THE DAILY EVEM G im(.I.AHI. 1 HllADELIIlU, FMIUY. JUInE 1, 16c6. OUR PARIS LETTER. Fnblla Naajfitiiae Upon (he lntle of Wt Vetdt Patriot-4Jnrlblell, tl Liberator Financial Natter aal the) Cb)lra Thsj Ilorabardnteat of Valpw . rle IIornKaclnsr Tbentrs Tnllp Haala Scraps mt t'atlaatal Nw, El.,Kte. Spettal Vorretpondence of" The Evening TeUgraph. Paris, May 18, 1866. ' ' I am torrj to fay tliat we arc sJH living Jn a tate of Buepense. We are cmstsntl? expecting to hear tbat the Oret shot ha, bern Bred, but up b the present time there ha been "Great cry and UtUt teoo.n In the tn"antlrae everything is at a stand still business, ourney of pleasure; and should things continue In thi way all the cummer, those who generally repair to Ems, Wiesbaden, Carlsbade, and Bagniercs, will have to remain quietly in Paris, and content themselves with taking seltzer water at the Trinkhalts now beiug set up on th Boulevards' where the Parisians may quench their thirst dur ing the hot days of summer We are in a most unpleasant statu quo, which is neither war nor peace. Victor Emanuel has left Florence to take the command of the army. Benedek is busy in Bohemia; Prince Charles, of Prusila, is in Wurtembergj' and Frince Ilumbert, heir presumptive to the Italian throne, is at Borgo de San Martino, where he occupies the country of the author of 11 Tro talore. VERDI n not onlv a composer of immense genius, he is moreover a patriot, who would wish to see his country treed from a foreign yoke he Is, too, a member of the Italian Parliament. As soon as he heard that the Prince Intended making Lis headquurters at San Martino, he immediately placed his whole esf.ablisb.mpnt at the disposal of his Koyal Highness. The Italian fleet "stops the way" in the Adriatic all is ready who will etrike the first blow? GARIBALDI, the great liberator of the Peninsula, has been anied commander of a corps of volunteers, a command which he haB accepted, with the pro. vlso that he shall be allowed to act with perfect freedom. Nobody seems to know where he is: some say at Nice; others say that he has not yet left his "island home" of Caprera. We shall no doubt hear that he has taken the Aus trians by surprise. The exiled Magyars, who, like the Italians, sigh lor a fatherland, intend making common cause with their Italian brothers. A Hungarian legion is being formed at Florence, which will be entrusted to the former chief of the revolu tion, Kossuth. However, war has not yet broken out, and the uncertainty is worse than actual war; for an army cannot live on air, and all the stock markets are In state of perfect deroule, occa" sioned by contradictory telegrams. THE FINANCIAL DIAABTBM caused by the fall in securities are numerous in France, but In no way to compare with those in London. Many in France have felt the counter shock of the great failure of Ovcrend, Carney A Co., which every commercial man knows was a hank of long standing. Knirlish papers inform ds that this failure is to the extent of 21,700,000. The news spread like wild Are, and there was consequently a run on a great number of Lon don banks the police, we hear, had great trouble in preventing the commnnicalion in the city from belDg stopped. On Saturday last crowds of people filled the streets up to a late hour, and it was not till the clock of St. Paul's Cathedral struck twelve, that th crowd began to disperse. THB CHOL1RA. We are threatened in oar pockets and in our health, for, to make matters worse, the scourge of the nineteenth century is at Liverpool, where it has been brought by a vessel cominr, from the Weet Indies. Beveral persons have already been carried off. It was hoped that Eneland would be enabled to keep out of the conflagration which menaces Europe In general, but it appears, by latest advices from America, that she will have to keep a sharp lookout on the Fenians in Canada, who have ust captured an English ship, the Wentioorth, An American fliip had been sent in pursuit of the Fenian vessel, but hud been unable to overtake it. Before terminating this dreary chronicle ot war and ruin, I must not omit informing you of the general iudignation felt in Europe on learn ing of THE BOMBARDMENT OF VALPARAISO. The accounts are of the saddest description. The Spanish Admiral had been challenged by the Chilians to a naval combat, but declined; be preferred burning and ruining a defenseless town. The inlury done to commerce amount to 12,000,000 piastres. More than four-fifths of the merchandise was foreign property of neu trals, who will no doubt not omit to present a little bill when the time comes a bad business for the Hidalgos, a bad spec, for. If we are not mistaken, there is a luck of specie in the Spanish money-box. Notwithstanding the rumors of war. Paris has been able to find a new idol. Bismark has a rival; it is the lucky winner of the Chaatilly "Derby," the horse "Florentin." . The nose ot "Oladlateur" is put out of joint; the cry is now, ' Vive 'Florentine1 " Oh 1 ingratitude of man 1 how the horses must despise na 1 There was nothing to make us believe that this horse, unknown a few days ago, would achieve such honors, as it was not even classed. The ewner of "Florentin" has, it is said, wo more than a million of francs. TBI PARIS THIATRBI. All the wars and all the political differences In the world will not prevent the ligbt-hearted Parisian from taking his pleasure. Snme of onr theatres ar reaping golden harvests, and the seventy performances of the Lion Amoureux has netted seventy four thousand franc, to which must be added the sale of the work, 30,000 francs. Should tbiags continue in this way we shall soon see a miracle, A POET MILLIONAIRE, a rarity, as Alexandrine verses seldom lead to for