JT'T 1 T7 A ALA VOL. V.No. 114 PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, INI AY 12, 1800. r-oiu.u; siiki:t-thiu:k cknts. "IN TT'E YOUNCI AND MSING UENEUA tlen, 1ha Vegetative powers ol lir0 art lYng; but. In afi-w years, how iten tlio pallid hue, (lie lack-lustre eye, nd emaciated form, and the Imposidulllty of appi catton to me i tul effort, show its baneful Influence) It non becomes evident to the obsnrvr that some depress ing Influence It checking the development or tho body. Cor sumption Is talked of, and, perhaps, the youth is re moved from school and sent In' o the country, This Is one of the worst movements. Kemoved from ordinary dlvarslor g of tho evei-chamilng scenes of th city, the powers ol the liody too much enfeeb ed to give zest to bealihful and rural exercise, thounhts are turned In wards upon themselves; the parent's heart bleeds la anxiety, and fancies tlie irave but waiting lor its victim. Alast Ine.reSHO of appetite has grown by whit It fed on lb energies of tlic'luysleiii nrn pro ttatcd. and the whole economy Is deranged. Ilelmbcld's Fluid Extract Buchu FOH WEAKNKH3 AWSINU Kill M EXKHSES Oil IMUHCKLTIOS. A'lendedwlth the ml owing tyinptoms t -Indisposition to Exertion, Lo of fewer. Lush of -Memury, Dlfll cul'y of Ureal lilng, (ioneral Weakness, Ho rror of Ills ease, Weak Nerves. Trembling, Horror of Death, Night 1-weats, Cold Feet, Wakefiiliioss, lilmness ot Vllon, I anguor, Universal Lassitude oi the Muscular System, Otten I normotis Appetite with lMspeptlc Symptoms, II ot Hands, Fluthlng of thcl'.odv, Diyness of the Skin, 1'allld Countenance and I'rup ions on the Face, Tain In tho Hack, Heaviness ot the F-yelids, Frequent y Jllock Spcts flying before the rves, wi'h Temporary Suffusion and Loss of Sight, Want of Attention, (Irca Mobilltv, Itcstlesitness with Horror of Hoclcty. Not'ilng Is more desirable to si ch Patlcnta than Solitude, and nothing they more dread for Fear of Themselves, no Depose of Manner, no Kartiestuess, no Speculation, but hurried Transition trom one question to another. Those symptoms, If allowed to go on which this Medi cine lnvailahly removes soon follow tu of Pnw-r, fatuity, and fijiirptic f'i 1, In one of which tho patlont may expire. During tnn Siipcrln'onilnnco of Ir. Wilson, at tho Blcomlngdnlc As lum, tli s sad result occurred In two patients; reason had for a time lot t them, ami both died of cpfersy. Who can say that these excesses arc not freiiientlv rollowfd by tbofc dlietul diseases, INisANI'I'Y and CONSUMPTION I 'ihe rec ords of tho imanr Aw lumn. and the mi l uii lintv deaths by C mmimpt nm, bear ample w Itness to the truth of these assertions. In I.u nntic Asvlums the most melancholy exhibition up pcar. l he countenance is actually sodden and 1:111 te destittre neither Mirth or Uriel ever visits It Should a sound o' the voice occur. It Is rurelv articulate. "With woml measures wall Despair Low su.ien sennits tils gilei lieiiui.cd." Whilst we regret the existence of the above dlsctsejt anil sum ton s we arc prepared to oiler on lnviiliml.lt gilt of iliimisirv for tho rcmo.nl of the consequences HELWBOLD'S HIGHLY CON CENTKATED FIX 1 1) EXTRACT OF BUCHU. HI FUR IS NO TOXIC LIKE II'. It Is an an chur of hope to tho surgeon and patient; and this Is the testi mony of all who have used or prcicrlhod It. 1ILLVBOLIjS FI.ClD EXiRVCl' PUC IIU for Non Ketontlon or Incontinence, of Urine. Irritation, Inilmr, mation or Ulceration 01 the Madder or Kidneys, Diseases of the 1'iostate Gland. Stone in the Dladder, Culculus, Gravol or Briek l ust Deposit, und all Diseases Ot the Bladder, Kidneys, and Dropsical Swellings. HELMHOLD'S FLUID tX It.YUT BUclIl1, In affections peculiar to female-, I unco.ua.Ied by any Other preparation, as In Chlorosis or Retention, lireiru ailtles, pniniuiness. or snppre-sion of customary evacua tions. Ulceration or Sclirhous state of ttie Uterus, Lcu eorrhcea. and all complalnU Incident to the sex, whether arising from hubits of ilis Iputlon, liuprudencles, or in the Decline or Change ot Lite. HELMBOLIVS FLUID T.X IT.ACT BUCHU AND nil'HOVKD HUSK WASH Will radic ally exterminate from the system Diseases of tic t'rnarv Organs arising trotn lialtits ot cllssi oatlon nt little expense, little or no cnatiiic i.icilet and no exposure, completely superseding those unpleasant and dangerous remedies, Copaiba and Mercury, In curing those un pleasant und DANGEROUS DISEASES. USE HF.I.MBOLD'S FLUID KXTKACT BUt I1U In all cases ot the Uriuary Organs, whether existing in male or leinalo. 'rum whatever cause originating, and 110 matter of bow long stunilim:. It h p'casant In t iste aud coloi, lmmeuinte In its actlm, and more strengthening thun aLy of the preparations ol Hark or Iron. T hose Fullering from Hrokeii-tlmrn or Detlctto Consti tutions pioeurc the rented v at one The reader niin-t be aware that however slight may be the attack of the above cl.euse It Is sure touilectthu bodily Ui altli mint 11 powers, happiness, and that o posterity. ( ur lhsh and Wood ire supported trom these fl.urcts. rilYSK'IAAP, PlXAiK NOTICE I Vc niukc no sec ret I) the Ingrcd ents. HElMli OLD'N HA IO JiXTHAf'l liUVlHU composed O' Ituciiu.Cu 1 ebs and Jumper Hurries, se ected n ull great c ire, and t reuared in vac 110 by il T. Ji:..'l0J Druggist and t heinin 01 clxteen ears' experience In tho City ol I liiladc lphla. and which Is now prescribed by tlie most eminent phylciaiis, has been admitted 10 use In the I nited "ta es . ruiy. and Is also in verv general use m Statu Hospitals and pulillc .--aiiitarr Institutions lliroughout tlie laud 1 Dr. Ki:vstB Is a physician of over twentv years' es pe ril nee, and a graduate or the Jetlcr-on Medical College, and ot the University 01 Medicine aud Surgery of l'hlia oelplua 1. Mk. 11. T. Hki Mliot.r). Dear Kir: In regard to tho question asked me as to my o pinion about Jluchu, 1 would sa. that 1 have used and sold the article In ' various 'or us tor the past thirty M'Ut'B. 1 do not tnliik there Is any form or premutation 01 it I have nut used or know n to be used, in the vnrlou- ill-eases where such medicate anient Mould be Indicate I. You are aware, as we I a nose I. that 11 has been extcuslvelv employed In ' the various dheasesof the bladili r and kluneys, and the reputation li hue acquired In inv Judgmeut is warranted by he facts. 