THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MAY 11, 186G. OH HBARISM A n.E MI KK AInoX, bt tRnm niiNr. O full of awpetncia, rrispnoaa, east', (impound of love ly HmnlliiPhHea, Accoii))1ih1iri1 trillc tell us what To csU tbee, Hii'l dirrari time not. Words ot ikneien come about us Tli rill within ami glance without u, Now we think that there innnt be In thee some humanity. Ntich. n tiiPtL' conipo.trrt ami fine Hmilo bIoiir that touch of thine. Now we coll the heavenly rain. For thy I refit, continued strain; Now a hail, that .n the crouml Nnlits Into liRht leap ol sound; Now the concert, neut ami nice, Of a pigmy paradise; Sprinkles then from ulnc'insr fountain; Fairies heard on tops ot mountains; Nightingales endued w ith art. Caught in listening to Mozart: Ntars that make a distant tinklintr, While their happy eves are tw inkling; Sounds for scattered rills to flow to; Music, for the flowers to prow to. O thou sweet and midden pleasure, Dropping in the lap of leisure, Essence of linriiionious )oy, lipithet-exhaustmcr iv. t Come, then, for another strain; We must have thee o'er again. FOREIGN GOSSIP. Pamif.r of Hasty BriuAL, A French Arch bishop recently fiavenn account of his own nar row ecape front death by premature burial, and a bimilar story is now told by M. Lalu, cure of (jizav, France. Ho says: ''I hav just wit nessed a tact which has jrreatlv excited ilie peo- Iile of the neighborhood. A woman named iudoLOiide Denesbexti, who was Mipposed to be dead, was to have been interred in the niorn int?, and the relatives were all in attendance, when the petson who had laid out the corpse, as bIic was completing her work, fancied she discovered a sllpht movement in the right arm. Upon examination the woman was found to be Still alive. 1 immediately went to see the woman, ami found no pulse no movement; the members were perfectly t-till", but by clone ob servation at intervals an alinod imperceptible swelling of one of the urt erics of the neck could be discerned. I lt a lew drops of brandy fall upon Iter teeth, which were clenched in such a manner that if was impossible to sepa rate them, and siiorily utter a slight hissing noise as heard. Blipcontinues stitl (twenty four hours after) in the same comatose state." Emplotmknt tf Girls is Colli khiks. Amone recent papers presented to the llntisli Parlia ment Is the deuth of a girl twelve years old, at the House Colliery, in Lancashire. On going to work last mouth, on the first morning I her engagement, she arrived at 7, instead of (J O'clock, and found no one in attendance at the surface, where f-he wan to lie employed, to in struct her. Setting herself to Wui k as best she could, she made a mistake which rebased an empty truck on a descending railway, and, not knowiug what to do, she was crushed in her efforts to stop it. Mr. lligson reports that iu his district a emit number of girls and women are employed above ground to separate dirt and hale from the coal, load the railway trucks, and move them to and from t he screens', bin it is an exception for a girl ot such tender age to bo so employed, and he has not met with a parallel case. Family Nomenclature The "strang n name" hich recently appeared in an advertisement in the Canterbury papers, in Unslitnrl, respecting claims on the estate of "Acts-Apostles pegden," has brought out nn explanation. Mr. Pegden had four elder brothers, who were named Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, in succession. When the nappy parent were presented with their fitth sou, they deemed it a matter of reli gion to adhere to the order of the calendar; and o, when the infant Pegden was presented at the tout, and the minister demanded "Name this child," the good parBon w as startled with the response, "Acts. Apostles." All remon strance was vain. And so Mr. "Acts-Apostles Pegden"' has handed down a name memorable to posterity. Oil Wells in Uussia. A very rich oil well has been discovered in the district of Natuchaitz, on the shore of the Caspian sea. After boring a depth of one hundred and twenty feet in the solid rock, a stream of oil made its appearance, and flowed lor twenty minutes. A deafening Boise followed, accompanied by a slight earth ciuake. which so frigntened the workmen that they all tied. When the noise had subsided a let of clear w ater, tasting very salt, sprang up ' with great violence. Alter this jet had ex hausted itseit (which i' took twenty-six minutes in doing) a quantity of li th, smoke, and stones issued our of the cavity, whieh was now found to contain nothing but pure oil. Since then front fifteen hundred to two thousand pailfuls of the oil have been drawn out, the only instru ment used being a common wooden siphon two inches in diumeier. TllK (iAINS OK DliAM AHO ArTOORS IN FltANCE. The most successful comedy ot the season in Taris continues to be the FamiUe Hmoiton, filayed at the Vaudeville, in the Hue Vivieune. t has now been played lor nearly live mouths without inteirupt ion, except once during Holy Week. Its bundle Ith night was the lltu of February. The receipts of the house up to that night were 463.7G1 traues, or an average of 4VM francs per night. The gains of the author tor the same period were first, 10,000 francs by way of premium; second, author's tickets to the amount of 108 francs lor each performance; and third, twelve per cent, on the money taken at the doors, so that he has received in three months a sum ot 77,271) francs, or $L,4."0. CoLOR-lSMNDNKMi. A curious essay on the subject ol color-blMidness bus recently been pub lished in l'otinmiltirjt's AnnttUn. The writer, Dr. Hose, concludes, as the result of several ex periments: -1. That with the color-blind it is always the licht of the greatest or ot the leiust refrangibility that first becomes imperfect. 