THE DAILY EVENING TELEGKAPII. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JUNK 5, 18GG. MATTERS OVER THE RIVttB. ; Annual Wektino. The fl'ty-flrst annual meeting oi the Cumberland Cowry Hililn .so ciety whf recently held at Deertiel'l, a. id the fuiloalnjr jrcnt.cmen were chosen ma iapr lor the rnoninif year: Hon. L. Q. O. Kim it. Hon. John I. Nixon; Kpvk. W. 1$. tiillctto, C. H (ire pory, II. M. Smart, J. M. Chulllss, J. L. Htn wnrt, J. O. Wrli-. J. Stockton, J. I,. Wbiraltrr; Prs. E. Kithian. William Klmer. D. li. Thompson, I). B. WhitakiT, Ttnodore Tronch.irl. Toe receipts, of the Society were $"i74-."j, Hntl tne ninnhrr of volutins d.titrioiited durlnsr the past year was 505. ; Attempted MCRDH R.A9 Julsro Carter, of Woodbury, his brut her, and a Mr. 0,'den, were returning homo on Friday niKiit last, and while pnnBlni.' throunh a piece ot woods, 'hey were fired upon bv wue Bconndrel cinotialed in the bniHli, the bull in cloo proximity to the hei 1 ot the J 'Hire. The person who at tempted this murder has not yet been dis covered. An Excellent Po.fkct. The teachers ofthe Ontrul Public School In Oimdeii are itkinp nienures to ml rod nee muxic into that school. This i hit'hly coimiieii'labli;. A trtautl concert will be iiven on L'h'.nsday eveniin; next, ttie 7th instant, lor the purpose of asitiuir in raising fiuios to piirchii t a rood an I suitable orpiiu. Naurow Escapic. One diy In the latter part of hwt week, J.idjy P. J. Uray, ot Camden, met vith a Lnrroweacu'u'1, o.v bciiij.' thrown from a carriiifre, in cons-quenee of the horses riitniinir away. He waH so severely injured that he win insensible (or many hours. He is noiv, liov tver, convnle'-eeiit. lioi I) Kobheky. The watch aud jewelry store ol l M. Lovus, In Ui'id'jetoii, was entered by hunrhirs a few mail's aro, who euewded in currying away about j'.l.i'iO ivorih of poll, silver, and plated ware. Tne ilneve-i forced, an entrance in the back part of the P iild ns, and aitT patherin up tneir booty made their escape. Splendid Fkbry Boat. The Camden und Philadelphia Stcamooat Ferry Company have commenced the construction of another new and substantial ferry, to run in connect! n with their other ones recently It is to be cm the same model sa the Cuiivlen, and finished iu a splendid ft) le. Drowned. One day lust week a little Bon of Mr. S. H. Miller, ol lVulsDoro, (iioueesier county, was drowned in Mantua creek. Uis little body was soon alter discovered and taken care ot. The Annual Festivals. The ladles connected with the different relt.2 ous societies in Camden are making extensive preparations to hold their annual strawberry ana Moral festi vals iu aid of their respective churches. New Church. The members of the M. E. Church ai. Loiipicouimtr are actively rmrujjed in erecting tor themselves a handsome church edifice. CITY INTELLIGENCE For Additional City Liiellitienee see Fifth Page. The Opening of the Centenary Movement. The centenary uiovenieut of the Methodist Church was inaugurated last evening Dy a meeting at Union Cuurch. Tne church was tilled, the principal ministers of the Philadelphia Conlerence occupying seats in the pulpit. Bishops Janes and Simpson, and Hev. (J. 1). Chennewick, troiu the Knst baUnuore Confer ence, and J. B. Dobbins, of the New Jersey Con lerence, were present. Dr. Mudal, oi Trinity Church, opened the meet ing with praver, the audience singing the hymn. 'All had the power oi Jesus' nutno!" Bishop Janes then addressed the congrega tion, lie said that the Methodist CJhurcti has always been a happy Cuurch. In trial and con flict "the people have been a cheertul, happy, contented people. The doctrine of the Cuurch, thai the Saviour tasied death lor every man, and that through His vicarious suUeriucs univer sal redemption has been ottered to the ivorid, w ith f-uch a doctrine the po.pel could not but inspire joy and gladness m all who heard it. The Church has always preached a practical religion. Presenting to th" people the couscious experience, the verity of the divine li le iu their hearts, it is not strannethat this people has been a happy and a successiul people. The Sun of the Church has lived iu it. it has penetrated its hie, sustained its children iu trial, and car ried them over the flood when they came down to the river side. " have mighty comfort with the Holy Ciho-t,'' said ilcddius, beiore he tell, stricken down without warning or nifl'eiiiig. in its hundred years of experi ence it has been characterized the Church. .Nor will tins general happiness cease. The present year will be tin: happiest ot the ions line olyeaih in which the CUurclihas flourished. The yiar