THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 18GG. It published every afternoon Sundnu excepted) at A'o. 108 S. Third street. Price, Three Cent Per Copy Double Sheet), or Eighteen Centt Per Week, payable to the Carrier, and miiled to Subtcrilier out of the city at Ai'ne Poltars Per Annum; One Dollar and Fifty (Vnt or Tw- Month, invariably in advance for the period ordered. To inture the Insertion of Advertisement in all of our Edition, they mutt be forwarded to our office not later than 10 o'clock each Jlforninp. SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 18(1C. Have We an "Inqabutlon" Among Us? Thk Southern Journals are terribly exercised over tbe horrid torture to which President Davis has been subjected. That he hns been proved to be well fed, clothed, carefully tended, and allowed the privileges of literature, is, we are atwured, rather an aspravatlon than au amelioration of his condition. Tbe Richmond Times, In a column leader, plves ground tor the exciting Inquiry, "Ilava we an Inquisition aniontrus?'' Our Richmond contemporary as serts we have, and takes the following ground of argument: Those who have mado the torture of their follow being a prolusion aud a study, kuow full well that the victims 01 tbe "Holy Inquisition" wore invariably well sappliod With fooii anil stimulants, lliore were vailoua kinds ot tortnro practised by the assistants oi the Grand Inquultor The coarser and more krotal lorniK were the ' tack," tne "hoot," tho ' iron jtlove," the "weojre," the endiroii," and the "cal dron." With thin instruments of torture tho ordi nary ran ot "boretics" were (rcuerally dixpojod ot m a lertnwht or three weeks. Hut tlie most exquisite forms et torture, the "perl Odical drop of co!d water," and the "disturlianoo of the rest of the iri? oner," were reserved tor the more distinguished class of the truest who enloyed at long intervals the attentions of the Inquisitors. The etlecis of ibe torture ot dropping cold water upon tho head ol tbe victim live been descrlbod bv many writers. 1 he bead ot toe prisoner was first shorn, and upon the naked skull a drop of cold wator was permitted to fall from a (treat heijfht every live seconds. Hits soon produced the most acute and hornblo agony, and usually made tho victim a ravine madman. The desire of the editor of the Times to show his extended literary accomplishments is an excusable one; but docs he mean to assert that the "dropping" system has boon practined upon "President" Davis? If the Times does make such an assertion, and has grounds for it, why does it not publish a ckctch of the great Jepfekson, with his head shaved, placed in an iron block, and the drops slowly coursing down his attenu ated face? Such a picture would move a heart ol stone, and ail'ord infinite political capital for the "reconstructed." A the case now stands, we hardly think that Davis will agree that being well fed is an aggravation of the olfense of the Government. It the prisoner's con science disturbs him, if the ghosts of the mur dered victims of Belle Isle, Audersouville, aud Libby haunt htm, if his nerves are unstrung as he remembers the events of his career, who is to blame? True it is, that the Inquisition could desire no greater torture; but it is he, and not his jailors, who has made his bed, and on it he must lie. We are told that he is "like a man flayed alive and all his nerves exposed." But "Nor poppy nor mandrairora, Hot all tho drowsy syrups oi tbe East, (lou d ever medicine thee that swuet sleep That thou hadst yesterday." It is his crimes, and tho fear of retribution, which are wearing out his life and puttiughiiu to a far more exquisite torture than that of