2. That invariably, as the disease increases, the patient ceasos to'in rceive onlv that light which had previously tie greatest or least refrangibi lity of the rays visible to him. 8. That color blindness is always characterized by a shorten ing of the spcctiiun, ami never bv an interrup tion. Heir Hose has invented an instrument tor the detection ot color-blindness, and lor mea suring the extent oi this condition. An F.nthaohdinary story. Th" following .anecdote is told in Berlin : At a hall given last week, on the seventeenth birthday of the daugh ter ol one of 1 tie noblest families, a mvs'eiious tpure a monk mask entered the saloon pre cisely at midnight, and disappeared, alter hav ing presented the young lady with a basket ot flower-. On examining the contents, nn ebony cotlin was found inlaid with silver, containing a bridal wreath, an arrow piercing a hly, and a paper on which was written, "A greeting troni the world ol shadows.'' It should be added that, though the mother became ir.sensihle, the yonng Countess did not lose her presence cf mind, but coiitinii' d dancing, and betrayed uo emotion whatever. Sevkkk Wintkr iv Icki.anii. Iceland is always a cohl place in w inter, as its name s'gnili -s, but last winter was worse than usual. Dr. Hialtulin, the principal physician on the island, writes: "We have had a' frightful winter, the mean lent Dcrature having been i degrees bi-iow the mean of our winters. The thermometer dining the last lew dajs has ranged betweeu 12 decrees and 14 degrees of Celsius. This state of things will no doubt occasion a most trenieudou northern icedritt, the consequence of which you will feel in Kuglaud and northern countries. The enormous iceblocks will be drifted into the Atlantic, ami, melting there, will be the cause of much rain, hail, and snow, with a considerable low eiing of your mean summer temperature." Hioukk Waoks in Irklnii. The rapid in crease ot emigration from the southern counties Of Ireland is producing a result of which the laboring population cannot complain. The ' wages lor farm laborers havelutelv reached the highest figure ever known in Kerry twelve f-1 i 1 It i i-f lu lilteBU shillings sterling u weuk. with board. In many parts of tho county of Cork tho rate in ten shillings; and as emigration continues a" blisk as ever, labor Is likely to command this price eetterally. For twenty year there lias not been such an emigration troni the port of Droghetla as at present. A csTtMAN Tyranny in Vknicb. At Venice, lately, a body ol young men wished to present Mad'lle Vnne'ri, of" the opera, a huge .bouquet, but the police interdicted the rilt because the flowers wero amnged t represent the national colors. Thereupon the yotinR fellows made a great shouting in honor of their favorite at the theatre, and carried the bouquet to her house in it gondola. Girls Sellinu ttikir Hair. A French lotirniil says that "Ireland furnishes the chief portion ol the false plaits worn now a-days by Parisian ladies, and if the Corps Legislatit would only bring in a bill lor putting a tax on the im portation ot Irish hair into the empire, France might, without damacing her budget, abolish the stamp duty on newspapers." A Jokk by Carlylk. It is said that Mr. Car hie whs it-cent ly offered the decree of LL.l)., but declined the honor, laughing it oH in a letter with stich excuses as that he had a brother a Dr. Carlyte (an M. !)., and known in literature as the translator of "Dante"), ami that if two Dr. Caihles should appear at Paradise, mis takes might arise. Salisbury Cathedral. The restoration of the exterior of Salisbury Cathedral, in England, is completed, excepting th' west front. Karl lirauchanip has oilered one thousand pounds to be expended on the erection of an altar screen, as a memorial to his ancestor, Bishop Beau champ, who was appointed in 145(1. An Anatomical Phenomenon. A phenome non was latt ly observed at Tournay, France. A post-mortem examination of a young non-commissioned ollicer, who died in the military hos pital, showed that all the internal organs were reversed the Heart was on the right side and the liver on the left, etc. A Button Collector. The late French com poser, Clapison, w as a great collector of curiosl lies. lie lias left, among other things, a col lection of buttons ot the time ol Louis XIV, the Regency, Louis XV, Louis XVI, and the Revolution. Perils ok Crinoline. The other day a man pot entangled in the ciinoline ot a woman who was walking along Ludgate Hill, London, and was thrown to the ground, and so everely in jured that death ensued lrom ellusloti ot blood on tho brain. A Piors Office. The Emperor of Austria on Cood Friday went through the annual ceremony ol washing the feet of twelve poor old men and so many old women. The eldest of the group was ninety-six years ol age, the youngest eighty five. TnE FitENrn Bible Translation. The Pails Society tor the translation of the Bible has b.ien violently nt'iicked by the French Ultrn montMites. The Bishop of 'Montauban declares that the enierprise is neither honest, decent, nor canonical. Punishment ok CocK-FiiHTiN. The Belgian Chamber is about to introduce a new clause into the penal code ot that country punishing with tine or impi isoninent all persons convicted of cock-fighting. Incrfask ok Mohmonism in Norway. --The number of Mormons in Norway is increasing. There are now fjliil ol