THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MAY 17,. I860. CITY I NTKLLI OEJJUE For Additional Vilu lntriiii nre see F.fli I'age. I. O. of O. F. Grand Celebrnilwu ( tb Aetdemy of Mttalfl IjwI KfemlOK-oOrntton by ! Ornnil ,Mr Janira II Nloholaoa lm mtBiit Inrauul or the Order 1b Fall Kritnlln, Tac. j Stcret orders or frateriiltlrj of men have ex isted irom early time, and have ever formed a powerlul element lu the control of society. ! The Order ot Odd Fellows is now the strongest, and in some respects the best, of all orders lor engen dering love ol law and morality in our commu nity. This great institution should therelore receive the warmest support from our citizen. Last evening the American Academy ol .Muic was densely crowded with members ot the Order ot Odd Fellows, in lu'l rcpalia, attended, In many raucs. by ludirs-bearlnu the regalia of the heiiutifwl deprec ot Itebekah. lle.idid by the Liberty Cornet Bund, (he Grand Lodpe of Pennsylvania, live hundred stromf, marched to the Academy, in regalia, aud took seats upon the staite, aud the scene, as this body entered, was renlly importing, added to not a little by the pcrformnnec of a grand ruurcti by the Germania Orchestra. The celebrncion was arraneed under the auspice ot Vigilant Lodge, No. 155, ol this city, HtiU cri'dit it) due to the Commitiee, Me.'srs. Wpik, E. U. Millette, and their asxo, tor the able manner in which everything was conducted. The lolloping Lodges attended the celebration in recaiia: Pennsylvania, No. 1, Morninv Star. No. 4, Covenant, No. 114, Olivo Branch, No 115, Paradise, So. 127, Vipi ant, No 155, Enterprise. No 201, Nutioual, No. 'Ci, Minerra, No. 224, ltatimut Slur, No. 232, aUer, No. 306, Pu rrocreM, No 495, West Philadelphia, No. 672. Oen JUanon, Ho. 6. 1'Uilotnutl'can, No. 10, Kensington, So 11 llnlRdclptiia, Ho. 18, l'bl autliropic, Ho. 15, Aunty, No. 19, Fncndtiliip, No. 28. Independence, Ho. 55, Chosen FrionrN. No. 100, Oriental, Ho. 113, At 8 o'clock M. W. Grand Master Oeorge Fline took the Chair, called the vast assemblage to order, and in a lew well-chosen remarks an nounced that the progiammc would be pro ceeded with at once. The Opening Ode was suna by the en'ire audience present, led by the Ueimahia Orchestra and the Philadelphia Musi cal Society, alter which Flolow's sublime and beau til ul overture to Martha was given with excellent effect, followed with this prayer by the Grand Chaplain, Kev. D. Washburu: Lord ot all power in Heaven ana eiirtii, bo gra ciously aud specially present, we pray Taeo, in this paihonng together of brothers and friends con descend, with Thy wisdom an I love, to preside over this assemblaae. Guide us with Iby counsel. Give us more and more of 1 hy blossod Spirit. Cleanse us Irom all iniquity, and I art nor us wi'h Thy cont-nual belp in whatever, a a BroUerhoori, we are finding to do according to Xhv will. Marvelous are all 'fay works, O God, in whom wo live, and move, and have our being. W e pra se Thee lor our restored peace, liberty enlarged, and national prosperity. But auove all praise Is I hy word, the ker to our ri?ht understanding and appreciation ot ad that is bent ath, within, ground, aud above us. Accent our eratetul acknowledgment, social and individual, lor the light of its manitold troth. Especially would wo recocuize our indebtedness to Ihv revelation for the principles of the great Brotherhood hore repio ser'ed. To tlim who gave himsolf for human redemption, wo owe all that is good in our Denolioont organiza tion. Only under the genial sky ot Christianity eou d It iiave ongina od. Unto whom but unto the iNuzsreue even the crucified one, who is now ex alted above evr- name, do we owe me knowledge that God is our Father, aud we are all brethren? Are the sick to be vista d, the distressed to be re lieved, the widow and he orphan In affliction; who tauuht us this lesson f Lord, make us to love Thee truly. Continue to bless the Order whose existence is due to Thy good providence All is in Thy power, who taught us wh.n we pray. to say, "Our father, Who art in Heaven." Music Bright Star ot Uopo (by Halovy ), Gormanla Oreiiestta. Welcome Ode (by A. G. Shears), Philadelphia Musical Society. Music loealo Waltz (by JLanner), Gormanla Or chestra. Odd Fellows' Glee, Philadelphia Musical Society. Music So'eorion Irom 11 frovatoro (by Verdi), Geminnia Orchestra. At this point Pai-tGrand Sire Jame3 B. Nicliol son, ot Philadelphia, clothed m the regalia of his office, proceeded to deliver THE ORATION on "Odd Fellowship: Its origin, pronress, de sign, and character." We have only space for a brief outline of this able and eloquent ellort: , Past Gran 4 Sire Nicholson spoke of tho instru. meutulity of man by combination to elevaio toe maspes ot bis tellow-men. It was to attain this object that tho Order ot Odd Fellowship bad been started, and it had progressed until it now embraced the in tellect, entert rise, aud energy ofttho country. That ordeis of mutual assistance among men had existed in ancient times there cou'd bo no douot, but the origin of Odd Fellowship might be found iu tho old trade guilds ot Saxon England. These were de signed to afRiat tradesmen mutually to socure a living for all. At the revocation of the edict oi Kan les, about 1085, larue numbers of French relugees pasted over n to tttituin and lormed tneuiseives into societies pledged to mu ual aid in times ot siok net's aud distress. These Lodges were created about