THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, L MAY 1 186G. THE DETROIT FIRE. Th Detroit jnilnanbee Depot la Balnn A ktttmrr Burned ihe YVata'e F.ii ( A ppo' 1 i b Low of 1I f A Vtol rMrM Trm le(rojel Inirnensi Lh of Piertj Origin of lb rite, Kie. .From M Detroit Free Trot, jipril 27. Tbe rIsiid was nrt given about 10 o'clock, by tlie btavv wliihtlc ol a 6 it a ai boat tounuinj; tlrnl Arc I tire! wbich was innicdinielj Tallowed by tbe bills ol the c ty, and tbe lurid fl.iroe, at the pame time, Kbootliie h is b into tbo air, lighted tbo utrrcla lor squares aiouca, and bruueht the tcBiiiciu to tbe aiiot. The streets In the vicinity were meantime tiling ud with druse crowds ol' people, attracted b tbo magnitude ol the con flac ration. iliipe, liirbl flumes, ibrkinjr and brnnehiuft out In all directions, shot upward, wrapping tbe tuirrounelinii buildings in their lerriule em brace, then roiling and roaring like some gigantic Cjclouean lorue, lrom wblcb a deiwe volume of ftmokc rolled oil, pmume.l und sp.irk lina: with cineleis and emhers ol tbe combustible nmtcriiils ted upon. (Streams of water were poured into the burning pilo, but without per ceptible ellect lor some minutes, and attention, in the inea.titiinr', was called to the necessity ol' tavine the adjacent buildings on Atwater street, tbe entire row ol how-en between Brush aiid Buubieu btreots bcuii saved with iliflicultv. ORIGIN OF Till! FIRE. The most contradictory runior3 are afloat as to the oripinof tuc di.-mater. ITom a sUteineul madp to our reporter Dy one ol the workmen on Lourd the H indnor, we believe the lollowiue; to b the real lacte. TbJ workman p.ates tliUu be wa in ibe; irivzht depot ot the Detioit and Milwaukee ltailrnud, tukiug a drink ol' watr, 'when be beard sjnie lung like an cx losion behind bim. TuriMiift urounu to usuvrtam its nieaiiiiiR, ho naw that nil or some other liquid nmterinl waa ooziul' lrom a bane) or cask, an I whs on tire. He went on board tbo boat, uud soon aiterwnrds beard the startling cry ot "lite" nnfjinir throughout the length unit breadth ol tbu depot. RArlMTY. OF THE SPREADING FLAMES. Ko rapidly did tbe teiriblo element spread that almost tbe entiro length ot tbo Ircigtit depot alonsf the dock wua on Ure betore tbo engine weie Inirly on the mound and at work, and irom the llrtd it, was seen that the most that could bo done was to eon line the ure to the depot build ing;,, and this was done w Uh the greatest diili culty and niont heroio exertions on the part ol tbo tireiuen. It seemed at one tune that the Jurat brick building contuimna tLe Superinten dent's1 and other oliices might be saved, but when tbo loot ol the hdjoinina buildinus fell, in adding lresh luel to the tiery luinaco below, with tbe. dripping pitch and cement ot the root ing conipositior, which, diopping iu hot globes ol lire, spread and expanded into tonmie.-t of lire uud volumes ol llame thai devoured all before it, and overcame the eilmts ot three steamers in lull play upon and around it, the hope win abandoned. DURNIhQ OF THK rASSENOER TRAIN. The niabt express on the Detroit and 3 1 i 1 -waukie road bad been "made up," and was wait ing in the cepot lor the engine. Tnere were to pasenger coache-", a sleeping car and basuace the building. The sleeping cur was partly occupied by passengers, some of whom ni.d retired lo their berths. When the startling alarm that the depot was on lire was given, the wildest consternation prevailed on board tho train. A man inched through the cars arousing the sleepers, all ol whom made a rush lor tho doors, pushing und farunuriB, shrieking aud curninir, the btionger overcoming tbe weaker and trampling then) underfoot. Tbose in the sleeping car pusncd I'orwaid to the forward conch, where they were met by those in tbo latter ffoing tbe opposite way. Meantime the flames, like a tboi'sand hissin? serpent, were coil ing their way around the roof and rafters, lick ing their way among posts and pillars, and en veloping the ooonied train within their tiery folds. Dense volumes of smoke rolled throusii the avenues, and, with their demon sister, tire, presented a (rightful picture of impending doom to tbe ti antic crowd struggling for egress throueh tho narrow apertures ot escape. Many rushed to their assistance, and as tast ns one or rnoro emerged, thev were forcibly thrown from tbe platforms to make way for those following close behind. The flames came crackling on, and soon ihe rear cud of tbe sleeping car took fire, while several passengers were yet inside, begging and imploring lor aid. Tho win dows were smashed in, and one or two rescued through the opening thus made, but the rapidity with which the Haines advanced drove awav all further assist ance, and it is feared that several perished. It is almost certain that one poor old limn, infirm with years and sickness, and another, whom Heaven forgive, w as in a beastly state of intoxi cate u, perished iu the llames. ' Whether there were others lost cannot as jet be ascertained, as, in tbe fright and confusion and hurry to escape, lint lit le attention was paid one another. Ho rapid was tbe progress ot the lire that some of the laler ones in the sleeping cars escaped only partiulh clothed. Thev were completely stujielied and bew ildired with the suddenness of the outburst. Later. EIGI1TKEN rtRBOKS HIRS1NO SCENES AFTER TUB FIHK. From Ihe Free rress, 2th. We have every reason now to believe that our first estiniato ot tbe loss of lite during the awful disaster was much below the terrible reality. On hoard the passenger train, wbich was burned on the Detroit and Milwaukee side, it is feared that more than one bus perished, but beyond a deep suspicion, based on attending circumstan ces, we have no means of arriving at tbo real troth. It Is not known whether tho two per sons previously mentioned were rescued or not, and in tbe absence ot having any proof that they left the car unaided, the conclusion must, though reluctantly, be drawn that they were lost. One gentleman was seen to null, back to the burning tram In search of his