THE DAILY EVENING TELEGHAPII. PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY, MAY 14, 1860. MATTERS OYER THE RIVER. Board op Chorea Frfettoldehs. The Anon! Meeting ol the Board of Cboson Freoholdors for Camden county, which was held I ant week, has teen organized br the election of Democrat! at offi cers, .that part? bavin eleoted a majority of new mem bers. The following are the names ot the new mem borsi MoMn wabon, Woolston. Minn, bhiver. Nnowdea, Tatem Creoly, Olovcr, Sickler, Turner, j jhwiiw, cam. ana i oacxara. i ne Jttoara emoted Jteeoh L ihaoksra, Director, and Alfred Hugg, .iq., clmk. '1 u Committee on Work Ilouso reported that the worn on that institution was processing iavoratily, and the vacancies on the committee were filled br tho appointment ol Messrs. Bodinn and VVoolston. A oironiar Irom William It. McDonald, Oomp tro lor ol the 8'tfte, was read, requiring, m aooord anco with a reoont act of the Legislature, the cities, townships, and municipal corporations to nmke a atatenieut of dbts, ixpendltures, eto , contracted br hi m .n the iato war Ibe Cler Was authorized 4 and n:fltruoted to furnish tue required s atmnnnt. Mr. Wasott oltorod a preamble and re-olution. attkint for an appropriation ol the sum 01 (2 iV'J lor the purpose ot eicctin; a mnnumen to tho mo oory Of ti e soldiers t I e county wuo lost their lives m tho recent Rebellion Mossis. tickler, Diminn, aud bnowclcu was appointed a loimmtuo to inquire mtij the expedience ol carrvina out tho object of the prcpcriuo and report at next mcotiug, I h s ts an net wh cli the Board should not hemta'e to perform, for if would be only doing Justice to t'e brave herooi vrno felt In th can o of the oountrr. One hundred dollars ruvrard r offered for the ream stot aud tlibbord, two p.isoncrs who recently escaped from tie County Jail. If tlier would appropriate the amoun. It costs In re yards lor tho escape ot prisoners towards putting tho prison in a pood and tale condition, it wou d be far prelerabie and better. The committee, consisting- of Messrs. Woolston, Snowden Hotline, Watson, Law.enoo, and Sicklor, appui-ted lor the purpose, reported that the sum nocorsary tor county expenses lor th currout year will be $100,000, whicti sum was ordored to bo raised. the Hoard instructed tho Director to appoint per. t oi b as student to the stato Agricultural Uollrp, in Bccordtinco witli a provisiou oi tho act of the Loris Jaftire ihe fol owing Standing f'omml'tees wore then an iminced : AIubouo I timer, Snowdon, and Sick, lerj Court Houo oo son, Watson, and Law Tence; linking Fund Vaton, Couuty Collector -and Director. West Jersey Railroad Company. At the recent mteting ot the Stockholdurs f the Vosi Jersey II an road 'oiiipmv, the following-named gent omen were elected officers lor ho ensuing vear: Commoeore H. F. ! tockton, Edwin A. Steyons, John I'. Stockton. John G Stevens, Richard L Me yens, John L. MoKmglit Samuel J Bayard, Samuel A. Whitney Thomas Jones Vorke, (Jeorgo At. Ward, David Potter, ilorano J. Mulford, Coleman F. Leani ttf?. Children in Camden. Christopher J. Mines, who was appointed to take the cousus of the Children in Camden oetwoen tho ages of live and cirh een years, who are e'lgiblo to admission Into the pub'io schoo.s. has jnst finished his labors, and the lol owing is the number in eacli ward: Noith Ward lol7; Middlo Wara, 1565; South Ward, 1953; total, 5C36. ColQied cliililren. 275 Board of Education. At the lastmect inc ot the Beard ol Kilucation the treasuior sub mitted the regular monthly report, exhibitiiipr the following figures :-ll.iliinco at mm Veport $ii384 OS; received taxes S13; total, 8O127-08; c edit by oidurs paid, $3949 17; ba anco in tn aaur, $2477 01. AMUSEMENTS. Kew CnESNUT Street Theatre. The Dead Heart will be proiiuced here in admirable style. The production of this piece requires more taste and hm. toiical correctness taan m nitioenco, but thoroisa great scope lor the picturesouo. Mr Adams is tho original representative of "Robert Landry." We cannot imagine any other representative oi this ad nvrablt drawn man ol the people, the tvpeol a revo lu'ionorv hero. Mr G. Clurk will appear as tho "Able Latour;' Miss Urton as "Catharine Duval." r Arch Street Theatuk. bis evening Mrs llcnn wi'l take a benuili. Hie Uonu stio pluv ot A Hhtcp IVoWh Clothing wi 1 bo givon. In addition to this Mrs. Henri will appear as"Juck 8tio,jjjard " a port and a picoe that we lliiuk should long since have Ik eu banished from the stage. Walnut 6thket Theatric. Mr. Hooth and Ham tt are the unabntcd attractions for this week. A Singular Tkbtimomal A number of our citizens have inaugurated