THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, APRIL 23, 16tfi. THE ACADEMY OF THE FINE ART: KOUTY-SECOND ANNUM- EXIUMTION. In the sprinjr of every year, a if in syiti'ift'liy with the season, the wall ' 01 on r old Ae-demy h!uh and bloom Rain with the bruutv of art. Then we discover what our arllsis have been doing for the past year, tor here their brst works are asiomti'ol. The aatlerlos aro tilled with now pa'ntini.,, not toeroly those of American ar isis, but with the foreign piofure which our we .lihy connoisseur are oonxt'.intly importing. England, Franco, and Germany are laid under cnntnbn'ion. Nowhore c in. the ontrarelled I'liiladulplnan a'udy ait to suon ad vantage, for it la the only pallor In which the various schools ard slylrs are represented. The visitor may iro bvk to "the elory that was Greece, and the grandeur that waa Rome ("have at least glimpse of the beauty or the early Italian pslnters; study the new tendencies of art In other conn tilm, and compare witii all those tho works o! those inon who row nia'nmln and incnaso the reputation of Tbiladelphia. tie tnny sre tne complete colloo tion ot oasts from the eolebrated marbles which Lord Klein broupht from tho 1'ari.he non to England in 1811-tlio-o mutilated statues before whioh Fusoll strodeln hit enthusiasm, exclaimitif, 'The Greeks were jrods! The Grcoks wereKOds!" of which Haydcn said, "I saw fiat onion ol nature and ideal perfected in hlh art, and before this period pronounced by tho ab rit crit'os as Impossible. I thanked God with all my hear.., with all my soul, and with all my being!" No otlier city in America possesses casts trom the unrlrul ed works ot Phidias. Someiinn?, at lent, U lliero of Cnido, Saivator Ro a, Dominicliluo, and Michae Angelo. Ol tiamcn dlsPneu-'shcl in English art are Van Dvke, Wc, Ople, LnHe, but, strauje indc.'d, not one canvat of Reynolds is in the galleries! But all the artists who aie now considered the father ol Anieri can pnlutiup are represented there Gilbert S uurt, the greatest of a 1, perhaps 'Vahtngton Ailstou, John Neajrle, Inman, and Rembrandt Tea e; aud afier these the eminent painters now living -Sully Hamilton, Bothormel,, and others, who prove that art has not deoneratod in America Deficient as our Academy is in many respect', it must be admitted that no othor collection in too country surpasses it. while In the department of costs from the Antique it is unequalled. To-day the spe cial exhibition was formally opened. On Saturday evening the privato view was largely attonded. Most of oar artists wore present, and many pontic men well known for thoir interest in art. The Indies, of course, were numerous too many of them more attractive thau the pictures, and a low qir.t3 as well painted. A beautiful woman should entci a picture gallery with discretion, and endeavor not to distract the attention ol the earnest studont. In the crowds that filled all the palloru n, and with tho short time for examination, we could do little more thau form a general idea ot the exhibition. T ie cnt.c is neither just to himself or to tbe artist, who judges a picturj at a glance. Thoie are upwards of live hundred works belong ing to the Academy; there, are about three hundred and thirty new works, which will be Withdrawn when tho exhibition closes We do not intend to pass over the fact that a number of prints and drawings are hung in the lHreclora'froom, which the catalogue states are "not on exhibition." Why are they not exhibited? Wnatrluht have tho Dr ctoia to retain them for their own private enjojmentf if, as we suppow, these works are the property of the Academy, they should bang where visitors conld study them. Though we remember better exhibitions, this is equal to the average of tho last six or seven years, and contains man; excel. ent and in'cr.-atiup by Philadelphia artists New Yoik and Boston bavo sent few pictures. Nor are the foreign contributions numerous, though there are many pictures, from Germany especially, that bave nevor been on the walls of the Acauorny. tjoine of these are only known to the public by their exhibition at tne Great Central Kalr the finest ojlloction ever seen in Phi lade'phla and we regret that their owners were not more liberal. 