THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAriT. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MAY 12, I860.' osmlnps Ihc most minute ueiail pertaiLiiip to the pal low and shud !t ns he views ' In ttrnment of torture, Nc.1 the ror i . .., m d, sometimes skilfully and sometimes O'lun'.iiih. Then tb re is Knottier pause, anrt tiicnlTr-tts compelled, with the rope around his neck, to listen to a long rigmarole oi a death warr nt, at the conclusion of which w Is liilormed that he is at liberty to niHke a speech to the crowd. This speech may have a eood etlect upon its hearer, ami it may have a very bad one, lust as he criminal feels inclined. Then there la a shaking of hands between the prisoner and the cflicials, to show that time is no bU feeling between them, which is fallowed by the sheriff" pulling a Ion cap over the tare of the con demned. Now comes the most barbarous leatnrc of our executions, which certainly otieht 10 be avoided. We have reference to the length of time that Is allowed to elapse between the pulling down of the cap and the springing of the trap. The time Is not long to the specta tors, perhaps, but to tbe wretched criminal it nnnot seem like ages, and his sufferings beyond de orlption. This is all tinnecesar and contrary to the spirit of the law, which seeks nothing more than the hare life of the offender, and does not justify such acts of torture and immorality. Kcally, .when we reflect a moment, we cannot see no we have improved upon the wavs of our ances tors oi the medix-val aee. Except in the tact that the executions of the present dny arc not inite so public as they used to be we can per ceive no chHiig for ihe b'-tter. Let us take a lesson lrom France in such inatteis, and uree upon our State Legislature the necessity tor some reform which will 10 away with these acts ol barbarity that are daily enacted in our midst. Let ns have a public executioner like Calcratt, to commence with, who cmi destrov life with out torture, and then let the great State of New York lead off with som mstcm of capital pun ishment that will take the place of the old fashioned and barbarous one that at present exists. Other Sta'es will b:- sure to follow the example, and belore many years the entire country will have carne 'o' rbnt-'rutulate itself upon the adoption of this much needed measure ol reform. Woman's Uights. From the Daily Niwg. The teachers ol isms have taken advantaee of the "anniversary" demonstrations to ventilate their ideas of social progression. Now that the war is over, fanaticism does not find enough em ployment in raking up the ember of the strife; and, therefore, looks about lor new fields, or re enters upon the old fields, In which to sow the seeds of hereties and discords. In the presence of actual hostilities the popular mind, ab'orbed in the contemplation ot the terrible realities of desperate conflict, was in uo condition to study the theories of social experimentalists; and, for the tin;e, the apostles ot innovation upon long established customs found their occupation (:one. But now they n turn with fresh ardor to their vocation, and, we must conies-., alter the convulsions that have nicked the country, there is an unsettltd and unhealthy mental atid moral atmosphere that is lusornble to the de signs of these icouociasts. The people have be come accustomed to unwholesome excitements, and, as the political issues cease to otter novel phases, und la il to teed the morbid cravincs of the masses, they will seek for sensations in the spheres of truns'-endentaiiyin and social reform that are, just no, beiDg explored with so much tenacity and enthusiasm. The Ceechers, the Tiltons, the Wendell Phil lipses are in their element. It i ch?ir nature to quarrel with thac in. and to atenopt the overthrow of landmarks and of princi ples established and tested by centuries ot experience. They are revolutionists bv tempera ment and by profession, and the theme tnatis now apparentty mot In favor with them, is the vindication of "woman's rights." In this we agree with them so far as to desire that all the "ritrhte" that the great body of our countrywomen are ambitious to attain, may be conceded to tbem. We are behind none iu our reverence lor the sex to which enlightenment has accorded pre-eminence in purity and in those qualities that make moral sunshine for humanity. But we are convinced that the wo manhood of our country is too exalted to accept a position in the political arena. Our true women feel that they now fulul the highest and noblest functions oi (iod's cicatures, and that tneir sphere has no superior in purity, usefuluesf, and compliance with the laws o:' nature. Mr. Beecher has asked: "Will you, wLo are willing to give the elective franchise to the negro, retuse it to your mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters ?" We answer that the mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters of the republic are busy uuder their domestic roots, and have neither leisure nor inclination to assume additional responsi bilities. Since the world hi uan they have been Fpared the infliction of participation in the rude txpeiienct-s of political lile, and what have they pone, wherein they have sinned beyond those of their sex that Uvea be' ore