son, and although ho was looked for until the lervent heut drove back the crowd which en deavored to detain him, be was not seen again. He may, however, have escaped at the eastern end oi the depot, and been lost in the crowd. It is report oil that a merchant from Kent county, nnmed D. M. Gardner, who had beoj in the city Purchasing coods, and returned to the train and ook a sleeping binn, is missing. There were several men in the depot when the fire sur rounded it, but whether they perished or escaped time al ue will reveal. TUK LOSS ON THE " WINDSOR." Tbe appalling lo-s of li'c among the crew find emploved ou board tho Wimteor is be yond comprehension. Admitting that the flames vpread with tho rapidity of the lightning's Hash, it would seem that when all hope of escape through the depot was cut OIF, roiue one of tbe thirty to forty on board would have discovered that only a slight resistance obstructed a pussu;o from the dock to the yard below the depot, or that the idea would have sugeestcd itself when the vessel took fire to cut her loose from her moor ings and dritt her out ot reach of trio burning pile. But tho men appeared to be perfectly para lyzed. Many ot thein seemed to thiun that their doom was settled, and dare not venture to face the darnrer. The only one on board who exhibited anything like coolness or bravery was Mr. W. Firby, mate, who bad been left in charge of tho boat. When tbe alarm was first eiven he went . ashore to discjver tho causo, but betore reach incr the spot the explosion took place, and he, , with the others, was driven on board again, tbe lorked toiiKiie ot the devouring element fol lowing close at their heels, and seeing the boat almon betore Mr. Firby had sounded the alarm to cast off tho lines, created such a panic among the terror-stricken workmen that they became powerless to help themselves, or obey tbe orders delivered to them. The wood-work f tbe boat being as dry as tinder, was soon a mass of flames on tbe port lde, and little or no ffloit being made to stay their proeress, the , doomed men were driven to the opposite sHe loot by toot by tho relentless enemy until their '-clo hes took Ure, and their fact's m bands began to blh-ter. It was thou only that they plunefd'lnt the water, tery many of them ti meet quite as certain but less terrible Tale. The most urgent appeals were made by tho mate to thorn to keep cool, but as well might bo have attempted to quiet the roaring flames mth a thimble full of water. Borne of ihe crew, who were a-lecp on tbo boat, wore aroused too late to reach the deck, ana more than one man was seen to staager wildly tor ward for, a tccond. and then fall headlong into the boiling cauldron. The assistant cook, named Thompson, slept In the hold, and as be has not since been seen, it is supposed that ho nas suffocated. A fireman, tamed Freeman. who was also asleep la the hold, has not since boon heaid of. Anient those belonging to the boat's ciew, rcpoited to us as missing, are Cyrus Ibotupi-on, second cook; James Stephenson, deck hand: Robert Freeman, porter; Georeo freeman, tiicman: Harden Parker, porter; Kichard Mason, porter; Alexander Watson, por ter; "liifj Kobcrt" (coloiod), deck band; Richard Fitpatrick, cabin boy ; ''Little Oooko," deck hand. Tbose who had assembled on the dock, near tbe loot ol Kandolph street, describe tho shriek" and Appeals of those in the water, for aid, as truly heart-rending. As scon as possible some boa's were got out, and many instances ot individual heroism were performed. Among those vortby of mention were tho gallant et forts of the seamen on board tlie revenue cutter John Sherman. At latest reports tho following workmen, all of whom resided in Windsor, were missine: Alexander Moncar, foreman oi one of th tranps; J. Mason, J. Bishop, Neil Henderson, C. Butler, W illiani McMastcr, Jame Fianer, Jeremiah Neil, Fatrick Sheerer, Patrick Maroouy, M. Tierney, F. Chase (colored), L. Lynn (colored), I). Mc Crae. James Brocke, and Tiiomas Wilson. Motlot tbe above have wives aud lamil es in indsor and other aljacent Cunadlan towns. The encf ol the bereaved women and children, n-they stood on tho dock yi stcrday af'crnoon watching lor tnoso who would otne no more, was painful to witness. TEAS, n EAS HFIU'CED TO $1, AT INGRAM'S 1 'I b Wnn licinFO, o 4!) M. PK('0M Street, "IjOASTFD ( OFFER HKDL'Cl.D TO 30 CT3. I Htrri t. A I lC. T.Ff-T MILD COH EIR, AT INGRAM'S Ht 1 ea V nrrfriufe, o 43 8. BM'CM) Street. M F.AS AND COFFKKS AT WHoLKbAL.' J prices, nt IMillAJW'tt lea tVmcliousc, Jo. 41 o. HKt'uMiHreet Try them. pKEF.N COFFKKS Fit Oil 22 TO 28 CTS. A J rcuml at liNUKAM'H Tea TVartlioase. Ko. 4.18 sj (p M Street try tliem 1 ti WALL PAPERS. pATEll HANGINGS, FRANCIS NEW! AND & SOff, No. 52 Novtn NINTH Street. WALL J'APJ'BS, ID0r shades, D V.CORA T 10 NS, ETC. 4 S 111) STOVES RANGES &o. CULVEU'S NEW PATENT DEEP SAND-JOINT HOT-AIR FURNACE. RANGES OF AUi SIZES. ALSO, PIIJ EGAli'S NEW LGW TBESSUKH STFAM liEAlINU APPARATUS. ron BALE BY CHARLES WILLI All?, 6 4 No. 112 MAliKET STREET, LEGAL NOTICES. IK THE ORPHANS' OOURT FOR THE CITY AMI COVNTY OF I'HIL ADELPUIA. t state oi I.AMK'ti Mlnorn 1h Audi or t,olntc(l hy tlio Court to audit. Settle, und arijimt the first and Una' account of o. W. liAVirt, (junrdian ol FA.NNY LaMB MAKY, H LAMH. KIIKI- WAY.,iA$!i'.",y1 Lawk, minor rhl:dwa ol LA V I Vis B, L Jn 11 late ol the city of I'bllodeiplilrt, rteeea' 0, and to report dintrlbuiion ol the balunce In the tiani's ol the accountant, vrl I meet the parties interoated for Ihe rnnioses ol his appointment, ou 'I HUH" DAY, May3, IMtt), atlo'cock Y. v., at hi- Otllce, No.'204 Smith Filth Birjet, Koom Ko. 11, in the city ot Phlla delphla- 4 21 atuthat IN THE COURT OK COMMON PLEAS FOR T1IK ITY AND COUN I Y OF PH'LAUELl'HIA. reef mher Term IWiS, o, 8H. In l)ivo ue. BAltAJi E. UAINhH by her next truud, Ac, vs. PAMUtL UAl&Kn. To RATWUKL HAIJSES. itespondont. sir :-The Court haverrnuted a Bule (in yen to f hor cauu why a Divorce lrom the homls ol MatrfmonT sliotiltl not be doe teed In the tbr re case, returnable on s,l 11RDAY, May , ls(. at ID o'c ork A M . personal notice having failed on ac count of vour abtence. JOUN F. BKLSTKRLIVU. 