THE DAILY EVENING TELEGKjMH. PHILADELPHIA, FIUDAY, JUNE 1, 1866. U1TY INTELLIGENCE For Additional City Ink.dcnoe tee Fifn Page. m i I Prockfdings in Counoilb. Tho Stated Meetirg of Councils was held yesterday after noon. Select Council. A communication was re ceived from the Chief Enulneer of the Water Works, In answer lo a rcKol'ition as to what con tracts have been plveu out and work done by the Department since the pawnee of the ordinance appropriating the one ni ill ion dollars loan for the extension of the Water Works. The en gineer report that the worit done in as follows: 30-mch main ia Poplar street; 20-inch main in WHHUinsrton street; crib in front of Fairmount dam; improvements at Delaware Works; 48-inch main from Fairmount to Corinthian avenue reservoir: 30-inch, main from Corinthian avenue to Kensington reservoir; Roxborough reservoir; engine at.. xboiouRh. Tne entire amount ex pended to f'ate Irom this loan is 1272,23877. Of this amount there was expended lor work and material under written contract, $147,01856; wapes paid to men employed directly by the De railment, $76,t79,73; labor, material, and sup plies crdeied without written contract, I33.6G0-38; damans, $1200; real estate, $13,62011; license for extension of wharf, $45. The Committee on W aier reported an amend ment appropriatitp; $844998 tor the purpose of manikin it the Oertnantown Water Works lor the remainder of the year 18C6. Aareed to. The Committee on Schools reported an ordi nance for the purcha-e of a lot onCalloblll t-treet, near Dillvvjn street, lor school purposes. Agreed to. The Committee on Prison reported that the prison is overcrowded, and submitted an ordi nance for the purchase of a lot adoinia the prison, tor the purpose of extending the prison. (The price is $12,500). The ordinance was post poned. Mr. Freemnn offered a resolution requesting citizens to testily their respect for General Scott bv closing windows during the time of the, and directing the Comroisioner of Citv Property to have the State House bell tolled between the hoars of twelve and two o'clock on Friday (to-day). Agreed to. Mr. Waener, lrotn tlie Committee on Law, submitted a report in regard to the right of members of Councils to act as Trustees of th Gas Works. The opinion ol the City Solicitor Is that a Triif-tee may be elected a member of Councils, but Councils cannot elect one of its own number as Trustee. The Committee was discharged from the lurther consideration of the subject. The same Committee reported that the City Solicitor had been addressed in regard to the pow er of Councils lo prosecute for misdemeanor the City Commissioner for illegal practices in fiving contracts for supplies for 1865. The City olicitor is of opinion that Councils have such power. William S. Grant and William J. Taylor were elected Trustees of the City Ice Boat. Adjourned. In Common Council. Mr. Harper offered the following resolutions on the death of brevet Licutenant-General Wintleld Scott: Ftnolvrd, By the Select and Common Councils Of the City of Fhiladoiibia, that we hvu herd. with profound sorrow and regret, of the death of Brevet Lieutenanl-General Wiuiield Scott, the late illus trious commander of the array oi the United States, whoso name is mdiesolubiy connected witi the honor and glory of bis country, and whose lame has proclaimed him the rreatest ciptain ol the ago in wi tch bis aervices were rendered. Semlvtd, That we deeply sympathize with the re'atives and lnends of the dceoaod, as well as with our fellow-ctttzcn generally, in then groat lose; that we revere bis many virtues, and condole ourselves in the belief that his departed spirit ii enjoying a b,ecd immortality fiesoved That a conv Of tho above resolutions bo forwaided to the surviving members of the lamily of ire lamented oeaa, ana mat tno members ot coun cils wear the UBual badge of mourning tor thirty uaya. Unanimously adopted. A communication from firemen, asking that the State House bell be mug at