(7 THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PriiLAMLFfilA, FRIDAY, APRIL 27, IbU MATTERS OVER THE RIVER. Camden Cotjnit Courts. The May eioi ot the Uou-ls lor Camden count com-tut-ncc next Tuesday. Judro WooiUiiil, wlio Was appointed during the Bulon c' tm Ute L' gUluture, will preside. It I tliouuhi that this itlil bo a oouiidtrol.v protractor! terra, ns there la a tull list of enwn to ttuposo 01' lo a llri tt to those which will be presented liy the Uraud The ft'l'o wing named nentlomen compo-otht Jury: A'brt W. Matklev, Will'ara 1'. Talent, (tforffe W.Ciipentcr, Cooper P. Drowning, Jesse Town-cud, Chulkluv AlOurtnon, John P. Dod'uie, f-tephen Parsons," Tliomps Lor?-ir, fe'iinui.'l Tatem, Thomas A. Wilson, Joet Kirk bride, Jo.-epli M. Cooper, John S. Wood, LJward 3. Ireland, ) small Woclsion. John W. Downs, Samuel Iluti.v, Joseph M. Kelurkn, Utohnnl Isbiven, Fiancls ltoix n, Kd anl J. Onler, John Licklcr, John Shreve. fllr. JenKim, the Prose cutor of the Flo;'!, U adivoly engoied In ar ranclpir natters, m that uot a moment's delay will be experience.! in d'siioaing ol the cases. Tnrc Ni w Appointm b.nts. Information from Washlnctm unii' Uici'9 thai oil Jim Seoel a re '(.niDiendations, the do appointment' lor l'otomuM er and Collector lor Camden will bo 11 ade txlay. Ifachanco lb at all made upon the, influeneo of such. leeommendaUon, there not much probability that the Senate will con fiidi It, lor personal hostility auaiDsii'r. Scovel'g treachery has rlrcn lo 'icu a device In Ctnuden, that membeis of Council retire to votj hwmej to hotel-ktepera on wtiOHO petition Scovel'a name ia lound. SjcIi U the ponev of his recom mendations In the city of Cauiden, and hii lnflu m ce 1 eouiiletely ignored, except with the Democratic paily, vviiu whjiu he is now acting. Alae, i oor Yerick I Sanitary. The tault?ry Comm'ttse has Instructed Aia'shal Cunipbc" to see that the -ordinance repct u the removal of flUo, etc., lroni yp'e'a, ailey6 aud lanoe, and the clt anjing t.ud puri tic:iti in'ot p-enne9 shall 03 ligidly ei forcer!. II hoacholders do not attend!) the liipri 11CHOU8 ol the Committee by the 1st of May, tie w,rk wi'l bo done by the city at the owner's expense. AMUSEMENTS. Vw (bebndt Street The at re. Mum Mactie Jlitcho 1 boa decided to play this evening for her ibeiiefit once more Ths Pearl ofStvoy. I'uo part ol "Marie" ha muny situation which su't tior, but as a whole it is deoideoly too tragic too heavy lor he. line i'f her est points ia too reudinir of ta letter. Her dance, too, is pretty, but not oharaoteristio, tor it is operant); It should hae been the 8svoard buurreo, a nance as national and as wed Known as the lrmh jitr Mjss urton's "Cbouchon" is tUo life of the pli'ca. As i her custom, out ot a mall part she makes a gical deal. Mr. Cot.ior is not exactly our -ideal ol a nmrqui, he curtail. ly nn ,t well have parsed lor a ceaaat ; 03 looks disguisod wben he is in court dresa. I b Svoavds should not havo rnitars. but hord ni d es I ho p-ultan Rre not to be found but 011 ths dalian s oe of tho Alp j but the piece, as to iti tcenrry was woll put on the ainira Akob Sibikt TaEAT.'B The Fljing Dutch , man, notwithstanding its uamuahle eo nery hai jriven p:a3 UtTic J"'rrtici Sjp, a p .rt in wh.oli M'me. -Ceiio hts 1.0 equal ; indeed, it is imuosi ilo to ima ame wlut 'lhe JTtnch t.pij rally i, how fu'l of poetiT, how iitterlv lice irum all that Ik bold, an. I c reus-ike 11 'inc. elcste's "cneli St y" should be sen b) all, tor it will be one of the tiauii'otn otbih art. Walkut STi.ELr TuEA".rs.