the "rack" or "glove." It is himself he has to thank, and not, as the limes asserts, ''those God-forsaken, abandoned, and execrated- brutes and wretches" who favor his retention in captivity. Importation or Wheat from Europe. We are actually importing wheat and flour from Europe, the price here being 60 high that they can be imported at a profit. Our importations of ordinary niertfiandise have been larger for the last six months than ever before during the history ol CJ country. If now wo add foreign supplies ol breadstutl's, we must look for the balance of trade to be enormously against us, and shall be obliged to continue heavy exporta tions of gold. Fortunately it is but a few weeks until the new crop of wheat will make its ap pearance, when we may hope that tho necessity for importing the foreign article will cease. Another Large Shipment ol Specie. New Yoek, Juno 2. The steamships Pereire City ot Boston, Saxonia, America, and Scotland sailed to-day for Europe, with $3,C5U,GO0 in gold. Hf-WANAMAKKR te UROWN, I frVVANAVAKI'K Ac UKOWN, i ifWANAMAKER UHOWW. i j"WANAMAK.KK A KKOWS, HAKIiHuME l'LOTHIN(.rfi'j3 H A OHO.M K CLOTllING.f 1 HANDSOME Ci.Oi HtN!.9 HvND'OMK CLOTHINt: .J HANDaUME CLOl'Bl.NU.J'fJ iSTLOWKHT ''RICES. il-i WES I I'UM'KS. i"-Lowhr i'uirE. ffl-OWhST I'PlCi-.N. ff-LOWKsT J'KI --m. i'-LOWi.Sr I'lUCKS. ItFST ASORTMENT.V3 Br.riT A H-ORTUKVr. J Bt T ASSoItTUEN i'.Ji 5 BK8T AOKT ' EST J BEST ASSOR M EN F.i HKSI' AiHOltl'MENT. jil TTNEXrEP'I TON ABLK FITS. U.NEXCEIM IONAIILE Fill. i-i;NEXCKPi IONABLK FI H. fr-U.S.G'r:PT10NAm E FITS THE I'KOl'LE PT.F.A8EI.J"1 THE PKJl'LE l'LKASKU. i Til ' PEOPLE ILEASED.JJ THE P. Ol'I.E PLi-.AS I) ji TUE PEOPLE PLEASED rST-OAK HAM,, irin. Mai ij, ft-OAK. HaLL. nm II til via n OkNF.B SIXTH AST) MARKET SI'S, H. E K CORN r n SIXTH ANI MAKKKT STS i J H. M, 8. MinnrnniAin Aisi' iiAlilvr is. CORNKK HXTH AI) MMiKET ST-t.T E. C'OKN UNr.R rlXTH AND MARKET Sit. Jl IN THE ORPHANS' OOURT FOR THE CITY AM COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. FstHte oi JAMEs ('. KEMPTON, uecraseil. The Audi or api.oiuU'it by the Court to audit. Settle, and adjunt ttie second and tlnal account of KUVAItl) UOPPrH fi. Adinliilrtra or of lite rHtute of JAMES '. KH1PT0 4 dcct'ttn d.un ' to report dmtrlbutlon of the balance In the huniin ol the accouuttint, will monttliu part In Interested lor the purpose of his Hnpoluunent, on MOSDAV. Junell, 1SUS, at 4 o'clock P. M., at hta Oltlee, Ho. 624 WALN' I Hir't 111 the cltv ot 1'tilln lloli blo. JOSEPH F. A1AKUER. b'i atuttiSt Auditor. 1N THE ORPHANS' HO CRT FOR THK CITY AM) COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of rHARLES PENEVKYRE, deceased. The Auditor appoliiicd bv the Court to audit, nettle, and adjust the account ol LEWIS H.KKD.Nf.K. Action Eieculor ol the estate of CHARLES PENEYEYRE du ceased. and to report dlstriliutlon ot the balance In tbe hands of the accountant, will meet the par lei lutereiteil lor the nut pour of hit appointment, on WEDNESDAY, June 13Ui, In, at 4 o'clock p. M.. at 'he OlHce of LEWIS ll- BKDNFR. Fm.No. I52H. fyUHIU street. in the city o; f hiladelplila. tt itutU5t RELIGIOUS NOTICES. trSJ- THE NEW CHAPKL, CO'.tNKR Of I-3-' UROAD and OXFORD Street, will he o ion for III vine nrrvlce oa Sabbath next. Proachina br Hev Dr. BHAINERD In the mornlns, at IC-, and eenlnit hf Rev. JOH-. MrLEOD, at 8 o'e'oek. Bahbath School eercweat 2H o'clock. rT'jr CALVERT CHDRCII, COHNER FRONT and MAKOARETTA Street, (above Callowhlll.l SciTicea to morrow a fol own-At IDS A. M., mid 9 P.M. Hot g, C. HRK. I. i.. wl I oillclnte In the tiiornuiK, and Rev. C. D. COOPER. Ol St. Philip', la tne evening S. an tree to all. K5T C01IOCK8INK FRESBYTKRIAN Bcs::' CHURCH Preaching To-morr.iir (Sabbath) by the Pastor, Rev. 8. A. MUTCH MORE at 10 A. .'