a complimentary benoti t for James Dorsey, the oflicor who arrestod tlio vil lain l'robst. While we are willing to ucknowlodga our obl'gations to Sir Dorsey lor th's 8orvicn, wo niut say that, in our opiuion, this testimonial is in bad tas.e. and should nevor havo been gotten up. The rentes of some ot our best citizens are attached to the card, and doubtless, ie attractive character of the bill will draw a crowded hotie; ba. wo ate at a h'ts to conceive why any one shon d be rewarded out ot ail measure simply because ho discharged his ollicial dutv i he an est of Probst and bruicring him to punishmont was exactly in tho line of Mr. Dor set's bunno?, and he ot serves no more credit font than it tho culprit hau merely been drunk. But the worst feature Is the exhibition ot tio bov. as a sort of raree show. We have already had suilioient pub bcity given to this unparalleled horror, and, it is to be hoped that, with tue just execution of the wretch, hid name will sink into utter oo ivion. Jn connection with this matter w9 publish the fol lowing note Irom one ot the participants upun tho occasion. It exp alns itsolf : Epitob Evening Tblf.gbaph : Raving observed in one of the umlav patters that mj nainu hea ts a list of "Artists" who ara to appear thU week lor the benetlt of Olliccr Dorsey. one ol the captor ot Probst, I duslre to state that the announcement is mailn m ire y in n how my sanction. I will gla)lv read an entire evening, or contii buie to anv respectablo entertaiiitnent baring lor lt.4 object the benellt ot the lone orobati, Willie Oenrlng. H. K. UltUAUUSOjt. PhllaJolDbla May 14 1S6H. I. O. op O. I'ne celebration arranged undor tho auspicos of Vicilant Lodge, Mo. 155. to u e plaoo at the Academy of Music, on Wednesday evoniug next, promicos to be a very grand all'uir. l'ast Grand Sire Nicholson, the orator oi the evening, apart from his great distinction as an Odd Fellow, is one of the moat eloquent speakers in this city. Tickets and stats naype secured this and to morrow evening Irom Tho Con mict03. in Room No 7, Odd Fetlowj' Hall Sixth and Cresson bUou:s, and at the Academy on Wednesday evening. Entertainment in Elocution. Mr. Rnius Adams, one of our most popular and intollieont in structors in reading and elocution, gives an exhibition on tc-morrow evening at Concert Hall. Mr. Adams has achieved a wonderf ul degree of success in instruct ing pupils iu the dilUcult art of elocution, and we hope that our citizens will patronize the affair libe rally. The program ne is an attractive one, and t'e perlorn ance will bo iucerspered with vooal music by amateurs of ability. Assembly Buildings Uaydx Quintette This young and enterprising musical association give ' heir first entertainment, before the Fuiladei pliia on Wednesday evening next, ou which occasion a programme of uuu-ua' attractiveness will be presented. Tho Quintette wavorganlzed in the United Htates army, aud is the only gleo c ub that ever sang within the halls of the Union League for thoir entertainment; JtHN B Gouoh Ths evening the world-re-Tjowi ed John 11. uough deliver nis great leuture a' the Acai.emy of Music, on the subject ol "Peculiar 1'eop e." Tuts is a great lecture, and the eloquent gentleman wi 1 bo greoted with an immonse au dience. The desire to hear him continues unabated. Concert Hall. Mr. Perolli'a last opera of the season will tako place on Saturday evening next. Mr. ferelli will appear as "Fernando " Mrs. Davies as "Leonora," and Mr Angler in the role ot tho ''King," and Mr. Tay'or tho basso a ma?nitloeut cast, and being the laet opera, is sure to be attended by the very elite. American Academy ok Mubio, Haydn's "Sea sons'' will be given here to-morrow evening with the full strength of the Handel and Uadyn chorus, with Miss Richfpgi. Mr. Kimpson, and Mr. J s, Tbomns, three very fine solo singers, and especially ad CP ted to this style of music. ' A Debut. Miss Kate McUullough, a promising yotn candidate for tiistnonio rtouois. will make tier Ot ) ut on Monday evening, the 21st inst., at ihe Aca demy ol Music She will be tssisted bv Miss Kate Pslnier. Miss .leannie Haywood, Mr Willis Piaoide, Mr Itookwood, and others. Th Icnolibh Comkiikk. Mis Luoy Rushton, who has made such a "hit" in Now York at her own theatre, bos been engaged to appear for one w ek at the Aicu (street lheatre, coamencing on Monday next. Miss Rushton will produce during her en gagement her speo alty, The tlUu k Dnmtno. Mr Frank Drew. This favorite comodlan will mske'his farewell appearance in this country at the Arch Street Theatre, next Saturday evening, when he will be tenderod a complimentary benetlt