-Yr. XJorrh will tils eT-htnic p ay "Snvloc," a part the dept'i and diffl calty ol which su.ts entirely tne rcniuj with wiich Vt, Bootii is a.tted The c?"t will t" a stroin one Mr. Barron ai.d ilr. J. H. Taylor playing "Bsisa nlo" aud "Uiauano " Academy of .Uubio la Sylphida, a loro'v bal .1c ti kt.noA'tMixUai;, by Gabriel It.el, and louug . America on lhe k ,yiuit Iraiicz, form the ai tractions tbivevenitie To-morrow nnemoou the o.ebiatjd Jeanitttle and Jeannot will be i'Itcu. The Gkbmama Oecuestua Tho followlnir I the protriammn for the pub.io lehoaua' to-morrow 'aueruoon at the vin.ical r'nnd ' ' a 1 1 : Ou verture, Strailella toy request) Flotow r-piing JuhiC3 ,bt itque t) Jooh J.iGunirl Aurora Walla. Lanner D niii or Concerto iorl'iano Uondslssohn Performed by C H. Jams and U 01 mania Orohojtra. A Allegro appr-wioo&to. B i'refto seheiaando. C. 1st Finale Irom iu ii Ponizetti A Startling Stoiy from Utah. ASSASSIN 4. ION Of A ' ORNTiLd." The Salt Lake Union Vidit'o of Apr U comes to 03 with its columns iu mourning, and the lol lowing Btartlintr etatemcnt: "Last Monday evening the corninuntty was astounded with the intelligence ot another foul assassination, committed on Theatre street, only m few tsteps can of Main street. The man who was asaaaeinated was known throughout Nevada, and more particularly at Austin and Reese river, as one of the best etuzens of that State, and was eniaged in the freishtine; business between tb's place and Reese river. His conduct, whilo here, was that ol a good, quiet, peaceable citizen, violating no law ot the land, lutertoi'ns: iu no way with tne legitimate business of any per son, and honored aud respected by all who knew bin . "A few days aeo he was lawfully joined In marriage by Juut;e McCurdy, one ot the e"so ciut.e judges of the Unitod Stages oou.rU in and for this territory, to a lady of this city, who was eluinied by the Mormon leaders as the wife in polygamy ofa Mormon now absent on a foreign miHHion. ThU lady, by the sanction ot law and by the autbont.y of one ot ihe highest le ral ofll ccrs of the Territory, abundoned the false posl 1lon in wMcli she had been placed, and lesraUy 'joined herself in mari'iago with Squ're Brass tield. Charges ot resisting the DOiice on the night ol bis marriags were instituted against him, and his we lding night was passed in one of the cell? of the city pribon, "BransUeld, conscious of having done no wroujr, quietly went Into court with his counsel, gave tho bonds required oi him, and in every respect conformed to every requirement of tho courts In the premises. "In the meantime, the lady fcarintr that efforlt would be made to take her children from her, caurea a writ ot habeas corpus to be issued from the United Stales Court, iu order to ascertain whether she was entitled to the custody of them or not. The writ was issued last Friday, return able and triable be i ore Judge McCurdy. This iaeue broueht uo at once thp question of poly gamy and its position under the law. By request ot the opposin? counsel, the hearing was post poned trout time to time until Monday evening, April'2, 18C6. Mr. Bia-slield was in court with the counsel tor himself and wite. "Judge 9uow announced to the Court that the cae in issue involved the legal and constitu tional right ot polygamy, aud that he thought it better to so state the case in plain words, lor which we give him full credit. He did not appear at all desirous ot evading the issue. Additional time beiu requ red, and by mutual