them that they should now be drauged into an areiia where kmbitiou tied avarice are the incentives and cor ruption the weapon ot the conflict? We know that there are ministers of ihe Gospel who neelect their sacred duties to advance partisan interests; but the women of our country under stand their mission better, and more highly ap preciate the value to society of It conscientious lulfilment. They will not leave the cradles where their infants slumber, to mingle with tbe crowds that shout and swear at the hustings; and their natural instincts of housewifery wul countenance no innovation that seeks to lure them from their legitimate domain. And bow ran their lathers, husbands, brothers, and sons achieve for them a more beautiful, a holier, a purer ministration than that which, since Eve wept for her Abel, aud more bitter tears for the crime ot her tirst-born, has been the destiny of woman? Do what you can, Beechers, Tiltons, Wendell Phillipses, and besides all the female advocates of "Woman's Rights'' who neither re present the wishes nor the interests ot their sex, you cannot beguile our women from their domestic sphere, nor time tbem into the political world to be degidoed and defiled by contact with It corruption. (J I T Y IN TEL LI G EN U E I For Additional Local lurnt we Eighth Page.) Mies Anna E. Dickinson. This very Eopuar and eloquent younir woman, who we learn as recently returned irons tie West, alter an ab sence ot several mouths, bus been invited bv a num ber of her triouds aud admirers intbiscitv to de iver a lecture, at tbo Academy of M uaio, on ''My Policy," or the Johnsonian doirma oi reconstruction. Mie has accepted, and Friday tveuiiig, the J8tu nut , has been announced. From her well-known renutatlon as a speaker.her acknowledged eloquence.and ability to handle her subject we anticipate a groat enter tainment, and a crowded boue. The popularity ot this yountr lany in th West, and tbe great favor with which this lecture was received there may b imerreu lrom tbe lollowiug noiice in the St, Clair t.'A risrtan Anvorate of Apri. 12: h: "On Monday evening (he Opera House was filled to listen to an address lrom this e oquent young lady. Her subject was the Reconstruction Policy ot Mr. Johnson. We have not apace to give even an out Ine ot lior discourse, and indeed its power could not be represented on paper. It seemed, while lis tening to her, lute witnessing a uiiracie Such words from one so young and delicate seemed like an lnpi. ration. Though we have listened to many ot tbe first speakers oi the age, and men ot mature years, it has seldom, it ever, been our happiness to listen to a more eioqoent discourse For two hours the audi ence was held tpeil bound, and it would have sat two . hours lonwr without signs ol weariness. It is a pity thai a lew snore thousand could not have listened to those noble utterances Muny thanks to the Union for this tare treat." Ihe sale ot tickets wiM commenco on Monday morning, at T. B Push's Book More, 8. W. corner Hixta ana C'hosnut street. Sudden Death of a Public Officer. Mr Thomas Daly, the Surveyor and Regulator ot tbe iouBwetern district of this city, and formerly a member ot the Legislature, died yesterday morning at his residence on Washington street, after a tew boars iHn ss lie was sitting at bis door on Ihur oay evening in apparently robust health, bat wuen he weut into the huie he complained of a bad (eeling in his bead. In a short time be was insensible, sod died yesterday morning. II in disease is suuposed to have been apoplexy, lie Was widely knows, and very much lespt'c ed. Folic It mh. Between 1 and 2 o'clock ye-li itsy iroimng, (Mirer Kodrrauh arretted John lit n an sud I'sirirk Keiicy on suro clon ot being coi.cerucd in the rtisti lation of prits wnhont a licetis". The defendants were In a waon in w icn wts found the wo rn or a still a kef containing hhkv, and some otiier articles. One of ih? n.eo r Id that the krg conlsf. ed viDeyar, but he Ber nards sdmiited it was whiskv, and mlormeu tbe flicer that it bad been obtained at a p ace on Is in ton Isne, near Kirtge arena. Aifpr dalilif the I lace dcsir-nated wag visited by members of the rolice in conpany with Mr. Harper, a IKpnty Col lector, and ihe bed of a still was found there, with a quantity of hops and a nambnr ot hogsheads, be side t a boiler, which was quite hot The defendants, Kernan and Kel ey, ban a bearing belore Dm led Mates lommiss'oner timlth yesterday, and were held for a jurtber inept raiion io-flav. lour jroicMlonal fhlevtswere belore th A'der n anat thet'entrsl Mailt n yesterday with a viow to tticir Identification by persons who-o pock its have teen picked recently Mis. Maria I". ciingun picked out one ot the del enr ants at a man who wus on the car when she wa robbod, as sho thoucht, but she wouid Dot be positive about K Tbe lady tc fled tbat the pockot-picking look place in one of tl e cars on ( hesnut street, below Thlr eontn, in dny-tune She Colt her dreps touched In a mannnr to excite her suspicion and felt for her watch. Iir dress hod been cut where the watch was, out the thief had noi recned it. Her puree, however, con taining thlrtv-fivo dollars, was tiken. Two nvin lm. irrdiBfeiv started to leave the car, one o w.iom got off, tbe other remaining on the p ntlonn, He said that be was willing to be searched, nud tne con ductor remarked that he knew him Ihc man who lit d the money made bis escape. The hearing wai continued until to-day. Masonic Drgkeep. To the rhiladelphla Ma'ocic books lave Just been addol svveral ot ihu hU'ber and mot beautiful degree ol irmt honoroil order t lie Ancient and accepted Sco t sh R 'e. cemirl.