THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1800. 5 CITY INTELLIOEN UE Fvr AMdUmal Local Ikm Bet Third rage. Tint Ska mdb Sfiawl. It miy perhaps not be ten. rally known that thi-re t' In Pniladelphia tnanoiartorv ot shaws in xephyr ani Horlin wool, that rtral In leaty and delicacy of texture the pro ductions of th looms ot Iranoe. On account ol their erpropriaUnes to watering placet thev have been christened "1 be 8ea-sWlo," aud ths liama in 'a sursrotive one. 1 hey are adapted 10 the heated airs ol sanimr, when persons are enjoplng thoir ofiuia rum dipnilnte in thxir "Cottage by the Sea." Thujr are ol great variety of pattern, ranging from entire simplicity to the most ornat- and elaborate styie. As specimens of 1'niladeiphla manufacture, they are worthy of limpection. Jt strikes us that th'ty are destined to take ihe place of the opera cloak when they are sufficiently well known. Alter makinf a minute examination ot an tho diriorent varieties we must say thai do hmg moretastciui has ever boea furnished 10 our market. Another fact in retard to these shaw'a Is that they re o'd at a lower rico than any other of equal beaatr and value. Like all other mien material, thev muM, ol uecctmt-, be paid tor; but we imagine that the iuvp'imi rt will he a paying one. I'hov have leen bat a Bhort time in the market, but hare already become popular with the ladies. We sugoont to those about to purchase in s article of cotume that they can Di g them ol all styles at the establishments ol Edwin Ha'l Co , Cnrwen stoddart & Co., John W. Thomas, J C. Hrnwbridno fc Co., llomnr, Co la day A t'o , J. M. HahYigh it Co., John Zeb!cv, Jr., E. K Leo, I. It. Go'lfrny, Yard k. Co., Prico & Wood, Owen Evans & Co. J. W. Procter ft Co., John C. Fryor, Win. T. Reed & Co., Jm.' K. Camp bell ft Co i J. K. Kltter ft o., Tag ft Co., Simp son ft Co., agnew ft li.Br ish and, in tart, at all the first-class dry-goods establishments. The? are composed of tho Terr best matrrials, and are not only elegant but durable We arc gratified to know thai we have aitisans in our midst competent to the task of producing a shawl o sucn cxquiiito work manship As the Capo May and Atlantic City season is rapid y approachm-r, we expect to se upon tho beach a number ot "tea-Sides" .upon the pur. sous ol our popular Attempted Burglaries. Some time this morning or last night an attempt was made to rob tho dwelling No. 1817 Dolancev plaoo. The thieves hnd bored several holes through tho back shutter, and while continuing at their work, it is supposed, were alarmed and ran off. Mr. Vogcl's establishment, Chesnut street, above Tonth, was entered lust n'gbt bv forcing open the cellar-door. The burdar bored several holes through tho floor, In order to get up stairs, but Und ine It not an easy ta-k, thev left without securing anv plunder. The thieves locked tho cellar-door alter them with a new padlock. Robbing A Market Wagon. This morn ing throe men jumped into a market wagon at Second and Coates streets, with the eriduut intent ionof rob bing it. 1 bo polico coming along two of them jumped out, and ran off, but tbe third party was captured. Bo gave ' ho name ol .Samuel i'arks, and was taken belore Alderman To'and, who commuted him in do lault ol if UXK) buil lor a lurther hearing. 