The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, May 30, 1866, FOURTH EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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lull rnrt Irnlat Thft rnnfral to TnU
I'lnr nt Wont faint t On o'ClorU on
1 rlilmy lite Rriunln fi Iuterrel
lu Ihpi Wht 1'oli.t Ouiflfty,
Bor's Horn., Wk'T Point, May 20. Liouto
mint-General Wintii lil Scoit.died nt this house to
day at five minu'os pa-" eleven. Ho departed I
Pl'lll-Pllll I.V. Ail HI "iL'L'le indicated till." piisllirn
of the old hero's soul limn It?" earthly tenement.
Although hi lMHi- was anticipated, yot his
death wa coinpnniUvely sudden. Cpon his
art ivnl hero on i In? i veiling of I do 10th int., !
special boat trom Now was observed
thHt ho as very ltv'Mi. 1 pon descon ding from
the ( uniiiui' In; totici't'il n hub-, and Imd to pause
upon evrry sup ns li,' mounted to the hotel.
Alter a le v ibiv, however, In? rallie I ro jspli-rn-Blv,
and iih Into ii Saturday, nt half-past t-o,
vhs out to the library and tho vill.tir", rid inr;.
Tlie ffiitu' dav )io wrote some Jotter!" to trends;
bill a low liny bcloi'e l:e reiHef.t 'd General ( 'iil
liim, ctiii.iiaiidaiii i r lie "t to iipl-i" n ! re r
lor him. w hu h lie lra;;kcd luni-oii, I noil mi hi
nn iilmost illi'uiliii hand.
lie appeared to surer 'em no pontic nilmen',
but l flt In r H general no, line ml pii v ,-ieal ' rein; th..
His m mil win clear to tlio liiMt. Hi lift It- e
pcctiition was there nt hi" iiiinieilnite 1 1 . i n -i
thnt his (liumhter. Mi Host, ot Now York, who
had boon Htuytii". wil'i linn lor some ilav.:. lelt 1
hero lor homo vestord'iv. Lt ni -rht Hi" General
w an taken w ith a chill, and the usisi'iint. surL'con
Ot the pol, I tr. Mar-di, wii immediately hiiii
nionod. Even then ther appeared to l.o no
danger, nnd nt nine o'clock this inornin lr.
Marsh Hsaun d General Odium that ho h i 1 no
apprehension ol lorni'dialo dissolution; hut in
it short i.,w it I lectin o o iilent t let the oven tin
and nt of id I'lo ol i pat i io! sold icr mu dr i a t n ;
to a cloM'.
Tlx' imiilain, le ...I. A. I'i"neli, was filled
in, Mini liik'i'y the liend'al's haul, lorifed a
piayer. Thotii;h ipi.te conscious and poenuant
that death was upon mm the. porter ot Hjieecli
was ircic-, hut ;h" din;r soldier lu'ced the
hand ot the clere ;:an and bo A'ed Pi-i hoa I re
pratcdly m token ( I hi- ( onsciouiu -s of the Put
(iolenin I iu - w h irh .r. l-'reni li was p' l fennin'r
accord lire to 'ho rule-- of Hie KpKoopid (.'hureh.
At precisely live ini ii uti a utter II, quietl vm
if in a Hlninber. tl.o pmnot ulin-i" 1 1 ' f Ini he mi i
so lilt niimdy nssocia'i d witli tue luihtiiry hi--
torv of hn country assod nway, !
There were pre-onr with linn, at timing tno
mont, Goneial 'I. W. t'atlimi, OHiiinaiidant of
West Point, and tor many years Aid to Ueiioral
Scott: Hnrtreon Ilea I, A'-sistant StirLroon M.irli,
Chaplain l?'rei,eh, and tlio i ieneval'H liutlitui
body servant, (,'enoral Oillnm telegraphed to !
BIrs. lloyt, Him .rri- d lei t tie o'clock this
KC'I II 1 Kl.
All academic and unitary diaejpline vm at
once snap. 'ii led, and the Mam were nonte 1 to
ball-Ma't. I Ji'iiei al i.'.iiluiii also tele j-rar-hed to
the War liepamneti; and to (ieiieral llraul iut -I-liuenoe
ot the - id ewut. Jlo lias received a
reply from Mr. fcrant i'Vpro-ii ii'j deep sorrow
at tlio deal h ol the truat tier, p.i'iiot, atll
KtnteHinan, aiid :iM'i o iiilt ol ah that General
Cnllum bail done. General Grunt's leply wiis
Of a (Mil dar chin a -ter. He I equated to k 110
at what t iine t lie inner. d would t ike jiLieo. aiel
It ift 1 roliahle lie w ill come Oil to Htten I it.
At the desire of the decea-'J General's daugh
ter, Mrs. lloyt and it is thoutpit the old hero
himself had the natnc wish tin; renmim w.;l b
interred in c 1 - U i p; Point Cemetery.
I.Yl;.(i IN ETAIK.
The remains now lie in room No. 12 of this
hotel, where he expired. They are placed in a
shell lined with sdne, aud partially tided with
ice. The General is dressed in a civilian's suit
of black, and looks iu the repojeof d- ath almost
as lie did in life. No e.sprcss'on of pain is visi
ble in the face; but the sKin has assumed a
jaundiced tint. Th" rema ns will probably be
removed to-morrow to the ehupet of the Aca
demy. Meantime a guard ol honor, compose i
ot the folio witisf ollieei's, in lull dress and wear
ing crape on the lett arm, are in attendance
upon the corpse:
Colonel 11. .M. lil iek, 7th United State In
fintry, Commauilaut of Cadet Corps; Limitcnant
Coloucl A. J'iner, 3o ArMll -ry; Lieutenant-Colonel
J. Melj'll ddtt, ;d Intautry; Major .lames
McMillan, 'Id li.tantry; Captain A. D:vioj,
10th lniantiy; and Captain A. li. Arnold, ."th
United State Cavalry.
General Scott bad onlv been con tine i to bed
for the last three day", but diiriic' that tun" his
etreuirth was gradually lailiiiL', and he see ned
to have a presentiment that this was his last
visit to West point, m w hieh institution Ik? took
an intense interest, and at which he ppeut
every Biimnior tor the last forty year. When
foniina irom the bout on the loth of M.iv, he
remarked to a Iriend that he had come to tin;
-old academy to' die; ami in conversation with
Captain 1 toy n ton a few days atro, he replied to
eome remark conceruimr his visit to Wen Point,
that he came there to be buried. It teems ap
propriate that the srreat military iie:ido,i'.y ot tno
nation shou Id l.e 1'ue limine 'hueot the nation's
oldisl e-oldii r.
will take place at 1 o'clock on I'riday, with such
' military pomp au the post can atl'oid. It is ex
pected, howc'.or, that there will he a lartro acces
sion of emtcriit pcr.-oiuij;cj from Wa.-"hiuguu
and elsew here.
I have heard that President Johnson expressed
a de.siie to MHit (leneral Scott helore his ileala,
but tlm sudden in s- ot Wis di inise ist ionise pre
vented. AURIVAL OF Till: (il Ktr.AI.V DALIJHTEIl.
Upon the turivtd ot Mrs. llojt this cvcniii','
the v as conducted bv General Cullum to thu
room w here the remains of her houored hither
, lay. The ollieers on uuard all iuimoiliiiPdy with
diew, with uncovered heads, and the living and
the dead w ere lett to'-'c-ther in that silent com
munion whereof no ee or ear witnesses.
The relitrious ceremonies at the funeral w ill be
conducted by tho Uev. -Mr. Preiieh, aeoiirdins to
the rites ol the Episcopal Church, of which tlio
General was a lile-tiiue member.
Academic studies will be resumed to-morrow,
us the exam mat n it commences on .Monday ; but,
judging trom tho s?eiiora! trioom that pervades
all things here, it is not likely the old spirit will
enter vety deeply into the scholastic coutest.