h. i ah-licld and Norwicb. The members made iaiework. aud their ciuhs were protective and bene l.c.til iu chnracter. lu 17U3 tlie English Government 1 r.t recognized these ussnctat una by the passage of i ;- Gtoigo ltos.'s act, which allowed thorn to invest iL funds in uovcrnmeut securities. , Odd Follow a iP proper took its rise m the establishment ol the Manchester Unity in ISlli. That great body now comprises 8000 Lodges, aud has a membership of over 250,0li0 Odd Fellowship in Amorica owed its origin to the late Past brand .Mro Thomas Wildey, who raised the first Lodge in Baltimore iu 1820, trom which has sprung up a vast brotherhood, reaching from tho Atlantic to the Pacific from Maine to jilexico. (Shortly alter tins the tii fet lodge here Pennsylvania, No 1 was or ganized at John Upton's hoiel, iu this city. The timu-bonorcd banner oi this lodge hung near the speaker, and he pointed to it, with the remark, that it was probab y tho liist Oiln ifellowi' bauuer that evtr waspaiuied (App au e) In 1823 the Graud Lodge oi I'enn-j lvin la was urbanized, aud Aar.m N chels was the liist Grand Master. Siuoe this limn Wildey aud others had travelled throughout tiie lcngi.i and breadth of tne land, and had estab lished the Order in every vl1 sue of the lund. J be progress of the Order dnr ng the last twelve years bus no parallel io the hiolory of the world. At first, people thought it was merely a social or con. vlvial order: but soon men of culture and talent. entered it aud raised it to its present high position J ration of all good men and women in i lie country. J he obj otions ot the outsnie world t Odd Fel lowship were alluded to. It was not merely to Join teueholai society that ouo b comet an Odd iellow. To be one in spirit and trmh a man must be bouest true ir.enu a kind lather, brother, son, or Hus band in tact, a Ihri tiao gBiitlemn. (Applause.) Id the dav ot hor trial our beioved Order was assailed on all sides hy preludicod and uniair peop e, but you true men upheld your fraternity tbiough obluquv and contempt, declaring that iiotnmg but death could dissolve tne heaven wiount bonds the llnKs ot Friendship. Love aud Tiuch.a d vou have gained tbo viotor's I sure . (Applause.) There aro objections to our Order tha: we do not care to conciliate. These spring Irom nialioo, motives of intercut, or wicked ness. We war against vice lu all its forms. Friend ship towards man promots the contest. We ate lighting crime, evil. We have declared war against it, and, with the heb of God, our right bauds shall not be staved until tho Prince ot Peace ards us yiotorv, aud exolaims, "Well done, pood and laiihtul servants I" We are not volunloers. wa are draltod lor life to. battle under the white banner ot love aud punty, aud in our lexicon there is no such word as lad (Appluute ) There are good men and women that we desire to bavowithus yet, though, and we ask them to give us their mues and Godspeeds in ttie good work. Thei e were those who objected to the name of our t roer. "Why not take a name more expressive of tho designs ot tho Order!"' as many persons, Trial aud tearch has been mad", but without avail. High sounding wee plentiful, but they were as the tinkling cmuI bI, meaning no bing, because laising expectations nover to do realized. I he good old Kuiish came was, therelore, retained. Is not be that os about doing ood in this eold world proecliinc and practising what be preaches an odd fel otof The oljechon to our Society became it was secret order was sot well taken. - ! . It would not do lor us to throw open our doors to the wor d ioshuw the truin ttit is iu us weahould Ot bucceed. F r-t, there is the reli dous mjmioilon ecitr upon sou ot ohaiity. ' Whea thou doest tbtfae ion let not thy left hand know what tuy nghl u etu J hen there is the moral doiusud for sec rosy. Yi ouid it do lor the scandalizing gowlps of tne town to know that widow f-inith had beeu iclievrd, or trother Joues nursed or buried ty the member of the lodge f Would it do tor people to pent to poor Odd Follows' or- fihsns who are helped no. and tav "You were sived rum the almshouse by tne Lodge f" No, it is better by all means that it is to. and seoretiv so. Tupso acts ate some ot our secrets tney are notot ths w otld, and the public should not I now thom Wnen an application comes to the Lodge tot n,a p. we know the applloant is wort.iy, and, hanon. Sera s one other advantago of secresy. Then there is ho religion ol the order, wnlch some per,on cou'truod. into an overthrow ol the Church, but a distinguished minister ol the Gospel bad assured bun Mat the Order of Odd Fellows was really do ng ni"lno ed work ol the ministry and ot the Church For him self, lie would say. the Independent O d rot Odd Fellows should not be placo.1 second to auv order or society in the advancement of re.igion or civilization Mr. Nicholson here deliverod an elo quent apostrophe to the var.ons magnillcent qu.ili ties ol the Older aud gave some highly interesting Illustrations of the benelltj oi the Order during tho late Hebe! lion. It was the only organization, Chi let mu or other, whose tin of connection bad not been sundered b. tho war. Tho incident rested in this connection, covering the meot ings of tho Orand lKide ol tho United States since 1801, during which time tho Southern States were always called, were highly inte resting, and tho orator wus frequently applaudod in his relation of the tacts. He also to.d, in a touching