1 ho moil who escaped secured a small sum of money. Falpk Pretenses. A man named M. Jlhtz lias been bound over by Aldormau White, upon th 3 chargo ot obtaining money under fnlse pretenses. It appears tha' a Keeper of a disorderly bouse, who had been arrested, had Riven $30 to the defendant to stop proceedings in the case, but lie bad not done so. The keeper ot tho house then sued him upon the chargo sptculed above. House Entered and Robbed. At an early hour this morning, Mr George Zinco's Hour store, at New Market and Brown streets, was entered by lorciug open the hack window shuttors Tbe thief maae his wav to the bud-chamber of Mr. Zinco, and Btolo lrom tho pocket of a pair ot pantaloons banging near the hid tho sum of $175. Altor help ing himself to a lew other articles the robocr de camped. f Auction Notice. We would call the atten tion of gontlonteii wishing to puichasn Uno liquors, to the sale ot Clarot, and fine old Wines, Brandies, Whiskies, (.in, Kum, etc , selected from the stock of K. 1'. Middleton, Esq , to be sold on Monday morn ing at 11 o'clock, b Powell West, Auctioneers, at their store, No. 28 South Front street. Another Haul of Vagrants. The police ol the Second District arrested, yesterday aliernoon and last night, soventy-ilve vagrants. This morning four prison vans were brought into requisition to convey tho miserable wretches to filoyamousing it iron. fllKIK'TH fl i PTITHlTll OnO hlinrll-Ofl itii! fifty canines were captuod this week by the dog catcheis. thirty were redeemod and the remainder Magic Ppotographh. I.izzik Don't Likk 'Em. "SMor Sally, they niako mention, Ot some paper that is sold, W Inch is a moBt strange invention Worso than rnauio tricus of old. "With a pieoe of paper blank, And another 'Slightly wet,' Pictures are produced that rank With some that in go d are set. "Hut I do not like the thought, To raise np an imag" strange, So the paper I've not bought Saved my nerves and saved my change. "Since I might some picture make Ifar too horrible to paint; And, perhaps, a spasm taue, Or, unfortunate, y, faint." "I'd rather view the likeness mute Oi mv James, away so tar, Taken when he bought that suit do becoming, at the "Stau. ' We keep up a choice assortment ot colors and stvlcs oi Kcady-made Clothing, and sell at ex tremely low prices, which lacts aie appreciated bv the large portion ot our citizens and many distant customers who favor us witn their patronage. We aim at keeping the best Clothing in the city . and shall be unremitting in our efforts to give euturu at Hlacuou to all onr customers. Our department for ordcied work is well appointed and liberally sustained. Thrry & Co , Star Cloth i so Em to mum, No. 609 Cbosnut street. Sign ot the Star. N. B Dealers in fine Clothing will find it to thoir advantago to examine our stock, as we can till thoir orders on very liberal terms. l'trixiusK's Mew TRANQCiLiaiso Gas. "I, James Fastianrs, do testily, That I bad six teeth extracted, 1) hen Tulliusk did bis gas apply, And beuutiiU'lv it acted. I thought 1 walked midst fragrant bowers, Where warbled musio UHoa my ear, While sitting on a bank of flowers, 1 looked into a fountain clear, And with rapture mv torin surveyed. Dressed in a suit at .Bennett's made!" W V if A VI.' All-wool Fancy Cassimere Pints, as low as 94 1)0 i " Vests " ... 2 50 Jilack " Pants " .... 6 (K) " Cloth Vents " .... 4 00 " Fancy Cassimere Suits, to mutch 14 00 " Jilack Sails 20 00 Advancing from these ra'cs we h'tve goods or all grades, up to the very finest fabrics, at prices reduced in proportion Men's, Youths', and Boys'. Tiiou- PAlsDB HA V E FOUND WITH1H THE PAST BW WEKKri THAT WE AUB ACTUALLY BELLING GOOD, SERVICE ABLE GOODS AT THK PRICES NAMED. To clothing Dealers. Onr Durchascs lor thi season having boen delaved. waiting tin expected decline in goods, we havo now on band the largest and bust as sorted stock ot Clothing in 1'hiladeluUia, pur- cliaed lorcaa txrusit)W(,n the very lowest ratfs of the season, which enables us to realize a fair profit and sell at vrloes le.s than tne cost of btimo goods in most other establishments. We can supply clothiers doing a fine city trade with goods adapted to their sales, at prices so much lower than the coot of their nresent stocks, that, bv making an average ot tho whole, thev will be enabled to dispose of their goods at prices covering the average cost, and even paying Bennett & Co., Tower Hall, No. 618 Market Street. Types of Man. The type of a (ilazier should be "Diamond." The type ot an Ovster Bhould be "l"earl." n-L. . . f T....r..ll... uhnnUI he (Auotn j no lypc U' uuwwvi. ' " " 1 bo t le or an iiouesv muu ouuum ue-aoupj- a . t m u.lan abntilfl he 'ParAcrnti " The type of an Author should be "Script." t.. . sIiaiiIH hn "Small Cans." The tvne of an Alderman should be "Extended." The ty pe of a I'olitioian should Do " Bold ace. The type of a Barber should be "flairliue." The type of a Holdler snould be "Canon." .... . . . . . . .. I. .... 