygienic Wine" is Ibe best remedy that can be employed in the con valescence f'om protraoted lever, and s-.nking of the vital powers, l'hysicians prescribe it as their main dependence in all low tebnie anections, lor wnne it increases tbe lulne-s. It lessens tbe irequency ot tne pulse, it soothes the nerves, and produoe a tondncy to sleep, giving renewed vigor to tue wnoie system. X RENCH K1CHARD8 ft L.O., Sole Agents for .Pennsylvania. Also for sale by Dyott & Co., and all Druggists. Sewing Machines. Since tho Improved labor- saving implements have coineinto vogue, the United States have found thdt they bave in their midst an immense amount of Inventive genius, more, peruana, than tbe world gives credit for. Ihe Sewing Ma chine is essentially an American institution. Their name l legiou. But none do hotter work, or are less liable to get out ol; repair, than tne wiucox & Gibbs. The ditch i ncriect. and all who have used them speak loudlv in tneir praise. With but little effort they do daily the work ot fifty soamstresses without the wear and toar to the constitution Inevi tably appendant to that laborious duty. I hey have acquired a world-wide lame, and they deserve it. A on A de Magnolia. This delicious article for the toilet has no rival n its line, it is superior to any I'ologno, and as aba'hing article tor the lace and nei sr n to render the skiu soft and fresh, and allay inflammation, it has no equal. Actresses, opera singers, and tho fusbionable generally, rogard the Aqua do Magnolia as indispensable to their toilet. Sold by all dealers at jfl, In 'aige bottles, and by Demas, Barnes ft Co., wholesale agents, jew iom Fekiaks. Arouse! Your friends are now calling uron you your best inends to rmh to Charles Stokes ec uo.'s nrnt class ueaoy-maae uiotnuig House, under the conunentai, and got our sunmer Clothing. Hot times are ahead. Clothinr tor all I mds ot people and weather in great variety and at reduced prices. Needles C C. T. Compound Canphor Troches." fotent pocket remed , suouuns cramp controls diarrlicea, cho'eraio evidence, eto. Only maker. C. II Neod'es I welith aud luce, I'niladcl phia, fifiy cents per box Dctcher's Dead Shot for Bedbdgs. Kills upon touch, cnr)s them up as hre does a leaf, and remains of permanent enect. Try it, aud sloop in peace. Sold by all live druggists. Female TRUSfeEg, Brace, Huoporlers, Elastlo Beit, aud Stockings, livht and elegant in finish, adjusted by a ludv, at teenies', iweiun street, nrst door neiow imce Cbover & Bakeb'b Highest Freminm F.'astio Stitch and Louk-Sti oh Sewing Machines. No. 730 Cbesnnt street. Tna Vanilla Cream SDonge cake made by O. Bjron Morse, No bOt Arcb street, is not excelled "lubricative packini lor steam engines. for terms ice 723 cbesnut st . phila.. and ill dev st., new york.' 7 80s, 6-SOs. 1881s, 10 40i, Compound Interest Notes, and tioid aud Silver bought aud so'd by Dbexel k Co., No. 84 H. I burp Street. Compound Intebkst Notes 7 810 and 6-20i wanted. De Haven k Brother, No 40 8. Third St. I'GPCLAR TAILORIAO. ItKADT-XADE CLOTBINO, AND Fine Custom Work. Wakamakkr k Brown, Oak Hall, Southeast corner Sixth and Mawket Streets. MARRIED. A8HMAN HAHN At We-hiBgn, D. C, on Thai-day. tbe 81st ultimo, by Key. T. B. MoFalli, WILLIAM M. ASHMAN, of l'biladelohta, and M AhY K. P A HN, daughter ! l'hllip Hahn, sq. , of Forestville, Md. DIED. BLAKE On the Hist day ol May, IftCd, SARAH, wife ot the late Jacob Blake, in the 76th year of her age. Tbe relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend tbe funeral, from her rest, denoe. near Fort Washington, on Wednesday, Jane 8, at 10 o'clock. McMICH ABL. On the 8d instant, Mrs. ISA BU.LA McMICHAEL. in the 65th year ot ber age. The relaiivee and friends of tbe family are respeot fnlly invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence, No 608 east Tork street, on Wednesday afternoon at 8 o'clock, without lurther notice, lo proceed to Franklin O-metery. 