THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, .MONDAY, APRIL,. 30, 1866. LETTER FROM JOHN MITCHEL. Anal rla iil Prnl War Probribl Wooden tm l'rrte tlerltn of the n tion lrki AlvrllMinnt Now Work ol (jfone Hnnn Iir. V.ravn-III Mo intlm Mbarp Anecdote) or M. Tofersj. Pa rib, April TO, 1R66 Austria and Prussia will tbey Deli l or nut 1 hit is the que ion that seriously occupies the ihou. Inn ol European statesmen aud net a little disgu-ts tlin Bourse. Up to the oreseut moment nothlnc appear lrorn which ono woulu be iustiiltd in piedieting a peaceful soution of the difficulty. Xh very last desj.a clt re ceived at l'aria fiom Vienna, bring n this tntell'geiicoi "In view ot the fact ofllciaity an boudo d bt the Prussian Atvntlrur, ol th mobili ration of the Prussian ui my. Austria cannot do lhervue than dec aro that oho cannot continue the negotnM-ons until I'm as a hall have countermanded that mobilization. Lit Prtstt. (Austria) announce that the reply ot Austria to t ho lust note ol Prussia was despatched the dav boioroesierday to Berlin. Die character oi this rep v is wo are assu red, that o! I iimiriuiiim (peremptory demand in the nature Ot an ultimatum). And it is understood that II Aus tria do not rcceivo a lavorahlo answer she will im mediately propose to tho Diet to maxo preparations for war." ihis is irlous And, In tho ineaniime, it is vert certain that bo h those powers, though each steadily denies it, are In fact actually making pre parations lor battle, Bavaria alvo, tho third power ol the Confede ration, nan CO 000 men new icady for tiie Hold; winch force she cou d immediately doublo on vory sliori notice. It is not known yet whion of the par ties Havana will espouse ; that will depend upon continent rven'ua .tie, and the probable i uterus s ol liavaria lifrselt. 'I hat Kiuglom has more tliuu oi'ce soticlit an occasion to push hersolt lino the first rui.k of German powers, aijrea-t ot Austria and J'lUff a; so os to nmke the hegemony of Germany not dual, but. triple. Austria bones, In case ot war. to bavc the leading ot the force of the Diet, a well as dor own, aud to precipitate all Germany opou I'rus la I'.BViiris, on tho other hand, is frying to bo herself acknnw edged as i lie chief of the minor .erinsn powers, and to bo d tho bulance bolween tho two great Slates In the meantime neither Austria nor f'rusin yields ouo lucU in thy matter ot tae dueli'o' wiffeb d dom Denmark, wli cli Pruss-a has declared her mlentio.i of annexing and Austria, strong in the trca.y ot Canton, as thinly annouues that tl Is she will niver permit. Italy, it wax tor sonio timo said, was about to ally bereoll with Prussia, and to strike Austria 'rom tho south as Prussia strike lrom the nortli ; thus accom plishing the unification of Venetia. It has been even stated thai tho King of Italy was concent ratlin two armies near mo Austrian frontier, amounting in the who e to 100 000 men ; but this s atemont is ofTi eia lrdinied by tho Government oran of Klo rence. I be ru e appears to be, on all sides, to denv everything until the lust moment But that the actual preparations for a European war are now in progress, and on a vast scute, notody do Hits. Italy, however, wi t at first bold a positio ot neutrality ; as will a i-o France, at first. IJut il the wr bo once encaged in. bot these powers wnl as foredly be involved in it; aud Russia too, but not Eng land. England will 'rfoply deplore" (that is tho phrase) and wi I Bell th'ps and arms to all partios all round, bho will not ser.d a man to the continent; lor in lact she cannot spare them trotn Iieluud; ana the continent knows it. hut, on the whole, lis at present advised, I can see no escape lrom a European war, and if it bieatc out it will be tremendous. It is probable, too, that Ame rica would profit by it, both in commerce and in Eopu.ation. Id sides, there must be several large ouses, in tho wooden left business, at Boston Also, the eminent ciutcli and suliut manufactures of Connecticut, whose business was unreasonably cut short In the sudden tormina ion of the American war, net when tliov had laid in laree stocks of seasoned lickory, and had their machinery brought to a higii sta'e of perfection, lor turning out their wares with the utmost punctuality, neatness, and despatch. It is to be hoped that they have not taken down their machinery, nor chopped up into fire-wood all that hickerv; for now, us i seriously believe, tbey are pomp to have a lino foreign market opened to their enterprise. Lews will be livoly, and splints and crutches in busk demand. JNow, as this war seems reallv imminent, and the first shot muy be fired on any day, itlis worth wbi'e to nuderstand its merits; ami, in my opinion, Austria, this timo, is wholly in tho right. Austria and Prussia comDined their forces 'o wrest lrom Denmark tho Elbe Duchies, inhabited not by Danes, but by GermanB, They dd this ostensibly on tho principle of asserting Germanic nationality, ol liberating those Teutonic popula tions fiom Scandinavian