The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, May 02, 1866, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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Kin jir t
Ji JJjjiLdl
VOL. V.-No. 1C5.
Deprived of Its Horrors by Purifying
and Enriching the Blood.
ifo if is rns time i o use a pre vestive.
There Is None Equal to Helmbold's
Highly Concentrated Fluid
Extract barsaparilla.
Is defective vllallratlon ol the blovd, and when the blood
iueih its
It csuf.s relaxation nt the contiao'lle power ol the
bloi d ttm ft 01 the l oy and Uie intestines open their
vynau p'm a tuie t run ei mo ainurnti.ous orucsn
Dial Ing natcrlal l asses on irom tlie bowels
A lid while iLercmsy I e r.o occasion lor alarm, those
oi impure eitta aie n.osi nuuie io suucr.
Hi, 11
huh unit
mm mm
mm mid
ii h i mm
uiiii liui
IN HIK fri:lKt MONTHS the system naturally
ardriM"" clmne, end H I LJI ISOLD'S HIGHLY
if au arris it nt ot ti n greatest va uo.
tlU G l.LOOii '!( 'lilt PALLID CHEEK
El K
Kr E
BletEAbl' oi tbeiHKDAT. 1SOSK. KYK8, .EYEMDd,
6 A I.I' and Mills, which go dirfigure the appearance,
FthlIG tleevd eflectsot mercury and removing ail
ialuU in temnantsot 1)1 EA.E hereditary or other
wle. and In tnkeu oy ADULTS and CUlLDIUilN with
1 II,
Not a tew oi the wont disorders that affect manVhd
arise mm tbe corruption that accuinu atea lu tbo blood
Oi all i Le dieco varies that ha e been irade to purge it
out. none tan equal in etlect Hoimbold'a Compound Ex
tiaot oi Huia.purlla it cleanses and renovate the
b.ood Inrtlls tbevltorof health Into the iraem and
purges out the luniofs which make disease. Itstlmu
fatei ihe healiby tunciiona ol' toe bodv. and expe.a me
dleoidera that grow and rankle In the blood.
tail l hi M AIM II
11 MM to M MUX
MWU V Mil it
Scrofulous, mercurial, and at pbllitlc diseases destroy
whatever pan thev may attack, 'thousands die an
nually ireni protracted diseases oi th s class, and from
the abuse ol mercury Visit any hospital, asy um and
prions, and rutls'y yourself oi t. e tru uiu ness of this
aster ion. ILe st.m best tesists tnelnroadsof these
diseases by a ludlclous combination ot Tonics.
beln.bou'g r ighly ' onccntrated F uid Extract 8ar
gapurUla is a Tonic ol the greatest value arresting the
most invtK rata disease after the glands are destroyed
and the tones already affected, 'ibis is the testimony
oi tliou-aiiiis who n ve used and prescribed It lor tno
last IB years.
Blill 11IU1
BH11 lililt
B11B BUii
AS IKTFBES'IING LET I ER Is published m the
Kcoico-ChlrurKical lie lew. on the subject or the ex
true ot tarttpuii.ia in veueiea: aliections. by Benjamin
'i ravers, t. tt. .-..e.e bpeakiiiB o. Syphilis, and dis.ianea
snm.g r in the exirBa of uiurcutv.iie states. Tha' no
f. uy it QUoi lu (hnx ract ui Saitapanhai tt poa r
it ittaordtt.urp m re to than any filter drug lam ac A Iiit n the tlr.cieit tense a inmch A
llttt tivuuable a tr tu't ,ihat ii t a ylcub'f u a ttatt
ct the tiiili m to tutilen and yet to imtab'e at rn
d rt v.her tubnanctt of tlu lon e t alt unavailable or
OdO ooo
o o
TWO TABI.EKPOONf FUL ot the Extract ofRarsa-
fanlla. added to a pint ol witter. Is equal to the Usbou
iut Dnuk.and oue bottie Is equal iui talon of the
bvrup oi uri-ui krlila, or the decoo Jon a uiualymade.
The decoction is exceeding troub issime. as it is neces
sarv to prepare It Iri sh every day, and i lie siru i Is sti 1
iiiore olijcli nabie, as It is weaker limn the decoction:
lor a flu in suuiatcd with sunnr is suceptille of hoidluK
ln so uuou much lesi extraotivo matter than
alont . and liesyiup is o IktwIko obictlonah e for the
patient Is fiefiuenily nnuseated mid Ills s omach snr
leitcd, by the lurye proportion oi siixr lie Is obliged to
take with each dose ol carsaparll a and which is ol no
nse v. hutever. except to keep the decucilnn from snoll
irifr. fere the advautnpes and sunerloritv of the K uld
Extract lu a comparative view are atiikiugly manifest.
lie mbold'sEX IRACT BI'C HTJ rurcs Kidney DNease
He uibold s EX 1 1. AC I BIT II 1 Cures IdieuumUu n
lie. ml. old's I XTlt il'T 1 l'( IIU Cures Crina y Diseases.
Ihlmiiold's I X i it CT Bl'ChlT cures tiravei.
He ni old's bXl'Ktl.'T BUCIHJ cures Strictures.
Ileliiibind's 1 X ' UACT i.l' t HP Cures Dropsy
Fot the dineases usmcd above and for eakneiips
and l' aim la the Buck. Female Coinpla'nts ami Dis
orders arising item excesses of any kind, It la lu
valuuble. DDDnnnnn
P8E IS THE UMTED H'lA'lES AfMY. and are also
hi very geneial use In all the State HOSPITAL. ami
and as well as In private practice, and are considered
JU) Invaluable remedies.
Trinrlpal Depot. HELM HOLD'S DBCQ AND
Hold by Druggists everywhere.
1 tftKWiJUS Of MiiMiLliiruX9, ll
fecvcrnl Pcpsohh Killed
mid Wounded.
Mrurnip, May 1. Thu cvenintr a riot oc
curred In the eouthern portion of tho city
between policemen and nppro soldiers, growing
out oi un attempt or the oflicers to arrest a white
mna whom the negroes were determined t j pro
tect. Twenty or thirty policemen assembled,
and kept up a fight for a couple of hours with
about one hundred and fifty negroes. One
Doliccmon was killed and three wounded. Eiaht
to ten neprocs were killed and several wounded.
The ICth Recular Infuutry were finally called
out, nd at 10 o'clock overusing was quiet.
The Trial ot Ishnm Henderson.
Nashville, May 1. The trial of Isbam Hen
derBon was resumed to-day.