1 he Direotors of the Academy have always had a difficulty in obtaining the loan of the gems of private galleries. But why should a collector hido his pictorial lights undor a bushel? It it is cieditablo to possess a fine plcturo, it is more honorable to share for a little while with the art-loving public the pleasure of boholding it. Tet even our best artists, after selling a picture, per baps the triumph of a year's labor, frequently find the possessor unwilling to permit its exhibition This form of selfishness is akin to that which has made the collectors of rare engravings destroy all the duplicates they could find, that they might boast Of having the only copy in existence 1 Of historical subjects there but few, the largest being Bothermel's "Paul Treadling at Athens," (No 648). Schussele exhibits "Andrew Jackson before Judge Hall, at New Orleans, 1815" (No. 691), aud Winner, "Christ and the Pharisees," (No. 724). These are the only new pictures in the branch of art generally considered the highest. That it is, we are not willing to coucedo. But that the annual exhibi tion of the leading city in American art contains but three paintings of history, and not one of them great, is a proof of the inequality with which art is sustained. In searching for the reason of this, It must be remembered that in this country art depends upon the patronage of the people, while in Europe, for oenturie, its jrreat pil'ars were Royal Governments and the Catholio Church. To Catholicism the unrivalled architecture of the middle ages may bo said to have owed Its existence, and to tho lavish hand with which the Church dispensed her wealth, Raphael, Michael Angelo, and Rubens, most of thoir fame. W ben Italian art was in Its glory, there was scarcely a church too poor to purchase for an altar-piece a "Descent from the Cross," or a "Lat J ud gment." But in Anier ca there are no palaces for painting to adorn, and our republican Government has only of late appreciated the Immense importance of a national patronage of art. In the Capitol, at Washington, are few paintings worth glanc ing at, and most of them dlsjjraoe the archi tecture. The Pennsylvania Legislature has lataly votd a small appropriation to purchase paintings illustrative of the war; hut this is an ex. ception. As a rulo, our artists depend upon men of moderate wealth, who merely want pictures to adorn their gallenes. Hence the great number of land scapes, cabinet paintings, portraits, and the unfor tunate scarcity of good historical pictures. Hother mel, whose genius deserves the largest field, has eu Cored throughout his career for the lack of en couragement, and we owe tho "Christian Martyrs," the greatest oi bis works, more to his own detrmi- nation than to any external inducement. Thouph historical art languishes in this condition of atfain no just complaint can be made; it is inevitable in the early career oi nation without a Royal Court or an Established Church. The exhibition contains the usual number of land scapes. E. I). Lewis contributes several good pio tures, the largest of which is entitled the ' Edgo of a JForest on the Susquehanna" (No. 632). HeUol sends "On the Head Waton of tho Cone- mauph" (No, 661), one of the moot charming of Pennsylvania streams, Paul Weber has several Another large landscape' Is "The Hill ot the E'ham bra" (No. 697),lby P. Colman. Cropsey, Whlttar- edge, Richards, Van lngen, Shavor, Rus oll Smith and his children, G. W. Holmes, De Vogol, Isaac Williams) are all represented. Of marines there are unusaally few. The exhibi tion, mime tUv important Rid ot Edward, Momo, vho does tiot send a single picture. Nor has Thomas Moran contributed bis landscapes, nor Petor Moran bis cows. James Hamilton, whose genius Is tireless as the sea whose wavos be has mastered, bidding them blorra to the clouds, or murmur on the sands, at his will, has sent but lew pictures, and but two of any importance "Liverpool Harbor" (No. 699), ann "Scene on the Thames" (No. 670). Not one of his Niagara pictures is vouchsa'ed as, probably because tho best of tfleso great studies, in which be has been engaged lor a year, aro yrt unfinished. Nor dois be exhibit a slnrlo sunset, which is so much splendor lost. Samuel Walker, bowevor, has endeavored to supply the want of those magnificent skies in which Hamilton is unrivalled, and has said to the Sun ot Hamilton, like a new Joihua, "stand still I" und thus fixed it on his own c:uvas, where it bums with diminished lustie. The largest of all the ninnnos is C. G. Eoccnberf's "New York Bay" (Nj. 70S) Bonficld contributes two or thiee. We do not like so much land and so little sea, and hold thodo'iiiqtioat ariists responsible. Mr. Moran, no doubt, as he waks about the roouiB, jvliere no picture of his is seen, ami thinks lio v Smith is criti cized and Jones abu.