rule, and restoring thorn to the Gcrjiauic Comcdcration. Alter tho complete success of that war against Denmark, a Ipipoiary arrangement was made between the two victorious powers tor a joint occupation of tho uucines, awaiting tiie hiiut settlement ot their politi cal statuB. But scarcely had this arran.rouiotit ooen concluded, when Prussia, through her most iuapori cus I'rime Minister, llismark, aunonnoes the inten tion of totally disregarding it, and auuex ng tho two Duchies totue Prussian domiuions without the sliuht est regard to their wishes, and in utter contempt of the pi inciple ol nationality, which she and her ally bad gone to war to maintain. On the otai-rhaud, Austria steadily opposes to this pretension the treaty of Gastein, the principles of the Germau.c Confedera tion, and tho legal rights oi tho Duke of Augus tenberg, which niu-t be determined upon by the Gen eral Diet. As tor the pnority in threatening arm i meutB, upon which such gieui stress has been laid, even it it be truo thut Austria has be :u conceutru t ng forces on the Prussian fron iur, it is highly natural and even necessair that sho should do so;' for the Ducnies. about which tho immediate diffi culty has arisen, and wbero Prussia throatens to tuke military posression, are at Prussia's door, and are far lrom Au-tria. In fac, tho whole mass oi tne Prussian dominions 1 ics oetwoen tlijso Duen e- aud Austria. Ibeieiorj. il the latter means to main tain bor pretensions at all, she must be roudy, and in lorce, and within a day's march of Prussian toi rttory. there is nothing novo! in Franco. In my last let ter 1 mentioned the resu t ol Vtaron Sailiuru's mis sion, and the resolution of the Emperor to withdraw the Kronen troops from Mexico by detachments, lb m morning I liud tue sttitoinent made, as com ng from Vienna, that the Austrian Government intends to scud out five thousand men iu the course ot the current ear; and that these men are to have land grants in Mexico, to encourage thorn to so. tie as agriculturists. Tho Opinion Rationale has just roceivod second avtrtissement. It is for saving, in a leading article, that ''Liberty" has been due to Franco lor liltoen years; that she is tired ot waiting lor her own, and demands prompt payment, etc. Plus second ae;r ttmement renders the position. of the Ojitnum some what precarious. I regret it, and would ready have preferred that ih blow had fallon upon some of the otner "liberal" journals. A third avertust merit, ii incurred, will cause the paper to be sus pended. A new edition of the works ol Madame Uoorros Sands is coming out. It is to be enriched by a new novel by thai iuexhuustib e Schoherezade of the thousand stories, under the titlo ot Monsieur Syi vest re Dr. Vernon is also publishing in the Owt ttilutiittmel a oontiuuation of bis memoirs. I he bourgeois of Paris is very caustio and severe upon M i heirs. In bis ftuilleton ol two days ao, the Doctor Larrates the negotiations which once toot place between the former Minuter ol .Louis Phlllippe and Prince Louis Napoleon. Shortly atier the 10th of Docember, 1843. he says, some meetings took d aue at the Hotel du Hhin. P,ac Vendome, in vew of the candidacy lor Presi dent ot the Kepundc. Ibe object wa to prepare a mamloeto to tue electors, and eaoli one present was to tropose bis own. Dr Vernon thus relates the same t' tH. Thiers made baste to prepare his mam- icsio, ana piac u it in me hands ol the 1 riuo iu the midst ol a numerous assembly. "Louis napoleon retired luto the embrasure or a winuow, read attentively tho document oi M. riners. aad returned it to him saving, 'it is very good, but U is not good lor me.' M. Thiers felt perhaps hurt at the rejection ; prudont fnenos interposed on the instant 10 prevent any irnutung aiacus-iou. M. Thiers became calm, and said, 'Monsigueur. von do not know how diflicult suoh a tas is. Under Louis Philippe, when we had to write down the Address to tne Drown we had recourse to the ablest pens. re man ance we sougnt tne aid oi itemusat. H(n.' ivtn Keniuttul, notwithstanding the in cenious tntiuloness ot bis stvle. did not aiwavs sun. cced at first; we revised his discourse ; we polished ii , we miurea it.- -bo thai,' interrupted the rnuoe there was nothing leito! the discourse of Bemusat.' A. Iliiers laughed" Further on we liud this aneodoU "Jt. 1 biers hd just resuoita ed ' that maxim which dates from the Uestoratiou, 'the jviug reivus, uuv unua not govern M. ae Von - iroua, who mvea mystiaoation, but aiwavs in BOOd tOJ-to. and Who was lor so lonir th annnm. plice, and still better, tho partner of Prince 1 alley rand, arrives one day at the PUoe tit. Georgus, and Bays to Thiers, with an important aud, as it wre, an oihonlair. 