cannot but be marked by signal success if the recommendations ot the (ieneral Conference be curried out. They recommended that all the services ot the centennial year should bo spiritual, aud that iu tae celebration wo do it with tuankniviim and with benevolent offering. Had they intended to increase the hapoiuess ol the Church to its fulkst measure, or had they intended to make the happiness ot the people lust as lull as it could be in the body, they could not have adopted a more perfect plan for the lultiliueut of this rosii.t. But the General Conference advises that the Church manifest ite gratitude by its benevolence, by contributing ol lis substance o susta.n the temporal interests ol the Church. The exercise of bcuevwleuce is the most pleasing ot all the emotions of the heart. The tollowing out of the Coher ence reeonimendutious will secure a year of universal happiness But the year must not alone be one ot happiness Ic must bo ma le the most uselul oi the church's history. The promise ot this is seen ulremiy. The Coulerencei are gaming streucth. Revival is agitating tue Church. From ine north and lhe south, the east and the west, the ChurcU is oeueirated by active eilort, and blessed w.tb special success. Never beiore were conversions so many. Never beiore were churches so V stiong innun bers, so nil in piOMRTity. me U freely given, will be tervent in laith, so signal charity of the Church, if freely given, will be a lesson to lnlluence irs character and a reel its fuuwe conduct, virtue is strengthened by exercise, and every gnee is improved Dy em ployment. Ii the Ch iich, iu its centenary year, will give live millions to purposes of practical benevolence, the progress and career of the luture veais of the Cuurch will be atl'ecied tor powerful good. Then all the Church debt could be paid. The literary and publication interests of the Church could be ad vanced, and it would clear the decks for ac tion. It would remove t je old incubuses that have crushed the Church aud stopped its pro gress. The Irish Evangelical Fund is one of the crippled agencies. Several yean ago the I rv-h people appealed for aid to' educate their children. They expected to obtain $100,000 lrom the American people. The church autho rises here promised this sum, and yet, only one half has been luruished, aud the rema, rider is needed. The people ot America will understand the difficulty of the Irish Conlerence when we state i hat its cut re bounds only contain one halt the number ot members ot Una Philadelphia Conlerence, aud out of these sparsely settled Methodists 800 to 1000. communicants aud 4000 aitenduu's annually -ernierat to America. What a power to influence the character of American emigrants! Another institution in the Mis;-ion Institution in Bremen, Germany. Here is one of the best institutions of the Church. In the student educated there is the true spirit ol the mis ionary work. The institution has been sustained bv the people at Bremen. Hut they are now $10,000 in debt, ii nd ueed additional buildings, and the Church here should handsomely endow the Bremen In stitute. The mission business of the Church is growing apace. This year $1,000,000 will be exnem.ed. The General Con'erence recom mended, as third spi ciiil object of considera tion in this centenary year, the endowment ot a Minion Hon"! in ftev York orelsewhere. When the misfionaries leave 'or the foreign missions they tlrat. top at New York lor a r'e days. They return sick Hnd wenr.v, and they must rest a soon as they touch land. The time is coinintr when the Church will send a raiss'onarya wee, and when from necessity one will bo coming home monthly, and the Chinch must pro. iile a missicn house. This is the only conncetio vil and monumental int rest in vvhlcn the Cluiieli will be called to invest In lunds. It ton Church will enter Into these purposes, with what S'ire proundwotk can it enff r in on the second cen tury tor the d'-stiny of Methodism! If it do", the year must be tiio most auccerstiil of its exist enee, and the Church will mnke nn advance tar onward in the evangeliza' ion of the world. Bishop Simpson lollowed. and describe J tHr proLTC-s of Methodism d urine the past cent irv. In lwr.fl there were 800,27 souls members ami probat onisfs In the Methodist Kpiscopal Church. Since that date nearly a million ot probntionists have been reported. Ifnriuir the same time about 00 000 deaths have been reported. The meetin aoloumcd, with the benediction by Kev. Autony At w ood. The annual celebration of the Tabernacle Sunday School, Chesnut street, west of B eh teenth, will be held on We Im s'lny (to-morro ) evening, at