Colonel Irvin testified that Hcudorson, on the
13th of May, 1SC4, made a proposition to the
witness to lurnbh the Government with about
30(10 mules, which the witness rejected, chiefly
because it required him to give the accused the
control of the market. On June 1, 18C4, he
receU ed a letter from Henderson proposing to
furnish 1000 mules, whleh was returned to the
accused with an endorsement
Tho counsel for the defendant stated that if
such a letter was ever written it was to shov
that tke mules In question were not, intended
tor the Rebels or any other impro.wr purpose.
The wituess stated that Henderson furnished
178 ttul.'s in July, 18C4; that stampedes were ol
frequent occurrence, and the loss to the Govern
ment, mm veri w.natrlorahla In
i" Miner hud charge of picking up estrays.
in reply to a question the witness said the
voucher-books show thuc vouchers were given
to parties for mules who never put in a mule
but they were given to those who had brought
ri'r.pint.n Irnm nni'tioa whn v.... . . -
This system was adopted to break up large con
tractors. FO thflV Cfllllll nrf mnnnnnli.n tU
market, and so that tho witness could control it
uuiiseii. i lie dookb snow mat tho accused fur-
liiuherl thp Rnvernmnnt nilh innq v,m i .
..u iuuu muiro UL-lWCUIl
June 11th and July 3d, 18d4. The accused put
in oi ner mines nesiaes.
Willinm lleK8V llmra ana QMinrn TUn A..H
- , J vj i ia .113 UUtltTQ
were to supenutpnd the sales, and keep an ac
count ol the mules received from contractors.
There was an arraureaient between the witness
and the accused lor defrauding. Henderson
always insisted on the witness giving receipts
lor a lurppr number nf mulna i,an ... i
by him. No positive agreement was had as to
w nat division ot money should be made: thick
hp P PTl Prii 1 1 V frci nilnnoc Imll rri.A .
to delraud the Government, between the accused
and the witness, commenced in 1863. On one
occasion the witness received from the accused
k.uu. tie gave tlie accused, in Auerust, 18G4, a
fictitious receirt for 98 mntpa nt. n aiohlr, ... wnl.
ville. when the accuueu cave the witness
$10,000. Other fraudulent transactions occurred
in July, done by changing the size of the mules,
and ettering on the books more mules than
were received.
The Court adjourned till to-morrow.
Kentucky Deniociatic State Convention
I'roceedings Yesteiday Racy llesoln
tions. Loci&TiLLE, May 1. A verv larce convention
of the Democracy of the State assembled at the
Court House to day. Most of tho counties of
the Btato were represented.
Ex-Governor WicklvUe was elected rtemDorarv
Resolutions were adopted, dcclarim? warm
attachment to the Union of the States under the
Constitution; that the Federal Government is
one of limited and restricted powers, and the
exercise ot any power by the Federal Govern
ment not defeated to it, is a usurpation to de
prive the liberties ot the people; tuat Congress
has no right to deprive any State of representa
tion in Coi-gress; that the Federal Government
UB3 11U1IHUI lu am ni);t3 mu iiceuuill OI HpeOCU
or of tne press, and their suppression is
destructive of every principle of constitu
tional liberty; that the Federal Government has
no right to try civilians bv military commission
and drum-hcud court martials; that the ques
tion of suiirace belongs exclusively to the
several Ptate3; (hat we recognize tho abolition
ol slavery as an accomplished fact, but earn
estly assert that Kentucky has the light to regu
late the political status of the negroes within
uer itrmuij ; mat i ne rural or naoeas corpus is
lully restored as soon as the war is ended. The
resoluiions require the Government to practise
rieid econon.y and prosecute those who hive beeu
guilty of Iraud, corruption, and embezzlement;
they declare that large stauding armies are not
to be toleiated in times ot peace, and that tasit
t on cliould be made equal and uuitorm, and
that the Goverunient securities should not be
exempt lrom taxation; that tho thanks of tho
country are due to tho President lor his vetoca
ol Ihe Fteediiuu's Buieau and Civil Rights bills;
that our Seuutors and a majority of our Repre
sentatives in Couares have acted satisfactorily
to the people, and merit our thanks.
In c nclusion, we declare to tho people of tho
whole Union tbatwe have met not to loment
discord, but to he:tl dissensions and to endeavor
to the utmost of our power to bring back our
Government to its ancit ut purity, and to try to
make it such as it was lu tho days of Washing
ton, Jeiiersou, and Jackson. We wish to main
tain and save both the Constitution anl tlie
Union as they came to us from tho hands of our
patriot fathers to preserve tlie rights
and liberties of our citizens to main
tain ail the safeguards of the ' Constitu
tion intact and inviola'tp, and to rescue the
Government from the vandal grasp of that radi
cul Congress whose Eoverninsr principle of action
is ' rule or ruin." The Democratic party is not
scctionul, but Is co-extensive with the Uui m
itself, and its ruifsion is not to debtroy but to re
siore concord and fraternity, and to resist all
encroachments, lrom whatever quurter they
may come, upon tho Constitution and the liber
ties of the people. This Is the ercut work w
propose. To these noble and
patriotic purposes wo invite the co-operatiiu
of every putnot th roup hout o'ur vast domain.
The Tennessee Legislature Defeat of the
1'ianchise Ilill.
Nashville,, May 1. The Senate has rejected
the Frunchiso bill by a vote of 16 yeas against
6 nays.
Arrival ol the Stsamer "Queen."
New York, May 2. The steamship Queen has
arrived lrom Liverpool. Her advices have been
Ohio Tioops Mustered Out.
Cincinnati. Mav 2. The 7th Ohio Regiment
(National Guards) was mustered out ot the
6ervice yesterday.
Special Detpatch to Tlie Evening Telegraph.
Tlie Storm t Bnltlmor l.nat Right.
Baltimore, May 2. A very severe bail storm
prevailed here at 10 o'clock last night. Some
lumps as large as a Minis ball fell, breaking
many windows and doing other damage. Tor
rents of rain and incessant thunder, with light
ning, accompanied the hal.
I rom Texas.
New Orleans, May 1. The Commission that
went from Galveston to Liverpool to arrange a
line of ships to carry out cotton and wool, an 1
bring back emigrants, under the superintend
ence of Commissioner A. F. Flick, have returned,
and report that plenty of emigrants can bo ob
tained ii the line for bringing them over is esta
blished. The Emigration Bureau in New York
is fully established and in working order.
The United States Courts are closod.
General Sh"iidan has arrived irom Texas.