4 27 2Sml 4 Attorney lor Llbollunt INSURANCE COMPANIES. QIRARD FIRE AND MARINE 1KSTJEAKCE COilPAKY. 0FFICE,Ko. 41S VVALNUT STREET, PlIlLADF.LrillA CATllAL 1'AIL IN, IU CASU, S2(IU,100. 1Mb C(D'pury cciitlEueto write on 'ir Jiitki only Its capital, with a (.tod curplus. Is ea clj Invested. 701 Loi-fcs ty fire tave bem i rin titly palo, and more tlian $500,000 DlfburM-d on this tccotnt w ithin tbo past few years Foi tbe prcstut the once of tbia company will remain at No. 415 WALNUT STREET, Hut within a few n-CLtlie will rnioye to IU OWN bt'lLDIMt E. ( OKNKTt SETETB ANP til ESN l"T STREETS ILen as now, we cball be buppy to Injure our patronsa iucb tatea as are coublstcnt with faicty. DIUECTuKS, Til nki i fl ru . ul v i 11. MAN ("HkH'AW TI On. lAt KFI.LAK, JOHN SVlfLI K JOliN W t'Li-CUOHU, bILAS YLliK.Eh.Ju.. ALFIIKD H. GILLETT, ( IIAKLKH I. DUPONT, 11KMCY F. KKSKFY, JOffcHJ KLAV1', M. . THOMA8 CKAVEN President AIFKFDS (ill.UTT V . I'reoWent bud Treaurer. JASUH II ALVOHD. Btcretarf. 1195 17 I R E I N 8 V R A X C E. A 1UE JIOMK INSUIIANCE 'Oil PAN Y OF Mill ADH.HIIA. No. 150 B. FOURTH Htreet. Ct alter Feipetuul. Authorized ( upltul, $500,000. J aid-up CapitttJ, H0,(K:i) Insured against loss or duuiaio by FIKKon buildhiRS, either pi nr.anently or for a LIMITED period, Alxo.on MrKCllAMI6E generally aud UoUMhold Furuhuro, city or country. director a. James Brown. I homasKI-nber. .Tr . Charles A . Duy, yviillam I). Lewis. Wll lam H. Ilul ix It, W l ilara N.ecdlea, Len uel ( othn, J Hill born Jnaea, Jotiti WoodHida, WUllnm V. LoiiKstroth, J S. HutctiliiMun. uvuu u. lay lor, JAMES DROWN, I-reHldent CliAs, A. DUY'lce-Frealde-t TnOMAS Nkilson, eecrotuiy. 3 3j (JHALLENGE LIGHT I Paragon Oil and Safety Lamps. BRIGHT EI GUT THREE HOOKS ONE CENT Ko chimney! No smoke 1 So greasa. ' 1 Sold by Inventor, ! KELLY 4. NEEL, ho. Oil MAJUCET Bireet AGENTS WANTFD. Also, Derlen In Koapiand Coal OH. Machinery Oil ; warranted uut to gum or chill. l'if put gtlioa. 31$ MONUMENTS AND GRAVESTONES. ON hand, a lane assortment of (Iraveatonea, of v&rl ' cusdesljins madti of tho tlncut Italian arid American Uarbia at tbu Marbie Works of t A. STKIllMKTZ I 3 27 tuthnJm IlIDGE AveuUe, below l.leveutu itryt INSURANCE COMPANIES DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANT COMPANY, INCOBrORATTD BT THE LFOISLATTTRJB PENNSYLVANIA. IMS. OFFICE 8. R. tOKNFR 1HIBI AND WALNTJ BlKKF.'tS. I IIILA IU LPHIA. MARINE LNtSURANOK ONVKHSfc.L8.1 . CARGO, To alt parts of tha w FBK.IGDT j , ISLAND INFTJRANCK8 On Good by Bin r canal. Lake, and Land Carriage all par. sot tbel'rlon. FIRE IN 81, HAN CLfl On Verehandlse lenera It On K torts, Ltwa bng Houses, etc AH8ETS OF TUT. COMPANY NoTember 1, lHtft. tlflfl ooo tnJtd States 5 per cent loan. T1....M,flotHX' 10 0(0 . " 8 " ' 81....1JSluoa! icoow 7 t-10 per cent, loan Treasory Kotos ijm 3-5 ot 100 000 fitate ot 1 ennsylvanla Fly Tet i ent 1 oan 90 fM. 54.000 Htaie 01 IiunsylTanla biz Pei Cent. Loan S3 290- 125(C0Cltt of 1biadelpha Hi Per Cent. Loan 112 811 60 20 000 Pennsylvania Hal read First Mort gae Mi 1 er On . Itonils SH.OOII'M 2H,rC0 rannsyUanla Hailroad second Mott- . , "e lrri rn' t""t" 23 750 21 f(0 y esteni 1 innsvivanta Dai road Mort gr se Us Per Cent Knnds 2.1.75 15, CCO nil f-bana Hloek Oerman-owo Gaa ( mianv principal and In'erent guaranteed by the Ity ol Phila delphia 11A37b 7,18014 i-bsres Sti.ek Pcnnsv va. Is Rall- . . ro' d ' mi'ny 8 SPOi 6.CC0 HO Fhsna ftocii North Pennsylvania r Hsi'road Company 3 IW'Oc 40.CC0 Deposit wbh Cnlled States Oovorn- . nient subject 'o ten days' ca 1 40.00i 30.1 CO State ot Tennessee Fhc Tor Conr. ... Loan 18 9O0 00 IiO i00 Loans on I'.onds ard ortgane flist Hens on tlty Property 170.700-tl II Mi;,850 Fr. Market value T9fi M0 00 RealFstate 36 00 00 lillls reteivable lor -a urances marte. Ul 013 J" IJai nce due at Aacnclt... Premiums on M .rlne l ollciea Accrued Inte rest, and olhci debt due the Com- UP'"7 40 811 41 Bcrlp and Miock 01 sundry Insuranne and other ( ompanies i 133. Kstl n and value 2,010 0 Cssli In Ilsnk 35,fttfi 80 Cash In Drawer 678 4fl . K.mti 31 2oS G i" in tlBKCTOIW. Thonif 1 n. II John . Davis, F'lliibBd A. l-ondr, I l toplil us Pauldnu, J"im h. I enrone, 1 antes 'Jranair, Henry t, I a lett, Jr., .lames C. Hand V iillsm ( Lndwlg, Jotepo U. Seal, eore ( . I.eiper, Hiikb I'ralg Pober I nrton. Kuniuel H. P tokos, W. . I enlstnn, Henry Nloan, Wtlilain ii. lioolton, Kdward Darlington, H. Jonot Brooks Fdwanl La 0 ure ads, Jacob P Jones James H. McFarland, Joi-hua P. Fyre Spencer Mcfivaln, J. i'.. Bemole Ptttxbart, A. M Iteruer P'tUburn, T T llnr.,.n Pltt.lti,ri John D Taylor, TlinVliie n,vri, i 1 rirvt, t- JOHN o. D VI8, vfc Pieeldent. heniit I.TLBrmt. secre tarv. 1213 JJORTII AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 133 South FOURTH Street rniLADKLPniA. Annual Policies Issued against General Accidents all descriptions at exceedingly low rates. Insurance effected tor one year. In any gum from 810 to 10 000, at a premium of only ono-half per cent securing the lull amount Insured In case of death, and a compensation each week eoual to the whole pre nilum paid. Short time Tickets for 1, 2, S, 5 7, or 10 days, or 1. 