1 .1 ha " Tbe type of a First-Clas Ready-Made Clothing House BllOUId HOI oiliy uw, uui iubuw otyvi w Co 'a On 1'iioe, under the Continental, . . ... . . . . . i 1 1 i JTfTta Kkatlt Drbhsed ffHK AiRATLY DRKHXID S iK"HK Nbatly I)BK1IU Vi N kATLY 1KKKU ArLtoHT Fxpnb, At Light V.zPBNfm, AT ElflHT KXPENSK, AT Lao UT KXPM8H,i J TrBY Prudently Boyino ( iff" 11 V 1'RUDKNTLY BOYI f"IlY I'rudently Buvino tifiir l'BUDKNTLT BOTINO Handsome O-OTntNOTI Handsome Clothino hANLlSOMB Cl.OIMINO.v I Handsome clothing wll4 nrAT The Popular IIbhort, iflAx The I'opclar Kksort, t,fAT I HE l'OPULAH KsnORT, IVAt I HE 1 OPULAR KE80BT, oakHall,t1 Oak OAK HaLL, Oab Hall.J nr-WANAWAKER ft KROWE, 1 1" Wanamakkr ft Buown, I tTWlllAHAXRII ft BRWN, ffT'Vl anamakeh ft Brown, Sixth and Markrt sts.I fcixTH and markrt srs Sixth and Market rts Sixth and M ukkt 8ts. f 5T7 The repairs, improi'etneiit, ani additions. 8 fflo Oak Hall somewhat inconvenience ourl S ffcusttrmcrs, but to repay themor their lcind-t 5 ffne.s in excusing our alterations, ve offer un-.ji frffuinial concessions in prices, andean shov) an$ B assortment of Fashionable and substantial l&Clothtng tor Gents, Youths, and Jirys, thati fff contains all the styles that can be found else-i J-J?" where, and a great diversity of' styles thuttt jfcan be found nowhere else. JJ VVANAMAKEH flt I5ROWN, 1'opulau Clothing house, Oak Hall, S. E. Corner Sixth and Market Streets. A Clkiiotman. writing me from MississlDnl. savs: "lour 'Compound Camphor Troches' are a necessity in our region, tor they not only control Choleraic evidences, but regulate with safety effects caused by change oi water and climate." "Hygienic Wib '' This stomachic Bitter lias no canal In promot ing appetite and invtgoiating digo-tion. "MYGIKNIO WINE' will answer most admirably as a sovereign re medy in all cases of "Dyspepsia." and in tlmco states of debiiilu which am apt to attend convalescence, especially when the alimoutary canal is in an rnteebied condition, inis "Aromatic Tonic" will be found most effectual in a permanent cure of sourness ol the stomach, and a theacon- inu.auon ot natus in tne Dowets. "Hygienic Winr" is the best remedy that can be employed in tho con vttlescciice fiom irotractud lever, and s'nking of the vital powers, l'hyuiciaus proscribe it as their main dependence in all low tebruo attecttons, lor wnue it increases the fulness, It lessens the troquoncy ot tne pulse, it tootbes the nerves, and produces a tendncy to sleep, giving renewea viqror xo ine wuoio sysiem. (RKNCn. JtlCIIARDS ft CO., Sole Agents for 1'en.nsylvania. Also for sale by Dyott & Co., and all Druggists. Travelling Agents would find a profitable and rapid BCllmp svecialty in "Aeedies1 Compound Cam phor Irochts." Crinoline still Extant. Occasionally we In or ominous rumors that the day of hoops is over. alio ilmt tho Empress Kuceuieai" her lap-dogs in the garden ot the luileries guilt'es ot the exnan- s on incuced by the cuMovs combination of steel and whalet one that oeeuDies the pavement to the utter exclusion ot ether matter. It generally turns out tt at th' e rumors are groundless, and tho following stH'cmciit will thereiore tettlo the mooted question: -Messrs. wens, Bradley ft cary are the sote ovwiern and exclusive mnntiiaclurors ot the justly celebrated "oup ex akirts," and