'Well. 1 have Just l.een at the Tuilnries; everything Is airaoged; you take the place ot Louis Philippe, but on condition that the King becomes Prime Minister.' M. Thiers did not know whe her to laugh or get angry " The goesipplng Dooior evidently does not love M. Thiers, and is never tired oi saving bard things ot him. "The passion of M. Thiers lor uoertv," says no, -always makes me mile" and mo too. Then be gives the instructions of M. Thiers to the editor ol the f!tifiMtoiie, ou do not du'ond rwtiougb: you oo not praise me enough." l'o I the journalist replies. "We do nothing else. tiiiul the public u wvk of It." One last trait. ! a ) tier of theMin'ster to tho same editor, dated at ( autorets, he says, - You praise M Mole ton much . Though wo were to come to an understanding to morrow, it wonld be right to wait till th day after to-morrow betore bi gmning to nrsiso him " o the indiscreet Doctor rambles on. ff. Y. Daily Ntu$, i THE BUROELL MURDER. ConfeasJona of n IVotorloty-Heekor Ke motksiblo Story of a Jailor UolUusi ftildcd Korrnilvr, Ac. ' j From the Newbwryport ( Mist.) Herald, 28fA. I " Kecently, Cbanes II. Gob en, as ho calls himself, a young man not exceeding thirty years of ago c nn mitted larceny iu uloucemer. Mass , aud tied that pluce. '1 lie paitt who suffered lrom his depreda tions obtained tho noo stary legal papers in Glou cester, and purpueo. htm. Ho came to this city, and while be was anxiously looking aoaut the rolico- station to find nio ollicer to serve his pap-rs. the fullty partv, Gotten, appeared in sight. Deter mined not to lose bis gnnio, though not an ollicer, be made the arrest himself, conduote4 Go den to tho lock up,' put him into a cell, tas'ened the door, and then bunted up an officer to recoive the key. it was atleiwards discovered that Gob on was guiitv ol mater crimes hero, having committed burglary, and being alfo vutllv of hirccnv in strti ping the clothes lines of parties unknown. Ho was there ioie retained here and comm tted to jail, where he now is. When in Jail he volunteered to .darshal Weftcott to make coiilesion ol his crime, saying that he had carried the burden on his soul long enough; and n was nothing more or loss than his know edge ol and connection with tho Ilurdolt murder in tie city ol few York in 1-67. His siory in that be wag thou living in New York, a dealer in Jewc t , si d ooard'Ug with Frcdorick J. Kodv, No. (54 Jnmis street Ho becamo acquainted with Mrs, Cunningham, and irom time to time made her pre cents; olteu visited the house of Dr. lluroe 1, whero be was mtin.ate with Mrs. Cunningham and her two dauel.fer, fiiqucntly .here day aud night: knew , who appeared as tho part. euiur tneiid o' the elder daughter while he, Golden, was tho lever ot the younger, Augusta. Hp overheard Mrs. Cunninghatn and ttillting ot n cln d, she say ing that il Dr. Bin do I wne out cl - be way she could obtain the property. She said that she coiila nottiust Dr. Eckel, who wa. stoppiug thcro, with the job, but 1 Oicaiiing himseil was a good baud aud in l.(r confldeiico. A short timo utter this convorsa t.on, ou the night of the murdor at which tuno ho was engaged to attend tue theatre with Mies Au gbsta lirs. Cuiiiiingliam held a conversation with bim, saying that the property was soon to be heri, ii ((uiiiug il he bad tho heart ( t au ox, and it he wo. ild have sciutdes to comn it crimo if it would biing lii in twenty. five ttnusand daliars. 'You know, hurley,' she coutinucs, that Dr. lturdoll is worth one hundred thousand debars, and you and Auvusta ebull have $10,1X0 ol it.' She handed him a diik, aud asked him it he would do anvtning lor Au-us a'B sake. Ihen, his s ory is, that ho turew the knile upon tho tablo, and roou altor leit lor the theatre, Mrs (J. tolling that Charley bad caved.' On their return, at bait-past 1, he no t eed tho smogy smell in the street, met Mis. Cun ningham with a napkin stained with biood, w in his room the bo torn ol his shirt utainod with blood, as be said irom tho nose bit cd, and went to bed feeling the murder had teen com mitted. Early the next morning, when there woio ou'ertes ot murder. Mrs. Cunningham advised him to leave as soon as possible, to grt out of AewYoik and it possible po to England. She gave him tlH O to py his expen.-es, Insisting that ho should not visit tho uouse again, saving Ilia', tho propei ty was hers but asking his ro.urn whon the excitement was past lie stopped that night at tue Astor riouoc; then at So 04 James street: and sailed for iow Orleans in the ship Memphis, C aptain Davis, as a sailor I h's is tho t-torv as ho gives it. It is correct in these particulars that some person answoring to tho names he give, did stop in tbe p aces Btated, at the times nuiued, aud that such a peisen did sail in tne ship and witrj the captain tla'ed lrom Kew York to Jsew Oilcan-. It would at pear singular, if his Btorv was without fcuudation, that it snould be correct in all these particulars. But it wid be remembered that in t e hoe-se, alter tbo murder, was touud a shirt covered with blood, niaiked 'Charles Ketcheam ' and that during the investigation a letter was sent from Cincinnati, signed 'Jio d Writer,' tbo author of wmch affirmed the gui t of himself and the ini ccence ot murder of the persons arrested. By those who have examined into tho matter, it