The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, May 29, 1866, FOURTH EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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for Additional Local IUmt see Third Page.
Babe Artistic Dibpl at. The sale of
fine works of rt by B Soott, Jr., auctioneer,
promises to be the moit notab'e of the soason.
ibe re eotion ol oil punt ngs la thonght to bo suos
rior to any yet made, embracing real maa'erpiecs
by favorite foreign and home artist. The catalogue
embraces a great variety or subjects, and the tastog
of connoisseurs and art-fanoiers oannot Tall to be
satisfied. As the sale will be peremptory. It w the
duty of every one lmere.-ted in matters of this nature
to be on band at the sale.
The pictures aie all imported. Hons. A De Hoy.
Tetter, the woli-kuown connoisseur, of Aotwarpi
nd comprise works ot tbe eadln h lemish. Du.nef
dort, and French scliools. Each motors Is wa'rantid
to be what it Is represented, and they are encased In
tiames selected especially wilh view to contrast
favorably to the scene and s vie ot the painting.
Am ne the pantngs oflnred at thesa e we noticed
number of beautiiul landscapes by the celebratod
Koekoek, of Am-tordam, several gems of cand e
light efleeta, by Van Bree, J. C. Vermonlcn, Von
Schendcl, and others, all treated in a novol but
natural style. 1 hen we have several triumphs in
marine views nd portraiture, besidos cattlo scenos
and pictures of dorr-estic groupings. Iho salos will
be o jnlinued lor several evenings.
The BoARniNG-IIoTjBE Tris-f. In yester
day 'a Evemno Islkorapb w publisncd an
aooonnt of tbe dolnirs of a boarding-house thief
named William 1), -Jefferson. He had a farther
hearing yesterday alternoon bofore Aid rman But
ler, when it was discovered that lie recently engaged
board with Mrs. Caldwell, No. 706 l'ine street, and
while an inmate ot the house lie stole a numbor of
dresses, a quantity of Jewelry, knives and forks, and
other articles, va ued at about $300. These articles
were all recovered through the exertions ot Lion
tenant Cioldey, ot the 'I hird l'olice District, assisted
bv Ollicer 1evitt. Jefferson will have another hear
in boiore Alderman Butler.
A Firemen's Demonstration. Yester
day alterui on ibe Li' erty Kir Company of Holmes
burg housed a new Are apparatus, and the occasion
was ti e signal tor grand demonstration on the
pari of ti e tiro companies of Frankford and Holme,
burg A lli emeu's parade took pace, which was
participated in b the Washington and Decatur
ling nes, Ro'ouo Hook and-Lndler, Excelsior Hose,
ana Fianklm Hose of t'rankiort, aud the Liberty
. n pine and other companies ot Holmetburg. The
diderent apparatus in the parade were gailv doco
raten, and th companies turned out in considerable
strength. After tbe pandc, the new steamer ol the
Liberty Engine Company wag tried, and the remit
proved very satisfactory.
New Base Ball Ground. The Moya-
menping Hose Company have leased Sweenov's Lot,
a largo piece of ground directly opposite the hose
bouse, aud intend to convert It into a base ball
ground and skating park. Workmen have com
menced making the necessary improvements. Tho
Company deserve much credit tor tbe enterprise dis
played by them in tins matter as a vory unsightly
lot will be converted into a neat-looking and advan
tageous pi' asure ground This Impiovomont i Just
the thing that is needed in the lower section of the
Shooting Affair on toe Schuylkill.
Yesterday art-'rnoon, as a canal boat was coming
diwD the river f-'cnu Ikili, ou the western side near
the Almshouse a hand on board was shot by a man
who was on a loot a' South street wharf on this
sldejo! the river The afluirdld not result in anything
serious, and it has not yet be -n developed whether
ibe firing was accidental or the work of design. The
roan who fired the shot was arrested, and the matter
will be investigated.
A Swindler Arrkstku. A man who
gave the decidedly origiual name of John Smith
was arrested yesterduv afternoon, charged with
Visiting a curaler of houses in tho vioinity of Tenth
nd Poplar streets, and oiciting assistance lor some
disabled firemen, without having any authority for
so doing. Alderman Mas.-ey oommittod liitn for
thirty days.
Caucus Nominations. Yesterday after
noon the members of Common Council mo: and
made the following caucus nominations:
Dlrec ors of Gtrard College :-J. K. Kboads, Cyrus
Home, Robert M. Foust.
Trtistoos of City Ice Boa' : William S. Grant,
Disgrackful. A man, or brute in the
shape ola man, was ar esied jesterdav afternoon,
charged with atterup'lug a rape on the person ot a
little girl, six years ol ane, who is deaf and dumb.
The occurrence took place on Market street, near
Thirty-firs , The iel.oiv was committed to prison
by Alderman Allen.
Assaulting Small Boys. Eugene Mc
Carthy and John C arpenter were arrested at Ele
venth and PopWr streets iat night, otiarrod wi b as
saulting two small boys, and s ealing their hats from
them 1 liev were taien boiore Alderman Mosscy,
who held them in 600 bail to answer.
Assaulted IIis Wife. A man named
John ti. Mason waa arrested last evening for
making an aggravated aeault on bis wifo, in Lom
bard stroet, above Eighth. He cut ber with a kuifo
in a serious manner. He will have a hoaring this
Interfering with Dog Catchers.
Yesterday aiternoon a man named Jacob I'ubst was
nested at Third and Nble streets, aud committed
by Alderman Toland, charged with interfering with
dog catchers in tbe Uncharge ot their duty.
An Impostor.
This is to camion all tbe fair
Ot a spruce h-ltow to beware,
Who Stems a youthful beau;
His curlv wig the eve beguiles:
His false teeth glitter whon he smilos;
His cheek dinp ays a glow
Laid on bv soino cosinetio rare ;
His form does al its graceful air
To Beuuett's Clothing owe!
All-wool Fancy Cassimere Pants, as low as $ 1 00
' Vrsts " ... 2 60
" Black " Pants " .... fi 00
' Cloth Vents " .... 4 00
Fancy Cassimere Suits, to match 14 00
Jilack Suits.
.20 00
Advancing from these rates we hive goods-of all
grades, up to the very finest fabrics, at prices reduced
in proportion Mews, Youths', and Boys', i'hoit.