-inr the (jrend I.odtro ot V rf'eclon, Dj Jomville Coencl at I'll nee ot Jcni'slem ting Chapter o Hose Croix, and tho Sovereign t oimls'oiy n he oiliccs elect "t lb' so are : (itlicers of Philadelphia Grand Lode of Pcrlecilun for A 1. lS(-lharle8 t. Mover. T. P. O. M ; ('. oaford K eit, 1). (I. M j J. Maillnon Whittiv. 8. (I War Ion 'J luiiiax Jaccilm .1. Q. W arden; tdwin F. M .o c i. K. it ea s; 1 boinas R I'ai..n. t ireaurnr; i linrlea L Unle. O. Hecreuirrs William .'.. Iielaad. U (Irmor. Xuthnn Hmltli, O Alaierof( er. j Frank xtil.a O. I', o ii ; t dwnrd trkxiand. O. Hospitaller. ('ft'.ceri o P lolnville ( ounnil o l'rln;es ot Jerua hm lor A I). IHiitt. Ifenv C Yarrow M. E. S. f ti. aster: Char es K. Mover, tl H.I'ilrnt; Jacob L. . lolin srn. 8. O W arden Una. I,, lUln. G K. o' Seal and Ar ehheo; Tho. K Patton, G. 'I reasurert Nathan nilth.ll. Maxter of Ccreinonica; Joseph T. Whaun U. M. oi En trance. Otllcers of the Kit win' tag Chapter of the Roe CroU, for. II. 18i .lobn R. Kelbert, M W. and P. M. ( ! firman P. Uollihead, H. Warden; Max rtonimer vllle, J. Warden; 'I nomas R. t'ation, G Treasurer; Charles L. Hale, G. Secretary; Nathan Nmtth.G Mas ter ol ( er ; l.loyd II. Wa lon, G. C. ot Guard. Ofl cers or Fhlladelnhla Sov ConilHtorv of B. P. R. 8 ,3! dep., for A. I). lHtiS.-Jeremiah L. Hutchinoon I 1. Hov. G. Com ; Charles K. Mever. Lieut G Corn ; Hany C. Tarrow, 24 Llent. G Com ; Thomis it. liavl. U.o Mate; Townsend 8. Ilunn. G. I hanr.e; lor; Charles L. lla'e. G. ecetary; tliotnas R Pat ton, G Treasurer; Edward Strickland, O. Architeo.; Edward U. Bvhnlder. O. St'd ttoaier: Abaalom Taylor, G. om. oi Guard; Max Moininervhie. In. am. ; Na than mlth (. Master ot Cer ; i'aniei Thompson. ; Engineer; Wll.lam B. hchulder, Tyler for al the bodies. The Domestic Mabkets. Meats of all kinds have gone up, whi e vegetables liavo come oown there is n sliht decrease in Lutter, The quoiations tor to day are as follows : tuples, V bait peck 8",)45 A-iarai;iis, i bubch 25t36 liuiter, roll 6ov$5 " tKiuad 60i70 Chickens pound 80;a.85 Celery, burc 30,a40 Cabbace p head 6.n;10 Lined Fruit, apples, quart 15ctl3 " peaches, sp quart 2ta 25 " cherries, f quart 26 w2 Kpcs. Jf) dozen in iilit F lour and Mea) wheat, lb rye. lb 6 " " bran, ip Ih " " Iudiai , lb 8d3l Ird $ lb iOa13 Weals icast beef. ib , . , ,'Lra? " rump steaks, lb 22(25 " sii loin steaks, Ib 3&Vt35 Kutton, tore-quarter, lb lai 15 bind " lb 18r25 " chops lb 18n26 Pork, roasted and steak, ) lb 1822 Fried beef, lb SJ.aM Peas, n w, t bait reck (i6x70 Potatoes white, lp bail peck 30o35 " sweet 70(g,75 raw berries, t quart 7075 Veal, bind quarter, lb ... lo18 ' lore quarter, lb 10il2 " cutlets, tub 20(.26 Tresentation to A Fire Company. Tl e Fancv Liress I5a 1 of the Weft Phdauulphia c'c vuuipuuy was neia on iiiursdav evening last at the Commissioners' Ha l, corner of Tb rty seveiitn and Market streets, in commemorHtion oi their tenth anniversary. Everything was conducted in the most creditable manner, and iho large assemblage dis peed at a late hour ereatlv pleased with the enter tainment. Aleuullial silver fire-horn, two minia ture boms, and a fine oil painting of tne .ate Presi dent Lincoln were presented, on behalf oi their friends, by Mr Parr, the Ticket Arent of the Phila delphia and Media Railroad Company, and were received, on b 'half oi' tne Hose Compauv, by Colonel Robert P. Dccherr, in earnest and eloquent addr eses. " - - - vvu... vvuu vjiijiuvo IU - rt Rtifl nn IhirrsHov Avnnins a. I ....... l. j " ..... u , u i . VII I J IUUI Lll nun 1 ine stie ts, on the charge of counnilting an assau t ou.i miirri hiiu cairjing conceaiea ueadly weapons. Offccr Clinton took him to Alderman Tuuion's Cflice. He wob held to answer. Lnfspection of Flour and Meal, fob the Weik dinq May 10, 18ti0.-Barrels ot super fine, 6089; barrels Corn Meal, 216; total, 6305. SPECIAL NOTICES. Jgf TUE GREAT NATIONAL FAIR. IDE LADY DIRECTORS OK THE ion ill Soldiers' ana Orphan Home Sailors' Will commence to hold A PUBLIC FAIR, In the CITV Ot W AHINGION, on the 15 h of MAY NEXT, the proceeds of which are to be devoted to the Support and Maintenance of the Orphans of H at tonal Soldier and ballot, not otherwise provided lor In their respective States and Territories. 1 be ladies Invite all who can to contribute towards rcpieeentlng their State by a table at the fair The charity Is a noble and deserving one, and It is hoped tbat each State aud Territory will be liberally represented. All contribution should be addressed "NtTIONAI. 8' LIMKKb' AND HAILORVOKl'HAN HOME, WANH ii ri "-n ... . i. i- i.i . , I he ore the opening oi tbe Fair The lDHtitution will be opened for the reception of . nuurru cd ice iti oi June next, ana apprcations ior (.uiirBiiiu uxmy u lurwarueu immcuiaieiy to MRS. J. CARLISLE, Secretary, Washington, D. C, F ap ers trlerdly to the cause please copy. 4 2tf 18 THE VIRGIN Gold Mining Company of Colorado. 