by bis jfrlenda. Th Carolina Twins These two colored nrU, lolued as one, present a luut i nalura as woutlorlul 2.U manifested in the famons Siamese tw us. They told levee athhel Assembly luildinKSwUh concerts, YvT dJ ud eyoutng. SUMMER RESORTS. gUMMER 11ESOI1TS ON LINE OF Kcacinf? Railroad ana Branches. , MANSION ITOUSF, MOUNT CARBON, Mrs. Caroline Wonder, TotUvilIe P. 0., Schuylkill co 1USCAT10RA JI0 TEL, Mrs. 11 annah killer, Tu'caruri P. O., fcbuylUlloo MAIIAA OT CITY HOTEL. O. W. Frost, Mahanoy CHy P. O., Bchoylkllleo. WHITE HOUSE, Mrs. Susan Vsrfflorf, Reading P. O ANDALUSIA, James 8. Madclia, Erading P. O. LIVING SWINGS HOTEL. Dr. A. t mull. Werdersvllle P. 0.. Berks co SOU 111 MOUNTAIN HOUSE, II. 11. Mamle'Locli, 'Vt'omelsdoif P. 0., Berks oo. COLD SPHINGS HOTEL, Lebanon co., Charles Kocdcrmel, ITarrlsburg P. 0. EOYhliSTOWN SEMINARY. 3. B. H eilky, li or erst own P. O., Berks oo YELLO W SPRINGS HO TEL, B. R. hrydcr, Yellow Springs P.O., Chester co. L1T1Z Sl'RTNGS, , Bamuel Llchtentbser. Lltiz P, O., Lancaster Co. EFIII! AT A MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, Alexander 8. Featliei, Ephrata P. O., Lancaster co. 4ritiL21, If 66. 4 233m QONGIIESS HALL, CAPE ISLAND, N. J., KKOEIVJ3 GUESTS ON Thui-sday, May 31, 18G0. 611 J. F. CAKE, I'roprietor. "PVEAN'S MAMMOTIf TOItACCO STORE. J " 1st. We have been forced, by clioranld Increase of our business, lo n arne our store We huve no w the luriRi Lit-ur and lotiacco Htore In the Unit 1 statos, thetet-t stuck and the layout assortment. Call at 111!. AN 'B. 411 i H KSftUT Street. Ql. WEl'AN NOW SELL, AT WHOLESALE, aj at a ver low fl(iiire, atnl we can retail at lesi tlinn tlic emilur wholesale price, as our expenses are less than nothing. Call at PLAN'S, Ko. 413CHESSCT Street. JD.-WE KEEP A BETTER CLASS OF T0 ij bscco and Clears than any otlior house in this city, and Fell at a lower price. Can at 1) KAN'S, So. 413 CHSXPT Sitrcot. iTH.-WE HAVE OVER 200 DIFFERENT t kinds ol 0I us van log iu price from 6pnrthou sand to eUO per thousand. Ourt ltiars are kuown, by liood judges to he inr sunerior to nil others. Ask- anv cue where you can get the best Clear at one-half what otlierssel!; lie v 111 sav: Call at MAN'S, .So. 413 CUE.MJT Btieet Eill.-WE HAVE' A LARGE VARIETY OF O Mnoklng Tolmcco, viz. : C ob Shorts. 25 cents pur pound. Liiiclibuig Bmoklug, 3U cents oer pound. K llllt'klnlck NinekliiR, 30 cents per pound. Jiavana nd LyDChburg mixed Smoking, 50 cents per poond. i ynchbnrg and Plug Cnt, mixed Smoking, 69 cents per pound Virginia Lynchburg Smoking 80 cents per pound. Virginia Kllllckinlck fmoklug. 60 cents per pound. Virginia, very tine Smoking, 1 per pound Viiilnift T.ixht Uoldon Leal ttinukln. el-Vt per poand. Ttie above urices are titty per cent, less tnun others soli 101. Ca 1 ut DEAN'S. Ko. 413 CHESJiur Streot. Tit.-WE II AVUi A VERY FINE STOCK OF VI H uoTobaeco viz : Putiar-cureit S.emless Navy, per pound, 00 cents. Ulack Fat Virginia Navy, do. 85 cents. Prime Westorn Navy do 80 carts. liocd Westcin Nay , do. 70 cents Common Westcin Navy. do. M coots. Vlivlela HPics Ka. Cavendish, do. !K) cents. Prime Western Fat avendisu. do. N) cents. llniiht Va. Prime Plain do. do. 1 AO. bright Va. Uood Uo. do. CI 00. nda I other kinds of Tobcco at from 40 cens per pound upw ards ;n discount on 5 I). minis or upwards. Call at DEAN'S, No. 413 CUKSNUr htrect. 7TIL WE ALWAYS KEEP OUR OLD CUS- tomeis, and new ones come bv thousands to get Dean's Ten Cent Yara Cigars Dean's Ten t ent Havana v'gkrs. Diin'i Peco Five Cent Vara Cigars. Dean's l'oco Five ( en' Havana dinars. Anihiucts, Five Cent. Seel aud Havaua. Miniiaiocs, do. to. da. De Cabanos, do. do. do. lui ported Havana lx Cenc ( lgais. Imported Havana 1- n Tent ( (gars Cab at DEAN'S , No 413 CUES NUT Street. CTII. WE FIND OUR EXPENSES ARE NOW C less than nothing, and having the largest and bsst stoie in the City, we csn atlom to sell much less than sny wholesale dealer iu the cltv. and re. .ail lor a trilling advance. To be convinced, cull at DEAN'S. NO. 413 CUESNLI Street. (YTII. WE HAVE BUILT UP A TRADE IN ' three years that astonishes the Tobacconists; many of tlieni are envious- but do as we did; keep tho host; sel the cheapest ; advertise, advertise. ta 1 at DEAN'S. NO. 413 CllESNUT street. 