1 have seen and used, as beiorc stated, evcrv form of limliU the powdered lesvcs tlie rluipla decoc Inn tinc ture lluld extracts and 1 am not cognizant of aev pre paration ol mat plant at al I emi to yours, i wevn yean' experlmoe ouglit. 1 ihlnk, 10 give me the riitnt to judge ot its merlin and without prejudice or par tiality i live yours precedence ovi r all others I do not vaiue a thing according to Its bulk if I did other Itin hut would out-do jour : but 1 hold to the doctrine that bulk and quairitv do not make up value It they did. a copptr cent sou d lie worth more than a gnlddollar. I a ue our Buchu lor Its elici t on patients I liavo cured with It and sem cured with it, more diseases ot the bladder and kidneys than I have ever soen curoo with anv oiher Hui'hu, or anv other proprietory Com pound of whatever name. Kespeceiully vours, etc., GK'lROK II. KKY1KK. Al. 1) . No. )10 rVyod stieut, I'lttsburg Fa. Aui'tift II, m HELMBOLD'S FJLXID KXTKACT OP SiUSAPAniLLA, HlUllLT C'ONCKSTIIATED One bottle equivalent In strength to one gallon of the Syrup or Decoction. It readies the seat of the dlseano Immecllate'y, ex pellin all HUMOUS OF THE BLOOD, and BEAUTIFYING THE COM l'LK.XION 1 These arth If s, being ot such strength, the dose Is ex ceedingly am all . From this fact II is used In the United States Army HospltalB and public Sanitary Institutions thioufhout the land. PRINCIPAL DEPOTS. HELM HOLD'S I) HUM AM) CHEMICAL WAHKHOl KK, No. 89 BllOADWAY, New York. AND II FLM HOLD'S MKDICAL llUPOT, No. in H TENTH Street, below thceur.t, l'bl adelpbia. fsOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVFRYWHERE. Ji&VijUiE OF COVXIEHFEITH. ask nJi vuuiiou)' &. m)mmm, (Jfnr ral Bttller Atamiuees llfn pism lie In for Unlvrnn Nj(ro Nnirrmice and KpnIlAllon of the II 1 1 Or-bi tpp tr. tlonmfntof Repreitcatwllnn At'cArdlny to the Nn-.nbnr or .! e t It ir.cn-t'nii. plete AniBfsty itul Keotriioii to 1'tvll RlKhtn B their Atlopttnn hy the Nonth trn Ntt-S! lie) lu't I, the Ills Pourjr I the rrexltlent nur Ilia Acliou of (Jsu Krrisft. Boptori, Miy 11 I ho Fpacirus Music Hall In this city was lllli d with an (iniienoo ol thrci tlioitnind peri-ons this evening, to 11-ton to Major-tionoml IteiijRintii Butler ptvo his views on loconstruct'01. The audienco comprised all tho Icad'ng iolificians of Maf saciniM'ts, anil not a tow lim ncliihhorinir Stairs. When lie afpoaied npon the p atlorm no net eroeted with tho most enthusiastic nppiauso, and alter it had subsided hp commenced tho expounding ot his views upon tho ahsorbinir topic which lie hud chosen. Alter a lew preliminary remarks ho camo direotlr to his subject He said that toe principles winch should vovein our nation were J 1st ice to all nion.eq Util ity ol nthts, protection and power under the Govern ment, aiid any one who would oppose or hinder Ilia opi la Ion ol these pr.nclp c- should b" at onco put aside. It theories lilmlorod tlioy would lail ; it laws obstructed tln v would nave to be altered; II tho provis'ons ol the Constitution forbid the y would have 10 ho emended. (Applause) 1 ho Constitution was then discussed, and it wii' snow 11 Hint in its I nun in if man v ot its pans and piovisions worn mlt by our lorvlothers m a condition inadequate tor tho neces sities and tho prowing wan'g of tho oresont genera tion. Its amendments hd been tew because it had borne so liulitly on tho puplo. ll.id it carried with 11 more weight it would ott'itor have been amended. The Mat Constitutions worn trained by tho satno wisdom, bin 'hov had been often anioi (led tor the rearon thntthev boro directly 011 the people governed by their provisions were grown with thorn and yielded to their desires, Tho national Constitution did not providu lor any means of acquiring now ter ritories or loi the government ol them when acquired ; but the expansion ol the country and the war witli Mexico had as completely altered it as it an amend ment had boon passed by Congress and its passage ratified by two-thirds ol tho iStutos If, then, the exigencies of the situation of tno people cou'd amend tho Constltut on, who should sav there was not in tho t vents ol the lust lour yoars o uio mentous, so engraven upon our in' niories with lot ters 01 b!ood t iat it was ncedie.s to recall them at tho present fullictent cause lor a lull revision of the Constitution in its beaiini'S on tho people, without discussing tho question as to heflior tlie rebolliotis Stall swore in or out oi Hie I'lnon, nithoiigh ir whs dill.cult to percoivo how a .-t:tte cou.d bo 111 tlio Union while oil its penpio were lii'litnpf against it, and tho Uct miuht bo admitted they had whlidra wn', ami were now ready to return The question then occurred, ' U ne'er wiint provisions should those States be readmitted into the Union to a.'ain share in the Government and miiko laws for themselves and us?" We had acqnired bv conquest tlie tide to all they possessed 01 I1I0, iiberti, land, slaves, riirhtg consti tutional or otherwise, and might no not now treat them in such a manner that 1 should do said wo nsked Diem to come and live with us under lliviuo law f There are two mans of rocon-druc'ion belore t e cotnitiy. Tho Fxeculivo adniits that thoso States are disorganized, and must como to tho UniU'd States to be reorganized, llo placed thotn under 1'rovisional (iovoruors. and asks tliem to amend their Constitutions, and then save, "fcloct your Stato ollicers just ns you oleaso, and it thoy are Hehes the Goveintnent will give tlicm pardons" This done, Iho President proclaims that the titutesare restored to tl e U 11011. and aie as reudv to ontor the hails ol Congiess as aro New ilampshire and Mas. ciinsetts, although they louahr lor the Inst lour oars to destrov the Govern nient, while New Hiinpshire and Massaehusotts have spent mil ions of tuoiiov and much precious blood to maintain the Union It is a l:ttle ditiiciilt to see tho justioe ol tins po icy at first sight. 