The last word ot Ceneral Scott are worth n
, memberin?. About twei.ty-tie minutes before
his death li" addressed his hot'er, Allen, say
.. inp; "James, how is the horse?'' "He is well,
General." "Take care of him, James,'' said tho
- dying hero, mid tnee wire the last iutellitibl0
WOills he lllteicd. In h'-S than h.i.t an lioiirall
WU8 over, and Gcnra! Scott ha J hecune iminor
tal. A. )'. tUmtd.
Anotiji-r Goon Man (Jonf. General D.
l'oiter, of Cuiiib'T and cotintv, a proiniiient and
nctive dneotor of the West Jer-toy k'ailmud, died ut
Ins residence a few day since; and at a muetiint of
the Iiector rei'iutly hold in Camden, tho tollow
liiff insolation were adop ed :
Ite$nlvtt, l luit T lie liosid of Diroctnr of the Wes.
- Jemey ltafroud Coinpunv, who at ttieir luit nieef
)E(T. fxnrt Hsod ttieir n srrot for the lo-s of di.mi
Suit-bed iiit-nil er, have airam that ine'aituholv Out
, to pottorm lor tlie untimely deeeaso ct n not tier
I IlirecUir, iheir lauittntod lrioinl, Geuoial Uvid 1'ot
ter, of Cumberland county.
Jienolrnl, ftint tiv tlie death of General DavM Pot
ter, we have lost a valued friend, and a uunt cftlciont
HHUiber of this ltoHid, whose 'jwful and active
tflortu have I eon niost uiMrinucnt'il in ron'iibntiiiir
to lli I'unipletu fiuce.-n ol the West Jurouy tin lroad
litnoivel, That tho 'ess of deneral Iavid Potter is
public calaincy to West Jeryev, to whose Interests
lie uinilosted an eidiyh'tuu d devot ou, aud to tho
improvement and development ol which tae bust
ytar ot Im um-ful ble were ireely Kiveu.
li'so'vul. Unit as mi oltioer of this Company, a
Iubhc-B'iiiuid c'tizeti, an eiiteipris'iiand energetic
inun ot PiiMuess, aud in all his relations to socletv,
Rie ipoUesn n imiaiioii, iiiKh intepnty, and aimabte
Caamoier of tifi'ornl Potter cotauiuiided tho tutiro
coulidviicu aud fiuiiiii of all who know him.
. Robiikrifr BitinoKTOx. Oa Safurliy
nlnit lat Mr Franklin Mare, a peddler, who reside
iu lirldiM'ton. was robboa by Mime bold scoundrel,
who broke Into his carriage house, ami took tho
poods Irom his wh?oii, hicn bo had loaded ready
to st art on Monday, mi a iie litlhii; tour.
A K'W cvcuiug!) a young unu un'yv.3 --mu-p-
bm wsn wa'kiini a'onir Onk utrwt two neroi" si
mu too him out ttirowlng a hnmlitil at stiid in hii
ryr, loin (be other soirrd hold of torn, an I lipid
loin w lnlo tup ottiiT rnlbed him ot l iwa'cli. m
cm si (i t ro t ol holnir Minded with the snid Mi
H ii 1 1 kiiis rould not reoifiuzn who the robbers w 're.
f-i HAwmutRiKs'. It is saiil that tho
Kb sw I eny crop In South JiTfpy Is tinu-imllv liri?"
tie triptiit Mti-im and the fruit pxerod my
Iiht-pii. At 11 smiiiorilon thonsnnds ol Im he!
will he rntbored and font to market. In a week
Ihej will l.o 111 to M'tber for ti e market'.
c : j t y i n t k h h i ( 5 1 : x f ; i :
1 1 or Ail.iitiiintni Loral JUmz ko' Tfiinl ."'t;e.J
I.orvsr SriiKfr CJkammar Sckoot.. Tim
fini in 1 public exoi neon ol tho iirV lpannietit ol
tins cliool took p nee last pvi innif, mid tlie iniiiin r
in hti ti tlio lodowntr pr ivruiump wii' rx puted
K lieetoil tho pii'Bl 'st Cii'dil upon fio dnecfors,
li , e! i is tiiiil lr nils ol the school, ns well as upnu
the In .i h.-i M d liur i ail c j niit).
I'lll'llilfl M M K
tlvn i: " I oo lit' " b ir t an I Second I visions
ei i t at ion "Order lor a l"'C lire" bii-To trowu
I'll P' H t , . tl ' I I V I I 'Pun" lie en llro lillf'kl
.S li" "boi k 'd in i bo Cradle ol lb" I nei" . . . M'lm il
bi i:it:ioon 'Soiiu.- O' . vpti," boiiiii' r ,.M . K-eier'
liiii(iiiiiiti "I be iii:li Aiiove". . I.eoec a ijuvnn
lii ad bv l. i e M.rhnir
Son i.' " vmii'eliiio" Sctino!
f.'octntii D i curtesy " M iijiirio Granletx
poin d ' 1 1 e Villain' ll"lls" oli(nd
Son .' bv Mr Ui diop
I'resi illation of Diplonins and Meritorious Certitl
Soup ' Mountain Maid" School
Coiupciiioii "1-ivp O.iyn In riiiliinol)liin"
Jiiito I'.nrtp. b'liel iy .Mj in Clnoiibeilaili.
Pone "Swiss Kcho" f irst I't 't"ion
I N'ii ' si t k i m - - "June" A nn io 1 1 i I
i oinposition "Mitidows" A-iuilK Hall
b'end by Mhtv Mowurt.
SortT "Sini', 1: idie, ,itiy" --c tinol
uiedioiory Adt.r"S"ot the , ni'lu.iln; Oars, by
fiosn I'avlor.
1 : 1 1 ii in t o liosy Morn" School
Sole' ' Cliion Rial I. her v" -chool
I Hiring nn interval in tlio uho c excit'ises. vT'iich
were ot a vcr iitca-nnif c im meter throin'li'iiit, Kev .
1 r. Ar ton Cel v.-red one ol In- cbai net ri-tic ad
dn-."o, in which he torcildy 111 list rn (cd the motto,
A TirtKF C.U'diir. Several weeks since
a oiiiu' n an, about twentv-lonr years old.ofpr'
)n ssessiug manic ts, chuminpf to bo a (Jovernm -nt
i elective. 8' cured lodtritiKs at a hoarding lion'o,
Ni) 611 Vino street Ho shortly deca npe t, and at
onep discovery was mndo that a watch and hoavv
clniin, with trmkots, all pold, beloncin? to a lady
ipsidina in tno house vaiuon toinviipr at$2'H), hid
been stolen. Suspicion was nt once directed
towards this niissiiir mnu, and throuirh the iinl la
tli'uhlp etlorts ot Mr. James Spencpr ho was trao d
jestentayto his new lodcinits, at No. Vih Tnth
street, w bore lio was liviuir under tho nine distrump.
I ho suspected man lor a whno stoudv miiinaniied
his iiiiiocenro, hut was finally compelled by Mr.
Spencer's iiriMiincnN to ncknoA ledire Ins (runt. He
neeavored to I rilie his accuser to Hilonci. snd when
bis a tempis wore rcjoi'ted with scorn, a no nn
IVci r w t o hau b en sent tor arrived bo tried to
seiipp t hroiit'll 'howllido v, but ivas detained. IPs
jier-on bemir siepicionly stou', he was searched,
und it .i (onnd iliut inn er Ins ordinary clothes he
wore a comp ete pint ol loo .nt-elnth, b iloii"iiiif to a
iri iiilciiinii ol the house with which lima' attempt
inn ' escape when encountered by Mr. opener.
On his annul at the Sta ion lie w i-"
t Ion iit'hiv searched, n ml In his po.;k"t was found a
hiij."' biini'h ol kev s ol n'l sizes nn styles tcce-s irv
lor "j'loie.-sioiiai" wor'c on locus ol doors and
Ti KTiMONiAi. to A Won ni v Offickr.
At Ho- ii cciit session of thu K. w. liraud hodi;o, I.