1250 Original IntereMta, 9100 Eacb, Ot wl Ich 850 are Beserved for WOfiKING CAPITAL. The property ot the Company comdata of twelve Leugea. In extent nearly hall a mile in length, situated near ' eutral Cliy, Coloiado. I ubfcribera elect toelr own otllcers. and themseive manaK the affairs oi the Corneal y. Facb "eriKlnal interest," SilKI. nlves asab sc rlbi r hia pi o rata amount 01 aujck In all the corpora tion organined on these pre per1 tea The Books let Hubtcription are now open. For a prospectus giving lull particulars, or to aecareone or more 01 these ' oiiglnai Inteieeis," addresa at once, or apply to 4 aim DUNCAN M. MITCHEHOS, S. E. ccr. rOPBTH and WALNUT Streets, PhUada. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Oints CourTKOLbaa or the ('uuaenoT, Wasiiinotom, Mar 8, ISM f Whereas, 6atitactory notice has been transmitted to the Comptroller ot ihe Curreucy tbat the capital atock 01 the si.COKD MAI ION AL BAKE. OF fHlLADhL Hll A. Pa, ha been Increased in ths sum ( tlity ti.ou sand doila i i,M),(XH)), In accordance wlib the provialona ol It Article ol Association and tbat the whole aoiouut 01 sacb lncraas has been paid In, an that the pale uo capliitl atock ol taid Bank now amounia to itieumol THKKK UUMRL1 iMuUhaKD DOLL A hi ( It w hereby certified that the Capital Stock of the Pecond atlonal Bank of Philadelphia Pa. aioresalrf, ha' been Increased as aforewid In the sumo' Kitty 1 bouf and Dollars (ado 1 OU) that aakl Inoreaae 01 caul l baa btea paid Into aald Bank as a part of tbe Cauilal stock tberevfi an 4 tUattoa mid bereaaeof capital is approved by Ihe loniptrolle' 01 the t urrenry la viltneiia rherevl 1 Sereuulo aitia my ortlclat signa ture II. a. IHJLBDKI) 1 11 ft Deputy Cemptroller. SPtCIAL NOTICES. TO THE KOLDIER3 OF PENNSYL VANIA. Ilimrso, May I. IS. In obedience to emhnrlty eid In me bv a reoli tlon adopted by tne Convention of Soldiers be d In trttn city on IheeUhtb day ol March ISM I do hereby ie quest the hoimrabiy dlrbarved o rtler of l ennnyl vanla to meet In their respective I eg atlva Districts and elect Iieleate, not excecdlns fle In number to repiesen' their dl r.ct In a soldiers' I onventlon. to be held in thecif ol riitsburg. on TL FsdaV. tb fl th 01 June next, at 1 o'clock A. W. Where any Representative dls'rlct romprlse mors nan one county, the manner ot electing the deleiMUM I cpectiui teterre' to the fo dier of he nls ncttor such conference as will rca .It In a lair ret resentalloa it ti cb rounly Cltlitne ho have borne arms In defence of the nation slti-l irson have erpeclai tnttrest In the purpose ol ibis Cot vemlon atd it i iksirable ihat as lul a reore m mation the brave defender ot tne country as pos rib e cl.ould he secured on this oceaslcn .1. F HARTR.XNFT I.ate Tlrevet Mnjor-t.emnnl USA rnpers favorable to the cause wl. I pease puulsh the h"e. ft 4t6 S fccLPlFUS, ATTENTION! SSKM11LE In yonr sirergth on SAIUi DAY EVENING. May 12, S o'clotk. a in COI NTY rorRl ROOM, lo con plete fie orKanlzatlon 0' the ' BOY.SIN BLUli " JO-HUA T. OWK.V. 11 it President t'J" Til E t NION STATK CENTRAL Ct"lM Will I p mil nn cfat t lie room- of ihe alonJ I'nlon ( lull. o. HCS 1 H T H N U 1 (-tree1, Phi ado plila.on Vt FIiNKMiAi , ihe Iiith day of slay, instant at three o c ock P M. 'lie in ft mi mice of every mrmber I ern st'v so'ieltod. 811:'t R.Ji l.DiN.i hainimn. JOHN R. O o U G II. "I'F.I I LIAR PKOrLE." At the At'tDKsY M Ut i . MONDAY, May 14. Tliteis icr sale at Asbmeal A Evann', No. 72; striet and J'a Music sioro Seventh and Ch s mit uriets I'ror open at 7. l ett i' e will commence S. If r.ny Tickets remain unsold they mav be hd at the door ol tbe Academy on Monday evening. 4 11 at KiV THE GREAT LECTURE, " TIT. E TWO -lc-' 'Ihlrteen ' by Major A. F. I'ALHOI'N, la'e hlol 01 tcout under Ceu. rai Gmnt, will be delivered In tOSt OUT BALI, May 14 at 8 P. lu. 1 It kets to tie ! ad at l uvh's-ioro Mxth and Ch'snot smeisj Manlen's, io. Mb Chesnut; and at the Uali on aturlll'.v. dn lsclon. 35c. llcfcrvcd seats. 5?c. 8 10 3. KSS" RIEESTAnT'S LAST WORK "STORM IN TDK RO( KY MOCNTAI.NS"-now 01 ex hlbltlen by permission of the Artist lor the Benefit ot tbe 'l.lnco n Instl inlon and soldiers' and Sal'ors' Orphi.n Boys' Home." at WtKPKKo'lH. TAYLOR BROWN 'tv No 81V and 814 CHKfM'T S'rect, for one month m y. Open In m III A, M. to 10 P M. . bean n 'ticket, el W lnKle Ticket cenw. C4 21 lm MACHPELAH CEMETERY SOCIETY". A Sncclnl Meeting ot this Society will be held at the Ground, on TU t:-D. Y KVhMU, Vav Is. lsHH, Li, av ID, IMMi, By order ot tile at o c ocx. ior alteration ol By-Jaws, Bj B oa'd 01 Llrecior 6 11 3i M. GRIER. Secretary. KT0 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC IIIGII WAYS.. Office of Chief CoMaissioNF.a. ) 8. W Cob.vkr Fifth and Walnit ikkbts PliiLADEt i niA, May 3 'fbti J N t TICK Ownrrs 01 Hack aud Carriages kept lor llire are tiercb notified tht thev must tenew their License on or before the first day 01 June, isii6 The penalty lor neglect is Five Dollars for each and ever, time the veblc e 1 used alter tne above dnte, at d will be sirlctlv cnlorced 111-MAS M TRIOI. , ,, License Clerk. Section 1 of an Crdlnnncc relating to Hackney Car riages passed Mavf), IffiS : Thin every Hack. Stage coach Cab 1 harlot Conehle, oupe, Barouche, Lan dau, or otler vehicle whether on wl.eelsor runuers, except Omnibuses and Huilroad Cars drawn bv one or more horse or other animal power, v. hies shall be used In the City of Phlladelthia ior the convevance ot persons tor hire lrom place to place w:thln the said city, eliail b deemed a hackney cainage within tbemeaniug 01 ihi oroinance. 