manner, the story of the widow of an Odd Follow, travelling in the West with her child. Arriving at Louisville, she made her distresses to au O ld Fellow' Lodge. Sho was promptly relieved, but was taken sick and died. Her orpb n daughter was taken m, charge, fosiered and euuoiied, aud n now the wi e ol a distinguished member oi Congress. It was only aslioit tiino since that sho was told bv her husband, a noble member of our Order, of her origin ol "be face that she was the "dauguter ol tho Lodge." The conaequeuce was that she wrote to that Lodge a beautliul letter, lu 1 ot gratefui ac kLowlcogmonts, and invoking biessiucs upon au or ganization which could be so good so true to itto principles ot religion and humanity. In conclusion, be appealed to tne representatives ol the Grand Lodge who wero present, t. alow no division in their ranks, but be guided in their actions by good thoughts and the graud purposes ol - th't Order, viz. i That all diecoruunt elements will be reconciled, and all men rojoice lu unity, lord, aud peac. Odd Fellow's Nong. (hy S. Dryden riiolpi, V. I).), Philadelphia Musical bociety. Muslo My Austria (Suppe), Germania Orchestra. Closing Odo, bv the Order. Music Vina Colonna Galop (Speer), Gormanla Orchestta. Water Facilities. By request of the President of tho Franklin Iutitute, last night, Mr. Gejeliu read be tore that body a duscripiiou of tne great watr works at Montreal, con structed with the Jonval turbine water whue.N, as put up by him at Fuirmouut. Tnre was pro sent a lurge attendance of members, and tho potior was listened to with decided interest. Montreal had in 1863, a population of 100,0)0, and a pumping apparatus oi uncertain cauao ty, gave it about 8,6UO,000 gallons per day. ibis is about ono tenth ot what Fairmount supplies, the auttioiities wanted 7,500,000 go Ions per oay, and the lame ol me Jonval turbine at Fairmount works had determined them to to. low copy from Philadelphia, and Mr. Geyelin was accordingly emploied to erect new works. 1 he M. Laurence river supplies Mou treal. 1 be water is brought in an open canal, live miles long, from above the rapids to the site of 'ho existing pumping apparatus. This canal is thirty leet wide aud eight diep, and lujwinier time wa so thickly trozen that nothing nut inoes-aut vigilance prevented it from oecoming so.lduiod to its vory bottom. The pumping apparatus oontisted of two iron breast wheeis, dnviLg under a head and lad ot thirteen feet, with three nluugo aud bucket pumps. They were built In 1883-f bv the distinguished engineering firm, Messrs. William Fairbairn & Son, of Manchester, England. Tho ap paratus is a fine pieoe ot mechanism, it is, however, behind tne time. The last and most serious objeo tion is, Judging irom toe report of Mr Ihomas C. Keel or, that tho engineer in charge of the works did not foresee at the time the efl'ect which the cold weather has upon the open canal leading the water to the wheel-bouse, whoie, under the mist skilful management, c De-half the area of the canal was tiled by ice; and this less than hall quantity brought to the wheel-house is hardly rendered available The comparative merit oi the breast-wheel and the turbine ate here most striking y iliusliated. When, last win ter, the breast wheels could not be used, the now Jou val turbines could draw water to the lowest level, The new works at Montreal force 4.OC0.OO0 ga'lous daily loo feet, into a ieservoir three aud ono-lifih miles oistant. Eighty -seven one-hundredths oi the theoretical duty, It was pi oven, wore performed by the pumps, proving that tuo coelflc encv ot friction in long ascending mams is less than is generally supposed. The speaker gave the opinion that at no distant day tho leasibility of ioroing water long distances will be brought to tho "euou-i con sideration of Philadelphia, as w ell as to Montreal. Larger storage reservoirs are needed on tie neigU boring heights of tho Schuvlkill, and could bo tilled by the water power that lor eight months iu the year puses over lairmount dam. The motion in tho new Montreal worki is the Jonval turoine. The pecu liarity of this wheel is that it is encased in an air tight cylinuer discharging the water entering it into a space trom which atmospheric air is excluded, aud producing a tendency towards a vacuum propor tionate to the length of the cylinder, thereby producing, under the turbine, a traction equal to the pressure proportionate to that ho gut. By closing the head-gates, the water is ex cluded, and every part of the turbne is accessible for repairs, At Messrs. Dupoji's prwdor mills, on the Brandywine, under a waterfall of 17 feet, the turbines were placed by Mr. Geyelin within three ibet of the upper level. The v ater 1b then conveyed in a horizontal tube of sixty feet in length, and then, at right angios, conveyed down the creek. The resu.t was the same as if the turbines had been put at the bottom oi tne fall, aud thereby saved a considorablo amount ot exertion. The speaker illustrated at lengtu, and by graphio models, 'the working of the turbines. - be per centage ol power obtained with a large turbine like those at Fairmount is as high go 87 per cent The water, after It leaves the turbine, passes into an air tight cylinder, and escapes through a circular sleeve or telescopio gate sliding on the outsido of the turbine OTliuder. One of the most important ieatures U the step whereupon the turbine, with its shalt aud weight of