8 IRE EOTJRGAWANI-EATON CASE. A r.fporler'n VIM t Mrs anral Eaton Fuel nad 4rrti. froutb Ijitlj's) Own turi Jlinirtlve or the Jcki-lCMiouMcAfMlil. TUi poblie interest (a the Eaton-Banrftnaui case, , instead 01 duniaiihiDi', appears to be on the in- creaee. it is talkoa of in parlor It . is ccuiaumted on in Dar-rooiiw, people ol fashion diaouss it, and poll tici&n revive ill .connection wnh it tne historic! reintriscences ei the past Ackuowledgiqe: thenar nincanceot all uim. e yesteroay paid a visit, alike oi sjripatby and cariosity, to tne central fifure ot liiH tredy, Mil (.ieucral Katun and propose in the present uiaoo to record Hie chsor atious jnd tlio now facts su jresiou to or lathered try us dnnng our visit. Handing in oar wd. we were ushered into trie I rcsence ol the now duubly notor ons lady, who re. eeivcd tu with the uriccst afl'ab lily. 3'hat she is no ordinary woman would tie evident at a glance: that she hat Utn bcautilui, is aito ujnooniable eyrn at nm siik. one is vry tai., very ntutHly, and very oiaceiui: uor nan is oi ine unosi quality, m richly juxuiiant mr one oi nor sxivanceu ears, and is oi ueep omen, uer ioriu is s t'nuiT. pna ilc, elegantly moniuea, witn a sienoer waist, anu a dedicate nuuu ai.d loot. U"r lace is laded and somewhat care worn with tlio thouh's and troubles ot Dearly seventy years, mil is nor u?ly or an r manner oi means. Tliore is a look ot determination and of character in her teaiuros, which redeems (tie wrinkle ot tier .cheek, and hr ere is wjndorf.il- never at rest, never dml, always flashing, cuunirlntf, active, express ve. uer voice in snarn out no . ai' ajrrecauie, while lier manners lire those of the old schooi, though occasionally vivitied, as it woie, by a aecideu toucn oi froucu esortt. Mie was drossoa at I he tune oi our visit, in a style of siinole e.eKUiiue attired in a "lasiuouabio silk," sritu a roaaouuble allow aiicuut jo ao ry. having paid our respects to Mrs aton, we frankly revealed the objeo: of our visit, aud suo us lrankiy txpro-ee i her w illimne.-s to a Surd all the iniormatiou in her no n r. We stated our nitoiifioti to conveise wall her, and to publish sueu of her say ings or assertions g w e in iiil uuein ue.-t Mia ex pie std hcnolt perfectly sat.sded with the arrangu. ment. and we a eordingly pruccodou to l)Ucne.t thai is, we entered mioau unreserved couvemiiou, Mrs. La on having beeu so many years a nuo io clur acter. Lad become uccustOiiied to notoriety, and theieiore did not entertain the muul female dreau of the newspapers -he was not nccossanly the less Kilned, but ceriamly more bravo than the average of hot sc. Our u.a ogue veiged at length towards the Jacktoi. -Luton political Bcaudal. Air Llou ex pre-su griai indiirnation at any slandors conneciiii(r her name with that ot 1'resident J action. Xhis scandal, she asurcd na, was not believed at auy time, nd was never even curientlj reported. It was too palpaule a iiutiou. 1'he l'rt'fitlout was a moral man, a married man, and a wntlouian, and was attracted warmly in ir.eudshi) to ticrsol! merely lrom tlio tact that she was the wue of uoucral Katon, who had been raised, as it were, by Uenerul Jackson, aud to whom the 1'renidtnt was devotedly attached. The only ostensible cause ol tho scandal which the mancious have onueuvored to attach to her name was the report of au unwurrantab.e intimacy between herself and Ueuoral Lai ou prior to her marnacre with the latter of this report (circulated as the lady assented, with an curuest dignity oy a lew women ol her own clrclo in Washington who were envious ot the sensation she. crealel) (he noto rious JJuir Green and other poll icians availed th in solves, m m- iu the interest ol John C Ca houn, aud others in opposition to the l'resulout. Dull Urue i rendered h.mseli fepec.aily promineut in the public ana private ret ai in if of this scaudal, and acourd iuirly excited tho ire of General Lxton, woo one night armed hlm-eu with a brace of pistols, and would probably have terminated Green's existence and rumors toge her, but tor one snirbt obstacle, nnnielv-Greeu's lortuua.e absence at tho time lrom -hingtou. ' tories, and looks, and innuendo, howovor, "-- 'uued to move in public ciroloa as a hpiteoi- lasmouao e world. But at a Mrs. LalOB oou.