all times for fires, was leierred to tho Committee on Fire and Trusts. The resolution offered by Mr. Evans at the last stated meeting, providing' for the appointment ot a committee ol live of Common Council to examine into the management ot the Philadel phia Gas Works, was taken up and passed yeas 3t, nays none. The ordinances from Select Council providing lor laying water pipe, and also for tne sale ot certiticate of loan, were agreed to. The amendment to the resolutions in reference to the death ot General Scott was concurred la, The resolutions from Select Council discharii ing the Committee on Law from the further coLsideratlon of the subject of Trustees of the Gas Works receiving pay for services was taken up, when Air. uetzel moved to amend oy direct iiig the City Sojicitor to proceed to collect the money paid the two Trustee' for services. Mr, Evans moved to amend by adding the names of others who had been paid. The whole subject was voted down. Mr. Harper offered a resolution requesting tue Comnass oner or City Property to inform Councils by what authority he has issued pro posals tor work at Fairmount Park without authority of Councils. Agreed to. Mr. Bilhngton submitted a resolution to the effect that Councils will visit Chicago and St. Louis during the summer recess, ana that a joint committee be appoiuted to make the arrangements, providing that the city be at no expenec. Agreed to. Police Affairs. William Sloan, colored, had a heating before the Recorder yesterday, ou the charge of stealing $240 from Alexander Jones, recently discharged iiora the navy. Jones testified that Kennel Hloun alo made great oro lessions of friendship for him, though he had never seen him botore, and invited him into a honse, where he fell asleep, and was robhed. The honorable dischaige ot Jones was got from the boot ol Sloan. Held for trial. Christian Herman was arrested at Fifth and Jefferson streets, on Wednesday, on the charge ol reckless driving. Alderman Shoemaker held him tor trial. Edwaid Dugan had a heading before the Re corder, yesterday, on the charge of committing a violent assault and battery on Michael Fit eerald, a cbaiscman. The awault was commit led at Cbe nul and N nth streets. Dugan. it is Alleged, using a black.iacK. He was held to bail to answer the assault and battery, and the charge of carry inir a concealed deadly weapon. 'i CuTJitcn Dedication. The new and beaiititul brown stone chapel, at Broad aud x- i ford streets, was dedicated lust evening. The bu'lding 1ms a Irout ol 42 feet on Broad and 80 fret on Oxford street, and cost $18,000 and $2500 lor tunnelling it. From the report, read by Mr. J. S. Cuuimings. it appears that the idea ol establishing a church in this locality origi nated in a Sunday School, organized on the lHBt Sunday in Januarv, 1H(4. The ground pur chased for the chapel is 100 by 2;) feet, and it is Ihe design of the movers in this enterprise to commence at once the erection of a first-class church, in connection with the chapel, to be called the Curmcl Presbyterian Church. About $30,000 has already been contributed towards the new church. The exorcises last evening consisted of singing, reading of the Scriptures, and addresses by Rev. Alnert Barnes, Ke v. Thomas Brainerd, D. P., and the Itev. Walcott CuJUutJ. Discharged. John rennypacker and an individual well known a Dr. Buidull, indicted on the charge of dealing in counterfeit money, on the oath of H. O. Wrght, the Government detective who had been Indicted in Washington for parsing counterfeit money, and whoabseuted himsell at the lut't term of the Court, and wits committed for contempt bv Judge Cadwalader, were befoie tho United States District Court yesterday. As Juduc Cad walader, in a case tried the day previous, had instructed the ury that it would not be sale to convict on the testimony of Writrht alone, and as there was no other wit Less either in the cuse of Pennypacker or Bur den, the bills ot indictment were laid before