-od, tnny quote Shak spear nd say, "Let tho galled jado wince, our withors are unn rung," But as ho is usually more praised than blamed, this exemption from criticism will hardly consolo him for his error in not exhibiting something. There bavo boen years when the ma rines in the Academy amounted to a but this is drought. The portraits are bettor than the avorage, and thoie are very few of those dreadful mockoriosot "the human face diviro" that Jonathan Miller used to try to hang out of sight, noar the ceiling. Sally exhibits several beautifully painted pictures, with all that ease and grace for which he is famous, the boat being "The Girl at the Well" (No. 6S). Waugh, J. K. Lnmbdin, Conarroe, Winnor, S!athiws, Fisher, Trogo, Pettit, and Rosenborg, are among the principal contributors. II. Balling Bonds "Ocnoral Grant in the Trenches at Vicksburg" (No. 706), and we think there must be half-a-dozen por traits of "Abraham Lincoln." Schussele givos a characteristic portrait of 'Totor Coopor," an excel lent likeness. W. E.. Hewitt, who has mado such rapid improvement that no one could guess, from his present works, that seven or eight y ears ago he was quite a bad painter, exhibits a number oi capital portraits, one especially, a group ot children ani a d og (No. 626), deserving high praise. In the miscellaneous pioturos exist, probably, tho chief merit and interost of the exhibition. At most of them we had merely time to giauco, hut could not mistake the bouty of Bouguoreau's "Before the Bath" (No. 688). nor the loroe ol John Neaale's "Cupid" (o. 632). in which the little god signifi cantly plays with tho doves ot Venus and the shield of Mars, fully's "Red Riding Hood" (.No. 612) peeps out with a singularly sweet expression. Georgo Lumhdin has a Iaige number of his delightful com-mon-plaoo subjects. In the northwest gallery is a large pa'nting by A. F. Bellows, "The Echo"(No 707), which we thought deserved more attention than we had time to givo it. "The Recognition" (No. 773). by Constant Mayer, is a large, bold picture, representing two brothers nicotic j ou the field ot battle Tho Rebel soldior bends above the dying Federal, shocked to think his musket may bave sent the fatal There is fine feeling in this work. Board exhibits "Not Caught lei" (No. 776), a picture ol capital humor, in which r mouse escapes out ot one eud of a basnet, as his pnrsuor leaps into the other. In the Southwest Galery are a number of marble and plaster casts, several of groat boauty. There are Karnisch's model for a monument to Lincoln, statuettes of Longlellow and Bryant by Kuntze, a bust of Albert Barnes, and ahead by I'almer. This rapid sketch ot the puller ios does not, of course, even touch many of their mo.t interesting points. Though tho exhibition does not contain one picture worthy to be eal'ed great, it has abundant charms for the lover of true ait. We have merolv given our general opinion of its oliaracter criticism we reservo. AMUSEMtNT. Walnut StrkbtThkatbi. Mr. Booth will make his rvMirce in Philadelphia in a part we have never yet seen him play that ot "Othullo." Hitherto he has pluyed "Jago," aud It is one of tbejeweis of his an it tic crown His admirable concootion ot "lapo" will add additional interest to his "Othello." the great contrast giviag, as it were, the cause and the etket ot the dramatic action ot theplav. Mr.C.Barron has been chosen to support him as "lapo." aud Mr. Taylor will play "Cassio"- a fine cast. The ladies are entrusted to Miss uermon ana Miss Graham. The play will bo put upon the stage with entirely now "business" and oQects according to the modern school. Booth's reappearance is an event in our dramatic annals. Abob Stbeet Theatre. Madame Colette's