1'QWKit Hall,
Fob Breakfast.
for dinner,
fob suppeb
nkw hekhdda potatoes,
hiw bermuda onions,
nkw bermuda tomatoes.
Your Croccr or Market man can get supplied at
Bermuda 1'boducb Company,
No. 120 Went street, .New York.
"The riiREHOLOGicAL Journal" Tor June ha'
been rocened. lu audition to tho usual amount of
valuable reading uiauer. it contains portraits, with
phrenological and blograpliio sketches of tue lute
Senator Foot, ol Vermont; our eld frlond and
talented phrenologist, Neison Sizer, of New York ;
Aaron Burr, and I bomns Jefferson. For sule by
l'roiessur Capeu, No. 25 h. Tenth ttreet.
'Tis Summer! glorious summer! bebo'd the glad
green earth," anu we uutrht add behoio tne beauti
iul ar av of Summer (Mothiug nowoilored at Charles
Mokes & Co.'s one-price, under the Continental,
at tbo name prices that are charged for interior gar
ments at other places, Remember, Stokes & Co.,
under the Continental.
Lash's Five-Dollar Washing Machines.
Tin re is no amo which so richly ceservei the en
tire confluence ot tbo public ai does "Lash's Five
Dol Br Washing Machine " ii has been pronounoed
one of tbe wonders ol the ago, Ca'.l and boo it. J.
8. Lash & Co., No 727 Market street, Fhiladelphia,
State and county rights lor sale.
IIeimstueet's Hair Coloring. This Inimitable
rticie tor the hair restores grey i. air to it ormual
color, by vraoual absorption, iu a most remarkable
inanmr, while it promotes its nealth and vigor II
is for this reason rapidly taking tbe place of all dele
ti rlous dyes. It is so'd in two size. 60 ceuts aud
$1, by all dealer. 1 be greatest discovery of the age.
Kkedlib C. C. T. " Compound Camphor
Troches." Fotent pocket remed. subdues cramp,
controls diarrtiuea, choleraic evidence', etc Only
maker, C. 11 Needles 1 wtlith aud Uace, Fniladel
phia, fifty cents per box.
Dutch kb'b Dead Shot voh Bkdbuob. Kills
npon toaoh, curls them np as Are does a leaf, and
remains of permanent effect. Trr it, and tleop in
peace. Sold by all live druggists.
Window t ha dxs On b Dollar Window Sha1o
only one dollar. A le more left o 'ho dollar
hs(los, at W. Henr 1'atten's, No. 1408 Cuesnu
Frmai.k Trussks, Brace, Ftuiporlers, Elar'o
Belt, and Stockings, licht and elegant In finish,
adjusted by a lad), at Needles', Twelfth street, first
deor below iiaco.
rnoTOQRAPBS ot su pi rior style and finish now
made at reduced price-, at B F Knimer't Ua'lery,
No. 624 Aich street. Now is th time to got them.
All sty les.
Grovkr k Bakrb'b Highest rremium ElasHo
Stitch and Look-hti ch Sewing Maohines. No. 730
Chesant street.
CappktsJaid, Curtains put np, Furniture re
paired, and Mattresses mudo to otdorat l'aiton'a,
No. 1408lbesnut street.
Mnbricatlve packlnw lor steam englnos for terms
see 723 cbosnut st., phila., and to doy st., new vor.'
FuRNiTUitR Slips cut and made to ordor at I'at
ten's, No. 1408 Cbosnut street.
French Cocoajiut Cake n ado and told only by
ti. Byion Morse, No. 904 Arch street.
7 EOs, 6-20s, 1881s, 10 40i, Compound Interest Notes,
aud Oold and ftilver bought and so'd by
Drbxkl It To.,
No. 84 8. f map Stroot.
Hath Your United States Bonds Registered.
5 20, 1881, and 10 40 Coupon Bonds convertel into
Kcgisteied. jror safety we would adviso our friends
to bold Registered bonds. Appiy to
Drktel tt Co.,
No. 84 S. Iuird Street.
Compound Interest Notes 7 810 and 6-203
wanted. De Haven at Brother, No. 40 S. Tbird St.
1'opular Tailoring.
Ready-made Clothing,
Fine Custom Work.
Wanamaker k Brown,
Oak Hall,
Southeast corner Sixth and Market Strcots.
FLETCHER KUDKUAFF. At Glouooster city,
April 16, by Kev. Milton Eelyea, JOaKFH . FLEI'
tuKK. ot Woodbury, to MAKUAUET E. KLTD
BUAFF, of Olouce ster city.
HICKMAN MURRAY. On the 28th Instant, bv
the Kev. Jobn W. Hickman, Mr. JOHN D. HICK
MAN, son of the olliciating clergyman, to Ml.-s
JOfcErHINE MLKKAY, both of thi city.
HOFFNEK. On the 26th instant, ANNA FX1ZA
Bfc.TH, witeot Lewis Holiuer, in toe 38th your of
her age.
1 he relatives and friends of the family are respect
fully invitf d to attend tbe funoral, from the resi
dence ol her husband, Mocbamo street, near Bidgo
avenue, Koxborough, on Wednesday morning, the
80th instant, at 11 o'c.ock. Interment at Barren
MAEKLE. Suddenly, on the 27th instant, of scar
let lever, MaEUAKEl BUCKlUS, only daughter of
Joseph A. and Mary J. Markie, agod 8 years, 1
month, and 13 days.
Tho relatives aud friends of tne family are re
quested to attend the tuuorai. Ironi tbe residence of
her parents, 8. W. corner of Seventh and Button
wood streets, on Thursday alternoon next at 3
o'c ock.
Mo A LEER On the 28th instant, JOHN Mo
ALbEit aged 60 years
1 ho relatives and friends of tho family are I e-pect-ully
invited to attend lie funoral, from bis late
residence, No. 2041 Murray street, abova Spruce, on
Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock.
VAN HORN. On the 28th instant, ELLEN J ANE,
only daughter ot Viliiaui and Rosanna Vauhoru, in
the 8'h year oi her age.
Ti e relatives and friends of the family are respoct
fully invited to atiend her funeral, from iho rest
deuce ot nor parents, No. 1322 Frcy street, above
TbompsoD, on Thursday at 0 o'olook.
STELWAGON On Monday morning, the 23th
instant of congestion or the brain, HARRY L.