consent of both counsel, the case was furtbe postponed until lb A. M. tlm morning, aud the Court adjounu-d. Within halt an hour there alter, Brass Held, when within a few steps oi the hoiel where he ieided, and when in company of tho United States Marshal, was shot in the :back, and within one honr trom the time he Jelt the Court House he was a dead man. "We carnoi close without referring to the Tiiihiir.lv Hxnraesed onlnion of certain Mormons 111 this citv. that Brasatield as lastly punihed Viv donth. and that the bulance of the Gentiles here would be served In the same way if they were uot caretul." It ,lrl; it. would be useless to deny the fact that in irn r.ninion of the Gentile comtnuuity of this ti,a k'lHnff ot Mr. BrassBold was a dellbo- rttw-'iv nlanced scheme, oucocted and advised by men hintt in authority in the Mormon Church." . tb THE COURT OK COMMON PLEAS FOR J THF CITY AND COUNIY OK PHILADtLFUIA. Deoembsr Term IH6, o, 8H. In Divo ce. ulUaU K. UA1NKB. by br n.at mead, Ac, vs. a Mt'H. H Alt. KS. To SAM TEL HAINES, Kespondent. Sir I The Court have m M th. hA.ni 11 nitniiim, .buuiu "- ' ' A ..... h. .1. A In l".'" ,-nrr,hi on H ATDKDAY. May J. IMS. it lOo'eocS A'w . personal notice having failed on ao- connt of your absence. BP.LBTrRLIvO. a in 28ml AlWfaey for UbeiUut NEW PUBLICATIONS. fl HEUDORE Tli'TOK, FttEDKRICK DOD. giais, a. F. Car, Horace Mean, J f!. Ilea', Sum Pllck. Plato, eto. In all, ."'"" Illustrations, with Kth aoloRT, rfcrsDoloty. Pls o egr. Physlornomv, Psy chology, rndo;hr Intsns-.t;.1? matter', In Wsy num ber fictonsl pnr.ENOLOOIt'.tL JOURNAL. Twenty t.nts. cr.ye.rtor.2. rr wiLta. No 889 CROlTAT. New York, Add. L CaPRN. J VI 21 Ke. Vi 9. TRSTH fitrrtt, Philadelphia. "PIIIR ARMS; TITEIR HISTORY? A NIW A Rifle lllnsiratedt Trouble In Nchootaf Pkenemena of Plantsi To the Bojt Noll oir of a Bvhelorj Wanted, 4. tJome- Toll. Short, Large, and SillMenj Tekgrapbingt 'They best Boeceed whe Dar.f" Plu rality ot Worldai Morality. In May number nTHKNO- LOGICAL JOURNAL. 4 27 2t "VI I RTH FULNESS, WIT, FUS. ETC., tratedt To the Born MuMo, Its Indu ILLUB- Influenoet Oar National Curse Ki ting by the Flier Baslness Colleges for Laaies) Mew Books t To Corrrsnondf-ots. etc ,ln May namber PURKNOLOOICAL JOURNAL. 4 il 2t FOR SALE AND TO RENT. JOOMS TO RENT large, Well Lighted and Ventilated H O O M S , ON IDE SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS OF THE "Evening Telegraph" Building, No. 108 South THIRD Street, TO RENT. APPLY IN IIIR OFFICE, FIRST FLO JR. K. B. "WITH OR WiniQUf feTEAM POWER. FOR SALE A FRUIT AND rj XJii.r,rnln Farm of 171 Acres, In Kent county, Tielaware a quarter of a mile east of Kenton, a station on the Maryland and nelansre ital road, andalinutslx miles south of Smyrna. The property is handsouiely situated, well Improved and productive. The dwelling a neat irame, containing eleven (11) rooms. The barn one ot the tlDcst In the county. At present, land euttlclent to keep ene hand omploved. and a parden well supplied with fruit, and planted abundantly with vegetables, are reserved with tho dwelling! the spring ti.lages and harvests are rented on rharts A purchaser can therefore take nossesslou Im mediately, without euibairansment to himself or the operations of the farm. It is first-class property, hi a highly Improved ncUh borhood andisonered below the present market price ot such land. Price, lt 000 1 one-half cash. Address HESRY JOHNS, 4 llwfml2t Kenton, Dataware. FARM FOR SALE OF THIRTY-FIVE At RKh. beamtfallT situated near Foit Wash- Liiii luuton Htaiion horth Penosjlvauia Railroad. I he Und is in a s u.e of high cul;Jstlon, and well watered Im provements are a newi itted upsone dwelling con taining nla rooms, ana a stone bain. Wi 1 be sold at a bsrpalo. Aim. vat No 17 8. THIRD Street. 