is bclievoo that the shirt belongs to this porson, now callinp InmBolt Golden, and cnat between tbe time ot the muider and some three weeks alter, when ttio ship Memphis sailed, he was in Cincinnati, and did write the le'ter namod, and is himself the murderer ot Dr Burdell. Golden i a man of urepossessiug appearance, superior education, and specially gifted in tbe use of the pencil. Ho says he was employed an an artmt on one of the pictorials during the war. Whether any lurthi r attention will bo irivon to this matter we do not know He will probably be sen tenced to the State Prison at the coming tei m of the Conrt, for crimes that bo is known to have com mitted." Ira Aldrtdgo, the Negro Actor. A letter from Constantinople pivea the follow ing news of Mr. Ira Aldrulso, the celebrated negro comedian: " We have a tragedian celebrity here at the present moment, in the peiaou ot ira Aiariugo, a native ol ew iork. tie has acted with great success in the t tench ihtatre as 'Othello.' all the others lecmug their parts in the French translation of Hbukospeare. bttauge as this seems it went on quite wen, ospo- cia Iv aB tew ot the audience understood Lngnsh. lie is of a dark complexion at least ture-iouitlis back but with a hichiy intelligent countenance and most tragic and nob o manners He called upon tho Americans here. and. so iar as I know, has been well leceived Among the Kugiish and otner loreieu- in there is not tiie least prejudice against co or: and certainly Mr. Aldride is a most gentlemanly person, well caico.atou, even among tne peopieoi ins own country, to remove that unjust prejudice which is entertained aguiust his color." Went to Bcofk and Stated to Prey. An elderly lady, residing on Charles stffet, Boston, reports to the Chief ot Police that during prayer at the Park street Ciiurcu. on Friday last, aDout 1 o'clock, brr pocket was relieved of a porttnou naie containing eighty dollars, by a "ludy" kneel ing at her Bide, fene stated that una noticed a slight rustling of her dress, but did not dream ot associating sucli an act with tho solvmn occasion. The notes were mostly on the Kock- land Ban It. Fantahtic Marriages. A widow ladv of Dan ville, Ky., took au orphan boy to raise, quite small, aud when he arrived at the age ot eigh teen elie man ied hiid, being then in her til tie lh year. Tbey lived together many years, as nappy as any couple. Ten years ago iney took an orpnan gin to raise. Lat fall the old lady died, boiug ninety-si jc jeais of age; and in seven weeks after the old man mameii tn girt mey nau raisea, ne Deing stxty-eignt years oiu, ana sue eignieen. (JIIALLENGE LI G LIT I Paragon Oil and Safety lamps. BRIGHT LIGHT-THBEE HOUK6 ONE CESI So chimney 1 No smoke t Xo grenB. Sold by Inventors, KELLY A. NEEL, Ho. Oil 11 AI1KET btrest. At'ENTS WAJNTFD. Amo. Desleis In Kcans and Coal OP. Machinery Oil I warranted ma to gam or cum ia per gwiou. i ia g p r i n a. BEDDING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, WHOLKSAIE AND RKTA1L., ASD JiATKBLALB FOR TUE BA11R. BEST QUALITY AND STYLE OF 6FEING MATTRESSES. J. S. FULLER, No. 9 8. SEVENfU Siroot. 41imutli3m Q A 11 I E T I N G S. A l.AECE stock of PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURE In stoic and constantly receiving, AT VEBt LOW PKICES. GEOltQE'W. IIJIilY 2 1 thstu8m K'o, 126 North THIRD Street MONUMENTS AND GRAVESTONES. ON band, a lane assortment or rMvntnna rr .r- vua designs uiaue of tlie tluest lutllao aud American Alaruie ai luesaaruie tvoraaoi A. BTEIluMFTZ. 1 27 tutheJia BHC Avenue, peivi JUvuih titfU p II O S P E;O.T II S OK THE CARSON, GOLD MINING COMPANY. CAPITAL RTOCK...-500,OOOl NUMBER OF SlIARXls K,000. Par Value and Subscription Price, $10. W OR KIM O CAPITAL, $50,000. OFFICE 11 8 : ritEFIDFJiT, COLON KL W ILLIAM B. THOMAS. FECBETAKT AMD TREASURER, pro ten), Jt. HOPKINS TARR. SOLICITOR, WILLIAM L. HIKSX, ESQ. PIRKCTORS, COLONEL WILLIAM B. THOMAS, CHARLES S. 0GDEN, EDWIN MIDDLETON, ALEXANDER J. HARPER, WILLIAM 15ERGER. Itie Land of this ton ran? connirts of aboat 1:0 Acres In ecklrnt,urK county Nortli tarillua, abuut n Diiitsirom mu lonnoi cuarioite. On tMs ttroprrtv flf-fon shaltsor pits bare brcDonot:e4 mi.k to various UevtliS. trcm 10 to (JS loeu duiuon- Irntliiii the ennince oi tl,re psrui e veins o; oreof about I Itet In tsiOili and aDout 1ft leet apart, converging to a ccmn in centre ai tne uepiu O' about 150 teet. loiin- inn one ln.n.inne mats or vein ot ore, extendiug in Icnrtli iLrouyh .lie propertv uiore tbao bait a utile. I no, e are u on iuis proiri otner veins ot ore unex plored 11 tlese ores are known as the Brown ores, nil are verv nch yletdmii en average ol about H) per ton in Hi Id tbe above nm la LaviUK teen drniuu- strat eu by tlie rude miig of tne miues for several years rift, tbe mk ot investment In undee.oped pro perty Is not incurred, and by tbe application ot modern D'lii'iK ana rei uciun uiacninery ue onipun anticipate an ln,u edlaie and mite n turn fo' theirmonev. Iia ilia an ore tbat readily vlefls iCO per