we are miormea b- them that the demand tor tho "Duplex Elliptic Skirt" thus lar this vi ar hnd been move than double. that of nnv previous year mice they introduced this remarkab e invention to the public, and the demand is largely increasing daily every seotion of the L cited blates, as wen as otber countries. C. C T. A lettor from a correspondent at Mem phis savs: " '' Compound Camphor Tro ches' will reach a sate this season through our seo tion Lcyond compute Von Breakfast. for dinner, tor supper. SKW ukrmuda potatoes. NEW BERMUDA ONIONS. NEW BERMUDA TOMATOES. Your Crocer or Market man can get supplied at Bermuda 1'roduce Company, Ko. 120 West street, New York. C. C. T Druggists, findim? tHat "Needles' Com- nound Camphor Troches" ara becoming nooular. now buy mom. many persons win tuns De saveu tne necessity of a long wall: (o his store at Twelfth and liace streets to obtain them. Farmers, nrovlde voursolvos with Torry Davis' I'an Killer at this seaon of the year, whon colic, cholera morbus, d sontory, diarrhoea, etc., may dis able your bands. Use It in everv caso of tne kind, and mv cars for it. If it doos not effect a speedy euro: but be sure that you trust to no other remedy but the old, long-tried Terry Davis l'ain Killer, which nas never laueo. "Needles' Compound Camphor Troches" will in no instance be sent on commission. No exclusive control given to agents. My roles arc: 1st. A good article. Vid. Make it tcnoum. an. "Open maricet." Terms cash, rrolits remunerative all round. Needles C. C. T. "Compound Camphor Troches." J'otent pocket remodv, subdues cramp, controls (liarrha-a, choleraic evidence, etc. Only maker, C. H. Needles, 1 wellth and liace, Philadel phia, Utty cents per box. Travellers should be supplied with "Needloa' Compound Camphor Troches " Thev corroct all troubles incident to cnenge ot water ana ciiiuaio. Dutcher'b Dead Shot for Bedbugs. Kills upon touch, curls them up as lire does a leaf, and remains oi permanent cuoci. iryii, ana iieep in peace, ooia Dy an live ornggists. j, X OJ1A i,ahu, iiniu nun juu iiuonivo vwiti- pound Camphor Troches." A great corrective re- uicuy. J .llAl.n II 1, w u r . .3, . ...... ' .j Belt", and Stockings, light and eleuant In finish, .1 V. 1...... ... -V,.,.,1 !na ann. Hat tl u v I ueiuvv iiatv, I v. . i 1 .. News Agents on all Bailroad Lines will find "Needles' Camphor Troches" a brisk selling item. Never Weak a Cough, or irritation on the luni'8. when von ran buy AVer's Cherry Pectoral, tbe world's great remeuy inut ciuos it. C. II. Needles. Druggist, Twelfth and Race streets, 1'lnludulphia is tne exclusive makor of "Compound cauipnor irocnes-- iproteotou uyjiawi. Rrover & Bakkr'b Highest Promium Elastio Stitch and l.ock-btucU Sewing Machines. No. TM Chesnut slieet. "I oo to the Country" on the merits of my "Compound Camphor iroenes." Kj. Jl. 11 r.BLfI.JI., A 1IIIUUU1JU11H. "lubricative packin lor steam engines. for terms sco 7'jacliunuist.1piiiia.1 ana zouey st., new york.' "Needles' Compound Camphor Troches," at hand, lor instant use, in t hoieiaiu attacn. 7-5ifn. K.20s. 1SH1b.10-40s. Comuound Intorest Notes. and Oold and Mlver bougnt ana so a oy No. 84 s. I bird Street.' Comtound Camphoii Troches" sub due Colic, Cramps, und all Choleraic indications. Havb Your United States Bonds Registered. 