now piece is a version ol the "Flying Dutchman." She nerseii cnacis mat nanuerer ot too eeas. Too etlocts in this piece are said to be most wonderf ul, and never yet attempted on any stage. Madame Celeste's ex prrssive pantomime, her exquisite grace, will give admirable character to this mvstio and romantic bero. ,1'he synopsis ni the play seems to promise eflts which, at any theatre excepting the Aran, wouiu seem lmvossioie to produce, nut nore we may be sure of having all that is "set down." lhepieoe will be preceded every night by a tarce. New Cherwut street Thkatbb Miss Mapple Mitchell appears this evening in a new role, whicu she baa never before played in this city. The piece is an adaptation oXLn Grace de Vieu, of which there are already one or two versions in English. Miss Mitchell has been very snocessiul in this role, w Dich differs somewhat in character trom "Fanehon," although tho heroine is a peasant. Linda di Clio mounix is an Italian version of the plot. Miss Orion has a pait in the piece, which will be an additional attraction. Academy of Music. The managers of the Ravol troupe Lave made a most judicious change in reduc ing the prices of admission for tho lest ot thoir en gagement in this city. Thy have not, however, reduced i ne attraction oi ine duis, anu iuis evening Antoinc, Fraucoiv, Gabriel, aud tliewholo troupe, including Mad'lle Ponita and Young America, will appi ar in tavonte exDiDitions and pieces. A re duced scale oi prices will be found in detail e' no where. Seatn may now bo seemed in the lowor part of the bonse for the reasonable earn of 75 cents each. American Theatre During the present week El NinolEddie perlorms his treat wiro-walkingfea s. aud pantomimic and vaudeville performances will Le the order oi tuo uignt. 1 Ua wesuer sisters will present their apeciulnes. The London Daily A'em contirtns tbfi report that Mr. Goldwiti 8uinh will retire iron the Ite- piti8 Professorship of Modern History at Oxford at the end ot tne ensunu tTiii. me reason is understood to be bis wish to bo relieved of the lubor of tuition ami to devote his energies. which have been eoniCAhat impaired ot late bv failure of physical power, to the historical worts which he litis on hand. AUCTION SALES. 13 SCOTT. JR., AUCTIONEER, NO. CUES NUT 8TKKEX. 1020 A t E OK AGATE, BAROUiLIO, AND f ABTKIX1N V VA8KS, C.UU Kt-C.l V tK-, ALAilASTtK sTA'i'U IT iS. ETC. ETC.. On Tuoslav Evening. 24th Instant, at 1t o'clock, at Ilia Art Gal err. No. 1020 i llKHNUi htreet. will be sold a Urxe collection of slttia. LHie. banllKlio. and casielliua vases. Insane ttK'irts.ol Konian. tireclon. anil Uotnio designs, oi the iiiportsiiou oi AleMSis. viu nros. I lie assortment will be arranged for examination on W onilay a temoon. ill It i T1AHLES C. MACKEY, AUCTIONEER. NO. V 'AM MAHKEf street, between Third aud fourth. 1AROE KALE OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN (.HA SITE AS,1 C. C. WAUL, KOC'KUUUAR WAKE, ETC , ...w .. . n Tuesday Morning. t BH o'clock, upwards of W'O lots of assorted ware, adapted to cltv and country retail t -ado. TABLE (UTUCU. WA1TKU, ETO.t Also, knives, forks, oval waiters, pocket kulvcf, Bpooua, tinware, laiuiis cto 1 Hi it .una I IK FOR SALE AND TO LENT. H O O M f T O II N T Large, Well Lighted and Ventilated EOOMS, HIE SECOND AND THIRD FLOOR? ON OF THE "Evening Telegraph" Building, No. IC8 South TIIIKI) Mfrot. to rtmT. A1TLY IN HIE OFFICE, FIRST FLO IB. N. B WITH OR WITHOUT STEAM 1'0VER. 'OR SALE A FRUIT AN Ail Grain Farm of 173 Acres. In Kent coui nnty. lelawarc a quarter of a uilie east ol KeuUin. a siati on the Maryland and Delaware Hal road, and nliout six miles souih of Mnyrna. The property is handsomelv sltmited, well Inn icived and productive. The dwelling a nest iram, containing eleven (11) rooms. Th barn one of tlie finest In the county. At present. Innd sultleient to keon one hand employed, and a pnrden well supp led with Irult. and plnnteil abundantly with vegi'taMes, aro reserved with the dwelling; the soring Milage and harvests are rented on snares Apurt liaror can ilinretnre take oossesslou Im mediately, without embaiTa-isinont to himself or the operations of the farm. it is nrrt-ciKMs proiiertv. in a hlitlilv Improved neign borhnod. and la ottered below the