ton. some estimate cn be made oi 'be vuiue oi b.s property. With the present iinperiect svitcm oi uiiulnn, ten tons of this ere cun be tuken out and reduced daiiv lrom every sliait opened, at an expense not exceeding Der ton. leav ing a not daily prullt ot S17SU lor eacu shall worked bv tbe Company Ibe lrue woiklnR capital reserved 'will enable the Company at ou e to pro uie ano erect the best niodein machlnt'iy for nianipulatiiiK tbe ores, by means ol wblcb tbe yield will be la uily increased. These mines, whilst they produce ores richer than those ol C'olotado or fevada, have many advantages over t)u m, particularly in an abundance t iul and cheap labor, and the facility with which tbey can be worked durli g h entile year: whilst f ose ot Colorado aud Nevada can only be worked during tlie warns weather. A test assay oi an aveiace ispeclmer. of the ore from the Carpun Mines was made as late as the 27th ol January ot the present year, as will spucar fiom the fol lowing cerimcaie oi no t BMir- Doom ana uaxrett. tne Assayersot the fblladeiphla Allnt t rniLADKLMHA. January 27. 1868 Tear Sin We have eureiutlv assayed the sample of ore irom -(. arson nine x-ortn t atouua, anu una it to yield ten tuiices nine pennyv eights oi pure gold to the ten oi ore. i ne coin vaiite is mereiore 2io vt per ion oi ore. l ours, respectiury Dr. II. B. Tatlor, So. 404 W alnut street rhilad. Subscriptions to the t apdal Bt ck will be received at tne oi tne i onipanv, x o. ui waumi nireet w here samples ot the ore may be etn. and lull intorma tlon given; 8 3 RANDALL & CO., PEEPXIMEES AND IMPORTERS, No. 1302 CHESNUT Street. Fine English Toilet.Soaps, IN CHEAT VABIETY, JTBT KECEIVED. Also, Triple French Extracts and Perfumes. We have constantly on hand every variety ot r-ERFUAlEKY AKD TOILET REQUISITES. Extracts. Powders Colognes, Pomades, Toilet Water. Shaving Citams, Connttiqucs, 'Jootu Pastoi Brushes, e 3 2 3m HE "EXCELSIOR, II A M S (B elected from t be best orn-Fe Bogs ) ARE 'I UK SS1 IK WE WORLD. ) J. II. 311 G II E N E R & C 0., OESEBAL PROVIMON DEALERS, And Curers of th.e Celebrated. "EXCELSIOR" SUGAR CURED IIAMS Tongues and Beef, Kos. 142 and 144 North PE0NT Street. Hone genuine unlets branded J. H. M. ft CO., EXCELSIOR." The lustly celebrated EXCELSIOK" I1AM3 are enred bv J. H A,. A Co. (in a st le peculiar to went- selves) expressly for FAMILY lBfcj are ol delicious flavor; tree Irom tbe unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounced by epicures superior to any now ottered tor ee:e. i iuluhiu pEXtll STEAM SCOURIM ESTABLISHMENT, No. 510 RACE Street. We bee leave to draw your particular attention to our new Frtncb Metui Scouring I itabllsbD eut theUrst and only ore ol Its kma in iuis city, w e oo not aye, nut oy a cnt micu! process res ore Loie , uenneuieu s, am Chlldren'a Garmenui to their oiluinal state, wlinoa injuring them In ti e least, while aieat experience and itie peat n acninery irom x ranee enaoie ua 10 warrant pertect satisiacnon 10 ail w ho may tavor as with their n. n T I1HI.UI hkkil&B nf il..mlinn with or without Irimminns, are cleaned and finished without being taken apart, whether the color Is genuine or not. . . ... ..! Opera t leaks and Mantillas i urtains TaDte lovers. Carnets Velvet lilbbons. Kid Gloves, etc. cleaned and reDulshed In the best manner Hen lemon's Summer and winter I lothlim c eanea 10 nertecti n without In- iurv to the stutt Also Flans and banners All kinds ol stains r moved without c caning i tie whole All orders are executed under our m nicotine supervision and satisfaction auaianteea in every instance. A call ana examination ot our process is re.ptcuuuy souoiiea. ALBKDYLL & MAHX, tUmthsl No 610 BACE 8tieet UNITED STATES BUILDER'S MILL, Nos. 24, 26, and 28 S. FIFTEENTH St., rnlLADBLFHIA. ESLER & BROTHER, WOOD MOTJLMKGN, BBACKET8, STaIB BALU8- TEH8, KEW1L POSTS, GEEBAL TUHN1NO. BtBOLL WOEK F.TO. eilELYI0 rLoNED TO B. The IsrgcBt atsortmcnt of vouiainga In this city constantly on hand. 4 17 3m "RESTAURANT ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN finest old and new ALES, at 5 cents per glass. Ot D ONE-DIME EATING BAR. Tbe choicest Liquors always on band. HQ. 133 CBESNUT fll'BKET. lUtm BENBY BKC1LCB, Manager. DRY GOODS. DKEIFUBS & HELSINGER, j No. 49 North EIGHTH Street,' II Ave fnst spefifd temple te stock e i RPIIINO GOODS, CONSIST1HO Of LACES, tM BROIDERIES, AHD FAKCTOOD8. I SfO pieces plain and str'ped Jaconets, the newest styles t5 birred sod lacked Muni Inn. which wa are or)rlnir low price. OA doren Vemstitched nsndkerchleni. at old irii 2o, 31. 40, and M cents. A full sfsorttrifiit of the newest design LACK COL LA 1,8 and COLLAR 1"1 Fti, from .Heenu up to 10. OLOVF.H-OLOVE8. . I A complete line of JOl'VIN KII OIXlVEfl. ta whtrh we Invite atxntion, which we oDer at low figures, i UABKIELLE BK.1BT8. OARRIELLE BRIRT8. The newest, most desirable, and stylish Bklria now Worn 1 lOKER fKIRTIKO, cheap and desirable artlclo r ladles wear. aii No. 1U?4 OBKUT STKEF.T. 1866. Spring Importation. 