The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, April 28, 1866, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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VOL V. No. 102
r 1 1 N llSTT T
.1 JJjjiLd..
Deprived of Its Horror by Purifying
end Enriching the Blood.
There Is None Equal to Helmbold's
Highly Concentrated Fluid
Extract Sarsaparilla.
In Affective vltalltiatlon oi the bloud, and when Uie Mood
loses its MFE OIV1NO POWKB,
It csuses reisaailon of the contrac'lie M't ol the
- vettfti ol the buoy and 0)6 Intestines open their
oiynad bhd ttt$e,$ and ail lhe albuminous or flesh
mating material passes of) Irom the bowcTS.
Aodwlillo tlieremay be no lor alarm, those
f imfttre biubd are u.ost liable to suflcr.
nun nun
Hull hllil
UHH hill.
Hit it nun
nun mm
Hull Hllil
Hiiii ii it a
nun nun
UiiH I.llll
IN THE HIEING MONT SH tlie system naturally
mlciio8 a t'luOKC, and HILMUOLlVB HMULi
la an affisiunt ot tbe Kieatcst va ti
El. K
DIHKAHhb 01 theiHKoAT. MiF,. KY r.S, LY ELID3,
BrALP end BK1, which so dinUnure lhe appearance.
PCLOI.'' O tLe evil cllectn ol nuercury and retrieving a 1
taint, tflf lenuiBDtsol III' E AhE hereditary or othei
wlne, ana Is taken oy ADULTS and CillLDREil with
pcriectBAFE'l Y.
Sot a few of the worst di-ordcrs tbat affect mankind
arise inm tbecojruption tbat accuinu ates in the blood.
Ol all ibe discoveries that base been wade ta purge It
ool none can equal in ellect Heimliold'i Compound Ex
liaet oi bnrSsparll a it cleanses and renovates tbe
b'UOd Infctlis mevitoroi nuurui miu uio nysieiu, ana
prmeseut tne Duraors wnrcn mane iiatruru
iu ilia b.Hlibv lunoilona of toe body, and exne.a ihn
diaoidere tbat grow and rankle In tbe blood.
MMal M
M fuMVl
MM vl M
(scrofulous, mercurial, and svphlntlc diseases destroy
whatever part tbev may attack. ' bousunds die au
nuullv trcin protraetod diseases oi tb a class, and from
tlie abuse of mercury. Visit any hospital, asyium and
prisons, and satlsiy yourself oi ue tru blumess of tins
aster io o. The systm best resists tnelnroauso! theso
dlseaf es by a juulcioud combination ol Tonic.
lielmboiu's l ltbly oncentrated F.uid Extract 8ar
saparllla Is a Tonic of tbe greatest value arresting the
most inveterate disease after the elands are destroyed,
and tbe tones already allected. ilila is the testimony
oi thousands who b. ve used and prescribed It lor toe
last It) years. BBHBBBHB
KHH lillH
HUB liuil
AM 1NTI BESTING LETIFR Is published In the
!edico-t lilrurnlcal ltevlew, on the subject of the ex.
truui ol hartapaiula In veneieai alloctlona, by Benjamin
Travers, F. K. ..eic Mpeaklug oi Hypbliis, and disnasea
rikti s r. tn the excess of nicrcuiv. lie states. "Thai no
rtfnxiy itigual to the tx raet uf Sin tapartli at its pov -r
tt ulfaorawary mre toman onyurner arugiamac
muunirf h. It if ii the itncittt imn a tunic, w th
Ihi mvu.uable a. tr, bale , that it it a p licab'e ta a Hate
cf the tyttim to tunken and yet to irritable at ren
d n other tubttancet of the (on.c ait unavailable or
TWO TUBLEPPOONfFUL ol the Extract of Barsa
panlla. added to a pint ol water. Is equal to the Lisbon
lUet linuk.and one bottle lseuuai to gallon of the
tvrupot hartaparlila, or tbe Uetocdon as uaua lymade.
Ibe decoction Is exceeolnp; troirb.eionie, as It Is necet
aarv to repare It iresn every day, and tbe strut) Is sil l
more objec'lonable, as It Is weaker than the decoction t
lor a fiuio saturated with lunar Is susceptible of holding
In so u tin n much lesi extractive matter than wa er
aiont.aod lie y tup Iso l.erwlne objectlonah'e for tlie
patient Is frequently nauseated, and his aiomacb Bur
lelted, bv Ibe lre proportion oi suitar be la obllgud to
take with each dose ol taraapuill a and which Is ol no
nae whatever, txcept to ke p the decoction from sooll
big. Here the advantages and nuperloritv of tlie V uld
A tract In a comparative view arc strikingly manifest.
He'mbold's EXTRACT BUCHU Cnrea Kidney PI wise.
X. in no Id s tX I h(J I' BTt'liU Cures Kbeutuatism.
Heiu.boid,a I ATK ( TLV.OiiV,S,,re"Uruiry A'iasc.
llelnibold'i IX I H CT BLCHU ( ureatiravel.
li m Old's EX I R VCT ULCHO ( uret Stricture,
ileimboid's I XRaCT HTJ fureylrrupay.
$ ut 11 e diseases named above aud fur Meaknenes
aiirt Pains lo tbe Hack. Feuiule Coropla nta aud Dla
rder arlsiDg irom excesaei of any kind, it la In
valuable. ' (
iui Air
iii iii
1)U Mf
1ll) l'l'I
1 1 I I11
1).U T'1U
r i riL
jtliiLLl extracts n AVE b ek abmitted to
retiMiit mi i. n , - i k-:-t -
i". VKP" ASl AH 1 1 SB "lTl 7'IONS tbroUKhout the
and a. "ell aa In private practice, aud an considered
aa mvaluabie leiiie-Hia. ,,nni.
" ttr tiUuuwkvaCQ AND
riiEMlCAL WA.ItKnoiHK. vn
JlJU fV iir,.ui everywhere.
TIJi; (i ill; AT MiflDEK Till 1L.
IStCe 3to.. JtHto.t lite. Jb3to.
Special Tltpnrt for Th Evening Telegraph.