the lury without testimony, and verdicts of not guilty taucn. Wrie-bt would have testified that he bona bt counterfeits from them. The defend ants were dibcLurued. roi.iCK Itkms. Corneliuff TJovcr. ' alias William Simpson, h) charged yesterday after noon, on theoathof Theodore Mann, bootmaker. No. 109 South Tenth- street, with baling a $"0 counterfeit United Stales greenback. Mr. Mann testified that Bayer ba dealt wit 1 him lor a number of years; some time during March lst he ordered apa r of shoes, and gave the $50 bill in payment; he then said to witness that be wished him to make him two more pairs ot gaiters; that he would call tor them in a week crtwo; that he was a aeaier in Dorses: witness took the note to bank; It was pronounced bous; uover never calico tor tne snons. Detective Henderson testified that ho knew he accused as Cornelius Boyer, or "Big Tom:" do not think he 1b a dealer in horses: bav? known him for several years; he formerly kept tavern on 8ouih Front street. Hoer was held to answer at Court bv Unitel States Commissioner Sargcant. James McAIanua was charged yesterday morn ing with obtaining goods under faNe pretenses. t seems that in the spiiug ot 18j8 MnMtiniig called at the iewclfy manufactory of Mejsrs. Dreer Seers, Sansom street near Sixth, and represented that he was extensively engage 1 in business in the city of Caraccas, Venezuela, naming a nun.ber ot firms in that place for re ference. By this means he sneceeded in obtain ing twelve gold chains, valued at $21604. Some ime alter tne transaction Messrs. Dreer & seers ascertained that they had been swindled. They at once endeavored to ferret out the guilty party, but were unsuccessful until Wednesday, when they ascer.aineci that he was in tne city; warrant was then issued tor his arret. McManus states that he pawned the chains. He was held in ii(J0 Dan to answer at Court by Alder-can White. A young man named J. H. Stine was charged yesterday morning with larceny. It appears that the accused was lormerly employeJ in a store in Clearfield, Pa. A few days ago he eft, stating that he ws coming to this city in search of employment. After he had statted his employer discovered that he had been robbed, und alleges that the accused i guilty of the crime. He wrote to Messrs. White A Pechin, merchants, on Market strect.near Fourth, giving a description of Stine, and tor them to look out for him. Yesterday morning he entered their store In search of employment. While one of the firm engaged his attention, another person stepped out, and called in an ollicer, who took mm into custody, lie will oe Bent to Clearfield for trial. Fatal Accident. Yesterday afternoon two well-diggers, who had dug a large well in a ard at yutuce and locust streets, lost their lves lrom foul air. The well had been dug alongside an old one. and it was tapped, one of the men being down at the time. The foul air at once overcame him, and the other, proceed ing to ms assistance, w as rendered unconscious also. An alarm being given, the members of a neighboring fire company hurried to the scene. and succeeded in getting the men out. One ot them was dead, and the otherdled almost imme diately after. The Coroner held an inqueBt on the bodies, and a verdict ot death by suilocation was iendcred. The names of tho men were Paul Donnelly and William McCue, the first 37 years old ana tue otner 48. tsoitt were married. FiBH Matters. The Pennsylvania Hose Company will leave this evening lor Buffalo, by the way ot .Williamsport aud Elmira, taking with them their new carriage. About fifty members will participate in the excursion. After a visit to Niagara Falls, the Company will return by wav ot Albany and New York. reaching nere on Baturoay ween. Election by Councils. Councils met in caucus yesterday, and elected the following othcers: Kor .Fort wardonsr-Kteharfl vvuey, George W. Hacker, Samuel V. Merrick, George T. Parry, Samuel J. Christian, Thomas B. Beck, Oscar Thorn oson. and Cantain K. A. Landell Trustees of the Northern Liberties Gas Works Townsend Yearsley and E. H. Fltler. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. R K M O V A I, . W I L L I A M G. P E 11 11 Y, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, BAB REMOVED FROM S. W. CORNER FOURfU AND RACE, TO 5 25 fmwlm No. 78 AHCII STREET. 1TINE STATION EBY. OF THE BEST JD Qaallty. W. O PERRY, Mb turner, No. 728 ARCH Street. Philadelphia. ARNOLD'S IWK, FAKER'S PENCILS, AND GUloti's Steel fens, all genuine, sold bv W. O Pf RRT, Rt a ion or. Ko. 728 AR H ftreet. Philadelphia "OLANK BOOKS IN LARGE VARIETY, I ol my own manufacture. Ki..t.i ini at lowest cash htrs. W. O. PERKT No. 728 ABCH Street. Philadelphia. 17NVFLOPES, LETTER, CAP, AND BILL J-Li Paper, AT LOW CASH PRICES. W. ti- I'FRRT, Stationer, Ko. 728 ABI H Street. Philadelphia. GOLD PEN8, NATIONAL BANK PENS, Perry's flue Steel Pans, EW.fl ppjjjjy Stationer, No. 728 AR H Mreet. 6J6tawJlm Ph 110 p ti eu DYEING, SCOURING, ETC. F&EKCU STEAM SCOIKIAO ESTABLISHMENT, No. 510 RACE Street. We bee leave to draw your particular attention to our new French Ku .m Scouring E.tabMsbn eut the tint aud only one ol Its kind in this city. We do not dye, but bj a chemical process restore Ladles'. Gentlemen's, an Children'. Garment to their original states, wlmou iniurinu them in tba least, while uteut exuerlenca aod the best machinery lrom France euuble us to warrant pen ec i satisiAction to an who may lavor us witn tneii patronattc. LADIES' DRESSES, of ever, descimtlon with or without Irlmmluns, are cleaned and Unified without being taken apart, whether the color Is genuine or not. lipcra ( loans ana Aiantiuas. curtains luttie covers, Carpets Velvet Ribbons, Kid Gloves, etc. cleaned and retwlxhed In the best manner. Hen lemen's Numnier and Winter Clothing cleaned to pt'rtectt n without In jury lo (lie stud. Also Flags and Banners AUKlndsol stains r moveu wiinoui o tanmg tne wnoie ah ureters are executed unoer our luimeainie sunervision anu satiffuetlon guaruuteed in every instance A cull and examination ol our process Is retpectlully solicited. AIXLMLL & MAUX, 8 12 nitbsS No MO RACE Btteet T II E SUUSCRIB E II, (For many years connrcted with IIITCHELL'S SA LOONS. No- 5iS CHESNUT btreot), would respectfully Intorm bis friends and the public generally, that be has opened an " Ice Cream and Refreshment Saloon, FOB LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AT Ko. I 121 CHESNUT STREET, (GIKAliD ROW), Wbcre be bopes, bv strict attention to bus'ness, to merit tbe patronage of all who mav favor hi in with their cus tom. JACOB H. BURDS4LL. FHiLaPELFniA, May. 1B6B. C li Im HD8 NEXT GOVERNOR CLYM Eli OR KJ GKARYt as mi be chosen together wlthtUu EVENING TELE'iRAl'H, NEW YORK CLIPPER, Etc., may be obtained as usual at OI'r.EN'S NEWSSTAND. 11 Corner of SEVE.ITal alld CM ESN I T Street AMUSEMENTS. I? IfeLEY'h CONTIKENTAL NKWS . t IXrBAKI'K. I Doirc at to 1 p c ol AmuMmtnt may m nao od to 6H o'a ock n cTtnlng. 111 M , . NEW CHESNUT HTKEET THEATRE. CHRfNlTT Btreet, above iTfeinh. LEONARD OKOVKa WILLIAM E. SINN. Lcshccs and Manuet. WILLIAM . INN nmldcnt Maoaier. J 'nerd onon it I lo. . uriain no at 0. THIS (f'ifday) VE-l.xO, June 1, ' HENEFI r BENEFIT', of Tim TAIKSTFD AND SPBKLIVO XlRH EMMA WEBI1, M 8KIMMA W til 11, HlHs EUM W1BB, AND FIFTH NIOBT FIFTH MUUT Of TUB WEBB HI T"R8, W rBB BISTER. WEBB KI8T.-.H9, W. BB M-TKK-1. MIUE ADA AtD EMMA. MIS -EK lA AM) EMMA, MIHflEH ADA AND KM HA. Who Will Appear In .,, Th performance will commence with the Comedietta entitled . THE WflBLEMAN "NTJAUUUIEK. THK HOBLbM N'S DAUUHT H. THE NOBLEMAN'S lCOH'KK To conduce with tbe favorite Proteau Farce entitled fWK E MaKUIEU, TVtH'E M titKIEU, TWICE MAKKItD. in botb of which the W, B 818 ik Kd will appear. kATI KDAT A F rEHNOON . .'Une'i ORAM) WEBB 8IKTEKS MATIM KR. AdmlfisloD to evenlnK pertoimance. Via. Wo n! 1 TVyfRS. JOHN DKEW'S Miff 4KCH STliEET ATKIC-CHA'OKOF IIVB Bnnlnn at S o'clock. Cartala rises at 1H BENEFIT I BESEFITI LAST MOnr BUT OVR Ob' UHH. JOHN DBlW. . . wIipti she will aprear In JUtttli riiM lis An u iiin,F.iL, i;nim:iini, COMEDY, DitAM A, KD FAKi ft. TH1- (Frl(la VENIMl, Jane l, NINE POlJS'lS OF THE LaW Mrs. Fmylle Mrs. JOUS DREW r.n nr. y r n v. ; OR. THr. WIFK'H RKVKNUK. Agnes de Teie tort JOHN DREW mi, Ut.HU B11U1. Lonlsa Lovetrlck Mrs JOnS DREW Baturday HM. JOHN I.KF.WV-l I axt Night Mondav Reappearance ot MIHH LUCK KUbHTON. Beats secured six davs In advance. WALNUT STREET THEATRE. N. E. cornor NlflTd and WALKOT Streets. Begins quarter to . 