f Continued from the First Pane. ble, the b ue rinrg fnn tup mouth of the run rlln op and lironertir r their mmetrv lor miiT minutes. a a inrler past ten the JHanca ceased fl-tox, Grouped baca Btrin oftliel Pito de Atmtnd, and re man ed ailent lor some lime, Ti n nvnutee after the Misoirtcum unpen, ed her fire on the depot, and tnovrd up noar tho AumfinWn, the other two rosso i oontiLuisg the ton UromTt. IFFBCT CW TH dHOTB. From the b'nlT iioar the pa aco. whore the Lna tlon had fatten rolune at the re.'icJonoe or Lewis Oil naus, Lq. we comd over ook ire who e action and Joe the shot stride in tho bul dings jmt bolow us. J hose ol the Vencnlom crashed through the Kx cbaiiio. driving brick and piauk out into the plnza, and then struck the palaco, knocking the mortar in II dictions. Manv ol her she! a pawed ttuouin row if hot sea exnlod na several squares fromine public buildings and finally setting tliom on Ore I he M7a dr lladrtd divided her afteLtion oetwoon the tUBii m Uousc, Fhich by tats umo was badly Bh.it trred. and the Chilian flan on Hie hi.l above, tlia f puniBrne sicmlug to bo very anxious u cut down the colors, bhols find at the floRsta!! continued thur flirht up the s dr of tho rauges bivond, aii I in along tnc earth like a stone thro v a botom tho water, ana riirtanierniB- the lives ot hundreds who had supposed thtm e vos secure. tub citt virtu. At !cn m:nuira to 11 the Are in tho privnto ron donccs broke out thio ich llio roois, tort'itenii;? th destruction 01 that portion of fo city, aud a liort time alter vards smoke apnenrrd trom the ftrit t ui. torn House, showintr tiiat one ol those buddings had also taken fire. OCR TRBSEL8 LOOKING Oil THB SCENE. The MnUongn, ot our squadron, and ouo of tho Eiiviinh Ir pan s, a uniug out Iroin among tho vm sels lyii g in tho background, then stoaiued down towards the oltv lor tne purpose or obtaining a bet tor view ol tho effect ot the bomuarUmont. aud alter laying oil' 'ho ntaibonrd bow ot tho ViHa.de Madrid a ii w minute., returned asain 10 their sta. t.cn-, tho wind haviii;; inoiea-iod aud cleared tho bailor ot moat 01 incsuoko. CliUl'.CULS AJ.D HOSPITALS FIRED TJPOK. By till- dine tin- B unra hod relurnod to a poln near the ViUa dr AJndr.it nnu rouuud her tire wall great vieor, both vei-iuis not only s .eliing tho cm tom houses, but tiiiun at iho chu on tawois uud hOHpitals, nil ol whicu Uere slrucK, an J also throwing- round hLoi at the groups ol nion, wou.en, and children n ibe hil b. 1 here can Do no apology 10 such uo.h, I'ho clui.ci Oi and hospitals, u-itu on xe( i t on, wuie at louioto di-aunces Iro'in tho ou jIi p.open, unu ci.Uid not i avo bopu snick wit iou us beiLir li.toiitionul Tl e peooie on tho hills wer a eo not only out ol Iho runjid ol the 1'alaco and i.ol-a, lut were so hmh abme the city that t.io could not hare been teac .ed without great eleva tion ot the nuns. At ton nuuuies post 11 tho little stoam launch put out Hum i lie jiim uti i(i, und ran a oaaulo the Jtlanca. Ihul trivute snckcd firing, and moved oil" towards tho liagrhip giving, two pirtiu shots Iroin her port w hen she pnsiod too storu of the VtHinle Mitarii!, whilo tho It sol uc ion, at tor re ceiving uiiotner orocr irom tno launch, cauif up iiOai the position iu t ubauuontd by the other vet 8j b. it was twenty minutes beloro the Jtexolarion opeind her batteries, audiu tho uieautiinu, tho ViHi, da AJadi id hail bo. n lording heud nearer iho Ou-f torn lioui-es, Iroin which ttenso voluuios ot smoke weie i.6cenc)U(i. THE CHILIAN KLAO GTRUCK, Both trijtties lur.Aa imr Ure on ilie Chilian flag, and in a phort time t dropped over, one ol' tho uyj ol tie-stall i uv uir be.m cut. Iho iSoanish sailors yelled thou tavslactmn ut tins exploit, bur t.io Chiliuns rushed .ut :ro'ii the o u barracks, lot down the topinubt, and tho tlujr iluutod out as tairly as botote. TnH BOMBARDMENT ENDED. The bombardment momentarily became more severe, the iripatei sweeping tbe tvhole city west ot tie place. Tho JJiuma. which hud run out to tho A'untancia, suiloeiily inoreated her speed, turned her bead towards ttie c.ty, uud, alter (ending a low shot lrom ber forwaid Btarboard guns at tho Custom House and liolsa, rau uioug the beach opposite the rmlroau aepot. uud opened again withiu musket shot ol tho buildings For bait an hour tho lrigaias pouimcu tteati y at the sr.ent towu, as ir exssporaied b their niMtrabioilriugot the morning, whtn buuueu me lla at Madrid shiliod hur position nd startel towards tho Xummu iii, and, aj a bieatn oi wind liom th tea lilted up the smoke, tor a moment, we cau?lit a elimi.se of tho !p.in'Sli fljj haLpnu tint essly irom fie llugship's t'oio-i urdarm. Iho boiiiLaromeut was over, i ho Jlcno'uciun and Jiimrn llrt d a lew i-liois evident. v reluoiant to abandon their cnjoynieut, and then all tne Spanish vttseis under lull heudnav, sieamed out towards tho mouth ol the