Th sn.omltK thote wasnottheBlightctaimfnution
in the crowd ol pornous ascmbkd around lndo
pendence feauare to wituess tbo usual morninn's
walk ol tbo lolon I'robst op tbo main avonno of the
t-'qt are on hit way Iroin the prison van to tbe court
lioura. ccily alier leaving tbo van and npon ontorlncc
tbe Square, the cro d aa usual a it up a hidoous yell.
It icemod, however, to make no impress'on npon the
prisoner, as bo has by thia time rot pretty well uod
to such (rrecttnen. A soon oa (ho Sq.taro satos were
closed, (.biof Kureles, who bad eharjrc of the
prisoner, turned him around facing tbo crowd, and
permitted tdoeo assomblcd to ret a view of his
lcaiutcs. Tbe Cbiof, howevor, cautioned tbe crowd
tot to muke any noise, which request wug only par
tially observed.
Just bclore the prisoner entered the court-room he
was stopped for a lew moments, in ordor to pormit
tbo crowd on Sixth stio t fo see him. Iluro, as at
the south rate, Chief Rurxles notiflod the crowd to
keep silence, and thus prevented another ternllo yell
on tbe part ot the mob. There ii little change In the
manner or appearance of the prisoner since yos
teroay. At 10 o'clock punctually the Crier, Mr. Jamos B.
Dare, opened the Cou.t, the court-room was, If
possible, more crowded than on any iorinor day
dnrinr the trial, the dosire boiug very rteat to hear
what line ot deleuse would bo taken up by tbe pri
soner's counsel,
John A. Wolbcrt, Esq., delivoiod the oponitjg ad
dress on the part of tLe de'endunt, in an Uoquont
and able manner. Owinir to tbo Tact that tbe eopy
ot his addrets, and that fol'owin of John I. O'Neill,
Erq., is constantly being; t tousht by messengers from
the court-room to the office of The; Kvb.iiho Tkld
graph, in detached shfots, ai prepared expressly
for these oulumue, we present as comprehensive
an abstract of the re narks for the defendant as tbe
difficult circumMancos ot the case will permit.
Join A. Wo'bert, Esq . said: May it ploise your
Ii oil oi s You wi.l paruon me, reut emen, in opon
inr my case if 1 first matte ui' ut.ou o uiv position,
and that ot my colleague When assigued here, I
said it was a position, perhaps, not a pleasant cne.
Feellt'K oeepiy inte;ested as one must in a trial nke
this, I como to von lo meet tbe t ommonwealtb's
cae. I ask at your bands, rentiemen of tbe jury,
no sympathy 1 come on Leball of the prmouer to
meet the Commonwealth's case, and answer u from
bermmnr to end. It is not by eioauonco we are to
try this ease, and lew can equal taoeioquuut District
Attorney who shall follow uio.
Tbe pr soner at tbo bar, Antoine Troter, is twenty
four ears of are; bis lather, uiothir, and throe
brothers and s.s;ers now resiue at Baden, Uermauy.
He came here cn tbe ship ( o'umbu, leaving on I no
12th ot March, aud arriving Slay 12, lHo3. He bad
been here but two hours wneo be strayed into Castte
Oaiden, and was persuaded to enlist thore oy an
ollicer of ibe United Stales Army, tie enlisted in
an m lun try loiiinient, &iate oi JSew lork. He wont
to camp, and thence to Virirn a Ho solved, and bis
time ol enlistment exi lrnijt, h camoto l'hrudi' phia.
He siayod beie three or four weeks, became tbo
bounty was returned to him, and be bad money ro
spend then. He stayed with h s comrade until the
monoy was rone anatueneunsteaintuebtn t'eun-tyl-vania
Cavalr, I went to Camp Cauwalader; staid
eibt cays, and went to camp. Tho recimeut wai
then at HeepKun. Virginia, a place of little note;
not known wnen mere, lie couituemea doiu
picko' outy and scoutlnr. havintr been oefoie in an
infamry resmient. Me stared there sometime doiuir
picket duly; be, too, was thot and lost that thumb
on bis rip-hl band
Ccminr lome a lew days alter the capture ot
Richmond, he went to ilr. Moore, on Fron t street.
He bad some money, and rave it to Mr. Mooro,
flaying fourteen days; then wenttoN"w York, to
Greenwich street, and staved there three or lour
days; returned to Philadelphia; not being well, and
meeting a comrade, the friend said, -'Come with m i
to tbe bo. diets' Home." He did so, staving about
two weeks. He lett, and his money being rone,
alone, and no one to assist, be started out for work.
w nt he went to ine is ecu i can't sav ; nut, per.iups
tuihKinr ii was nearer to mo iarmnousos, he went
there, being used to larmwork lie went to the
houae of Mr. Hearing; be was awav. but tils w.le
said tbey wanted a man, and Mr. Dearing would be
there at 6 o'o ock. Lie was tnen engaged to work
at fifteen do.lars a month; staying a short time and
earning wages he left, and went io Ut Moore's; lea
in a few da; s, and vas sent by an etmloymuut office
to Aiaryiaua to pick peaones. near ng the typhoid
lever he returned to Philadelphia, and was taken
sick with the fever. Went to the A metiouse, and
there bearing ot the package from Uermauy, be
called on Air. Jloore ana rot it. HO then vent to
hew Jereev; worked, an i then being discharged
came back to Philadelphia; lemalned one dav, ao i
tht n returned to Mr. Dealing, who engaged bim at
$10 a mouth. Tbe prisoner stayed there until his
Aun, frcuuuujru vt V U Jill j i. I .u7 VUIUUIWM-
wea th have tailed to prove when this murder wai
commuted. No living person can say when, fjiit
tiersons have been murdered, and vet nuoay can
leu one syllable about the murder. Tbe iaot
only we find theui ttere. Mr. Evure't
roes to llr. Hearing's barn, and nuas a
Blocking sticking out; thia is tbe furl host kno vn ;
and tbey are ben dug tip, the neighbors gather,
examine and find tbe stocking has in it a man's toot :
the police uncover the bay and find the body ot
Christopher Dean u or. rutt 1s an the commonwealth
have to d us in reference to tbe murder. Tbev have
only the naited fact he was thus tound. By the
side of his body was Elizabeth Dolan; the samo
may be said ol her, and had indued wont to say they
are dead. Yet this inquiry to-dav ii to determine if
.......l -..!... ....... . .4 1 1. . . . .. t . I .. -.i . . -, . .1
luurutinup wnu uiuruorau mum. rua uiuiuuruu
mother lav with her dead clii dren covered up in the
bay. No one can throw any light upon the case; no
one living.