nraeent market price of such land. ITIce, 16.0P0j one-half cash. Address HENRY JOHNS, 4 llwfml'it Kenton. Delaware. j COUNTRY" SEAT TO RENT COM fc;!l pletolv furnlFhd and ni wly refitted, a first elasi hosier county rcsidouoe. one hour liv rdll iroin till city, with plenty oi Dasiurlug, lino cold springs an 1 siiaoe, aounnance ot irun anpl s, pe ;rs. piums peitcnes, quinces grapes cherrii'S, cu.rsnia. strawberries an ex cellent garden, wttli crops In tho ground) situation high mm pen eciiy neaiioy . ana a very pleasant neignuor hood t large barns, poultry houses, smoke house, Ice house, filled, ai d every convenience Possession I nme- dlsteiy. Apply t.EO. W. HIULL, Jr.. al (!. M.S. Les lies, o. 127 BAKBOM Htreat, between I and 4 o cioca. t ii a FOR SALE, To close an Estate, A BE aTTTIFUL LOT, at tho 8. E. corner of FORTIETH AND LOCD8T Streets. West Philadelphia close to Ht. Mary's Episcopal Church. Would make a fine location tor a large mansion, or could be divided into smaller lots, having tUree fronts. C M. 8. LESLIE, 4 16 lot No. Ti7 HANMOM Btreet FOR 8ALK-A DESIRABLE THREE story Dwe ling, with thioe-storv double Uack ding on IWIM.FTH Siroet. above Oreon. All modern ininrovements. summer kitchen, heaters, etc. trice, SfaWU clear. Apply at this Office, between f) and 12 AM; i M , FOR SALE OR TO RENT. FOUR Storv Stone Mill, with valuable wator-nower. und two siono. dwelling house, witii torty-tiireu acres of ground, on the Wissahickon crock, known as Ho t's Jlill. Apoly at No. 717 WALSH I' Streot. 4 17 Ht m ARCH ANU TWENTIETH, NEAR 8T. Jitji Clement's Church. Superior dwelling. No 142 N 1 W EM1LI U citreet, lor sale cheap. Cuii from lux to ViH. S.,U WANT 'I I1KEF. (JEN E UAL AGENTS WANTED TO I act In Important locations for the New YorK Acci dental Insurance Company. ..ctlvoufnot good addiess, aiH to KE.i.vK O. ALLEN, Brunch Olllce, No. 4i! Ctl EBNt'T street. Anplysoon 2 'Jl THE EYE AND EAR. pcrr-Ti DEAFNESS AND BLINDNESS, ICAR.EtC TARKH, ASTHMA, NERVOUS AFFEC- TiVE OHIANS. DR. VOX MOS.lHZ.a KER'8 new end unrlval ed systems of treating the atiovo ilALADIKs with bis ' A'lOMISKR." has re ceived the very highest approbation irmn the best modl cal men of all MCliOL, and the INDORSE Mh.NT ot the entire medical TREH. These, with TESTIMO NIALS irom and RtFKRENCEH to responsible CI 1 1 KENS. can be examined by all who renuiie his profes sional services, at his OFFICE and RESIDENCE, No, 10ai WALNUT Btreet. 321 lro'rp PATENT PREPAltEl) Cork Mattress, Cushion, Car, and Church Seats MANUFACTURING COMPANY. OFFICK, COMMERCE EUILADKLPUIA. No. 407 street, We desire to call the attention of owners, builders' and captains of steamers, steamboats, and othor ves sels, to our LATENT FBEPARED COKK-STUFFED MATTBEBSES, Etc. These Mattresses are soft and elastic too not become hard by uso, or get Into ridges . hut retain their original shape and size, thus saving all expense of making over or renewing; yet cost, when new, but one-third the outlay for Hair Mattrtsset, ln the evest of disaster upon the Waters, they abk Invaluable as Life-Preservers, As each lingla M attrcas Iscapab'e of supporting tbhee INDIVIDUALS AKT LEKOIU OF 1'IMIi CPOM TUB WATIlt. We also solicit the attention of botel-keepers. boarding- houses, hospitals, and of private families. The pre pared Cork Stalling, by Its many superior qualities, and its peculiar advantages, U far preferable to any oilier apbolstorlng material lor Mattresses Bolsters, m lows, and Skats of bvibt description, It offors no befcce to vf.buin, keeps perfectly sweet, clean, a. id cool (and is light, and ckbtainlt vert cheap. Cork is a mob conductor of bbat these Mattresses, therefore, are very lecommendable against Hehou- 11UOIDS. BilEUMATUM, AMD NEUVOl'l AND RllBVMATIO IlEADAUlB. We are now prepsred to take orders. 4 2lsrath l3trp Give us a call; we cannot fail to give the public at large sufficient proof of the value of our patent. II II E M 0 VAL. li IZ N li K 11 T it SDN MANUFACTURKU8 OS FINK JJOOTS AND SHOES, Have removed from their Old Stand, No. 48 South l OUKlH Hireot, to No. 7 1 6 CHESNUT STREET. Having purchased tho entire business of Mr, Leonard Beiikoit, thus bringing together an im mense stock ot goods, they will ce in position to Bujiply the want of the community at prices some wLat below those heretofore charred. Their increased facilities also enable them to make aityleof BOOTS AND SHOES for Youihs fur su perior to what is made elsewhere. The best BO'iTa AND BliOliS for Ladies, also made to order. 