them at Christiana, l!)8 of wLom are men and 3i." women. Decision iu the Colt Will Case. A final decision by the Supreme Court Judges on the contested will of the late Colonel Samuel Colt was made yesterday ot New Haven. It is decided that the interest of Colonel Colt's brother, Judge Colt, in the stock of the Colt's Anns manufacturing Company, is a life estate, and not an absolute one; that he takes 574 shares of the stock; and that besideB the back divi dends he takes interest on the dividends, so far as the Arms Company has used the money and made interest. The Court distributes the re sidueof the stock, which is loiiuJ to be 534G shares, as follows: To Mrs. Colt lo James It. C olt (for hie; To Samuel C to!' loCaldwell II. Colt To Henrietta COit, deceased. . . . To Elizabeth L Coit, deceased. To Samuel J. Colt deceased. . . . lot hristopher Colt's children. . .. 114ft shai . 674 " ,. 674 ' . 574 " . 574 ' . 674 ' .. o74 " 4o'J " To It. 1). Hubbard, K. W. H. Jarvis, and llr. Colt, as executors To L. 1'. Snrpcut To li K. Boot r7 r7 67 each. A dividend, we believe, of about 150 per cent, on these shares is now due lrom the time of Colonel Colt's death. It would give $s0,000 as Judcc Colt's share. It will be seen that a verv large amount goes inio the hands o' Mr". C tor herself and children, living and deceased, Jliirlfovil 'Viie.s, S. COAL. It v. o o o ice oi'h:ks l'lil'-STON COAT., Which is the very best SCHl'VLKlld. COAL coming to this inarkot, Egg and Steve sizes at $675 per Ton ALSO, 'Jilt: UKNV1NE KA(JIL1 VK1N COAI. JSarne sizes, same pi ice. A Superior Quullty ot l.KIHCill COAL I'onstaui'y on hand l'fi. mid Stove sizesat 7 SO, .e1i eridltounv part ot the city, entirely free ol sluteand ui 1 advifc uiy friends, aud the puhlic generally, to In their coming w inter's supply now, as the price , low as it will tic, and as there Is a prospect ot an ad van Boen. Orders received ut .No. 114 South until) Street KMl'OIllVM, 1 17 rp No. 1314 WASHINGTON Avenue. J A M US O ' B 11 I E X , Dfc-ALLl; IH Li.lIK.U AND yClJUYLKlLL COAL, V LHi CAhGO OH SIXGLK TOX. Yard, Broad Street, below Titzwater. lii.- connautly on hand a competent xupplj of tli dtove Miperior teal, suitable ior tamhy use, te wi.k.-Ii lie cu.Jh the attention of hu friends uutl the public ceneraKy. Oi(ltj leu at Ko. 20o 8. Fifth street, No. 82 B Seventeviitli -trctt. t.r throiiKh Utspatch or Post Office, iron nth attdidtdto A M pililuK WL ALJIV OF BLACKSMITHS Coal. 7 K N 1) E 11 it? COAL AND ICE DEPOT, s. w. coknlk ok nitoAO akd callo wnti.L KTKEICTS, f'flers tlie celetiratid West l.clilh Coal lrom the (itfi ntiouil L'ollterv, stove, KtK. and Healer size. 7-.Sti; ut ai b fit). Also, tlie very niiperior Schuylkill ('mil, ruin Die KeevtMltile (.olllei.v, Nut nine, Vli Ou. All other tiizca l-0ii. All Coal warranted and tnken back tree of expense to the purchaser. Ii not us represented. Also, the t'ojd i'r teitta Ii not lull weight. t It Win II A li n i: s s. A LAKGE Lor OF NLV L'. S. WAdON HAK NF.SS, 2, 4, and C horse. Also, parts ol HAR MS, SA1DLES, COLLARS, HAI.lKRS.etc, touKht at the recent Covernnient salo to be sold at a ereat sacriUco Wholesale or Retail. Tojrethor with our usual assortment of M VI) J. Kli Y A XI) SAT)I)LKH Y HAUL VA HE. WILLIAM S. HAKSEEL & SONS, '.'11 o. 114 MAUKl'.T Street. PROPOSALS. 'AI.K Ot U O V t It N M t M l.L M HKK. Cmsr QttARiRitMASTRn's Orrica, Dkcotof Washington. J WAHHit oTow, D.C., JMsy8, Wfti Sealed until Proposals will bo received at this Oflico KONDAY, May 21, 1KG0, at 12 o'c'ock M for the piirrliase of H43 900 toet of (iovermnent 1. undid, ol the following nixci sud descriptions, viz : 13 CC0 Tppt ll Inch Oak. 1(0,0(0 leef 2 ir.t h Oak. HO.OMtirel 21 inch Oak. lilfiPiKI leet 3 inch Oak. I0,(H)0 leet 8) inch 0Hk. 73, 00 teet 4 inch Oak. Ill 000 leet 5 inch ak PKK O leet a inch Hickory. 6 MX) feet 8 inch Hickon. 14,00(lfcct4 inch Hicnorf. ft WO hill, inch Asli. 74 5 0 loot 2 inch Ah. 8.(KiO eel 8 Inch Ash. an.lOOIcet 4 inch A - h, 20,000 teet 6 inch Ash. 8,600 feet J inch Pine. 34 S-trf) feet i melt Pino. 87. C00 teet 1 inch l ine. Vfi.nnu leet S inch Pop ar. HUM) teet 1 inch Poplar. The above is a verv pui orior lot of wll-ses-nned I.uiiiticr. and can be si en bv nppMnir to Jtrrvet Colonel (. H. Joiiikiiut, Quartermaster in cliarxo at Lincoln JLiepot, about ono nolo oust of tho Capitol. It ds wid be received for the purchase of ten thou sand leet aim tipwarus. I he umlersiirned reserves the riuht to reject all the bids should tticy bo con sidered fro low. 1'ayment tin Government fund-) will bo required upon not Ileal ion ol acceptance ot bids, and prior to Hie delivery of the I,iitiiicr, which must be reniovi 1 within iilU-en days alter tho proposal is ncri pted. l'ropomls tlinu'il bo sinned with flic bidder's full name, and (five his post ollice ndtlress endorsed ''Proposals lor the .Purchase ol Lumber," and d in cud to P. H. If I' OK Kit, Brevet Major-tien and Ch-cf Oiiartorinns er, 5 4 lit Hcpotot Washington. lOVM.'SsiF.Nr sAI.i; "OF TIIK MILIIAUY f 1A1L1.UAI AT UKA.OS SAA1IAOO, IfcXAS QUA ItTETIM APTKR-Ci ENF:ll A LS OPFICR, 1 Vt AK1IINUTOM. U. ., April l'J, lMHti. ) The attention ol capitalists cckiu a profitable, invesliiicnt is invited to this sale. Sealed Proposals will bo received at tho olflce of the Quart) rmaster (ieiieral (Division of lUver aud Rail Transportation), at VASlilH ION, 1). v., umilthe first cay of Juno next, at 12 o'clock M, forthe purchase of all the rijiht, nt e, and interest ol i lie I niied State in and to tho Lulled iStale Military Rai. road lrom Hrazos 8untiano to White's Lunelle, Jexaa. '1 he sale will Include tho entiro track and Bid itics, tuiluinjrs, water stations, turn-tables, bridges, etc.. the rni.ioHQ nmu ritilH and suppl es pertaining to the road, torether with the robing stock, cars, machinery, and other equipment. 