4 27 lt'p sS L. II. J03EPH, CENTRAL REAL ESTATE ,Aency. No 271 8. THIRD 8l.-?e. Philadelphia, l a. heel ta e Bor'ht and Sold on Commission. Loins neroratcJ. Money procmii on Bon.M Mort gsncs, ano ethef securitie-. Uouse and Oiound Posts toMecteu. Commissioner 0' Deeds for all the State-, 4 271mSp f FOR SALE A DESIRABLE THREE Liii! stoiy Dwelling, with thiee-storv double Back liullding on I W 1 Street above Green. All muuern imorovements. summer kitchen, beatera. eto. 1 rice. atil'OU cicar. Apply at this Oillce, between 9 and 12 A M. 411) 0 Fvve ARCH AND TWENTIETH, NEAR ST. Clement's Church. buneri'ir dwelling. No 142 N EJT1ETU Htreet lor sale chcao. Call from luM to UH. 0 & A FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT Liii. Fronting on one of the City Squares. For particu lars, address M K. C. at this Ofllce. 4 'M i. A BECON D-STOR Y FRONT ROOM TO 616 8. WASHINGTON 4 2S 3t .Rent, with Board, at No, puare. FURNITURE. 1)UY FURNITURE AT GOULD & OO. S UNION DEPOTS, Nos. 37 and 30 N. SECOND Street) KOpposlte Christ Churcb). And Cornerof NINTH and MARKET The largest, cheapest, and best stock o. FURNITURE Ol every deecrtpUon in the world. 2 lit 8p llOSEWOOD, CHAMBER, AND PARLOR SUITES, AT GEORGE J. IIENKELS', THIRTEENTH AND CIIESNUT STREETS, 4141m Formerly of Nos. MO and Sit CHEriNOT St. WALNUT CHAMBER AND PARLOR Either Polished or SUITES, Oiled, AT GEORGE J. IIENKELS', THIRTEENTH AND CIIESNUT STREETS, 4 14 lni) Formerly of S es. 809 and 811 CHEBNPT Bt. CJOU.RTNEY & WILLITS, Ncs. 24 and 16 S. Seventh St., Fhilada., MABUFACTURKB4 OF BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE FURNITURE. AND THE ONLY DURABLE IN THE CITT. Also. Dining-Room Furniture, AND BEDDING, constantly on hand. 4 23mwtfm WANTS TIT ANTED AN OROANIST ONE WHO CAN Y t Play next Sunday. Boa lit Post Ottlce 4 27 It r HREE GENERAL) AGENTS WANTED TO I act In Important locations for tho ew York acci dental Insurance Company. ctive m n 01 good address. annlv to roANK J. ALL ilv to v HANK O. allilm, nrauon uun No. 410 CtlKBMJT htreet. Anply soon 8 21 QNE DOLLAR'S WORTH OF ICE P E H W E K Will keep 5 our provisions cool and sweet in the warmed weather, by using one ot Scliooley's Lare" RefrigeratorH, Thev have three apartments, and are thorough ventilators. The ama'l sizes require but ou cenu worth of Ice per wcelt. E. B. FAR SON & CO., MANUFACTURERS, 4 251mrp No. 220 DOCK Street. T7UROPEAN TAN BATHS' INSTITUTE XU under th. lupervlBloD ot ... hi , vn 7 ... . V IU I II U.MA, For the cure 01 Gout, Rheumatism, Paralysis, llvs terlo or Kulleptle tonvulsions, and all ma'adlos oiti'lnatlng irum detecls iu the hoiy, 01 tne uiouu, such as Plies. Tettur. onen Wounds, etc. Obtuse or W ithered Limbs rcoover their sensibility, and the flesh itn lieultliv toriu. t'aiienta. wnne unoer treatment, caa do aucunuu'i- dated with board at the Institute. iiL?u'R I fJTQR TO f I5 FOR A SUIT OF BLACK OR ifrOiJ fancy colored cloth 1 army aud navy oloUilaj do.. In style unsurpsssei. 