SiKLWAGON, onlv cbpd ot U. Or. Stoilwagon, in
tbe 21st year ot his age.
Hut male mends and relatives of tho family are
partiou arly inv ted to attend hs funeral, from the
residence of his lather, No. G33 Vine street, on Thurs
day morning at 10 o'clock. Interment at Laurel
WATSON.-On tho 26th instan. ELIZA ANN,
wife of William B Waton, aged 47 year.
The relatives and mends ot the laiutiy are respoot
fully invited to attend tbe funeral, from tbe resi
oenco oi her uncle. James Wilson, No. 641 N. Sixth
street, on WedneBdav altornoou at2o'oock, with
out further notice, l'o proceed to Monument Ceme
vT Head Furniture 'alls. ltrltannla Head Tacks and
Screws, lorsa.e by TRUMAN a SU AW,
Xo.SU ifeujot thirty-five) MAKK.&T Ht below Nmtti.
V (iiiickly separate the stones from the cherries lor
either drying or preserving, r.ver.v fanner should nave
one, and buy it now so a to be ready fur it use. So d by
TltUilAN & BHA.W,
Ko. 835 (Eight Thlrty-flve) M A KKET Ht.. below Ninth.
Rules, Slide Bales, Yard Bates. Ivory and Box
wood Pocket Kulcs, Elastlo Hteel Rules, lirass Bound
Ka cs, etc., at THUM AN a ailAW'8.
o. m (tight Thirty-five) MAliKKT St.. below Ninth.
At bis Old Kstabllsbed Hat and Cap tmporlutn,
S 14 lm No. 801 CHHsXUT Street
It is recommended ty physicians ol this and other
plact s as a superior tvnic, una reqaltos but a trial lo
convince the most skeptical oi it great me -It. To be
bad, vibolesale aud retail, ot f . 1. JORDAN,
No. 220 PEAK street
Champagne Cider, by the doon, bottled, or by the
barrel. 2 US
hor additional Amusements see Third Page.
blase Manager .'.W. A. WOO BE.
l'rouipter If. O. HAVAt.
(Fy the kind poniclsslon ol Mrs. Jot a Drew),
The loliowlngarilsis have kindly volunteered : '
kiln. NOEMIk. t'K y . KUUKUIl'i as
lh celebrate J Cnion Spr),
Mous. LK(1N,
(bv kind pormlHslou of 1. J. Ilemplil 1, f..)
'J o commeuce with the
Bily O't'onior (first i luis, with soavs),
Sheelah (with Barn-door Jli Mrs. K MOKI) kVST
Mrlea-- opp&lueu Mr F. MOKDAHS 0
Othsr CharaoteM by the ASCII TtiErfr iliKATUti
t Old? IS 4 and WLVr S1KEEI" ( OMPA x (,
A tier which the
Ills. Trictrae Miss Major rAHLINE l'UIIM AS
iir. HiBbty nr. F. MOKDAl' N S
Asisud by ll-t Kals falner Miss Elite Uorniou, ete.
ilONf-. LION I iua -AILOH'-I IIOIIM'iH,;.
By special reiiuest. I o coucltul with
110 WB A-TEH t'UUlOtfO.
DlsUftlra .rs F. MORD VTJST
OiUer cbaravters bv meiubutsof
Charles hshunUt. Conductor.
Admission 50 cents Hese-ved ts, IS conts
box Sheet n now open at ruliH PLKtt'S H nlo torn.
c rner of Seventh ana Chesnat stteets; RI-LKV'd
I'ontinemal KxuhaDne t Oitloo of the 'F.veulug
Frograuime;" and at th. Academy Iroui 9 " 1 1 3.
iioi r opea at 1. commence at quarter to 8. 6 29 2t
J' last work. "STOKM IjI '1HK ROCKY MOUN
TAINS " mil be exhlulted lor ene week lonKer, at Wen
deroth. Tavlor A Bnwni Ko SU rHK-SUf treet
lor ibe bvneti oi tne l.lneoln lusti a and Ho fliers' and
aJlor Oiplian Boys' noma. Md e Uekeu, twenty.
Ave Cents. 29 tit
n I I' tacture recommrnd themselves. We promise
tu our patrons clear Imautiiul tanos, elesunt workman -ship,
duralil liy and reusoiiab'e prices combined with
a lull guarantee. For sale eniy at No. lull WALNUT
S trt. '
Combined Writing and Copying
31 . MAGEE,
No. 810 C1IESNUT StM
For the State of Pennsylvania.
The following Certificates ate among the many
hundreds received In Philadelphia:
Navt Yabd, Philadelphia February U, 1"63-R
Magce.No 116 Cfcesnat street Dear fir i I have given
the "Combined Writing anl Copying Ink" ot William
tarter a Brother a fair trial, and consiler It decidedly
tbe best Ink I have ever used.
Trulyjours, BET. PCI' FIELD,
Paymaster's Clerk, U 8. K.
Kavt Yard. PniLADKLrniA, March 27, 1868. It.
Magee, Afrent for Cartel's Ink. Pear 1lri Having used
Carter's Combined Ink for some time past, I do not
hesitate to pronounce It bv far the bust Ink that has
been Introduced hi this country, and In my Judgment,
tbe bust Ink known.
I wish you great success In the introduction ol It In
our .city, and congratulate yon upon Introducing aa
Amkrioam Ikk superior to any foreign It flows iroeiy
noes not gum, and copies splendid.y.
Yours truly, H. II HILL,
Assistant to Paymaster.
PuiLADiLrniA, March I, 1866. K. Magee, No. 316
Cl.esnut street Sin Having given Messrs. Carter A
Bro's. Writing and Copying Ink a fair trial we take
pleasure In saying we give it the preference over ail
Inks we bare ever used. Arnold's not excepted. We
haie never found any Ink which flows so freely, and is
of each a beautiiul Jet black (after standing a lew days)
as Messrs. O. & B.'s. Whoever uses it once, will never
use any other if it can be obtained.
Very respectfully yours
Post Office. Philadelphia, February 16, 1864. R.
Magce, Agent for Carter's Ink. sin For some time
past I have been using "Carter's Combined Writing and
Copybig Ink," and give It a troierence over any other
Ink I b ave ever used. It flows ireely, and does not gum
with exposure.