The Commonwealth on this trial have offerod to
vou, gentlemen, circumstantial evldouoe. 1 might
have brought before you staoks aud stucks of Looks
and shown poop e convicted thu when the peoulo
were excited, when the Commonwealth would hoot
at delonan aud yet alter oouvlotioa and execution
the man has been proved innocent. But tnoe laots
are bousiho'd words 1 mlvht have exolu lfj maiv
of you irom the box ; but we only wanted to have
honest men In tho Jury box; we only aked to have
twelve honest men to try him fairly; that vou would
exclude the hallooing and tumult liomou'sidu the
com t bouse, aud think you are to d)ido upon -the
1 lie or death of a f How-being. I think you will not
do tbat ha-tilv not in a cae like this where the
links ol evidence are broken.
'I ha hnilia. ar.M .t..n.t. mt9W atfftlf
I pass it bv untouched upon, 'fhe bodies were lound
u dcecniVta by Cvwiuwuwcftltli's witueusvu, Tbe
Common vealth aaytbl. man at the ba-hlone
I e died; lor tbat he Is now on trial It is true ne
- from a riange land, and has no ono hern in thii
clay of tr al o say one kind word to htm : but he s
here, where our art and inst inLcnt bid b m cmuo,
in c 1 1 a land ot liber Irom Ins owj country,
an'1 be appreciates this country lor whlon he luttgut.
Mr. i wigh. has a lured eoouentlv to iho tact that
tt e u oi dsund ol the army ni l not u?e lum to scoues
el rrmrt er, but, gent emi n. there it is no nch ihin r.
I ran ' him in t' e army, striving ou the side ot
Le nrbi t 1 can ne him there in the rauks ; but
Ii not vsrt oi our can .
Weie this a tiiul tor larceny, the Common woalt'i
might have some argument, r'roui tho t .ct tti;i
(ii ods havo teen found with this mtn, that might
in Men a Cise ot tna tor laroeny
Cn triduv the tins iner was paid ton do lars by
Mr. U : ho cime to town, porhans to sneud it A
win es s ales between 2 a id 4 o'clock, he i-a v him
at ti e laser Lee aiocn. AuotiUnr witness, tuebjv,
en s he saw lum work n' at Ar. D.'s; he nas soma
three hutiUreu or lour hundre i srds away loo
r.ot, howev.r. desire to i Ice oit discrepancies, but
to n eel the uonimonwoaith's case
1 be question is Ii(iilns man commit this murder r
Alter trie ay, 4 o'clock, Saturday uilit, bm.'een
Hal 8 ii'cli ck, bo if seen avam r nunday and lon-
t iy, liesdav aud Wedt.eaday ana n. Ami wjoq
v ts 1 1. in connn iiedr tsatuniay, i?unua',
A ai il:. y, Tucdav, Wednoituuy. whonf The Com
ti. li, by in lereiico theory alone are trying
to teli you this.
e is seen al thnao davs in Front street, either at
1a :klcluts or Monro's; morn-ng, a teruoon. iveu
im . Cp to ill. s tinio, fen ilciium, this mtiriier had
no i been beard oi. not nnlii the lollowing Thursday
d d tho authorities know ol it.
Now. seut enien ol tho ukv. we are not to split
ba.'S on tlie qt eatio i ot a man's lilo We aro not to
trv bv tl eory but by ovideuce. Look on tlio-e eignt
i an Indies 6 nd say it one man could have done
tl at killed tht m. It is u the duik, and to got out
1 the dork ibe iTbrued atntlemen have go" up a
theory-aliemiiliug lo accouut tor that. 1 iib.uit,
reiill nen, ttieor is won .do; It uuist be I acts sub
nil' ted to you I ouht pouplo murde(ud,land ah byoue
Jake the condition of tho place; look at tao
o'olbis upon them; you can te if one man dono it
ami t ck ibe bouies Irom tbo yard, or where they
weiekil ed theie would te evidences ot tho drat- tbrouah tbe mud. There is no evidoneo ol that
on the weman's frock to Bliow that dragging aoro's
that toll dirt io tho barn, that iaot would have ap
peareo, but it did not. Iho sharp eye oi thodeu o
tive saw all elite, but not that. But the bodies aro
theie in tbe barn, lr e Irom a 1 mud whatever. Now
could one man bate put them there f i)o you think
tuut possib e io te anuor ue migui nave taaou ine
aeulu by tl.ethouldcrs and let tne shoes diaou
tl.e viound aud te oovered with mud. But thoy ire
fiee from a I dirt, and that convinces me two pooplo
mut have cariied tiie botles into tbe barn.
lhe prisoner was artrstod on lhursday night, at
the Market sneer bridge; he is taken to tho S xth
ard fetation House. I be Mayor ' as oltored a large
lewaid aud al over, not only this city, but the
c. uniry, aii tne ponce omcors are at work eoarcmng
lor tno muroeiers.
Now. gcut emen. tho pnsoner at ti e bar, Antoine
rroLst, lived wrh ir. Hearing; we do not deny
that, he left Mr. Hearing's bouse ou Friday, as 1
have toid you, with iu Air. Dear ng gave n m. i ne
t omnionKoa th sa, we have tound, through the
duieciives, a carpet-bag, gold ana silver watch, and
two pistols, mire and smiili. We provo he lett them
on r-aturaay nignt at a noue. who Knows tne
murder was committed on (Saturday nlghtT The
w.iole family mtht bavo been all well ou Saturday
night. I bey might trv nm lor larceny ou that evi
dence, Dut not lor nit roer.