1HI8 (Frldav) EVEIUNO. June 1, BKNf FIT OF MK, EDWIN BjOTH. Who will aDpear for the Urst time In Philadelphia as 1 tliii M tUlWbU, in Kotzebue's pathetic P ut, in five acts, of TUB Bl; , OR, MI3AMHROPT AD RKPESTAHCE, and as DON CiESAB DE BAZAN, making a GPAND DOUBLE BILL. Saturdav, Tom Tailor's Travedy ot THE roOL'B RI.VES9E VR FDWIN BoOTH AH THE DUKE'S JESTER, Monday- Eighteenta KlKht oi MK. ELW1N BOOIH AS HAMLET. N EW AMERICAN THEATRE WALNUT Street, above F.tKhtb, NtW MAJSAOEMENT. Bole lessee and Manager 11. A. EARNSHAW Will open lor the -ummer Reason, OS HAT UR DAY EVEMNO, JUNE 8, and will be conducted as a F1KT-1 LASS THEATRE. Improvements will be made a' an expense of FIVE IliOUKAND DOLLARS. 521 TP OR ONLY ONE WEEK. BIERSTADT'S X1 last work, "STORM IS THE ROCKY MUDN' TAINH " wl 1 bo ezblblted lor ore week lonKer, at Wen- deroth. Tavlor b Brown s. No 914 JHENUr Mreet lor the benefit ot the Lincoln Institute and Soldiers' and sailors' Orphan Hoys' Home, blngle ticket., Twenty live Cents. 6 29 6t QYMNASIUM FOR LADIES, OEN'I LEM EN, AND OHII-DREN. K. E. COltNEK OF NINiH AND A HUH STREETS. OP Eli h.k.B.Y DAT ANl EVEMNO, ALL tUMTHER. Bodl'y ezeiclM Imparts health and strcnirth, th. best areventive against sickness o' the coming summer 6 24 Jm Proiesaora U1LLEBRAMJ & LEWIS. THE PIANOS WHICH WE MANU facture recommend themselves. We promise t., our natrons Clear beautliul tunes, eleaant workman ship, durability, and reasonable prices combined wuh a tuil guarantee, t or sale on y at Jo. lol7 WALltCi' 8 treet. fi m TNION riANO MANUFACTUBIVQ CO. MILLINERY, MANTUA-MAKING, &c WOOD & CAEY, No. 725 CHESNUT STREET. ARE OFFERING DAILY ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES in . HATS AND BONNETS, INCLVD1XG TUE POP ULAJi JAPANESE AND MEDALLION HATS. 418 2-iirp Jp- MRS. E. DILLON, Nos. 323 and 331 SOUTH .Street, Has a handsome assortment of SPRING MILLINERY Misses' and Imams' Hais and Caps, Silks, Velvets Crapes, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, rrames.eto. 3 15 4m TOADIES' CLOAKS, BASQUES, ETC, MADK AND TRIMMED IN THF MOST FaBHIONAUL: STYLE, FROM THE BKuT GOODS. AT IHE LOWEbT POSSIBUK I'RICES. 1VENB dc CO., Ml 2m No. 23 South NINTH Street BOOTS AND SHOES. REMOVAL. C. 113 NK EUT .V; SON MANUFACTURERS OF FINK BOOTS AND SHOES Have removed lrom their Old Stand, Ko. 48 South FOL'KrUKireet, to No. 716 CHESNUT STREET. Having purohasi'd the entire business ot Mr Leotiard llcukeit, thus briuglue tocether an im nit nte stock ot goods, t' ey will be in position to supply tbe wants of the community at prices soiriO' wl at below those heretofore charyed. Their increased facilities also enuble them to make attvleof BOOTS AND SHOES lor Youths fur su perlor to what is inado eUewhere. The lest HOOTS AND SHOES tor Ladies, also uiatio to order, . , 4 fniw2ra S A F E F OR S A L E. A SECOND-HAND Farrel & Herring Fire-Proof Safe FOB HALS. APPLY AT THIS Orr'iCK. 44 n CARPETINGS, JUST RECEIVED, YARD-AND-A-IIALFWIDE VELVET CARPETS, JiEW DEVIOUS. J. F. & E. B. 0USE, No. 904 CHESNUT STREET. 