The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, June 01, 1866, FOURTH EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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Special Despatches to The Evening Telegraph.
WAsnmnTON. Juno 1.
Annulment of tha Revocation of t:xe
! I r.
Tb e President ha unruled tho revocation of tho
esequators of Charlos ISdward tlabicht, as Consul ot
Sweden and Norway, at New York, and S. M. Swcn
on, m Vice Consul of Sweden and Norway at New
Orleans, and has rosioicd to them tho riHt to exo
cute the functions a id privileges heretofore granted
as c insular officers This act ot the l'r istdent it
owing to the fact that n presentations have been
made to him cnVcfuully rolicvinv those irontlomon
from tbe charges of unlawful and unfr.outlly con
duct heretofore etit'Ta.ned against thorn.
Tli IMMort Hill Approval.
The rusidout has approved the bill providing
that hereafter pasport. snail be issued only to cut
zen of the United 8' at;-.-.
NuI"mhIimi of Fttila4.
Business is suspended in all the Government and
municipal departments, ami tho flas are at half
mast, in respoct to tho memory of Liciitcuaut-Uouu-ral
Mr. Fox'a IMeattnre Trip.
Tbe monitor Miautonomah will proceed to Kussia,
convoyed by the steamer Augusta. 1 he two vos
sola will subsequently .form part of a European
Tea Five nt Coin.
Of the specimens of the live cent coins submitted
to the Socn-tary or tiio treasury yesterday, lno '1
lowing de-enbos the one selected tor Issue: O!).
verso, the Union shield resting on tho tied arnrvs,
denoting peace (iho (1 injst arrows on the two cent
coin indicating war), a wreath of laurels crowning
the shield, and nbovo, in circular form, the motto.
"In God We 1 rust " Uev.-rse a figure 6 in tho
centre encircled by thirteen stars Ret in rays,
"United Stat, s o! An erica" above, tho word "couts"
No Clerkship fr Soldier.
The hcuds of a'l the departments aro most sori
ously embarrassed bv the crowds oi Union soldiers
flocking here to apply for clerkships, which It is
impossible to confer. In consequence of the recent
dec prions of demagogues, promising office to tha
heroes of tho Union army, hundred" of poor follows
have expondod thoir own and their trlnnds' mono
to. (rut on hero, and find that an appointment is an
Thus a cruel imposition is perpetrated upon these
brave soldiers many oi thorn inaimod and destitute.
Notruolrierd ot tho soldier will adviso him to visit
Washington beloro his Congressman or some one
clso has secured a posit'on tor him to fill on his ar
rival at this mot extortioiui'c o( all c;tio. So grave
has this evil bccooie that wo have been urged to state
the true position to the conn'ry, that no more good
and true mn may bo invcig'ed here to be disap
pointed and robbed.
Ilitonrn ttt the Memory of eorfl Sentt
fialntrs-Eiilncopal Convention, i'.tc,
Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph.
Baltimobe, June 1 -All tho public offices, Cus
tom Houe. Post Oll.ce, Mayor's Olllce, and other
p'tccs, are closed to-day, in honor of General Scott.
Flaps are eveiy where living at half-mast, and salutes
have boon fired at Fort .VicUenry and other places.
Tho Episcopal Convention adjourned sine die to
day. It has been decided that no Assistant iiishop
is needed for this diocese.
From Boston.
Boston, June 1 I he anniversary meeting oi the
New England branch of thoFrcoduicn's Union Com
mission was held 'ast night, and was largely at
tended. Bx-Govotnor Andrew prrsided. Edward
L. Pioroe gave an account, saying there wore 800
sahoo's, with 10 000 pupils, and that probably there
were altosether 100 000 children boing educated.
frho apoaker claimed that the number ought to be
ten times as large, and that every dollar given to the
objeot should be ten times as much. The schoo's
all through the South are crowded, and were in a
flourishing condition.
The Commissioner had been greatly aidd by tho
sister soclotics of Now York, Philadelphia, Baltimore
and the West.
nintrlrt Conrt N. 2 Judgo Stroud
ueorgo nnue vs. ionn tt. iungiisn. An action to
itoovur damages lor alleged injuries to plaintiff s
property from the deposit of ashes and garbage ou
a vacant lot adjoining. After tho plaintiff's case
had been partially heard, a nonsuit was enten d.
Lcnjaniiu Rod'era vs. Michael Ifapportv. An
action to recover the sum et 8530. wtiich plaintiff
aneoos was deposited wan tne attendant as security
for his becoming bail tor plaintiff, but which after
tne d sposul ot tho prosecution doioiidunt refused to
t'elivor up. Verdict lor plaintiff for 8520.
Cherry vs L"e. An acnon of ejoctment. Before
n por ed verdict tor plitintiu, and mesne profit.
a seated at i4..
flntrlct 'onrt No. I Judge Hare. William
P. Eogun vs. Llovd Uick ev. Au ucJuu to reeover
tamages for au al eged breach oi contract to accent
a Quantity ot oil iu. chased trom plaintiff The
amount ot oil sold was h-twoeu six and seven hun-
flit-U barrels, ot which cleleudant only took a nor.
tlm. The detot. Be set up was that tho balance was
no delivered or offered to bo delivered, in tae time
supuiaioa ior. vu inai.
tirphaas' Court Judges I.ud'ow and Tearce.
This hiiug the repular Orphans' Conrc duv. the
Court was enirag' d with tho usual lists. At 12 o'clocit
an adjournment was had in respect to the memory
ui i.ieuiuuaui-iienerai ocou.
A (.rave Robin. A few days n'O (says mi
EngliHh parer). hooii alter the Kextou of the
.... 1- 1 A 1 J. .
ranu ui A nrisuui iinisueii (licging a (rrave, a
robin took a creut lancy to this new doinieilo.
and soon after D iilr. u nest iu it. She mu-t have
worked hard to co'iiDlcte her desiirn in so nhorl
a spaee, tor w hen iho sexton went on the loll.) v
int; (lav to see that all ttiiucrs were as he left
them tho nieut before, he mivv the robin pop out
iroiu her hidiutr pi are, and, to his great aiton-
lHunient, totiuu uer nest.
SnAKPi'ERiANA. Jlr. J. 1). I!a-on, of Tnby,
England, writes to the GruVtiivin'x Miiai'titt,
lueimiyiug iioyie s iave, near tliat t wu, witli
the Cave ot lii-luriii. tncutioued lv i-'hak-inear
in Cyruheline. He nays the description ol
these two caves agree in three points, nam -lv,
in the distance troni Milford Haven, situation
with refzard to the sea, and capability of har-
rorwp outlaws.