haruor. turning m at last to their audiotape, near the uortheru siu'e oi tlio bay, livo miles dihtaut. KFIOUTS TO EXTINOUI8H THB FLAMES. As soon a the si.nai o' the jXunnnci't was distin guihhrd tho b lis oi tne citv were rung, nun the lire men who ha i b cu prevented Irom upproaclnui: the lire, rushed out w th iheir divines, whilo tho puoplo streamed dowu lroiu the bills to tho city. Four ol' the custom houses were on lire which threatened every moment to envelope iho others, uud throe blocks oi pnvute building.) weie alrcauy destroyed. The flames were spieadini; wita greut rapidity, and the wind freshened Irom tho bay, but tne fircmou tin a v huccci ded in checking ti.e proarross oi tho nie though not wi bout the assistauce ot lire com pnnies Iroin Miiuinu'o, and seven bundled Bailors gent ashore trom our riiuudron. The Enrii-h Admirul sent a hundred men to holp put out iho lire, out the looliuir against tho ltritish tqiinilron as so bitter among the peoplo, including all tho English residents, that tho r assis'auco was declined, ano the men returned to tno ships. Troops were Matioi.ed throughout the city to. protect pioperty trom evi -dicposed persons, and tho lire, which broke out a number ol times after being appiirentiy overcome was finally wholly extin tingu shod, ono of the custom houses borne saved. Anion? thone who distinguished themselves in pro vei.ting the further spread of the conflagration were Mr ijekry Meigs, tho American mil louulre, and tin two bods, all ot whom luborod as liremon until a lato b ui at nivht. lhe quit t which pi: vailed after tho bombardment was romuikublo. XUoie is in Chili no auch character as a rowdu 1 have not seen a single disorderly Chi lian since my arrival here, and ligh s among inhabi tants, and disturbances snch as afi'ord tho subject of our police reports, are unknown. Thoro was reason to leel. i owevei . that alter sueh an event there might be tonio diunkeniiess. street li.'htB and perhaps pll laeiut. hut the niKlit passed in as ncacxful a manner as it noth ng had transpired, except bo far as the in ter st manilested bv the mha'iituut in the effect of tho boiubardmeiit wa 4 concerned. On Suuday ser vxis wero held in the chinches as usual, and the street curs resumed their trips, as well us tho trains between Valparaiso and Santiago. FEARS OF ANOTHER BOMBARDMENT. Kotwithsiunain" however, that the United 8tatos squudion and the Encash frigates had returned to their anchora"e close in near the citv immediately after tne bombardmont had c used, tho authorities apprehended another attack in a short time, and the pubnc c rculating tho rumor that tho Spanish fleet would renew tho attack o.i Monday, crout uneasinoss prevailed. Mr Wheelwright, a pronrnoiit American in Vuipara'hO. arcrd nuly cal'ed on Con niodoro Jtodgers lor the purpose of ascer aining what he mi"ht know on the pubjeci, aud received the following-roplv in writing: C0MMODOI1E UOOOKUb ANNOUNCED THAT THE CITV WILL NOT BE AGAIN BOMBARDKD. United BrATES Steamkk Vanuhrbilt," Valpa baiso, April 1, iwi6.-8lr: In an olllciul interview which I hau i his uiorn.ng w hh .he -pimisli Admiral, n hoard tiie A'uwat c a. ho ussured me iiiat he had no present in tention ot hoiebordliiK ilie cli v Upon the streniith of this assurance, I teel confident that the peon e can return in safety to their homes Very rcspecnul y, J.illN HODiit.KS, Commodore Uniud ttaie Kavy. Jonn W UKELitic;nT, Esq. THE PEOPLE REAPSDRED. This informal iou apiioarlag in sn extia of the Pittria, the alarm spoedily sr.osided, and the re mainder ol tho day passed In quiet On Monday a lew of the inhabitants returned 'io their places of business, but most of them being gone out some dis tance irom the cit', a email proportion of the esta blishments tare boen reopened. Several hundred families were gratuitous y provided lor In Santiago, and will piobubly r main there uutil it is definitely known what tho bpauiurds intend to do respecting this c.ty. REPLY OF ADMIRAL NUNEZ TO OBJiEIUl, KILPA TJtICK'8 PKOTIST. About ten o'clock yesterday morning Vtieral Kill atrick received tbe lol owing reply to his pro tirt addressou to Admiral Nunez: Fkioatb "Fi'Manoia " Valpaiiaiso, March 30, It Atone Kxoellen' air: I have received your court, us note Oited yestmUuy, In which, la reply to the in. I fisto which Ihsd the honor to aodress to the Ilplou.a. , t orps areredl ed in ('hl'i through your xceUenev, to aet ions the niotlies which umortunatelv made it necessary for me t resort to the extremity of the bom bardment rTalpara!ao, your Excellency Is pleased io protest aialnrt the con euue.ices ot this act of war, so Jar as regards your fei ow tl Ueua. While the Incredible obstinacy of the Government of the republic, whtcb bu relumed all kinds of arranne mente your Excellency personally knows ohlixes me to carry out to-morrow the Indispensable measure of rluorwbitb 1 bare mentiouod, upon It. Iroin tills tact wbl tall the responsibility of ail the damages which mar be suttered by neut-al residents of Vaieiralso in coDneiiueuea of ihe houbardment. 