O. ol O y. oi I'eiiiisylvuuiu, held m this ciiv, a
conuiiittpp was appointed nnd empowered to eot up
urd present a siiitab e testimonial of respect and
('teem to i'nst G uild M. Kichnrds Muckle, (Irand
lunsurcr ol the tjiand Jjodee. Mr. k'nekle lias
lil eu thi' responsible otlico ored taoly for th space
ot ion vears Tho committee, consisting ot Deputy
(mini .Master hiehuril vyntson, Past drand VJaster
I t ter l ritz, und Past Grand .Master Philip Lo Try,
Jr., cubed at tlio resldoucu ot Mr. Muckle, iu Vm
stri i t, shove Kiiieomh. mst pvetiiiii', and prP'Cnied
him witti a very liuo (old watch and chain, bearino;
devices of a nnture eieb emntical ot tlio prino p e ot
the Order nt Odd Follows. J). G. M Watson mado
the presentation, speech, and Grand Treasurer
Muukie responded in a felicitous strain, attor which
tlio company worn en'ertained with an ear.y d
ji uxcr. Ainonjr tho distineiiished members ot the
Dider present wore K W. 1'jst (irnnd Siro Jamos
H Kichuisou; l'ast Crund Master Daniel Wash,.
hurne, JJ. i) ; l'ast Orand Master, Ellas vVi duinu,
M.L ;niid jrand Secretary William Curtis, lho
compnny se- uiuud about lmdniivht, biL'lily do ifhtcd
w iili tlie enttrtaiiiiiir nt ot thp eveiiiinr.
Sale of k Paintings. Connoissonrs
ol puuilnies will bi-ar in mind the miportiint taut
that the sale ol pictu'es ut the Artbalery of It.
Scott Jr., in On snut street, below lentu, comes oil"
OitriiiK tl c pn scut week, lhovureat present ex
posed to view iu the gadcry, and aro daily attracting
crowds lor their nisi ectiou Some of tlie specimens
aro Bi ins ot art w inch an one woti'd he t roud to
huiitf upon ttioir wnlls. Almost every European
ftdiool is represented by its principal artists. Tlio
pieces bove been brought to this country by a ieu
t!emun w ho lias devoted Ids Ine to tne study of tho
arts, and consequently there can be no doubt of
their Keuuiin m-sH. It is af-o pro.ior to say that tb'a
is the lust ol the art sales until tlie oominir fall, so
that persons desiring to procure lino piotures will do
well to be on bund when the sale ocours. A 1 tho
I'li tuies art Iruineil lii elocant stvb', and ready to b
li ii um uu at ibo shoitest notice Tho sain will con
tinue liurinn Unco rveinnes, and will doubtless bo as
HKttssiul a tho'ti that have iin eeded it.
II AKii-i -p TiiiKVE.'S. Amos Tucker, aeil
eifblien yiam, and another inaividiial wcro at Wil-
iii. it i m , Delaware, yesterday, aud hud no nionov
to ci t to tho r homes iu this city. Officer Lukn, ot
Wiiuiiiiftoii, placed them on a freitrht train, uudor
t'hnriie ot Conductor Joseph ltaruard, for trunspoi
laiioii fo this city. When the train was between
iiell road and Gray's I'erry tho "dead head" anil
unpralLlul na.seogers broke open a box and atolo
eiput pair ot shoes Tucker was subsequent y
Hi re.-ti d, and Olhcer Corkroy visited his residenta?
and louud some ot thu shoes under a bod and
lincfhcr pair on lho feet of a woman who resides in
tbe Paine bouse w ilh I urkpr. Alderman Lutu com
mitted him in delimit el fall.
A DErEKATK Chakactf. it. Last evening
a inun liumea James W ilson went to the residence
ot uu acqmi'iiiniico named Jack Powe'l, against
w hum ho ( VV lisou) hud a (trudge, and coinnieuced
iuuneiiug with him. In the course of tho dilliculty
Wi ton tnt d to cut Poweil with a knife, mukinv? a
di s)u iuti) tlirnst ut his throat. 1'owcb's wito, w ho
was l icsent, screMm d out, which attrao.ed thu
attention o: anoilioer. who ru-hed in and took Wii
son into I'li-dioly. lit, was taieu beloio Aluermau
butz, wiio coiimdttod bun to prison.
A.N iMi'o.s'ion. The public ate cautioned
in ii i'iiid to a colored mau. who is asimij; nssistanco
to aid loiu in l iiving a hoise and vairon, to replace
one di .-troyed by fire. It is said that he never was
in possession of such properly, ho wears a military
suit, and has been seen ut several residences aloni
Walnut sin et, j resi ntiui! h s claims. His name is
liporge Hate und I about 6 left f iu h-inht,
and ol reuiai knlnv thin vbuire As 'here arc u I ready
many woiihy objects ol cnnitv, it wuuM Imivll tor
our c.t'eus totie carelul on whom tliey bestow
their aiuis,
Atiemi'TFd IlionwAV iioHitKiiY. John
Conwav unit another man stopped a wai'Oii la-t
nii'ht, at J hinv-sixtii and Maiket strep's, tor tlie
eviilent puiposeoi cominittiiin a robbery. Oflicer
Julli u buiiof on liuiid, pitchi d in generally, whoil
oho ol .'In- puity run oil. ami Conwav and tlio nllicor
had a scriininnifo. which lesul pit in tlio to mer beiiiK
secured aud tuken beioro Alderman Allen, woo com
muted hm to prison on Hie chame of attempted
highway robbery und a-saiiltimr an olhcer.
A Fin I AN Akul.-stko. A "Faynian"
named William 11a van, was ari"ded yinterday
ui'1'ii.oiju, in tho 1 weoty-sovemli Ward, tharied
w ith bo uk one of tho puvly ol Irishmen who com
niitUil tl.o lute ouirageoiia assault on a number nf
a ned l-in;lisliuieii on tlio bailimoro 1'ikc, near tho
( ounty Lire road, a lew iluys since, tho purlieu urs
of which were published ut the tune in liiKPvKN
iio Tki.i oiiAi'u. Aldoi limn Allen ho d him iu ;y)0
Fkom Savannah. The steamer Pioneer.
Captain Will ui iii 11. liailiightr, arrived at lier wharf
last eveniuK Horn tsavanuau. This is not.iblo,
especially as the llrst arrwal ol tho Hrst steamship of
tli uciv houiheru hiiu. i he I'utnrer has a valuable
cargo ol lumber, cotion. and other S ntherii t !pies,
winch will lind nadv markets here We ar
luuebted lo t upturn Uaha;; her for la'e lies of
eavai.nun apern.
A mau named Andrew 11. Hughes was arrested last
ovennuf, charged w ith bemir conper i Iu the
w ay lohliery at Tenth an. I l.ocie t strei !-, at an ear.y
hour a lew dai siiice, w lien a wnnian was k nocked
down und roi.oi , 11 i.-he ,.,, t. t . 1 1 I by Al
ii . l lliilll :li
IVohk Opfn a 'I i.i;nk. G ortre Knoll
I'Oarilid at the house ol Abraham lunin, Maiket
street, above Korty-fii-st. Last night ho broke otu'ti
alrnnlr boloiiping to an Inmate ot the Inusii, nn 1
took 912 CO tin rpliom find left. Hp was nubrquoht:y
arrested, and committed to prison by Alderman
A Sf.kioi'h Accidf.nt. John Mtrjuirp,
a youMj nian aired 111 pars, was employed at
liuiiti r s Print V orkg yesterday eitprroon. i n re
niovini? a hogshead ot madib r Irom a diav, when
tlie repp broke and the hophsd rolled on Magiure,
irjniing bun soseyeipiy that Iip raimut recover.
A S.mai.t, Tiif.ft. A boy about toiirt -cn
rais ol ace was airpsid yisteroav nlternoon at.
1 wclttn and Cn:f siieet', clired wHh )t"iilinii
dime novel. He was tnki n be ore an Able mm,
but the complainant lading lu appear, ho was dis
ci nrged.
Dai:n PF.sittovKi). I hie mornlnfr, nbont
o'clock, a bam bplongnar to Jacob Vandprir t'.
siluatid iu M issiiioinliK', f nen''rd Va"d. wns
f ntiri lv desfroved bv lire. Tim lo's w ill reneh about
S'.'P, which is covered t v innrniic".