The Regular Infantry are being distributed
thioughout the State under General Helntzle-
Governor Hamilton has issued a proclamation
for the holding of State elections under the new
Constitution on the Gth o( June.
From ev Oi leans
New Orleans, May 1. A large meeting was
held last evening to encourage Ilaltimoro trade.
Mr. Paisel, representing three hundred Balti
more houses, made a speech, in which he gave
many encouraering facts.
The brokers of New Orleans last nlffht or
ganized a Board for the regulation of business.
There is high water everywhere, and tho
floods are coming down. The planters are in
New Orleans, May 1. Advices from the R'.o
Grande report that all is quiet.
The Liberals are making movements continu
ally, but the Imperialists hold on to the strong
Markets by Telegraph.
New Orleans Jlay 1 Cotton I he 'es to-day
amount to 12G0 hales at 3a34o for low middlings.
Kairs ot tbiee days, 2800 bales. Roceints tor four d iys
007S bnl-s, aeftinst 6844 bales tor the corresnonditm
period last week. Receipts to dav 653 balos. Ex
ports 8882 bales, btock In po t, 171 647 ba e Flour
bupoifiiio, $8 75. ata. 67S68o. Hay. 827(&28.
To-it, 881. Bacon bhoulders, 14a t eloar awes,
18jc. (, old, 126. 8'erlin exebaugo, 134. Freiarb's
on cotton to ew York, ?2 per ba o; to Liverpool,
9 lOd (d ; to Uavro, ljd. Wes'ern produce lively,
with larce receipts, corn In quick demand tor ship
ment. Shippers are preparing lor a large Western
mw York, Mar 2 Cotton dull 823to. Flour
steady; sales of (JfiOO Mils, at onchanVed prices,
houthein stoadvjGOO Ibis. sold. Canadian steady;
sales ot 860 bids. 'Wheat has advanced ln"2o
Corn dull and droopmg Beet si ead v the Pork
market i exoited ; safes of Mess at $2828 53. Lard
heavy tut unchanged Wb'sky aull.
Con rt of rom m on Plms Judire Fieroo.
Tit ow vb. Titlow. Ibis is a fuiyuod issuo to deter
mine the validity of a will, the allegation beintr that
the testator was r 1 unsound mind. Before reported,
ibis morning the plan.tifTa moved lor the with
drawal of a iuror on the a?-onnd that onn of thn
Jurors in the case had, since the adjournment of the
our j esterday, improperly enmuea in cenversa.
tion with one of the defendants' witnesses In refer
ence to the case, and that he and certain ot the ce
leudants had been at a hotel together drinkmr.
V itnessts weifl heard in support ot the motion,
ar.din explanation of It the defendants ca led the
witness, who testified that his conversation with the
juror was in relation to horses, and that nothing
was spia blow tne cose on trial. The detouuant was
also put on the stand, and denied tha' he had any
convocation wiih tre juror whatever. Judge Pierce
said, that the explanation was not entirely satis
factory, and he should allow the motion. Tho juror
was reprimanded. Both sides then agreed to eo on
with the rcmanining eleven jurors, and the case was
lilnlrlct Conrt No. 1 President Judgo
Sliarswood. Smith vs Adams & Levis. An ao ion
ol uovcr to recover lor the allusrod conversion by
otfeueautf of' certain Five-twentv United States
b nds which were deposited with them, as is
allceed, by en agent oi plaintiff. The do ense set
up was that credit lor tho deposit was (riven to the
ol eged aeeut rcrsonal'y, without knowledge ot tha
atOLCy.aDd that his account was drawn, Bufore
recorled. Verdict lor piaiutilf for $32,340.
Eiziitxtu llai nn, administratrix i,f A oxanrlnr
Harnn, diceased, vs, Louisa Kindt, administratrix
ol I'e er Kindl. deceased An action to reoover for
goods aheged to have been sold by A exauaur
Huenii. and work and labor dono bv h,m for I'
h indt in their lifetime. On trial.
iMfcirl' l ISA a Judge Hare Bchjrt
B Kirnpatnck vs. Edwin Kirktiatrick and Jao b
r. Lex. Ad action in tliu case to recover damairns
for an allced conspiraov between dofendanis, n
withdraw certain partnership lund trora tho firm,
of which p'aiiitiflTand deiendants were members, in
18C6. bv means of which tho firm which, aa
alleged, be'ore that time was prosperous became in
solvent, l'lio detenu hud not opened when we
0 oi-ea our lojiori. un inai.
t'tturi ol tuarir (SrnMlons Allison, P. J
John Deal and Louis Hoffman were c Brood with
a cross bill of assnutand battery. Deal attempted
to j love that UolTmaii had arsuut d h m oiico in a
bar room, oud once at Girard I'ailr, but ho tailed to
prove anything Hoffman was waikingr at i.irard
Pnrk with some lad:os, but as Deal was Blundiug in
ttio way, HolliiiHU asked him to move
Deal ilieu said ho intended to ki 1 Hoffman, and
rushed upon him with a knife; ho made a thrust
at lioflinuu with the knlte but lortunatelv cur. only
tlie coat. HoDman called lor help, and wnun he
obtained Deal was disarmed. Hoffman
whs acquitted, and D"al convicted.
John 1 bad was acquitted ot a charge of assault
and I a tery upon Mury Ann Carrol
John Mudiu and Mary eili were acquitted of a
charge ol asault and battery uoon Kicnolas txlenn.
llaiy Aim Mrntz was acquired ofa charge of tie
larceny ol millinery poods to the amount of 2') 50,
pioi rtv cf tfurtha Hagan I lio prosecutrix all red
tliat tho (leleniiant had b-en In her employ forso-ne
tune, and at;eiided to the basinets while the prose
cutrix was out. r-ho missed so nc urticles. and found
lijiou the sisters of the Cetundunt goods oorrespou
Uni" to lli oco that were niiss nv.
hlio had these Bisters (sii-ters-in-law) as wltnssos.
end t.iey gave in some v rv bit er evidence. But. it
seems that ill will was existing between these sisters-in-law
and defendant, on account of a suit bioufht
by !elen ant agiiiust her hush nd for desernon. So
their testimony was of but uttlo weight There van
a witness tor prosocmiou. who said tuat there was
no other rihion in ma ket like that of His tiagan's,
loiuiu uoon de pedant; thus toms;to prore tliat it
cume Irom Vr. llavau's alone
But tins was cnniraoictoil by a witness for dolon
daut, who said that "dat man oiuhi'iit say dat. for
1 sjy dut to de customer veil 1 vant to sell goods.