4 CO fmwlm 27 (JAS COOKJNO stoves. 27 THE EAGLE HAS STOVE Are warranted to HAKE, HitOIL, UOIL, ROAST, TOAST, STEW, HEAT IKONb ek; ETC. NO DC.ST, D1UT. SMORK, OR ASHKS, And are more econon.lcul than Wood, Coal. or oil. U W. LuOMIri. Manumi-turer's Ayent, 410 No. '27 elXTH Street, Philadelphia. 1' A O 27 TTIVEHSAL CLOTHES 07 WRINGER. Tha onlv Wrincor with the Patent CoirWheal Rogu- twr. warrant mis n rmgor, ana no otluT. a. W. LOOM1S, Maiuitaeiurer's Agent. V1 No. 11 s. tlX. 1 U utruct, PiiimJo P"la, Pa. 27 , tIiu celebrated 27 . DOTT WASHINQ MACHINE. . For sal at . w. LO.lMIS'. 4 1 No. 2T 8. SIXTH Street, Phlladulpliia. Ta 27 JtEFIIiaTJUATORS, 27 ICE f'OOLKn, ICK I'REAM rjlKirZERS, CARPET ISWI.EPLKS, 1 1.0 1111-SWKlNUEKS. ETC. At , 1 W. I.OOMHJ'. M 1 u A L & S M Y T 1 1 MAT, liFAC ' VVh RH OF FIKK KILVGR-mTSD WARE, fTo. G10 CIIESNTTr Street. riilLADEI.l'HIA I4 4tf WOOD cfe CAEY, No. 725 CHESNUT STREET, ARE OFFEHLNG DAILY ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN HATS AND BONNETS, INCLUDING TUE POPULAR JAPANESE AND MEDALLION HATS. 218tmra MISS C. O'BENE, In her New and Elegant Store. No. 807 AECH Street, Mas now open a large stock of the choicest HiENOH M 1 1 jf.lNF-HY. i A younx rarisienno (from one of the most eminent of the niliilnen establishment ot Paris) has charge ol tho lr niinliir Department Evi-rvftyie and kind of HAT or UOSNRT now In fashion will be louuil in stock. 4 21 linrp JCE! ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE ' IXCOlil'OnATSU 18CJ. I'llCMAS E. CAHILL,, rresidont. JOHN GOODYEAK, Secretmr. ilEMiY THOMAS, Sunerintrriletit. COLD SPrllKQ SCE AND C(jAL CuMPAftY. Dealers in and Shipvors of Ice and Coal. W e are now prrpared to furnish best qcalitt Ice, in liirfno or small qnnntltlcs. to hoio.s, stcimboats, ice tioom saloons, fnnilllcs. oillecs. etc.. and a' the UAi.KKT bate's. Ice son'od dailt in nil paved limits ot the couso'iaatert city, West riillnilolphia. Slantua. Itlch n ond, and Urnnantown. Your custom mid lnlluen:e Is respectfully solicited You can rely on being served with a M'BE article ann ruoMFTLT. Send your order to OFFICE. Xo. 43.-i WALNUT STREET. DEPOTS. S. W. corner IWl'-LFTrl and WILLOW Streots. North 1 ennsylvunln liallroail and .MA i'KIt Street. LOMK.UiD and TWENTY-FIFTH Streets, f IN E btreet V hnrf. huylklll. 4J 'iui4p 2m A REDUCTION" UV TVE:,Tr-FIVE ! a i i per cent., or from 8125 to 2'io less upon each Jiirtrument than our Regular Scliedu'e Prices. PesiiinK to reduce our nrjie sUKiic of mpnrlnr BDd nlyb y Improved richly tlnlshi'd seven ocinve Kosowood rUhOS tirevlous to ihe removal to our new store, Clrard Row Ko. 1103 Clifmrn street, we have concluded to otter them at the actual co t to manufacture and at ptices equal;y as low as we sold them beiore the J hce Instruments have been awarded the htphest rreniiiims at ull the principal xlillililon .ver held In this countiy. with numerous testimonials irom the first artists In America aud urope Tbur are now the lead in Pianos, and aro sold to all parts ol the world persons dcHirlriu to purchase a il rat-class Piano, at preatly reduced rates, shou'd not tail to avail tnem seive of this opportunity, tlrcu ars ot the regular schedule price, with precise cuts of the styles of our Pianos can be tisd at the waierooms, and. on applica tion, will he sent by mail HCHOMACKER & CO., Warerooms 4 621t rp No. 1021 CHEh.NUT Street flNE. SHIRTS, Money Eefunded if Not Satisfactory, MADE OF NEW YOl K MILLS MUSLIN, only 400 utnal price 5 50. MADE OF WAMSUTTA MUSLIN, onlv 83'75, mual price as 00. P,0 Yr-' SHIRTS on hand and made to order. A lit eral deduction to wholesale trade. T. U JACOBS, No. 1226 CHESNUT Street, V'l tlistu 2mrp Philadelphia. LIFE, GROWTH AND BEAUTY. Mrs. S. A. Allen's World's Jiair Restorer and Dress- ing invigorate, strengthen and lengthen the hair. They net directly upon the roots of the hair, supplying re quired nourishment, and natural color and beauty returns. Grey hair disap pears, bald spots are cov ered, hair stops falling, and luxuriant