6 20, 1H81, and 10-40 Coupon Bonds convene l luio Keumteied. It or safety we would advise our friends to hold Registered bonds. Appiv to IJUKXEL OC A)., No. 34 8. Third Street. "NEEDLEh' COMPOUND ('AMPHVR TllOC'nKS." The tcet Auodjne, btomachic, and Carminative in the world. rrmportTin Interest Notes 7 810 and 5-20s wanted. Do Haveu & Brother, No. 40 S. Third St. Nani.E8' Compound Camphor Troches." Inergetio, vigorous, and etleciivo remedy lor Diarr hoea, cholera MQi uus, etc. I'opular Tailoring. IEkady-madb Clothing, AND Vine Custom Work. Wanamaekr ft Bbown, Oak Hall, Southeast cornor Sixth and Market Streoti. IIOWELL & BOURKE, PIANCrACTUREItS OF PAPER HANGINGS AND WINDOW SHADES. N, 1 CORNER or FOIRTE AND MARKET STREETS rniLADELrniA; RELTY, CARRINGT0N AMD COMPANY' No. T23 CHESNUT Street IMPORTERS OF AKD WHO I. FX A LKAKD UE1 AIL DEALERS IN CURTAIN MATERIALS INI) M A N U F A C T I) K E It S OH" WINDOW SHADES, SWISS LACE CURTAINS, FREKCII LACE CURTAINS, NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS, LACE AND MUSLIN CURTAINS, APPLICATION LACE CURTAINS CALL AT KELTY, CARRINGTON & CO.'S, No. 723 CHESNUT Stset AND SEE OUR LACE CURTAINS FROM AUCTION. ALSO, DAMAGED LACE, la Curtain, and Vy Hit Yard, Very Low, WINDOW SHADES, ALL COLORS, ALL QUALITIES, ALL SIZES. BROWN AND GILT. j, LEATHER AND GILT. STONE AND GILT. SLATE AND GILT. STORE SHADES, SKY-LIGHT, AND WINDOW SHADES, OFALLDESCXiriWNS, MADE TO 0HD EE, KELTY.CARRINGTON& CO., No. 723 CHESNUT Street, rilllADZLVTlU, FOURTH EDITION THE FKSIAN MOVEMENT THE CANADIAN ACCOUNT. EtOt. ZUtO.. to., X3tO.( EtO. Iorohto, Jane a 12 25 P. M La night the force ii ort Colborne were augmented by the ar rival of the Toronto University Company. Early thli morning- the troops took tho train w Ridreivay. They are undor command ot Colonol Baker, Colonel Dennis bavins; gone on an expedition down the river. Three miles from Rldgcway Sta'ion, the Fenians were lonnd encamped In the bmh. 1 ho column at onoe attacked them, tne "Queen's Own" linnrf tho first shot. The fiiiht now bocamo general, tho volunteors driving the Feuians. A number woro killed on both sides. The volunteers behaved splendidly, rusiiinc at and pressing back the Fenians with tne utmost gallantry. It Is thought the volunteers will at least hold thoir own until tho arrival or the British regulars and artillory. Hgffalo, June 2, 12 11. It is understood that tlio patrol tugs fired on snd sopped several boats las night trying to reach the Canadian shore. We learn that an intended proclamation from th Fenian loaders to the peop'e ol Canada h now in tlio baudfc of gent emen ot this city, and was expected to have been iP?uod yesterday, il affairs had warranted. Accounts fiom Canada represent that tlio Fonians will find themselves very muc.i disappointed in tue exnected aid from their broihren and friends in Canada. VYABHtsQTO, .Juno 2 The Fenian headquarters for the sale of Irish bonds in this city has eloiied lor want of patronage. A hundred Fenians or more left Washington this week for the scene of war. and an additional number are prepared to follow. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Special Despatches to The Evening Telegraph, Washington, June 2. Pardon of fienral Nlmpxon. Tlio Rebel Brbadier-Ccucial J. R. Simpson has lipeu pardoned by the President on. the recom mendation of various prominent persons. NtephetiM lu Wunnluittou. Tbe O'Muhony Feuian CiTles of the District are makiu? great prepaiatious for an ovation to James Stephens, tbe Chief Organizer, at tbe Washington Park on Friday next. IfeDtltntton In Alabama. The Ageut for the Freedmen'a Bureau In Ala bama reports terrible destitution among the peo ple of that State, and the necessity for imme diate relief to keop theni from starving ui.til tbe crors arc gathered. An Iniriiit Arrettt. Ttis morning Leonar i Huyck. President of the Merchants' National Bank, which failed lately, was arrested on the charge of embezzling, abstracting, and misapplying the funds of said bank, and also with is-iitng order, bills of ex change, etc., contrary to law. He will beheld to bail to appear at court. The affidavit on wbieii tho warrant for his arrest wa9 issued was made by Hon. Freeman Clarke. Comptroller oi the Currency. The arrest has caused great commotion amongst brokers here. Markets by Telegraph. New York, June 2, Cotton is Aim at 80!41o. for Uiddling. Flour dull; the prices for the common brands are declining; gules oi 5000 bills, at un changed prices, including 50 boh. of Southern and 200 bbls. ol Cannda Flour. Wheat quiet and nomi nally lower; mixed has declined lJ2o.; sales of 40 0T0 bu-h at B0(a:82c. Meet' nteariy. Fork buoyant at'30 50 o80B2J. Lard firm atlg22Jo. Whisky aull at 2 20ii2 27. Nkw York, Juno 2. Stocks are bettor. Chicago and Kock Island. 