gear, rovolves. For many years it w as held out as a seiious objection to thoir intro duction as hydraulio moors, these steps were then made in hardened steel au1 hell metal, with oil as a lubricator; but no successful method was found that would keep the oil in pace. fciuco the introduction ol these improvements, however, the Jonval turbine is unsurpassed in simplicity and eilicieuoy. The paper will be published in full In the Journal of the Franklin Institute. Tho show ing by the speaker that eight months in the year there Is water enough wasted at Fuirmouut to supply another city ti large a Philadelphia, was something that rather took the auditor by surprise. The Investigating Committee. The specal committee of Select Council at, present inveBtigutine the management of the lias Trust held another session last evenine, Colonel Page presiding. It is expected that the Trustees will iuruish the committee every assistance and ac commodation possible to further the examina tion. For obvious reasons the business trans acted in committee Is tor the present withheld. Last evening, Mr. Thomas M. Barlow, Select Councilman trom the First Ward, and a member of tre committee, stated that the discussion of last Thursday in Select Council had created an impression that be was interested in contracts with the Trust. Neither directly nor indirectly, Mr. llurlow stated, had he been or is ho con nected In any interest or contrast with the Trust. Another impression arising from the discussion iu the Chamber, he stated, wus that he was opposed to the examination. This he a'so disclaimed. From the bee-inning ho had favored the investigation, and would heartily co-operate with the Chairman in furthering the examination. , A Case of Desertion. Last evening a man, apparently fifty years old, accompanied by a woman about thirty, who had a child eighteen months old with her, called at the Farmers' Union Hotel, and at the request of tin man, separate rooms were provided, to which they repuired. Ten minutes afterwards the woman went down stairs and said she was going out to get something for the child. She left without exciting any suspicion, and about the same time the old man was seen to leave also. It was not long before the child begai to cry, an ! some of the inma es of the house went Into the room to u Tlley found a PaPpr Pinuod to the child's frock, on which was WTitten to the eifect that the mother, wife of Daniel 8. Winters, and deserted by him last November, was going to the bottom of tho river if the weights In her dress were heavy enoueh to carry her down. The child's name, ahe said, was Abraham Lin coin Winters, and it was born on the 22d of No vember, 1804. ... TlTIC CiTT OF PRtLAPErPIttA. It haa b en supposed by many thnt the great enhanc ini nt of values of real property, and particularly the advance ot rnts, has been caused by a scaicity ot dwellings and stores in Philadelphia consequent upon a comparative diminution ol the amount of buildings within its limit. An Inspection of the lo lowing table, showing the rate of building lor the last eleven years, will prove that tl is is an erroneous conclusion, and hat of all kinds, six hundred and ten more building have pone up w Ithin the lust tive yoars, than were erected during the previous rive tears. The permits since January 1, are 371 asainst 238, as compared with 18U5: 18CS. 1808. ' Jar vary 2f' Fel ruary Un .tisrcn Ibt .Tnnnnry 41 February fly llurcf 2i7 Tctat S3! Total 371 A gain of 133 over the same period last year, showing that the s'imi.luof hih prices unci hiuh rents is having Us legitimate ana desirable elleet, and that the present is to be a year of grrar activity in this deoartuieut of inilusiry, notwithstanding tho extreme prices of lutnher end other materials. Fioni tho lowest poinl of dcprrieion, which cmt nned from the time of the revulsion ot 1857 and lfi2, the prices ol real property have advanced fully 50 per cenu, and, in some decriDtioiis, much more; whilst rentn have fully doubled, and still cont.nuo in a grenl demand as at tiny period In the past. Thu can only be attributed to active nnd remunerative general business, and lnbur fully employed, with satisfactory returns. BC'ILBINOb FKLCIED l! FHI APFLPniA. 1S65 iS'ie 18T7 1958 1V.9 1SC0 Uwe'Prgs Mores Factories foundries All other kniut Totul all kinds Alterations and addit'a 14 KM 13"6 lo47 16 .7 2148 32 IIS. PI. 80 61 4.i 17, 2t i2, 80 4? 81 .... 4! 6! I' 5 1 liib 242 2':4 n.i 2'Jl 2U 1129 2020 l'io7 l')7I 20S5 2172 201 61o' C50l 4'js' 670 683 1801 1HA2 1803 1804 1SU5 Dwellings 1031 2154 24 2 UM 1414 Stores 18 43 84 83 48 Kactoiie? 9, 87 67 02 04 Foundries .... 8 6 11 2 All other kinds ill 173 283 818 4iW Total all kindr. 