1 tie sale will not include tho tit'e to tho laud, which coes not beionp to the I'nited States. tins road is about t"ii niiie- in leuiith, aud extends liom 1 ra?o- f-nntmro to White's Land. e, on tlio Rio O ranre From this point connection is made by stealer with Urownsville aud M.itamoras. This route is t lie shortest and lies! lor the immense trnflic between tho dull of Mi xico and the interior ol southern Texas and Northern Mexico, and tho communication bv rail alone can readily be ex tended to iirownsvillo J he load already cotnp'eted saves thirty miles of d 11. cult and tortuous navigation, ltnatg on the river now charge, it iv stated, lor freieht to Rrowns vt le, as high im f o per barrel, aud tor passcuKera $15 each. The road is flvc-lcet Kuagc, good ties. T rail, and lull-rpiked. Jl: ore particular descriition ot tho property can bn obtaiucd at tnis ollice, or at that of the Chief Quartcimastcr Military Division ot the (julf, at 'ew Orb uus. A condition of the sale w ill be that transportation shall be furnished lor all Government troops and supplies, whenever required, at the rates paid by Government ut the time to the New 1 ork Central Rai road. 'lhe terms of payment accepted will ho those considered the favorab.c to tho oovein meut, leu per cent raih, in Government funds, to be pain on acceptance el proposal. 1 be Government reserves the rip lit to reject any or all proposals. Proposals should be endorsed, "Proposals for pur chase ol itraos Saimat'o ana Rio Griindo Railroad,' ii ml addressed to the Division ot River and Rail 1 riuispoitation, Quartermustcr General's Ollice, M a-lm L'ton, I) C. by older oi the Quartermaster General. ALLXAKDl'.R BLISS, Urtvet Colonel and A. Q. M , in charge ol Fourth Division Q. M. G.O 4at31Ul jRl.sil ELl'.F A N DV Eti n A B LES. Navy Dki-abtment, Bureau ok Phovisions and Ci.othiso, Mav 10, 18 !ti ) Scaled Proposals, endorsed "Proposals for Fresh Ilcol and Veieta'des," will be received at this Bu reau until a o'clock P. M , on tho 22d day ol .Mav, instant, lor the suppiy ol eO.OW) pounds ot MthMl 111 l.F, and eOOtO pounds of FKK.mi1 VBUE TA BLES, at the Philadelphia Navy Yard and Station. as tequired. The Beef and Vegetables must be ot uood inialitv , and the host tho market allords, and en ch in tide must be oll'crcd for by the pound. The Keel is to be in equal proportions, fo.o aud hind ouarters. Bonds, with approved security, will be required in one-nan tin; estimated ninoui t oi tne contract, anil twenty per cent, in addition will be withhold from the amount ol each payment to l e made, as collateral security lor Hie (iuo pellormance ol tne contract which will, on no account, bo paid until it is lully complied wiin. Every oiler made must uo accompanied by a written yuarautco, slt'tied bv ono or more rcspunsi Me persons, ttiat tne Didder or indoors vvtll, li ins or llieii bid tie ncce ted.trte-r into an obligation within live days with good aud sullicieut sureties, to furnish tl.e articles proposed. Ao proposal trill In' cmisidertil unless arrwnpunied ly am h ywirantei; mill I'll S'llinnclori eritlrtict that liie t irtder is a r yutar dmltr in the tiriirle projivsed, and lias the lu i use r nutred M wt ot I imorrss. lhe Department reserves tho rialit to reject any proposal not consideitd advantageous to tho Cov er uuient. H. BRIDGES, fi 10 lot Chiet ol Bureau. Ml tli SIAIKS MILITARY RAILROADS. OKI ICE OF ASSISTANT QDARTKI'.M ASTKK, ISO. .it ill (i Street, Washington, D. C, Apni 2K, I81UI Sealed Procosa s will ne received at Ibis ollice, until 12 o'clock M., MONDAY, May 21, for the pur. e fuse, lrom tho L'nited Mutes.of all the IRoN WORK lor Nineteen 81 ana of "Howe's Improved Truss Unclves," consisting ot the Rods, Bolts, Plates, and Dowels, suitable lor tho dillerent spans, the latter varying in length from eighty to one hundred aud lorty-oue feet. 1 he Iron is now stored at the Works ol Ili.i'Cleve hird Kollinir Mill Cotnpuuy, Cleveland, Ohio, aud wid be sold by tho pound, A detailed bill of the iron, and the lenir'h oi the spans, may In obtained on application at this ( Terms Cash, In Government funds. 1 lie Cnned Mates reserve the riyht to reject all Viils. il not deemed ailvantairtous. Proposals should be endorsed "I'roposals lor the Purchasb 0. liriojic Iron." F J. CKILLY . Brevet Major and A. Q. SI., 4 3t -l&t C. s. Army. VJ LALI-.D 1 ROl'OSALSFOir Til F, ERECTION v) ot Five Hundred Feet ol River Mall at Fair mount Park will be received iu accordance with plan and spceffleatious made by J. C.Siducv, Archi tect, in the oflico of lhe Couiiiiisioner oi City Pro perty, lhe Proposals should be directed to the under signed, and bo endorsed "PROPOSALS FOR R1VFR WALL." seventy per cent, will be paid monthly as the work is none ; the balance when tne whole Is completed and accepted. The Fropoa'B wi'l b opened iu tho presence of binders bv the coniniitieo on city rioperty, at their meeting 011 1 1'EsDAY, May 2a, ISoO, at 3i o'clock P. M. CHARLES DIXET, C 'Jwlmtlt Con missiouer of City Property. DEPAltTME.NTHKO CITY ITH WA1ER. PROPOSALS FOR E.VGINE HOUSE. Healed Proposals will be received at the oflloe of IbeChipf Enirineer, No. 1(4 South FT if T H htreet until TUESDAY, May 16, at 8 o'clock P. M., tor buildinf the Engine House, Boiler House, aud Slack for the Roxborouifh Water W orks. Plans aud specifications may bo seen at the oflice Ol the Chief Engineer. No bid will be received unless it be accompanied with a certificate that a bond of II vo huudrod dol lars has been deposited with the City Solicitor as per oidinance ot May 25, lBiii). 