1 avail inrse f of this new opoortnnlty to reiterate to your Kxcellency the assurances of my most dlstlu uuialied ceuslderatloa. OABTO MKNDF.Z NOVKZ. To his Excellency tbe Mhilster Plvulputeutlary of the CulteU tau iu C bill. TEE DAILY This terminated the eorrespordence oetween our minister aid tbe Hi anleh Admiral. TBB SPAMI8H ADMIRAL PROMIflM BOT TO AOAIS OPKB ON TALPARAISO. On the same day tne Engllsi and French eonsu's vislti d the flsf-fhlp lor I t purpose of loarnmg, il pos'lt.Je, what hnnez expected to do herea'Ur. In resrorife to their irqnlnes be said that he should riot b. nil ard Va t araiso again, nnless iho (lovrn ment interlered with the proierty ot or permitted ontrrgoB t pon Spaniards in Chi I, or attempted to lite torpedoes against bis re-els. TOnPEDOKS IN THB CITT. There ar now a number Of toroedoos in the city, readv lor use, and t'ie pr Joetors are anxious 10 eo out among the M an sh vessels wi'h them, but tne leor ol am ther attack up n Va pantiso will probably Movent any attempt to blow up the snips. DAMAGES TO VALPARAISO. NolwHlist8i.au g the p:nmise of Aamlral Nonei to respect ell cl, iron and hospital buildings, every rellpicus at.n el aruable iiistilut on was shehd, as well a a rorticii of thr city composed alone of pri vate resh'ci ces. lhe ehuro ica are all situated iu localities i emote from the pubilo builmngs, and were esiriiat d br large whito flng. 1'hoy could i ot have I cen 8 luck i y shot nnleis tho Spaniards bad intei tioniiliy fliod at them. None of the churches nr In S Hals ri ceived less than three -hots; anil the Convent oi the Hnrron, on thu hills, wlnoh ' occupied ly women aud children, was struok t en'y-ot,c timfs. Two won en were k l'od in thoir hniso on the lieiir ts wl no eiery on i supposed Ihev would have been sreme; and aium.iorol chi dreu are reported to have been killed in other locaitirs distant Trnm tho objects ilneatened by Adml al Nuneiinmsni festo. Shots weie al. o fired at the groups o specta tors a mre Irom tho bus ne-s par ot the citv, render ing it necessary lor the ao horitips o station a lino ot sentries aloh. the ridges baok of the town, so as to prevent tho people Irom col ootin in crowds, aud thus drawing tne enemy's fire. THB TOTAL LOSS is estimated at tncnt. millions ol dol ara Pour lar?e hotidcd warehouses, with thoir ooutouta and wo re squares ot the business pait. of the ci v woro urnod Fonutia'elv a g cat pro onion ol thq property had been removed irom the private, bu bungs, so th it these losses are limned to the value ot the struc.urcs. H e wurebousps, however, were lull ol Amenoaii, French, bnu ish, and tierinan vomls, thero liavui been no oppo.tuuur to ire out an property Iroin tho custom hou.-es, except Irom tho lonir nui uing Jolt standing I his s ruciuro r. as badly oiittored b tho rhot, hot can be r pairod without grof exponso. There isccarcolr a mercantile houso in Valparaiso which has not suff ired more or loss from rhe de struction of the custom houses. As the books and papers ot tho-e firms aro -tilt nut of the citr it is Impossible to g ve more than a low nn n- ol losers. I bavo teen able to irloan only tho following esti mates ot individual losses in the mercantile com munity, aud these ninst be taken only as approxi mate estimates. In my next let'er I shall probably give a dotal cd statement of personal losses. FRENCH. Monfg'ardlni & Co $30 000 Convo & Co 7 j o.JO Thomas, l.u ht.mbro & i o 75 noo Ccimuiu & lro ber 1U0.O0U OKUMAN. Wodlc, rteliret.s & Co 310 O'jO M'eher & o DODO Griesar, Sieliuclinrd & Co lDl),0l)5 AMERICAN HOUSES. Alsop & To , .New York 35 of)0 Hcmenw&y & . o.. rloston &J oOJ Luiing & t o , t'.oslon 2 j,0J9 Jjinman, Kemp & Co , ew To k 4 tx)0 KNOLI8U. Hufh, nrunitjf & Co S20,0'0 Wil iemsoii, r.plfotir & to 10 000 Green, Nicholson & Co 8 00c lirtiham, K 'wo Sc Co. 15 ) 0 10 Cross & Co q)M DA MA OB TO Ptrnt.IO BUILDINGS. The damave sustained by iho publio buildings is considerable, but can be rcpaucd withou; urea', cx Penso. About two thousand projcctilej. iirmoipaby tu ity-:wo pou no solid i.hot, wore thrown into tno city. Ot ihis number tbe pulace rcceivod Bixty-oue, the exchange ninotten. and tho iai road station tweniy-mno. Th number which struck the custom bouses ot course cauuot be nscert iiuod sines thollr.i, and wus vorv treat It i estimuted that the iol ow inir sums will re mr the bunduii's ubove moutimiod : I alace S2t 0(i; Exchnngo, $2000: und tho railroad aopot, g200J. A'. Y. lhiuld. THE mum OF THE FIRE ARTS. CIURCTi rt OF THE EXIIIDITIO. 