1 nis plun. which would bo a eeo.l one it all the people 111 the South were:oyai, bus U119 objection, tlint lliore who huvo been ll-htiiig us lor lour years don't love u-p and don't lovo tho Union, and .ho tact that they Imve abolished shiverv because thny were lorced to don't make them love us anv hotter, and the lac that they !.nve been ordered to repudiate the debt which they contracted during the Hub limn don't c eatothnt ardor and all'octiou a no 11 j them which thev should loci lor tho Government; :md the lac Unit they havu been ordered to repeal tho oidiimnoe ol secession v. hlcli they defended stonily to the Inst man and the 'nsi dollar, bit not ti e last dttch, does not iniiKo them eutliusiiistic triends to and lovers of the Government. The truth is tliev don't like 11s, anl, therefore, we llud an aln ost insuperable obicction 111 the nature 01 tilings to Ihe plan ol tho Government Iho na ionul C'oii gro'S has a plan tor reconstruc iou winch has pasted one house with great unanimity. fApp ause) (;ou press says thut it does not knowthut these States ore loyal, und, therefore, ttiey shall be kept 011 until it is satisfied that they ore ready to be loya-. There fore, a Commit ee has boon chosen who, after taking eaieful tetiiuonv for live months, huvo r qiortnd that Hit sc states aro not lu 11 condition to come iu with us. i lie first that the Congressional committee pro pose is. that it shull hereiitter be made a part of the t 011-titution tl at every citizen of tho United States shall huvo equal power and nht.H in the several states. Second That representu ion Blia I bo ap portioned unions' tho sevoiul States according to their respective niiin'Mds. Third That, until 1X70 no I. ebei shall I111 e a right ro vote lor member of t onere-s ui d tor electors lor I'r-Biclent and Vit 1 res dent. Fourth -That neither tho United Mates nor nuv t-tutoi-hall assume or pay any debt or obli gation alteudy incurred, or which may hereafter be inclined, in aid ol insurrection or wur u.'a list the l iiiti d States, or uuv claim ior coinpensation lor loss 01 involuntary servitude or I abor. f itth lint Ceiigiecs shall have power to euiorco t!ies- provl siors by appropriate legislation. T he eon 1111t.ee al-o reporP-d two acts. Th" first provides thut whenever thic e fourths ot the States shall have adopted these, and tho rebellious .-states shall have modihVd their constitutions and laws 111 conformity therewith, they may Bond up their Senators and Kepresentutivos to bo received aud qualified, and then, it the Heool States will agree to these terms, Congress will give them ton years credit to pay the direct tux ol twenty millions ol dollars miner tho act ol August 6, 18til i no second act pro vides thut the I'resident and Vlce-1'ri sideut ol tho so-called Coulederate States, thoso who actod iu other countries as agents or emissaries ot those States, the heads of depuitments, Inrmcr olliceisol the Annv and Navy ol the United States, aud all persons educated in the military or naval academies. 01 the United Mates, Judges ol tho Courts ol tho United Sj ales, and members ot either Drauctl o( tlio Thirty-sixth Congress ol tho United Slates? who gave aid or comloit to the liebelnon, and those who acted as ofliccrs of tlie so-called Confede rate Mutes above the grade ol colonel in the army orcaptuin in tho navy, and any 0110 who was Governor ot eiiher or anv ol the Mure com posing the bo called Confederate States, gave aid or comfort to tho iiebullion, shall never b.' eligible 10 office, and tuoso wno have treated our soldiers cap tured during the war otherwise than lawfully as prisoners ol war shall bo excluded. The-e seem on the luce well enuuvh: but one is lorced to exc aim, alter read'ng them through, " Whoro aro the rest ot them?" As one wou d say when Ins servant brings him his cotleeand hi cad lor bieakfust," Whore aro tho eggs and the meat!"' Ono treat objection with tlieso suggestions is that whilo thev debar thedislova1 men ol the Sou ih trom privileges, they turn over tho en tire State Government to the control ot thoso men, without any provisions lor thoso who aided the Gov ernment during the war, and have been loyal all through. W hero in the proposition do we Und t ie protection 01 me rights 01 those men who havt ber-n Jpithtu aud have lought side by side with usf When we gave the musket to tlio Colored man we promised iu the Presence of hieb Heaven to gle niii tho barot. fcvei y man has a right, because he is r man, to In- the equal ol any other man, il ho can. No law can affect this. We have an right to enact a law that will interfere with the right of any nian to become equal with another, privided his iiktbI, physical, and inte llectual qualifications wul admit ot Bueh equality. Every 0110 in opposition to thitis likewise in opposition to the true Idea ol American tdemocracy. 