Ribbon like dat is made in a hundred thousand lac
tones." The prosecution thu oa lod lor a witness,
when a voice answered, ' 8ho couldn't come; slio is
dead." In short, li was what thn District Attorney
said it was, "small potatoes " and tl.n jury luund it
their duty to acquit delendunt.
Virginia Unioni&ts. The ntitl secession Union
men ot Virginia have been comparing notes, ami
they find tuc sentiment throughout the Stare
unanimous in favor of bol lintr a convention of
the pin ty. It is now announced that the ttrst
meeting ill bo held in Alexandria ou Thursday,
May 17.
The Wdiskry ok Flokipa. Near Lake Worth,
Florida, whisky is manui'tciured from sea grapes
and palmptto berries. The beverage thus pro
duced is said to possess reinarkabl intoxicat
ing qualities, and la much cheaper than Bourbon
or rye.
Its Bombardment by tho
Atrocious Orders of the Spanish
Government Carried Out.
Gen. Kilpatrick and Com. Rod-
gers Protest in Vain.
French and English Ministers
Decline to Interfere.
All the Foreign Residents Appealing
to the American Agents
for Protection.
IerenweIcH City XJuclci-
Xlro lor Tlirco Hours.
The Churches, Hospitals, Custom
Houses, and Palaces Fired
and Destroyed.
The City Sot on Fire.
Women and Children Killed.
Great Destruction of Private Property
of the American, French, and
English Residents.
Loss Twenty Millions of Dollars.
The Spanish Admiral Threatens to
Bombard Other Forts.
Full Details ot the Aflalr by our Special
Conespondent in the Bombarded City.
Ite. Etc., Eto., Etc, JSto.
ViTPiDl TWr, Anrll R V.T,....,. l.t ., . 3
inn D .,1... ..... , 1 . .
t-wii.r uuivnH tuuumuur. i uo American Bquauron
lay close in near tno city, and bevond were the
Llllrlilth friorntna anH tha bnamuh !..,. A .1
- -"- ---. . ". ...oi ULLk. Auuiirai
Dcunian liavinir j?lven Commodore Rodirir to
uuuv.i-.auu inn uo iuuiuu uui permit a DomDard
nient. the ComrnodnrA. in nrtinr in ha inH ,n. An
fimerDmmv. lm1 Inlf Himitinn. in. i.
put in liyht uk trim. All had eUam up, bo h
jiuieiieii pur. on ana me euns reaav. The Tusca
rora bad her chains stre.chcd along her sides to
protect hor boihrs, a la mode de Kearmrge, and nad
the necescitv auseu our squadron could nave slumed
w Aua f(uiia iuiu uuiiuu iu uve minutes.
1 bus maitcra stood on tne mirht of the 20th Next
uiuiujiiii b leuiirapuio aoxpa cn was received from
I flflllinilm Q I . tl .1 1 1 l.liill n lw. A nin. I . .1 .
tliu bnniiih man sieamer Irom fanama, aud statiuK
.u- u.vunut muw. iur iue cpaamn Admiral to
raise the blockaao, and conhne his operation to
niuntime wariare. Ibis teleitrm was posieJ in the
excuanve. aim relieved tne apprehou
sioLbol a bouiburdmeiit, nmuy conBtrumx tliu oruerg,
jm vu lira Biunuiur, iuiu aireouon lor Ad
ni iui Nunez to leave tins nort and to innV t ,,,.
allied fleet onlv. indeea, many discoutinued tne
jiriu id peui'aijo leieaua ihiuir
v. iLDir uuu ucn- iioi 10 snip auy mora uierciiuu-dli-e,
s this city would certainly be spared.
At 7 o dock on ibe morn na ot tho 27th (;eneral
a.ncK, accompauiea dv Mr. liand, risi'ed the
Avmancia and inlormed Admiral Muaez that the
Cliilian Government had deoiined to accept the
.v...... unutiwuvu vj uiiii .a iiiti iiubib or peaoo i ne
Aomiral mtrolv ehrupjrefl his shoulders, remarking
that he must oarry out nifiLstructioDg, ano delivered
to tl e General b, lollowinar un.nileto. ihm r.
markahle document wns in paninu. It lia been
uutBiu cu uy one oi ino nest panlsn translators in
the world, ana this copy is the same as that fur
rushed the department of Slato ana the Eutrlisu
M nmlor. 1 lie reader will probab'y bo oonlused in
rerusintti , but had be docuiiu nt beon traus atod
imraiiy n viouiu nave heeu almost wholly uuiuielli
f, ii. in.
I he ibetorio of Admiral Nunez and the reasons for
bomlardiup oro now public property, and cannot bo
ppoiocized lor In order ro repel cntiomm, nut Ihe
(rninimar Is better than that ol the original (which
required niueli nutieut labor betoie auvthinir like
CPIiun .'mill I. a maWa nf I n . 1.
judntd without coiupariujc it with tho Spanish.
Hero is the documon :
TaCiho, Uttiil.esto to the IlilonmtiO ( orp.4 realUunt iu
buutiBgo: i he uiemmauduiu adilressed by his late Ex
cel. em v t.enori.1 Pureia to i lie tiuverninous of tlie
Mijaiilsli-AuitTlcun repub les on the 24th oi Heotem
her, i nu the circulars oi laierduto ol liin Excel ency Dun
Jlauuel Uerinudez de Cantro Sllnlstur ol State, must
have well In ormed tlie corps ol which vour Kxi;eU"Ucy
Is the wermv drau oi the causes of the war between
N urn mid thill, and doulitiesH must have a so inudo
niauilest lo 1 that the Da ure of those causes left uuou
to npaln no othor road iiiinenda for the oUenses which
constituted and stl I constitute these verv causes liavinir
been refused by t'hliti tliun that ot appcaiiim to the ulti
nitite recourse ot (iovernments to oluuin tliein.