3-4 7-8, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, WHITE, BED, AND FAXCT CANTON MATTINGS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, No. 904 CHESNUT STREET. ENGLISH BRUSSELS, FOR STAIRS AND BALLS, WITH EXTRA BORDERS: J. F. & E. B. ORNE, No. 904 CHESNUT STREET 500 riECEs NEW PATTERNS ENGLISH TAfESTRY BRUSSELS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, No. 904 3 30 3mrp CHESNUT STREET. "Q.LEN ECHO MILLS,' GERMAN TOWN, PA. McCALLUMS, CREASE & SLOAN, MnnRfactarerfl, Importers, und Wtaolo ale Dealers In CAKPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, Etc. WAREHOUSE, No. SOO CHESNUT STREET, OFPOeiTX TBE BTATE HOUSE, Fhiladelphla. RETAIL DEPARTMENT 8 6 8mrp No. 519 CHESNUT STREET. MA RVIN'S SAFES. y MARVIN'S SAFES. tff" MARVIN'S SAFES. ttf MAliVl'8 SAFE.-. ANOTHER SUCCESS. JKJ AN H Hfclt bUCCESS AN OI HE II bUCCKSStJ) GREAT FIEE IS CHABLEbTON! MAKVIN'S PATENT TRIUMPHANT ! Messrs. W. H. Bibd & Co., Charleston, May 2. 1866 : Gentlemen t I feel it a duty I owe you to express !ay entire satlslactlon in regard to Marvin's Sales, tor which you are agents. Tbev have proved all you have recom mended. In tbe (treat tire on King street, April S, wuioh destroyed "liobb V block, and my entire stock of gro ceries and HaOors, mji books and papers were preserved in good condition, and It affords me great pleasure to testify to the excellent quality of these safes, as they are Justly entitled to the highest confidence ot tbe public. Respectfully yours, 1 be above Safes for sale by W. I. TRIM. MAHVIN & CO., , No. 721 CHE8KDT Street, (Masonic. Hall Philadelphia, 5 28 12t and No. 2US D.tOADWAV, w York. RANDALL & CO, PULIUMERS AND IMPORTERS, No. 1302 CHESNUT Street. Fine English Toilet Soaps, I IN GREAT VABLETY, JUST RECEIVED. Also, Triple French Extracts and Perfumes. Vi e have constantly on hand every variety of PERFUMERY AND TOILET REQUISITES. Extracts, Powder. Colonnes, Pomades, Toilet Waters, bbaving Ci earns, Cosuietlques, Tooth Pastel, Brushes, etc. S 2 8m J3 J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 North SIXTH Street, MANUi AC1UKER OF VENETIAN BLINDS, AKD WINDOW SHADES. Tbe largest and finest assortment In tbe city at the lowest prices. C4 i Jnirp STOBE SHADES MADE AND LETTERED. BAKXEY'S WASHIXG MACHINE Kcst ill tlto City. IT 8AVE8 TIME, BAVE8 LABOR. SAVES CLOTHCS. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD' HAVE ONE. For sale at tbe Furniture Store of Agents Wanted. J. IIAAS, S2 Nj.S.n MABKS1 .-tieif. FINANCIAL. U, 8. SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. SMITH. RANDOLPH & CO., BANKERS & BROKERS, 16 8. THIRD ST. NASSAU ST. NEW TOKK. rUlLADeXPllIA. STOCKS AND GOLD BOVQUT AND SOLD ON COMMISS10., HERE AND IN NEW YORK. 1 J)A VIES BBOTHEIIS, HO. 225 COCK STREET, BANKERS AND BROKERS, BUT AND SELL CNITED STATES BONDS. If 81 a, ft-20s, 10 40s. V ITED STATES 7 S-lOs, ALL lSBUKS. CIRT1FICATE8 OF 1SDE11TEDNE88 Mercantile Paper and Loans on Co laterals negotiates Stocks Bought and Sold on Comm'Selon. 1 81 i JJARTER, DURNEY & CO. BANKERS, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 55 8. THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Stocks and Loans boueht and sold on Commission Uncurrent Rank Notes, Coin, Etc., bought and sold. Special attention paid to the purchase and tale ol Oil S'ocks. Deposits received, and interest allowed, as per agreement. 85 3m 'piIE FIRST NATIONAL BANK HAS REMOVED Durlux the erection of tbe nw Hank buildlnp, to 1 17 4p No. 1305 CHESNUT STREET 5'20S-"F IVE-TWENTIES. 7308 -SEVEN-THIRTIES WANTED. DE HAVEN fc BROTHER, 1 7 No. 40 8. Third Street. SHIRTS, FURNISHING GOODS, & J. W. SCOTT & CO. SHIET MANUFACTURERS, AND DEA1EBS IN MEN'S FUHN1SUINQ GOODS, No. 814 CHESNUT Street, FODB DOOBS BELOW THE "COKTISENTAL," 826 Srp PHILADELPHIA. "PATENT SHOULDEll-SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, AND GENTLEMEN'S PURNI8HINa STORE. PERFECT FITTIKO BHIEIS AND DRAWERS made lrom measurement at very short notice. All ctber ai tides of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS in full variety. WINCHESTER & CO., 8 24!$ Ko. 706 CHESNUT Street. LA PIERRE HOUSE, BROAD STREET, BELOW CHESNUT, PHILADELPHIA. 