UtozEN Swallows. tireat numbers of swal
lows died iu the first week of May, iu the south
.l ...If .1... ..,1.1
liiifiiuuu, u tt ins; iu lur weiiLiur.
Friday, June 1, lHtiti. (
The Board of Itoaru 1 Brokers adiourned this
morning until to-morrow, out of respect to the
memory of Ceneral Win field Scott. Government
bonds continue in erood demand at lull prices,
5-208 sold at 1024; 730 at 102; and 10-40s at M,
10!) was bid for Cs of 18hl, and 109J a-iksd. In City
loans there is nothing doing.
Kallroad shares are firmly held. Camden and
Amboj gold at 129 j, no change; Minehill at 505
a flight advance; and Penmylvaxia Ruilroa 1 at
544. a slight advance.
Bank shares aie iu good domnd for invest
ment, but we hear of no sales.
liaual mares are also iu dem d. 17 was bid
for & huilkljl Navlgallou om ; 33 for pre-
lerrouui).; w Ior luiRH , afiou; lis fgr
Morris Canal preferred; 14 for Susquehanna
Canal; 65 for Delaware Division; Bad 63 lor
Wyoming Valley Canal.
Oil shares continue dull and unsettled. Dal-
zcll old at , and Tarr Homestead at 1.
Keporied by De Haven & fero.. No. 40 S. Third street
fZTifi U8B-20B.62...102J 800 sh Tarr Home
.. 1
.. 641
.. MJ
.. C4J
flHiKO eo 12J
100 sh la reil..
( HM O V a HUMS it J
H00 V ! 730s Aug 102(
SftfO do.. Jane. .1021
efl Citv 6.-.mniki) 94i
flOOPa Wr loan..l 2
60 sh Minehill Ct
25 sh Cam ft Am,
18 mi Pen u K
1 sh do
rosh lo
4 sh do ,
3 eh do
At 11 o'clock tho r.oard iwjmirne l out of riwp"0
lo I lie mi mory oi iho into Lieutouant-Ooniral Wint
Ar id Scott.
10 A. M HDi 12 M 140'
11 A. M 14)j, t I". M 141;
Harfkr, DuiineY & i:o quotp as follows:
American Gold 1 to j 141
.American Silver Js and ) 131 'H4
American silver Dime and Hii'f Dime 121 ITZ
l ernsvlvanin t nrreiicv rf 45
New Y rk kxcliauire par. i r.
Messrs. Dellaven .Vlirolher. No. 40 Houih
Third -treet, tniikc 'he following quola'ions of
the rates of exchange to-day at 1 P. M. :
BiiyvhQ. Sel'miJ.
Amerionn Gold 140 141
American Silver, i and is. .. 133 1
Compound Intorest Aotes:
" " Jiitie, lM4. ... iu lis
" ' July. 1SC4.... 11 j in
' " August, lS(Vt. ... 10J 10!
" " October, 18ii4.... 9j (
" " Dec, li4. ... 8J til
" " May. 18;r. ... f3 61
" " August, 1SR5.... il 6i
" " Kept., 18r,r,. ... 42 4'
- Oolotier 115. ... 3 4)
-ftaletnent of deposits and eoinaw at the
Mint of the United States, Philadelphia, dining
the month of May, 18UG:
Gold deposit $l,2'i( 177-RO
Br.ver di posits and purcnases 41 429 68
Total d"pnits f 1,300,517'37
Denominations. Xo. of Pi"e. Vnl'ic
DouMn eaa es 76, (ia1) $1 512 700 00
Kino bare 13 7 229 77
....75 618
91 519,929 77
$15,930 09
9 418 74
1'ino bar
15 900
f 25.318 74
$4,700 00
800 DO
13 74 ) 00
Cents 470,000
wo cent pieces 4), 000
Three cent pieces 4rS 000
Total SMiS.OilO
19 240 00
41 510 02f 77
19 241-00
$1 501 484 51
Gold oolnaga 75 filS
Silver do 15,0iili
lorper do 9 i8,000
Total No. of pieces ..1 0'9 .614
Philadelphia Trade Report.
I'iiidat, June l.'Jrtidc Is partially suspendei to day
In mum departments. At a meeting oi the Corn Ex
change Association the announcement of the decease of
ilaJor-Gencral Scott was made by Charles Curomlnxs,
Esq., the President of that hotlv.
Mr. J. llaroer JcfTrles offered the following resolu
tion, which was seconded by Hagh Craig, Esi., and
uiiiinimous'y agreed to:
litti.fted. i Ills daT tieimr set SDart to ronver to their
Ann I resting nlace tho remains ol the histrlous soMler
of tt repuullc Iba grtates captain of the age WIN-
r lKl.u mu i j we now anjotirn, and onr plaons ol nun
nesi be cl sed Imtween 12 M and 2 M.. in rencct 10
tli memory of the late Lieutenant General of the Arrar
or the United States
The only sules reported before tho adiournment were
MO barrels superflno nt n('ti--f0; 4iK) barren northwest
extra lami v at mu 23; l uu nns! ei ye low Corn at Wo.
in store and Iu the cars: isno busliels Delaware Outsat
7oc. and u barrels Ohio YVhlskv at 2'28.
I'w' Additional Local Ihtns se? Third rage.
Ay Impoktant Suit. Tho following case
was tried yesterday belore tho (Jourt of Common
l'leas in New York. It involves some interesting
quetious ol tho habilttios of common cniers:
James Lambvs J lie Cnvidm ami Ambo Rail
road and Trnnspnriat'on L'omp'ing.'thla was an
action lor the destruction tv tiro, owing to tha
anegen carelessness ot ueii'tiaants, oi nearly
hundred balt-s ol cotton be'onincr to the olaintiff.
The complaint represents that m July, 1804, thi rle-
leiiuuntH auteea to carry the ction ottlio plaintiffs
from I'ln'adelphla to New Yori in consideration ot a
certain fixed amount of compensation: bui that.
owing to ti e carelosHness of the defeadanis one hun
died end thirty-eight bales of the cotton were con
sumed by fire at one of the piers ot New York. The
loss alleged to have been rnstaind in consilience
of this tire amounts to Slfi,000 i hieh thev seek to
recover now with inteiest, costs ot trial, and o.ner
ll.e oelendants. in answer to this eomnlaint. deny
that thev made an agreement with the plaintiffs
but reprosent that tho lattor contracted with the
Illinois Central ftailroad to convev the ootton from
Cairo, III , 10 New York city, at tho throurti rate
01 two dollars per hundred pounds, on the under
standing that th? earners should not be responsi
ble for any loss Dy ore in lurtherance or this
avreemi nt tbe cotton was conveyed ovor the road
of the defendants, and five bundled and fiity-two
bales were salelv delivered. The other one hun
dred and thirty-eight bales were deposited in a
warcnouse on tno mer ot the defendants in New
York, and on the 11th of June ths pier, with all in
the warehouse, etc, was burned up. throuiih the
care'ersnoNS or neglipence, as is al eged, of tho de
fendants. I be latter f urther alletre that the cus
tom 01 the trade is not to deliver goods to the
phtce of b.iBines of the consignee, but merely to
deposit them on tho whart of the defendants.