-. .u.rud distinctly in her leading mtDihcr or luv innttnat -ir w grand bah the scandal wan u " " was hearing, with the additional taiw ,olnt. laid I t"at The President was about to lolly. -V - M,..i-l,.r abroad, so that hi wite . . Slight be conveuieutiy oouoealod Hum the yS oi tho world." On heanng iheeo words, Mr. true cbaracier asserted i.se'l. Sue did not faint, she did not bcream.sho did not even become nerrously indignautVsho simply said:- "1 will re uto tU- nan der bv remaining in Washinyton." and shd re mained. Her uuiuund had rea.ly designed accept ing some foreign appointment, out, at us wile's re- liut the rumor would not retnaiu "ooufoun.uad," Evrr and enon pol.ticiuns and r.vVi belles ou d re Tivoii. M'S. itori,p,n?ir'clebotdedit not, but the editor! Wfro 'fcouieiiimis impertuient. Teople would uilk," Mn.ljitou began to wonder who oouid have been the or.gmal author ot toe slander, liut all bor researchts on this point proved in va n. At lost, h iv. ever, chance ellected what cire could not accomUtHli. , ,, . . Tte I resident's son, who was generally regarded an a halfwitted lad, pad a vi-it to our intbrmaut, ot whom ho was very loud, and during the course ot a couveisatiou witu liis hostess, thoughtlessly uttered the remaik, "1'hut it was a snume, so it was, thai tne Kev Air. h " (we Buppre68 iho real name oi tne clergyman, lor obvious reasons) "should have writ ten such a vile lettei concerning Mrs Katon." Act ing on this bint, Mrs. Eaton ascertained that a Jros- bytrrian minister by the name of K , a resident ot I'lulailolphia, had busied hinmeli with her irood fume. Having procure'l this intelligence, the Iftly, with her usnui promptitude and freedom from pru dery, determined to art. She accordingly, conceal ing the matter lrom from her husband for various riaeon, accompanied Dy an intimate, iriend aud roiativo, departed to the city of brick housei aud Brotherly Love. On reaching 1'nllad "Iplila, alio straightway called at the house of the Hev air. K , who lived in exeelient tyk, in a fashionable street, tutoring ununuounced, she eucouutored In the hall the ciernvman himo f. 'T lio H"V. .dr. K 1" said the lady, inquiringly; tne gentleman bowed, 1 1 am Mrs, Geueral Katon," staled the lady, with dignity, and then at ouco proceedoJ to demand ot the clergyman an explanation. 1'he gen tleman declined to speak with her on the mat ter, "llun'euid Airs, talou, "I will renuin in this house until you do sneak. I must trouble you to get me a room ready," Ihe clergy mau sur rendered himself to his destiny, yielded his poiut, and gave the name oi the person who had originally tainted to him concerning the scandal winch was sow in question. This person resided in Washing ton. Back to "the city of imagmticout disUncos" travelled Mis. Eaton aud conlrouted her accuser. He, in turn, "mrreudered at discretion," and mja tioued as tho originator of the scaudnt a physio an formerly well known to Mrs. Katon. 1'he la ly started inasiouittimeut. ' Why, tho man you Bpeak of," sheened, '-bas been oead tor Bevcral years. How am 1 to Interrogate his bones? A lie should cease to live when its author is dead," aud returning to her own house, Mrs. Katon ceased to trouble herself auy further concerning the scandal or lis origin. Only on one occasion aid she lorget her self-command in regard to this very unpleasant afTuir. Au ill-bred puppy, with whom the enjoyed merely a spuaking acquaintance, was cuilty oi the unpardon able impertinence of alludinv to the subfeot in a gross manr.er in tier very presence. Without the utterance ot a word Mrs Eiton Hung her glove in the fellow's lace, who ' accepted the hint" aud de parted. - lleauwhile Tresldont Jackson was doing all that lie could to dear the lady oi even the shadow ot a suspicion. But his zeal sometimes defeated itseit. On one occasion he started out in his private car riage and absolutely "went tho rounds" of his pro minent acauaintatoeB. procuring "certlflca'es of character" in reierence to his iriend fcuton's wite. 