1 he Committee rcborve the right to accept or reject any or all the bids. 6 81H HKNIU P M. BIRKINBiyi'., Chief Engineer of Water Departineut, l''ii!a. PROPOSALS. t O .s J P t) N E M K N 1 . PROIOSAL8 FtK K.AtiR AVINGS OF THE 11,1 LUI KATIONM ACCOMPANYING THE RT PCRl OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS rOK THE llAK 1h. OFPIt'lt ScrrHINTKMlKST Tubmc PBISriKO, , V 'asiioton, Aeril 27, lsiW frah d Proposals will be received at this ofllcs until 1 lit ltM)A Y.thp 17th dav of May. lH'sS. at 12 o'clock, fi r turiiishinit one set of Pages ol the llltts- trat'ons 01 ai sen inert .etc. accompany inn tne uennri ol Hip ('ominisstoner ol Patent fur the year ISi'k',, ith the name and address ot the Patentee and the character and dsto of tne l'atent on each illustra tion. lhe drawing t ill no fimished on paperto the rontractor, who tnu-t arrange them into paces in liiimencal order, as nearly as is consistent with iieainess and compactness; and tho execution id' the work must be lully equal to that fur nished for the published report lor 1R!2, which has been adopted as the standard for the present vol mo. lhe plates ate to bo delivered at this otllce tire ol cost for transportation, and subject to the ap proval or rejection ol the K,upcrintendcnt ol the Public 1 rintmr. Bond and approved security will be 11 quired for the iBithlul perlonnauce ol the con tract. '1 be woik will comprise about tivothomand Illus trations, making over seveu hundred pages, measur ing 4'. bv 8 inches. U dders are required to proptso lor tho woik I t lhe illustration, with the understand ing that, w hen more than one figure is required lo Ibuslrate an invention or desipii (hs is omeiime" the case), the whole number ot hemes will be estimated and paid lor as a single lustration. Awards will be made "to the lowest and b-t bidder lur Interest ot tho Government, due recant I eing paid to the execution ol the work." under the direction ol the Joint Committee on Printing. Any Itirther information that may be tequired wiil he lurnislicd upon application at this oflice, or to the Commissioner of i'aiei ts. Proposals will lie addressed to " The .loir.t Com mittee on Printing." Washinoton, D. C, care of the undersigned, atid endorsed on the envelope "Propo sal lor l'atent Office Report " The anvertlsf nietit lor proposals dated the 2.'ld ot April. Ihw, is withdrawn. 4S0mwftmy7 JOHN I). DEFREES, superintendent ol the Public Printing. c '1H1EF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE DlPAKTMKNT OP YlitlllNIA, 1 RiciiMOMD, a., .niy 2, 180O. ) Pealed Proposals will be received at this oflico tiniil the 10th Inst , at 12 o'clock M , lor liiriushing the I'niled biutea Govcrnuicut with tlie toduwiug supplies, viz : Class 1. loco cords merchantable bard wood. Class 2. 20 000 bushels Oats, in sacks. 400 ton primo 1 111101 ft v Huy, I aled. Class 8. 50 Ions clean Rye or Wheat Straw, na iea. ( lass 1 required. Stationery, in such quantities as may bo including Letter, Foolscap, Vo 10 lost. Note, Blottinir. and Envelope Pape-, Envelopes (various sizes), Memorandum 2, 4, ai , 6 quire Itlank Books, Ink (Ariiod's Fluid, ar x Ink Powder, i.h is, Sealing Wax, Quills St'.i Tens Lead Pen cils. Cilice la e. Erasers, and Paper Folders all to le ol pood quality Pioposals ill te made tor each class separately, and must designate the article in each class proposed to te lumished. 1 he wood, hay, and straw will be subject to inspec tion on delivery. sntni lesot the OaU and the articles on Class 4 mii-i iiccempaiiy tho proposals. All supplies to be delivered to the Cni'ed States Quartermasters at Richmond und 1 01 tress Monroe as tl ey mav be required, In e 01 expense to the Cov ert. nient, to be pa d ior on delivery, or as soon there alter as funds may be received lhe l'nited Statu teseives the ripht to refect any or all proposals which mav be deemed Incompatible with the interests ol the Government. W ILL! AM L JAMES, Brevet Brig.-Gen. and Clnei Qinnteriiiaster, 5 5 8t Department ol Virginia LEGAL NOTICES. I lllILADEI.rillA. MAY 4, 18ii0. NOTICE IS K hcrehy given Hint a writ of scire facias will lie i-ued upon the loliowlni; claim, at the explra: Ion of 1 hree inomlis liom the dale hereo , unless the same is i ini'. within that time to W. A. RI.IVKIt. Attornev-at I.nw, No. 3 N. Sh YEN J U Street. "tl'lY" TO PSK OK LANE SCHOFlLt-H VS. Fiank In Fire Insurance ( oinpanv. (.P., lleceni h(r T , isti. 'o -.'s. Kor 1 avinn. 74 4H. lot N. K. coruer ol wenty-srennd and Spruce stretts.17 teet lront on Spruce by, 07 leet 4 inches deep oil Twenty-second street. 5 4 itfin I N Till; COCKT OF COMMON I'l.F.AS Ob THE J. C11V AM C'OIM Y riK lMiri.AIK.I.l'H A. Elate 01 N". KLINE SlldK M, Deceased. Notice Is herehv jilven that the widow and children of said decedent have tiled their petition suil an appiaise ment of the personul property v hleh they elect to retain under the act of April H 1S51. and the supplements thereto, anil that the some will he approved bv said Ton rt on FRIDAY, Alaj 18 lsiiS uuless exceptions tic Illedltherelo. J. (iOKI(lN BKJMCKbK, ft H tui '2w Attorneyjtor Petitioner. STOVES. RANGES, &o. QULVEll'S ' K W 1 A T K X T DEEP SAND-JOINT HOT-AIR FURNACE. KANCJKS Ol' Al.Ii SlZi:S. ALSO, riUEGAR'S NEW LOW PREftSL'KK STEAM HEA1 1. U APPARATUS. OR SAL: BY CHAULKS WILLIAM-, No. UC2 MARKET STREET. 