The case whs tried belore a jury yesterday, and
the decision will Le given this morning.
A Notorious Character. George. Buck,
alias Dircker, a notorious character, woll Known to
tne police of the upper section ol the city, was ar
rested at 8 o'clock this morning, at Second and
GeiniBiitown road, by Ollicer Vcv garni, of Lieu
tenant Spear's dut ut. Buck was seen prowling
about the neighborhood tie is a suspicion char
neter. and has lo be dilicreni'r wa'ched when at
liberty. 1 he ofhVcr concluded that he had bettor be
locked up, ami took him into custody Buok turned
on WeyyutHl and Milled out a knife, but the la'ter
easily conquered him Thu pr'soner had a hearing
beiore Alderman Shoemaker, and was commuted to
A Dn spew ate lXMVinuAU Wm. Jack
s n is the name of au individual who ye-'tenlay
behaved in a viy nngeiitlemanlv manner. He lives
at o 2414 itiin ilttin street It is alleged that h
bent his wile in a -hocking m tnm r. and when b'Aving
the house, kicked a 1 in lo girl (laughter of a ncgh
bor in the jaw indicting a sever" wound The
mother of the virl lemou'truted With JiicKson, when,
it is lonher allegon, lie beat her also I ho prisoner's
conduct was reported ut the Station House, and an
officer went in search of bun. and linally capiured
th desperate character, lie tiad a heurinf bfr
one ol 1 lie uldernien et the city, and was committed
in oeluult ot 1100 boil to au-wer the cnargus.
C'LomiNO Thikf. John White visited
Pine alley last ulc lit and roobed tae inmates of
some oi the houses in that locality ol their cloth ng.
Oflictr lierrv. 01 the Second litrict. arrested tne
prihoner at Front and Mead streets. Whao was the
size of any throe ordinary men tbe stolen doming,
consisting ot shawls, Irocks, wrappers, etc., he had
tuffed in his pantaloons and under his waistcoat,
and th ollicer, at first. althoii"h he was acquainted
with Wliite, was at a lss to know whether he had
the rivlit man. The prisoner was committed bv
Alderman Tittermary.
Office Ktkked and Robbed. Mr.
Matlack's ollice, at Harrison aud Front streeis. was
emcred by thieves some tune between 2 and 4
o'clock this morning. An attempt was made to
blow open ibe lire-proof safe, but it proved a lailure.
Tbe thieves, however, secured a gold pencil from a
desk-drawer, and decamped.
Seiuoithtvy Injuked. About 1 o'clock
yesteruay afternoon Henry Buthngton. agea eigh
teen years, fell from a now building iu Franklin
street, be.ow Columbia aveuue, and was seriously
injured. Ibe sufferer was removed to bis borne, at
Nineteenth aud Kace streets.
Slight Fibe. About 7 o'clock this morn
ing, the root ol Up dwelling No 1414 North Front
street, near Caliawhill, caught lire, aud was lihtly
Sale of FAiNTtNGs, The second night
of the sale if paintn gs nt. Mr. Scott's Art Gal oi y
1 ci 111 rod Is4t evenug The attendance was Urje,
ui d tbe 1 lotures brought fair prices, rhiseventnir
is tbe ia't,and some of the best speolmnns will be
disi nred ot V.'e append some of tbe prices ot last
1 Ight: -
'Str. t In tto'f ," A. Kvr-en, fjl'?5j "fattle
Fieoe" ( kuch), 1, Kublie, S70; 'Louts IX, of
Franc1, ana lllancho of Castile," F. aliaye, 8-6;
' Lard enpi tna 8beep," 1oemans and Van Sever
ooi ck $110; "Kiyer Scene," 8. Vomer. HIKJi Mu.
rim F Mus n, : Murine," H, Solia;), !0;
"Marino," Maitonti, tl70; "Marsit Soen in Am
"eip," A Kezzer. 126; "Landscaoe and Jlsures,"
Kvckolykhu zen, f)0o; ''Coast Sene near tho Hirue,"
:larles Leicheri, .75s "Kialde heen ," 1 Van dor
V n.f"0; "W inter (Scene near lielft," 'haries I-ei-diet,
"I be Architect of the City H ill of Am
sterdam showmir h s plan to th 1 M lelstrate of said
city," J Htroebo1, 800; "Brouwir the celebrated
i leinih painter in prison ri coives the visit ot 1'. P.
Rubens, who introduces to him tho Oovernor of tho
City ot Antwerp," Alexander do Stnlt, S02 50;
"Mnble Scene." Tony Marin, 92 50; "Wiiitir
Scene iind Figures " F Kinsmann, 15: "Street
Scene in Ams enlam." W Kookkce 9100; ' 8 roll
ing Players " ieha-y Notetminn, ?8f: Wurme,"
lltnrv clIp J82 50; ".Cat le Piece " Kos Venn
inn. l$100; "River Hoene," Hulck. 1T0; "l ruit and
l iowern," J. Van rler Wasrdin 117 50.
TnE IjOct'bt y i'KMEr Affaih. In another
coh mn will be found tho particulars ot the siiffooa
tien ol two persons by lom air in a well thev wore
engaged in digging. Wo have recotvea tho following
communication In connection witn the affair It
corrects certain statement that were made in the
morning papers:
PntLADAJune 1st 1S68
2"' The Editor or the Fren:ti0 T grayh
Believing you will nutK-e tho account of tbe sulflea
tlon 01 the two n en as published In this mornlhK's
Papers I llink the liil owing correoilon should bn
umlt In Justice 10 the Poor Fa. low Who Los: his Llie
In Trying o av that 01 his ( otnpsnion. I thoramre
taVe ibe I.lbertv 01 addressing to yon this n .to.