'When i lie wile ot his Iriend, hovever, was made cognizant of this tact, it is stated on the best autho rity, tn at she was more vexed at the Quixotism of the l'rikidi nt than grateful for his good intentions. Owing to the pre-sure on our columns further details of our visit and its results must be deterred till our next issue. A'. Y Tribune, AMUSEMENTS. Walnut 8trkkt Thkatbk. Mr. Booth's "Shv lock" was repeated last evening to an over' flowing house, as it it had been played. lor the tirst timo. sir. Booth, like a true artist, is ever earnest. ever thoroughly imbued with the character he ( lays. He understands the majesty of art, the responsibility oi the artist. It would be well it a'l the company were impressed in the same way. We are so often called on to writ words of criticism aud blame on the "l'onia" oi the play, that it. has grown almost painful to have ever to record iuedloieuoy, whion is an excusable lauit, but a trifling witn the scene, such as lavishing, o rvejUng tho text, and .fraternizing with the audience, ail ot which are unoardooahle faults, and should be noticed by all aud ooriected by the delinquent, who loses nor charao enstio dignity by such tailing. ''lh evening Jlirluluu.. ) , Aroh Street Thkatbic. The Needful was played last evening in fats usualtatisfactory manner. Tlu evening Mis. Drew will appear as "IS'e.lv," in the great domestic drama of Lost in Loudon. This piece is admirably put on the stago, ana drew lor throe weeks some nme since. Aoadmt or Music Mr, and Mrs. Mordaunt'i tenelit comes oil this ereuiug. The bill, as win be it whi-v attractive. 1 he east of the Colleen Jtawn Is adrairab e Mr, and Mrs Mordaiut. M ss oe Marvuerlttes as "KiW O'Connor," singing two rencti me odius. and Miss l'rieo as "Anne Vhute. Jttvwui. Mackay, Iilton, Jamvi, Wailis, and Cheuter irs Worrell is "Mrs Crecan." AOoi the OoUrm ii ti Lnshman. ami other nnteita'nments. The Prformance commences at quarter to 8 o'dock. Chwmtt rTRBET Thkathb The M ims Wclo are drawing fine Bouses. This evcnlrig Vor-t-fiontiii, g,iPn jn a iivnlra' d peoa'inr stylo by the liters, loo-ether with A llanhand at ftioht. Miss Ada has acquired popularity with the sndienoel already. Totmo Kick's CoacicnT, it the Mini cat Fond Hall, was an interesting occadon. ile piaved Clio pin's Hallade with great aplomb and bravura, anrl evinced eareiul study an industrious aonilcatiou. H i career ii destined to lie a brilliant one, for rarely lias ono so young aoau-red inch skill and ludirmanr. j j a win uvuuiii-m reiuru uuir-uea wnii, AUCTION SALES. B.i 8C0TT. JR.. ADCTIiivppd .Xn. lii- niESVIIT KTlrr. kt ...: ft i i: a i a i, sal k . op HIGH-CLASS IlirORTED TAINTINGS. B. PCOTT, Jr.. Is InstructcJ by Mr. A. T. HUYVKT l , t. io innouuce a ciosidk mi oi his Imports, ton or i .1- 'ira "r TBIUUU'V U. rikll IIOIUIIHk. I1PA l.t,H .A l.la .1a ... . ' Y. . . ui.iue zaoi rfune. I lie eattloKus iroiu.i.ii.i.o ii FuuircM iriB hB nrnduel ,,n nf ti.a rol owing emineat artlstn nr i.. Vn.n..h hnglien, lielgian.jind Uuweldorf schools: ' I . I aiatiain, Jirnwii Is. F. Kruieiuana Brussels, th Leickert, Amsturdum. II. Von He hen. Brnsse g. A. Kvcrsen. Amsterdam Kutin. Vfrixiettuoren. Amste.-ejn. t. t'arolus B'lisse.i. L. Robbe. Biussels. J Keekers Amsterdam. M. A. Koekkoek. Amsterdam. J. W. Bi.ders, Amstenlam. . r . Masin, Brasne s. M avrv, Utrecht. J. Stroebel, Amsterdam J huyten, Anistemauu. F. I.ebret Lryden. A. t . Verhceven Ball, Antwerp. M. Iiiodarrt. Antwerp. C'amllio Van Leeniputtsn, Brussels, I II f R.i 1 o mill tfubAniu... i. , . ... ... -11 - . 'Vfli hesn lit street on the iV.hNi.Nia OF WEIN8DVY. THURSDAY. AND FKIDAr. Stay 30 and 31, and June 1 . at ,o'c!ock. 1 he nallll lTIL'H Will h. nnf.i1 In. ..hllilllAiiAn KahH. at 12 o cioek if., and will remain upon Uav and evening until time ol sa e. Iho Oallovy will remain cloicd till time el exhibition. 