3 or 6 months, at 10 ccn.a a dav, lnsurlnc In the sum ofsVUOO, or giving 16 per week It disabled to be Lad at tne General Ofllco, No. 133 8. FOURTH Street, i'hl adel phla, or at the various Bailioad 'ticket offices. Be sure to purchase the tickets of the North American Transit Insurance Company. For circulars and further information apply at the General Office, or of any of the authoilz id Agents tf the Company. LEWIS L, norrr. President. JAMFS M. ONHAD, 'Ireasurer HI'.NRY V. THiOWN, 8.eroary. JOHN C. Bl'LLITI. Nollcltor.' lUKOlORS. L. L. Houpt. late oi Pennsvlvanla Railroad Company. M. Batrd. of M. Baldwin & t o.'s. 1 17 Samuel ('. Pulmer t anhlorot Cummorcial Bunk. Richard Wood. No. SOU Market street James M. ( onrad, No. lii!3 Maiket street J. E. Kingalev, ontlnentl llt.tei U. U Lelsenring, Nos 237 and Pock street. hamuel Work 01 Work, McCoucb A Co. George ilarlin. No. 322 I hesnut street rl 3S 1529CIIAllTE11 RERPETUAL FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF I'lIII.ADKI.PIJIA. Assets on Jannarv 1, 180(5, 82,50G,851'0G. Capital Acciutc Burplus Premiums LNSETTLED CLAIMS, 11,407 53. $400 0X1 tit U44 bt:l 15 1 102 '108-81 INCOME FOB 1866 110 000. LOSSES rAID SIKCE 18SO OVER 85,000,000. rerpclnal and Tem poraryPolIcIcs on Liberal Terms. . DlllToTOIlfl. V 1 1 u B, nckor Fdward C. Dale, George Fales, Bamuel Gram, Ueorne W. Kichutila, ItuucLia, CHARLES AllreU Filler. Francia W. Lewis, M. D. Peter AlcCa.L N. BANL'KIlR. PresMent. EDWAKD ( J AS. W. McALLIHI'ER, Becrctary pro tern. 2 3 t!23 jialk, vice-l'rewent T II E PROVIDENT LltE AXD TfiUST COMPAM, Uf I'lilLADEU'HIA. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, Third 1'onthl 22d, lttiS. INSURES LIVES, ALLOSVS IN- nn'Sl' ON DtPOSITH, and GRANTS TIES. CAPITAL, 8150,000. ANNUI- DIUKCTOHS. Samuel R. Rhlpley Kii bard Cadbnry, Henry Haines 1 . Wiatar brown, Wiilit.m c. Lonitstrctri, oeri inn, n iiucher, Joshua H. Morris, Richard W ood, t runes "AalUL R. blllLEY, President. Bowlard Papisy. Actuary. m OtflUu. Ao 111 a. FOURTH STJIFHT. i.tllllU. IIiU-.MX INSURANCE COMPANY OF Till J LADr L1111A. INt OKPORa IED lr04-CnARIEII PIRPF.TTJiL. No. tU VV ALNLiT Street, oppoMte the En banue. InaddHlouto M A BINE and IN LA D INSl'HANCF this I ompany insures tiom lots or tlawate t y YIHE on liberal ernis on bullilingh, nieichandisa. turultura eta lor limited periods, aud peroiaueutly un buiiauius bv depot ol premium ' 3 Ihe Company has been In active operation for mora than FlvrV YEA K8, during which a.l iost,ej have beej pioiuptly adjusted aud paid. John L Hodte. uiaKUToas. Lawrence Lewis, Jr., il. B. JUahouey, Jobu I. Lewia, William 8. Grant Robert W Learning, 1. Clark Wharton, Samuel Wilcox X't. v iu iewia. Bxnjamin kt lng, Thomas H Powers, A. K. WcIIenry, Kdmond Cantlllon, l.finl. t 'M..rvia JOHN R. WCt'UEKEB, President fiAMitli, Wilcox. Secretarv. 328$ F'IRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.-THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COM PAN Y-Incorporated 1825 Chafer Perpetual No. ulO W A LN l)T street, opooslie Independence "quart). This Company, lavorably known to tbe community forever forty years, continue to Insure aitalnst loss or damage by tire on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or lor a limited time. Also on Furniture, Mucks of Goods and ilerchaudise generally, on liberal. trms Their Capital, together with large Surplus Fund, la invented. In the most careful manner, whk'b enables them to oner to the insured an undoubted security la tl.e ess ot loss. S1HKGTOBI liaulel Smith Jr.. John Deveretix. ! Alexander Benaon, Isaac Hazlehurat, tiiomas Hniltb, Henry Lewis. J (11 l.iiui,.,., VolL j nomas ikouins. . Iani.l 8MITU, Jn , Presidont. William G. Caowai.L.becretary MEDICAL. y o x roruLi. Win GUT'S taii SYllUP. ?RlXCirAL DEPOT, No. 771 BoutH TIIIHD Street Trice, fl-CO per B ttlo;$5-00 for half a dozeD. Tte nr.drrslncd chlErns take p'essnre In cheennHy rectn trui.dli g ti e oe ol Wrt(,ltt's Tar Sjrup lor ccut,La. i olds, consun pticn. wbooplng-oongh, spo ted levir, ilvtr ccn.p a nt, pt.lns In tbe breast, i roncbltls, Int an n atmn ai.d rcstrict on oi air vese s In the lungs, etc. '' 1 e n m be in every Inmlly i Charles C. W i ton Fome v I'rett efllco. Charles H., Avt rfr. Mercury oltlce. JamesNoten Acurrrcfl.ce W lillam F. t crt.ft, Associaied Press. W il lam II. arpen tr. rlre Alarm and Tollce Te'e- grapn rum era l mint streets. A Randclph Front snd t mbard streets. James W. rrrine No Hi Charles s.reet. 11. A. Lav Is No. T2i Usskl 1 Hrect John w o r'slt:e No U:,l Ftank in n'rwt. l olert 'lbon ps n No. It08 W alters'rcot, R. G. Marcn. No. 6VtFiai kiln a rre.t J GcMcU No "31 8. -ccond street. John Fevmonr No. 513 h. I lont street .,wsrd No 1 Hock street II. C. 1 artett No. i27 P. -erono street I.. Pates No. ft 5 nnt street A lert art in o. 417 s. Second street Varyt a dne l No P 82 Pnnsom slmot W i Lin ss t o. iO N. Fourth stre t T. 11. i mthv o. l-9t reti'snlley. (.eorpe W I sen ho i Race stirot. w . F VSrooks. No.6'J .North e'ond street 51 J I'amtt o. 110 t snal street S Se) u. our Rose HuMe!on. CI ar i s I; gi rs, No. 021 South street It. 'I . We lug cn, - cotid and Onarry streets l .I.'JIn n as No. 1!H onth -Ixt Wl 1km Lama. No MO'ruth Fronts net 8. 8. ramr.rrt, ( pera Alanagrr. Jhn ilsit mi's rear ol No P4 North Second street. Mr-. S. K. ( boate. Newark Dei. Sir Will cm D. W'rcA'. Sib i-Vie take ilessum In recommending your 'TAR SYll Ptol vb'ch we have fclready apbi coniiierl e Qua'itltiesi as a most xcc le'.,! nnn efti. a lnus reme y lor ti c coit plelnts set torth In yrur printed M.I rea y ulin Itted to the put 11c. An a ira'Tylng act to snrtering h uti nnlty v. e wll r'ti lv recommetia ojr prejnra I on to a.l kfl'lettd w Itn diseases which 1 is designed to euro. Yours, etc., D1IKS PON, nriijrctsts. N, E. comer Pino and MxLh streets. For sa'e nlso nt JOHNSON, HOI.IOWAY COWDKN'S, DYOTT & ( .(, A nd all principal Drui gla s and Dealers. The snhstrller would leg leave ftir ber to say that I e is prepare o to P. I orders mil lorward the mtuo to any pt.rt ot the crun ry. pi r ons ties ring other Inior n b It n I y n ail will Inc ore a ',t'"',, a'airp and snfwers wll bereiurmd es i-oon as the exigencies ot buslnoss will admit Address WILLIAM B. WRlOlir, S70 yo 771 P. THI1 1 f rC lM'adelphta. Pa. LIQUORS. CHESMT G110YE WHISKY. Ko. K5 North THIRD Street. If anything waswsntcd to prov the absolute pnrltj of this Whisky, tbe kliowirig certificates shonld doit 1 here Is no alcoholic stimulant known commanding sact enn n (iidaticn 1 tni such b sources: 1 liiLATiri.i iiia, Septen.terl IS.'iS We have rareftLy tested tbo samnic of ( HHM1 GLOVE WHISKY which jou Htnuus. and fini. that It cniHiiiHiOKF. drill loifo.vois H bstims knownat trttiLoiL vim b is tbe ciiaracie nn'c and Injurious In gieultnt ol tbe whiskies in genera use. BOO'lU, GARRU T ct CAAC, ' Analytical chemists. New Tons. PeptemberS lflflR. 