Having adjusted he ropes to their Inanimate Bodies
I am Enabled to term tbe Opinion heresta'ed When
the a ami as Olvea I went to the Well In Manshlp
street. Laying across the W I I could Hee MnCoe's
Kratures and neck, which were of a Purp e cast
Whilst Donnelly's appeared to be In nearly a Natural
Stste nor were thfy much changed when we got hlin 10
the lopot the Well ttrougb a Thick Vapor could he
teen cotniui; eut o the Tap Soar Ills Bodv. It f said he
isrei-thed alter heiDf Tskeu ojt, lb s mate 01 thecasn
Is tally contlrined by the man Who lowered Donnol.y
down. respectiully 1 ours B. LOW
1101 Locast St.
Atrfpts roil Mat. During the month
of Slav the police throughout the city made 8781
trn-sts. The prisoners wero divided among tha
sevetul Districts as follows:
District. Ho. of Arrr'$. District. bo. of Arrests
1 VWH 12 18U
2 8 13 70
8 5 0 U 87
4 320 15 a 48
6 U57 10 100
6 127 KesiTvo Corps .158
7 1H7 Park Police 3d
8 2fi8 ( hesnut Hill 11
0 Hep-gar Deteotives 65
If) 24l Harbor Polioe 20
11 2t)
Useful Agency. Our readers' attention
is cat led totheadver lsement of Lancaster's I esuianao
Agei cy in ai'n tier column V e know ol no office
111 tl. is citv wlieietho arrangements are so complete
' for eflccting hirtto amounts of insurance, and in
companies strictly lirgt-olass. It certainly requires
extra cuuiiou on tho part 01 pcisons aesiriu. in
surance at this time, when fires are so frequent, i n I
D.uny coinpame. weakor every day. We
can fal l y snv that persons en. rusting Mr. Lancaster
with any amount of insurance will bo properly cared
for Fire, lile marine, inlai d, and accidental in
surances are all p ao. d at this Policies on
furniture aro issued ior five ynnrs a a reduced rate.
"In Batijs is IIkalth" bo runs the
Latin proverb. The modical art demonstrates most
c arly to human judgment the rationale ot the free
uso of bathing In all its various tompo a' tiros nt
water, te id, hot, aud co d. tothenseot the steam
r the Vusian vapor bath, which facilita'cs the
purification ot the tainted pvstein, through the vivid
activitv ot thevaixir influence opomnz the pores,
1 bu compelling tbe system to rnrowotf the injurious
humors through tho exposure of the body to the
i-team o'oinent, and tnou to receiver tne cold affusions
of the shower, or duudie. These bathing operations
are recuj eiativo and by "toady applicai 10ns restores
the emaciated flesh and sinews to pristine form uud
Bcildinc, Perm its. -During the month
o! May. just closed, the following numbor of permits
woie issuel bv the Building Inspectors: Ihreo-
storydwcl ings, 56; two-story dwellings, 40; brewery,
1; kiln, 1; saloon, 1; loundty, 1; litno house, il;
s'al'ie, ! ; gatu iouge,l; disiu orv. 1; factories,!);
picture gallery. 1; schoo -'louse, 1: car houso, 1;
engine hoo-o, 1; sho.,s, 14: stores. 7; cuurohes, 8;
couch bouse, 1; offices. 12: slaughter-homo. 2;
(iiorc houses. S; newspaper builumg, 1184 Altera
tions and additions. 112 Total. 2'M
This lice troupe of per orinors, James F. Hope,
leader, gave thoir last conoert for the season, to tne
insane at tho Almshouse. The performances
were. In part, in oostumo, ami the whole affair was
witnessed Dy tuo largest anuience ever assemoiua
within the walls. It was quite a success.
Assault and Battebt. Jamea McDe
vitt was arrested at Twenty-fourth and Sprine oar
den stteeta yesterday, and boand over in $1000 bail,
bv Alderman Bousal, upon tho charge ot assault and
battery. It is alleged the prisoner assaulted a man
witn a cane.
Stealing Grain Bags. David Patter
son was arretted last nip lit, at iiroad and Cherry,
upon tne euarp'o 01 tne larceny 01 grain oaors troni
an establishment in the immediate noigiiboriiood
Tho accused had a hearing Deiore Aidorman Ciod
bon, and was held in C500 bail to answer.
Tkifling Fn;ES. The alarm of fire about
twenty minutes past 11 o'clocv this morning was
caused bv the burning or a ioui chimney at, So. 7
itay Ftreet. About tho same time.a Bimilar tiro oc
curred at jno. 11 u tranKiort roiia.
A rmoHTFBL Vow.
In an excellent old story we are told of tho tnbu
latiou which betel Lord Mortimer Altamont Mom
moreiici, in consequence 01 his having excelled the
young Coant di Narcissini in fasmonable graces aud
elesancies. Awakening at mxinignt, lord Mont
morenci found at his bedside the Count's vemetul
mother and an assassin armed with a tlactrer. I hey
made him swear nencclortn to be as vulgar as po&u
ble, and put into his bands a work called "The
B ackgnard'8 Dictionary," which he was 10 study.
Had his lordship lived in Philadelphia, the cruel
March, sa would doubtless bave ob iired him to
renounce the elcpant and ta-liionablo Clothing ot
tower uau.
All-u-oot Fancy ( assimcre Punts, as loie as $4 00
' ' " Vntn ' ... 2 50
" Black- " Pants " .... 6 00
" Hofl Vest .... 4 00
' Fancy Cit'siirwre Suits, t match 14 00
" Iliack Suits 20 00
Advancing t'ram these rates w; h ive goods 01 nil
yraitis, up to the very finest t'uhrtcs, at prices reduced
ill proportion Mews, Youth', and Jlms'. fnon-
IlKNNaTT & Co ,
Towkk Hall,
'11 vi.u.Mii Wink "
I bis STi'MAt iuc P.iTTKn has 110 equal in promot
ing appetite aim tuvigoiai 11 ir iiiue-tiun
"liYGUiNic Wink"
will answer most auiinably as a bovkukk: rk.
mlijy in nil cases ot
iiii'4 in those Hales 01 ton, .11 which are ant to
D.t. oi.Vkii'tccnc. t. pfcuu wiicu tuc iuiu.c.tittry
caiiai 11? id uu t uiet-u eu unuuii uu, uib
"AnoMATio Tokic"
w i I te found most etlectnai in a permanent cure of
sourness ot the stomach, and a deposition to tbe uocu-
mu.ation 01 natus in tne bowels.
"HYoiENie Wine"
Is the best remedy that can be employed in the con
valescence f om tirotracted lever, aud s ukiug of llie
vital powers. Physicians prescribe it as their mam
dependence in all low lehnle affections, for while it
increases the fulness, it lessens ibe frequency ol the
pulse, it soothes the nerveB, and producer a tendency
to sleep, giving reneweu vitror 10 me wuoie system
Also lor sale by Itvorr k Co., and all Druggists.
New Dress Mahino Ebtablihument Ladies
can bave their Dresses. Suits, Coats, and Ra'q nines
haudsemely made, at the shortest notice In twelve
hours li necessary at the Dressmaking Establish
ment 01 J. w. mocToa & Co.,
No. W0 Cuesuut street
Nkidlfs C. C. T. "Compound Camphor
Troches." Potent pocket remedv, subduss cramp,
controls diarrhua, choleraic evidences, etc Ouiy
maker, C. 11. Needles. Twvllth aud XUce, Philudul-
ijui, uiij vvuin pvr wv.