18G8. E. M. NEEDLES. dai jrsr OPENED 1000 PIECES WHITE GOODS. In I'LAIN, FANCY, HRIPEI PLAID and Hninri Jsicmets (ambries Nainsook. I' tniltien. .Mul, and other Mumi. enmprtmng 0 n t c( u.ulete flock, to wi leb the atten.lou ot iutcliKt Is ffllrttcd. as they are otlered at o 'srie KIIH.C110M lrom last BKABON'H fRltlH 1(0 pieces PIIIRRFT) MUL NS for flodle. ! ttO plrcis Hwl'i 8 In all varle.lts ol styles and price ronitCc to (, 160. 3lf PA RIM iOFH)KI KIKT8, newest stylos, of iu own Inipottatlun. . lllKKSH.'i riil 'OK HOOP-KK1KT juanutaciory ivo. km .initt rtrreec. Above Mx h Ptieet, Phi adelphia. W ho erale aud Retail. Cnr sFForimrnt enibraces all the new and desirable rtxlea n,i sines, ot fvcrv lenaih and size waist lor Lu'dies. Aliffes. and ( Mldren. 'JLfieoi 'VIH ('Hit A!A ' nreiwt'rior m nnun ar e dut oli V to any other bkitt. mud . aud wan anted tc cive satlslactton. Hi Uts n ate to oroer aneiea sno repairca. ij CARPtTINGb, &o (AllVETINGS ! CAllPETINGS ! Fweduced to Present Gold Prices. J. T. DELACROIX, No. 37 South SECOND Street, ABOVE CIlKSNUf, Has received per late arrivals, 200 DECES J. CROSSLEY & SONS' lilJIJSSEJ.S CAIII'ETINOS NEW AND ELEtJANT PATTERNS. Also, a large line of T11BFE1LY EXTRA HUI'EB AD Fl K F. 1KOHAIM CARPKT, DAMASK AND VFMTIAh STAIB AND HALLCARPETIKU8, C'Of. TA GE AKD BAO CARPETS, OIL CLOTHH, SHADES ETC . wblch will be told low In consequence of the fall in Gold. J T. DISLAIKUIX, No. 37 South 8EC0ND Street 4121m Between L'hesnut and Market T V AT T?mi Ci OFRMAMOWJf, JA. McCAILlMS, CEEASE & SLOAN, MHiinlciiir'rM, Intportcra, aud Whole tsnlo Dalm Iu CAP.PETIKGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, Etc. WAREHOUSE, No. S09 CHESNUT STREET, OPPOB1TE TBE ETATB BOtTBR, I'liiladelohio. It I, TAIL DEPARTMENT. S 6 3inrp Mo. 610 CHESNUT STREET. COAL. QNE TRIAL SECURES YOUR CUSTOM WHITNEY & HAMILTON, LEHIGH, SCHUYLKILL. AND BITUMINOUS COAL, Xo. 885 Horth NINTH Street, Above Poplar, fan KMe. 4 7 AMES O'BRIEN. DKALEK IV LEHIGB AND SCHUILKUJi COAL, BY 1UK CARGO OR SINGLE TON. Yard, Sroad Street, lelow Fitzwater. Bao conotautlj on hind a competent anpply of the . I . .. i.rii,. I fiat Miiffutil.. tn lantlltf liu. tA wilcli be caila tbe attentioa of bia friendi and tlie pobiio aeneroiir. Ilidnra loll at Ho. 206 fi. Filth aueet. Ho. 82 8 t'eventoeutfj afreet, or through Deepatoh or Poat Office, pron wy attended to A COAL, 7b JJ E N D E R ' S COAL AND ICE DEPOT, B. m COREB OF BBOAD AND CALLOWHILL BTKEETt. Offer the celebrated Weat Leblirh Coal from the Greenwood Colliery, htove, and Heater alze, $VbV ut at b Ml. A lao, the very superior bohuyUlll Coal, from the Beevetdale Collleu. K ut liie. tt Wi. All other lzeaTt .... All Coal warranted ana taken dbck nee or ezpenae to the nurcbaaer. li not aa repreaunted. Auto, the Coal for fcltfcu Ii not lull weight 1 10 tin fl HE BTAA1P ACIENCY, NO. 304 CHE8NI)! J hTKKrT.ABOVKlUIKI), WILLBBCOSTLSUEJ AS UlHt-TOKOUtc, STAMPS of IVJCBT DEBCBIPTIOlf OOSBTArTTI.' Oli UAMD, XXI) Jt AH I AJUOCKT. 11 II FINAINCIAL. J A V C O O K E & C O., No. 114 S. THIRD STREET, BANKERS, '' AND 1EALVJS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES 13. 8. f OK 1881, . R IOp. VLD AND NEW, CFRIIFICAIES OP WDSBTEDNES6, 7 0 OTE8, let, 2d, and 8d bnrlra. COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES WANTED. INI EU k8T ALLOWED OS DEI'OSIIS Collrdtom made; Etocki fionnht and Bo'd o Comm laf ion. t-titcial tutirere acct rtmoODtioiia reserTed fa LA OILS. I niLAr.ii rin a, Fctrnarr, 1806. 2 78m U. 8. SECURITIES A SPECIALTY, SMITH, BANDOiPH & CO., BANKERS & BROKERS, 16 S. THIRD ST. HHILADHU'iJIA. 3 NASSAU ST. NEW IOHK. STOCKS AND GOI,D DOUG TIT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. 11LKKJI ALI.OWKU ON DEPOSITS. 21 jJAVllilH IJlJOTlIlilCw, Ho. 225 DOCK STREET, 13ANKKRS AND BROKERS, BUT AKD BELL CNITED STATES BOKDS If8l8, e-20g, 10 40a. CMTED STATES 7 S-lOg. AI L IMBUES. tFETlFlCATEh OF IHDEBTEDNE93 Aicrcantlle Paper and loans on Co lateral negotiated St cell a Hoiulit ai d Fold on CcmniiBflon. 1 31 S JlAltTER, DU11NEY & CO HANKERS, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS No. 55 8. THIRD STliEET, rilU.ADELrHIA. Stocks and Loans boueht and sold on t'ommlf eton L'ocunent Sank Notes, Coin, Etc., bought and sold, t lHcial ottintion paid to the purchase and sale of Oil S'ocks. DcTjosits received, and interest allowed as per ajrretmcnt. 