tune, Tne raising of vegetables and onions, especially tulip onions, is a more profitable) oc cupation. THE TULIP MANIA IN HOLLAND is still rampant with Mynheer. This mania cost a pretty penny to the directors of the Dtrecht Railway, a few days ago, who had to pay down 60,000 francs to the owners of some tulip bulbs, which had been damaged by the nellgeuM of some of the railway officials. TJIB 11 AM F.I TON DIAMOND, a most experiment, was the other day made at the Acadcmie, with the so-called chameleon diamond, which has the property of chancing Its color when exposed to great heat of a light yellow color, it turns light red when placed in the fire, and resumes Its original hue when allowed to cool down again. This dia mond should be worn by the frreater part of oar political men. FLIGHT OF STARS. Many of the stars which caused us such plea sure this winter, have left us. Pattl, the spoiled child of the Parisians, is now in London, where the season has already begun. She will, how ever, return tons "when the swallows home wards fly." MAD'LLE GRONIZOW, THE RUSSIAN DANCER, w ho has been so long announced as one of the best dancers of the North, has at last come out at the opera, in the charming ballet of Giselle; ou, Lea Witlis. She is "all our fancy painted her," and. perhaps, since the time of the famous Marie Taglioni, no dancer has gone through the unnatural dance of the ballet with more grace and decency. We have seen the most celebrated dancers of modern times Duvernay (Mrs. Lyne Stephens), Curlotta Orisl, Fanny Ellsler, Cerito, Cerraris. and many others, but the Russian baihrina excels them all. MARIE TAGLIONI, now created Baroness de Thorn, by the Empe ror Franz Joseph, will shortly give her hand and heart to Prince Windischgratz, an Austrian officer. The celebrated prima ballerina of tire Berlin opera is niece to the celebrated Marie, who so often charmed us in La Sylphide and La Bayadere. Scraps ol Continental News. THE FAIR SEX FREE ! 1 Creat agitation is going on now in Stockholm In favor of the fair sex, on whom it is wished to confer all the rights nnd privileges hitherto accorded only to men. The AftonbiadH newspaper, in speaking of the above, calls attention to the fact that, in 1740, a lecture was delivered at the University of Upsala, on the following proposition: Whether the female sex ought to be excluded from the culture of belies lellresf In IhU discourse, which was printed in 1843, M. Edberg Is of opinion that, although women of a very gifted nature might be admitted to the study of the belles Mires, women in general ought to confine themselves to household duties, spinning and needlework. AUSTRIAN'S RIDICULING BISMARK. Letters from Vienna inform us that it is the fashion just now lor all the actors in the theatres of that city to make all sorts of sarcastic remarks concerning M. Bismark, the Prussian Premier, and his line of policy, which are nightly received with thunders ot applause. On the other hand, the press, great and small, teems with articles, anecdotes, etc., turning into ridicule the aforesaid minister and his royal master. The shop windows, also, are filled with caricatures. In one M. de Bismark is represented as an ogre, busily engaged in de vouring the different States of Austria, and even the Emperor Franz Joseph himself.. In another he is seen in company with Victor Emanuel, who, after a moment's talk, turns his back on him, aud leaves him to grapple with Mons. de Mecedorff. THE POLITICAL FAIR SEX. An association of women for the progress of Political economy has just been formed at Vienna. A committee of ladies has been charged to draw up the statutes, with M'me Laube, the wife of a well-known dramatic author, as its President. A journal of the South of France announces the death of Captain Manan, known for his numerous attempts to establish a line of French 6teamers on the Danube. He expired, after a long illness, at Marseilles, in the midst of his family. WRECKED VESSELS. It results, from the list published by the ad ministration of the Bureau Veritas, in Paris, that the total number of vessels wrecked during the month of March amounted to 209, of which 14.) are English, 32 American, 28 French, 5 Danish, 5 Dutch,' 5 Italian, b from Hamburg, 4 Norwegian, and 41 of different other countries. Seventeen ships arc supposed to have been totally lost, not haviug been heard of. The number of wrecks during the month of January and February amounted to C78. By adding the ntimber of those' lost during the month of March, we have a total of 047 wrecks from the 1st ot January to the 31st ut March, I860. THE CONSUMPTION OF COTTON. In 17G4, an American merchant in Liverpool received a consignment from Charleston of eight bales of cotton. They were seized at the Cus tom House, under an allegation that cotton could Dot be grown in the American colonies. In 1860, the cotton of the United States amounted to 2,078,777,600 pounds. In the East Indies, the annual product is 2,440,000,000 pounds. Of the 1,287,000,000 people now in the world, 700,000,000 wear cot xn exclusively, and all but 70,000,000 wear it more or less! INTRODUCTION OF SILKWORMS. At the last public meeting of the Societe tf Acclimatisation t vo gold medals were awarded, one to M. Berlsndie, who introduced into Europe a new and healthy larva of silkworms from Japan, and the other to Mr. Gamier, who has made the Society a present of a magnificent collection of animals from London. TRICHINA AG AIN. The disease of pigs (trichina) continues to cause a good deal ot alarm. The Moniteur has lately published a report of Messis. Delput and Raynal, two scientific gentlemen appointed to study the malady. It resulted from their investigations tbat this disease