Tnu Tatto nrrpnfBtm. There fi no busings of
branch f trade which 1 skill, kaowiedge, and en
Mph are innre essential, than In tne dmf btisi
ms'j tioruUiefe any branch of human Indastry in
which more obarla anisro and imposture prevail. It
is there. ere to t interest et tbe pub Ic carefully to
disorinilna'e between ibe true and the false druggist.
1 hi can eisilv be done by a simpi pracusal appli
cation of that rule which is as true iu matters of
I nsiness. a murals "bv thoir fruits or results) vou
sha I know tbom.'" Judged by this ru'e, Heltnbold
fsatrue drugtrist, and those well-known mod oines
known as "He mtx M' Pre laratlons" are legitimate
roniedies. These latter bave been botore the public
pron.inent, for many voars, aud have ooon almost
nn versa'lv Micoessiui : the Fx ract ot Itucbu espe
cially, has sscured the piib'lo confidence. For its
appropiiate diseasse it is without a rival. The cer
tificates to Its usefulness embraoe many thousands
ot names ; 1 ut the (sot mat alter the trial of so many
years. Hembold's Preparations aro in as grea' a
demand as ever, or even greator is tho best vossib'e
prool oi their legi imato merit.
1 re j nncipal uepots lorineir .nie is ai noun-hold'-New
store nextihe Meiropo flan Hotel, O.
and No. 1C4 8 tenth street, PnlUdeUihia.
Browr's Isronotiial. Troches "Your Troc'ioa
are too well and favorably known to need com
mondation.", Hon Cbarlrhi A. I'iielps,
' Presidunt ilassacnusetts Senuto.
'My commun'cation v ith the world Has been very
much enlarged b-tho I.orengo n hlcli I now cany
always in my pocket: that trouble in my throat (tor
which the Troches aro a spooiflc) having made me
often a uiere whisperer " N. P. Willis).
Your Grocer or Market man can get supplied at
Bermuda Producb Company,
No 120 Wfft sti-nt, New York.
Aqua be M aonolia llus exahisite article is
growing in universal lavor. No lady's toilet is
complete without it. It is superior to any Cologne,
and is made from the rich Southern Magnolia; is a
aengiitiui per 1 11 tne, and lend rs tne skin suit, aim
fresh and beautiful It is so'd b" all dealers at SI in
large tottles. and by Domas, Barnes & Co., New
1 ora, wnoiNsaie agents.
FnoTOORAt-na ot superior stvle and finish now
maoe ai reduced pncoat B F Romier's Ua Itv,
No. 624 Arch street; all styles; now is tho time to
get them.
Ftmale TrtuBhRs. Braces, Buiporters. Elastic
Belts, and Stockings, hcht and eloeant In finish,
adjusted by a lady, at Needles', I wellth street, first
door below liace.
The Summer's Sun is no more vrateful than fs a
summer suit ot Clothing from Charles Htokcs & Co.'s
One Puce, under the continental.
1 re Shapr m summer is no more 'velcome than
is a suit of Clothing from tstokes & Co.'s, uuder the
CrtovER & Bakkr's Highest Premium E'astic
Stitch aud ixick-nii ch Sewing Machines. No. 730
Chcsnut stieet.
G. Bteon Mouse, Xo. 904 Arch street, is noted
for the quality aud flavor of ice creams and ices.
- imiriiuiivi; iiaumiiK lur oiruiii viiiih-b mr lumis
see 7i3chepnut st , phila., aud iOdevst., new yori.
7 80s, 5-20s, 1881s, 10 40j, Comi.ouno Interest Notes,
ai.d (jo.d aud Mlvor bought and so d bv
Iirkxkl ft Co., ,
No. 34 S 1'muu Street.
llAVt Your Dmtiid States Bonus KEomTEnED.
6i0, 1S81, and 10 4ii Coupon Bonds converted luio
l-r.,,.iut.ii ail Hnr autidv ua would nrlpiiui nnr frirnda
to hold liogia'ercil Londs. App y to
t 1 - 0 r...
No. 3ts 1'uiku Street.
Compound Tnteukpt Notes 7 8 10 and 6-20s
Wanted. Do Huven & Brother, Mo 40 o. Third St.
Popular Tailoring.
iihE ( ustom Work.
WANAMAKi.n & Brown,
Oak Hall,
i-'outheast corner Sixth and Maukkt Streots.
AULK SW AN. On the 81st ultimo, at the
Church ot tbe Keurrection, by the Key. Mr. Davis,
(t1!OK(jKA.FAULK oll'h, io ALKTJEA
AlHlA, youngest datlghtor of the lato William
Swan, of Isiandreasrh, l onnty Antrim. Ireland No
carus. (New York at U Irish papers please copy.
OOELLER KDMUNDS. On the 7th ultimo, by
the Key. I) Washburn, of No 815 S Third street,
KUMLNDj, all of Pbi adelphia.
KIED HAMILTON. On the 2th u'timo by the
Key William O Johns one, THOUAS R. HEED to
MAGblE E. HAM1LKKV, youngest daughtor of
James Hamilton, Esq , all of this city. 1
VERNON BACON. On May Rl, at the residence
ot tbe bride's lather, by Boy. Vaughan Smith, of
Summerfield M. B. Church, Mr. DAVID A. VER
NON, ot the "Delaware County American," Media,
Pa., to Miss ANNE J. BACON of this city.
BAKEIt. On the 30th instant, Mr. GKOKUE C
BAKER, in the 60lh year ot nis age.
Tho relatives and friends are ic-pectfully invited
to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No.
716 Kichmond street, Eighteenth Ward, on Sunday
afternoon at 1 o'clock.
BOWMAN.-On the 81st ultimo, MARTHA BOW
MAN, aged 73 years.
1 he mem tors of the family only are respectfully
Invited to attend her funeral, fiom the residence of
her son, corner ot ohirluv and Olive streets, on lion
day morning at 10 o'clock.without mrther notice
PAVELL.-On the 30th u'timo, GEORGE J.
(JKA VELL, in the 2uth year of his age.
His relatives and friends of the lumlly, and tho
members of Chosen Friends' Lodge, No. IdO. i. O. of
O. F. are respecttuliy invited to attend Ins funeral,
from his late residence, No loll Callowhlll street, uu
Monday, June 4, at 2 o'clock P. M.
TALLANE. On the 28th ultimo, Mr.. TOHN BAP
T1SI E 1 ALLAN E, 03 jears ol age, a native of Tou
lon, France.