H o'clock. A splen lid program me has been furnished tor the exercises of the evening. The Woodland Prebjtcrian Church, Twenty fourth Ward hits eiven a call to Mr. Ilatcliile, a member of the lust glad uatiu class iu Princeton Seminary. The Satibath Srhool or the Memorial Presbv teiian Church, souihfsi corner of Twclith and Montgomery avenue.was organized last Sunday. lhe lamily ot Mr. Croz er. late ot Chester, P,i., have given in trust to ttie Baptist Publication !ociety, $50,000, as a missionary memorial tor lhe literary and theological instruction of free t inen, by menus of books and missionaries. The Seventh Presbyterian Church in this cit.v (Rev. Dr. Crowell'")' received tent.y-two per sons on profession of last Sunday. Of this number six were baptized. The Kev. II. C. Evans has been ele :ted rector of the Church ot the Messiah (P. E.), Port Rich mond. Letters have been recently received from Naples, stating that the health aud strength of Disliop Stevens are sfeadily increasing. The Board of Surveys. A stated meeting of the Board of Surveys was hold yes terday morning, President Kneass in the chair. Mr. Thomas Daly, Jr., recently elected a mem ber ol the Board to till the vacancy occasioned by the death ot his father, assumed the usual oath ot ollice, and took his seat. Deed of dedication lor a street in the Twenty sixth Ward, to be called South Marshall street, was read and referred tj the City Solicitor. A communication unking lor a se ver on Ninth stieet, from Heed to Moore, was, upon motion, refenea to Mr. Close, that he nneht inform the petitioners of the proper mode of applieati in. An application of Kdwin Kirk pa trick, execu tor of the estate of David Kukpatrick, tor a drain on Arch stieet, between Fourth and Filth, was reierred to a committee, who reported ad verse 1o the petition, as it will require a larger sewer than than is asked for. Tue resolution w as agreed to. A deed of dedication for Grant street, in the Twenty-sixth Ward, was reierred to Mr. Dalv, Jr. An application for a sewer on Cuba street, between Morris and Moore, was reierred to a committee, who reported a resohuion autho rizing a teninch vitrified pipe at expense of petitioners. Agreed to. Aiesolution authorizing a two feet six-inch sewer, inlet, and manhole on Alder street, be tween Poplar aud Giraid avenue, was agreed to. In the matter ot the application tor a sewer on Jetferon street, between Thirteenth and : Broad, several remon.-trances were presented, when the committee to whom the petition was reierred explained away the ground of remon strance. A resolution authorizing a two feet six inch sewer, inlet, aud manhole, on Ithoads street, between Eighteenth ami Nineteenth, was agreed to. The committee on petition for sewer on Oxford street, troiu Milllm to west side of Sixth street, presented a report aud resolution authorizing a three feet sewer, which was agreed (o. A resolution authorizing a two-feet six inch jewer, and one inlet, one manhole on Market street, Horn Forty-flrst to Wyoming, was agreed to. , on motion, the matter of the reduction of width of Poweltou aveiiiie was taken up. Mr. Miller moved that the consideration ol the case bo postponed until the next stated meet ing, and that the psrties interested be advised of the action ot the Bouid. Agreed to. The Board then adjourned. I'olice Cases. On Thursday night la-st, the houe ot Mr. J. Taylor, in We-ii Philadel phia, was entered and robbed of wines valued at about $500, No trace of the thief could be found until yesierday atternoon, when Ollicers Leavitt and Ferris, ol the Third District Police, ascertained that two men had rented a room over the store of Patrick Moore, in Lurk in street, below Lombard, and stored therein seve ral casks of wme. They proceeded to that place and lound such to be the cae, and arreste I two partieK, who gave the names ot V. D. Biown aud Henry Alexanoer, upon tne charge of having committeu the rotbery. While they were being corveyeel to the Station House, Brown broke loose from Otlicer Leavitt and attempted to eicape; alter an exciting chose he wasovertaken, and again arrested. He was held in $15)0 baU by Alderman Butler to answer at Court. Alex ander was locked up for a bearing. Thomas Koach, arrested on the charge of shooting John Maxley, on Saturday evening, in Bedford street, near Kightb, had a hearing be fore Alderman Tittennory, yesterday, and was committed to await the resuit of Maxley 's Inju ries. The phvsician who has charge of Maxley, at the Hospital, considers the wouud a danger ous one. Maxley denies that ic was done in sport, as Roach asserted, but says that ic was the