is much less common and far less dangerous than was asserted. They h . vever state that the Freuch pigs ate quite as liable to catch trichina as those of (iermany, if allowed to eat the dead bodies of rats, cats, and other animals, all which arc naturally impivgr-iitcd with trlohinu. Great attention should lto be paid to the cleanliness of the pig-t-tye. MISCELLANEOUS. There is exhibited lust now in a curiosity shop on the Boul-vard Malcsherbes an Indian statue ct black granite. The tiguie is laid on his back after the manner of fierures which ornament the lids of sarcophagi. This statue represents the grand Kiiscbna, a divinity held in great venera tion by the Hindoos, and to whom the raaynltl cent pagoda siiuaied at Ceng's, thirty leagues from Pondsichcrry, was dedicated. The pagoda is constructed on a small rocky mountain, which can only be asceuded on foot. It has been arseitcd in a periodical that this statue ot Knschna whs carried off from the paiitda at Gengis by a French maiptrato, but this is not correct. It Is true that the statue Is the property ot a French magistrate who has travelled In India, but this centleman purchased it for a considerable sum of money. The proper lace for this fine figure of Krlschna would be in a museum ot Indian curiosities, either in London or Paris. O t 7 " Tl XT Bnmn irTwiuaftYT T.mlu l - i Indenture oi Mortgage ol the ptopcrty lierelnatlor do tcilbed eaecuie d by the Tyrone and 1 teaitlcld Kai roid Company to me, as Mor gagee io Tiust, to .ecure tbe pa.Mnentot tlie principal aril In erest ot bond ol said Company to 1 lie amount ol t'lti (Mil which MortgAge ia tlateo the l'lth day ol May A. I). 1H.W. and recorded la tlie ofl ce lor i ecordlna deeda, eta In and lor the count v oi Blair, on the lHth (lav oi fay, A I. IW, In mortgage book A. pagea 6i3-4-5-S-7 and S, nnd In the oflice lor re corning dt cub eto . la and lor Die count oi Centre, on the Lib day 1 ay, A I. 1F.19 In mortgage book K, rage 17" etc, do hereby give notice that delimit having fen made for more than ninety dv In the ptvmmt of the nierpfltdue and demanded on the eald bond, 1 will, In pursuance ol the written lequeat to me directed ot tho lioldua ot n ore than MUmo In amount of .he aald bonda. and by virtue of the powet oonienad onon me In that respect by tle paid Morigrge expose to public ao and tell to tho hit heat and hi t. Milder by &i. illOM'H & SONS. Auctioneers, at the 1'H1LAIKL1'I1I A KX t' Ha iF . In the cltv of I hila elnhla on Thumrtny. tho 27 tb da of repten.ber. A 1). IMitt upon the tenia and conditions heieiuaitcr ainted, the T bo e of the sold nioripaied premises, viz. s The whole oi that section of aald Tyrone nl clear Held ltailroad Irom the point of Intersection with the ltroneand 1 cck Iiaven I ailroad near 'lyrune I. lair county, l enmylan a to I'hlillimbnig Centre count r, I'l'LLfy Ivanla aa tne fame Ik now constructed together with a. I ar d alnfcu er tbe railway, rulla, bridgei. fences, privileges, right, and al real property of eerv dtsciipiioti acquired by and belonging to mild t ompant . and all tbe tolls, fuci me. Isauea, and proflta to be dt lived and to a-h-a from the snme. and a 1 the binds uffd and occupied lor railways depot, or sta tion beiwetn said points, with a.l the bulldlugs stand lug thereon or procured iherclur AM) OEM FAI.LY. All he lands, railways rails bridges, culverts. treKt'e wcrks, too. houses, coa' houses wharves, :encen. rlghfct of wuy. workshops, machinerv, a'ations. depoM depot grounds, works, uiaMinrv. and oilier supeiairucture, iral elute buildings and Improvements ot whatever nature or kind anitrtlning or belonging t the ibove mrntloned property, and 10 the said section of said Tyrone and t .eartie d I aliroad, and owned by said Com pany In connection therewl h '1 he sala section of tbe Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad, enterfing iroui 'be Intersection ot the vrone and clea' fleld Kallroad wltb the rni road oroicrly l.c'ounlng to the Tj-rone and I.ockhaven HHllrosd ompany, but now to the Hald Kag e Val.ev htulroad Company, is about 20 miles in length. TKBWS OF KALE. SIP.COO of the purchase money to be naid In cash when the property is muck oil, ana the taianoe wltalu W days thereafter Pa AlKVT on account of tbe aaldba'anceof purchase menev, to tbe ex ent of tbe dividend thereof payable on the bonis secured by tho said mortgage and tbe nia tuted coupons ol the said bonds. tnav be made in the said bonds oi coupons; and if the dividend la less than the actual mm Que nno the said bonds or coupons, the holders nmy retain possession o the said bonda and coupons on receipting to the said Trustee for the said dividend and endorsing paymeut of the same on the said bonds or coupons. . t'pon tbe purchase runner being; paid as aforesaid, tbe Trustee will execute and deliver a deed ot conveyance ot the premises to the puichaser or purchasers In pur suance ot tbe power conferred upon bun by the aald moitgage. Any further Information In respect to Bald sain, or ptemlses maybe bad nnon application to the under sinned Trustee, at the ofilca ol the I'ennsvivaula Kali road Company, o. 231 S. Third sireei. I'M ade phis, JOHN ELUAR TIH iMON I runtee, N o. 238 8 1 HI I?D Street, M. THOMAS A SON. Auctioneers, S 21 trf4m Nos. las and 141 KOI KIH htreet- "plULADELPHlA, MAY 4, 18ti6. NOTICK IS J hereby given that a writ of scire faciaa will be issued uron tbe fol owing calm, at the expiration of three tnon bs liom the date hereof, unless, the same ia paid within tbat time to W. A. SMVF.R, Attorney-at Law, Mo. 3' . r&VEftTH btreet. "CITY" TO TJSK OF LAKE SCHOFIEXD V. r lank In Fire Insurance Company. CP., Decem ber T , Mb. Ko 28. fur l avlng. 74'43, lot N. E. comer ol twenty-second and Spruce streets. 