1673 2410 27 1590 2023 Alterations and additions..1 204: Ml' 205 630 743 From 1856 to 1800, live years 9 881 From 1800 to 1865, live years 10 491 Excess ot buildings in the last over tho ioruior nve years, six hundred and ten. DWEIXIK03. Four Three storu, 712 13211 837 1)45 1114 14 KJ 928 11123 1288 063 m Two stmy. 195 274 SOU 815 472 711 654 826 1088 445 618 One ulnry 7 7 4 6 9 8 20 66 63 41 84 Total Dwelling. m 1633 1305 1347 l'i57 2148 1535 2154 2405 1166 1413 Built in ttury. m 11 irso 36 lbf-7 B8 I808 62 1869 4 186" 28 1861 35 1802 49 18(8 28 li4 27 1806 88 These 10,401 new buildings would indicate an addition to the population of the city, in the past five years, of nearly one hundred thousand, while the crowded state of dwellings, the hieh rents and great demand both for houses and apartments, confirm the estimate. An Inteeesting Meeting. A move ment was begun last nicht which, in all proba bility, will result in tho founding of an institu tion that will be a permanent home for members of the Methodist Episcopal Chunh nnab e io take care of themselves, and who otherwise might come upon the common charity of society. Amos Phillips, Esq., presided. Addresses were made by Kev. Dr. Atwood, ltev Bishop Simpson, Kev. James Neiil, Rev. J. Walker Jackson, and Kev. Dr. Bartine. A liberal collection was taken up, and a positive beginning given to the move ment. Committek on Subsistence. The Com mittee on Subsistence, to provide mcaU for th c coior putirus on ine occasion 01 xne presentation of the battle nags in Independence Square, on the Fourth of July, held a preliminary meetinor yebterday afternoon, to consider the matter. It is supposed that there will be at least two thou sand men to ieed. The programme will be per fected In a day or two, and then made public. Contracts kor Coal. Proposals for supplying the Philadelphia Water Works with coul for 18CC were opened by the Committee on Water on Tuesday, and the contract for sup plying the Tweniy-lourth Ward Works with too tons of Schuylkill coal was given to Plahted & Collins, at SG-23 per Ion ton. The supply of 2200 tons for the Schuylkill Works was given to the Glenville Coal Company at $i 99 per long ton. Fairmount Park. Tho fountain and lake on the eastern slope of Fairmount Park, is t-o lar fJiiichcci that gold aud silver tish are already introduced there. This is a new attras tion, and yesterday drew many admivina spec tators to witness the movements of the nth in the crystal water. Barncm's Museum. We learned last evening that Mr. Barnum, the veteran show man, had niado a liberal oirer for tho real estate at the corner of Tenth and Chesnut streets, the owner of which, a matron lady, having died on Tuesday. Committee of Inspection. A Committpe of Councils of Pittsburg is now in this city, inspecting the workings of the tire aud police tehpraph, with a view to its adoption by that city. 1 Sligiit Fire. The alarm of Are about hall-past four o'clock yesterday aftpruoou was caused by the partial burning of Jetferson Hull, located at Sixth and Christian streets. l.oss trilling. AMUSEMENTS. CONCERT HALL. UUAM COMl'UalENTABT TESTIMONIAL, lENUI'.KKU TO OFFK'ERJAWKS lOH-KY, rnE CAFiuniLtt op 'hie muudcuer anton pkob-t. by thft citizens of pbiladelpm a, On TlitH-DAY, May 17, Ibbti. The following named gentlemen c impose tho Com qitttee : Willlum II. Milward Jacou E Hidgwav I'olunel K. w". iJavIs George II Moure, Esq , Hubert Aloore, lnq .E. L. I llton, Eko . William Moeier, Esi, Colonel X. V. C. Greene and Ave hundred others. '1 he only survivor of the munlead iniully. llttlo WILLIE LEAKI.vo. will be in reduced to the audience by JAMEl liOHSEY. The to lowing lady and gentlemen artists have kindly volunteered their valuable device. lor this occasion l'roi h. K. KlchiinUmi. John Forties. ( olonel Win. II. Maurice, I' barles Hamilton, American Quartette, J. Kuilolf iiinnuiiuiia u ee. l'hlludo plila Quintette, I he American Quartette, American Vocalists, llaruioria Glee, .Wnaieur U ee, W. 8. llrown, Paul Uerpcr. Frank Oladln;, K. L. Thton. Bobert butler, Jl aster Harry, James Qulnn, Hlcnor flair lug ton, Parry Enochs, Charles Comber, William Wrmht, Georve Wilkes. Mli-s Mnrr Uotlard, Minn Florence Edmonds, Hughey Dougherty, . Tm auce, Wllhtiu ( Vrobasco, O e Hull Myers, James Flake, . James Htella, A Bartram, W. J. Kahmle, Andrew I eavett, C. A. Pettit Ticket 8 Cent. For sale everywhere. Doers open at 7, commence st 8 o'clock. OOUMITTKB, Olr AaUANUSMItN'rS. C. OEKNE, M L LA V POET, P VL UI.KGEH. J A MICH II. PENROSE, C. A PEMNUTON. 1 BOBKRTl 81MPB0N TroAsarer. N, B. The artists who have volunteered will pease meet at the Hall on TH L'KHUAY, 17ih lust., at 11 o'clock. Ily order 01 Committee 6U4t Q O I K E E - A C IDEM ItUE. THItm ANNUAL EXHIBITION bv lh BROAD fTKIftT CADET, In nlnalng, Gymiistic. I actlcn, and Elomllon. at the A AI'EMY OK MTJSIU, on fHUKSDAY LVKKIMl, Mir 17, p, I AdmlpHlon 60 cent. Ho extra charge tor reserved seats Tickets mr sale at fc. Cawuiuky't Books tore, no lint nfcnui tirxei. 1 xsichies eiuimenue at 1H precisely. 11 fit AMUSEMENTS. R ISLETS CONTINKNTAL NEWS IXC IIANCIK. Choirs sats to all p sees ot Amusement mar tet.a4 on to tiH e'ciock n evening. 1 si H TJ NITED STATES TRTZK CONCERT TO BF. GIVEN AT GltOSBY'H OI'KltA .IIOUSM CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, M ay UM. 18)0. 125.CCO VALUABLE PRIZES, VALUED AT $492,575-23, WILL BE I Bi.8F.MTED 10 TlCKET-tlOLDERS 1NCLVDINQ $ I CO, COO IN GREENBACKS. Knmbcr of Tickets Iisnrtl, 300,000. PRICE, $100 EACH. This is the greatest Inducement ever offered to the public, one lickct of every lour drawing prize. Tfae following prizes are a Tew amona the many to tm drawn. For lull list see circulars! 