1 lave analyzed a sample ot liEM T gi.ovk V HltKY received trem air t barlca Whartcn.Jr.. oi 1 hiiacc.plila; rnd Laving carvlullv tested it. I am P'C; si d to state that It Is entire y fkke rorsnjtot s ok di lukmoi s substances. It is an unusually pure buu imt-iiiiuii'uuuH iiriii vittr'KV. James u. hiltov. m. i.. Analytical Chemist Bostok, March 7. 1859. Ihnvemade a chemical arahsls ol commercial sam pies oi lliEsMT'l (.LOVE WiUK V, which proves to t.c Iree Item the heavy Fusil Oils, and perfectly pure and tir iidul'c rated 'I he flue flavor of this whisky is derived ildui ll.e yjaui urcu 111 umuuiuciurniu it Rcspectml'y. A. A. II AYE'S, M !., State Assnyei, o. 10 BoylBton stieet For sole by bsrrel.flen'I'cihn.orbottletNoGNonh i iiii.ii oireei r nnatieipnia. 3 3 M. NATHANS & SONS, IMl'OinEIJS OF OF BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, Etc. No. 19 N. FRONT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. !OSE3 NATnARS, II O RACK A. INA1HANB, OBI.ANDO V. NATHAN'S. l 1 9m RAILROAD LINES. ORANGE AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD. On and aner HONDA Y, February 12 two dally uuiii.v.111 run uBiittn n apiiiiitton anu l, nennuru", connecting at Gordons vl le with Virginia Central Bali roaa trains to ana irom iricumona as loilowa: MAIL TK1N. Ive Washington dal y (sundav exepted), at 6-45 A. M , and anlve at Lyncbburgat 5'45 P. ai. Leave Lynchburg at 7 A.St and arrive at Washing ton at 5 2 P. at. RXrHESS TRAIN Leave TVashlrgton oby (iricltiding Pnnday) at 6 05 P. M. and arrive at l.ynchbu'g ai 6 00 A M Leave Lynchburp at 6 30 r. M aud arrive at Washing ton a' 6 IU A M l oth trains making close connections at Lynchburg for all points Pouth and Souibweat, and at W ashington tor Nor b and Northwest First-class s'eepinir curs will be attached to the n'pht trains. The road la attractive, not only lor Its oomnr?able accommodations, but lor tlie fact that It passes the now bl tone localities of Fairfax, ilu l Run. Munassas, Bns toe, ( atlett'a. Rappahannock. Cnipcper Orange, and Gordonsville, places ol imperishable, inteiest In the pojiulur mind Through tickets to all points Pouih ard Ponfbwost m a v be bad In Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, and at the offices ot the road In W&hmrton Alexandria. YV. il. .IdcCA FFERr General Pupe lntendent. I illlLA DELl'llIA AND TRENTON RAIL- L ROAD COAII'A ti Y. fsPL'lAL NOTICB Change of time ot departure of lines for New York and W ay places lrom Kenslngtoti Di'pot O.N AM) AFTER I'FDAY, Mavl. IW. Iho t;me of depurture of Tbrout-h ami Way lines from Kensluvton Denot. will be as billows, vM NFW YOKK At 11 A. M., 4 30 and 6-45 P, and 12 night, via Ken sington ami Jersey i ity I xptess Lines. Fare j be li'lD V. .M. Line will ruu dally, oil others, Sundays excipleo At 7 30 and 11 A. M 3,3 30, 4 1 5, and 6 45 P. M., and 12 midnight lor Bristol, Trenton, etc. At7. M.. 12 M . 3.4.6, and 6 V M , for Comwel a. TorrisiUle, Holmesburg, Taconv WLssinnmln. Brides burg and Franklonl, aud at 18 15A.ii lor Bristol and 8 P M lor Holmesburg and intermedintn stations. At 7. 10 A. It nndS'UlP M lur Macara Fals, Buffalo, Dunkirk. Cenanaaigua, Mmlru Ithaca Owno. Roehes ter, Binghampton Oswego. Syracuse Great Bend, Mon troe, Y ilkeabarre, Scratiton, Ktronrishur' Water Cip, Belvldere. J uston. Laii.berivil'c, Flem'ngton etc. Th 3 30 P. M 1. ne connects direct with the train leaving Fusion nr Ylaueh Chunk. Aiientown, BetMehem, etc. At5P M. (or Lambertvilla and lntenny1tam a atlnns. Llius 'mm New Yoik lor I'hl'ailelpliia will ieuve toot or Cortland street at and 10 A. V., 8 P. -M , and 12 night, via Jersey cite and KenslnVton. 4 30 4t WILLIAM II. GATZML'B, Agent. c AM DEN AND AMBtlY RAILROAD AND TK iNFrORTATION COMPANY. SPECIAL NOTICE. ( HA NO F OF TIME of Departure of Lines for New York and Wny places from Walnut Sireet W hirf. On and alter TUESDAY. MAY 1, 1FC6. the' ,ne of Departuie ol Through and Way Lines, from Walnut Street Wharf, will be as follows t FCrtt N KW YORK, At a AM. Via Camd.n and Am boy Aecom , 2 V, "8 " amdeu and Jersey ( l'y xpress, 3 Oil ' 2 P ll. " Camden ard a niboy Fxoress S OU " 530 PM. " Camden to Souui Am boy Aecom At 8 A M., 2 and 6 .'0 P. M. Hn Mount Uol y, Ewans vllie, Pcml er on and V ucenfwii At & A. Al. aud 2 P. il io- Freehold. At ft and In A. M , 12 M . 4, 6 SO and 7 P. M for Fish House palmyra, Blverton. Progress. Delanco. lieveily, r dgtwater, liurlinuton Floreace Bordentuwu Ac The 10 A. M. and 4 P. M Lines run direct thiough to Trenton. Lines 'rom New York for Pblladulpnta U1 leave pier No. 1. North River, at 6 A. at., and 4 P. M., via Ambay and Camden, and from tha loot ol Conrtland Street, at 12 II. anC 4 r. M., via Jersev ( Ity and Cam.ten. . 30 4t WILLIAM 1L OATZMEB Agent, T EVEN UK 8TAMPH. REVENUE STAMPS J.V REVENUK STAMPS, Of all deferlpflona, Ol all deacriptloua, , ' Always on hand, Always on hiuitL ' AT FI OBKWCB BEWTOO MACHINE CO.'H OFFIOR AT FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE CO, '8 OFFICE No. i CHF.HNUT Street ' f No. 6;aj CHEBNUr Htieot, 1 Oua door bolow Seventh street 1 Ohe door below Seventh street. The most liberal discount allcwed. i The most liberal discount allowed. . RAILROAD LINES "PnII AJi11.1' WILMINGTON, AND BAL- 1 l If f A T Commrnrlnff JHOMAT a tna4 1 Iti StJt . falattnsl SBart' I lea. 1 ihI. lotmr ol 1 ROaI) Bireet and WASIIINU 1'BAyirtae as lollops t Fx press i rsln at 4 15 A. M (Vcttnavs trM) fhr t alilnoreand n arnimtna sti tinino i,r tarii- nmi,tn Nc atk. Hkt .n. NoiOh at. l errvvU . 'Isvra pe t-raee Aberdeen, Ferryman's, Aiagaoua. t. base's aad Summer Bun W ay kab Train at ft 15 A. M. (Pnndnyi excepted. r,r Paitimorf, st nplng at al, regular stations between Phi la' li hia and I altln or I'elawara F abroad Train it I A M. (nrit-s m cptd lor Princess Anne, h lll'ord, and Intenneuuta aiatiot a l xprcsa Train at 11-45 A.M. (Pondays excepted), lor Paiiirroie and M asblnjton. ' ' I xnress 1 isln at k V M iPnnrfava exeenteai tlutere erd W at-blnjti n s orplngat besti r, ' lav mort, ki.i.i, i-iTBii, r inifMi. iiTiiietiBi irrryvtite, Havie tie G'ace berrte n. ft rrvman's, Ldgewood Mag nolle, I ba'a and htrn nier a Run Mbt 1 xpnsa at IIP il.lor Baltimore and Wash ington. . ... k V,... I v.