1 EKBF.r. suddenly, on the 2d Instant, Mrs. EUSAM I E R HEX. Herreisbvos and friends and those of her son-in-law, A F. lio'mes, are respecttuilv invited to attend berttuneral, on Wednesday morning, the 6th instant, at 10 o'clock, from her late residence, No. 40 S. Fifteenth street, noove Fine, without furtnor notice. KATSOJS On the 2d instant, GKOKQE RAY SON, the only son of Uenry and Catharine Uayson, in the 6th ear et nis age. Tbe relatives and Inends are repct ully invited to attend bis funeral, from his parents' rosldenoe, bo 2036 Frank lord road, below Daupbtn street, on Wednesday alternoon at 8 o'clock, lo proceed to Odd Fellows' Cemetery. SMITH. On the 2d instant. Mr. JONATHAN T. SMITH, in the 28th year or his age. 1 he relatives and inends ot tbe family, also the membeisot the Decator rteam Fire Company, are respect lully invittd to attend his funeral, from the resilience of his brother, Lewis smith, No. 4'.09 Franklin street. Frankford.on Wednesday alttirnoon at 2 o'o ock, without further notice. To pioooed to Cedar Hill. FOR BACHELORS, BOARDKRS, ARTISANS, etc., or In the nursery or tne chamber ot an invalid, a portabla Oas Heater (applicable to anv gas burneri, will be tound verr convenient for heating or cooking purposes, forsalo by TltTJMAN & BHAW, o. 83a(KlKht Ihtriy-flve) MAHKBT "t . bwlow Slnth. T ARGE BRASS ALE COCKS a"ND OTHER Ji Brass Cocks, with or wlihont keys for locking them; t ork and Leather-lined hpniRots, Water Oatns, Coik Stops, Faucets, Iron Molasses Oates foi sale by TKOMAN SHAW So. MS (Eight Thirty Ave) MARK. FT St., below Ninth. PORCELAIN, LIGSUMVIT:, APPLE Wood. leather. Brass, and Iron Wheel Table Chair, Bracket, and Bed Castors, with pivot, so.ews, or sockets. Kor sale by TRUMAN BUAVV, ho. (WKKignt Thlrtv-flve) MAKKKT Ht. balow Ninth. G ENUINE MACKINAW SUNDOWNS FOR LAPTES, IN GREAT VARIETY, TO BE HAD OF THEO. U. McCALLA, At his Old Established Hat and Cap Emporium, 614 lm So. 801 CBESMPT Street. JORDAN'S TONIC ALE. JOKDAlOB TONIC ALK. JORDAN'S TONIC ALE. JimilAN a TUNIU AtK. It Is recommended by physicians ot this and other places as a euperlor tonic, and reoulies but a trliU to comince the meet skeptical of Its great me-lt. To be had, viholesala and retail, ot V. I. JORDAN, no. tew rEAR fireei Chamcacne Cider, by the doren. bottled, or bT the barrel 2145 UNADULTERATED LIQUORS ONLY. Jill 'HARM PKNISTAS'd B 1" IBB A lAH' I . Wo. 43!) CHKSNUr HTBKET. Sear v Opposite he Post Orrce. VHll.ADELPHIA. Families sunnlied. Orders irom the Country promptly attondedto. MILLINERY, MANTUA-MAKING, lc WOOD & CA1IY, No. 725 CHESNTJT STREET. Kow offer FANCY BONNETS and TRIMMED HATS, for Ladies and Misses, at cost. Also, all styles of Straw Bonnets and Hats at moderate prices. Em pire Bonnets, Fanchon Bonnets, Ja panese Bonnets, White Chip Bonnets, Opera Bonnets, Gipsy Bonnets, Cryitalline Bonnets, May Queens Bonnets, Hair Bonnets, Pat-a-pan Bonnets, French Lace Bonnets, Gip sy Queen Bonnets, French Bonnets, English Straw Bonnets. t Bonnet Frames, every style. French Flowers, Bonnet Ribbons, Silks, Orna ments, Crapes, Laces, iSilk Tiolcts, etc. Derby Hat, Shepherdess Hat, Sailor Hat, Sundown Hat, Medallion Hat, Highland Hat, Seaside Hat, Infants' Hats, Crystalliae Hat, Japanese Hat, Dew Drop Hat, Turbnn Hat, Hamilton Hat. Napoleon Hat, Jockey Hat, Con tinental Hat, Sunbeam Hat, Lillian Hat. MOURNING BONNETS made to order. . WOOD & CAItY, 4162mm No. 75 CHESNTJT Btreet. MRS. It. DILLON, Nos. 323 and 331 SOUTH Street, Has a handsome assortment of SPRING MILLINERY; misses' and luiants' HaiS and Caps, Silks, Velvets, Crapes, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Frames, etc. 3 18 4m JADIES' CLOAKS, BASQUES, ETC. Jf AuB ANO TRIMMKD INTHFTWOSl' FASHIONABLE STYLE, FROM THE 1SKT GOODS. AT TIlii LOWi-ST i-OSSlULK HRICE. I TENS CO., 6112m Ko. 23 FoathMKTU Street TW. SMALTZ'S PLUM HER YARD. N. E . corner o! FIFTEENTH and UTILES Stroet. Oi l tKS FOB HALE, CHEAP FOR CA8TI Panel 1st com ,2d com ,3d com , 4 4, 6-4, 6 8. 8-4, White fine, seasoned KijHt and second qaality Yellow (4 4, 3-4) and White Tine (4 4) FloorlnK Boards First and second qua itr one and two Bides Fence Mjtlvlng Boar's, Bass. Ash. Planks and Boards, White l ine Mils an sizes rtiop rtoarus, -, o-. lleinioik Joist and fi ant ln all sizes. Prime lot Hnruce 811 s and Suantllntc P altering Lath (Kmilish ana La ais) Pickets. Nhinalea. Clifsnut l'osts etc Hahniinv. Walnut I'lank and Boatds. All klnus of Building Lumuer cut and lurnished at the shortest notice, at tne lowest price. e a iinj y I Tl E "W O R K S, IN GREAT VARIETY, For sale at manutactnr'rs' prices, by A. 1 1. FIIANCISCUS & CO., No. 513 MARKET Street, ADD No. 510 COMMERCE STREET. Goods ordered direct from factory, Do order accepted after July 1. 61 die INDEPENDENCE HOTEL, No. S33 CHESNUT Street, (Opposite Independence 1111 J OH TBS EUIlOrEAN PLAN. Lodshig o r day WY CENTS Heals at all hours at moderate prices. 