54 5 JII.LAVAKD & AVINKliliKNKIl. irM, Mii.LWAi'.n. ll. S. WlMUliKM R, jIACHIXOY AKLi MAMTACTniEKS' S U P P L IKS, Mo. 11 H TAlCi:T Sti'oot, PHITDELPHTA, PA. AG1NTS FOn TIIK SALE OF Cottcn and Woollen Machinery, Dealers In Manufacturers' Supplies of every de scription. Oak Tanned Leather Beltins,. ASD MACHINE CARD CLOTHING Of best duality and nianiifecture. 4 2o 3mrp IA.1)ALL "& fW., PERITJ1CERS ANL- IMPORTERS, No. 1302 CESNUT Street. Vim- 1 Lit Lilili Toilet Soaps, IN t.hl AT VAi.'lLTY. JVPT KECE1VED. A ho, 1 rl, e French Kxtracts und I'erluines. We have cersiantly on hand every variety ot l'thH .MKKY AND TOILET KK.tjriSITKS. Extracts, Powders Colonies, I'oinades, Toilet Water, staving Cieums. I'omietiiiues, 'Jootli Pastes Brushes, e :l 2 3m JIARUIAWL (; HIDE BY DR. WILLIAM Y0VNG. MAKKIAtiE lil'IPE, by DH. WM. YoVNG. MAKUlAt.E lit Illii, by UK. WM. YOUNU. MAHiMAGE liriUK. by I1H. WM. YOl'Nti. MAKHIAGK GllliK, by DK. WM. YOUNG. MAUKIAUK UU1DK, by DK. WM. YOtfNu, MAKKlAGE (it IDE. by DK. WM. YOUNG. MAIUUAGE GUI DK, by Dlt. WM YOUNG. MAKKlAGE GU1IH0, by DK. WM. YOUNG MAKItlAGK GUIDE, by Dlt. WM. YOUNG. M AKKIAGK GUIDK. "There are more things 'twlx Heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt 01 in our plillonouny." Let no younn man enter the obllitatlons of married life without readlnn every pane 01 I)R. YOUNG'S A) AK Kl AGE Gt ILK 1 or, Eveiy One Hli Own Doctor. It diHc loxea laulx that every one should be acquainted wllh. li conlnlm one hundred eunrnviuga. explahdnir the ana tomy ol the human ayidem. both male and female, with uh etui iniorniaiiou that every vueahould know. Price, Mlcuutx. Sold at DH. WIl.I.lAM YOUNG'S OFriCF, S 1 hi. 41tt (SPld'CK street, above Fourth ICE COMPANY:? VK ! , ICK ! ICi: ! I ( V 1 xv 1 INCOKi'OKATED iSiii. IHOMAS E. I'AHILL, P c :d, lit JOHN GOODYEAR, Secictary. HENRY THOMAS. Kuperlnt'iidn:it COLD SPRING ICE AND COM CUMPAfcY Dealers in and Ship, era of led aud Coal. W esre now prepared to furnish bi gi AMTT Ice arpe or mall qunntltlra. to hole . utetmboaK. I cream saloons, lamllie. ofllcea, etc.. and at the lowbsi MAHEF.T ratm. Ice aerved daily In al, pave 1 limit ol the cousohuated city, Weit Philadelphia. Mantua Ktrh mnnd, and Ucrmantown. Your cuslntn and inllucn li rmpecttully aollcltcd You can rely ou beiag oerved with a pi'RK article anu viiomi'tlt. Send your order to OF FICi:, No. 435 WALNUT STRKET. DF.POTs. S. W. corner HV1.LKTH and WILLOW street. North TennKTtvanla ltallroad and MAsTKlt S'reet. I.OMRAKI) and TW KS T Y-KI KT1I Street. i'fXK Street Wharf. Schuylkill. 1 2m4p Jl E M OVA L ! Jl I ; MOV A L !! OLD DRIVERS' ICE r.HMI'ANY. KKMOVJ-D FIlftM N. W. CORVFR SIXTEENTH AND RACE, TO Bread Stieet, Above Race, East Side Order respectmlly solicited, aud 1 lomptlj attended 10 at tho lowest market rate. HKfS, JOHNSON A- DAVIS. OLD DKIVKKS' ICK (MMI'ANY. The nni.ersl.iied, ledlnn exepedh thauklul to Hit many Ir.ei lis und cuntonn r for their very 1 1 ot-ral patroii ni.e axtended to linn durma lhe last fcveiileeu vcar. and having rout bin entire Intel et to MKS.-KS. ll-KSH. JnHN.xON DAVIS, Tulle pleasure in rf commend, nu toein to Inn pa rons a thev are nllomrn of wed animu InU'H'iir nml villi undoilhtrd t nuilnoiln the renutatlon of tha OLD liftl VKlis' H K COM PAN Y, and In every wav act ho us to (ilve entire satlHlBi tlun to all who mav ktmliv lavoi them with their tumom. Ke.pect uln . e'e , a:.m A 'BHOWJf. MEDICAL. YOX I'Ol'UIiI. W ltJGirrs TAl: fciYHUP ruiXi'iPAL i)j ."r. No. ''1 Soytlh TH Stt oet I'tice, l'C(i per Liottlo; f.-00 'or liiili'-n-dozcn. The iiMli rsljiird citlzi 11 take p easure In eheenully reconiini niiii.g the ute of W ritnit'a Tar Sjrup lor couk lis. colds, consumption. whoiiiilnif-coiiKlj, nputtrd lever, ilvrr rntnpta lit, pnln In the breast, iironchliiH, iiitlamm alien, and reairlciion 01 air vense In the Iuuks, etc. 1 be r nidiy ehould lie In everv Imnlly : Charles C. Wion, Kornet'a J'reis otllce". Charles II . Grade u, Sunday Mercitrv olllco. la tne olen. A qu rrr oil, cu 1 . 1 111 ni Y. (. orbit, .AHSociiiit J Pre. V 11 iiini 11. I arpenter. Uro Alarm and Police Tele t, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . tilth anil ( lusnui street. A Randolph. Kront and 1 milliard streets. I nines W. 1'errlne hu. 112H Cbarlns mreet. 11. A.liavis o. Ki Gaskhl street. Inhn W ooilslile No l;i:il Krnnkiiii str.ot. liol ert Huiuips. n ho. 1UIH Waltermreet. It. (.. Jlurcn, Jio. (lib T lunklln ;n ct. I (icblotl, o Till S. second street. lohn Seymour, 'o. SI3 s. ! lout sirect. . W. Iloviard. No. 1 Dock street 11. C. 1 art'eit Jmj. S. i-econo f trcet. L. Bale ho. filft Arch street Alt er! Martin. fo. 411 s. Second Btroit. -Mary I'aldncll. No li-iri Ssn-otn ireet W. '1 Ileum. .o. W it. Fourth street '1. M. ( It 9 K iretii'a alloi . George I son. ho. 236 Haco treei." . P. Ilionks, No.tifl North Second street. 51. J Hassett. No. 119 Canal street. s. Seymour Rose Xnstleion. Char e Roper, ho. 82 Houih street. K. T, We ,lni."on, rcond and (iiinry streets I . V. Thnmiis. ho. 136 South slxt stri ct. William Hams, ho. 61! South n nt s rect S. S. canionl. Opera Mnnauer. .icl.n Sliicinnls. rear of No Ui4 h'orth Second street 3Ur.-. S. H. Choate, Kewiirk. De.. Mr. Il'if r.m It. Wriehu Sin: We take pleasure In recon mendlnn your TAB SY hi P tol v hlch we have i.lreaily rld connlderalile quantities) a a most exeellcit and ettl aclou remedy 101 li e coirPlalnts set torih in your printed bill alreail ulimittcl lo the pul.lic. As a irai'lvlmtact to sutterliig b iin niilty e wll. chei rfu'ly recommend our prepara tion to u I 0IIM1I1 d with diseases which' It is designed to cuie. lours, etc., IHLKS A- SON. Dnnrnlst. X, . corner Pine and sixth streets. lot ta e also at JUL S CON, ilOLI.OWAY CO WDEN'rf, DYOTT i n.'