47 burp FA.U.I&V- lMN7.'iiSt.,abttV Quejattt, AUCTION SALES. FCOTT. JR., AUCTIONEER, NO. 1029 CI1EBNUT 8TKKET. PEB11IPTORY fiAI F. A LA BA'TEB TA8E8, ORNs-AltNl- , SI AlUc 'TIH, ETC., . On Hatuiday Murnlnc, iSth Inst . at loa o'clocR. at the art tlallery. No. 1M0 ('hestiut str.ot, will he sold an assortment of saste hnrdlllo and Vienna vases, card receivers, statuettes ftp etc. being the balance ot Invoices, etc , ex snips "Juplici" and 'Mulocka." Open lor exsminatlon on morning ot sale. 4 26 2t ,.,''a,e Ko M washlnrrton Snnare. trPEBI OH HOT7HKB OLD H UN 1 1 1 KE FIATI0" FOhIK, UaRPKTS. ETC., . , On Monday Momlng next, JO-h Inst, at 10 o'clook, at No. mi B. Washington 'quare. hy catalogue, the superior house. oW tumi'ure, comprising the general assortment of parlor, dlnln room chamber, ana kitohen fnnilture superior oarpej etc. eto A so 7H octeve plano-rV)rt best make. 4 It St i ay do examined at 8 o clock on morning of sale. CARPETINGS. JUST RECEIVED, TARD-AND-A-IIAI.F-WIDE VELVET C AH P ETS, NEW DESIGNS. J. F. & E. 1$. ORN E, No. 904 CIIESNUT STREET. 3-4 7-8, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, WHITE, BED, AND FANCY CJANTON MATTINGS J. F. & E. B. ORNE, No. 904 CIIESNUT STREET. ENGLISH BRUSSELS, FOR STAIRS AND HALLS, WITH EXTKA BORDERS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, No. 904 CIIESNUT STREET 500 PIECES NEW PATTERNS ENGLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE. No. 904 3 20 3mrp CIIESNUT STREET. (JARPETINGS ! CARPETINGS ! AT RETAIL.. McCALLlllS, CREASE & No. 519 CIIESNUT Street, (OITOBITB 1DEFBKDEM0B HALL), HAVE REDUCED THEIR PRICES, AD NOfT OFFER TIIEIB EXTENSIVE STOCK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CARPETING S, AT PBICEB CORRESPONDING TO TUB DECLINE IN COLD. 14 25 lmrp MATTING W AREHOUSE! McCALUMS, CREASE & SL0AT, Nos. 509 and 519 CHESNUT St. (OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE HALL), HAVE JUST RECEIVED ONE THOUSAND ROLLS FRESH MATTINGS, All Widths and styles, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. 4251mrp MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. nm A REDUCTION OF TWENTF-FIVE k I I f oer cent., or from tl'23 to a-iim less uoon each iuirunieui tiit-u um ncKunr oneuuie rrices. Desiilng to reduce our urge stock of superior and hlgb'y improved, richly finished seven octave Rosewood t IANOrt previous to tho removal to our new store, Olrurd Row. No. J10J Chennui street, we have concluoed tooflerthemat the actual co-t to masufaoture and at prices equally at low as , told them beiore the w sr. 'I bene Instrument have been awarded the blghebt premiums at all the principal exhibitions ever held In tills country, with uuiuerous testimonials irom the tlrst artists in America and Europe They are now the lead bis pianos, and aie sold to all parts of the world Persons desiring to purchase a rlrat-class Piano, at greatly reduced rates, should not tail to avail tnein. Helve of tills ounortuntty. t irouiars of the reuular schedule price, with precise cuts of the styles of our fisnos, can oe oau ai tue waieroous, ano. on applica tion, will be tent by mall. BC1IOMACKEB A CO., Warerooml. 421trp Hv. 1021 CUti(Vi !Weti Vi E A L & S MY TIT MAM7FAC VllVhB OF FIXE SILYER-rLATED WAttE, No. 010 CHESNTJT Street, rillLADEIPHTA. 