1 he first proposition oilers a bribe to the ruling classes. Whn Congress is en gaged in reorganizing the KUt why dooi it not speak out and do that which It proposes the South emers should dof Why aeee the conquering gov STY11":"1 to do J"8'"" to its colored oltizonsT Why lear the conquered KobeUr Tho aeooud pro position, that no Itebel shall vote lor Congro-smen, etc., until 1870, is of no value. If you will let the Uebels do all the otmg in thoir Staten tor 6ve VJj" tl,t'y ilo all in their power to attain their Ihe IjeRislatoi-i choose the Senators, and H e Uebels elect the legislators. bis piopositiou eit ler goes too far, or not lar iiiiiiimh iG.i ,t u.,i ....t .u j a eUltd tteaiwj of the luiposmpijjt, 0f nt doptkD. If. according to the Tresident, all the States a'o In tno Un on. ail but nu e mu-t agree to this pro, osl tion. Now there are eleven Keliol btatos, not count, ing Kentucky and Delaware). Which ol tliso states will vole to d snaticlitse theinseives airamf I'he Commit'ee proposo that If the states will como In to ftive tliem ten year to pav the tax. I'hese aiates isve not t aid tho Un ted States tax tor four yegrs, while we luve been taxed heavily. By the repudia tion of the Scu'hi rn war debt these States would comr lu witliou any n' debt, whl c the hi'al Sta'en have 11 ni.y inillions. Vhv give a premium for lie be boiif They say thev are poor. We are poor, o ninch 1 0 tliii ti e grnviv id-is a ors ol Mass.ichtiset's aro clot 1 tug heftier they can givs niiinef to equalize the tount es ot their sololor. We r m thai winn ho prodigil son returned the fat t d rait was killed; tut we dn not read that ail the veal was given to iho tutiawav. (Appatisj and lu lighter.) Tho filth exemption does not seem o bo woll un derstood. Hyitall men are excluded Iroin ollice, but not trom voting, w ho have treated our soidlers cruelly. It seems as il this proposition was put l.irth by the commlt eo c.tber f or elleet. or that thev were carried away with seeming justice Kvety. body, in reading this, sitjs thar it is right. But ho v are diet going 10 tie excludcil? Lnch man cannot bo tned piactically. T here lias been but ono man open wliem theiawcan operate- That man was Wn 7, ai.ti he is 110 beyond the enact nents of Con giess. These observations the speaker sa'd, wero 1 ot made as an 01 en y, but as a friend: but the die. line s hi d otiponents of Conaress would meet theso picq ositioiis 111 a ttiflciont moiiner. Ihe will sav that tie States are In the Union; nnil, In consequence, these amemlmonls being sub mi tid to ail tho States yill 00 rejected. 'I hereiorc ihe piesi ni ae ion ol Congress is a cunning device to put fl the whole question of reconstruction unt.l alter the 111 xt I res di imal election. L t u l.o turn, lie eon inued. to another plun of recoil s' Miction ai.d reoipuiiizatluii I he llrst pronotition 111 the plan Is an amendment to the Constitution which shal piovide that 110 legis ation shnllever l bad 'O repudiate or set a-ido Iho d-lit of the United otates imd that tho debt incurred m any war or rebellion against tho United States snail never bo paid by the United States, stnirlo Stale, an asportation ot sta'es, or an individual. (Applause.) This plan tlillors liom tutu ol Conrer. as It cans upon tho souihorn Stittes to i.ecept our detit and re pudiate their o vn a-a necessar. condition to bointr readmitted. Again, it is not pleasant to see the sotti King which the Coinmittoo speak of. No com pei.siitlon lor involuntary labor. W hv not thumler it (o high hiavenf Why tone it down that there shall be no compensation paid lor emancipated slave--? (Appause) I hen let us put the riifht winds Into toe Constitution when it is amended so that hetealtor tliOi demotiratic Gove ntneiit of the Uni'ed Sla'es " recognize no propeny 111 man. (Aiplntisc.) 'Ihe st cond proposition ol tho plan is that 110 State slial. estutilisti or main tain any qiiunticalion which does not bear upon every mule citizen ol the state ami does not exclude niy citizen Iroin vofiup; provided, however, that all jersons w ho bad the qualification to vote on the 1st 01 December. lNtil), shall not lose t hat right except oil account of his owu conduct. By th'S proposition the nuht o' 110 man is taki 11 away, tho prmcip s ot eipunhty. of nglit, ot law, of protection ut tier the Government, are lived up to. T hive are all the nineinlnien, that tins new nlan proposes- all rendored necessary becauso our fatii. rs winked lit tho slnplo sm of t-lovery 111 our conutrv An act ol Congress, this plan nirlhei proiios-s, shall be passed t rovidlnp that us soon as one Sla'o tuns iisolt in 1 ro er shape she shall bo recoivod bsck and her representatives have Beais in Coner.-vs w th us. In cone usion, tho lecmier said that ho tliouiot that the plan, tn atMiiion to that proposed hv tlie com mittee, would Miit the loyal people ot the North. THE FENIANS Welcome to Head Centre James Stephens-He Holds a Conference with the Executive Committee Interview with Col. Roberts Stephens Explains His Mis sion Ireland to be the Battle Ground this Year -O'Mafiony Resigns and Killlan Removed -Sorenade to Stephens-Speech of the Great Head Centre- Neces sity for Prompt and United Action, Etc. Jilts MlHSION, Mr. linfleity, Chairman 01 the Committee), having announced that Colonel O'Miiliony'.s resigu.itniu hua bin 11 ucceptod, and that the C. K of the 1. It. II. ban authorized him to 111 ike tins t.ituiii mt dr. Step! ens, who was s an iuu' bv. spoke as lollows: " e rec ived with regret the lutclligoiicj 111 Iroluud ol the division in 1 Ins country umong tlio lit embers Oi the 1'enittii Brotherhood. I his intelligence reui'U ing us a 1110-t everv day was lis 0 a trumpet-sound ol doom to our cause. 1 endorsed Colonel O' Ualuuy be ctiii-o he was opposed t j the raid on Cuuada, and 1 ( cause I believe 1 it to be a suicidal movement, and I 0,1 uc limed tlio Somite party lor proposing it. I huve uccepied Colonel O'Mabouy's resig ation be causo In 11 iiioinent ol weakne-s he has allowed him Mi to be .'amen info tho Cauipo Hollo movetiioiit, w hich bus ended iu ajimco. 