1 cheeiiully give this recommendation, and hope It
may be successfully Introduced.
W. M IRELAND, Chief Clerk.
Mercantile Acknct Philadelphia, March 15, 1866.
H. Magee, Ksq. Dear Kir: We cheerfully res uond to
your request, to add our testimony in tavor of tbe Ink
foi which von are the agent After a lair trial, we pro
ntuuee it to be the n- plui u'lra ot All Inks we have
ever used. Success to Carter & ftroth -r's Ink; An
.drmncan Ink, superior to all others. Rcspocttuly
youts, J. W. BRADSTIthET & SOS,
No. 4 0 C'besnut s reet
I fully endorse the above
J. B BROOKE, Superintendent
rniLADELi-iiiA. April, ItQO Vr R Majiee: We have
given t uner's Combliel Ink a patisiacorv tna', aud
no love It to be superior to a v we have tried , both lor
our books and tor copying puruoses. We are also
pleased to know that ibis is an Am-rican Ink and as
such w ill, ot course meet tho approlm ion of tho Ame
rican ptople. J. E. UALDWLLL & t O..
No b'22 Lbesuut street
I lully concur with tbe above.
t. CL1MON & CO., o. 908 Chesnut street.
PiiiLAiiBLiiuA. 18C6 R Ji'ageo. o. ;I16 Chesnut street.
DearSir: -As you rctiuest our judgmeuttln relation to Jar
ter's Conibluutuin Ink wo do not Hesitate lu saving, we
believe it to ue the best i ik everoflere 1 10 the public.
He.peotfully, jours, WM. HUN 1't.H, Ja , ds CO.,
,o. 2(ibH W ainut stroet.
Philadelphia. April, 1866 R. Mageo, 8. a loner No.
316 l henut strei t.-Iear plr :-I uui p eased to give my
testm.oi.T in 'aver ol Carte 's oinPint'd Ink, as I
bell- ve it lo be eupertrte an ink in the mtrkct
Yours, J AM EH NKILL, No. iii Dock street
Philadelthia. March 25, 1866. R, Magee sin
We have used c arter At Brotlui's Ink. for which you
are the agent, both for writing and copviug purposos,
and we cheenui y recommend it over all o n r inks we
bave ever used. We contlur It a better oonlu Ink
than Arnold's, and It does not transfer on the boots
I.KE A WALKEK. o.T!2 uliesnut street.
Friend Magee: I have nsed Carter A Brother's Con
blued riilng and Copying ink 10 gorni satis action.
Agent lor Editor of "Friends' Intel Igencer,"
No. 131 N. Seventh street, Fhlladolpul l.
2d mo. 24.1866.
run adeli'hia, February 24, 1866. Tear !-: We
bave used Cartel's Oninbined Writing and opylng Ink
lor over jear. and find it perfectly satisiiictorr In everv
respect .beiuv equal, il not superior to any in we have
herctoiore used. Kesoecfu lv yonrs.
JONES & EVaNH, j.o.611 Arch street
To R. Vagee. Esq.. No. 316 Chesnut stroet.
Philadelphia. February 20, 1P66. R. Mgee. Sta
tioner, No 316 Chesnut street: I am now using wu
Ham Carter A Brother's"Comliliied Writing and ! ipv
Ing Ink," and find it to give entire satisiactlon tor both
purnoses, and preler U to anv other ink I have ever
used. L)LLI'I.AlNE HUNT.
No 203 Walnut stroot
PmiAPELPHlA, March 9. 1P66 Mr R Masee.No. 816
Chesnut siie t. Sir : We have used Carter kBrothor'
Ink, and can recommend it very hlublv,
Philadelphia, May 10, 1868 Mr. R. Magee Dear
Fir : We have used Carter's Writing Ink lor twoyesrs,
and preler it to anv other Ink that Is made
Respectfully y uurs, W . II. 1 110 M P80N A Co ,
No. 239 Market street.
We are using Carter's Combined Writing Ink, and
find it the best we bave ever used.
I have used Carter's Ink, and consider it sunerlor to
any now in use, J A MES REES.
Mr. R. Magee. No. 316 Chesnnt street. Philadelphia
Dear Sir: We have used Carter's Combined luk for
tome month s pat-t. and preter it to any other. lis ex
cellence is n additional prool of thj foi y of Importing
loreign article, whl e beiter are nianuiactared In Ame
rica. Truly jours, etc., KING A BaIKD,
(Publishers "Legal Intelligencer."
Wesopy tbe following irom tbe "Sunday Dispatch i
Carter's Ink We bave been using lor some weeks the
combined Writing and Copying Ink of Caiter A Brother,
Wblcb Is supplied In this ciiy bv H. Magee, at No. 316
( hesnut street Weflu.Po eotthe best Inks that we
ever usd. Mowing snitothly trom tbe pen irea irom
thickening In the stand, anU growing very black on ex
tremely abort exposure lo tbe air.
Philadelphia. May 1), lw6. Mr. R Magee, So 316
Chesnut street-Dear Mr: I have used tnrur&llrj
tlier's Combined Writing Ink ioi some time past, and
consider it. wlthoat any exception, the best in the
market I bave used ruo d's tor many rears, and bave
no hesitation in saying thut I consider tills superior to
It besld" bavlng Die ailditioual riCotu Herniation of
being American Yourstuv,
Joseph w. sorni'R.
Per Samuel C. Honey. No. 509 Market s.reot
Philadelphia. April 30 lt-66 ar er & Brother's
f oainlneu Writing aud I pvlng iDk has l een u-ed in
tins otllce ior the paiit lour itiontb and we tlnd it unsur
passed by any we have ever i sod. Arnold's not excepted.
It dees net deteriorate in (jiiality a tor the tote is
opened; but the lust it equally gcoa with thnt first
pourea out. v. u. THAYER, fublnner.
I lully concur in the aboi e.
fee. of Inter Union of Machinist and Blacksmiths,
PiiiLADiLi'iiiA, Mav 1, 1866. Mr R Ma'.en. Sir: I
hine used Curler A Brothel's ink. 'or winch you are
the ai-tut aud do not I esiiate In pronouncing it to be
the best Ink I have ever used, either lor rl liu or co?v
ing purposes. I willingly givo tuis s iht tesiimoalul in
IlbIuvoi Very re-pectiully.