result of an old grud ge. Kapidly Progressing. The Che3nut street biidge is now almost ready for the passage of lhe street cats. In a month the con nection between the two side of the river will 1 "e compiere. me oritiae is now bo neaiiy J ljnM)eaJ tbllt comrauu)ca,i0n is unbroken t.tween the abutments. Ot course no travel is i .n.,! n,. i.i,in tu h,,u. ..t. o,.u be complete. The bridge is now so nearly j Qrin .iHi.,, in n,n .i,ii, ti itp,i,.tr unH the adjusting aud transportation ol the ponder otis road-way plates would render any attempt to cross the bridge perilous. On the West Phila delphia side of the river the Chesnut and Walnut Street Railway Company nre laying their tracks. Wnentho bridge opens on the nrtoi juiv, taere will bo two lines ot communication between the western boundaries of the 1 wenty-fourth and Tweutv-sevenih Wards. Mr. Lorenzo Somerville has lust returned lrom Kurope. While there he published a vol umeol poeuii entitled ' Kros,,' lrom the press of Trubuer & Co.. Loudon, which was very acceptably received. JILLWAUD & WINEURENEU. WM, MILIWARD, d. s. W'ijvKhrknkr, MACHINERY AND MANUFACTURERS' SUPPLIES, 'o. 118 JTABKET Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. AGEVrS FOB TUB SAI.K OV ' Cctton and Woollen Machinery, Pea era in Manufacturers' Supplies of every do. erlptfon. t Cak Tanned Leather Beltini?, AND MACHINE CAHD CLOTHING Ol Lett duality aud manufacture. 1 2 3iurp .MUEiV.Ef.TS. t: islky's v o m i s n n l J-i fXCHASiiK. ticice ta iO 1 p " oi ac neen.cct D to t.H o'o ick an evrntnu. N -. VV H mn uf nrio "i nij A MkRICAN ACADBMY OF MUSIC. flAZZANKM'S IIHAtill HfcNTREE. T). dc Vivo ro"if'ctfu'lir announce, that MM. M.ihir IT J iZZAMO. the pra't 'I rug c 1'rlina Donna anil thn (treat fnrnrue j ire public i flii aiieielxn. will mane Ler renm-e. alter alx tears, In a OrAiul (' ncn. U FhllMY KVKNIMl. .titnn , And will Uve a i.ran.i katl.eo, on NAX'l KDAT, Juno f), at 'IM o'clock, avMHied 1 y 8IO ANTASI the relerrale1 Tenor ill Gratia from i.rau' Opera. 1(1 Alti AVA 1. he we l-knon llnrl'oue. SKi. H oli.K H AL'f.K the celetiruteU Vlulnncellla'. SIU. AL1.1 E dui ciil ulrectoi arel oudjetor. Ailiels Ion to Panniet, Parq'iet t irele, ami hHli ony 1 1 1 no extra charge lor renervtil seal a family Circle (0 ceo a '1 1, e aa'e orTlrketa commences on Velneda. at DA. M. hi the f CHlem o' Music nnd at i ruuipler'a Mii"io Slure HeteniD and bernut atice a. 6 641 TKW iHKSNLT STKKKT I'UKATItK. JJN CHCHM'T Street, aboT iweinh. I KONAKI) tiKOVKK & WILLIAM K. MNN. Losses and Vannuera. WILLIAM r. KI.NS Resident Mananer liuora onen at 7 3U. urtuln riae at 8 Hl-.t'iiNI AM) L'l -Vf.KR Oi il. e linil'ant and VerxAtilc Wr lib PlH'lfcKS, WelJH tTK, MTS'L. ai4 AM) KMM A. MIHSr.x ADA AND KMVIA LAST W ILK OF THE fALL AND WINTER Ht.AsON 1 lie per' rniancc will eoinineiice with the Spectacu ar I rania, In two ac a. entitled tue K KlY THIKVR4. KOHTV HIIKVl-'.i. tOUTV TIIIEVKH m Allfa K t M V WEItH Blnrvaii'a Miss AI)A Whltll To couclute with the Protean Knrce ol 11 Kl K M litKll.l) 'IPHIf K M HKie'.l. TIiriCE VtARRU.I). M If B IMMA W ll.. In Km U rll R A.CTEKS ATl'KDA Y AFlV.KNOOM .nine II. I.AM HIB PI-TEIC M T1 N ' K. LAST WKHK eI8Tr.B8 MAIINrE. AdrnlKfllon to eveninw perioiumnce, '&'o.. Wo., and 91. T A L NUT8 T It K fci f Til IA T K h. VV N. K. eornrr 6tlTH aud WALSOT Streets IlCKins (limner to 8. 'mix Ciueadav) EVENING Jane S. Ihlrty-einlitb Night ot the l.rl Engagement ot WK. El'WIN MOOlll. M II J-DWIN HOOUt, UK. KDWIN BOOTH, w ho w ill appear on tlila occaal"D a-t TIIK JtL KL'd J KSTER, in Tom Taj lor 'a 'I rairedy ot TUE roOU'8 REVESUE. Bertucclo Mr I) WIN BOOTH Iicll A null a Mr Charles Barron To conclude win the beautiful Comedy ot FAINT HEART JSEVfcK WON FAIK LtDT Rny (iomex Mr. J. II I'arlor WeuneBoay-THE HTKMU' R and HONEYMOON. Thuradav-THK FOOL'S RKVENGE. I halra necured three day in advan "a. MRS. JOHN DKEW'S MCW AKCU STREET THKATRK CUA.nOK OF IIVB. Heglns at S o'clock Curtain rlHesat7. RL-H OAtiK MLKT FOU SIX MUIITM OSLY OF The lleautlloi and Brilliant M1MS LICY RI HIiros, M1H LUiJY KL'nlllON, when she wl'l appear In THREE DIFFERENT Ctl ARAC'TERS. THIS EVENING. And Every Evening till lurthcr notice the new Romantic l'lay. TH K "FA FIO VF.R. THK SEA FLOWER MISS LrrY RUSUTON as Patrice Laouche WIHe LUCY' KCbHTON aa ioe Sea Flower JllfS LUCY RUSUTON as Lucv Latouehe Friday Farewell lienellt ot .VIlss LUCY KU8U 10.V Scats pecured lx dava In advance. NEW AHERIOAN THEATRE WALNUT Street, above Elehtb. NEW MAJJAGF.-MENT. FAMILY RESORT. EVERY EVENING. The world-rtnowned H,LON BROTHERS. The Greatcdt Gyinnastg ot the Ace MAP'LLE ZaNFKKITa and the SIKOR1ST FAMILY, with a popular lrania and fraice. Mnllnee every Suturdoy Atternoon. 