1 pave to procoed cau tiously and to feel the ground under my right foot beiore putting out my lott " (Applause.) In subsequent conversation Mr. Stephens asserted that tlie bonds of tho Irish republic were endorsed by linn, and being acked by some inquisitive per son it tho French Government, wero lavoniblo to the movement lor Irish libetutiou, replied: "if I knew anything about that 1 could not say it, be cause thut Government, bciug in alliance with l.iig.aiid, cannot hold intercourse with me." Dur ing Iho many intery cw he had with personal irietidB and olllcia s ot the V. it. throughout the altemoou, ho liequetitly gave a briet exposition ol the Bitiiution, iu ord r to anticipate t n per plexing questions preseuted lo bun bv sornu over curious person in the audience relative to Kiiiriish prisons, Irish jails, hi- escape bom Kichinoiid. etc. lie troa'cd all the-e ijuostions ca inly, and deiiveroil his replies in a niuuuur almost sure to bct'i t con viction, HE Iff HOl'KFl'L IN THE FPTtRE, About three o'clock the room was quite full, antl it being intimated to Stephens that an explanation was again so icited, he spoke thus : "Geuilemeu, X Itai verv much obliged to vou all lor your cour esv, nud 1 hope to saiiHly you bv saying that, trom all 1 hfve seen, J am confident that we shall be able to make ull right, and we shall make ot this organiza tion a greater power, moiiiliy aud physically, thun it has ever been beiore." Speak ng in a general wuy, be Informed bis hearers thut he nover ineaiu to ltave Irelai d till cal'od out here by Sir. O'.Miiiiouy. UB PPPRNB PKHKlt'IEltS AND TRAITORS, Ho had been lnlormed in au indued uiunner that the senate party had desired his presence also, but as that intimation was conveyed by a man who ti neu uuin 111s posi iu Ireland ne C0I1IU Hold :,0 com inunicat on with such a man. 1'nere inieht be some excuse for men in America when thev disagreed or tell aw a j but there shall bo 110 pardon txteuded to the man who abandons his post iu Ireland at the i""lu' vic-is. no was very cinpiiatic ou this point. PKOOKAMMH t- ta SUTURE. Certain preliminary nHtttefs have to be arranged here with a view c0 B jinrtc-it uudersiandiiig between all parties. It he n In this oouuti y give him tlio Bupport ha Treed the work will go on. A pro gramme will bo -struck out from winch, it any man deviate, or i-taud iu the way of its operation, he shull bo cast aside, i'ue objective poiut is Ireland, not Canada, Jnpan, or any ot those oi tant regions thut do not conooru Irishmen Ireland is in a very low (ditto t 'present, ihe que-tiou now in not tho suc cess ol tbe Union Siuaro party, or the Senate part, but it te one alleotmg the very ox.stence of the Irish rtce. ibey must light to keep the people at home. STEPHENS TO RETURN TO IRELAND. Stephens treuuently repeated this declaration to prevent any ialra notion getting abroad, lie must, not remain In this country, lb" cause needs his re turn pretty soon Thev must flvht this year, fliey are not 10 calculate on this or that cou lugency, but this year is to be the year of aotiou A gen Ionian standiDg beside Stephens said he hoped the llritisu Government would not have the gratification ot cap turing him (Stephens) ou his return; 10 which Stephens, lay ing his band on the gentleman's shoulder, to indorse his reply, said :- " Well, sir, on lie day 1 return the work begins, il failure UU be t itnui d noon it Hie fan't wilt not lo n re I -ow 1 1 e m n heie are sound." 1 he ' onl 'met." pro louicid wth emphasis, as il he cinrniol t .at word with "Iraders " IIHTEltVlKW with colo.nel RonEt.Tf, Co oi.rl Kolerts being In rod icod was curdiftlty ro r ived i t Mr. .siephe'is, who r marKed t .at he recournnd h.pi (Coionc Koherti lruin h poitrau. Coiohii b'ol eits 1 xpre-sed hiniso I irai died to have tie pli rstiie oi know lug Mr. Nicpliens, and reirretted tlu.t he In (I i,ot the p ensure ot ki.owmi bin per. sot al y beiore. Att-r 'his the had a private con leier.ee on the present a-roct ol bII'its, Colonn. lu belts ep atned thai the ( a 11.nl 111 u programme was ftiuck out by the Senate Lrcatiso ti.ev sa ? tne Ititilityot atteinpling anvthitu d r.ctly in lre'aud. II t coiiid be shown tint irelaui ws ace ssihle bv a military rxpeili ton tho Senate won'd chano Ihe'r p ans Mr Stephens ro lied that it was to convince thorn on this point that ho camo to this country Ihe rxp'anntior.8 lhat endued inspire the hope that union is nl but a tact Several other members of ;he M nate railed on Mr. Siepheus dunn the uay, O'MAHONY AND Kilt. IAN, Colorel O'Mahony remaned the entire time with the c nimittec. llo looks worn and d- jected, quito cresttiihen, but wi: Dal re signed to Ills lute. K.iuan had au interview with b epheus. who dealt 111 no vei j comtiltmuntary termson the t'aino i Hello lizzie. 1 lie px-fM ere arv hail a tinel but serion-c mver. cation with Colonel O'Manony, woo 111 untested lnwaids lumnn nir of great coo uess aud In.lill' r t nee. O'Mahony bail removed Ktl in 11 previous to Stephens' ai tivul, aud tlie latter is now master of tue s t tuition. tit STy.rtlP!Sf' AC'CKT'TA SCV. OF MR. O'MAHONY'P RKSltJNATtON. The l'ollowini Is tlie text ol tho reply itven bv Mr. Siepheus to Sir. OMlahouy ou tendering Ins resigna tion: Mktropomtan lInTEt., Nk.wYork, May 11 ISM. iloim O'A. aiiosv, K q Hrother: lu my opinion you acted wisely and puti-iolicaliv in tend -riiii inur -sigi,atiou. No man wor h the name qu -st'ons vour lienor and devotion to lie and; but t .0 unite 1 ac' on wed sire so much, and to "fleet which I left 1 eland at yonr liivitut 011, would be impossible while you directed nll'nirs hero, it must be need ess lo Ull vou why 1 leoi bound, however, in truth to sav that in -auctioning tins divergence from the true path you not only gave iirool ot weak ness but commit ed a crime 1 -ss excusable III vou than 111 any other man; tor you should have known that your pro.'ect would have lesuited 111 our min, aud yon should have recollected bow 1 sup) orted vou at a critical moment, because 1 beheved vou opposed to every movement, that would lead the true irishmen ot this coiiiinon fn.ui the original aim and holii st duty ol the l-'eiiiuii T.rotlierliood direct assistance to "tho men iu the uap " lCvoiythnig considered, tnen, I feel minora tivelv caied upon to accept vour r-signation ; t,ut wnile pccojiting It, I still reivon your hearty co o. elation, as 1 now rely ou every true man ol o.ir nice. Convinced that tlio Irish people aro with me everv wl.ere, i have uot a eoubt 01 beiu-r utile to uccnni plish what 1 came lor, and so in aood die -r and un swerving laith, i aui