L. SAWTUt Agon',
Cocbichcwick Ice Co.. Ho. ii Walnut st.eet.
Pun adelpiiIA, Vay i6 11-66. Mr R. Magee: e
bur. ilvcn Cai te. 'a Combined Mrlilng Ink a fair t lal,
and take pleasure in rcciinniending It as tbe best Ink we
buve used. JOHN STOE A HONS.
No. tms Chesnut atreet.
Philadelphia, Mavl7. W6 Mr. Magee. air:-I tike
great p easure in re ouimendliw WI lim . arter &
ltrothei's Combined Wrlnna and f'opyint Ink. It Is
iree irom sediment flows Ireely, and does not thicken or
nioulu. bile I tonsider it suoerlor lo anv wilting Uuld
1 bave ever used it is al tbe .me time nenvr to none
as a Copying ink. In connection with your copying
nook it has given en iie satisfaction.
Yours tiuly. A1I.L1AM II FOBHOSA,
Agent ior D. L. Pauuigardcer's Penna and New
England Cordage Oiore. No. M Front street.
11 . IS1 A G K E ' S
Etc Etc., Etc., JEtO.a Etc.
Our Hpccial DospatoliOH.
WAniNOTON, May 29.
The Senatorial caucus, at ita meeting thin
morning, agreed upon all the mam features
of a report upon the reconstruction measures
that will, it is said, receive the apport ot thirty,
five Senator. The statement that Messrs. Doo
little, Cowan, Norton, and Dixon were not in
vited to the caucus Is a mistake. The call was
addressed to all Union Senators, but some did
not participate in the proceedings, as they did
not wish to be bound by the action of the caucus.
Mr. Howard, of Michigan, at 1 o'clock moved
to take up the Reconstruction measure, and the
question upon striking out the third section
being taken, it was carried unanimously 43
voting aflirmatively. Mr. Howard then pro
ceeded to propose the various amendment.
adopted by tbe caucus.
. ,,-' Uuarantlne.
T1-,, i resident has approved the bill v Mhorlz
ug the Secretary ot the Treasury to maand
carry into effect such orders and regulations of
quarantine, as may be deemed necessary and
proper, in aid of State or municipal authorities,
to guard against tho introduction ot the cholera
into tbe ports of the United States.
Treaties) wltb Indiana.
The treaties made with the Camancb", Chey
enne, Apnche, and Arrapahoe Indians, at the
Council Grounds and the Little Arkansas tiver,
bare just been proclaimed. These tribes pledge
themselves to forevtr remain ut peace with each
oiber, and with all other Indian who sustain
frimdly relations with the United States Gov
ernment. All disputes are to be settled by impartial ar
bitration. Reservations are to be set apart for
the absolute aud unditurbod use ani occupa
pation ol these tribes.
Father Point, May 29. The s'eamer St. David
has arrived trom Liverpool, with advices via Lon
donderry to the lnth inst.
The Bank act has not been resorted to, but
through the extraordinary powers granted by
the Government confidence continues to recover.
There are rumors of heavy suspensions at
Commercial atlairs are unchanged.
The steamer Denmark has put back lo Queens
town with her machinery disabled.
Cotton, Rfter some fluctuation, closed at last
week's quotations. The sales of the'week were
CO.OOO bales, and on Friday 6000; closing dull
and unchanged.
Breadstuffa very dull but firm. Provisions
Consols. 87i!87J. United States 5-20s, 6G
C64. Erie Railroad, 4-10. Illinois Central,
The bullion in the bank has decreased 32,000.
The rei-erve of notes has decreased 3,260,0:)0,
Marine IntelIlKents 'XS3
The ship Argean, from liew Orleans, has been
greatly damaged by fir".
Th brig Rainbow de Sul, from London for
New York, put into Fayal, on the 2Jth of April,
with her cargo on tirej
Washihgton. May 29.
Mr. Lane (K ansa) introduced a bill to devote tho
public lands to the several State wbiofi may pro
vide agricultural coliecos, for the education of per
sons of Alncan descent. Kelerred to the Committee
on Public Lands.
The petition of acitizonof Spain for relief from
the excrtsive importation dues charged him in liul
tiniore, was pre-euted. 1 he Chair dvcidod that thn
rtetiiiou ol a foreigner could not be received in the
Hie lull to Krai t the Winona and St Peter's R. it.
tie riKlit to oridce tbe lliaitiasippi river was Uueu
up, aud is now under discussion,
Ilonae of Representative.
Mr, Stnvens (Pa.), from the Committee on Appro
j nations, reported baolc the Senate anii'udmeuis to
the Military Academy Appropriation bill. Some of
tliem were non-concurred in, aud a Cvmmutee of
Lonfer nee was asked.
Alo the benate amendment to the Fortification
bill, which waa to appropriate SOu.OX) tor Fort
Popliain, Konnebeo rivtr, Elaine, The amen lmeut
was uou-coi curied lu, nd a Com nitteo of Con
Ii n uce wui afked
Mr bleveus (Pa ) also offered a resolution, which
was adopted, re!errnr the al'eired claim of dales &
beaten to the Commitee on Cla'ms
lhe bill to continue n 'ore, and to amend the
Frt crimen'" Bureau Dill, came ud aa the first busi
litH in order in the morn'iiir hour. The House
soconoed the previous questioii on tne bill and
Mr l hauler (N. Y ) moved to lav the billon the
tttio Kejratived
YTailike Movements ot Fenlnns.
Cincinnati, Muv 29. The C mtmcrvial of this
morning contains the folio wintr:
"There is a movement of Fenians. Quitj a
number lift the city yesterday, bound for
Canada. Large shipment of arms have been
made northward within the past lew day, and
there is every appearance that aiother raid is to
be made on Canada. The movement of men and
transportation of arms have been in progress
for some days pust, with a degree of seorcsy
that indicates business."
Meeting ot Politicians.
Bauimobb, May 29. The Executive Cornmi:
tee ol the conservative wing of the Union parly
of Maryland, met this morning in this city. The
attendance was small. Montgomery Blair,
Postmaster Purnell, ex-Provost and Marshal
Blumeubersr, were present. A resolution was
piused excluding the reporters of the press, and
the proceedings will be conducted with closed
.doors. .