Now, gentlemen, let me ask ron to boar in mina
at ibat time, on Saturday maht, when tho prisoner
e;t tnat can et-bag we oo not know ii jur. Dean a
was dtad or a.ive We do not know if he had boon
niiirde 1 No livin witness oin sav. II a m in
o mrails a laiceny, aud somebody s'eps in and com-
Bins a murder, elmll that prove mat that man o tu
rn it d a muider f lteintmber the carpet-ba was
leu sn Saturday night; on tbenoxt Thursday a shirt
Is lound at Mr. lira'ii:ir a homo vet wet with per
spiration Wet. wet, gentlemen was tho word he
used, if tt e person bad taken off on shirt on Satur
day would it be yet wet on inundavf Gentlemen
of tbe Jurv. can you presume ttiatf therefore,
gout, I say this man may have had these good
long bo ore the murdor wa done or thought of.
Tne Commonwealth bus shown two axe, and both
ol them biuddied. Think of that. Wou done man
want two axes Hecou d not use an axe in each
hand. hy should both axel be bloodied
At other lact moving two men committed tho
bloody deed: lliev say the pns ner's pants was
oi nd upstairs, under tbe bed, with 0 ood on ca e
lu iy roltd op; that was the usual place be hud to
put his clotho". I a Vina no bureau. Is there anything
ttrauce about tbat they wete rohed up, and blood
npon them? bat kindof blood f Human b ood?
Tha ( emn.onwoalth have never . roved that.
Could this so coo1 and deliberate the Com
monwealth ca I him, hnve put bloody pants rolled
up, in his own room, under his own ood ; he might
have washed them at tbe wo'l, and burnt them. Ue
n ar nave teen kililna cat te with Mr. Hearing, lnat
is a legitimate queatlon. Are you to assume oniy lor
tret ommonweannr i trust not.
1 plead, gent. emen of the iurv. for this man and
bis family at borne. Their hearts and their hopes are
with bim. Little does his aed lather and mother
think lie is in tbe bar being tried for murder, t.ive
him Juki ice. Ho bot he swayed by the tumultuous
no d who sway round the Court house to 'tear a
man to nieces whether guiltv or innocent. I cm
imagino me fee ings tbat sway them impulsively.
nut we ere noie 'o irv mm in a court oi justice.
We to not know what kind o blood that was on
the pants We hive as much rigbt to believe it of
One kiLd a or ano.hcr
it is true the tilnkets wero taken from tbe house:
tbat is a larceny ; but it proves no murder f 400
were even bv Mrs Dolan to her daughter; whore
are bey? Iho prisoner has had very little money;
he has sold a watch, oHl'r(l to sell a revolver; could
not loan sn old comrade 7o cents.
Avain. tbe nnsouer remained about the city. He
did not altera, t to floo, as do all murderers. No
a tempt to t ke flight. He remained where he had
been ki own tor eightoen mouths back and does not
flr lor tatety. Be fee s that he nas committed a lar
ceny. The commonwealth might prove that 1 hey
have a ease lor that, 1 admit. He does not, then,
wish to ro urn to Mr. Hearing's He b tho watch
of Mr. Hearing, indued, but does that prove a
murder f
lhe ommonwenlth has tho case all fixed. They
tell yen who, first, second, third, eto , were all killed.
.iv lean ea mono, air Itwifut, uiiib vou wiii-iu evuu
Mrs. Heaunr was kill- d. Hut fiev can rive tbe only
argument against Mr. I'robst that his pants have
b'cod cn im ni, and have been rol ea up ana put
under his own bed is bis own room. A man wh
couim t a murder uoea not do tbat ort ot thing. A
man wbbes io get nd ol the damned spot; he does
not take it to Ins own room and leave it tlwe.
Boib of ihoee axes bad been used One lett by the
kt chen-oour aud tno other in the ditch. I do think
you will say, g unth men, that a man would not be
apt to throw away the amai. axe and then take the
larger axe, lhe heavier one, more dillionlt to uae. vet
the Commouwea th say he used the small one Ant,
and then east it aside.
But what it the evidenoef Purely circumstantial
Fon etln es circumstantial evid nee is bettor than
witnetwe; but lauts are stubborn things, and rn a
criminal court we cannot thus decide upon a man's
lite We are, however, eailed upon to pieurue all
this bv the Common wealth. au you do this? Can
you take away another', lilo to lollow the eight who
nave gone tetorer
Kveu in a cae where a man's liberty is concerned
conscientious men must pause. Hut where a man's
lire is concerriea vou muni iai niuirv pause, cousiuer
ana niagunv the doubt Into a'nioxt a mot.
tier t emen ol tbolurt.l have bnefl gone over
tins case, and in a few moments will yield to niv
very able colleague But 1 have endeavored to show
the ( omnion weal h mu-t Drove. Ursr, a murder:
pocoi d, a di'liiicrato, premeditated, wiliui murdor;
iniin, tuai me pntouor at the bar ou it.
Ycu aro lo say, gentlemen whether this man did
the niuroer. You(aeto sav boyond all doubt that
this man did the deed It vou doubt, the Court will
teil yon T u must give bim the bonetlt ot that doubt.
You are si'ting here as this man's iieers. Ob, o
a'one bv the evidence! Ho not sacrifice hastily and
noedlesaly another man's hie. Presuruiug that this
man mine ruhiv inau U"on o l uie y circujiauau
tial evidence, the law will not nnriuit it.
I will now. gentlemen ot the Iurv. submit this ease
to your bauds. It is a serious thing for a liwyor to
h'tveacase involving the lite of a fellow-being. It
is one he wou d like to shrink from, if he oould In
Justioe to law; even it the lawyer believed bovond
ail doubt be was rui'tv. and had the enmu atampod
upon bis brow, vet tbe law would take Intu home
and give bim a lair trial, 1 have, geutlemuu, dis
charged my duty. I can only ask you to carefully
consider the evidence, and pause, ere you send his
lire uaca io uuu.
BPKEcn or no, jons r. o'neill.
Jnbn P. O'Neill followed He mud:
Cloutlemen of the Jury 1 tool, gentlemen of the
juiy, that m your auxmty to do Juulice, jrou will
lord a rst'enf ear. I rise not to defend mnrder, or
advocate asiunlus. I rbe to discharge a duty ocn
mittid to me by this honorable Court, and 1 Ititond
to do the boa lu my power to diseharg. it faittifu Iy.