26 4t iIIAKLfcS C. MACKElf, AUCTION'KKB. NO. Vy U6 MAKKE r Btreet. botween Thtrv and Fourth. lAfWJE SALE OF WIIITK. GRANITE A VT) C. C. WARh, JAPAN SD AUD tiLAiS VTAKK, KTC. lln KrlllAV Alwnintf Tn Open lets, tubrd to city and country fa il Alas on crate Kng.lsh Wnl.e Granite Tea l'ota, Satar and V1CUIUD, vrv. TO CABIN r.T MAKERS, o'clock, one Cabinet Maker's Treadle Webb At II Saw. HTKFT. FHEARs A K n sriSJHAPa A lot Of ltnrhfira An.-l RftnkArn' Ktai,1 vlin.M mnri Tfomtin's Pcissora, Asuirican make. 6 3J it JJ A N P O AST V WARNOCK, ACCTJOSKEB8, o. 240 MARKET Street 6 iri LARGE rOSIUVE RPl.r.'TAL RALK HIT inn T.nTa it lit El C K'lVl,;t!. M1LLIN t UY OVOPS, SfBW GOODd, (By Catalogue) Oil fcrlrlMK nid.nlnn June 1, commercing at li o'clock precisely I t iDtirieinii a larte and trenoral unnmi,i r n.-.n cinu - " , . . .... . ... , , , , L. v talcs. Aiuat FOR SALE AND TO RENT. A LABGB, WELL LIGHTED AND VfiXIILATED jiM, ON THE SECOND FLOOR iSf i'llE "Evening Telegraph' Building No. H)8 8outri TfllltU Street, VTJl'LT IN 1HK OFFICE, F1KST FLOOR. N. B WITH OR WII HOUr STEAM TOWER. ft FOR SALE-IIANUSOMK FURNISHED L 'ii Pnnntrv Heat. conaiKtlns ol 1H acres of land, a lu iAly oiran enterl well but t stone irouvh cast) Dwell ing, with veranuabs; handsome stable tor fourhorxes, etc.; plenty ot siiadr; an auunuance oi me ucsiiruii, veiit'tnb'en. etc.! tnree and a nan acres piantea in pota toes, and two acres In cornr beet ot water convenient to House ana nam ituaie un me dtibiui iurupia.1-, iwu miles above Frankforu. and wltnln ha f a mlie of the mavnitlcent country seat ol Kdwin Foireit (formerly Georye it. Stuart's). Aecesvlble uy Trenton Katlroad, atid steamboat via Tacony. Immediate poxseslon 6 28 mwi3t No. TH Sansom street TERSONS II AVI NO PROPERTIES FOR ale or to rent will find it to their advantage to call Jtilie Central Beal Kstate Agency, No. 271 S. TUIRI) etieet. . h o bonus or charges made on eaner owner or tenant fiBlmrp I U. J OS K ft!. FOR 8ALE A DESIRABLE THREE stoiv Dwelllmt. with thiee-storv double Back luildlnit on IWf 'I.FTH Htreet. above Green. All modern improvements, summer kitchen, heaters, etc. l'rlce, stitiOU cuar. Apply at mis unite, between a ana 12 A.M. 4 ill m GERMANTOWN RESIDENCE FOR RENT. Kin A laise House, with at the modern conveniences, intensive kioudos and plenty ot sliade; stabling lor tlirie borstsi within ten minutes walk of railroad sta'lon. w'lil be renud with or without the sia'iie. Audi ens I!oz No. 13t 8. 1'hlladelphia FostOlUce. 3 2 46 JI1EMNITZ WHITE LEAD, ZINC, AND COLOR WOIIKS. ON UASD AND Full SALE, 25 Tens Pure Kremnitz Lead in Oil. 20 less Anchor Lead in Oil. 20 Tons Arrow Lead in Oil. 20 Tons Star Lead in Oil. 10 Tons Pure Imperial French Zinc in Oil. 5 Tons Pearl White Trench Zinc in Oil. 20 Tons Pure Kremnitz American Zinc in Oil. 10 Tons Anchor American Zinc in Oil. 10 Tons Arrow American Zinc in Oil, AT LOWEST CASH TRICES. Mcknight & co., Twenty- Second and Uace Streets. C 25 fmwStrp HARNESS AND SADDLERY. MARKET STREET. 720 720 Large kaleioom contaius a ull stock of good ser viceable rUNGLE AliD DOUBLE HABNES8, best Leather and workmanship) lor city trade, at moderate, prices, and made to order at Uiort notice E. P. MOYEIt '& BROS.. No. 720 MARKET Street. , K. B. Superior SOLE LEAlflEU TEU'K9, for Eu ropean travel. Also, Ladles' French Dre-i Trunks. 19 lin pATENT WIIIK WORK rOBBAlLUOS, BTOBE KBONT8, ', OTJAKD3, FABTITIONB, ' IBOH TEDSTEADS, AND WIBE WORK, In variety, manutsctured by M. WALKER 4 SONS: I2temep o. 11 Kortb BlXfli Bueet. D-AILY EVEKlXGrrELEGRArn PHIL ADELPm'A, ' WEl)KKSDAY.: : M A 7 30, I866. DRY GOODS. P 11 I O E & W O O I), Northwest Corner of EIGHTH, and : FILBERT Streets, Have jurt opened, at their now Store loo down Unon Tiocaab tck Towels, laree si to, 87 j rentsi Linen lowels, 19, 22, 26, 28, 81. 