17 feet tronton Hnrnce b 67 feet 4 inches deep on Twentv-second street. 5 i i3m JILLWARD & WINEBRfiNER. WM. MII.LWARD, D. B WIJ.EBBEHEB. MACHINERY AND MANUFACTURERS' SUPPLIES, 'o. 118 MAT? KET Street, FfllLADEXI'UIA, PA. AOESTS POU THIS FA LB OF Ccttcn and Woollen Machinery, Dea.'era in ilanufactnrers' Supplies of every de scription. Cck Tanned Leather Eelting. AND MACHINE CARD CLOTHING Of best oualilv and rjiannfacture. 4 26 3mrp H A R N E S S. A LAKGE I.Or OF UEW U. 8. WAGON HAR NESS, 2, 4, and 6 horse. Also, part ol HAR NESS, SADDLES, COLLARS, HALTERS, eto, bought at the recent Government sale to bo sold at a creat sacrifice Wholesale or Retail. Tercther with our usual assortment of SADDLEB YAND SADDLER Y HARD WARE. WILLIAM S. HANSELL & SONS. 2 If, Ko. 4 MARKET Street. JJ" KITED STATES UIJILDElt'S MIL. I,. Nos. 24. 26. and 28 S. FIFTEENTH St., rillLADELPniA. ESLER & BHOTIIEPk, WOOD MOCLDIKOS, BRACKETS, STAIR BALIT9 TEKB, J.EWKL POSTS, OESERAI. TCKS1NO SCROLL WOKK, ETO. HELYUQ f LAN ED TO ORDER. The largest a sortment ot Wood Uouldlngg In this cltv conMuntl on hand 417 3m coumuvo CAMPHOR TROCHES, Posltiva Pranotlve or tJ L J Jj Jii 1 Diarrhoea, Dyieswry, aad C Holer MorDiu, Bole Factor, C.U.Noedles.lJrnjflM, .e e9 lam a Baoa bis,, miio. - IT" k -, , 1 - -O' mailed on ' Q II E E N r E A S, GRJ EN COhX, FRESH PEACHES, KRSH TOMATOES, FLU413, AI .JJEIIT O. IlOilEHTS DEALER IN IINE GROCERIES, 8 18 4p Cot. ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. TIIKEF (iENEKAL AcloN-Hp WANTED TO act in Irrrortant local Ions for the Netr York Acci dental inmraiue Luuinuuy. Active men ol irood address, eni'ly to UtANK O. ALLEN, Hramb Oflice, No. 4ll tliKSM'TBieet. Apply noon. i A S Pocket Books, f ff B Portemounales, Vk ffs a Cigar Cases, g v In J " i Portfolios, 1 S v - i Dressing Cases, ft jhfi 3 ? Bankers' Cases. 1 Sj ""iioiIS LadieaandQenta' Moedlaworktl If m.bKa, , J i made into l II Toii.ft Y Satchels and s Kmoheli, II 1L SiSS?. 1 Travelling Bag.. &!? I yjioiKi. 3 in all atylea. tJMT FAILFOAD LINES. JJ E A D I N (J It A I L K O A li fiREAT ThPNK M5.. P)M riMLDKLI I" TO h li INTERIOR O ItSNHlVM', THE h( lit YI.K1I I., M'OyUl". i'AN.NA. I JHlFtlI.AhD. Axil) V VOJlIN V ll. II VH, THE UlilU, OHmWf oi. AUD THK t Ah ADA 8 SCMatER ARHA(IFMKNT OF TA9SENOER 1KAISM. Leavlr the I omnany'i Depo'. at TniRTKENTM ail CAIIOWlllLL Mreeta I blladelphla, at the iollowlng fcORNIXO MAIL. At a A. W. 'or Resoln. Lebanon, narrhnra; Potra vllle I'lnesroTB. Tnmaqoa. nnburr, Vllllamsport. 1-lnilra. Kocliesier Ma.ara Fal s. HalTalo A lenlovn Milk'sbsrre I Itlston, York. Carlisle, Cbambersbnrg, Userstown eto etc Ihla train eonnecta at KKADINO wrh East Penn sylvania Knllrtad iralna for Ailentown. eto, and the Ltbsn n Valiej train lor Harrlsburg eto i at POUT CLINTON y fh ( atawlisa hailroail trtns f r lla osbnir. Lock Iiaven. Flmlra etc.t at HARRIS HH Ith Northern Central Cumberland Va ley. and Pchuvlklli end Husqiiehanna trains lor Northnniher Innd, rV'illIamtport, York Cbambersburg, Piueuiove etc. etc. AFTERyOOV FXPRESB. Leaves PtiHsoelplila at s-sn P M , for lieadlnir Potts villo. llnrrjsbnrK etc., connecting vsllh Reading and Celnmbla Bui resii trains tor Columbia, eto. ItrADINtl ACl OlIMODATION. Leaves-sdlng nt 6 Co A ji , stooping atallway sta tions. a...ving at Philadelphia at 8 M A. M. lt turning . leaves Philadelphia at J00A.M. arrlvee In Reading at 7 W) P. M. ' Trains tor fhtladeipbla leave Harrlshur at 7 30 A M and I'otteville at8-.K a M arriving In Philadelphia at VH!t P. 1M. Aiteinonn trains leave IJiirrtsliiirg at 2 (Ml P. M , Pottsviiie at i 4 P. M., arriving in Phl.adelpbla at 7'0& P. M. IIARR1SBI RO ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Reedinif at 7 33 A M. and Hamsbarg at 7 8s A i . and Harrlsburn at fl'o P. VI. ' Market train. vlii pasm-nger ear attached, leaves Philadelphia at Infineon for Reading am all sta Inns. Lrav, s I.eadliiK a 11 3n A. M and Iiownlnirtown at 12-30 p. .. for Philadelphia and ah way sta lena. AH toe above trains run dally, -undnvs excepted. Hnnc'av trains leave Pottsviiie at H-Ofl A. M . and Phi lado phlaat 3-1S P M Leave Philadelphia for Heading at 8-00 .) te nrnlng irom Reading at 425 P, M. fHF.H.m VLLEY RAILROAD. I aspcniers tor Jiovt nlngti.wn and Intermediate points take the 8(HI A.M. and 6f0 P M trnins from I'blla e)i phlu, returning irom DownlugtoWTi at 34 A. M. an l'J-3 noon. KKW YORK EXPliESS FOR PITTSBDR8 AND THE t WE&T. Leaves r- evi ' ot at !) A M.,and 8'10 P M.. passing Pead ng at 1-30 A. j .nd l w P M , and connecting at Ilarrisburg with Pennsylvania and Nonhern CeuinU Balltoad express trains for Pitfeburif, Cbloago, WU iianisi ort. Llnilra. Pnlt'niore, etc. Leturnlng, express train leHVei Hsrrisburg on anivul ol ih Pennsylvania express Irom Plttsonrg, at 3 and A. M paslrg Rending at 4 49 and 10 52 A. M.. and arriving In New York at 10 A. M and a 4A p. M. sleep ing c are accompany these t alna through between Jersej 1 1 tj and Pittsburg wltl out change. A mall train lor New York leaves Harrlsbatg at 1 00 P.M. Hail train lor Harrlt.burg leavea Kow York at ', HCHCYLKILL VALLEY R.MLROAD. Trains leave Pottsviiie at 7 and 11 -so A.M., and 7 18 inil Vln'l"! ,rm """"I0 ''3 A.M. anU 140 f ChUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. Tra nsleave Auburn at 7 ftO A. M lor Plnegrove and Harrlsburg. nnd 1 6o p M. lor Plnegrove and Tremont, relurniiii'irtimaarrlshurgat4l5r. ii and ftotn Xre niont at 7 '30 A. M. and a 1U P. M. .. TK'KKiS. Tbrough first-c'asg itckets and emigrant tickets to a l the principal polnta In the onb and West and Canada. j he iollowlng tickets are obtnl-able only at he office ol H. bRAJjtOitD, Treasurer. No. 22 7 8 FOURTH ttreet. Philadelphia, or