1 10 3m HENRY BECKER. FOURTH EDITION FRCM W.SHllfOTfNTmS AFTERNOON. facial Dttpalchtt (a 7he Evening Telegraph. Wasbimotom, June S. Clorha Dlselirs;(l. Seventy-five clerk will be discharged from the Quartermaster-General's office this month in consequence of the rapid decrease in business. Tbo Head Centre. fames Stephens, Fenian crlef organ'zef, ar rived here to-day. He is to figure at a great Fenian demonstration on Friday. Mas)tr4 Oat.. The 19th Pennsylvania Cavalry has been or dered to be mustered out of service. Vr.DaMand tn Chicago Republican. Charles A. Dana, late of the Chicago Republi can, is here. Ills withdrawal Irom that paper arose from alllerencps of opinion respecting Its nianngometit. He disposed of his Interest, which was larger than that ot any other stockholder, on his own terms, and leaves Chicago without any pecuniary loss, and with none but kind feelings between himself and his associates. Canton BeeelpU, The receipts Irom customs from tbe Southern ports last month were very heavy; from New Oilcans alone, about $2,000,000. This will sweil the total receipts Irom this source to $16,500,000. Secretary McCulloch en Gold Sale. The reply of Secretary McCulloch to the nouse resolution, in relation to gold sales by the Trea sury Department, was in readiness to be sent into the House yesterday, and will probably be sent m to-day. It shows that $35,440,000 were sold during; the month of May, at an average premium of over 30 per cent., and that about $15,000,000 were sold during the latter part of February. The roport, which makes twenty five pages foolscap, is a very comprehensive document, and gives a full and complete history of the gold transactions since January 1. The Public Debt Washington, June 5. The following is a state ment of the public debt of tho Cnltcd States on the 1st ol June, 18G6: DEBT BkABIMU COMPOUND INTEREST. Five per onnt. bonds .... $198,41.1)0 00 Six per cent, bonds of 1867 and 18o8. . 18, 83.591-80 Bon Js ot 1881 283 7W5 600 00 live-twenty bonds 66 615 000 00 Total debt bearing coin interest.. tl 195,825 19180 DBBT BKARI30 CUBBSKOT INTEREST. Six per cent, bonds.... 5,402 000 00 leniDorar? loan 124.6ti4.486 28 Certificates ot iudebtetl ness 43 026 000 00 Three-Year Compound lnierost aoipb i')2,uia,iw w Ihne-Year J 80 Notes. 812,221,000 00 ' Total 1.147.222 226 28 Matured debt not presented tor pay ment 1 U'JU.tZD 64 DEBT BEARIN9 NO INTEREST. United States Notes. . . $102 123 813 00 fractional Currency.. 27.334.965 04 Gold certificates of de posit 22 568.820 00 - 452,031.603 04 Total debt $2,799,979,45 J 76 AMOUNT IN TRKAfeURY. Coin 850.679 957 72 Currenoy 79,011,176 52 -129,691 088 24 Amount of debt less cash in Trea sury a,6 70,288 867 '52 The foregoing is a correct statement of the public debt, as appears from the books and Treasurer's returns in the Department on the 1st of June, 18GG. Hugh McCulloch, Secretary ot the Treasury. CONGRESS. Washington, June 6. Senate. Sir. l'onierov (Kansas) introduced a bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to lease and preserve tne public lands ot tne United States which contain mineral springs. Keierred to the Committee of Public Lands. Mr. Edmunds (Vt.), from the Committee on Commerce, reported the House bill lor the pro tection ot tne lives ot passenerers travelling on steamboats on the Western rivers, which whs ordered to be printed. At 10 o'clock the Reconstruction resolution was taken up. Mr. Poland (vt.) took the floor to deliver a written speech. Honae of BeprenentatlTea; Mr. Julian (Ind. from the Committee on Pub lie Lands, reported a bill to provide for the sur vey and sale of lands of the United S.ates con taining gold, silver, and other valuable mine rals, and for the assaying and coinage of such minerals. Head tw ice and recommitted. On motion of Mr. Stevens (Pa.), the vote by which the Senate bill to enable the New York aud Montana Iron Mining and Manufacturiug Company to purchase a certain amount of the public lands, not now in the market, was re lened to the Committee on the Public Lands, w as reconsidered, and the bill came before the House tor its action. Tbe bill was read a third time and passed. Mi. Ashley (Ohio) introduced a bill to aid in es tablishing a Una oi traction emriues and wairon from the Missouri river to ihe Hoc? Mountains, ltead twice, and referred to the Committee on Pub lic Lands. On motion of Mr. Farpuhar (Ind ), the House non concured in tbe senate amendment lor tbe leiiol of Goodrich & Cornish, lor carrying the mail Irom Ba z city to Idaho city, and asked lor a committee ol conference Mr. Garliold (Ohio), from the select Committee on Education, repoitod a substitute tor the bill to e tai lih a Uk'i artuiont of Education at the city ol Wsshington, . Mr. Donnelly (Minn.) addressed