-. A nd a 1 priucipal Drui tiisis anil Dealers. The ubs riber would he leave luriber to say that lie is prepared te 11,1 orders Ld lorwaru tne syrup to any part ol the ceun'iy. Person desiring other Inior nuiiii n by mail nill 'ticlose a pnsta"c stamp and answer will lereiiiinid s soon as the exinencie ot businesa w ill ailuiit Address WILLIAM It. WRIGHT. 3 20 yo "71 H. TUIKD Sinei I hl'ailelfiliia. Pa. LLSSLY'S V KGICTAHI.i; PILLS CURK t ' Dyspepsia. Dlarrlui a Kheiiniat.sin, sick liesd ai he. and all derangements of the Liver They purity lhe blood, and mane the skin suit mid lair. Kor "ale hy Dr. I.LsSliY. ho 383 H. NihTfl t ireet, Philadelphia, and by iruimists tienerall' . ( ampi-.n, N. J , September i lfili'i Dr. Leisev Dear Sir: 1 1 iiives me vreat pit a.-ure to add mv testimony iu favor of your "Vegetable l.ler l' " I had been nillictui with deranged ' onditlon 01 the Liver tor tou years, and, during ihat time, ufer.d Intensely lrom ucrld oischaraes iroin stomach mil bowels, seriously piosiiatliiv my physical andinent'd enemies lor weeks at a time, so much so ttiat mv li i was despahed ol. lint. Ill oiiliHknid Providence, I was introduced to ou. and by the use or tout Pill 1 have been woiulnr t ill iv iistorcil, not havhin bad an attack o, my old coin pi alt t or lost a sinule Sabnatb service. They act like a charm Had It not been tor t hem, 1 have no doubt I sliou d have been laid aspic lrom the ministry I must aod a iew lines In tavor of vour 'Life Pre server." or Vtfictable Liniment I have used li for Jlrvslpelus Scalds and Hums nd Inilammalions : it liroduces reninrkahle result. 1 as cured of a very bad sore l y Its use Many el my m hiibor are nslni; It, and it kTvcu uiilvernal satisiactlon. .t snould be in every Luue. Yours, KFY. J H. STOCKTON", 4 2smwiJm THIRD Sireet, (.amden, N. J. INSURANCE COMPANIES QUI AUD FJUE AM) MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFl'Ci:,ho.41.jVVALhUTSTT:EKT,riULADKLPIlIA CAPI'lAL PAID IN, IN CASH, f 200.1 00. 1 Lis ci mpary ctiitlniies to write on 'ir Hull only Its capllul, with a sooil surplus, Is i-aely Invested. 701 Loifes ly Are Lave been prcmpt'v pain, anil more than g50O.0OO Disbursed on this ar count within die past few years. Vor the urttent the otllce o lidt company will renin In at No. 415 WALNi:rJ SlllKKT, Put niihin a few months will remove to Its OWN HUILDINO N. P.. CORN Elf SEVENTH AND ( 11 EHNT'T STREETS 'Ilitu as now, we shall be happy to Insure our patrons a such ruteg as are consistent with siocty. DIlltCTOliH. THOMAS CRAVEN ALI- lit U S. OII.LETT, H LilAN bHLTP.MiD, THUS. Mil KI I.LAli, JOHN M'PPL I E. JOHN W. ( LAOHORN, SILAS VKUKLB. Jli.. S. s. LAWRENCE. ( HARLEM 1. IU I ONT, 111 .' I.Y E. KENNEY, JOsi.PI! Kl.APP.AI.D. TJIOMA8 CRAVEN. President. I.KItEI) K CII.I.l 'lT V. President and Treasurer. JAMES B ALVoliD. 8ecretr. 1 ly IV 1 i; K 1 N S l" K A N ( : 'i HE DOME INSURANCE ( OMPANY E. Or pllll All LI I1I A. No. 1MI S. EOURTII Street. Cbaiter Poipetual. Authorized ( aiiliul, S'lOO.boU. l'ald-up Capnal, Ml. (mi Insu res against loss or daiimne by EIRE on bulldlnaa, eitlicr u ruiaiiently or lor a L1M 11 Lit period. Also, on t I- ItOllAhDISE generally and Household Euruhuro, cliy or country. VIUKCTOCB. J amea Itrown, ( barles A. Inn. W llliaiu T). Lewis. Wllliaiii It. It ill nek Wl llinu N. Needle I homas Ki nber. .Ir Lemuel 1 nihil, J Ililllkirn Jones, John Wnndstde, William c. Lougstreth, J N. Illltebliison. John D. Jailor, JAMES UROWN. President. CIIA. A. liUY,Vlce-Presiilet Thomas N KiLSON, Secreiatv. 33" RKVKNUK STAJIPS, KKVKNL'E STAMI'S REVENUE STAA1TS, Of all dcrcrlptiuUM, 0 all descriptiuua, Always on hand, Alwavsou hitnd. AT FI ORENCB BEWIhO MACHINE CO.'S OEEIPH AT ELOIIENCE SEW I NO M AC II I NE CO. '8 Ol PICK No. ti'lil CI1ESNUT Htreet. No. au CliEHNUT Biiect, One dour below Heveni h strvet. One door below Seventh streut. The most liberal discount al'owed. The must liberal dUvouut allowed INSURANCE COMPANIES TM''.LAWARK IIITI'AL MAFKTV INSI KA.NC J ' (lil.l'ANV, INfOIlOKATID HY 1IIK LHMNLA1 OftF PKNNYI VAN1 A. IH.IV OK IKK f F.. (OKNFH UMUfi M WAI.Ntf SHI lis. I'l'II AUI I PIUA MAKIXE IKstntAM'K ON VI 1 f.H 1 fARud To all pan or b nw Hieli.HT ) 1M.ANP INSt'FANl'KS do Goof by Rl-. r (anal. Lake and Iuo I r irrliie 11I' pari o (he t'Tiitm . t riRK lN8UKAN( t ( n er.-hsmtiup jonera lv 0 Stun . liwcdUiK Housc,rt". ASE1 OK TIIK I OMPANY ., .. Nnvemher I, lMWi -l(r.'r 1 mV Rtte per cent loan 71 ....t..,n-M( "lfl0 . ti 'Hi us imitin . " .7 1-10 rer cent, loan treasury ivote iu i-iflo 100 OCO State ol i ennsylvaViiiVivePer lent loan M.CtOSiaie ol l'eiiiisylaiii-Mx Poi'c'oiiV. I fiiifn 90. Ml- lis fOO Cll oi'ViiVideVpiPaViii' Per (' etit 1 nsn 20 0iO Pennsylvania R'ai''ro'(V"VlrsV'i5ort 112 HI'I M aaie six I'ertw-n.' Hnrts in OOM-ot "-'" 'iRiuuau i-reonu mort- (iste six 1'er em Ponds. S ffO M eeteni I'ennsvlvama Mai road Mort 21.7M-M a-ipe sb fer Cent. Itoml ji -no m Ift.Ciifl sill" Shares Stock Uennaniown Via frnmanv. ptlnctpal and Interest ciisrHntred br Hia i 11 i ik.. . --. . ..' deipbla ,,1.V) 141 Share Stoek Pennsv.vai 1 k'i1 roul ( unitiBny ft.COOlon Share stock North I'ennsvlvariii Itnilrcad Company "... 4i'.OT0 Deposit wl'h United State Cnverii ment ubieet toten nays' ea'l UAtt M 8.M04 t.2M-M 40,9t . - u ,-tn.T- , tt uur'u..' ri.B 1 er I onu l-.1-n.11 Ion-"'"' 18.9O0-0 i.U .(lULoan on Il.itid and ortgae. Out lieu on l J 17 1'rupcrtv 170,7004 i .' 