5 odth3; DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HIGH- AV AYS 4 itHoo rtf Cfilaal mn.liu;Ah- a ir ' " - - -' w . '- ' uuiuiiOBIUUBr. at TV (orner ot FIFTH and WALK U 1 Stree a. ..FHiLAnp.i.riiiA. May 10,1866. NOTICE TO CONTRACIORS. Sealed Proposa s will he rccelven at this Office nn'tl 12 o'clock Al.on MONDAY, Mav the 14th. ISntt tor the grading ot Hare street, Horn Twenty-fllth ftreet to Mlor street at so much por cubic yard, the gr.i olng to be done according to the grades how esiabllahod by law. All bidders mav be present at the time and place tor opening 01 said proposals, and the lowest bidder will come torward within three days thereater to execute tbe contract or consider his bid withdrawn. . v, W. W.8MEDLEY, H3t Chief Commissioner ol Hlghwavs.g Kg THK KOLLOWINiJ (iENTLEMEN HAVE teer duty elected Offieers of the PHILADiiL rillA lllAMBER OF COMMERCE, 10 serve for the ensuing ytai: FRBH1DF.NT JOSEPH S. PEROT. MANAOKRS. A LKX NDKR G. CATTELL, HARLKS H. ( ', .USE- A. WRIGHT, HOWARD HINCHMAN, CIIARLK- KNECH 1 . fl.MHA E. 1' A LONE, NA 'HA B ROOK K, JOHN H MH IIE0ER, TRKASI'RER. c . , , RAWU1L L. WARD. t-nbseriptions will be rcce'ved at the l.'oome o' the torn 1 xebenge Association, lor the balance of the ciipl al stock, daily, noro 11 A. M. to VI M. (Signed) sAJll'iL L. WARD, Treasurer. Philadelphia, May 11. 1FH6 6 II lm trS PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COM-- PAN Y. TREA81 RtR'6 DEPARTS! TNT, ) PMILADELfHlA Al By 2, 1M6 f NOTICE TO STO(KHOLitKi.-The Hoard o' Directors have this day declared a semi anuunj d vidend oiUVE PtR CENI.on the capital slock of the Com pany. c ea ol National and ttate taxeB. payable on ana alter Way 80, lSbU. Blank powers of attorney for collecting dividend can be had at tbe office of the Compan? . No. Jfcis s. IHIR. llluSAS T. FIRTH, o80t 'treasurer. fr0 PHILADELPHIA AND Ite'aDINU T,5AJ, ROAD COMPANY, Ofllee No. 227 South FOURTH Mreet. .. , . . v , PniLAbELPni a April 28 186. . Notice Is hereby given to the Stockho dew o. this ( ronuny, that the option of receiving tlte'r Dividend In Stoca or Cash, under the resolution ol the Board Ut llih 1 ecember, 1SWJ. will cease on aud after the alst o' A'ar, ls6, and that such Stockholders a oo not demand their Dividend to be paid to ihem In Stock on or before that day , wl'l be thereafter entitled to receive It in Cash oniv. t4 30 lmj 8. BRADFORD, Treasurer. A PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OP MAR- RIAGE I t ontainlnir nmrtv.Kin naona and I'lli fine Plate and Fngravingaol the Anatomy of the Human Groans in I State ol Health and Disease, with a Treatise on Earlv Frrore, Its Deplorable Consequences upon tbe Mind and Body, with the Author's Hanoi Treaimeut ihe only rational and tucc essiul mode ot cure, as slwwn by the iej ort ot canes treated. A truthful advwer to the marrhd and those contemplating nmrrfage. who entei taln donbts of their pbyslcai condition Sent free of poetage to any address, on rcelpt oi a cent hi stamp or noBial currency, by addressing Dr. LA CROIX No. SI MAIDEN Lane Albany. N. Y. Tbe anihor may be consulted upon anv ot the diseases apon which h's hook treats either j trtnally or by mail and medicines sect to any part ol the world. 11 8 Sin trW BATCH ELOR'S HAIR DYE. i-3 THE BI ST IN THE WORLD. Haimless reliable lu-tantaneous. The oo'y perfect dve. No disappointment no ridiculous tints, but true to nature, b ack or brown GLM'INE IS nIUNED WILLIA1I A. BATCHELOB A LSO, Regenerating Fx tract oi Mlliifl ears restores, preserves and beautifies the hair, prevent ha dues. Sold by all Druggists Factory o,81 BARCLAY rt.N. Y. 3HJ rz? DINING-ROOM. F. LAKEMEYER, - C A RT i R'S Alley, would respectfully Inform the Pub Ic Bcneially that he has leitnothmg undone to make this place comtottable In every respect lor the accoiu nodation oi guests. He has opened a large and com niodlou Dinlna-Room In the second orv Hia smir coii n i W M1HKY Is lurtilt-'ied with BRANDIES. WINKS , Etc.. Ftc. ot SUPERIOR BRANDS. 11 ' frsp JUST PUBLISHED- by the Physicians of the NEW YORK MUSEUM, the Ninetieth Edition ot their FOUR LECTURES, entitled PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE. To be had In e. tor four stamp by addressing Secre tary Ntw Ycrk ilufeum of Anatomv. 7 1H No. 618 BROAD WAY. New York. ESTABLISHED 1795. A. S. ROBINSON, Freneli Plate Looklng-Classes, ENGRAVINGS PAINTINGS, DRAWINGS ETC ftjanniaotnrer of all kinds of Looltinc-GlaiBH, Portrait, and Vic ture Frames to Order. No. 810 CHESNTJT STREET. TEIED rcOR ABOVE THE COMT1NCN1AL, PIIILAPrLPPlA. . 16 1 AMUSEMENTS. TrSLEY'8 CONTINENTAL NEWS XV IXCRANOE. Choirs at to all p aces oi Amusement may be ba sp 10 bH o'cititk nv etenmi t 1 l ly AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MU8IC, CORNER Of BROAD and LOLU8T S'reeot Lessee and Manager WILLIAM WUKATLET. inn (Saturday) EVF'I"0 May U, THK FAR" W ELL APPEARANCE In Pb Hade nhla oi the celebrated kkvel niocrr. on whlcn occasion will be preannted THE Til It! F.