THE DAILY; EVENING TEIiEGUAPII. PIHLADEIjI'IIIA, SATURDAY, MAY 5; 18CG. 1 It published etery afternoon .Sunday excepted at No. 108 S. Ihird tired. Price, Three Cent Per Cvjy (Double Sheet), or Eighteen CentiFer Week, payable to (ht Carrier, and mailed to Hubscribers out of Vie city at Nine Dollart Per Annum ; One Dollar and Fifty Cent for Two Month, invariably in advance for the period ordered, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1866. The Proposed Consolidated Debt Loan IU Eflcctt upon the Country. Skcbetaby McCci-Locn'a plan for a grand consolidated debt loan, at five per cent. Inte rest, and to tun tor thhty years, meets with almost universal approval. Indeed, the ques tion is one upon which there can hardly bo two opinions. The measure is in no sense a political one, and so can excite no partisan prejudices, while it appeals to those obvious financial considerations which have weight with every intelligent clt'.zen. Republicans and Democrats, radicals and conservatives, can all see that It is better for us to pay five per cent, interest on the publ'c debt than six or seven and three-tenths per cent. Ail can see that a saving of twenty millions of dollars every year in mere interest is a good financial operation for the nation to make. It is equivalent, so far as the payment of Interest is concerned, to the wiping out of a principal of two hundred and seventy-five millions of dollars bearing seven and three-tenths per cent interest, or three hundred and thlrty tl.ree millions beating six per cent. But very dollar of interest saved is a dollar taken off of our taxes. Twenty millions of interest saved is, therefore, twenty millions of taxes saved. This everybody can appre ciate; and herein is one of the chief ele ments of popularity in the proposed Consoli dated debt that it will assist in lightening the load of taxation which now presses so heavily upon the nation. Every man who subscribes to the loan subscribes towards reducing his own taxes. The reduction of taxes means the cheapening of food, cloth ing, house-rents, and all that goes to make up a living. Moreover, the reduction of interest upon the national debt will tend to reduce the rates of interest upon money generally. There can be no doubt that the seven and three-tenths rate of interest paid by the Government on so large a portion of its debt has had the effect oi raising the interest on money used in commercial transactions. Capitalists who can get seven and three tenths per cent, interest for their monev from the Government are not willing to take less from their neighbors. We saw the effect ot this during the recent session of our Legislature, in the attempt to legalize an fntraafliut rata nf int.praqt ?n t.Yila f!nmmrtn- wealth. The reduction of the rate of interest paid by the Government will tend to make money cheaper everywhere, and thus to stimulate production and increase business . The consolidation of tbe national debt will be one step, and a long one, towards the re sumption of specie payments. Everybody knows that we must get back to that at some time or other. We do not expect to do it by a single leap, but a commencement In that di rection must be made. There need be no fear that the able and cautious Secretary of the Treasury will precipitate resumption. The United States notes, or ''greenbacks," are