15 THE INSTITUTION WHAT IT SHOULO DEP A moro careful examination of the Spring Exhi bition bus disappointed us. Hitherto tho Acadomy has bcon treated with indulgence by tho pro, lrora a fear thai just criticism would mfure it. Ill-founded leer! Tho Acadomy baa suffered from too muod leniency; all of its exhibitions have bten equady praised, and the Directois have not been hold to a strict account. Thus, year by y ar, tho exhibitions have grown worse; and we do not hositato to Bay that, with all propor allowance, tho present collec tion is discreditable. It docs not contain ono groat picture. It bus many that aro good. but it lacks variety, and its prevailing tono Is commonpluoe. Tho Dlan e of this must bo divided among tho Di rectors, the uriis's, and the newspapers. Tbe Diiectors have shown a want of enterprise; tbey hare not endoavored with enercy to make grea'. exhibitions, but have depended upon the distribution or circulars, and voluntary contributions ot tho pos sessors ot pictures. Tbe management needs Jtho rough reorganization ; it must be awakened irom it long sleep. New men should bo put at its head. Evory namo in the Board ot Directors is, wo admit, a good one; but what irtorest do the majority of the members tako in tbe Institution? Yor af :er yoar, the Acadomy, like an old-fashioned Conostoea wagon. Jogs along in dee? ruts worn by bait a con tury of travel. Tho artists, who are always in a abate or civil war, bavo been iuflueucod by potty Jualoudcs. (some oi them mako the Academy tho.r headquarters, and control it to ud. ance thoir own reputations ; othois, tqually to bluino, refusj to have anything to do with U.Jand will scarcoly send their plo ur.ts. This year the annual qtmriel with the llangm? Commhtoo has gone so far that t vo of tho best artists iu Phila delphia, Edward Moran aud T lomas Moran, havo not Bent a single p'ctum. James Hamilton is not well represon'od, taouh an i xhib tiou without one ol his greut paiutiugs is nkeVim'er wi h tuo Priuce omitted. VV. 1 Kchar.ls has but two pictures, and those inferior to his averi'.iro Conceding that the Hanging Committee have a do.icate trust, and, like tho old man aud his son who took tho jackass to market, cannot hope to pleaso evotybody, still we agreo that tno piouiros are badly bung, lhe Mew Vor painters hotter repre sented than we thought from our firut visit mono polize the best places. The artists on tho Han Ting Cimnilttce have taken enro ol each other, and many pood pictures aro hustled aivan. Tho best mariuo in the ccllectioti, "Liverpool Harbor," by J u tuo j Him llton, is bung In the mo t obscure corner 01 tho Morthwest (Jal ery, while in the Northeast Ga lery, the best room in the building where for many veara it ha s been the custom to place tbe b"8t pictures numbers of commonplaces are prominently dis played. These are Instances that wo need not mul tiply. Tbe publio may judgo for itself. The newspapers, it thov bad done their duty three yeai ago, ndght have prevented this gradual doclmo ol tie Academy, but their meanlnarloss praise baa aided 1' With verv lew exceptions the ai t criti cisms have beoti little above tbe level of the theatri cal puds, in which every actor who comes to town is styled "a man of unequalled gi-nius," and erery aetresa "beautitul pnd otiasto " While tbe manage ment of tbe Academy has lulu in Its Kip Van Winkle sleep, the newspapers have sung their "E)ck a-bye baby" lullabie. in the most du oat tones. To a publio ' Institution unjust piaise Is more dangerous than false censure. It lb not too lato to re orm tbeso evils. Tbe Direc EVENING TFLEG H A PH. FUIL AD ELPIII A, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 18GG. tors of the Academy should seriously consider its feeble and languishing condition) a reform in it management would be seconded br the art stsj and, fluallr, tbe newspapers, without fear or lavftr.shoo d say precise! r what they think. It Is not ao Important that thy should think coi recti v as tnat tber should speak candid y. Wo cannot ways expect thai criticism should be Just, but we have a right to de mand fiat it be honest. Taul rieaohnii at Athens" tNo 649), by F. F. Bothcimoi, occupies the place 01 honor, as it should, being the best list or leal work in the collection. Mr. Kothermol, in two q-ialitlos. Is unequalled br an; historical painter In tin country, 01 perhaps In furor?. Color and composition are tho ptliars that uphold h a fame. .Nothing can be more superb ar.d rich than tho color of bis bost pie'nres; and with all its trilliancy and boldnoss, It is; riot coarse. On the contrary, its combi nations are peculiarly subtto and refined. His brush has the a cop of a mastor; t lie arrangement of color is bold.y b ooked out iu masses, and arterwards worked up in oxquisito detai', alwavs subordinate to the general eflect The harmony is perfect. With so much pcvfcr thoro is considerable mannerism There are certain tn tsof which Mr. Kothcrmnl Is too lond, and thoir repetition in all his oiC'uroils tiresome, Ao one can paint hotter fl -sh, yot if tne subjoct be a young girl, as in the "Christian Mar tjrs," or Cordelia in "King Lear," it is a' most a certalntr that tbe art.;st will endeavor to express purity by a peculiar pallor whloh is not often soon in life. The composition of his master pieces is not mcroly accurate, but original, lib knowlo iToof prlnoiplos is so thmourrh and exact .hat ho can work with per feet freedom and ease j ho Is not totterjd by rule, though he does not violate their spirit. Tho gouius Of an artist begins precisely where education ends; most men give no more than what they have learned, and thus the mnjority ol pictures are tnoroly ropeti tionsof old efteo s. "Whore do you Intend to put your brown treef" said one oi the first connoissottrs in Rutland to a landscape palntet; lor actually at otio time conrcn tonal ism hnd ao lar doradod art that a lnudfcr.ro without a brawn tree was considered Ira perfect I Eotbermel is independent of thesj pettr rules, and in bis finest compositions, with all thoir classic regularity, one is constantly surprised br beauties that were never tuurht in the .choo s, nor imitated irom tbe cartoons ot Raphael. In di awing of tho human figure Mr. Rotliornol is usually considered Ccficiont. It ij not one or his chief excellence, but we sliall not insist upon his inferiority in this t ranch. TI1010 aro many punous who talk of drawing, without knowing anything of anatomy; mou who, as it has been woll snid, ' will say that this is exquis.'e, and tha' atrocious, who could not even fell the number of their own ribs," nor . hut muscle shares th"ir li: s into a sneer Cut of expression the public aro fail juj.jo'', and tnro is Mr. Rott-ermol's gteat tailing. It is (oldom worthy ot I is color and composition, aud it is.marked by a trcneial mannerism. Wo wish w e bad a t etlcr picture the.u 'Paul I'roachin.? at ALh- ns" to which theso remurks mit'lit bo applied, but though it is t ot one ol his finest works, it ii in ex pression equal to tho I est. Tho artist or tho 3tudent ot art may admiro its beuufi ul groupings, tun oox teious distribution of lines, and po-i of heads, or tho n'cli color; but who would bo movod by the spirit ot l:o scone? Tbe liure and the iaco of Paul are neither cloqunn' nor impro3ive; nor do Ins uulitors a jcar to be touched by his reasoning or aopeals. At tho best they uro ttltcntivo. Or course, ju such a subject; tlio arlisi should bo dran atic. Ho should choose the preat motneut of the tceiio, in this lhe point wh-.ro Paul announces to the Athenians tho doctrine of tho resurrection ol to dead. "And whou thov heard ol the resurt ootlon of the dead, eouie mocked; and otlicrs raid, Wo wil1 hear thee again ot this matter." Somo should bo convinceo of ihe truth, othors interested, otherj step icul, and some purely indifferent. But Mr. Rothermel's plclure has 110 diamatio lorco. He iiiHht have studied a Methodist revival in tbe woods lor material, lor re igious exoitemout has in all ages similar inanilestation. But tho Athenians in bis Die ute hnve tho air rather ot a woll-bred city con gregation than of an intelligent people who, tor the firt time, bear the truths 01 Christianity from tho lips of uninspired apostle, if Mr Itothetmel's imag'nalion nnd power of txpretsing pabiou and feeling wi.ro equal to his pcneral ability, be would pio jably deservo to rank with the greatest painters who havo ever lived. Aa it is, be has no equal, in this country at least. We have few opportunities of comparison, but lot thos0 who would judge for themselves examine even his iuionor painting of "Paul Preaching," and corn pure it w.tli Wittkainp's fur more ambitious '-De. livoience of loydon." Does not Rothermes compo st, ion and color mdicato more geuius than Witt k limp's? But bo n cold and in mo'onous is his ex prcsmon compared with that ot the (jorinant "Cbiist Stilling the Tempest" (No. 531) by J. CI CbaLman, is another illustration ol tho terip;ures. It was painted in Romo, we believe, but a man need net go so far to paint so badly. There is a certain amount of technical merit in Mr. Chapman's work lor instance, in tho halo that surrounds tho fi?ur3 01 C) list, but ol any higher qualities it is destitute I is liko Raphael's "Miraculous Druui'ht of Fishos" iu one respect the figures iu the boat ought to swamp it; but the inutitionof a great artist's tau ts is loss pardonable than a direct copy of bis successes. Mr chapman has treated bis subjeot without a pat tiole of imagination; tho figure of tho Saviour is scarcoly human, much less divine; and the color in which it is di oped is repulsive to iho eye. Ho has evon taken puius to destroy the chiut pictoi ml bouuty of tho sub ject; to walk upou stormy waters in certaiuly won deilu , but it is no miracle to stand upou ico, r-chuFselc, who by illnes was compelod to visit Europe about a year ago, contributes' ibree pic. turo-i. "Jackson Colore ,lud,'0 Hall at Now Or leans" (No. ), is the