. and 1H Y. M The -acrament ot iho Lord's Supper wli be ailinlnlntered la the morning. f5T" KENSINGTON 1'RESBTTE'iIAN XJ CHURCH. -Rev. Dr. UEORUK TIMPKIN, 10 morrow, at 10H, on the subject oi hi new hook. "Suh. haiismos." and Rev. J. . CHARLTON, of tbe M. P Church, atli. Noervlceln the eve'ilng. NORTH PRESBTTEHIAN CHURCH, r? PIX1H Street, above Oeeen.-Rev R. W. H'NRY. D. D.. r as tor. Snvlcea Sabbath mornlnit at IMS, and evening at 1H o'clock. Strangers weicoinu trr EBENEZER M. E. CHURCH. REV. T. i-5 W. SUPERS will preneh on Hundtv next, morning at 10H. evening at 6 o'clock. couiidudIou ser vice at 3 o'Ciock. aiteruoon. NORTH BA 1TIHT CHURCH, EIGHTH Street above Master Preaching To-morrow. IflH A. M..7H P. M., by the Rev. DAVID P. LEAS, of Rochester, N. Y. fTST" SOUTH STREET PRESHYTERIAN w-- CHURCH, above ELEVENTH Preaching at H and 3i o'clock, by Kov. W. H. sWAUTZ. of West horo, Muss. PASSYUNK BAPTIST CHURCH, ss unoan and PVRSYUNK Road Preaching IPX o'clock, sabbath, by P. J. KOLLOCK. Evening Vi. CHURCH OF THE NEW TESTAMENT, b-3- KLKVKNTII and WOOD 8treets.-Rev. Mr. AIILR Y, Sabbath, 34 P. M. REV. B. II. NADAL. O. D., WILL rreach In IRINITY M. E. CHURCH To-mor row at li S and 7H o'c ock. fpT" RICHMOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH -Rev. A. M. JELLY To-morrow, at 10H and 3 o'clock. SPECIAL NOTICES. Ste ihe Birth Page for additional Special notices.) JKJJ7 WINE OF TAR SYRUP, FOR COUGHS, Co'rts, und Aflectlons of the Lnmrs. This mix ture Is entirely vegetab'e, andaft'ords speedy Rellel In all Pulmonury Disenses, such as Asthma, Spitting ol Biood, lirouchitis, Ac. Prepared only bv HARRIS A Oi TVER, Driiculats. Southeast Coiner TEN'lll and CUESNUT Htroots. I hiladelphln. S 'i9lm ra MILLINERY, MANTUA-MAKING, &c WOOD & C A R V , No. 725 CHESNUT STREET. Now offer FANCY BONNETS ami TBIMMED HATS, for Ladies and Misses, at cost. Also, all styles of Straw Bonnets and Hats at moderate prices. Em pire Bonnets, Fanchon Bonnets, Ja panese Bonnets, White Chip Bonnets, Opera Bonnets, Gipsy Bonnets, Cryitalline Bonnets, May Queens Bonnets, Hair Bonnets, Pat-a-pan Bonnets, French Lace Bonnets, Gip sy Queen Bonnets, French Bonnets, Ei)glish Straw Bonnets. Bonnet Frames, every style. French Flowers, Bonnet Ribbons, Silks, Orna ments, Crapes Luces, Silk Violets, etc. ; Derby Hat, Shepherdess HaL Sailor Hat. Sundown Hat, Medallion Hat, Highland Hat, Seaside Hat, Infanta' Hats, Crystalline Hat, Japanese Hat, Dew Drop Hat, Turban Hat, Hamilton Hat, Napoleon Hat, Jockey Hat, Con tinental Hat, Sunbeam Hat, Lillian Hat. MOUKMM! BuNNKTS made to order. WOOD & CAltY, 4 lb2inrp No. 755 CHEMiUT Street. MBS. K. DILLON, Nos. 323 and 331 SOUTH Street, Has a handsome assortment of SPRING MILLINERY; Missis' and Iniuuts' Ha and Caps, Hllks, VelveU, Crapes, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Frames, etc. O lo4in JADIES' CLOAKS, BASQUES, ETC. MADE AND TMMMED IN THF Mmi FASHION A ULW STYLE, FKO.M THE BboTOOODS. AT TliK LOWi-bT i'OBSIBLl-; fKICES. IVENS 00., S 11 2m No. 23 Pouth MNTH Htreet AUCTION SALES. RUCTION SALE. 400 CASES FINE CLARKT, 5C0 DEMIJOHNS FINE OLD WINES, BBANDIES, WniSKlES, lilNS, KUJ1, ETC. POWELL & WEST, AUCTIONEERS, Wl'l sell In lots, to salt mirchaieis, on MONDAY MOHNIMl. at 11 o'clock, at tliulr Auction Store, No. 28 h. FUONT Streoi, above Chosnut , 400 r.8E8 FINE t'LAKET, SOO S-OALLOX DKMI JOHNS KINK LI) WINK.s, HUANHIE. WHIS KIES, t.l.SS, HUM, ETC., All selected trom the stork ot the ol(l-etubllhcd bouse 01 K.J' ailUHLKI'ON. Esi. TataloKucs and samples arruntfed on mornlDg ol sale. It PA N C II A S T V WAR N O C K . AUCTIOSEEKS, 818 No. 