not to be retired under this act, while the very process of funding the interest-bearing debt into the proposed loan will necessitate an easy money market. It will also necessa rily extend over a considerable length o time, and Its effects will therefore be gra dually felt. The final result, however, of consolidating the debt will ba the resumption 1 1 specie payments. We shall thus get back to a sound flnacclal basis, with our debt funded at a low rate of Interest, and without any crash or revulsion to cripple the industry and commerce of the country. j But the crowning excellence In a natlona' point. of view of tbe measure under discus aion, is that feature of it which provides for a sinking fund lor tbe final payment of the pub lic debt We do not regard a national debt as per e a desirable thing. It doubtless confers some Incidental advantages, but it is very far from being an unmixed good. At least it does not comport with American ideas that the national debt shall be made a perma nent institution of the couniry. The English people may tolerate such a thing, but we can not The debt must be paid. Secretary McCulloch'b plan provides for a sinking fund of tbiity millions per annum to be ap propriated to this object. This sum is to take the place of the sinking fund provided for b the act ol February, 1SG2, and will be mainly mm ..v. f infa.Adt aanaA V... I. - i UJaUC UU ui nig luwtbav Baicu uy liim reutlf tion ot interest in the proposed consolidation ot the pnblic debt. In thirty-five years this sinking fund will pay off the entire debt. ! , Should this grand scheme be successfully carried out, what a splendid financial record ; will our nation have made tor herself! Called ' suddenly to contront a war of vaster propor tions than any other of modern times, she , prosecutes it to a triumphant issue, and meets every dollar of the enormous expense out of tbe freely opened pockets oi her own citizens. , With the first notes of peace she consolidates her various obligations into one great popu-j lar loan, and then goes to work and in the' life-time of a single generation pavs off the entire debtl What nation of ancient or modern times can equal this ? j , The illustrious triumphs of our , armies in' 'the overthrow of the foes of the republic willj thus be fitly supplemented by the brilliant achievements of our ministers of finance, and by the liberality and public spirit of our citizens. SouTMRir CoimtMPT fob Nobthbbjt Stmpathtzkiw. llace the days of Thomas Jeffbbsov there las existed a clas of Northern society which has fed upon the smiles of slaveholders, and acted, like truck ling sycophants, to aid the triumphs of a Soutkern party, receiving In turn the crumbs of office which their lords despised. The utter and profound contempt entertained for this knee-bending clique has been Intense among the honorable men of the free states, and in this scorn tbe South has Joined, re marking with "Iago:" "For I mine own gained knowledge should profane, If I would time evpend on such a snipe as this, iiut for my sport and profit." Occasionally, however, the bitterness of disgust overcomes the arguments of self interest, and fashes lorlh, iu'ly apparent to even those who are kneeling before the golden calf of political power. In tbe Richmond Republic of Friday we find such an exhibi tion. We quote