to O. A. NKOI.L8, Ueueiai Supenntcntlcot. Beaolng: ' C01IMLH ATION TICRFTS At 16 percent, discount, between any points desired, lor lauilliesai d firms. . WII.EAOE TICKETS, Good forSCOOmlles, between all pointa, 52 in each, for families and flima ' SEASON TICKETS. For three, six. nine, or twelve months, for holders only, to all points, at reduced rates t, ... ... .. CLKROYMEV Residing on tbe line of tbe road will be furnished with caida entitling themselves and wives to tickets at hall tare EX( TJRBION TICKETS From Philadelphia to principal sia ii ns. good for Ka ttndav, Sunday, and Slondav, at reduced fa e to bo had cn vat the Ticket Oflice. at THll.TEhM'H and CAL Lon U1LL Streets. FREIGHT. Goods of all desciiptions iorwarded to all the above po,J'i?r V??i i?e on'Pany's new Erel? ht Depot, BROAD and WILLOW Streets. EHEIGHT TRAINS Lea ve Phllndel pbla anily at 3(1 A. M .. 1? 45 noon, and r. M.. tor Heading. Lebanon. Harrlsburg, Pottsviiie Port k Union, and all points beyond. Close at the Philadelphia Post Office for all places on tne road and Its btuncbea at fi A. Ju , and all the principal stations only at i 16 P M. 8 14 Ti OK ,EW JTORK.-THE CAMDEN AND JJ Am boy and Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad Company's Lines. KtiM 1UILADELPHU TO NEW YORK and Way Places, Iroin Walnut Street Wbaif, win leave as lo, lows, viz: fakb At 5 a. Ai,, via Camden and Amboy, Accomn oda non a2'2l At 8 A. M . via Can de n and Jersey City Express".".".", i-00 At 21 via Camden and Amboy Express 300 Ate-jOP. M , via Camden to south Amboy, Accommo dation. AtBA.M. Sand 5-30 P M forVount Holly, Ewans vlile Fembtrton. and Vlnceutown. At6A. il. aud i P. M lor Freehold. At 5 and H A. A.., and K M . 4, 5-30 and 7 PM. for Flsb Louse, Pelmyra, Riverton Progress, Delanco Beverly. Edeewater, hurintton, Florence, Borden town. oic. Tbe lu A. M. and 4 P. M. Hues rua direet throurh to lienton. LIE8 EKOil KEN - INGTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE ..... . . AS FOLLO 8 1 At 11 A M , 4-30 6-45 P. JI., and 2 P M. (Night) via Kenslnttou and Jersey city i xnress Lines, fare S3-00 1 he 6-4.J P. M. Line will lun dully. Allotbers Sundays ex epted J At 710 and 11 A . M . 3 3'30 4 30 5, and 6 45 P. M and s u.night. lor briftol. 1 renton, etc At 7 end 11) JA A.M. 12 M. 4, 0. and 6 P. M., fur Corn we rs Tornsdule Holmenburg, Tacony. Wisninomlng. liriile-burg and Frankiord, apd at in 15 a. 11 or Brb-tol. schenck's, Eddlngton, ajndsP. JU for Holmes burg and intermenia e siations. At 7-3U A. M. nnd 8-!lU P. M lor Niagara Falls, Buffalo. Dunkirk ananilaUna, Ehnira, Ithaca. Owego, Ro ches er. Binghempton, Osneco. r-yracune Great Bend, Montrose Vt ilkemmrre Scranton. Stioutbiburg, Aster Gap, 1 elvlde re, Easton, i ambertvllie. eleuilngton, etc. The SO P. M. Line connecu direct with the train leaving Easton lor JUauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethle rei etc. At 6 P. 21. for Lambert vile and Intermediate stations. Mayl.lrBtt. WILLIAM H GAIZMEB, Agent. ORTH PUlNKSYLyAMA RAILROAD. J)epo THlhl8ueet above 'lhoiupiwi. BARRl EAN,CM WiLLlAil SPORT, and WlLKtrJ At 7 30 a. I iKxpress), tot Eethlehem. Allentown Maucta honk, Uaitle od Wlillatxspott, and WUkea barre. AtX'SOP M (Express., for Bethlehem. Kaston at reaching Eaton at 8'45 P. M. At 415 P. M. tor Bethlehem, Al.entown. Slauo Chunk. Panvlile and W Ullumsport For Doltstown at 835 A M., 2-30 and 416 P. il. t oi Fort W a.hliigtou at 10 A M. and II p. al. For Lannda'e at 8'15 P. Id. While cars 01 tbe Hecoud and Third Streets Line Citj Passenger ( ars run direct to the depot. TR.1H FOR PUIi.AliKLPHI A, Leave Bethlebcm at 6 25 A. li. and 12-76 Noon, an il 15 P Jn Leave loy estowu at 6 411 A. It., IMS and 5 30 P. U Leiive Lanrdaie atb OO A. 51. Leave Fort Waabuigton ai lO'ft1! A al , and 1-11 P. 14 Old SUNDAYS. Philadelphia ioi It HO eneni at I) A U. Philadelphia lot Doylestown at 2-30 P. M, Doyleetown tor Phi adelphla a' 7 20 A. M. heilileheiii lor Philadelphia at 4-3i P. 51. 1 hrouith Tickets must b piocuied at ibe ticket omcis. THIRD Htreet or HKkKH Street. ' I IB CLARK Agw. 'i JEltbKY KA1LHOAI) LINES, FROil Y toot of MARKET StreetlUpper Ferry), Commencing THURmU Y, Mav 31 18ti0. LEAVE PUILADK1.PHIA AS FOLLOWS; 8 a.M Mall, lor Bildgetoa, Salem, and ail interme diate stations OA. M. Mail for Cape May, stopping at Woodbury, Glasboro Vlneland, aim MUlvllie, aud all alatlons beow aii.lvllle. Due 12-35 M 1 I M. Accommodation, for Cape May. stopping at Woodbury and Glasaboro, and all atatlous below Ulasa Loro. Line H-6 P. M. 3 HO P.M. Passenger, lor Bildgeton, Sa em, and all Intermediate nam ns. tt P. M.. Wooilbnry Aeeommorlatlon. llETI'KNl.NU TRAILS Leave Cape Mu B-30 ana ll A. M. BrlUt.etiin 7 A. M and 1-511 P. M. ' ba em 8-45 A. M. aud 3 35 P. M. Freight will be received at Second Coered Wharf below WAl.NCT Street, Jrom 7 AM. until 6 P. M. '1 but received at or belore 9 A.M. will go through tha same day Freight Delivery. No. 2?8 S. DELAWARE Avenue. 5 31 J. VaN RENSSALAEU, Superintendent. 