bost, though t ie subject permits little pic oriul eUeot, It was probably painted to order, lor A'r. -schusso'e would eoarooly havo chosen this event iuJaek-on's history, while so manv others surpass it 111 diatuitio intureu. In experienced artists frequently chooso suiijecis of gnat moral or polit:c&I imporiauco, 1 jraotciug that the true field 01 puUituur is that wh'On attracts the eve. For instanco, iu the "Docout Irom tbe Cross "so liequently patntoi by tho old masters, tho subject is remarkaoly lull oi acton; yet there aie oilier events iu tho li.oot Christ, superior to it in re.lrious importance, which would have fur lo?s pxtorml interest Mr. achussole has not suoi ee led in making a striking comiositiou of this comiiwn place material. The figures are numerous ai d small, ai d that of Jack-on is in vi'aulv insignificant. It wants the Jacksonlan character, and It It wore not lor the portrait ol the old hero, wbioa is excellent, no oue would know, without tho aid ot tno cata logue, what scene is illustrated. In other respocti the picture is a good specimen of Mr. Schusselo's ability. The arrangement of figures is artistic, und the di awing correct aud boautirul. In another picture, called "How Ihe Fiola wi) Won" (No. ). tho subject is much hotter; but tho execution is more sketchy, and tho color not equal to Mr. Scbus.-eie'a powers. Ue also ex ul bits a char acteristic portrait of Peter Co 'par (No. - ). Jtwoaid bo nnfair to estimate Mr Schussele by bis pictures In this exhibition. Those wuo reinam. ber bis ' Iron Master." aud the 'Moravian Mission ary Preaching to the Indians," need not be to.d that be is an artist of unusual excolleuto aud toe finest appreciation. His co'or U not equal to that of Rotborme), nor is bis composition, though oorreot and graceful, as striking'. Bat in drawing he is Rothermel's lutei'lor, and bis expression has tar moro variety and power. His long sooaro In this city has been an honor to It, and a trest some to our art. We eame tiy bop that he wi'l sjon return from Europe, restored to health, and benofitod by his study. No one can nil his place; numbers of pic tures in onr private ga'lfrios attest his power; yet h has not done enourh lor onr Instruction and plea sure, or lor his own fame. Tha Latest Novelty. From Frank Lu'ie'i Lady's Magazine. Since the beginning of spring;, we hare re ceived numberless letters from subscriber, par ticularly from those redding, at a distance from t he metropolis, as to whether the reign of crino line may be considered permanent lor thi sea son, and, if go, what ts the mot approved stylo and shape lor hoops. The subject is a miich, more si rious one than at first appears, for the mobt expensire and tasteful dross, in spite of the titmcst elforts of the most skiliul ol dress naskt n, will be wantinsr in elegance and stj lo If worn over an 111 shapeu or unfashionablu hoop. In new of this, we hare given the stibieet of crinoline our special attention: and after com peting, and fully enterlDg into the respective merits oi each and allot iho cMumnts to pub 1 c lavor, we have concluded that biudlev's New "Empress Trail" Duplex Elliptic Skirt, cf waich we give an illustration, is the style, ol all others, best udnpted to be worn with the nec iltar pluit 11 11 oi diese3 now in vocue. Without fiilnens whatever 111 front, acU with wide plaits at the back, aud Bides, dress skirts now moro than ever require to b- supported by symmetrical hoops. The "Empress Trail" is small over tbe hips, and the swell is gradual, until the 1 jer pail, ot the tkttt is reached, when it Is ol suiUclent wiuth to serve rs an admirable frttmeworic to ihp 1 mplo, trailing, gored skins ol tho pres :ut lasHi n. Shoit ,n trout, to avoll any posst til tv of catching the loot, and csuiug that bust ui.giaceitil oi all lemintne mishaps, a stuuit le, to speak ot noihinfinorcscrbns.it is . o tdiaped ns to lorm a perlect train at the baclc r anpport absolutely required lor the dress tialus lallinp over it, ami which oue Paris corrcs " tidt tit n!ornv us no not uu frequently atttiiu the length of a yard and a yarn and a hall! u ink 01 this, lad ion, and conceive how sorry v 1 uld be onr appearance withou; ihe aid of the "Impress Trail" skirt, to eerve as a piaceftil ecnfioldir.g lor all this supt rtluous material 1 'JhcFe skirts, picservinir always tho sani" rela tivo ptoportioiiB, may b bud In width 1 rancriii'r from three to even four aud three-quarter yards around tbe bottom ol the skirt; and 111 all 'ca-.es tbe lowest half dozen rows nrp each made of four double steel spiines, that they may bo at once duruble and sullicieutlv still to support the heaviest dres-s. Tho (net aloiie c oniuiends thotn particularly to ludics, as the combination oi economy with deoauce, grace, aud comfort, Is not to be despised. We have ref'eired partlouVirlv to the fact of the lower port'on of Ihe "E.npress Trail" boin composed of lour double spnusr?, but we must not otr.it to mention that the hoops of thp enllro pk rt are cotepoNi'd .tl two liuelv tempered steel s-l'iincs braided tightly and firm I v topother, which is the secret ot tlicsupcr.or itexiMlity of this cr-nolnie. The "Lmpvcrs Trail'' takes pre ct dence ovei all others tot ball room una prome nade wear, and lor the house find driving it has r.o rival, 6ave, pTiinps. m iinotber oi lshtdlcv's novelties, called the "Pride of tho World," which has all the merits of the tormer in rejard to flexibility, durability , etc., dUlerius only trom. it in shape. MEAD & S M Y T If, B1AU1AC VUl hS OF m SILYEIM'LATEI) WAUE, No. 910 CHE3MTJI' Street, rillf.ADETPHTA. 