It for the benefit of the Age and other Democratic Journals: "In one of those Northern Journals which is inJuHtiiouslv courting the lavor nt the South we obecrve a revival of the theory that tbe African is more akin to the monkev tlian the man, ac companied by the ubuhI stereotyped ridicule of the physical peculiarities of the race. We leel oncer no special obligation to assist our Noi'th eru contemporary in his Pli'orls to obtain a Southern circulation, but nevertheless we will vouchsafe him the Information tbat this ts not the st.vJe to plense Southern tasto. The 1'ght in which a is looked upon bv Southern Rpn-tit-men ana by the inhahit.iuts of the Five Pouts is, and always has been, e-scntially de ferent. Our contemporary should not be led Hhtiay by the libellous accounts of Southern character which are ptiolisheit by iznorant fanatics, and inier Irom thence tbat it is picas Invr to i he Southern people to hear their former fnithful servants deocribd as animals of tbe monkey tribe. The Southern jrentloman has always been, os he in now, the best friend tbe negro has in the world. So we advise our North ern friend, who is in pursuit of a profitable Southern harbor, to put his vesel about upon a dilfeient tack, aod drop all that nonsense about the gorilla. Our former servants are not re sponsible for their present freedom, and i is not exactly in the Southern line to take out spite towards those who are responsible, by caltiae; the negroes hard namec Here is a hard blow for such of our Democratic brethren as have been degrading the black to please what they supposed to ba f outhern taste. We would advise them, while they bend and cringe, to call to mind the lines of Sh akspk ab k : ..You shun mark Many a duteous and knee ciooknic knave. That, dotini; on his own obsequious bondage, wears out nia time, much iiko nis masters ass, tor nouebt but provender, uud when he's olu. cashiered." nf Excuse litre Inconve nience arMlne; from tbe altera tions aDdiniptorementi going on In our Store, it ti more than compensated for by the KXTHA HAHUA1NS we rive our cos lomers, a we want to reduoe our stock to avoid lu removal out of tbe war ot theworkineo The Finest Beady-Made t.'lotnfng In the city, and the largest etmort Diont to select irom Piece Good to make to order. VVAJiAMAKKK A Bit VYe), OAK HALL. SOUTHEAST COkMF.1l SIXTH and MARKET SU. TO DEATH." It makes no claim to literary merit. . It Is a Splcj, Wide-Awake, Rollick lng Story Ot Fun and Adventure with pretty women, and love making sufficient to satisfy any one. Captain George, tbe hero, a gay, dashing man of the world, piques tbe curiosity of all as he stops on board "the Monarch," at Liverpool for New York. Bis lile and adventure? on board ship in New York City, at the at. Nicholas in Saratoga at the St. Charles in New Orleans in Australia at the Opera House in Paris closing with a happy mar rtajre party in England, where the mystery sur rounding him li cleared up rivets the attention of the reader, as but few stories can. PRICE 75 CENTS. AT ANT BOOKS fOEE. LORJNG, Publisher, BOSTOa. It CONCERT HALL. A GRAND CONCERT wlU be given at COHCFR f HALL bv the BLACK SWIM 'iaoCtK,oa WkDIEXDAlf VJUilU, May The time and place tor tbe sale ot tickets will be an nennced toon Hit j pOTATOES-B EST IN TIIIS MARKET POTATOES -t POIAIOKU- i 1 potato ica- i For sale at the sILBOAD DEPOT : No. 1232 M AKKKl Street. I l lt WANTED, A GOOD, STEADY BARKEEPER. Apply at tat N. W. corner of TENTU aaa WAL HUTBtreeU. H y CHESTNUT ST. VX :AM1LY SEWING-MACHINES HUHTED RELIGIOUS NOTICES. t3f- TWELFTH STREET BAPTIST K-15" ChtlKCH. mcHiVtOND Street below Hhaesa maxon stre.t. 