'iW MARKET Street LA TICK POSITIVE SATE OF 8V) LOT4 AMERICAN AM) 1M Pt lt'H) LUY HOODS. I MRKOIUtftlF,-, M1LLINK.RY UOOLHS.UOSItKY GOODS, ETC E 10., by catalogue, On Wci'nosdny. June 6. cninmencliiK at ID o'clouk. In 'huloil will be fennel a I Hive uud (If hi r able uHsortuiout oi goods udnptud to piosent suies. 6 'I Jt B SCOTT. JR., AUCTIONEER, ,Xo. 1(120 CUESNUT KTUEET. 21$ CAW). We ate prepared from now until Julvl. to Kuk siieclui sales of any description of merclnuid'se, aud wl 1 uo our best tmdeavors to give satlstaetlou. For terms, etc , apply at the ofllco. a 2 2St 811 CHESNUT STREET. i METZ, BERNHEIM & CO.. Tlie wetl-kuown Wholesale Manufacturers of LAWKS' FINE SILK CLOAKS ANi MANTLES, ' AT So. 531 MARKET STREET, ARE NOW KETAIL1NO, AT COST PRICES, THEIR LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK OF CLOAKS AND MANTLES, AT No. 811 CHESNUT STREET. Ladles will find tbla a most excellent cbance to obtain good goods at the LOWEST POSjlBLE PUICES. METZ, BEltNHUIM & CO., 6 1 No. Sll CUE3NUT Street. VOLUME FOR 180 5. THK L ND Register of Important Events for the Year. In presenting to the publio a new volume of the Annual Cyclopaedia, oontuiiiinir the record of an other year, no eflorta have boon ."paroil to seoure ite completeness and accurncv. The work was commoneod In tho vear 18 )1 and is published in ono volumo aunuiUly, in tho saino stylo as tho "Xeiv American Cyolopaiilla." Kach volumo Is Intcndod to be a ("yolopaidla or tho mate rial and intellectual dcvolopm' nt ol tho vear, and embraces tbe civil, military, and social affursof all countries ; Important Public Dccumeuis ; Biography ; Statistics; Commerce; Finance; Literaturo; Science; Agriculture; Mechanical Industry, cto. In a word, it covers the same Uold as tho ' A'ovr American Cy clopa'dia," but each volume is confined to the re sults of Its year. Tbe portions ot each volumo dovotod to tho United Stales embrace the operations of the armies, stop by step, and day by day, and tho causns and conse qiicnces ot tliolr movements; also, thoir organization, numbers and ooudliion The dubnton ol Congress on all important question"; ill" Me-sajes of the I'resident, aud l'ubilc Documents ot the Govorn n ent; Finances; Commercial and Diplomatic Inter course; Emancipation, Poaco, etc.; the in'ernat af lairs of a'l the States, their military enterprise, in dustry, and prosperity. Under Fo.cian Aflairs, all those counlrios are no ticed which havo attracted attention during the year. Hie prowess of thoso destructive, maladies, tie Cholera and Cuttle Disense, are not overlooked, nor tho p"cu lur tculuro- ol tbe disea-i in swine, TIiopo brnnclios ol nntural scionco In which pro trre ss has been made are totice.l each year, and the developments fallv brought uo. 1 ho coiid.tion of the jirmeioal rclijriouj donomina tions, with their branches, niembe ship, numborq, views on civil ofTuiis, and tho spread of thuir opinions anion c the nations, is presented. The (roograpliical explorations and discoveries ara staled. Tho record of literature and iterary progress is carefully exp'eined. Kor I the lare mortality among distiPKuishod men overlooked. Tbo contents oro nccoinpauiod by a most extensive and coinplcto Index. Price and Stylo of lilntlinjr of ench Annual Volniur, IH(1, IHil-', is:i, isih, Him mnn. In Cloth $500 in Sheep 6 0 ) In Half Morocco q 50 In Half Kussin 7 59 In Ful Moiooco 900 In Full Kussia 9 00 And to 'iisuro a uniform price and resularity in the delivery ot tbo volume to subscribers in all parts of tbe country, local agents are appointed in all the cities and principal towns in tho Slates aud lorn tones. D. APPLETON & CO., 6 2,2i PUBLISHER