A Craiors Animal
Alonir the tea const in some pnrts or the world
(here is found a siinru ar creator", whose uiimiornod
figure son.ew hut ren iiiblns tlipso ool an o d shoe.
'1 bis animal Is not provided by nature with any she I
Ol Ins own. but when 'he riuslac :'oiis inhabit nits of
tlie sea CB't their mvering", h" crawl to the shore,
pick out a she I that he think will slut htm. wrlg
ples himself into it, and walk off with Front cmn
plHCency. this wo believe the only animil that
conde-rpiids io put en seoond-bsnd Cloth nsr. and il
theie v- as a supply ot new constantly a win lunr him.
tit such low pi tees a' bn man at Tower Hall, tho
plaoiien would be ill-continued.
W K 1 1 A V E
A'f-iro-d 1 inn i ( a.-.-iino-f Punts, nn l"r "J St 00
" "' " r.s'.i " ... a.M
" IUuk " I'ants .... 5 01
" ' (loth Vrit " .... 4 0)
" Fairy (mmmere Suits, tn m itch 14 0 1
" Jl'nrk suits -l I 0 i
Atlt'tnictvif from rlifii r'l'i1 "f fjo-i of n't
frnt s. tip in thr virp tivst titirira, nt hrir? r 'fii-,t
ill proportion .Ien', You'ln', and ll'n'. I'liou
A I1I.K llooljS AT TIIK PiiK't'S NAMKI).
(uir purchase lor till season hayin? been
ihlsyid, vrailimr the exjerted deobno in yoods,
we "havo now on band thp lnrip'st and t"t as
sorted stock ot t lot liinnr in Philadelphia, pur
chased lor cn.i ejrrumvflit, at tlie vri lowst ruin
of tlie nnson, which enabh s ns to realize a fair prollt
ni d sell ut prlcs less than the co-t of t.nme pood' in
most otbor pstahlishnieiit'". W'e can sunply clothiers
doing a fine city trade with goods adapted to their
sales, nt prices so much lower than the cost of their
present stock, that, by making an nverasre of the
whole, (hey will I e cnub't d to iliuposo of their poods
at pnees covenio' tho averaco coit, and even paj in
apiotit. ItKNNVTT&Co,
Tow Kit Ham,,
Ko 619 MAitKK.r stiu.kt,
1 he Latoer teds us it is snrn
I hnt yoiiiii folks on a wpddin? tour,
AVhen in the car thev whirl alomr,
1 .ooking as if t lie . had done wrong;,
I In ir close relation Iry to hb'e
l Intoir innde brii etrroom aud bride;
Put tlie delight ot rov hours
Sticks out as p iiin as orainre (low ers,
A rnl t Hp r endeavors to restrain
Their tender interchanges vain.
A no' her thine will soon deoido
hettier i he Jndv is a bride ;
Her chaste, booominir style of dress,
Aeat and not t'aiidv," will Coulees
The new position she sustains,
'1 1 o tays ery in part explains,
but si mild i on still pui istiu doubt.
And think jdu have not found tti 'in out.
Inspect i he I ridogroom's irarineuts neat,
And end the innocent deceit,
lor ot a plunc yon know by heart
The sty'e irom l'tnav & Co.'s Mart;
T hen on at om o know w ho thev arc
JlriiU grooms nil patronize the "Stau "
We keoo up a choico iissortmont of co'ors and
styles of ready-maoe Clothing and sell at extremely
low prices, wuich facts are appreciated by the large
portion ol our citizens, and many distant customers
who favor us n itn their putronaire. We mm at ke 'p
mg the best Clothintr in the city, and slia 1 bo unre
mitting in our etlorts to give entire stiliilaction to all
our customers.
Our department lor ordered w ork 19 well appointed
and lilt rally .sustained.
Fi-nrtY & Co ,
Star Ci.otiiino Km i'o .ium.
No. nOO CI esin t street. nrn ol the soar
. R I'oaP'i- in lino Clothing wrl lind it to Iti' ir
liilvauiuge to exmiui" our o,ocK,as wo can II 1 ihiir
orders ou very liberal terms.
Kot Ai.conoi.ic.
A l'uio Tonic.
Pr. Hoothiiid's
Genni'U .bitters,
A Puro Tonic.
i)r. Hoollnnd's
German bitters,
Prep'ir-d by
Pr. C. M, Jackson, Phi adelphin, Pa ,
Wii) etli c'ually cure
1-iver Complaint,
Chronic or Nervous Debility,
Discuses of lho Kidneys,
And all Diseases urising from a Disordoied hiver or
Such as Constipation, Inward Piles.
Pulni i-8 of Plood to the Head.
Acidity of tho Stomach, Kaitsea,
Heartburn, Disgust lor Pood,
l iduess or Weight in the Stomach.
Sour Eructations.
Sinking or Flutterine at tho Pit of tho Stoma ?h.
Swimming of the Head.
Hurried and Difficult Breathing.
Fluttering of the Heait.
Choking or Sull'ocatinf Sensations when in a
l.jing Po-turo, Dimness of Vinion.
Dots or Webs beioro tiio Sight.
Fever and Dull l ain in the Head.
Delicictiet ol Perspiration,
yellowness of the Skin aud Eves.
Paiu m the Sido, Hack, Chest and Limbs, etc
Sudden 1' lushes ol Uiat, Burning in lho H.-sh.
Constant Imaginings of Evil, aud
Great Depression ol spirits,
And will positively prevent
YkiT.ow 1 K v i n.. Bit lot 9 I''tvi:u, Ei .
1 hoy contain
Ko Alcohol on IUu Wiiipkv.
They will cure all tho ubove di-'tasci in ninety-nine
ca-es out of a hundred.
Do you want soniethim; to gtreiigthen you?
Do you want a good appetite?
Do you want lo build up your constitution?
I io you want to u- 1 wed?
Do you want to get rid ot nervou.-iii -s?
Do you v ant energy?
Do you wunt to sleep wel ?
Do you want a brisk and vigorous leoliug .'
If 5 ou do, use
III lllrl.AM-'S (ilKMAN BnrKiis.
lhe most respectable pio.du certny to the good
lice's ol this remedy.
ItliALi! IlKAPl KliAIi !
Hon Ja.veh Iiiomi'shi.n,
Judge ot trio Supremo Court of 1'cunaylvauia.
l niLAPtLi'iilA, April '1 lS'i'i. 1 consider Hoof
land's German Biiters a ralunh'.e e e iuc in ecu of
altacksof ind ge-tion or d spepsia. I cuti c-rtd'y
tins lrnm lay i xi eriulice O! it.
Yours, villi respect,
Jamw Thomp-son.
Office, Ko f 81 Arch street, Philadelphia. Porsa e
by drugguts in every town iu the United States.
1 uo'o ufli ring Mom any disease whaiovur are ro
apeutfully invited to call at this ollice. A coiii)oUnt
physio an in attendance. Advice gratuitous.
The Crkat Family Vedkmnk o- tub Aoe
Tlicre Is, probably, no Fainii Medicine so lavomoly
and so widely known as David' Pain Killer, l'or
tlie (mst twenty years it has been extensively mod by
Missionaiies ill India, China, Turkey, indued, in
nearly all the Missionary Stations, not only to
counteract ihoohmato iiiilueiices ou the families of
missionaries, but lor the cum ot cboh iu and fevers
pretaeni iutbe l.u-t It Is u-ed ic'ei nail for n II
iihi u-r.i nt the bowels, and ex n riniii y mr wound",
bfui-v s, etc. hv'A Ly dmgm i j k"u-r,i!ly.
pen Hi! it a K FAST.
ron scrrKR
Vettr ( ri eir or Market man can get supplied at
J'.KiiMriDA Pnonnc Cojipabt,
Ko. 120 Wet stmet, Kew York.