Saratoga, May 29, 8 30 A. M, A Are was dis
covered in the north wing of Coneress H til at
one o'clock this mornimr. Tbe whole building
has been deployed. The loss is bout $200,000.
Much of the furniture was saved. The amount
of Insurance is unknown. The hotel waa to have
been opened on Wednesday. None of the other
hotels were injured. j
Coneress Hail was insured as follows: Ou tho
house, $100,000; on furniture, $17 000. The Ham
ilton bath House was alio destroyed.
The United Ntnte ihlp "Fear Not."
Boston, May 29. The United States ship F. ir
Not, Commander Rds, from ronsueola, arrived
to-day, alter four years semes in the Gulf
Parllenlara of the leath ef General
West Point, May 29. General Scott died at
five minutes past 11 o'clock this morning. He
was out on Saturday afternoon, and then showed
no signs of early demise.
On Sunday he befran to fail quite fast, though
none of his physicians expected ho would
expire at such an eatly day. He was perfectly
conscious up to the mcment ot his death, though
he had lost his voice some two hours previous.
He recognized the chaplain of the post ten
minutes betote he died, and clasped his hand in
An : rporlant Letter from Oonnt Itla.
mark The Key to ills Policy lu Ger
many. The following letter, written by Count 15is
mark to a friend during tbe Italian war, while
he was Prussian Minister to Kussin, and shortly
alter ho hud ceased to be the Prussian ropre
Benlative at the Federal liet in Frankfort, was
lor the first time published in the Reform at
Hamburg, on the 12th instant. From that Daper
we translate it lor the Eveniho Teleohafu:
St. 1'ETEBPBcnoH, May 12.18"9. Frjia tho eight
reais ot my illio ai activity a' Frankfort I have be
come convinced, as the ic-u.t ol uijr experience, that
lor Prussia tue present iuntuutious ot tue Confedera
tion BjC, in peace an oppressive, aud in critical
periods a daiiKi-roua voke, without aUordiuir us
those equivalents which Austna reoiivea iroiu ihnm
while retuiuinir a much mror eharo ot nor own
ireedom Uo b these jrreut powers are not troatod
witn the same measure by tho Princes and Govern
ments ot the turn ler Stu'os; ttie construction of the
objects and lawaot tbe i omuderation are modidod ac
cording to tne necessities ol Austrian polio. Witli
your ierlect knoivleiiiiu of th subject 1 need not
enter iiio details or the nistorvof Federal politics
since 1860, and I conflno myself to relor merely to
the re-establishment ot the Diet, the cusioius diffi
culties, the commercial i.ress, and constitutional
legislation, the Federal foments, Kastad. and May
ence, tbe Keulchatcl aud Oriental questions.
Always have we been oppo'xd Ly the same compact
inajOi t y, bv the amo demand lor concessious oy
Prustia. In tho Oiientul question the iLlluoncn of
Auftr,a war. so much tuponor tj our own, that not
ptcd the harmony of the wishes aud desires of tne
Froeial Governments vitli the polio ot Prussia
could do more than oppose it by a yle'ding dam.
Almost without exception our coniudoratos bave
intimated to us, aud oven said, ihat it was
Impossible lor them to keep up the confedora
tion with us, should Austria so hor own way;
althcupn it was not doubted that thorirht as well as
the true interests of Geimany were jn the side of
onr peaceful policy ; the at 'east were the views of
nearly all tbe oontedcia e Princes. Would they
ever, in a similar manner, sacrifice thelr vn wishes
vnd desires to the necessities or eeu the Beounty of
iTu-smr certnlnlv not. lor tbeir adhesion to
Austria rests upon false interests, which to both
ctmmacd thiir union against Prussia, and tnelr
restriction ot tLe development ot ihe power and in
fluence of l iutsia as u permanout basis of their
joint policy.
To develop the confederation with Austria at Its
head i the natural object of tho policy oi the Ger
man Princes and their Mint-ten; tuis, in their view,
can be achieved omy at the cost oi Prussia, and is
necessarily a mod against Prussia, so lonir a Prus
sia will not confine hersolt to tlm useful task of se
curing her confederates airainst too great an exten
sion of Austria's influence, and 'o bear, with never
tiring pleasantness and submission to the majority,
the disproportion ot her duties to her rights in the
contcderation. this teridcucy ot ttio policy of tna
middle States will recur with the activity oi tne
magnetic needle after every temporary disturbance,
becuuse it Is not the wilful product of single circum
stances or persons, but tbe natural and necessary
result of the Foderal relations of tbe smaller States.
We bave no means within tbe given Federal com
pacts to arrange ourselves with it pormauently anl
satist aotorily
Since the Confederates, nine years ago, nndor the
lead of Austria, began, irom tbo hitherto unregarded
arrcnal ol ihe Federal o.ganio laws, to produce
principles which could aid their system, aud since
regulaiions whose proper construction in the sense
ot their founders was only avai'able by the united
action of Prussia and Austna, were attempted to be
tsed one-eidedlv for guardiansaip oror Prussian
policy, we have had constantly to tool the weight or
the situation in wbtch we bave been piacod by the
Con lectern t ion, and Its ultimate bistono develop.
niti,t. We had to confess, however, that lo quiet
and normal times we could do much by proper con
duct to weaken tue evil in its cousequeuoes. but
nothing to cure it; but in damreroi times as the
present, it is too natural that th other side, in pos
session ot all the advantages of tbe Confederation,
should willingly admit tuat things improper have
occurred, but declare, in the interest of all, tho time
inexpedient to bring past eveuts and homo difficul
ties into discussion. For us an opportunity, if the
present i let pass unused, will perhaps not so soon
occur, and we will bereatter be again cuuflued to
the (ioclara ioiis that in normal times no ohanros
can be made.
His lioyul Ulghnos the Prince Rgent (the pre
sent King ot Prussia) has taken a position which
meets with the undivided approva1 ol all those who
bave anv. iudguient at ail upon Prussian polioy, and
bave not allowed it to be dimnie i by partisanship.
A portion of our confederates teok by thoughtless
and fanatical efforts to disturb us in this position.
If the statesmen at Uauiberg are so quickly ready
to to. low the first cry lor war ol au uutbinkmg
and variable puhlio opinion, they do it probably
with the consoling re.-ierva.ion of how easy it is
tor a small Mate to chance colon In case of need.