the House in support ol the bill. He denied that with the Htbel lion the nation vss born into a new life. The Southern peopie had souuht for years to overthrow the Government, and they could not be trusted lo administer it, unless measures were taken to provide against the dangers of the future. Slavery was destroyed, but the igno rance whicn was its consequence remained. Thut must be destroyed, or the nation must die. Four million slaves had betn liberated, and must be raised to the levet of citizens. This could only be done by educating thm. The w hite man ct' the fc'outh roust alio be edu cated, tor he can oiilv besome loyal as he be comes intelligent. This raut be the most Intel lieeut as well as the most enereetic and indus trious people in the world. In France, Prussia, Austria, and 'Russia provision has been made for public education bv the nation. Tne Cuited ftate? alone, while its lioveinment resiinesolely on the intelligence of the people, bad aone no thing. All this had been left to tbe Stales, and the Rebellion had been the consequence. The igno rance ot the South, it not removed, would cause still another rebellion. A republican govern ment was ta lenult of both, aud could not exist without both. Two distinct policies were e?taMIhed two hundred vears ago, one in New England, the other in Virginia. They had travelled over the world. One was the policy ol popular educa tion, the other that of popular ignorance. He compared the condition of the North in point of industry, happiness, virtue, and pros perity with the South, and stated that In 1850 three-quarters ot a million dollars were ex pended in tbe Slave States iu support of public Kchoois. while In the Free States seven millions j w ere expended. The Fenlanfw Special to the New Tork Tribune, ' Hamilton, June 5. Two thousand men are now concentrated alcng the line of the Ditroit and 8u Clair rivers, the lines are strongly pick eted. Tbe main concentration of tbe troops Is about Pretcott, that being considered the real point ot attack. Few troops from the West have Ik en sent to this point, It being cared (or by the regulars and volunteers from Montreal. ' ' Tbe "Africa" Signalled. Halifax, June 6. The steamship Afriji. from Liverpool, with advices to the 27th ult., has been signalled. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. Court of Quarter Sesmionn Judire Pierce. Alired Youni-, who was lestertiav fined S200 for not appeanne on the brand Jury, explained hi-absenoo, and his tine was remitted. Also, Ueury Saunders, who was excusod. Prison eases were before the Court. William Koi'inson (colorud) was acquitted of a cliBrjre of ibe larceny of tw.i suit saois, raiued at 1 00, the property of John Hirer. V nllam Jenmnvs was cour uicd of a charge of the larceny or one pair oi s ockiras, yatud at twi-nty cents, tbe property of bvneman & Co., Market street, lie was seen to slop at ihe saow-oaa ot said store and to take a pair of stockings, wbioh ore found upon him when ai rested. A thouj(U be said bo bought the stockings on second strvot they wme ideniirJed as tbe property of Hyneman k Co. Sen tenced to three months in the County t'risoa. Ueorjre Price, colored, was convicted of a charge ot the laroeny of clothing and jewe ry, to the amount ot 978, the property ot Jonathan cole, oo orod. tie couiesscu to tne onioer who an o, tod him that an bad stolen the ar idea Irom Colo's trunk, and that he bad pawned the eloihes. and spent the money, Sentenced to one year in Count Prison. John Andrews was convicted oi a charire of tho larceny ot a peok ot potatoes, valuod at ility centi. Johnnie was not bunvry, but was "party diy," and was nanbed just as lie was niaklne fir a pawnbroker's, where the exchange 'whisukoy for pertattos." lio didn't ne' his ' dbrop o' the eratur' but he got bis three months in tbe County I'll on, Martha T. Wood pleadod anility to a charge of the larceny ot wearing aoparoi amounting to 28, the property ol Georre WiUiiis. Hit sontence was one year in the County Prison. George Jiobinson aud John Sweeney were ac quitted ot the charge of tho laroeny ot diy goods to tbe amount of $33 48, tbe property of Mary Hause. George Robinson and John Sweeney were con victed of a chargn of the larcenylot three wooll n shirts, yarned at 86 eaoh, tho property of J. Rosen thal, bentencod to nine months each in tbe County Prison Martin Ryan was convicted of a charge of the larceny ol 845, tbe property ot William MuGowry. tie vi as sentenced to eifrhtoeu months in the County Prison. Taxation ol Bankers