'i he 1 wentv-Msth Anniversary oi the feahtiath erhonl w ill he held To morrow At f rnoon, at 1 o'clock. Artrirom by Rev WILLIAM (TH R oi the Hecnnd Bapt nt Church and b the Pan'or, Rut H f hi dden. Cholre Dinging by tbe children. All are Invited to attend. rZ&r' REV. MARK W. ATKINSON WILL trench InOKKLN HILL HA IX. . IS corner of SI VKNTEKN1I1 anil POI'LAR Btrert. tomorrow Afternoon, at quartfr to 4 o'cock. .-eats free. All are cordially invited to attend. Sunday School, X o'c ock P. M. tiZZT P.EFORMATTON AND GLORIFIOA- HON Or IHr CIU RCH.-O . RTHOLO JIKW will preach on th abore subject To-morrow at luM A. . at CHR11I AN I hAl'FL IWELKTH. above Wa lace. Abio, preach in at 7K P. m. Seats all tree. rST" SAW DEL CRAWFORD D. D., I-' will prrarb In the FOVFTH BK'ORDD P H BY 1 KRl AN ( B('R H r. lull 1 Er NTH and riLBl' HI fltrceta TO-MuKROW (Sahbnth) kVKSlNO. at a ( rter before 8 o'clock, Communion Sonrlce in the Morning, at 10 rpf TABERNACLE BAPTIST CHURCH, - WP.T CHEhStir Street, reaching by the l astor. Kct O. . M.I7, in the lrornlng, nt and in the Evening, continuance ot the couroo of Sermons on the i-irsb eel tbe eower, iDmeucing at a qjarier to 8 o'c ock. frj?f- KENSINGTON PRESnYTERIAN CHCltnH.-Twentr-srcond Anniversary of thn Pahbath Hcliool at iH. (inrre" br the Pan or tie Bev.J.P CONKKf n l Bev I HOM AS Mc AUI.itT of the Board ot Kducatlon. olleotlon tor the eabbath School No netvlce in the evening. FIFTH GERMAN REFORMED CHURCH. ORKKN Street, nnar iSUtoenth. fServices on Sunday, br tbe Ptwior, lfer. . U. UIK- f-r.Y at IV A. M and it 1 M. rlubleci In ilie Kvpiiinit "The Voice ei tue Mantle." the Thirteenth of the beries on Elijah. REV. PETCR TALMADGE, OF NEW --r" Jersev. wilt rreach tn the FIRST ( ONuRK. GaIIOnaL f LURI H, rKNKroitl Koa 1 and iiuNKit) uKttY Aveuue. on Sunday, at HI A. At. and 1H..M. irjSr THE SUNDAY SCHOOLS OF THE "- WKST HPKITi'K HTRKET CHURCH. SEVKN TKJTII rnd t-r ittJCK Streets celebrate tieir AnMre'xrry to-uor.'ow Afteiaooa at J o'c.ock. The public fs Incited. fTwf- BETHANY CHURCH. SOUTH STREET ana 'I WKNTY-Fllisr. Preaching TO HOD- now, atinx a. uv. M B. (Iku.k. and at7 P. M., bv l:ev. V 11. WcK WFE.City Taslor. - FIFTEENTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. WIFTEF.NTH and LOMBARD SU. Services bv the Pan. or, Rot. WILLIAM McELWKtS, lo-morrow at lOH and SH o'clock. Kr- COHOCKSINK PRESBYTrRIAN a CHURCH Tr, nohinir To-aiiirrai S.hh.thi by Rev. M. B. OK1EB. fteruces at 104 o'clock A. A. and 1H o'cieca P. M. HKMTONVII.T.R' PRESRVTKIlIiH -? Tluv. A M JH.I V To mniraa at InU ami 1L o'clock trSJ" CHURCH OF THE NEW TESTAMENT, F.Ll-.VESTH and WOOD Streets. Preaching at3XP. U. SPECIAL NOTICES. See lie Third Page fur additional Special Kotieei.1 .INOTI'C E. ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY. On and after TUKSD Y, May 1. the . FREIGHT DEPARTMENT Of this ( ompany Will be removed to the ''ompany's New ViuildiiiK b. K. cor. oi i-fcV-N an M AKKiCT Mreets. Entrance on eleventh street audonfilarbie street 11 Monev and ''olfaction Business will be transacted, ss bereto orc at No CHI S. VI street Small Par cels end hack uvea wl 1 he recel el at eltlier office. B 1 books will be kept at eai h office, and any cells en teied therein previous toft P. M 1 1 receive attention same day, it within a reasonable distance from our tttices. lnqtilrieH forgt ods and settlements to be mad at No S'iOClltfNl 'f Street. 4 30 p JOHN BINOHAM. Superintendent THE GRAND ORGAN, BUILT BT J. C. B. eTANBBIDQE, ST. rLFMChTN CHURCH, TffKH I IH.TH aadCHEKUlf gtreeU, will be foimr'ly opened on FKIDiY EVPNISO. May 11, 18e, at 8 o'clock It is the lamest oruan in I'hl.adelphla, and Its re sources will be displayed bv Mcsmd It. H. Cross, fluTh Clarke Massa Wa-ner, J. A. Getze J C B. btanfirld'-e an F. Darley Professor THOMAS BIdHOf hai vulunieared his services. , TICKETS, ONK DOLLAR. ' For sale at Ttumpler's, Seventh and Chesnnti at Boner A Co. 'a, No. 1103 Chr-nut; and at Ltppiucot 'a Dru g ."-tore, N. Yf. corner of iwenlietb and ( tierr streeie. (ft 6 6t No tickets 111 be so'd at the doors ol the Churoa 13?"- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HIGH- -VJ- WAYS. OvrieR or Ciiiev Commissionbb. j. S. W- Uobkbu Fifth amo Walhut ktrbbts PlIILADBLPIIIA. Mlf 1 HfiH N OTIOE. Owners of Unoka and I'arrlaaes kent lor Hire are nerebv notified that thev must renew their Licenses on or before the flrnt day ol June, IK66 The penalty for neglect Is Five Dollars for each and every time the vehlcie is used after tne above dnte, aid will be strictly enforced XHaMAS M THIOL,. . License Clerk. Sbctioh 1 of an Ordinance relating- to Hackney Car riages passed Mayo, 1K6S: Thai every Back. Stage coach. Cab Chariot. Couuhle, Coupe, Barouche, Lan dau, or other vehicle whether on wl.eels or runners, except Omnibuses and Railroad Can drawn by one or more horses or other animal power, wblob. shall be used In tbe City of Phlladeluhla lor the convevance of persons for hire from place to place within the said city, shall b deemed a hackney carnage within the meaning o this ordinance. SSsths3r. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC- JOHN B. UOUGH will deliver a Lecture on MONDAY Evening. May U Sublecl "Peculiar Peo ple." The sale of tickets will beain on Tuesday morn ing, 8th Inst , and no tickets will be sold or engaged be foie that time. Toe north half ol the house will be sold at Asbmead Evans' Bookstore, No. 721 chesuut street and the south ba f at 'Jrumpler's Moslo store. Seventh andCntsnut streets. Price 25 cents, AO cents, and 16 cems. 6 6 8t' 0 FICE OF THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. MAT 5, 1868. ' Notice Is hereby alven that tha provision of the or dlnance prohibiting pei sons irom washing1 or causing to be waBhed "any Pavement In fie City of Philadel phia, between lb hours oi 7 o'clock lu the morning and 7 o'clock lu the evenluf " will be rlgialy eutorced untu tne hthi oi wcuiuer pro. , By order of the Mayor. SAMUEL O. RUQ0LES, SS3t Chief of Police. THE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR Twentv four Mana-ter of TUB SOLDI hKS' BOMF. in the elf of Philadelphia will be held on MONDAY EVfNlNO. May 14, lebtj, between the hoars ot 8 end 10 o'clock, at the HO HE, S. E. corner of SIX TEENTH and l lbliliM Btruets E. 8. HALL, Seoretary. Philadelphia. Mav 4. 