while the dlr necessi'y sti 1 exls ed tbe Government
01 Spain n nd Its representative In tlieso waters, cat rleJ
awuv. it rnuy be suld, bv in proveriilul generosity 01 the
Mpunish nstlon a nonerositv na unti m a people which
lee a Itselt nob e and great desTed to employ their
ineans oi coercion with all possible lenitv. in the beioi
that the fiuperabunilant strength nt these means and the
generosity with whiih they were eutnloted bcltiu ap
preciuttd at oue and the saiuo lime bv ('hill, the amen is
v.1 Icli most ttistlv she has owed and owes to Muain
would be obtained a Jm-tice ostensibly recognized by
'"v.?0.1 Ie Hft powers of Kuropo lrom taemuman- In
whi h In Older to put In praeUce their goml ortlees they
aireed with fpaln upon certain conditions whlc'1 demon
si wo without any roon. lor doubt whatever that iuntlcai
and according to which an end might he put 10 the conflict
decorously ler both parties. 'I he b ockarte or (.'lull was
established and carried on with so much generosity that
neither neutrals nor eninl(is of Spain can ever fall to
reiogulze ihat it was InipoHslb'e rok.'ep it within trloter
lluilis, w Itnlu those iinnosed bv the biws of war 'I here
iBn. perhaps not be found wltMn the anna s of war up
to the preent date auioiiir civilized nailons sreater
lenity or more tolerance. Perhaps a so, this lenlt and
this tolerance may have given rl-e to the bullet in the
mind ot u enemy, which Is so unfortunate as not to
JWrHhel!di ".Tm ih,t B,'e waywnh impunitv re use
that which Justice demanded and d ands ot her. If
Atia in wiii" ,CB"e' ve"nln Induce, us to hiilieve,
Bpain will always appear on tlils occasion actlnir In ac
cordance with tlie (iinnlty of her character! history will
lifriy, '""! ,n" eomiiiltted no this occasion theerror
which elevates more than anything else a eouutry in the
presence of clvl'lzed nations. ' " i
Ann tnat this opinion ot the manner In which th
D'OCRHde hrS befn Dr.O l.eil unit t. hnln. nrriA.I.A.1 la I.
accoldance With thn atrli-tr.l If.nh H.mnn ai.1 h
i he unanuuliy en the part ot the mini-ten and atcn.s of
ii.nim muuui in mm recokni, iu (t nut It waa U'
f til ii, r nnaln antlFtrd as tin u ami u h 1...11.
a lid by lurca to sustain It to curry her moderation eve
' x reu.e uiiii s ngiti tnemotnant la wh t
me- were pieienteo by Frame and rng.end she ao
...t kuuu uitiu ii wiiicu Dom nouiv tenueieu hi-i
to terminate the conflict iu sn, h a mmnn ,nii.
lee unmill, d ihe honor 01 two countries wh'.cU could
j p;- ar u a D iiiu.iess ike tot 01 chid,
p nlrhaule by the laws ot na'ions iriir to
Uia out o. liost'liUes and alter ibeir comineneeoieDt
"" ' "o " smuie actwncn 'oe not t oily demon
in 10 tne uiainiereaieuness ot the conduct Of .palu and
hereon taut deolre to re rtt ish ,,i..0.
esp ctab e a 11 refutable th roof are -la America that
t.u,vu u unf u ri s inu live - in i urope that which
Call a so be kiv.n by the o ber wo nation cite 1
Vi tth such antecedtn s it is impo shite tor Spain to
lunuri nc lunii'.iiiiicB. louiiin-'S wnieubave
ronsciouKneas nf tlia hiMtnoi. m itui. .,i ,.
tl.e.r p wer to suf tain it mav sacrlnca unon ilm'.it irn
I hat modeiatlon which otb thlnKs impose upon itiein
their lei lliii atf flrslrn nf otitAiiiinu . t n,iu k. ,k..i.
tanns, the ameuus whi. h uujusuy la doni'eJ ihem; but
..iii'ui. aur iimnns pass iue imit nrona wlncu
ncir uuotir wouiu De wounueu sua a pre'tlue sulllej
w Im h a blstor,each 01 e ol whose ptges relates glory
lias coiKiuerea lor them. Hi.aln ha- arrlvei at that
iuiu, iiuu 11 is nrcessary. inuiscersable tor ber, con-ie
queu n ,tt break dofluite y with the Uoverummit whlut
comprehends so budiy tbe duties which civilization lin
po iKiipin 1 , In its leiiitlons with others ( which In
.t,,,,, nu ijr inusr which mat eutne civi tzailon pre
sirihcs to thai ot every country in m Interniti gov
enmient, since it does not hmaltHtn tn n.n.a . 1,1
to the tvl s ol a war unjuat onh.irD.irti with
a (ovornuient in iuci whi, h tain to recognize that.
wnien ihe ui.nity 01 others claims. Atiaira being in
this situation. Spain ties done what honor indicated 1 she
not Hi -u her esseis In tha Par.rln to ak nisi. .111,., 1
t lifuius, and tills instruction has bean complied w.lh
two 01 them bavin? comprumlaed tbemielves, oautlca ly
eret k lug In thickly strewn with al sorts 01 dlt-
uuuu.en cyid greater inrougii the uncertainty ot their
ciiua iun j 1 a-i-ing nuere omers ot their size had novel
1 assed up to the extreme polut 01 nautical t 'lueritv
to p. ace ihemse ves In the view of their enemie' who
si uuicu 111 a poiui penecri) we I cnoseu, and with ob
"Hivu' .-u ivucuing tnem, on y receive
su(hpjnry as a though cons'derable.coulu be caused b
a rre at long rniie. nut jet these dtfrioaltles. or yet to
speak better these con Inued danxers of the locality , nor
ui. iiciiucnv lugs wuiun ii may Desaiuualiv covcre t
tbrm, intniiiuated tuemt and another new expedition
"ii "i "mi 01 nit enoin. who. not thinking hluiseit
sufl cltn ly sae m the position he had occupied h id
sous hi saiva Ion In tbe DUTllOtnua Anil mrmw BlnuA.i.
ties wtilch lormed not only au loipaislhie bulwark tor
him who bid behind hm. but ais nnani 1. i.nn..
Bible to at ack Itlm with the d iss ot vesie s composing
1 11 A K rt siri lai li nmiadnin In V . an a. a
-J'" - a-'( uwua vu 114 all'VO RQIUI,
Co I, Met nriitiT i. imm.14i.t1, it w nf tiwn
flbot 01 vtwei.- which shelter themselves behind the im-
1-1 u i UBirierB or na the penis. ence of
iu i-jiuniMH mo niurauB jusuy ucmanaeu ot tier
Iir.noBea unon Nnaln tha mmtui hn- .a....i. . t
any 01 making ber to reel all the wemht of il-inr
. - -. I . - -- vub (.UOlTVIUlUlR
to which lb at coun ry exposes Itselt which abso
lutely retuses to recognize the Duties lino wed
uiiuii iun cm ii community 01 the universe
at u in tuis view and lor reasons of war the
ibiiiiiui 'im uonisn siiuauron wii Dom bard the eity
ot vsloaralfo ond anv o tmr which th.v think '
wv.iiui.- mnvu, aiiiioiigu lerrtote. la levlttma
r ino uiaum reawns atreaay enutneta ed;
irKiiiiiiavy wuicu will otace UOon tna Livimman, n.