j, Nos. 443 and 443 Broadway, N. Y. Q X E T II I A L SECURES YOUR CUSTOM. WHITNEY & HAMILTON, LEHIGH, SCHUYLKILL, AND BITUMINOUS COAL, So. 033 North NINTH Street, Above Poplnr, Kt Sidle. ; 62 1TI K K S I D E MUSINGS. The tastes of men are various as their faces; feorao toast their frieuils, and some their bread and cheese ; I lilce to toast my tues, and sit at ease Beside my wile, in our accustomed places. Day and Its busier duties ended, wo I'ursuo the prumptlnys ol our Inclination; I, with a pen or book In hand, and she Intent on some maternal avecutlou ; Which done, she quickly spreads tho cloth tor Ten The snow-whito cloth-then trims the cveulug lire: Tuts on the kettle, busy as a heo, To have the best on ea is her desire. And that we may procure the best in town. We purchase our supplies trjm West an 1 Brown. DO YOU KXOA' WEST & BROWS 1 Thed.'alerslnTia; TLev have pained blga roaown, Bince all do mires That their Teas are the best That e'er crossed the brine. Query ? YY bore shall T find them ? .Amwer. tliiht llundied and Muc. We warrant our 1E.A8, and navi f.cllltiei for drawiiK ihcm for our customer! tliu enabllux them to test their flavor aud strength before they purchase. 'i his beinir ( ur rxc'usiva business, and one ot the Arm being an experienced Tea taster, w claim superior advantages. No. 8O0 CHESNUT STREET. WEST & BROWN. 6 2 )trp SIP YOU WISH BUY A HAT FIFTY cents cheaper than yon can anywhere else In the titv, eallat FREHTON'S. ,llm Ko. 218 BoutUTUIBD Street, Fhdada. 11 CYCLOPM NEW PUBLICATIONS. SJKW rOPULAR WORKS PUBLISHED BY J. H. LIPPINOOTT & CO. HARTS IIO HNE ON CIIOLKUA. JUST PUBLIS3ED, CIIOL-liJIXV; Facts and Conclusions as to its Nature, Prevention, and Treatment. BT TIKSItV II ABTHIIOIlJiK, A. M , M. D., Fellow ol the CoIleRe of I'hyalclans of PhPailnlphla; rrolessot of Hygie ie In the Univorsitr of Pennsylva nia, etc. etc. lsmo. 3u cents. NKW WOItK BYTIIE AUTIIOROF "8TH VTItMOKE." Chandos. A NOVKL by QUIOA." author or Ptrathmoro." 'Granville de Vlvno," etc. 1 vol. 8vo. Cloth. 2iK). A Rebel War Clerk's Diary AT THE CONFEDERATE STATE CAPITAL, During tho tour years of ti e existence of tbe Confede rate Government. BY J. B. JO.NKS, Clerk in the War Department of the Government ot the i one-derate Htatcs. In two volumes. Crown Htu. l rioe es W. Ihe History of Usury From the earliest period to the present time, toffettier a unci statement ui ireneral priuuu les coni erninn thesurtjeet in Ultleient Mates and I'ountrles; and an t xanilnailon luio the I'ollcy of Lans on Usury, and ibeir eileet on commerce, iiy J. 11. C. Murray. I vol. ttvo. $2 00. The Story of Gisli the Outlaw, FKOM THE ICELAXDIC. liY GEORGE AVEBItE BASENT, D. C. L. W'th illtrations by '. K. ht. John Ml dmav. One vol unnlMio. With tnajis and beuutiiul full pjyc lilus tiatioii , I rice 83 ,-). 'ihe Jrjnry of GIsil ihe Outlaw" Is one of thecholcest .euis tiflAelniidle l.eeinlary .ore Tlie roniuie is exe cuted in the biuticst so lu oi the art of boos, mitkmg. Cerise ; A Tale of the Last Century. BY G.J. WYTHE MELVItLE. Author of "The Glafliator," "Piuby qrand," "The Brokers oi Bridlemera." etc., Hnio., 1-7,5. Medical Electricity. Embracinir Flcctro-PhysioloirT and Klectrlclty as a '1 hem i.eutic, with ..peomi reference to l'rtctlcai Medi cine: shoeing the most approved Apparatus, Alet.ious, mid null's lor he meolcai uses oi 1-. ectncity In the troutmemoi Nervous U'seaes. By A I ire J G. Oarrati, H l. Fc low ot the MassachuscttH Medical sioclety, etc. etc. Third edition, revised uud Illustrated. 1 yj,. By. SfiiK). Life of Emanuel Swedenborg. Tonether with a brief Synopsis ot his writings, both Phi osophlcal and Theological. By WMam White First American edition wlin au Introduction by Rev. E. F. Darret. 