-... . a. . i,r.ri irpi.i.T run, itnm i'a iiiiinrenr r or'ress nnn roe NtTii Ik. City Point, and litchnioad, will take tbe II li n m 'TSUI. X il mingi ov nrrnvivnnmiy tiatvu Plot pit g at Bii Matli.ns between pliiladelphla and Wlh mtntiou 1 ra.e I'bllst'e Phis at 9 11 15 A. M.. 4 30 6 and II SO P.1M. Tbe 4Mb P. Hi. ttalu connects with Itnl.wnrs Railread or llarrlnnton and intermediate stations. 1 etive W l.niliiplou at 8 45 8 and n :iu a m.. 4 , cm 1 rains for Newcastle leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M.. 4 tO ( I u I P. M. ', HliOlGII TRAIM4 FROM BAITIMORE Leave V illi ln. b n at II A W. 4 w ami 19 P M. tlilMIR FO Pll HAD I I. I'll 1 A. Lrave ( ,es er at 7 4, 8 4, 10 14 and 11 40 A M.,4'43 ft ii,7 e aid lnfOP. M. Fl OM B A LI I MORI. TO PP I L A DELPHI 4. Ieae Bllin oie 7 r, a M.. YVnv-rnall. ffl'20 A. M., Fxntfrs lib 1'. M..Fxniess. t li I' 1 .. Immi, hh 1'. M., Express ik rtitt iiuriMtiRK Ie.ive Chester at 4 40 and 8 bl A. M ., ami 3 38 P. f . 1 cave V lln.lnMoii at 5 23 aim 3:i . M. and 415P. M. rir.tbr Trems wl h Passenger Cars attscned will esve as In lo,s 1 I nt ngton tor eerr vb'e and tnterineillnte Btafb ns nt 8 15 P. M. Baltlmoro for llsvr-.lo. Grace and li t imediste sta'iors a' 4 45 P.M. Perivvillo lor Wli rn'ittoii ami lirern eiiiste slauons nt 5110 . w . con reeling at Wilmington with 8 a. M. train for Philadel phia. SUNDAY 1RAINS Fxprers Train at 4'15 A at. mr halttmorn and Wash ington B'ftpini g at bestn, W min. ton, Newark H ton, Nortbevt Perryvli n Hivre-dc-Grace, Aberdeen, I' n mi n's Magno la. Chase's unit Mnuuner'a Run. Nlt-ht Exiress.i I' M lorl a lin rreand Washington. recti modstb 11 1 rsln at II SO P. M. tor Wl ml.ikton and uiurmcdlaia station. FAL'MMOKl- FOR PI'ILADEI P8IA. Leave l altlti ore a' 8'2.' P. M . s opping at Havrs-do-Crate Terr vlile, and 'A llnungtnn. Also a ons a' Etk ton arrt N eweik do take's ft r I'lil adnlpnlaand leave pairenters lrom Washington or Baltimore) and I ftin r to lca c passengers noni I'.ultimoro or WsjIi lupton. Acron rrodftlon Tiatn trrm Wl mlrgten for Plilladel pbln aud inteimeolb'e s'ations at b "0 1 . 51. 4 1li U F. KE.NNI Y, Superintendent "OENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. JL 1 1 B IN O A hit. O EM fc T. ihe I'ralns 01 tic rermslvmia Central Rnl'road lrave ite Depot, at llnry-nrst and Murket streets, whnti Is rraclitu bv the cars 01 1 be Market Stret Pns serer Ballv. ay. running 10 and lrom tbe Di jmil. Tha last (ar leaves Fiont street about 'M minutes ptior to the departure of each Ttaln. Ou Pui.clnvs Cars leave Eleven h and Market streeiB 45 minutes beftre the depuiture of the Evening T rains. Mann's Dsgcate Express will ca I for ami deliver Banave at tin Depot. On'ers let at the Olilco. No twl ( tesnutttrect wtl receive a'entlon IFAiN. LtAVC 1 Ei'OX VIZ. i s'all Train at g oo A. M Paoli Aecou.n odation.No. I at 10 01 Fast Line at 12 00 M Paikeburg ut 1 (K) p. M h airisburK Accoii inodatlon at 2 HO " 1 aneaster Accon nioiiailou at 4-t'O " I uoll 1ralu,No. 2 at 5-.10 ' 1-rle J10I at 0 00 Phlladeiph a I xniesst at UTO " IHAS AHU1VK AT DhPOT, VIZ.: Cincinnati l?, rss at 1-10 A.M Phllnilct pi. la l xpresst at 7 10 Pao 1 Accommodation, No. 1 at 8 2" " Paikesl urg ut 9-00 " Lancaster '1 rain ut 12 30 I". M. Font Line at 110 " Paotl Accommodation, No. 2 at 4 4'i " Day Express at 5-50 " Harripburg Accommodation at 9'10 " Daly, except Saturday, t Dally. tioiir, except itondav. AH other Trains dally, except Sn.iday. 'I lie Pemsylvanlu Rullroaii Companv will not assume any risk tot Baggage except tor Wearing Apparel, ami limit their responslbl ity to One Hun red Dollars In value. A'l Bactisge exceeding that amount m va'ue will be at the risk of tbe owners, uu csii takon by special contract TICKET OFFI' F.S novo born opened at No. OJ'l ( l.ecnut street. Continen tal Hotel, and Glrard House, where rickets mav be pro. cur.d to all important points 111 Pennsylvania, as well as tlie West. Northwest and Sotithvtufct : and , all particu lars tivtn as to time and coi.uectlons by JOHN O. ALLEN. Ticket Agent. Ihe Ticket OPice at West Fhi'f.dalphla will be conti nued as beretoiorn, where all imoiiuatlou rcsrectlng routes, us well as llckets, cun bo had ou application to ThoJlAS II PARKE. , , , Ticltct Agent at the Donot An Fmltrant Train tnns riailv (i xeeot Sunday). For full particulars as to tare and acci nunodaitons. apply to , FR 'NCIrt FU.k, 3 12 No. 137 DOCK Street 1 Qt;tffi-r'I1,LAr,KLPniA AND ERIE RAIL. J lV V BOA I). This great 'Ine traverses the Notth ern and Northwest ( ountles of Fenusylvuuia to tha City 01 Frle. tn Lake Erie. It bus beeu leased and Is 01 eratcd by the Per nsv vnnia Rnlirond Company T1MEOF PAPSf Nt.ERTUAI.NS AT PHILaL.1-.PHrA prtsTm",VrAl,'r'e Ma" Train' '"" Erie x- w.Leaf, Wtwa'rd-Erie MaU, IP. II Erie Express s rain 12 al . Passenger cars run through on -be Erie Hall and Ex press trains both ways betwetn Pbllade pltia and Lria , new York, nix-icii ja. 8 I cave Now Y ork at 8 A. At. arnv at Krte 9 15 k. M. Leave Irie at 1-65 P. M..anlve et New York 2 4u P. M F iecant Sleeping Cars on a 1 tbe night trains. tor iutorniatfon resjicctltig pa-sender bu.iuesa, apply at corner THIR'l IE t H and UAilKIT Streets Phi a. And lot bnslnefa, of the Comnanv s Agents, S. B.KingHton. Jr., comer 'Iblrteenth and Market streets. Philadelphia: J. w, Reynolds, 1 ne; Williaui Blown. Agent N. C. B K., Baltimore. II. '. HOI h i ON, General Freight Agent. PhPa. TI W e It; 1 v v L o 11 1 , .. .. . . . , . . . ,,.., .... k ... ururi.i , ii nofc A,rui. J a. A.L. XYLEB, General bnp't, tVILIamsport 3 TT'RKIf.HT LINES FOR NEW YORK AND J.1 al the statlors on the CAMDEN and AMROY and uuiiiici.1 iw n.i.i'iiliu, JkK DrA' lftL.r A TfJll. 