1 Orf-PI!ILADELPHIA AND ER'ERAIL 1 OUv) ROAD. This great ine traverses the North ern and Northwest Counties of Pennsylvania te iha City of I- rie on Lake Erie It has beeu leased and ia operated by the Penusv.vanla Railroad Company. TIME OF PAHSENt.ERl RAINS A l PUILADhLPH' A. A rrive Eastward r rle MaH Train, 7 A- M. ; Erie i x press Train. I P. M. Leave Westward Erie Mall, P. M ; Erie Express TrumliM. i Passenger cars run through on he Erie Mall and Fx press trains Loth s In tueen 1'hilade phla anil trie NEW StlUK CoJSKKOlIoN. Leave New 1 ork at 8 A. M.. arrive at Erie 9 30 4 . M. Leave Frle at 4 45 P. M . anlve at New York 4 10 P. U. Klei ant Sleeping t'an on a 1 the ulgbt trains. For huortiiHtlon reeiiectlng psnsenger bunuesa, apply 41 corner THIR'I IE ill and MARKr.T Streeta Phi a. And lot ireight buslnera, of the Couipnnv s Agents, 8, B. Kingston. Jr., corner 1 hlrenth and Market streets, Pbtladi'lphlai J. . Keuoids, trie; William Biown, Aaeut N. C. R it., Baltimore. H. ". HOI'H'lO.v, General Freight Agent, Phl. H. W. GWINNER General lleaet Ageut.PhUa. A.L. 1YLEB General sup't, WUliamsport. t FiAILF.OAD LINEb I T 1111 ArKLl III A, W'lLMlNfiTON, AND PAL L TlklOBJc Hill H)AD. 1 IMF IARLF. emninelng Jt'OMAY Ann in 1H i rains will le 1 epot coimr t.t RRO,D Street and WAStll Xei T' N Avenue asloilows: 1 tres 1 rsln at 4 15 A. M (MonnHivs eieen'ed) to riliin oteind Xafhmtlen sinpiilng at Chestor.WII n iiKt..n Nevark. HKi 11. Noilln-t, Temvllie.'Iavre fir (.race Aberdeen.! envman's. Magnolia, chase's f Hrrnier's Run Wav V all Train at 8 15 A V. (Snndays excepted), fat Baltimore, stepping at al regular stations Letneen Phl Istlelnhia and t.aitlieor . l'elaware Ral rnad Train at t A M (Jnri1-s ex cepted . lor Prlnccsa Anne. V lliord, and Intenncduite atatiers txpress Train at 11-45 A.M. (snndavs excepted), for Pali note and Washington. Express 1 rain at 3 P M iSnnrtsvs exrepted) tnrBa' tlmore and Wat hint ten slopping at he-4t'r, 1 'avmont, Wiinilrgten, Newarg, Flktnn, Northeast. Perryvllle, Ilavte de Grace. Aberdeen. PerrTmnn'a, Edgewoocf Mag noils, I hare's and stemmer s Run , Mht 1 xpntsat IIP. M..lor Baltimore and Wash insion. TssferFrrsbv Boat from Ba't'more 'or For'resa Mon roe Norn lk. Ctly Point, and Richmond, will take the 11 45 A M train. V H.WISGION ACCOMMODmOV TIVfl. Stopping at all stations between Philadelphia and Wil mington I ea.e rhllarle phla at 9, 1115 A. M 4 SO 6. and 11 30 P.M. The 4-Ml P. M. tisln connects with lehtware Railroad 'or Ilarrlni.ton anil inlennedinte stations. I eave Yi Huilugton at645 8 and 1) 30 A. M., 4 and 6 3D Trains for Newcastle leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M.. 4 10 ana 6 P.M. iHKOl C.n TRAINS FROM BAI TIMORE Leave Wilnilrgten at 11 A 51., 4 :w and 10 P. M. (1IIMFR 1-0 . I'llIlADl 1 I'll I A. Leave t bes er at 7 4fl, 8 46, HI 14 aud 11 40 A M 4- 43 o. ,0,7-28 ard in 3t P. M. . FLOM BALI I M ORE TO TH ILA DF.LPTI A I eave l'.altln oie 7-5 A M.. Wav. mall S'20 A. M., Jxpress 1 10 P. M..Expiess. t-35 P. A.., Ixprcss. 82i I', al.. Express TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave f lies'erat 4 40 andH ll A. M ., and 3 38 P. M. 1 eave W llrrliigton at 5 23 ano 9 3:1 A. M. and 415 P. M. rreight Trsins wlih Passenger ass attscned will eave as loilows: V llmington mr "-errwlne and intermedlatn ststlons at6f5P. M. Baltimore for Havre-de-Grace and Intetmediate statlois a 4 45 P.M. Penvvllle for Wil mington and In'ermediato staimns nt 5 00 M . con necting at Wilmington wltb 8 A. M. train for Philadel phia. BITNDAY TRAINS Express Train at 4-15 A at. lor Baltimore and Wash ington s'oppn.g at" bester, WHmin. ton, Newark Klk lon, Nor hea-t Perry vll e Havre-de-Grace, A'rrden, Pert' nun a Magno la. (.'base's and stemmer': Run. Exi p M lor Baltimore and Washington. eccn modatlnn Trsln at 11 30 P. M. for Wl.mbigton nd intermediate stutlcns. BAL'l IMOliK FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave 1 allin or at 8-25 P. M . stopping at Havre-de Grace. Penjvllle, and limingtnn. Also sions at Eik t n and N ewatk (to take pafferifers fer Phi adulpnlaand leave passengers Irom Washington or Baltimore,) and ( 1 ester to leave passengera 110m Baltimore or Wanti Inpton. Acromtrodstlon Train Irem Wl mlrgtnn for Thlladel phla and Inteimecla'e siatltins at b "0 p. M. 4 18 U r. K EN N FY. Superintendent E j S Y LV A N I A CENTRAL RAILROAD. X rUAlMER ARRANGEMENT. . The Trains ot the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave tbe Depot, at Tbiny-drst and Market streets, which Is reached bv the ears or the Market Street Pas senger Railway, running to and from the Depot. The lun car leaves Fioni street about 30 minutes prior to the depsrture of each Ttain. On Sundays Cars lesve F'.Ieven h and Market streets 45 niiustes before the depaiture of tbe Evening Trains. Mann's Baggage Express will ca I for and deliver Bagtage at tbe irpot. Orders lef at the oflice No 631 Cbesnut street, will receive attention. ' TBAlNt LKAVB 1 SPOT. VIZ. I Wall Train at 80 A. M Daly Express at 10-00 ' Paotl Accommodation. No. I at 10 00 " Fast Line and Erie 1 xpresxT at 12 00 M. B airlfblirg Aceonimonation at 2 30 P.M. Lancaster Accon mooatlon at 4 00 " Paolt accommodation No. 2 at 5-00 HiUi)Urh an.' l-rle Mai ! at 9 00 Paoll Accommodation, No. 1 at 10 CO " Philadelphia 1 xpresat at 11-10 " , , TRAINS ABUIVI AT DEPOT, Via. 1 Cincinnati Express: at 12-40 A.M Philadelphia Express! at 710 Paoll Accommodation, No. 1 at 8'2u " ( olumbla Train g.40 Lancaster 'i rain at 12 40 P. M Fast Line t 110 Paoil Accommodation, No. 2 at 4 1 " Iy E,prrp at vy) , Paoll Accommodation at 7-30 " Barrlsburg Accommodation at 910 " Uonday'' eXcept t"alura,iy' t Daily, t Dolly, except JHuunlng throngh from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh and Erlo without change ot cars. All other t rains dally, except Sunday 1 be Peni. s lvanla Railroad Com ran v will not assume any risk for Baggage except for Wearing Apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hon red Dollars in vaiue. Ail Baegage exceeding that amount in value win be at tbe rlak of the ow ners, uu.ens taken bv special contract TICKET OFFICES Are located at No. ?1 Chesnut street, Continen tal Hotel, and Glrard House, where Tickets mav be pro cur, d to all Important points in Pennsylvania a wtdl us tho West, Northwest and Southwest; and all purlieu lurs givin as to time and connections by JOliN C. ALLI N, Ticket Agent. Alro at Thirty-first and Market streets on sppllca tlon to THOMAS H PARKE. . . Ticket Agent at the Depot An Fmlf rant Train runs dailv (except Sunday). For full particulars as 10 I re and accomtnodailous apply to ... FRNCH FUNK, 12 Ko. 137 DOi Kjj treat "I PHILADELPHIA, GEKMANTOWN, AND X NOBIUSIOWA RAILROAD. On and a ter WF.DN ESDAY, May 16, 1868. r FOR GERMAN IOWN ' Leave Philadelphia 8, 7 8,9, 10 11, 12 a. M.,1. 