1 tTH. WE HAVE KOW A VERY FINE 1" I store, a very larue Ftoek. and no exnenses inr rent etc. We ian now sell at such a tow pneo that, old cus tomers canuot atlord to leave us. and new ones come In crowds. W e have room enoatrti for all Call at DEAN'S, No. 413 CHE8NUT Street P. 8. We have Kentienisn y clerks and no looters Country meachauts arereuuesled to send for oar price list Mtmwlin BOARDING. TlOAlililNf! A nftOTtA W V. HRCrtVIl.sSTfinV Ji FHON'f ROOM now .vacant, at No. 204 South ELEVENTH Street 68 tit RATIONAL EXPRESS AND TRANSPORTATION CO.VlPASY. OFFICE No. 63n MAKKET STBEET, PU1LA DELPHI A. TFfir. NATIONAL KXPUKS8 ASD TRANSPORTA TION ( f)MPANV, having finally complete! lti Soutli em troulln connections from NEW Yi'liK.1 anu ruiLA Uf.Ll'lilA to 15 A LTI MOKh, WASHINUION. ItloAMllNU, SAVANNKII. 1 11 ki.KH 1 ON. and al Intermediate and adincont towns ns tar south as ATLANTA, t.a , and a'so having nerteetrd its western connections, via the Baltimore uud Ohio Railroad over mail roads to CINCINNATI All C!. UJt in, Is now prepared to receive Freight, Alorchundise, Valii- able r0NEY AND BClLinv, and to transter the same to or from places designed, and ull Inierinedlote points, as EFFICIENTLY KXPEDITIOUSLY. and CHEAPLY as can be done by any other Express Company. C Ulcus are a'so opened In . MOHILl. AND NEW ORLEANS, ond tn a fe-w dnvs ihe Company will run through, via JiON'ICOiltlU, to these Pluces. J. E. JOHNSTON President. B F. F1CKLIN, 5 11 let Oenoral Superintendent SAFE FOR SAL E. A SECOND-HAND Farrel & Herring Fire-Proof Safe FOB SALE. APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. 45rp JADIES' CLOAKS, BASQUES, ETC. MADg AND TRIVMED IN THW W08f F1.Sm0NAP.LH STYLE, , FBOM THE UKoTUOOUB. AT TUi; LOWtbT PO88HJLK fBICES. CO.. 5 11 tm , No. tt 8outh MNTU Street fJ TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, BRACES, and all other Surgical appliances of the most approved kinds, Infinitely superior to all others, at No. Ml Norm HKVKNTH Street. Ladles attended by Mrs. Dr. McCLKNACUAN. Male departmeut by a compe tVhMuru6"'" . iiiufi , AUCTION SALES. B SCOTT, JR., AUCTIONEER, PHILADELPHIA ART OA.LLF.BY, Ho. 1020 CHESNUTSTBKLT. . , . AltTIST' FIBHT GRAND HALK OP PAlNtf,rQ'4 Ihe Artists of Philadelphia resneo'tuPv ca I ths at tention of conno ssenrs and lovers ot arf generally to their flrstsale of orlulnsl oil paintings, dlreat 10m '.tiMr easels which will be of the highest rharanter. and the verr best specimens by the respective arusu contri buting. Hie sale wlf be hsld at SCOTT'S AB1 U ALL FRY. Bo, 1020 CHESSOT Streot, On Thursday fcvenlng. ' ' May 17, at7 o'clock, and will be on exMblMon three davs previous to sa Ttie col action will embrace pictures b the foliowlng-natned aitlsts anl will l found upon Inspection to be 01 the highest character! Fdnnind D. Lewis. a Peed. A Bberldim Young, II c Itispluni, O F. Hensel . . O. Itensf 11, L. .fu'lnrd ,i. O Falconer, J K O.Ksn. W. E. Wli.ner, I. FaKsn I. L W lllinms. L ilnimn M. Rosenborg, J. Wilson, J Kyans Van Willis, M. Rsmsny, T. knkbt C. L. Fnnsell, Itech'eV. ' ndoth-rs HlUt FOR SALE AND TO RENT. OOMS TO K E NT Large, Well Lighted and Ventilated HOOMS, ON THE SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS OF THE "Evening Telegraph" Building, No. 108 South TNIjUT) Street. TO EENT. APPLY IN 1 IIK OFFICE, FIRST FLO R. N. 11 WITH OR WIlHOUr STEAM I'OWKR. COUNTRY RESIDENCE A large and wjll-flnlshcd HOUSE, with stabling and Carriage house, with plenty of good wator and fruit Two acres of ground enclosed, 'liuatedon Woodbury Road, near Red Bank Ferry, New Jersey. Immedlato possession. Apply to GEO HO 15 J. HENKELS, JI. W. Corner THIRTEENTH and CUKSNCT BtreoU, 5106t Philadelphia. COTTAGE AT PUBLIC SALE. Will bo sold at Public Sale, on the premises Zjl n npiiflr,iuAi. mai lu at 1 o'clock. A DhSl itADLE ltESIDr.N:E situatod in C hester Township less than hull a nn e from tli citv limits containing nearly FIVE ACUKS OK HM), on which Is a I'ood substantial House, built la Cottage style, containing ten rooms. Aiso, out-kitchen and dlnlng-room, summer house, burn and s able chicken bouse, etc The grounds have been put In excellent ordci ; well fenced, and planted with rtuit and shade trus, vinet, etc. etc The propcrfv Is within five minutes wa'k of Thurlow's Station and fit een minutes 01 Ches er Station and hat a tine view ot ttie river Possession given at once From I's healthv 'oca Ion and eosy access, is a ery desirable place for a summer residence For further information, annly to OKDltOE ltKKP, Chester, Or JOHN risixKK, a 1 13t Tradesmen's Hank Philadelphia. FOR SALE.' HOUSES AND LOT SOUJII ML side of MARKET Street, between Thirtieth and 'Jbitty tlrst striets Lot is CO by 165. Price, 812 IMM). Houses and Lot on north side LAN. ASTKK a venue at its luncMon wl'h Market street Lot Is 88 loet front by about 215 ;cct deep, and 75 leet iront on the baci Hue. Price 81,0C0. Apply to SAMUEL HU1CHINSON, 8 11 3i THIRTY F1F I H and L V S ;ASTEB Ay L. 11. JOSEPH, CENTRAL REAL ESTATE LiiAgcncy. Ko. 271 8. THIU1), Philadelphia, Pa. heiii Esta e Douht und Sold on Commission. Loons negotiated. Money piocured on Bonus, .Mort (iii Hi and oiher Mcuritles. House and Ground Rents collected. t onmiissloner of Deeds for all the States- 4 271m5p PERSONS HAVING PROPERTIES FOR sale or to rent will find it to their advantage to call ut the central Real Estate Agency, Ho. 211 S. TH1KL) street 1 o bonus or charges made on either owner or tenant. 