the llepuhlic ai ibe responsibility ot the dumag which
im- uttpu'ra iu urairai in eresia. lor the p acing o
which In 1 his por In salnty lour days are granted, at tlx
expiiauon 01 wnicn tne said bombarumeut wdi take
file' v
(In board of the 'riga'e Kamanrtn. In tha ha. nr Vol
n.ralm ll.pnh UI llUU J
Kext mi rniuf, the 28th, Commodore Kod iters re
ceived lelitioiis Irom the Cousnls of Bo gium and
isenmarK, ana one huudreu and sixty ol the oriuoi
pal lieiniau residents of Valparaiso, asking- inter.
lert hco. Ion o'clock A. M nad beon appoin ed tor
a iiireiiegoi tne aipioinaji) cotps, nut t.onerol Kit
patTick, tbe I'n ssian Minister, and the Italian ton.
sui-tienerai were tbe only ones in attendance It
was then touna that, tne Kutrlish Uinmter had
baoared oowd altoeether. He h,it o-nna nn imi.H
the Eusbsh flax ship the evouiug previous, askel
lor a 1 osrponotneni 01 tneainioina 10 u.flnt,n Irnm
v O 0 OCK tuat night ltd IU o'clock next mnrnimr
in oroor to enab e nm to 100k over his
loiters and despatches received bv the mail;
and in violation ot his word, at the very
hour when ho prom'red to meet the other Ministers,
be took the feeble old Kronch Minister 11 rior lua arm
blo ran a-vay dv tuo t am to Santiairo. This con
duct was rendered more ririioulous bv the toot that
be ban Lored the It.Kni.outo of the city until attor
n iunipnt witn lmpo'tuuitle. lor a special train to
carry lum oil n ibe dark. His departure, although
11, tended by t,im to be verv slv did not nsnann tha
notice of the citizens, a arpe number ot whom, in-
mums naiiy jTLnrusn mercnan.s nissed n m as he
enteieu iue car. ihe cllo-is ot the remainiutr mem
hers of tbe dii lomatio hnHv liRVino failn.1 innaM
Kilpatrick addiessed to the Spanish Admiral the
iui owi.ig piotebi:
Legation of tub United States 10 Thit.1.
Baiso. March .8, lHti'j Hie und. rsianed Envoi k.nrj.
ordinary and Minister I'lenipoteutlary 01 the United
Mules, 1 as the honor to acknowledge the reonint ot tha
note which his ICxte lency the Oouimandcr-ln-l'hlef ot
uer aiuuiio aiaji sty a quauron in tne raciuo. and her
1'lenipotentioo, addressed hi n on the 21h Inst , trans-
.uiinug io uiiu ai uiBuiitTBio. auuresseu uy ma r.xceilfency
to the renrt-seiitativea of ori'lun na mna iwi riant m
tblU In this document his txcelienoy is Dleased 10
state the reasons which, in bis onlnion lustily tha am
D ovment 01 extreme host iea acainiL thn nor m
rui-u, auu oiner ports upon tne coast ot (Jbill by tlie
iorc s under bis command, allowing a term of tour days
tor the purpoae ot placing In safety the o d, the youua".
at n lha h a I niiaa
1 uu uni ersignea nag transmitted copies of that maal
11 Ho to bis colleagues 01 the dip omat.c corps. For b: in
fill he Of s not lee! called nnon tn 'lumlnn inin Hi.
ci.u-es ol the present war, or ot the al ureottheat-
n 11 pis uni eno 11 aue to pring it to a tlose by oonclllu.
tery measures, or bv lorce of annsi but ba iinra inn, hi.,.-
sell tailed upon earnestly to lemunstiato and so etni I
lorrotis against the dei-trnctlon of a nurelt mrcaitlla
port almost exclusively the Drotitrtv ot uiiniVn.t,iiU
Ills IxceHencv states that urion tha vsiahiiahmnnt nt
11 e d ockaue or tno 1 niiian coasr. it was 10 riiu- with
Unity, and thai uentruls were couneouslv desltwhht
that'lnuiug this course unsvalling to obtain the desired
fltntnes fiem Chill the le.ces under his command maae
two olsilno' at. einnts to obtain by combat hesdtlsac
lit 11 Spain demanded, and hnalli. that falling 10 do so
ou account Ol lns'Uernble natural obstacles, it Is big
futv to came ( bill to lee' ah 1 lie rluors ot war. and that
he will cons eouent y tlie upon Valparaiso and opon any
otter port be may deem proper with the guns of the
squadron, as a tenibie act of hostility rendereu legltl
11 ate by tbe reasons set lor b by blin, and wbluh place
the lu I lefpoDsibl ity ol all the evils thereby caused to
Ltutriils upon the Government ot Chill. '1 hee reasons
lail 10 raflsiv be undeiigne as they will fall to satliy
civilized nations, thai bis I aceih ncy. the Spanish Ad
n ira. Is Justified in resorting 10 a s.iecles oi warfare
w LU h he tiimtel most iruly qual fles as tertlble, In ordur
to punish an tnemy whom lie has thus far failed to
punli h by legitimate modes 01 war are.
V hlie tiel luereni rights pennli a recourse toextrama
motii'Ures tor the tarrvin out or legltiuiato military
1 pi rntloiis. they do not ncluae the wanton destruction
of private crcperty wbete no tesult advantai;euu4 to the
law u' ends of the war can be attained. International
law 1 xproisly exemots lrom destruction purely co n
merelni coieniunitles such as Valparaiso, and the uudnr
su ntd would beg bis Kxcelleucv to consiJer most
t arm stly the immense loss to resideuts and the
impossibility 01 leinoving witnl i the brie, term a lo'tea
to tliem. their household woods, cbatta.s. ami m.r.
.t, however his Kxccl encv persists tn his Intention
to torn Lard tha port 01 Va nuiaixo. In sulfa ol tha
earnest rcmonstra' ces contslneil herein It onlv remains
for the undersigned to r iterate in the clearest man tier
in the muiie 01 iii-i iiovernmeut In- mo t solemn protest
aialnstlhe act as unesuul unnecessary and In 0011
irovcntloii ol ihe law a and cum, tins ot civilized nations,
rthetvlmr to bis (jovernuient the rluht tn tjik uii,.i.
sc.-1 ion as it 11 ay deem proper In the premises.