93; li.inois Central scrip. 118; do. bonds, 1(8; Michigan .Southern, 80j; New York Central, 96J; Heading, 109J ; Hudaou Rivor, 113; Canton Company, 61 Missouri 6s, 79; F.rlo, 61f; Western Union Telrgrapa Company. 62; United State." Coupons 18S1, 109; do. 1802. 1021; do. 1866.102? do. 18G4 1021; Ten-Forties, 96; Treasury 7 8-10tts, miaVJlh uold, 140jCglll, LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. I nltfd State District 'oart Judgo Cad waiader Seuteuces were imposed on the following parties this uiorumg, who have been convicted of paraiug counterfeit IJnitud htatos notes or iractioual currency ,or having the famo in their possession: Lawrence King and Oscar King wore sentenced, the lirst to two yoars aua the lattor to one ear, in the Kaslern IVnitentiary. i'bilip M. llartman wrs sentenced to two years in the Eastern l'euitetitiarv. deorge Manson was siuteuced to four years in the Eastern l'eiiiteutiary. Mar.assah l'rico was sentenced toeight years in tho Eaitu ru l'i'Ui'entiary. Daniel Yeaiir convioted ol presenting a iraudu lout claim on the Uoverumuni, was sentenced to tlileeu mouths In the Eastern 1'enltentiaiy. (onrl ol ( vnimnu llan Juugos Ludlow and 1'iarce. In tho lullowiug cases Judgments were euteicd this niorninir: Cordis vs. H. (jermain. Hule to open Judgment nind- ub-olute. Onniou by Ludlow, J. J. lathcrby vs. Armstrong. Motion lor special injut cliou to restrain Ueiomlunt from the use ot a certain alley. Motion refused, Opinion Oy Lud- '?iyiitr vs. Smith. I'ttition and ru'e for rcdemp tiou ol tiropeity sold unui r a municipal claim. Kulo Iwnlutu on navmcnt of costs. Opinion by l'earce.J. imirlol iurlf r Niliiii Judite Fierce. The Court sat to-flay Tor tue iurpose oi iruusucuug mibcellaueous buuuots. Til era oil cask. E K. F.aton,J. B. W ilkox, and K. U. Wrigloy wie brought Lelore the Court on liaoeus corpus, and au ap licatlou made lor tlii'lr dischariro undrr ttie tHO-ti rm act; in otiu-r words. It was couteudxd that having teen m lrsou aurmg the whole ol two urms ol Hie Court without a trial, they were ou- ti'l-d, under the law, to be discharpod. i Iu'.h di-irudniits it will be reuii-iiiocred, woro con cerned lu ilia geltiu up ni Ihe Kra Oil Couipitny, and are charged as beiuu t lie authors ol some pietiy si ar oMratious in the s ouk ol that boitus conouru, i,v wliirii K vi ral ihlid street brokers were mado to sutler lame V cumary 'os. At the mstahce ol these brckcra thedeiendants wore arreted, and, auer a hi nrniff belore a ci mmitling magistrate, were com- inllltd in duiault ol bfll to auwr at Court ni,ru.l rmiMiiraev tocli'-ut aud defraud. Alter argument upon H e aoi I'cation, by O'ay rno for deleiiuaiits, and Cassidy forCounuouwoulth, tho C aurt refused to dischar,'" tae piuouers, auu mey warn W niflTlflod . Th ( onimonwea'th et relatione Mn. Jane Reinicr vs. John Smith. Ibis was a habeas corpus lor Ihe subtodv ol a rhlld. Tbe prosreutor allege that about three years ago the child was piaceu i-y i v mumur, r.. t it was an illcintimtite C'lilu, ii.h lullwr was in the army. Sluce that time ....... ,.UA luaan tlirA uDiilicailors made oy Mrs. Keinier todelendant lor the child, but delendaut . a . H..i....r it. nn until he had been paid tor the board and the dooior's kill ot the cmld. The mother said she was at the time unable to pay the mA ii, b fn her refused to do so. Ihemotlier I" ... i, ..,., ..,,1 tiiouuht bv witnesses lor tho rn.rutinii to be cotnoeient to take care of the child. 