5 1) lmrp 1 il. JOSEIMI. FOR SALE A DESIRABLE THREE LijC stoiy Dwelling, with tluee-storv double Back Building on TWELFTH Street, above Green. All modern improvements, summer kitcben. heaters, etc. Price, 8Uu(jU ciear. Apply at this Otlico, between 9 and 12 A.M. 411) REMOVAL. COCHRAN & GOWEN, Stock and Exchange Brokers, HAVE REMOVED TO No. Ill SOUTH THIRD STREET, Opposite the Banking House ot Jay Cooke & Co. ' 5 8 (St Q. OL I) M I N E S. FOR SALE, TWENTY MINING CLAIMS, Of 2000 feet of rich Gold-bearing Vein, sltustcd In COLO ti ADO TERRITORY, only about a quarter of a mile from Central City, on tfie slope of the well known QUARTZ KILL. This property Is easily worked by drifting, has a wide vein, yields gold In larpe proportions, and is centrally located with respect to the best mlnos and settlements of Colorado. Panics desiring a mining property, either tor a basis ot a compnny or actual mining operations, will find thl9 a rare opportuidty, as they can now doal with the true owner of theproptrty, who wotked and developed the C. W. JOHNSON, No. 822 WALNUT Street. Otllce touts, from 11 A. M. to 1P M. C5 12 BUp "".LIFE, GROWTH AND BEAUTY. . 3Irs. S. A. Allen' IVorliTs Hair Restorer and Dress ing invigorate, strengthen and lengthen the ha ir. They act directly upon the roots of the hair, supplying re quired nourishment, and natural color and beauty returns., Grey hair dlsap 1 pears, bald spots are cov ered, hair stops falling, and luxuriant growth is the re sult. Ladies and Children will appreciate the delight ful fragrance and rich, glossy appearance impart ed to the hair, and no fear of soiling the skin, seal), or most elegant head-dress, Sold by all DmxgiiU, Depot 193 & 200 Greenwich St. N. Y MILLINERY GOODS. WOOD & GARY, No. 725 CHESNTTT STREET, ARE OFFERING DAILY ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES in 1IATS AND BONNETS, INCLUDING THE POPULAR JAPANESE AND MEDALLION HATS. 4 18 lmrp MISS U O'BRNE, In her New and Elegant Store, No. 807 ARCH Street, Has row open a larae stock ot the choicest FHKNCIJ MITjI.INERY. A yonng Farlslenne ('torn one of the most eminent of txe milliner, establishments 01 Paris) bas charge ofthe Tt mmtng Department r:verytyie and kind of HAT ot BOSNF.T now In lashlon will lie found In stock. 4 21 lmrp MRS. R. DILLON, Nos. 323 and 331 SOUTH Street, Has a handsome assortment of ST KING JlILLISERYi Missx' and Iniants' Ha s and Caps, Milks, Velvets, Crapes Plbhons. Feathers Flowers, frames etc. C 3 15 tin BOOTS AND SHOES. FINE ROOTS AND SlIOES, FOli GENTLEMEN'S And H o v s ' V e a r , AT REDUCED PRICHS. AT IIELWEG'S, Ko. 535 ARCH Street, Below Sixtn. First-class work a.wsys on band, aud made to order at short notice, 4 24 lm5p R E M OVAL, O. li E N K 13 11 T V; SON MANUFACTDllBHS OF , FINE HOOTS AMD SHOES Have removed Irom their Old Stand, No. 48 South FCURrH Street, to No. 716 CHESNUT STREET. Having purchased the entire. Duhuoss of Mr. Leonard Benkert, thus bringing together an im monse stock ol woods, ti ev will be iu position to supply the wants of the community at prices somo wl at below those ncretofoie charged. Their increased facilities also enable them to make a style of BOOTS AND SHOES lor Xomhs far su perior to what is mado el so where The lest BOOTS AND SHOES tor Ladles, also made to order. 4 CO fmw2m STOVES, &c. TJ N I O N OIL STOVES, A new and complete apparatus for Cooking and Heating by Petroleum Oil Our stoves give no smoke or odor, and are not liable to get out oi cider, being as slmpleln every respect as a Kerosene Lamp. 1 he linker, Broiler, and Flat-iron Heater are the onl special articles of fur niture required. Fot all other purposes, ordinary stove lumlture may be used. DAVID II. LOSEV, f?OLE AGENT FOE PKNN8YLVANIA, Ko. 38 South FIFTH Street. Ltbiral discount to the trade. ' 4 17 3m rn 27 OAS COOKJNG STOVES. 07 THE EAGLE GAS STOVES Are wsrranted to BAKL, LKOIL, BOIL ROAST, TOAST, STEW, HEAT IKONn ETC Kit!. NO DUST. D1HT. SAIOKK. OR AHE9, And are more econoinieal than Wood, Coal, or Od. O W. LOOM1S. iianufneturer's Aaent, 4 19 ho. 21 S. MXTH Street Philadelphia, Pa. 07 UNIVERSAL CLOTTIES' 27 WB1NOKB. The only Wrlneer with Ihe Patent Co Wheel Regu- iiitur. e warrant turn n nutjer, ami nu oiner. ti. W. LOOMS. Mantllaeiurcr'g Went. 419 No. 27 w. KiX I H Htreet, Poliudo pbia, Pa 27 THE CELEBRATED 27 DOTY WASHING MACHINE. For sale at G W. LOOMIS'. 