Ac;cA pk Maonoma This nnmo 1 riot more
lpfiutilu' Hud piM'tm than V artiole H rpprosnts it
di beions ami lienutil iut No lady's toilet i com
ti i te without it. It is li finitely superior to anv Co
locne It Is marp from the rich Sout'iorn Hacnnlia,
is a ilc'ight'nl perfume, ami render thn "km oft nnd
Iresli. If I (nnd by a 1 dealers at !M, 'n 1 irio hotllos,
and b 1 mu. ltaiDos & .Co., New York., w liolcaiu
agents Try it.
"I xi Fi i'iMii v Y rrECTi v . 'Iiro n' Bronchial
Troches' aro excellent lozeue tor the relief of
Hoarseness or Soip Throat. I hpy are certainly px
CPPdiDgly eiTi'tnp. Wp have kniwn several iu
stance in which tronhlpJomo courhs have ceased
very speedily alter one or two Troche" were taken,"
tlirt.tian H'orltl, lnidon Kng.
" Tip Sum mkii 1 sdonnu -umniprl tieho'd the dad
pr"eii earlli." aud we mn ht add helinio tl o P 'aii'i
to! ar av ot Summer ' 'el tun" now offerrd at Charles
Moki & Co,' one prico under the Continental,
at the fmiip pr res that are charcert for In erior uar
mei ts nf other places. Pcinembor, Stokes & Co ,
under tlm Continental.
Nrw DiiFf-n M a 1 hi a m.isnHKNT T.adle
can have their tne-ns Sa if, Coats, and ba-q unps
ban! . me'v mnde, at the simrte't nonce In twelve
bouts II neces-ary at tint J rpsmakin' Kdabhsti
u cut of J W. I'iioctoh Ik Co..
Ko. WM Cnpsnut street.
NirniFS C. C. T. "Compound Camphor
Tmches." Potent pocket reined-, siihdti"' eram;,
(ei trols iinurl icn. clio enuc evidence", etc. Oii'V
leaker, C. ll iN ced es 1 w. lull aud Haco, Pnilmbd
; biu, Uu j- to nis per box
PiJirrl t 1 nu 18 Pho oeranlis exeru'eil and fin
Isl id in thp highest stvleot ait lit reduced prices.
Now 's thp time to purchase, at H Keimer's Ga'
liry, Ko IW4 Arch street.
VTinpow Sn a iiko (i E Doll ah W'ndow Shnle
nulv ene lolhir. A lew morn lett o' 'lie dollar
t hades, ut W . Henry Patten's, Ko. 1 Chcsnut
Pfmaii: Titt'sKs, Brace, Kinportprs. F.las'lo
Bel', ill d Stockings, licht and plennnt In finish,
adjusted by n lad;, nt Keed.'es', 1'wellth atroet, hrst
door below iince.
Niviu Wkar a Conoil. or irritation on the
Inins when von can buv Acer's Cherry Pectoral,
the w or d's gieal remedy that cmcs it.
Gr.oviu & I: a k nt 'R Hichest Premiuiu Elastic
Stitch und l.ock-Sti ch Sewing Machines, Ko. 7JJ
Cl,i snut Siieet.
Ca i ei is I aid, Curtains put, up, Furniture ro.
inn d , and iinnle to Older a i I'il'.tcn's,
No. 1 t hi nut all cut.
elel fcatii-e pnchiui' tor sle'im piifini'S --tor terms
si e V-.'icI.e-i.ui si , plulu., and lib dev st , new or.'
I i hmti'i:! silt'? cut ni.d made to order at Pa!
ten's, No 1 i' S t besiiui street.
(inAKCMmnru'? C.iNoynutii-A i. Kxcollont.
Bn il of G. Bvion V ore No to 1 Arch street.
7 .r0s, 5 V is. lsiMs, 10 IO", Compound In'oreat Note',
ai d tiiud und silver bought and so d bv
Duexkl ft, Ho.,
No. 81 S. l'mni) Street.
,rj LO 1 SHI , nun lu 4 i Coupon Bouds converto I mio
begistcie.:. Sorsatety we would advise our fnend-i
10 bold Registered bonds App v to
Duexkl &. Co .
Ko. 3l l'niiio Street.
CoMi'orsi) iTSTlttifT Notes 7 3 10 nnd 6-2'M
wniited D? 1 1 liven ft llto'ber, No 40 r. Tiiird St.
port' la i: Ta it okim). Aim Clotiuno,
Wasamakeii & BltOWN,
Oak Hall.
Si nt I e ii 't corner s-'ixTit nnt M a iiki r Street'
BAbKEH VJcLKOD. on the 20th Instant. In
St Aniirew'g Fpisoouul Churob, Wiimngton, Del.,
bv Kev. Mr Coleiuan, Colonel WAblt.K HAK
PIT T, ol Cleailiel.,, Pa , and Miss SiiPtllE DK V.
An LECH), ol Wilmington,
DAY - SKI.LEKS fin tho 2fth ot August, 1Sf'5.
li the liev J. H. S oikton, Mr. JO. Ki ll C. DAY
to Mis M AKY H. SElXEKS, Bl 0, Camden, S.J.
1 lil'DhltlCK- FEIT'H.HS On Saturday even
ii .-. Mav'.3 ISPS, by the Key J Dale, M. JOHN
U l(I.DIlt,K- to Miss MA lil t El IEU.S, both
ol C hi sier county, Pa
MC AI.I.A-MOYN.-Jl-iy 29, 1W. at St Joseph's
Church, bv ill" Hey. F J Baihelm, S J , I'll ho H.
Mi ( Al I A to l.lZIK, daughter ol V lllium MoVn,
I -'i , all ot (bis citj . Ko cards,
Ill N'SON'.-Oti thp 2'Jth instant, MAIiy, wile of
John mtison, in tlie 82d ypai ol her ago.
J lie relatives aud iriends ol thp family are re- pect
I u 1 y mvitid to attend the funeral, I'Oin the resi
lience ot her son, Wihiiim Housou, Ko. 44-0 Main
sheet, Geinuiiitowu, ou Friday aitoruoou, tho 1st
pioxniio, at 2 o'clock.
McAl.ELU. On the 2Sth instant, JOHN Mc
A bf l.ti aged t.0 years
1 lie rela lives and trieuds of the family aro iepect
ul y invited to attend ibo luneral, from his late
residence, Ko. 204 1 VJ urray street, ubovd gpruue, on
'1 hnrsdiiy nlternoon at 1 o'clock.
MAU K I.E. Suddenly, on the 27th instant, of scar
let level MA KG A 1( El BUCK I CS, only daughter of
.lo-eph A. and Mury J. Matkle, aged 8 yeurs, 1
month, and 111 dui s.
ll.o re atives and friends of tho family are ro
ijiu nted to attend t tie lunoiai, Irom the r sidouco ot
lier parents, S. W. corner of SevonCi und Button
wood stice',8, on Thursday ultoruoou next a- 3
MlltPflY.-On the 20th instan', TIMOTHYS.
m'UI'llV om y son of I iinothy and the late Catha
rine Muiphy, aged b year-.
'1 ho icluiivi's and im mis of tlie Inuiily aro respect
hilly invited to aiti nil the luuciid, iioui the resi-d-ine
ot bis lather, .No On.' ( buries street (between
I our h and 1'iith, beloiy Soutli), on iriduyat 1
SliONN I-lis. On tho 20ih instant, Mr. SAMUEL
SHOW El!,. In tin- 71 itli year ol Ins ujro.
7 hi- it lutiwa ai d trieiids ol tbo luualy aro respect
fully Invited to wtn lid the luuerul, truin Ins lute rosi
i'i i ce. Mi.i stow 11. O d 01k load, on 1-riday, June
1, hi - o c 11 k. Intel 1111 nt at Col mantowu.
S'fl I.V 'AGON On Monday morning, the 2-th
liisiiH t i t coligesiion ot tlio biain, HAKltY L.
I I.WAGO.N, onlv clind ol H U. Ste .hvagon, in
the i I .t ear ol ins ago.
11; nude triemi and re'Alives of tho family aro
1 1 1 c 11 1, r ) invliii to nil- no h s luneral, I10111 tiie
n sii eiii e el Ins la'ht-r, No ii't Vine sirt-t, ou Thurs
tin v uiinnng nt 10 u'cock, In'trment at Laurel
SI ONK. Ou the 2t!h instant, M'sh ANK STONE.