87. no to 1 00. . ' Table Linens. Nankins an I Dot lies, iiest makes shirting JUnens. IVUITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. Alarpe asr-onmcnt of sol'-flnlsh Cambrfos, Jae nets aud Main ooks, ictoria Lawns and Swiss Ala lira Kme quality Bhrond Muolins. Wiite riquos, 60. t.9 76 80 90 and SI Oo ior yard. Ntiinsook I'laid Muslins, 26 SO 87Aupto .76 Nainsook Btripe Muslins 26 81, 37 j up to t!2J, Ilarr Cord Mtiipe and I'laid Muslins. Jnst opened, a new lot of Marsoil es Quilts, from 86 00 vp io Sift 00 trt less than importer's prices. Jlorvey Comb and Lancantnr qu iuj Best makes Bleached and U-bleacbod Muslins at the vert lowest market prices, I'lllow-case and (sheeting- Mus'ins. Amenran I'rints and Giuithams. ine Soot eh (.mirhams A Rood assortment of Black Silks. Fine quility Mack all-wool Ddalnes. 45 cents; douhe-widtn black all-wool Delaioes. 66 and 76 cuts; b'ack De laines, doublo width, fine duality, 87 cents; hlaolc and white Msld Mohairs, 871 cents; very cheap, hue qna'ity blsrk Alpacas. f irurrd Woliair l.nstros. 40 cents a yard. Double-widUl white Barege. Linen Fans, from 19 cent, up to 81 DO. A large as-ortment of Hoi, rv and (ilovos. 'eed e-worked Bands, lodgings inseitins, ami Flouncing Dimitv Bands Silk fcun Umbrellas, and Hoop Sk'rts. PIIICR A WOOD, K. W. Corner EIG tlTH and FILBERT Sts. N B Jnit opened, a new lo of French Soans. I omades and Kxtracts. Tooth Brushos and BurtUlo Hreisins' Combs 1 he abuvn wer imnnriaa tn nnin. and are very cheap, 21 PJ OTELS AND BOARDING Houses refuting for the Summer Sea son, -will find it to their advantage to examine the .exte,f ive Stock of Dry Goods adapted to tWir wants, at the establishment of J. C. STRAW. j BRIDGE $ C0f COUNTERPANES, BED .Spreads, Table Damasks, Napkins, Towels, Linen and Cotton Sheetings, and Pillow Fabrics, at the lowest wholesale rates. I C. STRAWBRIDGE'&COs, r5 291mrp N. W. COR. EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS. SEW SPUING- GOODS. The subscribes aie now receiving their Sprinp Impor tation oi House Furnlsliing Dry (Joods, CsniprlMng all the best varieties of LIKEN AKD COTTON 8HEETINOS, TILLOW AND BOLSTER CASINGS, TABLE DAMASKS AND DIAPERS, TABLE CLOTriS. NAPKINS, DVYUKs, CHAMBER AND BATH TOWELS, TOWELLINGS OF ALC DESCBU'TiONS, UARSEIL1.ES QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, BLAhKETS, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, And every other article of Fomlsblofz Drr Goods re quired to commence housekeeping or supply the wants ot a family. '' Sl'UISG HOSIERY AND MERINO GOODS. The subscribers, with ircreaed facilities for the tram. Action oi the lloMKUV T l'ARTM E NT ol their busi ness, invite attention to their ample and web selected Mock of LADIES', GESTAE MEN'S, AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY , UEBINO AND SILK. VESTS, DRAWERS, ETC. New stock and at the Reduced Prices. SHEPPARD.VAN HARLINGEN&ARRISON. 4 20 finw2mrp No. 1008 CnEXIIT STREET. rp I I E MISSES T1I0RNIIILL & BURNS, No. 1208 CHESNUT Street, Have just received, WKHI.EY CORSETS, BRADLEY'S DCfLEX ELLIPTIC f-KIRM In all the latest sty.es, AL'O, FRENCH ISIPORTFD HRESSINO SArQCES, AND MADK-CP TJADEB GARMENTS FOR LADlEi, And a fine auortmentof ' PRINTED LINFK LAWNP, FOR DRESSES. AT 66 CENTS PEB YARD. CB23 wsm24 JOHN VV. THOMAS, Nos. 405 and 407 N. SECOND Street, CALLS ATTENTION TO HIS LAFGE AND HANDSOME STOCK OF fil'RWG AND bUMVER I) 11 K S S GOODS, WHICH WILL BE BOLD AT THE 9 21 12trp Lowest Market Hates. ( SlIEAP DRY GOODS, CARPETS, MATTING, j Oil (ioliis and Window r-hades V. E. AildH AMBAUL'l'. . E. corner kLEVEMTtl and MAKKtf ttreeis will open this uiurnluii. from auo.loii lngm n Carpets at 60, fc'J IS, HI cents. 1 1 lb, si 37, and tl'5n KiiKllfh 'I a entry Biussels CarpeU. only 1T5; Three ply t'arpo'S. 'HU Entry anil Htalr Carpets. a, 6J.1S, andtl; Hemp l arpeis. 