I base no recompeuxe. 1 expect none. No pav
si a l -oil the dipcherge or so nonoraD.e a duty, it is
n.ado in rtsf eot to this noimraD e uouri
inn Ltlore son appointed to wa'k with him
tlrouhthis dreadlul t avail ol his lilo, as lait iful
smt.neis. Let the liberty so saoted in the eye ot
the aw thou d be violuted in the trial ot tins man,
we 11 BLk you k-udly, gentlemen ot the Jury, lor
your attentive, eager llstoi ing, and from too assu
i snces vou have thus given, we know you will lol-
kw us atteut-veiy to tho cud.
Con e wllh me to th e cae. uooa men ana true
stai d Lean and baud together. 1 snail not ask lor
syiiil atby and Uicrcr, oiili lor Justice.
lie is .rn ndlor Homeless, a one. way irom nia
l ative Batten, h is here in tee dock, on trial lor his
lilo. He looks to vou. bis peers, ana ho aiks yon for
Justic-. I ask you, by the spirits oi tho murdered
deud, by toe spirit ni the little pace mat uvea in me
sumhue lour .veeksag", by the spirits of al thoe
oead, I ask you. it you fl .d a doubt th it he did t tat
lout oeea, uo notsena mi pi n auer lueir tiaugu
teicd lives. . . .
Be culm. Ho stands beforo vou. in the eyes or the
law, equal to tbe besi and puiet in li e land. Jus
tice CLoiic.e hira. and castn her protocfug ajn
nbtut him Who is thi niau ne;o? equal tot e best,
rind superior to n ono, and interior to Hen
bifore you, and s ap y asks a pat ent, ca.m nea-mg.
Lit hot iheonlsidu c amoi-ovorc ou l you'tniudt
W oe shail be tbe day wnen a verdict shall bo lorced
Irom a Jury by pojiu ar vol s and execrations Woe
rhal bo that day. This is the oousecrated tempi i ot
Just ce Tho voice of tno C'ou-t will calm tioso
troubiea waves oi uiscoru, aua restore tuo catm oi
As l nave snta, genti men, i riso noi io aoronu
murder. This day four we-ks ago an humote and
gtntiel inmtly lived and breatbou, in the lower par t
ol this cl iy ; i o-day tbey are gone ; n lour weoks from
tha lime, we are sitting u.jon the tralofoueae.
cuted of ill tr murder. Now the Common vealth
avks vcu to establish the lact by your verdict that
Mr. Probst was their murderer. Iboy say ou tho
7th ot April, ar 4 o'clock in the aliernoou, he was
teen in the field working; that next day Mr. Hjar
mp was seen In town w.tu Miss Holan, going to ais
borne; that on Thursday lo lowing the Doutjs ot
eight woie found murdered on tbe Hearing larm;
they eo on to sav, by circumstantial evidoueo, that
ut I'ronsi. aia tne uiuruor.
Now what are the circumstances T They say that
the troperty cl the Doarinirs was lound ou lhe per
son ot Auioino Proust. T be watch, cuatu, pinto s
litcktie and otb. i tli'ngs were lound. Suppose we
aoinit they were thus lound. Hut is it a Just con
clusion ibac ho rid commit thai murdor if What
proves ilr Not the larceny. Was it com.uitted on
buturt'ay f Who Bays that? The Dijirict Atto nev
thus gives bis assumptions. But sou cannot try by
tleso as.-uinpiiuns You mist bo cuidol only by
tl.e testimony. You have nothing else before vou.
Nowhe e intne t8timonv are you told the murdor
was none ou Saturday. You only have tne ihoj. y
ot the Histr.ct Attorney in tin- matter that
tbey were seen betore and thon not alter
uutil lhursday. But how do you know they
were mumered on Saturday r I here is no ovidonoe;
ni ne-none- noi.e tl would be an outragoto de
clare there was. If thot o is unv doubt you are bound
by the meicv and justice ot 'fro iaw to accept it. you
have no evidence in lav or of it : have you auy against
tl at murder being on Saturday f Look at the shirt.
wet, wot, wet How came it it wet on baturdav not
dry bv Thursday, if simply wet by persoirat on f The
w ltness identified it as the pr.soner's shirt, out wiieu
cross-examined stated tbat she bad never soen any
of bis. There is nothing to prove it was his. If.'e
left ittheioon Saturday, 1 put it to vou in reason
it would have been completely dry on Thursday. Let
no copDisiry or declamation ciou i mat nnaouDtea
lact : take it to vour room, ponder it. "1 if vou can
reconcile that witii reason, justice, and mercy, Bond
bim to tne uoom rou are einpowerea to ao.
He is a pcor wait upon toe waters of tbe world
His Ine is worth nothing to bim. Ho has iu xpe
in his bean or monev in his noeket. Give hiw
theecaiTold; it is nothing wh .ever But doom ''
tun ,auu a dav may come ot sorrowiui, peuiteut,
suffenug retribution. But rood men and true, keep
to tnw tvioence. Beware to boeiu to falsity tbat.
Ho not forsake he evidonce; you can never reconcile
that wet ibiit with the theoiy and reasoning of the
Hit more, the e vidoneo of the Commonwealth
toiiits to the fact the murder was not commi.'od that
Saturday. The Commonwealth say it was done be
tween breakiast and dinner. Bui that dtymauy
people pas ud and dowu Jones' lane. Then, ho
could tbisavyiul ueed Le couiemolated to bu djno ou
tbat caf J peoplo murdered, when so mauyspe
tutors wjie around him leuaviog at all limesf
W hai I In tbe open davr td not kno v when he
wou d be cauzhlf What) Di. it wit i so many pass
ing ai d repa&ing all tbe day T The alarm would
have Dcen spread tar ana wiae in a io v momeute
It is against all tne laots to assert the murdor wai
committed on that day.