1 l.e rela ivi s and menus ol tlie uinnly aro respect
luliy invited to attend her funeral, bom her late
ips 1 enoc, No il. .', l ine street, ou Frlil.i af cruoou,
tlie 1-t ol, at 2 o'clock.
I "hirki t Hm'r.ets, Too , fic.. Hrands ninv be had
at tlie llanlware Mi re ie I HPMAS Ji SIIAW,
. s i.-i r in 1 til: t -five' M A ItK 1 I St.. Imoii hunti.
J ) bio wire fi r tyiiik' ibciu at the llanlwa-e Htoreol
Tit I' At A N .tt SII VW.
No .Hi ( Klsht Thiriv-Hve) M A HKI.T 1st . below Ninth.
I MVi'i'.l" W'l 1 fli il the il!ir-Box ICnlte aconve-
mi nt ur f In as b IMiiil'inen tli" Id oj.eaer, tsicli
and liuiiiii.or lu the one tool. Sold tiv
liaiMAV A flliW.
No. 8t!i (Fight Ttilrtv flvp) M liK I T St.. below Ninth.
I'Oll I.ADlbS,
At h:s Old t'stablUbeil Hat and ap K mnorium,
5 14 Im So. SOS CllbSNl'T Street.
It In irriilliltil rnleil by physlclinis el this ami tohul
placis o a mih nor e roc. 1 u,i i-t (iitics but a 10
Con li:( t? Ilit' llioi'l -ki'I'l 1 at 'A.t I'.'lt lilt- I'. I o t'O
hud, w lioicsiii ami it-.. id. ol P I loi:i''l,
N.I. .' "i i't A II - 1 re.'t.
Cbnuipiutii.' C'Klt r, b' tho (P's -'ii, ("''.Hi ,1, vr 10 tho
l.i.iV. ... . UU
I'romthn West Intlle.
Nkw Tohk, May 31, The steatns'iip f'o''rii'ii.
has arrived at th'm port, brineinr? advices from
Havana to the 2'ith inM.
Tho small pox contintieif to rae rI Potto
Rico, and had spread to several dace near
Ponce though It was derreuti!? at the l itter
Tho Iiohtin stun thnt President Baez, tmabh'
to put down the revolution, has divniiine 1 t
leave the eotintry. This statement, however, is
doubted, as the revolution i said to V on a
si 11 till setile.
Great preparation are bei:ui made at Havana
lor the reception of the no Cnpm'm-Generul.
The rirctilation of the Crimirt, of Now York,
bus been siii'prespeii In Havana, on account o!
an article publj-died lu Unit newspaper auain-t
the censor :d Havana. Tho Cubiui su"i ly of
fi.i.i.'l) in gold to the fVimn-; has also lieci im
pei.ded. C()?(i KES9.
AVa3II'?i.;toS. 5I.iv 3b
Mr Grimes (lowal reported adversely ou tho peh-
ln ns li r an men a-e of Otlicers.
Mr S pi lU'iio ( H I 1 called up a joint resolution lor
the payment of certain Kentucky Homo liiiinls.
caM d into tlie V mt d Stati s prvice to r pel a Kehoi
invnslon under John Motgan, 111 Mu, 18 ,J. It win
At 1 o'clock Mr. Howard pitted up tho lb con -true
tieu resolutions.
llon) of ItPprHsnDtaflvP.
The first business iu order oeing tho call ot com
mit" s lor reporla
Mr. Bhnne (Me), trom the Select Comnnt.tpo on
tho Wnr Dehis o! lho l.ovul Mates, reporied a bill 10
reimburse the States w Inch have furnished troops to
the I mini army tor atlvaucus iniidu and pxieues tn
cuired in luising tbo same, lie said that, alior a
coiiten nee with the members ol the Commttteo and
frii mis of the lull, ho found an indisposition to con
sider the bid at tkis time. He thereinre yielded Ins
own jiidumciit, and moved that the mil bo leeomnilt
ti d to tlie st loot Cumuii too, and thnt the same bo
contained as now organized, with leave to report
duruif the next session. The motion was ncroed to.
in motion of Mr. Blaine, the Select Committee on
War Debt was discharged from the further consi
di ration of the bid to reimburse the State ot Kansas
It r inomvs expended in lurnishiiiB troops, and it
w ns itleired to tho Commiiteo on Appropriation.
Mr. Mi vens (Pa.), from the Select Committee nn a
Military and Postal tunroad from Washington to
Krw York, teported back a hill to authorial tlio
Itiileii g of a Military aud l'o-tal Knilroiid Irom
v asmni'ion io inn cuy 01 Jew lork, winch ivas
recommitted, with a notice by Mr. Stevens that In;
wen d tall it up In a week.
M r. Mcvcns also, Iroin co same commil'pe, re
ported back a bill introduced by Mr Oarliodon tlie
;niti 01 April, to pioinote tlio const' uchon ot a hue
ot runways bew een the city oi W'a-iiinvton and the
Koi bwist for national pm poses, nnd moved the
previous question, which was seconded.
Mr. Kloridgu (Wis.) demanded that ttie engrossed
bill should be read, and as lhe bill wa in print, and
not engrossed, it went over till alter the moruintr
Mr. Garfield (C)hio), Irom the same Committee,
reported back a bill introuiiced by bun on the 8 'ta
ot April, to authorize thei leveland and Mahoning
liailn ad Conn any. a corporut on oreated and exist
ing under the laws of the slates ol piiio and IVnn
s Ivania, to continue and construct tlio railroad ot
tho said Company from the vidag" ol loumrs
town, Malum ns county, iu the said Stale 01'
Ohio to and into tlie said Mate of Pennsylvania,
und then by tho most advan a noons aud ptacttcal
route to tho city ol Pittsh irg, 111 tlio said citato of
Pennsylvania and to establish tho said road as a
military, postal and commercial railroad of tho United
States. Hesiiid that this was apart ot the relief pro
vieed lor in tho bill .lust ac ed upon, and he pro
ceed! d to give a detailed history of too railroads in
qui stion.
Mr, O'Neill I Pa.), after putting soino ques ions to
Mr. Gai lio'd, proto.-.ted that there was no need for
the pussaee ol tho bill, and 'hat ti e pooulo 01 I'oiin
slvuuia did not aak lor any such Congressional
1 ho morning hour having expired, tho bill went
over till 10-u.nrrow.
T 1, 0 IIouo resumed tho i!iinidernhon ol tlio hill
to proyido ter restoring to tlio States in insur
rrrtion their hill poliucul rights
5! 1. Browi.ell (Hi ) addiessed tho Uouso.
1 nltrl StatCH IlNtri-t Court Judge
wnlader. '1 ho L luted Sta'es vs Jacob Cripps
Celeiiihiut is churpod with haviiii; in his possession
couiitiM ieii money with intent to pas It, and acting
in concert Willi coitmoi loiters. On tnohk'ht ot the
17ih of April he and a mun w ho, on bis arrest, gave
the nemo 01 William llairisou, went to a saionn on
Ciirurd avenue. Delendaut there mot a ceitain John
Hart, a notorious countertenor, and they went out
together, lu a few moments Harrison was called out,
Didentlant had apackace of counterfeit money, ?.1ii GO,
in 2i1 cent notes, and gave it to Harrison, asthey
thouidit it suiest lliey floured out, out woro so n
alter ant slid. They dropped the money on tho
paveuii nt, but it was takon care of by tlio otlicers,
1 he deleiiFO allege that .defendant was enndoyed 0
Trvon, a detectiyo of the Mayor, 10 find out fids man
Hart, in order fo arrest and convict him, Trvon tes
tified that he had given bun twemy dollar with
winch counterfeit money was to bo bought from
Unit, so that lie could bo lound. Still on trial.
'1 ho Grand Jury caine in, and having stated that
there wii no o'hiT business beloie thivm, were dii
ibnrged from lurther atleudunco. , .
IMMrlct Court No. 1 Judge Hare. George
S. Burnt s vs. Daniel Buck. An action avramt do
leiidant ns endorser ol a certain promissory note.