and Brokers. IU PORTA BT FOINT UNDER TUB REVKNUB LAW AP PLICATION FOR AN ln.IU MOTION AOA1NST TUB UNITED STATICS COLLKCTOIH AND ASSBHSOBS. Clark. Ilodiie & Co. vs. 8tioridan Mhoak anil Brlrester P. Gl'bert ihis was a motion for an Injun tiou to restrain co lectors and assessors of Internal revenue from colieoliUK and assessing a ei against banters lr sales on ti elr own account and otners Mr. Hurra I anpeareu lor plalntina and said that the QlaintlrTs were UceLsed bankers unJer the flrsi subdivision of tbe seveuiy-ninih section of the Internal Revenue act of June 30, 1861, and are not licensed as brokers, and con sequently are authorized by tbe first subdivision of the B4lu secuon to lece've stocas lor sa e and lend and ad vance on stocks, and that carries with it the right to sell such stocks. Ihev lead and advance money on such socurltles, and in such cases sell to reimburse thenne'ves They do not negotiate purchases or Bales of such securities or do any of the business which broker are, bv the nlnh paiaKrapb oi said seventj-niu h section, authorized to uo. Motion was maue hero b counsel to continue a preliminary injunction resirain'ng tbe assesam-jnt or collection o duties upon the sa es mentioned, lie said that bankets are not dolna business as brokers when tiiey receive securities lor sale and discount, when tney advance money on securities and sell to rotuibure them selves, when tbey reoelve orders to purchase securities and make the transactions In their own aames and pay theie or with their own money, aad on repayment there ol trans er the property to their orlnolpais, and iu case of non payment sell merel to reiinourse themselves: under any circumstances the banter is not taxable in respect to the sales 01 his own property and for bis own account. Mr. uourtney. for the Government, said that It Is not true, as charged by the alalotitls. that the proceedings ef the deiendants to assort and enforce the claims of the Cniled Htates asalnst the compluluaats, have been ad judaed to be contrarv 10 law. 1'b.e only evidence ol such allesatlea waa presented In the ninth article of the bl 1, which recites the laie decision orthel nitcd ntates Su- Sreme Court in the ease ot the United States vs. Harvey 'iBk aad others, and alleges that said action "was Insti tuted as a test action ana lor the purpose of determin ing the natstien herein and therebv presented." In cone, ndins that that Jadsaien' la binding on tke Ual ted Mates In the present claim, he should not under. ake to prove tbe contrary bv the record in that case. Tne matter then In eontroveisy was ubmlttod to the court upon an agreed case, containing certain admissions ol tact which are thus declared: 'It is understood t.iat these admissions are made for the sole purpose o' sub mitting this controversy, ano are in nowise to affeot any fiaitym any other proceedings." This wou'd seom to ndlcate that the action was not Instituted as a test action. Ihe question submitted la this case is, are the defendants liable to pay duties and the rates ol duties prescribed by the ninety-ninth section of the aot afore said, upon sa'esof Government sec art ties owned by them in their own right and upon their own account? It la insisted that the entire issue In the case ot Flsk A Ha ch was whether licensed bankers, by dca Ing in securlUes exc aslvely on their own acoount, were subjeeted to the liabilities ot bankers dealing as brokers under ihe ninety ninth secUon. The frupieine Court decided that they were not, on tbe vrouad that Congress. In ainendlnir the ninth nam- Srauh ol section seventy-niue oi the act of 1861, winch tines ihe term broker by Inserting after the words "other securities " the words "lor themselves or others," did not Intend to change the correct definition ot that term, and make it mean that every man who sold bis own stock was a broker) so that in order to b'iagabanker win in the category of bankers doing businofS as brokers under the nlnetv ninth section, It mast appear that be negotiated sales tor others as we I as lor blmseK. What the nature and extent ot the liability ot tbe banker would be In such case ihe court did not pass upon, as evert such consideration was precluded by the decision on the fae b. teat 1'lsk it Hatch selling their own securities merelv, were not tliereb dealing as brokers. It Is claimed by the delendao's that the tact ot dealing as brokers which was eliminated fro.n the Fisk case, Is here apparent on the face of the com plainants' bill, in spite oi the absurd statement of the sixth