Now the fact is Define you that the murder, as to
the time, is not known; therefore tbo Common
wealth's argument is ouly theory. Will you, there
fore, argte bo committed murder on Hearing be
euuse be wore tbe necktie, because he had these
aitiuie of the Hearing family T lhe key quetion is,
when v as this murder committed; when did he get
tbe goodBf Boloro the muruer or alter the murder
Noividence tells us. Wbo says he did not before
It you hang bim upon that assumpti n you
give bis mtmory forever to tho dosl Good
men and true, I dee are that he got tucse
things before the murder, and tuero is no evid ucj
whatever that they were not taken boiore th s cruel
dud was oouo. Aud being thus stolen boiore tho
n.uidir, thur possession by i.iui wou d prove no
iinng but a mere larceny. The law meroituliv pre
sumce everything and everybody to be inuooent
ULlii tee rui t is proven. It is against law then to
say then that he did tho murder, and thou took the
go ds, without evidence av he got them alter
wards.Ccntlomencau you swear otherwise. You have
do ev dunce lo show otherwise You wi l swear to
that lact it you condemn this man by your verdict,,
beurch Ibis evidence, and 1 ask you to ioo it,
seiutiuizingly and caretnllv look at it. The Co n
monwealth bas not established tbrt fact, and I say
you are bound to give him tho Leueilt oi thut
Tbe Commonweath asks yon shall you infer guilt
from the iaot that he bad leit th re things beuind
them. My colleague most lorci'dy asked blood I
What blood? Wny, in the Armstrong case tne
whole case turned upon tbe point ol the blood int'ie
wapoa, Tbat criminal declared it wai otiickon
bb od. The H strict Attoiuev investiga'ed that Iaot,
aud Armstrong tost his lite by the decision of that
lata I poiut
Now you are asked to declare that tbat blood was
human blood. There is no testimony whatever to
te.I y ou thia was human blood.
Now, gentlemen, that is the theory of the Com
monweath Is that aoftieieiit? Now could I give
you the solitude of the family. Its lone lues aud
denotation, shut out irom the clauio of this city
Put a chord upon your mem ry to sutl) the pas.t to
go with Pro! st into some remote plaoe, to loret all
the pBft, simply to bear this testimony. Would
j ou, could y ou convio1 on this testimonv ? Is it
clear? is it positive t Is it t eyond a doubt? 1 tel
ycu it is not. If you oould do that, geutleiuen. I am
sure you coi Id never enter the verdict ot guilty lu
this Court founded upon such testimony.
Tbe Commonwealth is inconslstontwitb itse'f, it is
consistent with Probst's innocence, aud you ar.'
bound to take the benefit of that ease.
is it probable that Antoine Pro ist d d this doed ?
Mr. Hearing a lull-grown niau Misi H.nan a
woman Mrs. Hearing alive, and the lit.le cbhdreu
skipping near bv tbe b g bov iu lhe Held oould he
go that deed witbiu sight ot tho near co f
Is it probable be did do it. If he would do it?
Would he then loit- r ariuud, and go to tiie p'ace
bo woo d be sure to be lound oui? Would be seek
public haunts and walk out on Su lday ; walk any
where and even where? Would he have xnioitnj
such coolness of manner and spirits, a' tor suoti a
ciiii'l doed? All the action and surmouuuug ol this
man repel the idea ot tucb misdeeds.
He certainly did not do it on Saturday. From
Siiturnav until fhutsday wo have bail bun ful'y
tri cked bv tho dotectives, step by s ep. And now,
who says that tho murder was not committed on
iioi day. Oh, I ask aud 1 wish that It would run io
cv ry fibre of our hoarti. Oh wli-n was the
minder committed. If on Monday I wu iu the
city; cn Tuesday I was in tho city; aud that shirt
said to be tafen off on Saturday, was et wet ou
Thursday. Ibe shirta was found wet, wet, wet
inind tie word I ou the Thursday. Tms arguos
forcibly the murdor must have been rooently com
mitted j and if done later, the prisoner at th bar
was not at tbat house. -
We nave bad a great doal of testimony descriptive
ot the wounds that opened their moutbi to tll 1 1
bloody doed but none ol t io wituesaes told him
the 1 odiea were found warm or oold.
Why tbe very dogs lu tbe three days around the
plaoe, from Saturday to lhursday, would have
scented and bunted around that plaoe between
Irsaturdsy ana inumaayi iimy wuu u u, tuuuu mo
bodies ot th murdered little one they bad 10 olton
frolicked withf Therefore, gentlemen of the Jmr
yon esnnot say, I dec are, that this murdor was
done od Sat ni day.
We ak you t look at this evidence on this point.
Look at it in all us leatoies. Consider the thory
oi tbe law, tbat all men are to have the boneflt ot
any oenbt. any christian Interpretation, you oun
I ui upon it. Yon srebonnd bv your eaths to do
this, as tbe Court will inform y on Yon mint look
at tbe common esse. It H purely upon oiroum
s anciai tvidence, and how many times has that
eviernee lied betore against proon ra
1 hi nas rot into the ease that I did not approve of;
I oou d have objected to them, but I wished to Mve
you all the Iglitthai could be aifordod vou t ycu
n. ve it all, from beginning to end it is only ciroum
slant al the things that turround thecaso. If yon
can reconcile these eircuimtances with any th 'ory of
innocence, jou are bound to do so, and I ask you to
Nobody can recall the dead of that most horrible
deed, lhe cottage is consecrated forever, and pos
terity cam ot lorget it. 1 would givo it a tinge that
voo'd never oio out, as sweet as tbe voice of tho
But I would not sacrifice an innocent mm. I
would not allow your minds to be cio ided with any
O' tbose leelings of sorrow to the condemnation ol
thia man without the basis of evidonoo. iou can
not, you dare not, with this evidonce. send the sp'rit
ot 1'iobst, iuuocont, to lollow thoie ol murdered
I leave Probst with you, good men and trne. Hold
together and hearken to the evidence.
Confirmed in our next Edition .
Special Deijiatchet to The Evening Telegraph.
WApniNo'eox, April 29.
A Revenne Decision.
The Commissioner of Internal Revenue, to-day;
rendered the following decision:
"All exponses tor insurance npon prop-rty, and all
actuil oses in business, may be deducted from the
gi oss income o' the year; t ut losses sustained afrer
Hccon ber 81, 1866, cannot reduce the income for tbo
tear. Losses incurred in the prosooution of ono
kind of business may bo doducted irom gains in
another; but not fiom tho e portions of income de
rived from fixed investments such as bonds, mort
gages r6ot, and the like As essors should also bo
careinl not to allow tho deduction ot amounts
o aime'l to have been Iot iu buslnm when In reality
tbey should be regarded as investments or exoend..
tures; as when merchants expend money in . arm
ing, or gardening, for recreation, or adornW 'nt,
rather than pecuniary profit. Persons traveling
about the country as the ugents of manufacturers, or
Dealers seeking orders tor goods as agents of one
person, nr firms, only such as sa'anod clerks or men
hired by the month, should not bo reqn red to tae
licences as commercial brokers All parts of deci
sion No 151), inconsistent herewith, are hereby re
voked." Knrtb Carolina Freedmea.