1 he cae Is nut yet conoluded. Tiarrboi PmckdmCholrra. "Needles' Com Dtuud tamphor lroches" control aud cur first sYmpwai. o' -"Prevention is better than oure." tea I'opular liKLiAMCi are "Needles' Compound Camphor 1 roches," quick, safe, court) nicut, potent, and agreoaOle. .POISONING BY LEAD. Artdltloa ltskUa of tbe WalklU Vmllay Airtslr Clk,,nw "amavaraa Akism( th Miliar who Made ia PaUeasd Flonr A 8a'bJect far lh Bokrl of IlaKlth. Onr Informaal Thursday made a vMt to the mill at FhiiipatowB, a, "4 oonvorsod with the mihor. Mr. Thomas Marsh. be mill is siiuat-'d on !ie right bank ot the Walkt. Iilvor, and at the bottjm ot valley ot surpassing vovellnesi. The surround ing country Is boautiral, while in the immediate yiolnitvot the mill the seen. """T " cliarmiuir, evory thing being kept with toe nio scrupulous oaio aud taste. Hitching our horaa ouoer a shed, we reached tho mill door Just M '" to meet Mr. Marsh, and, on bating to blitt tre .nature of our busi ness, he at once as-ured us that would a.adly furnish all tbe data he could in- rehn. u to (he sad aflair. Atdrst It was thought that soma y-ersoni i had. through mallon, poinoued the Hoar or wV'e' but as soon as it was positively known tbat tlis ' was the cause, the set ol stones eoniaininrK were at once st.-ppe'l, and evsrv elTort was made." Mr. Manh to call in all the flour which had bcoi. ctound on that stone, 1'bls amounted to sizty-tou twi n's, which were sent, we are inlorniod, to Csptatn C.r win, the Middleton agent of tfr. MariHi.witn IO structions to dispoiO ot it to starch inaiutaoturer. in the city of Now York Mr Mnrsli is unable to stato positively that tho flour bad been used tor that purpose, ai it was sold at about S160 per birrol. It is possiblo that It may bavn bnou rupacki)d, and may be at this timo being sold for XXX family flour, and It may bo wrll for ihe Hoard ot tlea th to mal e dilieeni inquiry into the tacts oi the caso. There are now several casos oi load-poisoning in New York, and the allilctod persons are known to have par token of this flour. It Is bigh'y linoortant that lhee 61 barrels should ho traced lrom the mill either to the starch-factory or to the store' ous s, and great caro should be taken that it doos not tall into tho baud of unscrupulous parties who would sell it for eating purposes. W bilo our reportor was conversing with Mr. Marsh, a deputy sheriff drovo vp and served oo hint a process in a suit tor damages which nad been in stituted against bm Witnout counting this there are suiis now pending airainst him to the amount of $12,0(0. and more are coming in almost daily. Tbe oln miller is a mont frantic, for between tho la k of the country for inilo around and the sutloringof hundreds ol tuiin in beings, a strong pull is iikoU to be mado on bis purse, tie says: "1 a a ruined for life; it is preying on my mind, aud 1 cannot oat or sleep, lam lnnoonnt of willuliy doing a wrong, and many of the sufferers are my best lriends The work ol fears is undone, and I scarce know what to do or bow to appease tho anper ol the people." 1 here can be no doubt but tliat monoy is and has been his eod, and ho rogrots to part with it. Yet uom ail we can learn or see, he is anxious to do whut is just in tho matter, liis business is a most troken up, and only one set ot stones aro running; to-day; yet, ho says, many ot his old cutomors aro coming Lack, although tbe major ty distrust him. All testify that ho mado a superior brand of flour. whicn was maruca must : 1'HILLIPSHURU MILLS. : : xxx : ; FAMILY FLO (J It. : ; From .selected White Wheat. : : 196 : : Thomas March. : Bad Marsh pui in nev siones, and not used the old ones until they required such extensire repairs, pro- LinUiy this terrihio maiiidy would have been averted ; yet a new stone was lyine at the door, which had on its luce a hole, to till which with lead would require about ha t a pound, l'ue face of this cavity was tully as largo as a ben's eirp, and Mr. Marsh assured me that aitr it Had peon in use lor a time tnoro would b- many just like that one, and that millers in gene ral throughout the country wore In the habit of using lead as a cement lor grist stones. It thin bo Irue, measures should bo at onoe taken to probioit it- use about all mills. A lamuy named ISrundage, some of the members of winch worked in tho mill, havo been seriou ly a fleeted, and Mr. lirundage claims 750 damages. 