6 4 6t Q O N 0 E 11 T II A L L, CHESNUT STREET, AT10YE TWELFTH. MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT AND TABLEAUX, BY THE ANE STREET GIRLS' SECONDARY SCHOOL. BIGNOR BLITZ has aiao kind'y consente.1 to perioral eouie ol his lulu.lublo feata on the occasion. THURSDAY EVENING, Juuo 1, at 8 o'clock. Dnors open at 7 o'clock. '1 luK et 'ib cents. Sicarea seats 50 cents; for sale at tliet-chuo! House, filbert aircet. above Seventh (list lloor or by any oi the echolura; a so at the Hall on tUo iveuiua rf ibe enteriaiiiineut. 651 S S B M B L Y BUILDING S. LAST TURfcE DAYS OF THE WONDERS OF NA i I EE, THE CAROLINA TWINS. Two Inielllgint Ueods ou one body. Pronounced by the Medicai tucultv oi tnlscity the AlOSl' ASiONISU 1NG Fi.tAK OF NaTUKE u If OKI) June4.ft,and OPEN DAY aND e-Vl-'NINO. Exhibitions iruui 10 A.M. to S P. M., and lrom 8 to fl P.M. Admission 2&ccnta. Children, IS ctnU. 6 4 Q. Y 31 N A'S I U M FOR LADIES, Of NT LEAI ES, AND CHILDREN. N. E. Ct'HSER OF NIMH ANDAKOU SlUEtTi. OPEN EVERY DAY AND EVENING, AI L MJMiiEK. Bofll'y exeiclse Imparls health und strcnHth. the best preventive u.' Btnst tlckuess o the coining summer iMiliu Pro'iatcra UjLLKHItAM & LEWIS. yA THE PIANOS WHICH WE MANU- K t If factare recommend themselTes. Ae piomlsc i.. our tuitrnim cn'i.r beuuiliul tuues. elcvant workman ship, durabi lly. anu reasonable prices, combined wt h a luil guurantee. ror sale ou yui AO. Iui7 WaI.M'1 "TtHS UNION BIANO MANUFACTUWSQ CO, DYEING, SCOURING, ETC. ltl,EtIl STEAM StOlUIMi ESTABLISHMENT, No. 510 RACE Street. We beg tcave to draw vour particular attention to out new French Mum Scouring Kstuhhstiu ent the tlrst aud only one ot Its kud in thia city. V do not dve, but bj a chtiiilcul proceaa res ore Ladles', Gentlemen's, an Clilluren'a Garments to their original status, wimou injuring them In tie least, while pi eat experience aud the Lett n acbinery trout France enuble us to warrant penect aatiaiuction to ail wbu may lavor ui with ttieli patronage LADIES' DREssKH. of ever, deacuptkjii wilh or without Iranniings, are cleaned and IIiiIhIibo vi liliout being taken apurt, whether the color Ib genuine or nut. Opera Clonks and Mantillas. Curtains. Table Covers, Carpets Velvet Ribbons, Kid Gloves, etc.. cleaned and rennlsbed In the best manner Gen lumen's puinmer aud V Inter Clothing e eaued to pcrtecti n without In jury 10 the stull A ao Hugs and banners All kinds ol stains r moved without c tuning ibe whole. All orders are executed under our Immediate supervision, and atMnctiou puurHUtced In every Insiance. A call and examination ol our process la rukpectlully solicited. aaVat ALISEDYLL & MAUX, 12mtbs No 610 RACE Stieet DAXSEK'S AYASISIXG HAtllIXE JJoNt in tlie City. IT SAVES TIME, SAVES LABOH. SAVES CLOIIIES. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD' U.WJS ON L'. For sale at the Furniture Store ot Agents Wanted. J. HAAS, 52 No.Si; MARKril' hait. p n e sxTiTs c ix i n e h, tFor many years connrcied with MITCHELL'S SA LOONS. Ko 62 t HESNUT Street), would respectfully Inlorni Ms lrlends and the public (leuerally, that be has opened an Ice Cream and Refreshment Saloon, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AT Ko. I 121 CHESNUT STREET, (GI HARD ROW), Where be hopes, bv strict attention to business, to merit the patronage of all who mur lavor him with their cus tom. JACOB II. BCKDSW.L l liiLAPIiLliiiA, Way, lBOti. 5 IHm CARPETING3, &o JUST RECEIVED. YARD-AND-A-IIALF-WIDR . VELVET C A 1 P E T , yW DsrGs. i. r, & e ii. or. r,, No. 904 CHESNUT STREET. 3-4 7-8, 4-4, '5-4, 6-4, WUITL IthD, AND FANCY C A IS T O N M A T T I N O S. J. F. iK: E. n. OIINE, No. 904 CHESNUT STREET. ENGLISH RRUSSELS, I OR STAIRS AMD MALLS, WITH EXTRA BORDERS. J. F. & E. 15. 0UNE, No. 904 ' CHESNUT STREET 500IIECES XF.W PA TI E US S ENGLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. J. F. & E. B. 0RNE, No. 904 3 20 3natp C II-E S N U T S T RE E T. "QLEN ECHO MILLS," GERMAN TOWN, PA. JItCALLlMS, CREASE & SLOAN, Mauuffteinrfcr), Importers, aud Whole Male Dealers lu CARPETING S, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, Etc. WAREHOUSE, Ko. 509 CHESNUT STREET, orrosiTE TUB STATE noURK, Philadelphia. ltKTAU, DLPAKTMENT 3 6 3mrp No. 510 CHESNUT STREET. SHIPPING. -ff)f?A, FOR SAVANNAH, GA. THE PHILADELPHIA. AND 80UTHBRN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REOWHR LINE, SAILING EV'KBY SATURDAY. The new and splciulld steamships Pltor KR Captnln !'