1 1 e undersigned has the honor t, r. m w tn hla Ft-
ci lit ncy tbe 1 ouimaiiilor lii-t'tue of her "athollo
Atniest.v 's naval lorces In tbe Pacific and her Plenipo
tentiary, the assurances of his dlstlnuu'sheil oimiiilnr.
To h's Fxcel ency the Commander In Chief ef tha
naval orccs of her ci bollc Majesty In the I'tclllo.eto.
Durlrtr tbe Ibrenoon of tne 28 h tun tnrniirn nnn
su's in Vul araiso, witu tlie excention ot tho Entr
ust una renin, wauea in a bodv 011 Cionoial Kil
Patrick, and loruiaily t' atiknd hin for tna fr.iriu
and those of Commodore Itod'or to wring about a
penceiui ndjus nient of tho d'tlicuttieg boctvi-ou tipaiu
and ( bill, several delegation of Ktitrlish aud other
loiein residenta also c illod for tho sumo onrnmo
hot 110 turihor eus were ta .en to prevent tne botn
The regular trains on the railroad to Sanflaeo
were stopped, aud ad ttio trur spuria 1011 thar oould
be brnufht irto use was emn ovud in remoyino the
inhabitants gnu ropurt.v. Every cu t that oould be
found in 1 bo surioundinjr coun'rv was sent lor the
owners obta'niug nrioes raug u Iroiu oue to tliree
huuUrtd do luis per dav.
Next dai tbe following protest of the consular
corps in Valparaiso was sent to Admiral Nunez by
air, uittit, the American tjousui:
VAi.rABAiso. March 21 1866.
The unriaralffned. r.nn.nla lesldent in Valparaiso, have
Intonned tlietnse ves ol the rote which, under date ot
this day. the Chief of her Catholic Majesty's squadron
blockadlnv this Dort has been pleased tj addri'ss to the
l ensul Gineral 01 Portugal, enclosing a copy of the
manifesto transmuted by said Chief to the dlplomatie
.r,s tisiai-tit in Chi. I in, ormed ot its ennteats, we
li? .1 rwle than manitet 10 jou Exoelle;iof wi h
wnat deep regict we 1 ave seen fiat yotf Kxcei ency has
aaopied Us re oiutlon or protieedtng to bo nbird Valpa
raiso aiio any oth-r pi ri 01 Clill .giving ouiy the peiio I
olonrilays to the ii reign reldonts lu nich to place
n'lT'." nu nr0P-ty In sa e y. It Is not our Imea ion
L .i .," n"' ! discuimu 01 the u ot ves which your
fcxoeliencv acduces 10 Jmtlir the ruoution 01 so ex
i1?.J? II1ll"ur"' Du' ' is our duty to make every
EL tt. 0 a"1"8 yon to iftM "'U wiilch must
be ihe cause 01 ruin to tbe in ensta 01 thousands.
-J .l.?"n,ueDhg J""'11 'w.deut Interna lonal law
?2Ti .?2 np rn,".'ih b""Drduient ot undeieaiied places,
fnH! if.'iT'."."' 01 .onr this. It is condemned
" tut ,n W ' ul P e it wl 1 be m .re s j,
t - n'P n.upon Uocc'0 s has.olnmnly deulareo In
nVS.r?.nritbM.,h" w" u"r nnwet neutral
E VI r, 'Vt " n l"vor 0 avoid lnjuriandcatn
a.esot the war to ncot.ei. Lnder the shield of this
Pm,!5" in'thM0""1, ,n ni". I con
tinued In their peacelul avocations confident thatHpaln
would lsl hiuily comply wth such solemn p edge Tn
P0n.0.lhya'p?l"?0UEvce","l, tnoWs, repre
sents throughout Its entire extent valuab e neutral Inte
rests and Its drstiuctlnn wouid iall altnosi eiciuslve y
upon subjeots 01 powers f.itndly to Spain, whll. the
country Use f will scarcely lee the eflecta of so violent
an a t The bombatdtnent 01 Valparaiso mat be rathor
coi.sldertd as an act of hostnlt agjlnit neutral resi
dents einco its effects win be le t bv tue.n a one.
History will ccr.alnly nt pres-nt in Its annuls any
event which can rival in horror the p cture which will
be presented by the bomba d nient ol city. It will be
an act o. venge. nee so terrible that the clvi.lzed wr d
win shudder with horror m contemplating It and the
reprobation 01 the entire wor d will lali uoon the power
which may have carried Ii out 1 he hunilmr and de
struction 01 Valparaiso will be tne ceitaln iuiu and de-
tructton of a bouilshing oltyi but be your r.xcellonoy
;ei perstiadid that It w II also be aa eternal blot up m
Soa'n. IhecltTof Vaipaialso will nso from hor ashes
but never wn. the aln be w iped away which sulibia tne
flag ot Spain li your Kxceilency teisig s In carrying out
so cruel an attempt. Ii notwitbstanaing all. your Kx
ce lency cairl s it oa', we shah tin'i ounei ves undor the
Ineyl able necessity 01 pro estiu.-, In tbe most solemn
manner, as, In efleot, we do now pi o test aval st such
p oceedlng as aanst the Interests 01 our oonuttuents.
rtservlng to onr Governments ho r.ght to reu aim from
the Government ot her Catholic Mates. tbeeuormous
injuries wnlch tnelr cltlrens will suffer. We nro'eat. In
the lace ot the civilized world aaalnst the conumma-
?.!ct wblh h In contradiction with tbe civili
zation ot tbe age.
This was signed by the Corsjls of Portutrl,
I ruesia, Denmark, Uni ed Males. Hanover, An?
trla, itremen, and of Oldenburg-, Switzerland, Co
lombia, Brazil, 1 aly, Holland, Guatemala, Swedon,
and Norway, Hamburg, tsa.vador, aud tbe Band
wlch Islands.
Ibe Consuls ot Kntfland, Franco, and the Arcon
tine Kepublio united in anoi her protest to admiral
lNuncg, leiterating the sentimouts expressed in the
A protest was also sent by Mr. Gomez, the
Minister ol Honduras, aud by tho Peruvian and Bo
livian Ministers.