44 tf MILLINERY GOODS. WOOD & CAEY, No. 725 CHESNUT STREET, ARE OFFERING DAILY ALL TIIE LATEST NOVELTIES IN IIATS AND BONNETS, ikcl vd ma Tut: rop ular JAPANESE AND MEDALLION IIATS. 2 182IMP i)C CHESNUT STKEET, t CJ We are pictured to oiler TO WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL UUYERS OUit Si LkKDiD blOC'K OP MILLINERY AND 8IRAW GOODS, AT A WRY LAl'dK KEDUCTIOX Vl.UV KKt EtiT PRICES. Cnr stock includes all ti e latest shunea of SI LAW UA1B. til RAW BONNETS, AND GYPSIES. J CNNiT MATERIALS OF EVERY KIND. IN EVEHY SHADE. RIUUONS ALL WI'miS AND TOLOR3, IO Si Alt, II MATERIALS. HI E LACE-, ILLUSION b K 8, Etc. Etc, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, OF HIE CHOICEST AND MOi9l DESIRABLE SfVLV.S. ''e sol cit an Infraction ol onr stock and do not doubt thut lor completeness ot usoortineut and modo- iHt.i n 01 rice it luuuot be equalled. Oiw ua a call. WEYI, & ROSENriEIM, 4 3 lm 12t No. 72ti CHEaNLT Street. MISS C. O'ByRNE," In her New and Elegant Store, No. 807 ARCH Street, Has now ope n a large stock ot the cnoioeat iUKNCU MIU.lNKltY. A vouiil' Parlalenne Crom una of tha innat minit nt tl la mliilnerf emtiisliaituu ot farla)baii chaiaeoftho Ai.iuuiiua jyeparimeiii Kvtry.tyie and kind of I1AT or BONN PT now In lashion it 111 be found In atock. 4 21 luirD MRS. II. DILLON, Ncs. 323 and 331 SOUTH Street, Ha a bandaome afiortmnt of SPRING MILLINEBTi ilium a' aud Iniunu' H,a and t'apt, tUka, VelvetJ, Crapea Blbbona Kratnera Flower, framed. etc. t 154m AUCTION SALES. SCOTT. JR., AUCTIONEER, NO. 1020 J MES8B BALK OK HARsHS, SADDLES. ETC. On sinturiiiiv Aliinnni, next Bih Instant, at tlio -u.r,No lUiO Chnnat tret, t It o'ciick. will bold. wl hout renerve, an liiiinenke aRsorlinvut oi Harnetw Haddiua. uta .. ,.ua . r . r... cit UnJu. l'attivulara hillur, S 'jl DRY GOODS. iEV SPUING GOODS. Tr,fubacrlbrfrer.ow rtVvhi their "rfina ha lor tatkn of I'ousc Furrlslilng Drj Good", ( mprlfinn aU ihe teat virlitle. of IINEN AND COTTON 8 Ii ETISOS, 1ILLOW AND BOL91H1 ra8lsJO, TBLK DMA'K8 AM) DI tvPF.K9, TABLE CI OTH-, NAPKINS, DOTUES, CHAMBER AND BA1U TOWELS, TO VTl LLIK09 OF L' lK.SCRIPTIOM, , WAKSHLILS Q'-ILrs, COUNTt.BPANR9. BI.ANK.KTt, TABLE AM) PIAXO OOVER1, And rvery ofhor article of Fnr Uhlng Drr Oooda re qalred to commence hoasekerptng or aapplr the want of a family. mim HOSIERY ANO MKWINO GOODS. 1 he tubKorlbPii, with lrcrerrt tnpliitlen for the trunii aotion oi Hie llo-ls K D)i'.IR1MKiTor their biml tinp, invite attention to their ample and well selected pio. k o( LADI18', OENT-KMF.N' . AND CHILDREN'S IIOSIFItY. MEBINO AND 8II.K Vh'-rs DRAWKBfl, ETO. Krw !tock, on J at tbe Kedacod Prlcea. SHEPPARD.VAN HARLINGENA.ARRISQN. 4 20fmw2mrp No. 1008 CHESNUT STREET. REFRIGERATORS. R E F 11 1 G II A T O R S. SMITH & RICHARDSON, Agents for the sa'e of tbe lastly celebrated CII AUCOAL LINED BEFRIGFRVIOBS, WnOLKSALE AND RETAIL, FROM SO 'GO TO SBtiiS'OO. 62lir5p) No. 611 MARKET Street. QNE DOLLAR'S WORTH OF ICE I'EIl WKKK Will keep your provisions cool and aweet in tho warmest weather, by asing one oi Scliooley's Ijarr llefric:eratorH. Thev have three apartments, and are thorough ventilators. Tho ama 1 sie require but 00 conU worth ot Ice per week. K. S. FAHSON tt CO.. 2 ANUFACTUKER3, 4 251mrp o 220 HOCK Str"t. BOOTS AND SHOES. FlxSE BOOT.; AND SUOES, l'OIt GEN'J'LUMUN'S And B o v s ' Wear, AT REDUC1 J) I'BICIS, AT HE1 AVEG'S, No. 35 ARCH S;:cet, Below Sixth. Flret-cfaFs work a. Kays i a hand, end made to order at short notire. 4 24 1nrfD i J R EM OVA L. C. DENKEiiT .t SON MAKUKAC: X'SXIiB OF FINK BOOTS AND SIIOKS, Have removed from their Old Stend, No. 48 South FOURTH Street, to No. 716 CHESNUT STREET. Having purchased the entire DUsiuosa of Mr. Leonard Btakert, thus 1 ringinc together an im menae atock oi goodn, t' ev will be in position to supply tho wants of tho c niinuuitv at pricoa some what bolow those horotofo o ciiurj?pd. Their increasrd facilitie- also onablo them to mako aBtyleof BOOTS AND SHOES lor Youihs far su perior to what is mado .ls-whiTo. Tho lest BOuTo AND .-1104 tor Ladios, also made to order. 