44tf WOOD & OAEY, No. 725 CHESNTJT STREET. ABE OFFEBINO DAILY ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN IIATS AND BONNETS, INCLUDING THE POPULAR JAPANESE AND MEDALLION IIATS. IB 2mrp MISS U. 0'BV.RNE, In her New and Elegant Store, No. 807 ARCH Street, Has now open a large stock ot the choicest FllKNCH Ml I.I.I NKRY. j vmsb wi idiuii uvi ' iuiii uuo ui tuc uiuHb eiuiiioni oi the Diliilucrv csi.bilflhinuiiU oi Faiis) ban charue ot the N'e tutnlnii tlin..ln....S A' 141 Ml 111 a -Vm lllil'lid Every style and kind of HAT or BOSNK.T now in lanhlon will be lound In stock 4 i lmrp STOVES, &c. JJNION OIL STOVES, A new and complete apparatus for Cooktn? and Beating by Fetroleum OIL Our Stoves give no smoke or odor, and are not liable to get out ot older, being as simple hi every respect as a Kerosene Lamp, lhe B iker, Broiler, and Flat-Iron Heater are the onl. special articles of tur nltnre required. Fot all other purposes ordinary stove turnltnre may be need. DAVID II. LOSEY, SOLE AGENT FOB PENNSYLVANIA, No38 South FIFXH Street. Liberal dttcount to the trade. 4 IT 3m ro 27 GAS COOKING STOVES. 27 lilt. AUL,E UA3 STUVE3 Are warranted to BAKE, BKOIL, BOIL. ROAST, TOAST, STEW, HEAT IKONt ETC ETC NO DUST. DIRT. KMOKK. OR AStTKS, And are more economical than Wood. Coal, or oil. U W. LUOMl.s. Manufacturer's A ent. 4 19 .No. 27 S. rl.XTH Street, Philadelphia. Pa. 27 UNIVERSAL CLOTHES 27 " WBINGEB. lneoniy n rmiier wim me l atent uo?-wneei Kega lator. We warrant this Wringer, and no other. i) w LOOM is, Manufamnror's Agent. iu fo. n n. bia iu arreui, rnnuue ptna, l a 27 THE CELEBRA.TED 27 DOTY WASniiTQ MACIIIN'E. For sole at O. W. LOIMIS'. 4 19 No. 27 S. SIXTH Street, Phiiadembta, Pa. 27 REFRIGERATORS, 27 ICE rOOLFFP, ICE CREAM FREEZER, CARpET ISWtiPEBS, CLOTHEH-W BINDERS. ETC., At O W tOOWIS', 4 lSfmwlm No. 27 S. SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. QEO. A. COOKE OFFERS PRESTON COAL, Which is the very best SCHUYLKILL COAL comin? to this market, Fgg and Stove sizes at $675 per Ton ALSO, THE GCNUIKS EAOI.E VEIN COAL, Same sizes, same puce. A Superior Quality ot LKHIQII COAT., Constancy en hand Egg and Stove sizes at 7 60, dellv eredltosnv part ot the city, en bely free of slate and dirt I advise my friends, and the publio generally, to lay in their coming winter's supply now, as the price Is as low as It will be, ano as tbore Is a prospect or an advance soon. Orders received at No. 114 South T HIKD street, EMPORIUM, 4 17 rp No. 1314 WASHINGTON Avenue. LIFE, GROWTH ANO BEAUTY. Mrs. S. A. Alien9 s World a Jtair Jtc8torer and Dress ing inviforate, strengthen and lengthen the hair. They act directly tipon the roots of the hair, supplying re quired nourishment, and natural color and beauty returns. Grey hair disap pears, bald spots are cov ered, hair stops falling, and luxuriant growth is the re sult. Ladies and Children will appreciate the delight ful fragrance and rich, glossy appearance impart ed to the hair, and no fear of soiling the skin, scalp, or most elegant head-dress. Sold by all rrugif. Depot 198 & 200 Greenwich St. N. Y. 1M0N COLTON & CLARKE. TO FAMILIK8 REBlTiINO. IN Ott OOI SO TO TUS COUNTRY those who wish to purcnase supplies ot the best duality of FIN; UU(( EkU.rt will find a fuit and cliohe stock of the bent that can be imported or pro cured irom the New York. Boaton or Philadelphia market, and can be supp led with goods in package, at Whoienale prices . . . Particular attention is paid to packing bt the neatest ano nio.t ats manner Dwob e. Cioodi delivered to aay of the depoU, eapress offices, or out in tbecwumry, tree of charge. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, 4 H irp B. W. cvr, BROAD mi WALNUT. DRY ( r'Or' g r in k g ai r f u m m e r OF IA1E 1 Sdl OBT.t 1 10' I', fHO.M UfCENT AUC TION ALr.rt. AT JlFDtJCl I'UICES. ALL TIIE LEAMNO S'.YLE . VIM OL1RIN03. CURWEJf MODI).' i:t & mo inEu, Ros. 45'j, 4C2. i l.i. 4,r4 v. SEf'OVD Streot, 4 tOSt A dove ll!ow. LL-WOOLCANSIMEUES, 73 CTS AILWOCL CAf P1MFRS f7' f NTS. AM..WtOI, t a.iIMkHKS, tlOII. AH the mortpoouiai styies jorLailles' Wear, a: very rtauccd micts CURWEN STODUAHT & BROTHER, Nob. tCO. 453. t Ml VA N KCOM) Str. et 20 8t .f bove Wil ow SILK MIXED COATINGS, FROM AUCTION, AT TfF.rU.TVD PRICKS. CURWEN ST( D1A I1T & BUOTITEU, Kos. iCO, 452. tnd 4C4 N. r' K.OND sira.'t, 4 26 8t Aby Witiow. FRENCH CASSIMERES ANl1 COATINaH, OFfUPEhlOR FAB UOt, K.tOM AUcnOM, AT UEDUChD I'ltlCES. CURAYEN 8TODUART & BhOTIIEU, Kos. 450, 452, and 4it N . El OS 1 direct, 4 28 8t Abovo vvi iokv G REEN PLAID INDIA SILKS, AT 7. CI'.NTS. CURWEN 8TODDART BROTLTElv, Kos. 450. 452, and t,.4 ft UKC NI hfn of , 4 26 8t Al.ov- Wi low. SUMMER RESORTS. SUMMER TIE SOUTHS ON LINE OP RcadlKjr Eallrcnd r.nd Sranchc MA NS10 N EO US F, Zl 0 UNT CA RP, 0 N, Sirs. Caro'ine Wuuder, 1 ottsville P. O., Schuylkill co. imCARORA IIOTFI, Airs. Uaunah Miller, 1 uc&rora P. O., Sohavlklll co MAIIAHOY CITY LOT FT.. O. W. Frost, Mahan..y Cltr p. O., ScauylUll co. WHITE HOUiE, Mrs. Puan Mnrsdorf, Reading P. o. ANDALUSIA, Janra S. Madfllia, Roullng P. O. L1VISG SPRINGS HOIEL. Dr. A. Smith, tVerd-rsvllle P. O.. Berks co S0U1U MOUNTAIN DOUSE. II. H. Manderbacl , Wouelsdorf P. O., Perks eo. COLD SPRINGS HOTEL, Lebanon co., CliarhM Koedcrmcl, flarrlsbrrgP. O. BOYERSTO WN SEMINAR Y. J. B. Henk), l;oyerstown P. OBdrksee YELLOW SPRING & DOTI.L, A. U. Pryder, Yoi!.- w SptinKS P. O., Chester co. LITIZ SPRINGS, Samuel Llchtenthnler, Mt.z P. O. , Lancaster oo EPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, Kneedler dc Featk t. k. hr.it u I', y., Laacastor co. APRIL 21, 1565. i&iax BOOTS AND $HOES. REMOVAL. BENKKRT it SON. MAKUFACTUBER9 OF FINE BOOTS AND SHOES, Have removed from tLeir Old Stand, No. 48 South FOUKTH 8 tree t, to No. 7 I 6 CHSNUT STREET. Having pnrohased tint entire business of Mr. Leonard Btnkeit, thu.i bringinr toxother an itn monBe stock of goodi-, t ey will he la position to snjiply the wants of tho conimunltvr at prices some wlat below those here c fore ehared.. Tbolr increased faciln e also enab'e them to make a style of BOOTS AND SHOES or Vouihs far su perior to what is made oliowhi re. The best BOOTS AM) SHOES tor Ladies, also made to order. 4 CO fmwlta FINE BOOTS AND SUOKS, FOR GENTLEMEN'S And Boys' W.oar, AT REDUCED PRICfeS, AT HELWEG'S,. No. 535 AECH Street, Below Sixtn. First -class work a.waj s on band, and made to order at short notice. 4 24 LnSp ICE COMPANIES. JOE I ICE ! ICE ! ICE ! ICE INCORPORATED 1861. THOMAS E. 1 A HILL, Prosidont. JOHN GOOD EAR, ocretary. HENHT THO.VAS, 8uperli;toudont. COLD SPRING ICE CQAL CO MP A NY Dealers in and Kh pj ers of lee and Coal. We are now prepared 1 1 furnish naiiT (jCAUTtloe large or small qusntitis. to l:oios, stenmboau, ic, cresm saloons, families, nj'.ces eto. and a the low Est aUBKSTBATM. loe 801V! d uailt In all paved limits ot the consolidated city, W t Phl udelphla, Mantua, Rich mond, and Germantown Your custom and mfluen:e la respectfully solicited Tou can rely un being served with a rial article anfi ; lomiu'lt. Send your order to OFFICE. No. iZ: WALNUT STREET. l'KPOTS. 8. W. corner TWLLI" I a and WILLOW Streets. North l ennsylvsnia tint road and MAS FEE Street LOIS! B Ah D aud TWENTY -FIFTH Streets. PINK Street Wharf, hci uyUlll. 4 7 2oifp SAP E F OR SALE. A SECONDHAND Iarrel & Herring Fire-Proof Safa FOR SAL. APPLY AT THIS OFFICK. 