1 he relatives and friends of the family, also the
Souinwark, Mechanic, VJashington and Lafayette,
French Benevolent and Beneficial Societies, aro re
specttully Invited to attend his lunerul, from his lut?
residence, No. 12 Queen street, at H o'clock on Mon
day morning, June 1.
WEBB.-On the 28th Imtant, ALBEltr WEBB,
Sr.. in the GO'h year ot hi" age.
Ibe relatives and friends ot the family, al9o Wash
ington Lodge, No. 2,1. O ofO. F., are respoctiully
invited to attend the funeral, from his late residonce,
No VI Huti.-on street, above CneKuut, on stundiy
morning next ut 0 o'ciocii. lo proceed to Laurel
Hill Cemetery.
iruR CLosiKf; noons with mosquito
J netting on them or lor keepini; your tluors open in
suninior uud closing them in wiutir, tb- Adjusiible
Lour Spring w ill lie lound most iieml. For ule bv
No. H33 (Kfght Thlriy-nre) M A HK.K1' wt . below Ninth.
J. Hie police catixht him in consequence ot n a arm
given by a Watchman's Rattle. Kvery housekeeper
should bavs one ior use Iu sucb an emergency. For ie
K o. k!tliiltgrit Thlrtv-flvel M ARKKT Ht.. blow Wintb.
it ibe wind irom eloslne the shutters when bowed,
and !uik tbe holm wfen the shnite-s are closed. For
sle, wit., u kcacrat anortuitnt of LuUding llarilnure,
So. WMElKhtTblrtv -five) MAUKKT St.. below Mnth.
" KOI! I,A1)IF.S,
At Ms Old L'stnblUbed Hat and Cap emporium,
5 14 ltu No- Wll CHKHNCT SUtet.
I KililiA i'H TONIC ALE.
A L B,
It Is recommended by physicians of this aud othei
places as superior feiic, una requites but a trial to
coavinet the niot nkeptleal ut iu great me lt. To be
bad, wholesale and retail, ol P. I.JOKDAN,
No. 20 PKAR Mtreet
Cliampagne Cider, by the dosen, bottieu, or br tht
barrel. 2 Ui
Neur.y Opposite the Post Onus,
Families supplied OtUers lruui the Couatry promptly
MtVUAttll tv, ill
Special to The Evening Teleyraph
W'AautNOTotf. Jiuic 1.
Anotlirr Rmarltittl lnrtl .
The Preidcnt has pai ilonerl Richard 3. Cox,
of the DiHtrict of Coluniirn. who left his home
to aid the Rebellion. Thli will enable Cox to
regain possesion ot hU tine estate on George
town Heights, now occupied as a Colored
A Nwlns rtft.
Mr. TtticliHcr, a distineui-hed artist of Swit
zerlunrl, has arrlvprl here, comml-stoned by the
Swiss Government to pa'nt a national picture of
Atrrrican historical eyen'". to be place I in the
Capitol at Bern. Mr. Bttrhser Is receivinfr much
attention from Secretar.v Sevt.rd and other
membera of Government, nnd wa .yefitordny in
troduced on the floor of the House by General
Public RoalneM Kittenrll.
Tlie departments, municipal offices, banks1,
and public schools are closed to day, and busi
ness i? quite pencrally suspended, in respect for
the memory of General Scott.
Unfounded Report ot the Capture ot Wind
sor ana Mirnm.
Puffai.o. Juno 1 It Is reported here that tiio
Fenians bave captured Sat nio and Windsor.
Kochbstkr, New York, Juno 1 two hun
dred men, said to bo Fenians, left this city last night
with rations prepared by feniati managers. Ihey
bad tickets lor Rome, and probably wero
destined lor the St. Lawrence region. lhy had
no arms.
Tho Fenian leaders in tint city are very active, and
more men will leave to-niht tor the Canadian
Toronto, Juno 1. Thcro Is rot a word of truth in
the reported capturo ot Sarnia and Windsor. Every
thing is quiet in those places.
The military authorities here are on tho alert, and
troops are moving to tho exposed points.
St. Albans, Vt, June 1. About two hundred
Fenians arrived horo this morning lrom lioston.
Tboy were all in citizen's drcs, aud without arms or
other equipments, i boir conduct so far is most
peaceable aud orderly. It is announced that several
hundred more Fenians aro to arrive hero in the neiy'
twenty-four hours.
Tit" Rercnt Case Iu N-w York Vctlon
of tbe Board of Ilenltli-rFirty Nw
Cases rroui (he "Pruvlnu' and
"Union," and Kearli-en tettilts in tho
Hoapltul Ship "I'ali uu'"
The cfTicers of the Boad of Health, yestorday,
took charge of the bremises No. 14 Cherry street,
thoroughly disinfected them, and burnod that por
tion ot tbecloibingot the deceased, John Kifzjrald,
which bad been soiled by dejections during his ill
ness. It as deemed ut necessary to hold a post
mortem examination, and ihD body was aceordmiy
tinned yesterday afternoon. We have, however.
been uble to nattier few p.f.Hipnal facts gauQ ruing
the case, Which are soniewlint Inferring,
Tho deceased arrived in New York very reoently
in company with bis family, Irom Missouri, and was
occupiin tho room In which no di"d in common
wi'h another lamily. , On Tuedav he dined on boiled
mutton and some vegetables and afterwards took a
wak. stopping at one of the numerous drinking
houses of tho Fourth Ward, w hero he drank a glass
of beer. Immediately alter Ills return ho was taken
lb, nnd at 11 o'clock a phisicinnwas called, who
found him suflerino from a violent diarrhoea, accom
panioc with vomiting and oramps, and in a partial y
collnpsed condition. During the uiirht, and contrary
to tho advice of the physician, ho drank somo boiled
milk. At 11 o'clock on Wednesday he was visited
again atd found in a moribund state, and at 2 o'clock
be died.
The circuTstanccs of hi death were of saflioient
importance to induce the Hoard of Health to take
the action related above, llie death will probably
be placed upon the records nndor the head of
diauhojaor cholera morbus; but the fear of the
unread ot poison was suflicionfly ereat to warrant
tbe destruction of tboe articles of clothing that had
been stained with the ejections and dejoetions of the
eeccased. The room in whiob he died has been
chansed and whitewashed; and, lor the sake of
showing that the case occurred from purely local
caures, it was ascertained, bv careful Inquiry, that
none of the passengers from the infected shins that
have recently arrived at this port, were domiciled in
tbe neighborhood. What the boor had to do witii
the disease is only surmised, although this very perti
nent inquiry was made, and one of the phvsioians
was anxious to know "what was in tho beorf "
Concerning the case reported from thi Sixth avo
nue, nothing further was known lust evening by the
Health authorities as we stated yesterday, the
woman will probably recover, or, if she should not,
her death will doubtless be c ari;ed to tbe same
eau-e as in the cae alreadv related. Her promisos
bave also been cleansed. The cases, unimportant as
the mav seem, are sufficient to show tho danger
that exist, and to urge them to renewed diligence
in the bus-ness of preparing for a too which vto
len'ly attacks llie weak and unarmed.