Hut it they would make vie ot tbe Federal organi
zation to send a powor like Prussia into the tire;
it it be asked of us to risk blood and troaiuro tjr the
political wisdom and tho thirst for ao'iou of Govern
ments wbore very existence depends on our protec
tion ; if thore States wish to lead ns ou, aud H a a
means they propose to start a theory of confederate
liability, with the recognition of which all autouoiny
of Prussian policy wou d cease, then it is time, in my
opinion, to remember tlifr t" leaders who ask as to
foilow them n-rve other than Prussian interests and
that they understand the cause ot Gennauy which
they proclaim, in a mai.uer mat it cannot at the
same time te the cause ol Prussia, unless we surren
der ourte ves
I may, perhaps, go too far if I exptest the opinion
that we ought to use evert legitimate oppo tuuity
offered us by our eonfedeiates, to obtain such re
vision of our mutual relations as Prussia n eds, that
she may permanently live in regular intercourse with
the nial ei Uerman Mates. We mould take up the
glove at once, and not view It as a miBlortune, but as
the progress to tho crisis of improvement, it
nmjority at Frank foi t adopts a resolve which we
cousider unauthorized, a wiliul change of the object
ot conledeiation, and a breacu oi tbe compacts.
Ibe more marked this breach would be the better.
In Austria France, Kuisia we may not again
iuietwith conditions so la vol able to alloy us au
amelioration of onr condition in Uermany; and
our oonleaerates are ou the best way to give ns
just cau e for it, without oar helping tnem ou.
Kven tbe JCreuz Zeiting (a Government paper
at Berlin) is amazed that a majority at Frauklort
could dispore ot the Prusnan army. Not only as to
this journal have I sorrowfully observed what power
Austria wields in the t.erman press b K skilfully
woveu net, and how It knows to use this weapon.
Without it, so-called publio Otdniou wou d never
have advanced so high. I say o-caUed, for the
masses !' population aie never tor war, unlets irri
tated by the ao'liai suffering of heavy burdens It
baa come to this, that, under tbe oloak of general
German feeling, a Prussian paper hardly dares to
profess Prussian patriotism. bentimeultU whining
had much to do wit b this, as much as tbe novv.
which Austria never want for tbis parpose
correspondents write for a living i most paper baiir
financial suocest for their main objeot, and in sons
ot our own and other papers the experienced reader
may easily discover whether they have arain re
ceived pay tom Austna. wbei bur they expect it
loon, or bv threatening bints wish to obtain tt.
I Lelievethat we could produoe a visible chtng
In tbe publio mind, if, against the encroachmeuts of
our liorman confederates, we totioa the chord ot an
independent I ruwlan polioy in the press. Perbana
things happen at Frankfort which will give the
in 'lest cause for lu
In these eventualities the wisdom of onr military
precautions may prove itself in other directions and
sive loroe to our point on. Then Prussian s .di
re Han ce may sonnd is loud and effective a the Coa
fdderation 1 would on y ihon write the wont
"Geiman" for "frussiau" on our banner, whon e
ball have united closer an more effectually with
our other eounirmen ti an hitherto. It loses its
attraotton It used np now in connection with tbe
N( was of Confederation.
I fear that lor tins episto'ary raid into the Sold of
my loimer labors jou wll teniind me with ns sitior
wtm cvputam ; but ,1 did not intend 10 make an
official ipor only to give in my testimony ai aw
expert ayainsi the Contednralion. I see in our
Federal relations a sore lor Prussia which soouor or
later we wll' bave to remedy ferro et igtn ( wita iron
and blood), unless w proceed to au easr cure be
times and in tavorablo eou. if 'O-dav tho Coa
federal n were to be simply aoolisbod. without
ptittincanytlili in Its place. 1 ben..v that on
the lasts ot tins nr'ativo achievement butter and
more natural relations ef fro-sia to ber lieitnaa
neighbors would dea op themselves
Extensive Robbery in Chicago $18,000
in Bonds Stolen The Thict Stilt . at
Lai tie.
From the Chicago Republican, May 23.
tSinco the great roboorv ot $1 1,000 from the Ameri
can Fxpress Company, occur re, i in this city
last lali, we have not been cal ed upon to chronicle
a ti elt involving money to the amount ot a quarter
oi that sum. Yesteiaay, however, a robbery was
broucht to light ot a very extenmve character, being
no less than the abstraction ol United Mates and
Cook county bonds worth eighteen thousand live
hundred dollars.
he owner of the property thus stolen Is Jonathan
Bun, fcq . residing at No 287 Michigan avenue,
near the corner ot K dridgo court. Tho supposed
tl'iet is William Krown, who was In theemp.oy of
Mr. Hurr at a gardener, and who disappeared about
one week ago, very suddenly, and has not since been
seen iff heard tr m.
Mr. burr kept the bonds in nnost'on In a trunk at
Ms n sidoiieo. The gardonor kuew that they were
arposited thoro, and in fact was the only person be
sides Mr Burr who bad access to the p ace wbore
they were kept. Supposing tee man to be perfectly
honest, Mr Ilurr did not apprehend any danger of
the loss of bis property, and eve i when tho gardener
so mys'eriously disappeared, did not oxanuue til
trunk, to see if they were sti 1 uudisturood. The
last time he saw them was about one week ago, and
shortly altei he came down town to his plaoe of
tusiufis. Upon returning to his homo he ascer
tained that Brown bad gone, no one kn w whither.
Yesterday, having occasion to examine the
totuls. Mr Burr went 10 the- trtiuk in which ther
were ccpos ted, when to his dismny lie discovered
that he had been robbed, liilurination w s at once
conveyed to the police authorities, and a rownrd of
61000 offered lor the recovery ol the bonds. Of the
amount i-tnlnn, 68000 was in Cook coum bonds, and
10,600 in 5-1.0 and 7 'HO Uuited .vales bonus, pay
ai'.e. to the pr ler of Mr. ilurr. The numbers ot tho
Cook county bonds Mr Ilurr had not lolstero',
and is there'ore unable to drsoribe them l'ha
United states bonds were numbered as follows;
6-20! Uo. 18 671, IPIOOO; No. 48,712 1000; No.
48,',13 1000; fto. 48 7H 810'H); tio. 43 716, 81000 ;
48,717, $1(100; No. 4343, UWO.