18 it THE DESTROYER. Probst from a New Siand-Polnt. HIS CONFESSION AND SENTENCE. A THRILLING SKETCH OF THE MURDERER AS HE REALLY 13, "SATURDAY NIGHT." OUT TO-DAY. I ! I TOR SALE BY ALL NEWSDEALERS. It MEDICAL. VJCHKJNCK'8 MANDRAKE PILLS. KJ CBt.NCK'M MAHDKAK.K rl LLi. C lltMH'8 M AAIIH AK & ril L.S. OHrN' R8 M ANDBAKR ILLS. B( HfH( K'S MA-DKAK.K l'ILL, tCHr NCK'n MiMiH ,KG piLLS. l llFNCK'd ai AMB4K.H PlLb. hl'IIHKI K'M M A NDM , K X PII.IJ4 btHKNCK'o M AMD KiKK P ILLS. ) SCIIr KCK'rt Ml)HftK PILLS. I riCHt-NCH'S MAMDX KlS P1LL4. , KCdr.NCK'S MANDBAKIC PILL. BCBtM'K' kNl) AKKPLI.S. i Sell NCK'S n ANDBaKe: PIuLS. ' PCUtNCK'S M MUAfel 1'ii.i.rt. i SI HhNCK'S M tNDKAKK P1LL.. BCHtNCK'o MANlKAKK P1LL. i KfHKlll KM MANDKAKF. . ILL. ' HCllr.NOK'S DsM'KtKI! PILL HCHfhCK'H MAMiBkKD PiLLd. bl'rtf NCR'S MASDHAKa, PILLS. MCHENCK'S -VlANOHAKis PlLUH, j SCHKNiK'8 MAMIIK .KB PILLS. SlHKNI K'S MAMKAK.K ftLlM. DiKKACK'd MaNDKAKe, PILi.8. BCHKNCK'S MAM K Kfc PIbLS. HCllKNt K',1 MANDBAK.K 1'lL.LS. ScilKNCK'S MM)8(KK PILLS. rtlHrNCK'i JHADRAKr Pll.Lt. 8( HKNCK'S MANUKAKB PlLLS. WCIISMk'8 MANUKA Kb. KiL S. HCHKNCKV-I MANHKAK.K PILLi. BCHKNCK'S MANDKtKtt PII.I.S. ! m ui-.Nt k's m .ukakk pills. SCHkNCK's MANDbAKK PILLS. SCHKNiK's MAN URAKK l'lLl.1 HCHF.Ni K'l M lDB iKS I'iLLS. hi 1NSCK'S M A N D KA K A PILLS. ECHUNCK S MANDKAKIS, PILLS. bCllltSA K'.l MA'PRARB PILL. r-C'HKIsCK'rt MANDKAKS PILLS. HCllKNt Iv'S MANDBAKK PILLS. feCHf.NCK'S MANDttAKE PiLLl. KCHtSi-K'8 MANDK AKal PILLS. BCbENCK'S MAM UHAKK PlLL.1. SCHr kCK'SMsNDHAKK t-ILLS. SCUKNCK'S MA.nDKAKB P1LL.4. scitKti'K'.H mamdkakk pills. . 8( HKNt k-'i M .MiUAKB PILl.l. m lltMK'' MM)SK6 PlLLi. BtUf.N K'S MANDKaKK PILLS. WCMENCK'S MANDkAKH pills. MJHtKi K's MANDKaKS 1'ILLi. ISI HKMCK'S MANDKAKG PILLS. HCHKNCK'S MaNDKAKH P1L.JI. bl HrN. K' MANDKAKK PIL.L4. eCHENCK'S MANDIaKK 1'Il,I,8. btjrfl NCR'S MANDKjKE PILLS. Sl HRNCKVi MANDRiKB I'ILLS BCHKNCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. St llE.Nt K'n AIA.-DKAK-; flLI.1. ' 81 HLNCK'H t ANDB KB PIl,L3. rllllKNCK'H AIANI'KAKE PILL-l. . Ht II rM K'S MANDK.lKK PILLS. SCHENI K'S M A -DUhKE PILL'. HCH' NCK'S MANDKAKK PILLS. . BCHF.Nl K'S MANDKAKE PILLS. hCHE.vCK'S MAN DK A KB PILLS. rfJH r Pi K MADK Kr; P1LUJ. BCHLNCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCUENlK'S MANDKAKt PILLS. Bi ll KM K'S UANOKaKa' PILLS. hCHbNi K'S MANDBAKr. PIi.l.S. BCHKNCK'S MANDBaKE PILL1. SCHKNC.' MANDBAKE PILLS. Bt HENOK'S MANDBAKE P1LL1. hCHKNCK'S MAJIOKAKE PILLS. SCHECA'S tiANDKAKE PILLS. SCHENXK'S MANDBAKE PILL-l. hCUrNCK'S AiaNI'BAKE rILLS. Nt HiNCK'S MaNDKAKK PILLS. BCHKNl K'S MANDBAKE PILLs. m-MKNOK'S rUNDKaKK PILLS. 8CHE.Nl K'S ManLKAKE PiLLS. 8i.Hr.N- K'6 MAN1IK-K E PlLu.t. SCHENCK'S MtNDUAKK PILuS. BCHKNCK'S M ANDB'KE PILLS. rCHK.M K' 1A1)KAK. PILLS. BCH.KCK'S Mii.NUKAKK PILLS SCHfcNiK'S AlA.NDKAKK I 1LL. oCtltNlK'S MANDKAKK PILLS. .X'HtOCK'S MAN DB iRE P1..LS. BCHf N K'S M ANDB KK PiLLS. 8 HENCK'H MvNUKaKE PILLS. CHtNCK'8 MAIKAKE HILLS. hCHKNCK' MaDUAKE PILLS. SCHKNt K'S MANDBAK K PII LS. BCHKNCK'S MANDBAKE PILLS. BCHKN K'S MAVDBAKK PILLS ' SCHENCK'S MANDHAKr. PILLS. SC dl(M K'-MANDRtKR "ILLS. hchenck's m ndkake pil's. ache ck's mandrake pills SCHENl K'S aiANDBaKE PILLS. t:HENCK'S MANDHAKE PILLS. M HEM K'S MA'DKAKk PILLS. BCHENt K'S MNDRAKH PIi.LS, . . . HCHKNC K'S MANDKAKK PILLS. 