. F. Hoxle TONAWANDA ( aptuiu Jacob leal ( abln i assane a .' .'JJUiin Dick. Parage 8vu The r teamshlp " T O N A W A N D A ," TEAL, COMMANDJlK, Will commence receiving- froliiht for the above por, at 11a( t street Wharf, ou MoX DA If, Juno 4, at 1 o'clock A M. shippers are reqacsted to send bills ol ladlug with tlielr kooiIs. The Sta'o-room accommodations of this steamer are ol a superior and commouious character. Freight taken lor Charleston, S. o , aud lbrwardcd via Savannah with Ulok despatch. No bills ofludiui! signed alter vesel leaves the wharf. H. ct J M. e'LA AHA N, No. 420 South IiKLaW ARE Avenue. For freight or paasa1(.flp(.lyjtoiAM q Freight and Passenger Agent, 6:5tf No. 8ti8 North HKLAW ARK Aveuuo. Fpfri hamill's Passage opficf. all1, ' 1 'ANCHOR LINE Ot bTKAM KRS," i.lBF.HSIA," "COI.liiaBIA, "CALK DO. MA." "CAhriRlA, 'IiRITANNlA," "INDIA.' lFvISkVoOL LONDONDERRT, BELFAST, DUBLIN, hfcWKY, ( OliK, AD ULaSOOW. RATE.1 Olf PA?HAtiK, PAYABLE IN PAPEBCUBBENCT. CABINS !, $a0, and 7i' fcTEtRAOE 3 IHK PAID CKRiIFDATEH Issued for bringing out passeniiera irom tne above ooiuts at LOWER RATES THAN AST OTHER USB. Atl'.LATlONS ON THE IRISH RAILWAYS. SPECIAL N Ol lCE Paaaengsri will take particular notice tii at the - Anchor I Ine" ibe only line yrantinn tlnouKh ilckets at ttie above ratvstroin HlillaiU-liihla to the points named ubove, and tbut the undrrsiaued la tlia only autliorUed Agent In l-aliaUlplua. Aoulrto w-A Ha-'LL, Wf Sole Ageot for "AN CIK) tt LINK," 1 15 No. !17 WALNUT Street. .JT" s FOR KMV YdUK. PI1ILADEL JaawSiiiiSS delphla Steam propeller Comuaav Do. buuu u swiusiire Lines.vltt Delaware and Rarituu Canal, leaving dai y at U SI. and ft P. SI., cuiiuevtiug WIUi all Nortbi ru and Enatern lines. for I'reiklit vihlcb v.iil betakennpon arcommodutln terms, al ply to W ILLIASI M. BA1RII ;& CO., SIB F' No. lMti DhLAWARE Avenue rV0 SHIP CAP1AINS AND OWNERS. TUB 1 nnderalgned bavmg leased the KF.(SINOTON CKEW Dot K.bega toimonu bis frienus and Hie patron, oi ibe Dock thai he la prepared with lncreaseo (acliltloa to accommodate those baving vesse a to be raised or repaired and being pracilcal shlp-carpeuter and caulker. i lglve personal aiteutlou tu the veauols en. trusteo to him 'or repair. . , . ( autaiua or Agents. MilP Carpenter, and Mafbln'stf having vescels to repair, are aoilelled to call. Having the agency for the aa.e of ettemtedt'a Patent .Vletallic ( omposition" lor t opper Paint for the piecervatinn of vesselx' boitoms, lor tins city, 1 iU1 pre paied iu lurnUu tbeaame oayor, fmn Kens ngton Herew Dtc, 1 IS DELAWARE Avenue, ubove l-A UREL Street , . STAMPING IN COLORS r.RATIS.-A FINR aaeortoient ol F.ngllfli French and (iermau PAPER Al KNVfcLOPES. The latest London and Paris "tvle ot VIM I1NU AND WLDD1NU CARDS. A large s ock ot ., POCrIi-BOOKS. KMV.,ot,r, poHTTOT-ns. and every description 01 Stationary at rasouubl Pr""'' MON'OtiRAMS F.NOHAVF.n, R HO-KIN.-I A OO., Stationers mid Card Kuyravert, ftlbluirp No. 913 ARCU Street FINANCIAL. U. 8. SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., BANKERS & BROKERS, 16 8. THIRD ST. I blLAPKLrlllA. 3 NASSAU ST. SEW TOKK. STOCKS AND GOLD LOI GUT AND SOLD CV COXMISSaOA, HERE AND ih NEW YORK. il jJAVlEM JUIIOTIII&IS!, No. 225 DOCK STREET, lJANKl'IKy AND UltOKEUS, BUT AND fELL CNITED STATES RONDS 1F81S, -20a, 19 40 t'MlEIl ST ATES 7 3-Ids. ALL ISSUES. CKRTiriCATES OF INDEBTEDNESS iie n antlie Paper and Loans on Co laterals oepoliatco Stocks P.ctnLt and Eold on Ccn.miaalon. 1 31 & JJ A K T E R, D U US BY4C O. BANKERS, STOCK AM) EXCUASGF 13 HO K Fits, No. 55 S, THIRD STREET, rilll AbELPIllA. Stocks and I cobs bouplit and told on Commtrsion (Jncurient Kanlt Notes, Coin, Etc., bought and sold fc pedal ttttntion paid to the purcha-e and salt) of Oil 8'ocks. Deposit received, and Interest allowed, a per agreement. 86 3m TTIE FIRST NATIONAL BANK HAS REMOVED1 During the erection ol the Dew Bank building, TO 1 17 p No. Q3 CHESNUT STREET 520 S.F I V E - T W E N T I E S. " 7'30s SEVEN-THIRTIES WANTED. BE HAVEN & BUOTIIEIt, 1 7 No. 40 S. Third Street. SHIRTS, FURNISHING GOODS, &e SCOTT & ca. SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, AND DEALERS IN MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, No. 814 CHESNUT Street, FOUR DOORS BiLOW THE "CONTINENTAL," 886 5rp PDILADELPHIA. PATENT SIIOULDER-SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, AND GENTLEMEN'8 FURNISHING 8TOUE. TERFECT FITTING SHIR18 AND DRAWERS made irom measurement at very short notice. All ctber aitlcles of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS In lull Taiiety. WINCIUOSTBU & CO., 8 24 S No. 106 CHESNUT Street. LA PIERRE HOUSE, BROAD STREET, BELOW CHESNUT, PHILADELPHIA. The undtriirnrd having leastd tlio abovo favorifo bouse, and having Eeiitted and Refurnished it Throughout - in the most Elegant Manner, IT IS NOW OPEN FOR HIE RECEPTION OF GUESTS. The rcfrnt Proprietors will spare no pains to maintain the cbaiactor it lias aiwaya enjoyed aa homg one ot the lest of the FIRST-CLASS HOTELS Of the country, and those who favor them with their patronage may be assured that 'tiothinv will tie h it undone to secure the comfort and satisfaction of their guests. BAKER & failey. Wat 12. WA. 5 I21mrp rpiB OLDEST AND LARGEST SADDLE AD HARNESS UlNCACTURING ESTABLISHMENT IN THE COUNTRY. LACEY. 