81 to ffi cents Rai; Carpets lii aud It cents t Floor Oil (iloths 6J centn ni : While Can ton UattiUH.tl to SU centsi Red ( heck Muttliiu, 37 to t2 ceumi Mair Oil Cloth 25 ecu s t Gilt BorUured Win dow bbades, 1 fill t 3j Buff Window Holland 45 0 nti up) 'lable Covers, 1 7ft t Velvet Ruiis, ei'iO to S; 'I able Linens, 60 ceuts uii; Towel Iiiks cents up! Table apkins, 24 cints t bheotinfr Muslins, 31 cen's upt I.Hwm al ceiust Ilelalnps. V5 rents I'beap store. N K. corner ELK. YthTU aud MARKET 6treoU. , in T CIIAJrBERS, No. 810 ARCH STREET. J . BAKOUNS-JUUT OPENED, ( LUNY Lai EH. . BLAt K GU1PCRR LACES, 1IAMHUKU HlOINOb. INSFRTTOS8, lT0 HHIKKtl) MUSLINS VHR WAISTi. I.AHUE I'LAID MUciLINH. MARfrLILLES, FOB !RiSSES. 6 24 ftt DRY GOODS. C L O 8 I K O S A L B R O F, SACQCE8, CIRCCLAB. and BASQUE'S, AT PEDrCED PRICE8. CTRWIN BTODDABT BROTHER, Nos. 40, 4M, and 4M N. SECOND tre, Above Willow. 6 23t N EW DRES8 MATERIALS, From the late Auction Sales. PRICES REDUCED. CUBWEN bTODDART BROTHER, ' Nos. 480, 482, and 4',4 N. SECOND Street, . , Above Willow. 2!) a: TR AVELLINO DRES8 GOOD 3, , Of all Desirable Styles,' AT REDUCED PRICES. .. CUBWEN STOMIART A BROTHER, Nos 450, 482. and 4M N. ECOND Strer 6 20 3t Abovs Willow. JOULARD MOHAIRS, OF NEW DESIGNS, At Reduced Prices, FROM AUCTION. CURWEN 8TODDART A BROTHER, Xos. 4'0,442, and 484 N. SECOND Stroet, 4 59 3L A bovs Willow. JICII PARIS BLACK SILKS. OF ALL Desirable Width, for CLOAKS, 8 ACQUCS, AND CIKCCLARS, From late Auction Pales. CURWEN 8TODDART 4s BROTHER. Nos 480, 452, and 454 N. SECOND 6trect, St Above Willow. jy.ACK AND WHITE CHECK SILKS, FROM AUCTION, AT REDUCED TRICES, CURWEN 8TODDART A BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 451 N. r?ECONt Strjet, 8 29 8 AbovjWUjW. MILLINERY, MANTUA-MAKING, 6e WOOD fc UARY, No. 725 CHESNUT STREET. APE OFFERING DAILY ALL 1 HE LATEST NOVELTIES IN II ATS AND BONNETS, INCLUDING IHh POPULAR JAfAKF.SE AND MEI'ALLION HATS. 41fcitnip MRS. R. DILLON, S23 and 331 SOUTH Street, Kcs. Bas s handecir.e asortn-.ent of CFBISG MILLINERY AiifMs HiO InmDtH' Has and Caps. SUks. Velvets. Crapes. KILLcns Fcctliers F.owers. rrames etc. 3184m JADIIS' CLOAKS, BASQUES, ETC. MADE AND TltlHMF.D IN H1F Wdbi F. tSHIONABL"! STYLE, FliOSl H E Bh.iT (iOOI)S AT THE LOWLbT I'OHSIBLK RICE. ' 1VF.NS ti - O.. 8 il 2m No. 23 South N IS TH street DEANS MAMMOTH TOBACCO STORE. 1st. We have been 'orced. br the ranid increase of our business, to en are our store We have now 'he lurest CUar ami i oLncco 8 tore m tne United states, the l est Stot k rd the lart'est aisortinent. Call at DtaS'S. 41S niteVf Bfeet. 2 D.-WECAN NOW SELL, AT WHOLESALE, at a vers low flirare, and we can retail at lesi th in theeirular wholesale price, as our expenses are less tlmn no'hiiig. Call at LEAK'S, No. 413 CBESNUT Rtieet. JD. WE KEEP A BETTER CLASS OF TO ii bncco and Clears than any other house In this cICy, and nell at a lower tirlce. Call at DEAN'S, iio. 413 CHESNUT Street. TH. WE HAVE OVER 200 DIFFERENT t kinds of CiR'is. varvlog Io price from 6 per thou sand to also per thousand, our Clears are kuown. by (cod Judges to be tar suoerlor to all others, ast anv cue where you can (jet tne beet Cigars at one-half what others seli; he will Aiyt Cull at DEAN'S, No. 413 CUElNUT Street MH.-WE HAVE A LARGE VARIETY OF Mnoklm Tobacco, vlz.i Cuba Hhurts. lf cen's uernound. Ltnehbuift Smoklntt, 11(1 cents ner pound. Killluklnlck mokiiiK, 31) cenis per uound. Iiavana and Lynchburg mixed Smoking, 80 cents per pound. I-.vnohburg and Plug Cut, mixed Smoking, 69 cents per pound Virginia Lynchbur? Smoking 80 conts per pound Virginia Killlcklnlck Smoking. BO cenn per pound. Virginia, very hue Smoking, at per pouud Virginia Light Golden Leuf Huiuklnir. fl'50 per poanl. The above prices are flay per ceut. less tnau others sen lor. Ca 1 at DEAN'S. No. 413 CHESNUT Street. TH. WE HAVEi A VERY FINE STOCK OF I P tiff Tobacco viz ! Sugar-cured 8 eniless Navy, per pound, 00 centi. Black Fat Virginia Navy, do, do M cents, 80 car is. 70 cents 65 OhuU. f0 cents. r0 ceuta. 1 50. 