yours, irateruuilv, jAMKi UTKl'UKNS, C. E. I. It. IBS PKUENADK, Mr. Stephens was rerenudod .ast nbMit by M ina han's Initio It was hour midnight when ho limdo bis appearance on the balcony 01 tho M tiopolitaii Hotel. Ihe crowd tilled Broadway for a olook eacii w ay, arm the both Hegimont was drawn up m pla toons and interspersed with tho throng. llis au peaiance was the sii'iiul tor one of tlio nios.. enthii stasuo nemonstrut.oiis ot apiirobation aud welcome that ever rcsouiinutl through the night air ol the me tropolis. The cheering was ma ntaiued by the gieat muss ot people for several 111 nuteg, gaining lu volume and clamor bv each briel ni'crinissiou. .Mr. Stephens wus at last permitted to speak, and spoke as to. lows: MR. STKFIIENH' SFEKCU. Countnnien : 1 look upon tins demonstration as an honor paid to Ireland (Cheers) 1 thank yuu 111 tho name ol Ireliiud, and 1 very sincerely thank you on my owu pari; lor some reflection ot this honor 1 aid to In land lulls to mo (Cheers.) As I told you ast night, it is not my intention to make any long addresses till 1 thoiouglny understand tho position ot ailann It Is also mv intention and mv duty to make every postsible etlort to ooiiciliu'o tli .se good and true 111 lin.en who dilli r in opinion with us; but who, 1 trust, beiore tho miisg meeting oil I'ue-duy next, snail have como to an umicrstuudiii 1 with us. (Cheers) The grand esent.nl now is unity of action. (Long npolause ) Thut unity of action we must have. (Keuewed cheers.) No man shall Bland between us and it. Any iiiuu or any party ol men who would keep us divided is au enemy ot lre'aud and as such a ou must treut him. (Cheers ) I have a ready made advunees, und I shall coiiilnuo to make advances, and shall make all neeessnrv con c ssions consistent wi'h mv duty and knowledge) of what we want 111 Ire. and; lor It is to Ireluml that we must in the lirst. as in everv iustance, look. (Cheers and cries ol "That's the talk.") lhc re is tho arm, the heart, 1 tie cradle of our race. C beers.) It is there our action must oegm, as well as eud. (Cheers, und a voice, "Hits is Noiv York, the bent city von wore ever 111 In your lilo.") Yes, .New York is a city 10 bo proud ol. Arrange ments have been made lor tho iiieetim; ou l uesdiiy 11. xt. 1 evtiect to meet every tiiend ot lr.sh libeny theie, find lieu I shuil lay inline vou a tut. state ment ol our position. (Cong cheeis. ) ou mil it not be disappointed it I o not give 1 ou a ong epeec:i to-nieht. "(No only wunt o look at yourseil." Cheers and Iiiii"htei. ano cries ol " . lint's ail. ") Once 111010 thanking yo.i for Iho honor paid to Ireland, and, indirectly, to mvso I, I bi I you i-n .11 night (I ri s of ' No, 110, go on, order." etc 1 Here u persi n in tlio crowd said, 'Say only w hat you phase" Mr Stephons concluded by promiulv re. t lying: "1 cannot be got to say am tiling I do not 'lniiklirOi.fr Once more accept my 11 auks, and luienoil till Tuesday " (Vocmrous cbte s, am.j which Mr. Stephens lotired.) Thus ended the 1 rogramme vestcrday. DEMONSTRATION TO STKPIIKNIS. A (li-puluiion from Ihe Manhattan Circles wailej on MephetiB in tho early part 01 tho day, who stated thev hud been coinituss oned to inform the lload Centre ol the i. It. II. that the f eniati Hrothei hood ol this district have resolved to give expression to iheir admiration lor his great saerillces in the cause ol Iro'und by a public demonstration, and they re quested that Mr. Stonhens would appoint a nay on which ho could conveniently a'lend. Stephens re plied thut ho could n ot say detltiiielv lust now, but would give an answer aller some cuiisiderutiou Ai ic York JltrulH. THE MEMPHIS RIOTS. I lie ioliooI-IIoiiH to be RoIhiIU Tele Krnm f rom tjlvnarMl I'lske. General Howard yesterday reciiveil tlio (ol loAlnir li'Si:itc'U I10111 (iiiier.il Clint'di I. Kinke, tu? bciiU 01 tlit' rioetliiK'u's litiieaii in Toil iiospo: AlKMtiiis, WcdiiPMlnv, Mnv 0. lRfirt. Major Cetictal Howard, in care of the Kov, J0I111 Whip)!-. Si'iTi'turv, No. 01 John street, Nev York: The seiitiol-lioiiHi-s will bo rebuilt, ami the hcIiooIm all open uuaiti in ten ilavn. I .slmll remain here until the waste pliiee6- ate restore 1. Clinton 15. Kiske, Urevet Maior-fJeueiul. r lre Jn St. Louis, Mo., rtnd I.opIIi, Mnss. 8t. Louis, Mtiy 11. A large tiiu now rtitrlnp, at 11 o'clock to-niirht, ir, J. Kinley's coal oil work", corner of Fourteenth und Aputiii streets. Sovcral hutdietl barrels ot oil were stored in the workn, w hieh were jiroba bly coiiBiinicd. The pr.r'.li'iilHr ciiunot be ascer tained to-niirht. I.oweli., Miih1., Miiy 1?. A fire on Middlesex street last nii-'h't dentroyed the Kteain mills owned by Otis Allen, and rented by Davis V Htorer, (lealt.'rft in lumber and manufacturers of packiriir boxes. Heveral other inechanies uIho occupied tlie building. Tba 1oh is $1(1,000, with little Insurance. Sn'e lUbbery. PKovlnflNCB, R. I., May 12. The small safo of Davenport, Mason A Co., Tuuutoti, Now Bedford, and N. Y. Express, was tbrowHoU'theHteamboat train, on the Stonitifrton Railroad, lat ulpbt, between East (ireeawieta and Westerly. It was found this morning robbed of Us contents, the value of which, is aB vet unknown, Tumi) mnm POLITICAL WORLD. SPLIT IN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IN MARYLAND. An Important Letter from Governor Swanu. HIS PLAN FOR RECON STRUCTING THE SOUTH. Niriie but Lojal Uopnsciilallvcs Should lie lU'rognlzwI. '.tf.. litti., Ktc, i;tc, nice Mlolikl lo Ihe Kveiiliiv rlernl. Haltimoiil', May 12 Tnc Id 1 -wiitir impot Um ; letter Iroin ttoveiitor Swnnn Rti;ier in to-dny' Amtrtenn, w hich has th own a b.iiibshell into thu Vnlon party of .Maryland: Jo the Editor of the flullimore Amrriran. Sir 1 In the Iltgerttown Iferatd and Torch 01 tho ilth lu-tant, noticed in tho American ol this inurniii.ir, I llnd my name announced as ono of thoxo expected to be iremnt with lion. J A. J. Croiwo I, Jlon. Franciu Thomas, lion. J. I,. Thomas, tfoneral