growth is the re suit. Ladies and Children Will appreciate the delight ful fragrance and rich, gltfssy appearance impart ed to the hair, and no feat Of soiling the skin, scalp, or most elegant head-dress, 8Id by all Drnggiat. Depot 198 A 200 Greenwich St. N. Y. GEO. iV. COOKE OFFERS PRESTON COAL, Which is the very best SCHUYLKILL COAL coniinir to this market, Egg and Stove sizes at $675 per Ton AL80, THE GENUINE EAC.IE VEIN CO Al game sizes, same price. , A Kuperior Quality oi I.KIIIOII COAr Constancy On hand Eau and Stove sizes at 17-50, deliv er ed; to anr part ot the city, entirely hoe of slate and dirt I sdvlee niy friends, and the public generally, to lav hi their coining winter's supply now, as the price U as low as it will be, anil as tbera U a prospect o' an advanae soon. Orders received at So. 114 Houiii THIKK Street. KMPORIUM, 1 17 rp No. 34 WASHINGTON Avenue DRY CG";S. (jlllJAP LINEN SIIEI;T1N(3S. The suhncribers have jus. rec..'ivn.i from tin NIIW YOllK AUCTIONS A LAEQF LOT OF Cheap Bariisley Mwn Sn'UiiTS Which thef wtil sell at rricq but lit? to above cotton of tho ooneapundiug widths. SHEPPARDjVAN HARUXCEH &ARRSS3W, Linens and llono-luriiishlng Dry Uoods, 4 20 fniw 2tn rp No. lf.uS CHESNUT STREET. IJGIIT FANCY CASSIMEIIES AND COATINGS. MEDIUM FANCY CAS8IMEREH AND COVTINQS. DARR EAKCt CAS8IMERES AND COATINGS. PILB. MIXED CLOTHS. Etc. EtO. FANCY BTTi.ES FOR LADIBS 8ACgUK8. MIXTURES OF ALL GRADES, FOR BOYsT AND HEN'S WKAR. FROM TUF. LATE AUCTION 8ALK.S. AT UEDUCUD I'lUCKH. CURWEN STODDART & BROTIIER, Kos. 450, 4C2, and 464 N. SECOND Street, ' Above Willow. 4 21 3t LINENS, gUEKTIKU.glHRTIXU, AND PIXO,OW DAMASK NAPKINS. DOYLIES. TABLE CLOTHS, 'lUWELS, ETC, PEHKIN8, 418wfm3t No. 9 JSoutu NINTH Streot. CARPETINGS. JUST RECEIVED, YARD-AND-A-HALF-WIDR VELVET CARPET S, NEW DESIGNS. J. 1. & !;. 11. 0KK, No. 904 CHESNUT STREET. 3-4, 4-4 5-4' c4 white; red, and fancy U A ft TON M A T T I NGS. J. F. & E. 13. OUNE, No. 904 CHESNUT S T 1 1 E E T. JTNCLISH BRUSSELS, FOR STAIRS AND HALLS, WITII EXTRA BORDERS. J. F. " & Ii. B. 0RNE, No. 904 CHESNUT STREET 500 PIECES WJCW PATTKUNS "EXOLlSll TAPESTRY JJIiUSSELS. J. F. & K. I. 0RNE, No. 904 3 20 3mrp CIIESNXJT STREET. FURNITURE. BUY FURNITURE AT a O U I j D Jb c o. s UNION DEPOTS, Nos. 37 and 39 N. SECOND Street, ' KOpposlte Christ Church), And Corner of NINTH and MARKET' The largest, cheapest, ani best stock o t FOKNITUiiF. . Ol eveiy description In the world. ' " ' i 10 5p ROSEWOOi), CIIAMJJER, AND 1'AltIiOR SUITKS, . AT , . UEOIIUE J. J I EN KILLS', THIRTEENTH AND CHESNUT STREETS, 4 14 lnj Formerly of Nos .'00 an J 811 CHESNUT tit. .WALNUT CHAM15EK AND PAItl.OK S1JIT13S, Either Polisncd or Oiledt AT GEORGE J. JIHNKELS-, THIRTEENTH AND CHESNUT STREET J, fHlrn) Koitnerly ofhos SU9 and 811 CHESjiUT St. I European tan tuTiis' insti i'Utk, U undor the supervision oi hit. PLvNIlZ, No. 11 N. NINTH fitroet, For the cure ol' Gout, Khouinalisui. Paralysis. Ilv tcrio or Epileptic Convulsions anu all uia'adics orivinatlng from defects lu the turny, Uis blood, Bncb as PIIoh, Tetter, ODou M'oumls etc. Obtinu or Withered Limbs recover their stio.ll'UUy. and Hie flesh its healthy form. Patients, while under treatment, eai he accommo date d with board at the Institute 14 13 linrp j SAP E F OR S A L E. A BECOSD-n AND Farrel & Herring Fire-Proof Safe FOR SALE. DHY GOODS. 113 & WOOD, U3 N. MM'II STREET. AIM) VI1' AROU, 11 ave just oenod A t iv lot of W'Wto floods. If" ptct Nainsook riald Vuallns, VS, 40, 45 40, 6, 6ft. M. 70. srd7Jo. a j ard. Nott fnish Cambilo and Jaconet Muslins; Nainsook. Muslins, 25,28, 13. 37 X. lu, up to 80c. a yard. A chrap lot of Victoria Lawns very flue ,40e. a yard. Hair Cord Bfrtne and Piaid Muslins. r-!M lMusllns.i0.2S, 28, l',4(',80,up to 80o. a yard. Figured wtss Muslins, 18 and 4Ao. LIKKN OOODSf LINEN GOODS! 