1 00. i rime ehwiu iiay GoLd Wetein Nnv , Common Western Navv. Vlijliila Blics Faf Cavendish, I'i'iiie Westein Fut aveudisa. Bright Va. f rime I'lain do. l.riglit Va. Good do. And al other kluds of Tobucco do. do. do. do. do. do. at from 40 cen's per pound upwards; a discount on 8 a units i Call at DEAN'S, So. 413 C11E.-.NU I' S units or upwards treet. 7Tir. WE ALWAYS KEEP OUR OLD CUS- t meis, and new ones corns b thousands to get Dean's Ti n Cent Yiira t.'liiurs Deun'sTen (en Havana 'gr. lHan'sFoco five Cent Vara t Igars. Dean's l oco Five en' Havana larx. Aniliii ts, Five Cent Seed aud Havana. randaiees, do. o. da. De Catiauos, do. do. do. imported Havana Six Cent Clpats. Imported Havana T. n 'ent Igars. Call at PEAK'S, So 413 C11ESMJT Street f'TH.-WE UND OUR EXPENSES ARE NOW less than noihlng and having th lariiest and bnst stole in the City, we can ailord to sell much less than tny wholesale dealer lu the cltv, and re. all tor a trilling advance lobe convinced, coll at DEAN'S. No. 413 CHE8NCT Street, OTH.-WE HAVE BUILT UP A TRADE IN i7 tbr iree vears that astonishes the Tobacconlstit many of tbem are envious hut do as we did) keep the best; te l the iheapesi i advertlHe. adveriHe. tall at D EAN No. 413 CHESNUT Street. mTH.-WE HAVE NOW A VERY FIXE l I store, a very large stock, and no expenses lor rnt etc. We ian now sell at sues a low price that, old cus tomers can not afford to leava us. and now ones come In crowds. e have room enougri lor all Call at DEAN'S, No. 413 CHESNUT street P. H.-We have gentleman y clerks and no loafers Country merchants are requested to tud lor oar price list Mfmwlm rrHE GOSl'EL OF HEALTH AND JOURNAL J OF 1HK TRUE IELISQ ART. By R. T. TRALL. M. I. Bub lulled montbiv at I -IK) a year. First number now reaiy i prioav 10 cent. This Is now Ir TUALL' t only perlodl-al. and wl I be devoted to the cure ot dieaae and pieervatton oi baa th by hygienic meaus. T he author's regulation will nature au etn ilve clrcubitlon rhrougtinur -he conn'rv. ,rifiL4DEL PUIA OFFICE. No ii 8. TENTH Street. w fit) 3t J- L. CAP EN, R HEUMATISIYI, GOUT, NEURALGIA, VBRY EASILY AND QUICKLY CURED BY DOCTOR FITLER'S GREAT RHEUMATIC REMEDY, USED INWARDLY. Contains no Mercury, Colcbicum, Mineral', nor nythlnr Injurious. Ihe most valuablo Medicine evor offored to the pnblio Warranted to have nevtr ret failed in any Instanoo to euro permanently the worst forms of Rhcnma niatism, etc. PREPARED 0NXY BY DR. FITLER, Onool rhiladclpn'a's o'dest Traotisinr Thrsiolans. Reiercbces to tne wonderful curt mado. CHOLERA, Dlarrliiit, Cramps Cbolera Morbni.und all A fractions) of th Bowels, CL'RF.O BY USING DOCTOR XXTJLElfc'H C R M I NATIVE. ESTABLISHED 1833. For Grown I'crsons, Cuildron aud Infants. Mothers ahd Nurses please notice. Ibis CARMINATIVE has been before the public lor many years, is perfectly harmless and has Icon ued principally for Children and infants with wonderful eflect In cases of Bowel Complaint, Colio. Cholera Infantum, t Tying Infants, Teethinir, Sloop lcjsness, Cramps, etc. Iry it. Satisfaction pnaranteed. aJ?.1 i,5ests- kold bt nnuGwi.srs ANU JJc-aLKKS. 6 6smWlm8p LUMBER. 1 S(U - '? 'T I LDI NO BUILD I N ! J-UU. Ll'ilBFRI LCMBERI LCMBER! 6T P BOA R -.). RML PLANK WHITE PINK L ORIN ' YKlL W PINK FLOORING. KFKt CE PISK FLO.KIVO ASd AN u WALNUT FLOOUiNU. t'LAS TEKI SO LATH. PLAS1KKINO LTII. ISnd.-iKSlPfe. "EMLOCK. AND OAK FINE, IIEMI OcK. AND OAK TI If B ER, CM T O A CUT T(V A HILL. AT BUOHT AOTICE. J OUy. CFBAK ASP PIKE SHINULE3. 0 1 LONG OFDAB 8HINULK8. No. 1 HHOKT ' EOAK SHINGLES. WHIIh PINE CHISOLKS. 1DCyi RKHS 6HINGLK9. EINE ASSORT UtNf FOR SALE LOW. LES 1 ,9P.ft -VHII;ER r0K UNDERTAKERS!! lOUU. LDMBKH FOt CfiDERTAKEItSl I J?FT) Cf !AR, WALM'T, AND PINE. BEI EDR WALNCT, AND PINE. 1806. ALBANY LUMBER OP ALL KIVDS ALBANY-I.UMBKR OF ALL KINDS PEA HON ED WALNUT KFA80NKD WALNUT DRY POPLAH CUEItRY. AND A9 3. OAK PLK AVti BDS. ne;w,, MirlOGANY. KOEWOOD ASD WALSUT VENEER3. 1 QCC -CIGAR-BOX lOUU. CIGAR-BOX MANUFACTURERS. MANCFAOTTIRERL 8PAMHII CEDAR KX BOARD 1. AT REDUCED PitlCES. 18GG; SPRUCE JOIST! si'RUCK JOIST! SPfVCE JOITI BPRUt'E JOIST! mOM It T" VI KKBT LUNG. FROM 14 TO Si KCKT LONG. HPRHCE SILL HEMLOCK PLANK AND JOIST. OAK HILL. JIAULK BROTHR A CO.. KO. m0 80LTH toTREET. 