article, which la contradicted and fulslfied by everything which precedes It In the nub article they acknowledge that they have negotiated purchases and sales for their own account and risk) In the lounh article they acknowledge that they purchased s ocks, etc., "tor and on account ol divers parties," and which, on receiving the pi Ices aud charges and commissions, were transierred and de Ivered to such parties. a be real issue In this case Is easily understood. It arises under aud Is to be deteimlned by the provisions oi the Internal Kevenuo law. That act provides that certain occupations shall not be carried on without a lictnse. Tbe first subdivision of the seventy-ninth sno loo re aies to bsnkers, and the ninth to brokers in com paring tbe business described In the lat er c ause with each o the three i lasse O' hanking business mentioned in tne lormer. It wll be tound that tbey wereland In tended to be entirely tlssluiilar Counsel lurther said that one who not being a banker negotiates or ourchases lor others is to be temped a broker and a bankorlsnot permitted to negotiate luch purchaies. Toe complain ants admit tbat fiey negotiate purcnaaes o stocks, eto . for others, and if any distinction can be raised between that and ibe negotiating ol purchases for others as men tioned In the ttatute, it was beyond bii comprehension. ile regarded It therefore as estab ished that the com plainants acted In tbe premUes as bankers, dealing a S brokers, and tbat the presen cae was not a'lected hy the decision c the Hapreme Court in the case oi "Fisk & Hatch." It appeared from tle thirteenth article of the bill that tbe cimnlalnants inn I -1 that titer are not taxa ble lor any ot the transactions mnntioned In the bill. The decislin relet red to Ison the broad ground that De lt banker or bioker, or otherwise, evervbudy Is exempt who so deals torhinose'f and not lurchers. But the very moment he so engages In so duadng 'or others he brings bliuse i within the definition of a broker, as laid down by said ninth clause o' the sev ntv ninth section, and must oe licensed and taxed as a broker, xlth the single exception that a licensed lian.e need not take out the additional license ts a broker) but the ninety ninth sec tion, wblcb fixes tbe liahi I'v ot brokers, particularly mentioned along wlih broker the ca-e of bankers doing business as brokers and subi cling the a to the liability of brokers la Its fullest extent, in reference to taxation on their personal sales, as in the case of Cutting. Is it thcrotore supposahle that the law Intended to let yeu choose In wbat capacity you sha I perform such acts, and. by merely calling yout selves baa kers, evade a lia bility to which ever otter person is subieot ? The de cisions relfrred to rea'lv cover tbe whole ground, for If tbe amendment was Intended to In tbe piulon of tne Court, remedy a transparent evil. Is It to be presumed thai that evil waa less trauxnarrnt to the law-makera or Court because cloaked by tbe Dlea of bankers He sub mitted tbat both uoon reason and authority tba motion should he dlsmUsed. Mr. W. M. varu fobowed In an argument ou nenair of the plaintiffs, and spoke at some length Case atlli on. -A. y. JJerata. , A S1MIL4B CASB tew Is Einstein and others, reeresentlng the firm ef Einstein, Hosenfleld k to., vs fiber dan Bkook Col lector, eic.-Thle case resembles In all respects that ot Clark, Dudge Oo., except In the following particu lars il. Those plaintlfls swear in tuelr bill that Kln steln, Kosenlield t o. made no sales ol siook, ball ion or icuritles during the exigence of that firm lor tba account ot others iban thmse vs. exoep' through the imarventlon of Hocused brokers not members of their film i The firm of Itlusto n. Hoseufield A t o. having been dissolved, all these taxes ot which these plaintiffs seek to restrain the coilretUn baa been already assessed gainst thtm. aud the sfs'ssnent lists o precspts placed In the hatds of the dvlindgut, the cvl lee'or. for eolleetion. I. Thtne WaS no nrfces tv tnetfsv tore, n till' ease tor maklna the aasessor er the UmuiS Siaif s parties, as the firm bating been dissolved, n aew duties or taxee are to be assessed aa nst them t rst all tbe aolnta mane in tbwease of Clark, De 'g A Co. are applicable In ibis ca. Hceons, thl. case la still stronger tor the plaintiffs and entities them io tbe re ler salied. whether O ark Dodre Ce. are eatitled to it or i ot t Insula, PAse nfeld Co1., ou all anise bhs b them lor acoouat of :her ouatom rs. empiovlaf a licrased b oker, not a member of their firm