Ihe Illinois, which came to the city with the con
va'escents trom the rirqinia, is not in a condition
to be returned to tho Lower liav, and will remain
for repairs. In the meantime, there are but two
bulks there, and the woll are, ot ourse, confined to
the qnarteis In wl ich ihe disease originated. When
this state of a flairs will bo.t"dcd we have no meant
at present of determining; but we are permitted to
say that the authorities are not Idle, and the want
of proper accommodation at Quarantine for we'l
persons trom infmted ships is iuily understood aud
universally deprecated.
Ilnndreda of Persona rolond by
Uroiind l'p with 1 Frightful
TrK'T In tbe WalKill Valley.
It is now nearly two months slnco the people re
siding along that portion ot the Wulkiil va'ley
which lies in the western part ot On.nge county,
were attacked by a disease which tor some lime
battled the skill of tbe phvsiciaus, they being at a
loss to divine the cause. I ho malady, it is true, ex
hibited the most positive symptoms of lead poison
ing. et all the sufferers stoutlv denied having used
anything that could in then- e tiolation have been
coutuminated with lead, even in its mineral condi
tion. In some rases whole families were stricken down,
while in others only one or t.vo members of a lamily
were attacked, bomet nies the disease assumed a
violent form, ana caused deetii ; and ai'aln it was of
a milder typo, and the paticnN were relieved. Te
ds v hundreds are suffering tiotn its effects, many of
whom will never be able to do anything and will in
t me wa-de away and die, the vic'.iuis of tins terrible
d sense .
Ibe symptoms most proro neni in these cases bave
been obstinate constipation, severe pain In the
abdomen, nausea and persi-dent vomiting, colic,
d.tlicnlty in voiding urine, and in many instances
the evaontaous bemir mingled with blood, pai o aud
heat in the rceion of the kidnevs, cramps and par
tial paralysis oi the upper extremities aud an
bbxIoub, gloomy exprecsion of countenance. The
above are the symptoms wlich have been present in
a Mteateror less degree of prominence aud severity
in every case.
I'ron bsional men at ones saw that these symptoms
pointed to and were characteristic of lead poison;
but it was also ob-ervod that some or all ot them
were encountered in other and lar dirt'eient tornn of
disease, as in colica ento'ttis (inflammation of the
intestines), hamiatura (bloody urine), dysuria (diffi
culty in voiding urine), aud other conditions ot the
system In which spasm, nervous disorder, and para
lysis manliest themselves. The only diatrnostlo symp
tom which, regarded bv itself, was conclusive as to
the lead poison, wss the blue line at the margin of
the teeth, which has been present in aim att every
case. Tbe doctors were solely perplexed, but. hi
about two wenks alter the nmt vion-ut cases came
under their notice, they hud, by csriul study, traced
the lead In the system, so ibat there was no longer
anv doubt on that point It now remained to asuer
tain llie source Irom whence il came,
After considerable research it was found that the
oad. WR evuveyud into tbu stowavbs gftije v,tioivr
by bread and meal and as a greater part of thou
staples were manufactured at the mill ot a Mr.
Harsh, ar 1'hilipsnurg, an investigation was atone
made In that olieouon, and the fa lowing fao's war
el.citetl . great j to the surpiise of every one, th
the miller htmse) Included i
It appears that Mr. Marsh bad gained an enviable
notoriety for tbe superior quniit ot hi flour, and
that the farmers for many miles around were in the
habit ot bringing their whe it and corn to his mill to
be made into flour and nieil. Aiue from this he
exported largely, so that his mill, whiou has tour
run of ttone, was kept constantly going, by night as .
well as by day. One set of these s ones was set
apart for his ' eastotn" work. Tliti. was an o d sot,
constantly needing rcpuirs, and large cavities fre
quently maniles ed themselves, wuioh, In-tead of .
being filled up with tbo cement generally used for
that purpose, weie filled with common lead, boms
of these holes were as large as a hen's egir, ouo, wn
are Informed, being as largo us the palm of a man's
hand. . if, when fl led, the lead projecte . above the '
surtRoe nt ti.e stone, i' was haii.uieied do vn level.
They were theu adjusted, the gram was run In,
and the motion beRua, and was gradual y increased
until a very Ini'h late ot hpeed was attained Oi -course
the att ition caused bv this vo ocily d. tachod
parities ol lead from the stone, aud mlng od theia
a nion imperceptibly wiUi the flour tacit moment
mcroased the amount, m that to every tojnd of
flour theio was. i oug i lead imparted to make small
buckshot. With Iho tnorinoiis biismoss of Mr.
Marsb the raid roan Iniaenie how mue.n lead was
being distributed throughout the surrounding coun
try, fo be ai sorhed luto iho systems ot those who
partook ot iho Hour
The lead m th s form was eimparativoly harmless,
but when fermented nnd subjected to the -baking
process it was immediately transloruied nto carbo
nate ot lead Ihe deadliest of all load poi-ous. Itroad
ol this kind was but littlt, tet cr than broad spread
w itn white lead as a snttite for butter.
Weie it not lor tho lact that tno lead was taken in
tuch targe qunnnties as to produce a couiror suite ef
ction, hundreds would have died belore tho causa
Could be discovered.
As soon as it became apparent that the disease
sprang from. tne bread ol wmch tho sutforors had
partaken, l)r Durranco, and Mr. King a very skill-
lul chemist ot iddleton, ai once doter mined to
anah ze tno flour, hnuip es were procured, add to
their astonisnmeut itiov lound tha; ihe lea.i could be
discerned with the naked evo. Next,, a microscope
revealed it bevond a doubt, and as a still lurther
prooi it was subjected to some six standard testa,
each one showing ihe presi nee of lead in lurge quan
tity s. Alter tbet-ctists all tho flour which uad come
lrom Marsh's mill was quick v roturned to him aud
the mill ceased ruuniug: but tbo mischief was already
done, tbe seed had been sowu and the lruit was
coming forth at an alarming rato; tne vouug and
old wero stricken down, those a ho wen atUtoted
with auy chronic ciscase being the greatest suflorors.
Ol course a panic was tho result, and the doctors
were kcut busy day and inght. I do not care t
pain your readers with a recital of the terrible ago
nies endured by these uulortunato pooplo but tbe
scenes throughout a radius of from twenty to thirty
miles oi the country were truly heartrending. Only
those who have mi Ill-red can lorm any idea ot the
horrors, the mwaru tires vrhicn were consuming the '
putieuts, or t lie agonizing cran ps that contracted
every musclo of trp'ir weukened irames.