85 8m "WORK, McCOUCII & CO., Stoclc and Exchange I3rokers, No. 36 South THIRD Street. GOVEBNMENi SEfUIiHIES boueht and sold. SlOCKS bought and sold on commission. INTER ST ALLOWED ON DErosIfd. (4251m IIE FIRST NATIONAL BANK HAS REMOVED"1 Unrinp tbe erection ol the new Hank baildina, to H7 4p No. Oft CHESNUT STREET f) os-"I'IVE-'IWENTIES- 7"3Cs -SEVEN-THIRTIES WANTED DE EAYEN ft BROTHER hi Ko. 40 6. TH1KD STREET. SHIRTS, FURNISHING GOODS, &o J Vv. SCOTT A CO., SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, AKD DEALERS IK MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Ko. 814 Chesnut Street, fovr books below the "CONTINENTAL," 8 26 rp PHILADELPHIA. PATENT SIIOULDER-SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY AND GENTLEMEN'S KUENISHINO STORE PKEFECT FITTIKU BHIKTB AND DRAWERS m.itp fi nm Bi..,nrpm.iit e . .htp nnli.. A il otbtr aniuie ol iit 1 1 LKM J A 'tt 1KS8 GOODS iu iuii Tanei. WINCHESTER ft CO., 824 7S BlKKKX REMOVAL! REMOVAL! CO DRIVERS' ICE COMrANY, EEaIOVKD feom k. w. cobnkb bixteentu AMD BACE, TO Broad Stieet, Above Race, East Side Orders mpectiullj aollcltcd, and promptly attended to at tlie loiveit market ratea. HEtS, JOHNSON & DAVIS. OLD Dr.IVERS' ICE COMPANY. Tbe nndf rlned. if fling rxceedlic thanklul to hli many lr ei,da audcoetouitm tor their rerv liberal natnin. ie txtcudf d to him during i he ant aevtntueu reara, bud uavisa to a uia enure uiu ift to JlJiBhhu. I1FS. JOHKSON DAVIS. Take pltafnre in recomnirntlinf tnem io bl tonne pa rorii a ther are Rfntlemen of well knonn Innwrltr and will urdoutmd ? rnufntaln he renutatlon of the OLD IBIVEiiS' K F ( OMPAN Y, and in evt-rv wur act to aa to give rntire iaii0iaction to an wno mav kind,; IPTUI lUDluniltt IUOII lilULVBl. MI(WQIUUT. DO, W3m X. BROWS. "TtiEAFNKPS BLINDNESS, AND CATARRH ,0 ' treatea wun tne ntmoit success by J IHAAcm M. T. Citu 1st and AurUt. o.81ll PINK MtrAAt. TauH. oic-nla Irom the mom reliable sources in the eitj can hssfenat hli ti dice. Tbe Medical Ka m'ty are invited to accompany ihnir ra'lnnti an he bos no recrets in his practice. Artiflc'al eyes Inserted without paiu No tbrne made lor examination. 10 f CITY ORDINANCES. AN OBDIKANCE Ke ative to the l'ay BolU and bills of Suyor vianrs. (Section 1. The Select and Common Counolis of the City ot 1 hlladelpbia do ordain. 1'nat tbe i'ay Kolls ana I Ills for woik done or materials purchased or iurnieliei' by tbe Supervisor be made out in dupli cate, one ot said biia or pay roll to be filed la tbe Hiphwav Department, aud tueotuer to be lllod with tbe Controller. WILUAM 8. SroKXEY, rrosldont ol Common Couaoll. Attest Abraham Stewart, Assistant Clerk of Common Council. JAMES LYND. President of Ke eot Council. Approved this twenry-eishiu dav ot April. Anno Domini ore thousand eiiiht hundred and sixty- x ( A. D. 1866). ' MORTOW McMICHAEL, 4 0 It Mayor o i l'tilladelpUia. CITY ORDINANCES. AM,OKlJtAUi; l'o alakoaa Additional Appropriation to tbe ontrolier oi Vublio schools to par tbe Expcoiiee ol tho Exanntiation Of the Hifrh Kctioal. ' l erctinn l. i tie Helcctaim uommon uounoimor tne City ot riit'nrlpiptila do o'dain, That tnesnm f fonr hunrlrrd dollars be and tlie rame Is liorebr appro prlatpd to the t oritrollen of I'ublie Sctioo'a tor the i uri opo of pavino tor tmntin tne ronort of the coinmitto", and other expanwt attendin (the ex. mn anon ana iiveiTiKati'n or vn conoilion ana uttiro ot the Central Iliirh Baliool. ' Ai.d warrants shall bo diawn purauant to oxisttotr ordnancra WILLIAM 8. h TOR LEI, rrosldont ot Common Conuoil. Attct" i c ItCBKKT BkTHKT.L, , AFBiaiaut Clerk of Rolpct Council. JAMKS l.VNU, ' rrosldont or Helnet Council. ADfrovrd this twntv eivhth dav of Anm. Anna IidiniM ono tlioupand oielit hundred and slxtr-alx (A. 1. 18J6). AlORItlW MOSllt'H AKL, 4 80 It kavor ot I'liilauolnhia. II K 8 O L l' I I U h ' i loAnthorize the frarawavlnit of Darcriport, Sender, William, Ciay, MoLroa. and Vacy Stroctt. KeaoWed. Bt the .eloct and Common Couuoila of tho Citr ot Philadrlphia, hat tho Chloi Commla. noncr oi H'ghwavs to and lie 1 hereby am onztvl and aireotrd to repavn, with tramway atonp. In tho tracks of the wliueia, tho lollowniii utrcetn. vix : Davenport rtreet, from Lieutu to Diuionccaa ft i ert, in tbe Eibth Ward eouiiei meet, iiom tentu to i otucrs'iii rcot. in tbe keven'h Ward William Mreot. a boot threo hnndrod la'V) foot. running cast from I wtnty-lirnt eireot, in tho EtKUtb waro. ( la? street. fromTwolrth street co Rluire avenue. in the Fourtvoiitli ward. cCrca a n et, lrom JuniDor to uttchlo s'reot. ia tle Third Ward. And vapey street, about two hundred an I fifty (2titi) not, running weal Irom 8evuuUeuib stroot, la tue Seventh Ward. And if Knid streets are wider than Is nocsary tor a biiik 1 traot. ho ia authorized to rciluco thorn to the proper width br taking au equal quantity from . cue h side. WILLIAM 8. dTOIvLEY, l'res ileut oi Couuuou council. Attest AnnAHAM PTE W ART, Asiaiant Clork of Common Conncll. JA.MB8 LYJSD, Frosidcnt ol rio ect Council. Approved this twentv-t lirtith dav ot April. Anno Domini one thousand oiuht hundrod aud sixt v-gijc (A. L. 1800). KUttlUA UrUIUMAfyh, 4 80 It ft wvor of Pliila' elpliia. KESOLUTION ApproviiiK the burettes of Charles Dixey. Comminioner oi' City i'ropi rty elect. Kedoivcd. ay tho snicci am u.inmon touuotia ol tho Citv ot l'lii.adclpliia. That Thaddcus Weut woith aud liedi rick t. v olliert are li '.tby ap proved as sureties ot t'h irlo iiixey. CouiiuiBaiouer ot City I'rorertt elect And tho City So icitor is hereby directed to prepare the proper bond with, warrant ot attorney for said paruei to execuio, and to cause a ludvmcut to be entered thoroou ; aud lurtber, to