-fA'.ED RfNCrTM AM. fn which (t.-PRlf L RAVf LwM sn aln five speak'ng ehkrarter (In Invllsh), and sing the beautl.ui baua i, "Weeping (or Ihee " ANTOi.NK RAVKLwIU also sustain three epesklng charaaier (In English). At er Mch a GRlsli BPANlSrt D1VKRTIIVNMKNT. To conclude with, lor the first aud only time, the totio comic pun om'me of POM.O, OR, THE 1NTFLLIOEN T APE Albino, an live seer mtn OH RAVEL Hon Falch'o UAIIRIEL R WEI. 1 1tano, a egr. VOUNU MERI( Pongo, the Ape PA OL MARTI. NKTT1 All .MISSION cents Reeied Seat M cents FmiiI v uxle HO cents Airpnltheatre Weent Doors open at H past 7. To commence at S o'clock. Seaia secured in advance at ('. W. A. Trumpler's Music Stoie. Seventh nd Chesnut streets, and at the It ox Oillce ot the Academy lrom 9 A. at till 4 P. M. WElfUCAN ACADEMY" OF MUSIC. THE THIRD AND LAST CONCERT OP TBS HANDEL AND HAVEN SOCIETY, wl'l take place on lCrSDAY KVF.MrTG, Slay 15, on vihlch occaaion HAIDSM SEAS O N S WILL MK PERFORMED ENTIRE. M1S-. ( AK)LIs. Rl HI Ml-. Soprano; MR GF RO PIVPHO.s Tenon K J. R. '1 II 'l MAS. Ilasso, wll' suita n the principal parts assisted by the power! u Chorueof ih ouImi.v, oi IHI Ft- 11UDRED VOK ES and the I1ERMANIA ORCIIKM'R , CllaKLK SCHMiDT. Leader. The whole nnfer the dlree Ion of O- KU sENfZ. Hie Pox i-hett will be opened at C. W. A. TRUVf PI fcl 's Mulo Store SEVENTH and C'dEsNUT Streets, on WKDNKt DAY. May 9. 1 icket to all parts of the house Fifty Cents Reserved heats One Dollar Concert to commence at 8 o'c ock preclselv, Subicriber holding tickets dated Vlay 3 wl l present them at 1 rumpler', hern thev will receive Tickets ior Reserved Seats, In exchange, lor tne 15th. 8 in l'i U f St NEW CHESNUT STREET THEATRE. CHKSM7T Street, above ') welith. LEONARD OKOVERA WILLIAM K. SINN. Lessees and M answers. WILLIAM F. SINN Resident Manager. NO. K K CaANtlt OF TIME. I'oors open at 7 15. Curtain rises at 8. MR. EDWIN AD VMS. rills EVKXINU bIS EVENI MJ THIS KVCnINO this f.vf.mmu a glorious bill, a glorious bill. A Glorious Mil. A Glorious fill. A Glorious Bill. A Glotlo.s Bill. IMMENSE ATTRAC1 ION. lMjlirNSK, ATTRACIIOS. Immense Attraction Immense Attraction. Immense Attraction. Immense Attraction. THE ROBhEKS. THE RORBKRS. THK ROBKEKS. THE UOHBhKl. 'i ll iv RtiBBKKS. THE ROBBERS. CI arlesde Moor Mr. EDWIN ADAMS MY WIFK'S BONNET. MY WIFE'S BONNET. MY WIFE'S BONN ET. MODAY EVENINO. May H, THE DEAD HEAR I'. THE DEAD HKARf. THE DEAD HEART. Admission to evening perloimance, Mc., 5flc, and 1)1. WALNUT STREET THEATRE. N. E. corner NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Begins quarter to 8. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, May 1?, Eighteenth Night ol the Brl.liant Engagemeut ot . MR. EOWIN BOOIH, who will appear In bbakespeare's Tragedy of HAMLKT, which has been placed on the stage in a stvle, It Is hoped, combining splendor of production with strict historical correctness. No expense or effort has been snared In the endeavor, by a more sirictly pictorial arrangement of tbe ordinary stage resources, and by the fldaiity, appropriate ness, and superior execution of the seetal means oi scenic Illusion. io carry out the spirit of the piay Into tbe most minute delal s. MR. EUW1N BOOTH AS BAMLKT. I.sertes ....Mr CHARLES B RRON Mr. J. 11. TA1 LOR a the (.host ot Hamlet's Father. HAMLET EVI.RY EVKM.sU. Chairs secured three davs In advance R. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH STREET THEATRE. Begins at IH o'clock. MISS FAN S Y V. TILTOV, FOR 1111 NIGHT ONLY. SATURDAY EVENING, May 12, the great drama ot WA1 1 ING FOR THE VERDICT. Martha Miss FANNY V. TILTOS Jasper him kin Jonathan j r. E. L. Tllton Mr t. Hemp e curul lrs. C. llann THE GOOD-FOR-NOTIJINu. MONDAY lENEFI'l' OF MRS CHARLES HENRI. SbEEP IN WOLF'S CLOTHING AMD a JACK BUfc.PPA.RD. NEW AMERICAN THEATRE WALNUT Btreot, above Eighth. ANOTHER STARTLING NOVELTY. Engagement oi the un'ivalied MISS LEO HUDSOV. and her trained t teed SENSATION," who will appear in the grand spectacle of MAZEPPA ; OK THE WILD HOrtSE OF TARTARY. First appearance ol MK, HARRY PEARSO N. Q B. HOWE '8 CIRCUS, CORNER OF kJ. Lot UfeT ana BROAD, In rear of ACADEMV O' asUSIC. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, positively the LAST TWO DATS TWO PERFORMANCE DAILY. At2and7o'c ock P. M. AIL 1HK GREAT ARTIST8. MISS LUCY WATSON, 111 REE CLOWNS, BAM LONG, FRANK WHITTAKEB. LITTLi MAC, from P.RYANT'8 MIS8TRELA Mr. PIFRCE vUl enter CROCKE I T'8 DES OF LIONS at each periormanee. (A li 2t Acmlssioo 50 cents. Children under 10 years 2ocent. QOSCEB1 II A LL. A GRAND CONCERT will be given at ( O.sCEKl HaLL bv the BLACK SWAN TROUPE, On WEDNESDAY EVENING, May 16. MlhS E. T. GREENFIELD. ' '1 be Celebrated iH.ACK SWAN. Miss KATE LANIVR, Miss RACHEL DENNET, Mls BFUECi'A Mi'KTMOB- NCY, Mr FRANK WOODS ienor;Mr CLIFF. Baritone; Mr WILLI AM MOUKI s. Baato, have kludiy voluuteered their services, assisted by a Full Proleasor KING Conductor Reserved seats 50 cent Admission 25 cents Doors opt a at 7. To commeace at 8. Kaeoi Ticket to commence at T. R Pngh's Book store. Sixth aud Cheung streets, May 10. 