1 Ght, In Greenback 30 00) 1 do do IOOoii 1 do do fiO'n 1 do do 4,0iJ 1 do do 3,011 1 do go a uOj 2.) do do tiorneach 23 00 10 do do a.HM) each 10,(00 30 do do (80 each 1,000 1 oo Residence Ko. t8J Waossh avenue 10,000 1 do do Lake atreet SOOu 1 do do ISO. tl Sewberrv rtreet 5,000 8 do Cottages, on Fulton near Paulina St.... 10 009 2 do do Ko IG!) W. Ltbertv and So. 637 W. Indiana strceu 8 000 I do do In good locality n.Ouo 10 do City Lots, .H0 each 15,000 lhe drawing will take p ace alter the Concert on thestsgeot the Opera House, where lfl,ii"0 peraonican witness It. A committee will be appointed by the au dience to superintend the same All purchasers and agents will be supplied with correct lis a of drawings as Boon as published. Parties holding tickets will retain them nntll after tbe drawing, and If their number ap pears In tho list ot drawn numbers, they will forward their ticket Immediately, with lull directions as to the hipping ot goods or moneys, rickets axe for sale at irinclpal Hotels, Book, and Music stores in the city and at our office, No. 133 DEaRUORX Street. Price, 41 cacb. Sent by mall on receipt of price and itainp for return pontage. Good and reliable Agents wanted In every cltv, town, and vi lage In the United Htates, to whom great Inducements are oficrtd. Belereucus required SPECIAL TEBMS, OR CLUB BATES Any party procuring a club ol five or more names for tickets, an d luiwarding us the money lor tun Duma, will be allowed the following cummisslou. viz: WE W ILL SEND 5 Tickets to one address lor ti ao 10 do do do o on 20 do Oo do lvfto 80 do do do m M 40 oo do do ;isoi 50 do do do 43-50 And 100 do do do 85 00 In every case send the name and pout o nice address ot each tepariite subscriber. Money t.y drait. post otlice order, express, or In re glcuieii loiters, niny Le sent at our risk. All corxniunicatlous shpuld be addressed to WIGGINS, BRADFORD & CO., No. 133 DEABBOBN Street, C'hloago, IU., Post Office Drawer 5913. The proprietor will donate to tbe Lincoln and Douglas Monument fund tiOOO; a co, there will be f 2000 reserved irom the percou drawing the SUO.OUO prize, lor tbe same purpose. ilckow for salo at the pilnclpal Botets, and at tho Music More or ( banes i rump er, at the 8. JS. corner ot Seventh and Chesuut stree s, I'lniade ptna. Agents loralaiyland and He. aware K. noi.k & CO , Ko 210 W. FOCKUH Street, , .,. . Vtlmluuton te'. Beference Hon. M. Sr Wilkinson. ex--enaior of Min nesota; Hon G V. Lawieuce. At c of Pa : Hon. Alex, handatl, ex- Gov. ol Wis. ; Hon. Wm. Montgomery, ex M.C. olpa. Hon If ajor Dan. Mace. ex-M. C of Iod I Hon. Iia J. Lavcock, ol Kansas; Hon. Wm Leffingwell, Lvons. Iowa; Hon. Joseph Knox, of Chicago; Hun. C. Graven Smith, of Minn i Jacob Foisvthe, Agt. M H. B. K.. . blcago. Ill ; M. Krunberg Co., lninortors ot' Watcbes. Chicago ; Mauiell, Whi;e Co., New Orleans, Louisiana. K. B. Fdltors of country papers are authorized to act as our agents, ami thoy wl 1 be allowed lull tommisslun on all tickets ord- red, whether for themselves or other parties, who may order througn them. Proposals lor In serting thlB advertisement requested. A4 WALNUT STREET THEATR B. N. E. corner NINTH and WALNUT Streeta. Begins (UHner to 8. IHlrt (Ihursdav) EVENING, May 17, Twenty becom. Night ot theliri Uant Eugagument ot Hit. EH WIN BOOTH, who will appear, tor the twelfth time, In Shakespeare's Trspeily ot HAMLK r, which has been placed on lhe stage In a Is booed, combining splendor of production with strict historical correctness. MB. EDWIN BOOTH as IIAMLET. Liertcs Mr. CJIAKLE.S BtBRO 'li e Ghost Mr. J. H.TAVl.OU KBIKAY BENEFIT OF ilB. EDWIN BO.ll'H, on which occasion he will appear la his great asiumn tion oi RICHELIEU. v 8 ATUBDAY EDWIN BOOTH at 8HYLOCK. MONDAY, lourt 'enth night of Mr. EDWIN BOOTH as HAMLET. MR?. JOHN DREWS NEW ARCH STREET IUEATKE. Begins at 1H o'clock. TI1CBSDAY EVENING, May 17, BENEFIT OF MR 8 hl-MPLE. THBEK OLOItlOUs PIECES. WHO KILLED COCK HOBIN t Jack Bargot Vr. Owen Marlowe Sata. ella M'a. Owen Marlowe THE WILD DUCK.. John Puck Ht. B. Ilotnple 'lo conclude with the GU.nMAKEB OF MOSCOW. Plcswacks Mr. S. Hemple FBIDAY BENEFIT OF MBH. THAYEH. SAiURDAY-FBANK DKKW'H BkNKFIT. MONDAY-MISS LUCY BU8HTON. NEW AMERICAN THEATRE WALNUT Street, above Eighth. LAST WhtK OF THE HASON. Engagement ot HuOniY DOUGHEBfY, the Philadelphia tavorlie. TWO GBAND B Lt.ET9. Mr. GFOROE W. Svitii and Ballet Tronpe. POWIBFUL ATTBAC I ION EVEBY r.VENINO. MA'llNEE WEDNESDAY AND SATUBDAY. CONCERT HALL, CHESNUT STSEET between Twet'th and Thlr.eenth. GEO. HOLMES A O. II. HK8t Managets Briei Heasou, commencing MONDAY EVENI.NG, May Si. OFEKGLIHH OPERA.TANTOMIMr:, BALLET. AND Ml hICAL EXTlt AVAGANZ A, by the celebrated 3 UOi.MAN OPERA TEOUPE, compilsina all the WONPEKFCL YOUTHFUL ARTHT who have became throughout the oouutrv the recog nized Idea a of AKTUvlIC GRACE, BEAUTY, AND CULTURED TALI- NT, comolrlng In their perronnaoce the most eaotlvatlug FBLSHNE-SS, VI VA 1 TY ORUil N ALITY, VEU-.A-TILI.Y, AND FINISH The sale of secured teats will co-nm-nns at the Music Store of CHARLES W A. TBU UPLEll Southeast comer ot Seventh ami Chesuut streets on Saturday morning. Kay 19. Admission....,., 10 cent lit served seats 16 cent No extra oh a me lor in arivanun MA'llNErS ON WFDNrSDAT AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, at 2A cents admission. (5106 ARL GAERTNER'S GRAND CLASSICAL MATINEE will tike place on THURSDAY. May 17, AT TBE FOYER OF TDK AOAHEMY OF MUSIC. V Ail NEK w hi commence at 4 o'clock. wickets ol Admission 1100 To ho had at the Muaio Stores and at the Door. CI ERMANI A ORCH F.STRA. PUBLIC RE T aearsals everv H4TIKDAY AFTEHklOON AT MU U AL FUND HALL 34 o'clock. Engagements uiaoehy ildres.lng GF.OWOK B A8 i r H r. Ageul, No. M MONTEREY street. bctweta Raoe and Yine. lit AMUSEMENTS. VTt-W CHK8NLT HTKKKT THEATRE. CHFHN UT Street, above Iwelflh. LEONARD tiBOVKM A WILLIAM E. IINN, Leisee end Uanagers. WILLIAM K. BIKN Hrs'dent Maner. Hon ooeu at 7 15. Curtain rises at B. THURSDAY EVKNIVO. May 17, MB EDWIN ADtMS tl apprarln his vreat essnmptlnn of BOBKKT LAN DRY, ' In the powermldrsmaontltledj THE DK( HEART; THE DfcAD UEAKl t THB MAN OlfTltF. PEOPLE. POM I IVf LV I HE I. T Tiv E. POSITIVELY 1I1K LAHT TIMifi. NEW AND ELhGA.vT SCKNEKY. FLU ORATE EFFECTS, and a conp'etone's hitherto UN K(J CALLED IN T IH CtTY. T r.e performonce will oornl't ot the re.u drama , tn a Pro uo anl three nets entitled THE 1EAD HKART; OB, . THE MAN OF THE PEOri.:. Robert Tsndry Mr. EDWI ADA (as orUlnai y preiormcd by bun Id this country., una a PROI.CC.UF., LET1KK 1K " Ac MET. ACTl. STRMINO ANT) TAKING OF THR BKSTILR KtLKASa, OF TRITON EK 1 HE DEAD Ilr-Al'T. ACT ! 