1 vol. limo 1 SO. Mosaics of Life. Illustrations of tne various Epochs or Human Life, BetioLial. Weiluvd Lite. Lauyhund, Youth, 8iule Li e, OldAtie. By Mrs E.lzabeiu A. Thurston. I'imo. si 4il. kEW EDITION May and December. A tale or Wedded LUe. By Mrs. Hubback, author of '-The Wife's MHtei ; or. The ForbidJeu Marriage," etc. I vol. 12iuo. l i6. Eoba di Roma. BylWIIXIAM W. 8TORY. 2 vol. 12ino Cloth. 5 00 Tt e title "Hoba dl Roma" will be Intelllirlblo to every one ho has been lu Koine, llr. Miuhousu, In hM dic tionary, eu fines "Itoba" to be "ijoods, wares, thiiiKS, articles, proporiy. cha tels estate, stall, lumour. a robe, sown dress." vet this definition extensive as It is, Is inadeouute We have no term so comprehensive la oidlsh. "Boba" Is everything from rubliish and rlft ratl to the mo-t exquisito ihvduct ni art and nature. 'J bis book Is ill ed w'th "Roba." and 1 hone that it con alus very Utile "Rohaccla." which Mr Ml Ibouse dei.ues to be "trash, trumpery, and stuff." from Pm'ace. Hidden Depths. lvol. 12mo. 1-7S. "This hook is not work of Action In the ordinary ac ceptutiou ol the term, ll it wore. It wouid be worse than use ess, lur the 'Hidden Depths' of whlc i it reveuls a gilnipso are no fit buhjucts lor a romauoa." Preface. Til ACKKIt AY'S WORKS. UNIFORM LIBRARY EDITION. VANITY FAIR. A Novel Without a Hen. 1 volume Cloth, gvo il TU -.MiW( OMi:S. Memoirs ol a most R.'StieotaU 0 J aiully fcditcd by Aithui Peudcimis, ,sq. J vol. Hvo., cloth. 3 111H VIUOINIAKS. A Tale ot the Last Century. 1 vol. evo.. cloth :. IKNDKNM4. Ills Mis ortunes, Ills Frleuds, and Ills Greatest Kneuiv. 1 vol Hvo. colli 83 Till H (jiLiKY OF HENRY ESMOND, Esd. A I rionnl in iho service ol Ilur Maiestv Oueen Anno. ' Vi ruten by lnmseli lvol Hvo clotii. i:) W IhUKLLAMIS IJ riUIJB A.X U VJiitSK. in 4 vols. Hvo. I'rlce 812. Viz. I Volume I.-Ballads, Tho Hook o1 Hnobs. The Fatal Hoots, t'ox's Jjlary, 'the Tremendous Adventure of ft. H ior Galitigcn Volume II Memoirs of Mr. C. J. Yel'owplush Diur ol i'. Jeiiuies De La 1' uuhe, Ksi) , Sketches und Travels m Loudon Novels by Kuilmnt tiuuds, churacler sketches. Volume III ihe Memoirs of Barry Lynden, Esa . A l eufciidol the Khlno, Kebeeoi and liowena, A l.lttla Dinner at Tuuiniiis', The liedloM Row l omplraey. Voiuu e IV I he Fliz Hoodie Papeis Men's Wives. A Fhuhv enteel Story. The hli-tory of Suuiuel Tltuiursii and the Great Uot tfurty Diamond. T. BUCHANAN READ'S POEMS. THE POETICAL WORKS OF THOMAS BU CHANAN READ. Contaluiinr 'Sylvia," -The nouo by the feu,' "Hie New Faftora1," "Wagoiuir oi the Alletthililos." 'Summer Storv " "Mierldnn'a Ride" and other I'oeius. ComtirlsiUK his entire collected I'oetl cal Writings to iHU. t vols, ltimo., cloth $5 00. , J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., PUBLISIIKltS, 715 & 717 MABKET STREET. e nt NEW PUBLICATIONS. PUBLISHED THIS DAY. MRS. OLIPHANT'S OEEAT BOOK I THE OH X'HVIVS; AND CALK 1 1 KIKLI). BY MRS. OLIPHANT. Author of ' Pelf Sacrifice " "Zaldee." Maruaret "MaiS tand," "Days of My Life." "Miss Majorlbanks " etc. One Volume Octave. Price Fifty Cents. " We are Inclined to look tor something biyonl tha coirmon In all that Mrs. Oltnhant writ'X an I w, find It here In bet masterly delineation ot character. In the' keeping of her pcr-oiiiane. . whos,i conduct ibnnpes naturnl y with tho nat.irai Rrowtti and decay el tlelr ruilnu mo Ives." hind n 1)1 v N wl "Mis. riiinhsnt's iMioks aroa wsy's charsr.ter'ioil bv lhrtnM and esrnestnes n .una puinose lnikl'in Ifsnl' ninnlie! in them tM-yond that ot merely strikluK t ie fancy o her readers, or italnlng tf.elr attoutlon lor a mn ment." xnd. Rni