Before reported. Veruiet tor dotendanr.
Israel Hyiitnian vs. John Durborow and Adaiu
1 '.vi rly, trading, etc. A toigned issue to determine
the ownership ol certain personal property levied on
bv the Sherirt, and claimed by thp pluintid. Jury
Patrick McGeehan vs. Mary McGeehan, Admin a
truliixol Micht l Mct,eeiiiin, deceased. All action
on a bond. Verdict for plaintiff tor t- iitO.
Jon ili M. Ausch vs. Kusbuiiui Sc Bucluirach, An
action to recover damiii:cs for uu uiiegcd breach of
conliiiet by defendants to deliver itibo fur skiun, the
aiioeaiiou being that only iJunU wero delivered, Ou
Jilsfrirt C'nnrt !Ss. 2 Judge Strou I
C.Hia Anna Cfierry, alius Clara Anna Pec, vs.
Euijcue Diuy aud Cieorge W. Geo. An aetion ol
f jectmi nt to recover poss ssiou ot a certain lioup
and lot 111 Jumper street, w hich plaintltl claims was
puichiiM'tl wiih lier iiiouev, but tho tiilo thereto was
laSen iu the uuine ol her bus' and. Josoiii Ecu, since
ui ceased, blether o! onoo! the do tendinis, tin trial.
Joseph A. Clav, Guardian of Alice Eaviniu Akin,
vs. William Feiiuell Au ue ion to recover aa 11st
d ft ui'ant us Stcnrity tor l buries Harlaiid. former
uuariiiun, lor a balance 01 S17,i-20, found to If tine
bv bun as such guardian. Verdict lor piamtitl for
James K. Pinion vs. (.ouru 11. Sinitfi, I redorick
F. Swope. 'I hoinus H.Sourle, Fdward P. Htirpur,
John V. Barton, and l'eter V. Wntbang (w fio wore
sued witrt dwin 1 . Mmter. as to whom tne iherttt'
has returned "A liulhtOi t"). An action on tho case
to recover the prico pi id by plaintiff lor one
huiiuiid shuns it stock 01 the Atias Oil Company,
flip al (-gallon of plan ti.i heme tiiut bp was
induced to purchase the stock through tho
alii e-d false and traiutiileni representation
of ti e defendants, that the Company wa tue owner
01 certain vaiuunle mineral lauds und mineral
rifhts in lands situate in V oiiauio county among
oilierj, one-sixth interest in lot No 21 uu the flyilo
& Eg belt farm, on which was the Jersey vv'ell, tlen
ilow.ui' oiid bairo s ot oil per dav, and 50 acres 01
hind in Ice Simiile s'lmito on Chen y 1 uu, about one
and a halt miles above tbo celcbiatcd K od VV'ull,
and were denying a laryo daily revenue therufroiu,
ttie truth being, as is aileifoi', Ilia' tho t'oinpany did
rot own these last-mi 11110111 d properties, und were
not deriving auv daily revenue theretrom. On the
laith ol these representations, however, the p amiid
niiei'i's that li" purehaeil 1 tit- slock In uuesiion. I ho
dt lei se hud not opeued w tien wu closed our report.
A tiiimtier tf verdicts wcio tutored 111 tunes by
ai'reeiiieut ol counsel.
( ! e.s eu al JlcCi.ti.t an. The Cincinnati Volkth
Halt, ol May 25, savs: Fioni our items of Euro
pean news to-dny our readers villi observe that
a rumor is circiilui tn'-' in Germany that in ruse
of war the ci-ilrtaitt "Fluid Napoleon," McClol
Intl, who ill present sojourn iu Dresden, will be
appidtiled ('ominiiinb r in-Cliinf ot tho Saxon
univ. We would propose to appoint him as
drill inii-ter of 1 In' Fc'lcinl eoiititment which tlm
principality ot Eu hi 1 n -.' ei 11-V min. will have to
im ni I,, lie would c i taiiily liKike a litter drill-
Sfl i-'cuut tlp.iU !-',' UVl'Ult
'IK Even
Im s lit.
no Tl t.Fl
I t.Ei'tlAI-tl, (
:;, Pd'i.
ii a v
There was more, tii'tiositiuti tu oiiraio in
stdrk. tills mo: pin , .1:1 1 irieM wen' rather
ill mer. l.'ailroi1 idia" roiitin'.i th" inie,t
in dive 011 tho list. henilniK su'id at M 'c :.r,, an
advance off; Philadelphia and Krie "t, :Vi -Wii!,
no change; Littio Schtiylkill at. 11,. an ad
vance of J; IViiti. ylvuui.i Kailro id, ol.',
no ehntigo, nun (i.itawissa pre'erro 1 nil 2.s',o2Hj,
tlie latter tale an advancoof oti thn cto-dip;
price lust evcnni? ; p.'p; was hid lor C ini len and
Amboy, rl for Koi rislown ; ,M;J for fllin dull; ;w
(or North Pennsylvania; C2 lor Gehlu'li Valley;
2S for Elmi'a coiiitnoii; ,i:i for pieforrc l do.; nnd
41 tor Northern Central.
Government, bonds are firmly held at lull
prO-cs. ft '2D- sold at 1 ' ' ; nnd 7-:!0s at 10''.
H!i wt'.s bid tor Cs of sl; nnd 0.11 for-lO-lOs. Iu
C'fy h up t lu t e Is iiniic tlointr; the 110 issue
old I.tigely i t I10111 'J7'f.r.:i7.j, tlie latler rate an
advance of C
Cty Pa-sender Kai!i'"ud shares are dull, at
about lormer rates. Thir-t, th und Fil'lecuih
sold at TiW'2r, no elmiine; ,1'ij was bid for
Tenth nnd lih veptli; ,V, lor Chesnut and Wul
nut; 'JO lor Hestonvilie; 30 tor Green ,,n 1 Cotles;
and ef.l for I'tiion.
Hank shares continue in eood demand at full
price. Farmers' and Mechanics' hoM al 121.
110 wiui Bid for First Nat ion til; 2T! fir North
Am r'cn; pi ,,r Philadelphia; 1T lor Karmcrs'
and iMechitnii s'; T-i lor .Aleehunics'; 0,1 lor Ken
sington : 61 tor Pi nn Township; ,12 for Oir.ird;
.11) lor Munulaetnieis' nnd Mechanics'; ( for
CIM ; nnd 40 lor Coiisobdat'on.
In Ciiinil shares there is nothing doiiifr. 2T
w as bid lor Si huylkill Nnviaatioii emiiiiinn; :tt
lor preferred do.; 774 for .Morris Canal; fi3l lor
Lehith Naviiiution; llj for Siisiiteliann: Canal ;
and i,H lor Wvoiiimy Valley ('jmal.
Oil sharea are dull and netrlccted, with the er
ception of Ocenn. 1.100 shares sold at Irom t,ff-t
(ij, a slight decline.
The Now York TrPmnethla morning says:
"Dip dea'ings in Erie cou inuo large, and tho
strict i lull of rumors. Tlio t ulemout that tnore 1
1 an oypr-isiie of stock Is denied with emphasis by its
I lcailinc Director and bv other members ol tlio Board.
I A mtpting Iscallorl tor to-nay ( Wednesday!, aud It
is as sraieu mat important pusinoss win De presontPd
to (he P.oard. lhe road has a largo floating debt,
anil its Iviay traffic Is reported as worse than that lor
April, 'lhe Company 1 at usuo wilU the l'oiinstl.
Yania Coal Comi any, tfs leaihnir cu-Iohit in lMtiS,
ami, ipouirii it nas made a large reduction 111 its
1 taoo' bill, is probably not earning money enouidi to
I continue dividend. Cpon tlie conimon siock they
havo not been earned for some time, und it will not
be a mutter ot surprise it 1 .11 ibviuend upon the pro
el led Shan s Is cinille I. Tbo cm ponitiou 1 111 a bad
way. nnd needs athoro-.j h overhauling by a new
direction. 1
'Money continue to work easier, and the rato for
call loans is iw, 7 per cnt In commercial paper no
chance 1 lit 10 is a closer examination made of
paper, and specu'ative houses are not 111 favor
"1 he s'eamer St. D n-ul furnishes tho following
quotations: t onso's ti7C"37j Five Twemios ti i'
(id; Illinois Central, 77 " 7S; Erie 4.1o4t!. lhe note
reserve of the hank of Fmrlaud bad increasod 1,
250,11( 0. and lhe psinc may bo considered as ended.