3IEEKER & CO., No, 1216 CHESNUT STREET, OFFEK OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE I HI CGY HARNErB, lrom ta 50 to tlftO L GUT BAROL'CUE .do SO 00 to 3.M) HEAVY do .do 750toS(Ni EXl'RI SS.HRASS MOUNTED 11AHNES8 27 80 to 90 N AtlON ND SEl.F-AtJCSTING 15(i0 to 30 STAGE AND TEAM do 30 00 to 60 LADJEV SADDLE, do 12 00 to 1J0 GENTS do do 81)0 to 78 Rrldlea, Mountings, filta, Roaetta, Uoraa Coven Hruatiea, Combs. Poapa, ltlacking. Ladlea' and Genu Travelling and Tourist Buns and Backa, Lunch Basket) Dri s k and Shirt Caaea, Trnnka aud Valines. 86mrp Mo. l;ilt CI1KSN UT ST. Jj S T A B L IS HE D 17 9 5. A. S. ItOBINSON, French Plate Looklnix-GIasscs, ENGRAVINGS PAINTINGS, DRAWINGS ETC Manufacturer of all kinds of Eoolcing-Glase, Portrait, and Pic ture I'Vanien to Order. , No. 010 CHESNUT STREET. TI1IBD POOB ABOVE THE CONTINENTAL, PUILADSLFOIA, 8 15 MEDICAL. yox poruL i . UIUGUT'S a Alt SYHUP. PRINCIPAL DEPOT, No. 1 South TIJIRD Stree I ricn, $1-C0 per B ttlc;f 5 C0 for bnir-a dozen. The rrlpud cltlzrtia take p eanr In cheenully ret (tint n-li g tl.e ue of Wrttl t a lar Bjrup lot c U).l,i toltla, conaon plit n lionping-eouirn, atwuted irtr, ler e u ji a tit, ri'ln In the tirenat, hrenchtciH. mtannai.n ai d rrnnelmn oi air vehae a in the lunua. eie. 1 e r n 1 1 j flic uld l)o In every thmilv t 1 nrlea C. W i ton Fnrnot I'rm i flii . I ea H. I.ral.rn, SuKlfif ittrcur ollice. .Ifnti'(kn A(,""rnce S i i It. in F. I, Ahfociaie4 Treaa Wil n. in 11. t an tti er Jtre Alarm and Tollcel r irn.h tilth ii mi i In nun atreeta. .'. hai-rli iph Fiolit and imliard atreeta. Jtn.ej W. i trrlne Ko II -j Charles a. reel. II. A.l'avla Ko. K Gaakl 1 ureet ,ldn VNtn i'alde No lil Fiank in afreet. 1 ( I ert '1 1 n r' n No. It (a alter atreet. It. A.aren. No. fc.hl'iai kiln a rret. J Gehkitl No 7SI S. eeoml aireet. John t-eininr No. lh. rient atreet. t. W . lioviard. No IDoek atreet H. C. 1 art eit No. H. econu atreet L. Vaira No. 5 Arih atrret A 1 f rt :rtin. o 411 Second atreet M ar; ( a deif No Ii$2 Sanponi street. V 'I In n.ea. o. i0 K. Fourth atrot t I. W. erth No. 1 9 K retu'a alley, t corjie Vi I aon. No 236 Race Htfet. V . F Rtoeka, No.6 North ecenl atreet SI J liauM tt. No. MB I anal h. en lllr Roce RiiHleion. C) ar a Rivera, No. tel Hem!) atreet. li. 1 . V e lua t.n, eend and Unatrv atreeta V .V.Ilun na Ko. 1:!8 South lxt atrtet I I Inn lams. No Mft t-oiith rent a reet ft. F. hantord, ( pera Jlarai,er. ,il r alaa.nn f renr ot No 134 N'orlh Pecond atreet I X rt. S. R. lie ate, Newark. Del. . Ilr mitkmP. Wrohn fm : We lake treasure In reeenimendlrg your TAB SYI.IT (of which we liave already to d I'ouKiclamli a quHtltieai aa a wont exce em anu eftn aelona remedy ioi tl e eoifplalnta aet until In vour printed Dill alrealj" a ul n llieu to the put lie. A a iraiilvit'd aet to aulterlna; h mi anity w e wll i deerm W recommend )onr prepara tion to a 1 tfl Ictrd with diseases which II u designed t cuie. Toura.tto., ,,a . DllKf ft PON, Drn(i(iia, N, E. corner Fine aud Hlxtb atreeta. For a t lo at . JUllKouS, J'OLIOWAT C0WDEN'9, DYOTT 4 C O M. A nd all principal Drui all s and Dealer. Th antacrlher wou'd l es; leave mrther to nT thn5 le is iiepnrta to 11.1 orders aid torward the Kyrup tu ant purt ol the reumrv. l'r-on deaTinn other Inior mai li n I y n ail will inciese a poatape aiamp and anaweral l l lereiurmd aa aoou as the eileneki ol busluesfl wbi admit Address WILLIAM B. WRIGHT, i 8 20 Vo "1 P. Tlllhli (-'net Ibladelphla Fa. C II O L E 11 A DISARMED!!! .'he Chief Causes of Pestilence Destroyed. DR. E. COl RTARtT'8 DISIN FF. TINO FLUIDS, lecured It I ft era latent In the Vntted Ptalea and tin Liu. I repared sole y hy the .ew York lilliilrcilnit t on pany, at their Laboratory Noa. i! 8, 8(KI. and IIF.NUY ttrcet, JSew York; Ollxe, Ko. 42 t ED Ait btreet '1 his Company cir-nnuetl on a permanent basis, wltit Dr. ( ouriaret the celeLrated French t bemist. In chariest ot Its laboratory, la preparad to lunilsh Its Dihikvkct iso Ki.iii'8 lor kick rooms, numerics urhiala. wator e ofets, privies, cesf pools, sewers, nutters, ships, rall roada hoapltals prisons and public hiMltutions ol alt kinds, saui.hter-h(oas, ollal and iat-bol.intr extabllsli' nimlBi a lklnaatl uiauuras ( n.menie w Increailng tha vulue ot the latter to every tanner) and wherever pot-. sodous and oflenslve gaaa exist. These an'uia are de odorizers antheptlca antiputreacentH, and dtalniectanw In the scientific meaning oi the words. They remove noxious ia(i ind edoia by chemical principles Ifavidft In their p aces heal lit ui air; they are dksthoteus, and no i ti tr- ubtt rfc. n ol poisonous liases not Injurious to utensils In which they are ui-ed. 