7-4 colored Table Linens, (LHo. a yard. iower Ltom Table Linens, 7S.87H , and tl a yard. Dmibi Damask Bleached l abia Cloths. V. pklns, warranted all lluen, 2'J8. ti-50, tl 03, fTT, and ts a doien. A cheap lot of I.lnen Towels, 20 and J.V). II auuMime Pamask Towels. MUSLINS! MUSLINS 1 1 Bf-atmaka Bleached and Unbleached M ujllns, at the very lowest maiket price. Ttlrached Muslins. It. 20. and 22c ayardtbestRlcaohed Muslin lu the city for 24. t heavy yrd wide UnMeaobed Siuslln, 24c; flue and heavy yarJ-wldo Uutileached Muslin, ibc a yard. Pillow Case and Shrtlng Muslins. KID (JL0VE8 1 KID GLOVES ! I Brst quality Imported choice Spring colors Ladles' English Mlk Oloxs; Ladlit White and Baffllerlla Oioves; Ladles' Llile aud Berlin Oiores.'iSo. ap to Mo. a pair. BONNET BIBBONS. CHOICE COL0B9. Nurabftri 4 and 6 corded edge Ribbons; Black Velvet Hlbboas; White Mlik Mai lues. HOOP fKlRTSt HOOP SKtBTS I I-Bast oaallbr made etpicssly lor ouralcs. PiaCE & WOOD. No. 113 N. MNTU Street, above Aroh. ,,:.W".1 r,move I0 he N. W comer Klghth and Filbert streets about the last ot April. gi QBEAT REDUCTION IN TRICES HAVO A VERY LA ROE STOCK OF SILKS, bought at the very lowest prices, we are enabled Mm thcrn at a GREAT RKDUCTION From the prlcos early in the season, (to l HKNr. MLKH RK1 UCL1) 10 3 I)0. A Nil'llLL t OKht D HILKS KEIIUCED TO M. 5 PI.AIW COKDKl) Bit Ki MK1CCF.D TO (4 4 FL.MN COKUEU MLK8 KEDUl EI TO Bl i 3 7A PLAIN SlLKM RKDUi'Kl) TO . 1 FLA IN SILKS RE1U( F.l) TO U1H. 4 BLACK TAFFtTAd BfclllTCKD lO 3. i HLA( K (IKO GRAIN KKniTCKn Tfk aa-6 1LA K GRO UHAIN KrDUCKD TO i 7. itS BLACK ,KO GKA1N KKliUCUI) TO WW. BLAC K 8ILKH 1 2. 1-,W. n. kl 12 b-4 BLACK ylEEA'S CLOTH REDUCED TO tl 50 4 BLACK a 1-25. QEEEN'3 CLOTH REDUCED TO 80c. 5 4 BLACK WOOL DELAINE REDUCED TO Wo. 112S4BLAlK WOOL DELAINE REDUCED TO 87 corns lS 5 4 BLA K WOOLDELAINS RKDUOF.D TO !. SltO ft 4 OLORED WOOL DELAINE KEDUCaU) TO 87 cents. $123 U4rOLOIJ:D WOOL DELAINE RICDUCEO to I. tl 00 FLAID FOIL DE t HEVRKH REDUCED TO 87c. 1'LAID POPLIN REDUCED TO Mo. 62c. I LAID Pl'PLlSS Kl CEll lO sic. AndO'her qualltlos tat varieties of Dress Goods at equal y low prictt. H. STISIST & SOIS", 4 17 mw Kos. 713 and 715 N. TENTH St. JT RETAIL. JAS. K. CAMPBELL & CO,, No. 727 CHESNUT Street, Have made extensive additions to their pop 1..- OA I, ... SILKS AND ! DRESS GOODS i WHICH THEY CONTINUE TO SELL 1 At Moderate Prices. WHOLESALE K00S1S UP STAIRS. 3 81 la Tpi. II. I10RST31AM & SONS, ; PHILADELPHIA. v IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF LADIES' DKESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS, PLAIN AND FANCY BUTTONS, COTTON TRIMMINGS, BLACK AND COLORED GAI.LOOJiS CLU&Y LACES, ; BELTINGS, , GUIPURE LACES. : BALMORAL TR1MMINGH, . GlilPS AND ORNAMENTS, COLORED VELVET RIBBONS HEAD NETS, ETC. SMALL WARES AMD ZEPHYR WORSTED. We are constantly receiving tte latest NOVELTIES of Die LuioDan markets, besides our own production of various BUIes in NEW TRIMMINGS. Our prices ae reduced to the very lowest Gold rates. a a ujirp CTILL (iREATlilt REDUCTIONS IV HO k sicry. Linen C.Oodn, Gloves, tc, ut BAMBl.RGEK BltO.lil IW. iOlRY. IIOSIliRY. We aro determined t sell all Elude o I (iociik lower than any oili'rs ore In the city. ilOMI'KY. HOSIERY. Ladies' vory fine and heavy Hose at 20, M. anrt0c; extra Leavv ut H anil 40c. ; bust lull regulur mado, from Stic. U. Men' very heavy Flalf K m at 25. 30. and 31c.; tho te huglinli 1 ull reKUlar-niaile Hull' Hose at 50c, wonl 7c Children's. Misses, and Boys' Hose of every descrip tion aud uuaiity. very low. RID GLOVES KI GLOVI S. 'ihe very besi oua Itv Kid Gloves, warranted, only tl Ml a new ansorfnit nt spriUK ool,r. Lis e Thread and Hilk tiloves, new styles, very CllB,4P' COBS I T. CORSETS. Tlie very best French 'ota?ts reduced to 1 4tt. . flie best lootii H.uslics, ti, H, and l'c. Hair Brushes, j,c. up a 4 atftu BAMBERGElt BROTriFTIS', No. 1(K North LIGII Ixl M , tUirU store above Aroh. ,R. HUNT Eli, No. .41 N. SEVENTH fTRKFT, ABOVE FILBERT, PHILADELPHIA. . Acknowledged ( v ai' purtin in rr-tt'd as by tar the MOST KUCCtSSi'UL PHYSICIAN m the treatment or l,ua$ti in kn lvtay. QUICK, THOROUGH, andjrrman nt rwre guaranlttd Swwf iae. enetiiber PH. HUNTER S Celebrated Re medle can only he had gpniiine at bis oid establistied OWco No, 4 4N. KVKV1H S-eet. above Filbert. 4 210 TRUSSES. SUPPORTERS. BRACED and all nthnr Snruloal anollances of the incut approved linos, Infinitely superior to an otners, at No. R0 Norm SEVENTH Street. Ladles attended by Alts. Dr. McCI.EN ACUAN. Male departruenf, by a compo tcnt suriieon. i3lairo HJlOR TO (115 FOR A SUIT OP BLACK 0 tDOiS fancy colored cloth ; aruiyautt tiavy clotUUVl do., In style uustirpaiwe.t.