7ii0s-i,'o 14li2tf. 1000; No 14,027, 810O0; No.
14 C28, 81L-C0; No. 120,641. 1000.
Supposed Ditcovkrv op TnK Monrv FIiddrh
by Lswis, tub Rodbkb. The Huntingdon
GU le sajs:
"Many ears aa;o, as is known by some of
our oldest citizens, a robber by the name of
Lewis infested tbe mountains in this vicinity,
whose object in thievinp, as is alleged, was to
take from tbe rich tmd give to the poor. Be
this as it may, many victims carrying with,
them large amounts of money were wavlaid
by bis band, Lewis thereby amassing a lanje
sum of tbe golden treasure. Finally Lewis
and a few of his comrades wero captured, and
taken to tbe jail at Bellefoute, his band of
thieves was disorganized, and Lewis expired
m jail Irom the effects of a waund. " lloioro
his oeath he stated tbat he had buried a largo
sum of money somewhere near Jack's moun
tain, in this county. One day lust week, we are
told, a man was seen roiiis in tho airection
ot Mount Union, near Mill Creek, havincf
what appeared to bo a heavy bundle under bis
arm, covered with u newspauer. It is suppo.-ed
the bundle contained the money which Lewis
hed secreted.! On the toad near Mill Creek, a stone micht bave been seen, beneath which
it is supposed the treasure was buried, and there
is where the man cot it. Two men were seen at
the stone, a short time previous, who were try-,
ing to remove it. How it was discovered is not
Dositively known, but It is surmised that the
same individual who was seen carrying tho bun
dle has the features of a man who, about thirty
years ago, lived on the premises, but who left
shortly after thejnurder of a peddler near tbo
place. This is a strange development, but from
all the evidence we are disposed to believe that
the men bave found a considerable amount of
money under the stone. Nothing has bean told
us concerning the lucky man, since he was seen
trudging along with his budget."
Markets br Telegrapb.
New York, May 29 Cotton quiet, at 41t2o.
for middlings Flour dull, ana the quotation! are
barely maintamod ; Southern drooping, but prices
unaltered; Canada drooping, 800 ools.BOtd. Whoat
declining; sales of 4500 bushe s at 82 21 tor No 1
Milwaukee. Corn declining ales of 40,000 bushels
at unchanged prices. Beet steady, fork steady, at
S301o&S0'874. Lurd buoyant, at 1022oJ. Whisky
New York, May 29 Stocks are bettor; Chicago
and Koch Island, 04; Cumberland proleried, 45;
Illinois Central 11D; Michigan Southern. 79 j; New
York Central, 97J; Pennsylvania Coal, 40; Heading,
110; Hudson Kiver, 114; Canton Company, 68;
Missouri 6s. 77: Krie, 6lh Wostern Union Telegrapa
Company, 61 j; United State Coupons 1881. lOlii
do. reentered, 109; United Stares Coupons 18112,
102J ; eo 164, 102J ; do. 1866, 1021 ;Ten-Forties, 96 i
Ireasury , yOs, 102j al02. Uold, 138.
Baltimore, Mav 29 Flour is qnlet. Wheat firm.
Corn dull; white 9293o ; yel ow 90c. Oats steads'
at 74: 76c. in weight. Provisions lirm; bulk shoul
ders Hlio. : bacon shoulders 15o Sugar quiet.
VVhlskv quiet at 2 28 o 2 28J lor Westoru, and 82 27
(2 27 J lor Pennsylvania.
Philada. Stock Exchange Sales, May 29
Bepoited by Do Haven fc Bro., No. 40 S. Third street
54000 US 6-20s65....021 1j0 iti Uetonv...b30 20
86)0ra6s 90 100 sh do o. 20
SluOOCity 6s, mun.. 97 100 sb do l80 2
82010 do 97 liiOfh I'll K 32 1
(4H60 U 8 780s Augl02r 100 sh uo 2d 3'iJ-
'il sb Corn Ex Bx..itS2j KiOsh Cut a pi. ...s30 2"
24 Bh Uirardcol.... 28 I 20 sb Uoad L6 55
6shl'euuK 644 100 h do 55
83000 Sun & E 7 90 S00 sb Reading. . b30 65 '
f00 U 6-208.62. ..102i 300 s b do.b80.64 15-14
86MX) Us ToOs Juijl021 100 sb Cat pt 284-
lPnsh 13th k 15th.... 28 100 sh do s6J 28
60 sh 1'enna K 644 200sh no 2(
6 sb Cam k Am.. 12u 100 sb Uest've. ...b30 2ol
86 sb N Central..., 44 I
Philadelphia Trade Report.
Ttesoat, llay 29 There Is a total absence of any de
mand for Flour for shipment, and not 'much inquiry for
bom consumption, bat with continued llht receipts
and stocks, prices ar well maintained. About 1000 bbls.
wsrs disposed of In lots at nrlcss varying trom 7 SO to
8'M for superfine I ts-'mtli for extras; a9utllS0
far Nortbwsstern extra, luo.uding one lot of 100 barrels
cemmon at B9 50 ll(rtli80 for I'ennsylvsnla and Ohio
do. do. i also JiHl barrels ubio extra at l M)t and l:icltt
lor Isncj brands, according to quality la Kye Flour ni
ebant to nvtlc. f rices ot t'oru Maal are sutirely
Thar Is no perceptible rhsnge t notice in the Wheat
Markst 1 here ia no demand except ior prime, of whleti
description the market is almost bare and it commands)
fullraie. Small sales at S'i 4UvS'l 10 lor fair ami obolca
f ei.nsvivanla red. White rauKOS irom J it to ti. Kyw
Is In steadv demand, wita sales of 800 bushels Fenniylva
ia at l IJ. Corn ia so arce.audiu demand at yestorruay'a
queistlous. Sales of 'iaoO buabels yellow ac MSo afloat,
aud 9uo. In te cars. Oats are In fair reqaest, with salM
ot Ptunsylvaiila and Delaware at 13('S7fto. 6000 bushelsi
Westtru sold at Witftta.Ho. Nothing dolug In Barley oe
1A alt.
l ioveraesd and Tlmothv are neglected, and prices ara
nominal, flaxseed is hel't at Sinucdli. Is uuohanKel Small sale et Penasylvanla at
ti um ud (bio at i r