7 be nnden-icrned bavin? least tbe above tavorite bouse, and Laving Refitted and Refurnished it Throughout in the most Elegant Manner, IT I IS NCW OPEN FOIi THE RECEPTION OF GUESTS. Tbe j went Proprietors will spare no pains to maintain tbe cbaiacter it baa arwaya enjoyed aa being one of tbe test of tbe FIRST-CLASS HOTELS Of tbe country, and those wbo favor them with tbeir patronage may be assured that nothing wi be It It undone to secure tbe comlort and satisfaction of tbeir guests. DAKK11 A; iFAltlVEY. Mat 12, 1866. 5 121mm THE OLDEST AND LARGEST SADDLE AND HARNESS MAXUVACTCRINO ESTABLISHMENT IN THE COUNTRY. LACEY. MEEKER & CO., No. 1216 CHESNUT STREET, OFFER OF THEIR OWN UANTJFACTCRKt BICGY 11 A EN EH 8, from M to alftO LIGHT BABOUCnK do 80 00 to 850 UEAVT do do 75 00 to 500 EXPRESS, 11BAS8 MOUNTFD HARNESS 27 50 to 90 WAOON AND SEI.F-ADJCSTING 151H) to SO STAGE AND TEAM do.. 80 00 to 50 LADIES' SADDLE, do 12-00 to ISO GENTS' do do 800 to 78 Bridles, Mountings, Bits, Itosctts, Horse' Covers Blushes, Combs, foaps, Blacking, Ladles' and Gents Travelling and Tourist Bags and Backs, Lunch Basket Dress lg and Shirt Cases, Trunks and Valises. I86mrp Mo. 1S10 CHESNUT ST. ESTABLISHED 1 7 9 5. A. S. ROBINSON, French Plate Looklng-Classes, ENGRAVINGS PAINTINGS, DRAWINGS ETC Manufacturer of all kinds of Loolilns-Glasts, Portrait, and Pic ture Frames to Order. No. 910 CHESNUT STREET, THIRD DOOB ABOVE TUE CONTINENTAL, ruilADELFDIA. 8 16 I MEDICAL. y ox r or u li. . : . WRIGHT'S TAIl SYRUP PRINCIPAL DEPOT, ;. : ' ! No. 771 Houth TIII11D Street Trice, $100 pet B Ule;f5l0 forhalf-a rjozcn. Iks nndersl,nr4 cltlicns lake p easnre In ehenull) rtctn g ti e ure of Wrijl't's lar Byrnp kr coohIis. colds, consult ptlon. fhooplnr-coaRh, spottt'd ter. ilvcr ccn.p'a'nt, pi.lns In the breast. iTonchUW, inf an n atien. ai d reotrtciion ot air vewe s In the lunn. etc. ' be nirxiy (botild lie In erary lamily i , t barles C. W I ton Fonio V eti ofllce. it. t.rafleu, hcrcwn ofllce. Jit nits Kolen A a (m W i ilani F. ( orliit. Associated Press. -tMl.lem 11. i arpemer. lre Alarm and Police T graph Ultli and ( lirnuit streets. A Iatiili,lph Front and ' onthard afreets. Jame-i W. t'crrlne o. 1IW Charles street, ll.A.Pavl So. m Osslil I meet John Vt oodslde Ko 1831 Ktank In street. FotertThon.pM n. No. It 08 Waller street, F. t. Marco, lo. S7 Ftaiiklln s reet. i C.eblorl o 131 8. econd street. Jobn8evmour So. BIS K tonx street. . W. Ilovtard. Ko I Dock street H. l .I art ett i o. 27 P. .-econd street L. Hatrn Ho. 6(9 snt street A lert Martin. Ko. 411 Hecond street. l ary I a dwell. Ho Km Pnnsom street W 'ihomss. ho. 20 N. Fourth strert T. M. ( artltv ho. lit) K rctn's alley. Ctorge W I son. ho 236 Kace sttcet. . F. flrookB, o.69 North hecond street M. J. Dassett. Ko. 119 anal street B. Hevniour Rose Vusileton. Char i s Biigera, No. Vil Bouib street K. T. We ins an, m cond and Quarry streets I . . 1 brniaa. Ko. 16 foulh bit - street Wlllltim bams. Ko MB South fronts rcet H. H. f-antord, Opera Manager. ,tcln Maatnnis rear ol Ko IM North Second street i Mn. 8. K. Cboate, Newark. Del. Ur William P. Wr qhlt ' , 8iri Wa take measure m recommenatfa your tab SY H P (.of which we have already sold considerable! quantities) ss a most exce en aurt efficacious remedy lor the complaints set torth In y,ur printed bill already submltteil to the puUlc. A. a cratltylug act to suffering ; nun antty we win cneertn it recommeno jour pr(ar-- tlon to a I afflicted with diseases whicb It is designed to cure. Xcurs, etc., . ., . N, . corner Pine and Hixtb slreeta. Fr 'jOUKbON. HOLt.OWAT COWDEN'S, DYOTT A CO.', , I A nd all principal Drut glsis and Dealers. The subacrllier would ea leave further to say that be is prepared te fl.l orders aid forward tbe Syrup to an nart ot the crunirv. Felons desrlna other Inior mat l( n y n all will inclose a pom see stamp and answer win lie reiornea a soon aa tue uikcuciea vi iniuuem will admit Address WILLIAM B. WRIGHT, 120 Ko niP. TU1I.D ptrtet lhlsdelphla Fa. HOLER DIS AHMEDI1! The Chief Causes of Pestilence Destroyed. DR. E. COl'RTA RET'8 DISINFEfTINO FLUIDS, secured by Letters 1 atent In the United Ptaks and Franca, prepared