l.artiolil, Hon. Archibald Stir mil', Hon. 11 jury Slockiiriiltrc, ana William Iianiei, l'.n., at a macs meet 111 if to elect ten d' leiriitos lor each district, to meet in ( otinty ('(invention, on Tu sd iv, lny 29 lur the I'lirpese of chootn six deleate to retire-M-iit W a-hiuwton coiiiity in the Union state Con entIon, caMed to assemble in ra'tiinnre, on Wcd lusdiiy. the tith ol June, in tho ca 1 lortlnit inoel ma, sii'n.d bv li. Mobley, l're-ldent. It i with fxtremc regret that 1 witnesi snmoof tho must uso I11I and reliable Uu.ou men of llultltuore, be onirni(r to the Siatu Central Cotnmittce, chiiraeterizcl as dhuntonists. It may be proper for mo to ay that I recognize t!i unconditional Union Mato Cen tral Conimittee aa the only orran au'honzod to cal a convention ot the Union pnrty of this Stato, and I am not aware by what authority, under f orm t r part u-nifo, this call ol a convention is appointed to tux 0 pace. The rccoentzed chairman of tlio uncon ditional Union Siate Coniral Committee wi'h the acquiescence of a majority of the Exe cutive Commitleo of . that body, lmvin r culled a general meeting ot the Committee, to tako 1 lace on the 2'Jth of Ma , which will result in a call for a similar Convention of tho people, wo havo the Union party of Ihe Stato of Mary'and thus I1030. Vssly divided. What are wo to gain by thisf I deom it due to un sell to sav, that I rhall advise my frlond, to adhere to the regular orpnmr.ation of the Union party, and shall await tho aotiou of the re. cocnized S'ate Central Committee under the call now pending, and the Convention ot the I cop e which 'Mould como together under t iat call I eave no authority lor the nso ol my uaino at tin'' linperstown meeting, and am Henry to sav that I dif for veiv widely Iroin many of the distinjuii-iheu gen tlemen announced to ctieak on that occasion. As I em daily plac 11 In a fa'se position m tho ineetiiijrii which arc tiemj; held in tins State, and appealed t in many qunrters by perone desirous of knowing mv present political statu, 1 will avail myself ol this occasion to say that tho opinions ox piissed by me in my annual ine-sao to the I.CKiplatuie in January last, and which received the endorsement ol tho popular braneh of thai body, havo undergone no change. It may be propor, however, iliat I should be a little more ex 1 licit. I am lor koepnm the control of tho (invent nient in t'ne bands of 1 1 al men exclusively, now and at all times. I am for the (-construction ol the Union by a mittlnjr the revolted States to roproieii ttition in Cointreau, provided they elect men of un doubted loyalty, prepared to tako tho oatli required by that body. The masses of tho Southern I eople I am Ipreoared to t. ust, because I bo leva they have been deceived by amh tious ami dexiuti n.' leaders, Wit h Congress will rest the power to pro feet itself and tno country against dlslovul can 1 (ittfes seeking admi-sion into 0111 national councils. I am lot maintaining the integrity of the uncondi tional Union party, which sustainel the Govern ment in Its ifflirts to put dowtuthis Kebellion, aud am lor adjusting our dumestic dillt-roncos within our own lines. 1 am utterly opposed to universal uegro suflratro and the extreme ladicalism of certain men In Congress and iu our own State, who have been striving to shano the piatform of the Union party in tlio Interests ol negro sutl'riign. 1 look upon negro sullrago aud tlio recog. iiltion 01 the powi r In Congress to control sullrago within theStatos, ap tho virtual subordination of the white race to tho ultitnateconirol and domination of the negro iu the Stato otMaryland ; aud in v.ow ot tno action of certain extreme men in Congress lor throe months pam upon the bill to introduce universal hoto suffrage into the District of Columbia agaimt the unanimous voice of tho people, the enlarged Frced inen's llureau bill, tho Civil Kiglits hill, and, llnally, th Itecyufcitruction schome of tho Committee ol Fit' teeu.J 1 i-onsitler the issuo upon this subject of negro suffrage will bo made in the fall elections, and it will bo tho most important quostion that has ever been brought to the attention, of the peoplo of tho State of Maryland. I deny that the admission of tlio nt. volted States by loyal representatives sub jicts the reconstruction plan ol the re sident lo tho charge that no guaran tees have been secured for the future. The Statos asking admission have, by a constitutional amendment, granted universal freedom to tho negro, aud they havo lurther guaranteed, in another form, a repudiation ot tho debts incurred by them lu the iiohelllon. lhe.-e guarantees I deem as securing for tho pr sent all that can be roasouablr asked. In these views I bo!ievo I am sustained by tho almost united volc9 of 1'rosl deut Johnson's Cabinet, composing many promt neut ltepublicuns, who have beeu the Iriends of both Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. I look upoa the war now being waged upon l'rosideui Johnson as ungenerous, unwie, and uncalled lor, and 1 be lieve that in longer continuance will greatly euibarra-s the national prosperity, by keeping alive a stato of nueertainty and distiust in the public mind both North and South; certaiu to event uate in tinanclal trouble, atlecting the tido of immigration now flowing in upon u, the doino-itio commerce' between the State, am exercising a most destructive aud paralyzing'iuflij. ence generally upon all the great Intercuts of the country. I im, (tent'emen, with Rreat repec, yonr obedient wrvtnt Thomas Swahn. AttNAPoua, May 10, 180(1. Ihe American has, with the leading Union pnpurs of the Scnato, strongly approved Ihe nnoonditional Union movement, at tho head of which are Con giossman John L. Thomas, ex-Covernor Ihomas, Senator Creswell, and many others, whilst 8 ann goes against them. The Amrriam't editorial takes Jsue with Swann, and p. rsists in tho unconditional men carrying out their programme. From C'liUfomltt. Han Francisco, May 11. Five h'indied dol lars in v old waa pi.ld lor the first choice of scat? on the occasion ot tint first appearance of I-Mwin Forrest. The certificate of Incorporation of the ra- liic Rolling Mill Company was Hied yo.