5 9 (it rpHE ORIGINAL MAGNIFICENT MOVING .1 Diorama of the CONFLAGRATION" OF VOSCOIV will be exhibited every evening this week at tho AS ShMBLi BUILDING, commencing atH o'o'ouk. Tlio moonlit Domes and Battlements of the "City of the i tars." the advance and retreat ot the French army, tbe hasty flight ol the citizens, carrying with thetn their treasure; the spread of the flames, the booming o. cannon ringing oi bells, etc. etc. make this exhibit Ion one oi the mom ihriiilng and attractive work oi art that has ever beep witnease by the Ainerlean pub lo. Mafinee on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTER NOONS, at 1 o'clock. Admission Z5 cents. Children is etnts. 5 7 fit SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO A GHEAT WOBK OF ARr SOW OH EXHIBITION AT F. GAB YLEW1TZU PHILADELPHIA ART OAiXERY. N o. 1 1105 CHESNUT Stent Cammarana's Great Historical Picture ol the S.CKlNO OF AL1AMURV BV CABWMAL IIDSKO, IN 179J Pali ted by order of the ' talian Government. 1 he Picture will bo engraved by JOH N SARTAIN. For a mil description of tblsextraoidlnary pioductioa, we reler to the printed details In the Gallery. s dmlsslon to the Gal erv 25 cents. 4 21 lm MUSICAL SOIREE, EVERY EVENING, AT THS C1TT('BFS AND HEADING ROOMS. N. YiVt CHrSNCr HtreeL Ihiiad.lpbJa. (4161m AMUSEMENTS. TJNITED STATES PRIZE CONCERT TO BE GIVEN AT CIIOS13YS OPKIIA IIOU8K CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, May SB. 1BGO. K5.C0O VALUABLE PRIZES, VALUED AT $492,07925, WILL BE 1 RK8INTID 10 TICKE MI0LDER9 INCLUDISO $ICO,C0O IN GREENBACKS. Rnmlitr of Tlrketa I as tied, 300,000. PRICE, $100 EACH. This ts the greatest Inducement ever o (To rod to ths public, one ticket of every four drawing a price. The following prizes are a few among the many to bo drawn. For lull list see circulars i 1 Gitt, m Greenback 30 001 I do do 10 Don I do do 5.0 -n 1 do do 4,000 1 do do ii 3,0 0 1 do so t UOJ 25 do do tlOOOeach 25 CO 20 do do IHK) each 10,000 30 do do 5V each 1,000 1 do Residence No. (82 Wauash avenue lo.ixo 1 do do Lake street soon 1 do do No. 37 Newberry street 5.000 5 do Cottages, oa Fuitnn, near Pau lna St.... 10 000 2 do do No. 16!) W. Liberty and No. 537 W.Indiana streets 6 000 i do do In good locality 0,0o0 10 do City Lots, SJtO each 8,000 The drawing will take p ace alter the Concert en the stage ot the.Opera House, where lfl.ooO persons can witness It. A committee will be appointed by the au dience to superintend the same All purchasers and agents will be supplied with correct lists of drawings at soon as published. Parties holding tickets will retain them until alter the drawing, and If their number ap pears In the list ot drawn numbers, they will forward their ticket Immediately, with lull directions as to the shipping ot goods or moneys, tickets are for sale at principal Hotels, Book, and Music f tores in tho city, and at our office, No. 133 DEARltORN Street. Price, fl each. Sent b mall on receipt of price and stamp for return postage. Good and reliable Agents wanted in every cltv, town, and vi.lage in the United states, to whom great Inducements are oilered. Relorencea required SPECIAL TERMS. OR CLUB RATKS Any parly procuring a club ot five or more names for tickets, and lot at a ng us the money tor the sumo, will be allowed the following commission, viz: WE WILL SEND 5 Tickets to one address for 84 50 10 do do do it uo 211 do do do n-ftO 30 do do do 2S25 40 ao do do 115 01 50 do do do 4;l,50 And 1U0 do do do haoO In every case send the name snd post office address oi each teparate subscriber. Money by drait. post ofhee order, express, or in re gibteied letters, msy be sent at our risk. All coiLUionicatluus should be addressed to WIGGINS, BRADFORD & CO., No. 133 DEARBORN Street. Chicago, 111., Post Office Drawr 5913. The propiietor will donate to the Lincoln and Douglas Monument Fnud S'iUOO; a so, there will be reserved ,roui the peiton drawing the 3U Ouo prize, lor the same purpose. tickets for sale at the ptlncipal Hotels, and at tbe Music more ot banes iruuipier, at the 8. . corner ot Seventh and Chesuut stree s. He. ere nee- lion M. S. Wilkinson. ex-Senator of Min nesota: Hon G V. Lawience. M. O ol Pa ; Hon. Alex. Randall, ex-Gov. ot Wis.; Hon. Wm. Jiontgomcrv. ex M. C. oi Pa. Hon k ajor Dan. ilaee ex M. C el Ind ; Hon. liaJ. Lav cock, oi Kansas; Hon. Win Lefllngwell, Lvons Iowa; Hon. JoBepti hnox. of Chlca.0 ; Hon. C. Graves Smith, of Minn I Jacob Foisythe, -gt. M S. R. R.. hlcago. HI ; M. Kronberg a Co., Imoortem of .Vetches Chicago; Mansell, Whl.'e A Co., New Orleans, Loulsiana. N. B. Fdltors of rountry papers are authorized to act as our agents, and they wl 1 be allowed i all (emmission on all t'ekets ord red, whether for themselves or other parties, who may order through thetn Proposals lor In serting this advertisement requested. (4 "URL GAERTNER'S GRAND CLASSICAL .J MATINEE will ruke place on THURSDAY, May 17, AT THK FOYER OF THE ACAIiEMY OK MUSIC. VIA'1 IN EE will commence at 4 o'clock. Tickets ot admist-lon si 00 To be had at the Music Stores and at the Door. See Programme. It QiOIREE ACADEMIQUE. N'HfRD ANNUAL EXHIBITION by tbe BROAD fTR(ET CADETn, In Mnging. Gymnastic, tactics, and Elocution, at the A ADEMY OF MUSIC, on THURSDAY EVENING, Mav 17, 1KB6 Admission. 50 cents. No extra charge tor reserved seats, llraets for sale at E. Cummisk's Bookstore, No 1037 Chesnut street. Exercises c mmence at IH precisely. 