4 20 fm2ui STOVLrS, &c. JJ 3f I O N OIL STOVES, A new and complete apparatus lor Cooking and Heating by retrolcura Oil. Our Stoves give no smoke or odor, and are not liable to got out oi otdor, being as simple In every respect as a Kerosene Lamp, the Buker, Broiler, and Flat-Iron Heater are tbe cny special articles of fur niture required. For aU other purposes, ordinary stove furniture may be used. DAVID IL LOSEY, BOLE AGENT FOB PENNSYLVANIA, No. 38 6ou-.h FirTH Street. Zibrral ditenunt to lhe trad : 4 17 3m ro 27 OAS COOKING STOVES. 27 THE EAGLE OAS STOVES Are warranted to BAKE, 1SKOIL, BOIL ROA -T, TO.VST, STEW, HEAT lUONH i.:r KK! NO DUST. WIRT. KJIOKK.OR AS1IKS, And are more econon icol Hum Wood, roal.or oil. G W. LOOM IS ti anulartiircr's Agent. 4 19 Ho. -il S. mm Htrvot, rhlldelihia, Fa. 27 universal clot!iesq7 The only Wrlnirer with thi- l atent Co-Wheel Bcgu lator. We warruut tti s Wrn., er, and no otln-r. (I W LOOMIt- MiuinltiiMUlcr'n AKPllt. 4 19 Ko. it S. BIX 1 1: trittI'ulludo pbiu, l'a 27 THE CEE'l'MrVTEI) 27 DOTY WASHIM! VACIIINE. For sale at U W. LO 'MIS 4 18 So. il H. SIXTH -tiooi. I'hituilulBlila. Fa 27 REFE1GE 1 1 A T JUS, 07 I OK rOOLFHP, ICK CRROl FltrtvF.IH, rVRPC.. SWl.l'EltS, CLOTill . -.VMISOI lt-1 KTC. t Ii W lODMIi'. 4 1'ilmwlm yo. 27S.SIXTI' Sln ci PM'ailolphla, Pa. CAMPHOR I ROCHES, Poaltiva Prcveatito ot -T3" " T. "TT! 0. A UUrrbosa, uyuuwry, aua aoiera Morout, . Bole Factor, G. H. N'eudlea, Prnggtit. C, l'itll llaoa Su., Fblla. IUROPKAN TAN HATIIS' INSTITUTE. J under tbe supervinlon nt WK. PL .NlfZ, , No. Ii N. NIN 1 II (j treat. For the cure of Oout, B):(iuiRtnim, Paralysis, Hva ttrlo or Enlleptlo Lonvu.cliins. anu ull maladies uilcinatlng ttom detects In ttie ho.iy, oi the blood, Jf'f" aaPles. Tetter, open Wounds, eto. obtuse or V itberrd Limbs recover their seuaihillty, and the liosh 11" bftltliy form. Patients, while nnder trrttmont. ca? be lecoramo QHted wllh board at the Institute. C4 13 lmrp JJR, 1ICNTER, No. 44 N. SEVENTH 8TBEET, ABOVE FILBF.BT, PBJLADELPH1A. Acknowledfred by all part fi tnitrrtttd aa by fax tbe MOBT blC'CtMHl'lL PlirBIClAN In .... . . . . I ... .u J. . . ' ... AT'Tfl . THOBOUOH, andprrntan.ni cur i quarantet & luawr? rnn ntilu ftu 1. m.i aainA a. t Iu n.A ajiyl.K. .... anrttnu V 4 4 N. btVEN'i .ftHjt h v KUWrt. 4 '28 8t Cjj'JR TO $45 FOR A SUIT OP BLACK OP do . In s tvle iinHuriJHxneil. , tltturp l'Mili.io. 19 M.NTliet,, shove CUwattt. ( DRY GOODS. PBIOE & "WOOD' WILL OPEIf TnELR NEW STORE NORTBwIBT CORNER 0!" EIGHTH and FILBERT Streets, OX Wednesday. May O, WITH A NEW STOCK OF FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. AT RETAIL. JAS. II CAMPBELL & CO., Ko. 727 CHESNUT Street, Have made extetieivc additions to their ponti lar Stock ot SILKS AND DEESS GOODS WHICH 111 Elt CC'M'H UE TO SELL At Moderate Prices. WUOLKSAI.F, IS0011S I P STAIRS. 881 QUE AT DEDUCTION IN PRICES HAVING A VJltTf r.AKGE STOt K OF SII.KSa tlum at a thev" lcwe8t P"""' w are enabled ti ae ,. , GRKAT IlKDUCTION r.,om,..prlco. ,url.v " the st-uson. ? V?1,'.''11'K'4 L'C'I'.I) iO 83 51. 55 i Vfc -JH!)M MI KH KKOfM ED TO ti. 1 ,1;HV?.i.'ti,,;1'.ED Ks imvX xi i. f31f I'LAIN BILKS Ki.lW IDl'i) 3. -. I'LAIK SILKS VLhl CE1) TO il 8 frl U C-4 liLA' K yLtEA'S CLOTII RRDUCHD TO M 50 8 4 V'25CK QEEtN'S fLOlH REDUCED TO DCc. 84 BL.iCKWOfL DELAINE REDUCED TO H-12B4MLA- K WOOL DLLAlJi E REDUCED TO 81 coma 01-25 8 4 BLAi'K WOOLDELMNE RKDUCRD TOM 8 MeenM1-" W00L VELAlliE UCEDTO t! 25 8 4(tOt.OliED WOOL DELAINE REDUCED 8100 PI.A1D FOILDE t IIEVRICS REDUCED TO 7A c nta 87c. n.AID POPT.IV RETirrvD TO ,We 62c. I LAID POPLIN ItHDl'CEl) TO 31e Ando'bcr finalities urn varieties ot Dress Goods at equul y Ute frictl. II. STEEL afc SOIV, 417mws Koa. nsand 715 N. TBXTII St. REDUCED PllICES. The Suhsciibcra have just received a lrosh Involco ol EMER0IEERED CI0TH BLE AND PIANO COVERS, Which with the large assortment bcrore on hanfl will Lo eold at ' Orcatlv Peduccd Prices. SHEPPARD.VAN HARLINGEW & ARRISOM. InijiorttTs and Dealers IN IIOUSE-IUBNISUING DRY GOODS, 4 25 wfmOt ho. 10US CHESKUT Street PARIS. LA COMPAGNIE LY0NNAISE, BO VLEYAlil) DL8 CAP UCIXES, No. 35 fi 37; RUE ST. ARNAUD, No. 7 ar.d RUE NEUVEDES CAPUOTNES, No. 1G. SILK STUFFS, MAMIES, VISITES, CLOAKS, ETO PRINTED MUSLINS, LACE, INDIA 0 ACHE MIRES, FRENCH SHAWLS, FANCY TISSUES. lhe COlLPAttNJK LYONNAtoK has the honor to irform American Ladies that they will Uud at tLeir Establishment Warerorma lor the immediate Cvtting-out and MuJeinyup Dretsti in the dr. t stylo ot lanhion ana mobf elefratt rattorni. I WEDDING OUTFITS. Since its foundation tho CiMl'AuNIE LYOS AIE has not ceased to occupy iUe f particulorly iu the selection oi arficlos of tasto and of snporior qua'ity, conscqentiy tU s t'omnany In unrivalled la l'arin.and enjuya a BPiversai reputation. 1 21 12t Uj safe for sale. I A SECOND-HAND Parrel & Herring Fire-Proof Safe i EOK SALE. APTLY ATTEI8 OFFICE. 48 io M.PJVttM)li AT $l'2'', 1,51- AN I 2. bilk Hun I'mbrel'as, (1 40. HI SO, el T