'I tie at entlon oC m'dical and acietitltlc n.en is dlreo ed to these dislnl'eo tants. Attached ore test Imon a s In lavor of thla ttreat ctii-coverr. w hich, w ith hundreds oi others, can he seen at 'he ( ompany'a Dblavam UoifcB Albany. March 80 1866 To the President ol the New Y'otk Disinfecting; Company Dear Mr: It is all it la reoreni nted to be Webav made many trials ot r Imnicctants, bu' now consider that we have lound an article which surpasses ah otheta aas rttneuv atiuli at a'l bad odors. T. 1.01.8HEL, & CO. ' Mw York, April 9. lbtm. To the Pieslden' ol tha Kew York Disln ecting t cnipany-Dear Mr i We pro nounce It without exception to lo tl e btst ve b .ve evet knowi', ItH ellcct upon every mutter Is complete anil I tiftantaneous. C. A. ' 1 L'l SUN, Alitor House. K . It. 1 hesc Dlslniectants ate uned hy the scavenxers, under the dlrfctli.n oi lhe fanitai.v lo Ite 01 tho Motion pO'dan Ilealih Depurliiient Kew Y'ork VOWH.L 'IHOaiH-ON, No42 CEDAR St. K. T. General and SoIoAsenta lor the Vnltcd males and thai ( aneiina. to w hi in all orders should be addressed For ante hy all DrtiKxii'tN and Ceueral Deaiers In tha Cnited Hales aud Cutiadas. 5183m . DR.LESSEY'8 VEGEIABLK PILLS CURF Dyspepsia Dlarrho?a. Rheumatism, Hh k Head ah, and all oeranements of the Liver Ttiy purUV. the blood and uiate the skin SHtt aud talr Ker sale bjr Dr. I.KfSFY Ko 3'-i3 S. N1KTU Mreit Philadelphia, and hy DrntBstsiienerall- . i Aatnini, I. J . Buiiicmnct mo "r. j.eaaey iec flirt 1 1 rvs me ureal pit a-uro to add mv testimony la favor ot jour ' Vegetable Liver Pi Is " I had been afliicud with ('cranked . onoitlon ot tho Liver for tea . I years, und. curing that time, sutler, d intensely Irora t acrid rotn atoniach tuid bowels, at rlouxlr piostiatliiK ii y physical aidn.nitul enemlea lor weeks . at a time, so much to tin' niv lie was despaired of. but tti oufhaklid FruviiHnce, I was Introduced to uu, and by the u."Oi our Hi s I have been wonder ltiliv HMorcti, not bavina had an attack o mv old com p'alt t or lost a ainule HBLoatb seivlco. '' hey act like a cbartn Mud It not been tor them, I nave no Coubt L shou d have been lain asle irom the in I nl' try I must oud a iew lines m lavor of vour ' Life Pr serer ' or V.ftctal le l.lnliient I have used I. for r rya'peiaa Scalds and Hums -nd Inflammations: it nroduces ren.nrkable resul's I wa cared of a vorr Imo poie hy lis use Many ol my neighbors are urlntf It, aud It gives universal Fatlaiaction .t snould be In every houfe. Yot'rs, KV. J TL 8TO' KTOV, 4 28taths:m TI'IRD Street, c amdeu, X. J. V A KVIN'S S A F S. MABVIN'8 SAFES. tiT MAKVlN'i tAFKS. Lif" MAUVlS'a SAFE . ANOTHER SUCCESS 1 AN HHh,n fcUCCES- t ANoratu .suociiss GREAT FIRE IS CUABLKbTONI MAHVIN'S TA IENT TKIUMPUANrl Measrs. W. M. Bjeo & Co.. Charleston, Maya, lfliJ j Gentlemen : I feel It adutv I owe you to express miy entire sails laction In regard to Marvin's, lor which, you are apents. They have proved a l you have recom mended. In the great Are on King stri ct, Apr'l 5. whloh, dos roved "Hohb's" block, and my euttro stoci of gro ceries and lhiuors, my books and papers were preserved, In good condition, and It atlbrda tne great pleasure to testify to the excellent quality ot thexe safes as they aro Justly entitled to the Dlbi-st commence ot tha public, Respectluily yours, n, . , , , . W. I. TKIM. 1 he al.ove Safes for sale bv MA11VIX & CO., Ko. Til CHKSSDT Street, . , (Masonic IialM, I'bllaile pfil.i, 5 28 12t andKo2ti.t 11 COaDWAV, New Y..ik. RANDALL & CO, FLEFUMERS ANL IMPORTERS, No. I3C2 CHESNUT Street. Fine Fntrlish Toilot Soaps," J IX GREAT VAlilETY JLRTRECKlViD. Also. Trlpie Frctih I x tracts and I'ertumea. e have ccr.btuiit ly on baud t verv variety o PERFCMLRY AM) T01LKT HFyl'IHIlfH Fxtrects, Powders Colonnea. fomadea Toilet Vtuler. bbaung Lltiimi (.OfUii tloueg- leotu l'.ist. Pruahes. etc. . 1 ,iu ' s p n i n (j BELDIKO OF EVIiRY DESCEIPf iOH, - hom:samo and uktaii,,' - AND MATKUIALS fOK THE 8A VK BlSf Ql'ALl'lY AND SIYLE OP M ATTltESSKS. J. S. FUCLER, 4 lt-iutl 8ni Ko. 9o. SEVENTH S io.:,