Tlie Assistant Commissioner of tho Freed men's
Bureau In North Carolina, has transmitted to
the Bureau his report for tbe quarter ending
liarch 31, which contains the following mattcra
of interest:
"Tbe number of destitute and dependent freedmnn
has been gradually reduced to such an extent tbat
issues of rations may soon be discontinued lhe de
mand lor labor still greatlv exooeds the sunplv. lhe
freedmen of Roanoke llandJiave teen notified that
Ibey would receive no more aoDull' s after Mavl.
and strenuous efldrtt are being made to effect their
iimovai." '
The Praatdeni Monopolised.
It was remarked last night at a late hour, that
the Democracy were in an unusually hilarious
mood. What spirit Inspired the unwonted en-
.Sasiasm did not transpire till this morning,
when it was ascertained that a large party of
the Democratic members of ,"rth Houses of Con
press had a private and exclusive monopoly of
tbe Pre-jldent's time and attention at the White
House during all last evening, '
Receipts from Customs.
The receipts from customs at tbo ports of New
York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore in the week
ending April 21, were as follows: New York,
$2,536,375 49; Philadelphia, $179,857-81; Balti
more, $59,981-05.
Tbe Derole Treatment.
The Wahington correBpondent of the Rich
mond Republic invokes the advent of cholera to
disperse Congress, that the President be left free
to save the nation. This is paralleled by the
recently pardont d Nixon's ho;e, that yellow
fever would decimate the Union soldiers. Tuat
correspondent ought to be invited to retire from
the gallCry.
Sentence Suspended.
The President issued orders yesterday to
General Sickles to suspend the execution of sen
tence In the case of five Rebel guerilla who h id
waylaid and murdered rive Union 8oldits, and
then robbed their dead bodies, and who ha 1
been sentenced by court-martial to be handed.
Intercourse with Japan.
Washington, April 28. The President has offi
ciully proclaimed tha convention between the
Empire of Japan and the Governments of the
United States, Great Britain, France, and Hoi
lund, providing for the payment to these Gov
ernmeuts of the sum of $3,000,000 for indem
nitles and expenses. This convention wai made
in view of the;hostlle acts ot Mon-Datzen, Prince
of Nagato and Stnoo, which were assuming such
furmidable proportions as to make It difficult
for the Tycoon faithfully to observe the treaties
the Governments above-named having been
obliged to send their combined forces to the
Straits of Siinonosiki in order to destroy the
baiterics erected by that Daimio for the de
structionof freight vessels and the stoppage of
trade, and the Government of the Tycoon, on
whom devolved the duty of chastising the re.
bcllious prince, bciug held responsible for any
damage resulting to the interests of treaty
powers, as well as the expenses occasioned by
the expedition.
Itie Governments of the United Slates, Great
Biitain, France, and Ilalluud doclare in the
Convention that, inasmuch as the receipt of
money has never been the object of the said
powers, Out the entablinhment of better rela
t ions with Japan, and the desire to place thorn
on a more sitisl'uctory and mutually a dvanta,'
geous looting, in still the leading object iu view;
and, therefore, if His Majesty, the Tycoon,
wihhes to 0Ue, in lieu of payment of stf'd claims,
and, as material compensation fo losses and
iniuiies sustained, tlie opening ot 8iraouoaki
or some other eligible port iu inland sea, It
shall be at tbe option of tbe said foreiun Gov
ernmenU to accept the sumo or insist on the pay
ment of the indemnity, in money, under the
con ditloiis above stipulated. ,
j . Fife In Portland. ... ,
Pom-land, Aprd 28. A brick stable in Temple
street owned by Charles H. Adams, and oocu
pied by 1L I Taylor t Co., was burned this
mornlug, with five horses, four of which were
valued at $1000 each, and all the carriages, har.
ness, etc. The total loss is quite large,
Senator Creaswelllreiantlonai Artataat
inoifira or uoiiee at Aaeuoa.
Special Detpatch to The Evening Telegraph,'
Baltimore, April 28. Senator Crcsswcll has
a letter In to-day's uaieue, which thoroughly
exonerates him from charges of former com
plicity with disunlonists. i
The Baltimore City Council has provided for .
an ample board of physicians and sanitary com.
mlttees to guard against cholera.
At an auction sale here yesterday seventeen
hundred bags of Rio coffee, sMjthtly damaged,
were sold at twenty-two and three-eighths and
twenty-two and thre rtuarters cusb, in currency.
Base Ball at West Chester.
Special to lhe Evening Telegraph.
Chesteb Citt, April 27. The base ball match
between tho Brandy wine Club, of West Chcfeter,
and the Media Club resulted in a victory for the
former by the scoro of 41 to 17. The victors
played the Club of this city to-day, and were
beaten, the score being: The Chester Club, 33;
Brandywluo Club, of West Chester, 8.
Omci or tub Evening Trlboraph, I
Saturday, April 28, 1866, (
Money continues plenty at about former rates.
Loans on call are freely offered at 56 per centum
Prime mercantile paper ranges at from 85:10
per . cent, per annum. The Slock Market
opened dull this morning, but prices were firm.
Railroad shares are the most active on tbe list.
Little Schuylkill sold at 83, ao advance or it Phila
delphia and Erie at 8481J, an advanoe ot 1; Cata.
wiBss Preferred at 25.293, the former rata a decline
of li ; Reading at 621, no change; Pennsylvania
Railroad at 661, no change; North Pennsylvania at
88; Lehigh Valley at 61, an advanoe of and nor
thern Central at 451, slight decline. 1201 was bid
lor Camden and Aruboy, 64 lor Norristown, 65 for
Minohili, 80 lor Elmira common, 41 for Prcforred.
do,, and 89 tor Catawissa common.