tt. "Some oeop eseem to have no power of growth s they renroduco themse ves with more or less success, but others, who aiudv human nature, hnprjve ImtiaJ of deteriorating-, there Is no livini novelist In whom this improvement Is to marked as Mrs, Oliphant." U nd n IT' st. Vrs. Ollphant Is one o" the mont admirable of oar ianv noi e mts." L nan p tt. MAI) Mu KTON : and other Stones. Bv Wilkie Col Ins. 1 his to nme contains nve of the best stones everwutten by Wilkle Cilnns, and neither ot thent hnvo ever tern published In thus country he. ore uno volume, octavo, i'rlce. Fifty cents. ' Oril MUTUAL FR1KXD. By aar'.ps DtMovia. Witb all tbe 'uthor's Illustrations, Forty In number I'nce, 10 In I'aperj or 'i M in t loth j or m two volumes C.ntn.with tinted illuura'lons. 10fl ; or a Cheap Ruilruad edition, bound in clotu. Price, al so. THK QUEEN'S FAVORITE; or, The l' of a Crown. An Historical Romance o the Fifteenth Cen tury. Complete in one larirn duodecimo volume Price, 11 50 in Paper; or, S2 Utl In Cloth. DICKENS' LIFE OF GR1MALDI. JOSEPH CRIMALDI, THE CLOWN. Ills Llie and Advenuros. Itv Charles Dickens. One volume, octavo I'rlce, eeventy-flve ceuts. THE COLD BRICK. Bv Mrs. Ann 8. Stephens. Author O' ' Fashion and Famine." '"otnple-e In one lame duodecimo volume. I'rlce, (l'SO la l'upursor, 2 00 In t loth THE FORTUNE SEEKER. Bv Mrs. Emma D. E.N Sou'hwor.h. Complete In one Urge duodecimo volume. Price, ai-jj In haper: or, $21)1) in Cioth. THE BEAUTIFUL NUN. Bv Ned BtiPtline. Amhor of Mvstcrlos and Miseries of New York " "Jxysieriesol .New or.caus," eic. i'llce.Mcventy-uve cents. BEST COOK BOOKS l'UBLISHEI). TETER SONS' NEW f OPIHMHIT D1IION-H. Each one hcliiK strontily and neatly bound in cloth : Petersons' New Cook Book $2-0fl ftlrs Goodie low's Cookerv us I; Mhould Bp 01 Wl.s Leslie's New Cookerv Boo X 2 00 Wldd rleid a New C ook Book 2 0d Mis Ilsle's Receipts lor the Ml lion 2-.HI Jlrs. Leslie's New Receipt for v ookinn 9 H0 Mrs. Hide's New t ook Hook J tO Krnnoatci I's Celebrated t:ook Hook Ihe Modstu Cook with (W ll us rations (UMI ocmvo puuis 500 Kvery hi usckeeper shnti'd have at Ica.t one of tho above relehiated l ook I'.oo'-.s as they will save the price ot it in a week by consu iIiik Its puoes. Booksellers are solicited to order at oiua what 'hev mny wnnt of each of the above Hooks, Ho that their orders can be fl led from tho tlrst editions, herd tor Peterson' Descriptive (Jtiloiiiie a,l Books sent post ace paid on r celpt ot re'all price. Address all cash orders, retail or wholesale, to fit T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, No. 300 Obesnnt Stret, Pbllfa4lpbla, Pa. IMPORTANT. J. W. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX LIGHT SUMMER SKIRT, MADE VERY LIGHT, FOR SUMMER RESORTS, WATERING PLACES, AND GENERAL TRAVELLING, ETC. EVERY LADY WILL WANT THEM. AT RETAIL AKD WHOLESALE BY J. M. HAFLEIGH, No. 902 CHESNUT STREET. J. G. MAXWELL & SON, S. E. CORKER ELEVENTH AND CUESNUT. THORNHILL & BURNS, No. 1208 CHESNUT STREET, AND OTIIEKS. AT WHOLESALE !Y THE SOLE MANTFACTUCEUS, WESTS, BRADLEY & CAUY, No. 07 CHAMBERS St., AND IVos. 79 and SI READ Streit, NEW YOEK. 9 2sw giATES UNION CLOIIIING II ALL, 606 MARKET Street, 606 Visitors will find a large and varied svsortment ot tho viry best KKAUY-MADJ! CLUTHISO at the lowest cash prices. rul is, containing Coats, Pants, aud Vest, from 112 00. Dostt rs, Wli. l'ants ire m 3-00 and higher. Come and convince yourselves. 15 31 3m M. JJ- iiohn, CONTINENTAL CIGAR WAREROOMS, No. 838 SANSON! Street, Bear of Continental Hotel, Philadelphia. Importer and Dealer In Choicest Brands of Cigars and Tohaccos, wholesale nd tetail. tfLuevs Boom. (2mwlm DRY GOODS. IJLAIK IRON imtEGKS. EDWIN HALL & CO. Ko. 28 SOUTH SEC0AI) STREET, HATE IN 61 ORG A FULL ASSORTMENT OK 5-8, 7-4, ana 8-1 II I'j A V Y MEB1I Blaek Grenadine Bareges. 