8I.HKNCK' MANDBAKr; PILLS. BCHKNCK'S MAiDKAAE PJLL. BCHKNCK'S .4ANDKAKK PILLS. SCHENlK'S MANDUAKK PILL I. SCHKNt K'S MANDKAKE PILLS. blHSIK'S siANDBAKK PllLS. BCHKNCK'S MANDBAKE PILLS. CtlENCK, atANDKAKK PILLS. BCHKNCK'S MANDKAKE PILLS. SCHf NcK'e MANDKAKE 'ILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDKAKK PILLS. . BCHKNCK'S MANDBAKE PILLS. BCHKNCK'S MANDKAKK PILLS. ' BCHKNCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. BCHKNCK'S MANDKAKE ILLS. fCHENCK'S M tSDKAKK PILLS. SCHKNt K'S MANDRAKE PILLS. 8 HEN'CK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. BCHKNCK'S MANDK KE PILLS. HCHKSCK'S MANDBAKH PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANOR ,KE FILLS. BCHKNl K'.S MANDB KE PILLS. HCHKNCK'S MADBAKt PIILS. sCiiKNiK'K Mandrake pills. BCRKNCK'S MANDKAKK PILLS. BCHKNl K'S MANDBAKE PI LI t. )UENCK8 AnDRAKE PILLS. HCHENCK'S MAND AKE ULLS. BCHKNCK'S MANDRAKE PILLN. B' HENCK'J MANDK AKK. PILLS. SCHKNCK'S MANDBAKE PILLS. BCHEBCK'S-VANDIUKE PILLS. BCHKNCK'S MANDRAKE PILL. BCHKNCK'S MANDKAKK PILLS, BCHENCK 8 MANDBAKE PILLS. BCHKNCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. BCHKNCK'S MANDKAKK PILLS. HCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. 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BCHFN' K'S MANDRAKE FILLS. BCHENCK'S MANDB KB PILLS. BCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. ! BCHENTK'S MANDRAKE PILLS, 'CHKNCK'S M ANDR KE PILLS. SCHENl K'S MANDBAKE PILLS. BCHKNCK'N MANDBAKE PILLS. , ' BCHENCK'S MANDRAKE TILLS. BCHENCK'S MANDRAKE piLLS. BCHENCK'S MANDKAKE PILLS. SCH-NCR'S M ANDRAKE PILLS. HCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILL. ( HvNCK'B MaNKRAKE PILLS. BCHENCK'S MANDK'KE PILL". HCHKNCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. BCHENCK'S MANDK KE PILLS. ' SCHKNCK'H MANIiR VKE PILLS. BCHKNCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. KCIIKVCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. BCHENCK'S MANDKAKK PILLS. BCHENCK'S MANDKAKE PILLS. BChFNt K'B MAKD AKK PILLS. SCHEM K'S MANNRAKE PILLS. BCHENt K'S MANDRAKE PILLS. For sale by all Drugjluts and Dealers. Price 16 oents par bx. JJAR0AINS IN FINE CLOTHING. . ":r- ROCKIIILL & WILSON, ! 1 Brown Stono Clothing Hall," Nos. 603 and 605 CHESNUT Street. . NEW STOCK AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Having told ont onr stock ot Clothing or Gentle moo and Boys, carried over from tbe late fire, onr entire stock ot FASHIONABLE READY-MADE CL0 THING 13 TBE NEWES1, As Onr Prices are the Lowest. MAGNIFICENT SPRING STOCK. Kow Beady, to Salt Everybody. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. Our newly fitted op Cuiaom Department noiv con tains tbe largest assortment of all the fashionable Rew Fabrics for cor patrons to select from. SUITS, CIVIL AND MILITARY, MADE UP TO ORDER PKOiirrLT. In IbeblghoM style, and at moderate prices. Boys' Clothing. In tbif Department of onr Stock is also unrivalled. TUE BKST IN TUE CUT, At the Lowest Prices. Orders executed at shortest notice. TUE CHOICEST STOCK OF READY - MADE CLOTHING IN PHILADELPHIA. i t ROOKSILL & WILSON, "Brown Stone Clothing Eall." Nos. 603 and 605 CIIESXIJT Slrect 411wf24t4p ACCIDENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. BRANCH OFFICE. No. 419 Chesnnt Street, Philadelphia. FRANK O. ALLEN, Manager. CHARLES P. TUBSKB.M. 0 , Consulting Ih vilclan, No. 234 8. EIGHTH Street. Policies and Dally Tick its cover everr description oi