4 11) No. 27 S. SIXTH Ktreet, Philadelphia,, Pa. 27 REFRIGERATORS, 27 ICE COOLERS, ICE CREAM FKKVZF.RS, CARPEr. ISM Ltl'EHS, CLO'iilES-WKINGKUS. ET At ) W IOOMI 4 lfllmwlm No. 27 S. SIXTH Street PbilaJclphia, Pa. REFRIGERATORS. REFRI G E II AT O It S. SMITH & RICHARDSON, A penis for the sale of the justly celebrated CHARCOAL LINkl) REFRIGERATORS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, FROM SOi'OO TO 25'00. 62lrr6p No. 61 I MARKET Street. QNE DOLLAR'S WORTH OF ICE P E It WEE K Will keep your provisions cool and sweet in the war nirt weather, by using one ot Sofcooley'o L.arge Refrigerators. Ibty 'h&ve three apartments, and are thorough ventilators. The ama 1 izos require bat 60 cents worth bi Ice per week. E. S. FARSON & CO., JIANUFACTUKEBS, 4 26 lmrp No. 220 JJOCK Street. ' WANTS. THREE GENERAL AGENTS WANTED TO act tn Important locations for the New York Acci dental Insurance Company. Active men ot good address, anplv to IBANK. O. ALLEN, hntneb Olhve, No. 410 CHK'SNIJTBtreet. Aoply soon. , ' il t PARASOLS AT $1-25, fl BO. f 1-75, AND 1. fellk Hun Umbrellas, ai-40, al so, nii. II DIXOV. . 4 Hwim . ' , Ko. 21 6. JIGUril Btjeot. DRY GOODS. piuoE & w o o r, HAVE OPENED THEIR NEW STORE, Northwest Corner of EIGHTH and FILBERT Streeta. Just opened, Black Silks. French Lawns, 26, 28, 81 and 87) cents. Broche Figured rophn, 81 J cents. Plain all-wool Dolalnea. Colored and Black t Ipscas. Oood Bleaobed Muslins, 16, 18, 20 and 26 cenU. "Wllliamsvillo, New York Mills, and Wamsutta Hnsllm. Unbleached Muslins, 12J up to 25 conta. 6-4 Pillow Case Mnsltns, 25 up to 47 cents. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. Soft Finish Cambrics. Jaconols and Nainsooks. Nainsook Stripe and l'.ntd Muslins. Victoria Lawns and 8 wins Muslins. Dalr Cord Btrlpo Muslins. Table Linens, Napkins and Towols. , Scotch Diaper by the pi"ce or yard. Shirting Linens, 40, 45, 50, 60 cents up to 81 40 per yard. Linen Huckaback, 12) up to 40 cents a yard. Butcher's I inen, 31 1 and CO confs a yard. A large assortment of Iloslerv and Ulovcs. Hoop Skirts in ado to order, expressly foroursa'os, and warranted. 800 Noodle-worked Bands at trold prices. 1000 Llnon Fans, 20 cents up to 86 cents, at old prices, PRICtf & WOOD, 5 12 N. W. Corner KIUUTU and FILBERT. N. B Silk Sun Umbrellas, and French Corsets. EMPORIUM FOR BLACK SILKS. THE LMUIEST AND fHKAPEST STOCK OF GROS GRAINS AND TAFFETA SILKS IN THE CITY. ELEGANT SILK MANTILLAS, NOW OPEN. V Eargains in Dress Goods, from Auction, AT M'ELROY'S, No. 11 South MINTH Street, 5 9 Ctrp ABOVK CHKSXCT. COOPER & cavu.D, NINTH ANU MARKET. 1250 YARDS CASSIMERE, $1-10; Reduced from $1'50. NEW CASSIMERES, $1-25 and $1-50. FINE CASSIMERES, $1-75. 6-4 FRENCH CASSIMRRE3. CASSIMERE3 FOR CLOAKS. HAERIS' FINE CASSI MERES, $2-00 and $2-25. COMPLETE LINE, REST MAKES, Black Cloths and Doeskins, FROM $2-25 to $8-50. 5 11 frawGt JMMENSK REDUCTIONS! IMMENSE REDUCTIONS! We havo Just mado an Immense reduction In tbe urices ot all our SILK S , In order to close out our entire stock. Moire Antiques, Cbene Silks. . Plata Silks, all colors, el fjj, 2'0fl, -i-a. Plain Corded Silks, all colots, 92 80. Foulard Pllks. at tl'J5. SI SO, Sl'75. Oood Plain Black Silks at ai-50. Extra Good Plain Black silkB at ft '75. Plain Black Oros Grain .ilks at Sl-75, l 87H. Plain Black Grosdialn Silks at 82'tm, 2 2.V Black TafTeta Parlsienno at C3 .10 , 82 79, 93 00. Extra Heavy Black .Silks at 94 CO 94 S0 95 00 and 9ti 00. 8ILKS of all kinds suitable for Dres.-ies, Mantles and Sacoues. Persons vlsbtnir to buy bargains In Bliss, would do well to examine our stocl: us we are sel Ing all our . Silks at Very Low Price, , II. STEEL Sc SOIV, 5 9wws Nos. 713 and 715 N. TENTH St. SisW SPRING- GOODS. The snbscrtbers are now rccelvlns their Ipring Impor tation of House Fiirnhl niic Dry (ioods, Comprlnns all .be best varieties of linen and cottov siiketisus, pillow and bolster can! nos, ' ' table damasks and diapfhs, table cloths, n a 1kijis, doylie8, , c1iambkr and bath towels, i towellings of al', descriptions, marseilles qcilt.s countkrhanes, BLANKETS, TABLE AND PIaXO COVERS, And every other article of furnishing Dry Goods re quired to commence housekeeping or supply tbe wants of a family. i SHUSH HOSIERY. AND MERINO GOODS. The subscriber, with li'crcawl facilities for the trans, actlonol ihe Hum LBV D PARTM B XT ot their busi ness, invite attention to their ample and well selected Block of LADIES', GEXTuKMKS'i, AND CHILDREN'S HOflERY, MERINO AND SILK V'tSTS. DRAWERS, ETC. New Mock, and at the Reduoed Prices. SHEPPARD.VAN HARUNGEN&ARRISON. 