6i atp EDWIN HALL & CO., No.fiB S. SECOND Street. 0PFKI tills MultNlNO. NOVELTIES III SEA-SIDE SHAWLS, 5 29 tutna3t4p lo which the attention of tho ladles la invitod. QURWEN STCDDART & BROTHER IKVITE ATTESTION TO THE STOCK OT DRY GOODS At their Fetsll Counters aud Vholesala Departiuont. Nos. 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND St.. AEOVK WIL..OW. The assortment embraces CHOICE tlLKS. SHAWLS, CI.OAK3 AND RACgnH. PLAIN AKD FANCY DliKSS GOODS, TKAVELLIJ.G DUE S3 MATEBIAL9, ORQAJDIK.S AND JACONETS. WHITE OOCDrt OF AlL KINDM. CHINTZES, 111 AHB1ILI.EH, CLOTK8, a, CASSIMF.BE4, GOODS FOB BOYri' WEIR. HCL'BEKEEriSO OOODs. ETC. ETO. All of which thry ara preoarod to sell at the LOWEST -FBICE9. CURWEN' hlODDART & BROTHER, Koe. 450, 452, aud 454 ti. SECOND Sueot, It Above Willow. j It. LEE, No. 43 North EIGHTH Street. CI'OHINO OUT STOCKS. ENTIRE STOCK TO BK CLOSED OUT BY THE FIRST OP JULY". A General Heduction Throughout. Dress Goods Greatly Reduced. 13L.ACK Sll.KS REDUCED. Best Black Pllks In tbe city. llenvv Black l-ilks tor Coais. Diue tilue Black .-liks. wide SI 62. o'd price. Jicst make ol l luck alpacas, leducud. 11 4 Honey Comh Quills cheap '2u0 lVack slid hliu Muninier Hal morals, 81 45. t Inest French Whit (.round OrKandles Imported. Brown Ground Figured Stripe Orvandles, verr Una. WUITE GOODS GREATLY REDUCED. White Cambrics, Jaconets, and Nainsooks, o'.i prices. KID GLOVES! KID GLOVES I 2(0 dof'r) Kid (.loves, llht. medium, and dark, il 24; every pair warranted real kid. HOSIERY! HOSIERY! JTJST OPESF.P, AT REDUCED PRICE. 2fS0 dozen Ladle' and Gents' IIoe. Gents' lull ri'iailai Hall Hone. 37X cents, old price. Ladiea' White und Jirowu Full Kciiular Hose. LINEN FANS! LINEN FANS I 3CC0 Linen Fans, irom 19 to 80 cents, old price, llaiidsi iue Mil; Fans, irom auction. Telegraph Fans, cry due. LINEN COODS AND DOMESTICS. All the Icadinx makes ot Domestics. Cli-eat jUarifhluM 'u I.lo-u Ilnndkroblri and Mneu Toweli. A pieces I oom 8-4 Tnhle Linen. 09 ceuts, from auctiou. Handfou e Lihuih Voiuts. bcuilaud MianU, best quail;, 13 Klbbona V-ry thenp from AiK tlma. All widths of Colored Itlbhon Velveta from auction. CLOSING OUT HOOP SKIRTS. The largest as. rlinint ot Hoop t klrts In the city. THE GADRIELLE SKIRT. Newest shape and most .ruceiul Skirt worn i an en tire iv new wiiist KOiiD-tment. Wallace A i-ous' klrt, made expressly lor our alios. jo. it. i;i:. No. 4.1 North KIUHTU Street. P 8 Durlna altera tons ot Iront building, will occu'iy (Iik back pan of 'he store. Kntraucu onILlii.UC htreet, a lew doors below Eighth street, norm Blda. K. ll. IjKK, 6 29tutlu3t Ho 43 North E1GB TH Street A CARD. Special Notice to Our Old Friends and the Public Generally. The JONES' One Price Clothing House, estab'lshed sixteen yesrs alio is f till in micnes-ilu operation at the o d locaiion. No 604 MAIlKEt Mtruet one door bove Sixth and has not cbaniie" lis place or manner ot dolus buslnei-s, which d exnclly tbe Bauie Koolold pi'in In ope ration tor nmnv years namely, 'One i'rlce aul no de vlath n " ThecloiuliiK we inak is of thr most subsiau Hal character bum as to muterlali a id workmanship, so thitt our ciutomi-rs never can ooniDlaln of cither. Our stock Is larie. and p am or tashionable people can be well suited. Our custoniers should be ca e ul to get In the rltihi place, as there is no other establishment In tue city in our line oi businesa strictly ' one price." JONES' ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, No. 0O4 MAItKlST STHKHT. ONE DOOH AU0VE SIXTH. ( SI Iwlp