Government bonds are less active and rather
lower. 6-20s sold at 106, a sligbt deoline. 108 was
bidforCsofl8ol;95 tor 10-40 ; and 101J for 7 30.
City loans are firmly held at full prices; too new
issue sold at 061 1 d old do. at 90.
In City Passenger Railroad shares there is noth
ing doing. Ti) was bid lor Second and lhirdj 40
for Firth and Sixth; 62 for Tenth and Eleventh; 19
for Thirteenth and Fifteenth; 42 for Hestonville;
and 611 for Chesnut and Walnut.
Bank shares are nnchangod. Mechanics' sold at
80; 208 was b d for North Am rica; 125 for Phila
delphia; 126 for Farmers' and Mechaulos'; 64 for
Commercial; 93 for Northern Liberties ; 100 for
South warki 106 for B.enBingtcn j 65 for Girard ; 82
lor Western; ana 81 lor Manufacturers' and Me
cbanlo ,
Canal shares are in fa'r demand. Schuylkill Navi
gation prelerrod sold at S5 no change, Holaware
Division at 60, an advance of J; and Lehigh Navi
gation at 64 J, no change; 27 was bid for Schuylkill
Navigation common; 116 for Morris Canal preferred ;
16 for Snsquebauna Canal; and 60 for Wyoming
Valley Canal. " '
Oil shares are dull and lower. Ocean sold at 7, a
decline of 1; and t-ugar Creek at 168.
Reported by He Haven & Bra. No. 40 S. Third street
SGOOUSC-20s65....1oa'i WshMornsCI 75
8Hm City 6s, new.lts 961
fet:W0 do. new. lots 9yJ
100 sh Del. Div 60
50 sh ; do... B&wn 60 i
10 sh do 60
200 sh Cata pi.. ..lots 29
l'lOnh do......b3J 293
100 sh do bUO 29
10 ) sh ao slO 'm
600 do mun 961
2C0O Alleg Co 6s... 78 I
200hSch N pt..bU3 85 I
60 sh do 85 j
2C0sb Ph & Kits bSO 84f
do b20 841
8 0 sh do 2-H
1200 sh Reading 62 i
10i sh do...l30..62'53
200 sh do .c..lou 62i
16 sh Lehigh Nav.. bi
10 sh Penn R 66
61 sh Leh VaL.lots 61
lOOsbMecb. Bank... 80
60 sb N Central.... 451
100 sh New Creek... 1
100 sh L t Sob. 83
200 sh do
.b6 841
100 sh do. ,
.180 811
JCOsh do e. 84
40 sh do 84
100 sh do b30 341
100 sh do b5 84
ICO ah. do b30 U4J
600 sh Ocean lota 7
00 fb do 7
100 sh Barar Ck 166
Adjourned on tbe announcement of the death of
Charles F. Pago, a member ot the Board.
10 A. M 12" 12 id 129
11 A. M 129j IP. M 128
Habpkb, Dubniy CO. quote as follows :
American Oold mj
American Silver, jfi and . 121
American Silver Dimes and Ha f Dimes 112
Pennsvivania Currency... - 66
New York Exchange par.
Messrs. DcHaven & Brother, No. 40
Third ctreet, make the following quotations of
tho rates of exchange to-day i
at l r
M. t
Buymg. Selling.
American Gold 12
American Silver, Is and Is 123
Comnonnd Interest Notes:
. 6
" ' June. 1CG4.
... HI
... io
... loi
July, 1364.
August, 1HS4.
October, 18ti4.
Dec, im. ...
May. 18'6....
August, 18115. ...
Sept., 15....
October, TSU5....
Philadelphia Trade Report.
Saturday, April 28. The Flour Maiket continues
to be characterized with much firmness, but the
transactions are limited, there being no demand tor
shipment, and a moderate Inquiry only for home
consumption. Tho satos reaob 1000 barrels, mostly
Northwestern extra family at 69 75(il0 60 tor com
mon and fancy; f 10 60ll 26 lor Pennsylvania and
Ohio do. do., and small lots ol superfine at at t7j8;
extras at $8"$; and fanoybrandsat 812gl6, accord
ing to quality. Rv Flour is quiet, but steady, with
small sales at 64 76u,o. In Com Moal no new move
ment to notice.
Trade In Wheat continues very quiot, but tho
artiole M held firmly, aud primw qua tty is in good
demand at lull rates;salosof 40 K) bu di. rod at ?2 10")
2 46 'oricomuion and lair; ?2 60J(,$2 65 for good; and
s CC(i2 67 for choice. Wuie is uuohauged, 600
Dusb., moluding 8000 bush, red, so d ou private terms;
fair aolu at $275. live comes ( i a ow v, and is In
good demand ; sales of 600 bush. Pennsylvania at 95c.
Corn continues in ao'ive nxiuest but tbe ofi'uringsj
ore very small ; sa'eB of 60O0 bush, vetiow, atloa at
t2c. In oats no change to no ice; sales ot 15(1 J bush,
are roponed at 60c. No salosol liar.ey or Malt have
been reported,
Cloveiseed Is scarce, and not much wanted; w
quote at 84:5:1 25 for interior, aud 61 60(ij5'75 tor
In ir and choice. Tiaiothv. if here, would coummid
85-2Tl(55'fi0 i bush. Flaxseed is s I ling at $2 00
Whisky moves a'owlv, with sraill sales of Pennsyl
vania at S2 21&2 25, and Ohio at 62 27 .2 28.
Markets by Telegraph. . ;
New York, April 28 Cotton is steady at 81&32e.
for middling Flour is firm. Ha'es ol 8.000 bbls. at
7 2Gu9 25 for State; SiM'o12 40 for Orifoid 7'8oa'
916 lor Western; , tlOujlV 60 , for Southern; aud
f 8-2(1112 04 lor Canadian. Wheat quiet: -ales uuim.
portaut. Corn steady, with sma I Bet steady.
Pork firm for Mess.1 Lard Urui at 1821 cents.
Whisky sUady. . , . ,
. .
Tn Tycoon's Enterprise. A ball-casting
machine has been constructed in Berliu, 3 c
the Tycoon. It is capable of mauulactunug
twelve thousand rifle bulls a day,