The Consuls also addreged a oetitlon to Commo
dore Rodgerg for protection, to which tho folio mna
reply was given:
March 21) 18(16. Gentlemen :-I regret to announce
that I am not a de to comp y with your wish to impede,
with the forces unler my command, the proleot of the
Spanish Government to bonil.ard Va.puraiso My action
was premised In case the other tore gn powers would
nulte with the forces of toe United states They
Jud.lng that It wag not wltl.ln the limits or their In
structions to co-operate, and as I n.ver have proposed
to act alone, but always have said that I wag oniy able
to move In union with them, my armea Intervention
cannot take place, lathis unhappy juncture 1 wish,
believe me to do all In mv 00 wer to p-oiect the Interests
".P. ,ntraia.and I am satisfied that the Spanish Admiral
will do all In his power to spare lnuocent blood and the
es motion ol pri-ate propeity . emplovlng solely the
lorce necessary to comply Hi erally wito his .nstrnotlons.
i am, sirs, with muih resoect, your obedlen servant.
JnHN BODG1E8. Commodore.
A sind'ar answer was riven to the memorial ot
the American merchants and residents of Valpa
raiso. Among the signers at this petition were
Mi sera. AllsoD tt Co , Mr Wolfe. 01 the firm of
hemenway & Co., ot Boston; Lorlnjr fc Co., and
private gentlemen, such as David Trumbull, rhomaa
1 age, Washington Booth, and John Brown, each
worth lrom three to ton m llion.
Saturday morning seemed the most beautilul of the
gaon. A aolt autumnal haze, richly tine by the
gun. bung over the bay whoso w iters lay smooth a,
a mirror, reliectin? the outlines of every vossol.
Ibomauds ot people covered the hi, Is ike an army,
and tbe city, in its stillness at pcared as if a p:aue
had suddenly swept off its inhabitants.
At seven o'clock, black columns of smoke rising;
li.einvertod monuments lrom the Hpanisu !nates
indicated tbeir preparations lor aotion, and goon
aiti r tbe smokestacks ol tbo othei steamers added to
tbe cloud above tno harbor I be Eultsh irhrat'.
iutej and Leandtr, aud steam-sloop Devm'ali n,
started lirst Horn the anchotage. and moving slowly
oul, veered atound to the eastward, where tho store
ships and prizes ot the gpand ards lay. Next tho
Powhatan, Tuscarora Mnfumyo, and Mtnadnork, of
our suuadron, aoandoued the positions they had held
close iu a ong the front of the city, assemOed around
the flat ship Vanderbilt, and lobowing her out,
dropLcd into Hue asa n a mile and a half from
By this time the Spaniards had oommenced moving.
1 be Atimancia, followed b the lite e steamer Punnet
de Manlev (captured from the Ctmanosl as a tenner.
md the Innate Jietolution, steam d troiu their sta
tious at tbe right of the oity. loot ng seaward
straight across the mouth of the bay, and slowly
veeiiui? around camo in near the Custom Houses
coulim iiig ceir course unti' oddosI e ine twntrsn
4t e 1 own. J be Villa de Aliulnd. Blanca. aud Vence
dora also changed their positions, bat still lay off a
some distance, anu the fcrenruerari-mained to guard
tbe piizes of tlie bpauish squadron, whloa wer.
anchored near the Vina de la Mr. Little Hag
were coiiftau ly gliding up and down the halyard
01 tno jyuniancta, gignan ng to the other vossels
and in a short time a small steam launch oame into
tbe Hue ship, and l ty alongside to reco v and na. ra
the oiders of the admiral. AU the Spanish 11471
were at half-most, the observances of tae Viernm
acnto not concluding uutu U o'clock.
At 8 o'clock tbe Chilian flaar went nn on the atari
at ihe foriross, and almost at, tho same instant two
gups flashed tne warnm" 01 lombardmeut from
the black tides ol the Numancia. Another hour
n maineu teioie tbe flriug was eommouced, and I
again rambled through the busiu. ss portion ot the
ory. foreign Bags wore displayed ovot tho con
sulates, and white signals hung out the towers
ot tbe churches and hospitals, aentiuels were
po. ed at th" anglos of thu sqtiates, and a lew yen
iuroMjme ones lingered about th" mole and espla
nade of tbo custom Houses; but with these excep
tions not a soul was o be seen t'ho dus were
wardering about in a frightened manner, as ii con
scious ol impending; evil, aud occasionally some
lonely cur bowled dismally in tbe street.
ATew minutes before nine the Villa de Mulritt f..l.
lowed by the Maura and tbo Vei-cedura, started In.
Ihe Jeadlnv liiguteBtouined slowly towards tue mole,
aud at twelve miuutes past 0 opened irom herstar
l ourd with a singie tl.iriv two uounnor ai a d a..
tance of two hundr d yardg. tho shot striking in the
sides of the precipice over tho Custom tlousa. A
choer of defiance I10111 the lull above was drownod
iu the roar ofa broadside, and the Blanca Joining 111
the lite, both vessels tbundoreu at the Custom House.
1 in men so clouds of red dust rollod uo like bo 'dies of
suioko lrcm the walls as tue shot struck them, and
tbe levcrberatious from tbe surrounding b ull's added
horror to tho sound ot tho guns aud tbo eeyili'h
sen am ot tne shelis. as tno irigares followed tlu
die ot tho beach and lost tbe ran go of the Cu-toin
llouso tliev ceased liiing, opeuiug again when iiniio.
sue tbo liolsa (or Exchange) aud the pulai-o of the
Governor, llireo broausidos werepoiiro.l into these.
and tlie Irlca'es turning their beads outward moved
into position with thoir port vuus beanuir on tho
Custom ilouso, and resumed their tiro.
In the metintime the Henoluaiim had dmmp.t
astern ot tbe Auwatici'a.'and oncned ou the railrnait
bui'dings. Tbe Vrncrdwa cominir in more ranm .
aeut a lew of bor rillod gixtv-eight pound sholls into
tho t ustom House, and ua.-sinc the niam- i ami
Villa de Madrid, turned and too nosniini fr..,
which she cou d fire throui'h t'e liolsa, aud -ake
tha' poi tion 01 the cby boi ween tho l'aluoe and Hie
Custom House.
At this time, halt-past nine, th) fritrnteg nnm.
nieuced a steady tlie. the Villa de M.ulrid ami
Jliama tiling rapidly, their slio g going la and
through tbo Custom House ib Vencednra Hr:d
deliborately, her shots not averaiinn' inoro thun una
every uvo minute, aud doing much damage to pri
vate budding". The lletolwion kept ui t'miMt a
ousfant tire on the depot, in which the Vtmunlttrit
occasionally joined from bor starboard; bu' th shots
from the former were very wild, most 01 tiMin pass
ing up on tbe billstwohuudrcd l3ethi-h. Iheiebeinj
little or no wind, the smoke sott ed down heavllv,
and drilled oil towards the eastern part of the city
so slowly that ita movement was ly peroeutl-
f Continued on the Fifth fage.l