4 20 Imw2mrp No. 1008 CLTE9NUT STREET. rpWENTY YEARS OF EXTENSIVE PRaC .1 tics has rendered Dr KINKELI H the most tio ctssful practltlouvr tar aud nenr. Consult Dr. Kl.VKB Ll N , corner ol ILIUO and I'NlON Htreets. Consulta tion fire ot c bai(i. Dr. KUikeiin s Book On the lp ninilties of the Generative Hvstem, caused by the vh'lous habits of youlli, will ba mailed by snoloslnelS cents In a letter. , . , , . : 1 i 910 til OU R next governor-clymer or GEARY, as mar be chosen together with the . EVENING TEI.KOPAP1I. . NfcW YORK CLIPPER, EtO.( may Le obtained as usual at ' giTKEN'S NEWS-STAND, Hi Corner ot SEyE.STU ajid CULtfJVX Streets, A 0 L I) E IV T It U T II. TEETH EXTRACTED ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT P1I5JJ BY THE Colton Dental Association. No. 737 WALNUT STREET. No. 19 Cooper Institute, New York. No. 168 BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE. There is nothing which peoph dread mo e than paftt, id there ts n pain nit re txcruciatlng tlmu that of having a tootb exir.ioted. When I first Intrxluccl the Nitrous Oxidr oa Lalciuno Oas as a ute toroh orofo-tn and ether In dental operations, I me. with sneers and ridleile. But the new attent mauo a steady and constint pro gress. The Oas has now hd a trial or throo years, anil bas come out triumphantly I M any ol tbe leading Dentists of New York and Phila delphia, who have given ap the use of otilor form and ether, send all their patterns to me who require to take an SDsruthetlo. I make a lit cia"y in the uso ofthe (las and have butlucss enough to Justify ma lu making It rbiutii every day. 1 now use about 304 gs Ions per day. As to its Safety, I havo admlmstoted It to over lt.UVi) patients slnco May, 163,- and no unpleasant ' effects have attended a slnylo case. If tbcro was any danger rom Inha Ing the lias, would not some oue ot hese have been Injurious!? atfeoted? AH tbe .Dental d Medical Journals now admit that the Uas Is the be it a sthetlo or tooth-arawlng; bttt, because enough can givcu to produce en Ire Insonslbillty, without any Timer; belt, because it Is so pleasant to breathe, pro- emu no sickness or disagreeable sensations, and leaving the system entirely In two or three minutes; bill, because U will succeed with patients on whom chloroform and ethor have been tried In vam t but, be cause tbe most de lcato, nervous, and feeble persons can bieathe it with sa eiy t belt, because, with many patlenu, ltrend rs tooib-drawing a pleasure Our patients hsve all signed a soroll certifying thtt their teeth have been drawn without pain, and oppo site each name la a blank lor remarks. The following area tew of the remaiks : Without the slightest pain an uninterrupted dream." bj) a tureitn Aimi. Slate. ' A k'OU huuihug, ii a uiuu oau have bis teetli diawn WltlloU KUOVi llJK it " Twmty teeth cxtraotcd without the slightest pain, with oue uuse oi gs." "Hail t'o utnbia -the greates discovery o: the ago." ' No wore old-mshiuned dentistry or inc." ' Ou(,ln to cioct a statue lo uie inventor." "My n'conu operallou wi h the gas iiave tried etliec most carncstiv rccoioin' Dd Nitrous Jxldc" ' Nine hut tliemos' aticeabie Benuailoi.s " 'Vity pieasauti ream." "Was weak aud nervous, lecclvcd no pain, but won dniul v re re-lied alterv. ards." "A peasant ride on ho cars" "a glial improvement la the barbarous art of den tMrj." I thotild nevor have a tooth drawn wl.uout It." ' God les me Inveu'or." ' Have nomo.-e drcud ot tooth-drawing." - Harmless reliable and wit lout nam." "Ihe n ai I cxnerieuced beiore taking tho gas was only eqmi led oy tl e pli asure oi iu use." "thirteen teetu drawn, with ouodoie ot gas, and n pain." Dellgh'ed with the operation." "A pleasure instead 01 pnln." '"i his beats my chlorotbrni," urotn a dcntlit. ''I thank tbe Lord tor u is discovery 1 was per ectly unconscious." "With many others, I may well sy, God bless Dr. Colton" "1 am well paid fcr com'ng 2i)u ml;es." Names ot pmonswbo have had toeth extracted by theioltonDei tal Associution, Phdndelphla: Casper Souder, Kd., j Jlrs. M. C. Bispham, iioiaue t nscett, ( baiirs K. OarriMUes, Francis . lackburnc, liev. a. nui. Itev A ex. J. Hamilton. I.eorize U Stuart W 11 lam uritock, D Neton fill Kev Ueoige Piinahurst l hur es E. DU knel'. Krunk F. Zeluler, E. J. nowiett, tieorgell L. Clav. 31. D , Sauiuel Kreauier, K. A. 