6 21 6mrp SEVENTEENTH AND SPRING GARDEN STUUETS, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BUILDING LUMBER, FOB SALE LOW, BY 1. II. VIL.TJAMS, Seventeenth tuid Spring Garden Sts. 5 21 lmrp REFRIGERATORS. E F 11 1 G -G II AT O It S. SMITH & RICHARDSON, pen ts for the rale of the Justly celebrated CHARCOAL LINaD REFRIGERATORS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, FItOM 8G 50 TO Sa5"OC. 6 2 in Dp No. 611 MARKET Street. guc CE88PUL TESTS. GREAT FIRE IN SEW YORK. GREAT FIBE IN CII AHLE81 ON, S. C. GREAT FIRE IN WADDINGTO.V. GREAT FIRE IN CANADA. MARVIN'S SAFES. IN EVERY INSTANCE (AVED ALL. T11KIR CONTENTS. 3SIAIIVIN & CO., ! No. 721 Chesnut Street, (Masonic HaU). No. 265 Broadway, New York. BfD IOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, StCOKD-HASD BAFBS HOUSE SAFES. SAFES EXCHANGED. 1 fMamrp SAFE FOR SAL E. A SECOND-HAND Tarrel & Herring Fire-Proof Safo - . FOR SALE. APPLY AT TBI8 OFFICE. 45 rp STEAM ENGINE I'ACKIN LUiRICATlYE 1MCKIA0, FOR THE STUFFING BOXES 03? STEAM ENGINES. An article recennnenrled by m Ballroad Compan trio lavs tboronihij ttsttd It. ard in aeneral nse br ovr wo hdrtdad tiy Falitosds. ana on trid b orer nvs hondred othem. DOPIKD BY 20 .00 STATIONARY ENGINES. I li a flrst-class article. Eevenly-Five Cents Per Pound. Inbrlratlrc Paoklnsr Companj EOLE MASCFACTt'RERS. CHESNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. L. G. TJLLOTSON & GO.' BOLE AGENTS, 2C LEY Street, New York. POLD BY PFAtKRS fl LLY. 2S 8rj M'fhViT nPl ESi0'XB PACKINol tea pack ig. niU ln cov"0."dUy ailing, stuOlng SIXTY CENTS PER POOP Furaistr WILLI M l . MILLER. bole Alsnufirturerier the Tnito'l Siates .,fi Ittarof 123 HK-M'r Hireet. -1 . JMilladelphta. Penns, CLOTHING. .4 & a vxm-iv. THE AACiaeiia Hotel, 824 Chestnut STEEET, CP, v QNE PRICE C L O THING.. JONES1 OLD ESTABLISHED One Price CLOTHING HOUSE, No G04 MARKUT STREET, ABOVE SIXTH. Friees reduced to the lowest point A fine assortment of Kead-muUe Clothing con stantly on hand. Custom Wor mndo tu order a very shott notice, In style and durability unsur P"od, 4 83 lm 8p J-J T. OF F. C. Ft P. F. C CLOTHING!!! HICKS' TEMPLE 'OF FASHION. Celebrated For Fine Fashionable Clothincr. WILLIAM. HICKS,. No. .)Oa MA1JKKT Street, U2m PHILADELPHIA. TREMENDOUS EXCITEMENT V Astonishing: News to the Public. The Cheapest and Best Fpring Stock of Clothing la the cltv win and muxt be sold this Oar. 10CI9 RAINS. No Hun MARKET Street, under Aduuis ft to. 's Express Bui. ding will se 1 Hi Is day als enortunus stock ot suprrlluo Ciothina lor Men's and Boys wear, ib per cent, lower than any other first class house In the cltv. We have full suits In every variety and style to suit almost even class, and prices that cannot be equalled uy auv other Loupe. 1 o satisiy yourte ves, please give nsa rail. Thereto no nee of i nrchatli g ouless vou are tatlttltd with the tru'h of rut siateuitnl as above. Iteniember, LOCH It A IK 8. No 102 .11 A KKf.r street. S 26 Ct Opposite the Lull's Head Hotel. QOKTO 845 FOU A SUIT OP HLACK OP (JtJ.) tancy colored cloth t aruiyand navyelothloi I o , In style unsurpasse.1. 4 7 bmrp KARK. So. 11 NliiTri St.. above Chemst. RATIONAL BASK OF THE REPUBLIC, l'lIILA DELPHI A. Organized Under "The National Cur rency Act," March 30, 1866. This Institution has completed tho alterations of ifs building. ' ' Nos. 809 and 811 C1IESMT Street, i AKD 18 NOW OPEN FOE TUB TRANSACIION OF A . RECil'LAU BANKING BUSINESS IN ALL ITS PlUXUIEs! JAMES D. FERREE, President. ED. F. MOODY Cashier. 5 22rp3ot STABIPINO IN COLORS (,RATI9. A PINK asrortnirnt oi Enslli'li French, and Herman fAI'Ett ll KNVtLOI'tS. The latest London and Parts style ot Vlhl'llNO AM1 V. ELLINU CARDS. A 'ar(f s ock ot . i fOCKtT-HOOK.S, KVIVE, WHlllNa-DKS'Kt PORTFOLIOS, and every description of btatloiuvr at reasouable. prices. MOXOC.RAMS FXO RA VKD. R. HOKI.S A CO . Stationers and 'd KovravKni, 8 16 lmrp Ho, 916 ARCli HtreeU. -