2. Srlf. SH 4,6, 8H, 7, 8 9, 10, 11, ,1 i M ' ' ' LeaveGermantown6,7, 1H, 8,8 20 , 9,10, 11. 12 A. M. 1,2 3, 4.4X.6 tH 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 P. M. lhe 8 20 oown train, and 3H and &H no tiains will no stop on the UerniantoHn Branch. , ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 910 A M., 2 3 5, 8. 10H P. M. Leuve Geiuiantown8 A M.,1. i.hHnh P M. liESNUT PILL RAILRO.i D. and 11 1i,'Uld"1,)ni 10- li A- M-2 sw 5,1 Leave' ( besnnt Dill 7-10 minutes, 8 9 40, 11 40 A.M 1'40 3 '0. 1 40. b-40 8 40, and 10 40 minutes P. M. 01J fcOi-DAYs. Leave Philadelphia 910 minutes A. M.,2. 5. and 8 P, at - Leave ChCMiat li 111 7-40 minutos A. M 12 40 6 40. and 9'26nnnu esp M Ft R ( ON6HOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6. 8-35 mlnn es,. 11-05 A.M.. lh I 4H bH, tH, 05 minutes, and 11H p. M. I e ave Norrtbtown 64,7, 7 50, 9. 11 A. ., IX, 4), 6, AT (3 tt P M be bh P. M. tialn will stop at School Lane, Wtaa hick on. k anayuuk, spring Mill, and t onahobocken only Ol SCNDa Y8. LravePhlaWelphlaOA. M..2M.4 nndTHP. M. Leave Nomatown 7 A. M , 1, bH. and t P. M. FOR NANA VUNK. Leave Philadelphia 6. 8 85 minutes, 11-05 A. M..1H, 3, 4H 6X,X,8t6, andllX P M. ' Uave Manayunk 6Jt, 7, 8 20. 01, 11), A. M 2,1 6H, ON Sl'Nli A YS. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M.,2 4, and IX P.M. Leave Manayunk 14 A. M 1 ana SH P. M. W, s. W1L-ON. General eupttlnteuuent epotJillNTH andOUEEN Streets. ORANGE AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD. on and aner MONDAY. February 12 two auliy Uan.swlll run between Washington and L ncbhnrg, ccrnectli g at Gordcnvl le with Vlrolnla Central Rail road trains to and Irom Richmond as loilows: MAIL TRAIN, leave Washington daily (Sundav exepted), at 645 A. M , and anlve at Lyncnbnrg al l'45 P. M. Leave J ynchi urg at 7 A. M and arrive at Washing ton at 6 2b P.M. EXrBESS TRAIN Lesve Washington Oaliv 1 Including Sunday) at 6 05 1' M and arrive at l.ynchhmg at 8 00 A M Leave Lynchburg at 6 !0 f . M and arrive at Washing ton a) 6 10 A M l oth trains making close connections at Lynchburg foi all points South and Southwest, aud at Woshingiou lor Norib and Northwest First-class sieepinv cars attached to the n'ght trains. Ibe road Is attractive, not on y 101 its cum or aide accommodations, but lor the fact that It paxsca the now bit-tone localities of Fairfax, Bail Hun. Manassas, Brie toe, ( at'ett'a, Rappahannock, rnlpeper. O range, and Gurdonsvlile. places ot imperishable inteiest in the popular mind. Through tickets to all points South and Southwest mav he had In Boston, New York. Philad Iphls, and Baltimore, and at tbe ofllces ot the road in Washington Alexandria. W. H. Mot A FFr.KT V, Weneral Supe tntendent. '1, iihHihT LINES FOR NEW YORK AND J1 al tbe stations on the CAMDEN and AM HOY and connecting Rabroada. INCRrASKD DESPATCH. 'IHr OMDEM aND AMBOY RAILI OAD AND TRAN8POR I ATION COMPANY .HEIGHT LIS KH for New 1 ork will leave WALNUT Street WbaiftttS o'elcck P M. daily .Sundays excepted). Freight must be delivered before 4J4 o'clock, to be for waided ibe same day Returning, the above lines will leave New York at 12 noon, and 4 aud 8 P. M Freight tor Tiemon. Princeton. Kingston, New Bruns wick, and a.l points on the t aniiien ana A 11100 v Rail road;, on the Be v dere Delaware aud Flemlrg ton the New Jersev the Fieehold and Jameabum en.l tbe Burlington aud Mount Holly Railroads, recelvoJ and Iorwarded up 10 I P M. 'ibe Beivldern Delaware Itellroart connects at Phlilpa. burg with the Lehigh Valley Riintoad, and at Manun kaelmnk with all .olnts on the D'tare, Lackawanna-, and Vt cBteni Ral rond, fi.rwanllnn to nyracvse, Bulla o, and other t olnfs 1 1 W estern New York 1 he New Jersey liallro'id conuecta at Elizabeth with the New Jersey central Railroad, aud atNewurk with tlie Mori Is and Fsex Railroad A aiip memoranda 111, 1 pec living the marks and num bers, (-hlpper. and comic uees, inusi. lu every mstaiiee. be sent with each load 01 goods, or no receipt will be given N B. Increased lacl'ities have been made for the transportation ot live stock. Drovers are Invited 10 r' the route. When S'ock Is lurushed In quantities of two carloads o' n ore It w i be de'ivered ut ibe foot of For tie b s'reet near Ibe Drove Yard, or at Pier No I North River, as the shipper may designate at tbe time oft shipment. txt terms, or other Inlorrnst'nn, app'y to WAL'I Kit FKKFlr AN. Freight Agent. 11 1 No. 220 8. LEJ-Ailt Avenue, Pbidulphia MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. rrTj SCHUMACHER PIANU FORTE fit If AM' F ACT C RING COM r ANY 8 NF.W MORE. No. 1103 (HI'HMTT street We resnectmilr call tbe attention 01 onr friends and the pub Ic g( nemlly of onr removal to our new and nandsome Wsrerooro, GIRARD F.OW, No. 1103 t il kSM' 1 Street, where we have constantly en hand Inrge stock of onr superior, nd hlgblv finished Square and G'snd Piano Our Instruments have been aw trded the highest pre mtums at ah the principal exhibitions ever heid In this constr.v with numerous teatlnnnias from the flrst cisss srt's s in America and t ti'npe. '1 bey are now lhe leading Ttano and are sold to all paits ot the wot'd Fer' n detirlng to pnrchsse aflrst-class Planoat grratlv reduced rates rhou d not tali to give as a c ill llanos to rent Inning and moving p-ompily at U reled to. VCHOM At Krlt A CO., 231in No 110a CUF.SNDT Btreet MISCELLANEOUS. QEORGE PLOWMAN, CAItl'KNTKlt AND HIII J.DEH1 No. 232 CARTER Street And No. 141 DOCK Street. MachlLe Wtik and iHllwtlt titlr g piomptly attende te 38 JpITLEK, WEAVER & CO., MAN CF A Cl VKERS OF Manilla and Tarred Cordage, Cords, Twines, Etc., No !3 North W ATI-R Hiicet and No W Nortli Oh. LAW ARK Avenue, 1 lllLAtiELiniA. tbWIM 11. FlTLfR, MirPABL WlATKR, I OMIAD F. CLOlllUB. 