'lurpln, John Kerr. V. M. Yeukcl, ' t'hur es C dumper', Win. J. sonotDr Gurnrey M. H tlsty. haniuel 1 Fanlng, I'm nk W. Newboid, t.harlps Ilei'Chel, M. D., H. F. Woodward. Oeorge 11 Mituholl. iJ. I). James lilacs, s., Charles H. Keeves, Ii. C. l'atierson. J. T Elliott, laac Mead. W. F. Waters. Vrs Jlarv c. He Mrs. r. Fisher. Mrs. s 11. Whiting, Mrs U. B. Weaver. MiHS i.tllte H Lnwia. Mrs F t, Ueidltig ; Mrs. James J. All.n Mrs. C.ura U Kulston, I Jrs. K. ti. Davis tors B. L Butter, I .Visa annaiUoore, 1 iss (,'arrle .ox. m r i. ciaeitorey, Mtii. Dr. Benuur, Mrs. .seth K. oio -urn, Mm J. M Bradford. .Miss Fannie Knowles, VI tss Mangle Paneottst, Mrs. 'I'. M. Moore Iri Hannah Philllos, Mrs. Nellie Wilson, lira burah L). Tomllnson. Anna Tuvlor. ' Marv M. Mltcho'l, , Miss Juliette Kolierts, MfssBebccca W Aitemus, Mis M. (J Wa'lace. rs. George T. Kevser, '.Mrs. P. C. -.tew art, lire, U. G. Brunu, I Agues inner years old). John H. Parker iMissC. BurrvIS vuHraaldl. Aug. ('. Bournonvllle. M I) 1 Mrs. l)r Ashcralt. Del., F.C. UcoX( vears.oldi, Sirs. Anastatia Hewitt, rl Hllliani V,. Bantroit. Mm. .loliu U. But nr J. O. Mitchell. D W. F. Blvemen, K V. Herbert, Uentmt, John H. irouiulnger, 11. Butteiwortb, J. E.Bi lev. Thonas . Ila.rlson. Colonel Lewis Wagner, A. Gunther. J. A.McArthur.M. D., ,l. H. f-horinaker, Alexander G. cattell, NEW ('. B. rah'gron.U. 8. . A. A. Howard, M. P. John Ii. Johnnton, M D. F. llollick. M. D. 11. C Jones. M.D. B. L Walt, Lentlst. E. D. Bohle U.S. N. N. W. KiiiKSley, Dentist. Kev. Charles C. Painter. Bev. F. Babbitt. Bev. D II. Knierson Blchnrd C. Dean. M D., V, H. N. John J V!fche:l. M. D. Mrs. K. ! E. N. South worth. jMis, Julia A. btevuns. ,y Mrs If. O. (Tossmua, ' , I.MisB Mary Devllu, ,m Mrs. J V Bauer. V rs. Dr. Thomas, Hav., VI iss Gertrude (,'. Gorgas, M las Marv K. Townsoud, Mrs. L Harry Richards, Mis L. A. Buiulev, Mrs. Ktlzabeth Lower, Miss Mary A. Brakeley, Mrs A.J. Uamlitou, i out Mrs. Rev. Wm. Anderson. Mrs Bev. II. Loom Is Mrs. George ChOBtormaa. i Mis Carrie Bodlna. M rs. James H. Harper, i Mrs. . M. Heard. 'Mrs. ElUeP AllUon. Mrs. J. II Uache. Mrs. i'. W. Adaim 1 Mrs. George II. Norton, Mrs. James H. Mills. Mrs Bov. William Melklo. I And fourteen thousand three hundred and Gity-aix. o titers. From a large number of Testimonials, I se'oct the following extract from a lotter addressed to tue by Pro lessor P. II. Vander Weyde, Professor ot Chemistry la Glrard College, formerly ot New York Medical Col lege "I ant satisfied that nitrous oxide can be used in al eases v-here ether aud cli orotorm cannot bo saiely administered I in many coses the use of the two taat ' rawed annstlietlcs la by judicious physicians con- sluereu imsaei notwithHianding this, thete are too insnv cases on record where t lie counter Indications were overlooked, and fatal result have lol owed tho uso ol ether and chloroform I know no case In which I I would consider n'trous oxide gas unadvlsalila. except In a ease ot rcnsutuotlon so tar gone hat the exclt m-nt amending the extraction of a tooth wou d be unsafe temtf ui'irny antntletic. From the tltw York Evanqeltil: "V e are tlow to believe In the efficacy of new reme dies which are ottered to ihe public but the lieuueut testimony f clereyinen and others ot our acquaintance has assured ns that Dr. t oL ON has at last found meanr of ex'ractlng teet'i absoluto y without pain." 'To Dr. COLTON is due the credit oi revivlug the Use of this most important ai.eot (nitrous oxide) lu the prac tice ot Dentistry "Letter from r-argoon Cttrtiocusu, New York. A clergyman of this city vlslt'd the Colton Dental Asi-oclation a lew aa s since, and a 'tor having a large, troublesome tootb drawn, made this certificate on tbe regl.terot the Association : "No palnl All over In tnree uiluu ts A man can leave 'lie dentist s hands In a guod humor." The operation was performed by tha Ufa of Nitrous Oxide or Laiivhlng (Its, A ihaukvi'L Hkaht. A (Iiuly teacher from Washing ton recently same into ouroillee, aud tald she had sjina teeth which she wished extracted but slie was so ner v us she was alrald to take the gas, and she Inew she shou d feel the pain. We assured her there was not tbe sllKbtest danser, as we had given it to thousands, and never had a fa'lura or accidem. She breathed the gas. and w extracted nine teeth. i When she awoke, I said: "Yonr teeth ara out 4 It tin' B'.ji b'el" Mhe placed her nand to her mouth and exelalmed "Gudbltu yvu ailt" Hha lmmediatolr wrote on our scrol bnr name, and add d Ti- filton Venial Jnocutwn a biimug to the human taae," l OFFICE: No. 737 WALNUT STREET, ; , PHILADELPHIA. t510thm8trp : No. 19 COOPER INSTITUTE, NEW YOKE. No. 168 BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE PEICE$2'00 for the First Tooth, ant , $100 for each SubBcquent Tooth,