3:.W0 Tar. JIarkei value t m WO 0 neai Kstate... Dilioooe Hills receivable lor in-uranee mmle. IJl.un rj due at A irencie.-Premium on Al irlllA l'.lll.-len Aior..f.l Int.. ret. and otliei debt due the Coin Mnv Scrln'und stoek'oi ' inn il rV Vn arm e'e 40 Ml 44 " 1 ompauies, 13 .sti man d value Csli In Hanks '.'..$'.Vk!'vi'w msIi in Drawer K78-4H 2,910 Vi,63A II 1 1 21 fi lo-1 tIKh.CTORM. Thni.iN. t' n John C. DavU, f iimund A. s. inner Iheophl.ns Pauldmii. John K. Tenrose, James TraiUir, Henry c. Da lett, Jr. lames C. Hand V ililam C. l udwU. Joseph H. Seal, ieorse C. Lelper, IIukIi Cral(r, V.thcrt ltn.tni. Samuel w.. Ntoke J. . Penlstan. Henry Sloan, W iLlaiu O. llnnltoa dward DarlliiKtoB. 11. Jonet Itrooks, Edward Lafourcada. .laenh V J,,.,o. .iHtiiM It Mnli'.rl.,J Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer Mcllvain, J. P. Hem le, Pittsburt, A. 11. Iteruer Pifuhura, John 1 Taylor, TtFNnT lyi.BI UN TIIOMA H P. rreslaenL JOHN c. DIVI8, Vic Piesldent. secntarv. 12 11 lOKTJI A.MKIIICAN TIIAXSIT INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 133 South FOURTH Street PHILADELPHIA. Annual Policies tssued against C.eneral AccldDtiti all descriptions at exceedingly low rates. Insurance eftccted lor one year, in any sum from 111 to 10,000, at a premium of ouly one-half per cent, securing the lull amount Insured in case ot death, aod a compensation each week equal to tho whole pr nilum paid. Short time Tickets for 1, 2, 3, 5. 7, or 10 dayg. or 1. J, ar 6 months, at 10 cent a dav, insuring In tlie sum orilOOO, oralvinn 16 per week it disabled, to be had at th Genoral Office, No. 133 S. EOUKTII Htroet, Philadel phia, or at tho various Katlroad t icket ollice. lie sura to purchase the tickets of the North Amerlcau Trausit Insurance Company. Eor circular and farther Information apply at the General Office, or of any ol the authorized Agents otfth Companv. LEWIS L. IIOUPT, President. JAMES M. CONRAD, 'Jreasurer HENRY C. BROWN, Secretary ' JOHN O. HULLIT1'. Solicitor " DIRECTORS. I. . L. Houpt. late 01 Pennsylvania Railroad Comnsnr M. ltalrd, of M. Baldwin & ( o.'s. i-otnpan7. Samuel C. Palmer Cashier ot Commercial Bank Richard Wood, No. 8U Market street James M . Conrad, No. 823 Ma.ket street J. E. Kinnslev, tontineiital Hotel. II. O Lelsenrinn, No. 237 and UK) Dock street. Samuel Work ot Work, McCouch A Co. ;eurge Martin. No. Kit Chesnut street. 11 J j 821 )-CirAltTEIt PKIlPETUAlJ ri'ANKLlN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF I'llII.ADKM'IIIA. Assets on Januarv 1, 8'y,for,Hri-oo. Capital Acciueu Sutplus Prcuiluius..... UNSETTLED CLAIMS, 111.407 S3. I lflfl 000 00 44 M.I lb 1,1 till, 308 til INCOME FOB 1808 UO 00O. LOSSES PAID SINCE 18Jil) OYER 85,000,000. Pen dual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms. Dl LECTORS. Charles N Bancker, EdnatdC. Dalo 1 1 Lias H at net, Georne Fale, Samuel (irnnt. j Alfred Eltler, i. Borne w. Richurds, Erancls W. Lewhj. if. D. lsaacLea, PeuirMcCalL lrj1A.,,L1:8 BANCKER, Pret;deQfc vi- n.HVV0 r DALE, Vice-President. AS. V . M cALl.lSTER, Becretary protein. 2 tI2J rr H K P It O V I D E NX -- LltE ASb JliVST COMJ'JXl, OK PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated by the Slate of Pennsylvania, Third Monthl 21. 1M5. INSURES LIVES, ALLOWS IN. TEKhST ON DEPOSITS, aud OR ANTS ANNUI TIES. CAl'irAI., 8130,000. PlllhCTOUS. Siiinucl R Shipley, Jeremiah Ilncker, loslniH 11. Morris, Richard nod. Richard Cadbury, Henry lialnoa 'I . WiHtar Brown, William c. Loiiustreth, Charles F. NAMt KL R. MIIPI.FV VIllU. Rowi and Pakhy, Actuary. tc OJ J- ll K, Ao. Ill S. FOURTH STREET. VAyvm11 COMPANY; OF Pifl INIORPORa IED 1HI14-CI1ARTER PERPETDAL No. Ti WALNUT Street, opposite the Exc.haiiire. In addition to MARINE and INLAND 1NSI RANCfJ this Company Insures from loss or damage by HUE, on liberal serins, on buildlnirs, nietetaandise, landture, eto., lor limited periods, and permanently on buildiuas, by deposit ol premium lhe Company has been in acive operation for mora than SIXTY Y EA KS, during which ail losses have beet promptly adjusted and paid. ItlliKCTOK. John L. Hod ire. Lawrence Lewis, Jr., M. B. Mahoney, John T. Lewis, William S. (irnnt Robert W Learning, D. Clark Whariou, Iiai'tu Lwis? Beujaiiiin tiling, Tb.uun 11. Potverd, A. K. Mcilenry. E.iiiioud castlilon. Samuel n llcox mollis (.;. noma. JOHN R. WUcllEkER. President Sahvel Wilcox, Secretary. 3 mi 1?1HK INSl'RANCK KXCLUSlT'KLY-T B ' PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE C'M l'ANY-Incorporated 1W5 Chartor Perpetual N'. olO) WALNUT Sireet, opimsllo lndepeiideni Square. This Company, favorably known to the coninn"J' for over lortv years, continue to Insure anain lM or daniane by Pre on Public or Private Buli.lii,i, either peruiaiientiv or ior a limited time. Also ou furniture, 1. 1 oek a of Doods and Mvichanilise geneially on liberal terms Their Capital, together with a lanto 8urlu Fnnd. I Invested In the most careful manner, vldcb enabled them to oiler to the insured an uudoubed security la tne vase oi loss. DniKCTnna Daniel Smith. Jr.. , johnOevereux, Alexander Benson, lsac llalehurst. I hoiias Smith, Jlrftry Lewa, J Uillliiubaui Fell. J ho mas Kobius. lioniet Ilaitdoi. .'r- ,. . DANIEL KM IT II, Jb., PresldouL William O. CnowaLi..heriary TSAIAH PRICE. DKyHST. GRADUATE OF 1 Philadelphia College cf Dental Buiyery, elaaa 18.VM, formerly oi West Chester, Pa., having served three yean In the A nn v, lias lesmned the practice of bis proiossiua at No, 241 N. ELEVENTH Street, Philadelphia, wbo he will endeavor to give satlsiactory ttteutloa to all whi, may rt-n.tte his pioUssiviial wrtltes, 11 4 k fii