5116! ERMANIA ORCHESTRA. PUBLIC RE T neareals everv SATCKDAY AFTRoON AT SU H AL F UND HALL. 3)4 o Clock. Eniiagements madcliy addressing GEO HG K BASTERT. Agent, No. l .1 M ONTKH FY street between Htvee snd Vine 116 " HE OLDEST AND LARGEST lo SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKC'ACTURINfl ESTABLISHMENT IN THE COUNTRY. LACEY, MEEKER & CO., No, 1216 CHESNUT STREET, OFFER OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE: BUGGY HARNESS, from 22 50 to 9150 LIGHT BAROUCHE do 60 00 to 350 HEAVY do do 7500 to 500 EXPK1SS, BRASS MOUNTED HARNESS 2750 to 90 WAGON AND SELF-Ar JUSTING 15-00 to 30 STAGE AND TEAM do 30 00 to 50 LADlFb' SADDLE, do 12 00 to 150 GENTS' do do 8-00 to 75 Bridles, Mountings, Bits, Rosetts, Horse Covers Blushes, Combs, roaps. Blacking, Ladles' and Gents Travelling and Tourist Baga and Sacks, Lunch Basket Dress lg and fchlrt Cases. Trunks and Valises. 3 Smrp Mi. I jltl CHKSNUT ST. JOBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS, AND DEALERS IN Taints, Tarnishes, and Oils, No. 201 NORTn FOURTH STREET, t It 3m N. E. CORNER OF RACE. g P R I N G. BEDDING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, HOLESALE AND RETAIL, AMD MATIBIAM VOB TBS 8 A HE. BES1 QUALJTT AND STYLE OP SPRING MATTRESSES. J. 8. FULLER, 411sinUi8m No. 0 6, SEVENTH. Street. FURNITURE. ROSEWOOD, CHAMBER, AND PAItLOR SUITES. AT , GEORGE J. IIEXKELS', THIRTEENTH AND CHESNUT STREETS, 4 14 Inn Formerly of Nos. (00 and 811 CHE8NCT St WALNUT CHAMBER AND PARLOR SUITES., Either Polished or Oiled, AT GEORGE J. HENKKLS'.v , THIRTEENTH AND CHESNUT STREKTM, 4 14 lm Foimtrly of Nos. 809 and 811 CHESNUT St. LMTRNITURE .THE L A R O E ST, J t'hespest and Beat Stock of Fuiultnrs In the world is to be lound at GOULD ft CO. '9 U5I0N Ft HNI1UBE HEFOT. CORNER OF MNTII ANI MAHKKI' NTREKT4, ai,d Nos. 37 and 3 N. hK OM) Street Fsrlor Suits, in Hair, Brocade, Fluah, Damask, or Rep. Itinlng-room. ( hamher. Library Kitchen, and Office Furul ure, at tabu oualy low prices, aud the newest uti es and patterna. Tubllc Building. School, College, and Shop Fun Ifure In tnrtit". arietT. ail kind, oi Furniture wanted bv housekeepers at exoedlngiy 'ow pilces ateliherot their Immense It H want lo save monev and get well setvad go lo COULD CO. betore purchaaing ele wbeie corner of NINTH and il AltiitT, and Noa. it and !8 N, HEt OND Htreet. . S ip GROCERIES. 1 EAS REDUCED TO 1, AT INGRAM'S X Tea Vt arehone. No. 43 H. PKCON D Street. "pOASTRD COFFEE REDUCED TO 30 CTS. A at IN ORAM'S lea Warehouse. No. 43 8. 8E ONU Ktrei t. 40' C. RFi?T MILD COFFEE, AT IN(;RAM"3 i ea vt urcnme. No. 43 H. 8EC0ND Htreet I EAH AND COFFEES AT WHOLESALE iiriiea, mi ifi.nju ii ica v arenouse, o. s. REEN COFFEES FROM 2i TO W CTS. A tttbW&?G&VJtM W"eh,He- f I4..9' SIMON COLTON & CLARKE. TO FAMILIES RESIDING. IN Oit GOING TO TUB COUNTRY. Those who wish to purchase supplied el the best duality of KIN. GRiK EKIKH. will hud a fa. I and choice stock of the be t that can be imported or pro cured iroin tbe New York. Boston or Fbllade.pbla market, and can be supp.lcd with goods In package, at a holepale prices Particular attention Is paid to packing In the neatest an mott sale manner poaaib e. Good delivered to any of tbe depots, express ofilces, or out in the country, tree of charge. SIMON COLTON A CLA RKE, 414SrpJ 8.W. cor. BROAD and WALNUT. rp II E "EXCELSIO II A. TSL S (Selected from the best Corn-Fe Bogs,) ARE 1UE BEST IN THE WORLD. j. ii. miciiTner & CO., GENERAL PROVISION HEALERS, And Curers of th Clebratl " EXCELSIOR" SUGAR CURED IIAMS Tongues and Beef, Ncs. 142 and 144 North ER0NT Street. None genuine unlets branded "J. B. il. A CO.. EXcEI 8IOR." The Justly celebrated EXCELSIOR" HAMS arc cured by J. B In. & Co (In a sttle peculiar to them selves) expressly for FAMILY tHfc ; are ot dehuioos flavor! tree from tbe unpleasant taste of salt, ami are pronounced by epicutea superior to any now often-d for saie. 2li7mths3m jyjTLLWARD & WINEBRENER. WM. MILLWAKD, D. S. WKhRKNtn. MACHINERY AND MANUFACTURERS' SUPPLIES, No. 118 MARKET Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. AGENTS FOB TOX SALE Of Cotton and Woollen machinery, Dealers in Manufacturers' Supplies of every do. scription. Oak Tanned Leather Belting AND MACHINE CARD CLOTHINti Of best quality and manufacture. 4 26 Smrp J3. J- WILLIAMS, No. 16 North SIXTH Street, MANUKACltJKEB OK VENETIAN BLINDS, AUD WINDOW SHADES. The largest and finest assortment in the city at the lowest prices. (i i 2mrp NT ORE H HADES MADE AND LETTERED. TJNITED STATES BUILDER'S MII,J Nob. 24. 26, and 28 S. FIFTEENTH St., rBILAPELPHlA. ESLER & BROTHER, WOOD MOrtDINQw, BRACKETS. RTaIR BALCO TER8, HEWEL POSTS, GEKERAL TCBN1NQ SCROLL WORK ETC. BllELVG rLAMED TO ORDER. The largest assortment of Wood Mjuldlngs In hl city constantly on hand. 4 17 3m Q-REEN TEAS, GKBEN CORK, VKEijH I'KACHES, KR1SH TOMATOES, FLU MS, AlBEItT G. IlOliEUTS DFALER 1)1 FINE GROCERIES COB ELEVENTH AISO VET it BIS." TnE STAMP AGENCY, NO. S04 CHESNU1 HTRFET. ABOVE THIRD, WILL DH CO JiTi j Vim A8 HERETOFORE. BTAMPH Of VFRT DE8CRIPTIOW OOS8TAHTL1 OH IlAaD, AD IU AMI AMOUNT 11 1 SCAMPHOR TROCHES, SV rfr rsatttT FrtvaatiT ot OH O L B R A', N. PUrrbcaa, DyaioUiy, and Cholera at orbaa, .fe Bote Factor, O.H.NowlM,Drotlt, .grr y ks, UthIUoaBM.,rUla. fJr