FbriuixulelV" tne bakers of tho place bad pur
chased their flour Iroiu the Western Hiatus, or tbe
disease would navo spread to a munr. creator i xtent.
Aluuy ot the proeers, as well as private famines,
were in the habit oi receiving their supplies regu
Isr.y lrom the mill, and, ot ours", all who ujod
tbem were afflicted.
jo-day 1 have visited most of tho leading physi
cians here, aud append a tabular statement of the
number ol cases treated by each from tho ni.ddlo ot
.Murcli to the pro -eut time:
ir Dorrance 40 l)r Smilev, about 39
Ii. l.vetett 61 Or. M'right, auout 45
Dr. Junii'ou .
Dr. liradner (severe)... II1 To'al 218
lli s oiilv includes tho rogion in the mimed ate
vicinity O' MidtJeton, and doos not embrace Goshon
and its envnous; but 1 am informed that there have
been ovor 100 cases iu that neighoorbood. One of
the sd cast s here is that ot Colonel Wiokbatii, Jus
tice of ihe I'eaco, aud his wifo Ho will probably
utver recovor tully from tbe eflbots, and Mis. Wick
hem, wbo has L,r a long time been in delicate health,
is wasting away to tho urave under the intlueuoe of
this frightful oi-on. A well-known tap ove of tho
Irie toaiiroad Comi any has diod from its effects.
child of Dr Johnson has alto died. Iuis case wm
very pculiar one. It appoars that the Ohild bad
been fed upon the mlik ot a new milch ooiy, which
Ufually guru li quarts of milk dadv. About twn
I hi6i'itus mgb tu child was affected strangely, but at
too time notning was tuougnt ot us symptomt.
About this time tbo milk began to fail, and no
cause could be assigned. Dr. Johnson partook
teelv of gruel made Irom the milk of this cow and
meal prepared at Marsh's mill. Alter taking it he
vomited copiou-ly, out did not charre it to the gruol.
The child being fond of tho gruel it was given to her,
and attcr eatiug it she was seized with couvu s ons
at intervals, and despite a l the med cal skill em
ployed, died. Tbe meal was lead poisoned and so
was the milk, lor the oow was ted upon feed ground
at Marsh's mill. Tbe cow, having tailed ot milk,
was sold, and has been lost tiaco ot.
1 coulo fill pages of your paper with faots wMch I
have obtained to-day in relation to this peculiar caso
oi wholesule poisomug. I am iuioi mod t,at a largo
quantity ot the poisoned flour has been sent to iNew
York city to be made fn'o starch. Ii It has been
made into that attic, e e are safe; but if speculators
bavo placed it iu the maiket tor sule we shall soon,
see the effects At any rate, it is tbe duty of the
Hoard ot Health to take some steps to ascertain it
that flour is in the market now. There are sevon
canes ot poisoning by this flour in New York city
fcurly in the morning I loave lor the mill to seo
tbe miller and obtam additional tacts in relation to
this sad affair. 8corea ot men who a low weeks ago
were in tbe lull enjoyment of health and strength
are ruined ior life, and totter to and tto, their faoe
having tbe appearance of cry parchment, their eyea
sunken and encircled bv a dark ring: their lips blue,
their muscles contracted, and thoir limbs distorted;
lor them to move is intense pain; relapse lodows re
lapse till in time thev succumb to tbo eUects ol this
fearful malady. iV. T. Tribune
Rtarn of Mrs. lvls to Fortress Mon
roeWhat She Tried to Accomplish 1m
Washington Improved Health and.
Spirits r tbe 1'riMuner, Etc.
Fortbehb SIonhob, My 30, Mrs, Jeff. Davis
arrived tnis morning on the new line steamer .Atmes
'J. Brail y. Captain Laudis. uivlug Mr. Davis tno
pai ole 01 the tort is said to have been doofdud on In
Washington belore her arrival thore sucb decision
being the alleged joint effect, however, of a prior
letter of hers to Fresinent Johnson on the subject,
and Ihe special report of Surcreon Cooper ou Mr.
Luvis' health Whether she sought to accomplish
anything uhe regarding her husband, and accom
plished it or otherwise, has not yet transpired.
Among rumors touching the object of her visit to
tbe nutionui capital is one that she avowed her de
termination to move heavon and earth to efloot tuo
removal ot Major-Oeneral Miles, the oommandant
ol this district, and by virtue of such position held
accountable as the responsible guardian of Mr.
lJavis. It is hardly credible that she should essay to
ventilate her peisonal ill-ieelings towards General
Mlk it site entertains any against him by ven
turing on any such bold doinand. to a Dors on of
reasonable modesty tbe idea would BUggest itself
that the multiplie t of favors she lies asked and will
bave to ask for her husband and herself ought to
s u flice.
Mis Davis, upon her re urn, finds Mr. Davis In
improved healtn, aud vastly mure oheorful tlmu
when sue went away. He has lanen every advan
tage of the privileges granted bim uuder his parole,
and a much bettor s ate ot health U the resu t. iiis
recent interviews with bis counsel bave added to
his cheertulness. It is to be presumed also that
from her interviews with others of his counsel sho
brings a pleasing budnet of intelligence, and lirnu r
basis than ever fur mutually encouraging hopes in
thelutuie. As to the time of the trial I sm told
she brines no positive information. The United
ttta'es District Court uieits to morrow iu Norfolk,
but this of course has no connection with his ap
proaching trial. Jf. y. Herald.
Si'gar and Deer. In the year ending Septem
ber lart, 4,224, ltitl lbs. of su'ar were coiisiimetl
in the London breweries, und l,ii80,6O3 lbs. In
the breweries of the provinces. In the Hootch,
breweries, 200,7!i! lbs. were consumed, aud in
the Irish, 88,175 lbs.
Tub Tallest Man in Parliavknt. Mr. Mal
colm, M. P., the tallest man in the lintish House
of Commons, has been promoted lo the rank of
color-sertreant In the rirst company ot the London
Scottish ItiHe Voluuters.
Status op Mr. Gladstone. A proposal to
erect a "national statue" of the Chancellor of
Ihe Exchequer by penny subscriptions amoai;
the working classes, has been favorably receiveoj
in London.
cents cheaper Ihao you can anywhere else In tha
iliv. mil at rKKBTOS'd.
1 lm No. 218 South THIRD Street, 1'bllada
r 'TrNo. UN N. KI.KVKNTH street. Teeth extracted
liv S'ilrous Oxide tins dully, liom t to li A. M., a d 1 1
44 f, M. x (i,n