114 MONUMENTS, TOMBS, GltAVE-S'JONKS, Kto. Just comtjlcted, a beauu.Ui variety of I1AL1AN MAliBLE MUNLMENTS, i TOil US, AND UKAVB-STONR3 vV 111 bo sold cntap lor can Work sont to any part ol the Cnited Stat. ul:nuy s. tahr, MAKBLK WORKS, 1 24wtv $ Ro. 710 GHKKN Street, Phlladelphl. MONCMENTS AND GRAVESTONES. ON hand, alarge assortment of Oravestones, of varl ous ileaigns n ado or the finest Italian aud American li art eat tbe Marbie Works of A. 8TEINMF.TZ 3 27 tuthsSm RIDGE Avenue, below l.ieveutb svree J C PERKINS, HIM 13 Ell MERCHANT ' Successor to K Clark, Jr., No. 324 CHRISTIAN STREET. Constantly on hand a large und rariea assortment of Building Lumber. 6 24$ r) O R N EXCHANGE J BAG MANUFACTORY. JOHN T. B A 1 L . V A C O., So. 113 N. FRONT and lo. 114 N. WATFR Htreet. Fill udainhia DEALERS IN BA1.8 AND BCOINO , 01 every oescilptloo. lor Gtaln, Flour, 6a t huper F boibate 01 Lunc, Bone liust, F.ic. 5T. an0 mB ficMf BA(J8 eanstantly on hand. 2 22 Also. WOOL 8A KS. John T. Bailey. , James Cascade. T J. McQUlQAN, Importer and Wholesale Dealer a FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS. Eto, FIREWORKS, FLAGS, EtOj MATCHES AND BLACKING, NO. ST HA 1 J H'.HItY HTREET, First Street above tNecotiU between Alarketand Cbesnat 6 4 FHILADtLPBlA. ' BlDBbBDBU MACHINE WORKS ' OFFICE, BO. 8.1 h. FROST HTREET. BILAIkLPBlA. We are prepared to All order to any extent lor onr well known MACldliiERT FOR COTTOJ AND WOOLLEN MILLS, ni lurtitig all reoeut Improvemen' ui arolng Holnnlnn. and weaving. We invite the at ontion 01 manotacturer to oar extea slve works, 1 S ALFRED JXKK AS BOH. Wl L L I A JI (IRANI. COsiMIShlON MERCHANT. Ko. 33 S. DELAWARE At. uue, Philadelphia At.ENr FOll Puprnt's Gunpowder, Rellned Nitre, Charcoal, Eto. W. linker & Co 's e horolate. ( ocos, and li mm a Crocker bios St Co 's Ye. low ale til bheathlng. Bolts. andNaUs. 24 A LEKANDER H CATTELL A CO. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 26KOR1II WB ARVE8, AMD SO 87 .NORTH WATPtt STREET, 1 HILA DKLI'UI A. 2 ALEX AKDER O. CATTELL. ELIJAV O. CATTELL ' OTTON AND FLAX SAIL VlUt K AND CAN YAH), 01 all numbers and brands. Tent Awning. Trunk and w agon-t oer Duck. Also Taper iiMiiiiacturer' Trier Felts, from one to seven leet Wide; Faullns. Belting, hallTwIne. eto. John vv. hv human a Co.. ' No ln8 JOKES' Alley. SHIPPING. f.ffrt rou savannah, ga PUILADELrniA AND SOUTHKKN JVIA1L STB1M BliLP COMPANY. The t teamshlp " P I O N E E R," WILtlAM B. GALLAGHER, COVtMANDKR. Will commence reeeivtng irolgh' ror the above port, at R .Cb. btreet Wharf, on TUCrtSDAY, Hay 31 and salt on Nntnrday, June) 2, at IO o'elok A M. And regu arly thercaiter on alternate Saturdays. Cabin 1 assage tiO 00 Deck Pansage , 8D0 The Sta e room accommodHilons of this steamer are oi a commouious and superior charooter Freight taken lor Charleston 8. o , and forwarded via Savannah with qulcs despatch. shippers are requested to send bills ol lading with their goods. H. J N. FLASAUAN, Ko 420 Houth 1'KLaWaRE avenue. For freight or passage apply to H ILLIA U C. HARRIS, Frelgh' and Fossenger Agent. e;Stf Ko. H .Nurtb I'KLaW ARK Avenue. Ibe steamship TON W KDA will follow the PIONEER, and sail on Saturday. June 9 as above, thus uii king a regular weekly Hue tor Harannah (a. Freight received at Race atreet wharf for TOVA WaKDA, on Monday June 4, and uo to day ol Balling. Ziru hamill'h Passage office. SLl V 'ANCHOR LINK OF BTEAMERrt," I 1BKRS IA," "COI.UaiBIA. CUPOMA." C A la BUI A,'' "TRITAJSKIA, "lUDlA.' Pteam to LHEuroor. Londonderry, Belfast, dubliw NEVt RY, t ORK, 4D OLaMUOW. BAT..- OF PA8AOF PAYABLE IN T-Al Eli CUXBENCY. ' A B I V re tM , B0, and 70 L'ltiRAt.. K a.'tf iHt PAID CER lFleATEH Issued for bringing out passengers irom tbe above points at I.OWr R RATES MAS ANY OTHER USE. Also, to and irom ALL c'l A'llONH ON THE IRISH RAILWAYS. SPECIAL b Ol ICE Passengers will take particular no Ice that the ' Anchor I ine" Is the only line framing tlnougb ilckets at tlie above rates from Philadelphia to the points named above, und that the undersigned is tbe only authorised Agtm In I bliudlpbia. Apply to W. A H A.dTLL, Sole Agent for "anchor LINK" 1 1 No. 217 WALNUT Btreet; flT,N FOR NEW YOKK. PI1ILADEL- ifit..4.. delnh1 Stoam l'rnneller rmiKunv Tin. kuKKb lllB"le Lmes.vis lie u v. are und Rarltun Canal, leaving dgi y at 12 M. aud S F, at., connecting with all Diortl.eru and I astern lint s. Fortretchi. which wl l bntskennpnn accommodating terms, a ply to Vt ILLlAil M. BA IRD A t O., J IB No. ma DELAWAHhiAvonue TO SHIP CAPTAINS AND OWNERS THB J undersigned having leased lhe KENSINGTON SCREW Due K ,Leg. toiu orm bis frienus Slid Uie patrons 01 the Dock that be in t reimred With iucreasea facilities to accommodate those having vrsse s to be raised or repsired and being a nine leal ship-curpenter and caulker, wl.l five personal attention to the ! en trusted to bln or repair Cai'tulns or Agents i-biD e rnen ers, and Machinist having vessels 10 repair are solicited to culi. Having the agency for he sa e of VY otters tedi'e Patent Metallic t oninosltlon" 'ot t opper Puint 10' tlu pieservatlen of es.el' bo torn for tills city, 1 am p re puted to urnlsh tbesam on nivor.h e lernis. JOHN 11. HA M MITT Ken nglon "crew Does. 11S DELAWAJiB Avenue, abpve LAUREL eueeU