solo y by the ew York DIslnleetlnK -Company, nt their Laboratory Nos. '2IIB, 300, ami 30 11EM4Y tueet, Jiew York) Office, ho. 42 t ED Ail btreet 1 bis Company organized on a permanent basis, wlta Dr. ( ourtaret. the celebrated Flench hem 1st. lnchargo ol its labnraiory. Is prepared to furnish lis Dibujpbot lhO Fluids lor kick rooms, nurmiries. urinals, water e otets, privies, cesspools, sewers, gutters, ships, rail roads hospitals prisons and public lnntltutlona of ail kinds, slaubbtcr-housia, oflal and at-hol in? establish mcntst ail kinds ot manures ( n.mentr y Increasing the value ot the latter to every tarmei) and wherever poi sonous and oflenslve gases exist. These agents are de oeorlzers. sntlteptlcs. antiputrescents, and disloteotanta In the scientific meaning oi tbe words. They remove noxious acs ind odois by chemical principles leaving In tbeir places heat htul atr; they are destrotbhs, and not mertip ab$ rb n i ot poisonous gases not Injurious to utensils In which they are need. Ihe at'entlon ot medical and peicntlflo men Is dlree ed to these disinfec tants. Attached are tesilmon a s In favor of this great discovery, which, with hundreds ol others, can be seen at the t omnany's office. . Dei.avan IIocpk. Albant. March 30. 1868 To the Tresldent ol the Kew York Disinfecting Company Dear Bin It Is all it is repiesented to be We have made many trials ot t Isintectanis, bui now consider that we have tonnd an article which surpasses all others aa a remedy agalsst all bad odors. T. KOEBhEL & CO. Mtr York, April , 18. To tbe Piesldent of the Kew York Dlsin ecnng Company- Dear Mri We pro nounce it without exception to lie tbe best vo hive ever know . Its eflfct upon every matter is complete and t nstantaneons. ('.A. r-TEIBON, Astor House. h.h. These Disinfectants ate used by the scavengers; under the direction oi the anltaiy 1'o lce ot the Metro- po Kan Health Department Kew York "OWI LL &'lI10Ml-80No42CEDARfit.. N. T. General and Sole Agents lor the United mates and the anedas. to whi m all orders should be addressed For pale by all Druggists and General Dealers In the United 1 tales and Canadas. 1 18 3in FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES gUCCESSFUL TESTS. GREAT FIRE IN NEW YORK. GREAT FIRE IN CHARLES'! OX, 9. C. GREAT FIRE IN WADDIJiGTOK. GREAT FIRE IN CANADA. MARVIN'S SAFES. IS EVERY INSTANCE 8AYED ALiLi TiiEIR CONTENT 8. MAHVIN & CO., No. 721 Chesnut Street, (Masonic Hall). No. 265 Broadway, New York. 6FKD FOR ILLC8TRATED CATALOGUE, SECOND-HAND SAFES; UOU8E SAFES. SAFES EXCHANGED. rS36 2mrp REFRIGERATORS. REFIlIGRATOIlS. SMITH & RICHARDSON, Agents for the sale of Ihe lastly celebrated CHARCOAL LINED REFRIGERATORS, WHOLE8ALE AND RETAIL, FnOM S0 5O TO SQS'OO. 6 2lrr5P No. 611 MARKET Street. GROCERIES. riiKAS REDUCED TO !fl, AT INGRAM'S J- Tea Warehom-e. t.o. i3 S. BBC'OND Street. EOASTKD COFFER RKDUCKD TO JP CTS. at INGRAM'S 'Jea Warchoasa No. OH Y ONO Birect. 40, RKST MILD COFFEE, AT INOIIAM'S Tea Warehouse, No. 43 S. 8ECOND Street TEAS AND COPFEKS AT WHOLKSALti urlees, at INGKAM'H lea Warehouse. No, 4s d. SECOND H treet. Try them. C RE EN COFFEES FKOJI 22 TO 28 CTS. A VI ii. und atINHHAM'8 Tea Warehouse, Ho. 43 S, Btt'ON Ii Street Irvtheua llHtjia DENTISTRY. THOUSANDS OF TEETH KXTRACTED without pain - Patent applied for. My new In atixr vention, a toubie Reversible Self- aiiju-tlnj Ba ety Valved Inlialci for adinliilsterlng Mtroun Oxlile Gas and rxtractlutl teeth without aaln. Th onlr moda Ihut the Gas can De n'operly and sately a!niinistoreL 6 1 cm Dr. C. L. ill'NNB, No. 131 SfBUOE XtreetT STAMriNQ IN COLORS GRATIS. A FINR ' assortment or EnullBh French, and German fAlErt AND KNVICLOl'KS. The latest London and Parts style ot A Vlftl llNU AND WEDDINQ CARDS. i A large s'ock of f OCK.ET-BOOKS, KVIVE, WRIIlSiO-DKSKS. PORTFOLIOS, and every description ot Stationary at reesouitbl . prices. . MONOGRAMS ENGRAVED, R. HOrINS & CO . Stationers and Card FngrcM. 16 lmrp No, 013 AKCll Street, ,';!