file aereeanents of record that tho lien of the iudsment. entered in pursuance of said warrant ol attorney, shall only operute on aud axuin-t the respective propones Buuniiitru to tue uoiuuiitte en Eilianco bv tbo raid suroties; tlia is to say the hen ot tbe judgment atrainst lhaadeu Wentworth shall only operate on ana against a cerrain tot or "round, whereon is en oteu the house numbered 851 N Kilth sttcot, in the Jweltth Ward; and also ihe lot or piece of ground whereon is erecied trie messuaues or unemeins nuuinoieu loui uoriuauio ru roau. in in Sevenieentli Ward. Iho hen of tho judgment aeainsi Frederick ti. Wolboit s.iall otilv operate on and aaliift a certain lot of eround, wheronn is erect) d lie use nuiui erta xni priuir uaraeu stroot. In the EilteeuiU Ward. wii.liau s. ttiuiaia, Tresideut ol Common Council. Attest John Eckstetn, Clerk ol Common Council. JAM LB LYND, rremdent of Select Council. Approved this twentr-eifriiih day ot April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six (A D. 1800).. MORION MoMICIIAEL. 4 SO It Mayor ot fhiladolphla. tiiisOliUilun J.i To Authorize tbe Germantown rassenger Rail way Company to lay Coitain Kails on that poition of tae Route ol tbo Uirard Avenue Railway re cently Consolidated into said Company. Resolved, Ry tbo Select and Common Councils of the City oll'liiladelpbiu, Thai the Uemautowu Rail way Company are hereby authorized to lav a double track on ti e southeasterly sido ol Girard avei uo, from the northeasterly side oi Sliackamaxon stroot; to tbe southwesterly sido of Fr.mktord road, and to lav an additional track on tho west, sido ot West Col lege avenue, from the south sid ol I'oplar street to tho middle ot Girard avenue: Provided, That said rails shall bo laid iu a manner satisfactory to the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, and shall conform to the establiched prado of tbo streets alonic which tho same shall be laid ; and provided thoy keep tho said streets in fiood repair. Provided further, That the said Company cay into the City Treasury tho sum of twenty-live dollars, to pay lor the publication of this resolution. WILLlArt a. SIOKLEY, President ot Common Council. Attest Robert Betiikl, Aesi8tant Clerk of Seloct Council. JAMES LYND, Frosldon' of Select Council. Approved this twenty eighth day of April. Anno Domini ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-eix iA. D. lbOO). MOitTON Ho MIC II A EL. 4 80 It Mayor ot Philadelphia. -IlESOLUTlON 1 Ol Instruction to tho thief Commissioner of Highway. Ret oived, By the Select and Common Councils of the t ltv of Philadeipb.a, T hat the Cbier omtms slot er of liifhways is hereby authorized and directed to remove the railway tracks which have ben laid on twenty-tilth street, between Spring Garden street ud lVuusylvauia avenue, without proper authority. WILUAM 8. SrOKLEY, President of Cominou Council. Attest Joha Eckftein, Clerk ol Common Council. JAMES LYND, President of Soleet Council. Approved this twcntv-eiuhih dav of April, Anno Dim nl one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six (A. D. lbOO). MORTON McMICHAEL, 4 80 It Mayor ot Philadelphia. T) ESOLUTION 1 Relative to Poplar Street, Wet of College Avenue. Keeolved, Bv the Scloot and Common Counoilsof the City oi Philadelphia, that the Department of Suivcjb be and is hereby directed to revise the lines of Popiar strcot.west of WeM Col ege avnuo or Iwenty llli b street, so tbat tbey shall be an extonsion of l onlar stieet, as now onen aud in use between said West College-avenue aud Twentv .fourth street. " WILLIAM 8. SIOKLEY, Prts'ucut of Common Council. Attept JOU ECBTSTKIN, C.'eik ot Common Council, JAMES LYN17, President of Select CounoiL Approved this twenty-eighth dav ot April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six (A. D. 1806). MORION McMICHAEL, 4 80 It Mayor ot Philadelphia. ESOLUTION To Authorize the Grading of Hare Street, Irom Twenty litih Street to Pennsylvania Ave iiue. Resolved, By the Select and Common Councils of tbe City of Philadelphia, I hat the Chief Commis sioner ot Ilighwavs bo and be Is horebv authorized and directed to grade to the established grade of the citv, Hare street, Irom Iwenty-li'th street to Penn sylvania avenuo, at a cost not xceedluir live hun dred dollars; the work to bo advertised and a'lottod to tbe lowest bidder, aceordiuir to law. WllLlaM 8 STOKLEY, President of Common Counoit. Attest Abbauam Stkwaht. Aasistaut Clerk of Common Counoll. JaMKS LYND, President of Select. Couuoll. Approved this tweniy-e glith day ot April, Anno Domini one thousand eight buudrod and sixty six t A. D. 1H0C). MORION McMICHAEL, 4 80 It Mayor of Philadelphia. FOR SALE STATE AND CODNTY RIGHTS ot apf well Co. 's Patent Wind Unard and Air Heater for Coal UIILamnst it prevent tlie Chiuiuea irom break lug. 1 his we will wairant. Also savua ane tbirri tbe oil. Call and see thrm tbey cost but ten ceuU. o. 203 BACK bireet I'bllaileiphla Hainiiie 0ent to any part ot tbe United Mates on receipt of ii ceiila. ltt 4 A