'illr. CAMD1.N AND AMHOY BAIIeOAD AND TRANPPOItlAIION CO MP 1 N Y FREIGHT LINES for New York will leave WALNCT Street Whaifata o'rloek P M. daily 1 Sundays exci pted). Freii'ht must be delivered before 4H o'clock, to be for watded ihe same day. Returning, tbe above lines will leave New York at 12 noon, and i and 8 P. M Freight lor Trou ou, Princeton Klnston, Now Bruns wick, und ail points 011 tlie fumuen ami Amiiur Rail road: also, on the BeiV dere Delaware and Fiomirg ton.tbeNew Jersey the Freehold and Jamesburg end tbe Burlington aud Mount Holly Railroads, received and loiwan'ed no 10 1 P Ai. 'ibe Belvldere Delaware Itollrc 1 connects at PhlUlpa Durg with tbe lehlgh Valley Rai load, uud at Alanuo kui liiink wuh all points on the Lu'auure, Lackawsnua, and Western Rnl'road, forwardlnc to eyratpso, Buifa.o aud other rolms l'i Western New York ' I bo New Jeney Railroad ronnec'sat I llzabofh with the New Jersev ( entral Railroad and at Nwwurk wltli the jMi.rils and Ersex Railroad A slip nieiiiorniiduin, tpecitving tbe marks and num bers, 'hlpper-i, and consignees, n tin,, in every instance, be sept with each load 01 goods or no receipt will be given. N D. Increased larllities have been made for the transportation ol live stock. Drovers are Invited o try tbe route. When stock is turnistied in ituauiltius or two carloads urn ore it wii be delivered at the fout of For tlc b s reet near the Drove Ytrd. or at Pier No I North River, as the shippers ma dohjnsie at the time of shipment. Ful terms, or other In'nrmatlnn, app'y to WAli Hit FRr F . N Freight Agent. II 1 No. 220 S. DELAWARE Avenue. Phi adelohla 'PHILADELPHIA, OERMANTOWN, AN! I NOP.RIS'IOWN RAILROAD 00 and adr WEI'NEHDAY, November 1st 1805, unit surthar Not ltd. FOR GrRMA.V! OWN Leave Phtlartelphln 6, 7. 8, 0, 10 11, 12 A. M 1 2 S'10 3.4,5 5H.U, 7. 8 U, 10, 11, l'i P. JM ' I euye tit rmantowuO, 7, 7K, 8. 8 20, 0,10, 11, li A. X 1,2 3, 4,4. 6 tj. 7,8,0 10,111'. M 1 be 8 20 aown train, and 8 and bY up train wll) nol stop on the Germantowu Branch ON SUNDAYS, leave Philadelphia 810 A. M., I 7 10H P. M. Leave GermantownS A. M.. 1 6 M P M CUKSNUT HILL RAILRO D. Leave Philadelphia 8, 8, 10, 12 A. U.,2, 3,1 5!,7,i. ard 11 P. M. Leave Cbesnnt Hill 710 minutes, 8 940,11 40 A.M -40, 3 4 0 , 5 40, 6'40. 8-40, and 10 40 minutes P. M. ON SUNDAYS Leave Philadelphia 010 niinutii. A. M., 2 and 7 P. at Leave Cfaesnut Lllll 7-49 minutes A. At,. 12 40, 5 40. auc -2o minutes P M Ft K ONSHOHOCKRN AND NORRISTOVTN. Leave Philadelphia 8. 8 3ft ininu es,. U'Oo A.M., 4M. 6)4, 6V. 8 05 minutes, and US P. V g leave Norrts town 5M, 7, f uO, . 11 A. M., !,, 6, ant Ihe 64 P. M. train will stop at School Lane Wlss Dickon, Manayunk, Spring Mill, und ( oiuihobocken only OS STNDAfS. leave Pbi'a-lelihla A. M..2H snd 7 P.M. Leave Norristown 7 A. M , and 5P- M. FOB MANAYl'NE. Leave Philadelphia 8. 8 35 minutes, 11-06 A.M., 1st, 4S 5X, 6V, 8-tift, and 11 14 P. M- ., . Leave Manayunk Clt, OM, IDs, A. M 3,5, ' H ' U' OH UtrNDAYB. l eave Philadelphia 9 A. M., ' and 7 P. M. Leave M anay unk 1 H A. M . )i , aud 8 P. M . W. 8. WILON. Genorul Suprintender, Aiepot NtN'l U and GUElLat Stre b RAILROAD LINES. READING AILBOlli, OttRAT TkONK LINB. - lENNMLVANl, 1BK b( HV YL 1 1 I DoDV ' ! "bAs 0KJW8l. AND TIB BtMMLH AMANGfMKNT OF TASSESOK ' t "'rr 'r,Comnbya Dpo''.at TniRTfENTH ssatf bcursl Mrcets- I hlladrlphla, at the loilowtac kORNreO MAIU ,l'"'n1 fonnects at READING wi n East Pean- Krl n. Ik 11, .! K...7... . ' " " V m iry. ana i. . tl! ""anna trains inr nortnumlKT elo eto k Chambersburg, I luogiove, AFIEBNOriv FXTRE'S .lflf,Vl.,!,.'!,?.'elp,',"'fl'H",, "' Reading Petta vlile. llatrishurg etc., conn-tna wltb Koadinir sis CclumoiaRslroadt a,na ,r tl.iCmWa. eto " RI-ADINO M . OMkKiUATION Uaves l.eline at 6 On A Bl., U,nvmi at all way sta tions, a.rtvlug at I'hlla.lethla it 8 5V I u T Hi turning, leaves pbllsdo pbia at Itl i if i arrlvaa In ltexlinir ml V. u A. Al B IT IT SB I'ARRlSBl'Rn ArrnviiinniTnw Leaves Lei ding ai 7 35 A M. and Uarrnourir at 7 M A i . anu Uarriahiirit at li t P. M. k arket train with paaenger ear attached, leaves TI llailelol la at 12 45 n ton lor Boailingau.. alstaiotx. I.tav B Let elln b a II Jo v.M and Downiiutowa at i'2 U P. tor I bl'Sdelphls aid al way s a I ns All toe above raJns ruu dally, untlsvs escepted.' o St m ay trains 1 oi iviiie at 1ki A. w .and Phl tade phlaat f'lAP M Leave Philadelphia 'Or Kusdiuar at 8-Ou A a tie umlne rom R-srtl i- 4 25 P, 14. CIIE8 H VLLEY BAILROAO. I aspem era it r Donn ngi, wn and Intermediate point take the a (III A.M. ami 5 Oil P M tnio.s lrom Iblla 'ilpbia.returLlng irom Downingtown at 8 Ji A it. aud l.-e noon. NrW YORK EXPhES'l FOR PITTSBCBO AND Till W I- T LeBvrs rwYerk at OA M.,an1 8M0 P lr .. nassintr Leaillni. at 1-30 A. M and 1-4H t M , an I connecting at Jisrnsbiirg with t'ennsi vtinln and Nor.bern Central Balboad exprefs trains tor Pittburg, ChlOttgO. W 11 llBinsiort 1 linlra. 1 alt'more. etc. -"k. Ei ttimlnp. express train envi s I'flrrlsbttrg on arrival oi I il e '( express lrom Plttsntirg, nt 3 and If 5 A M lapsing Rending a 4 49 ami 10 5.1 A . M.. and arriving in New York at 10 A. M and 2 45 P. M. Mfep Irg i eceonit aiiy these t ains through bctwoen Jersey liv and 1-lttfburs w Iti out change. uialltrBln i.r New York leaves Harrlsbutg at 2 00 J.'jJ - tru,r lor Harrkburg havts New York at " " S( HCYIKII.L VAILKY RtlLROAD. Trains leave Poirsvillo at 7 and 11:10 v.M., and7-t ami 4 15pliM,UK ,r"" '1"n",,u ''35 A M. and H K til YLKlLl. AND SU-qCEIItNN A R MLROAD. 