Accidents, travelling or otherwise. j General Accident Ticket, for one to six dsjrs, S5 oents perdsr, insuring $5000. and 25 week y corapensatlen. Sea Voyaire Policies to all parts of the world Issued atlowrstes. GENERAL ACCIDENTAL POLICIES, Covering all forms of Dislocations, Broken Bones, Rap tured Tenaonj, Sprains. Concussions, Crushlnss, Bruises, Cuts, Stabs, Gunshot Wounds, Burns and dealds, Bites or Dors, Unprovoked Assaults br Burglars, boboers. or Murderers, the action 01 Lightning or Mun Stroke, the effeeta of explosions, Cbem'cals, Floods, and Earth quakes, Suffocation by Drowning or Choking, when such accidental Injury Is the cause of death within three months or the happening of the Injury, ot ot total dis ability to follow the nsual avocations. THE BATES VABV From $3 to $50, INSURING From $500 to $10,000, IN Ci 8 B OF DEATH, AND . $3 to $50 Weekly Compensation, FOR ANY DISABLING INJUBT By permission, reference is made to the following gen tlemen i Colonel W. B. Thomas, Collector of the Port. Colonel J. H. Taggart, United States Collector of In tsrnal Bevenne. First District Henry Bums, Esq., City Treasurer. B. B. Comegys, Esq., Cashier Philadelphia National Bank. M. llcUlchael, Jr., Esq., Cashior First National Bank. J. W. Bexton.Esq., of Armor Messrs. Jay Cooke Co. Messrs. Lewis, Brothers m Co., Merchants, No, 238 Chesnut street Messrs. Trier Co., Coal Merchants, No. 138 train, street. Messrs. Wood, Boberta Co., Iron Manufacturers Bldge avenue, below Twelfth street 1 10 eosl'it 4p JMPROVED ELLIPTIC HOOK LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES, OFFICE, No. 923 CHESNUT STREET. I SLOAT SEWING Mi CHINES, Repaired and Im prove!. 8 5 stuthSm ft 1 Is Cheapest, Pleosantest, most Desi'nbte as defense against Clothes Moths. Dragglsts everywhere sell it. UABBI8A CBaPMAN, Fsciturors, Boston. It JJIESKELL'S MAGIC OIL CUKES TETTER, ERYSIPELAS, ITCH, SCALD HEAD, AND AX SKIN DISEASES. WARRANTED TO CUBE OB MONET BEFUNDED For sale by all D ingglsts. PRINCIPAL DEPOT t ASHMEAD'H PHARMACY. No. 330 South SECOND btreet. Price 3S cents per botUe. 4 24 lm4o SPRING. WILLIAM D. ROGERS, COACH AND LIGHT CARRIAGE BUILDER, i s ! Nos. 1009 and 1011 CHESNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. , I28 4m4p OGERMANTOWN RESIDENCE FOR RENT. A Luge House, with all the modem oonreDleaoes. extensive grounds and plenty ot shadet stabling ior three borstsi within ten nilautes wlk of railroad suilon. Will be rented with or without tbe stable. AdOiene Box No. UM, Phliadelptna Puet Oifice. li 4p 1 KELTY, CARRINGT0N 1 1 , 1 AND COMPANY1 No. 723 OHESKUT Street IMPORTERS OF AND WHOLESALE AND RE1AIL DEALERS IN CURTAIN MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURERS OP WINDOW SHADES, SWISS LACE CURTAINS, ' FRENCH LACK CURTAINS, NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS, " LACE AND MUSLIN CURTAINS, .. APPLICATION LACK CURTAINS CALL AT KELTY, CARRINGT0N & C0. No. 723 CHESNUT Street, AND SEE OUR LACE CURTAINS, o, v FROM AUCTION. ALSO, DAMAGED LACE, In Curtain, and by the Yard, Very Lout. WINDOW SHADES, ALL COLORS, ALL QUALITIES, ALL SIZES. BRCWN AND QILT. LEATHER AND QILT. r STONE AND QILT. SLATE AND QILT. STORE SHADES, SKY-LIGHT, AND WINDOW SHADES, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MADE TO ORDER, KELTY, OAKBLNGTOli & 00., No. 723 CHESNUT Street; PHILADELPHIA.