1UEDU1L 'IO TIIE DUVTII. ACT 8 THE GlILLOIISE THK DKSTINY OF THE DEAD HFAftT SATURDAY AKIEItNOON, May 1H, Pll UVU HiWIN Al'AMH M ATI EK. A FINK BILL IN PIUPARH .N. Admission to evening tcrioiniaiice, 2Ho.. 50c.,aaiai. CPtXIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO A ID G NEAT WORK OF ART, FI1W ON EXHIBITION AV F. GH YLtWITZ rnit-ADVLl H1A ABT GAlLERY. No. IRfl.l CHP.SNCI' t e"t. Cammsraoa's Grrat Historical flcttireol tho W A ( KING OF AL'UMlBt BT CARDINAL SrrFO. IN llfi Felt ted bv oriler oi Hie 'Indian Government, 'lhe Picture wl 1 he f iigrvd by J till N MAKTMN. For a .u l nescrirtlon oi tlilsextrsei1lnar.v pioduutloa, we reter to the printed details In the Gallery. AdmlFSion to the (.at erv 25 cents. 4 211m INSURANCE COMPANIES QIKAIID FIIIE AND MARINE INSTJEANCE COMPANY. ' OFFICE.NO. 415 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA CAP11AL PAID IN, IN CASU, $200,100. lllsctnpsry ccntlnufsto write on Frt Rtik$ onlf Its capital, with a good surplus. Issa eJy Invested. 701 Lckcs ty fire nave hem protrptly psla, and more than 8500,000 Disbursed oo this account within tbe past few rears. For the pruent the office of this company will remain at No. 415 WALNUT STREET, Hut within a few months will remove to its OWN BUILDING N. . CORNER SEVENTH AND ril rsvrT htrs-ptu Then as now, we sball be happy to Insure our patrons a , .. ....... j iu uiii uch rates as are consistent with satety MDCfTiilil THOMAS CH AVT.N hM:man kHU'iuVr, A LFKr.Il . GII.LETT, N . LAWRENCE. CHARLES I. DUPOVT, HKNBY F. KENNEY, JOSEPH KLAPl', M.t. ThOH. VA( KFLLAR, JOHN SU1PL1 E. JOliN W LaGHORN", Mil. AH VI. lik' I k .Id . Thomas CRAVEN. President. ALFREDS OILLF1T V. President and Treasurer. JAMES B ALVOltD, 8ecrewrv. 119$ JkTORTII AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 133 South FOURTH Street PHILADELPHIA. Annual Policies issued against General Accidents all descriptions at exceedingly low rates. Insurance effected lor one year, in any sum trom 110 to 910.000, at a premium of only one-half per cenu securing the lull amount Insured In case of death, and a compensation each week eaual to (he whole pre ml am paid ' Short time Tickets for 1, 2, J, 5. T, or 10 days, or I, 3. or 8 mouths, at 10 cents a dav, lnsurlne In the sum of 3')C0, or giving fl6 per week It disabled, to be bad at tne General Office, No. 1S3 8. FOURTH Street, fhHadol- pbla, or at the various Railroad Ticket office. Be sure to purchase the tickets of the North American Transit Insurance Company. For circulars and farther Information apply at the General Omce, or of any of the authorized Agonts of the Company. LEWIS L. HOUPr, President. JAMF.-t M. ( ONKAD, treasurer. HENRY C. BROWN. Secreiary. JOHN C. BULLITT, Solicitor 1 IRECiOR-i. L. L. Honpt. late 01 Pennsylvania Railroad Comoanv. M. Baird. of M. Buldwln A t o.'s. uunmuy. Samuel C. Palmer ( ashler ot Commercial Bank. Richard Wood, No. SOU Market street James M. Conrad, No. 6'i'.i Ma.kei atreet J. E. Klngsley, continental Hotel II. G Leisenrmg, Nos. 237 aiitt :3D Dock street. Samuel Work ot Work, McCouuh A Co. George Martin, No. 3ti Chesnut street . 11 3$ rpiIE UNITED STATES ACCIDENT IN3TT. J- RAN CE COMPANY OF SYRACUSE, NEV OBK, CASH CAPITAL. .8200,000. fne Hundied Thousand Dol.ars of tho Capital Is de posited w lb WILLIAM BARNE.-, l q . Superintendent 01 the Insurance Department at Albany; the remainder is Invested In Unl'ed States Bonds and ntate mocw,, making It one I the best companies lu existence. The small amount ot Premiums lequlred to lusuru brings it wl bin reach ot all Messrs CHAMBERS & FRENCH are Agents for Philadelphia s. G. MARTIN, General Agent for the Mate, desire to establish Agenclos in overt county aud prlnclna' town. Agents soliciting tor LI e Companiet will mid it to their advantage to solicit for this Com pany. (.all on o Address the General Agent, at bis office. No. 407 WALNUT Street 5 15 at I R E INSURANCE. THE HOME INSURANCE COM f ANY OF PIII1 AIM LPHIA, No. 150 8. FOURTH Mtreet. Charter Poipctuat. Authorized Capital, 9500,000. 1 uul-up Capital, 1' O.ikh) Insures against lessor duuiaire by KI RE on buildings, eltr-er permanently or for a LIMITED period. Also, on M1KCI1A MUSE generally and Household Furniture, city or country, DlitKCTor.S J imn Brown, 1 liomas KI nber, Jr., Charles A. Duv, Lemuel l ottlu, William D.Lewis. J HilllKirn Jonos, Wlllliiiu 11. llul ock, John WooilKhle, Wi Ham N. Needles, William ('. LongstretO, JohnD- Taylor, J. N. Hutchiusou, JAMES BROWN. President. CHAS. A. DCY Vice-Preside t TnoiiASNKiiiON, Secretaiv. aj.j TH E PROVIDENT LltE AXD TRUST COMPANT, OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated by the state of Pennsylvania, Third Month' 22d. If65. INSCBKS LIVES. ALLOV IN TFKkST ON DEPOSITS, aud GRANTS ANN UI- UEB" CAPITAL, 9150,000. D1BKCTORS Samuel B Shipley, Jercmlsh Hiicker. II. Mourn, lh-liArd Wniid. hicbani ( aatiurv, Henry Haines T. Wistar Brown, Wl'llam C. Lonastroth, 1 itarien r Lonin. K'MU L B. SHIPLEY. President. Bowr akp Pahht Actuary 7 a5 OiJE.Ao HIS FOURTH STREET. 