"Ihero 1 morn doing m Fxcliuiiio E011O011
prime tankers' CO nav 100!l(9i; Lnndou prime
banltpr-' stidit, lt0?i 111 : I.otitloii 11 imp coinino. cml.
I luspn .lOS: l'un banki rs' Ininr. 6 121 ; Pans bankers
snort, fitpj; Autnerp, 6 12'niYlljt Swi, r12l")
teiilll; Hanihii tr, 37; Amsterdam 42' 12; I'rauR
li rt, 42J12J ; Breiueu SO; Berlin, 74."
The amount of coal transported 011 the Deln
wme and Hudson Canal, (or the past week, was
4i5.4:!o tons, against 1!,120 tons during; the same
week last veur; t:.akintr a total for the present
season ol 2:i2,s77 tons, ituainit ljl,!35 tons last
rilll.Ald'.I.rillA STOCK KXniASliK S.M.RS T'l-DAY
Ketiuifod by Dellaven& bro., No. 40 8. Third stryot
75 sh Lehigh Valley Bailroud C2J
P200 CS 5 20s 0,1.... 102 f 100 hii Keadinir. . bid f.4
4H0 do Ih'.JIi'it
& P .V) C s 7lins Aug li 21,
SjT-'O it y tis new .. 97)1
200 h
loll all
5ol) sh
2o0 sh
If '0 sh
100 sh
2' 0 sh
do 65
do r,5 1 lii
do 61 i-ttj
do lots, h i) ;''5i
do. ...sCwn f)4!
do b.'d) 6S
do., lots s3 ) ri;
do bao 51
700 t ity inun. . P, K
KifKO do
(SfKtO do.,.
?4f00 do ..
JoO sh Ph & E
HOsh do..
ln)"h do..
100 sli do. .
POsh do..
100 sh Ocenn .
100 sh do..
Mi'0ti do,.
100 sh do. .
...lots !7t
...f9) r-2 I
;io l
flinwu H?
100 sti
jeo sti Cat pi. .
1U0 sh (to . .sdlhfii 2S
2n0 sh do lots 2sf
2u0 sh do.lothSwn 2Hf
luosh do bO 2sf
l'iO sh do 2S
100 sh do s'j) 2S
fi sh F and M. Bk.l2d
100 h MeK Elk... r,;
200 sh Pith & 15tli Ml 2 !
100 sii do hi 22!
lots. b5
;.t23 1
fiiOsti do..
HlOsh I.itSch
.boo 40
tlO sti Penna It 54'
?loeO Pun tic E 7s.... M
3sh Coml Bk ...2d M
tJP'OO City 6s, new.. h7l
f .HOOCn Cnu bs. .eu 21J
81000 do 24
Sll 00 do n,1 2IJ
Sf H'tHI ITS C-?0coup.I02J
1 sh (hrard Bk. . . . r2J
2 sh Cum & Am. . l.ji)
100 .li Oceau b) i
2'0sh do.lols..b6 61
43 sh Ponn K 5li
3 sii do 61j.
21 sa do Hut t,H
loo an Cat nt...b.ivn 2j
100 sti Bit Sch... .h't') ru
loO sll do 110 3'Ji
fid h l'a Tf R4
100 sh Union Pas.K.. 'XI
100 eu bead slO !1
1 0 sh 1'hd Si.
Erio . . Zl
POsh do.
POsh do.
100 sh do.
lUOsh do.,
....: 32!
...bfi.. mi
...,K30 .32
b5 ii2j
ff inoo Cityf.. row... 07
S-7MI0 U S 7-308. Jtie loifj
SbMO P fv-20s.iareg.ln2
60 sh Pit Sell an
P) A. M l.'Ni 12 M
11 A. M P!S t P. M l.jsj
H a ftPKtt, DURMjy k Co. quote u follows:
lln'iilui Xr'l nq.
American Gold 137 l'Nj
American Silver. A and j 120 1,31
American Silver Dunes and Half Dimes 120 122
Pennsvlvii) ! 1 Currency J
Kew York I Mtnaugo 1-10 par.
Mi'-r-. lioHaven tV Brother, St. 40 Souili
Third i-treet, make the
the rates ot exrhuii1,; h
1 wit!:
at I
: quo Ui 10ns of
!'. I. :-
American Gold. .
merlcnn Silver,
Ci in; onnd 1 liter
1 ';
as ami fs
-t K 1:
.131 1
- 11
. H.1
. '
. 4
. i
. 3j
" .1
ii e,
la''.l. ,
ism. .
l :i. .
lsl. .
1 '..1. .
A uu 1 1 st,
( icloher,
Ainust, 1-ii.l.
Sept., 1".1.
October l-t''io.
riiiHdi Jiihln Tiatlc Keport.
Wi p.NtspAV, May St. Tlie foreign advices by the
ati'iunera J'i r$ia and 8. David are decidedly uniavor
ablctor Breadstuff's, tut at there has beea no uturlu for
exnortatlou from here for a long time oast, aud It being
Keneral'.v conoi'ded that tlie simply here Is not nmrti
li nn ailoiiiitto lor tho nuut of tlie home Cuusuincns
I hey have bad no uitcri, utile ell'ect on prices The sa'e
t Hour roninrlscs tn 0 bli s., mostly Noitliwi'stcru eNirt
1,1 imly at l 'ijl l-H) j funis' I vsnia ami Ohio do. tin ut
fcliwlJ'&il, lucludiiiii 2i'll bh I'cmisvlviiiiia cut a a'
Mil i.i ; Boine supi'imie at 7 ftlll.sp.'iO s extras at s 7'v.i;
lll'.'.'i; and fancy tramia( ablm, K, accoritinu' 'oipiuiitv;
Wve Klnarls ouiet. with ainall lulos al 6 2S; pric, a ot
If vs F ltttir are neiiiluitt.
'I be market I a inn-t barn of prime Wfii a' . a 1 1 ttd
descriptinu I wauled; small sa ts ot- lap; ami choice
rtd at ftl l:(!;i ,U white ranuea from 2 71 to iX
Kyo I In good iffin.iu.l. vi itli sites 01 1 iii.l tiuti
tl Pennsylvnla at 1 lli"l'15- i hush 1 urn Is n
s'tatly lii'inand. but tbero Is very ll tle hutei ssltti ut
2i I'll biisli. .vollow at sic. iiftout, amltlilo hi the cars,
(ists are tn good roipo-si iunl mites Lavo advaneotli
snies ol two bush I luware at "tic. Wester 1 is he tl at
C.'fiMilc. i asa.e of 2si 0 bush, ou sec rut term aud soma
at ')" '.so
W iii-ky la tiette-r "ate of Pennsylvania at 2 H f.i 21
and Cli I at i 27 Sv'.'i IH.
The PII 1 1.A l KI. HI A r !: V P I- It N r K so-'
CTFTV. ireoenlly oriianled In coiineiUioi wih t ie
National Temperance Society, of New toi kl will field
lis (lrt Public Meeting, oa TiM'UsDAV Vr'MNii,
Wav 81. at 8 o'clock, tn the MX'OMi T; C T O K i h o
DI Tl 11 ( If ITti II SKVKNTII Hlreet. near Hrowu;
Ilt'v T.1IK W1IT TA I.M A Iili K, l'listor.
Vromiiieut ami able .speakers wlil midress tbo inent
tng. It
1 iaml Lot SI icel In trout with line tiardrn attacheil,
No. 4 1 ft f Kitietaitu Sirtut below Pin- l'o."tsioii
July Applvti) J. bKKUS NT l'lllcn,
t0Ut ;1V-vU ALC'l