1 rams leave A ul, urn at 7'f.O A. M lor 1 inegrove and Hi rrlsburg. snd I Mi P M. tor Plnegrovo ami Trounont. rrturiiinvromUarTishurgat4l5P. II.. aud lrom Tre morit at 735 A. it. and 6 10 P M. TICK E is. Through flrst-o'ass itc.kels and emigrant tleke's t a'l ibe principal points in the Nor U and Yet an Caraila. he 'ollowlng tickets are ohtnl-alile only at the office Ol S 1' R A Dt OLD, Treasurer. No. 27 8 FOURTH Mtrct 1 hllatlcirliia, or to G. A. NlcOLLS. Gcnaial Superintendent Peacing: COi Ml lATION TICKFTS At 26 percent, discount, between any points desired, lor au-iiics ai d firms. MII.FAGE TIf'KFTS. Cord lorttfOmllcs. between all points, 52 S3 each, for families and dims SEASON TICKETS, Fcr three, fix. nine, or twelve months, for holders only, to all points, at reduced rates Lr-ECYllEtf Residing on tho line oi ibe road will be furnished with csnls entitling thinn-clvcs and wives to tickets at ball yXt CRfrlON TICKETS From Pbiladi lpb!a to principal a a l ns, good for Sa tuidav . Mini. nv, and Mondav. at reduced lne to be had tn vattbelkketotLce, at TUll.TEENTli and C AL LOW HILL Streets. FREIGHT. Goods of all dcsciiptions lorwarded to all the above rcl! lf,.r?'Jl ' "'iJny 's new Freight Depot, BKOAi atd WILLOW Streets. T nit., FREIGHT TRAINS Leave Philadelphia Oally at 6 30 A M..12 45 noon. V .V.i K'UI"K. Lebanon. Harrlsburg, potts l oitlliuton, and aJlpoinis beyond. FREIGHT TRAINS an1 s poiDia beyond. 'OtlHVHUk V.11! Thllaelrlphla Pos'rOffice for all placeson the irOR NEW YORK. THE CAMDEN AND I Am boy and Phliaoelphla and Trenton RallroaJ Company's Lines. .,'UVM I'lHEADELPHIV TO NEW YORK aBd YVay I'inces. lrom Walnut Street Wiiaif, win learn as loilows, vizi ' vTui At 6 A. ii., via l amden and Amboy, Acoomrxoda- non 2 25 At V. vla Can. den and Jorsey f'ityH xpress.'..'. -io At2P. ii.. vlat ainden and Amboy ExpresaT S OO Adanorf ' ' TI1 tttuiaou to auui amboy, Accomuio At8A. M. 2 and 830 P M, for Mount Holly, Ewans vlle Pembtrton. and Viocentowu. At 5 A. M.. aud 2 I'. M lor Frceho d. At5 and 10 A. Bl, and 12 M , 4, 6-30 and 7 PM. for Fish l-onae Palmyra. Blverton Progress. Dolauoo. Beverly. Edeewatur, Suruigton. Florence, Bordon Jcwt,. eic. The Ij A. M. and 4 P. M. lines rua direct throuvh to 1 teuton. LINES FROM K bi& -IN GTON DRPOT WILL LEAVE AS FOLLO VS I At 11 A M., 4-30 6 45 P. M., and 2 P M. (Nlgbt). via Ki nliiitonauO Jersey City I Xurust Lines, due S3 Ol. x.eenle'd LU WU1 UU dtt"y' Allo,lle, Suudaya At 7 i0 and 11 A. M.. S 3'30 4 30 5, and 8 45 P. Bt. and 12 b mgbt lor Brlsinl. 'I remou, etc 4 At 7 snd 1015 A. M..12 M. 8. 4.4 and 8 P. M .fnr Corn we 1 s 'lorritdale Holtnesb irv, Taoouy. Wlluoiniiig Brlile-burg. aud Frunkt'ord, and at III 1 a. 51 or Bristol. Schenck's, Eddiugio i, aid 8 P.M. forUolmes I u n aud In'eriiieoitt.e siulions. At 7 30 A. M.snd 8-.W P. M. tor N'lazara Falls, Btiflalo. Dunklik anandalgua, Elmira. Ithaca, Owego, Ru ches er B'nglmu pton, uaKe.o. fyrauuse Great Bend, -Montrose W ilkesoarrc. scrauton Stioudsburg, tVatur Cap, 1 clvldfto, Easton, I ainbertvllio. rleiulngton. etc. Tho 8-:i0 P.M. Line connects direct with the train leaving Easton tor Muuclt chunk, Aiientown, BeUUle hem etc. At 5 P. M. fbr Lambert vllle and Intermediate stations. May 1, 1H86. WILLIAM H. GA1ZMEK, Agent- TVrORTII PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. X Depoi Hi I HI) Siieet above Thompson. or BE1BLJUEM, DOYLISIOWN. MAUCH CHllNrt EABiON. wiLLlABISPOBl', aud YVlLlttli BiKltr . At 7 30 A. M. (Express), for Bethlehem, Aiientown. Mancb I hack, Uazleioo, Wiiliuuispoit and YTUkee barre. AtsaOF M (Fxpress). fot Bethlehem, Easton, eU.. reachinv Itaston atO'45 p. m. ' " At 61 P. Al. lor Beitluehem, Aiientown, Mauch Chunk. Duuvllle and V lillameport For Dolestown at 835 a Al. , 230 and 415 P.M. Foi Fort Washington at 10 A Al. and 11 P. M. Fe,r LansdaJe at 816 P. 61. W bite can, ol the Second and Third Streets Line City Passeoger Cars run direct to the depot. TRAINS (DK PUlLAliELPnii, Leave Betltlebtm at 8 25 A. M. aud 10 02 A. M., and 6 15 P. 61 Leave J'oy.estown at 6 SO A. M., 1-15 and 5 30 P. M lave I. antdale at 8-10 A. M Leave Fort Washington at 10 fx. A M , and 2-15 P. Bl ON SUNDAYS PhllarfelpMa lot Hdn eoem at (i A. M. Philadelphia fot Doylestowu at 2 P. M, Doylestown tor I'M (.dcliiMa at 7 20 A. M. BeiMi Lcui 'or Philadelphia at 4 P. M. 1 hrougb 'tickets must be piocuieaat ibe ticket offices. TB1KD Street er BABES Street " 6 BLLI8 CLARK. Agtnt T7 EST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES. V rem loot o. MAKK.ET Street (Upper FenyL ' iial'y, txceot UIldtl.s r FALL AND WINTER ABRANGEMENT. Ctnimencing WLDNEt-DAY. November 15, 18tf. 8 or Bndgeton, Salem, and all Stai Ions ou West Jen" ard - em XailroiidB.ut W A. M andS'SOP.M. Fo Mibvllleaud all mtenuediate Stations, at A. BC aid.Ui. M For tape May and Intermediate stations at 9 A. Bf.ti Mill vllie, contectlng with Train Passenger Cat attaebed lor I ape May, due 3 45 P. M., and I P.M.. through Passenger oue 8 P. M. ForGiaasboru and iutenuetllate Btatlons, at ( A. M kid 8 30 P.M. n For Woodbury, Gloucester, etc. at 9 A. M.. 1. I SO and A 30 P.M. ' Freight mil be received at second covered wharf below w ainut street, lrom 7 AM. until 6 P. M. r reight received before 1.8, will go forward same dav Freight delivery. No. 228 8. Delaware avenue. , J Ji NSStl, EB, Superintendent. THE WEST JERSEY EAPR1.S8 COaPN will attend to all the usual branches of eipress b ashless, receive, deliver, and lorward through other responsible Express Compauiea, to ail parts wl the country, anr rUcle inrrusuid to them. A KpeclaJ Messenger aceompantea eack throufh trale. Office. No. 6 Waiuut street 918 tin AT QUEEN'S NEWS STAND. 8. W. corner SEVENTH and CHESNUT Streets., ALL TUB DAILY AND WEEKLY PAPrRR. MAGAZIN'F.S. . . , , , PERIODICALS, ELtx, May be obtained at current rates. 1 li I70R 8ALE STATE AND COUNTY RIGHT8 ot Caprwell A Co 'a Patent Wind Guard and Air Heater for Coal Oil Lamnai it prevents the Chimney lrom breaking. 7 bis we will warrant Also saves ene llilrd tbe oil. Call aud see them they cost but ten ceuta. No. 203 RACE street. Philadelphia Sample sent to an part of tb l ulled States on receipt of 26 eeuta. BID mi k W- for Lebanon. Harrlsbnrtr Potte- 1 l i,.1!"!"" Tflniana -onbury. iUiameiKrt. -Vlkh.1'i,.,,1', Fai s. hnffalo A leoiowrH Db'I e'r's.";; e!e"eVc:n' yr'1' t""8le' lhml""'-. ," i'ii, - ,ra""' ",r A ientown eto. and the 1 1 1 xi?k -TL ."n ,or Horrlsburn etc) at POKf ul . 1 JIT T w ,,,w"' RsHroaeT irsins I r w"H '. . r, "Jf.vV001 "n- Clmira eie. at HaRRJA- . 1. nun x,,iriiii'rn I . n,, i .1 1 .... 'i rains lor Pbilaileiobla leave Hftirlsbnr at IM A M f.1'vl"J"let','30 ,rrlvlug In Pblla'ielphla at 12 45 P M. A I trillion trains eave Hsrrlsburg nils J't't,;Tllet2'45P.M . amvlng in Puiid0iBhi