1 OOMTOVMD CAMPHOR TROCHES, FttOtlr. PreTtadTe or O H O L H E A Dhurbae. Drseatary, and Cholera Morbiu, Bol. Fiotor, 0. U. Needle., UrmgjlK, .ev . lnh A Rim 8u.. Phil. ty. -1 uiaiiea w- " - D EAFNES9. BLINDNESS, AND CATARRH . Ira.lul with th. nlflktft .UOCeM bV J 1SAAUM, M. 11.. Ocu 1st and Au'lst !o. on "no p irroi- " oionlalifrom the most rellab'e sources In the cttr can be seen at blsomce. The Medlre Fatu'ty axe Blvlted to accompany tbo'rpaMBnta as he baa no secrete In nut practice. Artificial eye inserted without pain No ctirge made lor examination. THE STAMP AGENCY, NO. S04 CHESNC1 STR ET AtfoV TUIBO, WILL BE COSTL8 DEI A8TAMM vf KT PESCBIPnOH OOHSTASTL, ON U4ND .AND IN ANT AMOCST. HI FINANCIAL. U, S. SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. PMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., BANKERS & BROKERS, O S. THIRD ST. 3 NASSAU ST. I'HTLADFII'MIA. SEW YOKE. STOCKS AND GOi,D BO tOM AND SOLD OJV (JOMMmiOX. lllthEal ALLOW ID ON DEPOSITS. 31 Ko. 225 E0CK STREET, UANKKIIS AND UKOKEH8, BCTAJ.DSELL ( TNITED STATES BONDS IfBIs, -20s, 10 40 UNITED STATES 73-10s, AIL ISSUES. CF BH FICaTES OF INDEDTEUNESS llerc.ntlle Paper and Lffanson ( 0 laterals nerotmted Stoclts Boutiht and Sold on CtrnmiSHlon. I 31 $ HAIIFEII, DU11NEY & (JO., BANKERS, STOCK AMD EXCHANGE BIlOKERS No. 55 8. THIRD STKEET, PmiADELPHIA. Ptocks end l oans bonyht Slid sold on Commission I Dcunent Hani Notes, Coin, Etc., bouabtand sold, ttjcciu) ettintion md to the purchase and salo of Gil 8'ocks. Deposits reccivod, and Interest allowed s per agreement. . 85 3m J OKK, AlcCOUCII & CO., Stock and lixclinnce Brokers,' No. 36 South THIRD Street. GOVERK5IENT SEfURIIIES boujrht and sold. 6IOCES bought and sold on commission. 1XIERHST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS, j 6 lm TIIE FIKST NATIONAL BANK HAS REMOVED' During the erection of the new Hank b.iildinir, 1 17 4p No. aoa ciiESNin- striit : 5'20S.---F IVE-TWEN T I E S. 730s -SEVEN-THIRTIES WANTED. DE HAVEN & BROTHER, 1 7 No. 40 8. Third Stbeet. GROCERIES. 'I KA8 Klr-DCCED TO 1, AT INGRAM J. lea Warehouse. No 43 8. SECOND Street. lOASTFD COFFEE REDUCED TO 30 CTS. Street 'iKAA1'8 le wrehonse. No. 43 8. SECOND Aif. BEST WILD COFFEE, AT INORAJI'3 " t Tea Warehouse. No. 43 S. SECOND Street. T EAS AND COFFEK8 AT WHOLESALE A prices, at INCBAll'S Tea Warehouse. No 4 a SECONDStreet Try tbem. ' aOREEN COFFEES FltOM 9J Tn no r-To 1 V7r7;vU.Ddfi.a, lK0.HAiI.'8 Tc, Warehouse. No 43 8. HECOM' Street try them 1-M QIMON COLTON & CLARKE. TO FAMILIES REbIPINQ i OK GOING TO TIIH COCNTKY Those who wish to purchase loppiles oi the best auallty of KINfc OBt'CEKIhi will , nnd a lu 1 and choke stock of the best that can be imported or pro cured trom the New Toik. Boston or Philade tibin market, and can be slippiled with goods In package,, ac w toiesale prices ' Pellicular attention Is paid to packing In the neatest and mott sate manner nussib e Goods delivered to any of the depots, express offlces. or out in the country, tree orcbarve. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, 4 U Srpj 8. W. cor.BBOAD and WALNUT. M A II It I A G E GUIDE BT DB. WILLIAM TOTJNO MAItBUOE CriCE, by DB. WM. YoUNG. JIAllflAUE Gl 1UE, by DB. Wi. TOl'NG M AHBIAGE Cl'lliE by DH. WM. YOUNO.' WAhl.1. GE GtlDE, by 1)11. WM. YOC0 ilAKKIAGK GLIDE, by DK WM. YOUNG. W A BKIi' GE Gt IDE. by DB. WM. YOUNG MAKRIAGE GUIDE, by DH. WM YOI'NO. MAIIBIAGE GUIDE, ly DK. WM. YOUNG JIAHB1AGE GllDE. bv DH. WM. YOUNG. M ABBIAGE GCIDF.-"Tbere are more Uiings'twix neaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt 01 tn our phllocopby." Let noyrnng men enter the ob Iks' Ions ofmarrlcd life Without reading every pave 01 B YOUJ.O N liAK. KI AGE GlIDEi or. veiy One His Own Doctor, rt discloses fait that every one should be acntiainti d with. It contuins one hundred engravings, explaining the ana ton,? ol tbe human system both-male and female with useiui Imorniailon that every onestou d know. Price, 80 cents. Sold at . , DB- W1LI IAV YOUNG'S OEFICK. 3 17 C No. 416S1KUCE Street, above Fourth B. J- WILLIAMS, No. 16 North SIXTH Street, MAKUFAC1URER OF VENETIAN BONDS, AD WINDOW SHADES. lhe largest and finest assortment In the c'tv at the) lowest prices. r4 4 2airp STOBE SHADES MADE AND LETTERED. TJNITED STATES BUILDER'S MILL, Ncs. 24. 26, and 23 S. FIFTEENTH St., PHILADELPHIA. '" ' ESLER & BEOTIIEK, WOOD MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, STAIR B VLU9 TERS, NEWEL POSTS, GEhERAL TCBN1NQ SCROLL WORK ETC. SUELVINO f LAN ED TO ORDER. 1 be 1 argent assortment ot Wood Mouldings In this city coucUDtlv on bans. 4 17 ta Q R E E N PEAS, ' Gr-PKNCOKK, VBKSU PKACO ES, FKSH TOMATOES, PLUMS ALI3K11T O. ItOliERTS, DEALER m FUSE GROCERIES, 9 18 4p Coi . ELEVENTH and VINE Street. REVENUE STAMPS, REVENUE STAMPS' BEVEJiUE STAMPS, Of all descriptions. Ol all tieacilpUoue, Always on hand, Alwavs on band. AT F ORFNCE PEWTNG VACHIVE Co. '8 OFFICE AT FLORENCE SEW1NO M v CHINE CO. 'S OrFXCK No 6S0 CHESNUT ctroetT No. WW CHFiSCT Street, One door below Seventh street. One door below Seventh a reeU The most tberal discount a'lowea . . lie must liberal dtscouut at owed, ' , 1 1