who hlm sell psys the broker' duty on sales under tbe ninety ninth mtloa the plain Ifte are thim-eirts o early not br kers or tankers doing business as brokers wlihla tba ni' anlng of that sec'ln Third. They are therefor not within the provisions of the moetv-nlnib section. Knar h. . heir ease Is ooverd b the decision o' the Hupreme Court and of to Is Conrt In the ot risk A Hntcb That eae illlno ly holda that if a bankrr conosea not to combine the boaiiess of broker with bis own be Is not liable to tH duties pra aerttierl by the ninety-ninth section The flefivndaot's clulin thnt Unsteln Soetnteid A fox , notwithstanding that they einn oved a licensed broker t niaKe their sales themselves do buslnms as broaers, is a mere eva.lon of that declslcm. and the remedy by Lnjauo t.on Is therefore apptpprlate. f. Y. H-rala. arsfftast atniss4noB Testerday, the bench of tke (leneral Sessions was occu pied by Recordei Hackettand an AinnsSiadnr trout tke usslasl kmperur who came duly aathentica ed irons Mr. i-ewsrd to A. Oakev wall K,. as an Alii Da-ad or or Querist irom the I a-aerial Court ot llumi whose august nn'Ster fs desirous of absolute la oimattoa con cerning tbe worklnu o our Grand Juryavstem, Its re sults and apnllcnhillty to th Lniptr of whica be ts the authority. M Kapwtts Is an Intel'lgeu and eduna'ed gentleman, well adapted by taste and eultura lor the work he hat undertaken t and Recorder Ilaokett. with District Attorney Hall, very kind)' f. properly devoted their sosrn moments ,.,rr r 1 '" "" Trulv. th whirligig ot tune iw;v21t3ri.I Uit.-. r. Latest Markets by Telefrapfc. Kew Vokk, June 6 Cotton is ijuiot t87a8.)o. tnr atidtlliuf .sa'es ot the weok 7000 bales! rnooipts at all ports 15.000 l a os Kxnorts do., 11,000 oaies. Floor dull; sales olBSOO b'lls at unchanrod pneos. Sonthern unchanged, 350 bbls od; Canadian drooping, 800 bbls, sold Wheat dull and droooing. Corn quiet ; sales oi 86 000 hush, at 8UB2o. Roef steady. Pork steady at 030 62) mr mes. Lard steady at 19J(o22Jo. Whisky firm at $2 30 in band New York, June 6 Stocks are better. Chioago and Kock Island 98; ( umboriand profermol, 47; Illinois Centra). 118?; Miehigan Southern. HOj ; Nw York Central, 0SJ; Reading, 109 K' Hudso i Ulvor, 111; Vlrg n a 6s, 65; Missouri 6. 78): Brie, 64J; Western Union Tolocraph Company. 61; Uniteel States Coupon, 18fi2 102 ; do , 1804 1022 ; do.. Ht56. 102; Treasury 7 8-10tbs, 102jn102j. Gold, 145 115; Ster inr Exchaugo unobanved. " Baltthork, June 6. Flour firm. Wheat firm. Corn firm at 95o for white and 806. for vol ow. Oats steady at 75n)76o Provisions qtii"t. with an npwa'd tendonoy in prices. Knirar nrmf refln nt; grades 12o. C'oflee quint at l)a20jo., in gold. Whisky dull at 2 30,2 80s tor Westerni Philada. Stock Exchange Sales, June 5 Eenoitcd by le Haven &Uro., Mo. 40 h. Third street UElWtlJS' liOAKUd. 400 t ity 6 new .. 061 100 sh Uostony...b30 11 8I00 US 6s '81.... o 10jl 16 sh pr k Pine.. 88 S5I0 do 10.) i , 84shM 4. M Ilk... 65. 6sh Read....6wn 64 J 100 sh Cam k Am b312sH 27 sh WashCityGss 27 ' SECOKD BOARD S8000Cltv6s, new... W I 100 sn Reading. . b3') 54t ling. . b3) 54 3 U0 64 3.... B10 64-81 eu00 8h8ugarCk...b5 IV 4'X) Bh do. 8shLeliVal P2i 100 h do. 10 sh do b6 62 100 ah do 55 2 sh Pcnn P 641' 10 sh MinohlU 56 Tho widow of Paul Akors, the sculptor, whose "Uock Mo to Sleep, Mother," and other penis of pathetic poetiy, are well known, ha married again, her new husband being a Mr. Allen, o Wasliinirton City. BIOKREISTE, OR LI FE-REJU VENATOR. BTRENQTH TO THE WEAK YOUTH TO THE AO ED This preparation is unequal ed as a rejuvonator and re storer ol wasted and iner. funoilon-i. 'the leeb e. the aged and all those who have la amy way impaired their vitality by excessive mental or physi cal aiip icatlon.wlll fluo the ttlokreue to be wbat It aims implies a li e-rcjuvenator, which, while it builds up tbs shattered constitution, will a: so Impart to the feeling tbe briskness and energy wl.icb belong to youth No matter by wbat cause anv organ ban become enfee bled in Its tunctlms this superb preparation wi.l remove thnt cause at once and torever. BIoKhKNE cares Uonmal Dohillty. Impotoncy, Ner vous lncapacltv, Uyapensia, Uenression Loss of Appe tite, Low spirits, Imbecility. Mental Indolence. Ktnacla tlon. Ennui It has a most deiighttul. desirable; and novel etlcct upon the nervous system, and si who are lo any way prostra ed by nervous disabilities are earnestly advlved to seek a cure in this most aad un equalled preparation. HIOKKKNE -I he Feeble, the Languid, the Despair li'H