-terdny. The Company will run the mill for snti'ltintr und matniiacttiritifr railroad Iron, copper, and other metnls. Its capital is Jl, emu, turn. The hiuirdiiifr-hotise runners luive been r'lti;'ed access to vessels, which litis caused the wacs of suilo's to tidviitice $10 niouth, and their bounty has been Increased to . In. Tho ship owners anil ctinsk'tiees are very iiidiunttuf at this move on the pert ot the runners, ami talk of rstal)lishiti! a Itutre Miilor's home. The stoi'k ol limnetic distilled liquors- is riinnintr very low. .Mining stacks uve lii-m, , The JJettjwburjt .Moinmcnt. Hakthirp, Cotiii., May 12. Toe Couron' n( this niorninp nnnounces that the contract tor cotiHtrtictintr the Cettyslittifr motiutnent Iris been awarded to i'.s dcslue-, .'anied G. natt -r-son, Fxi., ol this city. The monument. 1.4 to t-ost $.MI,0IHI. Air, llr.ttet'son dcsi'itied and b.iilt the Worth inomimeut. The Iron Moulders' Strike. I'ikiy, N. Y May 12. -The lion Moulder' strike in this cilv, which commenced about si v weeks smce, i now at an end, the l ist foundry havniR pone to work to day. There bus been a compromise between the emplovers aud tlie cmpli yes. K IN AN( 1 E AND CO M M E I UJ M Ol I'ICE OK TUB KVF.NINO TrirfiRAI'Iti ( Frt. !.!'. May 12. lSiiC, ( The Stock Market, us we havo noticed lor several day , continivs dull, but steady. (.Joverntnetit bond t are In fair demand, at. full prices. 5-2()s sold nt ln2J;Gs of 1H81 at 10";, a slight advance; nrnl 7'3tls at 10!; ''. wasbid lor 10-40. Slate and City loans are also In fair de mand. Pennsylvania ,'if sold utH'M; new City 0s ut !f!; autl old do. at !).ri. Ita-lroad slmrea are the nio"t active un the list. Camden and Amboy old at 123, no chanfie; I'ennsjlvaiila Haiiroad nt 54J, no clmntre; Little S-Hu Ikili ut, 37, id change; Keading nt 5:iJ; f-cbiali Vtillov at CI; and : I'hi ndelphia and F.rie nt ;12 ,''") I2J, no chanao. .".! was bid Tor Mim-hlll; :W lor North l'enrtfylva nia; 27 for Elnnta coinmon; 12; for preferred do.; 'loj for Cniawisa preleried; and t'.l for Northern Cential. City l'assenper Hailnm 1 shares are tinclituiLr -d. Spruce and I'itte sold ut ,'IS; and Hi-stonville ut 2!; 84 was bid for Second and Third; 5i for Tenth and Eleventh; 22 J for Thtrt 1U1 and 1- if- lteetith; and ol for Chesntit and Walnut. Hank shares ate firmly 1, but we heat 'it no wile?. Mil wits bid fur Flist National; 21.1 for North America; 1:10 for Philadelphia; 121 lor Fanners' and Mechanics'; 62 I'or Couituer. cial; 510 for Northern Liberties; 2!l lor Me chanics'; oT for IVnn TVnvnsljip; 54 for Cirard; 02 for City; 40 lor Consolidation; and 02; lor Corn Exchiiupc. In Canal sb'itvs there was uothintr doing. 27 was bid for Schuylkill Naviiratioii common, 31,) for preleried do. ; 110 for Morris Canal pre lerred; l(i.J for SiiH,iteh-itina Canal; f3', for Iielaware Division ; and 03 for Wyoming V.il by Canal. Oil Bliart'N are very dull. Dalzeil sold a' 1 t'O ciian.'e. IIIILMUll'lllA STUCK KXCIIANliK fl nU Kepoi ted by Do lluven & lro., tio. 40 S. Third street K1KHT 1IOAKU $0000 11 8 5-20,, 1'4 ..1021 60sl, J.it Sell.. . . b0 37 INOUO U 8 Tolls Aug le2 25 sh Cam ifc Am ,.12 !Ui0 do.. June. .ltj , 2 sh do . 1 M ;-('e0 do.. June.. 1(23 VW sh Union CaimY.! n l"l'a6s 8!! 100 ah Heading fj;' f-fil'O jo IK) iu nl. Leh Val 1 54IKK) do 80 200 sh I'lul & Krlo,.. 32 ' SMiO ilo W) : 2i0sh do LljO 82? s00CitvGs, now... ! 2O0 sh do ;rj1 'i'X do ill) ; 100 0, d-....""s:V) 8'! r'") do old 115 1 20sbSprainl !' H' SfUKIOSeh. av. CsS2 86) 10 sh do M S1O00 U SHs '81 lnt) 2110 sh llestdi'iv" "ti.Vl 2 ) VUm l'a It 21 intg 0 054 400 sh do b l.) ) MeFsrs. IH Iluvon & llrother. N). 40 K011II1 Third i-treet, mttke the lollowmg (notations of the rates ut exchii'igo to-day at 1 1'. M. : American Cold fi'w? American Silver, Js and ,fs. ., c2 j- Conipound Inloiest No'e.-i: " Juno, 1801.... m n1 " " July, 1W4.... 11 H( " " August, 18(4 pi' ii " Oetuber, 18H4.... Of ) " i'eo., 18(4.... 8 8 " ' May. lH-ift.... 0" tl " " August, ISO.').... 41 41 " " Sept., HI15. ... 4 4) ' " Oetot.er, lsi)5. ... 3 31 rMIll.AO'A (jlOLI) EXUHAMiE gUorAHONs 10 A M 120 12 if P2ST U A. M 12.sj I P. U ijis", I'lillndclphlo Trnde Jtt port. Sati iidat, Msv 12. We have to incur ,1 a contltiintn -o of the firmness which has charactcrlz-d the Tlour Mar ket air some time past, hut there Is not much doing Iboie is a teady demand lor home consumption, with a'col Nil) harroU at l(i(",ll-60 lor Northwestern exlfa fiiniily; ll(r,13 tor Peunsvy,uiia m Ohio do. do , In cluclllig 101) barrels laucy at 13 7li and ainall lots at SKK'Utm for extras, and asH for supc-rtlne. "Ihe anilcr t nairel In t orn Meal nothing dolug 111 VVImut t ere Is rather morn doing, and prices urn firmly niuiiitulnsiti mile i ot lmt; bu-liels good i-eni.svl-v..nia red at H'W(,Mi(l! HUt) tnishe s Milwaukee atai-Jui tr. Jia. ".!,'"' I'Wvateteriiisi white rmirni ,r ' IO '? . good demand wl-h small :? r"n.Hrlv.ai,l " i,u- rr ' de,?i at Mlerda saUvanee; sales ot J. flu liushels veliow Bt L. , V'Jila 1 rfi l,i auod ileinainl at an advance: "H notlZg'ng' 'u r.ey anil Nothing (JoIiik In Cloveiseed and Timothy, and urlcs are nomlnul. laxwwd ael.a alowiy ai il-7wwi'J. .oi.aVuer:1,run 1Urk 14 so area and lu limited reiiuest at It ion. vVhlky contltitiea very doll; sales oi.Vl barrela Penn sylvania at U i. and 50 bariels Ohio at fi-il illaihets br Telegrapfi. Nkw Vohk, ilav 12 -Cotton Heady at SI-u.mj. lor Middlings. Flour has declined 2in'irs t aaloa ol 8(00 bp's, at 7 6(K9 60 for State 1 Hi 6i 13 75 for Ohio, fl0 tl5ul(i-75 lr Southern, and 8 76u,18H0for Canada W heat declined 8e 60 ; sale uuiiiiporiant. Corn quiet, with small sales. Beef ateady. i"orlc heavy 1 talet of 1000 barrel at M 2i u30 0. Lanl quiet. WUisky steady. 1