11 we understood correctly, no was the person who ursed the use ot lead. having had a long interview with Mr. Marsh, our reporter drove to, where, in the short time allotted to him belore the starting of tne tram, be convt rsed with several persons wno were acciuaiutod with tbe laota stated, and all add their weight of testimony to that already furnixbod, sbowintr con clusive y that ovor three hundred porsons in a radius oi aDoui twenty nines nave neen anecteo witn loaa- polsoued flour, whleh came lrom the Philhpsburg mm. inissnouiu De a warning to miners, and a caution to the buyers and consumers of flour, and physicians and Boards of Health should examine all the flour-mills of the country, aud by so doing prevent the recuirence of such cases as wo have reoorded in our letters A'. Y. Iribuni. MAUIUEt. FAULK SWAN. On the 81st ultimo, at tho Church of tbe Resurrection, by the Rev. Mr. Davis, (. bOKU E A. FAULK, ol l'hiladelohla, to ALETdEA MARIA, youngost daughter ot the late William tswan. of Islandreaarb, County Antrim, Iroland. No cards. (New York and Irish papors ploase copy. 4 DIED. BOWMAN.-On the 81st ultimo, MARTHA BOW MAN, aged 73 years. The members of the family are respectl'ullr invited to attend her funeral, Horn the residence ot her son, corner oi dhirlev and Olive streets, on Mon day morning at 10 o'clock, without iurtuor notice GRAFF. On the 2d Instant, CHRISTOPHER, youngest son of ChriBtophor and Margarotta (jrafl'. Due notice will be given of tho luueral. NOLEN. On the 80th ultimo, CHARLES SPEN CER NOLEN, son of James and Elizabeth E. Nolon, in tbe 18th year of his age. ilia lriends and those of the family, and the mora bcrs ol Liberty Temple, No. 2, of I'erau'an, and the Young Men's Christian Association, aro invited to attend his funeral, lrom his lather's residence. No. 1539 Franklin street, this day (Juno 2) at 8 o'clock; 1'. M. Sepulture at Odd Fellows' Cemetery, TF NOT CONVENIENT TO A TINSMITH. CAR X punter, or other mechanic who repairs leaking roofs, you may do It yourself, with Stead's Elantlo Water Froot Cement, or by using It as a paint lor rooilng. ratl ins, or other metallic articles exposed to tbe weather, win atld jean of dirablllty to them by protection lrom Ct.rrosiun. For sale, whoiosa'o or retail, by toe axems, TltUMAN & SUA, No. 888 (tight Thirty-live) MA KKKT St. below Ninth. COATES' PATENT FLAT-IRON HOLDERS are protected from burning by flexible metalllo strips. These make a very durable article for use by kousekeeueers, tailors, batters, etc For sals by TKCMAN S HHAW, Xo. gSIWEkjht Thirty -flye) MAUKKT Ht.. below Ninth. XJLUMliERS AND GAS-FITTERS CAN GET X a superior article of pipe hooks by the 100 or 1000, aud melting Ladles and Plumber's pots, at TRUMAN SHAW'S. No. MS (Right Thirty-five) M AIiKKT Ht., below Ninth. JJ O T E L S AND BOARDINU Houses refitting for the Summer Sea son, will find it to their advantage to examine the extensive Stock of Dry Goods adapted to their wants, at tho establishment of J. C. STRAW BRIDGE & CO. QOU N T ERPANE S, BHD Spreads, Table Damasks, Napkins, Towels, Linen and Cotton Sheetings, and Tillow Fabrics, at the lowest wholesale rates. J. C. STKAWimiDGE & CO., , 5 29 lmrp N. W. COK. EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS. cummer ciotuing at juuu nvw.