4 5 rp D ,R. HUNTER, No. 44 N. SEVENTH HTBEET. anovE H I.RERT, PHILADELPHIA. Acknowleduod ( e" Pr:et mtrrrtted a by far the . IdOBT VCC.8FUL PHYSICIAN In the treatment t,t Ihttatel in Ail tptnatly. QUICK.. T1IOKOUOH andrerrnvH-ntcurttguuranterd fueTfry csve. ttemeuiber DH. UUMTER 8 Celebrated Kemedle run only t bsd aeiiaiue at his old established Office. No, Ci Y COODS; 113 1J1U('E WOOD, 3 N. MNTII STr.DKT. AIXVE ARCH, nave just opened r A ni lot rt Wtilte Goods li p tctt Nainsook Plaid Muslins, fl'i, 40, 45.S0.M, 6. It trd7'e ajard. Poll fnlfh (.ml ilc ant. Ucon"t Mnstlvsi Nainsook 1! ni Ins 28 28 13 to. np to Wc. a vard. A rfrrp lot of Victoria Lowos very flue. 40e. a yard.) I)ftr rd Mrlpe and P.nid Vu-lltu. vl J.uflir.s.2c 25, 2. a , 4 , 10 up to 8 e. ayard. Fluircd tyfn Huslh g 2H and 45o J IN N t OODS1 LINEN GOODS! 7- 4 I olored 1 able Linens fjK. a yard. Power L om'l able Linen, 7S. 87K nd (la yard. Douh.e Damaok Blesclied TaMe CI. ths. .ikltm, warranted all Unco, 2,38. 42-50, i-60,!-:i and f,1 a dozen. A c l eep lot of T.lncn Towels 2 and 2Ac Ilnudnnie D.mn-k Towels. HISLINS! MUSLINS 1 1 Bestmske Blesched and Unbleached Jdusllns, at the ver ivwesi niaikei price h cached u us Ins 15 so and no ayard bent nieaohed ln-lln In the city tor 2.V t heavy y i rd-wlde UnMeaohed huslln, 24c. t m e and heavy jar 1-wide Unjliaohod alasllo. 2Sc a yard. 1 lllow ( a.e aud e'be'ting Hasllnr. KID GLOVES 1 KID 0L07E3 1 ! Best quality imported cheoo Spring colors Ladles' Ingllsh Hlik Gloes Lauka' White and Raff Berlin G i oves i Ladies' Lisle and Berltu Gioves . 25e u.i t j Mo. a pair. BONMiT HinBON.. CHOICE COLOBfl. Number! 4nndG eotdtd edge Rlhbons; (Hack Velvet Klbbons; White Silk M .lines. HOOP fKlhTSI HOOP SKrBTStl Best qaullrr made expressly lor our .a!u. l'HICK tfc WOOD. No 113 V Mitl'U Street, above Arh cm U:.W"i n P'0Te L ,ne N- w eorner Eighth Filbert streets about the last ot pnU 4 21 'JRAVELLLNG AND WALKING SUITd. eTOnN W. THOMAS, Ncs. 405 and 407 N. SECOND Street. hOW OP UN, CREPE P8PLIN8, Gil ENE rcrLiN. CI1KKE MOSAJBI, I'LAfN M OH A IBS, 101. 1) : INDE, BOB LADI1 8 AM) 11189 V tll4tr T1LAVELI.1SG AND Vi'ALKlNO 8UIT4. Ji T RETAIL, JAN. ii. tA5ii-iiTJ.L & to., No. 727 CIIESNUT Street, Have made extective additi nns to-rhetr popu Iut Stock: o' AND DRESS G-OODS' IIKII THETc CCNTINC11 T6 SELL At Modorato Pi?ices. wiioj.ESAi.r; rooms up sjfAins. .tan VM. II. iiimsTMAixxses, FIFTH and CHERRY Sts. PIIILADELPIIIA. IMTO-RTFRS AND MANUFAC.VUUER3 OF LADIES' DRESS AND CLOAK TRI MIiTNG3, PLAIN AND FANCY BUTTONS, COTTON TRIMMINGS, BLACK AD COLORED G At LOOKS CLTJNY LACES, BELTINGS, CLIPCBE LACES. BALMORAL TBIIiHINGH, GIMPS AND ORNAMENTS, COLORED VELVET RIBBONS HEAD NETS, ETC. I MALL WARES AND ZEPHYR WORSTED. We are constantly receiving tie latest NOVFXTIB.S ef the Euiopean markets, besides onr owiLroducUoa of various SO les in NEW TRIM VINOS. Our prices ae recaced to the very lowest Oold ratos. JU2ms (UEAP LINEN SHEETINGS. The subecribers have just received fnm.tha NEW YORK AUCTIONS ALAUGBLOrOF Cheap Bariislej Linen ShecfJngs, 'Which they will si 11 at prices but litVaaba re ootton of the corjesponding widths. SHEPPARD.VAN HARLINGEN&ARRISON, Linens and Houpe-furulBhlng. Dry Gooda, 4 20 fmw 2m rp No. 1008 CIISSNUT ST3SEET. i -nrTiTTr!r,'n d,i t r i j -f j. Iti Vi X'j Qa To Subscribers have Just received. fresh involoe ot EMBROIDERED CLOXH , TABLE AND PIANO COVESS, "Wbicb. with the larjte assortment nefore oa band, will be told at Greatly lleduced Prices. SKEPPARD.VAN KARLINGEN&AJmSQSL importers aad Dealora IN IlOL'Si'-lCfiNISMING DRY GOODS. 4 2awfm6t No. 1UC8 CUESSUT StreL fv I'ARASOLS AT$i'257$iT50i $1-75, AND T2. SlUBun Vuibrellas. 11 40.il w. tin A .., I'Uov 4 lBwim No. 21 8. LIU 1U U btre'oU a