the Old should give this valuable discovery a trial; it will be lound totally unlorent Irom ail other articles for the same pnroose. '1 0 EM ALErt. Ibis preparation Is invaluable In ner vous weaknesses ot all kin Is, as It will restore tbe wasted strength with wonder ul permanenco. It Is also a giand Tonic, and whl give re icf in Dyspep sia with the first dose A brief persts'ence in Its use will lenovate the atomsch to a degree of perfect health, and bin tun Dyspepsia lorever. On lioila per bottle, or six bottles for S5. Sold br Druggists generally Hent bv express anywhere by ad dressing , HUTCHIMJS it HILLYER Proprietors, ad.uei oireei. kbit i ora. Bold by JOHNSON. HOLLOWAY COWDEN, Ho ii Moith SIXTH Street. DYOIT CO.. 4 19 thstufimrp No. 23i N. SECOND St.. FOR HARTFORD. CONW.. adliect. via DELAWARE AND RAB1TA1C CA.NAL Ihe steamer AKNIR, Captain Riddell. now loading at the second whart below SPKUCE Street, will leave aa above on THURSDAY, 7tb Instant Freight taken on reason sh e terms. Apply to WILLIAM M. BAIKD A CO., 6it Ko.l3a South WHARVES'. WEST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES, FROM foot ot M A RKET Street (Upper Kerry), . Commencing THURSDAY, Mar 31. lSftfi, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA AS FOLLOWS: ,,8.A-W Mall. lor Bildgeton, Salem, and all uitenne dlate stations OA. M.Mall for Cape Mav. stopping at Woodbury. Olassboro'. Vlneland. and slillylile, anil all station beow all rrille. Due 12-35 M. su iiauiws 3 1. M. Accommodation, for rape Hay. stopping at Woodbury and Olassboro, and all statioua below Glae boro. Due 8' 1 6 P.M. 3 30 P.M. PasHonger, tor Bildgeton, Saein, and alt lntenned'ate stations. 6 P. il., Woodbury Accommodation. KETPKNINIJ TRAINS Leave Tape M a 6-30 and 11 A . M. " Bridneton 7 A. M. and 3 ISO P. M. " Salem -45 A. M. and 3 3ft P. M. . Freight will be received at HcconJ Coered Wharf below WALNUT Street, Irom 7 A Mi until ft P. M. 'that received at or before 8 A.M. will go through tha same day . Frelstit Deliver. 'No.2?R R. DEL A WAR"! Avenue. 5 31 J. VAN KEM4SALAEH, Suuerlutendeut. ORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Depot. THIRli street, above Thompson. r BETHLEHEM. DOYLESTOWN, MATJCBT NK, EAS'lOli, WlLLIAMaPORI', and WlLiEtS For CHUN BARRE. At 1 30 A. M . (Fxpress), for Bethlehem. Allenlown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, Wlllbtmsport, and Wllkaa barre. At 3 30 P.M. (Express), for Beta'ehem, Eat ton. eto.. reaching Easton at -45 P. M. , At SlS P. M., lor Bethlehem, Allentown. Slauak Chunk. Danville and WUllamsport For Doylestown at 8 3 A M., 2 30 and 4-13 P. M. Foi Kort rVashington at 10 A M. and 11 P. U. For Lansdale at 81S P. M. White cars ot tbe Second and Third Streets Lint City Passenger Cars run direct to tha depot TRAINS OR PHILADELPHIA. s j'pTCuBettu10el11 ' 8 28 K- N- nd 13 Ten, an Leave Dov'estown at 1 40 a. U., 1-13 and HOP. If. Leave Lanrdale at 6 00 A. M Leave It on Wuhington at IS'' A. M , andlltP. U. i ON SUNDAYS. ' Philadelphia (or Hetb ennui at ft A. M. Philadelphia lOr Doylestown at 230 P. M, Doylestown for Phf'adelphla at 7 20 4. Is. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 30 p. M. 1 bronsb Tickets must ba piocuied at the ticket offices. THIRD Street orKUK8 btreet. 6 21 IT.Ua CLARK. Agent. H Cfiri-I'HILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAH. dOUU ROAD. Thla great ine traverses the North ern and Northwest Counties of Pennsylvania t th City of Erie on Lake Erie. It has boon leased and I operated by tbe Peansv.vanla Railroad Company. TIM EOF PASSENGER TRAINS A'l PHILADELPHIA. Arrive EMtwarrt-llrie Mall Train, UM, Exit Hx, press Train, I P. M. Leave Westward Erie Mall, P. M t Erie Express Train 12 M. Passenger cars mn through on th Erie Uall and Ex press trains both ways between l'hllade nhla aud trio, EW YORK CONNECTION. Leav New York at 0 A. M.. arrive at trie 9 SO a. M. Leave t rie at 4 43 P. M .anive at New York 1 10 P. M, Elesant Hleep'-g Cart on ail the night trains. For Intorniailon respeoilng nassenger bumnest, apply at corner TliiRTIE I H and M AKitT Street Phlla. And lot iroight business, of tbe Company's Agents, 8. B. Kingston. Jr., corner 1 blr'eenth and Market street Philadelphia; J. w, Revnoius, Erie; WllUain fiiown Ageut N. C. B R., Baltimore. , li. V. HOUSTON, Uenaral Freight Agent. PhPa. I H. W. GM'INNEB General 'I Icket Agent, Phila, . A.L, TYLFR lleneral Sup't, Willlamauort. t PARASOLS AT $l-2!i. $1-50. fl-75, ANQ 2. bilk Suu Umbrellas, ai 40, 1", ns. h Dixorf, 4 lBwIm I No. 31 8. E.1UIUU tjlxeet.